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1. Dr. Suwit Wibulpolprasert
2. Dr. Supakit Sirilak Director,
3. Dr. Amphon Jindawatthana
4. Dr. Pinij Faramnuayphol
5. Dr. Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra
6. Mrs. Benjamaporn Jhantharapat
7. Director, Economic & Social
Statistics Bureau II
8. Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien
Dr. Phusit Prakongsai
Dr. Kanitta Bundhamcharoen
Mrs. Montira Ratchatasomboon
Mrs. Jutamart Molee
Ms. Worasap Chitprasert
Mrs. Suparp Chaiyanit
Mrs. Uthai Ketsara
Mrs. Worawan Chutha
Ms. Pornthip Siripanumas
Mrs. Vichaya Jaidee
Mrs. Orapin Sublon
Mrs. Daranee Khampera
Ms. Panbaudee Ekachampaka
Mr. Nitis Wattanamano
Mrs. Kitiya Ukachoke
Ms. Paichit Pengpaiboon
Expert in Disease Prevention & Control
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Secretary-General, National Health
Health Information System Development
Mahidol University
Thai Health Promotion Foundation
National Statistical Office
Director, International Health Policy
International Health Policy Program
International Health Policy Program
Department of Medical Sciences
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health
Department of Medical Services
Department of Health Service Support
Department of Mental Health
Department of Disease Control
Department for Development of
Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Bureau of Policy & Strategy
Vice Chairperson
Member & Secretary
Member & Assistant Secretary
Member & Assistant Secretary
Member & Assistant Secretary
Member & Assistant Secretary