Biology Honors Benchmarks - North Bergen School District

North Bergen School District Benchmarks
Grade: 9
Subject: Biology Honors
First Marking Period
Students will be able to:
● Define and give examples of observing, measuring (ETS1-3)
● Design a controlled experiment to test effect of concentration on potato core
● Design an experiment and Identify the variables and groups in an experiment
Describe how a living thing is organized (HSLS-1-2)
Distinguish between four kingdoms of life (HSLS 4-1)
Describe taxonomy using the three-domain system (HSLS4-1)
List the five most abundant elements in living things (HSLS1-2)
Describe energy in living things (HSLS 2-4)
Present any chemistry concept and explain how it affects life (HSPS1-2)
Differentiate between carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (HSLS1-2)
Explain the relationship between the structure and function of each class of
complex molecules using a variety of models (HSLS1-2)
Demonstrate the properties and functions of enzymes by designing and carrying
out an experiment (HSETS1-3)
Demonstrate the properties and functions of enzymes by designing and carrying
out an experiment (HSLS1-2)
Compare and contrast plant and animal cells
Explain origin of life and cellular evolution (HSLS4-1)
Test growth of microorganisms in school environment on Petri dishes
Identify the structure and function of microscope (HSETS1-3)
Prepare “wet mounts” of biological specimens (HSETS1-3)
Laboratory ( CCSS:ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.3)
SGO’s ( CCSS:ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.1) (CCSS:ELA-Literacy.RST.9-10.2)
Second Marking Period
Students will be able to:
● Describe structure of cell membrane relates to homeostasis (HSLS1-3)
● Design experiment to conclude amount of sugar in potato using osmosis
● Distinguish positive feedback from negative feedback (HSLS1-3)
● Describe how structure of chloroplast relates to role in photosynthesis (HSLS1-2)
North Bergen School District Benchmarks
● Describe the pressure-flow model for sugar movement in phloem (HSLS1-3)
● Explain how environmental factors (such as temperature, light intensity, and the
amount of water available) can affect photosynthesis as an energy storing process.
● Describe how structure of mitochondria relates to role (HSLS1-2)
● Summarize processes of aerobic and anaerobic paths (HSLS2-3)
● Use mathematical formulas to justify the concept of an efficient diet. (HSLS1-7)
● State chemical equations for each energy process (HSLS1-6)
● Compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration (HSLS 1-6)
● Investigate and describe the complementary relationship (cycling of matter and
flow of energy) between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. (HSLS2-5)
● Demonstrate Watson/Crick model of DNA (HSLS1-1)
● Summarize process of replication
● Explain structure and function of DNA in cells (HSLS1-1)
● Describe the sequencing known as genetic code
● Explain difference between codon and anticodon
● Summarize transcription and translation (HSLS1-1)
Third Marking Period
Students will be able to:
● Identify parts of a chromosome (HSLS1-2)
● Distinguish between mitosis and meiosis (HSLS1-4)
● Distinguish between haploid and diploid cells (HSLS1-4)
● Explain steps of development of an embryo (HSLS1-2)
● Demonstrate how recombination of genes during sexual reproduction has an
effect on variation (HSLS4-2)
● Describe modern applications of the regulation of cell differentiation and analyze
the benefits and risks (e.g., stem cells, sex determination). (HSLS1-2)
● Describe fertilization in flowering plants (HSLS1-2)
● Describe the steps in Mendel’s experiments with garden peas (HSLS3-1)
● Identify structure and function of flower parts (HSLS1-2)
● Distinguish between dominance types (HSLS3-1)
● Explain how a test cross can show genotype and phenotype
● Use mono- and di-hybrid Punnett Squares to determine genetic crosses
● Explain sex-linked traits (HSLS3-1)
● Analyze a pedigree (HSLS3-1)
● Define probability and explain how it is used in genetic crosses (HSLS3-1)
● Account for the appearance of a novel trait that arose in a given population.
● Provide specific real world examples of conditions caused by mutations
● Predict the potential impact on an organism (no impact, significant impact) given
a change in a specific DNA code (HSLS3-3)
● Define and give examples of genetic /bio engineering (HSETS1-3)
North Bergen School District Benchmarks
● Explain the value and potential applications of genome projects (HSETS1-3)
● Distinguish between DNA fingerprinting, gel electrophoresis, and PCR lab
techniques (HSETS1-3)
Fourth Marking Period
Students will be able to:
● Distinguish between DNA fingerprinting, gel electrophoresis, and PCR lab
● Estimate how closely related species are, based on scientific evidence (e.g.,
anatomical similarities, amino acid seq.) (HSLS4-1)
● Provide a scientific explanation for the history of life on Earth using scientific
evidence (e.g., fossil record, DNA, protein structures, etc.) (HSLS4-1)
● Account for the evolution of a species by citing specific evidence of biological
mechanisms (HSLS4-2)
● Identify five levels of ecosystem organization (HSLS2-6)
● Cite evidence that the transfer and transformation of matter and energy links
organisms to one another and to their physical setting (HSPS3-1)
● Analyze the interrelationships and interdependencies among different organisms,
and explain how these relationships contribute to the stability of the ecosystem
● List and describe three human-caused env. Problems (HSESS3-6)
(CCCS.ELA.LITERACY.RST.9-10.1 ; 9-10.8)
● Define biodiversity and explain three ways to measure it (HSLS2-2)
● Model how natural and human-made changes in the environment will affect
individual organisms and the dynamics of populations (HSESS3-4)
● Identify test-taking strategies
● Synthesize a controlled experiment to test an idea (HSETS1-2)
● Practice multiple-choice and performance–based test prep questions
● Compare anatomy among animal diversity throughout evolution (HSLS4-1)
● Describe the organ systems of earthworms (HSLS1-2)
● Identify organs and functions of frog’s internal and external anatomy (HSLS1-2)
Laboratory experiments are completed generally once a week for the school year.
Each Lab generally contains a written report/mathematical graph. The English
language standards that are touched upon are (CCCS.ELA.LITERACY.RST.9-10.3; 910.4; 9-10.7; 9-10.9)