NO. R!V. NO. ATM 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGE DAT! The results of the EM! investigation for Array E are presented in this ATM. Prepared by: Approved by: D. Fithian i OF NO. REV. HO. ATM 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGE DATE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2. 0 3. 0 3. 1 3. 1. 3. I. 3. I. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 1 I. 1 1. 2 2 3 4 5 3. 2 3. 2. 1 3. 2. 2 3. 2. 3 3.2.4 3. 2. 5 4.0 Introduction EMC Requirements EMC Analysis Array E Subsystem Compatibility Conducted Interference and Susceptibility Power Lines Signal, Timing, and Control and Analog Lire s Radiated Interference Radiated Susceptibility Antenna Emanated R FI Spectral Analysis Compatibility of ALSEP with High Level Radiating Sour c'e s LSPEICommand Receiver Compatibility LSPEICentral Station and Experiment Compatibility LCR U IALSEP Compatibility SEP I ALSEP Compatibility Sounder I ALSEP Compatibility Testing Page 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 11 12 12 ii Of NO. REV. NO. ATM 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGE 1 OF DATE 1. 0 Introduction ALSEP Array E, while similar to the previous ALSEP Arrays, incorporates major <;lesign changes in the Central Station and new experiment combinations. EMC for Array E requires not only that the total system meet the EMI Specification for compatibility with the other elements of the Apollo Lunar Surface Equipment System but that the experiments and Central Station by compatible so that they will operate as a single system without interference with each other. This.. ~TM documents the results of an investigation of the Electroma_gnetic Compatibility (EMC) of the ALSEP Array E System. The basic EMC requirements are first established, an analysis is included to show that compatibility is theoretically achieved in the design and interface requirements, and finally a test program is defined to demonstrate that the hardware meets the specification requirements for EMC. 2. 0 EMC Requirements AL770000, the ALSEP EMI Specification, is intended to insure adequate lunar performance of the ALSEP system and its compatibility with other equipment. It provides test methods and limits for the ALSEP system and must also be regarded as a design guide for subsystem performance. Essentially then, AL 770000 is the EMI Specification for the integrated ALSEP Array. The subsystems must meet the specification for radiated EMI and radiated susceptibility for the total array to meet it. It is also necessary however, for Array E ALSEP to be compatible with itself. This requires that EMI levels and susceptibilities for the interface lines be established and that the subsystem be tested to provide a margin of compatibility. These levels have been specified and are included in this ATM. The test program required to prove a 6 dB margin of compatibility is also outlined in this ATM. 3. 0 EMC Analysis 3. 1 Array E Subsystem Compatibility Each subsystem within Array E must individually meet radiated and conducted interference and susceptibility requirements with a six dB margin of compatibility to assure proper system performance. The following paragraphs present the EMC considerations of each subsystem interface. 24 ~ RI!V. HO. NO. EMI Investigation for Array E ATM 1004~ PAGE 2 1 OF DATE 3. 1. 1 Conducted Interference and Susceptibility The interface lines connect components within the central station and the central station to the experiments. They include the 29 volt, 12 volt, and the 5 volt power lines, and the signal, timing, and control lines. Note that the experiments use only the 29 volt line for power. The 12 volts and 5 volts are used exclusively within the C/S. With the exception of the LSPE C/S electronics, the C/S experiment interface lines are part of a flat cable running from the C/S to the remotely sited experiments. In all cases the conducted EMI on interface lines is a composite of that induced directly acr_oss its terminals and that due to cross coupling within the interconnecting harnesses and flat cables. In the case of the power lines, each component shares a common impedance within the PCU. Thus, the EMI on these power lines is a complex sum of the EMI from each component. This is particularly true for the 29 volt line where the DC-DC converter of each experiment is an EMI contributor. AL 770000 does not explicitly call for the measurement of conducted EMI and conducted EMI susceptibility on interface lines within the system. However, the requirement that ALSEP be compatible with itself requires that each of the subsystems demonstrate a 6 dB margin of compatibility at these interfaces. Specifications of the conducted EM! for each of these interface lines have been developed. These values are included in the Interface Control Specification (ICS) for each experiment. Each experiment must also satisfy MIL-I-26600 (as amended by MSC-ASPO-EMI-1 0). 3. 1. 1. 1 Power Lines The total maximum conducted EMI from all sources appearing on each of the power lines has been specified as: Power line 29 volt 12 volt 5 volt mV peak-to-peak 150 100 100 24 r- t'™ 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGI 3 DATE These values were developed from an analysis of the contribution of each of the subsystems operating from each of the po;ver sour~es and the contribution of the PCU. The model used for th1s analys1s is shown in Figure 1. The analysis was worse case in t~e sense that peak to peak contribution of each source was added lmearly across the PCU source impedance. To insure that the total maximum conducted EMI values do not exceed these specified values the contribution of each source has been specified as: Circuit Power Line EMI PCU Each New Experiment HFE 29V 29V 29V 50 mV pp * 60 mA pp 500 mV PP PCU Command Decoder Data Processor 12V 12V 12V 60 mV pp 100 mV pp 100 mV pp PCU Command Decoder Data Processor sv sv sv 40 mV PP 100 mV pp 100 mV pp *Measured value. The total PCU output to any load, including. converter noise and the effect of all other loads working at thelr specification power noise feedback limits shall be: 1.50 mV p-p for the 29 volt line, 100 mV p-p for the other powerhnes. 29 Volt Line The 29 volt line provides the power to each experiment and also the telemetry transmitter. Each of ·the expe~iments has its own DC-DC converter operating from this line. T·he switching transistors within each converter contribute to EM! on this line. The EM! contribution from each new experiment is specified as 60 mA peak-to-peak into the specified source impedance of the PCU/PDU. Each new experiment is required to measure conducted EMI on the 29 volt line and to meet this specification prior to integration with the DVM. The UFE, a part of earlier arrays, is specified at 500 mV peak-to-peak conducted EMI on the 29 volt line. This experiment was tested and qualified for earlier flights and thus it was not possible to change this specification for Array E. However, Of 24 NO. EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE I RI!V. NO. ATM 1004 4 OF DATE an HFE has been integrated with the DVM C/S so that the conducted EMI from HFE could be measured. The maximum measured EMI current was 28 mA peak-to-peak and the maximum measured EMI voltage was 160 mV peak-to-peak. Thus the measured values for HFE are within the specified contributions for the new experiments and considerably below the value used for the calculation of the total EMI noise on the 29 volt line. Based on the latest measurements of experiment and PCU /PDU conducted EMI on the 29 volt line but not including the above HFE measurement the total conducted EMI on the 29 volt line to each experiment is: Experiment LMS LSG LEAM HFE LSPE PSE Millivolts (peak-to-peak) 140 140 140 IIO 140 140 Each of the experiments and the S-Band transmitter are tested for power line conducted susceptibility to the levels of MIL I 26600 (as 'amended by MSC-ASPO-EMI-10). The specified levels of this document are 0. 2 Volt rms from 50 Hz to 15 kHz and 0. I volt rms from 15 kHz to 150 kHz. These levels exceed the specified values for conducted EMI on the 29 volt line by greater than 6 dB over the frequency where the converter EMI energy is concentrated. Thus, a 6 dB margin of compatibility is demonstrated when conducted susceptibility is measured in accordance with MIL I 26600. 12 Volt Lines, 5 Volt Line The EMI on these lines is due primarily to the switching circuits in the PCU and the digital logic circuits of the Command Decoder and Data Processor. The condut:ted EMI on these lines will be measured for the integrated system during integration-compatibility testing of the DVM. Conducted EMI susceptibility measurement will be made on the C/S components during component tests following the initial DVM integration. The conducted susceptibility test levels of MIL I 26600 are sufficient to prove a 6 dB mar gin of compatibility and 24 NO. RII!V. NO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 5 OF DATE thus tests in accordance with this document are sufficient. Note that the receiver, which operates from the 12 volt line, has been tested to a level co£ 282 mV pp from I kHz to 10kHz and 400 mV pp from 10 kHz to 250 MHz by the vendor. This is sufficient to demonstrate the' 6 dB margin of compatibility. ' Signal, Timing, and Control and Analog Lines The source of conducted interference on the digital line is the digital logic switching. The EMI is coupled both directly' from the logic circuits and indirectly due to cross' coupling between conductors in the interconnecting cables. The cross coupling between conductors was investigated during the design phase of Array E. The conductors within the C/S harness on which cross coupling could result in false logic triggering were identified and the amplitude of cross coupling as a function of cc!mductor length was determined during this study. To insure that the cross coupling would be within acceptable limits either the connecting lines have been kept short (less than 7 inches) or an R-C network has been placed across the connecting lines to. increase the rise and fall times of level changes and hence reduce cross coupling. The cross coupling between conductors of t_he experiment flat cables was also investigated. It was shown that cross coupling was, to a large extent, due to the relatively high inductance in the common signal return line and that a reductfon in cross coupling was possible if the number of signal return lin'es was increased. Therefore, additional conductors of the flat cable have been assigned as signal returns 1for the new experiments. Present plans call for th·e HFE to retain the same interconnections as previously. Note that rise and fall times for the digital circuits driving conductors within flat cables will be controlled to fall within the 2-10 usee range as in previous arrays. Therefore, cross coupling on the HFE flat cable will be essentially the same as previously. The defining specification for analog lines is that the analog voltage shall not vary more than 10 mV during the 135 ,..usee sampling period. The high impedance of the multiplexer input~ a minimum of 10 MA, and the susceptibility of the equipment flat cables to cross talk and radiated EMI results in EMI voltages at the multiplexer input terminals greater than 10 mV. Most of the energy of the EMI is concentrated at frequencies greater· than 5 kHz because (1) the cross coupling 24 MO. REV. HO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 6 OF DATE increases with frequency; and (2) the EMI sources, the DC-DC converters, the A/D converter frequencies, and digital logic transients are at relatively high frequencies. Therefore the I msec time constant R -C filter in the multiplexer reduces the analog line EMI to a specified level. Although the analog line EMI is not measured directly, system level analog tests indirectly indicates compatibility. In these tests an analog voltage is placed on the lines and the digital output must b'e accurate to 1 bit or 20 mV with the system operating, i.e., the EMI environment of ALSEP itself is present. Standard EMI practices are not feasible for the measurement of the conducted susceptibility on the signal, timing and control lines. The networks normally used to couple EMI onto the lines for these measurements would in the case of digital lines effect the rise and fall time of the signalS on the line. Furthermore, the amplitude of the EMI induced by this means would vary over a wide range due to the change in source and load impedance that accompany a digital change of state. Therefore, the margin of compatibility for these lines will be demonstrated indirectly by first measuring the EMI level of the interconnecting lines on a peak-to-peak basis and then comparing this value with the known noise margin for the logic circuits employed. The measurement for each experiment will be made with the experiment operating with its test set. Each of the experiments is expected to meet the conducted EMI specification of 100 mV peak-to-peak for these lines. However, the true margin of compatibility will be determined based on measurements conducted on the DVM during integration-compatibility tests. Each of these interface lines will be brought out through a breakout box and the conducted EMI on these lines will be measured. The Array E digital circuits have a guaranteed noise margin of 400 mV. Thus the total peak EMI voltage on these lines must not exceed 200 mV to guarantee a 6 dB margin of compatibility. Conducted EMI tests will be made on the signal, timing and control lines of each of the C/S components during integration-compatibility tests for the DVM. ' These tests will be used to determine the EMI contribution of each component. If a component is the cause of out of specification operation, corrective action will be taken at this time. 24 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 7 DATE 3. I. 2 Radiated Interference ' Each of the subsystems of ALSEP Array E must meet the radiated EMI requirements of AL770000 to insure that the total system will meet these requirements. Therefore, each experiment and the C/S is required to measure radiated EMI in accordance withAL 770000 and be within the specified levels of this document. Each of the new experiments will be tested in accordance with MIL I 26600 (the same as AL770000 for radiated EMI) for radiated EMI prior to integration with the DVM. The HFE, the telemetry transmitter, and the command receiver have been'tested in accordance with MIL I 26600 as part of their acceptance testing. Radiated EM! for the integrated C/S will be mdae in accordance withAL 770000 as part of DVM test. 3. I. 3 Radiated Susceptibility Each subsystem must meet the radiated susceptibility·requirements of AL 770000 for the integrated system to meet this specification. Each new experiment will be tested in accordance with AL770000 prior to integration with the DVM. HFE was tested in accordance with AL770000 prior to integration with earlier arrays. The C/S radiated susceptibility will be tested in accordance withAL 770000 during the DVM integration-compatibility tests. 3. I. 4 Antenna Emanated RFI Antenna emanated R FI for the telemetry transmitter are defined in AL 770000. These values will be retained for Array E, i.e., 'the spurious rf output of the transmitter in the keydown mode shall not exceed the following limits: Of' 24 NO. RIV. HO. ~TM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGI 8 DATE -20 dBm at all frequencies between 2 MHz and 10, 000 MHz except as follows: -60 dBm at 243. 0 MHz, 259. 7 MHz, 279. 0 MHz and 296. 8 MHz -90 dBm at 2101.8 MHz, 2106.4 MHz, and 2119 MHz For system level tests the spurious output limits at the antenna cable output shall be 10 dB greater than those specified above. A specification change to AL 770000 will be required for Array E to specify the level of antenna-conducted spurious emanations for the LSPE transmitter and antenna. Based on an analysis that considered both the operational requirements of the LSPE and the susceptibility of ALSEP the following specification was developed and is a part of the LSPE ICS: LSP Transmitter Pulses OFF - In the LSP Transmitter Pulses Off mode of operation (transmitter off, transmitter; oscillator on} the spurious RF output of the LSP transmitter measured into a matched load at the ant,enria terminals of the cable to transmitter antenna shall not exceed the following limits: +10 dBm at 20. 600 MHz -90 dBm at 2119. 0 MHz -10 dBm at all other frequencies between 2 MHz and 10,000 MHz LSP Transmitter Pulses ON - In the LSP Transmitter Pulses On mode of operation (transmitter and transmitter oscillat?r on) the harmonic and spurious RF output of the LSP transmitter into a matched load at the antenna terminal of the' cable to the transmitter antenna shall not exceed the following limits: -+ 10 dBm at 20. 600 MHz +46 dBm at 4L 200 MHz +10 dBm at 82. 400 MHz -90 dBm at 2119.0 MHz -10 dBm at all other frequencies between 2 MHz and 10, 000 MHz A discussion of these specifications can be found in Section 3. 2 .. 1 and 3. 2. 2. OF 24 NO. REV. NO. ATM 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGI 9 DATE . 3. I. 5 EM! Spectral Analysis Tables 1 and 2 identify potential noise sources internal and external to ALSEP respectively. Tables 3 and 4 identify the frequency bands of susceptible circuits internal and external to ALSEP respectively. Comparison of the frequencies and their harmonics listed in tables I and 2 with the susceptible bandwidths listed in tables 3 and 4 results in only one identified potential problem. That is the third harmonic of the LSPE transmitter falls within the bandwidth of the first IF of the ·s-Band receiver. In addition, however, the LSPE radiates power levels that result in field strengths well above the level for susceptibility measurements and the trans~itters of the Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCR U) and the Surface Electrical Properties experiment (SEP), under certain conditions, can result in fieid strengths exceeding the susceptibility measurement levels. Each of these requires further consideration. 3. 2 Compatibility of ALSEP with High Level Radiating Sources The LSPE, internal to ALSEP, and the LCR U, SEP, and Sounder, external to ALSEP are sources of high level radiated EM! added to the RFI environment with Array E. The radiated .levels of the LSPE transmitter exceeds the radiated susceptibility test levels while the LCR U and SEP radiated levels can under some conditions exceed this level. Thus each of these sources is considered further. The pbwer density at ALSEP due to the Sounder is well below the radiated susceptibility test level and therefore tests in accordance withAL 770000 ar..e sufficient to show compatibility. Compatibility with the LM, EVCS and CSM are covered by the specifications of AL 770000 and therefore do not require additional~ consideration. Note that these systems are not operational during the period that the LSPE antenna is radiating. ' 3. 2. 1 LSPE/Command Receiver Compatibility Figure 2 is a plot of the calculated field strength at the C/S due to the LSPE antenna ernan::ttions as a function of frequency for a 30 foot and 60 foot separation between the LSP antenna and the C/S. The field strengths at the C/S that result from radiated suscepti~ bility tests in accordance with AL770000 are also shown for comparison. The field strengths due to the LSPE antenna ematlons are OF 24 NO. R!V. NO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 1O DATI based on the specified antenna emanated levels for this experiment and the calculated efficiency of the dipole antenna. Note that the field strength due to the LSPE at the third harmonic ( 123. 6 MHz) is 26 dB below the radiated susceptibility test level. In addition the third harmonic radiating directly fr9m the LSPE C/S electronics and transmitter and the interconnecting cables with the LSP antenna replaced by a matched load is specified at the level of AL 770000. Thus the fact that the receiver has successfully met the requirements of AL770000 . for radiated susceptibility at this frequency demon-. I strates a sufficient margin of compatibility. However there remains the possibility that the high transmitter output power at 41. 2 MHz . I could be converted to third harmonic withiri the receiver. The field strength at the C/S can be as great as 37 dB above the susceptibility measurement level of AL 770000. Thus further tests specifically designed to determine LSPE/ command receiver compatibility will be run. These tests are described in section 4!.·t>. ' · 3. 2. 2 LSPE/Central Station and Experiment Compatibility The RFI field strength at the central station and experiments due to the LSPE can be as great as 37 dB above the specified test levels of AL770000 for radiated susceptibility. Thus compatibility will not be demonstra~ed with normal EMI susceptibility testing. Therefore a special test program has been designed to demonstrate this 1 compatibilit'y. The tests are described in section 4. 0. 3. 2. 3 LCRU/ALSEP Compatibility The relatively high powered transmitter and high gain antenna of the LCRU represents a potential RFI problem to ALSEP. For normal operation, the LCR U antennas will be pointed toward earth and the LCR U R F power directed toward ALSEP will be at the antenna side lobe level. However~ if the LCR U antenna is inadvertently pointed directly at ALSEP, the field strength at ALSEP can reach potentially damaging levels. Figure 3 is a plot of the power density at ALSEP due to the LCR U as a function of LCR U I ALSEP Separation and antenna pointing. Should the LCR U high gain antenna point directly at ALSEP from a distance of 70 feet' while the LCR U is operati~g in the high power mode, the power density at ALSEP is approximately 24 dB above the radiated OF 24 NO. RI!V. HO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 11 OF DATE susceptibility specification lev~l and the field strength is approximately 11 volts per meter. Although a direct comparison is not possible, it should be noted that measurements made during LSP/ system tests at 41. 2 MHi for similar field strenghts showed tha~ potentially damaging voltages were induced on the flat cables connecting the Central Station to the experiments. If certain operating restrictions are placed on the LCR U, i.e., if it is not operated within 100 feet of ALSEP and if ALSEP is not illuninated byLthe main lobe of either LCR U antenna, testing ALSEP radiated susceptibility in accordance with AL770000 is sufficient to show compatibility. If it is not possible to place these restr-ictions upon LCRU operation it will be necessary to test ALSEP to the.greater levels shown irl. Figure 3 and possibly tprovide further ~FI protectidn to ALSEP. The test could be run on the Array E DVM, immediately following a similar test with the high power LSPE transmitter. It would be highly desirable to have a LCR U transmitter for these tests so that the actual radiated spectrum would be used in the tests. Then in addition to measuring the induced voltages at ALSEP, the tests would also determine if ALSEP is susceptible to specific frequencies within the LCR U spectrum. 3. 2. 4 SEP/ALSEP Compatibility The SEP represents another source of radiated RFI to ALSEP. The location of the SEP in relation to ALSEP will determine if the SEP radiated levels are greater or less than the ALSEP susceptibility level measurements. Preliminary calculations show that a separation of 200 meters would insure that SEP radiated levels are below those used for radiated susceptibility tests and compatibility would be demonstrated with tests in accordance with AL770000. In addition, because present plans for SEP operation do not include turn off of the SEP transmitter at the completion of data collection, the SEP transmitter will be operating when the LSP recievers are activated. Therefore the SEP transmitter represents a potential source of RFI to the LSP receiv_~~· _Figure 4' is l1 plot of susceptibility of the LSP receiver referred to the LSP receiver terminals. Note at 32 MHz an EM! level of greater than -40 dBm is unacceptable. Assuming that mismatch and polarization loss at the LSP receiver antenna is 20 dB and that 'the SEP antenna is a matched half wavelen'gth dipole, the minimum acceptable distance between the SEP transmitter and a LSP receiver is 1250 feet. 24 NO. REV. NO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE 12 DATE Hence the extent to which SEP I ALSEP compatibility is proven depends on the mission guidelines. When the minimum operating distances b~tween SEP and ALSEP have been determined it will be possible to calculate RFI levels and to design a test plan to demonstrate a 6 dB margin of compatibility. · Another factor that must be considered, is the possible effect of SEP transmissions on LSP explosive charges. It is recommended that the SEP radiation be included in the lunar RFI environment for the LSPE RFI susceptibility tests that were tentatively . scheduled for 14 June 1971. Reference: LSPE (Lunar Surface Profiling Experiment) RFI Susceptibility Test Meeting Minutes; Wiseman to Curry letter received 22 April 1971. 3. 2. 5 Sounder I ALSEP Compatibility The Sounder signal is transmitted from the CSM as it orbits the moon. Although the transmitter level is high, the fact that it is transmitted from orbit via a relatively low antenna '· reduces the worst case field strength a,t ALSEP to well below the level of the ALSEP radiated susceptibility test. For instance at a range of 110 miles the field strength at ALSEP due to the Sounder is approximately 40 dB below the radiated susceptibility test level. · 1 4. 0 Testing Each of the experiments, with the exception of HFE, will be tested as outlined in this ATM and as shown in Table 5. HFE has already been tested in accordance with' AL 770000 prior to integration with early arrays and there are no present plans to repeat these tests. However, because HFE did not meet MIL I 26600 for conducted interference a special test has been run with the Array E DVM CIS. The results of this test show HFE is compatible with the requiremehts of Array E. The four new experiments will be tested to insure that the conducted EMI on the power line due to the experiment will meet the specifications of the ICS. Conducted susceptibility on the power line will be measured in accordance with AL 770000. Susceptibility on digital lines will not be measured. Radiated EMI and radiated susceptibility will be tested in accordance with AL770000. OF 24 MO. RI!V, MO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array E PAGI 13 OF DATI! These tests will be performed prior to integration of the experiment with the DVM C/S. In addition, special tests will be conducted with the LSP transmitter and the command receiver mounted to the DVM thermal plate and the LSP antenna deployed, to determine LSPE/ command receiver compatibility and EMI levels on the experiment flat cables and C/S harness due to the LSP radiated signal'. This test is to insure that LSP transmitter induced EMI levels will not result in damage to other subsystems and provide confidence that total ALSEP operation wUl not be adversely affected. These tests are scheduled to be run prior to integration of LSP~ with the DVM C/S. Further EMI testing is planned during integration-compatibility testing of the Array E DVM. The interconnecting cables will be brought out through break-out boxes during 'integration, permitting the measurement of conducted EMI on each cable. Following these tests, each co·mponent of the C/S will be run through a series of tests including EMI tests. Present plans call for conducted EMI and conducted susceptibility to be measured for each component during this test phase. The C/S components will then be reintegrated into the DVM C/S witho'ut break-out boxes. The DVM C/S will be EMI t~sted in accordance with AL770000. A special test is planned with the DVM C/S, the LSPE and the system test set to confirm EMI compatibility. Further tests may also be required to prove ALSEP/LCR U and ALSEP/SEP compatibility. ALSEP/LCR U compatibility tests if necessary would be run following LSPE cobpatibility tests with essentially the same test set up. ALSEP/SEP compatibility tests if necessary woUld be run during the regular radiated susceptibility tests with increased levels at the SEP frequencies determined when the minbnum operating range is specified. I Figure 5 shows the EMI test program flow. 24 Page 14 of 24 Pc" I PtJ t.J Fo~ C:6( viVAL eNr c;Acu,T EI'1Z .4-AlALYS'IS"' ~(f) Pe.u pol) . I . I OL---------------~--~----------~--------4----'' '~ FIG-URE I Q.. In -.J ~ 4J ~ ~ V) 0--\/l \\.""' "'( 'u~ \n'lb V) --..J...._ "'t ~Q \:--- ~ \\) ~<( t--.~ ,4: ~""t ~\\J V)< ~q: ~~ ~ ~ ...... . ---.1 ~~ ~ 0 : ~ ~ ~ "" ,;:0 -... 0 ~ '!. c 4.. &, d ~ ~ '\J a_~ ~ ~ q:& ~ C) "J 0 ~ ~ 0 <ij 0 ~ "U 0 <:\! 't> ' Ll. t"'t) :::t ~ ).. 'V \u ..J -=< Qf I (\(· \o \l \,\) ~ -~ c(} 0':,) -t"t ~ ' -<:; ro ....... \'( _()) Page 15 of 24 0 0 0 ('( ~ -~ _J__j~JllllJII_LILL.I_L___ J ulI_LI_LI LLII . .~. -1-'----L-~--'-1-II..u.II-L.Iul'~.1~____:61Ljl !Jlll._.___l ~~~.a~(J..t70A .FIL~Na?JJ.9 (]7.31::/ I ! 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'I : •-r..Jh.:t~kiJJ? zvr:a · '· ·' $.3(VJ,.7 3 /VOI..t..tleff)3J.NI: ~OOa~ · ~-1-~----~.-~ ~ !~ ~~ ~ s ~~ " I I I ~ ·I I I -- ~ ~-----.---+ I r-------~ : I I <\.I \1) \u I rJ....,I I ; I I L- -1 t 8-~ ~~~ ~'- -J ..-~ ! ; ! ' Page 18 of 24 ~-"- t·YI (ti:~ p: NO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array~ PAGE 19 , 'REV. NO. Of. DATE Table 1 Potential EM! Sources Within the Array E C/S and Experiments Frequency Source Comment 3Hz LSG 53 Hz 530Hz 1kHz 1. 06 kHz 2. 0 kHz 3. 3kHz 3. 533kHz 5.0 kHz 7. 0 kHz 8. 0 kHz 8-10kHz 10kHz 10kHz 10kHz 10kHz 10.6 kHz 11kHz 14kHz 25kHz 28,26 kHz 100kHz 2.0 MHz 2. 0 MHz LSG C/S C/S C/S C/S LSG LSP,C/S LMS LMS C/S C/S HFE LMS LEAM LSPE C/S LMS LSG LEAM The relay driving the mass change servo motor switches at 3 Hz while in limit cycle mode Screw servo and tilt servo motors, surge currents of 30 rnA Slow downlink data rate, derived from 2. 036 MHz oscillator Command data rate, derived from 8 kHz VCO in demodulator Normal downlink data rate, derived from 2. 036 MHz oscillator demodulator Command subcarrier frequency, derived from 8kHz VCO in demodulator Stabilized oscillator LSP mode data rate, derived from 2. 036 MHz oscillator Low voltage power supply Electron multiplier power supply Demodulator VCO Power conditioner Power converter Filament power supply Power converter Power converter Available high data rate, derived from 2. 036 MHz oscillator Ion pump power supply Heaters and power converter Clock oscillator Timing signal to LSPE multiplexer Sweep high voltage power supply Calibration oscillator AID converter osci-llator, C/S LMS LMS LSPE ~4 "XTM 1004 RE'f. HO. EMI Investigation for Array E PAGE DATE Table 1 (Cont) Frequency Source Comment Z. 036 MHz CIS 38 MHz 41. Z MHz 95 MHz 111 MHz 190 MHz 1997. 3 MHz ZZ75. 5 MHz CIS Data Processor oscillator, all data processor/multiplexer timing is derived from this oscillator Bx transmitter fundamental frequency LSPE transmitter frequency Teledyne transmitter fundamental frequency oscillator S-Band receiver fundamental oscillator and Znd mixer LO Bendix transmitter frequency at the modulator S-Band receiver first mixer LO Transmitter carrier frequency LSPE CIS CIS CIS CIS CIS 20 Of'. 24 NO. A TM l PAGE EMI Investigation for Array E QQA I REV. NO. 21 DATE Table II ALSEP RFI ENVmONMENT DUE TO EXTERNAL SOURCES FREQUENCY MHz SOURCE COMMENTS 32_jj SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP 5. 0 to 5. 33 15.0 to 16.6 150.0 to 166.0 SOUNDER SOUNDER SOUNDER 1.0 2. 1 4.0 8. 1 16.0 259.7 279.0 296.8 2101.8 2106.4 2119.0 2265.5 2272.5 2275.5 2276.0 2278.;0 2278.5 . 2279.5 2282.5 2287.5 SEP signal transmitted via crossed dipole located (nominally) 200 ·meters from LM • EVA-I, EVA-2 LCR U, LM, CSM EVA-2 EVA-l,EVA-2 LCR U, LM, CSM MSFN MSFN MSFN LCRU CSM ALSEP ALSEP ALSEP ALSEP ALSEP LM,P&F CSM 85 watts~ 85 watts Swept frequency, transmitted from CSM 85 watts Extra~ehicUlar communication system (EVCS) EVCS EVCS LCR U, LM uplink carrier frequency CSM uplink carrier frequency ALSEP uplink carrier frequency Downlink carrier frequency, +8dBW, 38 inch parabola FM downlink Array E downlink carrier Array D downlink carrier Array A-2 downlink carrier Array A downlink carrier Array C downlink carrier _ __ Downlink carrier for LM andParticles and Fields Subsatellite . PM downlink carrier -\ or. 24 I REV. MO. MO. ATM 1004 EMI Investigation for Array ..1:!.. PAGE 22 DATE Table 3 Potential EMI Susceptible Circuits Frequency ,v 1Hz 0-10 Hz 0-16 Hz 95-105 kHz 10.7 MHz + 265kHz 41.2 MHz 121.66 MHz + 2.2 MHz 2119 MHz - LSG free mode filter LSPE geophones - above 10 Hz roll off is at 40 dB/decade LSG seismic filters LEAM microphone S-Band receiver 2nd IF, NBW=:: 530kHz, -60 dBm LSPE receiver, sensitivity is -130 dBm at band center, -85 dBm at + 50 kHz S-Band receiver 1st IF, 3 dB BW = 4.4 MHz, -104 dBm S-Band receiver frequency, signals greater than+ 1. 5 MHz from f and at levels -50 dBm and less will not interfere 0 Of. -..: MO. REV. MO. ATM 1004 EM! Investigation for Array E PAGE 23 -·-:---* OF. DATI Table 4 External EM! Susceptible Circuits Frequency MHz ~stem 243.0 259.7 279.0 296.8 2101.8 2106.4 2119.0 EVCS 'EVCS EVCS LM &: LRV CSM ALSEP 1.0 4. 0 8. 1 16. 0 32. 1 SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP 5. 0 to 5. 33 15. 0 to 16. 6 150 to 166 Sounder Sounder Sounder z. 1 Emergency communications frequency - radiated level specified as less than -60 dBm Radiated level specified as less than -60 dBm Radiated level specified as less than -60 dBm Radiated level specified as less than -60 dBm Uplink carrier - radiated level specified as less than -90 dBm Uplink carrier - radiated level specified as less than -90 dBm Other ALSEP Arrays - radiated level specified as less than -90 dBm Receiver sensitivity -130 dBm Receiver bandwidth 1 kHz .-.-.,... ~.Jr~c. ...... " . ,.,... -· NO. EMl Investigation for Array E ATM 1004 PAGE 24 I REV. NO. Of, DATE Table 5 Subsystem EM! Tests -Test Technique Specification Power line conducted Signal, timing and control lines Radiated Power line conducted susceptibility Signal, timing, and control lines conducted susceptibility Radiated susceptibility current or voltage probe and scope current or voltage probe and scope res AL 770000 AL 770000 AL 770000 AL 770000 Noise voltage measured in system configuration ICS - Guaranteed Noise Margin AL 770000 AL 770000 Measurements in system configuration 10 mv variation during 135~ec sample period Analog lines ICS \! 2<t