MACHINE FOR THE MOWING OF GRASS, HEDGES, MAINTENANCE OF ROADSIDE GREEN WARNING: READ, UNDERSTAND and FOLLOW the Safety and Operation Instructions contained in this manual before operating the equipment. TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL INSTRUCTION © 2013 Energreen srl 1 Dear Customer, In thanking you for having chosen an “ENERGREEN” product, we have the pleasure of delivering this user manual with the aim of allowing you an optimal use of our product to improve your work. We invite you to read with great care the recommendations contained in the pages that follow and place the manual at the disposition of the personnel who deal with the running and the maintenance of the machine. ENERGREEN is at your complete disposal for all the eventual clarifications either in the starting phase of the machine or in every moment of use. In case of eventual requests contact us on our fax: 0444 864366 When ordinary or extraordinary maintenance are necessary, ENERGREEN now places at your disposal its own personnel in order to supply you all the assistance and spare parts necessary. For a more rapid relationship we list useful of telephone numbers: ENERGREEN Via Pietre, 73 36026 POIANA MAGGIORE (VICENZA) - ITALY Telefono : +39 0444 864301 Fax +39 0444 864366 e-mail: ENERGREEN © 2013 Energreen srl 2 INDICE CAPITOLO 1 - DESCRIZIONE GENERALE 1.1 Informazioni preliminari 1.2 Formazione richiesta all’ operatore 1.3 Avvertenze per l’ uso 1.4 Premessa 1.5 Garanzie 1.6 Responsabilità 1.7 Usi consentiti 1.8 Usi impropri o non consentiti 1.9 Rodaggio e collaudo della macchina 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 CAPITOLO 2 - CARATTERIZZAZIONE DELLA MACCHINA 2.1 Descrizione della macchina 2.2 Norme seguite 2.3 Identificazione della macchina 15 15 17 CAPITOLO 3 - PRESCRIZIONI DI SICUREZZA 3.1 Norme di sicurezza generali 19 3.1.1 Conoscere a fondo la macchina 19 3.1.2 Portare indumenti protettivi 19 3.1.3 Usare un’attrezzatura di sicurezza 19 3.1.4 Avvertenze per le verifiche e la manutenzione 20 3.1.5 Verifica della macchina 20 3.2 Precauzioni generali 3.2.1 Avvertenze di sicurezza 3.2.2 Sicurezza antinfortunistica 3.2.3 Sicurezza di esercizio 3.2.4 Norme di sicurezza per la circolazione stradale 3.2.5 Norme di sicurezza durante l’uso 3.2.6 Norme di sicurezza per l’impianto idraulico 3.2.7 Ubicazione delle targhette di sicurezza 3.2.8 Descrizione delle targhette di sicurezza 3.2.9 Prevenzione contro le folgorazioni 3.2.10 Prevenzione contro lo schiacciamento dall’alto 3.2.11 Precauzioni riguardanti la struttura della cabina 3.2.12 Precauzioni riguardanti le attrezzatture 3.2.13 Salita e discesa dalla macchina 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 27 27 27 28 28 3.3 Regole generali di sicurezza 3.3.1 Cura e manutenzione 3.3.2 Sicurezza durante i rifornimenti e rabbocchi 3.3.3 Estintore incendi e primo soccorso 3.3.4 Uscita di sicurezza dalla cabina 30 31 32 32 © 2013 Energreen srl 3 3.4 Precauzioni per la manutenzione 3.4.1 Targhe di avvertenza 3.4.2 Attrezzi 3.4.3 Personale 3.4.4 Lavoro sotto macchina 3.4.5 Mantenere pulita la macchina 3.4.6 Sostituzione periodica delle parti fondamentali per la sicurezza 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 CAPITOLO 4 - DATI TECNICI 4.1 Caratterisitche tecniche 4.2 Imgombri standard 4.2.1 Macchina 4.3 Nomenclatura della macchina 35 37 37 38 CAPITOLO 5 - TERMINOLOGIA 5.1 Definizione dei termini utilizzati 39 5.2 Targhetta adesiva dei comandi 40 CAPITOLO 6 - USO DELLA MACCHINA 6.1 Controlli preliminari della prima messa in servizio 6.2 Controlli prima dell’inizio di ogni giornata lavorativa 6.2.1 Verifica generale perdite olio 6.2.2 Verifica livello olio 6.2.3 Verifica delle parti cromate 6.2.4 Verifica dei dispositivi di sicurezza 6.3 Cabina 6.3.1 Presa elettrica 6.3.2.Uscita di emergenza 6.3.3 Ventilazione e riscaldamento 6.3.4 Cinture di sicurezza 6.3.5 Custodia documentazione tecnica 6.3.6 Sedile 6.4 Descrizione dei comandi della macchina 6.4.1 Selettore sterzatura 6.4.2 Indicatore diagnostica motore diesel 6.4.3 Pedale bloccaggio differenziale 6.4.4 Inversore senso di marcia (optional) 6.4.5 Pedale freno servizio 6.4.6 Pedale acceleratore 6.4.7 Volante 6.4.8 Selettore cambio 6.4.9 Devi luci 6.4.10 interruttore fari lavoro posteriori 6.4.11 Interruttore tergicristallo e lavavetri 6.4.12 Interruttore fari lavoro anteriori © 2013 Energreen srl 4 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 52 52 53 53 54 54 55 55 56 56 6.4.13 Interruttore retronebbia 6.4.14 Interruttore work mode 6.4.15 Indicatore livello olio 6.4.16 Cruscotto 6.4.17 Accendisigari 6.4.18 Potenziometro work mode 6.4.19 Spie assale F - R 6.4.20 Spie marcia inserita 6.4.21 Freno di stazionamento 6.4.22 Bloccaggio assale anteriore 6.4.23 Spie blocco differenziale e bloccaggio cabina 6.4.24 Interruttore rotazione cabina 6.4.25 Interruttore motore testata 6.4.26 Variazione di cilindrata 6.4.27 Ventola reversibile 6.4.28 Fari ausiliari 6.4.29 Sospensione oleopneumatica braccio 6.4.30 Interruttore girofaro 6.4.31 Climatizzatore 6.4.32 Autoradio (optional) 6.4.33 Interruttore ritardo arresto motore 6.4.34 Interruttore frecce di emergenza 6.4.35 Antiurto rotazione braccio (optional) 6.4.36 Flottante testata 6.4.37 Cruise Control (optional) 6.4.38 Sospensione braccio (optional) 6.4.39 PTO (optional) 6.4.40 Variazione giri PTO (optional) 6.4.41 Flottante PTO (optional) 6.4.42 Motori raiber (optional) 6.4.43 Trazione integrale (optional) 6.4.44 Soffiatore (optional) 6.4.45 Luce di cortesia 6.4.46 Quadro accensione 6.4.47 Selettore manuale (optional) 6.4.48 Selettore attrezzatura neve (optional) 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 69 70 70 71 71 6.5 Dispositivi di sicurezza 6.5.1 Informazioni preliminari 72 6.5.2 Sicurezze uomo presente 72 6.6 Inconvenienti 6.6.1 Motore diesel 6.6.2 Circuito elettrico 6.6.3 Impianto idraulico 6.6.4 Impianto frenante 73 74 74 74 6.7 Fusibili e relè 6.7.1 Fusibili e relè centralina 6.7.2 Fusibili linea motore 6.7.3 Fusibile staccabatteria © 2013 Energreen srl 5 75 77 78 6.8 Come muovere la macchina 6.8.1 Avviamento del motore 78 6.8.2 Come muovere la macchina per trasferimenti in marcia veloce 79 6.8.3 Come muovere la macchina per trasferimenti in marcia lenta 80 CAPITOLO 7 - TRASPORTO E MOVIMENTAZIONE 7.1 Operazioni di carico e scarico per il trasporto stradale 7.2 Circolazione su strada: prescrizioni 7.3 Traino della macchina 7.4 Sbloccaggio freno di stazionamento 81 82 83 84 7.5 Collegamento di una macchina trainata 85 CAPITOLO 8 - IMMAGAZZINAMENTO86 8.1 Smantellamento, messa fuori servizio87 CAPITOLO 9 - MANUTENZIONE 9.1 Premessa 88 9.2 Norme generali 88 9.3 Interventi non ordinari 89 9.4 Tabelle per la scelta dei fluidi e dei grassi 89 9.4.1 Carburante 90 9.5 Manutenzione del motore 9.5.1 Carburante 90 9.5.2 Liquido di raffreddamento 90 9.5.3 Rabbocco carburante 91 9.6 Manutenzione dell’ impianto idraulico 91 9.7 Manutenzione impianto elettrico 92 9.8 Sostituzione periodica dei componenti per la sicurezza 93 9.9 Manutenzione secondo necessità 9.9.1 Controllo, pulizia o sostituzione filtri aria 9.9.2 Controllo e pulizia filtri aria in cabina 9.9.3 Pulizia esterna del radiatore (giornaliera) 9.9.4 Pulizia radiatore intercooler 8giornaliera) 93 94 95 96 9.10 Controlli prima di ogni giornata lavorativa 9.10.1 Controllo livello liquido refrigerante 9.10.2 Controllo livello carburante 9.10.3 Controllo del livello olio motore 9.10.4 Controllo del livello olio idraulico 9.10.5 Drenaggio del decantatore carburante 97 97 98 98 99 100 © 2013 Energreen srl 6 9.11 Manutenzione ogni 50 ore 9.11.1 Controllo della pressione dei pneumatici 101 9.11.2 Controllo dell’impianto elettrico 101 9.12 Manutenzione ogni 100 ore 9.12.1 Schema di lubrificazione 9.12.2 Punti di lubrificazione 9.12.3 Manutenzione alle prime 100 ore 102 103 104 9.13 Manutenzione ogni 250 ore 9.13.1 Schema di lubrificazione 9.13.2 Controllo del livello dell’elettrolito della batteria 9.13.3 Controllo del livello olio riduttore 9.13.4 Controllo del livello olio assale anteriore 9.13.5 Controllo del livello olio assale posteriore 9.13.6 Controllo del livello olio riduttori epicicloidali 9.13.7 Controllo coppia serraggio dadi ruote 9.13.8 Cambio olio e filtro olio motore diesel 104 105 106 106 106 107 107 107 9.14 Manutenzione ogni 500 ore 9.14.1 Schema di lubrificazione 108 9.14.2 Sostituzione olio motore 108 9.14.3 Sostituzione filtri carburante 110 9.14.4 Sostituzione olio riduttori epicicloidali111 9.15 Manutenzione ogni 1000 ore 9.15.1 Schema di lubrificazione 111 9.15.2 Sostituzione filtro olio idraulico 112 9.15.3 Sostituzione olio cambio 113 9.15.4 Sostituzione olio assali 113 9.16 Manutenzione ogni 2000 ore 9.16.1 Schema di lubrificazione 114 9.16.2 Sostituzione olio impianto idraulico115 9.16.3 Sostituzione liquido di raffreddamento 116 © 2013 Energreen srl 7 CAPITOLO 10 - ISTRUZIONI PER LE SITUAZIONI DI EMERGENZA 10.1 Incendio 117 10.2 Estrazione dell’operatore in caso di malore 117 CAPITOLO 11 - ANNOTAZIONI 118 © 2013 Energreen srl 8 1 – GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1– BACKGROUND INFORMATION This is the operator’s manual of the construction in the meaning of the the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and successive modifications and integrations. Do not destroy, do not modify, integrate only with additional papers. Part No: EENUM30006 Rev. n°: 06 Published: 06/2013 Type of machine: Professional bush shearing machine Model: ILFS 1500 Il manuale è valido dal n° di matricola: 1500S051300216 Manufacturer data: LASERJET srl Via Pietre, 73 36026 Cagnano di Pojana Maggiore (VI) - ITALY Telefono: + 39 0444 864301 Telefax: + 39 0444 864366 e-mail: for commercial info: for service/after sales: List of the attachments: • Eventual manual equipment • Diesel engine use & maintenance © 2013 Energreen srl 9 1.2 - TRAINING REQUESTED TO THE OPERATOR Attentive reading of this manual: - Every operator and personnel responsible for the maintenance of the machine must read entirely with the maximum attention this manual and respect the contents herein. - the employer has the obligation of ascertaining that the operator possesses the requisite aptitude tests for the driving of the machine and has taken attentive vision of the manual. 1.3 - WARNINGS FOR USE The norms of functioning contained in this manual are valid exclusively for the machine ENERGREEN mod. ILFS1500. The instruction manual must be read and utilized in the following mode: - Read attentively the instruction manual and consider it an integral part of the machine; - The instruction manual must be easily within reach of the personnel responsible for the driving and for the maintenance; - Look after the manual for all the duration of the machine; - Ensure that any update is incorporated in the text; - Supply the manual to any other user or successive owner of the machine; - Use the manual in mode such so as not to damage all or in part the contents; - Do not remove, tear up or rewrite for any motive parts of the manual; - Conserve the manual in zone protected from damp and heat; - In case the manual is lost or partially ruined and therefore it is not possible to read the contents completely, request a new manual from the manufacturer. Pay the maximum attention to the following symbols and to their meaning. Their function is highlight to information particular such as: WARNING: In reference to integrations or suggestions for the correct use of the machine. ATTENTION : In reference to situations of danger that, if not avoided, MAY result in MINOR INJURY DANGER: In reference to situations of danger that, if not avoided, WILL result in DEATH or VERY SERIOUS INJURY © 2013 Energreen srl 10 1.4 - PREMISE The norms of service described in this manual, constitute part integral of the delivery of the machine. These norms, furthermore, are meant for the operator already expressly taught for drive this type of machine and contain all the information necessary and indispensable for the safety of functioning and the optimal use, not incorrect, of the machine. Hurried and incomplete preparations cause improvisation and this causes many accidents; before initiating work, read attentively and respect scrupulously the following suggestions: 1) Get confident, before starting to manoeuvre the machine, of any operation and admissible position of functioning; 2) The operator must always have the instruction manual available at any moment; 3) Schedule every service with care; 4) Procure all the information necessary for the transport on road of the machine such as distance, itinerary, height of the passages, height of bridges, etc..; 5) Know in detail where and how is foreseen the use of the machine: use on the ground, time taken, limitation of the movements caused by the presence of buildings, electric lines and similar; 6) Always ensure having the necessary equipment available: arms and cables certified and in optimum state; 7) Before work ensure that the measures of safety function correctly and have no doubts on their functioning; in case of the contrary do not utilize in any case the machine; 8) During the transfer by road respect all the norms and the prescriptions in act on the subject of road traffic circulation; 9) Observe accurately the warnings relating to special dangers contained in this manual; 10) Constant preventive and accurate maintenance always guarantees elevated safety of functioning of the machine. Never delay necessary repairs and carry them out only and exclusively with specialized personnel, and use only original spare. 1.4.1 - MANUAL UPDATE The information, descriptions and illustrations contained in this manual reflect the state of the art at the time of sale of the machine. The Manufacturer reserves the right to make, at any time, any changes to the machines for technical or commercial reasons. In the event that such changes do not require (for security reasons) the manufacturer to act on the machines sold so far, will not be sent updates of the same manual or the information contained herein is considered inadequate. Any additions that the manufacturer deems appropriate to provide below will need to be kept with the manual and considered an integral part of it. 1.4.2 - COPYRIGHT The copyright of this manual belongs to the Manufacturer. This manual contains text, illustrations and drawings of a technical nature that can not be disclosed or transmitted to third parties, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the manufacturer of the machine. © 2013 Energreen srl 11 1.5 - GUARANTEE The parts supplied by the firm ENERGREEN enjoy of a guarantee of 12 months starting from the putting into service, proven by the documentation delivered to the customer. The firm ENERGREEN reserves the right to repair, or substitute, the pieces recognized defective by it during the period of guarantee. With the substitution of the piece retained defective, the firm ENERGREEN retains itself free from any other costs sustained by the concessionary and by the customer of the concessionary such as damage presumed, present or future, such as lost earnings, penalty, etc... The ordinary and extraordinary maintenance must occur following the instructions contained in this manual. For all cases not included and for every type of assistance contact directly ENERGREEN by email or fax, even in the case of agreement taken telephonically. ENERGREEN assumes no responsibility for eventual delays or lack of interventions. ENERGREEN does not retain itself responsible for eventual damage or malfunctioning due to technical interventions carried out on the machine by non-authorized personnel. 1.6 - RESPONSABILITY The firm ENERGREEN retains itself exonerated from every responsibility and obligation for any accident to persons or things that can occur caused by: - Lacking observance of the instructions contained in this manual regarding the driving, the use and the maintenance of the machine; - Violent actions or erroneous manoeuvres in the use and in the maintenance of the machine; - Modifications made to the machine without prior written authorization of the firm ENERGREEN; - Occurrences however foreign to the normal and correct use of the machine. In any case, whenever the user blames the accident to a defect of the machine, they must demonstrate that the damage occurred was a principal and direct consequence of such “defect”. ATTENTION : For the repairs of maintenance or repairs carried out always use exclusive pieces of spare original parts. The firm ENERGREEN declines any responsibility for damage for nonconformity of the above. The machine is guaranteed according to the contract stipulated in the sale. The guarantee nevertheless expires whenever the norms and instructions of use. © 2013 Energreen srl 12 1.7 - PERMITTED USED ILF S1500 is a machine constructed to be used by professional personnel, principally for work of cutting of the material that grows or finds itself on the ground such as: grass, sticks, bushes and hedges of maximum diameter 5 cm. The appropriate utilization foresees not working with the cutting head lifted from the ground. Every other utilization is not appropriate and the manufacturer declines any responsibility for eventual damage to persons, things or the machine that can derive from it. 1.8 - MISUSE OR NOT PERMITTED ATTENTION : In this paragraph are indicated some of the improper or not consented uses; being impossible to foresee all the possible improper uses, if particular occasions for the use of the machine present themselves, before carrying out the work, contact the firm ENERGREEN. WARNING: The instructions regarding the optional measures acknowledged are described in the respective publications of use and maintenance; if the equipment is supplied by ENERGREEN, the publications are attached at this manual. The instructions for the assembly of the equipment acknowledged, the commands that require a predisposition on the machine, the hydraulic attachments necessary to the functioning of the equipment, are collected together in the final section of this manual. Avoid categorically the following uses: • Use of the machine by minors, persons inexpert, and persons not licensed. • Use of the machine for the lifting of persons or things. • Use of the cutter as pile driver. • Use of the machine for towing means involved in accidents. • Use of the machine for crushing of waste wood and hedges with upper diameter at 5 cm. • Use of the arm such as means of lifting of the machine. • Lift loads or make oblique shots; • Use the arm to push and / or pull objects; • Turn on the machine accessories or equipment for their physical and chemical characteristics are classified as hazardous (eg. flammable materials, toxic explosive, etc.). • Overloading the machine beyond the limits allowed; • Increase the length of employment with arms without the authorization of Energreen; © 2013 Energreen srl 13 DANGER: Using the machine as the points mentioned above there is a risk of tipping or structural failure of the same resulting in a risk of injury or death to the operator. 1.9 - RUNNING AND TESTING OF THE MACHINE Every machine is scrupulously regulated and tested before delivery. A new machine must however be utilized with caution for the fi rst 100 ours, to carry out a good running in of the various components. If the machine is placed under to an excessive workload during the initial phase of functioning, its potential performance will be prematurely compromised and its functionality reduced in a brief period of time. In the running in period pay great attention to the following points: - After starting, allow the engine to turn at a low number of revs for 5-6 minutes. - Avoid making the machine work to the limit for the fi rst 100 hours of work, avoid sudden accelerations or decelerations. After the fi rst 100 hours, even for foreseen maintenance, carry out the following operations: - Oil engine replacement; - Oil engine filter replacement; - Fuel filters replacement ; ATTENZIONE : During the substitution of the oil fi lters, inspect their internal parts to check for the presence of deposits; in this case verify the possible cause before restarting the machine. © 2013 Energreen srl 14 2 - DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINE 2.1 - DESCRIPTION OF THE MACHINE Machine specifi c for the mowing of the grass, hedges, maintenance of the green areas of roadsides, slopes, canals, drainage of water etc... Equipped with hydraulic connections with quick couplings allows the replacement of various equipment depending on the operational needs. Equipment permitted on the arm: - mower - branch cutter - mower bucket Equipment permitted on the front plate: - PTO 540/1000 rpm with lift - snow blade - tsnow blower - barrier mower Discovery 840 - Greenside mower ENERGREEN declines any responsibility for damage of any nature caused by incorrect use and/ or diverse from that above stated. 2.2 - NORMS FOLLOWED The machine has been designed and constructed in the respect of the directive CE in merit for the safety and to the approximation of the legislations of the states member; in the case specific of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE applicable to it. In the design have been furthermore taken in consideration the following norms: - UNI EN ISO 12100-1 “safety of the machinery” (terminology) - UNI EN ISO 12100-2 “safety of the machinery” (specifi c and principles technical) - EN 60204 “safety of the machinery” (equipment electric) To upgrade the machine have been used the following harmonized standards: - UNI EN 13524:2009 as well as the technical specifications - ISO 11684:1995 - UNI EN ISO 3767-2 : 1998 © 2013 Energreen srl 15 FAC SIMILE DELLA DICHIARAZIONE CE © 2013 Energreen srl 16 2.3 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE MACHINE The registration plate of identification of the machine is fixed on the right side of the frame under the support of the arm rotation ram (a). The number of registration of the machine is printed on the right side of the frame above the support of the arm rotation ram (b) NOISE LEVEL This value indicates the maximum sound level perceived by the operator ‘s inside the fully enclosed cab. This value indicates the sound level outside of the machine and refers to the noise perceived by those who are close to the work area. Standards ISO 3744:2010, ISO 11201:2010 © 2013 Energreen srl 17 VIBRATION LEVEL The value of vibration detected in the various tests is: A = 0,1 m/s2 operator’s seat with the unit stationary and engine at maximun rpm. 2 A = 1,0 m/s at wheel with the unit stationary and engine at maximun rpm. A = 0,1 m/s2 operator’s seat with the unit stationary and engine at 2000 rpm + mower. 2 A = 0,7 m/s at wheel with the unit stationary and engine at 2000 rpm + mower on. A = 0,4 m/s2 operator’s seat with the unit runs forward at 7 km/h and engine at 2000 rpm; mower on. A = 1,5 m/s2 at wheel with the unit runs forward at 7 km/h and engine at 2000 rpm; mower on. A = 0,3 m/s2 operator’s seat with the unit runs backward at 7 km/h and engine at 2000 rpm; mower on. at wheel with the unit runs backward at 7 km/h and engine at 2000 rpm; A = 1,4 m/s2 mower on. Standards: ISO 2631-1:1997, ISO 5349-1:2001, EN 12096:1997, EN 1032:2009 ATTENTION: 1) On the machine are adhesive signs that have the purpose of rendering the use safer. Therefore it is very important replace them if not are/have more legible. 2) The operator not must be occasional, but must have matured a certain experience with this type of machine. 3) Whenever the direct visibility of the zone of work at the place of manoeuvre not is sufficient, the operator must be assisted by persons expressly charged with the task. 4) Check monthly the integrity and the functionality of the parts wearing out deriving from use: (hubs, valves, piping etc..). In case of necessity carry out the substitution with original materials. 5) Do not tamper with the hydraulic plant for any motive and do not remove the seal of the valve, the penalty is the expiration of every form of guarantee. For the registrations of the valves contact to mechanic authorized. 6) The excessive heating of the oil causes damage to the seals of the hydraulic circuit and a deterioration of the fluid itself. The heating is caused from lamination of the oil through the valve of maximum pressure. Avoid therefore prolonged use with the jacks stopped. © 2013 Energreen srl 18 3 – SAFETY SECTION 3.1 – GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 3.1.1 – KNOW THE MACHINE The machine must be used exclusively by qualified personnel, who are obliged to know the dispositions and the function of all the commands, the instruments, the indicators, the lamp lights and the various sign plates. 3.1.2 – WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Wear appropriate clothes and use equipment of safety conforming to the normatives in act. 3.1.3 – SAFETY GEAR Place a first aid box and CO2 fire extinguisher on the machine. The extinguisher goes in the appropriated space reserved for it (a). Always keep the extinguisher completely full. Use according to regulations. © 2013 Energreen srl 19 3.1.4 – WARNINGS FOR THE MAINTENANCE IN VERIFICA Apply a label “IN MAINTENANCE” on the door of the cabin or on the lever. In phase of maintenance place the extremity of the arm always and exclusively to the ground (never on other supports such as heaps of materials, containers, etc...). 3.1.5 – CHECK IN Check attentively the machine every day of its utilization, following the list of the operations contained in this manual. Start and make the machine work exclusively from the place of driving. Do not allow ever aboard other persons at board with the machine in function. For go up and down use the appropriate finger holds and steps. Start the engine only in areas well ventilated and make sure that not you do not have persons in the relative range of action. © 2013 Energreen srl 20 3.2 – GENERAL PRECAUTIONS - Before carrying out any operation or manoeuvre with the machine it is obligatory of read and follow the indications contained on the manual of use and maintenance. During work it is too late. Improper utilization or an erroneous manoeuvre could cause serious damage to persons or things. - Is the operator that the maintenance persons must know well the machine above all for that that concerns the dangers deriving from poor utilization or erroneous repairs. - Before starting, carrying out all the checks on cutter shears regarding: operability; safety road traffic; safety norms. - Even during the appropriate utilization of the machine, stones or other things can be hurled distant. Therefore no one must find themselves in the range of danger. Pay great attention during work near roads or buildings. - Before the beginning daily work verify the integrity of the utensils and of all protections; whenever damaged or missing, replace them. - During the checks or repairs make sure that no one can by error put the machine in movement. -Never wear large or loose clothing. - Never accept passengers on the cutter. - Never work, walk or stay under the raised arm. - Never use the arm to lift persons or things. - Never transport persons on the cutter. - Never go near the machine until the rotor is totally stopped. - Before every starting, check the eventual presence of persons and/or animals nearby. - Before abandoning the machine carry out as follows: 1 - inhibit any function lifting the left arm. 2 - in the case of strong leaning insert the wheel stop blocks. 3 - remove ignition key. - Replace immediately every warning of safety or diagram lost or deteriorated. - Never devalue or ignore the norms of safety © 2013 Energreen srl 21 3.2.1 - SAFETY WARNINGS The machine has been designed and constructed in base of the current technical rules in act such as mowing of grass, hedges, maintenance of the green areas of roadsides, slopes, canals, drainage of water etc.... Observance of the laws, dispositions, prescriptions, ordinances and directives in act for such machines. The materials used and the parts of equipment, as well as the procedures of production, quality guarantee and checks to satisfy the maximum exigencies of safety and reliability. Using it for the aims specified in this manual of use, manoeuvring it with the due diligence and carrying out accurate maintenance and revisions of up to date standards, can mean high performance, continuous functionality and duration of the machine. Circulating on public land, respect all the dispositions of laws in act on the subject of road traffic circulation. 3.2.2 - SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS The manufacturer will not answer for accidents, during the use of the machine, due to the nonobservance by the user, of laws, dispositions, prescriptions, and rules in act for machines used for the mowing of grass, hedges, maintenance of the green areas of roadsides, slopes, canals, drainage of water etc.... The machine is designed for the use in normal weather conditions at temperatures from 20 c° at + 40 c° and therefore must operate only in such environmental conditions. As regards the activity of mowing on public roads, please refer to the rules of responsible the work being a mobile site. 3.2.3 - SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - STANDARD USE The manufacturer will not answer in case of anomalies of functioning and damage if the machine: - is used for aims diverse from those for that is destined, - is not manoeuvred, started and maintained according to the norms of service specified in the following manual, - is not periodically and constantly placed under maintenance such as prescribed or are used pieces of spare parts which are not original, - is modified or the equipment is substituted without written authorization of the manufacturer, especially when the efficacy of the plant of safety has been diminished or eliminated on purpose, - is used out of the ambit of temperature allowed. © 2013 Energreen srl 22 3.2.4 - SAFETY FOR ROAD TRAFFIC CIRCULATION - During the transfers, moderate speed, above all on bumpy roads. - During the transit on public roads, respect the road norms in act. - Never transport the machine with the cutter in movement, even for brief distances. - Block the arm and the cutter (see transfer 6.8.2). ATTENTION : Verify that the dimensions given in the specifications comply with the limits prescribed by the regulations governing road traffic in the country of use of the machine. 3.2.5 - WORK SAFETY INSTRUCTION - Pay great attention during the work, not to enter into contact with resistant objects, such as drains, wells, slopes, guardrails, railway lines etc. This could cause the breakage of the tool that would be thrown at very high speed. - Whenever iron wires, chords, chains or other, wind themselves round the rotor, stop immediately, not to cause damage or dangerous situations; stop the rotation of the cutter, switch off the engine and remove the key. After having put on work gloves, reset the rotor with the help of pliers or shears. - Do not continue to utilize the machine in presence of head vibrations that could causer breakage and serious damage. Ascertain the cause of such a problem and eliminate it. DANGER: Non provare a liberare il rotore facendolo girare in senso contrario. Pericolo di espulsione materiale. 3.2.6 - HYDRUALIC SYSTEM SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS - Stop immediately in case of leakage. - Periodically check the hoses, if worn contact the company ENERGREEN. - Before working on the system put the head on the floor (or any other mounted equipment ) and turn off the engine. - Oil and grease used should be disposed of in accordance with the emission standards. WARNING: Never look for the loss of oil with the bare hands, but with the help of appropriate gloves. Wait until the oil has cooled down before intervening. Drain the oil pressure before disconnecting hoses or during plant maintenance. Oil under forte pressure could penetrate the skin causing grave infections. In this case immediately consult a doctor. These operations must be executed by authorized personnel. © 2013 Energreen srl 23 3.2.7 - DECAL LOCATION © 2013 Energreen srl 24 3.2.8 - DECAL DESCRIPTION WARNING : Make sure the good conditions of safety decals. If the decals are damaged must be replaced with original requested from the manufacturer and placed in the position indicated in the manual. Make sure that the safety decals are readable. Clean them using a damp cloth with soap and water. a Sign of danger of utensils in rotation. Do not enter with hands or feet in their range of action. Sign of danger objects in movement: indicates the possibility of exit and launch of stones or other bodies and obliges one to distance oneself from the range of action of the machine. Sign of danger of crushing or shearing: do not insert limbs in the mobile parts of the machine where this diagram is placed. b Sign of danger of crushing or shearing: do not insert the limbs in the mobile parts of the machine where this diagram is placed. c Warning of danger due to not knowing all the functions of the machine and the consequent risks. Read attentively the manual of use and maintenance before putting in function the machine. © 2013 Energreen srl 25 d Hyd. oil tank e Fuel tank f Signs of danger hot parts and organs in movement: indicates the presence of hot parts, such as exhaust pipes or hoods, and mechanical organs in movement. Warnings of lubrication: indicates that is absolutely prohibited to lubricate the organs in movement and obliges switching off the engine. g Speed Limit 40 Km/h. e Hazards related to the battery. Keep sparks, lighted matches, and open flame away from the top of battery. Battery gas can explode. Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a volt-meter or hydrometer. Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode. Warm battery to 16°C (60°F). © 2013 Energreen srl 26 3.2.9 - PREVENTION AGAINST FULGURATIONS Always maintain a distance of safety sufficient when passing electric lines. This is important in a special way when it deals of line areas that have not been removed by specialists or when the state is unknown. DANGER: Maintain a sufficient distance of safety from lines electric. Observe the norms national specific. If one doesn’t know the nominal current of the line always maintain a minimum distance of 5m. 3.2.10 - PREVENTION AGAINST CRUSHING FROM HIGH - Do not stay or enter in the range of action of the cutter when you are the operator on board and the engine is in function. - Do not stay or work under the arm or articulations when the arm is raised. 3.2.11 - PRECAUTIONS REGARDING THE CABIN FRAME If during the work the cabin is inadvertently knocked or the machine suffers a bump, the cabin can be been damaged reducing the rigidity and therefore the safety active that it must give to the operator. Consult ENERGREEN to check the structure and the resistance of the cabin. © 2013 Energreen srl 27 3.2.12 - PRECAUTIONS REGARDING THE EQUIPMENT -When optional equipment is installed and utilized, attentively read the relative manual and strictly follow the instructions contained in it. - Do not use optional or special equipment without having received the go-ahead from ENERGREEN. Assembly and use of equipment not authorized by ENERGREEN can create problems of safety and damaging effects both for the operability and for the duration of the machine. - Any damage, accident or reduction of efficiency of the machine derived from application and use of equipment not authorized, does not bring about any responsibility punishable for ENERGREEN. 3.2.13 - UP AND DOWN IN THE MACHINE Access to the driving cabin of the machine is carried out with the help of the handle (a) predisposed for the purpose. For going up and down from the cabin utilize the appropriate finger holds (a) and steps (b). The finger holds and the steps mounted on the machine are highlighted by the arrows in the side illustration. Always keep the finger holds and the steps of access to the cabin clean from traces of oil, grease, earth, etc. to avoid slipping. © 2013 Energreen srl 28 LEFT THE SEAT : When one must abandon even momentarily the driving seat, ensure that the machine is positioned in a safe zone. Before abandoning the driving seat carry out in sequence the following operations: - Place the equipment on the ground ; - Apply the parking brake; - Put the gear in neutral; - Stop the engine; In case the leaving is so from far as to lose sight of the machine, remove the key of ignition. © 2013 Energreen srl 29 3.3 - GENERAL SAFETY RULES 3.3.1 - CARE AND MAINTENANCE The cause of many damages and accidents is due to errors of maintenance, such as: - Lack of oil, grease and antifreeze, - Lack of cleaning, - Emergency Stop, functioning stop not checked daily, - Deficiency in the piping (damage of the floating pipes, slow starting, etc.). Carry out accurately the work of maintenance even for ones own safety. Never delay work of repairs. Charge the work of repairs only to personnel who are specialized or authorized. Observe always the following norms of safety, even when one has full mastery of all the elements of manoeuvre: - Make adequate the gear speed to the conditions of the journey interval. Always pay attention to the height of transit passing under bridges, roofs, electric conductors and similar. - Always maintain the glass of the driving cabin clean. - Before initiating work check that all the movements, the stop and the measures of protection function perfectly. -Ensure continually that persons cannot be found in the zone of danger of the machine. Put them on guard with the klaxon or voice and interrupt work if such persons do not leave the zone of danger. - Do not allow non-authorized persons in the cabin of the machine and never with the vehicle in movement. - Do not utilize the machine to lift persons. - Do not abandon ever the driving seat with the machine is on. © 2013 Energreen srl 30 3.3.2 - SAFETY DURING THE REFUELLING AND TOPPING UP Fuel, oil and some types of antifreeze are easily inflammable. - Keep naked flames at a distance from inflammable fluids. - Switch off the engine and do not smoke during refuelling. - Fill up only with the engine stopped and in an area well ventilated. - Do not permit the approach of unauthorized persons. - During the filling up keep the pistol of filling or the tank steady and keep it always in contact with the fuel filler until to the end of the filling up to avoid sparks due to static electricity. - At filling up close the cap of safety with care. - Do not completely fill the tank, but allow space for the expansion of the fuel. - Immediately dry the eventual fuel and remove. ATTENTION : The structure of this type of machine requires a particular attention in the operation of filling up. For the approach to the points of filling up, use exclusively the scale responding to the norms of safety stipulated by the D.Lgs 81/2008. In case the filling up is carried out by tank, remember that the capacity of every tank must be max 25 l. © 2013 Energreen srl 31 3.3.3 - FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND FIRST AID - Check the presence and therefore the location (a) of the fi re extinguisher. - Ensure periodically that the extinguishers are loaded and that the mode of use is clear. - It is necessary to know where the box of fi rst aid is kept. - Check periodically that the box of fi rst aid is supplied with disinfectants, bandages, medicines, etc.. - It is necessary to know what to do in case of fire. - Ensure having in the vicinity the telephone numbers for fi rst aid. WARNING : Th e provision of the extinguisher is the responsibility of the owner of the machine. 3.3.4 - CABIN SAFETY EXIT On the machine is foreseen the safety exit that has been identifi ed and signalled in the posterior glass (a). In the interior of the cabin is positioned a hammer that, in case of emergency, must be used to break the glass (see “6.3.2 Exit of emergency”). © 2013 Energreen srl 32 a 3.4 - PRECAUTIONS FOR MAINTENANCE 3.4.1 - WARNING SIGNS Before initiating any operation of maintenance, position the machine on solid and level ground, place the equipment on the ground and arrest the engine. If other persons start the engine and work the levers of command while following operations of maintenance, one can incur dangers of serious damage or death. To avoid these dangers, before carrying out the maintenance, hang DO NOT SWITCH ON warning signs on to the steering wheel, the levers of the commands and the ignition key; if necessary, apply DO NOT SWITCH ON warning signs even around the machine and in particular on the raising handle. 3.4.2 - EQUIPMENT Only use equipments prescribed by the manufacturer of the machine, for the purpose of avoiding personal lesions, throw away tools that are worn out or damaged, of low quality or are improvised. ATTENTION : Equipments not prescribed or that have been modified without consent make expire the responsibility of the manufacturer for damage caused. 3.4.3 - PERSONNEL The ordinary maintenance prescribed in this manual must be carried out only by personnel authorized and trained. For the maintenance or revision of components not specified in this manual contact ENERGREEN. © 2013 Energreen srl 33 3.4.4 - WORKING UNDER THE MACHINE Before carrying out interventions of maintenance or repairs under the machine, lower the equipment of work to the ground or until for a lower position. Always block the wheels of the machine in safe mode. Never work under the machine if it is not sustained in a safe and solid manner. 3.4.5 - KEEP CLEAN THE MACHINE Fouling of oil and grease, tools or broken pieces, are damaging to persons because they can cause slipping or falls. Always allow cleaning and order in the machine and the place of work. For the cleaning of the machine, use a jet under hot water pressure or vapour and a detergent that can be found on sale. Do not use diesel, petroleum or solvents in that the former leave an oily film that favours the adhesion of dust, while solvents (even if weak) damage the paint and therefore favour the formation of rust. If a jet of water penetrates the electric equipment apart from inducing rust of the contacts, it can impede the starting of the machine or can cause the unexpected starting and stopping. For this reaston do not use jets of water or vapour on directioners, connectors or the interior of the cabin. 3.4.6 - PERIODICAL REPLACING OF MAIN PARTS FOR SAFETY Check periodically the following components important for the prevention of the fires: system of alimentation: - Pipes for sending and return of the fuel; - Hydraulic system: principal pipes of sending for the hydraulic pumps; - Hydraulic system: pipes for the use from distributor to hydraulic cylinders. Even if they must seem in good state, these components are substituted periodically with new pieces. With the weather, these components tend in fact to deteriorate. In the case that one of these parts is defective, substitute it or repair it even if it is still not past its deadline. © 2013 Energreen srl 34 4 - TECHNICAL DATA 4.1 - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS TOTAL WEIGHT Total mass with 12mt. arm .................................................... Kg. 12000 Total mass with 10mt. arm .................................................. Kg. 11100 Persimmible mass.................................................... Kg.12700 Front axle Kg.6500 Rear axle Kg.7500 ENGINE Brand ........................... N° cylinder ................... Power ........................ Cooling sys. ............. JOHN DEERE 4 104 Kw/140 Cv. liquid Type ................... 4045HF285 Displacement..........4500 cc. Torque max. ..... 394 Nm@1400 rpm Air Filter .......... dry ELECTRICAL LOOM Voltage ............................ 12 VDc Alternator .......................................... 120 Amp. Battery ................................................ 180 Ah HYD. SYSTEM Transmission: Mower: Arm movement Utility N. 1 Variable displacement piston pump in close circuit. Flow max 170 Lt @ 2400 rpm (420 bar) N. 1 Variable displacement piston pump in close circuit. Flow max 140 Lt @ 2000 rpm (290 bar) Nr. 1 Gear pump, flow max. 75 lt @ 2000 rpm (200 bar) Nr. 2 Gear pump, flow max. 80 lt @ 180 bar SPEED OF TRANSPORT FORWARDBACKWARD GEAR 1 (Slow) 2 (Fast) 1 (Slow) 2 (Fast) Km/h @ 2400 rpm © 2013 Energreen srl 12 40 35 12 40 AXLES REAR ................. Rigid/steering with gear box - hyd. differential block 100 % FRONT ................. Swing/steering - differential block autom. 45 % TYRES TYPE BRAND 445/65 R 22.5 600/50 R 22.5 XF 18R19.5 PRESSURE (bar) CONTINENTAL ALLIANCE MICHELIN 3.5 / 4 4 / 4.5 5.5 / 6 LOAD (Kg) at 40 Km/h 5175 (6 bar) 5130 5295 BRAKE Service nr. 6 dischi in bagno d’olio a comando idraulico su entrambi gli assali Parking negative, electric-hydraulic command. Automatically inserted at each engine shutdown. FILLING Diesel tank ............................... Lt. 260 Hydraulic Oil tank ............................... Lt. 260 Diesel Engine Oil .................................. Lt. 15 TOWED EQUIPMENT Tow pin ............................. Type MHC Omologation: DGM*3*0013GA C 6tV1,5 Vertical max load ....................... 350 Kg. Towed max load ....................... 3000 Kg. (towed equip. without brake) 5000 Kg. (with over-run brakes) The machine does not have a braking system dedicated for towed equipment. © 2013 Energreen srl 36 4.2 - OVERALL 4.2.1 - MACHINE 3100 4000 * with tyre 600/50-22.5 2400/2530* 2400 5650 © 2013 Energreen srl 37 4.3 - PARTS OF MACHINE 14 10 11 9 1 12 13 2 8 7 5 6 Description: 1 - Cab 2 - Cab's support 3 - Front towing hook 4 - Front swing axle 5 - Chassis 6 - Rear fixed axle 7 - Engine diesel © 2013 Energreen srl 3 4 8 - Rear towing hook 9 - Turn arm support 10 - I arm 11 - II arm 12 - Telescopic arm 13 - Mower 14 - Reels (version 12 meter) 38 5 - TERMINOLOGY 5.1 - TERMS OPERATOR Personnel trained to manoeuvre the machine in conditions of work, movement and trained to carry out operations of normal checking and cleaning on the machine. Must not have disabilities of any kind or problems of health. SPECIALIZED OR MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Personnel trained to carry out operations of ordinary maintenance, mounting, disassembly and assembly of any components of the machine. Must not have handicap of any kind or problems of health. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL Personnel trained to carry out operations of maintenance extraordinary, mounting, disassembly and assembly of components particulars of the machine. Must be authorized in writing to intervene on the machine by the company ENERGREEN. Must not have handicap of any kind or problems of health. COLLABORATOR OF THE OPERATOR Personnel trained to help the operator in any manoeuvre of the machine (manoeuvre in building site with visibility reduced, load and waste through means of transport, using pump action, etc...). Must know the principal norms of safety of work. REPAIR WORKSHOP Authorized repair workshop made up by personnel trained to carry out operations of extraordinary maintenance, mounting, disassembly and assembly of components particular to the machine. Must be authorized in writing to intervene on the machine by the firm ENERGREEN. The operator is invited to refer to the norm UNI EN 12100-1, EN 12100-2 for the definition of the other terms utilized in this action. © 2013 Energreen srl 39 5.2 - JOYSTICK DECAL 8 + 5a Uscita sfili 8 + 5b Rientro sfili Braccio telescopico 8/10/12 mt 8 + 3 Apertura III° braccio 8 + 4 Chiusura III° braccio 8 + 5a Uscita sfili 8 + 5b Rientro sfili Braccio France 11 mt Braccio 3P 9,7 mt. WARNING : The commands of the joystick depending on the equipment attached to the machine. Before performing any operation check the instructions on manual equipment in attach. © 2013 Energreen srl 40 6 - USE OF MACHINE 6.1 - CHECK UP The operator must verify that the machine is supplied with: - Manual of use and maintenance, - Booklet of verifi cation (if required), - Card of circulation (if required), - Insurance R.C. (if required). In case of re-sale for “used machine” the customer/user must supply to the purchaser the manual of use and maintenance complete in all its parts, as well as the pamphlet the verifi cation and the card of circulation (if required). The machine is supplied of two copies of keys (starter, cabin, hoods, etc...). A copy must be delivered to the operator and one must be conserved in a safe place by the manager of the construction site (not inside of the machine!), to rescue the operator in case of eventual illness (make reference to the CHAPTER 11.2 “extraction of the operator in case of illness”). 6.2 - CHECKS BEFORE EVERY WORKING DAY 6.2.1 - CHECK-UP OIL LEAKS Carry out an external inspection of the machine (joints, hoses, hydraulic component, etc...) and check to see any oil leaks or other liquids. WARNING: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. © 2013 Energreen srl 41 6.2.2 - OIL LEVEL CHECK UP Check the engine oil level is within the limits acceptable. Check the hyd. oil level is within the limits acceptable. 6.2.3 - VERIFICATION OF CHROME PARTS Carry out an inspection of the chrome parts of the machine (jacks) and check that they are not marked or ruined. 6.2.4 - VERIFICATION OF SAFETY DEVICES Verify that the measures of safety installed on the machine (micro on seat and on the lever, klaxon, beacon, lights), function correctly. ATTENTION : In the case there anomalies or breakages to one or more parts listed above are found; do not utilize the machine and contact specialized personnel and report the problem found. © 2013 Energreen srl 42 6.3 - CABIN The new generation cabin is very spacious, mounted on special elastic supports and studied in the minimal particulars, supplies a silent and comfortable environment, certified to the maximum safety by I° level ROPS/FOPS. Standads: EN 474-1, ISO 3449, ISO 3471 (EN 13510), ISO 2867, ISO 3164, ISO 3411, ISO 5353. Particular attention has been dedicated to the instruments of high readability, with wide adjustable consoles. An effi cient system of conditioning, the wide glass surface, renders the driving post ideal. Receiving the observations of those who operate daily on traditional means, a system of cabin rotation allows the operator to orientate the driving position obtaining the maximum visibility and checks in the phase of work. Thanks to the use of a multifunctional joystick and other pedal commands an intuitive and direct operability is obtained that facilitates and optimizes the use of the machine. EXIT DALLA CABINA: To open the door of the driving cabin press the handle (a); to fi x the door, open it of 180 degree and lock it to the lock placed externally on the structure of the cabin; to unlock pull the lever (b). To open only the window of the cabin turn the handle clockwise (c); to fix the window open carry out the operation described above for the lock of the door. c b a © 2013 Energreen srl 43 6.3.1 - ELECTRIC SOCKET On the front of the cabin is positioned an electric socket (a) for the connection of a device of illumination for operations of service and of maintenance. It is a bipolar connection socket and is in line with the norm ISO 4165-1979. The electrical power feed of the socket is 12 V. 6.3.2 - EMERGENCY EXIT On the cabin has been foreseen an exit of safety on the posterior window (a). In case of emergency use the hammer on the right posterior post inside of the cabin and break the posterior window. ATTENTION : Make sure periodically that the hammer for breaking the glass is present in the cabin and fixed in the stabile position. © 2013 Energreen srl 44 a 6.3.3 - AIR CONDITIONAL AND HEATING The ventilation and the change of air are obtained with a electronic unit (a). a Hold the switch for 2 seconds to startup. 1- Speed of fun 2- Mixing ratio Hot/Cold air 3- On/Off air conditional status 4- External temperature. Turn it to increase/decrease the speed of fun (1). Press once to select the mixing ratio (2). Press twice and turn the button to switch on/off air conditional (3). Hold for 3 seconds to switch off the unit. © 2013 Energreen srl 45 6.3.4 - SAFETY BELT La cintura (1) presente sul sedile di guida è predisposta con due punti di attacco e regolazione della lunghezza. La cintura deve essere portata sempre e deve essere ben stretta trattenendo l’ operatore al livello del bacino come in figura. DANGER : The seatbelt must be fastened before carrying out any operation. The seatbelt must be replaced whenever there are signs of unravelling, damage, wearing out and nevertheless every 4 years. 6.3.5 - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION PROTECTION The manual must be conserved and kept with care and must be always aboard the machine specifically in the compartment for keeping the manual that finds itself in the little cupboard behind the seat (1). ATTENTION : The manual of use and maintenance is an integral part of the machine therefore it must always be present on the machine also with changes of ownership. © 2013 Energreen srl 46 6.3.6 - SEAT Fore/aft adjustement. The fore/aft adj. is released by lifting the locking lever (1). The locking lever must lach into the desired position with an audible click. It should not be possibleto move the driver’s seat into another position when its locked. Backrest adjustement. Pull up the locking lever (2) to release the backrest catch. By exerting pressure on or off the front or rear part of the seat pan it can be moved to the desired position. Release the locking lever to lock the backrest. Weight adjustement. The seat must be adj. for the driver’s weight by briefl y pulling the actuator lever (3) of the automatic weight and height adjuster. The driver must sit absolutely still during adj. Absorber (5). The absorber setting of the seat can be varied to suit the on and off-road driving conditions. Turn the lever to the desired position and release 1 - soft 2 - medium 3 - hard Fore/aft isolator (4). The shock impacts in the driving direction can be better absorbed by the driver seat. 1 - fore/aft isolator off 2 - fore/aft isolator on Set pan angle adjustement. Pull the left handle upwards to adjust the angle of the seat pan (7) Seat depth adjustement. Pull the right handle upwards to adjust the depth of the seat (6) Armrest adjustement. The armrests can be folded up if required and the height individually adj. Lumbar support. With the upper and lower switch the curvature of backrest upholstery can be adjusted. © 2013 Energreen srl 47 6 7 1 2 4 3 5 6.4 - DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMANDS OF THE MACHINE 6.4.18 6.4.7 6.4.5 6.4.9 6.4.6 6.4.16 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.8 6.4.17 6.4.2 6.4.18 6.4.1 6.4.19 6.4.20 6.4.21 6.4.22 6.4.23 6.4.10 6.4.11 6.4.12 6.4.13 6.4.14 6.4.15 6.4.25 6.4.26 6.4.24 6.4.27 6.4.28 6.4.29 6.4.31 QUICK TOOL 6.4.35 © 2013 Energreen srl 48 6.4.30 6.4.1 - STEERING SWITCH Using this selector is selected the type of steering; one can select the following types of steering: A: Front wheel mode; B: Round mode; C: Crab mode. With the front wheel mode the steering wheel commands the 2 front wheels. This selection must be used in fast transfer and on public roads. With the round mode the steering wheel commands the front and the rear wheels; the front wheels turn in the direction of rotation of the wheel whilst the rear wheels turning in the opposite direction. This selection is used for movements and curvature in restricted spaces. With the crab mode the steering wheel commands the front and the rear wheels; the front and those rear turn in the direction of rotation of the wheel. This selection is used for transversal movements right or left. The system does not consent the direct passage from the crab steering to the tondo steering and vice versa; it must therefore pass to the front wheel mode and successively to the steering desired. All the operations of selection of the type of steering are to be carried out with the machine stopped. (vedi par. 6.4.16) ATTENTION : The selection of the type of steering must be made only with machine stopped and with the slow gear inserted. During the work with 4 wheels steering, stop the machine and select front wheel mode once per hour DANGER : Before carrying out transfer by road, ensure that front wheel mode is selected. The selection of the type of steering must be carried out with the machine stopped. © 2013 Energreen srl 49 6.4.2 - JOHN DEERE DIAGNOSTIC GAUGE The diagnostic gauge allows the operator to view many readouts of engine functions and trouble codes (DTCs). The gauge is linked to the electronic control system and its sensors. This allows the operator to monitor engine functions and to troubleshoot the engine systems when needed. Press the arrows switch to access the various engine functions in sequence. The displays can be selected as either customary English or metric units. The following menu of engine parameters can be displayed on the diagnostic gauge window: • Engine hours • Engine rpm • System voltage • Percent engine load at the current rpm • Coolant temperature • Oil pressure • Throttle position • Intake manifold temperature • Current fuel consumption • Active service (diagnostic) codes • Stored service (diagnostic) codes from the engine • Set the units for display • View the engine confi guration parameters - Temperature of air socket -Overfeed pressure - Aspiration collector temperature - Differential pressure of the air filter -Waste gas temperature - Electrical power (current) - Battery power (voltage), commuted -Oil pressure for transmissions (as required) - Temperature of the oil for transmissions (a required) - Estimated speed of the flow (in percentage) © 2013 Energreen srl 50 Procedure for the Diagnostic Codes of Breakdowns The diagnosis of the Deere system of electronic regulation must be carried out waiting for the procedure described to follows. - Ensure that the mechanical systems of the engine and the systems not dependent on the system of electronic regulation function correctly. NOTE: the liquid crystal display (LCD) turns automatically at the last voice of the menu. If there is a diagnostic code of breakdowns (DTC), the display visualizes alternatively the reading of the counter and the DTC. The code number is visualized on the first line, the writing SrvcCode on the second. To visualize the DTC active select “SrvcCode” from the menu and press at the same time both the switches at membrane. Pressing the membrane switches it is possible to scroll the various parameters of the engine and the diagnostic codes of breakdowns. - Read and note the DTC visualized on the liquid crystal display of the diagnostic indicator for information on the procedure of access to the diagnostic codes of breakdowns, consult “diagnostic indicator engine diesel John Deere” in previous pages of this manual. - For the interpretation of the DTC present, consult LIST OF THE DIAGNOSTIC CODES OF BREAKDOWNS (DTC) in the pages successive of this section. - To far carry out the correct interventions of repairs, contact ENERGREEN supplying a list of the DTC. ATTENTION : for testing and understanding of the error code refer to the User operator ‘s John Deere (provided with this) on p. 50-17. DANGER : Perform these tests with the machine stopped with parking brake engaged. © 2013 Energreen srl 51 6.4.3 - DIFFERENTIAL BLOCK In the absence of adhesion on the wheels can turn locking differential holding a foot switch (1) located on the left steering column. To activate the differential block should act on the brake pedal until at the end of the stroke. Once the lock is on a led lights (2) is on; Issue the brake pedal and move at slow speed. 2 ATTENTION: The differential block to operate only with the slow gear inserted. When the locking differential is on its very diffi cult to steer the machine, avoid steering work. 6.4.4 - REVERSE PEDAL (OPTIONAL) To reduce the downtime, when you invert several times the direction, press the fwd/rev. pedal without use the gear switch. Release the pedal to go ahead again. © 2013 Energreen srl 52 1 6.4.5 - BRAKE PEDAL The braking is obtained pressing down the pedal (a), press the pedal of the brake to stop the machine. DANGER : Before starting to go down, press the pedal of the brake for check the effi ciency of the braking. Do not suddenly press the pedal of the brake when running down steep; the wheels can slide. The lacking application of these norms can cause grave accidents. 6.4.6 - GAS PEDAL With the pedal (a) is controlled directly diesel’s rpm and progress the machine. Start the pedal gradually to avoid sudden movements of the machine. © 2013 Energreen srl 53 6.4.7 - WHEEL Turning the steering wheel anticlockwise obtains steering left, turning the steering wheel clockwise obtains steering right. Pressing on the lever obtains the inclination of the steering wheel block; turn the lever anticlockwise and position the steering wheel block according to necessity, keep the steering wheel in the position desired and turn the lever clockwise (a) to block the position of the steering wheel. 6.4.8 - GEAR SELECTOR The switch located at the left of the steering wheel, controls the trasmission of the machine. N- NEUTRAL : in this position is inhibited the transfer and you can start the engine of machine. A- FORWARD : pushing the lever forward prepares the machine for the advancement. R- REVERSE : pulling back the switch will arrange for the reverse and you insert the buzzer intermittently to signal the working to any people present near the machine 1- First gear : Turn the switch to select the gear The inclusion of the gear is confi rmed by tortoise light (6.4.19). 2 - Second gear : Turn the switch to select the gear. The inclusion of the gear is confi rmed by hare light (6.4.19). © 2013 Energreen srl 54 WARNING : To make the change of gear should stop the movement of the machine acting on the brake pedal. Only in the stop and the brake pedal pressed to the end you get II gear. The II gear is enabled, also with: - Dial with steering front wheels only - Front axle unlocked. 6.4.9 - LIGHTS SWITCH The right lever of the steering wheel commands the lights, the directional indicators and the claxon. - Turning the selector anticlockwise (1) commands the lights; the fi rst click switches on the position lights, the second click turns on the dipped lights, pulling the lever towards up (2) has the flashing of the dazzle lights, pulling the lever towards down (3) inserts the dazzle lights - Moving the lever forwards (4) inserts the left directional indicator. - Moving the lever backwards (5) inserts the right directional indicator. - Pressing the button (6) sounds the claxon. 6.4.10 - BLINK WORK REAR LAMPS SWITCH Pressing the switch to start the blink work rear lamps. To stop it press the switch again. © 2013 Energreen srl 55 6.4.11 -WINDSHIELD AND WIPERS SWITCH Premendo l’ interruttore si aziona il tergicristallo e si illumina l’ interruttore stesso. Ripremendo nuovamente l’ interruttore si aziona la pompa lavavetri. Per spegnerlo premere l’ interruttore sulla parte superiore. 6.4.12 - WORK LAMPS SWITCH Pressing the switch at the top starts the work lamps in front of cabine Pressing the switch again to switch off the lamps. Pressing the switch at the botton starts the work lamps on the boom and in the rear of machine. Pressing the switch again to switch off the lamps. 6.4.13 - FOG LIGHTS SWITCH Pressing the switch is lit up the fog lights and illuminates the window on the switch. To switch off press again the switch. WARNING : The rear fog light will only work with the low beams on. © 2013 Energreen srl 56 6.4.14 - WORKING MODE SWITCH This is a switch that is used to set to a fixed number of engine revs. Pressing the switch activates the T/S mode and the number of revs is set up by the potentiometer (6.4.18). Pressing the switch again deactivates the T/S mode and the number of revs is imposed pressing the accelerator pedal (6.4.6). WARNING : Before shutdown the engine, switch always off the working mode switch. 6.4.15 - OIL LEVEL WARNING When the light is on means: - low oil level into the tank. Light on + buzzer: - too low oil level into the tank. WARNING : The engine stops automatically. © 2013 Energreen srl 57 6.4.16 - DASHBOARD On the dashboard of the machine it is possible check the speed of transfer in kilometres per hour (km/h); the fuel level; the temperature of the cooling liquid of the engine that must be of 80-85°c; a series of luminous indicators allows the checking of the activation of: - Light of warming up - Dazzle light lights - Directional indicators lights - Reserve fuel light - Alternator light - Overheating water of cooling light - Steering selection lights - Clogged air fi lter light - Low pressure circuit brakes light - Parking brake light 6.4.17 - CIGARETTE LIGHTER On the right side is positioned the cigarette lighter. Press the cigarette lighter to heat the resistance. When ready for use, the cigarette lighter is partially expelled and can be pulled out. DO NOT keep the cigarette lighter pressed when the resistance is heating up, it could overheat. WARNING : Grasp the lighter only by the handle. Danger of burns. Do not connect accessories to the cigarette lighter socket, unless these have been approved by ENERGREEN. © 2013 Energreen srl 58 6.4.18 - WORK MODE POTENTIOMETER Once the T/S mode (6.4.14) is actived. the diesel’s rpm is set up by the poty. Turning the poty clockwise increases the number of revs of the diesel engine; turning the potentiometer anticlockwise is diminished the number of revs of the engine. diesel. Move the machine pressing the accelerator pedal. WARNING : Before shutdown the engine, deactivate always the working mode switch. 6.4.19 - AXLE F-R WARNING These lights permit visualisation if the wheels are aligned. If the light R is switched on it means that the posterior wheels are aligned. If the light F is switched on it means that the anterior wheels are aligned. ATTENTION : During the transfer in fast gear if its switched off the light R warns with an audio signal. Arrest the movement of the machine, insert the slow gear and realign the wheels. 6.4.20 - GEAR WARNING These lights permit visualization gear found (slow or fast). If the light with the turtle is on it means that the slow gear is inserted. If the light with the hare is on it means that the fast gear is inserted. © 2013 Energreen srl 59 6.4.21 - PARKING BRAKE Pressing the switch inserts the parking brake and illuminates the window on the switch and the light on the dashboard. To remove it press the switch again. WARNING : The parking brake is inserted automatically every time that the machine is switched off; at every restarting of the engine, its necessary to remove it before moving. 6.4.22 - FRONT AXLE LOCK Pressing the switch unlocks the front axle, rendering therefore the front axle oscillating. ATTENTION : When performing transfers on the road in 2nd gear, the front axle unlocks automatically. 6.4.23 - BLOCK DIFFERENTIAL AND CABIN ALIGNMENT WARNING The light (a) allows visualisation if the cabin is aligned longitudinally. If the light is switched on it means that the cabin is aligned. The light (b) allows visualisation if the block differential is inserted. If the light is switched on it means that the differential is inserted. ATTENTION : b When the light is on it is not allow the inclusion of II gear. © 2013 Energreen srl a 60 6.4.24 - CABIN ROTATION The cabin rotation switch allows the cabin to turn 90° to render more visible the field of work for the operator. Pressing the left button the cabin turns left, when it is aligned longitudinally the light of cabin alignment is lit up (a). Pressing the right button the cabin turns right. a ATTENTION : For transfer, align the cabin to the direction of running. 6.4.25 - SWITCHING ROTOR DIRECTION This button starts the rotor for uphill/downhill cutting. When the button is pressed, the LED light will illuminate. Press the button to stops the rotor. The LED lights going out do not indicate that the rotor has stopped rotating, it signifies only that the oil flow to the rotor has ceased suffcient for the direction of rotation to be changed. WARNING : After starting the hydraulic motor, set to the diesel engine (1600-1800 rpm) acting on the potentiometer (6.4.20). The mower’s hydraulic motor runs only wirh Work Mode button switched on (6.4.15) DANGER : machine. When the fl ai rotor is started pay great attention to not enter into contact with resistant objects such as drains, wells, drainage, guard rail, railways, etc. This could provoke the breaking of the tools, which would be projected at very high speed. Make sure furthermore that there are no persons within the safety distance of the © 2013 Energreen srl 61 6.4.26 - DISPLACEMENT SWITCH Pressing the button will change displacement reduces by about 50% of the oil fl ow for mower. This allows you to apply additional optional equipment such as: - Mower Bucket - Hedge cutter 6.4.27 - REVERSIBLE FAN SWITCH Pressing the switch for about 30 seconds is inverted the orientation engine fun’s blades. CLEANFIX are innovative reversible fans that not only draw in air but can also powerfully blow radiators and coolers clean. WARNING : The operation of cleaning must be done with the machine stopped and after having made sure that there aren’t people close it. 6.4.28 - AUX LIGHTS SWITCH Pressing button turns on the auxiliary rght light. The light selector (Cap. “6.4.10” Use and maintenance manual) placed on the right of the steering wheel consents selection between: - ligts of position - lfog lights - dipped lights © 2013 Energreen srl 62 6.4.29 - LIFT FLOAT Pressing the oil pneumatic arm suspension button inserts the lift floating of the first arm. This devise consents to the articulated arm to follow the irregularity and the unevenness of the ground rendering much simpler the operations of cutting. WARNING: During the work always insert the lift float. DANGER : The insertion of lift float is consented only when the flail mower is place on the ground. 6.4.30 - BEACON LIGHT This button starts the beacon light. WARNING : The beacon must be always on during the transfert mode. (see Cap. 7) © 2013 Energreen srl 63 6.4.31 - A/C SYSTEM The new electronic air conditional system allows to keep a confortable temperature into the cabin. See the instruction to use it (cap. 6.3.3) 6.4.32 - HI-FI CAR (OPTIONAL) The machine is designed for the radio system. For installation and connections follow the instructions in the radio user&maintenance manual. Do not hesitate to contact customer service ENERGREEN for every problems or doubts. © 2013 Energreen srl 64 6.4.33 - ENGINE STOP DELAY SWITCH Pressing the switch inserts the engine arrest delay; serving to maintain the engine on for 30 seconds even in case of alarms that are visualized in the John Deere diagnostic indicator (6.4.2). ATTENTION : This option is to utilize in presence of the switching on of the red light in the diagnostic indicator and only in case of real danger. 6.4.34 - WARNING Press the button to switch on the 4 warning lights. When the function is selected the light will illuminate to confirm the funtion is active. © 2013 Energreen srl 65 6.4.35 - ANTIURTO ROTAZIONE BRACCIO (OPTIONAL) a The machine is fi tted with a hyd. breakaway device which protects the structure of the machine should an unforeseen obstacle be anountered. The force required to activate the breakaway system will vary dependent upon the gradient work min reach = minimun pressure. max reach = max pressure. WARNING : Never continue foward motion to drag the head around the obstacle in breackback position. 6.4.36 - HEAD ANGLE FLOAT Press the button to activate the head angle fl oat, the LED light will illumintate. It requires its use during mowing operations to allow the head of follow the contour of the land and to avoid that the imperfections of the soil affect the arm. © 2013 Energreen srl 66 6.4.37 - CRUISE CONTROL (OPTIONAL) The machine is fi tted with a electronic speed control. The system takes over the throttle of the car to maintain a steady speed as set by the driver. How do it: 1 - Press the button (a) to start the Cruise Control. 2 - Insert the Forward direction. 3 - Turn the poty (b) to increase/decrease the speed. Press the button (a) or press the breake pedal to switch off the system. b a 6.4.38 - SPP (OPTIONAL) The machine could be fitted with a proportional lift float arm system (SPP). Turn the poty (b) to lift the arm. Increase or decrease the pressure depending to the distance. Pressing the button (a) to switch on/off the function. 6.4.39 - PTO (OPTIONAL) Pressing the button to enter the front hydraulic transmission of the PTO. Led lights will illuminate depending on the selected direction of rotation. ATTENTION : Before performing any operation Carefully read the instructions manual equipment. © 2013 Energreen srl 67 b a 6.4.340- 540/1000 prm PTO (OPTIONAL) Press this button to modify the revs of PTO Switch off = 540 rpm Switch on = 1000 rpm ATTENTION : Before performing any operation. Carefully read the instructions manual equipment. 6.4.41 - LIFT FLOAT PTO (OPTIONAL) The front linkage is designed to make floating lifting cylinders, allowing at equipment mounted to follow the unevenness of the ground. Press the switch to activate the float. ATTENTION: During transport the Lift Float mode must always be switch off. 6.4.42 - BARRIER MOWER (OPTIONAL) In the machine can be fitted a Raiber tool. Press the button in both sense to start the flails cutting motors. ATTENTION : Before performing any operation Carefully read the instructions manual equipment. © 2013 Energreen srl 68 6.4.43 - 4WD TRACTION (OPTIONAL) The machine is usually 4WD traction. Pressing this button and the breake pedal is insered the 2WD traction. The LED light will be illuminate when the system is on. ATTENTION : it is recommended to only use this function to perform transfers on the road in 2nd gear. 6.4.44 - BLOWER (OPTIONAL) In the machine can be fitted with an air blower at the rear. This tool is normally used in combination with the front Raiber. Press the ‘switch to operate the hydraulic motor of the blower. ATTENTION : Before performing any operation Carefully read the instructions manual equipment. © 2013 Energreen srl 69 6.4.45 - DOME LAMP The cabin is supplied with a light situated on the left upper part. Press directly on the glass of the light to switch on or to switch off the light. WARNING: Do not forget the light on ! The battery may be discharged. 6.4.46 - STARTER SWITCH The starter switch is situated on the right side of the steering column. By moving the key to position “I” the result will be the functioning of all the instruments, the lights and the electric circuits. To power the starter motor move the key to position “2”; leave the key as soon as the engine is powered (the key returns authomatically to position “I”). To shutdown the engine, turn the ignition key to “O” WARNING : Before shutdown the engine, switch off all active functions such as: rotor rotation and / or attachments, Work function. WARNING : If the engine doen’t revs in 15 seconds, leave the key and wait 30 seconds before switching on again. © 2013 Energreen srl 70 6.4.47 - MOWER FRONT HOOD (OPTIONAL) The key switch situated on the right, behind the seat, permits to the operator to open the front hood of the mower. In position “O” the function is disinhibited. In position “I” the function is inserted. DANGER : This function is used exclusively when there’s the necessity of removing foreign bodies wrapped on the rotor. The operator must stop the rotor rotation (see 6.4.26) and wait that the fl ails are standstill before opening the front cover. It isn’t allowed cutting grass with the front cover open. WARNING : Energreen declines every liability for damages to person or to things caused by the improper use of the mower. 6.4.48 - BLADE SNOW SWITCH (OPTIONAL) By turning the key switch situated on the left back side of the cabin, the operator accedes to the use of the right joystick also with the second gear. (max speed 20 Km/h) WARNING : This function has to be inserted only when the snow blade is installed on the machine. Every other use is improper and Energreen declines every liability for dameges to person and/or to things caused by the machine. © 2013 Energreen srl 71 6.5 - MEASURES OF SAFETY 6.5.1 - INFORMATION The machine is supplied with measures of safety fundamental for safeguarding the health of the operator and of whoever operates in the immediate vicinity of the same vehicle. ATTENTION : IT IS ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN OF TAMPER WITH THE SAFETY DEVICES. 6.5.2 - DEAD MAN BUTTON The use of the machine is possible only with the combination of this double device safety. The operator must be seated in the driving position (a microswitch located under the seat base enables the functions of the machine). The operator must press and hold the button under the handle (9) of the joystick to be able to perform the operations required for the equipment operation. © 2013 Energreen srl 72 6.6 - TROUBLESHOOTING Given that the most parts of the defects of working are for incorrect use of the machine, it is indicated in the following table any possible malfunctions that can verify themselves and the actions to take to avoid them. NOTE: - Contact always ENERGREEN company for every doubts or problems. Take down serial number of machine and hours work. (*) If the fault or the cause that caused it is not within the specified defects, contact the company ENERGREEN for the necessary repair. 6.6.1 - DIESEL ENGINE © 2013 Energreen srl 73 6.6.2 - ELECTRICAL LOOM 6.6.3 - HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 6.6.4 - BRAKE SYSTEM © 2013 Energreen srl 74 6.7 - FUSES AND RELAYS WARNING : Before proceeding with the substitution of a fuse, ensure of having removed the ignition key. If the fuses are rusty, corroded, or not perfectly held in place, replace them only with fuses of the same capacity. If the engine does not turn when the starter switch is taken into switched on position, check the general fuse, if necessary, replace it. 6.7.1 - FUSES AND RELAYS BOX The fuses and relays are found in the space behind the seat ; remove the protection panel and replace the fuses or relays if necessary. X219 F F11 F12 F11 F9 F F9 F9 F8 F F15 F10 F15 F F10 F8 F8 F F7 F7 F F6 F F F6 F6 F F5 F F F5 F5 F F2 F F1 F F F4 F4 F F F3 F3 F F F2 F2 F F13 F4 F F14 F7 F F13 F F13 F F12 F10 F F3 F © 2013 Energreen srl X236 F16 F11 F F16 F12 F F14 F F14 F F15 F F16 X202 F1 F 75 F1 F X 202 X 219 Pos. Ah Pos. Ah F1 15 + 30 WARNING F1 3 F2 10 + 30 DOME LAMP, +30 HIFI CAR, +30 LIGHTER F2 7.5 F3 7,5 + RELAY HORN F3 3 + WORKS LAMP SIGNAL F4 15 + BEAM LIGHT RELAY AND FOG LIGHT F4 3 + LOW PRESSURE BRAKE ALARM F5 15 + BEAM LIGHT RELAY F5 5 + STOP LIGHTS F6 10 + SINGLE POLE TAKE F6 7.5 F7 25 + A/C COOLER FANS F7 3 + CABIN SENSOR F8 25 + WORK LAMPS RELAY F8 3 + STEERING COLUMN SWITCH (FOWARD AND REVERSE) F9 7,5 + LIGHT SWITCH + PARK BRAKE F10 15 + SEAT F11 10 WINDSHIELD WIPER F12 20 + HEATER CONTROL F13 5 F14 5 POSITION LIGHT FRONT RX AND REAR LX POSITION LIGHT FRONT LX AND REAR DX F15 10 BATTERY SWITCH F16 5 JOHN DEERE INSTRUMENT Functions Ah F1 7.5 F2 7.5 F3 3 F4 7.5 + 4WHEEL SYSTEM F5 7.5 +12V DEAD MAN BUTTON F6 10 + ON/OFF JOYSTICK COMAND F7 10 F8 7.5 + E.V. 6WAY + SNOW BLADE SWITCH (II GEAR) 10 5 + REVERSE LIGHT F11 10 + SAUER DANFOSS UNIT F12 3 + GEAR CONTROL RELAY F13 10 F14 5 + JOYSTICKS AND + PROPORTIONAL VALVE (PVG32) + HYD. OIL SENSOR F15 F16 Functions + EV I GEAR + REAR AXLE SENSOR F9 10 + AUX LIGHTS / + REVERSIBLE FAN 10 + FUNCTIONS BUTTONS F11 3 +5V DEAD MAN BUTTON F12 5 + 1° ARM SUSPENSION F13 10 + GREASE PUMP OPTIONAL 10 + FRONT COVER COMAND F14 F15 F16 OPTIONAL © 2013 Energreen srl + BEACON F9 + EV II GEAR F10 + STEERING UNIT F10 X 236 Pos. Functions + 15 HIFI CAR 76 OPTIONAL 7.5 CONTROL UNIT FOR GREEN SIDE 6.7.2 - BATTERY SWITCH FUSE The engine line fuse (b) is located inside the engine compartment near the engine air filter; remove the plastic cover and replace the fuse if necessary. 6.7.3 - BATTERY SWITCH FUSE The fuse of the battery switch is located in the rear of the machine, and must be replaced in case of services such as: dome light (6.4.47), warning (4.6.36) and radio are no longer functioning. © 2013 Energreen srl 77 6.8 - HOW TO MOVE THE MACHINE 6.8.1 - STARTING OF THE ENGINE DANGER : Before starting the engine, study with attention the indications on safety described in this manual and check knowledge of the commands. From the moment of staring the engine, the operator is directly responsible for the damage that can derive from false manoeuvres and lacking observance of the laws in subject of safety and of circulation. Before proceeding at the starting of the engine, check that there are no persons in the range of action of the machine and therefore warn of the starting with the acoustic warning. WARNING : If the engine does not start within 15 seconds from the start of ignition of the engine release the key and wait for at least 30 seconds before restarting. After the start it is necessary to heat the engine before starting the work. The ideal heating is obtained with a minimum running of acceleration. To reduce the time necessary for the heating, accelerate the engine delicately every now and then. During the heating, check the colour of the waste gas and check if noises or anomalous vibrations exist; every anomaly is checked and if necessary repaired. WARNING : Do not speed up the engine completely or suddenly until that the temperature of the liquid of cooling is at least 60°C. During the heating of the engine, in particular in the cold seasons, it is opportune to heat also the hydraulic oil; carry out more times in a slow manner all the movements of the joystick (exit and return the extension, rotation arm, opening and closing second arm, lifting and lowering fi rst arm, cutter rotation, cutter inclination, cabin rotation, etc.). These operations are by carried out only when the temperature of the liquid of cooling is 60°C. © 2013 Energreen srl 78 6.8.2 - HOW TO MOVE THE MACHINE FOR TRANSPORT MODE DANGER : Before moving the machine, ensure of knowing perfectly the function of the commands and the normatives of safety tied to them. Check that the steering wheel selected is at two wheels anterior. Check that the cabin is aligned to the direction of running. The operator must be sitting at the driving place with the safety belt buckled and must have checked the position of the rear-view mirrors. Before moving the machine, ensure that no person is in the range of action of the machine and that the area of action is free by obstacles. Use great caution before starting the retro running and always check the presence of people, means of working or obstacles. Before starting transfer in II gear carry out all the operations as follows: - stop all movements of the machine. - stop the rotor and all other equipment fitted on the unit. - eventually insert and wait for the tools of cutting to completely stop. - position the arm in transfer position (follow the indications reported in the paragraph “7.2 circulation on road: prescriptions”) and ensure that the plug of the cutter block is perfectly inserted with the block of the pin. - align the cabin to the direction of running and verify the cabin alignment light will be on (6.4.23). - place the steering wheel selector (6.4.1) in the central position (steering wheel at two wheels anterior), on the dashboard will flash a light, therefore turn the steering wheel until rendering the lights fixed. - switch off the working mode (6.4.18). - unlock the parking brake (6.4.21). At this point it is possible to insert the II gear, pressing the brake pedal and rotating the gear selector (6.4.8). Verify the hire light will be on (6.4.20). WARNING : When you put the II gear are uninhibited the following commands: arm switch, steering, axle lock, first float arm, joysticks. When you put the gear fast to ensure that the equipment is properly positioned in transport mode. WARNING : When transporting on the road in 2nd gear it is possible that there are any alarms caused by: Trouble Causes - The warning “R” gets off and a buzzer rings - The low pressure brake oil gets on and buzzer rings The rear wheels are not aligned © 2013 Energreen srl Remedies Stop the machine, changes gear and performs the alignement Low pressure in the brake system Stop the machine and checks if there’s any oil leakage. 79 6.8.3 - HOW TO MOVE THE MACHINE FOR WORK MODE DANGER : Before moving the machine, ensure of knowing perfectly the function of the commands and the normatives of safety tied to them. Check the type of steering wheel selected. The operator must be sitting at the driving place with the safety belt buckled and must have checked the position of the rear-view mirrors. Before moving the machine, ensure that no persons are in the range of action of the machine and that the area of action is free of obstacles. Use great caution before starting the retro running and always check the presence of people, means of working or obstacles. Before starting a transfer in 1st Gear carry out all the operations to follows: - Remove the parking brake (6.4.21). - Press at the end the brake pedal and turn the gear switch (6.4.8) - Select the type of steering wheel (6.4.1). At this point it is possible to insert the slow gear, to visualize the gear see the “gear light” (6.4.20) and start the transfer. Before starting a transfer in WORKING MODE carry out all the operations as follows: - Remove the parking brake (6.4.21). - Select the type of steering wheel (6.4.1). - Start the working mode button (6.4.14). - Switch the rotor on or the optional equipment and start working. - Select with the potentiometer (6.4.18) the engine revs (recommended 1600-1800 rpm) WARNING : When slow gear is inserted all the functions in the cabin can be carried out on condition that the driver is sitted down on the seat and the “dead man” button of the joystick is used. The direction of movement must be selected with the engine at a low number of revs with the accelerator pedal at rest. In the case it must reverse the direction of running, slow and stop the machine before starting the reverse lever. © 2013 Energreen srl 80 7 - TRANSPORT AND MOVEMENT 7.1 - LORRY LOADING AND UNLOADING WARNING : The ILFS 1500 machine is able to self load and unload from trucks. These operations must be carried out in an area perfectly flat with the truck or platform braked. To position the machine on the lorry, operate as follows: 1 - the positioning of the machine on it must be carried out by the operator with the help of a collaborator on the ground. The machine must have the arm in the position of road transfer (see “7.2 circulations on road: prescriptions”). 2- the lorry’s driver must block the wheels of the machine with wooden blocks and fix them to the trailer’s floor with nails. 3- place the flailhead on the the traile’s floor. 4- the driver must adequately tie the machine to the floor, making it robust. 5- turn cabin in transversal position,switch off the engine of the machine and leave only after having removed the key of ignition. 6- close the cabin with a key. 7- lower the light turner (a) and tighten the block screws (b). ATTENTION : Verify that the obstacles of the whole conform to the norms in act foreseen by the code for road circulation. © 2013 Energreen srl 81 7.2 - ROAD TRAFFIC: REQUIREMENTS The machine is supplied for road homologation, for the circulation on roads be careful scrupulously for which is specifi ed in the card of circulation of the vehicle and the highway code in force. The trained operator for road circulation of the machine must have Licence B. The machine is tested for safety that serves for the road transfer. When the transfers must be carried out: - stop the machine; - stop the cutter and all the other eventual optional tools; - deactivate the working button; - to position the arm in order for road transfer make the arm extension return entirely, incline the cutter upwards, raise completely the fi rst arm and raise the second arm to allow it to pass above the support, turn the arm until aligning it with the posterior support (a), release the second arm until resting it on the support, release the fi rst arm until fi tting it on the support, insert the plug (b) and the pin; - align the cabin with the direction of running (the cabin rotation light illuminates); - select the steering wheel at two front wheels (select only with slow gear inserted), align the wheels in the direction of running with the appropriate selector (the wheel alignment light illuminates); - raise the light turner (c) and tighten the blocking screws (d). - insert the 2nd gear; During road transfer, pay attention to the norms that regulate traffic. During the road transfer, eventual working lamps must remain off or hidden with appropriate covering. © 2013 Energreen srl 82 7.3 - TOWING OF THE MACHINE DANGER : When the machine is towed, use a metallic cable with a resistance adequate to the weight of the machine being towed. Before towing the machine, move the gear switch lever in neutral position. To remove the ratio of velocity (a), take the fixing screws that find themselves under the left arm of the seat in the cabin; extract the unblocking piston (a) move until the hole in the axle with the nut fixed on the frame (c) and tighten the screws (d). Deactivate the block of the parking brake of the posterior axle (see “7.4 unlock parking brake “). For the towing utilize the appropriate hooks for the removal (e). During the removal, no persons must come close to the machine or to the cable. Do not climb saddle-like on the cable. Tow the machine for short distances, sufficient to be able to carry out eventual repairs. If the machine is blocked in the mud and not able to exit with its power motor or if it remains stuck, use a metallic cable of adequate strength adding to it the appropriate hook (e). WARNING : With the breakdown engine is not possible use the hydroguide, therefore the steering wheel will need greater power. Use the traction in a continuous and constant way, without revving. Arrange and fix the couplings of the machine by removing in loadline with the towing means and exercise the traction part on the axle of transfer. Do not use cables worn out, broken, twisted or deformed. © 2013 Energreen srl 83 e ATTENTION : The machine is not fitted with lifting points. Not preparing to put between / identify possible points of attachment on the machine. Such actions could compromise the integrity of the machine, as well as result in serious accidents. 7.4 - UNLOCK PARKING BRAKE ATTENTION : The parking brake is everytimes on when engine doesn’t rev or there’s problem in the hydraulic plant; before removing the machine it is necessary to unlock the brake of parking. During the unlocking of the parking brake wear protective clothing. To unlock the parking brake : - Loosen the nuts (c) of the 4 screws (b) of the rear axle of the unblock mechanical action, loosen the nuts of circa 6 mm. - Tighten the screws (b) until sending them in hammered on the pressure plate (d). - With a key, tighten alternately the 4 screws (front and rear) by 1/4 of a turn each to compress the spring and free the disks of brake. The course necessary for the unlocking corresponds to 1 turn. After every unlock action : take away the screws (b) complete with the nuts (c) and the seals, lubricate the screws with grease and reassemble the screws completely. - Tighten the screws (b) till to get a value of 32 mm. - Block the position of the screws (b) with the nuts (c) and recheck with attention the winding overhang of the screws. © 2013 Energreen srl 84 7.5 - COLLEGAMENTO DI UNA MACCHINA TRAINATA It could fit a towbar crafted a “machine driven.” Before riding on public roads be sure to do the registration / approval as per the Highway Code in force in the country of movement .. The characteristics of the coupling are at page 36. The machine is devoid of braking systems for towed machinery so it can tow only machines without brakes (check the maximum weight in accordance with the regulations in force in the country of use), or fitted with inertia braking system (check the maximum weight as a function the regulations in force in the country of use). The limit in Italy of towed without brakes is 3000kg while those fitted with inertia braking systems is to 4500kg. ATTENTION : During the operations of coupling / uncoupling of the machine driven pay particular attention in the work area between the operating machine and the machine driven. The operation can only be conducted by trained personnel. Make sure, before starting the machine that people or animals are sufficiently distant from the machine and not including the area between the machine and the towed unit. © 2013 Energreen srl 85 8 - STORAGE If the machine is immobilized for long periods, you must store it in a place protected from the weather and protect it to prevent damage. Before storage it is recommended to thoroughly clean the entire machine and properly lubricate all mechanical parts to protect it from rust. Verify that the storage temperature is between 0 ° C and 40 ° C. Before putting the machine at rest for long periods, you should proceed as follows: • • • • • • • keep free equipment (ex. rotor and tools) from any remaining shred; clean the machine; carry out a general view of the machine so that any structural damage, detect deep abra sions on the paint, make sure that you have the safety decals in their original positions, which are intact and legible; grease all the mechanical parte subject to friction, the locking pins and all parts of the ma chine not covered by the original layer of paint thus avoiding the formation of rust; store, if possible, the machine in a covered spot, on a flat and solid surface; the machine must be stored with the equipment in the transport position; make sure the cabin is closed and then the commands are not accessible. ATTENTION : If the machine, or part of it, has been taken out of service, you must harmless so they do not cause any danger. ATTENTION : Please note that whenever you change oils, batteries, piping rubber, tires, and of any particular machine subject to differentiated waste collection must always refer to the current provisions of law. For the collection of waste oil is required please consult the local Governement. © 2013 Energreen srl 86 8.1 - DISPOSAL AND PUTTING OUT OF SERVICE If you decide not to use the machine, or some part of it, you must proceed with dismantling and decommissioning of the same. Before scrapping wing is necessary to separate the parts of plastic or rubber, electrical and electronic equipment. Recover any waste oil and dispose of them in special centers. This operation must be carried out according to the regulations. ATTENTION : If the machine, or part of it, has been taken out of service, you must harmless so they do not cause any danger. ATTENTION : Please note that whenever you change oils, batteries, piping rubber, tires, and of any particular machine subject to differentiated waste collection must always refer to the current provisions of law. © 2013 Energreen srl 87 9 - MAINTENANCE ATTENTION : The operations of maintenance must be carried out exclusively by the service assistance customers of ENERGREEN or by qualifi ed personnel. Always wear protective equipment before performing any operation on the machine. 9.1 - PREMISE To obtain from the machine the best performance and ensure all the organs maximum duration, it is necessary that the norms of use and maintenance are scrupulously followed by the people responsible for the machine. It is advisable that the customers, in their own interests, read with attention this note and consult the manual every time they have the necessity of suggestions to eliminate any eventual problem. Because the machine operates normally in contact with water, sand, earth, etc., a regular lubrication is necessary, which assume a vital importance not only for a long use of the machine, but also for keep down its cost of running.For ulterior clarifications contact the service of assistance: Contact the ENERGREEN Maintenance Service Centre (Tel. +390444864301). 9.2 - GENERAL NORMS - Before carrying out any operation of maintenance, verify and/or check the machine, switch off the engine and remove the key of ignition from the cabin. - During the disassembly and the assembly of the pieces of the machine, always use extractors, keys and equipment appropriate to not deteriorate the components specifi ed. - To unblock parts solidly adherent, use hammers of copper or hammers of wood. - Separate distinctly the pieces in the various groups and partially retighten the nuts on the own spine or welding. Clean the pieces with brushes or cloths therefore wash with oil or hot water taking away the residues with air compressed. - After sanding or drilling with abrasive bodies, accurately wash the parts ensuring the complete taking away of the abrasive dust. - In the assembly of the various pieces, ensure that they are clean and therefore lubricate adequately. - Pay the maximum attention to the rings of safety and to the machine pins, if they present traces of breaking proceed to the immediate substitution. - The operations of maintenance of the loader must be carried out by authorized personnel and reported in the paragraph “register of the maintenance” on the presented action. © 2013 Energreen srl 88 9.3 -NO-ORDINARY MAINTENANCE These are those operations of repairs and substitution of one or more components of the loader that normally are rendered necessary only after years of good working, and not altering the characteristic of the machine. In case of substantial modifi cations, the constructor cannot be considered responsible for eventual dangers that could occur. These interventions must be carried out by authorized personnel. 9.4 - RECOMMENDED OILS AND GREASE PARTS INTERNATIONAL SPECIFICATIONS RECOMMENDED LUBRIFICANT HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT PANOLIN BIO HLP SYNTH E FZG Test A/8.3/90 stage 12 ISO 15380 HEES MOLY GREASE EP GREASE NLGI2 Lithium soap based "multifunctional" grease, grey-black in colour, with high percentage of Molybdenum Bisulphate ENGINE PUMP DRIVE AXLE, DIFF. BLOCK GEARBOX PINS AND BUSHES adhesive with high EP (Extreme Pressure) characteristics with aluminium complex soap base. BEARING ATTENTION : Don’t mix any other kind of oil when its used Panolin HLP Synth E bio oil. Warranty cover will be invalid if any non-genuine oils have fi lled in. © 2013 Energreen srl 89 9.4.1 - FUEL - We recommend the use of fuels specified to EN 590 or ASTM D975. Use always fuel appropriate to the engine. Other fuels with different specifi cs can damage the engine or reduce the power. - When carrying out the refuelling, check that on the lid of the cask of the fuel there is not water and do not fi sh the condensed water at the bottom. - After having used up the fuel or after it is conditioned change the fi lter fuel, bleed the air from the plumbing. DANGER : When handling fuel or coolant, do not smoke or work near a source of heat or sparks. Store flammable fluids away from areas at risk of fire. Do not incinerate or burn containers below sure that the machine is free from dirt, grease, and debris. 9.5 - ENGINE MAINTENANCE 9.5.1 - ENGINE OIL The choice of the engine oil is carried out with the maximum care (for the choice of the engine oil make reference to the table of paragraph 9.4); the principal maintenance that regards the engine oil are: - Check daily the level; - Check the grade of pollution; - Periodic oil change. 9.5.2 - COOLANT Check daily, before starting the engine, the level of the coolant in the radiator and restore it in the case. ATTENTION: Pressure tank. A warm engine may not open the cap. WARNING : The liquid of cooling containing antifreeze is infl ammable, do not use naked fl ames in its proximity and do not smoke during the topping up. © 2013 Energreen srl 90 9.5.3 - FUEL Loosen the cap and fi ll with fuel appropriate to the engine. Diesel fuels specifi ed to EN 590 or ASTM D975 are recommended. DANGER : When handling fuel or coolant, do not smoke or work near a source of heat or sparks. Store flammable fluids away from areas at risk of fire. 9.6 - MAINTENANCE OF HYDRAULIC PLANT DANGER : Use extreme caution when doing maintenance on the system because the oil as soon as work was completed, it is very hot. In the circuit pressure is high, not only during the use of the machine but even when the work was completed. Use a piece of cardboard to locate leaks. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. The maintenance of the hydraulic plant are: - Check daily the level of the oil in the tank ; - Periodic substitution of the filter of the oil; - Periodic substitution of the oil. Bleed the air from the circuit every time the oil or the filter of the oil is replaced. Check always the Oring status when a component of the hyd. circuit is dismounted or is replaced and if are broken or damaged replace them; after the assembly, bleed the air presented in the circuit waiting for the following notes: - Start the engine and keep it on low rev; - Carry out 45 times all the movements of the hydraulic components without stopping; - Carry out 45 times all the movements bringing the components to a stop. © 2013 Energreen srl 91 9.7 - MAINTENANCE OF THE ELECTRICAL PLANT The interventions of maintenance of the electric plant are: - Check the condition of the alternator’s belt. - Check the level of the accumulator’s electrolyte. - Check Engine Electrical Ground Connection. - Check Automatic Belt Tensioner and Belt Wear. Do not eliminate or install any components without prior authorization of the ENERGREEN. Avoid the contact of the plant electric with water. Protect the pins of connection with anti corrosives. Do not carry out any modifi cations to the electric plant without prior authorization of the ENERGREEN. DANGER : Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer. Always remove grounded (—) battery clamp first and replace it last. Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. It is strong enough to burn skin, eat holes in clothing, and cause blindness if splashed into eyes. Battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. © 2013 Energreen srl 92 9.8 - PERIODIC REPLACEMENT OF SAFETY DEVICES To guarantee the safety in any moment during the driving and the use of the machine, the operator is required to carry out the substitutions of the components listed under: Components Interval of replacement: - Fuel hoses .............................................. Every 2 years or 4000 hours - Hyd. hoses................................................Every 4 years or 4000 hours - Safety Belt ............................................. Every 4 years 9.9 - MAINTENANCE AS REQUIRED 9.9.1 - CHECK, CLEANING OR REPLACING OF AIR FILTER CARTRIDGE DANGER : Remove the air filter only with the engine stopped and does not start the engine with the air filter open. When cleaning, wear protective clothing. WARNING : The air filter assembly consists of a primary high-capacity cartridge and a safety cartridge. The main element can be cleaned with air while the safety cartridge only needs to be replaced. Replace the cartridge after 6 primary cleaning or after 1 year. Whenever replacing the cartridge needs to be replaced also the primary cartridge. To replace the cartridges of the air filter: - Remove the engine hood with the key; - Open the three retention clips (b) of cover of the air filter. © 2013 Energreen srl 93 - Pull the primary cartridge, if the extraction of the cartridge is difficult make the small rotation movements and at the same time pull the cartridge, clean it with a jet of air or replace it according to necessity. - Pull the safety cartridge, if the extraction of it, is difficult make small rotation movements and at the same time pull the cartridge, replace the safety cartridge all times that is changed the primary cartridge. - Reassemble the air filter group inverting the operations described above. If necessary clean the pre-filter air; loosen the butterfly screws above the prefilter, remove the lid, extract the cartridge of the filter and blow with a jet of air; re-close the pre-filter. 9.9.2 -CHECK AND CLEANING CABIN AIR FILTER The air for the ventilation of the cabin is filtered through two filters that find themselves on the right side of the cabin. These filters are cleaned weekly or according to necessity, with a jet of air. For cleaning the external cabin air filter (a): - Open the external cover; - Remove the pre-filter and filter and clean them with a jet of air; - Clean the filter box avoiding to make enter bodies into the conductor of aspiration; - Reassemble the components and the panel. © 2013 Energreen srl 94 WARNING : On the air filter is indicated the direction of assembly of the filter; pay attention to assemble the filter correctly. Per la pulizia del filtro aria cabina interno (b): - togliere la griglia di protezione; - togliere la cartuccia filtro e il prefiltro e pulirli con un getto d’ aria; - pulire la scatola filtro evitando di non far entrare corpi nel condotto di aspirazione; - rimontare i componenti e la griglia. DANGER : When cleaning, wear protective clothing. 9.9.3 - EXTERNAL CLEANING OF THE RADIATOR (EVERY DAY) For the exterior cleaning of the radiator remove the protection (a) after having opened the lock, with the appropriate key provided, pulling it towards the exterior and lifting it. Clean externally the radiator with a jet of compressed air or with a specific product following the instructions reported on the container of the product itself. At the end of the operations dry the parts washed. Insert again the protection and tighten the screws of fixing. © 2013 Energreen srl a 95 DANGER : This operation must be carried out with engine off. During these operations use protective clothes . WARNING : Do not use oily products containing components in that they favour the adhesion of dust that prejudices the heat exchange. 9.9.4 - INTERCOOLER RADIATOR CLEANNESS For the intercooler radiator cleanness, after having removed the external protection (as it is described in paragraph 9.10.3) open the oil cooler by operating on the lever (a) situated on the back part, and pull completely. Clean externally the radiator with a compressed air jet or with specifi c products following the instructions reported on the products cans. At the end of the operations, dry the washed parts; close again the lever and insert again the external protection. © 2013 Energreen srl 96 9.10 - CHECKS BEFORE EVERY WORKING DAY Before every working day it is necessary to carry out accurately visually a check of the parts described as follows and if necessary repairs eventual anomalies come across. - Check of screws or nuts loosened. - Check oil, fuel, liquid refrigeration loss. - Wearing out of the equipment devices. - Controllo usura pneumatici e pressione. - Pulizia macchina. - Check and clean radiator air conditioning. - Check operation of audible warning devices and safety-related parts such as seat belts, decals, dead man button - Checks on the protection / safety devices on the equipmants (see equipment manual) 9.10.1 - COOLANT LEVEL To check the coolant level open the lid with the appropriate key, loosen the cap of the radiator (a) slowly making vent the pressure and check with eyes the level of the coolant; the level of the liquid must be between 2 and 3 centimetres above the elements of the radiator. If the level is low fill in liquid in the radiator until the level returns to the ideal level. Re-close the tap and the lid. DANGER : Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Only remove filler cap when engine is cold or when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. The check must be carried out with machine parked on level ground with the engine stopped and the equipment on the ground. © 2013 Energreen srl 97 9.10.2 - FUEL LEVEL The fuel level is controlled through the gauge on the dashboard (6.5.16) in cabin. If the level enters in reserve the orange light is switched on and it is necessary to fill up the tank. For the topping up the fuel open with the key and loosen the cap of the fuel tank (a) and refill; do not fill to the edge of the tank, but leave a space for expansion. Re-close by key the cap. DANGER : - During the filling up keep the pistol of filling or the tank steady and keep it always in contact with the fuel filler until to the end of the filling up to avoid sparks due to static electricity. Handle fuel with care: it is highly flammable. Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near open flame or sparks. Always stop engine before refueling machine. Fill fuel tank outdoors. Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated trash, grease, and debris. Always clean up spilled fuel.Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment appropriate to the job. 9.10.3 - ENGINE OIL To check the engine oil level open the hood (a) with the appropriate key. The level of the engine oil is controlled on the graduated shaft (b) and must be between the MIN. and MAX. sign. The engine oil level must be checked with the engine cold and with the machine parked on a horizontal floor. If the level of the engine oil is near to the sign of MIN. Return it unthreading the tap (c) and adding oil until the level returns in the fi eldm between MIN. and MAX.; to verify this situation during the topping up wait for some instants before carrying out the check. DANGER : As soon as the engine stops it is very hot, do not carry out the check of the engine oil until the engine is cold. When the level of the oil is checked or the topping up is carried out use protective clothes. © 2013 Energreen srl 98 9.10.4 - HYDRAULIC OIL LEVEL The check of the hydraulic oil level is carried out by the gauge (a) fitted on the side of the hydraulic oil tank. To check the oil the machine must be on a horizontal floor and with the rams of the arm returned. The oil level must be between the sign MIN. and MAX. If the level of the oil is near to the sign of MIN, top up. a Attention: When the oil level is too low, the warning (6.4.15) will be illuminate and buzzer rings b WARNING : Do not add oil beyond the MAX level, this situation could lead to leaks from tank. Restore the level only with hydraulic oil as shown in the list (see 9.4). When using biodegradable oil Panolin HLP Synth E, there shall be no mixing with other oils. The use of oils and / or grease not provided will invalidate the warranty. DANGER : Restore the oil level of the hydraulic circuit after turning off the engine diesel and having closed all the cylinders of the arm. When you run the topping wear protective clothing. © 2013 Energreen srl 99 9.10.5 - DRENAGE WATER/FUEL SEPARATOR Engine may be equipped with a water sensor at the fuel fi lter. An indicator light on the instrument panel will signal the operator that water should be drained from the filter bowl. Check the fuel filters for water or debris. If filter is fi tted with a see-through bowl, drain as needed based on a daily visual inspection. IMPORTANTE: raccogliere l’acqua in un contenitore adeguato e smaltirla in modo adeguato DANGER : This operation must be carried out at engine off. Because the fuel is highly infl ammable do not bring close to naked fl ames and do not smoke during this operation. Re-clean immediately the soiled area at the fuel exit. During this operation wear protective clothing. © 2013 Energreen srl 100 9.11 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 50 HOURS 9.11.1 - TYRE PRESSURE MONITORING AND LOCKING NUTS This is a check by carried out the conservation and the optimal maintenance of the tyres. To check the pressure of the tyres remove the cap of the valve, insert the nozzle of the gauge on the valve of the tyre and check the pressure on the gauge. The pressure varies according to the modes the tyre (see “4.1”). Replace the cap on the valve at diverse pressure to that indicated to a wearing out anomaly of the tyre. To ceck the torque of the nuts of 4 wheels use a torque wrench set 56 ± 2 Kgm or 550 ± 20 Nm. Ceck all 8 nuts of all 4 wheels. DANGER : Do not attempt to mount a tire. This should be done by a qualified person with the proper equipment. Always maintain the correct tire pressure. Do not inflate tires above the recommended pressure. (see cap. 4) Check all bolts frequently and keep them tightened. 9.11.2 - ELECTICAL PLANT This type of check is a visual check that must be carried out with the maximum expertise to avoid short-circuits of the plant that would damage the machine. Check specifi cally: - Fuses, if are corroded or rusty replace them with fuses of the same capacity. - Battery, check the connection of the connection terminals to the battery and if they are rusty, in this case remove the rust and cover them with appropriate grease: pay great attention in the carrying out of this operation to not make contact the wire of chassis (black) with the wire of electric power feed (red). - Starter motor, check the cables. - Alternator, check the cables. ATTENTION : If the wiring show signs of short circuit contact ENERGREEN SERVICE. © 2013 Energreen srl 101 9.12 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 100 HOURS 9.12.1 - LUBRIFICATION OUTLINE LEGEND: © 2013 Energreen srl Transmission oil Hyd. oil Engine oil Grease 102 9.12.2 - LUBRICATION POINTS DANGER : When these operations are carried out position the machine level, position the equipment on the ground and switch off the engine. Use protective clothes. Injecting the grease in the greaser of the roller (a) whilst, very slowly, rotating the cabin; continue injecting grease until the roller turns. DANGER : As this operation happens with machine switched on and roller in movement pay attention to all the movements that are carried out and carry them out in respect of the norms of safety. In this operation be helped by qualified and ideal personnel. © 2013 Energreen srl 103 9.12.3 - MAINTENANCE AFTER INITIAL 100 HOURS The machine is delivered new without running in so, to the fi rst 100 ore, it is necessary to carry out the substitution of any parts such as: - Replace engine oil and filter (see cap 9.14.2). - Replace fuel filters. - Check coolant level. 9.13 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 250 HOURS 9.13.1 - LUBRIFICATION OUTLINE LEGEND: © 2013 Energreen srl Transmission oil Hyd. oil Engine oil Grease 104 9.13.2 - CHECK LEVEL OF ELECTROLYTE OF THE BATTERY The battery is positioned in the posterior of the machine on the right side. Check the level of the electrolyte of the battery: - removed the lid (a); - remove the caps (b) of every one of the elements of the battery and check that the level of the electrolyte is above the plates by at least 6 mm; in case the level is inferior to the standard level return it with distilled water. - if the level of the electrolyte is inferior to the standard level due to the exit of liquid or to a loss reset the level with a solution of diluted sulphuric acid. Change the battery every 3-4 years. WARNING : Maintain always the level of load above of 2.2 volts in the periods of long inactivity. Check always that the holes of the air pipe are free. Check that the connection terminals of connection are not rusty, in this case remove the rust and recover the connection terminals with anti-oxidising grease. DANGER : Never check the state of charge of the battery by connecting the two poles with a metal object. Use a ACIDIMETER or a voltmeter. Always disconnect the connector first (-) of the battery ground cable and reconnect it last. Sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte is poisonous. Can burn the skin, pierce the tissues and cause blindness if it comes in contact with eyes. Notice is hereby given that the lead and its compounds cause cancer and other damage to organs reproductive. These substances are present in the battery posts, terminals and related accessories. Wash your hands after touching them. © 2013 Energreen srl 105 9.13.3 - CHECK GEARBOX OIL LEVEL To check the level of the oil of the gearbox remove the screws of the check level (1) and verify that the level is at the thread of the same screws. If is inferior top up, with specifi c oil, through the same hole using a pump for oil. DANGER : The check must be carried out with the machine off and the equipment supported on the ground; the machine must fi nd itself on a solid and level ground. 9.13.4 - CHECK FRONT AXLE OIL LEVEL To check the level of the oil of the front axle remove the screws of the level check (3) and verify that the level is at the thread of the same screws. If it is below top up with specific oil, through the hole of the load (1) using an oil pump. 9.13.5 - CHECK REAR AXLE OIL LEVEL To check the level of the oil of the front axle remove the screws of the level check (3) and verify that the level is at the thread of the same screws. If it is below top up with specific oil, through the hole of the load (1) using an oil pump. © 2013 Energreen srl 106 9.13.6 - CHECK LEVEL OIL PLANERATY HUBS To check the oil level of planeraty hubs remove the cap of checking and topping up (1) must find itself on the axle horizontal to the machine. Remove the cap of the check level (1) and verify that the level is at the thread of the same screws. If inferior top up, with specific oil, through the same hole using of a pump for oil. Repeat the operation for both sides (right and left). 9.13.7 - CONTROLLO COPPIA SERRAGIO DADI RUOTE To ceck the torque of the nuts of 4 wheels use a torque wrench set 56 ± 2 Kgm or 550 ± 20 Nm. Ceck all 8 nuts of all 4 wheels. 9.13.8 - REPLACE ENGINE OIL AND FILTER ATTENTION : After the break-in period, change oil and fi lter after a maximum of 100 hours of operation. The interval between oil changes and fi lter is 500 hours or 12 months, only if you use engine oil Plus-50 (John Deere) or if it meets ACEA E4/E5 under. If you do not follow the instructions above, the recommended interval between changes is 250 hours or 6 months. For the replacement of the oil see cap. 9.14.2 © 2013 Energreen srl 107 9.14 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 500 HOURS 9.14.1 - LUBRIFICATION OUTLINE LEGENDA: Olio trasmissione Olio idraulico Olio motore Grasso 9.14.2 - REPLACE ENGINE OIL For the engine oil replacement carry out the operations listed as follows: - make the engine for work about 5 minutes to heat the oil, then stop it; - open the door with the appropriate key; - remove the cap of waste from the cup of the oil; - release the oil at the base when it is still tepid and collect the oil in appropriate tanks; - turn the element (b) of the fi lter and remove it; - eliminate the element of the fi lter of the oil; - apply a fi lm of clean oil to the new fi lter in the exterior and internal seals, and to the thread of the fi lter; - dry well the head of the seal of the fi lter with a cloth clean and ensure that the dust protector ring is in the correct position and replace it in case of damage; © 2013 Energreen srl 108 b a - install and tighten manually the fi lter of the oil until bringing it into contact with the dust protector ring. Once in contact, avoid ulterior tightening from 3/4 of turn. - screw the cap - fill the base through the fuel filler (e) of refilling of the oil; c IMPORTANT: Immediately after completing an oil change, rev the engine for 30 seconds without starting it. This ensures adequate lubrication of the components before starting the engine. -start the engine and, whilst is in function, verify the eventual presence of loss; - after 10 minutes, arrest the engine and check the level of the oil, through the dipstick of the level of the oil (f), that must be found within the gasket area. ATTENTION : After the break-in period, change oil and fi lter after a maximum of 100 hours of operation. The interval between oil changes and filter is 500 hours or 12 months, only if you use engine oil Plus-50 (John Deere) or if it meets ACEA E4/E5 under. If you do not follow the instructions above, the recommended interval between changes is 250 hours or 6 months. DANGER : Do not carry out these operations as soon as the engine is off; wait for the engine to become tepid (40-45°c). The oil eventually spilled during the substitution can be cause of slipping; therefore wear protective clothes and anti-slipping boots and immediately take away every trace of oil. Because oil and filter are considered special refuse, they must be disposed of according to the antipollution norms in act. © 2013 Energreen srl 109 9.14.3 - FUEL FILTERS REPLACEMENT To carry out the substitution of the elements of the filter of the fuel, follow the indications reported as follows: - clean accurately the filter groups of the fuel and the surrounding area; - undo the taps of waste (c) and load the fuel into an adequate container; - grasp fi rmly the ring of restraint (a) and turn it for 1/4 of a turn; remove the ring with the element of the filter (b); - verify that the base of assembly of the filter is cleaned; - clean it according to necessity. - install the new elements of the filters on the relative base of assembly, ensuring that they are indicated correctly and firmly installed in the base; to obtain the correct alignment, it may be necessary to turn the filters; d a b e c c - remove the element of the fi lter from the cup of the separator of condenses (d); release and clean the cup of the separator, therefore, dry with compressed air; install the cup on the new element and tighten at the bottom; - align the teeth on the cartridge of the fi lter with the grooves at the base of assembly of the fi lter; - Install the ring of restraint on the base of assembly, ensuring that the dust protector ring is correctly positioned on the base of the fi lter; tighten manually the ring of restraint (of about 1/3 of rev) until in the position of arrest, do not tighten excessively. DANGER : Do not carry out these operations as soon as the engine is off; wait for the engine to become tepid (40-45°c). When these operations are carried out it is possible that fuel is spilt; clean immediately the soiled zone to avoid dangers of fi re and slipping. Because the fuel is a highly infl ammable liquid pay great attention not to use naked fl ames and do not smoke during these operations. Because the fi lters are considered special refuse, they must be disposed of according to the antipollution norms in act. During these operations use protective clothes. © 2013 Energreen srl 110 9.14.4 - PLANETARY HUBS OIL REPLACEMENT To carry out this operation position the machine on solid, level ground and engine off. - Move the machine until the cap fi nds itself on the vertical axle of the machine. - Remove the cap (a), collecting the oil in specifi c containers, make exit the oil completely waiting that the dripping has fi nished. - Once all the oil exits move the machine until the cap (a) finds itself on the horizontal axle of the machine fill through the hole of topping up the anterior fi nal reducer until reaching the level that corresponds to the same hole. - Reassemble the cap (a). - Carry out any and translations with the machine and recheck the level of the oil. - Repeat the operations for both the sides (right and left) of the machine. Q.ty 0.8 L/cad. 9.15 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 1000 HOURS 9.15.1 - LUBRIFICATION OUTLINE LEGEND: © 2013 Energreen srl Transmission oil Hyd. oil Engine oil Grease 111 9.15.2 - REPLACE FILTER ELEMENT To substitute the waste oil fi lter of the hydraulicn plant carry out the following operations: - undo the cap of the hydraulic oil tank (a); - take away the screws (1); - remove the lid (2) and the O-ring (3); - remove the cartridge (4); - substitute the cartridge (4); - re-close the lid (2) and replace the screws (1); - close the cap of the hydraulic oil tank (a); ATTENTION : Visually inspect daily on indicator filter clogging. If the filter is clogged (needle the red zone) replace the item filter before the deadline. DANGER : Do not carry out these operations as soon as the engine is off; wait for the engine to become tepid (40-45°C). The hydraulic plant is a circuit at pressure so pay great attention when the cap of the hydraulic oil tank is opened. Because oil and filter are considered special refuse, they must be disposed of according to the antipollution norms in act. During these operations use protective clothes. © 2013 Energreen srl 112 9.15.3 - REPLACE GEARBOX OIL To carry out this operation position the machine on solid, level ground and engine off. - Remove the cap of topping up (1). - Remove the cap of waste (2), collecting the oil in specific containers, make exit the oil completely waiting that the dripping has finished. - Once all the oil exits reassemble the cap of waste (2). - Fill through the hole of topping up until reaching the level that corresponds to the same hole. - Reassemble the cap of topping up (1). - Carry out some translations with the machine and recheck the level of the oil. Q.ty of oil 2 L. 9.15.4 - REPLACE AXLES OIL To carry out this operation position the machine on solid, level ground and engine off. - Remove the level cap (3) and top cap (1) - Remove the caps of waste (2), collecting the oil in specific containers, make the oil completely waiting that the dripping is finished. - Once all the oil exits reassemble the caps of waste (2). - Fill through the hole of topping up until reaching the level that corresponds to the same hole. - Reassemble the cap of topping up (1 - 3). - Carry out some translations with the machine and recheck the level of the oil. Q.ty of oil 7 L/cad. © 2013 Energreen srl 113 9.15.5 - DRIVE PUMP OIL REPLACEMENT To do this place the machine on solid ground, in plan and motor turned off. - Remove the oil filler cap and dipstick (1). - Remove the drain plug (2), collecting the oil in specific containers, drain the oil completely and wait for the drip is finished. - Once all the oil spilled refit the drain plug (2). - Fill the fill hole through the coupler up to the correct level, testing it on the dipstick. - Refit the filler cap (1). - Start the engine and check the level again after a few minutes. Q.ty of oil 1.5 L/cad. 2 1 9.15.6 - REPLACE OIL FILTER OF PVG VALVE The PVG’s fi lter is placed on the chassis, under the gear of cabin. To replace the oil fi lter cartridge is just unscrew the bottom of the filter (a) with a key filter. Replace the cartridge, and reassemble the all. © 2013 Energreen srl 114 ATTENTION: The filter is fitted with visual indicator clogging (b). Check it every day the filter was revealed by a green bar. Otherwise (bar red) replace the cartridge. 9.16 - MAINTENANCE EVERY 2000 HOURS 9.16.1 - LUBRIFICATION OUTLINE LEGENDA: Olio trasmissione Olio idraulico Olio motore Grasso DANGER : Perform the following operations only with the engine turned off and equipment resting on the ground. The oil spilled during the change could cause personnel to slip, then wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes and immediately remove any traces of oil. As the oil and the coolant is considered special waste, they must be disposed of according to the emission standards in force. © 2013 Energreen srl 115 9.16.2 - REPLACE HYDRULIC OIL To change the oil in the hydraulic circuit the machine must be on a horizontal plane and free of any equipment; - Remove the oil filler cap (a) and release the pressure that may be present in the hydraulic oil tank. - Remove all the oil contained in the tank hydraulic oil using a pump. - Fill the oil tank system hydraulic controlling the level in the indicator (c). - Close the filler cap (a). - Switch off the engine and for short periods so as to allow for the filling of the cargo pumps of the hydraulic circuit; - Operate all equipment and perform all the commands several times. - Stop the engine and check the level hydraulic oil in the indicator (c) and if need to make a topup to bring the level within the standards. a IMPORTANT: Never run the engine in any case with the hydraulic oil tank empty due to the breakage of the pumps. Q.ty of oil about 280 L. © 2013 Energreen srl 116 9.16.3 - REPLACE OF COOLANT To replace the coolant, follow the steps below: - Open the engine compartment with the appropriate key. - Open the radiator cap (a) with the appropriate key (b). - Loosen the radiator cap (c) slowly making vent the residual pressure. - Remove the drain plug (s) and collect the liquid in specific containers. - Once all the liquid spilled refit the drain plug (d). - Fill the radiator with coolant through the filler cap (c). - Close the radiator cap (c). - Start the engine and let it idle for 5 minutes, turn off the engine. - Recheck the fluid level and, if so, top up. ATTENTION : Use only liquid diluted original John Deere COOL-GARD DANGER : Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system can cause serious burns. Only remove filler cap when engine is cold or when cool enough to touch with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure before removing completely. The check must be carried out with machine parked on level ground with the engine stopped and the equipment on the ground. Improper disposal of waste can threaten the environment and ecology. For disposal or recycling center, refer to the appropriate bodies (COBAT COOU, etc.) © 2013 Energreen srl 117 10 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR EMERGENCY SITUATION 10.1 - FIRE In case of fire, use a CO2 extinguisher according to the standards. In case of fire on the machine or in the case that the machine finds itself near a fire, exit immediately from the cabin, give the alarm on the construction site and contact the firemen. 10.2 - EXTRACTION OF THE OPERATOR IN CASE OF ILLNESS If the operator is hit by illness and it is impossible to exit from the passenger compartment, it is necessary to intervene immediately as the following phases: 1- reaching the passenger compartment with the help of stable structure and secure or, if impossible to action in conditions of safety, contact medical or first aid personnel. 2- open the door of the cabin. 3- raise the left arm of the driving seat paying attention not to knock the operator. 4- lift the operator from the seat and extract them from the passenger compartment paying attention not to worsen their condition. In case of doubt or grave illness contact medical personnel. 5- place the operator on the ground following the principal norms of first aid. 6- if not already done, contact a doctor. © 2013 Energreen srl 118 11 - NOTES © 2013 Energreen srl 119 © 2013 Energreen srl 120 © 2013 Energreen srl 121