African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 History of ATS African Traction Systems is a privately owned, American corporation. The lineage of ATS dates back to 1968 with the inception of Saftronics by Mr Bonne Posma in Johannesburg, South Africa. Saftronics 1968 1976 Saftronics 1986 Saminco 1992 Saftronics founded in South Africa Saftronics opens in Ontario Saftronics opens in New York Saminco opens in Florida (still in operation) (now SAF Drives) (moved to Fort Myers, Florida in 1987 - purchased by Emerson in 2005) (still in operation, opened China office in 2009 South African office in 2011) ATS 2008 ATS opens in Florida 2013 African Traction Systems opens in South Africa African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 Milestones African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2008 64 Dual 90 kW DC Propulsion Systems New Orleans Streetcars 2008 Dual 300 kW AC Propulsion Hybrid System Alcatraz Hybrid 2009 1.5 MW DC Propulsion systems Brookville Co-Gen Locomotives 2009 550 kW AC Traction System 302 mph Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Venturi Buckeye Bullet 2 2010 1.5 MW DC Propulsion Systems Loram RG400 series MoW Grinder 2016 Milestones African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2010 500 kW DC Propulsion Battery System Norfolk Southern 999 Locomotive 2011 Dual 700 kW AC Propulsion Hybrid System Statue Cruises 2012 Dual 350 kW PM Motor Hybrid System TARDEC Ultra Light Vehicle 2012 Dual 700 kW AC Propulsion Hybrid System Alcatraz Clipper 2016 Milestones African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2013 1st AC Traction System commissioned Deutsche Bahn (Loram Rail Grinder) 2013 6 MW DC Propulsion System USNS Waters 2014 Quad 385kW Permanent Magnet System 271 mph Battery EV Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3 2014 Six Axle Conventional Locomotive System Grindrod Rail, South Africa 2016 Milestones African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2015 Shipped 125th Locomotive Propulsion System, South Africa. 2016 Shipped Locomotive Propulsion Systems, Grindrod Rail, West Africa. 2016 2.5 MW DC Propulsion System for DAFF and SAMSA - FRS Africana, Cape Town. 2016 ATS Locomotives Light Rail Marine Electric Vehicles African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Locomotive Products ATS has delivered over 125 Locomotive Propulsion Systems • GenSet Switching Locomotives • 1, 2 or 3 Generators • Maintenance of Way (MoW) Equipment • Single or Dual Traction Lockers • Conventional Main Line Locomotives • Six Axle 3000HP Tractive Effort African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Locomotive Products • DC/DC Chopper Drives • Armature Drive • Field Controller • Armature/Field Controller • Brake Chopper • Battery Charger • DC/AC Drives • Generator Controller • Traction Motor Controller • Blower, Compressor and Pump Controllers African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Locomotive Products The ATS power conversion equipment is based upon a set of compact liquid-cooled Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) modules operating from a common DC bus. At 5 in wide x 22 in tall x 14 in deep the propulsion system can fit into extremely tight quarters. Over 500 modules are in daily operation in Marine, Locomotive, Off-road and Military applications. The same power module is used for DC to DC Choppers or DC to AC Inverters. The function of the power module is determined by the application-specific control module installed into the power module. All configurations are bi-directional. They can absorb power from or deliver power to the DC bus. ATS Power Module African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories ATS Control Module ATS Dual Module 2016 ATS – Locomotive Products Traction Modules Rectifier Traction Modules Typical 4 axle GenSet Switching Locomotive Rack Assembly Capacitors African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Locomotive Products Cooling Hoses and Manifolds African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Repowering Existing Locomotives 45 - 60% 10% ZERO • Fuel Savings • Less NOx emissions & particulate matter • Lower decibel (dB) levels than conventional Locomotives • Quick Start reduces engine idle time eliminating fuel consumption & exhaust fumes African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Repowering Existing Locomotives One 550HP Tier IV GenSet can produce the equivalent tractive effort of a 1500HP 2-stroke Diesel Engine. How? The Current Multiplication effect of ATS DC/DC Choppers African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Current Multiplication on PWM off During the ON period, current flows through the switch (IGBT) and to the motor During the OFF period, current flows through the diode. The inductor maintains the current while the power source current draw is 0A. The average current through the motor is 300A at 120VDC. However, with the duty cycle of the switch being 50% the average current drawn is 150A per cycle. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Typical DC Traction Systems Simple Switcher 0 – 10 mph up to 15 cars – 1 GenSet 4 axles 1 Rectifier 3 Capacitor Banks 2 Traction Choppers African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Typical DC Traction Systems Switcher 0 – 20 mph up to 35 cars – 1 GenSet 4 axles 1 Rectifier African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 3 Capacitor Banks 4 Traction Choppers 2016 ATS – Typical DC Traction Systems Switcher 0 – 45 mph up to 50 cars – 1 GenSet 4 axles Fast Field Reversal 1 Rectifier 4 Capacitor Banks African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 4 Traction Choppers 1 Field Reversing Chopper 2016 ATS – Typical DC Traction Systems Freight 0 – 60 mph up to 75 cars – Prime Mover 6 Axles Fast Field Reversal 1 Excitation Controller 6 Capacitor Banks 6 Traction Choppers 1 Field Reversing Chopper 1 Brake Chopper African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 ATS – Typical AC Traction Systems AC Switcher 0 – 16 mph up to 45 cars – GenSet 1 Rectifier 4 Capacitor Banks African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 4 Inverters 4 Axles 4 AC-77 Motors 2016 ATS – Typical AC Traction Systems Freight 0 – 60 mph up to 75 cars – Prime Mover 6 Axles 1 Excitation Controller African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 6 Capacitor Banks 6 Inverters 6 AC-77 Motors 1 Brake Chopper 2016 ATS – Typical Systems Optional components for all systems 1 Dual Inverter African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2 (or more) Mini-VFD 1 Brake Chopper 2016 ATS – Typical Systems Rack Assemblies The Rack Assemblies are fully built and tested, ready to be wired into the locomotive. The assemblies include: • • • • • Frame Cooling Hoses Cooling Manifolds Back-plane Assembly Miscellaneous Hardware African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 Custom Panels and Traction Lockers Full Service Panel Shop ATS has a modern, full service panel shop providing the design, assembly and testing of custom electrical control panels. Advantages of using ATS Experienced wiremen (over 100 total man years on staff) Modern, clean facility Dedicated purchasing and warehouse staff Electrical schematic (ladder and one‐line) drafting Solid modeling of all mechanical components and assemblies Thermal modeling and analysis of all cabinets Complete Bills of Materials, wiring diagrams and build instructions In‐house full load testing before shipment African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 AC-77 Traction Motors AC‐77 AC Torque Motor for Locomotives 11,000 Nm replacement AC Motor for existing D77 installations Features Mechanically compatible with the D77 motor, the AC‐77 fits in existing bogies Continuous and peak tractive effort improvement over D77 equipped locomotives Improved AC motor technology requires less AC‐77 AC Torque Motor African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories maintenance and repair downtime than DC motor. Typical DC motor drawbacks such as armature commutator damage, “carbon tracking”, frequent brush replacement and commutator repair, are nonexistent with the AC induction motor. 2016 AC-77 Traction Motors AC‐77 AC Torque Motor for Locomotives 11,000 Nm replacement AC Motor for existing D77 installations Features AC‐77 Motor Specifications ATS Part # Supply Voltage to Inverter Phase Frequency Range Rotor Type Continuous Torque Peak Torque Insulation Class Mounting Max Temp Max safe speed Cooling Method Weight M6002‐012 500 ‐ 700VDC 3 0—150Hz Copper‐ barred 5,100Nm @ 520A 11,000Nm @ 1,100A 200°C Axle Mounting 150°C @ 1.0 S.F. 3,000 rpm Forced Cooling 2,530kg (5,577 lbs) Reduced cooling requirements due to high efficiency copper rotor and stator construction Convenient terminal block for motor power cable connections The AC‐77 eliminates reversing contactors for quick and smooth reversing Designed to operate with the proven ATS Variable Frequency Drive featuring fully controllable automatic regenerative braking and advanced wheel slip/spin control. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 AC-761 Traction Motors AC-761 AC Torque Motor for Locomotives 8,000Nm Peak AC Torque Motor for Cape and Meter Gauge Locomotives Features Designed for Cape (1076mm) or Meter (1000mm) Gauge Continuous and peak tractive effort improvement over DC motor equipped locomotives Typical DC motor drawbacks such as armature commutator damage (flashover), carbon tracking, frequent brush replacement, commutator repair and reversing contactors are nonexistent with the AC induction motor. AC‐761 Traction Motor African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 AC-761 Traction Motors AC-761 AC Torque Motor for Locomotives 8,000Nm Peak AC Torque Motor for Cape and Meter Gauge Locomotives Features AC‐761 Motor Specifications ATS Part # Supply Voltage to Inverter AC Base Voltage Phase Number of Poles Rotor Type Continuous Torque Peak Torque Insulation Class Mounting Output Power Max safe speed Cooling Method Weight African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories M5001‐002 500 ‐ 1200VDC 750 VRMS 3 8 Copper‐ barred 4,979Nm @ 552A 8,000Nm @ 811A 200°C Axle Mounting 335kW @ rated current 3,000 rpm Forced Cooling 1,350kg (2,976lbs) Reduced cooling requirements due to high efficiency copper rotor and stator construction Convenient terminal block for motor power cable connections The AC‐761 eliminates reversing contactors for quick and smooth reversing Designed to operate with the proven ATS Variable Frequency Drive featuring fully controllable automatic regenerative braking and advanced wheel slip/spin control. 2016 ATS AC Traction System Engine Control ENGINE Engine Feedback Throttle PLC Generator Field Controller Main Gen Field Main Gen 4-20mA RS485 Brake Resistors Self Load Direction Self Load Ref Bus Voltage Controller (Dynamic Brake Chopper) CANBUS Traction/Brake Ref Power Enable Brake Enable Enable Rev Enable Fwd Enable Induction Motor Traction Inverter Encoder Spin/Slide DC Bus CANBUS Induction Motor Traction Inverter Enable Spin/Slide Encoder CANBUS African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories 2016 Norfolk Southern 999 Battery Locomotive African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Norfolk Southern 999 Battery Locomotive ATS Supplied Components Motor Armature Controllers Motor Field Controller Dynamic Brake Controller Motor Blower Inverter Air Compressor Inverter African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Loram RGI AC Traction Grinder African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Loram RGI AC Traction Grinder ATS Supplied Components Complete AC Traction Locker GenSet Rectifier AC Induction Motor Controller Dynamic Brake Controller African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories AMPS Hybrid Locomotive African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories AMPS Hybrid Locomotive ATS Supplied Components Generator Controllers Generator Starters Motor Armature Controllers Motor Field Controller Dynamic Brake Controller 208 3ø AC Inverter Motor Blower Inverters Air Compressor Inverter African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Railserve LEAF African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Railserve LEAF ATS Supplied Components Motor Armature/Field Controllers GenSet Rectifier African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Loram RG400 Series Grinder African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Loram RG400 Series Grinder ATS Supplied Components Complete DC Traction Locker GenSet Rectifier Motor Armature Controllers Motor Field Controller Dynamic Brake Controller African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Brookville Three Generator Co-Gen African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Brookville Three Generator Co-Gen ATS Supplied Components Generator Controllers Generator Starters Motor Armature Controllers Motor Field Controller Dynamic Brake Controller Motor Blower Inverter Air Compressor Inverter African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Progress Rail PR43C African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Progress Rail PR43C ATS Supplied Components Auxiliary Power System Blower Motor Inverters Air Compressor Inverters 74VDC Battery Charger 480/120VAC Inverter African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories African Traction Systems Locomotive Control Overview General Description The African Traction Systems locomotive control system performs all of the functions of traction power control and dynamic braking in diesel-electric locomotives with up to six axles. The operating voltage of the system is up to 1250VDC (contact factory for higher DC bus voltages) allowing the use of typical prime movers and main generators with minimal change. Individual control of the currents in each motor by the ATS modules provides the benefits of excellent traction control, wheel spin and slide correction and smooth dynamic brake control at all speeds. The control algorithms implemented in the power semiconductor converters interact with each other and perform all of the functions that require rapid response to varying conditions. This allows very simple interfacing with the remainder of the locomotive power management system or PLC. The electrical control system responds to changes in traction demand and dynamic brake demand very quickly and is capable of loading the system to full power in less than five seconds. This is considerably faster than the speed response of typical turbocharged engines. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories African Traction Systems Locomotive Control Overview This Power Schematic shows a typical arrangement of the ATS power converter rack in relation to the main generator and traction motors. Elimination of all high-power mechanical switchgear reduces the amount of cabling and simplifies maintenance. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories ATS Rack Inverter1 Cap1 Inverter2 Fuse 1000A Cap2 Inverter3 Fuse 1000A Dynamic Brake Cap3 Chopper Fuse 1000A Fuse 2000A 0.66Ω 0.66Ω Main Generator 0.66Ω 0.66Ω 0.66Ω 0.66Ω TM1 ATS Rack Inverter4 TM2 Cap4 TM3 Inverter5 Cap5 FAN Inverter6 Cap6 Fuse 1000A Fuse 1000A Fuse 1000A TM4 TM5 TM6 The Control System Architecture block diagram shows the main signal flow paths. For simplicity, interlocks and protective functions are omitted from this diagram. Many of the control signal paths are implemented using CAN communication between modules. This is also used for diagnostics, parameter adjustment and can be extended to system monitoring. African Traction Systems Locomotive Control Overview Engine Control ENGINE Engine Feedback Throttle PLC Generator Field Controller Main Gen 4-20mA RS485 Brake Resistors Self Load Direction Self Load Ref Bus Voltage Controller (Dynamic Brake Chopper) CANBUS Traction/Brake Ref Power Enable Brake Enable Enable Rev Enable Fwd Enable African Traction Systems Induction Motor Traction Inverter Encoder Spin/Slide CANBUS Induction Motor Traction Inverter Enable Spin/Slide Encoder CANBUS Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Main Gen Field DC Bus Basic Principles of a Typical DC Locomotive Main Generator Series‐Field DC Traction Motors Exciter Main generator excitation is adjusted by the control system until enough current flows in the motor circuit to achieve the engine load commanded by the throttle African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories High Speed Main Generator 1250V Series‐Field DC Traction Motors Generator Load 2400A Exciter Each Motor 400A This is a typical operating condition at the maximum locomotive speed. Currents are well below the continuous rating of each component. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Low Speed Problem Main Generator 70V Series‐Field DC Traction Motors Generator Load 8400A Exciter Each Motor 1400A This shows how much current would be needed from the generator to obtain 20,000lb starting tractive effort from each axle. The Generator Load is excessive. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Low Speed – Usual Solution Main Generator Generator Load 4200A Exciter 140V Series‐Field DC Traction Motors Each Motor 1400A Connecting the motors in series pairs at low speed keeps the generator current at a reasonable level. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Typical Dynamic Braking Arrangement Generator Load Main Generator 900A Exciter DC Traction Motors Operating as Separately‐ Excited Generators Dynamic braking is achieved by connecting the motors as separately‐excited generators. The Main Generator supplies current to all fields. The grid resistors load the armatures. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Dynamic Brake Characteristics Range extended by cutting out grid sections in steps Brake Effort Limited by grid power rating Limited by grid resistance Speed Dynamic braking is a design compromise and only works well at one speed. It can be improved at low speed by using switches to bypass resistor sections. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Typical Switchgear in a 6‐axle Locomotive with DC Traction Motors • • • • Series/Parallel Transition Switches Reversing Switches Motor/Brake Transition Switches Extended Braking Range Switches 18 6 12 9 Typically 45 switches rated at 1000A continuous and 1500A peak. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories ATS Rack Inverter1 Cap1 Inverter2 Fuse 1000A Cap2 Inverter3 Fuse 1000A Dynamic Brake Cap3 Chopper Fuse 1000A Fuse 2000A 0.66Ω 0.66Ω Power Schematic of an AC Locomotive Direction reversal and motor/brake changeover is achieved by frequency control. Main Generator 0.66Ω 0.66Ω 0.66Ω 0.66Ω TM1 ATS Rack Inverter4 TM2 Cap4 TM3 Inverter5 Cap5 FAN Inverter6 Fuse 1000A Fuse 1000A Fuse 1000A TM4 TM5 TM6 No switchgear is necessary African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Cap6 Dynamic Brake Characteristics with AC Motors Inverter permits continuous smooth control down to standstill Brake Effort Limited by grid power rating Speed The inverter can effectively make the traction system into a servo drive with full 4‐quadrant capability African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Weight Weight Static Forces for High Tractive Effort Conditions Drawbar Pull The forces cause the nose to lift slightly to maintain the moments in balance. The leading axle of the leading truck always slips first. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Weight Weight Static Forces for High Tractive Effort Conditions Drawbar Pull These axles could produce more tractive effort In a system that does not permit individual control of current in each motor, the performance is limited by the leading axle adhesion. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Weight Weight Maximizing Tractive Effort with AC Motors Increased Drawbar Pull Front axle continuously creeps and cleans the rail. Tractive effort on the following axles is increased. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories ATS AC Traction System Control Block Diagram Engine Control ENGINE Engine Feedback Throttle PLC Generator Field Controller Main Gen Field Main Gen 4-20mA RS485 Brake Resistors Self Load Direction Self Load Ref Bus Voltage Controller (Dynamic Brake Chopper) CANBUS Traction/Brake Ref Power Enable Brake Enable Enable Rev Enable Fwd Enable Induction Motor Traction Inverter Encoder Spin/Slide CANBUS Induction Motor Traction Inverter Enable Spin/Slide Encoder CANBUS African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories DC Bus Traction Demand Limits Current Limit Function Analog Reference Power Limit Function Current/Power or Speed Traction/Brake Demand Minimum Demand Output Frequency Speed Dependent Limit DC Bus Voltage Each ATS Traction Module (AC or DC Traction) independently regulates the Traction/Brake demand for each axle of the locomotive African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Wheel Speed Reference for Spin/Slide Control MOTOR Speed Axle 1 CAN Lowest axle speed is used as reference during motoring Min Speed Axle 2 CAN Ramp BRAKE E00 Up E01 Down Speed Reference Max Speed Axle 6 CAN Highest axle speed is used as reference during dynamic braking African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Normal path of throttle‐derived current reference Spin/Slide Control Sign of Traction Demand A19 Upper Control Limit Lower Control Limit Normal path of brake‐derived current reference E04 Integral E05 Lower Limit Speed Feedback from Traction Motor Encoder A18 Proportional Upper Limit A20 Motor Current Reference Add 1mph Bias A16 P+I Regulator D12 SPIN/SLIDE INDICATION *-1 Subtract 1mph Bias A14 Wheel Speed Reference ABS Correction subtracted from normal reference + - LO 5.0% Speed loop restricts wheel speed to 1mph (1.6kph) above or below the speeds of other axles African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Spin Control During Acceleration Tractive Effort Non‐slipping wheels unaffected Slipping wheel at adhesion limit Time Speed 1mph Slipping wheel Non‐slipping wheels Speed Controller Set‐point Time INDICATOR The speed controller set‐point is maintained at a value 1mph faster than the slowest wheel. The speed of a slipping wheel is limited to 1mph relative to the non‐slipping wheels until adhesion is regained. African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Slide Control During Braking Time Sliding wheel at adhesion limit Brake Effort Non‐sliding wheels unaffected Speed Non‐sliding wheels 1mph Sliding wheel Speed Controller Set‐point Time INDICATOR The speed controller set‐point is maintained at a value 1mph slower than the fastest wheel. The speed of a sliding wheel is limited to 1mph relative to the non‐sliding wheels until adhesion is regained. AfricanTraction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories Cooling System Load A system with six inverters operating at full power (750A) rejects a total of 37.8kW African Traction Systems Electric Propulsion Controls and Accessories