MINUTES OF THE LA GRANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING March 20, 2012 ___________________________________________________________________________ PRESENT: Jane Byczek, Bill Coffee, Caroline Coryell, Bridgette O’Connor, John Reardon ABSENT: Becky Spratford, Mary Nelson STAFF: Jeannie Dilger-Hill, Rebecca Bartlett, Debbie Darwine, Pat Prohl, Caroline Schill, Nikki Zimmermann, Elizabeth Choate VISITORS: None ___________________________________________________________________________ Meeting opened by President Jane Byczek at 7:31p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE AGENDA: None MOTION: Moved by Bill Coffee and seconded by Caroline Coryell to do an omnibus to approve the minutes of the Special Board Meeting and the Regular Board Meeting of February 21, 2012. No discussion. Roll call vote – Byczek-aye, Coffee–aye, Coryell–aye, O’Connor-aye, Reardon–aye Motion approved. MOTION CARRIES COMMUNICATIONS: Jane liked stolen cup of coffee, actually 10 K-cups. Self-service Survey is mixed: 1/3 lockers, 1/3 vending machine, 1/3 not use these at all. Library law letter states that “An official is not obliged to accept delivery of a FOIA request during a chance encounter on the sidewalk, at their home, or at their work.” If board members want to attend LACONI Annual Trustee Banquet let Jeannie know. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Jeannie Dilger-Hill gave a big thank you from staff to the board for the in-service days. Presentation on how to recognize signs of mental illness was helpful. Big Read programs filling up fast, all programs are full according to Nicole Zimmermann. Lots of copies of the Paris Wife circulating, Pat’s lucky day collection is a good idea. Reference department is experiencing staffing changes. Noël is doing nicely in reference but has to continue some young adult responsibilities until position is filled. Pam Ferris is retiring at the end of April. Thanks to the FOL, we will have some Kindles in addition to Nooks and Sony Readers being circulated to patrons. Large turnout at e-help sessions, look into adding more e-book content. Jane liked the idea of exchanging librarians 1 for a day. February statistics show no dip because of the nice weather. Added a lot of items to collection in February. Nice thank you comment to Roberta. An idea for future consideration: offer library magnets with hours at circulation desk. MOTION: Moved by Caroline Coryell and seconded by Bill Coffee to approve warrant #276 in the amount of $140,386.80. No discussion. All ayes. All members approved. MOTION CARRIES TREASURER’S REPORT: Bridgette O’Connor shared the Treasurer’s Report: Illinois Funds very slight increase in interest, Edward Jones CD General Fund showing an increase, but Capital is showing a slight decrease. There is approximately 2.7 million in total operating cash and, so far the library has received 110% of total projected income (that includes some funds for next year’s property tax collection) and 96% of our current tax collection. Total expenses are at 77% of the total budget at 10 months through the fiscal year. Salary budget is 76%, still lower than should be. Quarters for the Quilt has collected over $450.83. COMMITTEES: Building & Grounds— short meeting prior to this meeting, chose stain colors for fence, flooring for elevator and reported on chair rails. Fence project to start June 23. Ken looking into purchasing a power washer. Development & Advocacy— No report. Finance— Preliminary budget to be discussed later. Friends of the Library Liaison— FOL looked at a list of items the library needs, all will be fulfilled. RAILS Liaison— February meeting cancelled. Next meeting this Friday in Coal Valley at 1:00 p.m. New Executive Director to be in place by early August. Personnel— None. Planning— None. Policy— None. Village Liaison— None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Director’s Annual Review – Jeannie to do a short presentation next month. Job description needs to be reviewed, questions about strategic plan and vision statement. 2 NEW BUSINESS: Personnel Policy Changes Evaluation policy changes include removal of the demotion section. Motion to approve made by Bill Coffee, seconded by Caroline Coryell. No discussion. All ayes. MOTION CARRIES Resignation and Dismissal policy changes include adding in disciplinary procedures. Motion to approve made by Bill Coffee, seconded by Caroline Coryell. No discussion. All ayes. MOTION CARRIES Preliminary Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13 Salaries include cost of living increase of 2% over last year. The cost of medical insurance went down (although dental went up) over last year. Lowest the library has paid on health insurance in 4 years. We are spending 12% on materials. We created new line items for electronic content and print and non-print rentals. Library improvements bumped up for carpet and flooring replacements. We need a new phone system; current one is over 15 years old. Any changes, let Jeannie know by next month. Jane thanked everyone who worked on the budget. Will be presented for approval in April. PUBLIC COMMENTS NOT ON AGENDA: None Bill Coffee moved to adjourn. Seconded by Caroline Coryell. MOTION CARRIES Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Choate Administrative Secretary 3