FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS with / without optical fibre elements 3.6/6 kV up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Contents: • • • • Letter code Construction details Cross-section and voltage-classes Technical data 1 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS with / without optical fibre elements up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Letter code Flexible cables acc. to german standards To indicate the conformity to a relevant cable standard in Germany the starting letter >N< is used. A selection of essential letters indicating: - insulation material, cable design - construction elements, special properties - sheath material, manufacturer letter codes Following table shows you the letter code of the product group. Cable design Letter code R(N) TS FL CGC W T OE U S (RS) OFE Explanation Nexans letter code for flexible cable version – reeling application in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 heavy duty rubber insulated flexible cable type Flat cable type non metallic screen over conductor and additional metallic screen over semiconductive insulation shield heat resisting insulation compound Reinforcement oil-resistant flame retardant Nexans letter code for heavy duty 5GM5 neoprene compound Nexans letter code for flexible cable version with optimized wall thicknesses Optical fibre element Insulation material Special elastomeric ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) compound RHEYCLEAN-HV better than 3GI3 acc. DIN VDE 0207 part 21, developed for optimized insulation wall thickness. Sheath materials Inner sheath: synthetic rubber compound for a max. permissible operating temperature at conductor of 90 °C Outer sheath: chlorinated heavy duty rubber compound type 5GM5 acc. DIN VDE 0207 part 21, oil-resistant acc. EN 60811-2-1, flame-retardant acc. DIN EN 60332-1-2. 2 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGC FLCGCWOEUS with / without optical fibre elements up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Application Flexible flat reeling cable for energy supply and data transmission with cable guidance in one level. Especially for high mechanical stress and reeling speed up to 30 m/min and a min. tensile load of 10 N/mm². For power supply on mono spiral reels on slow moving stacker/reclaimer in stockyards for bulk material handling equipment. Design Conductor : Copper, plain, flexible stranded acc. to DIN EN 60228 class 5 Insulation: - inner semi-conductive conductive stress control layer - elastomeric insulation EPR compound RHEYCLEAN-HV RHEYCLEAN - outer semi-conductive conductive insulation shield layer, easy strip (thermo strip); all three covers are applied and cross-linked cross in one process Protective/ Protective/earth conductor Mixed braid: copper wires / synthetic threads Optical fibre element element see page 6 – 8 Cabling Power cores parallel with OFE Outer sheath Chlorinated heavy duty rubber compound 5GM5, colour: red Marking on customer request; standard s embossed marking e.g.: RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT (N)TSFLCGCWOEUS FLCGCWOEUS 3x35/35+OFE12G50/125 6/10 kV I NEXANS I year Standards In line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813, 813 DIN VDE 0298-3 and 4 3 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS with / without optical fibre elements up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Rated voltage: 3.6/6 kV Max. permissible operating voltage Ubmax AC systems: 7.2 kV, Test voltage: A.C.11 kV Type - No.: Cross-section Max. conductor resistance at 20 °C DC systems: 10.8 kV D.C. 27.5 kV Outer-dimension min. max. Weight approx. Permissible tensile load static/dynamic [mm²] [Ω/km] [mm] [mm] [kg/km] [N] 79070402 4x35 0.554 23.9 x 76.6 25.4 x 79.1 3800 2100/3500 79070239 4x50 0.386 25.5 x 83.4 26.5 x 85.4 4640 3000/5000 Other cross-section and nominal voltages on request Type - No.: Cross-section Max. conductor resistance at 20 °C Outer-dimension Permissible tensile load min. max. Weight approx. [mm] [mm] [kg/km] [N] static/dynamic [mm²] [Ω/km] 79070400 3x35/35 +OFE6G62.5/125 0.554 23.9 x 76.6 25.4 x 79.1 3410 1575/2100 79070408 3x35/35 +OFE12G62.5/125 0.554 23.9 x 76.6 25.4 x 79.1 3410 1575/2100 79070239 3x50/50 +OFE18G62.5/125 0.386 25.5 x 83.4 26.5 x 85.4 4640 2250/3000 Other cross-section and nominal voltages on request 4 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS with / without optical fibre elements up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Rated voltage: 6/10 kV Max. permissible operating voltage Ubmax A.C. systems: Test voltage: A.C. 17 kV Type - No.: Cross-section Max. conductor resistance at 20 °C 12 kV; D.C. systems: 18 kV D.C. 42.5 kV Outer-dimensionsØ Permissible tensile load min. max. Weight approx. [mm] [mm] [kg/km] [N] static/dynamic [mm²] [Ω/km] 79070401 4x35 0.554 23.9 x 76.6 25.4 x 79.1 3760 2100/3500 79070406 4x50 0.386 25.7 x 83.4 26.5 x 85.4 4535 3000/5000 Permissible tensile load Other cross-section and nominal voltages on request Type - No.: Cross-section Max. conductor resistance at 20 °C Outer-dimension min. max. Weight approx. static/dynamic [mm²] [Ω/km] [mm] [mm] [kg/km] [N] 79070409 3x35/35 +OFE16E9/125 0.554 26 x 78 27 x 80 3585 1575/2100 79070239 3x50/50 +OFE18G62.5/125 0.386 25.5 x 83.4 26.5 x 85.4 4640 2250/3000 79070410 3x50/25 +OFE18G62.5/125 0.386 25.5 x 83.4 26.5 x 85.4 3990 2250/3000 Other cross-section and nominal voltages on request Rated voltage: 8.7/15 kV Max. permissible operating voltage Ubmax A.C. systems: Test voltage: A.C. 24 kV Type - No.: 79070403 Cross-section Max. conductor resistance at 20 °C 18 kV; D.C. systems: D.C. 60 kV Outer-dimension 27 kV min. max. Weight approx. Permissible tensile load static/dynamic [mm²] [Ω/km] [mm] [mm] [kg/km] [N] 3x35/35 +OFE12G62.5/125 0.780 27 x 79 28 x 81 3720 1575/2100 Other cross-section and nominal voltages on request 5 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Optical fibre characteristics Colours of the fibres acc. ANSI/TIA/EIA 598-A 62.5/125 fibres acc.: TIA/EIATIA/EIA-492AAAA492AAAA-A and IEC/CEI 6079360793-2-10 type A1b, OM1 fibre type (TIA) 6 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 50/125 fibres acc.: TIA/EIATIA/EIA-492AAAB and IEC/CEI 6079360793-2-10 type A1a.1, ITUITU-T G.651.1, OM2 fibre type (TIA) 7 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 E9/125 fibres acc.: Reference standard ITUITU-T G.652D 8 FLAT MV REELING CABLE RHEYFIRM(RS)-FLAT R-(N)TSFLCGCWOEUS up to 8.7/15 kV in line with DIN VDE 0250 part 813 Electrical data Short circuit current (80 – 250 °C / Ithr = 149 A/mm²) in kA Current-carrying capacity in ampere [A] at 30 °C ambient temperature (acc. DIN VDE 0298-4) on ground: CrossCross-section [mm²] 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 Up to 10 kV [A] 131 162 202 250 301 352 404 461 553 Ithz = Ithr • Over 10 kV [A] 139 172 216 265 319 371 428 488 587 CrossCross-section [mm²] 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 tkr tk for 1 s (tkr) for 0.5 s (tk) 3.7 5.2 7.5 10.4 14.2 17.9 22.4 27.6 35.8 5.3 7.4 10.5 14.8 20.0 31.6 39.0 50.6 63.2 Bending radii Smallest permissible bending radius: - fixed installation: - reeling application: - deflection pulleys: - min. distance with S-type directional changes: 6x 12 x 15 x 20 x outer-∅ outer-∅ outer-∅ outer-∅ Thermal properties Permissible temperature on cable surface - static: -50 °C/+80 °C - reeling application: -30 °C/+80 °C with special cold flexible compound: -45 °C/+80 °C - Max. conductor temperature: 90 °C - Max. short-circuit temperature of conductor: 250 °C Correction factor for ambient temperatures other than 30 °C to be applied to the current-carrying capacities for cables in the air acc. DIN VDE 0298-4 (permissible conductor temperature 90 °C): 10 °C 1.15 20 °C 1.08 30 °C 1.00 40 °C 0.91 50 °C 0.82 60 °C 0.71 70 °C 0.58 Correction factor for reeled flexible cables acc. DIN VDE 0298-4 No. of layers Factor Mono spiral reel 1 0.80 2 0.61 3 0.49 0.80 9 4 0.42 5 0.38 Global expert in cables and cabling systems With energy as the basis of its development, Nexans, the worldwide leader in the cable industry, offers an extensive range of cables and cabling systems. The Group is a global player in the infrastructure, industry, building, Local Area Network and mining markets. Nexans addresses a series of market segments from energy, transport and telecom networks to shipbuilding, oil and gas, nuclear power, automotive, electronics, aeronautics, handling and automation. With an industrial presence in 40 countries and commercial activities worldwide, Nexans employs 25,000 people and had sales in 2011 of 7 billion €. Nexans is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris, compartment A. Nexans may make changes to the technical specifications of its products, in particular to make improvements thereto or to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Nexans Germany GmbH D-41238 Moenchengladbach Bonnenbroicher Str. 2-14 Tel: +49 (0)2166 27 2176 Fax: +49 (0)2166 27 2781 heinz-willi.hamacher@nexans.com 10