Denso Archco 480 Spray Application Spec

Archco 480 Epoxy
Spray Application Specifications
interpreted to mean that all metal surfaces shall be
blasted clean to remove all dirt, mill scale, rust, corrosion
products, oxides, paint and other foreign matter. Very
light shadow, very light streaks or slight discoloration’s
shall be acceptable; however, at least 95% of the surface
shall have the uniform gray appearance of a white metal
blast-cleaned surface as defined by Swedish Pictorial
Surface Preparation Standard Sa 2 1/2 or SSPC VIS-1.
1.0 Scope
This specification covers the internal surface preparation
and coating of storage tanks and vessels.
2.0 Material and Storage
Material shall be Denso Archco Tank Lining system
as manufactured by Denso North America, 9747
Whithorn Drive, Houston, TX 77095 (Tel) 281-821-3355
(Fax) 281-821-0304 or 90 Ironside Crescent Unit 12,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M1X1M3 (Tel) 416-291-3435
(Fax) 416-291-0898. E-mail:
Material shall meet the physical properties of the attached
product data sheet.
Storage of the material shall be in a warm dry place,
between 40°F (4°C) to 95°F (35°C)
The containers shall be stored up right.
3.0 Equipment
Equipment shall be plural component airless or hydraulic
spray unit capable of pumping at the correct ratio for the
specified Archco coating (see product data sheet). The
plural equipment shall include at the minimum heated
hoppers, manifolds, and hoses. A Graco mastic gun, used
with a 27 thou to 31 thou tip size, is recommended.
Archco 400 Thinner is recommended to clean the
Wet film thickness gauges.
4.0 Surface Preparation
All contaminants shall be removed from the steel surface
to be coated. Oil and grease should be removed in
accordance with SSPC SP-1 using detergent, emulsion,
or a fresh-water power wash.
Material for abrasive cleaning shall be the appropriate
blend of grit to produce an angular surface profile of
2.5 - 5 mils (0.063 - 0.125 mm).
All surfaces to be coated shall be grit blasted to a
near-white finish (SSPC SP-10, NACE No. 2 or
ISO 8505-1 Sa 2 1/2). Note: Near-white finish is
Blasted surfaces must be vacuumed to insure all loose
debris is removed from blasted surfaces and anchor
profile prior to application of coating. The Contractor
shall check the surface profile depth by using a suitable
surface profile gauge (Press-O-Film Gauge or equal).
After blasting, an approved rust inhibitor and chloride
remover and holding primer, such as Archco 400 Epoxy,
may be used to hold the blast until the coating application
can be completed. Metal areas that develop flash rust
due to exposure to moisture shall be given a sweep blast
to return them to their original blasted condition prior to
Any gaps due to the presence of plates or supports, etc.
shall be caulked prior to the finish coat application.
5.0 Application
The surface shall have no condensation, precipitation or
any other forms of contamination on the blasted surface
prior to coating.
The substrate temperature range for application of
Archco 480 is 35°F (2°C) to 140°F (60°C). The substrate
temperature must be a minimum of 5°F (3°C) above the
dew point temperature before proceeding with the coating
operation. Ambient temperature can be lower if the
substrate is heated. (Heating air wihin closed tank).
Each component (A and B) shall be thoroughly mixed
using an air driven Jiffy mixer or equivalent prior to
spraying. Once mixed, the system is ready for spraying.
Using the prescribed equipment (Section 3.0), Archco
shall be applied using a wet on wet technique to the
specified Dry Film Thickness (DFT). If a primer is
desired, 5-8 mils DFT of Archco 400 Epoxy can be
applied. Archco 480 can then be applied in one or two
coats from 20-30 mils DFT for a single coat or 10-15 mils
DFT for each of two coats. If no primer is desired, one
coat of 20 - 60 mils DFT can be achieved.
The thickness of Archco 480 should be checked
continuously by wet film gauge to achieve the minimum /
maximum film thickness specified. Notification to the
applicator of any inadequately coated sections must be
made immediately and repaired.
6.0 Inspection
The finished coating shall be smooth and of uniform
millage with no holidays. All surfaces shall have the
required minimum/maximum DFT. In general, the surface
of the coating shall be no rougher than the base or
substrate material.
After Archco 480 has cured to a hard cure condition,
the owner’s representative and/or contractor’s inspector
should measure the film thickness by magnetic gauge
and notify the applicator of their acceptance.
For most applications, tank filling can be accomplished
when the coating reaches a Shore D of 70. The “thumb
nail test” can also be used. The thumb nail test is defined
by when one can no longer make a permanent indention
in the coating using one’s thumb nail.
An acceptable field test to check to see if the coating
has a full chemical cure, a solvent such as Xylene, MEK
or Toluene can be rubbed on to the coating. If the gloss/
sheen is removed the coating is not fully cured.
Spark testing shall be performed to ensure proper film
thickness and for holiday inspection. The voltage used
for testing weld joints and field applications shall be equal
to that used for testing the mainline coating in the field or
125 volts/mil. based on the specified min. mil. thickness.
Denso and/or the owner’s representative immediately
upon completion of the work shall make final inspection of
the completed application. Notification of all defects must
be made within a reasonable time frame from completion
of the work to allow for all repairs within the allowed time
frame for the project.
Recoating: If a second coat is required and passes the
cure test as described in section 6.3, the surfaces shall
be roughened by sweep blasting. If the coating is soft, no
surface preparation is required.
or by grit blasting prior to application of the coating. All
edges of the surrounding area should be feathered prior
to performing the repair.
8.0 Safety Precautions
Follow the guidelines detailed in the Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS).
Keep containers closed when not in use. In case of
spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in
accordance with applicable regulations.
No open flames, smoking or welding will be allowed in the
immediate vicinity during the spray application of Archco
480 Epoxy Tank Lining.
Always refer to project specifications as they may
supercede Denso specifications.
7.0 Repairs
VER 1409.24
Pinhole repairs may be repaired by using Archco Repair
Cartridge. Areas shall be roughened a minimum 1 in.
around holiday using Carborundum cloth or 80 grit
sandpaper and wiped clean with a xylene soaked cloth
prior to patching.
All holidays shall be repaired.
Areas larger than 0.15 sq. in. (0.9 sq. cm.), but less
than 1.0 sq. ft. (1000 sq. cm.) shall be repaired using a
Archco Repair Cartridge. The surface to be coated shall
be clean and dry prior to applying the coating. Surfaces
shall be pre-heated in accordance with Section 5.2. Areas
requiring repair shall be prepared with a surface grinder
9747 Whithorn Drive,
90 Ironside Crescent,
Houston, Texas,
Unit 12, Toronto,
U.S.A. 77095
Ontario, Canada M1X1M3
Tel: 281-821-3355
Tel: 416-291-3435
Fax: 281-821-0304
Fax: 416-291-0898
A Member of Winn & Coales International