VII. Hydrodynamic theory of stellar winds observations winds exist everywhere in the HRD hydrodynamic theory needed to describe stellar atmospheres with winds Unified Model Atmospheres: - based on the hydrodynamics of radiation driven winds - fully self-consistent hydrodynamic transition from hydrostatic photosphere to supersonic winds - first developed by R. Gabler, A. Gabler, Kudritzki, Pauldrach, Puls 1989, A&A 226, 162 1 1. Hydrodynamical equations of an ideal compressible fluid Definitions: momentum density (momentum per unit volume) force per unit volume, acts on dV momentum flux tensor flux of momentum of component i perpendicular to direction j macroscopic momentum flow stochastic motion p = gas pressure eq. of continuity Gauss theorem Eq. 1 2 momentum equation change of volume momentum change momentum with time through external forces momentum flow through borders of V Gauss theorem definition Eq. 2 note: for any scalar or vector Eq. ** =0 see, Eq. 1 substantial derivative in co-moving frame 3 energy equation e internal energy per unit mass for an ideal gas 1st law of thermodynamics for volume element dV with mass work done per unit mass energy equation in co-moving frame external energy added or lost per unit mass Eq. 3a Eq. 3b external energy added or lost i.e., radiation, sound waves, convection, friction, magnetic fields, etc. 4 2. Stationary, spherically symmetric winds r is dimensionless radial coordinate in units of stellar radius as in previous chapters Eq. 1 Eq. 4a, continuity Eq. 2 gravity Eq. 4b, momentum radiation, magnetic fields 5 Eq. 3 Eq. 2 Eq. 4c, energy 6 Eq. 4c condition for existence of stellar winds integration select 7 left side only > 0, if at least one of the integrals >> 0 stellar wind can only escape potential well of the star, if or ● significant momentum input ● significant energy input 8 3. “Naïve” theory without additional forces first simple approach: isothermal wind without additional forces driven by gas pressure only ● example: solar wind significant in corona pressure driven wind Eq. 4b with pure ionized H hot solar gas 9 * starting point to derive equation of motion for v(r) next step: replace ρ using Eq. 4a Eq. 5, density/velocity relationship Eq. 5 can be used to replace density in eq. * 10 Eq. 6, equation of motion differential eq. for v(r) of pressure driven winds has singularity called the critical point at Eq. 7a Eq. 7b left side Eq. 6 zero at critical point right side must also be zero T ~ const vs ~ const. because v = vs at r = rs , the critical point is also called the sonic point 11 Example: solar wind of solar corona photospheric escape velocity of sun sonic point in outer corona Note: if temperature of corona were as cool as photosphere, we would still have a solar wind, but supersonic just at 6 AU in principle, all stars will have a (weak) wind, but the solar wind is strong because of high temperature in corona 12 the importance of the critical point differential eq. 6 has several families of solutions critical point disentangle topology of solutions find physically relevant solution for simplicity, re-write Eq. 6 with Eq. 8a Eq. 8b the implicit solution Eq. 8b for v(r) together with the conditions for the critical point Eq. 7a,b can be used to discuss topology of solution families 13 Eq. 8b case I Eq. 8a v(r) exists for 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞ and is transsonic, i.e. all monotonic solutions 8b with C = -3 What is the value of at sonic point? Eq. 8a L’Hospital: at sonic point Eq. 9a two solutions possible 14 case I, 1 transonic, monotonic, increasing this solution is realized in solar wind case I, 2 transonic, monotonic, decreasing this solution is not realized sketch of 2 solutions I, 1: for I, 2: 15 also possible: case II v(r) exists for 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞, but 2 possibilities case II, 1: v ≥ vs for 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞, C > -3 supersonic solution case II, 2: v ≤ vs for 1 ≤ r ≤ ∞, C ‹ -3 subsonic solution both cases not realized however, II,2 was for a long time discussed as discussed as a possible option, until space observations showed that solar wind is supersonic 16 also not realized is case III non-unique solutions in with or note: discussion of solution topologies crucial to identify physically realized solution. We will repeat this, when dealing with the much more complicated case of radiation driven winds. 17 Discussion of the realistic solution: trans-sonic, monotonic, increasing (Parker, 1958) Eq. 10 limiting cases: 1‹ r ‹‹ rs, v ‹‹ vs: r >> rs, v >> vs: Eq. 11a Eq. 11b v ∞ if r ∞, consequence of the unrealistic assumption T = const., i.e. pressure can accelerate until infinity in reality T drops and v remains finite 18 density stratification Eq. 4a Eq. 12 ρ1, v1 at r = 1 photosphere for r ‹‹ rs hydrostatic solution, for r ‹‹ rs ρ ‹ ρstatic mass-loss rate if ρ1 at bottom of wind known with v1 (eq. 11) for ρ1 = 10-14 g/cm3 Tcorona rs 1 106K 2 3 6.9 3.5 2.3 1.6 10-14 3.7 10-12 8.2 10-11 observed value is 2 10-13 19 from Lamers & Cassinelli 20 4. Additional forces: radiation Pressure driven winds can explain solar wind (note: that in reality you need magnetic fields to explain coronal heating) but… can winds of hot stars be driven by pressure only? crucial observational facts: ● cool winds, no corona: Twind ~ Teff ~ 40000K vs ~ 20 km/s ● sonic point v = vs very close to photosphere at r ~ 1.05 ● vesc ~ 500 … 1000km/s with pressure driven wind theory we need additional force gadd !!! 21 radiative acceleration hot stars Bν (T) large because T large Iν, Jν large large amount of photon momentum photon absorption transfers momentum to atmospheric plasma calculation of gadd = gextra: absorbed energy per unit time: momentum : per time & mass : only projection into radial direction contributes 22 with azimutal symmetry of radiation field and Eq. 13 Eq. 13 exact, as long as all absorption processes included Eq. 14 Thompson scattering continuous absorption line absorption Eq. 15 remember: 23 corollary: approximation for τν >> 1 at all frequencies radiation field thermalized at all frequencies “diffusion approximation” “radiation pressure” 24 in hot star winds the influence of is usually small but influence of Thomson scattering with q electrons provided by helium nucleus (0 …2) and with Eq. 16 with Eq. 4b new momentum equation Eq. 17 Thomson scattering reduces gravity by constant factor 25 with Eq. 18 effective escape velocity and eq. 6 we obtain new equation of motion Eq. 19 does Thomson scattering alone do the job? if we ignore sonic point at Eq. 19b typical Γ-value for hot supergiants Γ = 0.5 sonic point for hot stars still at rs ~ 50…100, but observed is rs ~ 1.1 need additional accelerating force!!!! 26 5. Very simplified description of line driven winds As first step: very simplified description of assumptions: ● only radially streaming photons ● only lines with >> 1 ● Sobolev approximation contribute >> >> ● number of strong lines independent of r 27 shell in stellar wind: calculation of line i at total photon momentum >> fraction abs. by line I line width luminosity at contribution by all lines: Eq. 20 effective number of strong lines line acceleration ~ velocity gradient !!! 28 new equation of motion (T = const.) Eq. 21a with Eq. 21b because we assume no singularity at r.h.s. of Eq. 21b negative smaller than ‹ old rs ‹‹ and prove later that this is correct 29 multiplying eq. 21a by and assuming >> Eq. 21c combining eq. 21b and c for >> 30 integrating from rs to r Eq. 22 β-velocity field, β = 0.5 from observations (Abbott, 1978, 1982) Eq. 23 31 32 33 Simplified theory of line driven winds explains ● but does not give proportionality constant ● right order of magnitude for but predicts whereas is observed improved theory needed!!! 34 35