Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…

Course Title: English Phonetics II
Instructor: Tsutomu Matsunami
Junior High School Teacher License Class 1 and
Senior High School Teacher License Class 1
Class type
Time Offered
Years Offered
Overview and Methods:
A. Course Description
English Phonetics II is a required course.
This course introduces the basic training for mastering English sound system,
particularly putting emphasis on American English, as well as basic knowledge on the Phonetics of English language.
English Phonetics II will focus on pronunciation of consonants. Students will also review pronunciation of vowels and
intonation, stress and rhythm patterns of phrases and sentences. They will also learn International Phonetic Alphabets.
B. General Approach
English Phonetics I is a lecture course. However, to gain practical understanding of the mechanism of English sound
system and practical skills of listening and speaking, a lot of practice time will be provided. Students will be asked to
listen to audios on the Class Moodle site at home and to submit recording assignments. In class they will be asked to
demonstrate the production of English sound they have learned.
C. Relationship with Other Courses
This course is connected to every other English course students will take while they are students in this department. The
foundation formed in English Phonetics I is the key to oral/auditory English communication courses such as
Communicative English courses and Academic Listening courses as well as all other English lecture courses. It also
provides essential skills and knowledge required for English teaching methodology courses.
Goals/Objective of Course:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…
1. understand the English vowel and consonant system.
2. understand the English rhythm system and intonation system.
3. understand reduction, linking, contraction system of the English.
4. understand the basic differences in sound system between Japanese and English.
5. pronounce words and phrases with correct stress pattern.
6. understand and use some of the basic phonetics terminology.
7. use phonetic alphabets.
Study Requirements:
To understand English pronunciation system and reproduce them will help students to have better listening abilities and to
have better communication with native speakers because they will have easier time to understand you.
It is very important
to do a lot of speaking practices. Therefore, students must spend enough time practicing and submit their recordings.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Evaluation Methods:
A. Policies:
To utilize the class environment your timely presence and participation are necessary. Please keep in
mind that frequent absences and late arrivals are disruptive and inconsiderate to the rest of the class. If
you cannot attend class, please inform your teacher in advance. After three unexcused absences your
grade will drop one letter grade. Three late arrivals will count as one absence. Students are responsible
for information they miss through absences or lateness. Work that is turned in late or is not turned in will
drop grade. A rubric will be used for evaluation of each piece of work or project.
B. Reflection and Feedback:
At the end of each class time, students will spend 5 to 10 minutes writing reflection/journal of the day on the Class Moodle.
At the end of the semester, students will be asked to write a semester reflection.
C. Course Requirements (Major Assignments, Quizzes & Exams including Dates)
In order to be successful in this course, students will need to complete the following:
1. pass the quizzes (20 %)
2. submit assignments and do performance in class (60%)
3. submit weekly reflections and submit a semester reflection (20%)
Textbooks & Other Course Materials:
The course site on SLADE Moodle serves as a repository of all course materials.
It contains information about the course, an
up-to-date schedule, handouts, audio files, exercises, quizzes, this syllabus, and other documents. Current assignments (and
their due dates) and class announcements are kept up to date and archived. Students and instructors are required to check it
regularly to keep up to date with the course.
Other: (Course prerequisites, Advice to students, Contact information)
There are no prerequisites to this course. Tsutomu Matsunami’s e-mail address is matsunami@ohkagakuen-u.ac.jp and
his office is 7301. His office hours are Thursday: 14:50-16:20, Friday: 14:50-16:20.
Weekly Schedule
1 Introduction to Course, explanation of the syllabus, explanation of the Class Moodle site. Review of English Phonetics I,
Intonation and rhythm
2 Pronunciation mechanism of stop consonants, review of vowels, pronunciation of thought groups
3 Allophones of stop consonants, review of vowels, review of stress system
4 Stop consonants and focus rules 1 - 4
5 Fricative consonants 1, focus rules 5 - 7
6 Fricative consonants 2, intonation
7 Fricative consonants 3, intonation
8 Nasal consonants, review of reduction
9 Liquid consonants, contraction
10 Liquid consonants, contraction in conditional sentences
11 Semi-vowels, rules of linking
12 Consonant clusters, formal speech vs. casual speech
13 Differences between Japanese and English sound systems – overall review
14 Demonstration of best pronunciation
15 Review of the course and semester reflection