NEW IMO R EQUIREMENTS PRESENT AND FUTURE AMENDMENTS 10th EDITION MAY 2004 INFORMATION NOTE NO. 9 DET NORSKE VERITAS FOREWORD DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent Foundation with the objective of safeguarding life, property and the environment at sea and ashore. DET NORSKE VERITAS AS (DNV AS) is a fully owned subsidiary Society of the Foundation. It undertakes classification and certification of ships, mobile offshore units, fixed offshore structures, facilities and systems for shipping and other industries. The Society also carries out research and development associated with these functions. DET NORSKE VERITAS operates a world-wide network of survey stations and is authorised by more than 130 national administrations to carry out surveys and, in most cases, issue certificates on their behalf. © Det Norske Veritas Printed in Norway by CGS AS If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction............................................................. 4 IMO-Vega database ................................................ 4 International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (IAFS Convention), new convention banning TBT adopted by IMO. ..................................................... 4 Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78. ................................ 5 December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments and the ISPS Code................................................... 5 2003 Load Line Protocol......................................... 6 7. December 2003 Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. ......................................................7 8. New Convention on Ballast Water Management ..7 9. Future (2005) Amendments to SOLAS Ch. II-1. ..7 10. Proposed December 2004 Amendments to Ch. XII of SOLAS - Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers...7 11. Chronological Tables of Entry into Force Dates...8 Table A - Cargo ships ........................................................11 Table B - Passenger ships ..................................................45 DET NORSKE VERITAS 4 Information note No. 9 May 2004 1. Introduction This publication was first introduced in March 1990 and has become a useful reference for new IMO regulations. Experience feedback from owners, yards and surveyors indicates that the tables at the end of the note are appreciated as the chronological presentation of new requirements is considered practical. Historical reference for entry into force dates of existing requirements has also proved useful. IMO-Vega is distributed on CD-ROM for use on any IBM compatible PC. The database allows for free-text search as well as structured search, i.e. given parameters as ship type, date of build, trading area, etc., IMO-Vega will identify the requirements applicable to the ship in question. The database is updated annually and is available in DOS and Windows versions. IMO-Vega is sold by IMO's Publications Section in London. 10th Edition: The publication has been revised to include the amendments to MARPOL, Annex I adopted at MEPC’s 50th meeting in December 2003 and amendments to SOLAS, SAR Convention, STCW Code, and IMDG Code adopted at MSC’s 78th meeting in May 2004. Further the following, which has been left out earlier, has been added: Working language required from 01.07.2002 also for cargo ships, and English shall be the working language for bridge-to-bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications for both cargo and passenger ships. Annex VI of MARPOL, Regulations on Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships was accepted on 18 May 2004, and the Annex will therefore enter into force on 19 May 2005. 3. International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships (IAFS Convention), new convention banning TBT adopted by IMO. On 5th of October 2001, a diplomatic conference at IMO adopted the INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS by consensus. The Convention also applies to fixed and floating platforms as well as FSU’s and FPSO’s. The Convention enters into force 12 months after minimum 25 countries representing at least 25% of the world gross tonnage have ratified the Convention. Questions and comments: General questions and comments may be directed to the editors Mr. Håkon J. Helge at MTPNO863 or Mr. Knut Vaagnes at MTPNO860 The Convention cannot be enforced until it enters into force. However, individual flag states may decide to implement it in their national legislation and make it effective prior to the entry into force of the Convention. The requirement will then have to be complied with by vessels of that flag state. Telephone: +47 67579900 When the Convention enters into force, most countries being bound by it will apply it retroactively. It is therefore recommended that all owners comply with the Convention a.s.a.p. and not later than 1 January 2003, even if it has not entered into force at that date. Fax: +47 67579911 The schedule for eliminating the use of TBT paints is: Email: • After 1 January 2003, ships shall not apply or re-apply anti fouling systems containing organotin compounds acting as biocides, e.g. TBT. and questions regarding MARPOL are to be directed to section MTPNO880. 2. IMO-Vega database All regulations covered by this publication may be found in the IMO-Vega database, a database developed and maintained by Det Norske Veritas (DNV) in close cooperation with IMO. In addition to the regulations of the conventions and codes the database contains the corresponding interpretations, guidelines and resolutions from IMO's Assembly, Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC). • After 1 January 2008, organotin compounds acting as biocides, e.g. TBT, shall not be present on the hull of a ship or an offshore units. The only exceptions are fixed and floating offshore units, FSU’s and FPSO’s which have not been in dry-dock after 1 January 2003. The “no presence” requirement can be fulfilled either by removing the old TBT-paint or by applying a sealer coating prior to applying the TBT-free anti-fouling system. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 5 May 2004 Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in international voyages shall after 1 January 2003, or when the convention enters into force, carry an International Anti-Fouling System Certificate (IAFS-Certificate) to document state of compliance with the convention. amendments create a new SOLAS chapter dealing specifically with maritime security, which in turn contains the mandatory requirement for ships to comply with the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS Code). Similarly, ships of 24 meters or more in length but less than 400 gross tonnage engaged in international voyages shall carry a Declaration signed by the owner or owner’s authorised agent. Since equipping ships with Automatic Information Systems (AIS) is an important part of enhancing maritime security, amendments have also been made in Ch. V requiring cargo ships to provide AIS earlier than required by the 2000 SOLAS Amendments. As it may take some time before the flag states are prepared to issue IAFS-Certificates, in order to document compliance with the Convention prior to its entry into force, Classification Societies are prepared to issue an equivalent document in the form of a Statement of Compliance (SOC). Owners are recommended to secure such document upon the first docking where a nonTBT anti-fouling system is being applied. Survey for and issuance of a SOC shall be in accordance with Res. MEPC.102(48), Guidelines for Survey and Certification of Anti-Fouling Systems of Ships. This implies that it is important that the owner requests the Classification Society for the survey and issuance of a SOC before the day docking starts. The entry into force dates of the requirements of the above new convention have been included in Tables A and B. 4. Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78. Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78, or the Sewage Regulations, entered into force on the 27 September 2003 and applies to ships engaged on international voyages. The Annex sets out in detail how sewage should be treated or held aboard ships and the circumstances in which discharge into the sea may be allowed. The revised text of Annex IV in Resolution MEPC.88(44) will be implemented immediately after entry into force of the existing Annex IV to avoid the creation of a dual treaty regime. 5. December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments and the ISPS Code. Amendments to SOLAS The SOLAS Conference in December 2002 adopted a series of Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention, aimed at enhancing maritime security on board ships and at ship/port interface areas. Among other things, these The existing SOLAS Chapter XI (Special measures to enhance maritime safety) has been re-numbered as Chapter XI-1. Regulation XI-1/3 is modified to require ships' identification numbers to be permanently marked in a visible place on the ship's hull or superstructure. Passenger ships may carry the marking on a horizontal surface visible from the air. Ships should also be marked with their ID numbers internally. A new regulation XI-1/5 requires ships to be issued with a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) which is intended to provide an on-board record of the history of the ship. The CSR shall be issued by the Administration and shall contain information such as the name of the ship and of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly, the date on which the ship was registered with that State, the ship's identification number, the port at which the ship is registered and the name of the registered owner(s) and their registered address. Any changes shall be recorded in the CSR so as to provide updated and current information together with the history of the changes. New Chapter XI-2 (Special measures to enhance maritime security). This chapter applies to passenger ships and to cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, including high speed craft, mobile offshore drilling units and port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages. Reg. XI-2/3 requires Contracting Governments to set security levels for ships and port facilities and to ensure the provision of security level information to ships entitled to fly their flag. Reg. XI-2/4 enshrines the ISPS Code. Part A of this Code will become mandatory and part B contains guidance on how to best comply with the mandatory requirements. Prior to entering a port, or whilst in a port, within the territory of a Contracting Government, a ship shall comply with the requirements for the security level set by that Contracting Government, if that security level is higher than the security level set by the Administration for that ship. Reg. XI-2/5 refers to the responsibilities of Companies to ensure that the master has available on board information related to charterers, employment of the ship and crewing agencies. DET NORSKE VERITAS 6 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Reg. XI-2/6 requires all ships to be provided with a ship security alert system, according to a strict timetable that will see most vessels fitted by 2004 and the remainder by 2006. When activated the ship security alert system shall initiate and transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority designated by the Administration, identifying the ship, its location and indicating that the security of the ship is under threat or it has been compromised. The system will not raise any alarm on board the ship. The ship security alert system shall be capable of being activated from the navigation bridge and in at least one other location. Reg. XI-2/7 further evolves the obligations of the Contracting governments to set security levels, provide contact points for security concerns and to advice ships of security issues. Reg. XI-2/8 confirms the role of the Master in exercising his professional judgement over decisions necessary to maintain the security of the ship. It says he shall not be constrained by the Company, the charterer or any other person in this respect. Any conflicts between safety and security issues shall give priority to safety. Reg. XI-2/9 gives details on the control measures that can be imposed on a ship by port states and the information the ship is obliged to provide. Reg. XI-2/10 covers requirements for port facilities, providing among other things for Contracting Governments to ensure that port facility security assessments are carried out and that port facility security plans are developed, implemented and reviewed in accordance with the ISPS Code. Other regulations in this chapter cover the provision of information to be provided to and by IMO, alternative security agreements between Contracting Governments and equivalent security arrangements. The above amendments have been included in Tables A and B with entry into force dates. The International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code. The new, comprehensive security regime for international shipping is set to enter into force in July 2004. In essence, the Code takes the approach that ensuring the security of ships and port facilities is basically a risk management activity and that to determine what security measures are appropriate, an assessment of the risk must be made in each particular case. The purpose of the Code is to provide a standardized, consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ships and port facilities. - ship security plans - ship security officers - company security officers - certain on-board equipment In order to communicate the threat at a port facility or for a ship, the Contracting Government will set the appropriate security level. Security levels 1, 2, and 3 correspond to normal, medium, and high threat situations respectively. The security level creates a link between the ship and the port facility, since it triggers the implementation of appropriate security measures for the ship and for the port facility. Ships will have to carry an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) indicating that they comply with the requirements of SOLAS Ch. XI-2 and Part A of the ISPS Code. When a ship is at port or is proceeding to a port of a Contracting Government, the Contracting Government has the right, under the provisions of Reg. XI-2/9, to exercise various control and compliance measures with respect to that ship. The ship is subject to Port State Control inspections, but such inspections will not normally extend to examination of the Ship Security Plan itself except in specific circumstances. The Certificate has a validity of 5 years and is subject to an intermediate verification between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary. DNV will, when authorised as a Recognised Security Organisation, issue the ISSC on behalf of the Flag State Authorities. 6. 2003 Load Line Protocol. The IMO MSC 76 meeting (December 2002) approved amendments to Annex B to the 1988 LL Protocol. These amendments were adopted by MSC 77 in June 2003. The amendments are scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2005 for flag states that have ratified the 1988 LL Protocol. Some specific items of particular interest are outlined below. Bow height and reserve buoyancy - Reg. 39. The formula for minimum bow height is based on deck wetness considerations. This implies that any ship with minimum bow height would be subject to shipping water at the bow at a common and acceptable long-term probability level. The risk management concept is embodied in the Code through a number of minimum functional security requirements for ships and port facilities. For ships, these requirements will include: DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 7 May 2004 Its application will mean that the minimum required bow height of smaller ships (length less than 100m) will increase to some extent and for large ships with type B freeboard the minimum bow height will be at least the same or greater than those calculated under the existing formula. An analysis of existing ships shows that the deficiency of reserve buoyancy in the forward part is apparent for large type B ships with reduced freeboard and zero sheer. This applies in particular to cape size bulk carriers, which have around 25% less reserve buoyancy in the space extending 0.15 L aft of FP than the equivalent ship with standard bow sheer. The MSC 76 approved a new formula and related provisions on reserve buoyancy for type B ships, except tankers which sometimes are assigned a type B freeboard. Reserve buoyancy at the bow will also influence the pitching motions in extreme seas in a favourable manner and provide additional buoyancy when the bow is submerged, hence improving the seaworthiness of the ship, especially in head seas. However, requirements for acceptable ballast water management methods have been given more exact dates. The main impact of these requirements is that ballast water exchange will be phased out as an acceptable method for complying with the Convention during a period of time from 2009 to 2016, depending on ballast water capacity and date of delivery of the vessel. After this, ballast water treatment will be the only remaining option for complying with the Convention. 9. Future (2005) Amendments to SOLAS Ch. II-1. IMO is currently working on a complete revision of the subdivision and stability provisions of Ch. II-1. This revision aims for a harmonisation of the old deterministic regulations for passenger ships in part B with the probabilistic cargo ship regulations in part B-1. The draft regulations will be based on updated damage statistics for a large number of ships, and a number of obsolete features dating back to SOLAS 1929 will be removed. A final proposal for a revised text is currently scheduled for an MSC 2005 for possible entry into force in 2006. Hatch cover loads - Reg. 16. After extensive discussions the MSC 76 approved maximum sea load levels for the forward hatches based on a proposal by UK. The hatch cover loads will increase considerably compared to the requirement in the existing LL Convention. It was also agreed to add a new provision related to hatch cover horizontal loading. 7. December 2003 Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. 10. Proposed December 2004 Amendments to Ch. XII of SOLAS Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers Work on new measures to enhance safety for both new and existing bulk carriers has been ongoing in MSC for several years. An amended Ch. XII of SOLAS was approved by MSC 78 in May 2004 with a view for adoption by MSC 79 in December 2004 and entry into force date 1st July 2006. At the 50th session (December 2003) of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) adopted an amended Regulation 13G on phase out of single hull tankers and a new regulation 13H on carriage of heavy grade oil. The amended regulation and the new regulation will enter into force on 5 April 2005. The Condition Assessment Scheme was also amended to be aligned with changes in regulation 13G and regulation 13H. 8. New Convention on Ballast Water Management At the International Conference on Ballast Water Management for Ships, held in February 2004, the new International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments was completed and adopted. It is now available for ratification and will enter into force 12 months after signing by 30 States, representing 35 per cent of world merchant shipping tonnage. With this entry into force mechanism it is difficult to foresee exactly when the new Convention will enter into force. DET NORSKE VERITAS 8 Information note No. 9 May 2004 11. Chronological Tables of Entry into Force Dates 11.1 Conventions, Codes and Amendments In the following table the references in the left column correspond to the Resolutions etc. given in the right hand column. May 1995 SOLAS Amendments 1995 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments Res. MSC. 46 (65) Res. MEPC. 65 (37) November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Amendments adopted by the SOLAS Conference in November 1995 June 1996 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 47 (66) 1996 IBC Code Amendments Res. MSC. 50 (66) / MEPC. 69 (38) 1996 BCH Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 70 (38) December 1996 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 57 (67) 1981 SOLAS Amendments 1983 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 1 (XLV) Res. MSC. 6 (48) 1987 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MEPC. 29 (25) December 1996 IBC Code Amendments Res. MSC. 58 (67) 1st set of Amendments to IBC Code Res. MSC. 10 (54) and Res. MEPC. 32(27) April 1988 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 11 (55) June 1997 SOLAS Amendments 1997 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MSC. 65 (68) Res. MEPC. 75 (40) October 1988 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 12 (56) 1997 MARPOL, Annex VI Protocol November 1988 SOLAS Amendments Amendments adopted by the SOLAS Conference on GMDSS in November 1988 November 1997 SOLAS Amendments 1988 SOLAS Protocol Protocol adopted by the SOLAS Conference in November 1988 1998 SOLAS Amendment Protocol adopted by the MARPOL Conference in September 1997. Amendments adopted by the SOLAS Conference in November 1997 Res. MSC. 69 (69) 1988 LL Protocol Protocol adopted by the Load Line Conference in November 1988 May 1999 SOLAS Amendments 1999 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MEPC. 78 (43) 1989 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments Res. MEPC.34(27) 1989 SOLAS Amendments 1990 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 13 (57) Res. MSC. 19 (58) 1999 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments 1999 IBC Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 79 (43)/ MSC.102 (73) 1990 MARPOL Amendments 1990 ICG Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 39 (29) Res. MSC. 17 (58) 1990 IBC Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 40 (29) / MSC.16 (58) 1990 BCH Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 41 (29) 1991 SOLAS Amendments 1991 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MSC. 87 (71) 1999 BCH Code Amendments 2000 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments Res. MEPC. 80 (43)/ MSC.106 (73) Res. MEPC. 84 (44) Res. MSC. 91 (72) Res. MSC. 22 (59) Res. MEPC. 47 (31) May 2000 SOLAS Amendments May 2000 SOLAS Protocol 1988 Amendments 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MEPC.51 (32) and Res. MEPC. 52 (32) 2000 HSC Code December 2000 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 97 (73) Res. MSC. 99 (73) 1992 MARPOL, Annex III Amendments Res. MEPC 58 (33) Res. MSC. 100 (73) 1992 IBC Code Amendments Res. MSC. 28 (61) and Res. MEPC. 55 (33) December 2000 SOLAS Protocol 1988 Amendments 2000 IGC Code Amendments 1992 IGC Code Amendments Res. MSC.30 (61) April 1992 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 24 (60) or Res. MSC. 26 (60) December 1992 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 27 (61) 1993 COLREG Amendments May 1994 SOLAS Amendments Res. A. 736 (18) Amendments adopted by the SOLAS Conference in May 1994 or Res. MSC. 31 (63) 1994 HSC Code December 1994 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC. 36 (63) Res. MSC. 42 (64) 1994 IGC Code Amendments Res. MSC. 32 (63) 2000 Amendments to Res. A.744(18) 2000 GC Code Amendments Res. MSC. 92 (72) Res. MSC. 103 (73) Res. MSC.105(73) Res. MSC. 107 (73) 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments 2000 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments Ref. Res. MEPC. 88 (45) 2000 IBC Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 90 (45)/ MSC.102 (73) Res. MEPC. 91 (45)/ MSC.106 (73) 2000 BCH Code Amendments Res. MEPC. 89 (45) 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 2001 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC.117 (74) 2001 INF Code Amendments Res. MSC.118 (74) DET NORSKE VERITAS Res. MEPC. 95 (46) Information note No. 9 9 May 2004 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Res. MSC.119 (74) IAFS Convention The International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships adopted by a conference in October 2001 in London May 2002 SOLAS Amendments 2002 Amendments to SOLAS Protocol 1988 Res. MSC.123(75) Res. MSC.124(75) 2002 Amendments to Res. A.744(18) Res. MSC.125(75) December 2002 SOLAS Amendments Res. MSC.134(76) 2002 INF Code Amendments Res. MSC.135(76) Amendments adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security in December 2002 December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments 2003 SOLAS Amendments 2003 Amendments to 1988 Load Line Protocol Res. MSC.142(77) Res. MSC.143(77) 2003 Amendments to Res. A.744(18) Res. MSC.144(77) December 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Res. MEPC.111(50) and Res. MEPC.112(50) 2004 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Res. MEPC.115(51) May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set Res. MSC. 152(78) May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 3rd set Res. MSC. 153(78) 2004 Amendments to SOLAS Protocol 1988 Res. MSC.154 (78) 2004 SAR Convention Amendments Res. MSC.155(78) 2004 STCW Code Amendments Res. MSC.156(78) 2004 IMDG Code Amendments 2004 Amendments to The Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections Res. MSC.157(78) Stockholm Agreement Res. MSC.158(78) Regional agreement adopted by the meeting in February 1996 in Stockholm DET NORSKE VERITAS 10 Information note No. 9 May 2004 11.2 Entry into Force In the following tables A and B new amendments/ regulations are listed by the entry into force dates. Conventions/amendments previously adopted are also included, starting with SOLAS 1948. This will help keeping track of which requirements were applicable when an existing ship was built, and also which later requirements have been given retroactive force. This may in some cases provide useful information for surveyors, yards and owners. Table A applies to cargo ships, and Table B to passenger ships. Please note that the most common acceptance procedure for amendments to IMO conventions is the so called “tacit acceptance procedure”. This means that when an amendment has been adopted by an expanded committee (MSC or MEPC), the committee also decides on a certain final date for member governments to object to the respective amendments. Unless a certain number of members representing a certain percentage of the world fleet tonnage has objected within that date, the amendment will enter into force after an agreed time period (e.g. 6 months) has elapsed. Until the final date for objections has been passed, the entry into force date in Tables A and B will appear as “Expected:”. An amendment must be approved by a preceding expanded committee before it can be adopted. When an entry into force date appears as “Proposed:” in the tables, it means that the respective amendment has been approved but not adopted yet. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 11 May 2004 Table A Cargo ships DET NORSKE VERITAS 12 Information note No. 9 May 2004 ENTRY INTO FORCE DATES OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS The below table shows the date of coming into force of the various international conventions and their amendments. Note: ”New ships” means new in relation to the enter into force date of the respective convention/amendments, while an “existing ship” means a ship constructed before that date. Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention 19.11.52 26.05.65 SOLAS 1948 SOLAS 1960 New ships New ships 21.07.68 ICLL 1966 COLREG 1972 New ships New ships 01.05.81 SOLAS 1974 SOLAS 1978 Protocol 15.07.81 COLREG 1972 18.07.82 1969 Tonnage 02.10.83 MARPOL 73/78 15.07.77 25.05.80 Regulation Applicable to Subject New ships All ships E/38 Existing ships Range of lights and colour specification New ships Annex I All ships Annex I enters into force. Oil Ch. II-1 New ships Completely revised Ch. II-1 Ch. II-2 II-2/17 New ships Existing tankers Completely revised Ch. II-2 Fireman’s outfit II-2/20 II-2/62 & 60.5 Existing ships Existing tankers Fire control plans Inert gas, tankers DWT 70 000 IV/4-1, 17 & 19 IV/7 & 8 All ships All ships VHF radiotelephone Watches / operators IV/10 All ships V/12 All ships Two-tone alarm Gyro compass, echo sounding device, rudder angle indicator, revolution indicator V/12(j) V/12(n) New ships New ships ARPA, ships GT 10 000 Rate of turn indicator, ships GT 01.01.85 1981 SOLAS Amendments V/12(j) Existing tankers ARPA, tankers GT ≥ 40 000 01.05.85 1981 SOLAS Amendments II-2/62 & 60.5 Existing tankers Inert gas, tankers 40000 ≤ DWT < 70 000 01.01.86 1981 SOLAS Amendments V/12(j) Existing tankers ARPA, tankers 10000 ≤ GT < 40 000 III New ships Completely revised Ch.III III/8 & 53 III/9 Existing ships Existing ships Muster list and emergency instructions Operating instructions III/10 III/18 Existing ships Existing ships Manning and supervision of survival craft Abandon ship training and drills III/19 VII, Part B Existing ships New chemical tankers Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections IBC Code mandatory under SOLAS VII, Part C E/38 New gas carriers Existing ships IGC Code mandatory under SOLAS Navigation lights, positioning and sound signals II-1/29 Existing tankers Steering gear, tankers GT ≥ 10 000 V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, non-tankers GT ≥ 40 000 01.09.84 01.07.86 1981 SOLAS Amendments 1983 SOLAS Amendments 15.07.86 COLREG 01.09.86 1981 SOLAS Amendments DET NORSKE VERITAS 100 000 Information note No. 9 13 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation MARPOL 73/78 Annex II st 06.04.87 1 set of Amendments to IBC Code 11th set of Amendments to BCH Code Applicable to Subject Annex II enters into force. Noxious liquid substances Oil tankers and chemical tankers, new and existing ships The codes extended to include pollution V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, non-tankers 20000 ≤ GT < 40000 II-1/29 Existing tankers Steering gear, tankers GT ≥ 40000 V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, non-tankers 15000 ≤ GT < 20000 01.09.87 1981 SOLAS Amendments 01.09.88 1981 SOLAS Amendments 31.12.88 MARPOL 73/78 Annex V 01.04.89 1987 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 10(1)(f) All ships Gulf of Aden is special area. However, effective one year after reception facilities confirmed by coast states. 01.01.90 ITU Regulations (ref. SOLAS, Ch.IV, Reg.2(a)) Appendix 7 All ships Stricter frequency tolerances for all radio transmitters 13.10.90 1989 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments 1992 IBC Code amendments 12th set of Amendments to BCH Code Oil tankers and chemical tankers, new and existing ships Product lists revised and supplemented III/1.4.5 Existing ships Life-saving appliances installed or replaced shall be tested and approved according to 1983 Amendments III/6.2.3 Existing ships III/6.2.4 Existing ships Fit two EPIRBs Fit at least three two-way radiotelephone apparatus (see also entry into force date 01.02.95) III/26.3 Cargo ships, existing ships Liferaft capacity for 100% of persons on board + extra raft forward and/or aft if more than 100 m away III/27.2 Cargo ships, existing ships All lifejackets to be fitted with light III/27.3 Cargo ships, existing ships Provide for each lifeboat at least three immersion suits. In addition the ship shall carry thermal protective aid for all persons on board not provided with immersion suits, or instead immersion suits for all on board III/30.2.7 Existing ships Life-saving appliances to be fitted with retro-reflective material All ships New forms for SOLAS Certificates 01.07.91 01.02.92 1983 SOLAS Amendments November 1988 SOLAS Amendments Annex V (optional) enters into force. Garbage GMDSS I/12 GMDSS enters into force DET NORSKE VERITAS 14 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.02.92 Convention 1989 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1/11.8 & /11.9 New cargo ships W.T. bulkhead(s) betw. machinery space and cargo/passenger space. W.T. enclosure (or equivalent) of stern tube II-1/12-1 New dry cargo ships Double bottom required II-1/21 New ships Internal drainage for enclosed spaces where the deck edge is immersed at 5º heel. II-1/23-1 New dry cargo ships Damage control Damage control plan II-2/ New cargo ships II-2/13-1 New ships Emergency fire pump suction head: Minor adjustment. Requirements for sample extraction smoke detection systems. II-2/15.2.6 & /15.3 New ships Sounding pipes for oil fuel tanks should not terminate in machinery spaces (general rule) (lub. oil may). II-2/18.2.4 New tankers (flush point < 60º C) Restrictions in use of heat affective materials in valves, fittings, etc.. II-2/18.8 New ships II-2/44 New cargo ships Helicopter decks, requirements specified Area limit changed from 2m2 to 4m2 for some spaces (fire risk categories). II-2/50.3 New cargo ships Revised specifications for the use of combustible materials (veneers) on bulkheads and ceilings II-2/53.2.1 & /53.3 New cargo ships carrying vehicles More specific requirements for fire detection of vehicle decks. Sample extraction smoke detection system may be used except for ro-ro cargo spaces. II-2/54.1.1 New cargo ships < 500 GT carrying dangerous goods Requirements extended to also applying to cargo ships < 500 GT. II-2/54.2.3 New ships carrying dangerous goods More specific requirements for fire detection. Sample extraction smoke detection system may be used II-2/55.5 Existing and new chemical tankers and gas carriers Revised requirements for inert gas systems. II-2/56 New tankers Reg. 56 (location and separation of spaces) is rewritten. A single failure in deck or bulkhead shall not permit entry of gas or fumes from cargo tanks into accommodation etc.. II-2/58 New tankers Area limits changed from 2m2 to 4m2 for some spaces (fire risk categories). II-2/59.2 New tankers Flame arrestors not needed when velocity > 30m/s (cargo tank purging/gas freeing (not provided with inert gas system)). II-2/62.19 New tankers New ships > 500 GT Editorial changes (alarms, inert gas systems). Gyro repeater at emergency steering position All ships Heading information to emergency steering position shall consist of telephone (or similar). II-2/4.7 All ships Fire hoses to be of non-perishable material. Also applicable to existing ships when hoses are renewed. II-2/18.7 All ships Fire extinguishing arr. in paint lockers and lockers for flammable liquids. V/13 All ships Minimum Safe Manning Certificate. All ships Life saving signals are not described in SOLAS any longer. Instead it is referred to IMO Resolutions A.229 (VII), A.439 (XI) and A.80 (IV). V/12(f) V/16 DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 15 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.02.92 1990 SOLAS Amendments Ch. II-1 Part B-1 Dry cargo ships, new ships New part B-1. Regulations for sub division and damage stability 17.03.92 1990 MARPOL Amendments Annexes I and V All ships Antarctic is special area 01.07.92 MARPOL 73/78 Annex III 04.04.93 1991 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 06.07.93 01.08.93 01.01.94 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments November 1988 SOLAS Amendments (GMDSS) 1991 SOLAS Amendments Annex III (optional) enters into force. Harmful substances in packaged forms 26 New ships Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan 17(3), 20 Every ship ≥ 400 tons gross tonnage Piping for oil residues (sludge). Piping to and from sludge tanks. Revised format of Oil Record Book . 9, 10, 16, 21 and suppl. A & B All ships Various replacements of existing regulation texts (discharge criteria) 1(8)(c), 13F, 13G, and suppl. B New tankers > 600 DWT Various new regulations (double hull or (mid deck)). 24(4) New tankers Maximum permitted length of cargo tanks changed IV/1.4 All ships All ships must carry NAVTEX and float-free satellite EPIRB (406 MHz) II-2/20.3 & III/18 All ships Fire drills and on-board training, extended requirements V/17 New installations Ch.VI As applicable Pilot transfer arrangements The carriage of cargoes (new Ch.VI), the International Grain Code mandatory under SOLAS VII/5 VII/7-1 Ships carrying dangerous goods Packing certificate, list of dangerous goods carried Reporting of incidents 28.02.94 1992 MARPOL, Annex III Amendments Annex III All ships carrying harmful substances in packaged form The whole Annex III (optional) is revised: References to freight containers, portable tanks or tank wagons deleted. "Harmful substances" are identified in the IMDG Code. Guidelines for identification. Marking shall stand 3 months immersion in the sea. Marking and freight document shall include "Marine Pollutant". Copy of freight document to port authorities. 01.07.94 MARPOL, Annex II P & A standards New chemical tankers Revised prewash procedures 1(7), 1(9a) & 5(14) 1(6), 2(7), 3(3), 4, 5, 8(3), 14, App.II, App.III All chemical tankers Antarctic is special area 01.07.94 1992 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments All chemical tankers Revised list of chemicals. The list of chemicals for IBC and BCH Codes and MARPOL, Annex II will in the future only be published in the IBC Code. Reissue of certificates necessary. Revised requirements for fire fighting for individual substances. Carriage of chemical wastes. Ch.8 Chemical tankers constructed after 01.01.94 Cargo tank venting and gas freeing. All chapters Ch.4, Ch.16, Ch.17, Ch.19 Gas carriers constructed on or after 01.10.94 Many minor or editorial changes. Mechanical stress relief. Cargo as fuel. Ammonia stress corrosion cracking. New cargoes: Pentane, Pentene 01.07.94 1992 BCH Code Amendments 01.07.94 1992 IBC Code Amendments 01.07.94 1992 IGC Code Amendments 1.1, 1.4, 3.16, Ch.VI, Ch.VII, Ch.VIII Ch.11, Ch.12 & Ch.14 Ch.17, Ch.18 & Ch.20 DET NORSKE VERITAS 16 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 18.07.94 1969 Tonnage Article 3(2)(d) All ships All ships must have tonnage certificate according to the 1969 International Tonnage Convention II-1/12-2 New oil tankers Access to spaces in the cargo area II-1/37 New ships Communication between bridge and machinery spaces (modified text) II-1/42, 43, 44 New ships Emergency generator starting: Clarification of text II-1/45.3 II-1/45.4 New ships New tankers Locally earthed systems, clarification Clarifications regarding earthing II-2/ New cargo ships The space containing the emergency fire pump shall not be contiguous to machinery spaces or space for main fire pumps (bulkhead may be insulated) II-2/ New ships Emergency fire pump for cargo ships < 2000 GT II-2/4.4.2 New ships II-2/5.2 New CO2 installations Pressure in fire lines, new requirements Separate operations for opening the storage bottles and for discharging into protected space II-2/5.3 II-2/13.1 New installations New (or modified) installations New Halon installations prohibited Fire detection systems: Requirements modified in respect of addressable systems II-2/59.4 New oil tankers Air supply to double hull and double bottom. Inerting of double hull. Instruments for measuring of oxygen and flammable vapour concentrations. III/50 New ships General emergency alarm shall continue to sound until manually turned off. Requirements for sound pressure level. IV/13 GMDSS ships 01.10.94 December 1992 SOLAS Amendments 02.10.94 MARPOL 73/78 Annex II, Reg. 5A Existing chemical tankers Revised specification of capacities for radio batteries. Interim Regs. 5A(2) (b) and 5A(4) (b) for Category B and C substances respectively cease to be valid 01.02.95 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments GDMSS New ships New ships must comply with GMDSS III/6.2.1 Existing ships Two-way radiotelephone apparatus to be of VHF-type and to comply with IMO Resolution A.605 (15) 01.02.95 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments (GMDSS) III/6.2.2 Existing ships Fit two radar transponders complying with IMO Resolution A.604 (15) V/12(g) Existing ships One radar installation to operate in 9GHz band 26 Existing ships Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan 13 G(3) Crude oil tankers 20000 DWT and > 5 years. Product tankers 30000 DWT and > 5 years Enhanced survey requirements enter into force. Pre MARPOL crude oil tankers 20000 DWT and pre MARPOL product tankers 30000 DWT > 25 years 30% side or bottom protection or equivalent. Pre MARPOL crude oil tankers 20000 DWT and pre MARPOL product tankers 30000 DWT > 30 years Compliance with Reg. 13F required (i.e. double hull (or mid deck)) or phase out. General Several changes, mostly applicable to fishing vessels < 29 m. 04.04.95 06.07.95 04.11.95 1991 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 1993 COLREG amendments 13 G DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 17 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Ch.X (new) New cargo high speed craft 1994 High Speed Craft (HSC) Code (Res. MSC.36 (63)) enters into force and is mandatory as a part of SOLAS Ch.XI (new) 01.01.96 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety. Reg.1 Organisations acting on behalf of Administrations Authorisation of recognised organisations (Res. A.739(18) made mandatory). Reg.2 Bulk carriers and oil tankers in service Enhanced surveys (Res. A.744(18) made mandatory). Reg.3 All cargo ships ≥ 300 GT Ship identification numbers (IMO Nos.) mandatory (Res. A.600(15)). Port state control of operational requirements (Res. A.742(18) made mandatory). Reg.4 All ships Ship reporting systems introduced. Ref. Res. MSC.43(64). Also ref. Res. A.648(16). New tankers ≥ 20000 TDW Emergency towing arrangement to be fitted at both ends. Ref. Res. MSC.35(63). Existing tankers ≥ 20000 TDW Same arrangement shall be fitted at the first scheduled dry docking but not later than 01.01.99. VI/2.1 Carriage of cargoes The information required by subchapter 1.9 of Res. A.714(17) to be provided prior to loading. VI/5.6 Loading, stowing and securing of cargoes VII/5.6 Loading, stowing and securing of dangerous goods VII/6.1 Carriage of dangerous goods Editorial change (including "loaded", "secured" in the text in addition to "stowed"). V/8 All ships Ships' routeing systems may be made mandatory for all ships. Seafaring The STCW convention totally revised. The STCW code has been introduced and is mandatory. V/8-1 (new regulation) 01.01.96 01.07.96 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments December 1994 SOLAS Amendments 01.01.97 May 1995 SOLAS Amendments 01.02.97 1995 STCW Amendments V/15-1 (new regulation) Approved Cargo Securing Manual required, to comply with Res. A.714(17) (subchapters 1.6 and 1.7). New ships 01.07.97 1995 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments 01.01.98 1996 MARPOL, Protocol I Amendments 01.07.98 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments 01.07.98 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments Reg. 9 Article II (1) Ch.IX (new) L ≥12 m L ≥ 12 m, in international trade (Garbage) placards Garbage record book GT ≥ 400 or persons ≥ 15 Garbage management plans All ships, L ≥ 15 m Reporting on incidents involving harmful substances(enhanced requirements). Oil tankers, chemical carriers, gas carriers, bulk carriers, cargo high speed craft ≥ 500 GT Management of the Safe Operation of Ships. The International Safety Management (ISM) Code (Res. A.741(18)) made mandatory. Shipowning companies to hold a Document of Compliance and the ship to hold a Safety Management Certificate. II – 2/15 new subparagraphs 2.9 – 2.11 New ships Stricter requirements for protection of oil fuel lines (jacketed piping for high-pressure pipes, insulation of surfaces with temp. above 220ºC, screening). V/3(b) All ships Explanation of the phrase "Tropical storms". V/4(b)(ii) All ships Meteorological issues increased from once to twice daily DET NORSKE VERITAS 18 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.07.98 continued May 1994 SOLAS Amendments continued V/22 (new regulation) New ships, L ≥ 45 m Requirements for visibility from navigation bridge introduced. V/22(b) (new) Existing ships L ≥ 45 m Paragraphs (a)(i) and (a)(ii) of Reg. V/22 shall as far as practicable apply to existing ships. The word “structure” is added in the title of Ch. II-1, which now reads: ”Construction - Structure, Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations”. New part A-1 Ch. II-1 Ch. II-1, Part A-1 01.07.98 June 1996 SOLAS Amendments II-1/3-1 (new regulation) All ships Ships shall be built and maintained according to the requirements of a classification society recognised by the Administration or to equivalent national standards. II-1/3-2 (new regulation) New oil tankers. New bulk carriers. Dedicated seawater ballast tanks to have efficient corrosion prevention system. To be approved, based on Res. A.798 (19). II-1/25-1.1 New dry cargo ships Part B-1 (sub-division and damage stability) made applicable also to ships 80 m ≤ Ls ≤ 100 m II-1/25-3.2 New dry cargo ships Definition of sub-division index for ships 80 m ≤ Ls ≤ 100 m II-1/ New ships Ch. III New requirements do in general apply to new ships III/20 All ships Operational readiness, maintenance and inspection of life-saving appliances: Yearly inspection of falls and renewal within 4 years as an alternative to “end for ending”. Marking of stowage locations. 5 yearly examination and overload testing of launching appliances. On-load release gears: Biannual examination by properly trained personnel, 5 yearly overhaul and overload testing. III/31.3.1 Pre. 01.07.1986 cargo ships 100% life raft capacity shall be available on each side of the ship. VI/2.2.2 Carriage of bulk cargo Cargo information to include likelihood of shifting and angle of repose VI/7 Carriage of bulk cargo Loading, unloading and storage. Reg. 7 is revised, more extensive. XI/1 II-1/3-3 (new regulation) 01.07.98 December 1996 SOLAS Amendments The limit 55 V is changed to 50 V Completely revised Ch. III, introduction of International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code, which is mandatory. Many regulations are changed to a greater or lesser extent, e.g. requirements for free-fall lifeboats. The technical requirements for the life-saving appliances are moved to the LSA Code. Organisations acting on behalf of Administrations New oil, gas and chemical tankers Reg. 1 revised, more extensive. Means according to Res. MSC. 62 (67) to be provided to gain safe access to the bow Emergency towing arrangements according to Res. MSC. 35 (63) shall be fitted at both ends of the ship. Ships constructed before 01.01.96 to comply at first scheduled dry-docking after 01.01.96, but not later than 01.01.99 Openings in shell plating below freeboard deck. Now ships shall comply with Res. II-1/17 where “margin line” shall mean “freeboard deck” II-1/3-4 (new regulation replaces V/15-1(b)) All oil, gas and chemical tankers ≥ 20 000 TDW II-1/17-1 (new regulation) New ships II-1/26.9 (new paragraph) All ships Survey of non-metallic expansion joints in piping systems penetrating the ship’s side. II-1/26.10 (new paragraph) All ships Language to use in instructions and drawings essential for ship’s machinery and equipment. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 19 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.98 continued Convention December 1996 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1/26.11 (new paragraph) New ships Location and arrangement for vent pipes for fuel oil service, settling and lub. oil tanks. Two fuel oil service tanks for each fuel type. II-1/31.5 (new paragraph) New ships II-1/41.5 (new paragraph) II-1/43.3.4 (new sub-paragraph) New ships Machinery controls. Paragraph 5 introduces amendments to paragraphs 1 to 4 applicable to new ships. Supply of electrical power when it is necessary for propulsion and steering of the ships. New cargo ships Restart of propulsion within 30 min. after blackout. II-2/1 Editorial. II-2/3 Changes in several definitions (mostly by referring to Fire Test Procedures Code). For materials which shall have low flame spread characteristics a new test for smoke and toxicity is required. This implies that most products previously approved must carry out an additional test. II-2/12.1.2 New sprinkler installations Editorial changes. II-2/16 .1.1 New cargo ships Combustible ducts, where allowed, shall have low flame spread characteristics. II-2/16.11 (new paragraph) New cargo ships Fire testing of fire dampers and A-class penetrations. II-2/18.8 New ships Provisions for helicopter facilities shall be in accordance with Res. A.855(20). II-2/49.2 & .3 II-2/50.3.1 New cargo ships New cargo ships Reference to Fire Test Procedure Code. Low flame spread characteristics of vapour barriers New cargo ships Fire protection of cargo spaces. Revised subparagraphs, clarifications. All cargo ships Any of the mentioned exemptions to be stated in an Exemption Certificate II-2/53.2.5 (new sub-paragraph) Ro-ro cargo spaces, new cargo ship Ventilation openings not to endanger survival craft stowage and embarkation areas, service spaces and control stations. II-2/ (new sub-paragraph) New cargo ships Natural ventilation required in enclosed cargo spaces for solid dangerous goods in bulk if not provided with mechanical ventilation. II-2/54.2.10 II-2/54 Table 54.1 Table 54.2 Table 54.3 New cargo ships Separation of ro-ro spaces for dangerous goods Carriage of dangerous goods The tables are revised II-2/56.7 New tankers Exterior boundaries as specified to be constructed of steel (with A-60 insulation) II-2/56.8.3 New tankers Windows in exterior boundaries as specified to be A-60 II-2/56.9 (new paragraph) New tankers Any permanent access from a pipe tunnel to the main pump room shall be fitted with a watertight door II-2/ (new sub-paragraph) New tankers Secondary means of full flow release of vapour from cargo tanks, alternatively pressure sensors with monitoring II-2/ New tankers Supervision of operational status of isolating valves where combined tank venting II-2/53.1.2 & .1.3 DET NORSKE VERITAS 20 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.98 continued 01.07.98 Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject December 1996 SOLAS Amendments continued II-2/ (new sub-paragraph) New tankers Sub-paragraph .1.2.3 must be complied with if an isolated tank shall be loaded, ballasted or discharged II-2/59.5 (new paragraph) All tankers Portable instrument for measuring flammable vapour concentrations, spares and means of calibration to be provided II-2/ New tankers Positive means of indication of operational status for control systems for isolating branch pipes in inert gas systems V/15-1 Tankers Regulation deleted and replaced by Reg. II-1/3-4 VII/2 Carriage of dangerous goods Class 6.1 and Class 9 reworded 1994 IGC Code Amendments Reg. 15.1.5 (new paragraph) Reg. 8.2.18 (new paragraph) All gas carriers with cargo tank type C, excluding type 1G ships Option to use Reg. 8.2.18.(Interim arrangements have been accepted since 1993) Increased filling limits Pre 01.07.97 ships: 01.07.98 1995 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments 01.07.98 1996 IBC Code Amendments (and 1956 BCH Code Amendments 01.07.98 December 1996 IBC Code Amendments) Reg. 9 L ≥ 12 m L ≥ 12 m, in international trade (Garbage) plackards Garbage record book GT ≥ 400 or persons ≥ 15 Garbage management plans Item 16.6.4 Chemical tankers Heat sensitive cargoes in deck tanks Ch. 17 & 18 Chemical tankers New products in List of Products Chemical tankers Editorial changes (in general: several references to acceptance by the Administration have been replaced with references to recognised standards) II-1/3-3.2 (new regulation) Existing oil, gas and chemical tankers Means according to Res. MSC. 62 (67) to be provided to gain safe access to the bow. (To be provided not later than 01.07.2001) II-2/59.1.11 Existing tankers. However, not applicable to chemical tankers carrying oil, for which IBC 8.1 & 8.3.3 or BCH 2.14.3 apply , ref. MEPC/Circ. 362 = MSC/ Circ.929 To comply with paragraphs .1.2.3 and .1.3.3 of Reg. II-2/59 (secondary means for full flow release of vapour from cargo tanks, alternatively pressure sensors with monitoring). (To be complied with not later than 01.07.2001) First scheduled dry-docking after 01.07.98 December 1996 SOLAS Amendments 06.07.98 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 9, 10, 16 All existing ships Change in discharge criteria (phase out of 100 ppm oily water separators). 01.01.99 December 1996 SOLAS Amendments II-1/3-4 (replaces Reg. V/15-1 (b)) Existing oil, gas and chemical tankers ≥ 20000 TDW Emergency towing arrangements. Final date for compliance with Reg. II-1/3-4. 01.02.99 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments GDMSS Existing ships Existing ships must comply with GMDSS 01.02.99 1997 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 25 A (new regulation) Oil tankers ≥ 5000DWT Intact stability DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 21 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.99 Convention Regulation June 1997 SOLAS Amendments V/8-2 (new regulation) Ch. XII (new chapter) XII/8 01.08. 99 01.01.2000 November 1997 SOLAS Amendments Bulk carriers with single side skin, L ≥ 150 m New ships carrying solid bulk cargoes with density ≥ 1000 kg/m3 Solid bulk cargo declaration XII/11 XII/4 Loading instrument Damage stability requirements XII/6 Structural strength of holds Restrictions for ships > 10 years to carry bulk cargo with density ≥ 1780 kg/m3. Subject to enhanced periodical survey. XII/10 XII/11 Solid bulk cargo declaration. Loading instrument Reg. 10 All ships North West European waters special area Reg. 13 (New) diesel engines NOx emission. Note that engines for ships the keels of which are laid on or after this date shall comply with these (retroactive) requirements. The same applies to conversions and new installations on or after this date. Reg. 16 Installation of incinerators Shipboard incineration. Note that incinerators installed on or after this date shall be approved according to these (retroactive) requirements. All ships Harmonised certification and survey system enters into force (HSSC). New certificate forms. Five year certificates. I/10(a)(v) Cargo ships Min. two bottom surveys each 5 year period 22(2), 27 New ships 10, 44 New and existing ships Drainage of enclosed cargo spaces. Damage extent, residual stab. after damage Inclining test. CL-lifeline for timber freeboard Tacit acceptance procedure for amendments to Annex B of the LL Protocol According to the respective convention or code Harmonised certification and survey system enters into force Article VI 2(f) (ii) & 22 (g) (ii) 03.02. 2000 1990 MARPOL Amendments 1990 IBC Code Amendments 1990 BCH Code Amendments 1990 IGC Code Amendments Information booklet. Marking on ship’s sides. Requirements for ships not being capable of complying with Regs. 4.2 and 6. 1988 LL Protocol 1988 LL Protocol Existing ships carrying solid bulk cargoes with density ≥ 1780 kg/m3 XII/9 1988 SOLAS Protocol 03.02. 2000 Information booklet. Marking on ship’s sides (density ≥ 1780 kg/m3) XII/10 XII/8 1997 MARPOL, Annex VI Protocol Ch. XII enters into force Damage stability requirement Structural strength of holds XII/7 1997 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Subject Vessel traffic services XII/4 XII/5 01.07.99 Implementation depending on ship’s age on 01.07.99. Schedule as in Reg. XII/3 Applicable to DET NORSKE VERITAS 22 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Reference to INF cargo in the application. VII/1.3 01.01. 2001 01.01. 2001 01.07. 2001 First periodical survey after 01.07. 2001 May 1999 SOLAS Amendments 1999 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments December 1996 SOLAS Amendments June 1996 SOLAS Amendments May 2000 SOLAS Amendments 01.01.2002 01.01.2002 May 2000 SOLAS 1988 Protocol Amendments 2000 MARPOL, Annex III Amendments Ch. VII, Part D (new Part) Ships carrying INF cargo (also cargo ships <500 GT) 01.01.2002 INF Code (Res. MSC. 88 (71) made mandatory. (INF cargo means packaged irradiated fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes carried as cargo) Appendix II to Annex I All tankers ≥ 150 GT and all other ships ≥ 400 GT Contents of Supplement to IOPP Certificate updated II-1/3-3.2 (new regulation) Existing oil, gas and chemical tankers Final date for providing means according to Res. MSC .62(67) to gain safe access to the bow. II-2/59.1.11 (new sub-paragraph) Existing tankers Final date for complying with paragraphs .1.2.3 and .1.3.3 of Reg. II-2/59 (secondary means for full flow release of vapour from cargo tanks, alternatively pressure sensors with monitoring). For ships holding Chemical Code Certificates the final date is 01.07.2005 (see 1999 IBC and BCH Codes Amendments and combined MSC/Circ. 929 and MEPC/Circ. 362.) III/32.2.3 Pre 01.07.98 cargo ships Lights of lifejackets shall comply with paragraph 2.2.3 of the LSA Code. Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Cargo Ship Construction Certificates; Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificates; and Cargo Ship Safety Certificates Under the heading "Type of Ship" in these certificates the words "Bulk Carrier" are included. All ships A product's liability to cause tainting of seafood has been deleted as a criterion to identify harmful substances (marine pollutants). Appendix Revised definition of "nearest land" north east of Australia. Reg. 1 2000 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments Subject Regs. 1 & 2 All ships Discharge of incinerator ashes from plastic products which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues prohibited. Spanish language acknowledged in certificates, records etc. Reg. 9 Management of the Safe Operation of Ships. 01.07. 2002 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments Ch. IX Cargo ships ≥ 500 GT for which the ISM Code did not enter into force on 01.07.98 Mobile offshore drilling units ≥ 500 GT The International Safety Management (ISM) Code (Res. A.741(18)) made mandatory. Shipowning companies to hold a Document of Compliance and the ship/unit to hold a Safety Management Certificate. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 23 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.07. 2002 Convention 1998 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1 /14.3 New ships Testing of watertight compartments (filling with water not compulsory) IV /1.1 All ships ”unless provided otherwise” is inserted in Application IV / 2.1.16 (new sub-paragraph) All ships Definition of GMDSS identity IV / 2.2 All ships Reference to definitions in the Radio Regulations and SAR Convention IV / 5-1 (new regulation) All ships Governments to register GMDSS identity IV / 13.8 All ships Continuous supply of information to navigation receiver IV /15.9 IV / 18 (new regulation) All ships VI / 5.6 Securing of cargo All ships VII / 5.6 Paragraph 6(?) is deleted VII / 6 New heading: ”Stowage and securing” Carriage of dangerous goods VII /6.6 01.07.2002 01.07.2002 01.07.2002 01.07.2002 2000 IBC Code Amendments 2000 BCH Code Amendments 2000 IGC Code Amendments 2000 GC Code Amendments Testing of EPIRBs at 12 months intervals Position-updating of two-way communication equipment Rewording (excluding solid and liquid bulk cargoes) Chapters 5,14,15 & 16 Regulations 2.12, 3.16.11, 4.1 & 5.3.3 Chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 18. Chapters V, XIV, XVIII. All ships holding IBC Code Certificate All ships holding BCH Code Certificate New paragraph or rewording of existing paragraph in Consolidated Edition 1997: Loading, stowing and securing to be in accordance with the approved Cargo Securing Manual Stricter testing requirements for new cargo hoses. New alternative requirements for carbon disulphide. All ships holding IGC Code Certificate Editorials and clarifications. Stricter testing requirements for cargo hoses installed on or after 01.07.2002. All ships holding GC Code Certificate Stricter testing requirements for cargo hoses installed on or after 01.07.2002. DET NORSKE VERITAS 24 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Oil, gas and chemical tankers >20 000 TDW The exiting text of this regulation has been replaced by a new text. Paragraph 2 New ships The emergency towing arrangements shall be capable of rapid deployment in the absence of main power and easy connection. One of the arrangements to be prerigged ready for deployment. Requirements for strength and prototype testing. Paragraph 3 Existing ships II-1/3-4 01.07.2002 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments II-1/3-5 (new regulation) All ships, use of asbestos II-1/ (new subparagraph .7) New tankers II-2/2 18 hours emergency lighting in cargo pump-rooms. Completely revised Ch. II-2 including introduction of International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), which is mandatory. The technical requirements for fire safety systems and equipment are moved from Ch. II-2 to the FSS Code. Ch. II-2 II-2/1.6.5 In principle no new requirements. New installation of materials containing asbestos prohibited with a few exceptions (vanes in rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps, watertight joints and linings used for fluids at high temperature, supple and flexible thermal insulation assemblies for temperatures > 1000 °C) . New and existing combination carriers (OBO, Ore/bulk) New ships Cargoes other than oil shall not be carried unless all cargo spaces are empty of oil and gas-freed or unless the arrangements provided in each case have been approved by the Administration. The lay out of the chapter, way of approaching the requirements/regulations has been changed. The fire safety objectives of the chapter is to prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion; reduce the risk to life caused by fire; reduce the risk of damage to the ship, its cargo and environment caused by fire; contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin; and provide adequate and readily accessible means of escape for passengers and crew. New requirements highlighted here are: II-2/4.5.10 New tankers Temperature sensing devices with audible and visible alarm for shaft glands, bearings for cargo pumps, ballast pumps and stripping pumps installed in cargo pump-rooms and driven by shafts passing through pump room bulkheads. Interlock between lighting (except emergency lightning) and ventilation in cargo pump-rooms such that ventilation shall be on when switching on the lightning. Continuous monitoring of concentration of hydrocarbon gases in cargo pump-rooms. Automatic audible and visible alarm when concentration reaches a level higher than 10% of the lower flammable limit. Cargo pump-rooms shall have bilge level monitoring devices with alarm. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 25 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.07.2002 continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued II-2/ New ships & new installations on board existing ships Fire extinguishing systems using Halon 1211, 1301, and 2402 and perfluorocarbons are prohibited. II-2/10.5.6 New cargo ships 2000 GT Fixed water-based (or equivalent) local application firefighting systems in category A machinery spaces > 500m3 in gross volume. In periodically unattended machinery spaces the system shall have both automatic and manual release capabilities. Continuously manned machinery spaces need manual release capability only. II-2/10.6.4 New ships & new installations on board existing ships Requirements introduced for deep-fat cooking equipment: extinguishing system with alarm indicating operation, primary and backup thermostat with alarm, automatic shutting off electric power when activating the extinguishing system. II-2/13.3.4 New cargo ships Min. 2 emergency escape breathing devices within accommodation spaces. II-2/ New ships More specific requirements for escape ladder from machinery spaces (fire insulation, min. 800 mm x 800 mm internal dimensions, emergency lighting). II-2/13.4.3 New ships Emergency escape breathing devices to be situated at easily visible and reachable places within the machinery spaces. II-2/Part E New ships In general more detailed requirements for operational readiness (operational readiness and maintenance; instructions, onboard training and drills; operations). II-2/14.2.2 New ships A maintenance plan for fire protection systems and fire-fighting systems shall be kept on board. II-2/14.4 New tankers Maintenance plan also for inert gas systems, deck foam systems, fire safety arrangements in cargo pumprooms, and flammable gas detectors. II-2/15.2.3 New ships A training manual shall be provided in crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. II-2/16.1& .2 New ships Fire safety operational booklets shall be provided on board. New tankers The fire safety operational booklets shall include provisions for preventing fire spread to the cargo area and procedures for cargo tank purging and/or gasfreeing. Requirements for vent outlets if inert gas system is not provided. II-2/16.3 II-2/17 New ships II-2/18 New Helicopter facilities This regulation introduces the option for designs and arrangements alternative to prescriptive requirements otherwise found in Ch. II-2. The regulation prescribes how to carry out engineering analyses, evaluation and approval of the alternative designs and arrangements. Requirements for helicopter facilities have been introduced. (For definitions, see Reg. II-2/3.26 & .27). Ch.V Completely revised Ch. V. V/14.3 A working language shall be established and entered in log book. All plans/lists required to be posted are to be translated to the working language (this requirement was previously only applicable to passenger ships). All ships DET NORSKE VERITAS 26 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.07.2002 continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation V/14.4 Applicable to Subject All ships to which Ch. I applies English shall be the working language for bridgeto-bridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications as well as on board for communication with the pilot, unless those directly involved speak another common language. New ships Several new requirements. Highlighted here are: V/ & .5 V/ V/ V/ New ships irrespective of size New ships < 150 GT Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with back-up arrangements may be accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements. GPS or terrestrial radio navigation system (or other means for position identification). Sound reception system for totally enclosed bridges. Radar Reflector V/ An echo sounding device required (previously only required for ships on international voyages). V/ A 9 GHz radar required (previously only required for ships on international voyages). V/ New ships 300 GT V/ An electronic plotting aid (EPA) required Device to indicate speed and distance through water (previously only required for ships 500 GT). V/ A transmitting heading device (TDC) required V/19.2.4 New ships 500 GT on all voyages, new cargo ships 300 GT on international voyages V/ New ships 500 GT V/ New ships 3000 GT Automatic identification system (AIS). An automatic tracking aid (ATA) required. A second radar required which shall be a 3 GHz radar (the Administration may accept a second 9 GHz radar) (two radars previously only required for ships 10 000 GT). V/ Two independent automatic tracking aids (ATA) required. V/ The ARPA shall be capable of plotting at least 20 targets. V/ New ships 10 000 GT V/ New ships 50 000 GT Heading (autopilot) or Track control system required. Rate of turn indicator required (previously only required for ships 100 000 GT with keel laid on or after 01.09.1984) A device to indicate speed and distance over the ground in forward and athwartships direction required. V/ V/20.1.4 New ships 3000 GT Voyage data recorder (VDR) required IX/3.1 Safety management Underlining that the Safety Management Code shall be treated as mandatory. IX/6.2 & .3 Safety management: Change of flagstate or company Paragraph 3 is deleted. X/1.1& .2 High-speed cargo craft 500 GT Introducing the 2000 High-Speed Craft (HSC) Code. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 27 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.07.2002 continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments 01.07.2002 01.07.2002 First survey after 01.07.2002 December 2000 SOLAS Protocol 1988 Amendments 2000 Amendments to Res. A.744(18), Guidelines on the enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers December 2000 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to Subject X/1.3 High-speed craft cargo 500 GT Excluding from definition of "High speed craft" craft the hull of which is supported completely clear above the water surface in non-deplacement mode by aerodynamic forces generated by ground effect (Wingin-Ground (WIG) craft). (Previous paragraph 2 renumbered as paragraph 3). X/1.5 New High-speed cargo craft 500 GT Stage of construction: 1% of estimated mass changed to 3% of estimated mass. (Previous paragraph 4 renumbered as paragraph 5) X/2 & X/3 New High-speed cargo craft 500 GT 2000 HSC Code applicable to new high-speed craft. Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificates & Cargo Ship Safety Certificates New section 3 resp. section 5 to the Record of Equipment (Form E and Form C resp.) included (regarding navigational systems and equipment). Present sections 5 and 6 deleted from Form C. Annex A, para. 2.2.2 (ref. Reg. XI/2 of SOLAS) Bulk carriers 15 years Bottom surveys to be carried out in dry dock (i.e. at intermediate and special surveys). Annex B, para. 2.2.2 (ref. Reg. XI/2 of SOLAS) Oil tankers II-2/ II-2/ Existing cargo ships At least two emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried within accomodation. II-2/13.4.3 II-2/ Existing ships Emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried within the machinery spaces. II-2/Part E Existing ships In general more detailed requirements for operational readiness (operational readiness and maintenance; instructions, onboard training and drills; operations). II-2/14.2.2 II-2/ Existing ships A maintenance plan for fire protection systems and fire-fighting systems shall be kept on board. II-2/14.4 II-2/ Existing tankers Maintenance plan also for inert gas systems, deck foam systems, fire safety arrangements in cargo pump rooms and flammable gas detectors. II-2/15.2.3 II-2/ Existing ships A training manual shall be provided in crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. II-2/16.1 & .2 II-2/ Existing ships Fire safety operational booklets shall be provided on board. II-2/16.3 II-2/ Existing tankers The fire safety operational booklet shall include provisions for preventing fire spread to the cargo area and procedures for cargo tank gas-puring and/or gasfreeing. 15 years DET NORSKE VERITAS 28 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation First survey after 01.07.2002 continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued V/ V/ First dry docking after 01.07. 2002 1999 IBC Code Amendments 1999 BCH Code Amendments Ch. 8, 8.1 & 8.3.3 Ch. 2 2.14.3 Applicable to Subject Existing ships GPS or terrestrial radio navigation system (or other means for position identification) required. Radio direction finder no longer required (and Exemption Certificate w.r.t RDF no longer relevant). Ships holding IBC Code Certificates Ships holding BCH Code Certificates First scheduled dry-docking after 01.07.2002 (but not later than 01.07.2005) December 2000 SOLAS Amendments II-2/1.6.7 Existing tankers 01.09.2002 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg. 13 G Existing single hull oil tankers 01.01.2003 1998 STCW Code Amendments Tables A-II/1 & A-II/2 Deck officers engaged in cargo handling and stowage 1999 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments All oil tankers 150 GT, all other ships 400 GT certificated to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk SOPEP plan may be combined with the Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances required by Annex II, Reg. 16 Reg. 16 (new reg.) All ships certificated to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk Ship shall carry Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances. 1999 MARPOL, Annex II Amendments 01.01.2003 2001 SOLAS Amendments VII/14.2 01.01.2003 2001 INF Code Amendments (ref. Reg. VII/14.1 of SOLAS) All ships carrying dangerous goods in packaged form or in solid form in bulk (also cargo ships < 500 GT) Carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships. Reg.13.1 01.01.2003 The specifications have been made more detailed 26(3) (new paragraph) 01.01.2003 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments The requirements of Reg. II-2/ (temperature sensing devices with audible and visual alarms for shaft glands, bearings for cargo pumps, ballast pumps and stripping pumps installed in cargo pump-rooms and driven by shafts passing through pump-room bulkheads), Reg. II-2/ (bilge level monitoring devices with alarms in pump-rooms), and a system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydrocarbon gases in cargo pump-rooms shall be complied with / fitted. New text of Reg. 13 G. Applicable to existing single hull oil tankers as per footnote 1) to this table. The Administration may allow continued operation subject to compliance with CAS as per footnote 2) to this table. The 1999 Reg. 13 G (1) amendments have been superseded by the 2001 MARPOL Annex I Amendments which entered into force 01.09.2002, see above. 13 G (1) 01.01.2003 Secondary means for full flow release of vapour from cargo tanks, alternatively pressure sensors with monitoring. (To be complied with not later than 01.07.2005). The reference to "schedule 10, 11, 12 or 13" in the IMDG Code is changed to "transport schedule 10, 11, 12 or 13". The words "schedule 10, 11, 12 or 13" are replaced by "transport schedule 10, 11, 12 or 13". Reg.13.14 Existing High speed cargo craft 500 GT Editorial changes Nautical charts and nautical publications to be provided. In lieu of nautical charts an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with back-up may be accepted. Annex 1 High Speed Craft Safety Certificate A new section 5 (regarding navigational systems and equipment) is added in the Record of Equipment. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 29 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.01.2003 (reference is made to explanation in Item 3 on pages 4 & 5) Convention IAFS Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Annex 1 All ships Ships shall not apply or re-apply anti-fouling systems containing organotin, e.g. TBT. Annex 4, Reg. 2 Ships ≥ 400 GT engaged in international voyages An International Anti-Fouling System (IAFS) Certificate to be carried. Until the IAFS Convention enters into force a Statement of Compliance ought to be carried. Annex 4, Reg. 5 Ships < 400 GT and Length ≥ 24 m engaged in international voyages A Declaration signed by the Owners or Owner’s authorised agent to be carried no later than when the IAFS Convention enters into force. Reg. 13 G(4) Category 1, 2, and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1973 or earlier See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2003 and 31.12.2003 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 01.07. 2003 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments II-2/15.2.12 Ships constructed before 01.07.98 Paragraphs 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11 of Reg. 15 to be complied with within this date, i.e. stricter requirements for protection of oil fuel lines (jacketed piping for highpressure pipes, insulation of surfaces with temp. above 220ºC, screening). First survey for safety equipment after 01.07.2003 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments V/ Existing tankers > 300 GT An automatic identification system (AIS) to be fitted. MARPOL, Annex IV Annex IV (sewage) 27.09.2003 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 MARPOL, Annex IV enters into force. However, the original Annex IV is replaced by the 2000 MARPOL Annex IV Amendments (“the revised text”) entering into force the same date, see next line. All ships the building contracts of which are signed on or after 27.09.2003, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 deleted, and paragraph 8 renumbered as paragraph 3. IV/1 IV/3 IV/4.1.6 01.01.2004 May 2002 SOLAS Amendments The revised text of Annex IV to be informally applied. General (radio communications) Paragraph 2.3 deleted (no longer relevant). Reference to Reg. V/12(g) and (h) replaced by reference to Reg. V/ of the December 2000 SOLAS Amendments. IV/12 Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 deleted (no longer relevant), and paragraph 5 renumbered as paragraph 2. Paragraph 4 deleted (no longer relevant). IV/14 Paragraph 2 deleted, and in paragraph 1 the words “Subject to paragraph 2” are deleted. IV/7 DET NORSKE VERITAS 30 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.01.2004 continued May 2002 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation V/21.2 (new paragraph 2) 01.01.2004 2002 Amendments to Res. A.744(18), Guidelines on the enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers (Annex A) and Oil Tankers (Annex B) All ships All ships shall carry an up-to-date copy of Volume III of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR Manual). VI/2.2.3 Carriage of bulk cargo which may create a potential hazard Reference to Reg. VII/2 replaced by a reference to the IMDG Code, as defined in Reg. VII/1.1. VI/5 Stowage and securing of cargo The expression “cargo transport units” is introduced. VI/6.3 Loading and shipment of cargo which may create a potential hazard Reference to Reg. VII/2 is replaced by a reference to the IMDG Code, as defined in Reg. VII/1.1. Ch. VII, Part A Existing Part A is replaced by a new Part A and a new Part A-1. New Part A (Regulations 1 through 6) Heading: “Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Packaged Form”. The new IMDG Code (Res. MSC.122(75)) made mandatory. An approved Cargo Securing Manual Required. Carriage of dangerous goods, also in cargo ships < 500 GT New Part A-1 (Regulations 7 through 7-4) Heading: “Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Solid Form in Bulk”. The new IMDG Code (Res. MSC.122(75)) made mandatory. VII/14.2 The definition of INF Cargo refers to class 7 of the new IMDG Code. Carriage of INF cargo Paragraph 6 deleted (reference to the old IMDG Code). Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Section 2, items 7 and 8 and related footnotes and Section 4 are deleted from the Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Form R). Section 2, items 7 and 8 and related footnotes and Section 4 are deleted from the Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (Form R). Cargo Ship Safety Certificate Section 3, items 7 and 8 and related footnotes are deleted from the Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Form C). For application of Res. A.744(18) reference is made to Reg. XI/2 of SOLAS Bulk carriers & Oil tankers These guidelines have been amended to correspond with the revised IACS Unified Requirement for ESP ships. The main amendments are highlighted below: Annex A, paragraph 1.3 Bulk carriers Prompt and thorough repairs of damages in association with wastage over allowed limits. Annex A, paragraph 3.6 Pre. 01.07.1999 bulk carriers Length 150 m Additional annual survey of the foremost cargo hold in accordance with the requirements of annex 12 required for single sided skin ships constructed with insufficient number of transverse watertight bulkheads carrying solid bulk cargoes with density of 1780 kg/m3 and above. Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) 01.01.2004 Subject New heading of the regulation: “International Code of Signals and IAMSAR Manual”. V/21 VII/14.6 2002 Amendments to the SOLAS Protocol 1988 Applicable to Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 31 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.01.2004 continued 2002 Amendments to Res. A.744(18), Guidelines on the enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers (Annex A) and Oil Tankers (Annex B) continued Annex A, paragraph 4.4 Bulk carriers > 15 years of age Intermediate enhanced survey to be of the same extent as the previous Special Survey for Class. Annex A, paragraph 7.1.1 Bulk carriers The required thickness measurements to be witnessed by a surveyor of the recognised organisation. Annex B, paragraph 1.3 Prompt and thorough repairs of damages in association with wastage over allowed limits. Annex B, paragraph 2.1.5 Cargo and ballast piping on deck and in tanks to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure. Oil tankers All ballast tanks adjacent to a cargo tank with any means of heating are to be examined annually unless the coating was found to be in GOOD condition at the previous intermediate or periodical survey. Annex B, paragraph 3.5.3 Annex B, paragraph 4.4 Oil tankers > 15 years of age Intermediate enhanced survey to be of the same extent as the previous Special Survey for Class. Annex B, paragraph 7.1.1 Oil tankers The required thickness measurements to be witnessed by a surveyor of the recognised organisation. Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2004 and 31.12.2004 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 G(4) Category 1, 2, and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1974 and 1975 See footnote 1) 01.07.2004 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments V/ Existing non-tankers 50 000 GT An automatic identification system (AIS) to be fitted II-1/12-2 Pre. 2005 oil tankers 500 GT but constructed on or after 01.10.1994 This regulation is deleted and replaced with the new Reg. II-1/3-6. However, Reg. II-1/3-6 applies to ships constructed on or after 01.01.2005, while ships constructed in the period 01.10.94 to 31.12.2004 shall comply with Reg. II-1/12-2. II-1/31.2.10 (new subparagraph 2.10) New ships Automatic systems for machinery control shall have threshold warning to the officer in charge of navigation watch of impending or imminent slow down or shutdown of the propulsion system. The officer shall have the opportunity to manually intervene with an automatic slowdown or stopping process. II-2/3.20 All ships The definition of dangerous goods refers to the IMDG Code. II-2/19 All ships carrying dangerous goods In table 19.3 the dangerous goods classes 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 are changed to class 3; and for class 5.2 a footnote is added concerning paragraphs 3.10.1 and 3.10.2 prohibiting storage of class 3 dangerous goods under deck or in enclosed ro-ro spaces. 01.07.2004 December 2002 SOLAS Amendments XII/12 (new regulation) New bulk carriers XII/13 (new regulation) New bulk carriers In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Water level detectors with audible and visual alarm to the navigation bridge shall be fitted in each cargo hold, in any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead, and in dry or void spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold. Means of draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead or dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold shall be operable from an enclosed space readily accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. DET NORSKE VERITAS 32 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject The definition of INF Cargo refers to class 7 of the new IMDG Code. 01.07.2004 2002 INF Code Amendments Carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board ships. In the application the word ”should” is replaced with ”shall”. 1.2.2 V/ All ships fitted with AIS 01.07.2004 Continuous operation of the AIS required. The existing Ch. XI (Special measures to enhance maritime safety) is renumbered as Ch. XI-1. Ch. XI December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments The reference to Reg. VII/14.6 of SOLAS is changed to Reg. VII/1.1, which defines the new IMDG Code. XI/3.4 Historic XI-1/3.4 & /3.5 (new paragraphs 4 & 5) New cargo ships GT The existing paragraph 4 is deleted. 300 Permanent marking of the ship’s IMO number both externally and inside the ship. All ships All ships to which Ch. I applies shall be issued by the Administration with a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). The CSR shall provide an on-board record of the history of the ship with respect to information such as name of ship, flag State, date of registry, IMO number, owners, body / bodies issuing relevant certificates, etc., and changes in this information. Pre. 01.07.2004 ships The CSR shall at least cover the history from 01.07.2004. XI-1/5 (new regulation) Special measures to enhance maritime security. Ch. XI-2 (new chapter) All ships engaged on international voyages, including high-speed craft and mobile offshore drilling units, and port facilities Introducing the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), and making Part A of the Code mandatory and Part B recommendatory. The ships shall carry an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC). Information on the ISPS Code is given in Item 5 on page 5 of this Note. From Ch. XI-2 the following is highlighted here: DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 33 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.07.2004 continued December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments continued First annual, intermediate or renewal survey (of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate) after 01.07.2004 31.12.2004 Subject XI-2/6.1.1 New ships A ship security alert system shall be provided. XI-2/8 All ships Master’s discretion for ship safety and security. XI-2/11 Ships on short international voyages on fixed routes Governments may conclude bilateral or multilateral alternative security agreements covering short international voyages on fixed routes. December 2002 SOLAS Amendments Water level detectors with audible and visual alarm to the navigation bridge shall be fitted in each cargo hold, in any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead, and in dry or void spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold. Pre. 01.07.2004 bulk carriers Means of draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead or dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold shall be operable from an enclosed space readily accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. XII/13.2 (new regulation 13) First safety equipment survey after 01.07.2004 First survey of the radio installation after 01.07.2004 Applicable to XII/12.3 (new regulation 12) First intermediate or renewal survey (of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate) after 01.07.2004 First scheduled dry-docking after 01.07.2004 Regulation December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments V/ 300 GT existing nontankers < 50 000 GT An automatic identification system (AIS) to be fitted, however, not later than 31.12.2004, if that date occurs earlier than the first safety equipment survey. XI-1/3.4 & /3.5 (new paragraphs 4 & 5) Existing cargo ships 300 GT Permanent marking of the ship’s IMO number both externally and inside the ship. XI-2/6.1.3 Pre. 01.07.2004 oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft 500 GT A ship security alert system shall be provided. V/ 300 GT existing nontankers < 50 000 GT Last date for fitting of an automatic identification system (AIS). DET NORSKE VERITAS 34 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.01.2005 Convention December 2002 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to II-1/3-6 (new regulation) This new regulation replaces Reg. II-1/12-2, and is extended to also apply to bulk carriers. This regulation is revised again by the May 2004 SOLAS Amendments (Res. MSC.151(78), in force from 01.01.2006 (the Administration may apply it from 01.01.2005)). paragraph 2 Permanent means of access to all cargo and ballast spaces shall be provided and shall comply with the Technical provisions for means of access for inspections (Res. MSC.133(76)). paragraph 3 New oil tankers ≥ 500 GT, & New bulk carriers ≥ 20 000 GT An approved Ship Structure Access Manual required. paragraph 5 Requirements for size of access openings. Annex B The 2003 Amendments to the 1988 Load Line Protocol enter into force. Completely revised Annex B (the regulations of the International Convention on Load Lines). Highlighted here are (see also information in Item 6 on page 6): Several sketches and tables are introduced to illustrate requirements. General Expected: 01.01.2005 Requirements for number of accesses to various spaces. paragraph 4 New ships with length 24 m 2003 Amendments to Annex B of the 1988 Load Line Protocol Subject 1 (3) Intact stability Compliance with an intact stability standard acceptable to the Administration required. 2-1 (new regulation) Authorization Authorized organizations shall comply with guidelines in Res. A.739(19) and specifications in Res. A.789(19) as these resolutions my be amended. 10 (2) Stability information Stability information and loading information related to the ship strength (when required) shall be approved. 12 (4) Door sills Portable door sills shall be avoided. However, when allowed, they shall be installed before the ship leaves port, and they shall be gasketed and fastened by closely spaced through bolts. 14-1 (new regulation) Hatchway coamings 14-1 (1) is the previous Reg. 15 (1) (coaming heights). 14-1 (2) is the previous Reg. 16 (1) (reduced coaming heights or flush hatches). 16 Hatches New and stricter sea loads on hatches (in general doubled and even more for forward hatches). 17 (2) Access in machinery casing If not protected by other structures, accesses in machinery casings in position 1 on type A, B-100, and B-60 ships shall have an inner weathertight door with sill height 230 mm. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 35 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Expected: 01.01.2005 continued 2003 Amendments to Annex B of the 1988 Load Line Protocol Regulation Applicable to Subject 17 (3) Ventilation of emergency generator room If the emergency generator room is considered buoyant in the stability calculations or if it protects openings leading below, its ventilators shall have coaming heights of min. 4.5 m or 2.3 m in positions 1 and 2 resp. 21 Ports in ships’ shell Ports in ships’ shells shall be at least 230 mm above the uppermost load line unless otherwise permitted and additional features installed. 22 (2) Scuppers from enclosed superstructures Scuppers from enclosed superstructures used for carriage of cargo my only be led overboard if the edge of the freeboard deck is not immersed when the ship heels 5º. 22-1 (new regulation) Garbage chutes Regulations for overboard systems for garbage chutes introduced. 22-2 (new regulation) Spurling pipes and cable lockers Regulations for spurling pipes and cable lockers introduced. 23 Sidescuttles, windows and skylights Clearer definitions and requirements. 24 Freeing ports The requirements now also take into consideration the free flow area, and requirements for freeing of water from within partly open superstructures are introduced. 25-1 (new regulation) Means for safe passage of crew Alternative methods for arranging safe passage described. 27 (11), (12) & (13) (new paragraphs) Types of ships / stability New paragraphs have been introduced dealing with: initial conditions of loading, damage assumptions, and condition of equlibrium . 32-1 (new regulation) Recess in freeboard deck In the calculation of minimum freeboard a correction for recess in the freeboard deck has been introduced. 34 Freeboard calculation More detailed description on how to calculate length of superstructure. 39 Minimum bow height New formula for minimum bow height and reserve buoyancy based on deck wetness considerations. continued Expected: 01.01.2005 2003 Amendments to Res. A.744(18) Annex B, annex 12, section 2 Annex B, annex 12, Appendix 3 (new appendix 3) The condition of the hull girder for longitudinal strength evaluation should be determined in accordance with the methods specified in appendix 3. Oil tankers The new Appendix 3 specifies sampling methods of thickness measurements for longitudinal strength evaluation and repair menthods. DET NORSKE VERITAS 36 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to As per operative paragraph 6 of Res. MSC.151(78) and MSC/Circ. 1107 Contracting Governments may apply the amended Reg. II-1/3-6 from 01.01.2005 (in stead of from the actual entry into force date 01.01.2006). Title of the regulation is changed to: “Access to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area of oil tankers and bulk carriers” (i.e. the words “and forward of” have been added). II-1/3-6 paragraph 1.1 Advanced application: 01.01.2005 May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 1st set paragraph 2.1 Subject Oil tankers ≥ 500 GT, & bulk carriers ≥ 20 000 GT with keel laid in the period 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2005 Application date of these amendments is 01.01.2006. See, however, above regarding application from 01.01.2005. The words “within the cargo area” are deleted so that the requirement for means of access applies not only to spaces within the cargo area. Further the requirement that the means of access shall be permanent has been removed. paragraph 3.1 Changed so that the requirement for access to double bottom spaces also applies to forward ballast tanks. paragraph 4.1 The words “in the cargo area” are deleted so that the requirement for a Ship structure access manual applies not only to spaces within the cargo area. 2004 IMDG Code Amendments Chapters 1.4 3.1 3.2 Dangerous goods list Ships carrying dangerous goods The entry into force date is 01.01.2006, however, in Res. MSC.157(78) Contracting Governments are encouraged to apply these amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 01.01.2005. Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2005 and 04.04.2005 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 G(4) Category 1, 2, and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1976 and 1977 See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). For category 1 footnote 2) applies. 05.04.2005 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Existing single hull oil tankers New text of Reg. 13 G. Applicable to existing single hull oil tankers as per footnote 1) to this table. The Administration may allow continued operation subject to compliance with CAS as per footnote 2) to this table. Voluntary application date: 01.01.2005 05.04.2005 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Revision Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 05.04.2005 and 31.12.2005 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg. 13 G Minor changes. Reg. 13 H Existing single hull oil tankers of 5000 tons deadweight Reg.13 G(4) Category 1 oil tankers delivered in 1976 and younger See footnote 1) New Reg. 13 H. Applicable to existing single hull oil tankers. The vessels are banned from carrying heavy grade oil In order to continue trading as an oil tanker carrying heavy grade oil the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 37 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 G(4) Category 2, and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1976 and 1977 See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). For category 2 and 3 footnote 2) applies. New Annex VI All ships Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from ships, enters into force. Regs. 5 & 6 GT ≥ 400 Survey & inspection. Certificate required Reg. 13 Diesel engines ≥ 130 kW, ship keel laid ≥ 01.01.2000 or conversions/new installations NOx emission. Retroactive requirements. Reg. 16 Incinerators installed ≥ 01.01.2000 Shipboard incineration only allowed in approved incinerators. Retroactive requirements. 1999 IBC Code Amendments Ch.8, 8.1 & 8.3.3 Ships holding IBC code certificates 1999 BCH Code Amendments Ch.2, 2.14.3 Ships holding BCH code certificates 01.07.2005 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments II-2/1.6.7 Existing tankers Last date for complying with the requirements of Reg.II-2/1.6.7. Expected: 01.08.2005 2004 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 All ships the building contracts of which are signed on or after 27.09.2003, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons Formal entry into force date of the revised text of Annex IV. This has no practical consequences, as the text has been informally applied from 27.09.2003, see the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments at that date. Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 05.04.2005 and 31.12.2005 19.05.2005 01.07.2005 1997 MARPOL, Annex VI Protocol As per operative paragraph 6 of Res. MSC.151(78) and MSC/Circ. 1107 Contracting Governments may apply the amended Reg. II-1/3-6 from 01.01.2005. Title of the regulation is changed to: “Access to and within spaces in, and forward of, the cargo area of oil tankers and bulk carriers” (i.e. the words “and forward of” have been added). II-1/3-6 Expected: 01.01.2006 May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 1st set paragraph 1.1 Final date for complying with IBC code 8.1 & 8.3.3 or BCH code 2.14.3 respectively (secondary means for full flow release of vapour from cargo tanks, alternatively pressure sensors with monitoring). New oil tankers ≥ 500 GT, & New bulk carriers ≥ 20 000 GT Application date of these amendments is 01.01.2006. See, however, above regarding application from 01.01.2005. paragraph 2.1 The words “within the cargo area” are deleted so that the requirement for means of access applies not only to spaces within the cargo area. Further the requirement that the means of access shall be permanent has been removed. paragraph 3.1 Changed so that the requirement for access to double bottom spaces also applies to forward ballast tanks. paragraph 4.1 The words “in the cargo area” are deleted so that the requirement for a Ship structure access manual applies not only to spaces within the cargo area. DET NORSKE VERITAS 38 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Expected: 01.01.2006 Expected: 01.01.2006 Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 2004 Amendments to The Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections Refers to Reg. II-1/3-6 of SOLAS, see above New oil tankers ≥ 500 GT, & New bulk carriers ≥ 20 000 GT The Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections in Res. MSC.133(76), mandatory under Reg. II-1/3-6.2.1 of SOLAS, have been revised. 2004 IMDG Code Amendments Chapters 1.4 3.1 3.2 Dangerous goods list Ships carrying dangerous goods The entry into force date is 01.01.2006, however, in Res. MSC.157(78) Contracting Governments are encouraged to apply these amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 01.01.2005. In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Footnote 2) applies. An automatic identification system (AIS) to be provided. Minor changes Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2006 and 31.12.2006 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 G(4) Category 2 and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1978 and 1979 See footnote 1) 01.07.2006 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Reg. Existing cargo high speed craft 3000 GT Reg. V/2.4 (new paragraph 4) Reg. V/22.1 Expected: 01.07.2006 Expected: 01.07.2006 2003 SOLAS Amendments May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set Definition: “Length of a ship” means its length overall. Ships constructed on or after 01.07.1998 with length between 45 m and 55 m Reg. V/28 The requirements in Reg. V/22 regarding navigation bridge visibility changed from applying to ships not less than 45 m in length to ships not less than 55 m in length. Heading of the regulation is changed to “Records of navigational activities and daily reporting”. The ship shall submit a daily report to its company, may be submitted automatically. The report shall contain the ship’s position, course and speed, and details of any external or internal conditions that are affecting the ship’s voyage or the normal safe operation of the ship. All daily reports shall be retained by the company for the duration of the voyage. Reg. V/28.2 (new paragraph 2) Ships 500 GT engaged on international voyages exceeding 48 hours III/ All ships At lifeboat drills no crew needed in the lifeboats during launching. III/20.1 Pre. 01.07.1986 ships Reference to paragraph 3 of this regulation changed to paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 (as a consequence of the amendments to paragraph 3). All ships MSC/Circ. 1093 made compulsory, i.e. maintenance, testing and inspections of lifesaving appliances shall be carried out based on the guidelines in that circular. III/20.3 DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 39 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Expected: 01.07.2006 continued May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set continued Regulation Applicable to Subject III/20.6 A report of the weekly inspections of life-saving appliances shall be entered in the log-book. III/20.6.1 It is added that the weekly visual inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the condition of hooks, their attachment to the lifeboat, and the onload release gear being properly and completely reset. All ships III/20.6.3 Lifeboats, except fee-fall lifeboats, shall weekly be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent necessary to demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and and sea conditions so allow. (new subpargraph 3, the existing subpargraph 3 renumbered as 4) III/20.7.1 (new subpargraph 1, the existing text renumbered as 2) All ships All lifeboats, except for free-fall lifeboats, shall monthly be turned out from their stowed position, without any persons on board. III/ Wording “serviced at recommended intervals” changed to “maintained” (in accordance with instructions for on-board maintenance as required by Reg. 36). III/ Frequency of thorough examination of launching appliances changed from 5-yearly to annually. All ships Upon completion of the above annual thorough examination a dynamic test of the winch brakes to be carried out with a mass equal to the lifeboat without persons on board. III/ However, at 5 year intervals the mass shall be 1.1 x maximum working load of the winch. III/ All ships with on-load release gears for lifeboats III/ III/32.3 New cargo ships Wording “serviced at recommended intervals” changed to “maintained” (in accordance with instructions for on-board maintenance as required by Reg. 36). Frequency of thorough examination and operational test of on-load release gear for cargo ships changed to annually. An immersion suit is required for every person on board. Except for bulk carriers these immersion suits need not be required for ships constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates. Additional immersion suits shall be provided for persons at watch or work stations remote from the immersion suits stowage position(s). DET NORSKE VERITAS 40 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Expected: 01.07.2006 continued May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set continued Regulation Applicable to Subject IV/15.9.1 All ships In the existing paragraph 9 the wording about annual testing of satellite EPIRBs has been changed from “..... with particular emphasis on frequency stability, signal strength and coding.” to “..... with special emphasis on checking the emission on operational frequencies, coding and registration.”, and the testing shall be carried out within 3 months before the expiry date of the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate or 3 months before or after the anniversary date of the certificate. IV/15.9.2 (new subparagraph 2) All ships Satellite EPIRBs are subject to maintenance by an approved shore-based maintenance facility at intervals not exceeding 5 years. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate In the Record of Equipment (Form E) in section 2, item 9 is deleted, and items 10, 10.1 and 10.2 are renumbered as items 9, 9.1 and 9.2 respectively. V/2.5 (new paragraph 5) Search and rescue Definition of “Search and rescue service”. V/33 Distress situations V/33.1 Master’s duty to assist in a distress situation Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Expected: 01.07.2006 May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 3rd set V/33.1-1 (new paragraph 1-1) V/33.6 (new paragraph 6) V/34.3 V/34-1 (new regulation) Expected: 01.07.2006 2004 Amendments to SOLAS Protocol 1988 Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Contracting Governments Contracting Governments shall co-ordinate and cooperate to release masters’ of their obligations, assist survivors from assisting ships and deliver them to a place of safety. Masters’ treatment of embarked persons Masters of ships who have embarked persons in distress at sea shall treat them with humanity. Owners’ responsibilities towards masters’ discretion The text of paragraph 3 of Reg. V/34 is moved to a new Reg. V/34-1 (not to prevent or restrict the master from taking or executing necessary decisions). Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate In the Record of Equipment (Form E and Form C respectively) in section 2, item 9 is deleted, and items 10, 10.1 and 10.2 are renumbered as items 9, 9.1 and 9.2 respectively. Cargo Ship Safety Certificate A sentence is added that the notion of a person in distress at sea also includes persons in need of assistance who have found refuge on a coast in a remote location within an ocean area inaccessible to any rescue facility other than as provided for in the annex. Paragraph 2.1.1 Expected: 01.07.2006 2004 SAR Convention Amendments Paragraph (new subparagraph Paragraph 3.1.9 (new subparagraph 3.1.9) In the title of Reg. V/33 the words “Distress messages” are changed to: “Distress situations”. In the first sentence the words “a signal” are replaced with “information” (on persons being in distress), and a new sentence is added that the obligation to provide assistence applies regardless of nationality or staus of distressed persons or the circumstances in which they are found. Search and rescue States’ responsibility to co-operate with other RCCs to identify the most appropriate place(s) for disembarking of persons found in distress at sea. Parties shall co-ordinate and co-operate to release masters’ of their obligations, assist survivors from assisting ships and deliver them to a place of safety.. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 41 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Expected: 01.07.2006 2004 STCW Code Amendments Ch. I, Section A-I/2, paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 Certificates and endorsements In the heading of the certificate and endorsements respectively the phrase “in 1995” is deleted. III/31.1.8 (new subparagraph 1.8) New bulk carriers New bulk carriers shall comply with sub-paragraph 1.2, i.e. they shall carry free-fall lifeboats. Ch. XII Bulk carriers Revised Ch. XII enters into force. The following changes are highlighted here: XII/1 General XII/4.3 Proposed: 01.07.2006 Proposed December 2004 SOLAS Amedments XII/5.2 XII/6.2, .3, & .4 XII/7.2 First survey of the radio installation after 01.07.2006 December 2002 SOLAS Conference Expected: First safety equipment survey after 01.07.2006 May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set 27.09.2006 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2007 and 31.12.2007 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments New bulk carriers of double-side skin construction with doubleside skin space < B/5, designed to carry solid bulk cargoes with density 1000 kg/m³, L 150m New bulk carriers of double-side skin construction, L 150m Bulk carriers The definitions are changed. Damage stability: Shall be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading conditions. Structural strength: Shall have structural strength as for single-skin construction (i.e. shall comply with paragraph 1 of Reg. XII/5). Requirements for structural strength of bulk carriers of double-side skin construction. Maintenance requirements. Shall be fitted with a loading instrument for intact stability. The computer software shall be approved and shall be provided with standard conditions for testing. Not allowed to sail in full load condition (i.e. 90% of the ship’s deadweight) with any cargo hold loaded to less than 10% of the hold’s max. allowable cargo weight unless meeting the structural strength requirements in Reg. XII/5.1 and the Standards and criteria for side structures of bulk carriers of single-side skin constructon (Res. MSC….(..), not available yet). XII/11.3 New bulk carriers, L < 150 m XII/14 (new regulation) 10 years and older bulk carriers of single-side skin construction carrying cargo with density 1780 kg/m³, L 150m XI-2/6.1.4 Pre. 01.07.2004 500 GT which are not oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo high-speed craft, and mobile offshore drilling units A ship security alert system shall be provided. III/32.3 Existing (pre 01.07.2006) cargo ships An immersion suit is required for every person on board. Except for bulk carriers these immersion suits need not be required for ships constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates. Additional immersion suits shall be provided for persons at watch or work stations remote from the immersion suits stowage position(s). Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 All ships with delivery date 27.09.2006 (and building contract signed before 27.09.2003), and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons Must comply with the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments. Reg.13 G(4) Category 2 and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1980 and 1981 See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Footnote 2) applies. DET NORSKE VERITAS 42 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.2007 Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Reg. 500 GT ≤ existing cargo high speed craft < 3000 GT An automatic identification system (AIS) to be provided. 01.07.2007 December 2002 SOLAS Amendments XII/13.2 Pre. 01.07.2004 bulk carriers Last date for complying with Reg. XII/13, i.e. means of draining and pumping ballast tanks forward of the collision bulkhead or dry spaces any part of which extends forward of the foremost cargo hold shall be operable from an enclosed space readily accessible from the navigation bridge or propulsion machinery control position without traversing exposed freeboard or superstructure decks. 01.01.2008 IAFS Convention Annex 1 All ships Anti-fouling systems containing organotin, e. g. TBT, shall not be present on the hull (i.e. old TBT either to be removed or sealed by applying a coating). Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2008 and 31.12.2008 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 G(4) Category 2 and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1982 See footnote 1) Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2008 and 31.12.2008 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg.13 H(4) Oil tankers of 600 tons deadweight and above but less than 5000 tons deadweight In order to continue trading as an oil tanker carrying heavy grade oil the ship must be upgraded to double hull. 01.07.2008 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments V/ Existing ships 500 GT not engaged on international voyages An automatic identification system (AIS) to be provided. Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.2 All ships for which keel laying date < 02.10.1983, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons To be equipped to comply with the discharge requirements of the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments as far as practicable. Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.3 & 2.1.4 All ships for which 02.10.1983 keel laying date, and delivery date < 27.09.2006 (and building contract signed before 27.09.2003), and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons Must comply with the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments. Reg.13 G(4) Category 2 and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1983 See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Reg.13 G(4) Category 2 and 3 oil tankers delivered in 1984 and younger. See footnote 1) In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). Footnote 2) applies. 27.09.2008 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2009 and 31.12.2009 2001 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Anniversary date of delivery of the ship between 01.01.2010 and 31.12.2010 2003 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments In order to continue trading as an oil tanker the ship must comply with Reg. 13 F (i.e. upgrading to double hull). DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 43 May 2004 Table A – Cargo Ships Date of entry into force 12 months after acceptance Convention Ballast Water Management Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Reg. B-3.1.1 Ships constructed before 2009 with ballast capacity between 1,500 – 5,000 m3 Ballast water exchange until 2014, then ballast water treatment Reg. B-3.1.2 Ships constructed before 2009 with ballast capacity less than 1,500 m3 or greater than 5,000 m3 Ballast water exchange until 2016, then ballast water treatment Reg. B-3.1.3 Ships constructed in or after 2009 with ballast capacity less than than 5,000 m3 Ballast water treatment required, (ballast water exchange not accepted). Reg. B-3.1.4 Ships constructed in or after 2009 but before 2012 with ballast capacity 5,000 m3 or more Ballast water exchange until 2016, then ballast water treatment Reg. B-3.1.5 Ships constructed in or after 2012 with ballast capacity 5,000 m3 or more Ballast water treatment required (ballast water exchange not accepted). 1) Paragraph (3) of Reg. 13 G: (a) "Category 1 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above, which does not comply with the requirements for new oil tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of this Annex; (b) "Category 2 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above, which complies with the requirements for new oil tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of this Annex; (c) "Category 3 oil tankers" means an oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above but less than that specified in subparagraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph. 2) Paragraph (6) of Reg, 13 G: A Category 2 or 3 oil tanker of 15 years and over after the date of its delivery shall comply with the Condition Assessment Scheme adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee by resolution MEPC.94(46), as may be amended, provided that such amendments shall be adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of the present Convention relating to amendment procedures applicable to an appendix to an Annex. DET NORSKE VERITAS 44 Information note No. 9 May 2004 DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 45 May 2004 Table B Passenger ships DET NORSKE VERITAS 46 Information note No. 9 May 2004 ENTRY INTO FORCE DATES OF INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS The below table shows the date of coming into force of the various international conventions and their amendments. Note: ”New ships” means new in relation to the enter into force date of the respective convention/amendments, while an “existing ship” means a ship constructed before that date. Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention 19.11.52 26.05.65 SOLAS 1948 SOLAS 1960 New ships New ships 21.07.68 New ships 15.07.77 ICLL 1966 COLREG 1972 25.05.80 SOLAS 1974 01.05.81 15.07.81 18.07.82 02.10.83 01.09.84 01.07.86 15.07.86 01.09.86 01.09.87 01.09.88 31.12.88 SOLAS 1978 Protocol COLREG 1972 1969 Tonnage MARPOL 73/78 1981 SOLAS Amendments 1983 SOLAS Amendments COLREG 1981 SOLAS Amendments 1981 SOLAS Amendments 1981 SOLAS Amendments MARPOL 73/78 Regulation Applicable to Subject New ships Ch. II-2, Part F New ships Existing passenger ships Upgrading of fire safety measures All ships E/38 Existing ships Range of lights and colour specification New ships Annex I All ships Annex I enters into force. Oil Ch. II-1 Ch. II-2 New ships New ships Completely revised Ch.II-1 Completely revised Ch.II-2 II-2/17 II-2/20 Existing passenger ships Existing ships Fireman's outfit Fire control plans IV/4-1, 17&19 IV/7 & 8 All ships All ships VHF radiotelephone Watches/operators IV/10 All ships V/12 All ships Two-tone alarm Gyro compass, echo sounding device, rudder angle indicator, revolution indicator V/12(j) V/12(n) New ships New ships ARPA, ships GT ≥ 10000 Rate of turn indicator, ships GT ≥ 100 000 III III/8 & 53 New ships Existing ships Completely revised Ch.III Muster list and emergency instructions III/9 III/10 Existing ships Existing ships Operating instructions Manning and supervision of survival craft III/18 III/19 Existing ships Existing ships Abandon ship training and drills Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections III/25 E/38 Existing passenger ships Existing ships Drills Navigation lights, positioning and sound signals V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, GT ≥ 40000 V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, 20000 ≤ GT < 40000 V/12(j) Existing ships ARPA, 15000 ≤ GT < 20000 Annex V Annex V (optional) enters into force. Garbage DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 47 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.04.89 22.10.89 01.01.90 Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 1987 MARPOL Annex I Amendments 10(1)(f) All ships Gulf of Aden is special area. However, effective one year after reception facilities confirmed by coast states. Passenger/Ro-Ro/ car carriers, new ships Indicators on bridge for leakage through shell doors etc. April 1988 SOLAS Amendments ITU Regulations (ref. SOLAS, Ch.IV, Reg.2(a)) II-1/23-2 II-1/42-1 Passenger/Ro-Ro/ car carriers, new and existing ships Passenger/Ro-Ro/ car carriers, new ships Appendix 7 All ships Stricter frequency tolerances for all radio transmitters Passenger ships, new ships Residual stability after damage ("SOLAS '90 Standard") II-1/20-2 Passenger ships, new and existing ships Passenger ships, new and existing ships Upgrading of stability info, draught marks, determination of stability before departure Before proceeding to sea: closing of all shell doors etc. and logging same II-1/22 Passenger ships, new and existing ships Lightweight survey at 5 year intervals II-1/42-1 Passenger/Ro-Ro/ car carriers, existing ships Supplementary emergency lighting III/1.4.5 Existing ships III/6.2.3 Existing ships III/6.2.4 Existing ships III/21.3 Passenger ships, existing ships III/21.4 Passenger ships, existing ships III/30.2.7 Passenger ships, existing ships II-1/8 29.04.90 22.10.90 01.07.91 01.02.92 01.02.92 October 1988 SOLAS Amendments April 1988 SOLAS Amendments 1983 SOLAS Amendments November 1988 SOLAS Amendments 1989 SOLAS Amendments GMDSS Indicators on bridge for closing of shell doors etc. Surveillance of vehicle decks Supplementary emergency lighting Life-saving appliances installed or replaced shall be tested and approved according to 1983 Amendments Fit two EPIRBs Fit at least three two-way radiotelephone apparatus (see also entry into force date 01.02.95) All lifejackets to be fitted with light (not required for ships on short international voyage (see, however, Reg. III/24-15 in force after 01.07.98)). Provide for each lifeboat at least three immersion suits and provide one thermal protective aid for the rest of the persons allowed to be accommodated in the lifeboat Life-saving appliances to be fitted with retro-reflective material GMDSS enters into force I/12 All ships New forms for SOLAS Certificates II-1/15 New passenger ships New Reg.15. Stricter requirements for W.T. doors. II-1/21 New ships II-1/42.4.2 New passenger ships II-2/13-1 New ships II-2/15.2.6 & /15.3 New ships Requirements for sample extraction smoke detection systems. Sounding pipes for oil fuel tanks should not terminate in machinery spaces (general rule) (lub. oil may). New ships New passenger ships > 36 passengers Helicopter decks, requirements specified. Lockers and store rooms: Fire risk category depending on area < or> 4m2. New passenger ships < 36 passengers Area limit changed from 2m2 to 4m2 for some spaces (fire risk categories). II-2/18.8 II-2/26 II-2/27 Internal drainage for enclosed spaces where the deck edge is immersed at 5º heel. Battery power for W.T. doors: Minor adjustment. DET NORSKE VERITAS 48 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.02.92 continued 1989 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation Applicable to Subject II-2/38 & /40.2 New passenger ships Sample extraction smoke detection system may be used in cargo spaces II-2/54.2.3 New ships carrying dangerous goods More specific requirements for fire detection. Sample extraction smoke detection system may be used. New ships > 500 GT Gyro repeater at emergency steering position. Heading information to emergency steering position shall consist of telephone (or similar). V/12(f) 17.03.92 01.07.92 22.10.92 04.04.93 06.07.93 01.08.93 01.01.94 1990 MARPOL Amendments MARPOL 73/78 April 1988 SOLAS Amendments 1991 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments November 1988 SOLAS Amendments (GMDSS) 1991 SOLAS Amendments All ships Fire hoses to be of non-perishable material. Also applicable to existing ships when hoses are renewed Fire extinguishing arr. in paint lockers and lockers for flammable liquids. II-2/4.7 All ships II-2/18.7 All ships V/13 All ships V/16 All ships VII/ 7 All passenger ships Reg. 7 rewritten. New specification for which explosives may be carried in passenger ships. Annexes I and V All ships Antarctic is special area Minimum Safe Manning Certificate Life saving signals are not described in SOLAS any longer. Instead it is referred to IMO Resolutions A.229 (VII), A.439 (XI) and A.80 (IV). Annex III (optional) enters into force. Harmful substances in packaged forms Annex III II-1/23-2.2 Passenger/Ro-Ro/ car carriers, existing ships Indicators on bridge for leakage through shell doors etc. (See also the revision in force after 01.07.97). 26 New ships 17(3), 20 Every ship ≥ 400 tons gross tonnage Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan Piping for oil residues (sludge) Piping to and from sludge tanks Revised format of Oil Record Book. 9, 10, 16, 21 and suppl. A & B All ships Various replacements of existing regulation texts (discharge criteria) IV/1.4 All ships All ships must carry NAVTEX and float-free satellite EPIRB (406 MHz) Ch.II-2 New passenger ships II-2/20.3 & III/18 All ships Means of escape and smoke extraction system for large, multi-deck open spaces and sprinkler and smoke detection system for the whole zone. Fire drills and on-board training, extended requirements V/17 Ch.VI New installations As applicable Pilot transfer arrangements The carriage of cargoes (new Ch.VI). VII/5 VII/7-1 Ships carrying dangerous goods Packing certificate, list of dangerous goods carried Reporting of incidents 28.02.94 1992 MARPOL, Annex III Amendments Annex III All ships carrying harmful substances in packaged form 18.07.94 1969 Tonnage Article 3(2)(d) All ships The whole Annex III (optional) is revised: References to freight containers, portable tanks or tank wagons deleted. "Harmful substances" are identified in the IMDG Code. Guidelines for identification. Marking shall stand 3 months immersion in the sea. Marking and freight document shall include "Marine Pollutant". Copy of freight document to port authorities. All ships must have tonnage cert. according to the 1969 International Tonnage Convention. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 49 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.10.94 Convention April 1992 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1/8 Pre 29.04.90 passenger ships with car decks, A/Amax < 70 Upgrading of damage stability to SOLAS ’90 standard II-2/17 All passenger ships II-2/41-1 & II-2/41-2 Pre 01.10.94 passenger ships II-1/37 New ships II-1/42,43,44 II-1/45.3 New ships New ships Emergency generator starting: Clarification of text Locally earthed systems, clarification II-2/3.33 New passenger ships II-2/ New ships II-2/4.4.2 New ships II-2/5.2 New CO2 installations Pressure in fire lines, new requirements Separate operations for opening the storage bottles and for discharging into protected space II-2/5.3 New installations New (or modified) installations New Halon installations prohibited Fire detection systems: Requirements modified in respect of addressable systems Fire control plan to include information specified in IMO Res. A.756 (18) II-2/24.1.1 All passenger ships > 36 passengers New passenger ships > 36 passengers II-2/24.2 New passenger ships II-2/25.2 & .3 New passenger ships > 36 passengers II-2/26 New passenger ships II-2/28 New passenger ships II-2/29.2 New passenger ships II-2/30 New passenger ships II-2/31 New passenger ships II-2/32 New passenger ships II-2/33 New passenger ships II-2/34 New passenger ships II-2/13.1 II-2/20 01.10.94 December 1992 SOLAS Amendments Fireman’s outfits, extended requirements Upgrading of fire safety (Fire Control Plans, walkietalkies for fire patrol, waterfog applicators, portable foam applicators, dual purpose hose nozzles). Communication between bridge and machinery spaces (modified text) New definition of "Main vertical zone" also limiting the breadth (40m) Emergency fire pump for passenger ships < 1000 GT All main fire zone (MFZ) divisions to be A-60 Stricter requirements w.r.t. W.T.- and MFZ-bulkheads being in line, length of MFZ may extend to 48m, but area not to exceed 1600m2. Modified requirements to B-class bulkheads since sprinklers are required Tables 26.1 and 26.3 (MFZ boundaries) deleted (see Reg. II-2/24.1.1). Also other revisions Dead end corridors prohibited Requirements for external open stairways and passageways. Requirements for width of stairways, doors, corridors and landings. Stairways for more than 90 persons to be aligned fore and aft. Low location marking (0.3m) (light/photoluminescent strips) in escape routes (ref. Res. A.752 (18)). Two means of escape from engine control rooms within machinery space. Clearer text with respect to prohibition of cabins etc. in stairway enclosures. Stricter requirements to fire doors (rate of closure, warning alarms, remote and local (both sides) release, local power accumulators for 10 movements). Openings for fire hoses. Slightly stricter requirements for B-class doors. Cabin doors to be self-closing without holdbacks. Stairway enclosures shall be ventilated - separate fan and ducting. Inspection and cleaning hatches for ventilation ducts. More details for galley ventilation Stricter requirements for windows (A-class) in way of embarkation areas and escape routes. Restrictions regarding furniture in stairway enclosures and corridors. DET NORSKE VERITAS 50 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.10.94 continued December 1992 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation Applicable to Subject II-2/36 New passenger ships > 36 passengers Sprinkler system required in service, control and accommodation spaces. Smoke detectors also required. II-2/37 New passenger ships with car deck, > 36 passengers Special category spaces to have A-60 boundaries Walkie-talkies for fire patrols. Continuously manned central control station for fire detection alarms, remote closing of fire doors, shutting down of fans, reactivation of fans, fire door indicators. Supply from main and emergency source of power, fail-safe principle. General emergency alarm shall continue to sound until manually turned off. Requirements for sound pressure level. II-2/40 New passenger ships > 36 passengers III/50 New ships IV/13 GMDSS ships Revised specification of capacities for radio batteries. GDMSS New ships New ships must comply with GMDSS III/6.2.1 Existing ships III/6.2.2 Existing ships Two-way radiotelephone apparatus to be of VHF-type and to comply with IMO Resolution A.605 (15) Fit two radar transponders complying with IMO Resolution A.604 (15) 01.02.95 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments 01.02.95 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments (GMDSS) V/12(g) Existing ships One radar installation to operate in 9GHz band 04.04.95 1991 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 26 Existing ships Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan 1993 COLREG Amendments General Annex I, new section 13 General Minor changes 04.11.95 High speed craft Masthead light Ch. X (new) New high speed craft Ch. XI (new) 01.01.96 May 1994 SOLAS Amendment Reg.1 Reg.3 Organisations acting on behalf of Administrations All passenger ships ≥ 100 GT 01.07.96 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments December 1994 SOLAS Amendments V/8-1 (new regulation) All ships Ship reporting systems introduced. Ref. Res. MSC.43(64). Also ref. Res. A.648(16). VI/2.1 Carriage of cargoes The information required by subchapter 1.9 of Res. A.714(17) to be provided prior to loading. VI/5.6 Loading, stowing and securing of cargoes VII/5.6 VII/6.1 01.10.96 01.01.97 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments May 1995 SOLAS Amendments Authorisation of recognised organisations (Res. A.739(18) made mandatory). Ship identification numbers (IMO Nos.) mandatory (Res. A.600(15)). Port state control of operational requirements (Res. A.742(18) made mandatory). Reg.4 01.01.96 1994 High Speed Craft (HSC) Code (Res. MSC.36(63)) enters into force and is made mandatory as a part of SOLAS. Special Measures to Enhance Maritime Safety Loading, stowing and securing of dangerous goods Carriage of dangerous goods Approved Cargo Securing Manual required, to comply with Res. A.714(17) (subchapters 1.6 and 1.7). Editorial change (including "loaded", "secured" in the text in addition to "stowed"). II-1/8 Pre. 29.04.90 Passenger ships with car decks, 70 ≤ A/Amax <75 Upgrading of damage stability to SOLAS '90 standard V/8 All ships Ships' routeing systems may be made mandatory for all ships. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 51 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.02.97 1995 STCW Amendments First yearly inspection after 01.04.97 Stockholm Agreement (regional agreement) 01.07.97 01.07.97 1995 MARPOL, Amex V Amendments November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Annex 2 Applicable to Subject Seafaring The STCW convention totally revised. The STCW Code has been introduced, and is mandatory. Passenger ships with car decks, A/Amax < 85, operating in North West Europe or the Baltic Sea To comply with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck New ships: L ≥ 12 m Reg. 9 L ≥ 12 m, in international trade GT ≥ 400 or persons ≥ 15 (Garbage) plackards Garbage record book Garbage management plans II-1/1.3.2 Passenger ships II-1/2.13 (new paragraph) Ro-ro passenger ships Reference to Reg. 8.9 is replaced with reference to Reg. 8-1 Definition of “ro-ro passenger ship” introduced (same as in Reg. II-2/3.34) II-1/8 II-1/8.7.4 Passenger ships Passenger ships Editorial to comply with above. Determination of stability shall be made by calculation. II-1/8-2 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships >400 passengers Must be two compartment ships II-1/10.3, .4 & .5 New passenger ships New requirements for bow doors and extension of collision bulkhead/inner ramp II-1/15.6.5 (new subparagraph) Pre 01.02.92 passenger ships W.T. doors shall be kept closed during navigation and so logged. II-1/19.2 (new paragraph) New passenger ships Ventilation trunks penetrating bulkhead deck shall be capable of withstanding pressure of water trapped on the ro-ro deck II-1/19.3 (new paragraph) New ro-ro passenger ships Ventilation trunks penetrating the main ro-ro deck shall be capable of withstanding impact pressure of sloshing of water trapped on the deck. II-1/20.3 (new paragraph) New passenger ships Internal open ends of air pipes to be min. 1 m above heeled waterline (or terminate through superstructure side). II-1/20-2.1 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships Access to spaces below bulkhead deck shall unless otherwise permitted by the Administration, have sill/coaming height min. 2.5 m. Vehicle ramps may be flush, but shall be weathertight and have alarm and indication, closed at sea and logged. II-1/20-3 (new regulation) Ro-ro passenger ships Passengers shall not have access to an enclosed ro-ro deck while the ship is underway (see also Reg. 23-2.3). II-1/20-4 (new regulation) Ro-ro passenger ships On the ro-ro deck all transverse or longitudinal bulkheads effective to confine accumulated sea water on deck shall be secured in place while the ship is at sea. Ro-ro passenger ships This paragraph is rewritten, stricter, more precise and extended (hull doors): Audible alarm if a secured item becomes open, ”harbour/see voyage” mode, audible alarm if the ship leaves with any doors not closed. (For most existing ships some upgrading will be necessary). II-1/23-2.1 DET NORSKE VERITAS 52 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention 01.07.97 continued November 1995 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1/23-2.2 New ro-ro passenger ships This paragraph is rewritten and made stricter. Both television surveillance and water leakage detection for hull doors including both inner and outer bow door with indication both on Bridge and engine control room. II-1/23-2.3 & .4 Ro-ro passenger ships Paragraph 3 is rewritten: If patrolling of vehicle deck is chosen , the patrolling shall be continuous. New paragraph 4. Documented operating procedures for closing and securing of hull doors. II-2/3.34 (new paragraph) Ro-ro passenger ships Definition of “ro-ro passenger ship” introduced. New ro-ro passenger ships Handrails or other handhold shall be provided in all corridors along the entire escape route. Escape routes shall be provided from every normally occupied space on the ship to an assembly station. Cabin and stateroom doors and doors in escape routes shall not require keys to unlock. Decks shall be sequentially numbered, starting with “1” on tank top or lowest deck. “You are here” mimic panels showing escape routes to be displayed in each cabin and in public spaces. II-2/28-1.1 (new regulation) The lowest 0.5 m of bulkheads and vertical divisions along escape routes shall have strength for walking on (750 N/m) when ship heavily heeled. Straight escape routes. Passenger spaces not to be more than two decks above or below assembly stations or open deck from which there is routes to embarkation stations. Discharge valves for scupper with positive means of closing operable from a position above the bulkhead deck in accordance with the requirements of the ICLL, shall be kept open while the ships are at sea. Operation of these valves shall be recorded in log book. II-2/28-1.2 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships II-2/ (new sub-paragraph) Ro-ro passenger ships III/3.19 (new paragraph) Ro–ro passenger ships III/6.5 new paragraph) New passenger ships III/24-2 (new regulation) All passenger ships Passengers shall be counted, and details of persons with need of special care in emergency situations to be recorded. Data are also to be kept ashore. III/24-3 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships Helicopter pick-up area to be provided. III/24-4 (new regulation) New passenger ships Decision-support system for emergency management. IV/6.4 (new paragraph) New passenger ships A distress panel shall be installed at the conning position. The panel shall contain one button that initiates a distress alert using all required radiocommunication installation on board, or one button for each installation. IV/6.5 (new paragraph) New passenger ships IV/6.6 (new paragraph) New passenger ships IV/7.5 (new paragraph) New passenger ships Definition of “ro-ro passenger ship” introduced (same as in Reg. II-2/3.34) New and stricter requirements to Public Address (PA) systems. Two loops sufficiently separated, two independent amplifiers, performance standards introduced, to be connected to the emergency source of power, etc. Information on the ship’s position shall be continuously and automatically provided to all relevant radiocommunication equipment to be included in the initial distress alert A distress alarm panel for receiving distress alerts shall be installed at the conning position. Every passenger ship shall be provided with means for two-way on-scene radio communications for search and rescue purposes using the aeronautical frequencies 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 53 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.07.97 continued November 1995 SOLAS Amendments continued IV/16.2 (new paragraph) Passenger ships In passenger ships, at least one person qualified in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be assigned to perform only radiocommunication duties during distress incidents. V/10 All ships Distress messages: Obligations and procedures. The text of this regulation is revised. V/10-1 (new regulation) All ships Master’s discretion for safe navigation V/13 ( c ) (new paragraph) Passenger ships A working language shall be established and entered in log book. All plans/lists required to be posted are to be translated to the working language. V/15 ( c ) (new paragraph) Passenger ships V/23 (new regulation) New passenger ships VI/5.6 (new paragraph) All ships carrying cargo II-1/10.3, .4 & .6 Existing passenger ships (especially ro-ros) II-1/19.2 & .4 (new paragraphs) Existing passenger ships II-1/19.3, &.4 (new paragraphs) Existing ro-ro passenger ships First periodical survey after 01.07.97 II-1/20-2.2 (new regulation) Existing ro-ro passenger ships II-1/23-2.2 Existing ro-ro passenger ships November 1995 SOLAS Amendments II-2/28-1.1 (new regulation) Existing ro-ro passenger ships III/6.5 (new paragraph) Existing passenger ships III/24-3 (new regulation) Existing ro-ro passenger ships Ships on fixed routes shall have a plan for co-operation of search and rescue services in event of emergency. To be developed in co-operation with the rescue services. To be approved by the Administration A list of operational limitations and exemptions shall be kept on board. Before the ship leaves the berth all cargo units, including vehicles and containers, shall be loaded, stored and secured in accordance with an approved Cargo Securing Manual New and enjoining requirements for bow doors and extension of collision bulkhead/inner ramp Ventilation trunks penetrating bulkhead deck shall be capable of withstanding pressure of water trapped inside the trunk Ventilation trunks penetrating the main ro-ro deck shall be capable of withstanding impact pressure of sloshing of water trapped on the ro-ro deck Accesses from the ro-ro deck to spaces below shall be made weatertight. (DVN uses 3.5 m water pressure in the necessary calculations).To be closed before the ship leaves the berth and kept closed at sea. Indication to be provided on the Bridge. Entries to be made in logbook as required by Reg. III/25.2. This paragraph is rewritten and made stricter. Both television surveillance and water leakage detection for hull doors including both inner and outer bow door with indication both on Bridge and engine control room Handrails or other handhold shall be provided in all corridors along the entire escape route. Escape routes shall be provided from every normally occupied space on the ship to an assembly station. Cabin and stateroom doors and doors in escape routes shall not require keys to unlock. Decks shall be sequentially numbered, starting with “1” on tank top or lowest deck. “You are here” mimic panels showing escape routes to be displayed in each cabin and in public spaces. New and stricter requirements for Public Address (PA) systems are introduced. Sub-paragraphs 5.2, 5.3 and 5.5 are also applicable to existing ships. Sub-paragraph 5.6 allows upgrading to be omitted if existing PA systems comply substantially with the new requirements. Helicopter pick-up area to be provided. DET NORSKE VERITAS 54 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation First periodical survey after 01.07.97 continued November 1995 SOLAS Amendments continued 01.10.97 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments Applicable to Subject IV/6.4 (new paragraph) Existing passenger ships A distress panel shall be installed at the conning position. The panel shall contain one button that initiates a distress alert using all required radiocommunication installation on board, or one button for each installation IV/6.5 (new paragraph) Existing passenger ships Information on the ship’s position shall be continuously and automatically provided to all relevant radiocommunication equipment to be included in the initial distress alert IV/6.6 (new paragraph) Existing passenger ships IV/7.5 (new paragraph) Existing passenger ships V/23 (new regulation) Existing passenger ships II-2/41-1 II-2/41-2 Pre. 01.10.94 passenger ships II-2/41-1.2.2 II-2/41-2.5 Pre. 25.05.80 Passenger ships Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system. All ships, L ≥ 15 m Reporting of incidents involving harmful substances (enhanced requirements) 01.01.98 1996 MARPOL, Protocol I Amendments Article II (1) 01.07.98 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments Ch. IX (new chapter) 01.07.98 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments II-2/15 new subparagraphs 2.9 – 2.11 V/3(b) All ships V/4(b)(ii) All ships V/22 (new regulation) New ships, L ≥ 45 m V/22(b) (new) 01.07.98 1995 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments Passenger ships, passenger high speed craft Reg. 9 New ships A distress alarm panel for receiving distress alerts shall be installed at the conning position Every passenger ship shall be provided with means for two-way on-scene radio communications for search and rescue purposes using the aeronautical frequencies 121.5 MHz and 123.1 MHz. A list of operational limitations and exemptions shall be kept on board. Upgrading of fire safety (smoke detection, fire doors, galley exhaust, stairway enclosures, low location (0.3m) marking of escape routes (light/ photoluminescent strips ref. Res. A.752 (18)), general emergency alarm system, P.A. system. Management of the Safe Operation of Ships The International Safety Management (ISM) Code (Res. A.741(18)) made mandatory. Shipowning companies to hold a Document of Compliance and the ship to hold a Safety Management Certificate. Stricter requirements for protection of oil fuel lines (jacketed piping for high-pressure pipes, insulation of surfaces with temp. above 220ºC, screening). Explanation of the phrase "Tropical storms". Meteorological issues increased from once to twice daily. Requirements for visibility from navigation bridge introduced. Existing ships L ≥ 45 m Pre. 01.07.97 ships: Paragraphs (a)(i) and (a)(ii) of Reg. V/22 shall as far as practicable apply to existing ships. L ≥ 12 m L ≥ 12 m, in international trade (Garbage) plackards GT ≥ 400 m or persons ≥ 15 Garbage record book Garbage management plans DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 55 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.98 Convention November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Regulation Applicable to Subject II-1/45.5.3 Ro-ro passenger ships New installations of cabling for emergency alarms and Public Address systems shall comply with recommendations from IMO III/24-1.2.3 & .2.4 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships Every liferaft to be fitted with a boarding ramp. Every liferaft to be self-righting or reversible. III/24-1.3 (new regulation) III/24-1.4 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships New ro-ro passenger ships At least one of the rescue boats shall be a “fast rescue boat”. Special training of crew. Ship to be provided with means for recovery of survivors. III/24-1.5 (new regulation) New ro-ro passenger ships Ch. II-1 Ch. II-1, Part A-1 II-1/3-1 (new regulation) II-1/ & .2.3.3 II-1/ 01.07.98 01.07.98 June 1996 SOLAS Amendments December 1996 SOLAS Amendments A sufficient number of lifejackets shall be stowed in the vicinity of the assembly stations so that the passengers do not have to return to their cabins to collect their lifejackets. Each lifejacket shall have light. The word “structure” is added in the title of Ch. II-1, which now reads: “Construction - Structure, Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations” New Part A-1 All ships New passenger ships New ships Ships shall be built and maintained according to the requirements of a classification society recognised by the Administration or to equivalent national standards. Range of positive stability in damaged condition (may be reduced to 10°). The limit 55 V is changed to 50 V Completely revised Ch. III, introduction of International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code, which is mandatory. Many regulations are changed to a greater or lesser extent, mentioned here are: Maritime evacuation systems (MES), anti-exposure suits. The technical requirements of the life-saving appliances are moved to the LSA code. Operational readiness, maintenance and inspection of life-saving appliances: Yearly inspection of falls and renewal within 4 years as an alternative to “end for ending”. Servicing and deployment of MES. Marking of stowage locations. 5 yearly examination and overload testing of launching appliances. On-load release gear: Yearly examination by properly trained personnel, 5 yearly overhaul and overload testing. Ch. III New requirements are mostly applicable to new ships III/20 All ships III/22.3 All passenger ships Light on lifejackets (existing lights not complying with paragraph 2.2.3 of LSA Code to be replaced within first periodical survey after 01.07.2002). XI/1 Organisations acting on behalf of Administrations Reg. 1 revised, more extensive. II-1/17-1 (new regulation) New ships II-1/26.9 (new paragraph) All ships II-1/26.10 (new paragraph) All ships II-1/26.11 New ships II-1/31.5 (new paragraph) New ships Openings in shell plating below bulkhead deck. New ships shall comply with Reg. II-1/17 where “margin line” shall mean “bulkhead deck”. Survey of non-metallic expansion joints in piping systems penetrating the ship’s side. Language to use in instructions and drawings essential for ship’s machinery and equipment. Location and arrangement for vent pipes for fuel oil service, settling and lub. oil tanks. Two fuel oil service tanks for each fuel type. Machinery controls. Paragraph 5 introduces amendments to paragraphs 1 to 4 applicable to new ships. DET NORSKE VERITAS 56 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.07.98 continued December 1996 SOLAS Amendments continued II-1/41.5 (new paragraph) New ships Supply of electrical power when it is necessary for propulsion and steering of the ships. II-1/42.3.4 (new sub-paragraph) New passenger ships Restart of propulsion within 30 min. after blackout. II-2/1 Editorial Changes in several definitions (mostly by referring to Fire Test Procedures Code) For materials which shall have low flame spread characteristics a new test for smoke and toxicity is required. This implies that most products previously approved must carry out an additional test. II-2/3 II-2/12.1.2 II-2/16.1.1 New sprinkler installations New passenger ships ≤ 36 passengers Indicating unit shall be on the Navigation Bridge. Combustible ducts, where allowed, shall have low flame spread characteristics. II-2/16.11 (new paragraph) New passenger ships. Fire testing of fire dampers and A-class penetrations. II-2/ Passenger ships Additional fireman’s equipment not needed in stairway enclosures constituting individual MVZ or in small MVZs at the ends of the ship II-2/18.8 New ships Provisions for helicopter facilities shall be in accordance with Res.A.855(20). II-2/24.1.1 New passenger ships > 36 passengers MVZ divisions between fuel oil tanks may be A-O II-2/26.1 & Table 26.1 II-2/28.1.11 (new sub-paragraph) New passenger ships > 36 passengers All passenger ships > 36 passengers II-2/30.4 New passenger ships II-2/30.6 New passenger ships II-2/ New passenger ships > 36 passengers New passenger ships > 36 passengers II-2/34.2 II-2/34.7 & .8 New passenger ships New passenger ships II-2/32.1.1 II-2/ II-2/37.4 (new paragraph) II-2/38.5 (new paragraph) II-2/38.6 (new paragraph) Special category spaces, new passenger ships >36 passengers Special category spaces, new passenger ships Cargo spaces for motor vehicles, new passenger ships Ro-ro cargo spaces, new passenger ships VII/2 Closed and open ro-ro cargo spaces, new passenger ships Carriage of dangerous goods VII/7.1.5 (new sub-paragraph) All passenger ships II-2/38-1 (new regulation) Spaces within the perimeters of muster stations Low location lighting in crew accommodation areas. New requirements for fire doors in MVZ bulkheads, galley boundaries and stairway enclosures. Clarification of requirements for doors in outer boundaries. The new paragraph 11 in Reg. II-2/16 shall apply. Short lengths of ducts of combustible material to have low flame spread characteristics. Low flame spread characteristics of vapour barriers. Reference to Fire Test Procedures Code. Fuel oil tanks may have A-O division to special category space above. Ventilation openings not to endanger survival craft stowage and embarkation areas, service spaces and control stations Paragraphs 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of the new Reg. II-2/38-1 to be complied with. Requirements for vehicle cargo spaces not covered by Regs. II-2/37 or II-2/38 introduced. Class 6.1 and class 9 reworded Carriage of explosive articles in compatibility group N DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 57 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject First periodical survey after 01.07.98 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments III/24-1.5 (III/26.5 in June 1996 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.98 ro-ro passenger ships A sufficient number of lifejackets shall be stowed in the vicinity of the assembly stations so that the passengers do not have to return to their cabins to collect their lifejackets. Each lifejacket shall have light. 06.07.98 1992 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments 9, 10, 16 All existing ships Change in discharge criteria (phase out of 100 ppm oily water separators). First periodical survey after 01.10.98 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments II-1/8-1 (new regulation, replaces II-1/8.9 of April 1982 Amendments) Pre 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, A/Amax < 85 Upgrading of damage stability to comply with Reg. 8 (SOLAS ’90 standard) First yearly inspection after 21.12.98 Stockholm Agreement (regional agreement) Annex 2 Passenger ships with car decks, 85 ≤ A/Amax < 90 To comply with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck 01.01.99 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments III/24-2.3 (III/27 in June 1996 Amendments) All passenger ships Names and gender of all persons on board, distinguishing between adults, children and infants shall be recorded for search and rescue purposes. 01.02.99 November 1988 SOLAS Amendments GDMSS Existing ships Existing ships must comply with GMDSS II-2/28-1.3 New ro-ro passenger ships Evacuation analysis of escape routes. III/24-3.3 (III/28 in June 1996 Amendments) New passenger ships, L ≥ 130 m See footnote 1) To be fitted with helicopter landing area (approval: ref. Res.A.855(20)). Date of entry into force 01.07.99 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments 01.07.99 June 1997 SOLAS Amendments V/8-2 (new regulation) First periodical survey after 01.07.99 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments III/24-4 (III/29 in June 1996 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.97 passenger ships Decision-support system for emergency management 01.08.99 1997 MARPOL, Annex I Amendments Reg. 10 All ships North West European waters special area. First yearly inspection after 31.12.99 Stockholm Agreement (regional agreement) Annex 2 Passenger ships with car decks, 90 ≤A/Amax < 95 To comply with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck. Vessel traffic services. DET NORSKE VERITAS 58 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.01. 2000 03.02. 2000 Convention 1997 MARPOL, Annex VI Protocol First periodical survey after 01.07. 2000 Applicable to Subject Reg. 13 (New) diesel engines ≥ 130 kW NOx emission. Note that engines for ships the keels of which are laid on or after this date shall comply with these (retroactive) requirements. The same applies to conversions and new installations on or after this date. Reg. 16 Installation of incinerators Shipboard incineration. Note that incinerators installed on or after this date shall be approved according to these (retroactive requirements). All ships Harmonised certification and survey system enters into force (HSSC). New certificate forms. New ships New and existing ships Drainage of enclosed cargo spaces. Inclining test. 1988 SOLAS Protocol 1988 LL Protocol 1988 LL Protocol 03.02. 2000 Regulation 22(2) 10 Article VI 2(f) (ii) & (g) (ii) Tacit acceptance procedure for amendments to Annex B of the LL Protocol 1990 MARPOL Amendments November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Harmonised certification and survey system enters into force. III/24-1.2.1 & .2.2 (III/26.2.1 & .2.2 in June 1996 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.86 ro-ro passenger ships All liferafts shall be served either by MES or launching appliances. Every liferaft shall be provided with float-free stowage arrangement. III/24-1.2.3 & .2.4 (III/26.2.3 & .2.4 in June 1996 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.98 ro-ro passenger ships Every liferaft to be fitted with a boarding ramp. Every liferaft to be self-righting or reversible. Pre. 01.07.98 ro-ro passenger ships At least one (of the rescue boats shall be a) “fast rescue boat”. Special training of crew. Pre. 01.07.98 ro-ro passenger ships Ship to be provided with means for recovery of survivors. III/24-1.3 (III/26.3 in June 1996 Amendments) III/24-1.4 (III/26.4 in June 1996 Amendments) 01.10. 2000 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments II-2/41-1 II-2/41-2 Pre. 01.10.94 passenger ships Upgrading of fire safety (stairway enclosures, fire extinguishing in cat. A machinery spaces, ventilating ducts, special category spaces, fire doors) First periodical survey after 01.10. 2000 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments II-1/8-1 (replaces II-1/8.9 of April 1992 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, 85 ≤ A/Amax < 90 Upgrading of damage stability to comply with Reg. 8 (SOLAS ’90 standard) First yearly inspection after 31.12. 2000 Stockholm Agreement (regional agreement) Annex 2 Passenger ships with car decks, 95 ≤ A/Amax < 97.5 To comply with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck. First yearly inspection after 31.12. 2001 but not later than 01.10. 2002 Stockholm Agreement (regional Agreement) Annex 2 Passenger ships with car decks, 97.5 ≤ A/Amax To comply with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 59 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.01.2002 May 2000 SOLAS Amendments III/28.2 New non-ro-ro passenger ships. See footnote 1) The words "Passenger ships" are replaced by the words "Ro-ro passenger ships”. (I.e. helicopter landing area is not required for non ro-ro passenger ships). 01.01.2002 2000 MARPOL, Annex III Amendments Appendix All ships A product’s liability to cause tainting has been deleted as a criterion to identify harmful substances (Marine pollutants). Date of entry into force Revised definition for "nearest land" north east of Australia. Reg.1 01.03.2002 2000 MARPOL, Annex V Amendments Regs. 1 & 2 All ships Spanish language acknowledged in certificates, records etc. Reg. 9 01.07. 2002 01.07. 2002 June 1997 SOLAS Amendments 1998 SOLAS Amendments Discharge of incinerator ashes from plastic products which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues prohibited. II-1/8-3 (new regulation) New (non ro-ro) passenger ships ≥ 400 persons Must comply with two compartment standard. II-1/14.3 New ships Testing of watertight compartments (filling with water not compulsory) IV/ 1.1 All ships ”unless expressly provided otherwise” is inserted in Application IV/2.1.6 (new subparagraph) All ships Definition of GMDSS identity IV/2.2 All ships Reference to definitions in the Radio Regulations and SAR Convention IV/5-1 (new regulation) All ships Governments to register GMDSS identities IV/13.8 All ships Continuous supply of information to navigation receiver IV/15.9 (new paragraph) All ships Testing of EPIRBs at 12 months intervals IV/18 (new regulation) All ships Position up-dating of two-way communication equipment DET NORSKE VERITAS 60 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation II-1/3-5 (new regulation) Applicable to Subject All ships, use of asbestos New installation of materials containing asbestos prohibited with a few exceptions (vanes in rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps, watertight joints and linings used for fluids at high temperature, supple and flexible thermal insulation assemblies for temperatures > 1000 °C) . Completely revised Ch. II-2 including introduction of International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), which is mandatory. The technical requirements for fire safety systems and equipment are moved from Ch. II-2 to the FSS Code. Ch. II-2 01.07.2002 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments The lay out of the chapter, way of approaching the requirements/regulations has been changed. The fire safety objectives of the chapter is to prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion; reduce the risk to life caused by fire; reduce the risk of damage to the ship, its cargo and environment caused by fire; contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin; and provide adequate and readily accessible means of escape for passengers and crew. New requirements highlighted here are: II-2/2 New Ships II-2/ New ships & new installations on board existing ships Fire extinguishing system using Halon 1211, 1301, and 2402 and perfluorocarbons are prohibited. II-2/10.5.6 New passenger ships 500 GT Fixed water-based (or equivalent) local application firefighting systems in category A machinery spaces > 500m3 in gross volume. (In periodically unattended machinery spaces the system shall have both automatic and manual release capabilities). Continuously manned machinery spaces need manual release capability only. II-2/10.6.4 New ships & new installations on board existing ships Requirements introduced for deep-fat cooking equipment: extinguishing system with alarm indicating operation, primary and backup thermostat with alarm, automatic shutting off electric power when activating the extinguishing system. II-2/ New passenger ships Doors along designated escape routes shall not require keys to unlock when moving in escape direction. II-2/ New passenger ships Doors from public spaces that are normally latched shall have a means of quick release (bar or panel). II-2/ New passenger ships < 36 passengers Min. 2 emergency escape breathing devices within each main vertical zone. II-2/ New passenger ships passengers Min. 4 emergency escape breathing devices within each main vertical zone. II-2/ New ships II-2/13.4.3 New ships II-2/Part E New ships In general more detailed requirements for operational readiness (operational readiness and maintenance; instructions, onboard training and drills; operations). II-2/14.2.2 New ships A maintenance plan for fire protection systems and fire-fighting systems shall be kept on board. II-2/15.2.3 New ships A training manual shall be provided in crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. 36 More specific requirements for escape ladder from machinery spaces (fire insulation, min. 800 mm x 800 mm internal dimensions, emergency lighting). Emergency escape breathing devices to be situated at easily visible and reachable places within the machinery spaces. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 61 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.2002 continued Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued II-2/16.1 & .2 New ships Fire safety operational booklets shall be provided on board. II-2/17 New ships This regulation introduces the option for designs and arrangements alternative to prescriptive requirements otherwise found in Ch. II-2. The regulation prescribes how to carry out engineering analyses, evaluation and approval of the alternative designs and arrangements. II-2/18 New helicopter facilities Ch. V V/7.3 V/14.4 All passenger ships A Search and Rescue (SAR) Plan required (previously only required for ships on fixed routes, approval not longer required) All ships to which Ch. I applies English shall be the working language for bridge-tobridge and bridge-to-shore safety communications as well as on board for communication with the pilot, unless those directly involved speak another common language. New ships V/ & .5 V/ New ships irrespective of size V/ V/ Requirements for helicopter facilities have been introduced. (For definitions, see Reg. II-2/3.26 & .27). Completely revised Ch. V. Several new requirements. Highlighted here are: Electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with back-up arrangements may be accepted as meeting the chart carriage requirements. GPS or terrestrial radio navigation system (or other means for position identification). Sound reception system for totally enclosed bridges. V/ Radar Reflector An echo sounding device required (previously only required for ships 500 GT) V/ A 9GHz radar required (previously only required for ships on international voyages). V/ New ships < 150 GT New passenger ships irrespective of size Device to indicate speed and distance through water (previously only required for ships 500 GT). V/ V/ V/ V/ A transmitting heading device (TDC) required. New passenger ships irrespective of size New ships 500 GT V/ New ships 3000 GT New ships 10 000 GT V/ V/ V/ V/ V/ An electronic plotting aid (EPA) required. New ships 50 000 GT Automatic identification system (AIS). An automatic tracking aid (ATA) required. A second radar required which shall be a 3 GHz radar (the Administration may accept a second 9 GHz radar) (two radars previously only required for ships 10 000 GT). Two independent automatic tracking aids (ATA) required. The ARPA shall be capable of plotting at least 20 targets. Heading (autopilot) or Track control system required. Rate of turn indicator required (previously only required for ships 100 000 GT with keel laid on or after 01.09.1984). A device to indicate speed and distance over the ground in forward and athwartships direction required. DET NORSKE VERITAS 62 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.07.2002 continued Convention December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued Regulation Applicable to Subject V/20.1.4 New passenger ships Voyage data recorder (VDR) required. IX/3.1 Safety management Underlining that the Safety Management Code shall be treated as mandatory. IX/6.1 & .2 Safety management: Change of flagstate or company Paragraph 3 is deleted. X/1.1& .2 High-speed passenger craft Introducing the 2000 High-Speed Craft (HSC) Code. X/1.3 High-speed passenger craft Excluding from definition of "High-speed craft" craft the hull of which is supported completely clear above the water surface in non-deplacement mode by aerodynamic forces generated by ground effect (Wingin-Ground (WIG) craft). (Previous paragraph 2 renumbered as paragraph 3). X/1.5 New high-speed passenger craft Stage of construction: 1% of estimated mass changed to 3% of estimated mass. (Previous paragraph 4 renumbered as paragraph 5) X/2 & X/3 New high-speed passenger craft 2000 HSC Code applicable to new high-speed craft. Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate In the Record of Equipment (Form P) existing sections 5 and 6 are deleted, and a new section 5 (regarding navigational systems and equipment) is included. III/22.3.2 Pre. 01.07.1998 passenger ships Lights on lifejackets shall comply with paragraph 2.2.3 of the LSA Code II-2/ & II-2/ Existing passenger ships < 36 passengers At least two emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried within each main vertical zone. II-2/ & II-2/ Existing passenger ships 36 passengers At least four emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried within each main vertical zone. II-2/13.4.3 & II-2/ Existing ships Emergency escape breathing devices shall be carried within the machinery spaces. II-2/ Part E Existing ships In general more detailed requirements for operational readiness (operational readiness and maintenance; instructions, onboard training and drills; operations). December 2000 SOLAS Amendments 01.07.2002 December 2000 SOLAS Protocol 1988 Amendments First periodical survey after 01.07.2002 First survey after 01.07.2002 June 1996 SOLAS Amendments December 2000 SOLAS Amendments DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 63 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation First survey after 01.07.2002 continued December 2000 SOLAS Amendments continued II-2/14.2.2 & II-2/ II-2/15.2.3 & II-2/ II-2/16.1 & .2 & II-2/ 01.10.2002 Stockholm Agreement (regional agreement) First periodical survey after 01.10.2002 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments 01.01.2003 1998 STCW Code Amendments Applicable to Subject Existing ships A maintenance plan for fire protection systems and fire-fighting systems shall be kept on board. Existing ships A training manual shall be provided in crew mess and recreation room or in each crew cabin. Existing ships Fire safety operational booklets shall be provided on board. V/ & V/ Existing ships GPS or terrestrial radionavigation system (or other means for position identification) required. Radio direction finder no longer required (and Exemption Certificate w.r.t RDF no longer relevant). V/20.1.2 Existing ro-ro passenger ships Voyage data recorder (VDR) to be fitted. Annex 2 Passenger ships with car decks, 97.5 ≤ A/Amax Final date for complying with specific stability requirements taking into account accumulated sea water on car deck. II-1/8-1 (replaces II-1/8.9 of April 1992 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, 90 ≤ A/Amax < 95 Upgrading of damage stability to comply with Reg. 8 (SOLAS ’90 standard) II-1/8-2 (new regulation) Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships > 1500 persons, A/Amax < 95, age ≥ 20 years To comply with two-compartment standard Tables A-II/1 & A-II/2 Deck officers engaged in cargo handling and stowage The specifications have been made more detailed Existing high-speed craft Editorial changes. Nautical charts and nautical publications to be provided. In lieu of nautical charts an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) with back-up may be accepted. Annex 1 High-Speed Craft Safety Certificate A new section 5 (regarding navigational systems and equipment) is added in the Record of Equipment. Annex 1 All ships Ships shall not apply or re-apply anti-fouling systems containing organotin, e.g. TBT. Annex 4, Reg. 2 Ships ≥ 400 GT engaged in international voyages An International Anti-Fouling System (IAFS) Certificate to be carried. Until the IAFS Convention enters into force a Statement of Compliance ought to be carried. Annex 4, Reg. 5 Ships < 400 GT and Length ≥ 24 m engaged in international voyages A Declaration signed by the Owners or Owner’s authorised agent to be carried no later than when the IAFS Convention enters into force. Reg. Existing high-speed ro-ro passenger craft Voyage data recorder (VDR) to be fitted. Reg. 13.1 01.01.2003 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments 01.01.2003 (reference is made to explanatio n in Item 3 on pages 4 & 5) IAFS Convention First survey after 01.01.2003 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Reg. 13.14 DET NORSKE VERITAS 64 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Regulation Applicable to Subject 01.07.2003 May 1994 SOLAS Amendments II-2/15.2.12 Ships constructed before 01.07.1998 Paragraphs 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11 of Reg. 15 to be complied with within this date, i.e. stricter requirements for protection of oil fuel lines (jacketed piping for highpressure pipes, insulation of surfaces with temp. above 220o C, screening). 01.07.2003 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments V/ Existing passenger ships irrespective of size An automatic identification system (AIS) to be provided. 01.07.2003 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Reg. Existing high-speed passenger craft An automatic identification system (AIS) to be provided. MARPOL, Annex IV Annex IV (sewage) Date of entry into force 27.09.2003 Convention MARPOL, Annex IV enters into force. However, the original Annex IV is replaced by the 2000 MARPOL Annex IV Amendments (“the revised text”) entering into force the same date, see next line. Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 All ships the building contracts of which are signed on or after 27.09.2003, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons The revised text of Annex IV to be informally applied. December 2000 SOLAS Amendments V/20.1.3 Existing non ro-ro passenger ships Voyage data recorder (VDR) to be fitted. 2001 1994 HSC Code Amendments Reg. Existing high-speed non ro-ro passenger craft. Voyage data recorder (VDR) to be fitted. 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments 01.01.2004 01.01.2004 Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 deleted, and paragraph 8 renumbered as paragraph 3. IV/1 IV/3 IV/4.1.6 General (radio communications) IV/7 IV/12 V/21 01.01.2004 V/21.2 (new paragraph) All ships Ch. VII, Part A New Part A (Regulations 1 through 6) All ships shall carry an up-to-date copy of Volume III of the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR Manual). Existing Part A is replaced by a new Part A and a new Part A-1. Carriage of dangerous goods New Part A-1 (Regulations 7 through 7-4) Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 deleted (no longer relevant), and paragraph 5 renumbered as paragraph 2. Paragraph 4 deleted (no longer relevant). Paragraph 2 deleted, and in paragraph 1 the words “Subject to paragraph 2” are deleted. New heading of the regulation: “International Code of Signals and IAMSAR Manual”. IV/14 May 2002 SOLAS Amendments Paragraph 2.3 deleted (no longer relevant). Reference to Reg. V/12(g) and (h) replaced by reference to Reg. V/ of the December 2000 SOLAS Amendments. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Heading: “Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Packaged Form”. The new IMDG Code (Res. MSC/122(75)) made mandatory. An approved Cargo Securing Manual Required. Heading: “Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Solid Form in Bulk”. The new IMDG Code (Res. MSC/122(75)) made mandatory. Section 3, items 7 and 8 and related footnotes are deleted from the Record of Equipment for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (Form P). DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 65 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 01.01.2004 01.07.2004 Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject 2002 Amendments to the SOLAS Protocol 1988 Appendix (ref. Reg. I/15) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Section 3, items 7 and 8 and related footnotes are deleted from the Record of Equipment for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (Form P). II-1/31.2.10 (new subparagraph 2.10) New ships Automatic systems for machinery control shall have threshold warning to the officer in charge of navigation watch of impending or imminent slow down or shutdown of the propulsion system. The officer shall have the opportunity to manually intervene with an automatic slowdown or stopping process. II-2/3.20 All ships II-2/19 All ships carrying dangerous goods III/26.2.5 (new subparagraph 2.5) New ro-ro passenger ships One of every four life rafts shall be fitted with a radar transponder (SART). V/ All ships fitted with AIS Continuous operation of the AIS required. The existing Ch. XI (Special measures to enhance maritime safety) is renumbered as Ch. XI-1. Historic The existing paragraph 3.4 is deleted. New passenger ships 100 GT Permanent marking of the ship’s IMO number both externally and inside the ship. All ships All ships to which Ch. I applies shall be issued by the Administration with a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR). The CSR shall provide an on-board record of the history of the ship with respect to information such as name of ship, flag State, date of registry, IMO number, owners, body / bodies issuing relevant certificates, etc., and changes in this information. December 2002 SOLAS Amendments Ch. XI XI/3.4 XI-1/3.4 & /3.5 (new paragraphs 4 & 5) XI-1/5 (new regulation) 01.07.2004 Pre. 01.07.2004 ships December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments Ch. XI-2 (new chapter) All ships engaged on international voyages, including high-speed craft and mobile offshore drilling units, and port facilities The definition of dangerous goods refers to the IMDG Code. In table 19.3 the dangerous goods classes 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 are changed to class 3; and for class 5.2 a footnote is added concerning paragraphs 3.10.1 and 3.10.2 prohibiting storage of class 3 dangerous goods under deck or in enclosed ro-ro spaces. The CSR shall at least cover the history from 01.07.2004. Special measures to enhance maritime security. Introducing the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), and making Part A of the Code mandatory and Part B recommendatory. The ships shall carry an International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC). Information on the ISPS Code is given in Item 5 on page 5 of this Note. From Ch. XI-2 the following is highlighted here: XI-2/6.1.1 XI-2/8 XI-2/11 New passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft A ship security alert system shall be provided. All ships Ships on short international voyages on fixed routes Master’s discretion for ship safety and security. Governments may conclude bilateral or multilateral alternative security agreements covering short international voyages on fixed routes. DET NORSKE VERITAS 66 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject First survey after 01.07.2004 December 2002 SOLAS Amendments III/26.1.4 & III/26.2.5 (new subparagraphs 1.4 & 2.5) Pre. 01.07.2004 ro-ro passenger ships One of every four life rafts shall be fitted with a radar transponder (SART). XI-1/3.4 & /3.5 (new paragraphs 4 & 5) Existing passenger ships 100 GT Permanent marking of the ship’s IMO number both externally and inside the ship. XI-2/6.1.2 Pre. 01.07.2004 passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft A ship security alert system shall be provided. II-1/8-1 (replaces II-1/8.9 of April 1992 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, 95 ≤ A/Amax < 97.5 Upgrading of damage stability to comply with Reg. 8 (SOLAS ’90 standard) II-1/8-2 Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships > 1500 persons, 95 ≤ A/Amax < 97.5, age ≥ 20 years To comply with two-compartment standard. New ships with length 24 m The 2003 Amendments to the 1988 Load Line Protocol enter into force. Completely revised Annex B (the regulations of the International Convention on Load Lines). Highlighted here are (see also information in Item 6 on page 6): First scheduled drydocking after 01.07.2004 First survey of the radio installation after 01.07.2004 First periodical survey after 01.10.2004 December 2002 SOLAS Conference Amendments November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Annex B Several sketches and tables are introduced to illustrate requirements. General Expected: 01.01.2005 2003 Amendments to Annex B of the 1988 Load Line Protocol 1 (3) Intact stability Compliance with an intact stability standard acceptable to the Administration required. 2-1 (new regulation) Authorization Authorized organizations shall comply with guidelines in Res. A.739(19) and specifications in Res. A.789(19) as these resolutions my be amended. 10(2) Stability information Stability information and loading information related to the ship strength (when required) shall be approved. 12 (4) Door sills Portable door sills shall be avoided. However, when allowed, they shall be installed before the ship leaves port, and they shall be gasketed and fastened by closely spaced through bolts. 14-1 (new regulation) Hatchway coamings 14-1 (1) is the previous Reg. 15 (1) (coaming heights). 14-1 (2) is the previous Reg. 16 (1) (reduced coaming heights or flush hatches). 16 Hatches 17 (3) Ventilation of emergency generator room 21 Ports in ships’ shell New and stricter sea loads on hatches (in general doubled and even more for forward hatches). If the emergency generator room is considered buoyant in the stability calculations or if it protects openings leading below, its ventilators shall have coaming heights of min. 4.5 m or 2.3 m in positions 1 and 2 resp. Ports in ships’ shells shall be at least 230 mm above the uppermost load line unless otherwise permitted and additional features installed. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 67 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Expected: 01.01.2005 continued 2003 Amendments to Annex B of the 1988 Load Line Protocol continued Voluntary application date: 2004 IMDG Code Amendments 01.01.2005 19.05.2005 1997 MARPOL, Annex VI Protocol Regulation Applicable to Subject 22 (2) Scuppers from enclosed superstructures Scuppers from enclosed superstructures used for carriage of cargo my only be led overboard if the edge of the freeboard deck is not immersed when the ship heels 5º. Garbage chutes Regulations for overboard systems for garbage chutes introduced. Spurling pipes and cable lockers Regulations for spurling pipes and cable lockers introduced. 23 Sidescuttles, windows and skylights Clearer definitions and requirements. 24 Freeing ports The requirements now also take into consideration the free flow area, and requirements for freeing of water from within partly open superstructures are introduced. 27 (11), (12) & (13) (new paragraphs) Types of ships / stability New paragraphs have been introduced dealing with: initial conditions of loading, damage assumptions, and condition of equlibrium . 32-1 (new regulation) Recess in freeboard deck In the calculation of minimum freeboard a correction for recess in the freeboard deck has been introduced. 34 Freeboard calculation More detailed description on how to calculate length of superstructure. 39 Minimum bow height New formula for minimum bow height and reserve buoyancy based on deck wetness considerations. 22-1 (new regulation) 22-2 (new regulation) Chapters 1.4 3.1 3.2 Dangerous goods list Ships carrying dangerous goods New Annex VI All ships Regs. 5 & 6 GT ≥ 400 Diesel engines ≥ 130 kW, ship keel laid ≥ 01.01.2000 or conversions/new installations Survey & inspection. Certificate required Reg. 16 Incinerators installed ≥ 01.01.2000 Shipboard incineration only allowed in approved incinerators. Retroactive requirements. Formal entry into force date of the revised text of Annex IV. This has no practical consequences, as the text has been informally applied from 27.09.2003, see the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments at that date. Reg. 13 Minor changes. The entry into force date is 01.01.2006, however, in Res. MSC.157(78) Contracting Governments are encouraged to apply these amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 01.01.2005. Annex VI, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from ships, enters into force. NOx emission. Retroactive requirements. Expected: 01.08.2005 2004 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 All ships the building contracts of which are signed on or after 27.09.2003, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons 01.10.2005 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments II-2/41-1.3.4 II-2/41-2.5 Pre. 01.10.94 but after 25.05.80 passenger ships Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system to be installed. 01.10.2005 December 2000 SOLAS Amendments II-2/10.5.6 II-2/ Existing (i.e. pre. 01.07.2002) passenger ships 2000 GT Fixed water-based (or equivalent) local fire extinguishing arrangements in category A machinery spaces > 500 m3 in gross volume. DET NORSKE VERITAS 68 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject First periodical survey after 01.10.2005 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments II-1/8-1 (replaces II-1/8.9 of April 1992 Amendments) Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, A/Amax ≥ 97.5 Upgrading of damage stability to comply with Reg. 8 (SOLAS ’90 standard) Period 01.10.2005 to 30.09.2009 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments II-2/41-1.3.4 II-2/41-2.5 Passenger ships with keel laying date in the period 01.10.1990 to 30.09.1994 Automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm system to be installed no later than 15 years from construction (i.e. keel laying date). 2004 IMDG Code Amendments Chapters 1.4 3.1 3.2 Dangerous goods list Date of entry into force Expected: 01.01.2006 Minor changes Ships carrying dangerous goods Reg. V/2.4 (new paragraph 4) Reg. V/22.1 Expected: 01.07.2006 Expected: 01.07.2006 2003 SOLAS Amendments May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set The entry into force date is 01.01.2006, however, in Res. MSC.157(78) Contracting Governments are encouraged to apply these amendments in whole or in part on a voluntary basis from 01.01.2005. Definition: “Length of a ship” means its length overall. Ships constructed on or after 01.07.1998 with length between 45 m and 55 m The requirements in Reg. V/22 regarding navigation bridge visibility changed from applying to ships not less than 45 m in length to ships not less than 55 m in length. Reg. V/28 Heading of the regulation is changed to “Records of navigational activities and daily reporting”. Reg. V/28.2 (new paragraph 2) Ships 500 GT engaged on international voyages exceeding 48 hours The ship shall submit a daily report to its company, may be submitted automatically. The report shall contain the ship’s position, course and speed, and details of any external or internal conditions that are affecting the ship’s voyage or the normal safe operation of the ship. All daily reports shall be retained by the company for the duration of the voyage. III/ All ships At lifeboat drills no crew needed in the lifeboats during launching. III/20.1 Pre. 01.07.1986 ships Reference to paragraph 3 of this regulation changed to paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 (as a consequence of the amendments to paragraph 3). III/20.3 All ships MSC/Circ. 1093 made compulsory, i.e. maintenance, testing and inspections of life-saving appliances shall be carried out based on the guidelines in that circular. III/20.6 A report of the weekly inspections of life-saving appliances shall be entered in the log-book. III/20.6.1 It is added that the weekly visual inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the condition of hooks, their attachement to the lifeboat, and the on-load release gear being properly and completely reset. III/20.6.3 (new subpargraph 3, the existing subpargraph 3 renumbered as 4) III/20.7.1 (new subpargraph 1, the existing text renumbered as 2) All ships Lifeboats shall weekly be moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent necessary to demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and and sea conditions so allow. All ships All lifeboats shall monthly be turned out from their stowed position, without any persons on board. DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 69 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Expected: 01.07.2006 continued May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 2nd set continued Regulation Applicable to III/ Wording “serviced at recommended intervals” changed to “maintained” (in accordance with instructions for onboard maintenance as required by Reg. 36). III/ Frequency of thorough examination of launching appliances changed from 5-yearly to annually. All ships III/ May 2004 SOLAS Amendments, 3rd set Wording “serviced at recommended intervals” changed to “maintained” (in accordance with instructions for onboard maintenance as required by Reg. 36). IV/15.9.1 All ships In the existing paragraph 9 the wording about annual testing of satellite EPIRBs has been changed from “..... with particular emphasis on frequency stability, signal strength and coding.” to “..... with special emphasis on checking the emission on operational frequencies, coding and registration.”, and the testing shall be carried out within 3 months before the expiry date of the Passsenger Ship Safety Certificate. IV/15.9.2 (new subparagraph 2) All ships Satellite EPIRBs are subject to maintenance by an approved shore-based maintenance facility at intervals not exceeding 5 years. V/2.5 (new paragraph 5) Search and rescue Definition of “Search and rescue service”. V/33 Distress situations In the title of Reg. V/33 the words “Distress messages” are changed to: “Distress situations”. 2004 SAR Convention Amendments In the first sentence the words “a signal” are replaced with “information” (on persons being in distress), and a new sentence is added that the obligation to provide assistence applies regardless of nationality or staus of distressed persons or the circumstances in which they are found. Contracting Governments shall co-ordinate and cooperate to release masters’ of their obligations, assist survivors from assisting ships and deliver them to a place of safety. V/33.1 Master’s duty to assist in a distress situation V/33.1-1 (new paragraph 1-1) Contracting Governments V/33.6 (new paragraph 6) Masters’ treatment of embarked persons Masters of ships who have embarked persons in distress at sea shall treat them with humanity. V/34.3 V/34-1 (new regulation) Owners’ responsibilities towards masters’ discretion The text of paragraph 3 of Reg. V/34 is moved to a new Reg. V/34-1 (not to prevent or restrict the master from taking or executing necessary decisions). A sentence is added that the notion of a person in distress at sea also includes persons in need of assistance who have found refuge on a coast in a remote location within an ocean area inaccessible to any rescue facility other than as provided for in the annex. Paragraph 2.1.1 Expected: 01.07.2006 Upon completion of the above annual thorough examination a dynamic test of the winch brakes to be carried out with a mass equal to the lifeboat without persons on board. However, at 5 year intervals the mass shall be 1.1 x maximum working load of the winch. All ships with on-load release gears for lifeboats III/ Expected: 01.07.2006 Subject Search and rescue Paragraph (new subparagraph States’ responsibility to co-operate with other RCCs to identify the most appropriate place(s) for disembarking of persons found in distress at sea. Paragraph 3.1.9 (new subparagraph 3.1.9) Parties shall co-ordinate and co-operate to release masters’ of their obligations, assist survivors from assisting ships and deliver them to a place of safety.. DET NORSKE VERITAS 70 Information note No. 9 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Expected: 01.07.2006 2004 STCW Code Amendments Ch. I, Section A-I/2, paragraphs 1, 2, & 3 Certificates and endorsements In the heading of the certificate and endorsements respectively the phrase “in 1995” is deleted. 27.09.2006 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 All ships with delivery date 27.09.2006 (and building contract signed before 27.09.2003), and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons Must comply with the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments. First periodical survey after 01.10.2006 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments II-1/8-2 Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships 1000 ≤ persons < 1500, A/Amax < 97.5 To comply with two-compartment standard 01.01.2008 IAFS Convention Annex 1 All ships Anti-fouling systems containing organotin, e. g. TBT, shall not be present on the hull (i.e. old TBT either to be removed or sealed by applying a coating). Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.2 27.09.2008 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments First periodical survey after 01.10.2008 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments 01.10.2010 April 1992 SOLAS Amendments First periodical survey after 01.10.2010 November 1995 SOLAS Amendments Annex IV (sewage) Reg. 2.1.3 & 2.1.4 All ships for which keel laying date < 02.10.1983, and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons All ships for which 02.10.1983 keel laying date, and delivery date < 27.09.2006 (and building contract signed before 27.09.2003), and which are 400 GT, or which are certified to carry > 15 persons To be equipped to comply with the discharge requirements of the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments as far as practicable. Must comply with the 2000 MARPOL, Annex IV Amendments. II-1/8-2 Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships, age ≥ 20 years, 600 ≤ passengers < 1000, A/Amax < 97.5 To comply with two-compartment standard II-2/41-1.2.4 Pre. 25.05.80 passenger ships Upgrading to complying with Ch.II-2 of SOLAS 1974 II-1/8-2 Pre. 01.07.97 ro-ro passenger ships ≥ 400 persons, age ≥ 20 years not already complying with two-compartment standard To comply with two-compartment standard DET NORSKE VERITAS Information note No. 9 71 May 2004 Table B – Passenger Ships Date of entry into force 12 months after acceptance Convention Ballast Water Management Convention Regulation Applicable to Subject Reg. B-3.1.1 Ships constructed before 2009 with ballast capacity between 1,500 – 5,000 m3 Ballast water exchange until 2014, then ballast water treatment Reg. B-3.1.2 Ships constructed before 2009 with ballast capacity less than 1,500 m3 or greater than 5,000 m3 Ballast water exchange until 2016, then ballast water treatment Reg. B-3.1.3 Reg. B-3.1.4 Reg. B-3.1.5 Ships constructed in or after 2009 with ballast capacity less than than 5,000 m3 Ships constructed in or after 2009 but before 2012 with ballast capacity 5,000 m3 or more Ships constructed in or after 2012 with ballast capacity 5,000 m3 or more Ballast water treatment required, (ballast water exchange not accepted). Ballast water exchange until 2016, then ballast water treatment Ballast water treatment required, (ballast water exchange not accepted). 1) IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee meeting in May 1999 (MSC 71) approved an amendment to SOLAS Reg. III / 28.2 to change the words ”Passenger ships” to ”Ro-ro passenger ships”, i.e. that this requirement shall only be applicable to ro-ro passenger ships. This amendment was adopted by MSC 72 (May 2000) and is expected to enter into force 01.01.2002. MSC 71 also approved MSC/ Circ. 307 recommending non ro-ro passenger ships being constructed in the period 01.07.1999 to 01.01.2002 to be accepted without helicopter landing area. DET NORSKE VERITAS