Great Expectations Test Multiple Choice Basic Plot Review

Great Expectations Test
Multiple Choice Basic Plot Review
1. What is Pip’s real name?
a) Peter Philips
b) Philip Pirrip
c) Pipper Phillips
d) Paul Pirrip
2. What does Pip come across in the churchyard?
a) A stray dog
b) His older sister
c) An escaped convict
d) The village priest
3. What does the convict ask Pip for?
a) A map of his town
b) Food and a file
c) A place to stay for the night
d) Liquor and cigars
4. Whom does Pip come across first when he returns to the marshes?
a) A second convict
b) The first convict he met
c) His uncle, Joe
d) His sister, Mrs. Joe
5. Why does the convict Pip first met get angry when he sees him again?
e) Because Pip does not bring him enough food
f) Because Pip mentions the second convict
g) Because he cannot remove the irons from his legs
h) Because he feels guilty for his crimes
6. What do the soldiers have with them when they enter Pip’s house during Christmas dinner?
i) A warrant for Pip’s arrest
j) The file that Pip stole from Joe
k) A pair of broken handcuffs
l) The escaped convict
7. What do the soldiers want?
a) To question Pip about the convict
b) Joe’s help fixing the handcuffs
c) To have a drink with Pumblechook
d) Directions to the Marshes
8. How does Pip’s convict explain the file and food?
a) He identifies Pip as his accomplish
b) He says the other convict got them for him
c) He says he stole them himself
d) He says nothing about them
9. Why does Pip feel guilty?
Because he didn’t tell Joe the truth
Because he stole from his sister
Because his sister will punish him
Because Joe did not fix the handcuffs
10. Why are Mrs. Joe and Pumblechook excited for Pip to play at Miss Havisham’s?
a) They think Pip is lonely and needs friends
b) They think Pip is a burden and needs to get out of the house
c) They think Miss Havisham will teach him a lesson
d) They think Miss Havisham might make him rich
11. What is Miss Havisham wearing when Pip first meets her?
a) A dressing gown
b) A wedding gown
c) A business suit
d) A nurse’s uniform
12. How does Estella treat Pip?
a) Unpleasantly
b) Forcefully
c) Indifferently
d) Eagerly
13. How does Pip explain his time at Miss Havisham’s house?
a) He tells the truth about it
b) He makes up lies about it
c) He refuses to talk about it
d) He says he never wants to go back
14. What advice does Joe give to Pip?
a) To do whatever he must to succeed
b) To avoid Miss Havisham at all costs
c) To always be honest and forthright
d) To enjoy spending time with the wealthy
15. What does the stranger in the Three Jolly Bargemen give to Pip?
a) Money
b) Joe’s File
c) Advice
d) Supper
16. What does Pip get when he wins the fight against the “pale youth”?
a) A small fortune
b) To kiss Estella
c) Joe’s approval
d) Mrs. Joes wrath
17. What does Pip hope Miss Havisham will do for him/?
a) Help him move out on his own
b) Punish Mrs. Joe for her cruelty
c) Make him into a gentleman
d) Encourage Estella to marry him
18. What does Miss Havisham encourage Estella to do/
a) Break Pip’s heart
b) Play cards with Pip
c) Help Pip with his studies
d) Take Pip’s money
19. What does Miss Havisham offer Pip?
a) A formal education
b) To make him Joe’s apprentice
c) Estella’s hand in marriage
d) Financial security
20. Whom does Pip confide in about his disappointment and frustrations?
a) Joe
b) Mrs. Joe
c) Estella
d) Biddy
21. What does Pip think about while he is working for Joe?
a) Making money for his sister
b) Returning to Satis House
c) Making his family proud
d) Punishing Miss Havisham
22. How does Orlick treat Pip?
a) Generously
b) Fairly
c) Cruelly
d) Indifferently
23. What happens when Mrs. Joe is attacked?
a) Joe vows revenge on her attackers
b) She dies from her injuries
c) She get brain damage and is disabled
d) Joe gets into a fight with Orlick
24. Whom do Biddy and Pip suspect to be Mrs. Joe’s attacker?
a) Estella
b) The Convicts
c) Pumblechook
d) Orlick
25. What does Jaggers tell Pip is in his future?
a) A police interrogation
b) A large fortune
c) More work for Joe
d) A gift from Miss Havisham
26. Whom does Pip believe his benefactor to be?
a) Wopsle
b) Orlick
c) Pumblechook
d) Miss Havisham
27. What does Pip regret most as he leaves for London to become a gentleman?
a) Not spending time with Estella
b) His sister’s condition
c) Treating Joe and Biddy poorly
d) Not knowing the identity of his benefactor
28. Where does Pip remember Herbert from?
a) His early days in school
b) His apprenticeship with Joe
c) A visit to Satis House
d) Christmas at Joe’s house
29. What is Herbert’s nickname for Pip?
a) Pipper
b) Humbert
c) Phillip
d) Handel
30. What does Herbert reveal about Miss Havisham?
a) That she is his benefactor
b) That she was left at the altar
c) That she is good friends with his father
d) That she is not actually wealthy
31. How could Wemmick be described when he is at home?
a) Cynical
b) All Business
c) Mean
d) Happy
32. What news does Joe bring from Satis House to London?
a) Estella is still in Paris
b) Estella is engaged
c) Estella is returned to and wishes Pip to visit her
d) Estella has left Satis House for good
33. According to the mysterious stranger on the coach, who gave him the file and the money when he saw Pip as a
younger child?
a) Joe
b) Miss Havisham
c) Jaggers
d) Pip’s convict
34. What surprises Pip about Estella when he sees her again?
a) Her beauty
b) Her height
c) Her wealth
d) Her cruelty
35. To whom does Pip confess his enduring love of Estella to?
a) Jaggers
b) Joe
c) Herbert
d) Miss Havisham
36. Why is Herbert unable to marry Clara?
a) He does not love her
b) Her father will not let him
c) He is too poor to marry
d) She will not make a good wife
37. Who does Pip learn has died?
a) Orlick
b) Biddy
c) Mrs. Joe
d) Miss Havisham
38. Why does Pip believe that Miss Havisham is his benefactor?
a) Because she wants him to marry Estella
b) Because she is impressed with his potential
c) Because Jaggers is her lawyer
d) All of the Above
39. What does Pip receive on his 21st birthday?
a) Miss Havisham’s blessing to marry Estella
b) A visit from Joe
c) A steady income
d) A surprise party
40. How does Pip want to help Herbert?
a) By giving him a loan to pay off his debts
b) By buying him into the merchant business
c) By helping him court and support Clara
d) By convincing his father that he will be a success
41. What does Pip realize about the relationship between Estella and Miss Havisham?
a) That it is warm and loving
b) That it is purely financial
c) That it is antagonistic
d) That it is welcoming to him
42. Besides Pip, who is courting Estella?
a) Orlick
b) Herbet
c) Drummle
d) Wemmick
43. How does Estella handle Pip’s concerns about her future husband?
a) She takes them seriously
b) She dismisses them
c) She vows to avoid the unsuitable man
d) She think Pip is biased
44. Who is revealed as Pip’s benefactor?
a) Pip’s convict
b) Miss Havisham
c) Jaggers
d) Mr. Pocket
45. What does Pip do when he realizes Magwitch is still on the run?
a) He goes to the police
b) He runs away
c) He takes the money and decides not to get involved
d) He plans to help him
46. What does Pip call his convict?
a) Magwitch
b) Uncle Provis
c) Uncle Wales
d) Abel
47. How did Compeyson get a lighter sentence for crimes he committed with Magwitch?
a) By turning on Magwitch
b) By bribing Miss Havisham
c) By using his gentleman status
d) By hiring Jaggers
48. How is Compeyson tied to Miss Havisham?
a) He is her old fiancé
b) He is an old friend
c) He is Estella’s uncle
d) He is her half-brother
49. What does Miss Havisham agree to do for Pip?
a) Convince Estella to marry him
b) Continue to support him
c) Help Herbert financially
d) Help stop Compeyson
50. Whom does Estella plan to marry?
a) No one
b) Drummle
c) Pip
d) Herbert
51. What does Pip find out about Compeyson?
a) Compeyson still wants to marry Miss Havisham
b) Compeyson is following him
c) Compeyson is threatening Herbert
d) Compeyson has returned home to avoid Magwitch and the police
52. Who does Pip believe Molly is?
a) Wemmick’s sister
b) Jagger’s girlfriend
c) Estella’s mother
d) Compeyson’s ex-wife
53. How does Miss Havisham get injured?
a) She catches on fire
b) She falls down the stairs
c) She leaps off the balcony
d) Orlick attacks her
54. Who is Estella’s father?
a) Magwitch
b) Compeyson
c) Jaggers
d) Arthur
55. What does the anonymous note that Pip receives say? (novel not movie)
a) It announces Estella’s marriage
b) It announces Miss Havisham’s death
c) It threatens Uncle Provis
d) It confirms Herbert’s new job
56. Who sent Pip the anonymous note? (novel not movie)
a) Compeyson
b) Wemmick
c) Jaggers
d) Orlick
57. What crime does Orlick confess to?
a) Killing Mrs. Joe
b) Setting Miss Havisham on fire
c) Attacking Magwitch
d) Stealing from Joe
58. Who saves Pip from Orlick (novel not the movie)
a) Jaggers
b) Wemmick
c) Herbert
d) Joe
59. What happens when Pip tries to help Magwitch escape?
a) Magwitch turns himself in
b) Compeyson attacks Magwitch
c) The police come to arrest Magwitch
d) Wemmick gets the signals wrong
60. Years after meeting Pip in the cemetery, the Convict is recaptured. What does he ask of Pip?
a) Sit where he could be seen by the convict during the trial
b) Take care of the convict's offspring
c) Hide the convict's money
d) Live a good, law-abiding life
61. What does Pip say to comfort Magwitch?
a) That he is grateful for his help
b) That his daughter Estella is alive
c) That he’ll go after Compeyson
d) That he’ll try and talk to the judge
62. What is Pip arrested for?
a) Aiding a convict
b) Going into debt
c) Harassing Miss Havisham
d) Threatening Drummle
63. Who comes to nurse Pip back to health and settle his accounts?
a) Herbert
b) Estella
c) Biddy
d) Joe
64. What surprises Pip about Biddy?
a) That she has married Joe
b) That she opened her own school
c) That she moved to London
d) That she ran off with Orlick
65. What does Pip come across when he returns to Satis House?
a) Miss Havisham’s will
b) Estella
c) Orlick hiding out
d) A letter to him from Jaggers
Identification – give a brief description of the following Characters or Settings (on a
separate sheet of paper)
66. The Forge
67. Satis House
68. Barnard’s Inn/ Garden Court/Hammersmith/ Richmond
69. Jaggers’ office
70. Mill Pond Bank
71. Herbert Pocket
72. Wemmick
73. Orlick
74. Jaggers
75. Joe
Short Answer/Quote Identification – identify the speaker and context of the quotes below
and discuss their significance to the overall development of setting, character, plot, and/or
76. “He gave me a look that I did not understand, and it all passed to a moment. But if he had looked at me
for an hour or for a day, I could not have remembered his face ever afterwards as having been more
77. “It is not possible to know how far the influence of any amiable honest-hearted duty-doing man flies out
into the world, but it is very possible to know how it has touched one’s self in going by, and I know right
well that any good that intermixed itself with my apprenticeship came of plain contented Joe and not of
restless aspiring discontented me.”
78. “I am instructed to communicate to him that he will come into a handsome property. Further, that it iis
the desire of the present possessor of the property that he immediately be removed from his present
sphere of life and from this place, and be brought up as a gentleman – in a word, as a young fellow of
great expectations.”
79. “Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man’s
a blacksmith, and one’s a whitesmith, and one’s a goldsmith, and one’s a coppersmith. Diwisions among
such must come, and must be met as they come.”
80. “Whatever her tone with me happened to be, I could put no trust in it, and built no hope on it, and yet I
went on against trust and against hope.”
81. “For there was something positively dreadful in the energy of her looks and embraces. She hung upon
Estella’s beauty, hung upon her words, hung upon her gestures, and sat mumbling her own trembling
fingers while she looked at her, as though she were devouring the beautiful creature she had reared.”
82. “All the truth of my position came flashing on me, and its disappointments, dangers, disgraces,
consequences of all kinds rushed in in such a multitude that I was borne down by them and had to
struggle for every breath I drew.”
83. “Miss Havisham’s intentions towards me were all a mere dream: Estella not designed for me: I only
suffered Satis House as a convenience, a sting for the greedy relations, a model with a mechanical heart
to practice on when no other practice was at hand.”
84. “You had a child once, whom you loved and lost…She lived and found powerful friends. She is living
now. She is a lady and very beautiful. And I love her!’
85. “I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place, and as the morning mists had risen long
ago when I first left the forge, so the evening mists were rising now and in all the broad expanse of
tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.”
Essay responses – respond to ONE of the following prompts in detailed, multiple
paragraph (2 or 3 paragraphs minimum) essay.
Discuss the theme of Expectations versus Reality in Great Expectations…what is the ultimate message
of the novel and lesson from Charles Dickens? Use specific characters and details from the story to
support your response. How effective is Dickens in creating his world and relating his message?
 Compare and Contrast the reading experience of Great Expectations to the watching experience…make
note of the choices made by the author, Charles Dickens and compare them to choices made by the
producer, director, and actors of the PBS version.
 How is Great Expectations a novel about redemption and forgiveness? What is the ultimate message
about these themes is Dickens telling the audience?
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