Vol. 34, No. 4 Journal of Semiconductors April 2013 Analysis of the dV /dt effect on an IGBT gate circuit in IPM Hua Qing(华庆)1; , Li Zehong(李泽宏)1 , Zhang Bo(张波)1 , Huang Xiangjun(黄祥钧)2 , and Cheng Dekai(程德凯)2 1 State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China 2 Midea Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Research Institute, Foshan 528311, China Abstract: The effect of dV /dt on the IGBT gate circuit in IPM is analyzed both by simulation and experiment. It is shown that a voltage slope applied across the collector–emitter terminals of the IGBT can induce a gate voltage spike through the feedback action of the parasitic capacitances of the IGBT. The dV /dt rate, gate–collector capacitance, gate–emitter capacitance and gate resistance have a direct influence on this voltage spike. The device with a higher dV /dt rate, gate–collector capacitance, gate resistance and lower gate–emitter capacitance is more prone to dV /dt induced self turn-on. By optimizing these parameters, the dV /dt induced voltage spike can be effectively controlled. Key words: IGBT; dV /dt ; voltage spike; IPM DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/34/4/045001 EEACC: 2570 1. Introduction The intelligent power module (IPM) is nowadays widely used as the power inverter circuit for appliance motor drive systems such as frequency-alterable air-conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators. It is an advanced hybrid integrated circuit (IC) which contains power devices, driver IC and protection circuits. Due to their excellent performance, insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are commonly employed as the power switching devices of the IPM, where they are required to switch on and off at high frequencies in order to reduce switching dissipation and improve system performanceŒ1 . However, this fast switching transient can lead to problemsŒ2 5 . One of the main issues caused by this switching transient that should be considered to properly design the IPM is the dV /dt problemŒ3; 5 11 . In the three-phase full-bridge IGBT inverter stage of the IPM, during the turn on transient of the high-side IGBT, there will be an abrupt voltage slope (dV /dt) applied across the collect–emitter terminals of the low-side IGBT. This dV /dt can cause a current that flows into the gate drive circuit through the parasitic capacitances of the low-side IGBT, which leads to the increase of the gate–emitter voltageŒ9; 11 . Even worse, if this unwanted voltage spike exceeds the threshold voltage of the low-side IGBT, an arm shoot through will occur, which threatens the reliability of the IGBT and IPM. In order to improve dV /dt immunity, increase the reliability of both the IGBT and IPM itself, it is therefore necessary to explore the theory behind the dV /dt induced problem. In this paper, an IGBT-based IPM which is used in a frequency-alterable air-conditioner system is proposed as the research subject and the dV /dt effect on the IGBT gate circuit with respect to the real application circuit is investigated. Moreover, discussions are conducted for the analyzed results, working principle and causes of the problem, which provide a design reference to improve the reliability of the IGBT and IPM. 2. Circuit schematic and principal analysis Figure 1 illustrates the simplified circuit schematic of the three-phase full-bridge inverter of the IPM and the corresponding photograph of the IPM is shown in Fig. 2. The inverter employs IGBT1–IGBT6 as the power switching devices which are arranged in three legs: U (IGBT1, IGBT4), V (IGBT3, IGBT6), W (IGBT5, IGBT2), each with its own anti-parallel free-wheeling diode (FWD) FWD1–FWD6. In order to analyze the dV /dt performance, a relevant circuit is shown in Fig. 3. In this Figure, the dV /dt generated circuit is formed by V1 , V2 , R1 , R2 and M2. Also, a PSpice model for IGBT is introduced. Since the IGBT is essentially a power MOSFET with an added semiconductor layer in series with the collector, it is suitable to emulate the basic function of the IGBT by a power MOSFET M1 in series with a PNP transistor Q1 connected as in Fig. 3. The collector–emitter diode, collector–emitter capacitance and breakdown features of the IGBT are emulated by D1 and D2. RC and RE indicate the collector and emitter resistances of the IGBT respectively. CGC and CGE are the parasitic gate–collector capacitance and gate– emitter capacitance of the IGBT respectively. RG is the gate resistance and RDS.on/ indicates the resistance of the driver IC. In addition, stray inductance in the circuit from PCB tracks and die bonding wires of the IGBT are lumped together and represented by LS . Referring to the circuit shown in Fig. 3, when the M2 turns on, there will be a sudden voltage slope (i.e. dV /dt ) applied across the collector–emitter terminals of the IGBT. In this case, * Project supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2011ZX02504). † Corresponding author. Email: huaqing2014@126.com Received 13 August 2012, revised manuscript received 23 October 2012 © 2013 Chinese Institute of Electronics 045001-1 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Hua Qing et al. Fig. 1. Simplified circuit schematic of three-phase full-bridge inverter. power dissipation. Moreover, if this voltage spike exceeds the threshold voltage of the IGBT, the device may self turn on, then the high-side IGBT and low-side IGBT will conduct simultaneously, resulting in an arm short through and threaten the reliability of the IGBT and IPMŒ9 . From the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3, the circuit equations are given as follows: CGC dVCE dt CGC dVGE dt CGE dVGE dt iG D 0; (1) diG iG RDS.on/ D 0; (2) dt where iG is the gate current of the IGBT. So, the gate–emitter voltage VGE of the IGBT can be deduced from the above expressions and is given as follows: VGE iG RG LS Fig. 2. Photograph of the IPM. VGE D VCE 1 exp s.RG C RDS.on/ /CGC : RG C RDS.on/ C s.RG C RDS.on/ /.CGC C CGE / LS (3) When the value of the parasitic inductance LS is very small compared with that of the gate resistance RG CRDS.on/ , the VGE can then be simplified by: VGE D .RG C RDS.on/ /CGC 1 Fig. 3. Simulation-assisted circuit to analyze the dV /dt performance. the dV /dt can coupling into the gate circuit induces a current that flows in CGC , RG , LS and RDS.on/ as shown in Fig. 3, and leads to a transitory voltage spike across the gate–emitter terminals of the IGBT. The voltage spike between the gate–emitter terminals of the IGBT is related to many parameters such as the applied dV /dt across the collector–emitter terminals, the parasitic capacitances of the IGBT and the impedance of the gate drive circuit. This voltage spike can cause an increase of exp dVCE dt t .RG C RDS.on/ /.CGC C CGE / : (4) In the above equation, it can be noted that the VGE is directly affected by dVCE /dt , CGC and RG , which could also be seen in Figs. 4–6. If the gate driver resistance RG of the IGBT is too high, then during the dVCE /dt transient, there will be a high voltage spike between the gate–emitter terminals of the IGBT and it is getting worse by the fact that the dVCE /dt is changing fast or CGC is high. So, the value of these parameters should be chosen carefully. In the case that the value of RG is very low, then a resonant circuit will be formed by RG , RDS.on/ , LS , CGC and CGE , which 045001-2 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Hua Qing et al. Fig. 6. Simulated voltage spike versus RG . Fig. 4. Simulated voltage spike versus dV /dt rate. Fig. 5. Simulated voltage spike versus CGC . causes a voltage oscillation of the gate drive circuit as could be seen in Fig. 6. A numerical simulation has been carried out with PSpice software to qualitatively analyze the dV /dt effect. Several primary factors dV /dt , CGC and RG that influence the gate voltage spike were analyzed and the simulation results are shown in Figs. 4–6. The dV /dt induced gate voltage spikes for different dV /dt rates were simulated when RG D 100 , LS D 100 nH, RDS.on/ D 1 m, CGC D 10 pF and CGE D 700 pF. The simulation results are illustrated in Fig. 4. Obviously, the dV /dt itself has a direct impact on the voltage spike. If a rapid dV /dt is applied across the collector–emitter terminals of the IGBT, since the higher dV /dt rate always generates a larger displace current, there is a quick rise rate of the voltage spike. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the gate voltage spike is proportional to the dV /dt rate. A lower dV /dt rate leads to a lower voltage spike. When the collector–emitter voltage variation rate dV /dt of the IGBT is 200 V/s, there is a high voltage overshoot of about 2.25 V between the gate–emitter terminals of the IGBT, but the voltage spike duration time is very short, about 0.2 s. When dV /dt D 50 V/s, the voltage spike decreases to appropriately 1.15 V and the duration time becomes 0.4 s. When dV /dt D 20V/s, there is a significant reduction of the voltage spike, which is about 0.5V and the duration time increases to about 0.6 s. Therefore, slowing down the dV /dt rate can reduce the gate voltage spike, but on the other hand, the duration time of the voltage spike will increase accordingly. Figure 5 shows the impact of the parasitic capacitances CGC on the voltage spike when dV /dt D 200 V/s, RG D 100 , CGE D 700 pF, LS D 100 nH and RDS.on/ D 1 m. It is shown that by reducing CGC from 160 to 10 pF, the gate voltage spike can be reduced by as much as 30%. In Fig. 6, the simulated results for the dV /dt induced gate voltage spikes at different gate resistances RG are displayed when dV /dt D 200V/s, CGC D 10 pF, CGE D 700 pF, LS D 100 nH and RDS.on/ D 1m. It is shown that this parameter has a significant influence on the behavior of dV /dt . When the gate resistance RG D 100 , there is an obvious voltage spike between gate–emitter terminals of the IGBT during the dV /dt transient, with a gate resistance of only 3 , the gate–emitter voltage spike is significantly reduced to about 0.5V. However, the large reduction in RG can produce a ringing in the circuit. As has been mentioned before, this is due to the resonance of the gate circuit resistances, parasitic capacitances and stray inductances. Hence, RG is the key factor for achieving optimized design, it is possible to control the dV /dt induced voltage spike by choosing an appropriate value of gate resistance RG . 3. Experimental results According to the previous theoretical analysis and simulation results of the dV /dt effect on the IGBT gate circuit, an experimental study has been developed to inspect the performance of the dV /dt. Several IGBT devices were investigated and the parameters of the tested IGBTs are shown in Table 1. The dV /dt induced gate voltage spikes were tested when dV /dt D 200 V/s, 50 V/s, 20 V/s, RG D 100 , 20 , 3 and LS D 100 nH, RDS.on/ D 1 m for devices A, B and C, respectively. The experimental results are given in Figs. 7–12. Device A and B are non-punch through (NPT) trench IGBTs and device C is a punch through (PT) planar IGBT. Vth is the threshold voltage of the IGBT. It can be seen that the experimental results are similar to the simulation results shown in the above section. As could be seen from Figs. 7, 9 and 11, the dV /dt rate has a direct influence on the voltage spike. A higher dV /dt rate leads to a higher 045001-3 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Table 1. Device parameters. Device Type CGE (pF) CGC (pF) A NPT700 10 trench B NPT1500 92 trench C PT-planar 3715 27 Hua Qing et al. Vth (V) 4.32 3.87 5.65 Fig. 9. Measured voltage spike versus dV /dt rate of device B. Fig. 7. Measured voltage spike versus dV /dt rate of device A. Fig. 10. Measured voltage spike versus RG of device B. Fig. 8. Measured voltage spike versus RG of device A. voltage spike but a lower duration time. Taking device A as an example, Figure 7 illustrates the tested waveforms according to changes in the dV /dt rate. The amplitude of the voltage spike is approximately 1.85 V when dV /dt is 200 V/s, and it could be very much reduced as the dV /dt rate reduces to 20 V/s. Meanwhile, the duration time of the voltage spike also increased accordingly. Also, device A features the highest voltage spike compared to the other two devices B and C under the same conditions and the voltage spike of device C is lowest. This is because the voltage spike is proportional to the CGC and inversely proportional to the CGE as is shown in the simulation results. The voltage spikes as a function of RG for devices A, B and C are plotted in Figs. 8, 10 and 12. As seen from these figures, the experimental results agree with the simulation results that both the voltage spike and duration time are proportional to the RG . The higher the RG increases, the higher the gate voltage Fig. 11. Measured voltage spike versus dV /dt rate of device C. spike and the wider the duration time. When RG D 100 , device A has a very high voltage spike about 1.85 V with a duration time of about 0.65 s and the voltage spike is observed reducing to a very small value of about 0.4 V when RG D 3 , but at the same time the ringing starts rising rapidly as seen in Fig. 8. Device B and C have the same changing trend compared to device A, but it was obvious that device C has the lowest voltage spike, this is also due to the fact that device C has a 045001-4 J. Semicond. 2013, 34(4) Hua Qing et al. 54% when the dV /dt rate changes from 200 to 20 V/s at RG D 100 . In addition, when dV /dt D 200 V/s, decreasing RG from 100 to 3 , a large reduction of voltage spike in the range of 79% is expected. Furthermore, since device C has a much lower CGC and higher CGE compared with device B, its voltage spike is 66% lower than devices B under the same conditions dV /dt D 200 V/s, RG D 100 . Therefore, with the appropriate optimization of these parameters the dV /dt induced voltage spike can be effectively controlled and the research results of this paper could be used as practical guidance for the design of the IGBT and the IPM. References Fig. 12. Measured voltage spike versus RG of device C. different CGE and CGC compared to devices A and B. However, we would like to point out that there could be a difference between the simulation results and experimental results due to the precision of the circuit model and the parameter dispersion of the IGBTs and other elements. Although the actual situation is much more complicated, this study still gives some insight for further improvement in the design. Nevertheless, the trends of the simulation results clearly agree with the experimental results. 4. Conclusion This paper studies the dV /dt induced voltage spike behavior, the relationship between this voltage spike and the dV /dt rate, parasitic capacitances CGC , CGE and gate resistance RG is investigated theoretically, numerically and experimentally. An analytical formula describing the relationships between the voltage spike and dV /dt rate, CGC , CGE and RG is derived. Based on the simulation results it has been verified that the voltage spike of the low-side IGBT that are caused by the dV /dt is proportional to the dV /dt rate, gate resistance RG and gate–collector capacitance CGC of the IGBT, but is inversely proportional to gate–emitter capacitance CGE of the IGBT. This conclusion is also validated by the experiment on three IGBT samples, devices A, B and C. Take device A as an example, the voltage spike caused by the dV /dt can be reduced by around [1] Ranstad P, Nee H P. On dynamic effects influencing IGBT losses in soft-switching converters. IEEE Trans Power Electron, 2011, 26(1): 260 [2] Letor R, Aniceto G C. Short circuit behavior of IGBT’s correlated to the intrinsic device structure and on the application circuit. IEEE Trans Industry Applications, 1995, 31(2): 234 [3] Park S, Jahns T M. Flexible dv/dt and di /dt control method for insulated gate power switches. 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