Sandra Abadie Kemmerly, MD, MACP, FIDSA PLACE

April 2013
Personal Information
Sandra Abadie Kemmerly, M.D., M.A.C.P., F.I.D.S.A.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Ochsner Medical Center
1514 Jefferson Highway
New Orleans, Louisiana 70121
Medical Director, Clinical Practice Improvement
Ochsner Health System
New Orleans, LA
Associate Head, Infectious Diseases Department
(504) 842-4005
(504) 842-3633 (facsimile)
Married, McNeil James Kemmerly
Katherine Michel Kemmerly
John McNeil Kemmerly
Education and Training
Louisiana State University Medical Center,
School of Allied Health
August 1977 - August 1978
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
B.S. Degree, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, 1978
Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge,
College of Chemistry and Physics
August 1974-May 1977
B.S. Degree, Concomitant with Bachelor of Science in Medical
Technology, 1978
University of New Orleans
5/74 - 8/74
6/76 - 8/76
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Louisiana State University School of Medicine
New Orleans, Louisiana
M.D. Degree, 1979-1983
Internal Medicine
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation
New Orleans, Louisiana
July 1983-June 1984
Internal Medicine
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation
New Orleans, Louisiana
July 1984-June 1986
Infectious Diseases
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation
New Orleans, Louisiana
June 1986-June 1988
American Board of Internal Medicine
#110577, 1986
American Board of Internal Medicine
Subspecialty - Infectious Diseases, 1988
Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
LA #017210, 1983
American College of Physicians, Master 2009
Governor, State of Louisiana, 2003-2008
Governor Elect, State of Louisiana, 2002-2003
Governor’s Council, Louisiana Chapter of the American College
of Physicians, Feb 1991- 1997; 2008-present
American College of Physicians, Chairman, Associate
Committee, Louisiana, 1994 - 2003
Secretary, Governor’s Council, Louisiana Chapter of the
American College of Physicians, 1995 – 1997
Fellow, January 1992
American Society for Microbiology, Feb 1989 - present
Infectious Diseases Society of America, Fellow
Society Awards and Citations Committee, 2011-present
Board of Directors, Oct 2007-Oct. 2010
Clinical Affairs Committee, IDSA, 1999-2004
Infectious Diseases Society of America, Fellow (cont'd)
Annual Meeting Program Committee, 2001-2004
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Louisiana/Mississippi Infectious Diseases Society
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Board Member, 1997 - Present
New Orleans Academy of Internal Medicine – President,
2000-2001; Vice President, 1999-2000
Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum, Board of Directors
August 2012-2015
Who’s Who in American Universities & Colleges - 1978
Fellow, American College of Physicians – 1992
Master, American College of Physicians - 2009
The Best Doctors in America: Southeast Region, 1996-1997
Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America – 2000
The Best Doctors in America, 2005-2013
America’s Top Physicians, 2008, 2010
New Orleans City Business, Healthcare Hero Award, May, 2010
The Best Doctors in America 2009-2010, excerpted in August 2010
issue of New Orleans Magazine
The Best Doctors in New Orleans, New Orleans Magazine, 2003-2010
The Best Doctors in America 2010-2011, excerpted in the Nov/Dec 2010
issue of Louisiana Life Magazine
The Best Doctors in America 2011-2012, excerpted in the Nov/Dec 2011
issue of Louisiana Life Magazine
Beta of Louisiana Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical
Society, Alumni, 2012
The Best Doctors in America 2011-2013, excerpted in the August 2013
issue of New Orleans Magazine
Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
Louisiana State University School of Medicine
January 1, 1989 - Present
Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation Hospital
Ochsner Clinic Foundation’s Infection Control Committee
Medical Director and Chairman, October 1, 1996 – October 1,
Ochsner Health System Medical Director of Employee Health
October 1, 1996 – October 1, 2008
Ochsner Clinic Foundation’s Therapeutics Committee
October 1, 1996 - present
Ochsner Clinic Foundation’s Critical Care Committee
October 1, 1996 – 2008
Ochsner Clinic Foundation’s Staff Executive Committee
President 2010- present
Vice-Chairman 2008-2010
February 2003 – present
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Ochsner Clinic Foundation’s Performance Improvements
Committee, October 1, 1996 – present
Chairman, 2004 –January 2010
Ochsner Clinic Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
1997 – 2002; Chairman 1998 - 2002
Brent House Hotel, Board of Directors
1997 – 2002
Ochsner Clinic Quality Assurance Committee
1998 - 2002
Ochsner Health Plan Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
1999 - 2004
Public Member, The Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary
Board, 1999 - 2005
1. Pankey GA, Abadie S: Adult Infectious Diarrhea. Current Therapy in Emergency Medicine. B.C.
Decker, Inc., Philadelphia. Pages 555-559, 1987.
2. Abadie S, Dalovisio JD, Pankey GA, Cortez LM:
Transplant Recipient. J Infec Dis 1987: 156 (2):413.
Listeria monocytogenes Arthritis in a Renal
3. Noel SB, Greer DL, Abadie S, Zachary JA, Pankey GA: Primary Cutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis:
A report of three cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 1988;18:1023-1030.
4. Abadie-Kemmerly S, Pankey GA, Dalovisio JR: Failure of Ketoconazole Treatment of Blastomyces
dermatidis Due to Interaction of Isoniazid and Rifampin. Ann Intern Med 1988;109(10):844-845.
5. Abadie S: Listeria monocytogenes Infections of Prosthetic Joints. J Infect Dis 1989; 159(1):156.
6. Abadie-Kemmerly S, Pankey GA: Brief Report: Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Ciprofloxacin
in the Treatment of Selected Infections. Am J Med 1989;87 (Suppl 5A): 5A-2135-2205.
7. Abadie-Kemmerly S: Management of Infected Joint Prosthesis: Decision Making in Surgical
Sepsis. B.C. Decker, Inc., Philadelphia, pgs 368-369, 1991.
8. Abadie-Kemmerly S, Pankey GA: Adult Infectious Diarrhea. Current Practice of Emergency
Medicine - Second Edition. B.C. Decker, Inc., Philadelphia. 1991.
9. Kemmerly SA, Pankey GA: Oral Ciprofloxacin Therapy for Bacillus cereus Wound Infection and
Bacteremia. CID, 1993; 16:189.
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10. Safrin S, Kemmerly S, Plotkin B, et al: Foscarnet - Resistant Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in
Patients with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. J Infec Dis 1994; 169:193-196.
11. Kemmerly SA: Dermatologic Manifestations of Infections in Diabetics. Infectious Disease Clinics
of North America. 1994; 8(3):523-532.
12. Ali A, Mehra MR, Stapleton DD, Kemmerly SA, et al: Vibrio vulnificus Sepsis in Solid Organ
Transplantation. A Medical Nemesis. Journal of Health and Lung Transplantation 1995, 14:598600.
13. Bizette G, Kemmerly SA, Cole J: Corynebacterium Group A4 Sepsis in an Immunocompromised
Patient. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1995; 21:1334-6.
14. Dalovisio JR, Montenegro JS, Kemmerly SA, et al: Comparison of the Amplified Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (MTB) Direct Test, Amplicor MTB PCR, and IS6110-PCR for Detection of MTB in
Respiratory Specimens. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1996; 23:1099-1106.
15. Palau LP, Kemmerly SA: First Report of Invasive Amebiasis in an Organ Transplant Recipient.
Transplantation. 1997; 64(6):1-2.
16. Garcia-Diaz JB, Martin DH, Kemmerly SA. A Liver Transplant Patient with Fever. Infections in
Medicine. 1998; 15(2):85-88.
17. Holding KJ, Kemmerly SA, Mushatt DM. A Renal Transplant Patient with Fever. Infections in
Medicine. March 1999; 16(3): 163-165.
18. Rubin RH, Kemmerly SA, Conti D, et al. Prevention of Primary Cytomegalovirus Disease in
Organ Transplant Recipients with Oral Ganciclovir or Oral Acyclovir Prophylaxis. Transpl Infec
Dis 2000, 2:112-117.
19. Kemmerly SA. Influenza Update 2000. The Ochsner Journal 2000; 2: 224-227.
20. DH Lee, T Sun, S Kemmerly, F Ruddy, D Simonson, L Coletti, N Hennen. Rapid Implementation
of a pneumococcal vaccine program in a multispecialty teaching hospital. JCOM 2002; 9(3): 141145.
21. Perez MGV, Vassilev T, Kemmerly SA. Rhodococcus equi infection in transplant recipients: A
case of mistaken identity & review of the literature. Transplant Infectious Disease 2002; 4: 52-56.
22. Wynn MD, McLellan SLF, Steele RW, Kemmerly SA. A Case of Progressive Dementia. New
Orleans Citywide Rounds, R.W. Steele, Series Editor. Infections in Medicine 2003 Feb.; 20:85-88.
23. Petrak RM, Sexton DJ, Butera ML, Tenenbaum MJ, MacGregor MC, Schmidt ME, Joseph WP,
Kemmerly SA, Dougherty MJ, Bakken JS, Curfman MF, Martinelli LP and Gainer RB. The Value
of an Infectious Diseases Specialist. CID April 15, 2003; 36:1013-17.
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24. Kemmerly, S., Diagnosis and Treatment of West Nile Infections, The Ochsner Journal, Vol. 5, No.
3, Spring 2003: pp 16-17.
25. Reddy B, Durham H, Kemmerly S. Man with a Potentially Life-Threatening Waterborne Infection.
Case in Point, An Intriguing Diagnosis. Consultant, Vol. 44, No. 8, July 2004: pp 1080-1081.
26. Kemmerly, SA. Perioperative and Postoperative Infection. In: Isaacson, KB, ed. Complications of
Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgery. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2006: 127-130.
27. Reddy B, Gonzalez-Angulo A, Kemmerly S. Splenic Vein Thrombosis Presenting as Fusobacterium
nucleatum Bacteria. Journal of the LA State Medical Society, July/August 2006, Vol 158: 183-185.
28. Rao C, Kurukularatne C, Garcia-Diaz J, Kemmerly S, Reed D, Fridkin S, Morgan, J. Implications of
Detecting the Mold Syncephalastrum in Clinical Specimens of New Orleans Residents After
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM), April
2007; Vol 49, Number 4: 411-416.
29. Reed Deoine, Kemmerly, Sandra A.. Infection Control and Prevention: A Review of HospitalAcquired Infections and the Economic Implications. The Ochsner Journal, 9:27-31, 2009.
30. Kemmerly, Sandra A., reviewer. Review of: Baum N, McDaniel JW. Disaster Planning for the
Clinical Practice. The Ochsner Journal, 9(2):81, 2009.
1. Abadie- Kemmerly S, Pankey G: Oral Ciprofloxacin Therapy in a Patient with Bacillus Cereus
Wound Infection and Bacteremia. Inter-American Society for Chemotherapy. Abstract 19, 1998.
2. Abadie-Kemmerly S, Pankey G: The Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Ciprofloxacin in
Treatment of Selected Infections. Symposium “Ciprofloxacin: Major Advances in Intravenous
and Oral Quinolone Therapy.”- Naples, Florida. April 1989.
3. Pankey GA, Failla DM, Reiners JM, Dalovisio JR, Kemmerly SA: Is Hepatitis A Vaccine
Potentially Useful for New Orleans Travelers Outside the USA? Fourth International Conference
on Travel Medicine. Acapulco, Mexico. April 1995.
4. Dalovisio JR, Montenegro JS, Kemmerly SA, et al: Comparison of Three Nucleic Acid
Amplification Techniques with Mycobacterial Smear and Culture for Identification of M.
tuberculosis within Respiratory Specimen. Infectious Diseases of America Annual Meeting, San
Francisco, CA. September 1995.
5. Baumgarten KL, Mehra M, Kemmerly SA. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections after Heart
Transplantation. 2nd International Conference on Infectious Diseases, May 25-27, 2000, Stockholm,
6. Vassilev T, Concepcion A, Dalovisio J, Mehra M, Kemmerly S, Garcia-Diaz J, Chambers R. Fungal
Infections in Orthotopic Heart Transplant Patients: A 10-year Retrospective Study at Ochsner
Clinic Foundation. IDSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2001.
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7. K. Prabhakar, S. Kemmerly, K. Baumgarten, J. Garcia-Diaz, N. Patel. Dactylaria constricta var.
gallopava in two renal transplant patients. A poster presentation at the Focus on Infectious
Disease Conference, New Orleans Hilton, March 24-26, 2004.
8. D. Reed, J. Chapman, W. Eppling, L. Gervasi, S. Kemmerly. Interventional Epidemiology: A
Multidisciplinary Approach to Reduce Nosocomial Clostridium difficile Infection Unmasked
After Implementation of the PremierToxins A & B Immunoassay. IDSA- 2004.
9. M. Billeter, H. Cram, J. Garcia-Diaz, E. Chacko, S. Kemmerly. Evaluation of an Established
Urinary Tract Infection Guideline. IDSA-2004.
10. D. Reed, J. Chapman, S. Kemmerly. Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Community
Onset Methicillin Resistant-Staphylococcus aureus Infections in Southeastern Louisiana. IDSA2004.
11. S. Kemmerly, J. Chapman, D. Reed, C. Ledet, D. DeVun, M. Yoselevitz, J. Milburn, D. Kay. A
Study of the Rate of Infections & Complications in Patients with Peripherally-Inserted Central
Catheters. APIC, Baltimore, MD, June 2005.
12. C. Kurukularatne, J. Garcia-Diaz, S. Kemmerly, D. Reed, J. Chapman. Beyond Rhizopus and
Mucor: Hurricane Katrina Stirs Up Syncephalastrum in New Orleans. SHEA, Chicago, Illinois,
March 2006.
13. Carol Y. Rao, ScD; Deoine Reed, PhD; Sandra Kemmerly, MD; Scott K. Fridkin, MD; Julia GarciaDiaz, MD, Snigdha Vallabhaneni, MD; Juliette Morgan, MD. Assessing Mold Exposures Among
New Orleans Residents at Risk of Developing Mold Infections After Hurricane Katrina. IDSA 44th
Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 12-15, 2006.
14. Curbelo A, Garcia-Diaz J, Kemmerly S, Reed D, Chapman, Kay D. A Prospective Review of
Infections and Deep Vein Thrombosis Associated with Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters
(PICC) at a Tertiary Care Institution. IDSA 44th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
October 12-15, 2006.
15. Carol Y. Rao, Deoine Reed, Sandra Kemmerly, Juliette Morgan, Scott Fridkin. Assessing Invasive
Mold Infections, Mold Exposures and Personal Protective Equipment Use Among
Immunocompromised New Orleans Residents After Hurricane Katrina. SHEA 17th Annual
Scientific Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2007.
16. Shah SB, MD; Jasti R, MD; Kemmerly SA, MD; Kumar S, MD; Smith JW, MD. Vaccine-Preventable
Illnesses in Inflammatory Bowel disease Patients. Ochsner’s Fourth Annual Research Night, New
Orleans, LA, May 15, 2007.
17. Bragg J, MD; Richardson WS, MD; Kemmerly SA, MD; Wolf M, RN; Rodriguez SM, RN, BSN.
Comprehensive Planning for the Needs of the Bariatric Population. Ochsner’s Fourth Annual
Research Night, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2007.
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18. Reed D, PhD; Dibble OG, LPN; Chapman JE, RN, BSN, CIC; Kemmerly SA, MD. Improving Hand
Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare Workers. Ochsner’s Fourth Annual Research Night,
New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2007.
19. Reed D, PhD; Chapman JE, RN, BSN, CIC; Kemmerly SA, MD. “Who’s Getting Flu?” Ochsner’s
Fourth Annual Research Night, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2007.
20. Rao C, ScD; Reed D, PhD; Kemmerly SA, MD, Fridkin SK, MD; Garcia-Diaz J, MD; Morgan J, MD.
Assessment of Mold Exposures in Immunocompromised Patients Post-Hurricane Katrina.
Ochsner’s Fourth Annual Research Night, New Orleans, LA, May 15, 2007.
21. Reed, D; Cooper, R., Santos, A., Billeter, M., Margolin, D., Chapman, JE, and Kemmerly, SA.
Getting Up to Standard: Giving the Appropriate Antibiotic in the Appropriate Time. Ochsner
Clinic Foundation Research Night, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
22. Reed, D; Cooper, R., Margolin, D., Alliston, A., Chapman, JE, and Kemmerly, SA. Reducing
Surgical Site Infections. Ochsner Clinic Foundation Research Night, New Orleans, LA, 2008.
23. Reed, D; Dibble, OG; Chapman, JE, and Kemmerly, SA. Engaging Healthcare Workers to
Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance. Ochsner Clinic Foundation Research Night, New Orleans,
LA, 2008.
1. Clinical Infectious Diseases
2. Chest
3. Transplantation
4. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
1. Chronic Viral Fatigue Syndromes. American Academy of Family Physicians. October 3, 1988.
New Orleans, Louisiana.
2. The Outpatient Use of Antibiotics, Family Practice Update. October 6, 1989. Ochsner Medical
Institutions. New Orleans, Louisiana.
3. Pulmonary Manifestations in AIDS. HIV Disease for Primary Care Physicians. May 10, 1991.
New Orleans, Louisiana.
4. Pulmonary Complaints in HIV Disease. HIV Disease for Primary Care Physicians. April 23, 1992.
New Orleans, Louisiana.
5. AIDS UPDATE - 1992. Grand Rounds. Singing River Hospital, Pascagoula, MS. September 21,
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6. Outpatient Antibiotic Update - 1993. Ochsner Clinic Family Practice Update. April 15, 1993. New
Orleans, Louisiana.
7. Antimicrobial Therapy. New Orleans, Internal Medicine Board Review Course. September 10,
1993. New Orleans, Louisiana.
8. Endocarditis and Endocarditis Prophylaxis.
Aspen, Colorado.
Aspen Anesthesia Update.
February 13, 1992.
9. Antibiotic Allergies. Aspen Anesthesia Update. February 13, 1992. Aspen, Colorado.
10. AIDS Awareness and the Anesthesia Provider. Aspen Anesthesia Update. February 15, 1994.
Aspen, Colorado.
11. New Issues in Tuberculosis. Aspen Anesthesia Update. February 15, 1994. Aspen, Colorado.
12. Surgical Prophylaxis. Aspen Anesthesia Update. February 15, 1994. Aspen, Colorado.
13. Infectious Diseases “Show and Tell”. New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course.
July 31, 1994. New Orleans, LA.
14. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients.
Course. July 31, 1994. New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review
15. Infectious Disease Emergencies. Highland Park Hospital, Covington, LA, October 14, 1994.
16. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients.
Course, July 27, 1995, New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review
17. New and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases. Bay Medical Center. March 5, 1996. Panama City,
18. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients and Fungal Diseases. New Orleans Internal Medicine
Review Course. July 29, 1996. New Orleans, LA.
19. Infections in Transplantation. Pan American Infectious Diseases Physician Symposium. Ochsner
Medical Institutions. September 14, 1996. New Orleans, LA.
20. Infection in Solid Organ Transplantation.
October 10, 1996. New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans Academy of Internal Medicine.
21. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients and Fungal Diseases. New Orleans Internal Medicine
Board Review Course. August 2, 1997. New Orleans, LA.
22. Transplantation Microbiology. South West Association of Clinical Microbiology. September 11,
1997. New Orleans, Louisiana.
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23. Infectious Diseases “Show & Tell.”
August 6, 1998, New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
22. Program Chair. American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. LA &
MS Chapters Scientific Meeting. March 18-20, 1999. New Orleans, LA.
23. Infectious Diseases “Show & Tell.”
July 29, 1999, New Orleans, LA.
New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
24. Pneumonia in the Elderly. Medical Challenges in the Elderly. October 9, 1999, Biloxi,
25. Update in Fungal Diseases, 2000, Lafayette, LA, October 12, 1999.
26. Update in Fungal Diseases, 2000, Grand Rounds, Ochsner Foundation Hospital,
August 10, 1999.
28. Infectious Diseases “Show & Tell.” New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
August 4, 2000, New Orleans, LA.
29. Baumgarten KL, Mehra M, Kemmerly SA. Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections after
Heart Transplantation. 2nd International Conference on Infectious Diseases, May 25-27,
2000, Stockholm, Sweden.
30. Sexually Transmitted Diseases of the Anorectum: Diagnosis & Treatment. The Piedmont
Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, August 11,
31. Updates in Medical Treatment of Intra-abdominal Sepsis Associated with Colorectal
Surgery. The Piedmont Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, White Sulphur Springs, West
Virginia, August 12, 2000.
32. Panelist, Images of Infectious Diseases, Interactive Session. 38th Annual Meeting of the
Infectious Diseases Society of America. New Orleans, LA, Sept. 10, 2000.
33. An Overview of Infectious Disease Trends in Today’s Transplant World. Advances in
Transplantation, New Orleans, LA, October 1, 2000.
34. Advanced Cases of Infectious Diseases in Transplant Patients.
Transplantation, New Orleans, LA, October 1, 2000.
Advances in
35. Community Acquired Pneumonia. Rationale for Pathway Development.
Regional Medical Center, Thibodaux, LA , October 3, 2000.
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36. Infectious Diseases and Transplantation. New Orleans Citywide Infectious Disease
Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 6, 2000.
37. Infectious Disease “Show & Tell”, New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
August 2001.
38. Fungal Infections in Orthotopic Heart Transplant Patients: A 10-year Retrospective Study
at Ochsner Clinic Foundation. Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, October 2001.
39. Infectious Disease “Show & Tell”, New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
August 2002.
40. Modern Management of Neutropenic Fever, Society of Gynecologic Oncologists: The
Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, New Orleans, LA, February 4, 2003.
41. Infectious Disease “Show & Tell”, New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
August 2003.
42. Infectious Disease “Show & Tell”, New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
August 2004.
43. Infectious Disease “Show & Tell”, New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course,
July 2005.
44. Infection Control Issues in Large Scale Disasters: Lessons Learned from Katrina – A
Hospital System and Community Perspective, The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of
America (SHEA) Final Program, Chicago, Illinois, March 21, 2006.
45. Hurricane Katrina: Physicians’ Experiences, American College of Physicians Annual
Session and Pre-Session Courses, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 8, 2006.
46. Disaster ID, IDSA Fellows’ Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, April 21, 2006.
47. The Katrina Disaster: Lessons Learned from the “Ground”, American Society for
Microbiology 106th General Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 21-25, 2006.
48. Katrina: Lessons Learned, Nevada ACP Chapter Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan 13,
49. The Evaluation and Treatment of Tuberculosis in Healthcare Workers, American College
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine’s American Occupational Health
Conference (AOHC), New Orleans, LA , May 8, 2007.
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50. Update on Vaccines, 2007. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA , September 18, 2007.
51. Improvement in Sepsis, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Annual Meeting Poster
Session, Orlando, FL, December 2007.
52. Total Quality Management as part of the Health System Management Dept in the Tulane
University School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 9, 2008.
53. Congestive Heart Failure and Improving Use of Discharge Instructions, Institute for
Healthcare Improvement Annual Meeting Poster Session, Nashville, TN, December 2008.
54. Improvement in Mortality Review Process, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Annual
Meeting Poster Session, Nashville, TN, December 2008.
55. If you Don’t Know About It, You can’t Fix It-Use of a Real Time Quality /Safety
Dashboard. The Eighth National Quality Colloquium, Harvard University, Cambridge,
MA. August 20, 2009.
56. Total Quality Management as part of the Health System Management Dept in the Tulane
University School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 15, 2009.
57. Emerging Hospital Infections: 2009 H1N1 Influenza. 10th Annual Southern Hospital
Medicine Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 15, 2009.
58. The Use of Event Reporting and Organizational Dashboards, Institute for Healthcare
Improvement Annual Meeting Poster Session, Orlando, Fl, December 2009.
59. Results of a Patient Safety Pilot Study Aimed and Improving Hand Off Communication,
National Patient Safety Foundation Annual Congress Poster Session, Orlando, Fl, May
60. Incident Reporting and Impact on Organizational Dashboards, National National Patient
Safety Foundation Annual Congress Poster Session, Orlando, Fl, May 2010.
61. Impact of Strategic Planning on Quality, Institute for Healthcare Improvement Annual
Meeting Poster Session, Orlando, Fl, December 2010.
62. Results of a Patient Safety Pilot Study Aimed and Improving Hand Off Communication,
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Annual Meeting Poster Session, Orlando, Fl,
December 2010.
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63. Interactive Session: The Venn Diagram of Diagnosis: The Contribution of Histopathology,
Microbiology and Molecular Technology in the Diagnosis of ID, Infectious Diseases
Society of America 49th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, October 2011.
64. Special Topics in Environmental Control, SHEA HAI Regional Training – Region 6
Meeting, Austin, TX, November 2011.
65. Gram Positive Organisms: An Evolving Target for Prevention and Control, SHEA HAI
Regional Training – Region 6 Meeting, Austin, TX, November 2011.
66. September 11, Katrina and Beyond: Lessons Learned from a Decade of U.S. Disasters,
American College of Physicians Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2012.
67. Medical Errors in the Hospital Setting: A Survival Manual, American College of
Physicians Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2012.
68. ACP Keynote Speaker: Making the Case for Quality and Safety in Healthcare, Why the
Time is Now, Louisiana-Mississippi Chapters Combined Annual Scientific Meeting,
American College of Physicians, New Orleans, LA, March 14-16, 2013.