BRNO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Doc. Dr. Ing. Pavol Bauer RESEARCH AND EDUCATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS IN 21ST CENTURY VÝUKA A VÝZKUM VÝKONOVÉ ELEKTRONIKY V 21. STOLETÍ TEZE PŘEDNÁŠKY K PROFESORSKÉMU JMENOVACÍMU ŘÍZENÍ V OBORU SILNOPROUDÁ ELEKTROTECHNIKA A ELEKTROENERGETIKA BRNO 2007 Keywords Power electronics, E-learning, energy storage, renewable energy, multiobjective optimization, power electronics for power systems, simulation Klíčová slova Výkonová elektronika, E-learning, akumulátor - zásobník energie, obnovitelné zdroje elektrické energie, víceobjektová optimalizace, výkonová elektronika v energetice, simulace © Pavol Bauer, 2007 ISBN 978-80-214-3553-7 ISSN 1213-418X CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5 2 EDUCATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS .............................................................................. 5 2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 Shift from teaching oriented towards learning oriented education. ......................... 6 2.2 ENERGY CHALLENGE PROJECT................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Specific objectives for the “Electrical Energy” project ........................................... 7 2.2.2 The “Electrical Energy” project............................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Evaluation of the educational objectives ................................................................. 8 2.3 INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONS ......................................................................................... 9 2.4 EXPERIMENTS ................................................................................................................ 10 2.5 FUTURE CHALLENGES................................................................................................. 12 3 RESEARCH OF POWER ELECTRONICS............................................................................... 12 3.1 Efficiency and power density increase of power conversion............................................. 14 3.1.1 New semiconductor devices, soft switching .......................................................... 14 3.1.2 Electro-magneto-thermal-mechanical integration.................................................. 14 3.1.3 Optimized design based on multiobjective optimization and genetic algorithm ... 15 3.1.4 Power management strategies for generator-set with energy storage for 4Qload . 17 3.2 POWER ELECTRONICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY.............................................. 18 3.3 POWER ELECTRONICS FOR POWER SYSTEMS....................................................... 19 3.3.1 Electronic tap changer............................................................................................ 20 3.4 SIMULATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS.................................................................. 22 3.4.1 Easy visualization of Simulation results ................................................................ 22 3.4.2 Open Interface for Integrated Simulation .............................................................. 23 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS ...................................................................................................... 24 5 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................ 25 3 Curriculum Vitae Name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Marital status: Nationality: e-mail: Pavol Bauer, Doc.Dr.Ing. January 9, 1961 Kosice Married Slovak, Dutch Education and degrees: 1976-1980 Secondary school (Gymnasium), Kosice 1980-1985 Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specialization Power Electronics 1995 PhD degree at University of Technology in Delft 2005 Doc. (Assoc. Prof.) , Brno University of Technology Awards: 2007 2007 2006 IEEE Senior member Medal of the Dean FEI TU Kosice IEEE W.M. Portnoy prize paper award Professional experience: 1997 – 2007 Docent, Delft University of Technology 2006 – 2007 Technical University Kosice 2002 - 2003 KEMA Arnhem- industrial experience, part time 1995 - 1997 Researcher, Delft University of Technology 1990 – 1994 PhD student, Delft University of Technology 1986 – 1990 Technical University Kosice, Slovakia Publication activity Over 200 publications, author or co-author of 5 books, 35 journal papers, international patent in 40 countries, 155 papers at the international conferences, 7 Tutorial notes. List of research projects for the industry and other research programs We@sea, offshore wind parks, 2005-2009; Contactless energy transfer project, 2004-2008; ERAO 2 (Dynamical model of the wind park), 2002-2004; Smarttrafo project, 2001;DOWEC Project (Dutch Offshore Wind Energy Converter), 2001-2004; ERAO 1 Electrical infrastructure of offshore wind park, 1999-2001; Power Electronics for Pulsed Electric Fields, 1999-2000; Lagerwey windgenerator, 1998; Research project Nonsymmetrical Regulation of Transformers, 1997; Research project DC-flux in the Distribution Transformers, 1997; Power Electronics in Electrical Power Engineering - FACTS and Custom Power, 1996; Industrial power converter for transformer tap changer , 1994-1996; Dynamic Analysis of AC power Converters, 19901994 European Leonardo da Vinci projects EDIPE E-learning Distance Interactive Practical Education «Project Number» CZ/06/B/F/PP168022, 2006-2008; INETELE (Interactive and Unified E-Based Education and Training in Electrical Engineering), 2002-2005; ELINA Training in Electrical Engineering SK/98/2/05381/PI/II.1.1. c/CONT, 1999-2001 4 1 INTRODUCTION Electric power is the muscle of modern industry and power electronics makes its utilization smarter. In broad terms, the task of power electronics is to process and control the flow of electric energy by supplying voltages and currents in a form that is optimally suited for user loads. Power electronics deals with conversion and control of electrical power in the range of milli-watts to Giga-watts with the help of power semiconductor switching devices. The focus in power electronics is on conversion, efficiency of conversion and control of energy. A solid state power electronic apparatus can be looked upon as a high-efficiency switched mode power amplifier, where the efficiency may approach as high as 98 to 99 percent. Besides, the equipment is static, free from audio noise, and has low cost, small size, high reliability and long life compared to traditional equipment used before for similar functions [1]. The applications of power electronics may include dc and ac regulated power supplies, UPS systems, electrochemical processes (such as electroplating, electrolysis, anodizing, metal refining, etc.), generation of some chemical gases, heating and lighting control, electronic welding, power line static VAR compensators (SVC, STATCOM), active harmonic filters (AHF), HVDC systems, PV and fuel cell power conversion, solid state dc and ac circuit breakers, high frequency heating, and motor drives. Motor drives area may include applications in computers and peripherals, robotics, solid state starters for motors, transportation (Electric Vehicle, Hybrid Vehicle, subway, etc.), home appliances, paper and textile mills, wind generation system, air-conditioning and heat pumps, rolling and cement mills, machine tools and robotics, pumps and compressors, ship propulsion, etc. Besides applications in energy systems and industrial automation, power electronics is now playing a significant role in global energy conservation. In spite of all the applications power electronics is “invisible technology”, because is not in the centre of attention and publicity. At the same time it is “enabling technology” which enables that the mentioned can happen. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with education of power electronics and the second explores research of power electronics. The aim is to show the authors contribution in the field of power electronics as well as some future trends. 2 EDUCATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS 2.1 INTRODUCTION The changing world and fast advance in power electronics requires necessary changes in Power Electronics education too. The increasing number of contributions at the Power Electronics conferences proves that the changes in education are in focus of many. It concerns theoretical (lectures) as well as practical part of the education. My main focus in recent years was the use of the new media (interactive E-learning ), problem based and project organized learning as the possible ways to improve the quality of the education [2][3][4][5][6][7][9][10]. Traditionally, in the development of engineering education the key objective was to enable the teacher to convey knowledge and insight to the students. The main element was (and still often is) the lecture where the teacher explains, gives examples, shows calculations, discuss mathematical derivations etc. The accent is on the oral communication, which was supported by on-line hand written messages using the blackboard and chalk. Due to the low speed of hand writing students had some (but often not enough) time to try and understand what was going on. With increasing complexity of the systems to be discussed (more dimensions, dynamical structures and interactions) teachers began to feel hampered by the speed limitations of handwriting on the blackboard. They adopted the use of the overhead projector with great 5 enthusiasm, since this enabled them to do a lot of the writing in the preparatory phase of the lecture. Also students appreciated this, since the, often unclear) handwriting was replaced by wellstructured and clearly readable notes. However, what was projected so easily was still hard to understand, in particular since the pace of dealing with subjects was increased. A next problem for teachers was how to convey dynamical structures and interactions. The use of animations (inserted in power point presentations) seemed to be a solution. But again, from the students’ point of view, the improvement was only partial. The conclusion is, that in the design of the education the accent was on the teaching (particularly the preparation), which leads to beautiful lectures with a disappointing learning yield. What may be even more serious is, that students got demotivated, since they felt themselves to be unsuited for subject, they experienced to be too difficult for them. The advance in the teaching method does not automatically yield better understanding. New advances in the teaching method allow that more material in the same time is presented. The lectures often happen in the fast tempo with less time to comprehend (Fig.1). Obviously, the problems mentioned above have been identified. The introduction of electronic appliances (e.g. computers, networks with connected student laptops etc.) has facilitated the introduction of interactive teaching and learning environments. Computer animations were developed so that students can more or less repeat the demonstrations as given during lectures or even during the lectures [3]. While maintaining lectures as the primary educational activity, problem and project oriented laboratory exercises have been introduced [2]. y x 2 XY 3 2 XY 3 z ZW ZW w 2 XY 3 y x 2 XY 3 z ZW w ? ?? ??? Fig. 1Teaching method development TABLE 1 BLOOM’S TAXONOMICAL LEVELS OF INTELLECTUAL BEHAVIOR IMPORTANT TO LEARNING Level Recalling and remembering the information 1 Knowledge 2 Comprehension Explaining the meaning of the information. 3 Application 4 5 Analysis Synthesis 6 Evaluation 2.1.1 Use of information, solving of problems using required skills or knowledge. Breaking down a whole into components. Putting parts together to create a new and integrated whole. Making judgments about the merits of ideas, verifying value of evidence, recognizing subjectivity. Shift from teaching oriented towards learning oriented education Traditionally, the main objective was that the students acquired knowledge. The assessment was based on testing whether the students could reproduce the acquired knowledge. By the end of the last century engineering educators began to realize, that the demands from industry had 6 changed and that there should be given more emphasis to skills and (deep) understanding rather than to knowledge. Presently, the main objective of teaching is the development of student skills. This means that the teacher is a coach in the process of the student development. Obviously, this has its implications on assessment which has to be different, as has been discussed in [2]. Taxonomical levels of intellectual behaviour important to learning are listed in Table 1 [6]. In this work six levels (Bloom’s levels) within the cognitive domain are identified. Use of the new media (interactive E-learning ), problem based and project organized learning are the possible ways to improve the quality of the education and bring higher levels of understanding and learning. We introduced a web based learning tool for power electronics and two project oriented labs related to power electronics education: problem based learning in the first year of study (Energy Challenge project) and the design oriented practical for the fourth year of study as a supplement to lectures of power Electronics. 2.2 ENERGY CHALLENGE PROJECT The first year curricula in engineering consist of numerous and often mutually isolated courses. Students appear to have great difficulty in understanding the relation of the course contents and the field they have chosen when they started. This often leads to a lack of motivation. Furthermore, in the first year engineering students often are more trained in analysis rather than synthesis. Finally, typical engineering skills such as creativity, communication, teamwork etc. appear to be less emphasised as the ‘hard issues’ such as mathematics and physics. The other importance of the project is that fresh students get involved in power electronics something they do not have any experience with in contrary to computer technique, telecom or information technology. This way the energy technique and particularly power electronics will be more attractive to the next generation of the students The mentioned problem is solved by introducing a ‘course’ in the format of small working groups, which run throughout the first year. The groups carry out small projects and a tutor with an advisory role supervises them. One of the themes of the project is so called “Energy Challenge“. It is compulsory for all first year students. The pedagogic philosophy can be best described as ‘teach me how to do it myself’. 2.2.1 Specific objectives for the “Electrical Energy” project The image of power engineering is of one traditional, not developing and old fashioned field. Power Electronics in particular is not known at all. Many students can not even give any answer to the question what power electronics is and what it studies. The selection for a direction of the study is however made after second or third year. The tendency today is that students select subjects they are familiar with such as computer technique, telecommunication and information technology. This choice has little to do with the actual market situation and to the needs of the society. Our project can positively contribute to that selection in benefit of power electronics. The specific objectives are to: • Propagate energy technique specifically power electronics and to positively influence the direction and choice of the study for this subject. • Propagate the renewable energy sources and to place them in context of the power electronics • To learn to think in terms of energy and also to effectively deal with the energy. The young generation can nowadays think in terms of bites and bytes but not in the terms of energy and most important in terms of amount of energy. The physical understanding of amount of energy needed for a simple task such as the one described next in the project is beyond the expertise of most of the students. The key issues of the educational objectives of this module are: 7 • • • • • • Learning to think in alternatives, Learning that in real life there are always more solutions to problem than just one, Learning to evaluate alternative solutions by first formulating criteria, Learning to think in terms of functions, rather than implementations, Learning to use knowledge and skills as a means rather than a goal, Learning to perceive technology in a context. 2.2.2 The “Electrical Energy” project To meet the general and specific objectives of the project a simple assignment was defined [2]. There is a need to get water from the drain, which is 1 meter deep. The drain is located in a remote place, in area where no source of electricity is available. As a tool there is a crane with basket or a water pump available. Available sources of energy are sun or wind energy that is both available for a limited time interval. The designed system could use any of the two available energy sources with any of the two loads, viz. the crane and the pump (Fig. 2, Fig.3). There are thus basically four different combinations. Taking into consideration the rest of the building blocs (dc-dc converter, energy storage) the number of possible combinations of connection of components (building blocs) is even larger. The crane and pump are selected to show the importance of effectiveness of components in an Electric Drive. Good understanding of the component but also creativity in selecting the optimal working point in the complex system is here the key point. The power converters (up/down chopper or dc-dc converter) place power electronics in the context of a larger energy system. Straightforward linking of any of the two energy sources to the loads does not lead to satisfactory results because of the mismatch between these sources and the loads. This latter fact is essential. Therefore, the need of energy conversion becomes apparent. The application of power electronics conversion is consequently introduced in a natural way. The up/down chopper can change voltage from 3-25 V to a voltage of 3-50 V. The detailed understanding of the power converter operation is beyond the expertise and expectation of this project and its function is explained by a simple imagination of a ‘dc-dc transformer’ able to change voltage and current. sun load pump crane wind Fig. 2: Available sources and load 2.2.3 Fig. 3: Solar cells, wind-generator, dc-dc converter, crane Evaluation of the educational objectives Every group obtained a different solution with a different result. These results in a different amount of water obtained from the drain. The students learn to think in alternatives and learn that in real life there are always more solutions to problem than just one. We learned the students to evaluate alternative solutions by first formulating criteria such as power, energy, time, and voltage, 8 current. Without this many measurements prove to be at the end unusable for the ultimate system design. The students learn to use knowledge and skills as a means rather than as a goal. The goal is to get water from the drain the knowledge about the components is only a means of obtaining it. Specific knowledge about power and energy as well as knowledge about the components e.g. converter is required. To obtain this knowledge certain skills such as experience with measurements and measurement technique is necessary. Evaluation of alternative solutions based on formulated criteria is the essential part of the process. As already mentioned the students learn to perceive technology in a context of a larger project. 2.3 INTERACTIVE ANIMATIONS Learning or teaching of a technical subject is often difficult because there are a large number of possible reactions of a system to parameter changes. If the same dynamics is presented in the form of a short movie, the dynamic system behaviour can be explained much easier in many cases. We used animation during simulation that opens up new possibilities for teachers and enables student to avoid a passive watching the display at learning and pushes him to active participate in the learning process. Here, interactive animation might help a lot - its utilization in simulation enables to create an interactive training environment, to replace (partially) the physical laboratories. By interactive animations the knowledge and understanding are challenged (Table 1). The criteria for interactive animations are following [3][4][5][6][7]: • due to multi-dimensional character of the systems, a high degree of interactivity should be provided, e.g. if simulations or computer-animations are used, the students should have a possibility to freeze the time or even reverse the time so as to study the causal relation between different phenomena and states of the circuit under study, • the e-learning support system should be developed in such a way that it would allow students to acquire a deep insight into the complex and dynamic interactions of a number of parameters in power electronic systems, • the e-learning system should be structured in such way that the learning proceeds with increased complexity (hierarchical approach), • the system should give a qualitative impression of level of different quantities, • the students should get motivation to study these systems in more detail, so as to become skilled in designing such systems themselves, • the system should allow a self-assessment of student learning, • the system should allow including assignments as well as individual assessments. When studying a certain power electronic circuit, the first question of the student is always for the different current paths in dependency of the switching states and certain impressed currents and voltages. With traditional teaching the current paths are drawn using different colours into some figures of the power circuit, or the teacher’s present slide-shows in the classroom. We used the approach of interactive animations. Different visualization principles for explaining power electronic circuits are summarized in [6]. To illustrate the ideas mentioned above, two examples are shown in Fig. 4. The chain circuit (Fig. 4a) represents a straightforward approach to the realization of a multi-level converter for use in high power applications without the need for magnetic combining circuitry and complex transformer arrangement. The animation in Fig. 4a shows the current path (dotted line) of a chain converter in the interval of maximum output voltage and positive current. With the slide of the cursor the current path for the other two voltage levels and different current is shown. With the change of the conduction angle the output voltage level is varied with fast response. The square wave generation principle shown in Fig. 4b is a basic switching strategy used for high power converters. Detailed explanation of the circuit behaviour is contained in the associated secondary screen. The continuously running animation was replaced by 9 a static one where the cursor (vertical line in the time diagram) that can be shifted in time by the lecturer. This solution gives a possibility to explain circuit behaviour given by switching states of the power semiconductor devices in the required time instant. a) b) Fig. 4 Screens to demonstrate switching states in power electronics converters: a) A singlephase structure of an m-level cascade inverter. b) Square wave switching in the voltage source inverter The following examples come from the module Simulation of Power Electronics. Fig. 5a shows comparison of different integration methods. a) b) Fig. 5 a) Comparison of integration methods; b) State space model chapter. The equations describing the circuit are changing according the switching state This knowledge is essential for proper and effective simulation. The integration step can be changed by moving the slider on the interactive animation and the accuracy is shown for each method. At the same time the accuracy is shown graphically too. In the next example a state space model of a power converter is explained 2.4 EXPERIMENTS Experiments in traditional physics instruction are used as lecture demonstrations, high-school classroom demonstrations, and as laboratory experiments. There are two pedagogical techniques 10 used for lecture demonstrations. In a traditional course, students observe an experiment and then the instructor explains what happened and why. In reformed instruction, students predict what is going to happen before the experiment, and then reconcile their predictions with the observations. t It is crucial to let students have real practice. The real experiment gives the students a sense of practical testing and they can also see the Guest 1 influence of the second/higher order effect, real User Guest n time effects, effect of parasitic which is difficult or impossible to be simulated perfectly. The reason is that the simulation is always based on Internet more or less simplified model. However to build an experiment is expensive. It is impossible for data an educational institute to have the complete control scale of experiments. The hardware experiment Measuring and should therefore be redesigned such that they web server also can be accessed in the Web [9]. This way the advance in ICT will be combined with the real world. The proposed virtual (distance) GPIB interface laboratory is not a web-based simulation. It is a real electro-technical experiment conducted in the laboratory but remotely controlled and Oscilloscope Oscilloscope monitored by web-based tools. The experiment is either conducted online or based on recorded Control power values. It allows students to perform experiment supply Web camera safely without any guidance. They can also experience the appearance of the measurement Measured circuit instrument, the electronic components and many Fig. 6 E-learning and experiments more factors such as lay-out. The experiments should be not only analysis oriented (to measure and see the results) but also synthesis oriented. It should involve a design aspect. Therefore the measurements are designed and implemented as a project with leading idea and clear targets [9] . The goal is to approach higher level as depicted in Bloom’s diagram (Table1) and namely application, analysis and synthesis. Measuring instrument Relays switch Power Power Fig. 7 DelftWebLab system and measuring points 11 2.5 FUTURE CHALLENGES E-learning has introduced a new access to engineering subjects learning. Interactive animation and simulation enable to create interactive training environment and partly to replace laboratories (performing little experiments and system analysis). However the danger is that instead of deep understanding and physical background, the students could memorize the visualized results. These tools therefore cannot perform to stand alone education and they must be part of complete curricula. Most of the interactive tools are focused on “what-if” simulations based on moving bars to increase or decrease parameters of the circuits. In other words, the circuit situations are performed without the use of real values for the circuit’s parameters. The sense for real values is hereby very important. E-learning should be based on knowledge of components properties and subsystems behaviour to perform synthesis of the final system and to design the new system based on real (produced) components. E-learning should introduce a possibility of evaluation and judgments about the merits of ideas, verifying value of evidence, recognizing subjectivity. The key words are: conclude, criticize, decide, defend, determine, evaluate, dispute, judge, justify, compare, rate, recommend, agree, appraise, prioritize, assess, estimate, deduct. E-learning should introduce an active way towards project oriented learning. Instead of using a short problem as a tool to deliver information and knowledge, a larger scope project should be used. It is well-suited to the engineering disciplines and the way engineers in the industry work. It should be noted however, that the E-learning and distance laboratories should enrich the possibilities, and not completely replace the classical forms of education. 3 RESEARCH OF POWER ELECTRONICS Fig. 8 The S curve adoption of an innovation What is the future scenario in power electronics technology? Is it tending to saturate in the traditional S curve (Fig.8) ? What are the directions of future research in this area? Generally, in the most opinions, the answer is “yes” to the saturating trends of the technology. Carefully looking into publications from the field of power electronics, it should be evident from recent publications that by far the majority of these contributions are incremental in nature. In any technology evolution, it is always difficult to predict its future course. Our past experience can only guide us to extrapolate for the future. Any major invention alters the course of a technology, and spurs new momentum of research activities. For example, the invention of transistors, and then the thyristors, paved new era in power electronics. However, at the end of thyristor era (mid-1970’s), it was felt that power electronics technology was getting saturated, and almost coming to a halt. Fortunately, 12 the advent of new and advanced power semiconductor devices opened new frontiers in power electronics [1]. Of course, new converter topologies, advanced PWM techniques, powerful processors and chips, personal computers, simulation techniques, etc. gave tremendous momentum to the technology advancement. Generally it can be said that a new momentum came from new semiconductor and/or new application field. Let us evaluate these two aspects. Besides improvement of modern Si-based power devices in terms of power ratings and characteristics, large band-gap devices (such as SiC) are expected to bring renaissance in power electronics, as mentioned before. Although power device is the heart of power electronics, the device research strictly does not fall into the mainstream of power electronics technology. Devices, research in batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, microchips, ultra-capacitors, etc. will also significantly impact power electronics evolution. At the other end of the spectrum, intelligent control and estimation techniques, will significantly impact power electronics evolution. Sensorless on-line precision estimation of machine variables, particularly absolute position in synchronous machine and speed in induction machine near zero frequency region, and estimation of equivalent circuit parameters for ac machines, require further exploration although significant advances have been made recently in these areas. Sensorless vector control of ac drives is the clear trend of the future. On-line diagnostics of converter and machine faults along with utility power quality diagnosis, and the corresponding fault-tolerant control are important research topics for reliability improvement of power electronic systems. The control, estimation, monitoring, fault diagnostics, and fault-tolerant control will eventually be implemented with a single chip. It is expected that converter, control and machine will be eventually integrated as an intelligent machine of the future, particularly in the lower end of power rating. There are, of course, myriads of application-oriented research topics. (V) voltage current (A) 10000 10000 8000 8000 gate turn-off thyristor 6000 6000 4000 4000 insulated gate bipolar transistor 2000 2000 500 500 1980 jaar 2000 1990 Fig. 9 Power electronic switches The chances and opportunities in power electronics in the coming years are in the following areas: • Efficiency and power density increase of power conversion, 13 • Power electronics for renewable energy, • Power electronics for power systems. These areas are further explored next and some results and authors contribution is showed (see references in the text). 3.1 3.1.1 EFFICIENCY AND POWER DENSITY INCREASE OF POWER CONVERSION New semiconductor devices, soft switching As already mentioned a new device based on SiC will bring renaissance in power electronics. The materials based on SiC have high breakdown electric field, and high electrical and thermal conductivities compared to silicon. These properties permit devices with higher power capability (with higher voltage), higher switching frequency and lower conduction drop in unipolar device (which means automatically higher efficiency), higher junction temperature (350C), and better radiation hardness. However, processing of these materials is very difficult and challenging. As one of the bottlenecks of power electronics is thermal design, availability of high temperature power devices will promote research activities in their applications in high temperature environment demanding further research in control electronics, passive components, electrical machines etc. It appears that power electronics based on SiC devices will bring renaissance in future. Traditionally, converters with self-controlled devices, use simple hard switching principle. However, hard switching has the inherent disadvantages of high switching loss (that decreases the converter efficiency and burdens the cooling system), stresses the devices, and causes EMI problems. To overcome these problems, soft-switching converters have been proposed [13][14]. Soft-switched converters generally require auxiliary resonance circuits and extra devices with additional control complexity that can increase the converter cost, decrease reliability, and cause extra losses that can adversely affect the converter efficiency. For these reasons, soft-switched converters could not find much acceptance for all applications. Soft-switched power conversion, however, is justified in high frequency link power conversion, where the load requires galvanic isolation from the source through high frequency transformer.[14] 3.1.2 Electro-magneto-thermal-mechanical integration The objective of research is to add more functionality to the printed circuit boards of low power ac-dc power converters by incorporating capacitive and inductive functions into it, to improve the physical components by making changes to the packaging and integrating of more than one component in one package, and to adjust the shape and size of component packaging so that the assembly method lends itself better to automated manufacturing [15][16][17]. The goal of the miniaturisation of PCB-assembled power converters (increase of the power density) is achieved by: • Removing all unused space (air) within the converter Exploiting the 3rd dimension for component placement (Geometrical packaging / 3D puzzle ), • Removing all excess materials and integrating the functionality of more than one discrete component into one single component. The converters on Fig.10 demonstrate means to deal with thermal issues and diverse geometrical shapes by exploiting inherent features of the printed circuit board (PCB), such as thermal layers and flexible PCB technology. Furthermore electromagnetic integration of passives (Fig.11) enabled the realisation of embedded multifunctional structures such as the integrated transformer in the enhanced converter design. 14 Fig. 10 Technology demonstrators built to demonstrate improvement in power densities and thermal characteristics [17]. L, C, R layers integrated into PCB Capacitive laminate (C-ply®) Inductive laminate (MagLam®) Resistive laminate (Ω-ply®) Fig. 11 Electromagnetic integration 3.1.3 Optimized design based on multiobjective optimization and genetic algorithm The design of complex engineering systems, such electrical drives and power electronics, requires application of knowledge from several disciplines (multidisciplinary) of engineering (electrical, mechanical, thermal). The interdisciplinary nature of complex systems design presents challenges associated with modelling, simulation, computation time and integration of models from different disciplines. There is a need to develop design methods that can model different degrees of collaboration and help resolve the conflicts between different disciplines. The rise of complexity of systems as well as the number of design parameters needed to be coordinated with each other in an optimal way have led to the necessity of using mathematical modelling of system and application of optimisation techniques. Multiobjective optimisation is the search for acceptable solutions to problems that incorporate multiple performance criteria. Genetic algorithm is hereby used and a new biologically motivated algorithm is suggested [18]. Usually the objectives are in competition with one another and trade-off exists between the objectives, where improvement in one objective cannot be achieved without deteriorating the other. In the previous work such a new design method is developed and demonstrated on simple 15 example of a BLDC drive with minimum cogging torque, maximum efficiency and minimum mass [19][20]. A power electronic converter is an assembly of electronic and other components that are selected on the basis of their working principle, physical parameters and cost. The components form the starting point of any design process. The development of a power electronic converter is highly multi-disciplinary. The design of power electronics include: circuit/system analysis, thermal analysis, EMI (electromagnetic interference) analysis, packaging, manufacturability and price. A 19 inch cabinet with a electric drive system has been drawn in Figure 12. The volume for the active components is 1/3 of the total volume; 2/3 is needed for EMI and thermal management. EMI filters Damping R’s Active components EMI filters Fig. 12.Power electronic system with a lot of non-functional EMC and thermal components Thermal and EMC requirements are usually in conflict in the design of power electronic systems. The conflict leads to time and budget overruns in the design phase and – finally – to systems in which many components do not play a role in the active circuitry. In industrial systems, in general, less than half of the volume and mass is used for active circuitry, the remaining part is due to thermal and EMC constraints such as dissipation of filter resonance dampers. The conventional industrial design process does not yet allow an integrated circuit, thermal and EMI design. The results of the proposed research will enable this. The resulting power conversion systems will be much more compact, use significantly less material and will hereby be more efficient. Additionally they will be designed in shorter time. The goal of the future research is to make a first-time-right multi-physical design tool for power electronics resulting in shorter time-to-market of new products. This concurrent design approach can be achieved by following an object-oriented design methodology. Three aspects should be addressed simultaneously: • Object-oriented power electronics system integration (synthesis), • EMI analysis and design, • Thermo-electrical analysis and design. 16 3.1.4 Power management strategies for generator-set with energy storage for 4Q-load Another way to increase the efficiency is the use of an energy storage for dynamic systems especially for 4 quadrant loads. The diesel generators in small electricity grids can serve as an example. The reason for low efficiency is twofold. First of all the efficiency of a diesel generator is dependent on the ratio between the average power and the peak power of the generator. The smaller this ratio, the lower the efficiency. Furthermore some loads can regenerate energy. In small grids this energy is mostly not needed elsewhere and should be dissipated. A solution solving both above mentioned problems is using an energy storage device in the system. This storage can be used for peak shaving and storing regenerated energy. Six different power management strategies are suggested: Only Generator, Peak Power Shaving, Dynamic Solution, Max On or Off, Average Power and Only Storage. The implications of these algorithms are given for a typical case study. Calculations show that the Max On or Off, Average Power and Only Storage methods save the most energy. Calculation of the costs shows that adding an energy storage device lowers the cost for all methods [21]. Fig. 13 System topology for generator with Liion HP battery Fig. 14 System topology for generator with Super capacitor Energy Storage Bi-directional DC/DC variable f and V ON/OFF constant VDC=570 V constant VAC=3x400 V/ 50 Hz A AC/DC DC/AC DC/DC Filter B α Di esel Engin e SGPM D D (duty) Voltage Control Unit ω (i nstantaneous velocity) Optimum c ontrol syste m of EGS IL (load curre n t) ω p (required velocity ) Fig. 15. The generator-set system with peak power delivered to the dc-link of the ac-dc-ac converter from a storage element In another example the energy storage connected via a power electronic converter helps the dynamics of the system. The engine-generator dynamics at a sudden load change (from low load to high load) remains a challenge in case of variable speed diesel generator. The dynamic behaviour 17 analysis proves that the introduction of an energy storage element into the EGS with variableengine-speed concept eliminates this drawback [22][23][24] 3.2 POWER ELECTRONICS FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY Renewable energy road map, an integral part of the Strategic European Energy Review [12], sets out a long term vision for renewable energy sources in the EU. It proposes that the EU establish a mandatory (legally binding) target of 20% for renewable energy's share of energy consumption in the EU by 2020. However is this decision questionable from the taxpayer point of view, it will mean a further boost for power electronics.The application of wind energy throughout the world is thus expecting a fast growth especially offshore [25] . In this context, cost of wind energy also plays an important role. The power electronics based electrical system concerns the electrical power components between the generator shaft and the grid connection and the way these components are interconnected and operated. Its function is to convert mechanical power into electric power, to collect electric power from individual turbines, to transmit it to the shore and to convert it to the appropriate voltage and frequency. The system consists amongst other of generators, cables, transformers and power electronic converters. Systems are mainly characterized by the type of the voltage (AC or DC) and the frequency (fixed or variable). Fancy Horses price Talented Horses T T6 heat pump photo voltaics fG imported biomass biomass and waste 12 m/s 8 1 10 6 imported waterpower Work Horses wind at sea 0 1 n n6 Winning Horses applicability Fig. 16 Renewable energy sources Fig. 18 Individual variable speed systems with back-to-back converters Fig. 17 Generator and turbine characteristics. Fig. 19 Individual variable speed systems with multi-terminal DC.. A load flow model has been developed for the evaluation of thirteen different electrical architectures for large offshore wind farms. Some of them are depicted in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. Loss and cost models of components were suggested [26]. In a case study, these architectures have been evaluated for two wind farm sizes and two distances to shore (Fig.20) [27]. 18 Fig. 20 Production, E-system price, E-losses and LPC of 100 MW systems at 20 km 3.3 POWER ELECTRONICS FOR POWER SYSTEMS Power grid infrastructure in most countries in the world is in urgent need of modernization and power electronics can play here an important role. Further it is the integration of dispersed generation which requires new solutions. Electric utilities, and many of the manufacturing industries they serve, are on the threshold of revolutionary change brought about by high-power electronics. Electrical networks are currently evolving into more hybrid networks, including AC and DC, with energy storage for individual households, office buildings, industry and utility feeders to interface these different power concepts [28]. This energy-web concept is depicted in Fig. 21. Distributed power resources include wind, solar, natural gas, petroleum, coal and even pebble-bed nuclear energy. There is general consensus that the future power grid will need to be smart and aware, fault tolerant and self healing, dynamically and statically controllable and asset and energy efficient. Developments in high power electronic devices and fast micro-controllers can be used to control large amounts of power within the sophisticated electric power system. The application of power electronics in high power AC transmission networks is internationally termed Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). This technology increases the network options available to the network planner and can provide viable alternatives to HVDC networks in some network upgrades. The solutions for power quality are named custom power. FACTS electronic control devices are costly and the reliability is relatively poor, therefore their low acceptance so far. The development of new, relatively low-cost methods for power flow control and power quality without sacrificing system reliability is central in the research attention. Two of such solutions distributed FACTS and electronic tap changer are shown here. Distributed FACTS perform instead of one single large device a large number of small distributed, easy to manufacture devices. They are self powered by induction from the line, attached to the line via a single turn transformer, float electrically on the transmission conductors, and are controlled using wireless or power line communication techniques. 19 Factory CHP Central Generation Microturbine Substation Pumped Storage Commercial CHP Decentralized DER Dispatch Data Centers Wind Storage Fuel Cell Flow Batteries Flywheel Photovoltaic Residence Fuel Cell Car Fig. 21 Energy web concept Further, since the series connection to the line (Fig.22) does not require supporting phase– ground insulation, the distributed FACTS can therefore easily be applied at any transmission voltage level [29]. Fig. 22 Distributed FACTS concept 3.3.1 Electronic tap changer Tap changers of utility transformers is one of the new areas where power electronics finds its way. Studies of the voltage behaviour in the Netherlands show that the voltages on the delivery points in the network can vary extensively and differ depending on the location in the network. 20 Energetic savings appear in the network and with users if the grid delivers less excessive voltage. To achieve a fast and continuous control of the transformer voltage and to design a static converter one must be able to change the transformer taps under the full operation of the transformer and achieve an on load tap changing. By pending at a high frequency between two taps under the full operation of the transformer the continuous regulation of secondary voltage is achieved. Voltage of the PWM modulated tap changed transformer is depicted in Fig.23. By changing the taps, the transformer turn ratio changes too. u [V] L1 S L2 [ms] t L tap control Fig. 23: Voltage of the PWM modulated tap changed transformer Research and application of IGBT switched tap changer for 500 kVA 10kV to 400V transformer is reported in many papers [30][31][32]. The switch S depicted in Fig. 23 is here replaced by a semiconductor converter placed at the taps at the high voltage side (10kV). Because there is no single semiconductor switch with this blocking capability, and series connection is not considered, this problem has to be solved in a different way. By leaving one semiconductor switch always on (and this way creating a conducting path in the phase), the voltage on the other switches is limited only by the voltage of the taps. The maximum voltage to be blocked for a transformer with 4 taps and a tap voltage of 250 V is assumed to be 1 kV (effective, top=1.41kV). The switches thus do not need to block a 10 kV voltage. Since the switches have to stay under the operation and conduct in the case of a short circuit at the secondary terminals of the transformer, at least one pair of the switches (at one tap) has to be designed for high current (short circuit current). For this purpose a crowbar is constructed. Fig. 24: Breadboard of the electronic tap changed transformer and patents There are two basic conditions for the switching cell: open line is not allowed (there has to be always a conducting path), since it would result in 10kV on the semiconductor, on the other side 21 and overlap results in a short circuit of the tap. The so called smart commutation cell does not allow neither so called “dead time commutation’ used by a voltage source inverter nor ‘overlap current commutation’ used by current source converters [34]. The suggested solution is patented world wide [33] and currently an industrial product based on the suggested design is available (Fig. 24). 3.4 SIMULATION OF POWER ELECTRONICS Modern design of a power electronics system is often verified by simulation. There are several circuit simulation packages in use and each of them has some strong and some weak features. Standard demands for a simulation package are: • • • • • Fast simulation without convergence problems, User friendly interface with schematic editor, Multilevel modelling capability, Detailed models of the semiconductor switches, Link with modelling language (C/C++). The best known simulation packages are Spice, Saber, Matlab/Simulink, Caspoc, Simplorer, EMTP and there are many others. Nearly all of them fulfil the above mentioned requirements. One of the latest development and directions in Power Electronic simulations are: • Easy visualization of Simulation results [35][36], • Open interface for data exchange for integrated simulation. As power electronic and drive systems are getting more complex today, the simulation / animation used is requiring more features. The main directions in the development of simulation tools are the visualization of the simulation results and the requirement on the interface for the integrated simulator. The integrated simulation approach is important because of the multidisciplinary and compact integration of systems. 3.4.1 Easy visualization of Simulation results Animation based on interactive simulation is a way to go deeper inside a problem. The use of a general simulation tool is the only way to allow to go deeply inside the operating of a device and to understand the dynamic interactions between the parameters. The simulation program, Caspoc allows that the circuit is animated during the simulation. This gives insight in the behavior of the circuit during its operation. It is possible to follow the current path and see which switches are opening or closing. The voltage level is given numerically at each node, while a moving dashed line indicates the direction of the current. The color of the nodes and the current path are dependent on the level of the voltage and current. This visualizes the operation of the converter in detail. The user can interact with the simulation/animation by changing parameters during the simulation/animation and immediately see their influence on the circuit behavior. The main features of power electronics system simulation are the large number of simultaneously occurring variables i.e. voltages and currents, in particular: • the way they vary with time, • their polarities, • their mutual dependency (in particular the causal relations), • their relation to the state of the circuit, • states of the individual switches, 22 • control signals. To perform a simulation of the more complex system requests from the designer to follow very closely the simulation and run it more then once to understand the causal relations as summarized above. The designer in that case sits behind the computer and waits for one or other instant (action) to happen. Visualization of all variables becomes even more important. Therefore earlier animation is added to the simulation program. To simplify the process of visualization it is possible to use the so called ‘Freeze and go back feature’. Fig. 25 Three level converter The simulation results are stored in the computer and it is possible to use the time cursor and go back with the time. The state of the all switches, control signals and currents and voltages is shown again. The animation feature allows top following all the causal relations without sitting behind the computer during the simulation itself. In Fig.25 such a visualized animation of a three level converter, with freeze and go back feature is shown. 3.4.2 Open Interface for Integrated Simulation Typical power electronics system analyses consist of many aspects and is multidisciplinary. These are, for example, parameters of magnetic actuators, parameters and precise models of semiconductor switches, electrical machine parameters, thermal effects, different control issues, packaging and parasitic effects as a result of different layout, to name a few. Designers are usually concentrating on one or more aspects, but the trend is clearly towards an integrated approach. The power electronics simulator is central in this case. The interaction and data exchange with different analysis and design tools is hereby necessary (Fig.26). Standard and open interface for data exchange is demanded from simulation software. 23 Semiconductor (Spice) Electromagnetic design (Ansys,IES) Machine design and parameters (Tesla) Packaging (Compare) Power Electronics Electrical Drives Simulator (Caspoc) Thermal effects and analysis (Ansys) Matlab/Simulink Third party products Toolboxes Fig. 26 Integrated simulation approach 4 CONCLUDING REMARKS This publication is divided into two parts and starts with short survey of applications of power electronics. Then, it gives a brief but comprehensive review of the recent advances in power electronics education and the ways to make it more attractive. The trends of the E-learning and respective areas of its application in power electronics have been highlighted, wherever possible. A number of examples of E-learning tools have been included to supplement the general discussion. Performed research and applications show that power electronics is now established as a major discipline in electrical engineering. It is now an indispensable tool for modern industrial automation, high efficiency energy systems, and energy conservation, as discussed before. It can play a dominant role in solving global environmental problem. In future, power electronics is expected to influence effectively the industrial and energy policies of nations 24 5 REFERENCES [1] B.K.BOSE: Power electronics Progress and Perspective, 20th Symposium of Static Induction Devices (SSID-2007) held in Sunplaza Hotel, Tokyo, Japan on June 29, 2007. 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European Power Electronics and Drives Journal ( EPE Journal), FEDAK V: Advances and trends in simulation of power electronics and electrical drives (1) (in Slovak), AT&P Journal, May 2005, June 2005 ISSN 1335-2237, pp.50-53, pp.100-101 [36] BAUER P.: Simulation of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives; European Power Electronics and Drives Journal ( EPE Journal), 2002, Vol.13 No 04 November 2003; pp.4350, ISSN0939-8368 27 ABSTRACT The lecture “Research and education of power Electronics in 21st Century” provides a survey of advances in power electronics research and education and also shows authors contribution in this field as well as some future trends. Advance in power electronics and changing demands require necessary changes in education of power electronics too. It concerns theoretical (lectures) as well as practical part of the education. Use of the new media (interactive E learning ), problem based and project organized learning are the possible ways to improve the quality of the education. In this survey web based learning tool for power electronics and two project oriented practical for power electronics education are introduced: • Problem based learning in the first year of study (Energy challenge project), • Design oriented laboratory for the fourth year of study as a supplement to lectures of power electronics. Concerning research the three main areas are explored: • Efficiency and power density increase of power conversion • Power electronics for renewable energy • Power electronics for power systems. Within the area “Efficiency and power density increase of power conversion“ the following aspects namely new semiconductor devices, soft switching, electro-magneto-thermal- mechanical integration, optimized design and synthesis, and finally the power management strategies are discussed. Power electronics for renewable energy is here limited to wind power and offshore wind parks. Within the area “Power electronics for power systems“ a patented design of an electronic tap changer is shown. Finally some advances in power electronics simulation are illustrated. 28