Metal Source/Drain Junctions Professor K.N.Bhat Electrical Communication Engineering Department Indian Institute of Science Bangalore-560 012 Email : E3-327 Nanoelectronics Devices lecture series Lecture # 28 & 29 8th and 13th November, 2007 1 Metal Source /Drain Junctions Properties of Schottky Junctions in Si, Ge and compound semiconductors Fermi level pinning 2 Nanoscale MOSFET S/D Junctions are made shallow especially at the gate edge to reduce their encroachment into the channel. • ND should be made higher to keep sheet resistance constant. • Upper limit is solid solubility of dopants. • Hence shallow junctions increase external resistance. •Abruptness of junctions reduces while Implanted dopants are annealed . 3 Need For Metal Source /Drain Contacts • Parasitic Resistance of source drain regions of conventional scaled down MOSFET is primarily responsible for reduction of Drive currents in transistor scaling. I D = WCox [(VGS − IRs ) − Vt ] vinj • Replacing S/D regions of transistors with Metal can reduce the series resistance effect. ( Y. Nishi in Japan and S. M. Sze in USA invented the Metal S/D MOSFET in 1968 !! ) 4 Additional benefits of Metal S/D in scaled down MOSFET • Eliminates the parasitic BJT action. Inherent physical scalability of gate lengths to sub-10-nm due to atomically abrupt junctions formed at silicide-silicon interface and also due to low resistance of metal. • • Low temperature processing for S/D formation. 5 Schematic Cross section of SB-MOSFET Inversion Layer 6 Requirements on SB S/D source drain junctions • Low barrier heights with the channel and high barrier height with the substrate. •In N-channel MOSFET the SB should have hegh barrier height with the P-substrate and low barrier height with th n-channel inversion layer. 7 Metal Semiconductor Contacts • Ohmic Contacts • Rectifying Contacts 8 I-V Characteristics of contacts Ohmic contact I V I Current flows with minimum voltage drop in both polarity of voltage Rectifying Contact V Blocks current flow in one polarity of voltage 9 Metal Semiconductor Contacts Metal with φm > φs N-Type SC (a) “M” and “S” not in contact Metal (M) Semiconductor (S) Vacuum Level φm Efm χ φs Ec Ef EV 10 Definitions • Work Function : Energy difference between the Vacuum level and the Fermi level • φm–Work function of Metal • φs– Work Function of semiconductor • χ - Electron affinity of electrons in the conduction band of SC 11 (b) “M” and “S” connected Electrons transferred to metal till the Fermi levels equalized. Depletion layer is created at SC surface Metal (M) φm EFM δ Semiconductor (S) χ δ δ is the gap Vi Vi is voltage drop across the gap EC EF EV 12 (C) Gap δ reduced Electric field is constant. Vi falls as δ is reduced Semiconductor (S) Metal (M) χ φm Vi = Electric field x δ EC EF EFM δ EV 13 (d) δ very small Electrons with energy > φBn can tunnel across the gap Metal (M) Semiconductor (S) φm χ φBn Vi = Electric field x δ EC EF EFM δ EV 14 (e) when δ = 0 φBn = ( φm - χ ) is the barrier height for electron transfer from “M” to “S” qVbi = φBn- (EC- EF) S M φm EF χ φBn φBp = (Eg- φBn) Depleted Layer width Wd qVbi EC EF EV 15 Rectifying MS Contact (i) Thermal equilibrium Large value of φBn Depleted M Io φBn EF Io S N-type Jo = q nso vx Electron distribution as function of energy EC EF EV nno Electron Concentration n = n e − qVbi / kT so no In Silicon Distance in SC 16 Thermionic emission : Current Density Jo If v x is the mean velocity of electrons emitted over the barrier in the x-direction, we have J o = q nso v x − − − (1) nso = nno e − qVbi / kT = N c e − ( Ec − EF ) / kT . e − qVbi / kT = Nce −φ Bn / kT J o = ( qN c v x ) e −φ Bn / kT − − − − (3) Using (2) in (1), 2π m* kT n Nc = 2 2 h − − − − (2) 3/ 2 and vx = Substituting for Nc and vx in (3), A* = 4π mn* qk 2 kT 2π mn* * 2 −φ Bn / kT Jo = A T e mn* = 120 Amp / cm 2 / K 2 mo h3 A* is Richardsons Constant 17 Rectifying MS Contact (ii) Reverse biased Io M S J o = A*T 2 e −φ Bn / kT VR Io= IMS φ Bn Electrons from SC do not cross the barrier = q ( Vbi +VR ) EC EFn EF EV IMS is due to electron flow from M to S J o = A*T 2 e −φ Bn / kT J0 is higher if φ Bn is lower 18 Rectifying MS Contact : (iii) Forward biased J SM = qns v x ns = nno e − q(Vbi −V ) / kT = nso eV / VT J SM = qns v x = qnso eV / VT v x = ( qnso v x )eV / VT V/VT -1) = I (e I o M I S V ISM EF IMS =Io V / VT ∴J SM = J o e J = J SM − J MS = J o eV / VT − J 0 EC EFn ISM=Io eV/VT EV ISM = is due to electron flow from S to M 19 I.V Characteristics I0 is high when φBn is low with n-type s.c 20 Qualitative picture of I-V showing the effect of φ Bn 21 MS Contact on N-type SC when φm < φs φ Bn is small ∴ Ohmic Contact 22 MS Contact on P-type SC φm < φs 23 Valence Band picture of MS contact on P-SC in TE ,FB and RB conditions 24 MS contact with p-type S.C (ϕm < ϕs ) φBp = Eg − φBn • Current flow in MS contacts with p-type S.C. is due to hole transport across φBp . • Rectifying contact requires Low I which 0 φ needs high Bp . • MS contacts with p-type S.C are rectifying when φBp is high (I.e; φBn is low) 25 Summary φBn = (φm − χ ) φBp = Eg − (φm − χ ) Schottky Limit High (φm − χ ) : Rectifying contact with n-type Ohmic contact with p-type. Low (φm − χ ) : Ohmic contact with n-type Rectifying contacts with p-type. 26 Experimental Results On φBn for metals with different φm Measurement of φBn showed that the first order theory φBn= (φm - χ) is not satisfactory. 27 Experimental results of φBn on Si Reference : Turner and Rhoderick , Solid State Electronics, Vol.11, pp291-300, 1968 28 Results on cleaved (110) GaAs Reference : Smith and Rhoderick , J. Phys.D. : Appl.Phys. Vol.2, pp.465-467,1969. 29 Results on Chemically Prepared GaAs 30 Experimental Results of φ Bn on Ge Bardeen Strong pinning Limit Ideal Scottky limit Schottky limit φ Bn = (φm − χ ) Bardeen limit φ Bn = ( E g − φ0 ) Reference: A. Dimoulas, “Fermi level pinning and 31 charge neutrality level in Ge” Appl. Phys.Lett. Vol.89, 2006 Summary of the Experimental Results φ Bn can be expressed by the relation ( φBn = γ (φm − χ ) + (1 − γ ) Eg − φ0 Where φ 0 ≈ Eg 3 ) for GaAs and Si ; and it is γ equal to 0.09eV for Ge. Is the Pinning Factor and it varies between 0 and 1 , the value depends upon the Surface condition. (i) γ<1 with chemically prepared S.C surface. (ii) γ =0 with freshly cleaved S.C surface. (iii) γ =1 expected from the first order theory.32 Effect of Interface state density on φBn •Surface is never ideal and has density 2 / eV D / cm of states it due to the dangling bonds on the surface. •A thin layer δ of material (mostly native oxide) exists between metal and the S.C surface • and Dit values determine γ δ 33 Surface States or Interface states Acceptor states φ0 E0 Donor states Bulk region of SC Surface E0 is the neutral level.( E0 − Ev ) = φ0 If EF = E0 , net charge at the surface Is zero. (surface is neutral) 34 Effect of Surface States on surface potential Ec φ0 E0 EF Ev In this case the acceptor levels between EF and Eo are occupied and are negatively charged by accepting electrons from the adjacent semiconductor layer which gets depleted (see the next slide) causing band bending till the charge in the interface traps Qit is 35 equal to the depletion layer charge QD Band bending due to charge trapping in he acceptor type surface states Qit Ec EF E0 Qit = − qDit ( EF − E0 ) Qit (Negative) Ev (Positive ) Depleted region Q D Bulk neutral region (Ntype) The Fermi level moves closer to the neutral level Eo. When Dit → ∞ the Fermi level almost coincides with Eo at the surface causing the Fermi level to pin at Eo 36 Effect of δ and Dit on φBn χ φm Vi MS Contact φBn φ0 E0 Eg Qit φ Bn = φ m − χ − V i Ec EF EV − − − ( 1) QD + Qit = voltage across “δ” Vi = Ci 37 Expression for φBn φ Bn = φ m − χ − V i Vi − − − ( 1) = voltage across “δ” QD + Qit = − − − (2) Ci ( ) −Qit = qDit ( EF − E0 ) = qDit Eg − φBn − φ0 − ( 3 ) QD=charge /cm2 in the depleted region of S.C (positive in n-type s.c) ε ε 2 r 0 Ci =capacitance of interface layer/cm = δ 38 From equations (1),(2) and (3) ( ) qDit QD φBn = φm − χ + Eg − φBn − φ0 − Ci Ci Rearranging, φ m = γ (φ m − χ ) + ( 1 − γ γ ) (E g − φ0 ) − γ QD Ci 1 1 = = qD it qD it δ 1+ 1+ Ci εr ε0 39 Particular cases (i) γ =0 when D it → ∞ φBn = E −φ ( g 0 ) Bardeen’s limit of φBn This is independent of φ m (ii) γ=1, when D it → 0 or / and δ → 0 φBn = (φm − χ ) This is the Schottky limit of φBn 40 Experimental Results of φ Bn on Ge Bardeen Strong pinning Limit Ideal Scottky limit Schottky limit φ Bn = (φm − χ ) Bardeen limit φ Bn = ( E g − φ0 ) Reference: A. Dimoulas, “Fermi level pinning and 41 charge neutrality level in Ge” Appl. Phys.Lett. Vol.89, 2006 Fermi level Pinning φ Bn φ Bp E0 Ec EF φ0 Ev Fermi level almost coincide with the neutral level Eo. For SB on Si and GaAs For SB on Ge 2 φ Bn = E g − φo ≈ E g 3 φo ≈ 0.09eV φ Bn = E g − 0.06 = 0.66 − 0.06 = 0.6eV 42 Effect of Fermi level pinning Almost all metals form rectifying contact on N-type Si and GaAs: They form lower barrier height contacts (Ohmic Contacts) on P- type Si and p-type GaAs. It is easier to realize P-Channel SB S/D MOSFETs than the N-channel SB S/D MOSFETs on Si , GaAs and Ge • Almost all metals tried so far have formed ohmic contacts on P-type Ge ; they form high barrier contacts on N-type Ge. •It is easy to realize P-channel SB S/D MOSFETs on Ge ; but it is difficult to realize N-Channel SB S/D MOSFTS on Ge 43 P-Channel SB S/D MOSFET Gate oxide thickness =25nm. Phosphorus doped Polysilicon gate. Aluminum S (100) N-Silicon N D = 2 × 1015 / cm 3 G PtSi D SiO2 Ref: C.J.Koeneke, S. M. Sze , R.M.Levi & E.Kinsbron, “Schottky MOSFET for VLSI” , IEDM 1981,pp.367-370 Transistors fabricated with fixed W=100µm and different L in the range 1µm to10µm. Long channel behavior was seen for L=1µm •Gate poly was etched and its sides were protected by deposited SiO2 . • SiO2 was removed from source ,drain and gate areas. • Approximately 15 nm of Pt was sputtered and then sintered at 625°C for 30 minutes in Argon to form 30nm of PtSi over all previously exposed silicon region. PtSi forms φ Bp = 0.24eV with holes in Si •The un-reacted Pt was then removed with aqua regia 44 Energy band diagrams of SB S/D MoSFET N-layer below gate (a) VGS = 0 , VDS = 0 N-Si Depleted n-layer Inverted p-channel, VDS=0 (b) VGS = Vth , VDS = 0 N-Si Depleted n-layer P-Channel , VDS < 0 (c) VGS = Vth , VDS < 0 N-Si 45 -VDS The Output currents in SB S/D MOSFETs were found to be smaller than those for the conventional MOSFETs. This was explained by the potential barrier arising in the gap δ between the SB source and the inversion channel. 46 Gap δ δ ≈ 10 nm 47 N-Channel MOSFET with S.B.S/D Al TaSi Ta Poly Si δ (100) P − Si ρ = 2Ω cm Ref: Mochizuki and Wise, IEEE EDL ,Vol-5,p.108 April 1984 TaSi δ δ ≈ 200nm Schematic Diagram Band Diagram of n-Channel SBMOSFET N-Channel S.B.MOSFET Structure t0x=90nm W = 100µ m, L = 10µ m 100nm thick Ta ion beam deposited and sintered at 450°C for 30 min. in forming gas. Source drain defined and Ta patterned by etching in CF4 plasma. Between Ta and p-Si φ Bp = 0.7eV 48 Ref: EDL-5, April 1984 ID Xj =1.5µm (×10 −4 A) ID-VD Characteristics of Conventional (dashed lines) and S.B.MOSFET (solid line) VDsat = VD − VS S Vs VD D Between Ta and pSi, φBp = 07eV VD Current reduction in SB MOSFET is due to the barrier between source and channel 49 •The diode is formed at the source – channel edge and the Schottky barrier. VS is the bias required to accommodate the current ID •Once the lateral voltage drop VS is established at this diode, current will flow as for a reverse biased metal n-Silicon Schottky diode. • Barrier ID height can be calculated independent of ID − qVS / kT * 2 −φ Bn / kT = [A A T e ](1 − e ) 2 ( V − V ) W S ] I D = µ cox [(VG − Vt )(VD − VS ) − D L area and A* is richrdsons constant 2 A is the effective 50 Silicides of other Materials for N-channel Schottky Source Drain Transistors (SSDT) • P-Channel SSDT (P-SSDT) with PtSi as S/D (hole barrier φ Bp = 0.24 − 0.28 eV has been reported with quite 8 I / I ≈ 10 acceptable ON OFF • N- channel SSDT performance has been rather poor due to the high barrier height for electrons • Materials with low φm are required for achieving lowφ Bn Ytterbium Material Erbium Dy (silicide) (ErSi2-x) (DySi2-x) (YbSi2-x) φm (eV) 3.12 3.09 2.59 ION/IOFF 105 105 107 51 Reference: Shiyang Zhu, etal “ N-type Schottky Barrier Source /Drain MOSFET using Ytterbium Silicide” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.25, pp51565-567, August 2004 • ErSi2-x SSDT resulted in poor film morphology formed by solid –state reaction of deposited Er and substrate Si and has shown poor On/Off ratio . It also showed two slopes in sub-threshold region and high electron barrier height φ Bn = 0.37 eV •YbSi2-x resulted in better surface morphology , with on/off ratio of about 107 and φ Bn = 0.27eV 52 EEE Electron Device Letters, vol.25, pp51-565567, August 2004 High-k gate dielectric and metal gate, YbSi SB S/D MOSFET W = 400 µ m HfO2 EOT = 2.5nm Vth = 0.4V 53 EEE Electron Device Letters, vol.25, pp51-565-567, August 2004 W = 400 µ m •YbSi2-x/p-Si contact has the highest hole barrier height of 0.85eV (determined from C-V), lowest reverse bias leakage current, and the best rectifying property with near unity ideality factor. Other diodes have high I (leakage), ideality factor >1.0 and higher difference in φ pI −V and φ Cp −V indicating barrier height in-homogeneity as confirmed by many square pits In the YbSi2-x MOSFET S=75mv/decade with a single slope and the Ion/Ioff ratio = 107 54 Refer: EEE Electron Device Letters, vol.25, pp51-565-567, August 2004 Silicide/p-Si (100) ErSi2-x TbSi2-x DySi2-x YbSi2-x PtSi / nSi(100) I −V φ Bp (eV) 0.71 0.60 0.67 0.82 I −V φ Bn = 0.86 C −V φ Bp (eV) 0.78 0.87 0.87 0.88 C −V φ Bn = 0.84 φ Bp (eV) 0.75 0.74 0.75 0.85 φ Bn = 0.85 Average Average φ Bn = ( E g − φ Bp ) 0.37 (eV). E g = 1.12eV Ideality factor in I-V 1.57 0.38 0.37 0.27 1.83 1.33 1.04 φ Bp = 0.27 1.02 55 Summary Of SB S/D MOSFETs on Silicon •The principle feature of SB-CMOS technology is metal S/Ds. •Metal S/Ds are inherently lower resistance and atomically abrupt, providing a long –term scalability advantage. •The metal S/D junction to the channel forms a SB, which provides improved IOFF leakage control. It further enables lower doping in the channel region, which results in higher channel mobility. •SB junctions eliminate parasitic BJT action and latch up and are much less sensitive to radiation effects that induce soft errors. •Low thermal budget process allows integration of 56 • Low-thermal budget process enables integration of performance- enhancing materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, metal gates, and strained silicon , all of which lead to other substantial advantages such as reduced gate leakage, lower power, and higher effective carrier mobility. • Together , these features and benefits make SB-CMOS technology an attractive candidate for scaling to sub25 nm gate lengths- coupled with SOI approach promises scaling down to 10nm 57 Present Status of SB-MOS Technology • During the past decade considerable advancement has taken place in the SB-MOS technology •PtSi S/D devices with 25nm, 60nm and 80 nm gate length have been demonstrated. •The On current and OFF currents of these devices do not yet meet the ITRS requirements, even though SBPMOS FETs with fT = 280 GHz with Lg =30nm have been fabricated and reported in the literature. (highest for any MOSFET) (REF:IEEE EDL , Vol 25,pp. 220-222, April 2004). 58 • YbSi2-x has been identified as an alternative to ErSi2-x for SB-NMOS Technology , because it provides slightly lower barrier height (0.27eV) for electrons . It also provides better film quality and improved manufacturability. REFER: EEE Electron Device Letters, vol.25, pp51-565-567, August 2004 59 A very Good overview for SB MOS FET : John M. Larson and John P. Snyder, “Overview and Status of Metal S/D Schottky-Barrier MOSFET Technology” IEEE TED Vol.53, May 2006, pp.1048-1058 60