ENERGY WORK GROUP - SJVCEO (Energy-SJVCEO) Supporting Organizations: California State University, Fresno, Paul Johnson and Associates, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization ACTIONS Goal 1: Develop a comprehensive regional plan and implementation structure for efficient energy use and clean renewable technologies. Objective B: Develop a comprehensive regional clean energy plan for the San Joaquin Valley. C = Completed IP = In Progress NP = No Progress W = WIA Grant STATUS 2013 2ND QUARTER (Apr 1 - Jun 30) IP Staff from stakeholder groups continued their efforts to support regional energy planning efforts in the Valley. Led by the SJV Regional Policy Council the group met at the Energy Education Center Tulare in April to exchange information and ideas on what was being done and how best to proceed. The RPC will convene the group again in August and will look at alternative opportunities to fund sections of a regional energy economic plan. SJVCEO opened conversations with PG&E to complete three areas of technical implementation work with local governments in the eight counties that would allow the organization to better understand the opportunities and direction and help current understanding of needs for a future plan. Objective C: Seek an “increased share of “public goods charges revenue” for funding energy efficiency programs from CPUC in portion to regional population. IP SJVCEO is in conversation with PG&E to complete energy efficiency technical assistance work in the eight county region. This work would be funding from Public Goods Charge dollars. Complete assessment of public goods funding returning to the Valley. IP SJVCEO and PG&E will begin an assessment of PGC assessment in Q3 2013. Develop work plan. Completion of the regional clean energy plan. Implement strategies to increase public benefit funding. ENERGY WORK GROUP - SJVCEO (Energy-SJVCEO) Supporting Organizations: California State University, Fresno, Paul Johnson and Associates, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization ACTIONS C = Completed IP = In Progress NP = No Progress W = WIA Grant STATUS 2013 2ND QUARTER (Apr 1 - Jun 30) Goal 2: Increase efficient energy use in all sectors. IP Through local government partnerships in counties of Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno and Madera, as well as through an Ag based outreach program in the three northern counties PG&E, SCE and SCG additional energy efficiency resources are being delivered and shared with the following customer segments: agriculture, small business, medium business, residential, schools, water-districts and municipalities. Objective B: Increase efficient energy use in rural communities. IP The Great Valley Center, County of Madera, Fresno EDC, SJVCEO and Kern COG, as implementers of local government partnerships, are using PGC dollars and the resources of local government partnerships to direct resources to rural communities. Conduct pilots. IP SJVCEO is working with PG&E to develop a community giving campaign in the City of Dinuba to fund energy efficiency projects in the city. The SJVCEO is looking at hosting directed energy efficiency community events with PG&E in Stratford and Waukena in Q4 2013. Expand to additional locations. IP Objective E: Support project based learning in schools to demonstrate the positive role that clean energy can play in improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Pursue and secure grant funding to develop school programs. Goal 3: Advance energy self sufficiency and grow the economy through development of clean, renewable technologies. W ENERGY WORK GROUP - SJVCEO (Energy-SJVCEO) Supporting Organizations: California State University, Fresno, Paul Johnson and Associates, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization ACTIONS Objective A: Work with state agencies to explore and demonstrate innovative approaches to increase use of renewable energy, including trading of net metering credits, streamlining the requirement for interconnection to the grid, and structuring incentives for renewable energy production. C = Completed IP = In Progress NP = No Progress W = WIA Grant STATUS IP 2013 2ND QUARTER (Apr 1 - Jun 30) Strategic Energy Innovations and Optony wrapped up work on the Southwest Solar Transformation Initiative (SSTI) during the quarter. The SSTI Team is pursing funding from multiple sources to continue and expand solar road mapping and aggregation efforts in the Valley initiated under the SSTI. Assess and rank opportunities. Develop and introduce new approaches. Objective E: Implement community choice energy aggregation projects. NP Provide technical assistance to KCRD and participating government entities on clean energy as needed. Goal 5: Promote the region as an international leader for clean energy research, development, and use. IP Objective A: Work with economic development agencies at local, state, and federal levels to incubate, grow and attract clean energy companies. IP Work with economic development organizations to develop a database of clean energy companies in the Valley. Serve as a clearinghouse of information on clean energy companies. C Through the C6 grant the SJVCEO has created a webbased, interactive map that displays clean energy employers in the eight counties, as well as employment opportunities with those employers. SJVCEO staff has focused early efforts on efficiency and solar employers, but intends to grow the map as training opportunities at our community colleges grows. Objective B: Work with community colleges, trade unions and Workforce Investment Boards to ensure that there is an adequately trained workforce for the clean energy industry. IP SJVCEO continues work on the C6 grant project with our ten partner community colleges. ENERGY WORK GROUP - SJVCEO (Energy-SJVCEO) Supporting Organizations: California State University, Fresno, Paul Johnson and Associates, San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization ACTIONS C = Completed IP = In Progress NP = No Progress W = WIA Grant STATUS 2013 2ND QUARTER (Apr 1 - Jun 30) Begin an inventory of clean energy training programs offered around the country. C Under the 2009-2012 WIA program the SJVCEO assessed clean energy training opportunities. Based on that information the SJVCEO and community colleges identified definite gaps and recognized an opportunity for CTE training through the colleges using the C6 project funds. The C6 Jobs Opportunity Map additionally identifies clean energy training partners in the region. Advocate for the development of additional training capacity for clean energy jobs. IP SJVCEO began conversations to develop a hands on training program collaborative utilizing AB39 dollars. The goal is to have C6 colleges aggregate AB39 funding to optimize retrofit opportunities that incorporate on campus hands on training in EE and generation projects. Objective D: Develop and implement innovative cutting-edge clean energy demonstration projects. Conduct outreach to universities, labs, CEC, DOE and research facilities. Convene meetings with universities, labs, CEC, DOE and research facilities to develop research partnerships and funding. Challenges/Problems/Bottlenecks/Feedback encountered during the quarter IP New funds leveraged during the quarter. IP The SJVCEO joined in on a WIB RICO grant application with the Office of Community and Economic Development, CSUF