HP-41C MCODE Bibliography Listing by John McGechie PPC

HP-41C MCODE Bibliography Listing by John McGechie
PPC Calculator Journal Vol 10 No 8 P32 Sep-Oct 1983
The following sources are referenced in the bibliography below:
The PPC Calculator Journal * (California), Richard Nelson
PPC Technical Notes * (Melbourne), John McGechie
PPC-T * (Toulouse), Jean-Daniel Dodin (French.)
PPC L (Lausanne), Phillipe Romascano (French.)
JPC (Paris), Phillipe Guez (French.)
The Pocket Computer Newsletter (USA), Nat Wadsworth
Datafile * (England), David Burch
PPCCG * (Gothenberg), Anders Olssen (Swedish.)
PPC Danmark * (Odense), Kim Grau (Danish.)
Prisma * (Erkelenz), Ulrich Jansen (German.)
HP Journal * (Palo Alto), Richard P. Dolan, Hewlett-Packard
Key Notes (Corvallis), Henry Horn, Hewlett-Packard Company
Survey Calculations Journal (California), Joe Bell
DISPLAY (Cologne), Heinrich Schnepf (German.)
GESPRO (Coblenz), Wolfgang Bauer (German)
TI PPC Notes (Maryland), Maurice E.T. Swinnen
L’Ordinateur Individuel (French electronic ’hobbies’ magazine)
Microcode: Electronic Building Blocks for Calculators.
(Hewlett-Packard Digest, No.3, 1977, pp.4-6.)
The NOMAS Listings.
(Available from PPC Melbourne, PPC California).
Flag 30 Catalogs Revisited.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V8N5P14.)
Description of ERAMCO (Dutch EPROM/MLDL Unit)
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N5P13.)
Assembler 3 and Its Manual.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N4P31.)
Suggestions for 80 Mcode Functions for PPC-UK ROM.
(Datafile, V1N3Pp.4-7. Author not known, article not
cited. See PPC Calculator Journal V10N4Pp.16-18.)
3d)* Anonymous
Introduction to the MLDL II.
(Comp/Stop, Tucson, Arizona, 1983.)
Instructions for Mountain Computer EPROM Set.
(Mountain Computer, Scotts Valley, California, 1983.)
Annotated Listing of Mountain Computer EPROM Set.
(Mountain Computer, Scotts Valley, California, 1983.
To be available through PPC Inc., California.)
HP-IL EPROM Programmer, Owner’s Manual.
(Mountain Computer, Scotts Valley, California, 1983.)
Announcement of HHP-PE.
(Hand Held Products, Charlotte, North Carolina,
August, 1983. 32K EPROM unit in card reader case.)
Bailey, B.
Time Module Alarms and I/O Buffer.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N7P11, 1982.)
Baltes, W., Jansen, U. & Marktscheffel, A.
(PPC-T, #6, P23. French version in PPC-T #8.)
Bellet, P.
Un p’TI Bout de Memoire en Plus.
(L’Ordinateur Individuel, N20Pp.95-99.)
Blake, E.
Easter MLDL Programming.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N6Pp.17-20.)
Bornes, J.C.
Letter, (on using special MLDL with EPROM set.)
(PPC-T, #5, p.20.)
Bornes, J.C.
MLDL/EPROM Mise en Route. (Letters)
(PPC-T, #6, pp22-4.)
Bouldin, C.
Report from Seattle Base to Moon Relay
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, pp.79-80.)
10)* Bouldin, C. & Trin, P.
Two Microcodings: SAVESTA and RESSTA.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, pp.81-83.)
Buck, C.
The Search for a Programmable Size.
(PPC Technical Notes, #5, pp. 16-18, reprinted
in the PPC Calculator Journal V8N4Pp29-30.)
Cadwallader, T. The 41’s 4096 CAT 3 "Functions".
(PPC Calculator Journal, V8N5P21.)
Cadwallader, T. CATalogue 3 Function Address Table in ROM 1.
(PPC Technical Notes, #6, Supplement, pp.1-4.)
Cadwallader, T. RAM and ROM Pointers.
(PPC Technical Notes, #4, pp.33-4.)
Cadwallader, T. Pointer and XROM Numbers.
(PPC Technical Notes, #4, pp.41-2.)
Cadwallader, T. ROM Labels, Microcode Addresses, XROM Structure.
(Articles & notes in PPC Technical Notes, #4, pp.12-13, 33-34, 37-46.)
Cadwallader, T. Printing HP-41c Microcode Byte Tables.
(PPC Technical Notes, #6, pp.48-9, reprinted
in the PPC Calculator Journal, V8N4Pp.25-6.)
18)* Cadwallader, T. Byte Jumping: A Window Into ROM
(PPC Northwest Conference Proceedings, August, 1981, pp.37-47.)
Causse, B.
Les Deux Premiers Bits.
(PPC-T, #6, P21.)
Chiffoleau, M.
Assembler a Partir des Mnemoniques.
(PPC-T, #6, pp27-8.)
Close, C.
Bestial Bugs in Microcode EPROM’s and Elsewhere.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
Close, C.
Close Encounters of the Right Kind.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
Close, C.
Erasable ROM for the 41c.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V8N2Pp.45-6.)
Close, C.
Romping thru ROM.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V8N1Pp.14-15.)
25)* Collett, R., Thompson, M. & McGechie, J.E.
ASSEMBLER 3 Operating Instructions.
(PPC Melbourne, Deep Thinking Software, 1983.)
Collett, R.
Getting Into a Non-Normalised CAT.
(PPC Technical Notes, #8, pp.4-6.)
Collett, R. & Thompson, M.
Hard Melbourne Microprogramming on Softy 2.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N3Pp.10-11, PPC Technical Notes, #14.)
Collett, R.
The MALMAC December Disassembler.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.51-5.)
29)* Collett, R.
Machine Code Formatting for EPROM Burning.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.55-7.)
30)* Collett, R.
Microcode Instruction Word Recoding.
(PPC Technical Notes, #8, p.83.)
Collett, R.
HP-41C Rosetta Stones Microcode - Disassembler.
(PPC Technical Notes, #9, pp.54-60.)
Collett, R.
HP-85 Assembler for HP-41c/cV Microcode.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.74-80.)
COllett, R. & McGechie, J.E.
Some Bits of Microcode.
(PPC Technical Notes, #7, p.55.)
34)* Collett, R. & Thompson, M.
Hard Melbourne Microprogramming on Softy 2.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, pp.53-55.)
Collett, R., Groom, R.Q. & McGechie, J.E.
Microcode Mantras
(8-bit ROM listings. PPC Melbourne, 1981)
Cook, M.J., Fichter, G.M., & Whicker, R.E.
Inside the New Pocket Calculators.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, November 1975, pp.8-12.)
37)* Cooper, P.
Economy Class to Malmacronia on Intermediate Code Program Lines.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.72-78.)
37a) Cooper, P.
KASN - Non-Programmable Prompting Key Assignment Disturbs Q.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.62-6.)
38)* Cooper, P.
Microcode Functions and Good Sense.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.55-58.)
Prompting on Microcode Functions.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
Cooper, P.
39a) Cooper, P.
Super Morse Code - An Intermediate Code Demonstration Routine.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.73-5.)
39b) Cooper, P.
Microcode KEYIN returns Key Number in Simple Form.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
39c) Cooper, P.
DEBUG: A Debugging Routine for Microcode Functions.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
39d) Cooper, P.
SSTMC: Single Stepping Microcode With Execution.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
39e) Cooper, P.
ICODE: Execute up to 100 Routines from One Function Table Entry.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
39f) Cooper, P.
ICODE Routines Mark III.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
39g) Cooper, P.
Port-Independent Microcode Calls to Other Modules.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
39h) Cooper, P.
Discussion of I-Code with Sydney.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
39i) Cooper, P. & McGechie, J.E.
Data Storage in RUM ROM RAM.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
40)* Crowle, N.
Advantages of Using Microcode.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N7P18, 1982.)
41)* Crowle, N.
"C = KEY KY" Keycodes.
(PPC Journal, V9N7P16, 1982. PPC Technical Notes, #13, p.3.)
42)* Crowle, N.
Operating Manual for the ProtoCODER.
(ProtoTECH, Inc., 1982.)
Crowley, W.L. & Rode, F.
A Pocket-Sized Answer Machine For Business and Finance.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, May, 1973, pp.2-8.)
De Arras, J.
HP-41c Bus Interfacing.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V7N3P20, 1980.)
De Arras, J.
HP-41c/cV Assembly Language Programming.
(PPC Northwest Conference Proceedings, August 22nd., 1982, p53ff.)
45a) De Arras, J.
RAM, ROM, EPROM Boxes, RAM Boxes and the HP-41c.
(PPC Southeast Conference Proceedings,
Orlando, August 1983, pp.62-8.)
Dickinson, P.D. & Egbert, W.E.
A pair of Program-Compatible Personal Programmable Calculators.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, November 1976, pp.2-8.)
Didier, J.
NOMAS: X>ROM, Les Pointeurs.
(PPC-T, #5, p.31.)
Dodin, J-D.
Assembler pour HP-41c.
(PPC Journal Toulouse, V1N3, p.2.)
49)* Dodin, J-D.
(PPC-T, #4, pp.24-5, 1983.)
Dodin, J-D. & McGechie, J.E.
Letters on Standardisation.
(PPC Journal Toulouse, V14N4Pp.3-4.
See PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3Pp38-9.)
Dodin, J-D.
M. Code Nomas.
(PPC-T, #1, pp.11-12.)
Dodin, J-D.
(PPC-T, #1, P.14.)
Dodin, J-D.
Microcode - Listing HP - Organisation des Programmes dans un ROM
(BHEX) MEMLOST -R? - Mise au Point Programmes.
(PPC-T, #3, pp.27-30.)
Dodin, J-D.
MLDL-Mie en Route, Standard, Differences
Entire MLDL et ProtoCODER, Le MLDL Operating System.
(PPC-T, #6, pp.24-5.)
Dodin, J-D.
Les Niveaux de la Connaissance.
(PPC Journal Toulouse, V1N4, pp.4-5.)
Dodin, J-D.
NOMAS - Mise a Jour de "AF".
(PPC-T, #3, p.25.)
Dodin, J-D.
(PPC-T, #2, p.14.)
Dodin, J-D.
Programmer en Microcode, Pourquoi Pas?
(PPC-T, #6, pp.21-2.)
58a) Dodin, J-D.
X-Cat - a Port Addressable Catalogue Microcode Function.
(PPC Technical Notes #15, p.58.)
Dodin, J-D. & Gengoux, E.
Utiliser un Port-X-tender.
(PPC-T, #4, pp.13-14, 1983.)
.ED. & van Sweiten, P.
Deft Delft Dutch Devotees Rape and Revise Reader.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.26-28.)
Egbert, W.E.
Personal Calculator Algorithms. (I-IV)
(Hewlett Packard Journal.
I: May 1977, pp.22-24.
II: June 1977, pp.17-20.
III: November 1977, pp.22-23.
IV: April 1978, pp.29-32.)
Fange, T.
(PPCCG, #10, p7.)
Fange, T.
(PPCCG, #10, p21.)
Fange, T.
Mikrokoder I 41: an.
(PPCCG, #4, pp.12-23. See also #9, pp.32-4.)
Fange, T.
(Abstract from PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.66-70. PPCCG, #7, pp.7-8.)
Glockner, P.G.
Synthetic and Microcode Key Map Swaps.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
66a) Griffith, K.E.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N5P9.)
Groom, R.Q.
Access to ANY 41c ROM Address?
(PPC Technical Notes #4, p.59.)
Groom, R.Q.
ROM Addresses, Printer, Reader, Wand and Mainframe Functions.
(PPC Technical Notes, #4, pp.43-4.)
Groom, R.Q.
HP-41c ROM Readout Character Table.
(PPC Technical Notes, #6, p.57, PPC Calculator Journal, V8N4P10, 1981.)
Groom, R.Q.
The MEMORY LOST Microcode Routine.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, p.81.)
Groom, R.Q. & Trainor, J.
HP-41c Keyboard Mapping at ROM 1500.
(PPC Technical Notes, #5, p.63.)
Hunter-Blair, N.
Microcode From Bangkok.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.24-30.)
72a) Hunter-Blair, N.
M-Code Play.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.31-7.)
72b) Hunter-Blair, N.
OROMD Calls Other ROM’s.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
72c) Hunter-Blair, N.
An MLI Among the Temples.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16, pp.3-5.)
72d) Ioannidis, J.P. Announcement of Pascal Cross Assembler/Disassembler for HP-41 Mcode.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N4P32.)
Jacobs, S.
Microcode Programming Possibilities.
(PPC Technical Notes, #9, p.61.)
74)* Jacobs, S.
Microcode Instructions Revealed.
(PPC Technical Notes, #9, p.81.)
75)* Jacobs, S.
HP-41c Subroutine List.
(PPC Technical Notes, #9, p.88.)
Jehl, D.
Boite d’EPROM Francaise.
(PPC-T, #3, pp.4-5.)
Jehl, D.
Plans d’un Simulateur de ROM Microcode.
(PPC-T, #4, pp.28-31. 1983.)
78)* Kennedy, J.
HP-41c Combined Hex/Decimal Byte Table.
(PPC Journal, V8N6P80, 1979.)
Say 41-48-48-48. (On the Diagnostic ROM)
(PPC Calculator Journal, V7N7Pp.10-12, 1980.)
Kolb, W.
79a) Lannaerts, M.R. HP-41 System Mcode Routine Addresses.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N4Pp.26-28.)
79b) Lavins, L.J.
DPMROM, LODROM, Utility Routines.
(Rhode Island PPC New England Conference.
Forthcoming in PPC Technical Notes.)
80)* Lind, P.
57 Bytes of Programmable SIZE.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.27-8,
PPC Calculator Journal, V9N2Pp16-17.)
81)* Lind, P.
The HP-41 Diplay.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.22-26,
PPC Calculator Journal V9N2Pp.15-17, 1982.)
HP-41c Interface to ANY Computer.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, pp.28-41.)
Lind, P.
83)* Lind, P.
Disassembler Assembles Assembly CODE & DECODE.
(PPC Technical Notes #9, p.64.)
83a)*Lind, P.
HP-41 Machine Language Instructions for
Accessing the HP-IL Integrated Circuit.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N5P28.)
An Interface For Microcomputer ROM Simulation for the HP-41c.
(PPC Technical Notes, #11, pp.56-64.)
Lind, P.
85)* Lind, P.
Suggestions for Writing Machine Code.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, pp.47-51.)
86)* Lind, P.
MLDL 1A Instructions.
(MLDL 1A EPROM Documentation. Puget Sound Programming, 1982.)
Lind, P.
Standardising Machine Code.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3Pp.39-40.)
Lind, P.
Untitled Note.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N2Pp.5-6.)
Lind, P.
Paul Comes Clean on Rum RAM-ROM.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.19-20.)
90)* Lind, P. & Wilkins, L.
A Proposed M-Code Standard.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3Pp.40-1, 1982.)
91)* Lind, P. & Wilkins, L.
M-Code, Hardware and Software.
(PPC Southwest Conference Proceedings, January 1983,
pp.22-27, PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.3-8.)
91a) Long, P.
Lowe, D.J. & Boyd, P.V.
Card Reader Offers Compatibility and Expanded Capability.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, V31N3, March 1980, pp.12-15.)
92a) Mach, R.
Build-a-Monster Assembler Kit Instructions.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, p.78.)
Die Maschinensprache des HP-41c(V).
(Pamphlet series, available from the author: Rolf Mach,
Igelweg 1, D-6090 Ruesselsheim/Main, West Germany.)
Marion, A.F., Heinsen, E.A., Chin, R. & Helmso, B.E.
Wrist Instrument Opens New Dimension in Personal Information.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, December 1977, pp.2-10.)
93a) Markov, M.
An "RCAT" of Application Module Names & Addresses.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
93b) Markov, M.
M-Code Notes.
McClellen, K.
Inside the HP-41c - Photos, Schematics.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V6N6P4, V6N7P47, 1979.)
McGechie, J.E.
Assembly Language Routine Standardisation.
(PPC Technical Notes, #11, pp.32-3,
PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3Pp.38-9.)
McGechie, J.E.
A Better ROM Hole Microcode-Byte Table Maker.
(PPC Technical Notes, #7, p.64.)
96a) McGechie, J.E.
Hex Address Index to NOMAS Listings.
(Supplement to PPC Technical Notes, #15.)
McGechie, J.E.
Internal and External ROM.
(PPC Technical Notes #5, p.2, reprinted
in the PPC Calculator Journal, V8N4Pp.27-8.)
McGechie, J.E.
A JIMROM 1H MALMAC Disassembler.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, p.71.)
98a) McGechie, J.E.
A Macro Mcode Bibliography.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.46-54,
forthcoming in PPC Calculator Journal.)
98b) McGechie, J.E.
Masking and Byte/Nybble Isolation.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.19-20.)
More on Assembly Language Routine Standardisation.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.22-28.)
McGechie, J.E.
100) McGechie, J.E.
A Muddle of Microclues.
(PPC Technical Notes, #7, p.52.)
101)*McGechie, J.E.
The NOMAS Listings.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
102) McGechie, J.E.
On Assembly Language Routine Standardisation.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.11-19.)
103) McGechie, J.E.
PPC Melbourne Falls Down the ROM Hole.
(PPC Technical Notes, #6, p.52, reprinted
in the PPC Calculator Journal, V8N4Pp.9, 9-15.)
104) McGechie, J.E.
PPC Melbourne Microcode Notes - A Beginning.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.12-15.)
105)*McGechie, J.E.
Programming with Jim the ROM.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.66-70.)
106) McGechie, J.E.
Seattle Base to Moon Relay, Seattle Base to Moon Relay...
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.20-21.)
107)*McGechie, J.E.
Shelf Lists of HP’s Microcode Library.
(PPC Technical Notes, #10, pp.13-16.)
108) McGechie, J.E.
Standardisation, and All That Jazz.
(PPC Technical Notes, #11, p.29.)
109) McGechie, J.E.
The State of the Art in Microcode.
(PPC Technical Notes, #9, p.53.)
110) Muench, G.
On Microcode Standardisation.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3P39.)
110a)Munroe, D.A.
ROM II Byte Addressing Instructions.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N5P23.)
111) Musch, B. & Taggart, B.E.
Portable Scientific Calculator Has Built-In Printer.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, November 1976, pp.9-16.)
112) Musch, B., Wong, J.J., Conklin, D.R.
Powerful New Personal Calculator System Sets New Standards.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, V31N3, March 1980, pp.3-12.)
113) Napier, T.
An HP-67 Anatomy Lesson.
(PPC Journal, V5N7Pp7-8, V5N8Pp.14-17, V5N10Pp.25-7.)
114)*Nelson, R.J.
41 Assembly Language Programming.
(PPC Journal, V8N3 pp.16-18, 1981.)
114a)Nelson, R.J.
Member Letters.
(See PPC Calculator Journal, yellow member letters, from V8 onwards.)
115) Nelson, R.J.
PPC EPROM Library.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V8N6P50.)
116) Nelson, R.J.
PPC ROM II - A Proposal.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V9N3P37.)
117) Neff, R.B. & Tillman, L.
Three New Pocket Calculators: Smaller, Less Costly, More Powerful.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, November 1975, pp.2-7.)
118) Nolin, P.
Emulateur du CPU sur la 41c.
(PPC-T, #6, pp.25-6.)
118a)Pasanen, K.
Letter to Richard Nelson.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N4Pp3-4.)
119) Pasanen, K.
Untitled: ROM II Proposals.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N1P37.)
120) Patterson, D.A. Microprogramming.
(Scientific American, April 1983, pp.36-43.)
121) PPC Melbourne
A Look at the Microbaud MLDL/MLI.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
122) Peterson, K.W.
Testing the HP-65 Logic Board.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, May 1974, pp.18-20.)
123) Quick, R.D. & Morris, D.L.
Evolutionary Printer Provides Significantly Better Performance.
(Hewlett-Packard Journal, V31N3, March 1980, pp.15-20.)
124) Rath, C.
Debug Discovered in Labradacadian Wilds.
(PPC Technical Notes, #12, pp.28-30.)
125) Rath, C.
The Labradacadian Sees Seattle From Europe.
(PPC Technical Notes, #11, pp.65-6.)
126)*Rath, C.
Debugging on the MLDL.
(PPC Journal, V9N4P25, 1982.)
127)*Rath, C.
HP-41 Assembly Hints.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, p45, PPC Calculator Journal, V9N7P10, 1982.)
128) Rath, C.
Microcode Outgrabings: ROM/RAM RTN’s, Sinful Disassembler Thoughts.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
129) Rath, C.
M-Code Power Down.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N1P33.)
130)*Rath, C.
(PPC Technical Notes, #13, p.20.)
131)*Rath, C.
M-Code Programming.
(Proceedings of the PPC Rhode Island Conference,
Proceedings, May 1983, PPC Calculator Journal,
V10Pp.23-25, PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.67-72,
with additional notes by .MT. and .ED.)
132)*Reid, N. ("Kamikaze")
Reflections on the Matter of Standardisation.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N3P11-12,
PPC Technical Notes #14, pp.32-3.)
133) Reid, N.
Jim Box Peers Into the Timer Module.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, p.10.)
134)*Rowell, G.
Annotated HP ROM Listings.
(PPC Sydney, forthcoming.)
134a)Rowell, G.
Frankenstein’s Monster Lurches Into Light.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.76-7.)
134b)Rowell, G.
HASN - A Completely Programmable Key Assignment
Program for Any Assignments.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.59-61.)
134c)Rowell, G.
Comments on Paul Cooper’s Intermediate Code Proposals.
(PPC Technical Notes, forthcoming.)
134d)Rossiter, P.
Microcode Maxicatalogue CAT4.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.40-44.)
135)*Schwartz, J.
HP-41 M-Code Basics.
(PPC Southwest Conference, Proceedings, January, 1983, pp.31-43.)
136) Schwartz, J.
Configuring Custom HP-41 Software.
(PPC Rhode Island Conference Proceedings,
May, 1983. Forthcoming in PPC Technical Notes.)
136a)Smith, J.
NOP’s - Making and Locating in EPROM.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N6P30.)
136b)Smith, J.
M-CODE Update, August 1983.
(PPC Southeast Conference Proceedings, Orlando, August 1983, p.83.)
136c)Tarvainen, T.
Letter to Richard Nelson.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N4Pp10-11.)
137)*Tarvainen, T.
Numeric Prompt Lengthener Modifies HP-41c Operating System.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.20-23.)
138)*Tarvainen, T.
User Code Assembler and Disassembler.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.8-19.)
138a)Tarvainen, T. & Pasanen, K.
Microcode & Macrocode Return Stack Management Functions.
(PPC Technical Notes, #15, pp.23-4.)
139)*Tozer, M. & Winkler, C.
Machine Language Interface. Owners’ Notes and Construction Guide.
(Microbaud Developments, Melbourne, 1983.)
140) Tredez, B.T.
Letter. (On proposed M-Code functions.)
(PPC-T, #5, ,p.21.)
141)*Thompson, M.
ASSEMBLER 3 Annotated Listing.
(PPC Melbourne, forthcoming.)
142)*Thompson, M.
The CODE of HEXKB, and the Hex of CODE.
(PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.46-9.)
143)*Thompson, M.
The CPU "Bugs" of the HP-41c.
(PPC Journal, V10N3P11,
PPC Technical Notes, #14, p.41.)
143a)Thompson, M.
ASSEMBLER 2 Exile, ASG Assigns Keys Using M-Code.
(PPC Technical Notes, #16.)
144)*Thompson, M. & Collett, R.
Inside the Laboratories of Malmacronia.
(PPC Calculator Journal, V10N3Pp9-10,
PPC Technical Notes, #14, pp.38-40.)
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