“Simply safer.” “Simply safer.” The next generation in medium voltage distribution switchgear is here! Greater safety. Environmental responsibility. Lower total cost of ownership. Submersible Innovative Switchgear’s solid-dielectric-in-air submersible switches and fault interrupters are similar in size and shape to existing oil-filled and SF6-filled units and thus easily fit into existing vaults and manholes. Our 3 Way products are specifically engineered to fit through a 36-inch manhole. All of our submersible designs can also be installed sideways on a stand to serve as a vault-style design in extremely small locations or in vaults with small openings. One advantage of the compact size is that utilities can now add fault interrupting capabilities where previously only switching capabilities existed. All submersible gear comes with a true visible open isolation point. Submersible Local and Remote Application Examples Solution 1: Below grade, 3 Way switch, interrupter, switch with 3 motor operators, and a Schneider P116 CT-powered relay. The submersible-rated junction box serves as a communications conduit informing the line personnel of both motor and switch status. Solution 2: Below grade, 3 Way switch, interrupter, switch with 3 motor operators, SEL fully programmable automation relay and communication; with pendant control for location operation. Wallmount Innovative Switchgear’s solid-dielectric-in-air wallmount switchgear is available in two versions: a 2 Way vacuum load-break switch, and a 2 Way vacuum fault interrupter, in 600 amps or 200 amps. Our wallmount equipment features a visible open isolation point which is visible from a safe working distance, and which is required for feeder isolation. Our units are operated by a single handle which will de-energize, isolate, and create the visible open. That handle is located at the same height as the bushings and cables, thereby creating a safer working situation where ladders and platforms are not required. High voltage cables may be installed from either above or below. Vaultmount Innovative Switchgear’s solid-dielectric-in-air vaultmount switches and fault interrupters are submersible-rated, and fully factory assembled and tested. Our equipment is compact and replicates the size, shape, and bushing patterns of old oil-filled and SF6-filled switchgear. One key advantage of the compact size is that utilities can now add fault interrupting capabilities where they previously only had switching capabilities. Our products feature up to six ways in a single unit. All of our vaultmount products come with an adjustable mounting stand, and these units are easily field upgradable to include motor operators, as well as automation and protection. Padmount – Single-sided Innovative Switchgear’s single-sided padmount switchgear is available in up to six ways, and reduces the real estate required for padmount applications. The bushings and operating handles are located on one side of the equipment to allow for placement next to a building or wall, and at angles in order to reduce the width of the gear. The padmount enclosure, as well as the submersible-rated, dead-front switch tank, are constructed from 304 stainless steel for a long maintenance-free life. It is the ideal solution for harsh environments, extreme weather and coastal applications. These units are easily field-upgradable, and are shown at left in the fully-automated version. Padmount – Double-sided Innovative Switchgear’s double-sided padmount switchgear replicates the footprint of most installed padmount equipment for easy retrofit solutions. Our equipment comes fully assembled, tested, and with the phasing matching the existing cable installation (ABC-CBA). This equipment is ready to be dropped onto existing padmount foundations, and energized. Both the submersible-rated, dead-front switch tank, and the padmount enclosure are constructed from 304 stainless steel to provide for a long maintenance-free life. And, this is an excellent solution for harsh environments where salt water, corrosion, dirt and critters often fail air-insulated equipment. Innovative Switchgear’s Automation and Protection Solutions Protection Innovative Switchgear offers several state-of-the-art protection devices (both automated and non-automated) that provide the intelligence to interrupt fault currents. For non-automated applications, we feature the Schneider P116 Micom CT-powered relay. This relay is powered by the current transformers, which are sealed within each tank in order to shield them from the elements. For automated applications, we feature multiple SEL relay solutions which provide over-current protection, in addition to a variety of automation and communications configurations and capabilities. Automation and Control Innovative Switchgear offers a variety of automation solutions ranging from the most basic motor operation from outside the manhole, to a full-featured SCADA communication platform for all of your local and remote requirements. Our automation and control packages provide solutions for auto-transfer applications, line sectionalizing logic, as well as directional and differential relay protection. We feature submersible-rated 24v DC motor operators made of 304 stainless steel. For local control, we offer three pendant controls: a 24v battery and charging solution, a 120v AC to 24v DC conversion solution, and an auto-transfer solution. These are portable, rugged, and come in submersible cases. This pendant control provides status of the motors’ position, resets the fault interrupters and allows operation from outside of the vault. These controls are also available with a junction box which allows for multiple motor operation, as well as status check and confirmation of both the motor and each Way. Our products are field-upgradable from manual to full automation. Communication Our SEL automation relay solutions communicate via radio, fiber-optics, and/or cellular phone/modem to your SCADA system. Innovative Switchgear’s Products Provide the Following Advantages Over the Competition: ● Innovative Switchgear is committed to providing the safest underground switchgear to protect utility personnel, the environment, and the public. ● Our products contain no flammable oil, and thus present no risk of explosion, and do not require oil monitoring, including sampling, testing, and replacement. ● Our products contain no SF6 gas which is the number one greenhouse gas, and which degrades into highly toxic byproducts. Thus, our products present no risk of SF6 leakage, require no quarterly recordkeeping and reporting, and are safe for the environment and human health. ● Our products require no maintenance. Our switchgear and enclosures are made of welded 304 stainless steel and are sealed from harsh underground environments which may include salt water, flooding, humidity, insects, wildlife, or other invasive elements that can cause non-sealed equipment to fail. ● In terms of ratings, our products can be applied to circuits ranging from 4kV to 25kV, with fault interrupting capabilities of 12.5kA, 16kA and 20kA symmetrical. ● Our products are certified to IEEE C37.60 – 2012 and IEEE C37.74 – 2003/14 standards for both fault interrupters and switches. ● Our products are innovative – entirely different, and unlike anything presently available in the marketplace. Our innovations are the subject of five pending patent applications. ● Innovative Switchgear and its products provide a lower-total-cost-of-ownership value proposition. We offer solutions, not commodities, and our solutions fit into existing vaults and manholes, as well as on existing padmount foundations so as to virtually eliminate additional installation and construction costs. ● Innovative Switchgear is committed to its customers. This commitment is reflected through our innovative designs, our responsiveness to our customers, our consistently high quality manufacturing, and our honest and responsible business practices. We are committed to customer service both before and after the sale. Headquartered just north of Denver, Colorado, Innovative Switchgear is an innovator and manufacturer of medium voltage underground distribution switchgear. We are the industry’s most leading-edge electrical distribution switchgear manufacturer, delivering total solutions that solve a multitude of engineering, functionality, operations, and space utilization challenges faced by most utilities today. Our family of products includes submersible, vaultmount, wallmount, single-sided padmount, and double-sided padmount. Innovative Switchgear Solutions, Inc.™ is certified by The Supplier Clearinghouse for the Utility Supplier Diversity Program of the California Public Utilities Commission as a woman-owned business enterprise (WBE). This certification is universally accepted nationwide. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Innovative Switchgear Solutions, Inc. 5073 Silver Peaks Avenue, Suite 101 Dacono, CO 80514 720-440-9404 Office Main • 303-484-4600 Fax E-mail: lblackburn@innovative-switchgear.com www.innovative-switchgear.com 9-2015