NOTICE OF AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY THE UL MARK 04/20/2010 Kontron Embedded Computers Gmbh Mr. ARMIN DOBLINGER Oskar-von-miller Str 1 Eching 85386, De Our Reference: File E147705-A29, Vol. X4 Project Number 09CA38018 Your Reference: 45198272 Project Scope: UR/cUR - NEW MEDICAL LAN CARDS LF PCIe Med LAN Card and LF PCIe Med Dual LAN Card into FILE E147705 AND AS ALTERNTE LAN CARDS INTO FILE E147705-A16 & A28. Dear Mr. ARMIN DOBLINGER: UL's investigation of your product(s) has been completed under the above Reference Number and the product was determined to comply with the applicable requirements. This letter temporarily supplements the UL Follow-Up Services Procedure and serves as authorization to apply the UL Mark only at authorized factories under UL's Follow-Up Service Program. To provide the manufacturer with the intended authorization to use the UL Mark, the addressee must send a copy of this notice to each manufacturing location currently authorized in File E147705-A29, Vol. X4. This authorization is effective from the date of this Notice and only for products at the indicated manufacturing locations. Records in the Follow-Up Services Procedure covering the product are now being prepared and will be sent in the near future. This letter authorizes application of the UL Mark for 90 days from the date of this letter. Products that bear the UL Mark shall be identical to those that were evaluated by UL and found to comply with UL’s requirements. If changes in construction are discovered, appropriate action will be taken for products not in conformance with UL’s requirements and continued use of the UL Mark may be withdrawn. UL may elect to withdraw use of the UL Mark if the Applicant or Manufacturer fails to comply with UL’s requirements including ongoing compliance of the product, under UL’s Follow-Up Service. This is an electronically generated letter. Signatures are not required for this document to be valid. Page 1 of 2 Notice of Authorization - 09CA38018 Any information and documentation provided to you involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. The contents of this Letter are intended solely for the use of UL and the Applicant. The opinions and findings of UL represent its judgment given with due consideration to the necessary limitations of practical operation in accordance with UL’s objectives and purposes. UL shall not otherwise be responsible for the use of or reliance upon the contents of this letter by anyone. UL shall not incur any obligation or liability for any loss, expense or damages, including incidental, consequential or punitive damages, arising out of or in connection with the use or reliance upon the contents of this letter to anyone other than the Applicant as provided in the agreement between UL and Applicant. Any use or reference to UL’s name or certification mark(s) by anyone other than the Applicant in accordance with the agreement is prohibited without the express written approval of UL. Very truly yours, Reviewed by: Riem Elia +49-89-622-703-19 Engineer Manfred Mueller 0049-89-622703-16 Staff Engineer Stefan Hochwart +49-(0)89-622703-0 DAP Auditor FRKEA22-6793FC This is an electronically generated letter. Signatures are not required for this document to be valid. Page 2 of 2 Issue Date: 2010-04-21 Page 5 of 47 Report Reference # E147705-A29-UL-1 GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION: CA1.0 Report Summary CA1.1 N/A CB1.0 Product Description CB1.1 The unit LF PCIe Med LAN Card and LF PCIe Med Dual LAN Card are PCI LAN card for plug in a back plane with one or two LAN connectors(RJ45) connector. CC1.0 Model Differences CC1.1 LF PCIe Med LAN Card is identical to LF PCIe Med Dual LAN Card, except in the provided number of LAN connector. The LF PCIe Medical Dual LAN card B672 is provided with two LAN connectors. CD1.0 Additional Information CD1.1 Note to CB Report: The UL identification number is used on the product marking plate and the company name will be used on the packaging. All tests on PCIe Medical LAN Card were conducted on two PC, model AWS-BE and AWS-TE with maximum load conditions. For information only: The PCIe Medical LAN Card was also evaluated for the isolation between the IT equipment and medicine end use with following tests in accordance to UL/IEC 60601-1, second edition: 57.10 CREEPAGE DISTANCE AND AIR CLEARANCE, measured (UL/IEC60601-1 2nd Ed) between input and output of T3/4 (required cl. 2.85mm/cr4.56mm) measure 12.0mm and between Pins of J1/2 to enclosure (required as above) measured 4.71mm ENCLOSURE LEAKAGE CURRENT TEST (SUB -CLAUSE 19.4g) DIELECTRIC VOLTAGE WITHSTAND (IEC 60601-1, Sub-Clause 20.4) HUMIDITY PRECONDITIONING TREATMENT: (IEC 60601-1, Sub-Clause 44.5) All tests was performed with humidity pre conditioning If the power consumption or ambient temperature increases above the level in this report, additional tests maybe necessary. All tests was performed with humidity pre conditioning The clearance and creepage are evaluated with the multiplication factors of 1.14 for the altitude of 3000m above sea level. CE1.0 Technical Considerations CE1.2 The product was submitted and evaluated for use at the maximum ambient temperature (Tma) permitted by the manufacturer’s specification of: 50°C CE1.7 The product was investigated to the following additional standards: EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 (which includes all European national differences, including those specified in this test report). CE2.0 The product was investigated to the following additional standards for reference only: TRF No. IECEN60950_1C Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Issue Date: 2010-04-21 Page 6 of 47 Report Reference # E147705-A29-UL-1 EN/IEC60601-1, 2nd Edition: 57.10 CREAPAGE DISTANCE AND AIR CLEARANCE, measured (UL/IEC60601-1 2nd Ed) between input and output of T3/4 (required cl. 2.85mm/cr4.56mm) measure 12.0mm and between Pins of J1/2 to enclosure (required as above) measure 4.71mm ENCLOSURE LEAKAGE CURRENT TEST (SUB -CLAUSE 19.4g) DIELECTRIC VOLTAGE WITHSTAND (IEC 60601-1, Sub-Clause 20.4) HUMIDITY PRECONDITIONING TREATMENT: (IEC 60601-1, Sub-Clause 44.5) All tests was performed with humidity pre conditioning If the power consumption or ambient temperature increases above the level in this report, additional tests maybe necessary. All tests was performed with humidity pre conditioning -- CF1.0 Engineering Conditions of Acceptability CF1.1 For use only in or with complete equipment where the acceptability of the combination is determined by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. When installed in an end-product, consideration must be given to the following: CF1.5 The following secondary output circuits are SELV: all outputs CF1.13 The investigated Pollution Degree is: 2 CF1.19 The following end-product enclosures are required: Fire, Electrical CF2.0 The unit must be supplied by SELV. TRF No. IECEN60950_1C Underwriters Laboratories Inc.