SECTION I: PLANNING THE HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM THE FOUR.YEAR-PLAN Planning is a vital part of a well designedprogram. Toward the end of the eighth grade, of the eighthgradeteacherswith freshmencourseselectionsare madeuponthe recommendations consentofthe parents.During the first year ofhigh school,counselors,advisors,and/orteachers will meetwith freshmenin a groupsettingto developthe TentativeFour-Year-Planof study.The purposeof the TentativeFour-Year-Planis to familiarizestudentswith graduationrequirements, diploma options, and academicmajors. With the appropriateselectionof electivesand requirements, freshmenwill haveopportunitiesto receivethe preparationneededto reachdesired goals. While administrators, counselors,teachers,advisorsand parentshavean importantrole to play in the planningprocess,ultimately it is the responsibilityof the studentto registerfor and passall coursesrequiredfor the chosendiploma. As studentsregisterfor each semester,teacherswill advisethem about courseselectionbasedupon prior performancein the particularsubjectarea andthechosenacademicmajor. It is importantto rememberthat the TentativeFour-Year-Plan and the selectionof an academic planning major arethe tools. The TentativeFour-Year-Plan, which includesthe academic major like any other plan, is meant to be changedand/ormodified as studentsprogressthroughhigh school. If studentsor parentsare unsure of how particularcourseselectionsaffect progress toward graduation,then consultation with administrators,counselors,or teachersmay be appropriate. A sampleTentativeFour-Year-Plan can be foundon the next page. Using the appropriatecourse choicelistingsin the academicmajorssectionof this ChoiceBook and the sampleplan,students andparentscanbegindesigninga tentativefour yearcourseofstudy. cl2 02 0J-519 std t900{0 CoungHighSchoolTentativeFour-YearPlanof Studyfor 2003-2004 Freshmen Gwinneft I plantopursue thefollowing Seal(s): Student Number Student Teacher/Advisor i/afr - l\,iA Gredurtion Arts- LA Requirements Language Cfltinat@ Tsdndogy/ Cars Pr€ps Tedrndogy/ Cds PrBpw/ Distinclion" Technoloov/Car€er Preoor Tedrnoloov/Career -' Preo'w/Distinc,tioir' - College Prep& Technololgy/ _Duel (Combination) CareerPreo Academic Major the GA l-Jioh schoolGraduationlest anclthe Cdl€g€Pr€pc Cdleg€Pr€pW Dislinclis' _College Prepor CollegePrepw/ Distirr'tion' txamsare - SC Science IOrecevea SocialStudres DI 4 Unrtsof Codege Prq Malhrn Grad6912 4 Units Indudes }4 Unitof American Lil 3 UMsindudngI Unitot iAlg.q Alg @uM 3 Unils {EIdogy, Chsinry, Ph}{i6) 3 Units 3 Unitswhidr mustindude: I UntlWdld l-frdql 1 UnfiUSHnry X UnilPdilcd Syslm % UnilEtrdrcs Healh& Physical Ed Education andtechnical courseswillnot meet Comp. Tech.,FineArts, Technical Iedrnical Ed,iROTC. Foreip. &/orFore(nLanguage Courses Lancuace None % UnitPE 2Unrts (Sam Lang€go) 1 Unit (AnyCombination) Y2UnitHealfr None Notes: LA MASC MA SC 11thGrade(11Units required forenWinto11th LA MA SC LAMA- ST ST sc---_ 4 Unib (3 ltitustbein Concontratad Area) for the Elec'tives 4 Units LA LA MA 22n4' 3 Unib 22n4* sc ST Notes: Notes: LA MAST LAMAST 'rToEamaDipbha'/vi1hDis|in.|ion'astuden|mUs|ma]nlainan80oIabovecumu|afeq in3t'bo6couEesolFineAis'FollheTe.h/carelPBpwnDdincl|onsea]'oneoflhe|wodditiona|em|cun[sm!slh Sci6nce,SocidStudiaq, FoEgn Language. ITISTHERESPONSIBILI]Y OF]HE STUDEN] TOTAKETHEAPPROPRIATE CTASSESAND MEETALL OFTHEREQUREMENTS FORTHEDIPLOMA SEALOFHIgHERCHOICE, Student Signature ParenUGuardian Name& Address White- Counselor Yellow- Advisor Pink- ParenUStudent 22n4' None Notes: MA SC ST Seal, Tobl Unib Required followingcoursesequencingchartwas designedto assistyou when planningyour students four year plan. Pleasekeepin mindthat these sequences be modifiedto accommodatespecialcircumstances.However,the majorityof studentswill adhereto the coursesequenceslistedbelow. Four-YearPlan takes into considerationacademicability,career goals,interests,and plansfor additionaleducationbeyondhighschool.The purpose planis to familiarizesfudentswith graduationrequirementsand to stimulatethoughtfor the ftrture.At each registration,teacherswill advisesfudents the courseselectionand levelof difficutty basedon priorperformance. Therefore, his planmightchangeduring subsequent registations.Please in mindthat while schoolpersonnelwill make everyeffort to cotrecty adviseyour child,uttimatelyhe/sheis responsiblefor takingthe conect courses graduation.Parentsare encouragedto monilortheir student'sprogressby updatingand reviewingthis plan after each gradingperiod.Shoutdyou need her information,do not hesilateto call your sfudent'scounseloror advisor. The GwinnettCountyGuidanceStaff Technical Technical, Collegeor Combination Language Arts - 4 CarneoieUnits TechnicalFreshmanL.A. TechnicalSophomoreL.A. 'TechnicalJuniorL.A. TechnicalSeniorL.A. Academic.Honors.GifiedFreshmanL.A. Academic,Honors,GiftedSophomoreL.A. *Academic,Honors,GifiedJuniorL.A. Academic,Honors,Gifted,A P, SeniorL.A. 'Must be AmericanLit. Mathematics- 3 CarnegieUnitsTech**/4CarneoieUnitsCollegePrep Conceptsof ProblemSolving(required) Conceptsof Algebra (required) InformalGeometry AppliedGeometry Mathematical MoneyManagement *(A 4tt year of Mathis recommended.) AlgebraI Geometry Algebrall AdvancedAlgebra& Trig or HonorsGeometry HonorsAlg.ll Precalculus AP Calculusor AP Statistics Discrete/Statistics Science- 3 CarneqieUnits TechnicalBiology TechnicalChemistry TechnicalPhysics TechnicalPhysicalScience CollegePrep/Honors Biology CollegePrep/ HonorsChemistry CollegePrep/HonorsPhysics SocialStudies- 3 Carnegie Units Technical Wodd History TechnicalU.S. History Economics- 112Unit Pol. Systems-112 Unil Academic/HonorsWorldHistory Academic/Honors/AP US History Academic/HonorsEconomics Academic/HonorsPoliticalSystems Health& Physical Ed.- 1 Carnegie Unit PE - 1n Unit (LifetimeFihess) Healh - ll2Unrt FineArts/Tech/Comp Ed./F.l.&/orJROTC - 1 CarneoieUnit 1 Unit Any Combination - 2 Carnegie Foreign Lanouage Units None 2 Unitsof the Same Language TechnicalCarnegieUnits 4 CarnegieUnits- 3 in a concentratedarea For College- None For Combination- 4 Unitswith 3 in a concenbatedarea. Reouired Elective Carnegie Units 3 Units -0 College-4 Units/Combination PLANNING THE HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: WHOIS INVOLVED? Many educationalopportunitiesare availableto studentsin GwinnettCountyPublic Schools.To make the most of theseopportunities,it is essentialto carefullyplan educationalexperiences. Advisors,teachers,parents,and most importantly,studentshave roles to play in this process. With appropriatechoicesof electivesand requirements,studentswill have the opportunityto reachdesiredgoals. School'sRole o Planinstructionappropriatefor eachstudent'sacademicneeds. o Make everyeffort to supportexcellentattendance. o Encourageeachstudentto achievehis or her academicgoals. o Provideresourcesto enhancethe learningprocess. o Providean environmentconduciveto learning. o Maintainregularcontactwith homeaboutstudentprogress. o Help studentsidentify andenhancecareerinterest. Student'sRole o AchieveAKS objectivesat eachgradelevel. o Registerfor andpassall coursesandassessments requiredfor the diplomachoice. o Demonstrate acceptablework habitsand attitudes. o Exploreand developcareerinterestareas. o Be activelyinvolvedin personaleducationandcareerdevelopment. o Be persistentin gettingthe informationand helpneeded. o Utilizeall availablecareerresource materialsincludinson-linesources. Parent'sRole o Be an activeparticipantin your student'seducation. o Provideopportunitiesfor the studentto explorehislhercareerinterestareas. o Encouragestrongwork habitsand positiveattitudesin your student. o Readall materialsthatcomehomefrom the schoolanddiscusswith your student. o Be in touchwith schoolpersonnel aboutyour concerns andquestions. o Becomeinformedaboutstateand systemstandardsfor promotion,graduation,and postsecondary admissions. o Be proactivein gettingtheinformationyou need. Business Community'sRole o Supporttheeffortsof the schoolsystemin theareaof careerdevelopment. I Encourage partners. business and industryto be business o Provideopportunities pursue for students to careerinterests. o Provideopportunities for educators to increase theirknowledgeof the work place. o Informthe schoolsystemof cunenttrendsandneedsin thejob market. o Participate in career-related activitiesin localschools. o Provideservice-learning opportunities. a DIPLOMA OPTIONS (SeePagel2 for AdditionalRequirements) College-PreparatoryDiploma (CP) - completionof this programis signifiedby a College completeda college Preparatory Diplomaindicatingthatthe studenthassatisfactorily preparatoryprogramspecifiedby the StateBoardof Education.A minimumof 22 Carnegie Test unitsis requiredto completethis programof study. GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation mustalsobe completed. and High SchoolGatewayrequirements Collese-PreparatorvDiploma with Sealof Distinction(CP+) - a programrequiring24 Carnegieunitsanda gradepoint averagein the CoreCoursesof 3.0 or aboveon a four point scaleor 80 numericgradepoint averageor aboveas specifiedby the StateBoardof Education.Completionof this programis signifiedby a High SchoolDiplomawith a CollegePreparatory Diplomawith SealofDistinction.GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation mustalsobe completed. Testand High SchoolGatewayrequirements Technology/Career-Preparatorv Diploma (TC) - a programof studyrequiring22 Carnegieunitsas specifiedby the StateBoardof Education.Completionof this programis signifiedby a Technology/Career-Preparatory Diploma. (At leastthreetechnicalunitsmust areaanda fourthtechnicalunit mustbe earnedin the sameor a be earnedin a concentrated relatedarca). GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation Testand High SchoolGatewayrequirements mustalsobe completed. + Technologv/Career-Prerraratorv Diplomawith Sealof Distinction(TC+) - a programof studyrequiring24Carnegieunitsanda gradepointaveragein the CoreCoursesof 3.0 or aboveon a four point scaleor 80 numericgradepoint averageas specifiedby the State Iloardof Education.Completionof this programis signifiedby a Technology/ Career-Preparatory Diplomawith Sealof Distinction.GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation Test and High SchoolGatewayrequirements mustalsobe completed. Dual (Combination)Colleqe-Preparatoryand Technologv/Career-Preparatorv Diplomas- the high schooldiplomasignifyingthatthe studenthassatisfactorily completed the requirements for both a College-Preparatory andTechnology/Career-Preparatory programspecified by the StateBoardof Education. This diplomarequires a minimumof 22 units. GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation Carnegie TestandHigh SchoolGateway mustalsobe completed. requirements IndividualizedEducationDiploma- thedocument awardedto students with disabilities assigned to a specialeducationprogramwho havenot met the stateassessment requirements - StudentAssessment referenced in Rule 160-3-l-07 TestingPrograms or who havenot completed all of therequirements for a highschooldiplomabut who havenevertheless completed theirIndividualized Education Programs. High SchoolCertificate - the documentawardedto studentswho do not completeall of the criteriafor a diploma,but who meetall requirements andCarnegieunits. for attendance Note: Studentsmust earn, at least,one of the aboveexit documentsto be eligibleto participatein graduationceremonies. 8 FOR STATEBOARDOF EDUCATIONREQUIREMENTS GRADUATION (404-656-2800) StateBoard of EducationWeb Site& PhoneNumber - ( College Preparatory AREAS OF STUDY CP English/Language Arts* 44 Mathematics* 44 11 Science* JJ 1a SocialStudies+ JJ Healthand PhysicalEducation 1l ComputerTechnologyand/orFineArts and/orTechnologylCareerPreparatory Electivesand/orModern/Classical Language Modern/Classical Language* Technology/Career-Preparatory units (FromcoreTechnology/CareerPreparatory courseswhich include ROTC.) Locally requiredor electiveunits StateElectives(from Core CoursesArts, Mathematics, English/Language SocialStudies, Science, Modem/Classical Languageand/or FineArts) CP+ Technology/Career Dual (Combination) Preparatory TC TC+ A T A .+ 3** 1 J ) I t CP/TC A I n n J' 3 3 a -) a .) I I I 0** A TOTAL LINITS(MINIMUM) CoreCourses ** Technology/Career-Preparatory studentsmay want to utilize an electiveunit suchas Modern/Classical Language or a fourthunit of mathematics depending uponthe student'sprogramof study. Determinationof the appropriatenumberof mathematics unitsfor eachTechnology/Career-Preparatory programof studyshall be determinedby the localboardof education. POSTSECONDARYADMISSION STANDARDS Threegoverningboardssetthe rulesfor public educationin the Stateof Georgia. The StateBoard of Education(,404-656-2800, determines the requirements for the high schooldiplomaoptions. The Board of Regents,(,404-656-6050, definesthe admission requirements to Georgiapubliccollegesanduniversities. The Departmentof Technicaland Adult Education,(,404-67g-1600, definesthe admissionrequirements to the two-yeartechnicalinstitutesand colleges. Applicantsto the Board of Regentsschoolswill be consideredfor admissionbasedon their Freshman Index (FI). The FreshmanIndex is a formula usingthe ScholasticAssessment Test (SAT) scoresand the Grade Point Average(GPA) in college-prepararory (CpC). courses CpC courseszfe coursestaken in the areasof languagearts, mathematics,science,social studies. modem/classical language,humanities,and fine and performingarts. Studentswith any coursedeficienciesin the five areasof the cPC will not be admissibleto researchuniversities,regional universities,or state universities. Depending on their other academicqualifications,someof thesestudentswill be admissibleto two-yeai collegeswhere they will be requiredto take additionalcoursesto makeup for CPC deficienciesand./orlearning supportcourses. Below is the formula used by the RegentsCollegesand Universitiesto figure a student's FreshmanIndex. The FreshmanIndex(FI) : SAT Verbal + SAT Math High SchoolGrade-Poin-t Au.ruge(HSGpA)X 500 (Examplebasedon maximumscores.) MaximumSAT: MaximumHSGPA: MaximumFI: 800(Verbal)+ 800(Math): 1600 4.0X 500: 2000 3600 Note: Checkthe CollegeBoardWeb Site at for the most currentand updatedinformation. 10 INSTITUTIONS GEORGIA PUBLIC POSTSECONDARY AND THEIR MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ResearchInstitutions ( Universityof Georgia GeorgiaStateUniversity Ceorgia Instituteof Technology Medical Collegeof Georgia 16 CollegePreparatoryCourses(CPC) (The GeorgiaBoardof Regentsstrongly urgesstudentswith collegeplansto take as many collegepreparatorycoursesas possible.)and a FreshmanIndex (FI) of 2500, SAT - 430 Verbal/400Math RegionalInstitutions ( GeorgiaSouthernUniversity ValdostaStateUniversity MINIMUM SYSTEM STA l6 CollegePreparatoryCourses(CPC) (The GeorgiaBoard of Regentsstrongly urgesstudentswith collegeplansto take as many collegepreparatorycoursesas possible.) and an FreshmanIndex(Fl) Math of 2040, SAT - 430 Verbal/4OO State Universities & Senior Colleges( Albany StateUniversity ArmstrongStateUniversity AugustaStateUniversity Clayton Stateljniversity ColumbusStateUniversity Fort Valley StateUniversity GeorgiaCollege& StateUniversity M SYSTEM STANDARDS l6 CollegePreparatoryCourses(CPC) (The GeorgiaBoard of Regentsstrongly urgesstudentswith collegeplansto take as many collegepreparatorycoursesas possible.) and an FreshmanIndex(FI) of 1940,SAT - 430 Verbal/400Math GeorgiaSouthwestern University KennesawStateUniversity North GeorgiaCollege& University SavannahStateUniversity SouthernPolytechnic& State University West CeorgiaStateUniversity Two-Year Colleges( AbrahamBaldwinAgriculturalCollege AtlantaMetropolitanCollege BainbridgeCollege CoastalGeorgiaCommunityCollege Dalton College DartonCollege EastGeorgiaCollege Floyd College I I I I MINIMUM SYSTEM STANDARDS l6 CollegePreparatory Courses(CPC), and a FreshmanIndex(FI) of 1830, SAT - 330 Verbal/3l0 Math I I I I I I I I I I MINIMUM SYSTEM STANDARDS Technicallnstitutes& Collegesoffer 3 programs;Certificate, Diploma and Degree. For admission, Certificateand Diploma progriunsrequirea high schooldiplomaor GED and oneof the following: SAT - 430 Verbal/40OMath or ACT - l8 linglish/I6 Math or Southwestern Technical Institute I ASSETTest. SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege TechnicalCollege Swainsboro ValdostaTechnicalCollege West CentralTechnicalCollege West GeorgiaTechnicalCollege I I I I I I Degreeprogramsrequirea high school diplomaor GED andone of the following: SAT - 480 Verbal/44OMath or ACT - 2 I English/l9 Math or ASSETTest GainesvilleCollege GeorgiaPerimeter College GordonCollege MaconCollege Middle GeorgiaCollege SouthGeorgiaCollege WaycrossCollege Two-Year Technical Institutes & Colleges( AlbanyTechnicalCollege AltamahTechnicalInstitute ApplacianTechnicalInstitute AthensTechnicalCollege AthlantaTechnicalCollege AugustaTechnicalCollege CentralGeorgiaTechnicalCollege Chattahoochee TechnicalCollege ColumbusTechnicalCollege CoosaValleyTechnicalCollege DeKalbTechnicalColtege EastCentralTechnicalInstitute Flint RiverTechnicalCollege Griffin TechnicalCollege GwinnettTechnicalCollege Heartof GeorgiaTechnicalCollege LanierTechnicallnstitute Middle GeorgiaTechnicalCollege MoultrieTechnicalInstitute North GeorgiaTechnicalCollege North Metro TechnicalCollege Northwestern TechnicalCollege Ogeechee TechnicalCollege Okefenokee TechnicalInstitute SandersvilleTechnicalInstitute SavannahTechnicalCollege SouthGeorgiaTechnicalCollege ll TESTS REQUIRBD FOR GRADUATION Georgia High SchoolGraduation Test One importantfunction of the Four-Year-Planis to insurethat graduationrequirementsare met. Theserequirementsare the minimum program which must be satisfiedto receiveeither the College-Preparatory,Technology/Career-Preparatory, dual (combination) diplomas, or the lndividualizedEducationdiploma. Studentsshouldplan to exceedtheserequirementsin orderto prepareadequatelyfor post-highschoolstudy or immediateemployment. There is a courseof study which must be successfullycompletedto meet requirementsfor regular admissionto Georgia'sUniversity System. The college-preparatory or dual (combination)programsensure program. A passingscoreon all sectionsof the that studentsare taking a college-preparatory GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduation Test (administeredfor the first time in the llth grade) is required for any regular high school diploma. A student's first opportunity to take the high schoolgraduation test will be in the fall of the junior year. In the senioryear, students will retake only tests not passedin the junior year. Studentsmust passthe five graduation testsin orderto graduate.The GeorgiaHigh SchoolGraduationTestcontainsEnglish/Language Arts, Mathematics,Science,SocialStudies,and Writing. Gwinnett County Public Schools High School Gateway Assessment All studentsmust demonstrateknowledgeof the Gwinnett County AcademicKnowledgeand Skilts (AKS) cuniculum. Studentswill be provideda booklet listing eachof theseAKS by courseat the beginningof the schoolyear. Studentswill need to passthe Gwinnett County High SchoolGateway Assessmentover the AKS before earning a diploma. The Gateway Assessment measures students'abilityto write effectivelyabout9th and lOth gradescienceand lOthgradesocialstudiesAKS. The assessmentwillfirst be administeredin the spring of the lOth grade year. Interventionclasseswill be providedto help studentswho do not passthis assessment. Studentswill have severalopportunitiesto retake the assessment if they are not successful the first time. End-of-Course Tests Studentsarerequiredto take state-mandated End-of-Coursetestsin the areasof AlgebraI (or equivalent), Geometry,U.S. History,Economics, Biology,9th GradeLanguageArts, and I lth GradeLanguageArts. This testwill count20yoof the student'soverallgradefor the year. t2 PROMOTION POLICY The following units must be eamed for class placement. Class placement is made at the beginningof eachacademicyear basedon the number of units at that time. Units RequiredFor HomeroomPlacement Grade/Status 5 units lOth grade- Sophomore I I units I lth grade Junior 16 units l2th grade- Senior Units Required For Competitive Extra-curricular Activities 4 units* l0 units l6 units *Note: Eligibility rules are complicated. If you have questions,see your local Athletic Director. Students who audit coursesmay forfeit eligibility for extra-curricular activities for the subsequentsemester.Consult your counselorbeforeyou commit to audit or drop a course. Studentsmust pass five courseseach semesterto maintain eligibilify and be on track for graduation. Studentsmust have 4 units to participatein extra-curricularactivitiestheir secondyear of high school;l0 unitsto participatetheir third yearand l6 unitsto participatetheir fourth year. CREDIT FOR WORK IN OTHER SCHOOLS In accordancewith the SouthernAssociationof Collegesand SchoolsStandard3.4.9,Gwinnett County Public Schoolswill validatecompetency,by course,beforeawardingGwinnettCounty Public Schoolscredit for work completedat a home schoolor private school that is not fully accredited(not provisional or candidatestatus)by the SouthernAssociationof Collegesand Schools,one of the SACS equivalents,the GeorgiaAccrediting Commission,or the Georgia PrivateSchoolAccreditationCouncil(GAPSAC). Specifically,GwinnettCounty Public Schools acceptsat face value credit transferredfrom the New England,Middle States,Southern,North Central,Northwestand WesternAssociations,as well as the GeorgiaAccrediting Commission andGAPSAC. Studentsenteringa GwinnettCounty Public High Schoolfrom privateor home schoolsnot fully accredited(not provisionalor candidatestatus)by one of the aboveassociations will be required to validatecompetencythrough testing. Pleasecontactthe local school counselingoffice for details. If studentsattendor plan to attenda school not fully accredited(not provisionalor candidate or a homeschooland subsequently requestcredit for the status)by one of the aboveassociations experiencefrom a Gwinnett County Public School,pleasecheckwith local schoolpersonnelfor detailsinvolving awardingof GwinnettCounty Public Schoolscredit. t3 SCHEDULECHANGES Studentswill havea limited numberof daysaftera semesterbeginsto requesta schedulechange. Legitimatereasonsfor droppingiaddingwithin the limited number of days may includethese situations: l. The studenthasalreadyreceivedmaximumcredit for the course. 2. The studentis taking a courseout ofsequence. Since all studentsare requiredto take six classes,any classdroppedduring this time must be replacedwith anotherclass. Such additionsof courseswill be contingenton availablespacein the classthe studentwishesto add. Changesin studentscheduleswill not be madeto move a studentfrom oneteacherto anotheror from one periodto anotherunlessthe schoolmustdo so to balanceclasssizes.Studentsmust be enrolledin and passfive (5) classes,or the equivalent in a postsecondara school,per semesterto maintain extra-curricularcligibility. Requirements and schedulechangesare substantiallydifferentat PhoenixHigh School. REPORTS TO PARENTS ProgressReports At the end of every six weeks or nine weeks (dependingon student'sschool), high school studentswill receivefrom each teachera written report of hislher status. (At PhoenixHigh School,progressreportsare issuedmidway througheachof the four nine-weekmini-semesters.) Report Cards Report cards for first semesterwill be given to studentsduring the first two weeks of the following semester.Report cardsfor secondsemesterwill be availableapproximatelyseven(7) daysafterthe semesterends. Application for Graduation During the fall semester,the parent/guardian of eachseniorwill be sent a written reportof the student'sprogresstoward meetinggraduationrequirements. OTHER LEARNINGOPPORTUNITIES In addition to the variety of coursesin the cuniculum, Gwinnett County offers on-campusand off-campusprogramsto meetthe specialneedsof students. English To SpeakersOf Other Languages The goal of the ESOL programis to provide an opportunityfor studentswhoseprimaryor home languageis not English to acquire proficiency while continuing to learn content. Schools identify thosestudentswhoseprimary or home languageis not English. Local schoolor district staff administeran English language proficiency test to determinewhich studentsare limited Englishprofrcientand needEnglishto Speakersof OtherLanguages(ESOL) instruction. t4 The InternationalNewcomer Centerat LawrencevilleEast,723 Hi-Hope Road,Lawrenceville, Georgia (678-377-8945)provides initial assessmentservices for middle and high school students. The Center also evaluatesforeign transcripts and advises on course placement for newcomers. with StateRule 160-4-2.06,studentsin ESOL languagearts coursesmay eam up In accordance to threeyearsof core languagearts credit toward a Technicaland/orCollegePrep Diploma on successful completionof a course,and studentsin ESOL languagecoursesmay receiveelective crediton successfulcompletionof a course. H osp ital/Hom eboun d/TelecIass This programis offeredto studentswho cannotattendin a regularschoolsettingdueto illnessor accident. Studentsmust be proiectedto be absenta minimum of l0 consecutiveschool days. Consultyour local school for the form necessary for entry into the program. Courseinstruction is generallylimited to mathematicsand languagearts for a maximum of threehoursper week. Instructionin other areasmay be providedon an individually determinedbasis,subjectto the availability of personneland funding. Arrangementsto meet curricular needsbeyond those provided by Homebound/Teleclass must be made through the local school Student Support Team. SpecialEducation Specialeducationprogramsare availableto high school studentswho meet specificeligibility criteria in the following program areas:specific learning disabilities,intellectualdisabilities, emotionaland behavioral disorders,speech./language impairments,visually impaired and/or deaf/hardof hearing,orthopedicallyimpaired,autism,traumaticbrain injury and other health impaired. All due processprocedures as mandatedby stateand federallaws arestrictly adhered to. Specialclassesare availablefor studentswho require more structured learning in a small group setting. Upon completionof these classes,studentswho meet grade level Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) will be given regular course credit. Students meeting Individual Education Plan (IEP) objectivesonly will be given elective credit toward a diploma or credit toward a Individualized Education Diploma. An individual TransitionPlanis written for eachstudentto supporthis/hermovementfrom schoolto adult life. For further information contact the Special Education Department aL (770)-277-4475or conesponddirectly to: SpecialEducationDepartment,LawrencevilleEast,P. O. Box 343, Lawrenceville, Georgia30046. Opportunitiesfor the Disabled There are severalagencies/services who work with studentswho have mental, physical,and emotionaldisabilitiesaftertheyleavehiehschool. l5 RehabilitationServices (Vocational Rehabilitation)is a publicly funded department. The emplol'eesof this departmentwork with mentallyand physicallydisabledstudents16 yearsold and older. Contactcan be madethroughthe SpecialEducationDepartmentin the student'shigh schoolor by calling the SpecialEducationDepartmentat LawrencevilleEast,(770)277-4475. Otherservicesare availablethroughthe following agencies: l. Hi-HopeCenter- a work activity centerpublicly fundedthroughthe Departmentof HumanResourcesfor individualswith moderateto severedisabilities; 2 AtlantaServicesfor the Blind; I AnnandaleVillage of Suwanee- a privatelyfunded,residentialcenterfor individuals with intellectualdisabilities; 4. CreativeEnterprises,Inc. - a publicly fundedrehabilitationworkshopfor individualswith disabilities: i. GwinnettGroup Homes- two publicly fundedresidentialcentersfor disabledindividuals whosefamilies may be unableto carefor them. Transportationis providedto other trainingcentersduring the day; 6. Warm Springs(GA) VocationalRehabilitationCenter- a residentialcenterin which individualswith disabilitiesleam independent living skills and work skills; 7. GeorgiaMental HealthInstitute,GeorgiaRegionalHospital- publicly funded,short-term centers. Project Rescue ProjectRescueis an interagencyinterventionprogramfor studentswho havelost their rightsto a routine public educationby making poor choices. Through ProjectRescue,Gwinnett County Public Schools works in conjunction with the Juvenile Court of Gwinnett County and the Gwinnett Court ServicesProgram (Georgia Departmentof Youth and Children Services)to provideinstructionfor motivatedGwinnettstudentswho havebeenexpelledfrom school. GIVE Center The purposeof the daytime Gwinnett lnterventionEvaluationCenter(GIVE) is to provide an educationalopportunity for certain studentswhose unacceptablebehavior has excludedthem from regularschool programsfor ten or more days. Studentsare placed/assigned to the GIVE Centerthroughthe DisciplinaryPanelprocess. Gwinnett Remediationand Support Program (GRASP) This alternativeprogram is for chronically disruptive studentsthat are habitual violators of schoolrules and/ormisconductin the community. Generally,studentsareplacedin the program ttuougha disciplinarypanel,court order,agencyplacementor GIVE Centerrefenal. The major focus of this program is affective (behavioral) intervention with basic academic support. Studentsmust transition successfullythrough the GIVE Center before enrolling in a regular schoolprogram. l6 International BaccalaureateProgram (IB) - NorcrossHigh School The IB programincludestwo yearsof pre-lB and two yearsof IB curriculum which challenges studentsand leads to the IB diploma. The program is comprehensivecovering all academic disciplines:English,mathematics,social studies,science,modem/classicallanguageand theory of knowledge.It is designedto providehighly motivatedcollegebound studentswith a balanced education. Requirementsfor the IB diploma, which is offered in additionto the Gwinnett County Public Schoolsdiploma,are structuredto meetthe entrancerequirements of universitiesthroughoutthe world. A measureof the IB's successis its recognitionfor collegecredit. A directoryof schools recognizingthis credit is availablein the IB office at NorcrossHigh Schoo|(770-447-2635). JROTC Therearecurrentlyfour JROTCprogramsin GwinnettCountyPublic Schools. ThereareAir Forceunits at Shiloh High SchoolandNorth GwinnettHigh School,a Navy unit at Duluth High Schooland a Marine unit at ParkviewHigh School. Studentsin otherschoolsmay takeJROTC by travelingto theseschoolsfor part of eachday or transfeningto one of the schoolsfull time. Studentswho haveearnedfour Carnegieunits of creditfor JROTC,or thlee Carnegieunitsof creditfor JROTCand one additionalfrom a technology/career-preparatory course,or three Carnegieunits from technology/career-preparatory coursesandone JROTC Carnegieunit will havefulfi lled the TechnologylCareer-Preparatory diplomarequirements. Maxwell High Schoolof Technolory Maxwell High Schoolof Technologyprovidestechnicaleducationand training for eleventhand twelfth grade students who are seeking either a technical diploma or a combination technical/college endorsement diploma. Technicalcoursesin fifteen specializedcareerfields are taught as one or two year courses. These courseswill provide studentswith essentialskills neededto enter the work force, begin apprenticeshiptraining, enter a postsecondary technical school,or continuetowardsa collegedegree. TechnicalCourses AutomotiveCollision AutomotiveServices CommercialArt ComputerAided Drafting ComputerTechnology Construction Cosmetology Early ChildhoodEducation Electronics GraphicArts Horticulture Law Enforcement t7 MachiningTechnology MedicalServices TechnicalApprenticeship Welding Technician Trainins Technicianlevel careersare challengingand financially rewarding. Studentswho pursue technicaleducationtraining shouldpossessgoodcommunicationskills,basic mathematicalskills, and advancedproblem-solvingskills. Someprograms requirethe applicationsof higherlevelsof mathematics(i.e.,algebraand geometry).The basiccourseofferingsprovidefor oneyearof technicalknowledge,hands-onskill development,and employabilityskills. A secondyear is availablein mostprogramsfor studentsto specializein applicationsof the occupation. Technical Apprenticeshio The technicalapprenticeship programprovidesan opportunityfor studentswho have completedtwo semestersof a technicalprogramto pursueemploymentin the occupation during their senioryear in high school. Studentswill attenda one-hourclasson the developmentof workplaceskills, employabilityskills, safetyin the workplace, management of income,etc. The purposeof the programis to easethe transitionfor studentsfrom schoolto a viablecareerin the workplace. PhoenixHigh School PhoenixHigh Schoolis designedto meet the needsof severalgroups of students,including studentswho must attend or chooseto attend in the evenings,adults seekinga high school diploma,and teenparents.Somebasicinformationfollows. Philosophy: The missionof PhoenixHigh School,as an altemativeand complementto the traditional high school program, is to insure the successof studentswho may be unlikely, for a variety of reasons,to reach their potential in a traditional setting. The program is groundedin the uniquenessand inherentworth of the individualstudent.The faculty and staff believe that every student possessesthe ability to become a self-confident, independentlearner. PhoenixHigh Schoolwill enableeachstudentto experiencea sense of accomplishment,a feeling of belongingand confidencein settinggoals and making life choices. A variety of opportunitieswill be provided for studentsto develop and demonstrate the knowledgeand skills necessary for fulfilling adult roles. Requirements: l. A studentmust be a residentof GwinnettCounty. 2. A studentmust be at leastsixteen(16) yearsof ageand/orhave attendedone vear ofhigh school. 3. Oncea studenthasenrolledin the PhoenixHigh Schoolprogram,the studentmay not enroll in a regularschoolprior to the beginningof that school'snext official semester. l8 SeventhPeriod Students PhoenixHigh School and local communityschoolsoffer classeson a spaceavailablebasisafter the regularhigh school dismissaltime. Studentsenrolled full time in Gwinnett County High Schoolsmay takeone or two additionalclassesat theselocationsfor a tuition fee. RemedialEducationProgram (REP) RemedialEducation Program (REP) classesin languagearts and math are available in high schoolsfor eligible students.Studentswho successfullycompletethe coursewill receiveregular creditfor the course. Contactyour local schoolfor further information. BuchananHigh Schoolof Technology- BuchananHigh Schoolof Technologyis a specializedGwinnettCountyPublic Schoolin the city of Norcrosscurrentlyoffering high schoolstudentsopportunitiesto attendclassesduring 7th and 8th periodtime frames,outsideof their regularscheduleof classes. Studentsenroll in 7th and 8th periods to get ahead in their academicstudies or fill gaps in their plans of study for graduation. Studentsneedingone or two additionalclassesmay view the courseofferingsand registeronlinefor classesat Vision: BuchananHigh Schoolof Technologywill preparestudentsto be successfuland competitivein the economyof the 21stcenturyby incorporatingand instructingin the latesttechnologyinnovationswithin a nontraditionalinstructionalenvironmentstressing coreacademics. Mission: The Missionof BuchananHigh SchoolofTechnologywill be to providestudents opportunitiesto achieveeducationalgoalsand obtainskills that areviable and sustainable andbridgeto the future. GwinnettCounty Online Campus- GwinnettCounty Online Campuswas developedto offer an alternativefor studentswho needa 7th periodclassand requireor preferflexibility in the time of day or locationin which they completecoursework. The classesarebestsuitedfor studentswho are comfortablelearningin a providethe samecoursesand AKS curriculumthat computer-based environment.Onlineclasses are offeredat a traditional school. The coursesfollow a fourteenweek semesterin the fall and spring.Onlinesummerschoolcloselyfollowsthetraditionalfive weeksummerschoolschedule. Interestedstudentsmust have their local school counselor'sapprovalto take an online course. registerand pay at the OnlineCampusweb-siteat Students 19