World War I Terms and Definitions:

World War I Terms and Definitions:
Woodrow Wilson: President during World War I, he authored the Fourteen Points,
meant to stabilize Europe after the war.
Treaty of Versailles: Ended World War I, placed the guilt of war on Germany
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: Germans were sinking non-military ships with
their submarines. Some American ships were sunk causing us to desire revenge.
Causes of World War I: This was a mainly European War.
M: Militarism was a cause of the war
A: Alliances was a cause of the war
I: International trade and industrialization was a cause of the war
N: Nationalism was a cause of the war, severe patriotism / pride in your country.
Schenck v. United States: Supreme Court Case that limited peoples’ free speech in
times of crisis.
Limited Free Speech: Speaking against the US during WWI was considered a crime,
you could go to jail for speaking badly about the US and its leaders.
Doughboys: Fresh, new troops who had not fought yet; American Soldiers.
Alliance System:
Arms Race:
Central Powers:
Trench Warfare:
Total War:
Eastern Front:
Western Front:
General John J. Pershing: