Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program English Language I Post Foundation ENGL 202 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours General University Requirements Catalog Description This course is designed to enable the students to achieve academic oral and written communication to the standard required at university level. The course integrates all the language skills with emphasis on writing, and it stimulates students’ imagination, and promotes personal expression. Students, in this course, are trained to apply critical thinking skills to a wide range of challenging subjects from diverse academic disciplines. Course activities include writing various types of academic essays, acquiring advanced academic vocabulary, and getting involved in group discussions and debates. In addition, the course also includes other skills to consolidate the main skills, such as further readings and use of the Blackboard Suite. The course is taught in the form of a workshop paying attention to small groups and individuals. Students, in this course, are assessed by using diverse tools, such as class quizzes, discussions, debates, and a final exam Pre-requisites or A minimum score of 500 in TOEFL, 5.5 i Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: Develop academic listening comprehension proficiency Expand academic vocabulary through reading Promote speaking ability through group discussions and debates Promote writing skills Promote critical thinking skills Develop independent and collaborative learning Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Use pre-listening information such as titles and visuals to form schema for processing the listening task 2. Identify main ideas of a lecture while listening 3. Find supporting details of main ideas while listening 4. Make inferences on the basis of given information 5. Make predictions on the basis of information given in a lecture 6. Use the following critical thinking skills: a. Activate prior knowledge b. Hypothesize another person’s point of view c. Analyze rhetorical patterns in a text (expository, argumentative, descriptive etc.) d. Propose solutions to problems e. Make judgments f. Draw conclusions 7. Take notes using note-taking strategies, such as using abbreviations and flowcharts 8. Produce summaries of lectures both orally and in writing 9. Use the following group discussion strategies and debates: a. Ask questions b. Make suggestions c. Use suitable expressions to agree, disagree, persuade and take turns in conversation d. Use appropriate expressions to open a discussion e. Summarize points in group discussions f. Express opinions g. Interrupt speakers in an unthreatening way h. Apply techniques of collecting information i. Apply strategies of sorting out information j. Apply the criteria of evaluating information 10. Write essays on various topics. 11. Use the following vocabulary learning strategies: a. Recognize meaning of words in text b. Guess meaning of difficult words from context c. Use vocabulary appropriately d. Use memory aides to recall words Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO d e f g x x x x x x x x x x x h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program English Language II Post Foundation ENGL 203 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours General University Requirements Catalog Description English 2 is an advanced academic writing course which provides an opportunity for the students to learn and practice the skills needed for a guided university-level academic paper related to their field of study. The course emphasizes the development of academic writing skills as well as the ability to read and think critically. Students will learn to use the library and appropriate online resources to find and evaluate sources to inform, develop and support their ideas in term paper writing. They will also learn skills for reading analysis, such as comprehension and inference. Assessment tools will include a common midterm examination and two term papers (a total of approximately 2,500 words). Emphasis will be on the process of developing and improving academic papers over time, informed by peer and instructor feedback. Pre-requisites ENGL 202 or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g x h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Islamic Culture DAWA 111 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours General University Requirements Catalog Description Aims at introducing students to the foundations, manifestations and structures of Islamic Culture and to enlightening him about the challenges facing this culture. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f x g h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Arabic Language I 3 Lab Hours Contact Hours ARAB 100 Lecture Hours 3 Credit Hours 3 Requirement General University Requirements Catalog Description ً ُ وتحدثا واستما ًع ا؛ وذلك يسعى هذا المقرر -عبر محتوى يربط األصالة بالمُعاصرة -نحو إكساب الطالب المهارات المهمة للتواصل بالعربية قراء ًة من خالل بيئة تعلُّ ِميّة تتمركز حول نشاط الطالب ،و ُتنمي مهارات ال َّت َعلُّم َّ الذاتي؛ َف ِم ْنها المعرفي الذي يرتبط بالعمليات الفكرية التي تشمل حل ِ المشكالت والتفكير النقدي واستيعاب األفكار في سياقات مختلفة والمرونة الفكرية في اكتساب المعرفة ،ومنها التواصلي الذي يخص مهارة التواصل الشفهي للتعبير عن النفس أو األفكار أو المعلومات بطريقة واضحة ومتماسكة على المستويين :المهني والشخصي ،ومنها ال َّتعاوني الذي يشمل القدرة علي العمل ضمن فريق و ْفقَ مواقف متفاوتة ،بما ينمي ثقافة المواطنة الصالحة ،ويدع ُم لديهم قبول اآلخر ،باإلضافة إلى ذلك يوظف المقرر أساليب قياس متنوعة حسب تنوع األنشطة المقدمة. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: l k j i h g x f e d c b a CLO 1 No: of 50 min lectures Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Approved by: Prepared by: Date of approval: Date of preparation: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Skills and Ethics GENG 107 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 0 3 College Requirements Catalog Description Introduction to engineering and engineering disciplines, engineering ethics, communication skills, study skills and problem solving skills, introduction to design. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book Concepts in Engineering, M. T. Holtzapple and W. Dan Reece, Mc.Graw Hill, 2/e, 2007. ISBN 0073191620 / 9780073191621 Introduction to the Engineering Profession, Second Edition, David M. Burghardt, Harper Collins College Publishers, 1995 References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Somaya Al-Ma'adeed Course Goals: Students will understand and appreciate the ethical and professional responsibilities and to develop engineering skills Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the various disciplines and the role of engineer in the society 2. Understand the career planning in engineering 3. Be aware of engineering ethics 4. Demonstrate schematic approach for engineering problem solving 5. Demonstrate improved communication skills 6. Be familiar with engineering design methodology 7. Search for information via traditional and online sources Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 c d e f g h x i j k l x x x x x Principal Topics Covered x No: of 50 min lectures The Engineer and engineering disciplines 6 Engineering Ethics 9 Problem Solving 3 Introduction to engineering design 6 Engineering Communications 6 Literature search skills 3 Tables and Graphs 3 Significant Figures, SI System of Units and Unit Conversion 6 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Calculus I MATH 101 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 4 Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description Limits and continuity. Differentiation. Applications of derivatives. Integration. Inverse functions. Applications of the integral Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book Calculus, Early Transcendentals. By James Stewart, 6th Edition, 2008, Brooks/Cole. * Calculus with Analytic Geometry. By C. H. Edwards and D. E. Penny, 5th Edition, 1998, Prentice Hall. * Calculus. By R.T. Smith and R.B. Minton, Second Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill. * Calculus. By R.T. Smith and R.B. Minton, Second Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: 1. To introduce limits and continuity, and develop skills for their determination. 2. To introduce the derivative, and develop skills for using rules of differentiation. 3. To provide skills related to applications of the derivative. 4. To introduce the definite and indefinite integrals, and develop skills for their evaluation. 5. To provide skills related to some applications of the integral. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Evaluate Limits of functions using various techniques including L’Hopital’s Rule CLO 2. Discuss the continuity functions CLO 3. Identify the properties of inverse functions and their derivatives CLO 4. Find the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions CLO 5. Sketch the graph of a function using the information for the first and second derivatives CLO 6. Solve problems involving applications of derivatives including, related rates and optimization CLO 7. Identify the definition and properties associated with definite integrals CLO 8. Solve problems using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus CLO 9. Evaluate integrals using the method of substitution CLO 10. Solve problems involving applications of integrals including finding volume of solids of revolution and area between curves Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. The Tangent and Velocity Problems. The Limit of a Function 3 2. Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws. Continuity 3 3. Limits at Infinity, Horizontal Asymptote. Infinite Limits, Vertical Asymptotes. Derivatives and Rates of Change 3 4. The Derivative as a Function. Differentiation of Polynomials. The Product and Quotient Rules 3 5. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions. The Chain Rule 3 6. Implicit Differentiation. Related Rates 3 7. Maximum and Minimum Values. The Mean Value Theorem 3 8. How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph. Summary of Curve Sketching 3 9. Optimization Problems. Antiderivatives 3 10. Areas and Derivatives. The Definite Integral. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 3 11. The Indefinite Integral and Net Change Theorem. The Substitution Rule. Areas between Curves 3 12. Volumes. Volumes by Cylindrical Shells. Average Value of a Function 3 13. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. Derivative and Integrals Involving Logarithmic Functions. Inverse Functions. Derivative and Integrals Involving Exp Functions. 3 14. Derivative and Integrals Involving Inverse Trig Functions. Hyperbolic Functions and Hanging Cables. Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule. 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Computer Programming GENG 106 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 5 College Requirements Catalog Description This course introduces the student to computer concepts, control structures, functions, arrays: single and multi-dimensional, and string processing found in C++. The course also examines input/output statements including data file I/O, arithmetic, logical and comparison operators, along with an introduction to classes. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book C++ How to Program, by H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, Prentice Hall, 6/e, 2008. ISBN 0-13-615250-3. -On line C++ tutorial, online reference -Animations to Assist Learning Some Key Computer Science Topics, Osman Balci, William S. Gilley, Robin J. Adams, Emre Tunar, N. Dwight Barnette, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, US, on-line reference -C++:An introduction to computer with lab manual, Joel Adams 1405825170. References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Somaya Al-Ma’adeed Course Goals: To introduce students to computer based problem solving. To be able to design, develop, compile, and debug programs in a high level programming language. To be able to develop programs to solve numerical engineering problems. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1-Manipulate the basic components of the C++ language: Constants, Variables, Built-in data types, Arrays, Control Structure, Looping and Functions, Classes. 2-Analyze algorithms and computer code. 3-Design, write, and test a complete program that solves a given problem. 4-Process input data files, analyze them, and make output files using C++. 5-Use the software environment for coding, compiling, and executing a program. 6-Work productively with peers as a member of an engineering team to implement an Engineering programming project Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 a x x x x x x b c d e f g x x x x x h i j k x x x x x x l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction Variables, Constants, First program.. Basic Programming structure (Float, int, Char, boolean) Selection (if, nested if, switch) Loops Functions File I/O Arrays References and Reference Parameters + Recursion Introduction to Classes and Objects No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program General Chemistry I CHEM 101 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours Contact Hours 3 College Requirements Catalog Description Chemistry and Measurement and significant figures. Atoms, molecules and ions. Formulas and names. Stoichiometry and chemical calculations. Chemical reactions. Thermochemistry and enthalpy changes. Quantum theory of the atom and electron configuration. Chemical bonding and molecular geometry. Pre-requisites or Text Book Concurrent requirement Raymond Chang, McGraw Hill 9th ed., 2007 References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: 1) develop an understanding of the basic principles of the major branches of chemistry. 2) obtain a thorough foundation in the various fields of chemistry. 3) learn to solve chemical problems using basic mathematics. 4) develop an understanding of chemical models and theories 5) obtain an understanding of the role of chemistry in other disciplines, and its importance in society. 6) acquire positive attitudes towards further studies in chemistry and towards the application of chemistry in other disciplines Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Define the structure of the atom in terms of the nucleus with protons and neutrons, and electrons. CLO 2. Write and balance chemical equations, name inorganic compounds and ions and describe the properties of the main group elements. CLO 3. Carry out chemical calculations, including mass relations in chemical reactions, limiting reagent and reaction yield calculations, and calculations involving reactions taking place in solution.. CLO 4. Understand the concept of oxidation-reduction, calculate oxidation numbers, and balance redox reactions. CLO 5. Apply the ideal gas law in solving problems involving the gas phase. CLO 6. Solve problems in chemical thermodynamics and calorimetry. CLO 7. Predict the electronic structure of atoms and ions from quantum theory, and9) relate the position of an element in the periodic table to its electronic structure and to the physical and chemical properties of the elements. CLO 8. Describe the principles of chemical bonding and write Lewis structures CLO 9. Predict the geometry of the electron pairs and the shape of molecules using VSEPR theory, predict bond polarity and molecular dipoles CLO 10. Describe the valence bond theory, predict the hybridization of atoms in molecules, and describe bonding in molecules with single, double and triple bonds in terms of and π bonds, and delocalized molecular orbitals Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO a x x x x x x x x x x b c d e f g h i j k Principal Topics Covered l No: of 50 min lectures 1. Measurements. Handling Numbers. Dimensional Analysis in Solving Problems 2 2. Atomic Number, Mass Number, and Isotopes. The Periodic Table. Molecules and Ions. Chemical Formulas. Naming Compounds 3 3. Atomic Mass. Avogadro’s Number and Molar Mass of an Element. Molecular Mass. The Mass Spectrometer. Percent Composition of Compounds. Experimental Determination of Empirical Formulas. Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations. Amounts of Reactants and Products. Limiting Reagent Calculations. Reaction Yield 5 4. General Properties of Aqueous Solutions. Precipitation Reactions. Acid-Base Reactions. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions. Concentration of Solutions. Acid-Base Titrations 5 5. Gases. Pressure. The Ideal Gas Equation. Gas Stoichiometry. Partial Pressures 3 6. The Nature of Energy and Types of Energy. Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions. Introduction to Thermodynamics. Enthalpy of Chemical Reactions. Calorimetry. Standard Enthalpy of Formation and Reaction 4 7. From Classical Physics to Quantum Theory. Bohr’s Theory of the Hydrogen Atom. Quantum Numbers. Atomic Orbitals. Electron Configuration. The Building-Up (Aufbau) Principle 4 8. Development of the Periodic Table. Periodic Classification of the Elements. Periodic Variation in Physical Properties. Ionization Energy. Electron Affinity 4 9. Lewis Dot Symbols. The Ionic Bond. The Covalent Bond. Electronegativity. Writing Lewis Structures. Formal Charge and Lewis Structures. The Concept of Resonance. Exceptions to the Octet Rule. Bond Energy 5 10. Molecular Geometry. Dipole Moment. Valence Bond Theory. Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals. Hybridization in Molecules Containing Double and Triple Bonds. Delocalized Molecular Orbitals 4 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Experimental General Chemistry I CHEM 103 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours 3 3 College Requirements Catalog Description Safety in the Lab. Measurement of mass, volume and density. Identification of an unknown compound. Qualitative analysis of anions. Empirical formula of a compound. Thermal decomposition of hydrates. Stoichiometric determination. Acid-base and redox titrations. Enthalpy of reactions. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement CHEM 101 Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: 1. Acquire awareness of safety precautions in dealing with chemicals and laboratory equipment and methodology. 2. Acquire an understanding of the basic principles of experimental general chemistry. 3. Develop experimental experience in chemical analysis, synthesis and the investigation of physical phenomena. 4. Gain practical experience by dealing with modern equipment and techniques. 5. Be able to use computers in presenting data, problem solving , simulation, learning and communications . 6. Acquire positive attitudes to plan for a career within the framework of chemistry. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Recognize chemical safety and hazardous materials icons, and apply laboratory safety rules. CLO 2. Describe laboratory instruments and some basic techniques used in the chemistry laboratory, including balances and standard volumetric equipment. CLO 3. Carry out volumetric methods of chemical analysis including dilutions and titrations, and basic synthetic techniques. CLO 4. Describe and use UV/VIS spectrophotometric methods of analysis. CLO 5. Prepare accurate laboratory reports of their experimental results. CLO 6. Use their knowledge of general chemistry and its applications for further study within the framework of chemistry. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Mass and Volume Measurements. 2. Qualitative Analysis of Anions : Part I 3. Qualitative Analysis of Anions : Part II 4. The Empirical Formula of a Metal Oxide 5. Volumetric Analysis: Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide and Determination of Molar Mass of an Acid 6. Applications of Volumetric Analysis: Determination of Active Ingredients of Commercial Bleach and Vinegar. 7. Evaluation of the Universal Gas Constant, R 8. Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide 9. UV/VIS Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry 10. Spectrophotometric Analysis of Aspirin 11. Synthesis of Alum and Crystal Growth No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Graphics GENG 111 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 5 College Requirements Catalog Description This course discusses the fundamental concepts of engineering graphics. It gives also an introduction to computer graphics using CAD software. The following topics are covered: Drawing conventions such as standards, line types and dimensioning; drawing of inclined and curved surfaces; deducting the orthographic views from a pictorial; drawing full and half sections; deducting an orthographic view from given two views; pictorial sketching (isometric and oblique). Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book Interpreting Engineering Drawings, Jensen, C.H. and Helsel, G.D., 7th ed., Thomson Delmar Learning, 2007. ISBN: 1-4180-5573-5. "Manual of Engineering Drawing" by Simmons C.H. and Mguire, D.E., 2nd ed., Elsevier. References Course Coordinator: Dr. Okan Sirin Course URL: Course Goals: • Recognizing the standards of engineering graphics and developing the ability of using manual and digital media to produce them. • Developing the ability of deducing orthographic projections and producing fully dimensioned engineering drawings. • Comprehending visually the relationship between 2D and 3D engineering drawings utilizing CAD software packages Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Recognize the value of engineering graphics as a language of communication. 2. Infer the nature of engineering graphics, the relationships between 2D and 3D environments. 3. Comprehend and deduce orthographic projections of an object. 4. Visualize wide variety of objects and drawing the missing views. 5. Comprehend and deduce section views 6. Produce three dimensional drawings utilizing CAD software Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 a b x x x x x x x x x x c d e f g x h i j k x x x x x x l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction: graphic language, standards, instruments, letters…etc 3 Basics for interpreting drawings, line types, types of drawings and sketches 3 Orthographic views. Deducing front, top, and side views from a pictorial 12 Dimensioning 3 Sectional views: full and half sections 9 Drawing a missed view from given two 6 Pictorial sketching: isometric and oblique 6 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Calculus II MATH 102 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 4 Lab Hours Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description Transcendental functions. Techniques of integration. Sequences and infinite series. Parametric equations and polar coordinates Pre-requisites MATH 101 or Text Book References Concurrent requirement CALCULUS, 8th edition (2007) by Howard Anton, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York). Chapters:7,8,10&11 * Calculus with Analytic Geometry. By C. H. Edwards and D. E. Penny, 5th Edition, 1998, Prentice Hall. * Calculus. By R.T. Smith and R.B. Minton, Second Edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: 1. To introduce trigonometric inverse functions and their properties. 2. To introduce Hyperbolic functions and their inverses. 3. To develop skills to evaluate integrals using different integration techniques. 4. To introduce improper integrals and methods for their evaluation. 5. To introduce sequences and use it to develop the study of properties of infinite series. 6. To introduce infinite series and develop skills to determine their convergence. 7. To introduce power series and expansion of functions in Taylor series and Maclaurin series. 8. To introduce polar coordinate system and find the tangent lines and arc length for parametric and polar curves. 9. To find area in polar coordinates. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Identify the properties of inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic, and inverse hyperbolic functions. CLO 2. Find the derivatives and integrals of inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic, and inverse hyperbolic functions. CLO 3. Evaluate the indefinite and improper integrals by using different integration techniques. CLO 4. Identify the properties of sequences and their limits. CLO 5. Use various tests to determine convergence of series. CLO 6. Perform standard operations with convergent power series, including the method of differentiating and integrating term by term. CLO 7. Use Taylor and Maclaurin series to approximate functions. CLO 8. Sketch the graphs of parametric and polar equations. CLO 9. Use parametric and polar equations to solve applied problems including area and arclength. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 a x x x x x x x x x b c d e f g h i j k Principal Topics Covered l No: of 50 min lectures 1. Review of inverse functions. Inverse trigonometric functions. 2. The derivative of inverse trigonometric functions. Hyperbolic functions. 3. Inverse hyperbolic functions and their derivatives. 4. Integrals involving inverse trigonometric and inverse hyperbolic functions. 5. Integration by Parts. Trigonometric Integrals. 6. Trigonometric Substitution. Integrating Rational Functions by Partial Fractions. 7. Types of Improper Integrals and Methods of Evaluation 8. Sequences and their limits, monotone sequences 9. Infinite series. The comparison. 10. Ratio and Root tests. Alternating series. 11. Conditional convergence. Maclaurin and Taylor series, and their approximation. Power series. 12. Differentiating and Integrating Power series. 13. Polar coordinates. Curves defined by parametric equations 14. Tangent lines and length for parametric and polar curves. Area in polar coordinates. No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program General Physics for Engineering I PHYS 191 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 4 Lab Hours Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description This is the first course in the two-semester sequence of calculus-based introductory physics courses designed to meet the needs of student majoring in Engineering. The course is a survey of the concepts, principles, methods and major findings of classical Physics .Primarily, it covers Newtonian mechanics, and thermal Physics, with topics include: Physics and measurement, Vectors, kinematics and dynamics of motion of a single particle in one and two dimensions, work and energy, system of particles, linear momentum and collisions, kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion, equilibrium of rigid bodies, and elasticity, fluid static and fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, wave motion, and temperature and thermal equilibrium. Pre-requisites MATH 101 or Text Book References Concurrent requirement University Physics, Hough D. Young, Addison Wesley. Johnson, Wiley. Physics, Walker, Prentice Hall. Calculus- based General Physics textbooks, for example: and Engineers with Modern Physics, Giancoli, Prentice Hall; Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, Randall D. Knight, Addison Wesley. Jewett, Thomson -Brooks/Cole . Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: * Enable students to appreciate the basic principles and fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion and thermodynamics ; * Help students to develop and master mathematical techniques used to tackle , analyze, and solve simple physical problems associated with Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion and thermodynamics ; * Introduce to students how to apply the studied concepts , laws and techniques in solving real world problems; * Provide students with generic skills which will be of great use in his/her field of study e.g. critical thinking, and quantitative and symbolic reasoning. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Describe the SI unit system and convert units. CLO 2. Describe the translational motion of a single particle in terms of position and inertial frames, , inertia, velocity, acceleration, linear momentum and force. CLO 3. Describe the rotational motion of a rigid body using the concepts of rotation angle, angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular momentum, moment of inertia, and torque. CLO 4. State the Newton’s three laws of motion and apply them to solve problems on one and two dimensional translational motion. CLO 5. Represent graphically the problem of motion of a physical system using the free-body diagram technique. CLO 6. Identify the forces acting on ordinary mechanical systems to be gravity and electromagnetism (Drag force, frictional force, normal force, etc.). CLO 7. State the fundamental laws of kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion of a rigid body and use them to solve problems on simple rotational motion. CLO 8. Analyse the translational and rotational motion using a scalar approach based on the concepts of work, conservative and non conservative forces, potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy. CLO 9. Describe and solve problems of the motion of many-particle system by employing the concept of centre of mass, law of conservation of mechanical energy, Principle of momentum and angular momentum conservation. CLO 10. State the two conditions of static and dynamic equilibrium of a point particle and a rigid body, and use them to solve problems of static equilibrium. CLO 11. Describe and solve some problems on the elastic properties of materials using the following elasticity concepts and relations: Rigidity ; Plasticity ; Plastic deformation ; stress and strain ; Bulk stress and strain ; Bulk deformation and bulk modulus; Linear tensile stress and strain ; Young's modulus; Shearing. CLO 12. Analyze the problems of static fluid in terms of density and pressure, and fluid at motion using the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s equation. CLO 13. Define and calculate the following parameters of oscillatory and wave motion : amplitude, period, frequency, angular frequency, speed of a wave, energy transported , Power and intensity; CLO 14. Describe Simple Harmonic Motion qualitatively and quantitatively. CLO 15. Recognize and analyze some wave characteristics: principle of superposition, interference, diffraction, reflection, transmission, refraction, standing waves and Resonance. CLO 16. Illustrate some applications of harmonic and wave motion in a wide variety of physical situations. CLO 17. Define what is meant by: temperature, specific and molar heats of capacity. CLO 18. State zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics and use them to solve some related problems. CLO 19. Explain the theory of heat energy transfers and apply it in some simple situations. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 a x x x x b Principal Topics Covered c d e f g h i j k l No: of 50 min lectures 1. Physics and measurement; Kinematics of motion of a single particle in one and two dimensions; Kinematics of projectile and circular motion. 2. Dynamics of motion of a single particle and multiple objects in one and two dimensions and Newton’s Laws; Free body diagrams; Various types of mechanical forces; Application on the use of Newton’s Laws. 3. Work and energy; Conservative systems and the concept of potential energy; Conservation of mechanical energy. 4. System of particles; Linear momentum; Conservation of linear momentum and collisions; Elastic and Inelastic collisions; Center of mass. 5. Kinematics and Dynamics of rotational motion; Torque; Moment of inertia; Angular momentum; Static equilibrium of rigid bodies; Elasticity and concepts of stress and strain.. 6. Phases of matter; Pressure and density, Equations of Fluid static; Equations of fluid dynamics: Continuity and Bernoulli’s equations. 7. Oscillating systems; Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) ; Energy of SHM ; Damped oscillations; Forced oscillations and Resonance . 8. Types of waves :Transverse and Longitudinal; Traveling waves ; Wave speed ; The wave equation ; Power and intensity in wave motion ; Reflection and transmission of wave ; The principle of superposition ; Interference of waves ; Standing waves ; Resonance 9. Macroscopic and microscopic description of matter; Concept of temperature and thermal equilibrium (zeroth law of thermodynamics); Measuring temperature; Thermal expansion of solids and liquids. 10. Heat; Work; First Law of Thermodynamics; Thermodynamic Processes. No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Experimental General Physics for Engineering I PHYS 192 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 3 College Requirements Catalog Description This is the Lab-based course covering the subject matter of PHYS 191 .The course presents an introduction to the methods of experimental physics Emphasis is on developing student’s skills in experimental techniques, data analysis, and scientific reporting of lab work. During the course students execute a series of experiments on Kinematics of motion, kinetic and potential energy, Oscillatory motion, Thermal properties of matter, and Viscosity. The course includes computer based experiments on Classical Mechanics. Pre-requisites or Text Book References Concurrent requirement PHYS 191 * General Physics (1) Laboratory Manual, Compiled by members of staff of Physics program, QU. The progress report of GPL development committee (20052006) * An Introduction to error Analysis, Taylor, University Science Books, Oxford Univ. Press. * Physics Laboratory Experiments, Wilson & Hernandez Hall, Houghton Mifflin Company. * Experiments in Physics, Daryl & Preston, Wiley. * Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Giancoli, Prentice Hall. Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett, Thomson- Brooks/Cole. * Physics, Cutnell & Johnson, Wiley. * Fundamental of Physics, Halliday & Resnick, Wiley. * Physics, Walker, Prentice Hall Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: * Enable students to appreciate and explore the experimental foundations of the theoretical concepts, basic principles and fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics, oscillatory motion and thermodynamics. * Develop student’s aptitude to measure, analyze, model and report a data of natural phenomena. * Provide students with generic skills which will be of great use in his/her field of study e.g. collaborative learning analytical thinking, and quantitative and symbolic reasoning. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Test experimentally some of the physical laws and theories taught in lecture room. CLO 2. Fit observed data with mathematically modeled physical phenomenon. CLO 3. Use a variety of physical measuring devices e.g. Micrometer, Vernier Caliper, Stop watch, Power Supply, Voltmeter, Ammeter, and CRO. CLO 4. Estimate the uncertainty by applying the rules of Standard Deviation in the case of repeated measurements of a single quantity and by employing the technique of LeastSquares Fitting in the case of experiment that involves the measurement of several values of two or more different quantities. CLO 5. Apply the technique of error propagation to estimate and manipulate the uncertainty in directly and indirectly measurement of physical quantities. CLO 6. Evaluate some uncertainty related quantities, namely accuracy and precision, confidence level, discrepancy, and significance of a discrepancy, and utilize them to determine the sources of experimental errors, and to discuss how to minimize the uncertainties in the funded results. CLO 7. Incorporate computer in measuring and analyzing the experimental result. CLO 8. Communicate scientific results in a written manner through presenting a word-processed report on the conducted experiment. CLO 9. Measure, determine, and graph the basic components of 1D motion: position, velocity, and acceleration. CLO 10. Verify Newton’s second law experimentally through observing, and measuring some common forces that occur in our everyday life e.g. gravity, g f friction S f & K f , and tensionT . CLO 11. Inspect the laws of conservation of energy for rotating and non-rotating systems. CLO 12. Test practically the correctness of the two conditions of static equilibrium. CLO 13. Analyze experimentally some features of oscillatory and wave motion by studying SHM using simple pendulum, and semi-ideal spring, and examining resonance of closed and open air columns. CLO 14. Check experimentally the Viscosity property of a fluid by measuring the Coefficient of Viscosity of engine oil by Stokes method. CLO 15.Construct simple DC circuit and design simple thermal experiment to measure the mechanical equivalent of heat, and specific heat capacity of a solid Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO a x b x x c d e f g h i j k l x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Orientation . Introduction to Error Analysis/ Part (I). Introduction to Error Analysis/ Part (II) 3 2.Experiment 0: Measurements and Data Analysis 3 3.Experiment 1: Analyzing the kinematic components of 1Dmotion by using motion sensor 3 4.Experiment 2: Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity by studying Free fall 3 5.Experiment 3: Verification of Newton’s Second Law 3 6. Experiment 4: Conservation of mechanical energy 3 7. Experiment 5: Verification of Work –energy theorem 3 8. Experiment 6: Static Equilibrium of a rigid object 3 9. Experiment 7: Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity using the Simple Pendulum 3 10. Experiment 8: Verification of Hook’s Law 3 11. Experiment 9: Determination of the speed of Sound in Air using a resonance tube 3 12. Experiment 10: Determination of the Coefficient of Viscosity 3 13. Experiment 11: Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat 3 14. Experiment 12: Determination of Specific Heat Capacity of a solid 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program General Physics for Engineering II PHYS 193 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 4 Lab Hours Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description This is the second semester, calculus-based introductory physics course that follows PHYS191. It is a Continuation of the survey of principles of classical physics presented in PHYS 191. Topics studied include Electrostatics, Electric charge and electric field , Coulomb's law, electric potentials, Capacitance and dielectric , currents, , Resistance Ohm's law, Electromotive force , Direct current circuits, magnetism, Magnetic field and magnetic forces, Sources of magnetic field , Biot-Savart Law, and Ampere’s law , induction, Faraday’s Law ,Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic radiation, wave motion, and physical and geometrical optics. Pre-requisites PHYS 191, PHYS 192 or Text Book References Concurrent requirement Calculus- based General Physics textbooks, for example: and Engineers with Modern Physics, Giancoli, Prentice Hall. Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, Randall D. Knight, Addison Wesley. University Physics, Hough D. Young, Addison Wesley. Johnson, Wiley. Physics, Walker, Prentice Hall. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: The aim of this course is to electricity & magnetism. tackle, analyze, and solve simple electromagnetic problems in terms of the electric and magnetic fields. Convey to students the significance of electromagnetic effects in life and modern technology. students with generic skills which will be of great use in his/her field of study e.g. critical thinking, participatory learning, and quantitative and symbolic reasoning. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Explain the origin of electromagnetic phenomena in view of modern atomic theory. CLO 2. Define and calculate the basic physical quantities of electrostatics for the case of simple static charge distribution; namely: Coulomb’s force, electrostatic field, electric Flux, electrostatic potential, voltage, and capacitance. CLO 3. Represent the electric and magnetic field graphically for various charge distributions. CLO 4. Draw the equipotential lines of electric potential for various simple charge configurations. CLO 5. Define and calculate the basic physical quantities of Magnetostatics for the case of simple steady current distribution; namely magnetic force, magnetic field, and magnetic dipole moment. CLO 6. Describe and explain the effects due to the electric and magnetic properties of materials. CLO 7. Classify matter according to its response to external magnetic field: Ferromagnetism, Paramagnetism, and Diamagnetism. CLO 8. Define and determine the basic quantities of 1D steady electrodynamics; specifically: current, current density, voltage, Resistance, resistivity, conductivity, emf, and power. CLO 9. Explain the formation of Eddy’s current in a conducting materials. CLO 10. Illustrate the phenomena of electromagnetic induction and self and mutual inductance. CLO 11. state the fundamental laws and theorems of Electricity & Magnetism in their integral and differential forms , namely: Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, Ohm’s Law , Kirchhoff’s Rules ,Lorentz force law, Biot-Savart law, Ampere’s circuital theorem, Faraday’s law, and Lenz’s law. CLO 12. Apply the knowledge of the fundamental laws and theorems of Electricity & Magnetism in solving problems involving simple dynamic charge configurations. B.6. Analyze simple DC and AC circuits. CLO 13. State the fundamental equations that govern all electromagnetic phenomena, Maxwell’s four equations. CLO 14. State the basic properties of electromagnetic waves. CLO 15. Explain the fundamental laws of geometrical optics. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 a x x b c d e f g h i Principal Topics Covered j k l No: of 50 min lectures 1. Electric charge; Coulomb’s law; Superposition of forces; Electric field; Electric fields of simple geometric static charge configuration; Electric field lines; Electric field around conductors in e.s. equilibrium; Electric dipole field; dipole moment and torque on a dipole. Concept of field; Electric field flux and Gauss’s law. 12 2. 10/13 Profile of Physics Courses Servicing Engineering III.4. Course Topics & Matrix Topics To Be Covered Teaching Duration Learning Outcomes Assessment Tools Part(I) Electrostatics: Electric charge; Coulomb’s law; Superposition of forces; Electric field; Electric fields of simple geometric static charge configuration; Electric field lines; Electric field around conductors in e.s. equilibrium; Electric dipole field; dipole moment and torque on a dipole. Concept of field; Electric field flux and Gauss’s law. 4 Weeks A.1, A.2, A.3, A.6 potential difference (Voltage); Equipotential lines; Energy stored in simple charge configurations, Potential due Electric dipole. 5 3. Capacitors and their capacitance; Capacitors in series and in parallel; Energy stored in a capacitor. 5 4. Current; resistance and Voltage ; Ohm’s law; Resistivity; Conductivity; Electromotive force(emf) ; Power ; Kirchhoff’s laws; RC circuits 6 5. Gauss’s law in magnetism ; Lorentz’s force law; Force on a current-carrying wire; Force between current-carrying wires; Torque on a current loop; Magnetic field; Magnetic field due to steady current; Magnetic dipoles; Ampere’s law; Biot-Savart Law; magnetic flux; Magnetic materials: Dia-,Para-, and Ferro-magnetism 7 6. Induced emf; Faraday's law; Lenz's law; Energy stored in a magnetic field. Eddy currents; Inductors; Mutual and self inductance; Energy stored in an inductor; Transformers. 5 7. AC voltage and current; simple Ac circuits and applications; Impedance and phases. LR, LC, and LRC circuits 5 8. Ampere's law and displacement current; Maxwell's equations; Electromagnetic waves; Light and electromagnetic wave; Geometrical optics. 5 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Experimental General Physics for Engineering II PHYS 194 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours 3 3 College Requirements Catalog Description This is the Lab course covering the subject matter of PHYS 193. The course presents an introduction to the methods of experimental physics. Emphasis is on experimental, data analysis, and written presentation skills of lab work. During the course students execute a series of experiments on electrostatic fields, Magnetic fields, Induction, DC circuits, and AC circuits. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement PHYS 193 Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a x b x c d e f g x h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Calculus III MATH 211 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 4 Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description Vector calculus. Functions of several variables. Differentials and applications. Double and triple integrals Pre-requisites MATH 102 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Calculus, by H. Anton, I. Bivens, and S. Davis, 8th Edition, 2002, Wiley. References * Calculus with Analytic Geometry, By C. H. Edwards and D. E. Penny, 5th Edition, 1998, Prentice Hall. * Calculus: Late Transcendental Single and Multivariable By Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis, 8th Edition, 2005, John Wiley and sons, Inc. * Calculus:One and Several Variables by Satunino L. Salas, Garret J. Etgen and Einar Hille; 10th ed 2007, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: * To develop the notion of vectors and their properties in the plane and the 3-dimensional space. * To present the calculus of vector-valued functions and curves. * To develop the ability to differentiate functions of several variables and use it to solve practical problems * To provide students with the skills of multiple integration for functions of several variables and its application to practical problems. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Recognize the 3-space in different types of coordinates systems. CLO 2. Do operations on vectors. CLO 3. Identify different types of equations of lines, planes and surfaces. CLO 4. Recognize different types of calculus operations of vector-valued functions. CLO 5. Find arc length, unit tangent and normal vectors. CLO 6. Identify the basic properties of the real-valued functions of several variables. CLO 7. Evaluate limits of functions, and discuss their continuity and partial derivatives. CLO 8. Find directional derivatives and gradients and identify their properties. CLO 9. Solve optimization problems involving two or three variables. CLO 10. Evaluate multiple integrals in different types of coordinates systems. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Rectangular Coordinate systems in 3-space. Vectors 2. Dot product, projections. Cross product 3. Parametric equations of a line. Planes in 3-space 4. Introduction to vector-valued functions. Calculus of vector-valued functions 5. Change of parameters, Arc Length. Unit Tangent, Normal and Binormal vectors 6. Curvature 7. Quadric Surfaces. Functions of two or more variables 8. Limits and continuity. Partial derivatives 9. Differentiability, Local Linearity. The Chain rule 10. Directional derivatives and gradients. Tangent planes and normal vectors 11. Maxima and minima of functions of two variables. Lagrange multipliers 12. Double integrals. Double integrals over non rectangular regions 13. Double integrals in polar coordinates. Triple integrals 14. Cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Triple integrals in cylindrical and Spherical coordinates No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Probability and Statistics for Engineers GENG 200 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 0 3 College Requirements Catalog Description Classification of Data. Graphical representation. Arithmetical description. Probability theory, probability of an event and composite events. Addition rule and multiplication rule, independent events. Counting techniques. Random variables and probability distributions. Expected values. Continuous and discrete random variables. Normal distribution. Binomial distribution. Poisson distribution. Joint and marginal probability distributions. Independence of random variables. Covariance and correlation. Random sampling. Unbiased estimates. Statistical intervals and test of hypothesis for a single sample. Pre-requisites MATH 102 or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers by Montgomery, D. C. and Runger, G. C., 4th ed., Wiley, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-471-74589-1. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by Jay Devore. Sixth Edition, Thomson Publishing, 2004 Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Al-Hitmi Course Goals: 1. Provide students with statistical methods, both descriptive and analytical, for dealing with the variability in observed data. 2. Provide students with fundamental concepts of probability and random variables. 3. Introducing concepts of Statistical Inference and Hypothesis testing and confidence intervals of parameters. 4. Emphasize practical engineering-based applications and the use of real data examples Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Differentiate between a random process and a deterministic process. 2. Deal with sampled data; analyze it using several measures, and present it graphically. 3. Be familiar with probability theory and its applications. 4. Deal with both discrete and continuous random variables. 5.Link the normal distribution to many populations in practice. 6. Design good estimators for various parameters of different populations. 7. Judge statistical hypotheses by carrying statistical tests, using different significance levels. 8. Use statistical software (Excel, Matlab or any other appropriate one) for statistical analysis Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction, Data Summary and Presentation 3 Probability: Addition rule, conditional probability, multiplication rule and Bayes Theorem. 3 Discrete random variables. Probability mass function. Mean and variance of discrete random variables. 3 Probability Distribution functions: Uniform, Binomial, Geometric and Negative Binomial, Hyper-geometric and Poisson Distribution. 6 Continuous random variables. Probability Density functions. 3 Normal Distribution. Approximation to Binomial and Poisson Distribution. Exponential distribution. Other continuous distributions. 3 Joint probability function. Multiple discrete and continuous random variables. 3 Covariance and correlation. Bivariate Normal Distribution. Linear combination of random variables. Functions of random variables. 6 Parameter estimation. Properties of estimators. Method of Moments. Method of Maximum likelihood. 3 Interval estimation. Inference on the mean of a population: variance known or unknown. Inference on the variance of a normal population 3 Hypothesis testing about the mean and Proportion: Small and Large Sample 3 Hypothesis testing: Two Populations 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Mathematics for Engineers MATH 217 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 4 Lab Hours 0 Contact Hours 4 College Requirements Catalog Description First-Order Differential Equations: Initial-value problem. separable variables. Homogeneous equations. Exact equations. Li-near equations. Integrating factor. Bernoulli equation. Applications. Second-Order Differential Equations: Initial-value and Boundary-value problems. Linear differential operators. Reduction of order. Homogeneous equations with constant coefficients. Non-homogeneous equations. Method of undetermined coefficients. method of variation of parameters. some nonlinear equations. Applications. Higher order Differential Equations. Laplace Transforms: Definitions. Properties. Inverse Laplace transforms. Solving initial-value problems. Special functions: Heavyside unit step function. Convolution theorem. System of Linear Differential Equations: Definitions. Elimination method. Application of Linear Algebra. Homogeneous linear systems. Non-homogeneous linear systems. Solving systems by Laplace transforms. Series Solutions: Cauchy-Euler equation method. Solutions about ordinary points. Solutions about singular points. Method of Frobenius. Second Solutions and Logarithm terms. ? Partial Differential Equations: Some mathematical models. Fourier series solutions. Method of separation of variables. The D’Alembert solution of the wave equation. Pre-requisites MATH 211 or Text Book References Concurrent requirement Fundamentals of Differential Equations bound with IDE CD (5th Edition) by Nagle, Saff and Snider * Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Peter V. O’Neil - Thomson 2007. * Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Erwin Kreyszig – John Wiley & Sons. Inc. 9th Edition, 2006. * Differential Equations with Boundary Problems, by D. G. Zill & M.R. Cullen.6th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 2005. ISBN: 0-534-41887-2 Course Coordinator: Course URL: Course Goals: The main objective of this course is to develop understanding of the basic concepts of ordinary and partial differential equations. Specific objectives include: Differential Equations. Engineering problems in an elegant way which are of practical importance. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Classify differential equations by type, order and linearity CLO 2. Determine the solution of linear and nonlinear first order differential equations by using various techniques CLO 3. Solve non-homogeneous second order differential equations by using the method of undetermined coefficients and the method of variation of parameters CLO 4. Solve some non-linear differential equations CLO 5. Use Laplace transforms to solve initial value problems CLO 6. Find the solution of systems of differential equations by using the eigenvalue-eigenvector method CLO 7. Solve applied problems using first order differential equation models CLO 8. Apply second order differential equations to solve vibration models based on real life problems CLO 9. Use the power series method at regular and singular points to solve differential equations CLO 10. Employ the methods of separation and D'Alembert’s solution to obtain the solution of known partial differential equations including Laplace, heat and wave equations. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO a x x x x x x x x x x b c d e f g h i Principal Topics Covered j k l No: of 50 min lectures 1. Chapter One. Basic Definitions and Terminology: Motivation, Definitions, Classification by type, Classification by order, Linearity, Solutions. 3 2. Chapter two. First-Order Differential Equations: Initial-value problem, Separable variables, Homogeneous equations, Exact equations.Linear equations, Integrating factor, Bernoulli equation, Applications. 6 3. Chapter three. Second-Order Differential Equations: Initial-value and Boundary-value problems, Linear differential operators, Reduction. Of order, Homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Nonhomogeneous equations, Method of undetermined coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Some non-linear equations, Applications, Higher order Differential Equations. 9 4. Chapter Four. Laplace Transforms: Definitions, Properties, Inverse Laplace transforms, Solving initial-value problems. Special functions: Heavyside unit step function, Periodic function, Dirac delta function, Convolution theorem. 9 5. Chapter Five. Systems of Linear Differential Equations: Definitions, Elimination method, Application of Linear Algebra, Homogeneous linear systems, Solving systems by Laplace transforms. 6 6. Chapter six. Series Solutions: Cauchy-Euler equations, Solutions about ordinary points, Solutions about singular points. Method of Frobenius, Second solutions and Logarithm terms. 6 7. Chapter seven. Partial Differential Equations: Some mathematical models, Fourier series solutions, Method of separation of variables, The D’Alembert solution, Applications. 9 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of approval: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Electric Ciruits ELEC 201 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 5 College Requirements Catalog Description Basic Concepts: Voltage, current, power, and energy. Independent and dependent voltage and current sources. DC Circuits Analysis: Ohms law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws. Series and parallel DC circuits’ analysis, nodal analysis, and mesh analysis. Superposition, source transformation, and maximum power transfer theorems, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Capacitance and Inductance: series and parallel connections of capacitors and inductors. AC Circuits Analysis: Sinusoidal sources, rms value, phasor representation, complex impedances. Kirchhoff’s laws in the phasor domain, parallel and series AC circuits. Experiments will be conducted to support the course including the use of computer software for circuit analysis. Pre-requisites or Concurrent requirement Text Book MATH 102, PHYS 193 References Alexander and Sadiku “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits” Third Edition McGraw Hill. Nilsson and Riedel “Electric Circuits” Seventh edition Prentice Hall. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Al-Hitmi Course Goals: 1.Introduce fundamental concepts of electric circuits. 2.Provide students with basic electric circuits analysis techniques. 3.Emphasize practical engineering-based application. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1.Define concepts of electric current, voltage, power, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws. 2.Use Ohm’s Law in series and parallel connections. 3.Use Thevenin’s theorem and Maximum power transfer and superposition theorems for circuit analysis. 4.Apply nodal and mesh analysis to solve DC circuits. 5.Apply superposition and source transformation methods to solve DC circuits. 6.Be familiar with inductors and capacitors properties. 7.Be familiar with the concept of phasors. 8.Solve series/parallel AC circuits. 9.Be familiar with essential EE instruments such as Digital Multimeters, and be able to conduct dc circuit experiments. 10.Be able to analyze electric circuit using simulation software. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Electric current, voltage, power, and voltage and current sources 3 Kirchhoff’s current law and Kirchhoff’s voltage law 3 Ohm’s law and series/parallel connections of resistors 3 Series/parallel DC circuit analysis 3 Nodal analysis 3 Mesh analysis 3 Superposition theorem 3 Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s theorem 3 Source transformation and maximum power transfer theorem 3 Capacitance and capacitors series/parallel connections 3 Inductance and inductors series/parallel connections 3 Sinusoidal sources and phasor representation 3 Phasor relationships for circuit elements 3 Series/parallel AC circuit analysis 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Numerical Methods GENG 300 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 5 College Requirements Catalog Description The numerical methods course involves solving engineering problems drawn from all fields of engineering. The numerical methods include: error analysis, roots of nonlinear algebraic equations, solution of linear and transcendental simultaneous equations, matrix and vector manipulation, curve fitting and interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. Pre-requisites GENG 106, MATH 211 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Chapra S. C., 2nd edition, McGraw- Hill, 2007. ISBN13: 9780071259217, ISBN10: 007125921X Chapra S.C. and R.P. Canale (2006) Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th edition, McGraw- Hill. References Course Coordinator: Dr. Shaheen A. Al-Muhtaseb Course URL: Course Goals: To introduce students to the mostly used numerical methods in the different engineering fields. The course is not theorem-oriented one. The emphasis will be on understanding the concepts of the numerical methods and on applying these concepts for solving various problems. MATLAB and Microsoft Excel will be used as tools to solve the problems using the different numerical methods. Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Be aware of the mathematical background for the different numerical methods introduced in the course . 2. Understand the different numerical methods to solve the algebraic equations and to solve system of linear and non linear equations. 3. Understand the different numerical methods for interpolation, differentiation, integration and solving set of ordinary differential equations . 4. Understand how numerical methods afford a mean to generate solutions in a manner that can be implemented on digital computers. 5. Use the built in functions in MATLAB and EXCEL. 6. Create MATLAB functions for solving numerical engineering problems. 7. Work on multidisciplinary projects. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Programming with MATLAB (Chapters 1, 2, 3) Error Analysis (Chapter4) 2 Roots finding (Chapters 5, 6) 4 Solving system of linear equations (Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) 6 Curve Fitting (Chapters 13, 14) 4 Polynomial Interpolation (Chapter 15,16) 4 Integration and differentiation (Chapters 17, 18, 19) 4 Ordinary differential equations (Chapters 20) 4 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Economics GENG 360 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 5 College Requirements Catalog Description Principles of Engineering Economy. Equivalence and compound interest formula. Single payment model. Uniform payment model. Gradient payment model. Decision criteria for single and multiple alternatives: Present worth, annual worth, future worth, internal rate of return, and benefit cost ratio. Before and after tax analysis. Pre-requisites MATH 102 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Engineering Economy, Leland Blank and Anthony Tarquin, 6th Edition, McGrawHill, 2005. ISBN 13: 9780071109017, ISBN 10: 0071109013 References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Elsadig M. Saad Course Goals: 1. Provide students with fundamental concepts of engineering economics. 2. Provide students with economical methods to compare and evaluate alternatives based on present, annual, rate of return, and benefit over cost analyses. 3. Emphasize practical engineering-based applications and the use of real data examples Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in engineering economics. This includes single payment, uniform series, arithmetic gradient, and nominal and effective interest rates. 2. Evaluate alternatives based on • Present worth analysis • Annual worth analysis • Benefic/Cost analysis • Internal rate of return analysis 3. Calculate depreciations and understand the impact of inflation 4. Use computer software to perform economical analyses 5. Perform before and after tax analysis 6. Perform breakeven analysis for a single project and between two alternatives 7. Recognize the economic impact of engineering solution Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction: Investment Explained. 3 Interest and Financial Mathematics. Simple interest. Compound interest. Graphical Conventions Single Payment. Uniform Series. Arithmetic Gradient Nominal and Effective Interest Rates Interest and Principal Separation 6 Present Worth Analysis. Present Worth Analysis. Investment in Bonds. Use computer software (MS Excel) to perform basic economical analyses 6 Annual Worth Analysis 3 Rate of Return Analysis 3 Analysis of Public Projects. The Benefit-Cost-Analysis 3 Depreciation Methods Depreciation Analysis using Computer software (MS Excel) 6 Income Taxes. After tax analyses 6 Effects of Inflation, Loans 3 Breakeven Analysis 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Linear Algebra MATH 231 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 0 3 College Requirements Catalog Description Systems of linear equations. Matrices and matrix operations. Determinants. Vector spaces. Linear transformations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Pre-requisites MATH 101 or Concurrent requirement Text Book "Elementary Linear Algebra", by H. Anton, ninth edition ,John Wiley &Sons,2005. References dex.html - Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Shokri Nada Course Goals: Linear Algebra is one of the most indispensible mathematical tools that is widely employed by scientist and engineers . This introductory linear algebra course is a prerequisite for most upper year Mathematically oriented science and engineering courses. It provides an introduction to the basic concepts and theories that form the foundation of Linear Algebra. The topics covered include system of linear equations, matrices, determinant, vector spaces, linear transformations and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Throughout the course applications of these topics will be considered Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: The main objective of this course is to develop understanding of the basic concepts of linear algebra with a particular focus on matrices and vector spaces. Specific objectives include: CLO 1. Linear Systems: Introduce systems of linear equations and develop the skills to solve them. CLO 2. Matrices: To introduce matrices and their properties. CLO 3. Determinants: To acquaint students with the properties of determinant and to learn about their applications. CLO 4. Vector Spaces: To familiarize students with the theories of vector spaces. CLO 5. Linear Transformation: To learn about the theories and applications of linear transformations. CLO 6. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: To learn about eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 a x x x x x x b c d e f g h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction to system of linear equations, row Operations. 3 Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan eliminations, homo Gaussian eliminations , system homogenous system Matrices and matrix operations ,matrix arithmetic. 3 Elementary matrices and a method for finding the inverse of a matrix A ( A-1 ). Further results on systems of equations and inevitability. 3 Diagonal, triangular and symmetric matrices. 3 The determinant function, evaluating determinant by row reduction. 3 Properties of the determinant function, cofactor expansion, Cramer's rule. 3 Real vector spaces, and vector subspaces. 3 Linear independence, spanning set of a vector space. 3 Basis and dimension, plus minus theorem. 3 Row space, column space, null space, rank and nullity 3 Linear transformations, kernel and range 3 Inverse linear transformation, matrices of general linear transformations. 3 The transition matrix from a basis to another basis, Eigen values and eigenvectors 3 Diagonalization, applications 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Shokri Nada Approved by: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Measurements MECH 213 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours 1 Contact Hours 3 4 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Introduction to techniques of engineering measurements. Data acquisition and processing systems. Calibration of instruments, response time, and error analysis. Measurements of basic physical quantities (for example force, stress, strain, temperature, viscosity, pressure, velocity, flow rate, heat flux, surface irregularities, frequency) . Carry out and design laboratory experiment Pre-requisites GENG 200, PHYS 193 or Concurrent requirement Text Book J. P. Holman, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, Seventh Edition, McGrawHill, New York, 2001. E. O. Doebelin , “Engineering Experimentation: Planning, Execution, Reporting”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1995 References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Khawaja Course Goals: To familiarize students with fundamentals of engineering measurement. Introduce them to measurement units, sensors, techniques and terminologies. To be able to conduct error and regression analysis. It also train students to conduct and design experiments to constraints. Course Contribution: This course helps in courses at higher levels with requirement of measurement techniques. Courses include MECH 441-Energy Systems Laboratory, MECH 498- Senior Project, Other embedded labs in senior courses. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Students will demonstrate ability in planning and performing experiments, data acquisition, and in writing laboratory reports. CLO 2. Students will successfully perform experiments in teams and prepare reports. A standard format is used for reports, graphs, charts, and calculations. CLO 3. Students will demonstrate an understanding of data acquisition from sensors used in various mechanical engineering fields. CLO 4. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles, calibration, and use of basic instruments. CLO 5. Students will demonstrate an understanding of sensitivity and resolution, random and bias errors, uncertainties, and precision and accuracy in evaluating data. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Basic Concepts 3 2. Analysis of Experimental Data 6 3. Temperature and Pressure Measurements 6 4. Fluid Mass Flow Rate Measurement 6 5. Fluid Velocity and Volume Flow Rate Measurements 3 6. Experiment on Weights and Length Measurement 6 7. Measurement of Centrifugal Forces 3 8. Experiment on Spring Stiffness 3 9. Computerized Data Acquisition 3 10. Oral Exam 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Saud Ghani Approved by: Date of approval: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Solid Mechanics MECH 223 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 1 4 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Axial stress and strain, statically indeterminate members, thermal stresses. Multiaxial loading. Torsion of circular shafts, flexture of beams, transverse loading, combined stresses. Carryout laboratory experiments Pre-requisites or GENG 221 Concurrent requirement GENG 210 Text Book References F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnston, Jr. Mechanics of Materials,5th Edition, McGraw-Hill 2009, ISBN-13 9780077221409 R. C. Hibbeler, “Mechanics of Materials, 8/E, Pearson International, Prentice Hall, (2011), ISBN-13: 9780136022305. William Bickford. Mechanics of Solids. Richard D. Irwin, INC (1992), ISBN-10: 0256139407 Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Qaradawi Course Goals: Students will be able to understand and apply the principles of stress and strain under different loading conditions and determine principal stresses under combined loadings Course Contribution: This course introduces principles of stress analysis needed in higher level design courses. Problems in mechanics addressing societal needs, from infrastructure to transportation to modern materials. This course supports MECH 323 and MECH 421. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Understand concept of stress and strain. CLO 2. Understand relation between stress and strain CLO 3. Ability to identify and solve statically indeterminate problems CLO 4. Ability to analyze and design circular shafts under torsion CLO 5. Ability to analyze stress conditions in beams under general eccentric loading CLO 6. Ability to determine shear stress and shear flow in beams under transverse loading CLO 7. Ability to transform stress Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 a x x x x x x x b c x x x x d e x x x x x f g h x x i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Axial stresses 6 Stress - strain relation 6 Torsion 9 Bending 9 Shearing stresses 6 Stress transformation 3 Principal stresses 6 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Mohammed Qaradaw Approved by: Date of approval: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Thermodynamics MECH 342 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 2 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Steam and gas power cycles. Ideal and Actual cycles. Refrigeration cycles: ideal and actual vapor compression cycle, gas refrigeration cycles, absorption systems. Thermodynamic relations. Gas mixtures: Dalton and Amagats principles. Gas-vapor mixtures: dew point, adiabatic saturation process, Psychrometric chart, air conditioning processes. Chemical reactions with application to combustion processes: Enthalpy of formation, A/F ratio, enthalpy of reaction, Adiabatic flame temperature. Carry out laboratory experiments. Pre-requisites MECH 241 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”. By: Y. Cengel and M. Boles, 5th Edition, 2006, Publisher : McGraw Hill Comp References Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, Gordon J. Van Wylen M.Moran and H. Shapiro Burghardt and J. Harbach Course Coordinator: Dr. Mohammed Khawaja Course URL: Course Goals: Students will be able to solve problems in power and refrigeration cycles, students will be able to conduct combustion analysis in relation to power cycles and air-conditioning processes Course Contribution: This course supports MECH 441, MECH 399 ,MECH 344 and MECH 448 Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. To be able to analyze and solve problems related to power (vapor and gas) and refrigeration cycles. CLO 2. To understand thermodynamic relations including the behavior of real gases. CLO 3. To be able to solve gas mixture problems including P-v-T behavior and properties of ideal gas mixtures. CLO 4. To understand and solve some problems related to air-conditioning applications, such as gasvapor mixture. CLO 5. To be able to handle the problems of chemical reactions, such as combustion processes. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Quick Review 3 Vapor power cycles 6 Refrigeration cycles 3 Gas power cycles 9 Thermodynamic Relations 6 Mixture and Solutions (Gas-vapor Mixture) 6 Chemical Reactions 9 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Heat Transfer MECH 344 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 2 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Introductory remarks. Conduction: one dimensional conduction in various geometries, conduction with volumetric energy sources, conduction through composite medium, extended surfaces (fins). Transient conduction. Forced convection: boundary layers, internal and external flows (laminar and turbulent). Natural convection: external flow and flow in enclosures. Basic introduction of heat exchangers. Radiation: properties, shape factor, analysis of radiation in a non-participating media. Carry out laboratory experiments Pre-requisites MECH 241, MATH 217, MECH 343 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach”, by Yunus A. Cengel.,3rd Edition, 2006, McGraw-Hill Heat Transfer: A Basic Approach”, by M. Necati Ozisik, 1985, McGraw-Hill. References Wiley. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Khawaja Course Goals: Students will be able to carry out analysis of thermal systems using fundamentals of heat transfer. They will also be introduced to heat exchangers. Course Contribution: This course contributes to MECH 448. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Be able to solve problems related to basic steady-and-unsteady conduction for 1-D and 2-D for single and composite mediums. CLO 2. Be able to handle the problems of the heat transfer from extended surfaces (fins). CLO 3. Be able to solve problems related to forced convections; flow inside a duct and over a body; laminar and turbulent flows. CLO 4. Be able to solve the natural convection problems for different geometries; laminar and turbulent flows. CLO 5. Have a basic understanding of radiation such as radiation exchange among black and real surfaces. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 a x x x x x b x x x c d e x x x x x f g h i j k x x x x x l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction and Concept (conduction, convection, & radiation) 3 Conduction (Basic Equations) including Steady 1-D and 2-D 6 Composite Medium conduction 3 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 3 Transient Conduction & Use of Temperature Charts 3 Composite Medium conduction 4 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 3 Transient Conduction & Use of Temperature Charts 4 Basic Concepts of Convection (Forced Convection) 5 Natural Convection 3 Composite Medium conduction 4 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 3 Transient Conduction & Use of Temperature Charts 4 Basic Concepts of Convection (Forced Convection) 5 Natural Convection 3 Composite Medium conduction 4 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 3 Transient Conduction & Use of Temperature Charts 4 Basic Concepts of Convection (Forced Convection) 5 Natural Convection 3 Composite Medium conduction 4 Heat Transfer from Finned Surfaces 3 Transient Conduction & Use of Temperature Charts 4 Basic Concepts of Convection (Forced Convection) 5 Natural Convection 3 Basic Concepts of Convection (Forced Convection) 9 Natural Convection 3 Radiation among Surfaces 12 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Manufacturing Processes MECH 230 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 2 Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Engineering materials, introduction to entrepreneurship, manufacturing processes: casting, welding, forming, sheet metal working and joining processes. Hand work and hand tools, concept of machining processes, turning, drilling milling, and grinding. Metrological concepts. Industrial safety. Laboratory experiments. Pre-requisites GENG 231 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement S. Kalpakjian and S. Schmid (2006).: Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-197639-7, Handouts, Video John A. Schey (2000).: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-116911-3 S. Kalpakjian (1997).: Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 3th Edition, Addison Wesley Ltd, ISBN 0-201-30411-2 Groover, Mike P., Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems.Pretince Hall, New Jersey, 1996 Dr. Tahir Khan Course Goals: To bring to the students an appreciation for the complexity, depth and breadth of Manufacturing To provide students with an understanding of the importance of manufacturing process to the economy and design. To provide students with an understanding of manufacturing processes - Concepts - Examples - Application in the real world - Significance to design Course Contribution: Course Learning Outcomes: CLO1. Understanding the terminologies and the bases of selecting a manufacturing process CLO2. Conduct break even analysis for industrial project CLO3. Develop some Entrepreneurship skills and Business Concept CLO4. Select engineering materials required for certain product CLO5. Determine product sequence of a parts using hand tools CLO6. Use of different measuring tools CLO7. Understand basic principles of metal cutting CLO8. Understand Casting process and Plastic Injection and their application in industry CLO9. Understand the basic of metal forming processes and their applications CLO10. Understand different welding techniques CLO11. Be aware of the safety and enviromental issues related to manufacturing processes. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO a x b c d e f x g h x x x i j k l x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Course introduction, application areas and course roadmap. Mechanical Behavior, Testing and Properties Selection of Engineering Materials: Metals, Alloy, Polymer, Ceramic and Composite Solidification, Fluid Flow, Fluidity of metal, heat transfer and defects. Casting Techniques Design Considerations in Casting and Economics Forging Process Plastic Injection Introduction, shearing, formability, bending, deep drawing, springback phonemuna. Fundamentals of metal cutting, Mechanical of Metal Cutting, Turning - Drilling – ShapingMilling and grinding machines cutting tools and cutting fluids Metal joining - Fusion welding (Gas welding - Manual metal arc welding MMA - MIG and TIG welding - Submerged arc welding SAW) - Resistance welding - Pressure welding - Friction welding. Safety and Enviromental Issues No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Thermofluids MECH 241 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 2 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Fundamental knowledge of basic concepts and definitions used in thermal science. Basic hydrostatics and atmospheric science .Properties of pure substances, ideal gases. Work and heat. The first law of thermodynamics and its application to systems and control volumes. The second law of thermodynamics and the concept of efficiency. The entropy and irreversibility. Basic evaluation techniques of heat transfer modes involving conduction, convection and radiation Pre-requisites MATH 101 or Concurrent requirement Text Book Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”. By: Y. Cengel and M. Boles, 8th Edition, 2010, Publisher : McGraw Hill Comp 1.“Thermal Fluid Sciences: An Integrated Approach”, Stephen R. Turns, 2006, Cambridge university press. 2."Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamic”, 6th Ed., 2002, Wiley, By: Richard E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke, Gordon J. Van Wylen 3. “Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics”, 5th Ed., 2003, Wiley, By: M.Moran and H. Shapiro. References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Samer Fikry Course Goals: This basic and fundamental course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of thermal science. Namely, Fundamentals of Thermofluids, Hydrostatic Science, Elementary Fluid Mechanics and Introduction to Heat Transfer Course Contribution: Instruction in this course incorporates a number of activities: lectures, in-class and take home exercises and presentations and discussions for enhancing students understanding of thermodynamics. In addition, lab experiments are performed on selected course topics.It supports MECH 342, MECH 399, MECH 441, MECH 344, MECH 448 Course Learning Outcomes: 1. To provide students fundamental knowledge of basic concepts, fluids and systems used in thermal science including thermodynamic laws, work and heat. 2. To teach students the significance of dimensionless numbers. 3. To teach students the basic continuity, energy and momentum equations, and their applications to thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. 4. To teach students the basic hydrostatics and its applications to atmosphere. 5. To teach basic evaluation techniques of heat transfer processes involving conduction, convection and radiation. 6. Conduct basic experiment in thermofluids science. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1) Basic Concepts System and control volume (C.V.), Properties and state of a substance, Fundamental knowledge of basic concepts and definitions used in thermal science. Basic hydrostatic science 4 2) Properties of Pure Substances Vapor-liquid-solid phase equilibrium in a pure substance, Equation of state for the vapor phase of a simple compressible substance, Tables of thermodynamics properties (quality) 6 3)Work and HeaTransfer Definition of work, Work done at the moving boundary of a simple compressible system in a quasi-equilibrium process. Basic evaluation techniques of heat transfer modes involving conduction, convection and radiation. 5 4)Conservation of Enery principle 1st law of thermodynamics for a system undergoing a cycle, 1st law of thermodynamics for a, change in state of a system, Internal energy, enthalpy, The constant-volume and constant, pressure specific heats, Internal energy, enthalpy and specific heats for ideal gases, Conservation of mass and control volume, Steady-state steady flow process (SSSF), Unsteadyflow processes (special case: uniform-flow processes), Continuity equation, The Joule-Thomson Coefficient and throttling process, dimensionless numbers. 7 5)The Second Law of Thermodynamics Statements of 2nd law, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Thermodynamic temperature scale 3 6)Entropy Inequality of Clausius, Entropy of a pure substance, Entropy change in a reversible process Two important relations, Entropy change of a system during an irreversible process, Lost work, Entropy change of an ideal gas, The irreversible polytropic process for an ideal gas, 2nd law of thermodynamics of C.V., The reversible SSSF process, Reversible steady-flow work, Minimizing the compressor work, Efficiency 5 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Dr. Samer Fikry Approved by: Dr. Saud Ghani Date of preparation: 15/7/2011 Date of approval: 20/7/2011 Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Mechanical Mechanisms MECH 321 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Basic concepts. Kinematics fundamentals. Graphical linkage synthesis. Analysis of displacement, velocity, and acceleration of linkages. Gears and gear trains. Cams and cam design. Force analysis. Balancing of Machines. Carryout laboratory experiments Pre-requisites GENG 222 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement Norton, R.L., Design of Machinery: An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publisher, 2007, ISBN: 9780073290980 - Uicker J. , Pennock G. and Shigley J. : Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, 2003. - Cleghorn, W. L., Mechanics of Machines, Oxford University Press, 2005. With Multimedia CD and Working Model Software. - Wilson., C.E., Saddler, J.P., Michels, W.J., Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, 2nd Edition, Harper and Row, 1991. Dr. Mohammed Roshun Paurobally Course Goals: Help students explore the fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics of machinery in respect to the synthesis of mechanisms in order to accomplish desired motions or tasks. Students will learn the analysis of mechanisms in order to determine their dynamic behavior. Students will learn the fundamental components such as cams linkages and gears in machine design. Course Contribution: Through this course students will learn the basics of Kinematics, the concept and application of computeraided engineering (CAE), and the design process for real engineering problems in practice. These three components will constitute essential prerequisites to Mechanical Design II course. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Understand the motion and compute the number of degrees of freedom for a mechanical mechanism. CLO 2. Draw space diagram for a mechanism using geometrical constraints of motion CLO 3. Write down vector loop equations for a mechanism and find velocity and acceleration analytically by different methods. CLO 4. Draw velocity diagram for a mechanism CLO 5. Draw acceleration diagram for a mechanism CLO 6. Compute forces generated by motion of a mechanism and motor sizing. CLO 7. Design the profile of a cam for a specific motion of the follower. CLO 8. Understand gear design rules and methods to analyze gear trains, and epicyclic gear trains CLO 9. Design and synthesize mechanism for given requirements and specification. CLO 10. Use the ADAMS software for mechanism analysis. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO a x b c d x x x x x x e x x x x x x x x x f g h i j k l x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction to mechanical mechanisms 3 Kinematics fundamentals ( Degree of freedom, Kutzbach, Grashof condition) 3 Position analysis (graphical synthesis, coupler curves ). 3 Position analysis (analytical synthesis) 3 Velocity analysis 6 Acceleration analysis 6 Cams 4 Gear trains, introduction and definitions. 3 Gear trains, analysis of gear trains. 3 Force analysis: superposition method 3 Force analysis: matrix method 3 Project seminar 2 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Woon Jong Yoon Approved by: Date of preparation: 31st March 2010 Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Mechanical Vibrations MECH 322 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 2 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Introduction: elements of vibrating systems, examples of vibratory motions, simple harmonic motion, vector representation. Systems with single and multiple degrees of freedom: linear and torsional vibrations, damped and undamped free vibrations, forced vibrations, vibration isolation. Vibration absorbers. Vibration measurement instruments. Properties of vibrating systems: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, modal matrix and normal mode summation. Field and computer based applications. Carryout laboratory experiments Pre-requisites GENG 222, MATH 217 or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Rao, S. S., Mechanical Vibrations, 4th edition, Addison – Wesley, 2003, ISBN13: 9780130489876 oThomson, W. T and Marie Dillon Dahleh., Theory of Vibration with Applications, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN-13: 9780136510680. oKelly, S. G., Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibrations, McGraw Hill, 1993. Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Roshun Paurobally Course Goals: Students will be able to understand the vibration response of single and multi degree of freedom systems under free and forced excitation for damped and undamped systems. Course Contribution: It supports the needed analysis of vibrational behavior on control systems design courses as well as senior projects Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Understand fundamentals of vibrations (modeling and characterization) CLO 2. Understand SDF vibrational behavior (free and forced) CLO 3. Understand damping effects CLO 4. Understand MDOF vibrational behavior. CLO 5. Ability to determine modal characteristics (natural frequencies and mode shapes). CLO 6. Ability to determine modal response of SDF and MDOF of free and forced vibrations. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 a x x x x x x b c d e x x x x x x f g h i j k l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction: classification, modeling 6 Harmonic Motion 6 Single degree of freedom system 6 Free Vibrations 6 Energy Method 6 Forced Vibrations 6 Multi degree freedom systems 9 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Mechanical Design 1 MECH 323 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Design philosophy and methodology: phases of design process, design consideration, standards and codes. Engineering materials: classification, specification and selection. Factors affecting constructional details: manufacturing and assembly processes, safety, aesthetics and economy. Threedimensional stresses, stress concentration and failure theories. Design for static and fatigue loading. Applications on designing various machine elements such as beams, shafts, springs, fasteners and power-screws. Design of practical mechanical systems. Term projects Pre-requisites GENG 111, MECH 223, MECH 230 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement Richard G Budynas, Keith J Nisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2010), ISBN-13- 9780073529288 - R.C. Juvinall and K.M. Marshek, “Fundaments of Machine Design”, John Wiley & Sons, (2006). - J.E. Shigley and C.R. Mischke – Editors-in-Chief, "Standard Handbook of Machine Design", McGraw Hill Book Co., NY, (1986). - Tyler G. Hicks, “Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2006), ISBN-13- 9780071458863 Dr. Faris Tarlochan Course Goals: Students will be able to design simple machine elements using fundamentals of stress and strain, buckling loads, static failure theories and dynamic loads. Students will be able to work in teams to design, fabricate and present simple machine elements. Course Contribution: It supports the major design experience in MECH 421 . Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1.Apply basic stress and strain analysis techniques to machine elements CLO 2.Analyze and design basic machine elements used in mechanical systems CLO 3.Compute critical buckling loads for column CLO 4.Apply static failure theories to determine the design factor of safety of determine the design factor of safety of machine elements CLO 5.Apply fatigue failure theories to determine the design factor of safety of determine the design factor of safety of machine elements and apply different theories to the design of shafts subject to combined static and dynamic loads CLO 6.Recognize examples of mechanical systems in which the application of the principles discussed in this course is necessary to complete their design CLO 7.Function effectively within engineering work teams CLO 8.Apply a step-by-step procedure for mechanical engineering design problems CLO 9.Use excel and other scientific programs to facilitate mechanical engineering design projects CLO 10.Present design calculations in a professional, neat, and orderly manner that can be understood and evaluated by others knowledgeable in the field of machine design. CLO 11.Design, fabricate and evaluate a mechanical component Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO a x x x x x x b c d x e x x x x x x f g h i j k l x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures - The design process, various phases of design, various factors affecting the design. Design bases. - Function decomposition of mechanical systems, solution principles and creations of alternative solutions. - Decision matrix, decision trees, rough calculations, figures of merits. - Load and stress types and categories. Factors and conditions affecting the choice of factor of safety. Stress concentrations. - Load and stress types and categories. Factors and conditions affecting the choice of factor of safety. Stress concentrations. - Analysis of stress in 2D and 3D states, examples, principal stresses. - Failure types and modes, failure under static loading. - Failure under fatigue dynamic and loading. - Internal forces in shafts and beams, material selection, ASME requirements, fatigue considerations, factors affecting endurance limit, types and design of keys. - Design of fasteners and bolted joints. - Design of welded joints, welding symbols, welding processes - Synthesize and apply acquired knowledge to mini-project and work in team environment. No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Project The design projects will be geared towards real-world machine element design. Attention should be paid to functional analysis, choice of materials, critical point analysis and application of knowledge gained during their mechanical engineering courses. Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Fluid Mechanics MECH 343 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 5 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Fundamental concepts. Properties of fluids. Fluid Statics. Momentum and energy equations, applications. Bernoulli equation, applications. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Introduction to viscous flows and boundary layers. Internal flows, laminar and turbulent flows. Head loss and friction factor. Flow over immersed bodies (external flow). Lift and drag. Carryout laboratory experiments. Pre-requisites GENG 222 or Text Book Concurrent requirement References Fox, W. R., A. T. McDonald and P. J. Pritchard, 2004, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition, Wiley & Sons, New York Roberson, A. J. & Crowe, C. T., 1997, Engineering fluid mechanics, 6th Ed., Wiley, New York Munson, Young & Okiishi, 1998, Fundamental of fluid mechanics, 3rd Ed., Wiley, New York Course Coordinator: Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Sleiti Course URL: Course Goals: Students will understand the fundamental concepts in fluid mechanics such as continuum concepts, shear stresses in newtonian and non-newtonian fluids, laminar and turbulent flows, compressible and incompressible flows. The students will be able to carryout experiments to verify theoretical principles. Course Contribution: It supports MECH 344 and the major thermal design experience presented in MECH 448 Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Knowledge of fluid properties such as density, viscosity, specific gravity, surface tension CLO 2. Knowledge of the fundamental concepts of fluid motions such as the continuum concept, shear stress, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, laminar and turbulent flows, compressible and incompressible flows CLO 3. Ability to analyze pressure in manometers containing different fluids and the ability to use them to measure pressure and differences in pressure CLO 4. Ability to analyze and solve fluid problems in static conditions and the ability to calculate hydrostatic forces on submerged surfaces as well as to calculate buoyancy forces CLO 5. Ability to use the control volume approach to generate conservation of mass, momentum, and energy equations and the ability to apply these equations to solve fluid mechanics problems, calculate flow rates, as well as calculate forces due to rate of momentum change CLO 6. Knowledge of differential analysis of fluid motion, ability to derive the 2D-Navier-Stokes equation, and the ability to solve simple flow problems such as Couette and Poiseuille flows CLO 7. Ability to derive Bernouilli's equation and apply it to solve ideal flow problems and the ability to measure static, stagnation, and dynamic pressures as well as flow velocity at a point using a static and total pressure probes as well as pitot tube CLO 8. Knowledge of dimensional analysis and the ability to apply the Puckingham theorem to obtain dimensionless groups and the ability to use similitude and scaling laws in prototype and model testing CLO 9. Ability to derive the 1-D energy equation for incompressible flow in ducts and pipes and the ability to apply it to solve different duct flow problems as well as the ability to calculate friction factors in pipes and ducts and head losses through pipes and ducts CLO 10. Ability to analyze boundary layer flows and estimate drag and lift coefficients CLO 11. Ability to do experiments and verify theoretical principles. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO a x x x b c d e f g h i j k l x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered x No: of 50 min lectures Introduction: definition of a fluid; scope of fluid mechanics; basic equations; methods of analysis; dimensions and units 3 Fundamental Concepts: fluid as a continuum; density; velocity field; stress field; viscosity; surface tension; clssification of fluid flows 3 Fluid statics: basic equation of fluid statics; absolute and gage pressures; pressure variation in a static fluid; manometry and pressure measurements 3 Fluid Statics: hydraulic force on submerged surfaces; point of application; moments; buoyancy and stability; measurement of specific gravity 3 Control Volume Analysis: basic laws for a system; system and control volume approaches; control volume formulation; conservation of mass 3 Control Volume Analysis: linear and angular momenta equations for inertial control volume; applications 2 Control Volume Analysis: conservation of energy; derivation and application of the energy equation 3 Differential analysis of fluid motion: conservation of mass; acceleration of a fluid particle in a velocity field; forces acting on a fluid particle, differential momentum equations 3 Incompressible inviscid flow: Euler's equations; derivation of Bernoulli’s equation; static, stagnation, and dynamic pressures; velocity measurements. application of Bernoulli’s equation; 2 Dimensional analysis and similitude: Nature of dimensional analysis; Buckingham Pi theorem; determining the Pi groups; dimensionless groups of significance in fluid mechanics; flow similarity and model studies 2 Viscous flow: fully developed laminar flow between infinite plates; fully developed laminar flow in a pipe; turbulent velocity profiles in fully developed pipe flow 3 Pipe Flow: one-dimensional energy equation; head loss; frictional head loss, minor losses; friction factor; solution of pipe flow problems 3 Boundary layers: boundary layer thicknesses; laminar flat-plate boundary layer: similarity solution; flat plate boundary layer: momentum integral equations, approximate solution for laminar and turbulent flows; External flow; flow over a flat plate (skin friction drag and pressure drag); flow over cylinders, spheres and other objects (friction and pressure drag); Lift 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Mohd Selmi Approved by: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Control Systems MECH 361 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Introduction to control systems. Mathematical models for mechanical, pneumatic, electrical, and hydraulic feedback systems. Transfer functions. State space representation. System time and frequency responses. Basic control action and industrial automatic controls. Performance specifications of feedback control systems. Analysis and design of systems by means of root-locus and frequency response methods. Compensation techniques. Computer-aided control system design of single input single output systems. Carryout laboratory experiments. Pre-requisites MECH 322 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement • Dorf, R.C “Modern Control Systems”, 12th edition Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN13: 9780136024583 • Katsuhiko Ogata, “Modern Control Engineering” , 5th edition Prentice Hall, 2010. ISBN-13: 9780136156734 • John H. Lumkes, Jr., Control Strategies for Dynamic Systems: Design and Implementation, 2004, CRCPRESS (Series: Dekker Mechanical Engineering), ISBN: 9780824706616 Dr. John John Course Goals: To help students - Model dynamic systems in different domains - Analyze performance of dynamic systems (stability, response characteristics) - Design controllers to achieve a desired performance Course Contribution: It supports senior projects and major design experience courses when applicable. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. To develop an ability to identify elements of a control system and understand its operation. CLO 2. To develop an ability to represent control system and signals in a block diagram and knowledge of its reduction techniques. CLO 3. To develop an ability to differentiate open loop control systems from the closed loop control systems. CLO 4. To show how to derive analytically the model relating input and output variables of a dynamic system and represent it in block diagram. CLO 5. To develop an ability to compute the Laplace transforms of the ordinary differential equations and standard input functions. CLO 6. To develop an ability to compute the transient response of a dynamic system in response to standard input functions. CLO 7. To comprehend the types of control actions and recognize the ways of implementing them physically. CLO 8. To develop an ability to compute and represent the frequency response plots of a dynamic system. CLO 9. To develop an ability to judge upon the stability of a control system and to derive its stability margins. CLO 10. Ability to use MATLAB Software to solve control problems. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO a x x x x x x x x x b c d e f g h i j k l x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Introduction to control systems and Block diagram Algebra 3 Open-loop and closed- loop control systems. 3 Mathematical models of various domain systems 6 Transfer functions and Laplace Transform. 3 State Space Models 3 Time Response Analysis and specifications for first, second, and higher order systems. 3 Performance specifications of feedback control systems. 3 PID controllers 3 Root Locus method 3 Frequency response Method, Bode Plots 3 Analysis and design of systems by means of frequency response methods. 3 Stability Analysis of Control systems 3 compensator design 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Woon Jong Yoon Approved by: Date of preparation: 31st March 2010 Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Practical Training MECH 399 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Students spend a period equivalent to eight weeks of practical training in an engineering organization. This course aims at providing the students with technical and practical skills by participating in engineering activities and performing assignments through training programs. The program is jointly specified by the department and industrial organizations. Pre-requisites GENG 107, MECH 441, Departmental Approval or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Faris Tarlochan Course Goals: To help students to develop essential practical and professional skills required for an engineer and aid to prospective employment. Many employers regard this period as a chance to vet new employees for future employment. The practical training offer experience in a range of activities, such as design, laboratory and on-site situations. It should also be noted that developing an awareness of general workplace behavior and interpersonal skills are important objectives of the Practical Training experience. Course Contribution: It helps students to understand the profession in practical terms. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO1. Apply engineering principles to address problems of concern to the training company. CLO2. Participate effectively within multidisciplinary teams including engineers, technicians, supervisors, and administrative staff. CLO3. Practice professionalism through punctuality and interactions with professionals at different levels. CLO4. Understand the code of ethics used by the company. CLO5. Improve communication skills through writing formal technical reports, conducting effective oral presentations and, effective internal communications with company professionals. CLO6. Understand the impact of engineering projects and solutions on the society and the environment (local and global). CLO7. Understand safety, health and environmental issues and get exposed to emerging technologies related to the training company. CLO8. Be exposed to industrial practices including the use of codes, standards, conventions and work procedures adopted by the company. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Company orientation Industrial safety and environmental impact Maintenance engineering Performance evaluation and or design of mechanical and thermal systems Project management Testing and inspection Manufacturing No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamoud Approved by: Date of approval: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Mechanical Design 2 MECH 421 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Design based on rigidity and deflection limits. Load determination and motor selection. Elements of power transmission equipment: shafts and bearings, housings and frames. Friction transmission equipment: belts, brakes and clutches. Positive transmission equipment: couplings, keys, chains and gears. Applications on designing some relevant mechanical assemblies. Role of computers in the design process. Term projects. Pre-requisites MECH 321, MECH 323 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement - Richard G Budynas, Keith J Nisbett, “Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design”, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2010), ISBN-13- 9780073529288 - R.C. Juvinall and K.M. Marshek, “Fundaments of Machine Design”, John Wiley & Sons, (2006). - J.E. Shigley and C.R. Mischke – Editors-in-Chief, "Standard Handbook of Machine Design", McGraw Hill Book Co., NY, (1986). - Tyler G. Hicks, “Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2006), ISBN-13- 9780071458863 Dr. Faris Tarlochan Course Goals: Specific goals are: 1. To guide students in the application of basic structural mechanics to the analysis and design of machine components not covered in Mechanical Design –I MECH 325 2. To help students to combine the engineering science they have already learned with the creative, organizational, and professional skills needed for successful innovative and challenging engineering design 3. To give students experience in applying these skills to the completion of a major design experience incorporating appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints Course Contribution: To expose students to a project based major design experience in Mechanical Design. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Master the application of basic structural mechanics learned in previous courses to the analysis and design of machine components not covered in Mechanical Design I-MECH 323, including clutches, brakes and springs CLO 2. Become proficient in applying the final steps of the engineering design process to the major, systems-level mechanical engineering design project begun in Mechanical Design I-MECH 323, including preliminary and detail design, fabrication, and testing. This includes an introduction to common manufacturing techniques, design for manufacture, and design for assembly and machine shop practice CLO 3. Gain an appreciation for and familiarity with some project management practices such as project cost estimation. CLO 4. Be familiar with engineering as a profession, including professional registration, liability issues and professional ethics. CLO 5. Become proficient in proper professional written documentation, including design journals, formal engineering reports and engineering drawings. CLO 6. Become proficient in the oral communication of technical concepts CLO 7. Become proficient in functioning in a multi-functional team environment. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 a x b c x x d e x f g h x x x i x j k l x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Mechanical design process and manufacturing techniques 3 2. Machine element analysis and design 18 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered 1. Professionalism: Ethics and liability .5 2. Project management practices and execution. .5 Prepared by: Date of preparation: Dr. Elsadig Mahdi Approved by: Date of approval: Dr. Abdel Majid Hamouda Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Energy Systems Laboratory MECH 441 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours 1 Contact Hours 3 4 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Application of basic measurement techniques and theoretical background gained in energy-related courses in conducting and designing laboratory experiments on complete thermofluid systems. Emphasis is given to parametric effects on the performance of internal combustion engines, compressors, turbines, centrifugal pumps, heat exchangers, air conditioning /refrigeration and similar systems Pre-requisites MECH 342 or Concurrent requirement Text Book MECH 344 Handouts References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Mohammed Khawaja Course Goals: The students will be able to conduct and design engineering experiments, analyze experimental data and present results related to energy systems. Course Contribution: It supports the practical training by introducing students to essential thermo-fluid system components such as pumps, compressors, valves and fluidic power systems. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO1. Ability to conduct experiments related to energy systems CLO2. Ability to apply Engineering principals necessary to analyze data related to an energy system experiment CLO3. Ability to discuss and interpret data related to an energy system experiment CLO4. Ability to communicate effectively through formal as well as synoptic reports CLO5. Ability to use word processing software to write reports CLO6. Ability to use spreadsheets for data analysis and plotting CLO7. Ability to design an experiment CLO8. Ability to use modern engineering tools such as data acquisition systems and other software. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 a x x x b x x x c d x e f g h i j k x x x x x l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1.Head Loss due to friction in pipes and fittings 3 2.Performance characteristics of a centrifugal pump 3 3.Performance of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle 3 4.Performance of various Air-conditioning processes 3 5.Performance of an I. C. Engine 3 6.Performance of an air compressor 3 7.Performance of a heat exchanger 3 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Design of Energy Systems MECH 448 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Applications of thermo-fluids principles to design integrated energy systems. Examples include power generation, air conditioning and industrial processes. Students work in teams on projects incorporating engineering standards, realistic constraints that may include economic, environmental, ethical, social, political, health and safety considerations. Term project Pre-requisites MECH 342, MECH 344 or Text Book Concurrent requirement References N V Suryanarayana, Oner Arici, Design and Simulation of Thermal Systems. International Edition. ISBN 007- 124105-1 Boyle, G., Everett, B., and Ramage, J. Energy systems and sustainability power for a sustainable future. Oxford University Press, 2002. Chung, C. A. Simulation Modeling Handbook. CRC Press, 2004, ch. 9 Experimental Design, pp. 9–1–9–12. 37 Course Coordinator: Dr. Saud Ghani Course URL: Course Goals: 1. An understanding of fundamental thermal systems design principles, role of design in the engineering practice. 2. An understanding of concepts and analysis of specific thermal systems (heat exchangers, pumps, compressors, etc.), mathematical and compuataional modeling of thermal equipment and systems. 3. An understanding of simulation and its role in engineering design; simulation of thermal systems. 4. An understanding of engineering economics, economic analysis of thermal systems. 5. An understanding of optimization theory; basic optimization procedures; design of optimized thermal systems. Course Contribution: To expose students to a complete project based major design experience in Thermo-fluids System Design. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. Apply thermofluids principles learned in previous courses to the analysis and design of thermal systems. CLO 2. Become proficient in applying modern engineering design tools and software, such as CFD, in designing thermal engineering processes and componenets. CLO 3. Gain an appreciation for and familiarity with some project management practices such as project cost estimation. CLO 4. Gain an appreciation for and familiarity with engineering as a profession, including professional registration, liability issues and professional ethics. CLO 5. Become proficient in proper professional written documentation, including design journals, formal engineering reports and engineering drawings. CLO 6. Become proficient in the oral communication of technical concepts CLO 7. Become proficient in functioning in a multi-functional team environment. CLO 8. Have some knowledge of contemporary issues (Environmental Impact, High Tech Equipment) Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 a x b c x d x e x x f g h i j k l x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Integration of thermal sciences principles Analysis, modeling, and design of representative subsystems Analysis and modeling of thermal and fluid systems Evaluation of system performance A systematic procedure for analysis and design of energy systems Challenges related to energy system analysis and design Consideration of system economics: a.Capital and operating cost estimation b.Evaluation of investment opportunities System design optimization No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Senior Project I MECH 480 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 1 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours 3 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Carry out analysis and design of a system in one of the areas of mechanical engineering. Students follow systematic design approach, apply project planning and scheduling techniques, devise analytical, computational and/or experimental solutions, and design and build their own test-rig. Students attend technical seminars and learn to interact with speakers and at the end of the semester; they are required to present a seminar on the project status, progress and future work. Pre-requisites Departmental Approval, Senior Standing or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. John John Course Goals: This course trains students to carry out research or design based projects that will have a relevance to the local industry and the society. The course also offers seminars that will introduce students to lifelong learning, contemporary, professional and ethical issues. Course Contribution: It underpins MECH 490 and exposes students to research. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1.Students will be exposed to the value of professional societies in their careers. CLO 2.Students will demonstrate proficiency in managing projects. CLO 3.Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate in individual and team settings. CLO 4.To promote lifelong learning, students will participate in seminars that will cover project management, ethical, professional and contemporary issues. CLO5. Students will research for information on current technology, best practices which are critical components in identifying the need, defining the problem, and searching for solution phases of the project. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 Principal Topics Covered c d x x x e f x x x g h x x x x x x i j x x x k l No: of 50 min lectures Senior Projects Instruction/Survival Guide How to make your Team effective Research and Design Methodology Mechanical professional societies: values in Mechanical Engineering Career Sustainable design case studies (Material Selection) Economical analysis No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Senior Project II MECH 490 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours Contact Hours 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Participating students continue the work on the topic selected in MECH480. Students are required to present their findings at the end of the project in the form of a seminar as well as a written formal report Pre-requisites MECH 480 or Concurrent requirement Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. John John Course Goals: Objectives of the course are: 1. Successfully complete a complex, open-ended project using multiple areas of knowledge. 2. Demonstrate written communication skills at a professional level by preparing a report detailing the chosen project. 3. Demonstrate oral communication skills at a professional level by giving a presentation to the faculty, other students, and guests detailing the chosen project. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical principles. 5. Demonstrate application of Risk Assessment. Course Contribution: The overall objective of this course is to provide the Mechanical Engineering student with an integrative research based experience, which ties the skills and knowledge obtained from the curriculum and MECH 480 to the professional world. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO1. Students will demonstrate a level of effectiveness expected by employers when they produce written documents, deliver oral presentations, and develop, prepare and interpret visual information. CLO2. Students will be exposed to the value of professional societies in their careers. CLO3. Students will demonstrate proficiency in managing projects. CLO4. Students will understand the advantages of self-learning. CLO5. Students will have exposure to situations that develop a sense of personal responsibility and accountability for one’s individual actions and performance. CLO6. Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate in individual and team settings. CLO7. Students will demonstrate proficiency in assisting others in a group. CLO8. Students will demonstrate proficiency in solving open-ended problems requiring multiple areas of knowledge. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: a b c d e f g h i j k l CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures Economical analysis Project Risk Assessment: Methods, Procedures How to gain skills in data analysis and graph interpretation Basic Proficiencies in Oral Communication Career and Research opportunity in Qatar and world wide No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Mechanics I, Statics GENG 221 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement 3 Lab Hours 2 Contact Hours 3 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Fundamental concepts and principles of mechanics, vectors, and force systems. Centroids and centers of gravity, Moments of inertia. Concepts of free-body-diagram, principles of equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies in two and three dimensions Pre-requisites MATH 101 or Text Book References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Concurrent requirement - F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnson and E. R. Eisenberg, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2009), ISBN 978-0-07-7275556. - R. C. Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics: Combined Statics & Dynamics, 12/E, Pearson International, Prentice Hall, (2009), ISBN-13: 9780132141888. Dr. Sadok Sassi Course Goals: In this course, students are expected to apply engineering science concepts to engineering problems. The objective is to present students with basic skills for 2-D and 3-D vectors and concept of force, moment and equilibrium. Emphasis is placed on the development of visualization, analytical and independent thinking skills through problem solving. To introduce students to engineering design by examples of trusses, frames, machines and beams. This course provides students with basic knowledge and tools in mechanics and with problem solving skills. It gives students an ability to formulate and solve elementary engineering problems, in preparation for more advanced applications in the engineering program. The knowledge and skills acquired will form the basis for students to perform competent and independent study in all fields of engineering Course Contribution: This course supports MECH 223, GENG 222 which forms the backbone for thermal and mechanical subject areas. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. The students should be able to define and describe the following basic concepts in mechanics such as Space, Time, Mass, Force, Particle, Rigid body, Scalar, Vector, Free vector, Sliding vector, Fixed vector, and perform calculations on summation, Subtraction, Direction cosine, Magnitude, Component, Unit vector, Vector decomposition. CLO 2. The students will be able describe and define the following components of Newton’s Laws: First law, Second law, Third law, Gravitation law. CLO 3. The students should demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts relating to forces: Contact force, Body force, Concurrent force system, Resultant (Combination of a force system), Decomposition of a force (rectangular and non-rectangular), Using triangle law to obtain the resultant will create a couple because forces in rigid body, mechanics are sliding vectors, not free vectors. CLO 4. The student will be able to apply the cross product concepts to determine moments. CLO 5. The student will be able to calculate the resultants of forces and couples. CLO 6. The students will learn the differences and similarities between 2D and 3D systems. Additionally, the students should understand what complications are arise in studying 3D systems, and what is done to deal with these complications CLO 7. The student will be able to isolate a mechanical system using Free body diagrams CLO 8. The student will be able to identify the statically indeterminate, statically determinate and redundant structure . CLO 9. The student will be able to calculate the center of mass of a body, and apply the equations of equilibrium to solve relevant application problems. CLO 10. The student will be able to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams. CLO 11. The students will be able to design a load carrying structure using truss analysis. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 CLO 7 CLO 8 CLO 9 CLO CLO a x x x x x x x x x x x b c d x x x x x x e x x x x x x x x x x x f g h i j k l x Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures additions and subtractions. couples. in two and three dimensional space centroids of a volume. joints. Classification of supports moments of inertia. No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Dr. Elsadig Mahdi Approved by: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda Date of preparation: 25/01/2010 Date of approval: 16/02/2010 Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Engineering Mechanics II, Dynamics GENG 222 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 2 3 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description Fundamental concepts of kinematics and kinetics with application of particles and plane motion of rigid bodies. Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles. Newton’s second law, impulse and momentum methods, impact. Dynamics of systems of particles. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Plane motion of rigid bodies: Forces and accelerations Pre-requisites PHYS 191, GENG 221 or Concurrent requirement Text Book F. P. Beer, E. R. Johnson and E. R. Eisenberg, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2009), ISBN 978-0-07-7275556. R. C. Hibbeler, “Engineering Mechanics: Combined Statics & Dynamics, 12/E, Pearson International, Prentice Hall, (2009), ISBN-13: 9780132141888. References Course Coordinator: Dr. Sadok Sassi Course URL: http:/ Course Goals: To provide students with a basic understanding of forces and motion, and thus to give students a fundamental understanding and background in introductory (planar) dynamics at the second year university level. To provide the required background for further study at the junior and senior level in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum, as well as to prepare students for further study in the subject area. To provide students in other engineering curricula with a background in this fundamental engineering science. Course Contribution: This course supports MECH 343, MECH 322, MECH 321 and is the backbone for thermal and mechanical subject areas. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1 Use rectangular, normal-tangential, and polar coordinate systems to describe the motion (kinematics) of a particle, system of particles, and rigid bodies. CLO 2 Use Newton’s Second Law, Work-Energy, and Impulse-Momentum principles to determine the kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies. CLO 3 Understand and solve introductory vibration problems. CLO 4 In applying the above principles, continue to develop a systematic, orderly procedure for solving engineering problems and design mechanical device using their knowledge in Dynamics. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 a x x x x b c d x x x x e x x x x f g h i j k x l Principal Topics Covered No: of 50 min lectures 1. Kinematics of particles: -Rectilinear motion -Curvilinear motion 9 2. Kinetics of particles: Newton’s 2nd law - Linear momentum and rate of change of linear momentum - Equation of motion and Dynamic equilibrium - Angular momentum and rate of change of angular momentum - Equation of motion in terms of radial and transverse components - Conservation of angular momentum - Newton’s law of gravitation 9 3. Kinetics of particles: Energy and momentum methods - Principle of work and energy - Power and efficiency - Conservation of energy - Principle of impulse and momentum - Direct and oblique impact 9 4.Kinematics of rigid bodies - Translation - Rotation about a fixed axis - General plane motion 9 5.Plane motion of rigid bodies: Forces and acceleration - Equation of motion for a rigid body - Angular momentum of a rigid body in plane motion - Plane motion of a rigid body. D’ Alembert’s principle 6 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Dr. Elsadig Mahdi Approved by: Dr. Abdel Magid Hamouda Date of preparation: 25/01/2010 Date of approval: 18/02/2010 Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Mechanical Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program Material Science GENG 231 Credit Hours Lecture Hours 3 Requirement Lab Hours 3 Contact Hours 3 6 Major Core Requirements Catalog Description A study of relationships between the structure and the properties of materials. Atomic structure, bonding, crystalline and molecular structure and imperfections. Mechanical properties of metals, alloys, polymers, and composites. Electrical properties of materials, semiconductors and ceramics. Creep, fatigue, fracture and corrosion in metals. Laboratory experiments. Pre-requisites MATH 101, CHEM 101 or Concurrent requirement Text Book •William D. Callister, Jr. “Materials Science and Engineering, an Introduction”. By:, 7th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-471-73696-7. James F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, 7/E, Prentice Hall, 2009, ISBN-13: 9780136012603. References Course Coordinator: Course URL: Dr. Elsadig Mahdi Course Goals: The course is intended to develop the student’s ability to understand the internal atomic arrangement in engineering materials, atomic coordination and crystal structures, crystal defects and atomic diffusion, plastic deformation and dislocations in metals, phase equilibria and phase transformations in binary alloy systems, methods of strengthening materials, the oxidation and corrosion of metallic material Course Contribution: It supports MECH 230, MECH 323 and the major design experience offered on MECH 421. Course Learning Outcomes: CLO 1. To be able to describe the general characteristics of the various engineering materials. CLO 2. To be able to how to properly select the engineering materials or specific properties. CLO 3. To be able to describe cost of the engineering materials as a factor for industrial applications. CLO 4. To be able to conduct experiments to determine relationships between microstructure and properties. CLO 5. To be able to suggest processes that contribute to corrosion in metals. CLO 6. To be able to select materials on the basis of microstructure and properties. Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Outcomes: CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6 a x x x x x x b x c x Principal Topics Covered d e x x x f g h i j k x x x x l x x x x No: of 50 min lectures 1.Atomic Structure and Inter-atomic Bonding Atomic structure (Fundamental Concepts), Electrons in Atoms, The periodic table, Bonding forces and energies, Primary interatomic bonds, Secondary or van der Waals Bonding, Materials of Importance –Water (Its Volume Expansion Upon Freezing) Molecules 6 2.The Structure of Crystalline Solids (crystallography) Crystal Structures (Fundamental Concepts), Unit Cells, Metallic Crystal Structures, Density Computations , Polymorphism and Allotropy, Crystal Systems, Materials of Importance – Tin (Its Allotropic Transformation), Point Coordinates, Crystallographic Directions, Crystallographic Planes, Linear and Planar Densities, Close-Packed Crystal Structures, Single Crystals, Polycrystalline Materials, Anisotropy, X-Ray Diffraction: Determination of Crystal Structures, Noncrystalline Solids 9 3.Diffusion in Materials Diffusion Mechanisms, Steady-State Diffusion, Non-steady-State Diffusion, Factors That Influence Diffusion, Diffusion in Semiconducting Materials, Materials of Importance – Aluminum for Integrated Circuit Interconnects, Other Diffusion Paths 6 4.Imperfection in solids Point defects, Vacancies and Self-Interstitials, Impurities in Solids, Specification of composition, Dislocations—Linear Defects, Interfacial Defects, Bulk or Volume Defects, Atomic Vibrations, Basic concept of microscopy, Microscopic Techniques, Grain Size determination 6 5.Corrosion of Metals Electrochemical Considerations, Corrosion Rates, Prediction of Corrosion Rates, Passivity, Environmental Effects, Forms of Corrosion, Corrosion Environments, Corrosion Prevention, Oxidation, Swelling and Dissolution, Bond Rupture, Weathering 6 6.Mechanical Properties of Materials Concepts of Stress and Strain, Tensile Properties, True Stress and Strain, Hardness, Variability of Material Properties 3 7.How to improve the Mechanical Properties of the Engineering Materials Solid Solution Hardening,, Grain Refining, Softening, Martensitic, and Hardening in Steel. 2 8.How to design against Service Failure of the Engineering Materials: Plastic Deformation, , Ductile & Brittle Fracture 2 9.Materials Selection: Economic, , Environmental & Design Issues 2 No: of 50 min lectures Supplementary Topics Covered Prepared by: Approved by: Date of preparation: Date of approval: