The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 15, No.1, Jan/Feb/Mar 1977 published by Arkansas Genealogical Society PO Box 908 Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 THE ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN VOLUME XV Number 1 JANUARY-PEBRUARY-MARCH 1977 I PuLli.hed Quarterly By Arkansas Genealogical Society,lno, P.O. Box 908 Hot Springs, AR 71902-0908 ARKANSAS GENEA,WGICAL SOCIE,):)" Inc. ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. OFFICERS DIRECTORS Marion S. Craig, M. D•• President Little Rock, Arkansas T. O. Hamaker: Vice President Magnolia, Arkansas Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Treasurer Hot Springs. Arkansas Mrs. C. G. Ball, Recording _ Sec. North Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Carroll C. Cannon, Cor.-Sec. Forrest City. Arkansas Mrs. Larry P. Clark, Historian Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, Herald Camden. Arkansas James Logan Morgan, Parliamentarian Newport, Arkansas Mrs. Harold D. Alspaugh Magnolia, Arkansas Russell P. Baker Mabelvale, Arkansas Robert W. Dhonau Little ROCk, Arkansas Mrs. Mae Chinn Green Batesville. Arkansas Me; .Margaret Hubbard, MembershipChairperson. Hot Springs, AR J. B. Lemley Russellville, Arkansas ASSOCIATE EDITORS: (Contr1butors) Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., 4200 'A" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Marion Stark Craig, M.D., 300 BeckwoQd Road. L1ttle Rock, Arkansas 72205 Dorothy K. AlviS, 33 Eaton, L1ttle RoCk. AR 72209 B. C. Hulsey, 12620 Southridge Dr., Little Rock, AR 72207 Wanda L. Clark. Box 1094. Pryor. Okla. 74361 Willodean Watts Huffman, P. O. Box 285. Orleans. CA 95556 Charles Etheridge, 617 Annelle. North Little Rock 72117 Mrs. Luther Greene, Jr. (Esther Clem Greene) 1026 Robinwood St. SW, Camden, AR 71701 CONTENTS PAGE ALL ROADS LEAD TO EVERTON'S BIG GENEALOGICAL WORKSHOP ••••••••••••••• Probate Bonds of LAWRENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1815-1835 .................. 5 INDEX TO Probate Bonds •••• ~ .........'~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 25 WOOLVERTON FAMILY BIBLE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 GRAND ARMY excerta .............•...••.•.•.•.......•.........•.••...• 31 CONFEDERATE VETERANS WHO DIED AT THE GENERAL HOSPITAL IN LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS .... •.••••". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 31 SHERRILL CEMETERY - Independence County ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 32 OLD BELMORE CEMETERY - Stone County •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. 32 BLUE SPRINGS CEMETERY - Independence County ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 EVETTS CEMETERY - Stone County •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• 33 TATE CEMETERY - Independence County .•.•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•... 34 THE McDANIEL BROTHERS .................................................................. 34 INFORMATION OFFERED ........................................................................... 37 FAMILIES ........................................................... 39 HEARD - MARBURy ...................................................................... 46 NAPIER OF VIRGINIA, TENNESSEE. & MISSISSIPPI ........................ 47 MARBURY AND RELATED HUTCHINSON - MARBURY ........................................... .-." .............. ,o 118 UERIES ......................................................................................... II Neither the Associate Editors, nor the Arkansas Genealogical Society, Inc. , assume any responsibility for information or material shared by the contributors. Correspondence concerning any article should be addressed to the authors. (Corrections will be made, as soon as possible. 1f our office is notified, and proper correction is g1ven). Mrs. MariO B. Cia, Sr., (Elaine Cia) Editor COPYRIGHT 1977 - ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 4200 "A" Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 NOTE: A COMPLETE FILE OF OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN HAS BEEN SENT TO WASHINGTON D. C. AND IS IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - ALL ISSUES TO DATE ARE FULLY COPYRIGHTED. INCLUDING ALL OF OUR FIVE VOLUMES OF ANCESTOR CHARTS. Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., Editor lJil ROllos LefJD ·TO••••• EVERTON's (THE EVERTON PUBLISHERS. INC.) P.O. BOX 368 - North Main St. Logan. Utah 84321 Famllv Tree Climbing Can Be Fun Fe aturi n9 _.;;;1IIft;;.;;8;;.....;.O;.;.;AY;...;;.;PE;;;,;;RR.;;.;.;;.Y..;,K;.;;,OW.;,;.;A;,;;L;:,;LI;;;,;;S;.,:._o;.,;;f;...,;;;Lo;,::g:,;;;an;,;;.:.:....;.Ut,;.;ah;.;;;..."...;;B;.;,oo;,;;k;;..;.;,Re;.,;v..;"i;.;,ew,;..·.;,Ed;.;,i..;.t;.;,or;....._ for THE OENEALPOICAL HELPER - Sponsored BV _--4WAR~K~."lI4sMAoj.S..ljg~§ilJjNEIiIIIAW!lLOOWII4:r.JtlocA!WL~S9~gi'IE~T..X.......I....N*Ct~_ _ _ _ _ __ Date __________ 4200 IAI Street. Little Rock. ~M~AR~C~H_l~2~,~1~9~17~ AR 72205 ____________________________ Place ___________SHE __R_AT_O_N_L_I_".U __R_OO __ K_-_6_t_h_&__ '_en __ l_,_L_it_t_l_e_R_o_ck_._A_R__ 12_2_0_1 Time ___________9_A_.M_.__t_O_·._4S_·_P_._M_.______________~____________ Admission $10.00 (Inoluding Noon Meal) THE ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY SPRING WORKSHOP The ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC., is planning a large genealogical workshop to be held SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1977 from 9:00 a.m. to ~:OO p.m. at the SHERATON LITTLE ROCK, 601 East 7th, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Society President, Marion Stark Craig, M.D. says Genealogy (FAMILY TREE CLIMBING) is America's fastest growing hobby. The workshop will feature Mrs. Gay Perry Kowallis of Logan, Utah. the "Book Review" editor for the GENEALOGICAL HELPER. who will talk about any of the following subjects: 1. Ten Fascinating Steps To A Planned Research Program 2. Effective Genealogical Correspondence 3. Note-Keeping Systems ~. Advertising For Lost Ancestors, A Very Rewarding Way to Climb Your Family Tree 5. Reading Early Handwriting Styles 6. Finding the Place of Origin of Your Immigrant Ancestor Mrs. Kowallis has had over 25 years of genealogical research experience. She was librarian for the Cache Genealogical Library in Logan. Utah for six years and assisted in the preparation of the HANDBOOK FOR GENEALOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE compiled in 1963 by the Cache Genealogical Library. She was co-chairman for the revised edition in 197~ by The EVerton Publishers. She has ancestral research certificates from the Brigham Young University in Basic Genealogical. American English. Welch. DaniSh and Swedish research. For the past 12 years she has been the Danish research instructor for the Cache Genealogical Library. From 1968 to 1972 she was co-editor 'for the DANISH GENEALOGICAL HELPER and the SCANDINAVIAN GENEALOGICAL HELPER published by The Everton Publishers. In addition to her work as the "Book ReView Editor" for Evertons. she also writes the "Question and Answer Box" section of THE GENEALOGICAL HELPER. After receiving her B. S. Degree from Utah State University in 1935 she married Albert B. Kowallis. They have two children and four grandchildren. She will be accompanied by her husband. Albert. Thousands of persons have attended Everton workshops that have been sponsored by local groups allover the world. Seating for the workshop is limited and will be available on a first come. first served basis. AdmiSSion is $10.00 which will include a packet of genealogical material which will be passed out. and the noon meal. The packet will include various family information recording sheets and other valuable information. Pre-registration is encouraged (as soon as possible) Please mail with payment to Arkansas Genealogical Society. Inc. 4200 "A" Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO THE MEMBERSHIP AT LARGE --I am pleased to be President as AGS begins its sixteenth year. AGS is a fine organization and is enjoying splendid growth. It is especially pleasing that the Quarterly can still be produced and mailed without an increase in annual membership dues. The Workshop sponsored by AGS on Saturday, March 12, at the SHERATON LITTLE ROCK, should interest all family tree enthusiasts. A good attendance is anticipated. Please make reservations in advance, if at all possible. These will greatly help the arrangements committee. A delicious luncheon is included in the $10.00 registration fee. All of us should be interested in "spreading the word" and in assist~ ing beginners to get started in the fascinating field of Genealogy and Family History. It would be wonderful if each member would bring at least one non-member to the Workshop. Please spread the word about the Workshop and encourage many of your non-member friends to attend. Hope to see you on March 12. Sincerel~a..( • Marion S. cra~g, M.D. ~ YOUR EDITOR'S NOTES Dear Beautiful Important Members: You really are beautiful people! The pink slips with your membership renewals (and orders for Ancestor Chart Volumes) have kept many of us busy, getting organized for 1977. That has not always been such a large job, but 1976 we ended up with 7~0 members, and many have already sent in their money for 1977 (some have even paid thru 1979!). This is very important, because we try to be very careful to mark each card paid, check to see everyone still lives in the same place and the zip code has to be correct, not even one number different in the street number (or the postal service, delights in collecting "postage due". Many new members have already joined us this year (a new metal addressograph plate has to be made for every new member, with all the correct information (as we do want everyone to receive their Arkansas Family Historian on time. We have to have 200 to mail bulk mail, and by the very first day of 1977, we already had our 200. That is really great, as to this date not one statement has been sent to any member, Just the pink slip in the December Quarterly. This means 13 cents plus the envelope, and time to get all those ready to send has been saved. Thank each and everyone that really helps when the renewals are sent early. Especially does this help when the weather is so bad, our volunteer workers couldn't get together to help. Everyone has had to stay in, even here in Arkansas. For two week or more, your editor couldn't even get one block to the big mail box. There was a time (not lately) when the mail would arrive before noon and by 5 p.m. it would be answered and back in the big mail box one block away, for the evening pick-up. Many letters have been answered (even if the editor couldnot get to the box) even your President took arm loads several times, and our private printer (Mr. Cia) and anyone else, who oame in and went out again, carried the mail for us. Renewals are still arriving in piles and stacks and that is great, Ancestor Charts are being returned so another Volume will be forth-coming. Do not wait to send Cor the Volumes you want, as Volume I is about gone. All our members did not make it in time to be listed in the December Quarterly. Many paid in after the December iSBue was printed. One of our Honorary members was omited: Miss Jennie Belle Lyle, 2103 N. Polk, Little Roek, Ark 72207 We are sorry, but we Just slipped that time. And sometimes our typeWriter spells wrong: Mr. George J. WEMPLE, 106 E. State Road 8, Crown POint, Ind. _6307 (was listed as TEMPLE) That may be a good lesson in Genealogy - look for several diCferent spellings - especially if you know your ancestor was in the area. But we are sorry Mr. WEMPLE - Thanks for bringing it to our attention. -1- EDITOR'S NOTES (Con't page 2) The new MORMAN LIBRARY (see Deoember issue) near Jacksonville, AR which opened Oct. 1976 has been visited by many of our Arkansas Pamily Historians (even with the bad weather) and all reports so far have been fine. Someone sent us a list of rules. 12. 3. ~. 5. 6. LIBRARY RULES Please no smoking anywhere in the building or on the grounds. Please dress moderately as you would in any church. No shorts or mini-tops. Casual' dress is allowed. The fees as posted in the Library are to cover the cost of postage and handling of the film. Pees will be collected when the film is ordered. When the film is received by the library, you will be notified by phone, collect, or by post card. At this time, you will be able to reserve a reader for a specific time, espeoially for those who live out of town. The second Saturday of each month is reserved for our out-of-town members who are here for the stake leadership meetings. Many of these members cannot get here at any other time and we ask our local members and all non-members to please respect this rule. Exoept for the reserved readers, if a patron is waiting for a reader, we aak that you please relinquish your reader after one hour. Our goal is to serve our patrons to the best of our ability and rules 3 thru will be changed from time to time as seen fit by the library board. Thank you ••••••••••• The following books have been Reviewed by Robert W. Dhonau, A.G.S. Board Member. These books have been placed in· our Arkansas Genealogical Society's Library (presently on loan at the Ouachita Public Library, Camden, Arkansas). BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN KINFOLKS by Larry King, is a record of the Ancestors, Descendants and relatives of the author and his wife. The families in this history are: Fisher, Gilbert, Hall, Hartley, Hill, King, Kirby and Lawson., of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia and North Carolina. The records of individuals are in order by generations until all descendants are recorded in 335 pages with an index of more than 7,500 people included in the book, whioh shows many photographs. It was published by Larry King, 1001 Lincoln St., Manchester, Tenn., 37355, with hard cover, 6x9 $15.00. INDEPENDENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS, CEMETERY RECORDS of the Newark-Magness area of Big Bottom, Logan and Wycough Townships, recorded by Mae Chinn Green & Chalman E. Green & James Logan Morgan. It is a soft-cover book, 8 1/2 X II, 6~ pages, plus surname index, $6. each. It includes the following cemeteries: Akron, Blue Springs, Buck, Duggar, Edwards, Holcombe, Macedonia and Mount Zion. CEMETERY RECORDS OF JACKSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, is published in two volumes as a Bicentennial project of the Historical Society of Jackson County & edited by Jane Allen Goodwin. Volume I is ot Swifton and Vicinity cemeteries listed are: Swifton, Haynes, Arnold, Foust-Adams families and Ashley Family. This volume is sott-cover, 8 1/2 x II, 37 pages plus surname index, $5. a copy. Volume II i8 of the Northwest section ot Jackson County including cemeteries at Kenyon, Elgin, Hickory Grove, Diaz, Campbell Station and Jacksonport. It is also in soft-cover, 8 1/2 x II, q8 pages and surname index, and $5. a copy. All three cemetery listing books shown above may be ordered from James Logan Morgan, 31~ Vine Street, Newport, AR 72112. ARKANSAS AMERICANA: Pact or Fiction, is a Bicentennial proJect of the Arkansas County ~-H Club Members. It is a cooperative effort which began to preserve the old stories, legends and happenings of early Arkansas County as they affected the lives of their ancestor.. Complete histories of each of the 75 school districts in 1932 Arkansas County are included. Other than history, a wide variety at subjects are given such as: Recreation, Medicinal cures, country life, cattle brands, Wildlife, handcrafts. The "learning by doing" concept of the ~-H clubs is discussed ",1th -2- EDITOR'S NOTES (Con't page 3) for future development. It is a very readable folksy volume. The softcover book is 8 1/2 x II, 390 pages, $6. plus 50. for postage and handling, may be ordered from: Arkansas Americana, • Cooperative Extension Serv1ce, Rt. I, West Liberty Drive, DeW1tt, AR 72042. OTHER NEW BOOKS OF INTEREST GILDED AGE: covers Hanging Judge Parker, the agricultural revolt, the advent of Jim Crow laws, the railroads, the beginning of the woman's suffrage movement an an important labor str1ke. It contains numerous photographs of the period and several usetul reterences in the appendices such as a list ot all governors, a lengthy chronology of important dates, a map of major rivers, a populat10n table and a city and county map. "Arkansas in the Gilded Age, 1874-l900,"edited by Waddy W. Moore. Order from Rose Publishing Co., 301 Lou1siana, Little Rock, AR 72201. The book is 240 pages in soft cover, $6.95. ARKANSAS AND RECONSTRUCTION: The Influence ot Gergraphy, EconomiCS, and Personality by George H. Thompson, Kennikat Press, 90 S. Bales Ave., Port Washington, M. Y. 11050. $15.00 ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH AID VOL. 2 No. 3 compiled & edited by: Counts Genealogical Research & Publications, 3812 Glenmere Road, North Little Rock, AR 72116 (Editor'. Note: th1s in answer to a Query, in Volume XIV No. 4 page 229, Ark. Fam1ly Historian. Many thanks to several who answered this question for your Editor.) "I have Vol. II, no I, 2, & 3. I m1ght add that it is a tine book" quote from one answer. NEELY NARRATIVE: Illustrated, has more than tour hundred surnames, soft cover, $7.50 Order from Grace P. Renshaw, 4263 Airways Road, MemphiS, TN 38116 Considerable intormation included in the book, that is not ava1lable otherwise on th1s branch, as the author had access to and actually own. a large amount of personal material left by the Rev. Thomas Jefferson Neely and his w1fe, Char1ty Spr1ngfield Neely. NEIGHBORS OF CONNELLS POINT - CREIGH - CRISP CROSSING ARKANSAS by Dorothy Cr1sp, 1. a local h1story of the Monroe and Ph1ll1ps County area near Wh1te R1ver, Ind1an Bay and B1g Creek. Robert S. Connell arr1ved 1822 or 23 soon Jo1ned by Smalley, Grider, Crisp, Vanzant, Kornegay, Whitfield, Glas. and many more, there are over 400 family names including 130 pictures, Indexed, $5. order from Mrs. Chesterf1eld Cr1sp, Rt. 2 Box 102, Marvell, Arkansas 72366 CRAIGHEAD COUNTY HISTORY: Published in 1930 by Harry Lee Williams may be reprinted soon. We are trying to determine how many people would like to have copies at a probable pr1ce of $12.50. If you are interested in .eeing this book reprinted, write: The Craighead County Historical Soclety, Box lOll, Jonesboro, AR 72QOl HISTORY OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARK.: Cllnton, AR 72031, $12.50 Order from: Eleanor Ryman, Rt. 1 EARLY HISTORY OF JOHNSON COUNTY, ARK.; Order from: Johnson County Hlstorleal Soc1ety, Mrs. Lillian Mickel, Pres1dent, P.O. Box 250, Clarksvllle, AR 72830. $10.50 (Second Reprint, now available) (By Ella Molloy Langford) HISTORY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, ARK.: By Nettie Hicks Killgore, Second Reprint now ava1lable. Order from: Mrs. Katheryn Reeves Jean, 9ook-Cbai~person, SO-WE-AR Genealogical Society, 1022 Lawton Circle, Magnolia, AR 71753. $10. plus postage. Also contact Mrs. Jean about membership ln th1s new Soclety. Thelr first Quarterly is now at the printer. INDEX TO SOURCES FOR ARKANSAS CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS: Compiled as a Blcentennial Project by The Prudence Hall Chapter, DAR, order trom: Mrs. Johnny Holt, Chalrman, 5203 Wood Street, North Little Rock, AR 72118 $5. POPE COUNTY 1880 CENSUS RECORDS: Compiled by Pope County Genealogical Group, Mrs. Anna Page Flelds, Treas., Rt. 5 Box 249A, Russellville, AR 72801, $25.00 Hard Cover, Indexed, with descriptions of Townshlps in 1870 thru 1880. 432 pages. -~ EDITOR'S NOTES (Con't page 4) The following request was made from Mrs. Diane Dieterle, Director, GENEALOGICAL LIBRARY POR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED, INC., 4176 English Oak Drive, Doraville, a.orgia 30340 (_04) 449-1533 'On D.c. 30, 1975, this non-profit, tax-.xempt oorporation was organized to provide genealogical instruction and materials to those who are blind, deaf, and otherwise handioapp.d, who are inter.sted in their own fami11es. During 1976, genealogical in.tructional mat.rial. have been produced in Braille, large print, and on cas •• tte tape for the blind. Cla •••• in g.nealogy, taught in .ign languag., have been offered to the deaf, and a teletype has be.n in.talled so we can communioate over the telephone with the deaf. Now we have b.en approaoh.d by the PARALYZED VETERANS OP AMERICA to e.tabli.h a l.nding library for the handicapped who either cannot go to the reoord depo.itori •• and libraries b.cau.e of the inacces.ibility of the building., or who are striokly hom.bound b.oau.e of their injurie •• Mr. Barney W. Register, vice pre.ident of the Tampa Bay (Plorida) Chapter, informs me that the national organization has in .xo •• e of 200,000 cordinJur.d vet.rans as Aoting on Mr. Register'. sugge.tion, we are making plans for op.ning a lending library for the handioapped in 1977. To build up our current inventory of 270 genealogioal t.xtbooks and referenoe books, we are asking if you would pl.ase donate one oopy of your ANCESTOR CHARTS OP THE ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, VOLa. I, 2, 3 • 4 for this library. Upon reoeipt, we will send you a letter for Int.rnal R.v.nue stating the name of your books and the retail value of th.m, and declaring it to b. a tax-d.duotibl. donation •. In addition, the publicity that will b. giv.n this servic., you will be mentioned by name as one of the book donors. Will you h.lp us? Any other donations would also be appreciat.d. And another letter attached, from Barney W. Regi.ter: The real problem for handicapped citizsns who are confined to wheelchairs in attempting to do any serious research, is the inacc.ssibility of Librari.s and R.s.arch rooms, i ••• curb., narrow door-ways and too-small r.strooms. The probl.m b.comes almost impossible for the shut-in confin.d to his bedroom. The caus., of course in both of Situations, is the lack of available reference material or more, the getting that mat.rial to the individual. These mat.rials are not loaned out by Librari.s and it available, in original or copy for purchas., the cost is above his limited means. (Most handicapp.d individuals have incom. b.low the m.dian level) • May I suggest that what is n•• ded i. a broad coverage low t.e rental arrangement on original material, s.nt direct to the home of the handicapped person? Thi8 would allow library like 'browsing the index' for unthought ot leads to the particular subject. Along with this rental arrangement could go an economical zerox type copying service for those rare or irreplacibl. works so that no loss could occur. Punding for covering the subsidies required in this system as well a8 the occa18·ional of origional. could be obtained, I am sure, from 80me ot the many philanthropic funds or foundat1ons. A great need does exist! I hopethese sugge.tions w111 prove of some value 1n your go04 works." (end of both these lett.r.) EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Jim, R.g10nal Librarian, for the Blind and PhY8ical Handicapped, Atlanta, Georg1a, was contaot.d by your Ed1tor, and th1s informat10n was verif1ed 15 Jan. 1977. Needle.s to say both the ANCESTOR CHART VOLUMES I, 2, 3, • 4 quiokly sent, and also the 1880 POPE COUNTY CENSUS RECORD waa sent. Do you have a book you would l1ke to donate to th1s worthWhile proJect? Write: Mrs. D1eterle. i oerely, ~ . ~ {7IJW/77, ~tk.;J.) rs~ne C1a, Editor -4- PROBATE BONDS of LAWRENCE COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1815-1835 Compiled by Marion Stark CRAIG, M.D. 300 Beckwood Road Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Lawrence was created on January 15, 1815, as a county in the Territory of Missouri. From old Lawrence have come in whole or in part 32 of the 75 counties in our now State of Arkansas. No wonder she is called the "Mother of Counties." As shown by the U. S. census, of 1820, well over one-third of all inhabitants enumerated in the new Territory of Arkansas lived in Lawrence County. A collection of loose probate bonds was discovered in 1972 in a box at the office of the County Clerk of Lawrence at Walnut Ridge by James Logan MORGAN of 314 Vine Street, Newport, Jackson County, Arkansas, and the compiler. These range in date from 1815 into 1835. Photocopies of all Wert· obtained. From these the following two lists of abstracts were compiled. In addition, a third list of names was placed here by the compiler. This latter list contains names of persons known to have died in Lawrence County (1815-1835) for whom no probate bonds were found, but about whom some type of record is extant concerning their deaths. Interested readers are advised to also consult a "Consolidated Index To Wills, Administrations, and Decedents In Genealogical Records Of N/E Arkansas: 1816-1830 and 1830-1838," by James Logan MORGAN, published in The Arkansas Genealogical Re~ister, Volume 1, Number 4, December 1911, pages 50 tfiru 59. In ad ition, one should consult Genealogical Records of Arkansas 1804-1830, Volume 1 (Parts 1 and 2), 1973, by Mr. MORGAN. Probate bonds are original instruments. authentic,' Some appear as a "mark." denote illiteracy. Signatures thereon are Use of a mark does not always Infirmity, palsy, poor vision and other situations can be determining factors. Several females appear in the diminutive, such as. Polly (for Mary), Peggy (for Margaret), Sally (for Sarah). and Betsey (for Elizabeth). In the abstracts, all names appear as spelled on the bonds. Be sure to see all possible variations in spelling. To aid definitions a Last Will means there in the proper understanding of certain legal terms, are given. A testate estate indicates the deceased left and Testament that was accepted by the Court. Intestate was nO Will, or, if one were left, it was not ac.c;epted by the Court. The settlement of a testate estate is usually begun by an executor and/or executrix. Should these decline or cease to function, the Court appoints an administrator and/or administratrix "with the Will annexed" to carry the testate estate through the probate process. When an administrator and/or administratrix of an unsettled intestate estate ceases to function, the Court appoints an administrator and/or administratrix "de-bonis-non lO to complete the settlement. The law required all such be bonded. The only exception would be with a testate estate when the Will requested the Court waive this requirement. The term "legal heirs" should not be interpreted as meaning only children of a deceased in every instance. Each bond was required to be signed by Securities (bondsmen). These bondsmen (securities) were not professionals as we know bondsmen today. No fee was paid or received. Usually, in those long ago years. one signed only the bond of a relative or trusted friend. All words within parentheses are those of the compiler. At the end of this compilation is an every-name index. This index is introduced by a paragraph containing special instructions for its use. This is the reason the paragraphs are numbered. -5- Administrators and Executors 1. ACHESON, John, deceased. Bond of William JARRETT, administrator, September 6, 1833. Securities: Thomas S. DREW, James M. KUYKENDALL. (DREW was later a Governor of Arkansas). 2. ADAMS, James, deceased. Bond of Charlotte ADAMS, administra-. trix, November 2, 1818. Securities: Matthew ADAMS, William SNEED. Heirs: Two daughters (not named). 3. ADAMS, James, deceased. Bond of Matthew ADAMS, administrator de-bonis-non, July 28, 1820. Securities: Michael WOLF, William WOODS. (On July 26, 1820, Sheriff Joseph HARDIN reported he could not find Charlotte ADAMS. The Court then declared her administration vacated, and appointed Matthew ADAMS to carryon the settlement. Ref.: Lawrence County Circuit Court Record Book "C," page 124). 4. ALEXANDER, John W., deceased. Bond of Mary ALEXANDER, administratrix, July 20, 1835. Securities: Henry SLAVENS, Joseph SPIKES, William WATSON. 5. AMBERS (AMBROSE), Isaac, deceased. Bond of John McNEEL, administrator, signed by Richard SEARCY, attorney-in-fact for John McNEEL, November 22, 1819. Security: Pleasant D. McNEEL. Attached is a Power-of-Attorney of J. W. McNEEL to Richard SEARCY and James AKINS authorizing either of them to sign McNEEL'S name to a bond as administrator of the estate of Isaac AMBROSE, deceased. The Powerof-Attorney was witnessed by P. D. McNEEL, George W. McNEEL, and John (--1--). 6. BAKER, Thomas, deceased. Bond of Abraham RICKMAN, administrator, September 19, 1823. Securities: James SLOAN, Joseph JANES, Beverly R. BAKER (male). Heirs: Six children (not named), two thought to be dead. Statement of administrator: "Abraham RICKMAN believes that Thomas BAKER, late of said County is dead, that said BAKER went down the Mississippi and was to have returned in May following, that said BAKER has not been heard of, and from circumstances---no doubt---he is dead, and---there are or was when said BAKER left said County six heirs, children to said deceased, two of which are supposed to be dead as they have not been heard of since said BAKER disappeared." (This administration was vacated when Thomas BAKER returned alive to Lawrence County a short time afterwards). 7. BARKER, James, deceased. Bond of John JANES, administrator, August 27, 1818. Securities: Skelton T. DeMOSS, Nathaniel GILLIAM. Witness: Samuel D. DAVIDSON. Statement of administrator: "Said deceased died leaving a.widow and one girl." 8. BEASLEY, James, deceased. Bond of Sarah BEASLEY, executrix of will, 1829. Securities: James McCARRELL, Samuel BEASLEY. 9. BELLAH, James, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER and John HUDSON, executors of will, December 1, 1827. Securities: Isaac JOBE, Caleb JOBE. 10. BLACK, David, deceased. Bond of Betty BLACK, administratrix, November 24, 1817. Securities: Joseph JANES, John DAVIDSON, Thomas CRABTREE, John P. BLACK, Thomas BLACK. Statement of administratrix: "David BLACK died leaving six children." 11. BLACK, John P., deceased. Bond of William BLACK and Thomas BLACK, administrators, August 11, 1821. Securities: James SLOAN, Thomas Y. CRABTREE. Statemenl: of administrators: "There are three heirs" (not named). 12. BOONE, Thomas, deceased. Bond of Thomas S. DREW, administrator, February 28, 1831. Securities: John B. HAMMOND, Jarrett WOOD. (DREW was a later Governor of Arkansas). 13. BORAN, Bazel A., deceased. Bond of Peggy BORAN and Reuben RICE, administratrix/administrator, January 21, 1825. Securities: Daniel PLOTT, Mathias MOCK. Witnesses: Henry SANFORD, George OBARTURF. Statement of administrators: "There are sIx children (not named). 14. BRADBERRY, John. deceased. April 29. 1817. Securities: Bond of Isaac KESTER, administrator, John GARIN, James CAMPBELL. -6- - ~5. BRILLHART, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Nathan DAVIS, admin1strbtor, December 31, 1828. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Elizabeth DAVIS. Statem.. nt of administrator: "Brillhart died leaving 4 children and heirs, towit: Nathan." Joshua, Rebecca, Rezin, and 16. BRILLHART, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Clarender HOOPER, administrator de-bonis-non, April 4, 1831. Securities: Thomas Y. CRABTREE, J. M. KUYKENDALL. Statement of administrator: liThe number of heirs is three: Joshua, Rebecca, and Reason,lI 17. BRILLHART, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Rezin DAVIS, administrator, July 8, 1831. Securities: William BLACK, J. M. KUYKENDALL. 18. BUCHANNON, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Mary BUCHANNON and Jacob PEVEHOUSE, administratrix/administrator, May 3, 1831. Securities: Henderson WHITE, Robert SMITH, William BLACK. Statement of administrators: "There are four heirs of the estate living, towit: Elizabeth, Evelina Eliza, Jacob BRILLHART, Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, and their place of residence is the County of Lawrence." 19. BUTLER, Robert, deceased. Bond of Edward HAWKINS, administrator, January 24, 1820. Securities: Solomon WHITE, Sr., William HIX, Jr. Statement of administrator: Butler "died leaving six children, five females and one male, heirs" (not named). 20. BYRD, Stephen, deceased. Bond of Moses BYRD, administrator, April 27, 1835. Securities: James CAMPBELL, William McLAIN. 21. BYRD, William G., deceased. Bond of William McLAIN, administrator, April 14, 1835. Securities: John B. HAMMOND, Daniel MCILROY, William BLACK. 22. CAMPBELL, James, deceased. Bond of John W. CAMPBELL and David W. LOWE, executors, September 12, 1835. Securities: Robert MOORE, J. M. KUYKENDALL. 23. CHAMBERLAIN, Staples, deceased, "surviving partner of Jason CHAMBERLAIN, deceased." Bond of Jacob GARRETT, administrator, August 9, 1820. Securities: Samuel S. HALL, James CAMPBELL. Statement of administrator: He "knows of no relatives of said deceased except the widow and two children of Jason CHAMBERLAIN, deceased." 24. CHILDRESS, Drewry, deceased. Bond of Edward SULLINS, administrator, November 23, 1819. Securities: John REED, Peyton TUCKER. Statement of administrator: liND legal heirs." 25. CHISM, Elisha, deceased. Bond of Winney CHISM, executrix, October 30, 1827. Securities: Charles ROBERTSON, Moses ROBERTSON. 26. COLVIN, Aaron, deceased. Bond of Sally COLVIN and William ROBERTS, administratrix/administrator, April 25, 1815. Securities: William ROBINSON, John PIERCE. Witness: Lewis deMUN, Clerk of Circuit Court, Lawrence County. 27. COLVIN, Aaron, deceased. Bond of Sally COLVIN, administratrix, June 20, 1815. Securities: William ROBERTS, Walter POOL, William ROBINSON. Statement of administratrix: "Sally COLVIN, ,.idow and relict of Aaron COLVIN, deceased---saith---the following legitimate children of Aaron COLVIN, deceased, are now living, namely, James, Sally. Betsy, Mary, John, and the following are infants--Rebecca, Nancy, Richard, Fanny, Hern, Sucky.!I (At the time, a legal infant could be as old as age 13). 28. COMPTON, William, deceased. Bond of Edward McDONALD, administrator, February 14, 1822. Securities: Joshua DAVIS, Rezin DAVIS. Statement of administrator: "Four legal heirs, children of said COMPTON, DECEASED." 29. CORNELIUS, Jeptha, deceased. Bond of Chris ley HARRIS, administrator, January 21, 1818. Securities: Jester COCKE, Benedict WHITE. Statement of administrator: "Deceased died leaving nine children, heirs." -7- 30. CORNWELL, John, deceased. Bond of Silas CORNWELL, administrator, June 24, 1816. Securities: John L. LAFFERTY, Asher BAGLY (BAGLEY). Statement of administrator: "John CORNWELL died leaving---seven SOns and three daughters." Witness: Lewis deMUN, Clerk. 31. CORZINE, Livina, deceased, and CORZINE, Ruey, deceased. Bond of John GENTRY, administrator, November 25, 1819. Securities: Thomas HOLT, John LITTLE, Jr. (Livinia and Ruey were both under age 21) . 32. CORZINE, Reuben, deceased. Bond of Jane CORZINE, administratrix "with-will-annexed," December 24, 1816. Securities: George CORZINE, William ROBINSON. 33. COX, William, deceased. Bond of Joseph HARDIN, administrator, March I, 1821. Secl,dties: Bartley COX, James M. KUYKENDALL. Witness: James L. HOUSTON. (This Joseph I~IN is the Sheriff of the county, and Colonel of the Third Regiment of the Territ<,rial Militia of Arkansas. KUYKENDALL was the Chief Deputy who became Sheriff following the August 25, 1826 death of HARDIN). 34. CRAVENS, Willism, deceased. Bond of Clarender HOOPER, administrator, March 27, 1830. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Thomas MARKHJ.M. 35. CRAWFORD, Moses, deceased. Bond of Milly CRAWFORD, administratrix, April 14, 1834. Securities: John VEST, Reuben B. VEST. 36. CRAWFORD, Moses, deceased. Bond of Coleby CRAWFORD and Samuel MILLER, administrators de-bonis-non, October 12, 1835. Securities: Salathial T. M. CRAWFORD, Stephen ENGLISH. 37. CRAWFORD, Moses, deceased. Bond of Coleby CRAWFORD and Samuel MILLER, administrators de-bonis-non, October 20, 1835. Security: John S. MOORE. 38. CRESWELL, Andrew, deceased. Bond of Harmus CRESWELL and Daniel WILLIAMS, administrators, January 20, 1819. Securities: James L. CRESWELL, John 1. LAFFERTY. Statement of administrators: "Andrew CRESWELL died leaving eight children- three sons and five daughters" (not named). 39. CROWLEY, John, deceased. Bond of Benjamin CROWLEY, administrator, June 27, 1816. Securities: Alexander HODGE, Jacob PEVEHOUSE, Edward McDONALD, John HUDGINS. Witness: Lewis deMUN. Statement of administrator: "John CROWLEY died leaving legal heirs, towit: his father, Benjamin CROWLEY." 40. CUPPLES, Samuel, deceased. Bond of William LOONEY', administrator, May 3, 1828. Securities: William BEARD, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD. Witness: Reuben RICHARDSON, Clerk. Apprcved by Thomas P. ESKRIDGE, Judge. Statement of administrator: "Three heirs---towit: Mary CUPPLES, Francis CUPPLES and Rosetta CUPPLES--all residing in DavidsonVille, Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory. (Davidsonville was the county seat of Lawrence until in the Fall of 1829, when the Town of Jackson became the county seat. The site of Davidsonville, now a State Park, is in Randolph County and has been since 1835, the year Randolph was erected from part of Lawrence. The first U. S. Postoffice in what later became the State of Arkansas was established at DavidsonVille, a few weeks before the one at Arkansas Post). 41. DARTER, Nicholas, deceased. Bond of Andrew DARTER, administrator, April 2, 1832. Securities: Soloman SHARP. William BERRY, William B. MARSHALL. 42. DAVIS, Jesse, deceased. Bond of James SHIELDS, administrator, December 19, 1815. Securities: Asher BAGLY (BAGLEY), John L. LAFFERTY. Witnesses: Richard SEARCY, William ROBINSON. 43. DAVIS, Nathan, deceased. administrator, September 13, 1830. Thomas BLACK. -8- Bond of James M. KUYKENDALL, Securities: Thomas Y. CRABTREE, 44. DEVAULT, William, deceased. Bond of John MILLIGAN, administrator, December 23, 1833. Securities: John S. FICKLIN, James M. KUYKENDALL, Nelson SULLIVAN. 45. EARHEART, Elijah, deceased. Bond of Rodney EARHEART, administrator, February 9, 1820. Securities: James E. PEEL, Daniel HOLCOMBE. Witness: T. DICKINSON. Statement of administrator: "Deceased had two legitimate children--William and Lucinda EARHEART." 46. EDWARDS, Jame .. , deceased. Bond of Sarah EDWARDS, administratrix, Octob 7r 18, 1817. Securities: Enos HARRAR (HARER), Evan HARRAR, Dav1d IIARRAR. Witness: Richard Searcy, Clerk. Statement of administratrix: "James EDWARDS died leaving one issue, a daughter, named Polly." 47. FERGUSON, James, deceased. Bond of Martha Ann FERGUSON and Thomas McCARROLL, administrators, September 19, 1834. Securities: Uriah SMITH, James SM):TH, James McCARROLL. 48. FLETCHER, John G., deceased. Bond of William JARRETT and Levi FLETCHER, administrators with-will-annexed, February 28, 1826. Securities: Daniel SHAVER, Reuben RICE, William LOONEY, Eli FLETCHER. 49. FLETCHER, Levi, deceased. Bond of Elizabeth FLETCHER, executrix, and Burwell J. WILEY, executor, April 21, 1834. Securities: Minnetree CARnR, John MANSKER. 50. FLETCHER, Martin, deceased. Bond of Caleb LINDSEY executor, November 22, 1819. Securities: George CORZINE, Jeremiah NORWOOD. Statement of executor: "Martin FLETCHER died leaving one female child." 51. FLETCHER, Martin, deceased. Bond of Abijah DAVIS, administrator de-bonis-non, February 27, 1827. Securities: Edward McDONALD, William E. GLENN. 52. GIBSON, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Daniel ROBBINS and Mary ROBBlNS, administrator/administratrix, June 25, 1816. Securities: Robert ALEXANDER, William CONAWAY, Jeremiah CONAWAY, George CORZINE. Statement of administrators: "Died leaving five children and heirs, three sons and two daughters: (not named). 53. GIBSON, Jacob, deceased. Bond of Daniel ROBBINS and Mary ROBBINS, administrator/administratrix, November 5, 1817. Securities: William HIX, Thomas HOLT. 54. GIBSON, Samuel D., deceased. Bond of Precious GIBSON, Securities: William G. GIBSON, Robert executrix, October 7, 1835. A. GIBSON. 55. GINGOLET, Joseph, deceased. Bond of Joseph HARDIN, administrator, November 7, 1818. Securities: Simon MILLER, Essex HARRIS. Statement of administrator: "Joseph GINGOLET died without leaving any children or heirs, and---no knowledge of any relations of said Joseph GINGOLET in the United States." (Simon MILLER was the grandfather of William R. MILLER, the first native-born Governor of Arkansas). 56. GINGOLET, Joseph, deceased. Bond of Joseph HARDIN, administrator with-the-will-annexed, March 24, 1819. Securities: James BOYD, John PIERCE. 57. GLENN, William E., deceased. Bond of Johnston SWEAZEA, administrator, July 21, 1834. Securities: Richard SWEAZEA, Lydia GLENN, Aldred GORDON. Heirs: "Eight children, all of Arkansas Territory--Poly HOBBS, Betsy HUBBLE, Rachel KING, Sallr, GORDON, Patsy KING, William GLENN, Thomas GLENN, Robert GLENN. ' 58. GRAY, John, deceased. Bond of Nancy GRAY, administratrix, September 3, 1833. Security: William WELLS. Heirs: "Five heirs, all under 14 years of age and all reSiding in Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory--Sally, William, Rile.y, Pruda, Nelson." -9- 59. GREEN, Riall, deceased. Bond of William HIX, Sr., administrator, June 20, 1815. Securities: Solomon HUITT (HEWITT), Walter POOL. 60. GULLETT, Andrew, deceased. Bond of Delphena GULLETT, administ.ratrix with-will-annexed, June 20, 1817. Securities: Alexander S. WALKER, Frederick KEEL. Heirs: "Thirteen children" (not named). 61. HARDIN, (Mrs.) Ellen, deceased (second wife and widow of Colonel Joseph HARDIN of Davidsonville, late Sheriff of Lawrence County). Bond of Richard SEARCY, administrator with-will-annexed, December 22, 1828. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Gabriel THOMAS. Approved by Thomas P. ESKRIDGE, Judge. 62. HARDIN, (Mrs.) Ellen, deceased. Bond of Joseph PORTER, administrator de-bonis-non, with-will-annexed, March 22, 1833. Securities: William HART, Uriah SMITH. (Joseph PORTER was a stepson-in-law of Mrs. Ellen HARDIN. His wife was Lorano, a daughter of Colonel Joseph HARDIN by his first wife, Margaret JOHNSON, who died at Davidsonville, Lawrence County, on August 17, 1817). 63. HARDIN, Joseph, deceased (the Colonel of the Third Regiment of the Territorial Militia of Arkansas, and Sheriff of Lawrence County, who died at his residence in Davidsonville, the county seat, on August 25, 1826). Bond of Ellen HARDIN, executrix, Richard SEARCY, executor, and Reuben RICHARDSON, executor, October 30, 1826. Securities: James CAMPBELL, John HINDS, Peyton R. PITMAN. 64. HARDIN, Joseph, deceased. Bond of Josephus A. CORNWALL, administrator with-will-annexed, February 27, 1833. Securities: Ezekiel HUDSON, John HUDSON, George RUSSELL, James CAMPBELL. (This Joseph HARDIN is the same as above, the Colonel and Sheriff. CORNWALL was husband of Nancy, the eldest daughter of Joseph HARDIN by first wife, Margaret JOHNSON. Joseph HARDIN left four children: Nancy, Lorano, Andrew Johnson and Margaret Ann by his first wife; and Elizabeth, the only child by his second wife, Ellen DAVIS. A fifth child by first wife predeceased the father. This fifth child was the eldest son, George Washington HARDIN. Had this son not died he would have been the first Cadet to enter West Point from the new Territory of Arkansas. He had the appointment but died from complications of measles before reaching West Point). 65. HARRIS, Micajah, deceased. Bond of Sally ~IS, administratrix, June 7, 1821. Securities: Thomas LINKHORN, Colonel Barton FINDER. 66. HILLHOUSE, Eli, deceased. Bond of Polly HILLHOUSE and Elijah HILLHOUSE, executrix/executor, July 25, 1820. Securities: James CAMPBELL, Nathaniel DICKERSON. 67. HILLHOUSE, Polly, deceased. Bond of Atlantic DAVIS, administratrix, and Thomas McCARROLL, administrator, August 27, 1831. Securities: Jarrett WOOD, Benjamin PERKINS. Heirs: Atlantic DAVIS, Libba (or Sibba?) HILLHOUSE, Lavira HILLHOUSE, Dean HILLHOUSE, Rosetta HILLHOUSE--all residents of Lawrence County. 68. HOOPER, John, deceased. Bond of Ferrebee HOOPER (female), administratrix, November 20, 1832. Securities: John BEASLEY, Lemuel BEASLEY. Heirs: Three children, all sons--Washington York HOOPER, James Riley HOOPER and Ennis Wiley HOOPER. 69. HOSKINS, Lewis, deceased. Bond of Mary HOSKINS, administratrix, October 11, 1820. Security: William COMPTON. Heirs: William HOSKINS, brother; and Betsey HOSKINS and Nancy CORNELIUS, sisters. 70. HULSEY, Allen, deceased. Bond of Louvisa HULSEY, administratrix, March 19, 1827. Securities: Peter TYLER, Thomas TYLER, Hardin ROBERTS. Heirs: His two children, Solomon HULSEY and William HULSEY, both residing in Lawrence County. 71. HUMPHREYS, William, deceased. Bond of Mary HUMPHREYS, administratrix, April 1839. S~curities: James HUMPHREYS, Joseph KELLETT, James KELLETT. -10- 72. INGRAM. James. deceased. Bond of William INGRAM, administrator, May 9, 1817. Securities: John HUDGENS, Joseph HARDIN. Four children (not named). Heirs: 73. JACKSON, Thomas, deceased. Bond of Abijah A. SIMPSON, administrator, November 22, 1834. Securities: John KING, Malichi SIMPSON. 74. JAMES, Abel, deceased. Bond of Rebecca JAMES, administratrix, March 1, 1816. Securities: Andrew GULLETT, John HUDGINS. Heir: One son, Alhaem JAMES. 75. JONES (JANES?), Mary, deceased. Bond of James BOYD, administrator, August 19, 1820. Securities: Redding STOKES, Dudley GLASS. Heirs: Two brothers and one sister (not named). 76. JUSTICE, Amos, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, administrator, March 10, 1829. Securities: Thomas Y. CRABTREE, Thomas MAXWELL. Witness: J. M. KUYKENDALL, deputy clerk. (Here we see the Sheriff, James M. KUYKENDALL, acting as a deputy clerk of Lawrence County. The law did not then forbid a person from simultaneously occupying several official positions in a county). 77. JUSTICE, Amos, deceased. Bond of John D. JUSTICE, executor of will, May 7, 1829. Securities: William JARRETT, George D. HARRIS. (Apparently, it was first thought by the Court that this .,as an intestate estat"", but then a will was found and accepted. See no. 76 above). 78. KEEL" Elizabeth, deceased. Bond of Hardy KEEL, James G. RUSSELL, administrators, April 28, 1829. Securities: Petyon·R. PITMAN, William BEARD: Statement of administrators: "The number of heirs to said Estate that are now living (is) five and their names and places of residence (are) as follows. viz: Priscilla CONAWAY her heirs--of Hempstead County. Arkansas Territory; Nancy LITTLE heirs. Wayne County. Missouri; Hardy KEEL. Louisa LITTLE and Joseph KEEL of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory." 79. KEEL, Frederlck. deceased. Bond of Elizabeth KEEL. widow and administratrix. December 18. 1820. Securities: William RUSSELL, Hardy KEEL. Heirs: Six children (not named). 80. KELLETT, William. deceased. Bond of George S. HUDSPETH, administrator, February 25. 1825. Securities: Joseph KELLETT. James KELLETT. Heirs: Eight children (not named). 81. KESTER. Frederick. deceased. Bond of Mary KESTER, administrator, May 6. 1833. Securities: Thompson H. FICKLIN, Uriah SMITH. Heir: "One, named Sally KESTER. and she resides in Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory," 82. LAFFERTY, John, deceased. Bond of John L. LAFFERTY. administrator. January 29. 1817. Securities: James CRESWELL, Joseph HARDIN. Witness: Richard SEARCY. Clerk. 83. LEDFORD, William. deceased. Bond of Halem CRESWELL. administrator, January I, 1835. Securities: James WILLIAMS. James LEDFORD. 84. LeMEUX, Pierre, deceased. Bond of Charles LOGAN, administrator. April 19, 1817. Securities: Joseph HARDIN. John DAVIDSON. Heirs: Seven children (not named). LeMEUX. Pierre. deceased. Bond of James CAMPBELL. administrator de-bonis-non. November 19. 1818. Securities: Joseph HARDIN. James M. KUYKENDALL. 86. LeMEW, Antoine. deceased. Bond of Perro (Peter) LeMEW. administrator. June 30. 1834. Securities: Henderson WHITE. Champ T. STUART. Heirs: None. according to statement of administrator. -11- 87. LESTER, David, deceased. Bond of Isabella LESTER, administratrix, February 13, 1818. Securities: Adam RITCHEY, Benedict WHITE, James HADLOCK. Witness: Samuel D. DAVIDSON, Heirs: Two children (not named). 88. LOGAN, Charles, deceased. Bond of Elijah VINSON, administrator, November 9, 1819. Securities: Thomas CRABTREE, Joshua DAVIS, Spencer CROUCH. Heirs: Seven chi1dren--five sons and two daughters (not named). 89. LOGAN, Massy (male), deceased. (male), administrator, November 1, 1834. LOGAN, Charles LOGAN. Bond of Latta LOGAN Securities: Jonathan 90. LOONEY, Joseph, deceased. Bond of Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, administrators, December 6, 1822. Securities: Robert McWILLIAMS, Michael STUBBLEFIELD. Heirs: Four children (noLnlUDed), ..and widow, Thena LOONEY. 91. LUTTIG, John C., deceased. Bond of Elizabeth LUTTIG, administ ratrix and widow, and Moses GRAHAM, adminl.strator, September 19, 1815. Securities: Charles CRABOUGH; Samuel WILLSON, Junr.; Charles KELLEY, Sollomon CARTER; Robert TRIMBLE; Samuel WILLSON, Sr.; Robert CRAVENS, Benjamin WILLIAMS, and Edward McDONALD (he failed to sign). Witness: Lewis deMUN, Clerk. 92. McCARRELL (McCARRILL) Junr., John, deceased. Bond of Nathaniel McCARRELL, administrator, July 20, 1825. Securities: Joseph HARDIN, John HINDS. Heir: One (not named). 93. McCARROLL, John, deceased. Bond of Thomas McCARROLL, executor, and Nancy McCARROLL, executrix, April 21, 1834. Securities: John B. HAMMOND, William NEWLAND, James McKNIGHT. 94. McKNIGHT, Charles, deceased. Bond of William McKNIGHT, administrator, September 17, 1824. Securities: Nathaniel McCARRELL, James McKNIGHT. Heirs: One, besides widow of the deceased (neither named). 95. McWILLIAMS, Robert, deceased. Bond of Melinda McWILLIAMS, executrix, and Jesse MCWILLIAMS, executor, January 29, 1834. Securities: William LOONEY, Michael STUBBLEFIELD. Heirs (children): Nancy, William, Nelson, Fielding, Betsy, Robert, Andrew, Rebecca, Joel, John and Moses McWILLIAMS, all residents of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory. 96. MANSKER, Junr:, George, deceased. Bond of Elizabeth MANSKER, administ.ratrix with-wi11-annexed, March 8, 1825. Securities:. Reuben RICE, William JARRETT. 97. MANSKER, Sr., George, deceased. Bond of William MANSKER and Lewis MANSKER, administrators, August 13, 1822. Securities: William BEARD, William E. GLENN, Edward McDONALD. Heirs: Eight (not named) . 98. MANSKER, Sr., George, deceased. Bond of William BEARD and William E. GLENN, administrators de-bonis, non, July 9, 1823. Securities: Reuben RICE, Joseph HARDIN. 99. MANSKER, Louisa, deceased. Bond of Casper SCHMICK, administrator, July 20, 1835. Securities: Ransom S. BETTIS, William BLACK. 100. MANSKER, William, deceased. Bond of Louisa MANSKER, administratrix, and John MANSKER, administrator, December 6, 1822. Securities: William BEARD, William JARRETT. Heirs: Nine (not named) . 101. MANSON, Cincler, deceased. Bond of James CAMPBELL, administrator with-wil1-annexed, February 12, 1824. Securities: Thomas Y. CRABTREE, Samuel S. HALL. Heirs: Five (not named). 102. MASK, William, deceased. Bond of William MORGAN, admini.saator, January 26, 1833. Securities: George THOMPSON, Marti.n VANZANT. Heirs: "One boy and three girls--Cincinnatta (the boy), Elizabeth MASK, Pleasant (HALL?), Sarah MASK--all living in -12- Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory." 103. MAXWELL, Thomas, deceased. Bond of James M. KUYKENDALL and Champ T. STUART, executors, October 8, 1834. Securities: Robert SMITH, Henderson WHITE. 104. MILLER, Martin, deceased. Bond of William JARRETT, executor, April 26, 1825. Securities: Caleb LINDSEY, Mathias MOCK. Witness: Carlton LINDSEY. (Will of Martin MILLER was first proved on July 21, 1821. No bond found for 1821. Caleb LINDSEY is reputed to be the first school-master in what later became Arkansas. His schoolroom was a cave). 105. MONTGOMERY, John, deceased. Bond of Adam RITCHEY, administrator, December 31, 1817. Securities: John DAVIDSON, Robert JOHNSON. None, according to statement of administrator 106. MOORE, James, deceased. Bond of Mary MOORE, executrix, and William MOORE, executor, September 24, 1816. Securities: William HARRIS, Silas CORNWELL, Joseph CAMPBELL. 107. MOORE, Morris, deceased. Bond of John S. MOORE, administrator, Septemher 9, 1823. Securities: Solomon SHARP, Isaac JOBE, Bazil A. BORAN. 108. MURPHY, Arthur, deceased. Bond of Nathaniel McCARROLL, administrator, September 3, 1835. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Uriah SMITH. 109. MYERS (MYRES), Anne Maria, deceased. Bond of Daniel PLOTT and Peyton R. PITMAN, administrators, August 12, 1824. Securities: William E. GLENN, Spencer CROUCH. Heirs: Five children (not named). . 110. MYERS (MYRES), Henry, deceased. Bond of Anne Maria MYERS, administratrix, and Abner GRAY, administrator, December 9, 1817. Securities: Micajah HARRIS, Samuel WHYBARK. Heirs: Six children (not named). (On the bond WHYBARK is spelled as given. The compiler believes this, in reality, is the Reverend Samuel WEIBERG). Ill. MYERS (MYRES), Henry, deceased. Bond of Abner GRAY, administrator, November 6, 1821. Securities: John GRAY, Benjamin PIBURN. 112. NEWLAND, William, deceased. Bond of James NEWLAND and Thompson H. FICKLIN, admiristrators, January 13, 1835. Securities: John B. HAMMOND, Elijah S. INGE. 113. OTTRY (ADTRY), John, deceased. Bond of Anne OTTRY, administratrix and Micajah HARRIS, administrator, June 23, 1817. Securities: George RUDDELL, William PROCTOR. Heirs (children): Henry, Simon, Bettsy, and Sally. 114. OTTRY (AUTRY), John, deceased: Bond of Samuel S. HALL, administrator de-banis-non, September 6, 1821. Securities: Joseph HARDIN, Jesse JEFFERY. 115. PERKINS, Katharine, deceased. Bond of Daniel PLOTT, administrator, August 4, 1829. Securities: Peyton R. PITMAN, William BEARD. Heirs: Henry PERKINS of Cape Girardeau Co., Missouri, Aaron PERKINS of Crawford Co., Arkansas Territory; Elizabeth PERKINS of Wayne Co., Missouri; Sally WELLS and Levi PERKINS, both of Lawrence Co., Arkansas Territory; and William PERKINS of Wayne Co., Missouri. 116. PRICE, Samuel, deceased. Bond of Rachel PRICE, administratrix, and Robert BRAZIL, administrator, July 30, 1822. Securities: Richard BRAZIL, Preston GOFORTH. Heirs: Six children (not named). 117. REAVES, John, deceased. Bond of Casper SCHMICK, executor, September 26, 1827. Securities: William BEARD, Richard BRAZIL. 118. REED, Daniel, deceased. Bond of Roger McCOWN, administrator with-wi11-annexed, Decmeber 19, 1817. Securities: John P. BLACK, William THmIASON. -13- 119. REED, Deacon (Dacon), deceased. Bond of John REED, administrator, May 18, 1818. Securities: Joseph HARDIN, Benedict WHITE. Witness: Samuel D. DAVIDSON. 120. REED, Joseph, deceased. Bond of John REED and Deacon REED, executors, February 28, 1818. Securities: William GRIFFITH, Adam RITCHEY. 121. RENNEKAMP (RANNEKAMP) , George, deceased. Bond of Augustus deMUN, administrator, July 29, 1816. Securities: Richard SEARCY, Joseph HARDIN. Witness: Solomon CARTER. Heirs: None, according to statement of administrator. 122. RENNEKAMP (RANNEKAMP) , George, deceased. Bond of William HARRIS, administrator de-bonis-non, September 25, 1816. Securities: Richard SEARCY, William ROBINSON. Witneu: (?). S. HEMPSTEAD. 123. RIVET, Augustin, deceased. Bond of Augustus E. V. deMUN, administrator, March 12, 1816. Securities: Richard SEARCY, Edward McDONALD. Witness: Lewis deMUN, Clerk. Heirs: One child, a son, named Augustin RIVET. 124. ROBINSON, James, deceased. Bond of Sarah ROBINSON, administratrix and Moser. ROBINSON, administrator, October 17, 1817. Securities: James CAMPBELL, Benjamin CROWLEY, William McADOO. Heirs: Eight children--five sons and three daughters (not named). 125. RUSSELL, Green, deceased. Bond of James G. RUSSELL, administrator, November 19, 1833. Securities: Benjamin JANES, Burwell J. WILEY. 126. RUSSELL, William, deceased. Bond of Mary RUSSELL, administratrix, and James G. RUSSELL, administrator, November 28, 1826. Securities: Edward McDONALD, Benjamin JANES. Heirs: Catharine JANES of Hempstead County, Arkansas Territory; and Rebecca McDONALD, Polly JANES, James G. RUSSELL, Green RUSSELL, Reuben R. RUSSELL, Lewis RUSSELL, and Isham RUSSELL--of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory. 127. SEATS, Benjamin, deceased. Bond of William RUSSELL and Jacob TYLER, administrators, July 19, 1824. Securities: Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, Benjamin JANES. Heirs: Eight children (not named). 128. This paragraph is void. Nothing was left 'out here. This void paragraph is in~erted merely to maintain the chronological sequence of numbering. 129. SEATS, Benjamin, deceased. Bond of James G. RUSSELl., administrator de-bonis-non, October 29, 1827. Securities: Daniel PLOTT, Peyton R. PITMAN. Heirs: William SEATS, Jarrett SEATS, Susannah SEATS, Joseph SEATS, Bennet SEATS, and Elizabeth SEATS-- all of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory; "and one other heir, name and res idenc(> unknown. tI 130. SEAVERS, Gabriel, deceased. Bond of Hannah SEAVERS and Peyton R. PITMAN, administrators with-will-annexed, February 16, 1821. Securities: Jacob MILLER, Jacob GARRETT. 131. SHAVER, John, deceased. SHAVER, executors, March 10, 1835. Burwell J. WILEY, John S. FICKLIN. Bond of Daniel SHAVER and Michael Securities: Thompson H. FICKLIN, 132. SHECKLES, Eli, deceased. Bond of Peter HALDERMAN, administrator, October 23, 1833. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Henry R. HYNSON. 133. SHIELDS, John, deceased. Bond of Jennett SHIELDS, administratrix, March 27, 1820. Securities: Richard SEARCY, William ROBERTS. Heir: One, a female child (not named). 134. SMITH, Robert, deceased. Bond of William BEARD, administrator, October 25, 1824. Securities: Thomas York CRABTREE, Samuel CUPPLES. -1_- 135. STANLY, William, deceased. Bond of Elizabeth STANLY, widow and administlatrix. December 10, 1816. Securities: Michael DOYLE, Luke HALSONBECK. State of widow: "---her deceased husband, William STANLY, died leaving c'ne female heir called Anna Ritta." 136. STINNETT, Benjamin, deceased. Bond of Nancy STINNETT, administratrix, April 11, 1817. Securities: John WOMACK, David WOMACK. Heirs: "Several children" (not named). 137. STUBBLEFIELD, Elizabeth, deceased. Bond of Robert McWILLIAMS and Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, administrators, March 1, 1826. Securities: Fielding STUBBLEFIELD, Joseph HARDIN. Heirs (children): Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD, Rhoda LOONEY, Milly McWILLIAMS, Thena LOONEY, Michael STUBBLEFIELD, Moses STUBBLEFIELD, Betsy STUBBLEFIELD, and William STUBBLEFIELD--all of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory; Molly BRAY of "Clabourn" County, Tennessee; and Peggy JOB of Wayne County, Missouri. 138. STUBBLEFIELD, William, deceased. Bond of Elizabeth STUBBLEFIELD, widc,w and administratrix, February 22, 1817. Securities: Robert McWILLIAMS, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD, Coleman STUBBLEFIELD. 139. STUBBLEFIELD, William, deceased. Bond of Robert McWILLIAMS and Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, administrators de-bonis-non, February 28, 1826. Securities: Reuben RICE, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD. Heirs (children): Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD, Rhoda LOONEY, Milly McWILLIAMS, Thena LOONEY, Michael STUBBLEFIELD, Moses STUBBLEFIELD, Betsy STUBBLEFIELD, and William STUBBLEFIELD--all of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory; Molly BRAY of Claiborne County, Tennessee; and Peggy JOB of Wayne County, Missouri. 140. STUBBLEFIELD, William, deceased. Bond of Moses STUBBLEFIELD, administrator, February 24, 1835. Securities: STUBBLEFIELD, Ezekiel RICE. Fielding 141. SWEAZEE, Jane, deceased. Bond of Richard SWEAZEE and Johnston SWEAZEE, administrators, September 8, 1832. Securities: James McDONALD, James CAMPBELL. Heirs: Margaret BALANCE, Polly BIGGERS, Richard SWEAZEE, Johnston SWEAZEE and Nancy Draper--all of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory; and William SWEAZEE, John SWEAZEE, and Rebecca SHARP--of Wayne County, Missouri. Witness: David Wilkerson LOWE, Clerk of Lawrence County. 142, THETFORD, Jesse B., deceased. Bond of William THETFORD, father and administrator, December 26, 1820. Securities: A. B. K. THETFORD, John PIERCE. Heirs: Five brothers and two sisters (not named) . 143. THOMPSON, Andrew, deceased. Bond of Evan THOMPSON, administrator with-the-will-annexed, October 27, 1823. Securities: Samuel S. HALL, James CAMPBELL. That same day, October 27, 1823, the widow, Rosanna, renounced her right of administration. 144. TINNIN, Lawrence, deceased. Bond of Hugh TINNIN, administrator, June 5, 1821. Securities: Gelbert BARDEN, Moses ROBERTSON (In the t"xt of the bond he was called William ROBINSON, but he signed as Moses ROBERTSON). 145. TRUESDALE, Samuel R., deceased. Bond of George DAVIDSON and Thirza TRUESDALE (female), administrators with-the-will-anexed, October 7, 1833. Securities: James CAMPBELl., John S. FICKLIN, .fohn KAVANAUGH, Williams S. KAVANAUGH. (The Will was signed on May 1, 1833, in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, by Samuel R. TRUESDALE. Following his death, the Will was proved in Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory, on October 7, 1833, and Williams S. KAVANAUGH, the then executor, renounced his office that same day, October 7, 1833). 146. TYLER, John, deceased. Bond of Jacob TYLER, administrator, April 23, 1823. Securities: James TYLER, William BEARD. Statement of administrators: "Nine· heirs" (not named). 147. VANZANDT, James, deceased. Bond of Martin VANZANDT, administrator, February 14, 1834. Security: Thompson H. FICKL1N. Heirs: Five--James VANZANDT and Elizabeth VANZANDT of Dearborn County, Indiana; Hugh VANZANDT of Obion County, Tennessee; Rachel -15- BENNETT of Tuscarara County. Ohio; and Martin VANZANDT of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory. 14B. WALLIS (WALLACE). John. deceased. Bond of Ruth WALLIS. administratrix. March 24. IB21. Securities: Michael WALLIS. Anthony STREET. Witness: James L. HOUSTON. Statement of Ruth WALLIS. administrator. March 24. IBn: "John WALLIS who died intestate as she believes left at his death seven children heirs to his estate. towit: Michael WALLIS. Jacob WAlLIS. Drewry WALLIS. Naoma MONTGOMERY wife of James MONTGOMERY. Willie WALLIS. and Allen WALLIS. who are all yet living to the best of her knowledge. and also that Naoma INGRAM. Santhia INGRAM are living and are legal representatives of said WALLIS deceased. and further this Deponent saith not." Sworn to and subscribed before Henry SANFORD. Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory. 149. WEST. Abner B.• deceased. Bond of Winney WEST (male) and Booker WEST. administrators. January 22. 1828. Securities: Daniel WILLIAMS. Nicholas NORRIS. L. BENNETT. Witness: Reuben RICHARDSON. Clerk. Heirs: "Three--Polly WEST. Betsey WEST. and Lousa WEST--all residents of Lawrence County, Arkansas Territory.1I 150. WEST. George. deceased. Bond of Susanah WEST. executrix. and Eli HILLHOUSE. executor. September 23. 1816. Securities: Alexander S. WALKER. Richard MURPHY. Witness: Lewis deMUN. Clerk. 151. WESTON. Josiah. deceased. Bond of Isaac ROBINSON. administlator. May 20. 1833. Security: Ranson S. BETTIS. 152. WHYATT (WYATT). Samuel. deceased. Bond of Daniel MARTIN. administrbtor. July 25. 1815. Security: Charles CRABOUGH. Witness: Lewis deMUN. Clerk. Heirs: Three legitimate children In State of Tennessee (not named). 153. WIDEMAN. Francis. deceased. Bond of Mark WIDEMAN. administrator. September 24. 1816. Securities: Andrew CRISWELL. John WELLS. Witness: Lewis deMUN. Clerk. Heirs: "None." 154. WILLIAMS. Sr .• Daniel. deceased. administrator. April 21. 1834. Securities: CRESWELL. Bond of James WILLIAMS. Thomas SLOAN. Halem 155. WILSON. Sr .• John. deceased. Bond of James CAMPBELL and John WILSON. Jr .• administrators. May 25. 1826. Securities: Joseph I~RDIN. Thomas York CRABTREE. Elijah VINSON. Heirs: Polly KELLY of the State of Virginia; the heirs of Richard WILSON, deceased; the heirs of Elizabeth COX. deceased; the heirs of Thomas WILSON. deceased; Leonard WILSON of Hempstead County. Arkansas Territory; the heirs of Mason LOGAN (female). deceased. of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory; Ursillars CHAMP BELL (female) of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory; Nancy MILLER of Tennessee; John WILSON. Jr .• of Hempstead County. Arkansas Territory; Willis WILSON of Hempstead County. Arkansas Territory; Benjamin WILSON of Perry County. Missouri; and Berry WILSON of Hempstead County. Arkansas Territory. (Mason LOGAN was the widow of Charles LOGAN. Ursillars CAMPBELL. was the wife of James CAMPBELL. In 1836. James WILSON. Jr .• was Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the first Constitutional Convention for the new State of Arkansas. Priscilla was the name of the wife of John WILSON. Sr .• deceased). 156. WOMACK. Jesse. deceased. Bond of John WOMACK. administrator. February 26. 1827. Securities: Walter G. HOGAN. Alvis NOLAN. Heirs: Nancy HIX of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory; William WOMACK of Crawford County. Arkansas Territory; the heirs of Betsey COCHRAN living in Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory; and Polly GRAY. Pleasant WOMACK. Satsey WOMACK. Phebe WOMACK. Jinny WOMACK. and Nicy WOMACK--all of Lawrence County. Arkansas Territory. 157. WOOD. John. deceased. Bond of Samuel WARE. administrator. December 23. 1816. Securities: Henry 'MORRISS. George RUDDELL. Heir: One. a daughter. an only child (not named). Witness: Richard SEARCY. Clerk. 158. WOOD. William. deceased. Bond of Abraham RICKMAN and John S. MOORE. administrators. February 28. 1835. Securities: William HART. George W. GLASSCOCK. -16- .. " 159. WOOTEN, John, deceased. Bond of James BOYD, administrator, March 1820. Security: Samuel RANEY. 160. The signature of Joseph HARDIN is on numerous of these old probate bonds. From 1815 until 1825, three Josephs HARDIN lived in Lawrence County. Two were father and son, Joseph HARDIN, Sr., and Joseph HARDIN, Junr. By early 1825 these two had removed to Hempstead County and soon thereafter to Antoine Township, Clark County, Arkansas, where they were still living when the 1850 U. S. census was enumerated. - 161. The Joseph HARDIN who signed the probate bonds was in every instance the Joseph HARDIN who died on August 25, 1826, at his residence in Davidsonville, the county seat of Lawrence, where he was Sheriff of the County and Colonel of the Third RegIment of the Territorial Militia of Arkansas. It is he who is the great, great grandfather of the compiler. Specimens of the authentic signatures of the Josephs HARDIN are in the custody of the compiler. In no instance does the signature of the Senior or Junior appear on any of these probate bonds. The father of Joseph HARDIN, the Sheriff and Colonel, was the Revolutionary War soldier and pensioner, Benjamin HARDIN, who died at his residence near Goodie Creek, in Christian Township, Independence County, Arkansas, on April 2, 1848. Guardianships It was not unusual for the widowed mother to be appointed guardian of her minor children. The decision rested with the Court. In this alphbetical list of guardianships are seven for which no bonds were found. The seven are identified by the words: No bond found. 162. BAILEY, Patsey~.and··,Ue"ander, minors ullder :·.age 14. Thomas McCARRILL, guardian, 1823 •... :.NcLhaud found . .., 163. BELLAH, Allen and Nancy, minor heirs of James BELLAH, deceased. Bond of James H. HUDSON, guardian, July 5, 1831. Securities: John HUDSON, Isaac JOBE. 164. BELLAH, Reuben, Samuel, Cyrus and Patsy, minor heirs of James BELLAH, deceased. Bond of Eleanor BELLAH, guardian, October 3, 1831. Securities: Edward HUDSON, James M. KUYKENDALL. 165. BELLAH, Reuben, Samuel, Silas and Patsy, minor heirs of James BELLAH, deceased.' Bond of Henry WHITE, guardian, April 21, 1835. Securities: Noah STANDLEY, William WHITE. 166. BLACK, Sally, minor. Bond of John DAVIDSON, guardian, July 7, 1818. Securities: William HARRIS, Edward H. MATTHEWS. Witness: Henry CASSIDY (an attorney). 167. deceased. Security: CRAWFORD, Russell, minor over 14, son of Moses CRAWFORD, Bond of Nathanial M. CRAWFORD, guardian, October 19,·1835. Henry G. HUDSON. 168. CRESWELL, Minerva, minor under 14. Bond of Andrew CRESWELL, guardian, February 9, 1821. Security: Nathaniel DICKERSON. 169. CUMMINGS, James, Sarah, and William, minors. Bond of James CAMPBELL, guardian, July 21, 1817. Security: William CONAWAY (named but' failed to sign bond). 170. DARTER, Sarah, Michael D., Hiram, and Delila, minors over 14, children of Nicholas DARTER, deceased. Bond of Rosanna DARTER, guardian, July 3, 1832. Securities: Andrew DARTER, Peter STARNES. 171. EDWARDS, Mary, minor heir of James EDWARDS, deceased. Bond of Enos HARRMI, guardian, November 7, 1825. Securities: George LONG, David HARER. -17- 172. FLETCHER, Lavina Catharine, Lucretia Angeline, and Polly Ann, minors under 14. Bond of Peyton R. PITMAN, guardian, October 31, 1826. Securities: Richard SEARCY, James M. KUYKENDALL. 173. HARDIN, Andrew Johnson, minor orphan over 14, son of Joseph HARDIN, decea.,ed. Bond of William NEWLAND, guardian, January 21, 1834. Securities: Thomas McCARROLL, William B. MARSHALL, John CRAIG, James NEWLAND. (On May 12, 1835, Margaret Ann HARDIN, a sister of Andrew Johnson HARDIN, married John L. CRAIG in Independence County, Arkansas Territory, and became great grandparents of the compiler) . 174. HARDIN, Andrew Johnson, minor orphan over 14, son of Joseph HARDIN, deceased (died at Davidsonville, Lawrence County, on August 25, 1826). Bond of Jonathan HARDIN, guardian, January 20, 1835. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, James COUTS, Champ T. STUART. (See paragraph number 255 for correct identification of this Jonathan HARDIN, the Judge of Lawrence County. Champ T. STUART was a nephew of James M. KUYKENDALL. It was KUYKENDALL who became Sheriff following the 1826 death of Joseph HARDIN). 175. HARRIS, Abner, minor. Bond of William HARRIS, guardian, September 23, 1816. Securities: Lewis deMUN, John P. MAXWELL. (Lewis deMUN was the first Clerk of the Circuit Court, Lawrence County) . 176. HARRIS, Nat, minor. Bond of William HARRIS, guardian, September 23, 1816. Securities: Lewis deMUN, John P. MAXWELL. 177. HEDGER, Johannah, Benjamin, Stephen, Katharine and Andrew, minor children of Benjamin HEDGER, deceased. Bond of Michael SHAVER, guardian, April 27, 1829. Securities: William JARRETT, Isaac GRAY. 178. HILLHOUSE, Lavira, minor over 14, child of Polly HILLHOUSE, deceased. Bond of William BERRY, guardian, April 2, 1832. Security: Andrew DARTER. 179. HILLHOUSE, Rosetta, minor ("orphan girl of Polly HILLHOUSE, Bond of William B. MARSHALL, guardian, July Securities: Peter HALDERMAN, Jesse JEFFREY, William deceased ll marked out). 2, 1832. BERRY. 180. HOOPER, Washington, James Riley, and Wiley, minors under 14, heirs of Ferrebee RAMSEY, deceased. Bond of Lewis BEASLEY, guardian, April 22, 1834. Securities: Thomas McCARROLL, William MORGAN. (Ferrebee RAMSEY' was wife of James RAMSEY.) 181. HUBBLE, George, minor under age 14, 1824. 182. HUBBLE, Jonathan, minor under 14, 1828. No bond found. No bond found. 183. HULSEY, Solomon and William, minors. Bond of Gabriel FROST, guardian, January 7, 1833. Security: Jesse JEFFREY. 184. INGRAM, Hannah and Elijah, minors under 14. Bond of Morris MORE (MOORE), guardian, November 7, 1821. Security: Alfred MOORE. 1817. 185. JONES, Henry, minor age 7 years. James BOYD, guardian, 186. JONES, Marshall, minor age 15 years and 3 months, and Cstherine JONES, age 6 years, bound by John JONES to Samuel HARRISON, both of Lawrence County, August 31, 1820. (See Deed Record Book "A," pages 26-27, Independence County, Arkansas). 187. KEEL (KEIL) , Joseph, minor. Bond of James G. RUSSELL, guardian, September 1, 1829. Securities: William LOONEY, Hardy KEEL (KEIL). Witness: Thomas EMORY, Clerk. 188. deceased. Security: KEEL, Joseph, minor over 14, son of Frederick KEEL, Bond of William JARRETT, guardian, October 2, 1832. Levi FLETCHER. -18- 189. KEEL, Louisa and Joseph, minors under 21, heirs of Frederick KEEL, deceased. Bond of Elizabeth KEEL, guardian, March 2, 1824, Securities: William RUSSELL, Hardy KEEL. 190. LAMUIX, Joseph, minor, heir of estate of Pierre LAMUIX, deceased. Bond of Pierre LAMUIX, guardian, June 26, 1827. Security: Elij ah VINSON. 1830. 191. LATHAM, Melinda. No bond found. 192. deceased. Security: Her mother, Prudence LATHAM, guardian, LOGAN, Mason (female), minor, heir of Charles LOGAN, Bond of Eli EDMONSON, guardian, September I, 1829. James CAMPBELL, Latta LOGAN (male). 193. LOONEY, Jonathan and Dorcas, minors, heirs of Joseph LOONEY, deceased. Bond of Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, guardian, September 1, 1829. Securities: William BLACK, Thomas BLACK. 194. LOONEY, William and Peggy, minors, heirs of Joseph LOONEY, deceased. Bond of Fielding STUBBLEFIELD, guardian, September 1, 1829. Securities: Robert McWILLIAMS, William LOONEY. 195. LOWE, Silas, orphan under 14. Bond of George CORZINE, Securities: William HIX, Reuben CORZINE, Richard SEARCY. guardian, June 25, 1816. Witness: 196. McCARROLL, John, minor under 14, heir of Nathaniel McCARROLL, deceased. Bond of Thomas McCARROLL, guardian, October ]9, 1835. Securities: James McCARROLL, James McKNIGHT. 197. MANSKER, Polly, Lydia, William Henry, Elizabeth, Louisa, George, Joseph, and John, minors. Bond of Louisa MANSKER, mother of these children, guardian, March 8, 1825. Securities: Thomas FOSTER, John REEVES. 198. MANSKER, Rebecca, minor over 14. Bond of Louisa MANSKER, guardian, February 28, 1826. Security: Thomas FOSTER. 199. MANSON, Andrew, minor over 14, one of the heirs of Sinclair ~~SON, deceased. Bond of Thomas LEWIS, guardian, December 9, 1830. Securities: John PEARCE, Lewis PIERCE. 200. MANSON, Manly, minor under 14. Bond of George THOMPSON, Securities: Nathaniel McCARRELL, James guardian, March 1, 1826. CAMPBELL. 201. Manson, Manly, minor, one of the heirs of Sinclair MANSON, deceased. Bond of George S. HUDSPETH, guardian, December 30, 1828. Securities: James M. KUYKENDALL, Thomas BAKER. 202. MANSON, Manly, minor over 14, child of Sinclair MANSON, deceased. Bond of James M. KUYKENDALL, guardian, January 3, 1832. Securities: Squire PEVEHOUSE, Uriah SMITH. 203. MANSON, Rebecca, minor, heir to estate of Sinclair MANSON, d,eceased. Bond of Squire PEVEHOUSE, guardian, February 26, 1827. Security: Jacob PEVEHOUSE. 204. MANSON, Rebecca, minor over 14, daughter of Sinclair deceased. Bond of John HINDS,'guardian, October I, 1832. Securities: Robert SMITH, John McCARROLL. I~SON, 205. MYERS (MYRES), Henry, minor under 21. MILLER, guardian, November 6, 1821. Securities: Nathan DAVIS. Witness: Henry SANFORD. Bond of Jacob William ROBINSON, 206. MYERS, (MYRES), Mary, Rachel, Rebecca, and Noah, minors under 14, heirs of Henry MYRES, deceased. Bond of Anne Maria MYRES, guardian, November 6, 1821. Securities: Jacob MILLER, William HIX, Junr. -19- 207. MYERS (MYRES), Rachel and Rebecca, minors, heirs of Anne Maria MYRES, deceased. Bond of John RODNEY, guardian, November 3, 1824. Security: Thomas S. RODNEY. 208. PERKINS, Elizabeth, "an insane or lunatic person--not capable of making comfortable support." Bond of William E. GLENN, guardian, April 6, 1830. Securities: John D. JUSTICE, William WELLS. 209. PERKINS, Elizabeth. Bond of William JARRETT, guardian, July 5, 1831. Securities: Edward McDONALD, Daniel PLOTT. 210. REAVES, Nancy, minor under 14, heir of John REAVES, deceased. Bond of Casper SCHMICK, guardian, March 4, 1828. Securities: William BEARD, James CAMPBELL. 211. RIVET, Augustin, minor. Bond of William HARRIS, guardian, September 24, 1816. Securities: Edward McDONALD, William MOORE. 212. ROBINSON, Jefferson, Charity, and Asa, minors. Bond of Sarah ROBINSON, guardian, June 8, 1821. Securities: Joshua DAVIS, Jacob GARRETT. 213. ROBINSON, Polly, orphan under 18. Bond of Nathaniel DICKERSON, guardian, February 9, 1821. Security: Moses ROBINSON (ROBERTSON). 214. RUSSELL, Lucinda Jane, minor. Bond of Isaac McDONALD, guardian, October 5, 1830. Securities: James G. RUSSELL, Benjamin JANES. 215. RUSSELL, Lucinda Jane, minor under 14, heir of Green RUSSELL, deceased. Bond of Isaac McDONALD, guardian, April 22, 1834. Securities: Edward McDONALD, Henry SLAVENS. 216. SEATS, Bennet, minor, heir of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, guardian, June 27, 1826. Securities: James TYLER, Thomas HOLT. List attached to bond: "Bennet SEATS, Elizabeth SEATS, Joseph SEATS, William SEATS, Susanna SEATS." 217. SEATS, Bennett, Elizabeth, Joseph, William, and Susannah, minors, heirs of the estate of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, guardian, February 26, 1827. Securities: Jacob BRILHART, Robert SMITH, Junr. 218. SEATS, Elizabeth, minor, heir of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER; guardian, June 27, 1826. Securities: James TYLER, Thomas HOLT. 219. SEATS, Jarrett, minor under 14. Bond of Edward MATTOX, guardian, October 31, 1826. Securities: Laurance THOMPSON,' John HINDS. 220. SEATS, Joseph, minor, heir of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, guardian, June 27, 1826. Securities: James TYLER, Thomas HOLT. 221. SEATS, Susannah, mim'r, heir of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, guardian, June 27, 1826. Securities: James TYLER, Thomas HOLT. 222. SEATS, Susan, minor. Bond of Robert M. REVIL, guardian, October 4, 1830. Securities: Isham F. ALCORN, Samuel McILROY. 223. SEATS, Willis, minor, heir of Benjamin SEATS, deceased. Bond of Charles HATCHER, guardian, June 27, 1826. Securities: James TYLER, Thomas HOLT. 224. SEAVERS, Eliza and Fanny, minors under 14. Bond of William JARRETT, guardian, March 2, 1824. Security: Henry SANFORD. 225. STINNET, Jesse and Benjamin, minors under 14, heirs of Benjamin STINNET, deceased. Bond of John WOMACK, guardian, June 27, 1827. Security: Walter G. HOGAN. -20- 226. STUBBLEFIELD, Elizabeth and Sally, minors, heirs of William STUBBLEFIELD, deceased. Bond of Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, guardian, July 21, 1835. Securities: William LOONEY, Abram STUBBLEFIELD. 227. STUBBLEFIELD, William, minor, heir of William STUBBLEFIELD, deceased. Bond of Coleman STUBBLEFIELD, guardian, September 1, 1829. Securities: Robert McWILLIAMS, Fielding STUBBLEFIELD. Witness: Thomas EMORY, Clerk. 228. WEST, Polly, Betsy, and Louisa, minors under 14, heirs of estate of Abner B. WEST, deceased. Bond of Winny WEST (female), guardian, April 21, 1835. Securities: Booker BEmmTT, Davis JOHNSON, Edward BENNETT 229. WOOD, Sally, minor under 14. Bond of Hiram WEST, guardian, February 7, 1821. Security: Nathaniel DICKERSON. Witness: Henry SANFORD. No Bonds Found 230. BLACK, Mrs. Betty, deceased. (She was the widow of David BLACK who deceased in Lawrence County in 1817). A Deed of Conveyance executed in 1827 in Lawrence County and recorded there in Deed Book "D," pages 83 and 86, gives names of some of the "heirs of Betty BLACK, deceased." No bond found. 231. BOLLINGER, John H., deceased. No bond found. Died prior to 1831. 232. BRADLEY, Lawrence, deceased. Will, undated, was proved November 6, 1819. Wife, Betsey BRADLEY, executrix, and son, George BRADLEY, executor, November 6, 1819. No bond found. 233. CRAMBERLAIN, Jason, deceased. Wife, Eliza CRAMBERLAIN, administratrix, 1820. Power-of-Attorney by Eliza in 1820 to Edmund RUTTER regarding affairs in Lawrence County of her deceased husband. (Jason was an attorney. His brother, Staples CHAMBERLAIN, was also an attorney. Both died in 1820 within a short time of each other). No bond found. 234. COOPER, George Washington, deceased. Will dated August 2, 1835; proved August 28, 1835. Thomas McCARROLL and John MILLIGAN, executors, August 28, 1835. No bond found. . 235. CRAVENS, Robert, deceased. Verbal Will was made prior to his death, which occurr~d on March 16, 1824, at residence of Joseph CRAVENS in Independence County, Arkansas Territory. Will was proved on April 10, 1824. No bond found. . 236. DELANY, Thomas, deceased. trix, 1817. NO bond found. Wife, Roady DELANY, administra- 237. DELENO, Ignace, deceased. Pierre LARONDE and Antoine executors, June 1817. No bond found. ~RUSAT, 238. FICKLIN, Thompson H., deceased. Will dated April 17, 1835; proved June 11, 1835. Wife, Maria FICKLIN, executrix, and brother, John S. FICKLIN, executor, June 11, 1835. No bond found. (Maria was later a wife of Archibald YELL, Governor of Arkansas). 239. HARDIN, Mrs. Margaret (nee' JOHNSON), deceased on August 17, 1817, at her home in Davidsonville, Lawrence County. No bond found. (In Livingston County, Kentucky, on November 19, l808, she married Joseph HARDIN. This is the Joseph who died on August 25, 1826, at his residence in Davidsonville, Lawrence County, where he was Sheriff of the county and Colonel of the Third Regiment of the Territorial Militia of Arkansas. Margaret and this Joseph are great, great grandparents of the compiler). 1829. 240. HEDGER, Benjamin, deceased. No bond found. -21- Died prior to April 27, 241. HENDERSON, William, deceased. The Court in November 1825 allowed payment for expense incl1rred for an inquest on his body. No bond found. 242. ISHMAEL, Sr., Benjamin, deceased. Died in February 1835 soon after arrival ia Lawrence County from Wayne County, Illinois. No bond found. 243. JANNIS (JANIS), Anthony, deceased. Died prior to 1818. (Had settled on Big Black River prior to 1804 in what later became Lawrence County). No bond found. 244. JANNIS, Francis, deceased. Died prior to 1817. (He had settled prior to 1804 on Big Black River in what later became Lawrence County). No bond found. 245. LINDSEY, James, deceased. 'of death not given. No bond found. Heirs listed in 1831. Date 246. McCARROLL, Nathaniel, deceased. Estate was divided in 1835. No bond found. (A Revolutionary War soldier, Nathaniel McCARROLL applied for his pension in 1833 at a Court in Independence County, Arkansas Territory). 247. McMANIS, Patrick, deceased. John Bte. HUBARDEAU, administrator, July 1818. No bond found. 248. MANSKER, Casper, deceased. Will dated November 10, 1830; proved January 3, 1831. Wife, Elizabeth MANSKER. No bond found. 249. MAXWELL, James, deceased. John Bte. VALLE and Thomas MADDEN, executors, December J8l6. No bond found. 250. MILLER, Peter, deceased. A deed of conveyance dated in 1820 and recorded on page 206 of Lawrence County Deed Book "B" mentions the place on Current River in Lawrence County where "Peter MILLER, deceased" had lived. No bond found. 251. MINYARD, Will, deceased. Recorded on page 49 of Lawrence County Deed Book "B" is a deed of conveyance to Robert BEAN from Joshua MINYARD, assignee of Will MINYARD, deceased. This deed says Will MINYARD settled at the Mouth of Poke Bayou on White River, on south side of Poke Bayou, prior to April 12, 1814. (Now this site is occupied by part of the City of Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas, but in 1818 it was still part of Lawrence County). No bond found. 252. MONEY (MOONEY), Patrick, deceased, of White River township, Lawrence County. Will dated October 12, 1819; proved December 4, 1819. No bond found. 253. MURPHY, Samuel, deceased. March 1819. No bond found. George HUMPHRIES, executor, 254. PENNINGTON, Mary, deceased. Will was proved on November IS, 1830. Son-in-law, Aaron G. JOHNSTON, and son, Jacob G. PENNINGTON, executors, November 15, 1830. No bond found. 255. PIERCE, John, deceased. Will dated December 12, 1833; proved January 30, 1834. Widow, Hannah PIERCE, executrix, and Jonathan HARDIN, executor, January 30, 1834. No bond found. (This Jonathan HARDIN is the Judge of Lawrence County and not the Jonathan HARDIN who was then living in Conway County, the part that later became Faulkner County, Arkansas. The Jonathan of Lawrence County removed to Kaufman County, Texas, in 1857). 256. RAMSEY, Andrew, deceased. William RAMSEY and William DOUGHERTY, administrators, 1818. No bond found. (See also probate records of Cape Girardeau County, Missouri). 257. RAMSEY, Ferrebee, deceased. Lewis BEASLEY was guardian of the heirs in 1834. Date of death not given. No bond found. (Ferrebee RAMSEY was wife of James RAMSEY.) -22- 258. REED, George, deceased. Will dated July 1, 1820; recorded August 26, 1820. Colonel Benjamin HARDIN, Colonel William LYNN (LINN), and John REED, executors named in Will. (This Benjamin HARDIN, born March 15, 1764, in Mecklenburg County, now Rutherford County, North Carolina, was a teen-age soldier and later pensioner of The Revolutionary War. He died on April 2, 1848, at his residence near Goodie Creek, Christian Township, Independence County, Arkansas). No bond found. 259. RICHARDSON, Reuben, deceased. Died in latter part of 1828 while Clerk of the Circuit Court, Lawrence County. No bond found. 260. RUSSELL, Henry, deceased. In deeds of conveyance made in 1817 by his widow, Rebeckah, and recorded in Lawrence County Deed Book "B," is mention of "Henry RUSSELL, deceased." No bond found. 261. SEAVERS, Gabriel, deceased. Will of November 11, 1820; proved February 8, 1821. Nathan DAVIS and Daniel PLOTT, executors February 8, 1821. No bond found. (On February 16, 1821, both executors renounced their office). 262. SEAWELL, Joseph, deceased. The name of the 1821 executor of the Will was not given. No bond found. 263. SEVAT, John, deceased. 2, 1831. No bond found. Inquest on body held August 264. STUART, William, deceased. He died March 4, 1822, at his residence in Davidsonville, Lawrence County. His Verbal Will was proved May 15, 1822, This verbal will mentions only wife, Rebecca, and a daughter, Asenath. (The compiler has proof that this William STUART and wife, Rebecca KUYKENDALL, daughter of Joseph KUYKENDALL, had several living children not mentioned in this Verbal Will). No bond found. 265. SWEETEN, Randolph, deceased. December 19, 1831. No bond found. Inquest held on body, 266. TYLER, Jr., John, deceased. Verbal Will of February 28, 1823; proved February 12, 1824. No bond found. 267. TYLER, Nathan, deceased. The Court of November 1825 approved payment for expense of an inquest held on body. Date of death not given. No bond found. 268. TYLER, Peter', deceased. Will dated February 9, 1832; proved April 23, 1832. Wife, Rachel, executrix, April 23, 1832. bond found. 269. WARE, Joseph, deceased. bond found. Will proved in April 1834. No No 270. WARE, Samuel, deceased. Will dated in February 1817; proved November 4, 1818. Son, Joseph WARE, executor, November 4, 1818. No bond found. 271. WELLS, William, deceased. September 10, 1834. No bond found. William JARRETT, administrator, 272. WEST, Hiram, deceased. Jane WEST, administratrix and William McKNIGHT, ADMINISTRATOR, 1829. (The notice was published in the Arkansas Gazette: September 23, 1829). No bond found. 273. WHITE, Henderson, deceased. Will dated September 1, 1835; proved September 30, 1835. John B. HAMMOND, and Jonathan HARDIN, executors, September 30, 1835. No bond found. -23- Index With each name is the numbered paragraph (s) in which the name appears in this compilation. (--1--), John - 5 ACHESON, John - 1 ADAMS, Charlotte - 2. 3 ADAMS, James - 2, 3 ADAMS, Matthews - 2, 3 AKINS, James - 5 ALCORN, Isham F. - 222 ALEXANDER. John W. - 4 ALEXANDER, Mary - 4 ALEXANDER, Robert - 52 AMBERS, Isaac - 5 AMBROSE, Isaac - 5 AUTRY, Anne - 113 AUTRY, Bettsy - 113 AUTRY, Henry - 113 AUTRY, John - 113, 114 AUTRY, Sally - 113 AUTRY, Simon - 113 BAGLY, Ash..r - 30, 42 BAGLEY, Asher - 30, 42 BAILEY, Alexander - 162 BAILEY, Patsey - 162 BAKER, Beverly R. (male) - 6 BAKER, Thomas - 6, 201 BALANCE, Margaret - 141 BARDEN, Gelbert - 144 BARKER, James - 7 BEARD, William - 40, 78, 97, 98, 100, 115, 117, 134, 146, 210 BEASLEY, James .. 8 BEASLEY, John - 68 BEASLEY, Lemuel - 68 BFASLEY, Lewis - 180, 257 BEASLEY, Samuel - 8 BEASLEY, Sarah - 8 BELLAH, Allen - 163 BELLAH, Cyrus - 164 BELLAH, Eleanor - 164 BELLAH, James - 9, 163, 164, 165 BELLAH, Nancy - 163 BE:LLAH, Patsy - 164, 165 BELLAH, Reuben - 164, 165 BELLAH, Samuel - 164, 165 BELLAH, Silas - 165 BENNETT, Booker - 149, 228 BENNETT, Edward - 228 BENNETT, L. - 149 BENNETT, Rachel - 147 BERRY, William - I, 178, 179 BETTiS, Ransom S. - 99, 151 BIGGERS, Polly - 141 BLACK, Betty - 10, 230 BLACK, David - 10, 230 BLACK, John P. - 10, II, 118 BLACK, Sally - 166 BlACK, Thomas - 10, 11, 43, 193 BLACK, William - 11, 17, 18, 21, 99, 193 BOLLINGER, John H. - 231 BOONE, Thomas - 12 BORAN, Bazel A. - 13, 107 BORAN, Peggy - 13 BOYD, James - 56, 75, 159, 185 BRADBERRY, John - 14 BRADLEY, Betsey - 232 BRADLEY, George - 232 BRADLEY, Lawrence - 232 BRAZIL, Richard - 116, 117 BRAZIL, Robert - 116 BRAY, Molly - 137, 139 BRILLHART, Jacob - 15, 16, 17, 18, 217 BRILLHART, Joshua - 15, 16 BRILLHART, Nathan - 15 BRILLHART, Rebecca - 15, 16 BRILLHART, Rezin - 15, 16 BUCHAlINON, Elizabeth - 18 BUCHANNON, Evelina Eliza - 18 BUCHANNON, Jacob - 18 BUCHANNON, Mary - 18 BUTLER, Robert - 19 BYRD, Moses - 20 BYRD, Stephen - 20 BYRD, William G. - 21 CAMPBELL, James - 14, 20, 22, 23, 63, 66, 85, 101, 124, 141, 143, 145, 155, 169, 192, 200, 210 CAMPBELL, John W. - 22 CAMPBELL, Joseph - 106 CAMPBELL, Ursillsrs (female) - 155 CARTER, Minnetree - 49 CARTER, Solomon - 91, 121 CASSIDY, Henry - 166 CHAMBERLAIN, Eliza - 233 CHAMBERLAIN, Jason - 23, 233 CHAMBERLAIN, Staples - 23, 233 CHILDRESS, Drewry - 24 CHISM, Elisha - 25 CHISM, Winney - 25 COCHRAN, Betsey - 156 COCKE, Jester - 29 COLVIN, Aaron - 26, 27 COLVIN, Betsy - 27 COLVIN, Fanny - 27 COLVIN, Hem - 27 COLVIN, James - 27 COLVIN, John - 27 COLVIN, Mary - 27 COLVIN, Nancy - 27 COLVIN, Rebecca - 27 COLVIN, Richard - 27 COLVIN, Sally - 26, 27 COLVIN, Sucky - 27 COMPTON, William - 28, 68 CONAWAY, Jeremiah - 52 CONAWAY, Priscilla - 78 CONAWAY, William - 52, 169 COOPER, George Washington - 234 CORNELIUS, Jeptha - 29 CORNELIUS, Nancy - 69 CORNWALL, Josephus Adamson - 64 CORNWALL, Nancy Hardin - 64 CORNWALL, John 30 CORNWALL, Silas - 30, 106 CORZINE, George - 50, 52, 195 CORZINE, Jane - 32 CORZINE, Livina - 31 CORZINE, Reuben- 32, 195 CORZINE, Ruey - 31 COUTS, James - 174 COX, Bartley - 33 COX, Elizabeth - 155 COX, William - 33 CRABOUGH, Charles - 91, 152 CRABTREE, Thomas - 10, 88 CRABTREE, Thomas York, 11, 16, 43, 76, 101, 134, 155 CRAIG, John - 173 CRAIG, John L. - 173 CRAVENS, Joseph - 235 CRAVENS, Robert - 91, 235 CRAVENS, William - 34 CRAWFORD, Coleby - 36, 37 CRAWFORD, Milly - 35 CRAWFORD, Moses - 35, 36, 37, 167 CRAWFORD, Russell - 167 CRAWFORD, Salathial T. M. 36 CRAWFORD, Sa1athia1 M. - 167 CRESWELL, Andrew - 38, 168 CRESWELL, Halem - 83, 154 CRESWELL, Harmus - 38 CRESWELL, James - 82 CRESWELL, James t. - 38 CRESWELL, Minerva - 168 CRISWELL, Andrew - 153 CROUCH, Spencer - 88, 109 CROWLEY, Benjamin - 39, 124 CROWLEY, John - 39 CRUSAT, Antcine - 237 CUMMINGS, James - 169 CUMMINGS, Sarah - 169 CUMMINGS, William - 169 CUPPLES, Francis - 40 CUPPLES, Mary - 40 CUPPLE, Rosetta - 40 CUPPLES, Samuel - 40, 134 DARTER, Andrew - 41, 170, 178 DARTER, Delila - 170 DARTER, Hiram - 170 DARTER, Michael D. - 170 DARTER, Nicholas - 41, 170 DARTER, Rosann2. - 170 DARTER, Sarah - 170 DAVIDSON, George - 145 DAVIDSON, John - la, 84, 105, 166 DAVIDSON, Samuel D.- 7, 87, 119 DAVIS, Abijah - 51 DAVIS, Atlantic (female) 67 DAVIS, Elizabeth - 15 DAVIS, Ellen - 64 DAVIS, Jesse - 42 DAVIS, Joshua - 28, 88, 212 DAVIS, Nathan - 15, 43, 205, 261 DAVIS, Rezin - 17, 28 DELANY, Roady (female) - 236 DELANY, Thomas - 236 DELENO, Ignace - 237 DeMoss, Skelton T. - 7 deMUN, Augustus - 121 deMUN, Augustus E. V. - 123 deMUN, Lewis - 26, 30, 39, 91, 123, 150, 152, 153, 175, 176 DEVAULT, William - 44 DICKERSON, Nathaniel - 66, 168, 229 DICKINSON, Towsend - 45 DOYLE, Michael - 135 DRAPER, Nancy - 141 DREW, Thomas S. - I, 12 EARHEART, Elijah - 45 EARHEART, Lucinda - 45 EARHEART, Rodney - 45 EARHEART, William - 45 EDMONSON, Eli - 192 EDWARDS, James - 46, 171 EDWARDS, Mary - 171 EDWARDS, Polly - 46 EDWARDS, Sarah - 46 EMORY, Thomas - 187, 227 ENGLISH, Stephen - 36 ENGLISH, Thomas P. - 40, 61 FERGUSON, James - 47 FERGUSON, Martha Ann - 47 FICKLIN, John S. - 44, 131, 145, 238 FICKLIN, Maria - 238 FICKLIN, Thompson H. - 81, 112, 131, 147, 238 FINDER, Colonel Barton - 65 FLETCHER, Eli - 48 FLETCHER, Elizabeth - 49 FLETCHER, John G. - 48 FLETCHER, Lavina Catharine - 172 FLETCHER, Levi - 48, 49, 188 FLETCHER, Lucretia Angeline - 172 FLETCHER, Martin - 50, 51 FLETCHER, Polly Ann - 172 FOSTER, Thomas - 197, 198 FROST, Gabriel - 183 GARIN, John - 14 GARRETT, Jacob - 23, 130, 212 GENTRY, John - 31 GIBSON, Jacob - 52, 53 GIBSON, Precious (female) - 54 GIBSON, Robert A. - 54 GIBSON, Samuel D. - 54 GIBSON, William G. - 54 GILLIAM, Nathaniel - 7 GINGOLET, Joseph - 55, 56 GLASS, Dudley - 75 GLASSCOCK, George W. - 158 GLENN, Lydia - 57 GLENN, Robert - 57 GLENN, Thomas - 57· GLENN, William - 57 GLENN, William E. - 51, 57, 97, 98, 109, 208 GOFORTH, Preston - 116 GORDON, Alfred - 57 GORDON, Sally - 57 GRAHAM, Moses - 91 GRAY, Abner - III GRAY, Isaac - 177 GRAY, John - 58, III GRAY, Polly - 156 GRAY, Nancy - 58 GRAY, Nelson - 58 GRAY, Pruda - 58 GRAY, Riley - 58 GRAY, Sally - 58 GRAY, William. 58 GREEN, Riall - 59 GRIFFITH, William - 120 GULLETT, Andrew - 60, 74 GULLETT, Delphena - 60 HADLOCK, James - 87 HALDERMAN, Peter - 132, 179 (HALL?), Pleasant - 102 HALL, Samuel S. - 23, 101, 114, 143 HALSONBECK, Luke - 135 HAMMOND, John P. - 12, 21, 93, 112, 273 HARDIN, Andrew Johnson - 64, 173, 174 HARDIN, Benjamin - 161, 258 -25- HOSKINS, Betsey - 69 HOSKINS, Lewis - 69 HOSKINS, Mary - 69 HOSKINS, Williams - 69 HOUSTON, James L. - 33, 148 273 HUBARDEAU, John Bte. - 247 HARDIN, Joseph - 3, 33, 55, 56, HUBBLE, Betsy - 57 61, 62, 63, 64, 72, 82, 84, HUBBLE, George - 181 85, 92, 98, 114, 119, 121, HUBBLE, ,Jonathan - 182 137, 155, 160, 161, 173, HUDGENS, John - 72 174, 239 HUDGINS, John - 39, 74 HARDIN, Junr., Joseph - 160 HUDSON, Edward - 164 HARDIN, Sr., Joseph - 160 HUDSON, Ezekiel - 64 HARDIN, Lorano (f.ma1e) - 64 HUDSON, Henry G. - 167 HARDIN, Margaret Ann - 64, 173 HARDIN, Mrs. Margaret (nee' HUDSON, James H. - 163 HUDSON, John - 9, 64, 163 JOHNSON) - 239 HUDSPETH, George S. - 80, 201 HARDIN, Nancy - 64 HARER, David - 171 HUITT, Solomon - 59 HARER, Enos - 46 HULSEY, Allen - 70 HULSEY, Louvisa - 70 HARRAR, David - 46 HULSEY, Solomon - 70, 183 HARRAR, Enos - 46, 171 HULSEY, William - 70, 183 HARRAR, Evan - 46 HUMPHREYS, James - 71, 81 HARRIS, Abner - 175 HARRIS, Chrisley - 29 HUMPHREYS, Mary - 71 HARRIS, Essex - 55 HUMPHREYS, William - 71 HUMPHRIES, George - 253 HARRIS, George D. - 77 HYNSON, Henry R.-132 HARRIS, Micajah - 65, 110, 113 HARRIS, Nat" - 176 INGE, Elijah S. - 112 INGRAM, Elijah - 184 HARRIS, Sally - 65 HARRIS, William - 106, 122, 166, INGRAM, James - 72 INGRAM, Hannah - 184 175, 176, 211 HARRISON, Samuel - 186 INGRAM, Hester - 148 HART, William - 62, 158 INGRAM, Naoma - 148 HATCHER, Charles - 9, 76, 216, INGRAM, Santhia - 148 INGRAM, William - 72 217, 218, 220, 221, 223 HAWKINS, Edward - 19 ISHMAEL, Sr., Benjamin - 242 HEDGER, Andrew - 177 JACKSON, Thomas - 73 HEDGER, Benjamin - 177, 240 JAMES, Abel - 74 HEDGER, Johannah - 177 JAMES, A1haem - 74 HEDGER, Katharine - 177 JAMES, Rebecca - 74 JANES, Benjamin - 125, 126, 127, 214 HEDGER, Stephen - 177 HEMPSTEAD, (?). S. - 122 JANES, Catharine - 126 HENDERSON, William - 241 JANES, John - 7 HEWITT, Solomon - 59 JANES, Joseph - 6, 10 HILLHOUSE, Dean - 67 JANES, Mary - 75 HILLHOUSE, Eli - 66, 150 JANES, Polly - 126 HILLHOUSE, Elijah - 66 . JANIS,Anthony - 243 HILLHOUSE, Lavira - 67, 178 JANNIS, Anthony - 243 HILLHOUSE, Libba - 67 JANNIS, Francis - 244 JARRETT, William - I, 48, 77, 96, 100, HILLHOUSE, Polly - 66, 67, 178, 104, 177, 188, 209, 224, 271 179 JEFFERY, Jesse - 114, 179, 183 HILLHOUSE, Rosetta - 67, 179 HILLHOUSE, Sibba - 67 JOB, Peggy - 137, 139 HINDS, John - 63, 92, 204, 219 JOBE, Caleb - 9 HIX, Nancy - 156 JOBE, Isaac - 9, 107, 163 HIX, William - 53, 195 JOHNSON, Davis - 228 HIX, Junr., William - 19, 206 JOHNSON, Margaret - 62, 64, 239 HIX, Sr., William - 59 JOHNSON, Robert - 105 HOBBS, Polly - 57 JOHNSTON, Aaron G. - 254 HODGE, Alexander - 39 JONES, Catherine - 186 HOGAN, Walter G. - 156, 225 JONES, Henry - 185 HOLCOMBE, Daniel - 45 JONES, John - 186 " HOLT, Thomas - 31, 53, 216, 218, JONES, Marshall - 186 220, 221, 223 JONES, Mary - 75 HOOPER, Clarender - 16, 34 JUSTICE, Amos - 76, 77 HOOPER, Ennis Wiley - 68 JUSTICE, John D. - 77, 208 HOOPER, Ferrebee (female) - 68 KAVANAUGH, John - 145 HOOPER, James Riley - 68, 180 KAVANAUGH, William S. - 145 HOOPER, John - 68 KEEL, Elizabeth - 78, 79, 189 HOOPER, Washington - 180 KEEL, Frederick - 60, 79, 188, 189 HOOPER, Washington York - 68 KEEL, Hardy - 78, 79, 187, 189 HOOPER, Wiley - 180 KEEL, Joseph - 78, 187, 188, 189 -26HARDIN, HARDIN, HARDIN, HARDIN, Elizabeth - 64 Ellen - 61, 62, 63 George Washington - 64 Jonathan - 174, 255, KEEL, Louisa - 189 KELLETT, James - 71, 80 KELLETT, Joseph - 71, 80 KELLETT, William - 80 KELLEY, Charles - 91 KELLY, Polly - 155 KESTER, Frederick - 81 KESTER, Isaac - 14 KESTER, Mary - 81 KESTER, Sally - 81 KING, John - 73 KING, Patsy - 57 KING, Rachel - 57 KUYKENDALL, James M. - I, IS, 16, 17, 22, 33, 34, 43, 44, 61, 76, 85, 103, 108, 132, 164, 172, 174, 201, 202 KUYKENDALL, Joseph - 264 KUYKENDALL, Rebecca - 264 LAFFERTY, John - 82 LAFFERTY, John L. - 30, 38, 42, 82 LAMUIX, Joseph - 190 LAMUIX, Pierre - 190 LARONDE, Pierre - 237 LATHAM, Melinda - 191 LATHAM, Prudence - 191 LEDFORD, James - 83 LEDFORD, William - 83 LeMEW, Antoine - 86 LeMEW, Perro - 86 LeMEUX, Pierre - 84, 85 LESTER, David - 87 LESTER, Isabella - 87 LEWIS, Thomas - 199 LINDSEY, Caleb - 50, 104 LINDSEY, Carlton - 104 LINDSEY, James - 245 LINKHORN, Thomas - 65 LINN, Colonel William - 258 LITTLE, Junr., John - 31 LITTLE, Louisa - 78 LITTLE, Nancy - 78 LOGAN, Charles - 84, 88, 155, 192 LOGAN, Jr., Charles - 8~ LOGAN, Jonathan - 89 LOGAN, Latta (male) - 89, 192 LOGAN, Mason (female) - 155, 192 LOGAN, Massy (male) - 89 LONG, George - 171 LOONEY, Dorcas - 193 LOONEY, Jonathan - 193 LOONEY, Joseph - 90, 193, 194 LOONEY, Peggy - 194 LOONEY, Rhoda - 137, 139 LOONEY, Thena - 90, 137, 139 LOONEY, William - 40, 48, 95, 187, 194, 226 LOWE, David Wilkerson - 22, 141 LOWE, Silas - 195 LUTTIG, Elizabeth - 91 LUTTIG, John C. - 91 LYNN, Colonel William - 258 McADOO, William - 124 McCARRELL, James - 8 McCARRELL, Junr., John - 92 McCARRELL, Nathaniel - 92, 94, 200 McCARRILL, Junr., John - 92 McCARRILL, Thomas - 162 McCARROLL, James - 47, 196 McCARROLL, John - 93, 196, 204 McCARROLL, Nancy - 93 McCARROLL, Nathaniel - 196, 246 McCARROLL, Thomas - 47, 67, 93, 108, 173, 180, 196, 234 McCOWN, Roger - 118 McDONALD, Edward - 28, 39, 51, 91, 97, 123, 126, 209, 211, 215 McDONALD, Isaac - 214, 215 McDONALD, James - 141 McDONALD, Rebecca - 126 McILROY, Daniel - 21 McILROY, Samuel - 222 McKNIGHT, Charles - 94 McKNIGHT, James - 93, 94, 196 McKNIGHT, William - 94, 272 McLAIN, William - 20, 21 McMANIS, Patrick - 247 McNEEL, George W. - 5 McNEEL, John - 5 McNEEL, J. W. - 5 McNEEL, Pleasant D. - 5 McWILLIAMS, Andrew - 95 McWILLIAMS, Betsy - 95 McWILLIAMS, Fielding - 95 McWILLIAMS, Jesse - 95 McWILLIAMS, Joel - 95 McWILLIAMS, John - 95 McWILLIAMS, Melinda - 95, 137, 139 McWILLIAMS, Moses - 95 McWILLIAMS, Nancy - 95 McWILLIAMS, Nelson - 95 McWILLIAMS, Rebecca - 95 McWILLIAMS, Robert - 90, 95, 137, 138, 139, 194, 227 McWILLIAMS, ·Junr., Robert - 95 McWILLIAMS, William - 95 MADDEN, Thomas - 249 MANSKER, Casper - 248 MANSKER, Elizabeth - 96, 197, 248 MANSKER, George - 197 MANSKER, Junr., George - 96 MANSKER, Sr., George - 97, 98 MANSKER, John - 49, 100, 197 MANSKER, Joseph - 197 MANSKER, Lewis - 97 MANSKER, Louisa -99, 100, 197, 198 MANSKER, Lydia - 197 MANSKER, Polly - 197 MANSKER, Rebecca - 198 MANSKER, William - 97, 100 MANSKER, William Henry - 197 MANSON, Andrew - 199 MANSON, Cincler - 101 MANSON, Manly - 200, 201, 202 MANSON, Rebecca - 203, 204 MANSON, Sinclair - 199, 201, .202, 203, 204 . MARKHAM, Thomas - 34 MARSHALL, William B. - 41, 173, 179 MARTIN, Daniel - 152 MASK, Cincinnatta - 102 MASK, Elizabeth - 102 MASK, Pleasant - 102 MASK, Sarah - 102 MASK, William - 102 MATTHEWS, Edward H. - 166 MAXWELL, James - 249 MAXWELL, John P. - 175, 176 MAXWELL, Thomas - 76, 103 MILLER, Jacob - 130, 205, 206 MILLER, Martin - 104 MILLER, Nancy - 155 MILLER, Peter - 250 MILLER, Samuel - 36, 37 MILLER, Simon - 55 MILLER, William R. - 55 MILLIGAN, John - 44, 234 MINYARD, Joshus - 251 -2~- MINYARD, Will - 251 MOCK, Mathias - 13, 104 MONEY, Patrick - 252 MONTGOMERY, James - 148 MONTGOMERY, John - 105 MONTGOMERY, Naoma - 148 MOONEY, Patrick - 252 MOORE, Alfred - 184 MOORE, James - 106 MOORE, John S. - 37, 107, 158 MOORE, Mary - 106 MOORE, Morris - 107, 184 MOORE, Robert - 22 MOORE, William - 106, 211 MORGAN, William - 102, 180 MORRISS, Henry - 157 MURPHY, Arthur ,- 108 MURPHY, Richard - 150 MURPHY, Samuel - 253 MYERS, Anne Maria - 109, 110, 206, 207 MYERS, Henry - 110, Ill, 205, 206 MYERS, Mary - 206 MYERS, Noah - 206 MYERS, Rachel - 206, 207 MYERS, Rebecca - 206, 207 MYERS, Anne Maria - 109, 206, 207 MYRES, Henry - 110, Ill, 205 NEWLAND, James - 112, 173 NEWLAND, William - 93, 112, 173 NOLAN, Alvis - 156 NORRIS, Nicholas - 149 NORWOOD, Jeremiah - 50 OBARTURF, George - 13 OTTRY, Anne - 113 OTTRY, Bettsy - 113 OTTRY, Henry - 113 OTTRY, John c 113, 114 OTTRY, Sally - 113 OTTRY, Simon - 113 PEARCE, John - 199 PEEL, James E. - 45 PENNINGTON, Jacob G. - 254 PENNINGTON, Mary - 254 PERKINS, Aaron - 115 PERKINS, Benjamin - 67 PERKINS, Elizabeth - lIS, 208, 209 PERKINS, Henry - 115 PERKINS, Katharine - 115 PERKINS, Levi - 115 PERKINS, William - 115 PEVEHOUSE, Jacob - 18, 39, 203 PEVEHOl'SE, Squire - 202, 203 PIBURN, Benjamin - 111 PIERCE, Hannah - 255 PIERCE, John - 26, 56, 142, 255 PIERCE, Lewis - 199 PITMAN, Peyton R. - 63, 78, 109, lIS, 129, 130, 172 PLOTT, Daniel - 13, 109, lIS, 129, 209, 261 POOL, Walter - 27, 59 PORTER, Joseph - 62 PRICE, Rachel - 116 PRICE, Samuel - 116 PROCTOR, William - 113 RAMSEY, Andrew - 256 RAMSEY, Ferrebee - 180, 257 RAMSEY, William - 256 RANEY, Samuel RANNEKAMP, George - 121, 122 REAVES, John - 117, 210 REAVES, Nancy - 210 REED, Daniel, 118 REED, Deacon (Dacon) - 119, 120 REED, George - 258 REED, John - 24, 119, 120, 258 REED, Joseph - 120 REEVES, John - 197 RENNEKAMP, George - 121, 122 RICE, Ezekiel - 140 RICE, Reuben - 13, 48, 96, 98, 139 RICHARDSON, Reuben - 40, 63, 149, 259 RICKMAN, Abraham - 6, 158 RITCHEY, Adam - 87, lOS, 120 RIVET, Augustin - 123, 211 ROBBINS, Daniel - 52, 53 ROBBINS, Mary - 52, 53 ROBERTS, Hardin - 70 ROBERTS, William - 26, 27, 133 ROBERTSON, Charles - 25 ROBERTSON, Moses - 25, 144, 213 ROBINSON, Asa - 212 ROBINSON, Charity - 212 ROBINSON, Isaac - 151 ROBINSON, James - 124 ROBINSON, Jefferson - 212 ROBINSON, Moses - 124, 213 ROBINSON, Polly - 213 ROBINSON, Sarah - 124, 212 ROBINSON, William - 26, 27, 32, 42, 122, 205 RODNEY, John - 207 RODNEY, Thomas S. - 207 RUDDELL, George - 113, 157 RUSSELL, George - 64 RUSSELL, Green - 125, 126 215 RUSSELL, Henry - 260 RUSSELL, Isham - 126 RUSSELL, James G. - 78, 125, 126, 129, 187, 214 RUSSELL, Lewis - 126 RUSSELL, Lucinda Jane - 214, 215 RUSSELL, Mary - 126 RUSSELL, Rebeckah c 260 RUSSELL, Reuben R. - 126 RUSSELL, William - 79, 126, 127, 189 RUTTER, Edmund - 233 SANFORD, Henry - 13, 148, 205, 224, 229 SCHMICK, Casper - 99, 117, 210 SEARCY, Richard - 5, 42, 46, 61, 63, 82, 121, 122, 123, 133, 157, 172, 195 SEATS, Benjamin - 127, 129, 216, 217, 218 220, 221, 223 SEATS, Bennett - 129, 216, 217 SEATS, Elizabeth - 129, 216, '217, 218 SEATS, Jarrett - 129, 219 SEATS, Joseph - 129, 216, 217, 220 SEATS, Susan - 222 SEATS, Susannah - 129, 216, 217, 221 SEATS, Wi11lam - 129, 216, 217 SEATS, Willis - 223 SEAVERS, Eliza - 224 SEAVERS, Fanny - 224 SEAVERS, Gabriel - 130, 261 SEAVERS, Hannah - 129 SEAWELL, Joseph - 262 SEVAT, John - 263 SHARP, Rebecca - 141 SHARP, Soloman - 41, 107 SHAVER, Daniel - 48, 131 SHAVER, John - 131 SHAVER, Michael - 131, 177 SHECKLES, Eli - 132 SHIELDS, James - 42 -28- SHIELDS, Jennett, .. 133 SHIELDS, John .. 133 SIMPSON, Abijah .. 73 SIMPSON, Ma1ichi .. 73 SLAVENS, Henry .. 4, 215 SLOAN, James" 6, 11 SLOAN, Thomas - 154 SMITH, James .. 47 SMITH, Robert - 18, 103, 134, 20 SMITH, Junr" Robert .. 217 SMITH, Uriah - t,7, 62, 81, 108, 202 SNEED, William .. 2 SPIKES, Joseph - 4 STANDLEY, Noah - 165 STANLY, Anna Ritta - 135 STANLY, Elizabeth .. 135 STANLY, William - 135 STARNES, Peter .. 170 STINNETT, Jesse .. 225 STINNETT, Benjamin .. 136, 225 STINNETT, Nancy .. 136 STOKES, Redding - 75 STREET, Anthony .. 148 STREET, Sally - 148 STUART, Asenath .. 264 STUART, Champ T ... 86, 103, 174 STUART, Rebecca - 264 STUART, Williart - 264 STUBBLEFIELD, Abram - 226 STUBBLEFIELD, Betsy - 137, 139 STUBBLEFIELD, Coleman .. 18, 90, 127, 137, 138, 139, 193, 226, 227 STUBBLEFIELD, Elizabeth - 137, TYLER, John .. 146 TYLER, Junr., John .. 266 TYLER, Nathan - 267 TYLER, Peter .. 70, 268 TYLER, Rachel - 268 TYLER, Thomas .. 70 VALLE, John Bate ... 249 VANZANDT, Elizabeth .. 147 VANZANDT, Hugh .. 147 VANZANDT, James .. 147 VANZANDT, Martin .. 147 VANZANT, Martin .. 102 VEST, John .. 35 VEST, Reuben B... 35 VINSON, Elijah - 88, 155, 190 WALKER, Alexander S ... 60, 150 WALLIS, Allen .. 148 WALLIS, Drewry .. 148 WALLIS, Jacob .. 148 WALLIS, John - 148 WALLIS, Michael .. 148 WALLIS, Ruth - 148 WALLIS, Willie .. 148 WARE, Joseph .. 269, 270 WARE, Samuel - 157, 270 WATSON, William - 4 WEIBERG, Rev. Samuel - 110 WELLS, John - 153 WELLS, Sally .. 115 WELLS, William .. 58, 208, 271 WEST, Abner B... 149, 228 WEST, Betsey - 149, 228 WEST, Booker' - 149 WEST, George .. 150 WEST, Hiram - 229, 272 WEST, Jane - 272 WEST, Louisa .. 149, 228 138, 226 WEST, Polly - 149, 228 STUBBLEFIELD, Fielding - 40, 90, WEST, Susannah - 150 137, 138, 139, 140, 194, 227 WEST; Winny (female) .. 228 STUBBLEFIELD, Michael .. 90, 95, WEST, Winney (male) - 149 137, 139 WESTON, Josiah .. 151 STUBBLEFIELD, Moses - 137, 139, WHITE, Benedict - 29, 87, 119 WHITE, Henderson -'18, 86, 103, 273 140 STUBBLEFIELD, Sally .. 226 WHITE, Henry .. 165 STUBBLEFIELD, William -.137, 138, WHITE, Sr., Solomon .. 19 139, 140, 226, 227 WHITE, William .. 165 SULLINS, Edward .. 24 WHYATT (WYATT), Samuel - 152 SULLIVAN, Nelson .. 44 WHYBARK, Samuel - 110 SWEAZEA, Johm.ton - 57, 141 WIDEMAN, Francis .. 153 WIDEMAN, Mark .. 153 SWEAZEA, Richard .. 57, 141 WILEY, Burwell J. - 49, 125, 131 SWEAZEE, Jane .. 141 WILLIAMS, Benjamin .. 91 SWEAZEE, John - 141 WILLIAMS, Daniel - 38, 149 SWEAZEE, William - 141 SWEETEN, Randolph - 265 WILLIAMS, Sr., Daniel - 154 WILLIAMS, James - 83, 154 THETFORD, A. B. K. - 142 WILLSON, Junr., Samuel - 91 THETFORD, Jesse B. - 142 THETFORD, William - 142 WILLSON, Sr., Samuel - 91 THOMAS, Gabriel. .. 61 WILSON, Benjmain - 155 THOMASON, William .. 118 WILSON, Berry - 155 WILSON, Junr., John .. 155 THOMPSON, Andrew - 143 WILSON, Sr., John - 155 rHOMPSON, Evan .. 143 WILSON, Leonard .. 155 THOMPSON, George .. 102, 200 WILSON, Priscilla .. 155 THOMPSON, Laurance .. 219 THOMPSON, Rosanna - 143 WILSON, Richard - 155 WILSON, Thomas .. 155 TINNIN, Hugh .. 144 WILSON, Willis - 155 TINNIN, Laurence .. 144 WOLF, Michael - 3 TRIMBLE, Robert - 91 WOMACK, David .. 136 TRUESDALE, Samuel R... 145 TRUESDALE, Thirza (female) .. 145 WOMACK, Jesse - 156 WOMACK, Jinny - 156 TUCKER, Peyton .. 24 WOMACK, John" 136, 156, 225 TYLER, Jacob .. 127, 146 TYLER, James - 146, 216, 218, WOMACK, Nicy - 156 220, 221, 223 -29- WOOD, Sally - 229 WOOD, W1111am - 158 WOODS, W11l1am - 3 WOOTEH, John - 159 WYATT, Samuel - 152 YELL, Arch1ba1d - 238 WOMACK, Phebe - 156 WOMACK, Pleasant - 156 WOMACK, Satsey - 156 WOMACK, William - 156 WOOD, Jarrett - 12, 67 WOOD, John - 157 •••••••••• WOOLVERTON PAMILY BIBLE Taken from: "M1dlfes.tern Her1tage", published quarterly by: Jan1en Enterprises, 2236 S. 77th St., West A111s, W1s. 53219. Editor: Janneyne Gnacinskl Vol. 2 No. I, September, 1974. p. 33-34. Contr1buted by Mrs. P10rence Herring, Box 736, Liberal, Kansas 67901. The only information 1n the front of the bible 1s: James A. Bell, Ph1ladelph1a, Penn. The family name is WOOLVERTON. Adam HALL, b 1 Feb 1740, m Miss Ann THATCHER, b. 161 Oct. 1746, 25 Dec. 1765 John HALL married Martha HAMPSON 12 May 1805 W111iam WOOLVERTON married Susannah HALL 2 Oct. 1802 Isaac WOOLVERTON born 11 Feb. 1813 Chu. WOOLVERTON born 28 May 1815 William WOOLVERTON born 11 March 1817 Benjamin F. WOOLVERTON born 22 January 1819 George W. WOOLVERTON born 10 Oct 1820 Thomas Jefferson and Alfred WOOLVERTON born 11 (1) Feb 1822 Kenturah WOOLVERTON born 23 Jan 1826 Sarah HALL born 2 Aug •.1775 John HALL born 18 Peb. 1778. Susannah HALL born 10 July 1780 William WOOLVERTON born 16 Peb. 1775 Ann WOOLVERTON born 26 July 1803 Sarah WOOLVERTON born 26 Oct. 1804 John H. WOOLVERTON born 28 Sept. 1807 Martha WOOLVERTON born 16 Aug. 1810 (1) William WOOLVERTON married Hannah MYERS 20 Jan 1839 James H. WOOLVERTON married Sarah A. Mitchell 8 Jan. 1861 (?) A. H. SKELTON marr1ed Sarah L. WOOLVERTON 19 Ju1, 1865 James J. WEB married Lucinda WOOLVERTON 10 Jan 1866 James H. WOOLVERTON born 30 Dec. 1840 Sarah WOOLVERTON born 12 June 1845 Lucinda WOOLVERTON born 6 Aug. 18-5 Louisa WOOLVERTON born 6 Peb. 1848 John WOOLVERTON born 28 July 1850 William Robert WOOLVERTON born 24 Dec. 1852 Julia Ann WOOLVERTON born 29 July 1858 Hannah, wife of William WOOLVERTON born 8 Peb. 1827. (1821). Joseph C. WOOLVERTON born 13 Peb. 1861 Amanda S. WOOLVERTON born Linneus (1), Linn Co., Missouri 30 ·Sept. 1861 Franklin WOOLVERTON born Prairie Grove, Washington Co., Ark. 3 Dec. 1883 Joseph W. WOOLVERTON born Prairie Grove, Washington Co., Ark. 24 Dec. 1885 William A. WOOLVERTON born Prairie Grove 11 Peb. 1887 Gracie B. WOOLVERTON born Echo, Cherokee Nation 24 Peb. 1889 James E. WOOLVERTON born Echo, Cherokee Nation 6 Aug. 1891 Mary WOOLVERTON born Tecumseh, Pott Co., Okla. 9 Peb. 1893 Sallie B. WOOLVERTON born Tecumseh, Pott Co., Okla. 30 Jan. 1895 Carl H. WOOLVERTON born Tecumseh, Pott Co., Okla. 23 Jan 1898 Sarah A. WOOLVERTON born 21 Oct. 1862 James W. WOOLVERTON born 8 Peb. 1865 Other children of Joseph C. and Amanda S. WOOLVERTON: Nellie V. WOOLVERTON born Tecumseh, Pott Co., Okla. 9 Peb. 1900 Nina E. WOOLVERTON born Muskogee Creek Nation 30 Aug. 1902 John WOOLVERTON died 6 Jan. 1861 James WOOLVERTON died 30 Nov. 186_ William WOOLVERTON died 15 April 1879 William R. WOOLVERTON died 21 Peb. 1878 Franklin O. WOOLVERTON died 13 Oct. 188_ James E. WOOLVERTON died 12 Sept 1891 Amanda S. WOOLVERTON died 11 April 1935 Joseph Edlfard WOOLVERTON died 13 Nov. 19_1 Carl Hoy WOOLVERTON died 19 Mar. 1961 -30- WOOLVERTON FAMILY BIBLE (Con't pago 2) Saran A. WOOLVERTON died 21 Oct. 1862 Jame" W. WOOLVERTON died 8 Feb. 1865 William COHEA married MisA Julia WOOLVERTON 16 Oct. 1883 Joseph C. wOOLVERTON married Amanda S. DARROw at P~airie Grove, Ark. at Fayetteville 14 Sept. 1882 ••••••••••• The following material was excerpted from the card index files of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) for Henry County, Iowa. It includes name of soldier, birth date & place, death date & place, burial Site, information on parents and wives, if given, residence at time of enlistment, and unit. Tne oard tile is located in the Census Department of the Iowa Department of History ,and Archives, Historical Building, Des. MOines, Iowa 50319. They will search the records for you, if you submit only ONE veterans name and county to be searched. They have a limited staff. It would be wise to send a self addressed stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.) for a reply. In the following records Forrest Home Cemetery ift shown as FHS and Mount Pleasant, as Mt.Pl. GRAND ARMY of the REPUBLIC HENRY COUNTY, IOWA Samuel McFarland Post 20 Mount Pleasant, Iowa Chartered 14 Nov. 1879 - Disbanded 1 Jan. 1935 HOBART, Frederick E., b. 28 Jun 1830, N.Y., d. 5 Apr. 1889, Mt. Pl., bur Mt. Pl., father William, b. Ireland, mother Achsah Ingraham, wf. Luliza Ford, enl Mt. PI, F 17 Iowa Inf. HOBART, Milo, b. 1832, Oswego, N.Y., d. & bur, Rogers, Ark., father William, b. Ire., mother Achsah Ingraham, wf. Mary Johnson d. Rogers, Ark. enl Colchester, I 124 Ill. Inf' HOBART, william King, b. 4 Mar. 1838 Oneida Co., N.Y., d. 10 Feb. 1922, Mt. Pl., father William, b. Ire. mother Achsah Ingraham, wf E11za Graves, enl Winfield, F 1 Iowa Inf. McFARLAND, Samuel, b. 1824, Pa., d. 7 Dee. 1862, Prairie Grove, Ark., bur FHC Mt. PI, wf Mary A. Woolson (1838-1929), G 11 Iowa Inf. Post 20 named in his honor. ••••••••••• EDITOR'S NOTE: The WOOLVERTON FAMILY BIBLE records and the Grand Army excerts were sent to our Arkansas Pamily Historian by Dorothy K. Alvis 33 Eaton, Little Rock, AR 72209 "I thought these records might be of interest to some of the APH members and readers. I am not a subscriber, as I have no Arkansas families, but I am interested in genealogy and so would like to pass these items along in hopes that they will help someone". (She sound like she belongs to us!) Our many thanks to her for sharing with us. ••••••••••• CONFEDERATE VETERANS WHO DIED AT THE GENERAL HOSPITAL IN LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS EDITOR'S NOTE: "The following may be of interest to readers who had ancestors in the Confederacy and who died in Arkansas." B. C. Hulsey Our thanks to B. C. Hulsey tor sharing this inportant information with AFH members. In la58 Buford W. Hulsey and his family moved to Tulip, Dallas County, Ark. from McNairy Co., Tennessee and remained until 1863. On June 16, 1862 their son John enlisted in the 26th Arkansas Infantry, Daniels Artillery. According to his recorda, he died "of disease" at the General Hospital in Little Rook on August 12, 1862. According to a report found in the l08th Communication of the M. W. Grant -31- CONFEDERATE VETERANS (Con't page 2) Lodge, F. & A. M. dated Nov. 15, 19-9, the old Saint Johns College erected by the Masons of Arkansas in l§2l Just to the northeast ot McArthur Park in Little Rock was converted to a general hospital in 1861. This is undoubtedly where John died. We also found that "a number" of Civil War dead were buried in Oakland Cemetery, 21st and Barber, Little Rock. A search last summer showed that not only are a number of individual tombstones (tor Civil War dead) located there (southeast corner) but the United Daughters of the Confederacy had erected a large monument "in memory of the 912 soldiers whO died in the Little Rock General Hospital and who lie buried here". Oakland Cemetery must be me that "over 65,000 are place of an ancestor who 1n Oakland either with a cornmon grave. one of the largest in the nation. Its Sexton told buried there". For those who seek the final restin@ died in the Little Rock area, undoubtedly many are tombstone -- or buried along with the 912 in a We have not learned why these men were not actually buried in the National Cemetery which is right next to Oakland Cemetery. Also the Sexton says no records exist on burials that tar back. We wonder it he is right. Ideas anyone? How did the U.D.C. ladies learn that 912 were buried in a common grave? We filed a history ot St. Johns College with Mr. R. P. Baker at the Arkansas History Commission in 1976. The college burned to the ground on Jan. 18, 1890. (See Ark. Gazette for that date - page 1) • ••••••••••• SHERRILL CEMETERY - Independence County NOTE: Located in Washington Township, on road between Batesville & Betheada, Ark., Highway 106, across from what in 1976 is the hollybook Quail Farm. The cemetery is rock-walled, hidden from View, and very old. It is patterned after the Sherrl1 cemeteries in North Carolina, where. Alfred Sherrill was born. Inventoried by Wanda L. Clark, Box 1094, Pryor, Okla. 74361 Here lies Alfred Sherrill, b. 8 Aug. 1792,· d. 21 Feby 1864, aged 71 yrs, 6 mos. 13 days. In Memory of Peggy, wite ot Alfred Sherrill, b. 6 May 1799, d. 5 Feb 1855 joined the Presbyterian Church 1819 Alfred Washington Sherrill, son of A & P Sherrill, b. 3 Aug 1824,d. 13 March 1826, aged 1 yr. 7 mos. 10 days . William Sherrill, son ot A & P Sherrill, b 19 July 1821, d7 Sept. 1821, aged 1 mos. 18 days Double Stone: Children ot W. & M.A. O'Conner Ann O'Conner, b. 19 July 1856, d. 3 June 1857 Maria Elizabeth, b. 6 Dec 1845, d 8 Aug 1847 William O'Conner, b 25 June 1812, d 14 Nov 1867 Malinda Ann O'Conner, b 28 Aug. 1822, d 18 Nov 1873 footstone: J. A. O'C Caldwell Swaim, b 12 Nov 1866, d 7 Sept. 1895, gone home to rest There appear to have been or have been moved or are buried in the ground, other stones in this cemetery. This was on land once owned by Alfred Sherrill and his wife who was also his first cousin, Margaret (Peggy) Sherrill. Malinda Ann O'Conner is their daughter. Their son, Hiram M. Sherrill is buried at New Hope Presbyterian Church, near Bethesda.. Two other daughters are buried in California. NOTE: In Independenoe County Chronicle, listing of Pioneer Cemetery, Batesville, Arkansas shows A. B. Sherrill, died 1846 at 18 years of age. This is in error. This should read, as does the stone, died 1816 • ••••••••••• OLD BELMORE CEMETERY - Stone County NOTE: Located near the site ot the old Belmore community 1n Stone County, near Marcella, Ark., on the TOm Patterson place (1975), about 4 1/2 -32- OLD BELMORE CEMETERY (Con't page 2) miles north of Marcella. This cemetery is essentiallY lost, with the Pattersons being about the only family who can locate it. It is covered with weeds and brush and there are no markers for the graves, and no burials there ofr decades as of October, 1975. According to the Pattersons, they know of the following persons buried there: Joseph Cornett Mrs. Sarah Black James York Oeorge Cornett Andrew Cornett ____-r~Oarland, father of Jeff Garland. Also presumed to be buried there is: Tennessee Conditt Monday, who died in 1901. Aunt Tennie was mid-wife for the Belmore Community, and one of its leading citizens, and wife of Coleman C. Monday. She delivered Bob Patterson, whose tarm adjoins the cemetery 1n 1975. BLUE SPRINOS CEMETERY - Independence County NOTE: Also known as Big Springs. This amall cemetery has not been used since the early 1900s. It is located on what in 1973 was known as the John Norman Harkey Plao., ~ftich has been recently sold. It is covered with brush and small trees. Some exotic plants, no doubt planted by survivors ot persons bur1ed there, still grow. It is located near what is known as Blue Springs, sometimes called Big Springs. One must walk to get there. It 1s about 1 mile south, 1 m11e east and 1 1/2 miles southeast of Bethesda, Independence County, Arkansas. Oraves with markers there are: Manerv1a F., dau. at Oeorge and Louisa 0111, b. 12 July 1890, d. 17 Aug 1900 William S., Son ot Oeorge and Louisa 0111, b. 3 Nov 1887, d. 6 Sept 1899 Lou1sa M. (Carson), wite ot Oeorge 0111, b 25 March 1851, d. 6 Aug 1908 S.E.O., died 10 July 1914 Edna Ruth Sherrill, dau. of Rufus Leander Sherrill & Rebecca Catherine Conditt, b 15 Aug 1896, d 19 Aug 1900 Thomas L. G111 b 24 Jan 1849, d 15 Aug 1916 Fanny (Shadden) 0111, b 5 Dec 1855 - (Note: The headstone of Fanny G1l1 does not mark her grave. It is a double stone with that ot her husband, Thomas L. Oill. She is buried at Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church cemetery, Bethesda, Arkansas). ReUben L. Oill, b 25 May 1846, d 18 Aug 1913 Lizzie Ennis Oill, wite at Reuben Thomas, SOn of James A. & Nellie A. (Oi1l) Hess, b 5 Dec 1906, d 22 July 1907 John W., SOn ot James A. & Nellie A. (Gill) Hess, b 26 June 1902, d 9 Jan 1905 A. B. Holt, died 26 May 1932 (this is not a stone, but a tuneral home marker. Mr. Holt was a bachelor who moved into Independence County, Arkansas and died there. His tamily was not known. Ha came into the county from the State of Wisconsin, an no other tacts remain about him. There are several unmarked graves in the cemetery. One is ·presumed to be the tather of Thomas L. Gill, but this is not certain • ••••••••••• EVETTS CEMETERY - Stone County Located near Reeds Chapel, on Hwy 1_, about a mile tram Marcella, Stone Co., Ark. Only graves through 1965 shown here: This is still an active cemetery. W. A. Halliburton, 18_2 - 1927 Mary P. (Conditt) Ha111burton l 1839 - 1923 Nancy June Knight, 16 Dec 1854, 16 Dec 1925 Abe Knight, 12 Mar 1851 - 6 Nov. 1928 James W. Kn1ght, 10 Nov. 1881 - 4 Nov 1948 Myra, wife ot James W. Knight, 14 Feb 1891 - 10 May 1939 J. H. Gray, 12 Feb. 1815 - 27 Sept. 1890 J. E. Gray, 1820 - 182_ John W. Gray (Husband at Sarah Gray) 2 April 1870, age 60 years, 6 mOB. NOTE: -33- EVETTS CEMETERY (Can't page 2) Nellle B. (wlfe of James M. Gray) May 1829 - 3 Aug 1883 Martha L. (dau. of J. W. & E. Gray) 1829 - 21 May 1893 Eliza A. (dau. of J. W. Gray) 17 Mal 1862 - 12 Oct 1892 J. M. Gray, 24 Mar 1896 - 30 July 1896 Infant Gray, 8 June 1882 - 14 June 1882 Claudia M., wife of J. O. Albright and dau. of A. B. & Jane Knight, 14 Feb 1896, 13 July 1916 A. B. Knight, 3 Feb 1883, 20 Nov. 1910 David Gray Knight, 28 April 1892, 5 Aug. 1925 One stone says merely S.E.C. - probably Sarah Elizabeth Condit Known to be buried in this cemetery in unmarked graves: James Madison (Matt) Conditt, 4 Aug 1812, d 14 Dec 1886 Elizabeth (Ford) Conditt, wife of Matt, b 29 Dec 1843, d. 29 Maroh 1904 Martha Ann (Pink) Conditt, dau. of Matt & Elizabeth, b. 23 Jan 1845, d. 8 Dec. 1925 Sally Conditt, dau. of Mat & Elizabeth, b. 27 Oct. 1846, died 5 Oct. 1875 Mary Francis Conditt Forshee, dau. of Matt. Elizabeth, b. 18 May 1853, d. 8 Feb. 1925 Harriett Rebecca (Het) born 28 Nov. 1867, d. 31 Mar 1955 (dau. of Matt & EUzabeth) ••••••••••• TATE CEMETERY - Independenoe County NOTE I Old abandoned cemetery located on Little Lafferty Creek, 5 or 6 miles northeast of Cushman, Arkansas on Hwy 69 - on old Dolph Tate Place. Is located On brush covered hill, up to right behind old Tate Homestead •. Nancy Clark, 1882 - 1952 Lucinda Tate, 21 March 1859 - 9 Dec. 1956 Dolphus P. Tate z 9 March 1860 - 4 April 1926 Frank Clark, 18~0 - 1954 George W. Tate, 22 July 1891 - 3 June 1911 ••••••••••• EDITOR'S NOTE: Our many thanks to Wanda Laveta Clark, P.O. Box 1094, Pryor, Okla 74361. Members like Wanda are very valuable. Little bits and peices of information Just may be the very clue.thBt will help many others link their families together. Wanda also sent her Ancestor Charts, which include many of the pioneer names listed in the foregoing cemeteries. ·These charts will possibly appear in the volume VI Ancestor Chart Volumes, in 1971. Also see Wanda Clark's Query in this issue. ••••••••••• THE McDANIEL BROTHERS by Willodean Watts Huffman These three McDaniel brothers were early settlers of Searcy County, Arkansas. They moved sometime between 1845 & 1847, from Tennessee. William John and James McDaniel were residents of the state of Tennessee, county or place unknown. William and John were soldiers of the Civil War. William McDaniel was born in Tennessee about 1817. Where? He married Susannah (?) about 1838/39. She was born in Tenn, 1821. Where? Who were her parents? They had ten children: 1. Martha Jane McDaniel b. 1840 Tennessee, died single after the 1900s. 2. Isaac J. McDaniel b. 1843 Tennessee, was he the one called "Jake"? Were hie children: Ella Fair McDaniel - married (1) Rea William MoDaniel married Nettie (?) Who still lives in Marshall, Ark. Florence McDaniel married 1st to (?) Stone. They had two sona, Clyde and Clell; 2nd to Prank Wortman, son of Thomas Wortman Nola McDaniel, did she die single? -34- THE McDANIEL BROTHER (Con't page 2) 3. Robert J. McDaniel, b. Tenn 1845, he had 2 wives _ names unknown. He had one 80n, Ross McDan1el. Were there other children? 4. Henry W. McDaniel, b. 1847, Searcy Co., AR. No information on him. 5. Jerusha Ann McDaniel, b. 1849, Searcy Co., AR married Neal Milam. Who were their children? They lived near Dangola (?) Ark. When did she die? Is she buried in the Dangola Cemeteryl 6. Thomas Marion McDaniel, b. 1850 Searcy Co., AR No information on him. 7. Adeline McDaniel, b. (1) Searcy Co., AR married Samuel Cooper. They had 5 children: Belle Cooper married "Dock" McIntire, they lived in Marshall, Searcy Co., AR Noxie Cooper married John Honeycutt Pearl Cooper married Johnny England, they now live in Marshall, Searcy Co., AR Comadora Cooper married Wilma (?) Anna Cooper married Monroe Sarratt, she lives in Springdale, Washington Co., AR They had a large family. 8. Lizzie McDaniel, b. (1) Searcy Co., AR married (?) Carter. They had several children. Who were their children? One son Ben Carter married Bertha Gray, daughter of Bowlen & Jane Hickman Gray. 9. David Sykes McDaniel, b. 21 Nov 1859, Searcy Co., AR d1ed May 1937, buried in Pleasant Grove Cem., near Marsena, Searcy Co., AR David married 1885 Mary Katherine Cooper, b 4 Oct 1865, daughter of Benjamian and Katy (Katherine Turney) Cooper. Who were Katt's'parents? Mary Katherine died in 1917 and is buried in the Pleasant Grove Cemetery. .She was a sister to Rev. Preston D. Cooper, who was a Methodist Minister and preached for many years in the little church house that still stands close by the Pleasant Grove Cemetery. He is also laid to rest in this cemetery. Many couples that are noW celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries (some even more years) that lived in the vicen1ty of Pleasant arove, Marsena, SnOWball and Dongola, AR have a Marriage Certificate Signed by Rev. Preston D. Cooper, who united them in marriage. David Sykes and Mary Katherine McDaniel, had nine children: A. Navada Tennessee McDaniel, b. 1~6, Searcy Co., AR married Billie Jordan. When? She died 193 and is buried somewhere in Okla. She was' 2nd Wife-of Billie Jordan. They went to Okla., and were the parents of 5 children. B. Alice Cleora McDaniel, b. Oct 1888, d (?) buried in Pleasant Grove Cem., near Marsena, AR. Married Grover Horton. They had six sons, four living to become adults. C. Ida Cardelia McDaniel, b. 21 Peb 1890, d. '25 Aug. 1974. Buried in Pleansant Grove Cem. married William Hickman, brother of Jane Hickman Gray, who married Bowlen Gray. They had three children: Bessie b. 22 Peb 1910, d (1) married Thurmen Watkins Jo Hickman married Eugene Renfro Oral, b. 9 Aug. 1925 unmarried . D. Ella Ethel McDaniel, b. 21 July 1892 married 25 Dec. 1911, Perdinand Asa Watts, SOn ot John & Sarah Thomas Watts of Bear Creek, Searcy Co., AR She now live at Independence, Oregon. They were the parents ofd'ight children: 1. Euth Watta, b 28 Oct 1912. d. age 3, buried in the Pleasant Grove Cem. 2. Ruby Watts, b. 20 Sept 1914 married 30 Sept 1939 to Paul Taylor, b. 11 Peb. 1915 Bon of William and Barbara Taylor of Buff1ngton, Stoddard Co., Missouri., they now live near Salem, Oregon. They had 2 ch11dren: Jean Carl 3. W1110dean Watts, b. 7 July 1917, married 14 Sept 1938 to Thomas Mart1n Huffman, b. 16 May 1916, son of Charles and Laura Belle (Midgett) Hurfman of Bufrington Stoddard Co., MO. They now live in Orleans, CA They had 2 children: Joyce Hutrm&n Thomas Gerald Huffman -35- THE McDANIEL BROTHERS (Con't page 3) 4. Eben Watts, b. 1 'eb 1921, d. 12 Sept. 1950 buried Belle Creat Ce•• , Salem, Oregon. married 22 June 1948, Clarai.eia J. Moore, or We.t Salem, Oregon. They had two .one: David Steven She married 2nc! 8 Oct. 1953 to Cody Portertield or Salem, Oregon. 5. Odell Katherlne Watte, b. 8 Nov 1924 married 16 May 1945 to Oeorge H. Baldwln ot Long Iliand, New York. Oeorge was b. 22 May 1916. They had 4 children: Oeorge, Carol, Sldney • Monty. She lives in Independenoe, Oregon. 6. Perinand Aaa Watta, Jr., b. 2 Jan 1927, d. 5 Dec. 1929, buried Pleaaant Orove Cem., near Mareena, Ark. 7. Audy Paye Watts, b. 8 July 1929, marrled 20 Nov. 1955 to Jo Ann Madren, daughter ot Perry Madren ot Kerman, CA 'They 11ve near Sale., Oregon. 8. Juanlta Watte, b. 12 Aprl1 1933 marrled 6 Jan 1956 to Jaok C. Copeland ot Kerman, CA b. 27 Nov. 1932, eon ot Emmett • Oleta (Laslen) COpeland, tormerly ot Broken BOW, OK. They 11ve now (1976) near Pendleton, Oregon. E. Ira MoDanlel, b. Aprll 1894, Searcy Co., Aft d. (1) buried Pleaaant Orove Ce•• near Marsena, Ark. married Jan 1912 Jamea Blaslngame ot Bear Creek, AR. They had tour ohl1dren: Hasel b. (?) d. 1934, Mulberry, Crawtord Co., Aft Buster; Prank I • Mary all dled young. P. Colorado Maybelle MoDanlel, b. 10 Aug. 1895, Searoy Co., AR d. 1943, Plagatatt, Arlzona marrlecl Omage Wortman. They had two lone: Winston, b. 26 Jan 1919 Hardlng, b. 7 Jan 1921 O. Elmer Summers MoDanlel, b. 27 Aprll 1897, Searcy Co., Aft d. 14 June 1962 at Salem, OR burled Hilltop Ce•• at Independenoe, OR. He marrled 19 Jan 1921 Meroella Taylor. She sUll livee at Salem, OR (1976) They had six ohildren: Clarenoe MoDanlel, d. young I.Ogene b. 23 Jan 1925 Martha Ilogene, b. 11 Mar. 1930 Louil McDanlel, b. 20 Sept. 1933, d. 19 Sept 1952 buried Hl1ltop Ce•• Independenoe, OR Nanoy Katherlne, b. 8 Jan 1938 Prancee, b. Oct 1940 All the.e tamilies live at Salem, OR (1916) H. Delmer Otto (Tobe) MoDaniel, b. 29 Oct 1899 near Snowball, Searcy Co., Aft, d. ? in Craig'e Nurling Home, Marehall, AR buried Pleaaant Orove Cem. He neVer married. I. Wl1lle Hobert MoDaniel, b. 15. Deo 1901, Searoy Co., Aft marrled 1 Peb. 1924 Clyde Diokey, daughter ot Wililam & Emeline Diokey or Moore, Newton Co., AR They had ten ohildren: Wl11ie Kanneth, b. 22 Peb 1925 Vernal Lemon, b. 17 Sept. 1927 Zelna Mae, b. 16 Mar. 1929 Mary Loulse, b. 31 Jan. 1931 Wililam Robert, b. 24 Aprl1 1933 Naoml, b. ? d May 1938 burled Pleaaant Orove Cem. Emellne Lorene, b. 6 Sept 1938 Wendel Eugene \Sonny) b. Sept 1940 1942 Johnny Shlrlene, b. Mlohall, b. 26 Deo. 1944 Wl11le Hobert MoDanlel and hls wlte 11ve at Marlhall, Aft Allot thelr ohl1dren live near Salem, Oft J. Suaannah MoDanlel, b. 1862, Searcy Co., Aft. In the 1880 U.S. Censua ahe was 18 yearl old. Did Ihe die a. a young woman? Old she marry? Who'e child was Chetty? Was Ihs a grandohild ot William • Su.sannah MoDanlel? William MoDanlel'e brother, James dlsd single. He is buried in the Pleaeant Orove Cemetery near Marsena, Aft. Sometime in the 1870. and 1880. -36- - THE McDANIEL BROTHERS (Con't page 4) .... he went to the gold fields near Redding and Weeds, California. William McDaniel's other brother John had a very large family. John McDaniel, b. about 1818 in Tennessee, married Elizabeth Meade, b. 1821, Tennessee. They had twelve children: 1. Eliza Jane McDaniel, b 1844 d. when about 16 yrs. old. 2. Mary Ann McDaniel, b. 1845 d. when young 3. Samuel H. b. 1847 married? Robertson 4. Netty Emily, b. 1848 Ark. 5. William J., b. 1849 6. Joseph Lemual, b. 1852 married Cynthia Albritton, they had ten children 7. Thomas, b. 1853 married Lockie Cooper 8. General Yell, b. 12 July 1856 married Mary Bladen Hays 9. John, b. 1857 married Sally Cooper, they had two children: Jack Roscoe McDaniel, was the postmaster of the Marsena Post Office, Marsena, Ark for a number of years. It was disoontinued about 1975. John McDaniel died as a young man, Sally later married Benjamin Salters, and they had three children: Pearl Salters Cora Salters Lelia Salters 10. Alfred, b. 1858, d. 10 Feb 1918 at Bradleyville, Missouri, buried in Floyd Cemetery. Married 16 Sept. 1879 at Snowball, Ark. to Sarah Ann Hays, sister to Mary Bladen Hays. 11. Edward (Dock) b. 1860 married Eva Hensley 12. Fannie b. ? married Billy Hensley. Several of these children moved to Oklahoma and reared families there. This is a very incomplete family genealogy record on these McDaniel brothers. Maybe some of the Arkansas Family Historian members and readers can help fill in some of the information and some of the family names. I would appreCiate hearing from anyone with any information on any of these families. I will exchange any data that I have and will answer all letters, ••••••••••• EDITOR'S NOTE: If every family had this much information in any kind of written record. Of course typed material is muoh easier to read but if it is written (even in ball pOint pen) it can always be corrected an added too. Much information is lost, becaus,e no one in the family bothered to write even the little bit they did know. This is such a large family and Mrs. Huffman has done well to get this much together over such a long period. There is no doubt many of these people will fit right into many other family records. We will be glad to know more about families like this McDaniel Family. ec ••••••••••• - INFORMATION OPPERED By Charles Etheridge EDITOR'S NOTE: "The following information is offered for what benefit if any, it may be to others." by Charles Etheridge, 617 Annelle, North Little Rock, AR 72117 (Phone 945-5159) Cornelius (Nealy) Etheridge, Jr. (1791-1856) and Martha (Patsy) Lawrence Randolph (1791-1816) were married in Norfolk Co., VA., Dec 18, 1809. The ancestry of both theae people is detailed in Historical Southern Pamilies by John Bennett Boddie, baak to the immigrant Thomas (160771) in the case of Nealy and Sir John Lawrence, b. oa 1580 in aase of Patey. She was previously married to a John Randolph and had two daughters by him. She seems to have borne at least four sons to Nealy--Thomas, b. 1811, John, b. 1813, Cornelius, b. 1815 and William M., b. 1816. She died 1 June 1816. In Sept. of that year, Nealy married Pranoes Creekmuir (Creekmore). HSP reports, Nealy disappeared from Norfolk reaords from 1818 to 1841. He died there in 1856. -37- INFORMATION OFFERED (Con't page 2) David C. Etheridge searched Census records in the National Archives' found Frances & Nealy Etheridge in Trigg Co., KY., in the Censuses of 1820, 30 and 40. The 1850 cenSus rev.aled William M., b. 1816 and wife Sarah, b. 1815 in Caldwell Co., Ky. Sons in that family were: John, James H., Robert, Pleasant & William. Jam.s waa then 13. The Caldwell County William M. Etheridge, listed Trigg County as his place of origin. James & wife Elizabeth were found at Benton in Marshall Co., Ky., in 1870, with sons, Robert b. 1866 and William J., b. 1867. They were at the same location in 18Ao, but now had additional ohildren: John R., 6; Sallie, 4, and Phelix, 2. William J. Etheridge, was father of your informant, Charles. He and brother Robert, left home in l880s and both lived the remainder of their lives in what is now Oklahoma. Will, died in 1927 and Bob in 1940. But neither apparently knew the further history of parents or brothers and sisters. There are descendants of Bob via his son Eagon and of Will via his sons David B. and Charles. I do not know if any of the other children of Jame~ and Elizabeth lived to maturity and had offspring. It seems likely they did. The family of Hans Trachsel. b. ca. 1618 in the Bernese Alps & Elsbeth Gungsel has been heavily documented in church records, histories in Switzerland, Germany. Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Two SonS of Jakob, son of Hans, settled in the Lehigh Valley of Pa. in 1730s. Hans appears to have been born into the Reformed Church. Jakob was in at the founding of the Schwarzanau Brethren (German Baptists). Henry Troxel (spelling changed in America) (John, Michael, John, Jakob, Hans) settled in Dayton, Ohio. in 1814. His son Henry W. was born there in 1825. Henry W. was a preacher and Brethren Churoh organizer who established first churches of the group in Wisconsin, Texas and Oklahoma. He and most of his 14 children participated in the 1891 land run into Oklahoma from Clay County, Texas. William J. Etheridge and Martha Bowman, granddaughter of Henry W. Troxel. were married at Comanohe, Okla., in 1913. Martha was mother of David B. and Charles Etheridge. JAMES MARTIN who died in 1821 in Franklin Co., Va., was reputed by members of the family to have liv.d 104 years. It seems likely he was born before 1730. Mrs. C. P. Kelley of Chattanooga, Tenn., has spent a dozen or more years compiling a history of the family beginning with JAMES and the speculation that his parents were assooiated with John Caldwell who led in formation of the Cub Creek Presbyterian Churo.h in Charlotte County, first such in Va. John Caldwell deeded 324 aores to James in 1762, raising the supposition that Jamea' wife might have been Caldwell's daughter. In 1782 James was paid for· provisioning oolonial troopa (OB 3, p. 16). James' son John (ca 1755-1849) moved to the Cherokee Purchase lands of Tenn. in 1820. His son Jesse moved to Ky. in 1818 but joined others of the family in present Meigs Co., Tenn., in 1820. Jesse Jr. was born in Ky. in 1819. first Lieutenant in Fifth Tenn. Confed.rate Cavalary.settled in Sebastain Co •• Ark •• in 1869. His brother Luk. P. Martin lived out his life in Meigs Co. He was married three times. His tirst wite was Narcissa Powell. daughter of Scott Powell. Mary Isab.l Womack. Their two childr.n were Jam.s Pi.roe Martin • Mary Jan. Martin. (The int.rmarriages of Powells and Martins is mind-boggling and sons ot J.sse in the Pifth T.nn. almost as numerous). James Pieroe Martin married Mary Mitchell in T.nn •• and moved to north central Texas in l870s. no more than 30 mil.s trom where Henry W. Troxel and clan were. Willi. Ma. Martin (Mrs. Charles Etheridge) is grandchild of James Pierce Martin. Mr •• C. P. K.ll.y is grandohild of Mary Jan. Martin God.ey. Jesse Jr •• had nine ohildr.n. One daught.r married Daniel W. Powell, .on. naturally ot Scott Pow.ll and Marl Iaabel Womack. might be a con.1derable Arkansas inter•• t in this intormation it it is not svailabl•• EDITOR'S NOTE: Charles Eth.r1dge haa muoh add1tional 1ntormation on th•• e peopl.. It your lin. oonneot with any ot th•••• you might protit by contaoting and .xohanging intormation. Our manl thanks to Charl.s tor .haring th1s intormation with the readers and m.mbers ot our Arkansas Family Historian. (Many readers are tinding our publication in Libraries. and thru exohang. with tri.nds who ahare other publications with each other). Hav. you thought to share your Family Historian with who may not know about our publicat10n? O••••••• G•• -38- MARBURY AND RELATED FAMILIES By Mrs. Luther Greene, Jr. (Esther Clem Greene) September 1976 (My mother was Mattie Dale Clem, a daughter of David Thomas Dale and Mary Marbury) .. (Sources of information: Material copied from old family records of Aunt Coy Dale Fordyce and Aunt Bessie Dale Tonry (both now deceased); correspondence in 1956 from Mrs. Annette Marbury Halsell; copy of will of Francis Marbury 1733/4 of Prince Georges County, Maryland; Leonard (son of Colonel Leonard) Marbury's application for pension based upon service in the Revolutionary War; copy of DAR papers based on Colonel Leonard Marbury's service in Rev. War; pension papers of Anne Sommerville Marbury based On Colonel Leonard's service in Rev . War; articles in scrapbooks kept in Arkadelphia, Arkansas Library; Goodspeed articles - 1890 of Southern Arkansas - Edward Clingan, Hempstead County, and J. C. Saunders, Clark County; the book, "Across the Years in Prince Georges County, Maryland," by Effie Gwynn Bowie; censuses; marriage record books; and deeds and probate records of Haywood County, Tennessee; and Sevier and Howard Counties, Arkansas) In Arkadelphia, the Marbury's were some of the first settlers of Clark County, Arkansas. They ran a big general store on Main Street and owned some farm property. MARBURY - This is an exceedingly ancient family and is mentioned in works of heraldry as located in Chestershire, England, as early as the reign of Edward I. Marbury Hall in that county, about fifteen miles from the City of Chester, was owned by a branch of the family until sometime in the nineteenth century ... The coat of arms borne by the Marbury's displayed a crusader's cross and under it a mailed hand grasping the head of a Saracen. This would indicate that the Knight who first assumed this design had fought under the cross in Palestine ••• The exact date of the emigration to Maryland of the first representative of the house is unknown, but it was probably between 1680 and 1690. The name does not appear On Colonial records prior to that era. FRANCIES MARBURY emigrated from England and settled in Prince Georges County, Maryland near the town of Piscataway. In his will, he names sons Eusebius, Leonard, Luke, William, and Eli; and his daughters Susannah, Barbara Frazer, Mary, Elizabeth Davidson, Lucy Hatton, and Tabitha Hoye. (Have copy of will) (I am working on the theory that Colonel Leonard Marbury may have been the Leonard named above in will - this will have to be proven) CAN ANYONE HELP ON THIS? COLONEL LEONARD MARBURY - He moved from Maryland to St. Paul's Parish, Georgia, a few years before the Revolutionary War. He was Captain of a Georgia Company and was afterwards promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the Light Dragoons. He was at the battle of Kettle Creek, the siege of Savannah, and in other engagements. In 1780 his property was confiscated by the British and his name placed on the list of those denounced as being forever debarred from holding office under the Crown. In this list which some Georgia histories call the "Roll of Honor," Colonel Marbury was designated a "Rebel Officer," a title he had doubly earned from having been a member of the Convention which decided on Georgia's separating from the Mother Country and joining the other colonies in -39Page 1 establishing an independent government. This memorable assembly which is called "Georgia's First Secession Convention" was held in Savannah, July 4, 1775. Leonard was a delegate from St. Paul's Parish, now Richmond County. During the War, he gave generously to the cause of freedom, and lost heavily from the ravages of the enemy. In 1785 he received a bounty of 1150 acres of land in Franklin County for services rendered during the long struggle ..• another large grant of land was given him in Richmond County. In May 1789 he was a member of the convention which accepted the new constitution of Georgia. Notes taken from book, "The Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia," Vol. 2, by Allen D. Candler concerning Minutes of the Executive Council, Monday, 9th March 1778 - "Ordered - that a copy of the resolve of Assembly dated Sunday, 1st March 1778 requesting the Commanding Officer of the Continental Troops in this State to issue orders to Colonel Marbury to repair with his Battalion of Light horse to the defense of the frontiers of the State be immediately transmitted to Major General Howe and that it be recommended to give orders accordingly - finished" From Vol. I - at a meeting of the Council of Safety on May 16th, 1776, the following was shown: "Orders to Captain Leonard Marbury - Sir: Whereas information has been received that one Few, and a company under his command, have killed an Indian and several accounts received respecting the Indians are very unfavorable, you are therefore ordered and required to use your utmost efforts to prevent the murder of any Indians in the Back Country and to apprehend the said Few, or any person that may be guilty of the above mentioned murder, or who may in any wise disturb the peace, or render himself obnoxious to the friends of liberty in the Back Country." At a meeting of the Council, August 22nd, 1776 - "Capt. Leonard Marbury made application to the Board for leave to go with a detachment of Militia against some of the Cherokee towns. It i. the opinion of the Board that orders be given to him accordingly." Colonel Leonard Marbury died September 22, 1796, in East Feliciana County, Louisiana. He was married to Anne Sommerville on February 2, 1780, after his service in the Revolutionary War. Children of theirs were: William Marbury, Sr., Ann Marbury Carpenter, and Eliza B. Marbury Dunbar. Colonel Marbury's first marriage was to ? A son of Colonel Leonard Marbury by his first marriage was LEONARD MARBURY (4-4-1759/1-24-1839.). His wife was Mary Rounsaval, born 3-8-1760. Do not have her date of death. Data obtained from papers on file for Revolutionary War claim for pension, File R6892, shows family history, as follows: (Have copy of this) Leonard Marbury, the name also shown as Marberry, son of Leonard, was born April 4, 1759, in Maryland. When young, he moved with his parents to N. C., and before the beginning of the Revolutionary War, moved to Georgia. He later moved to Rowan County, N. C.; thence to Montgomery County, N. C.; to Buncombe County, N. Co; to Warren County, Tennessee; and about 1829 to Haywood County, Tennessee. He lived in Haywood County, Tennessee, in December 13, 1832, at which time he applied for the pension. It was stated that while residing on the Savannah River some distance from Augusta, Georgia, Leonard enlisted in 1777, served 18 months as Private in Capt. Middleton's Company; Colonel Leonard Marbury's (his father) Georgia Regiment; and in several other mentioned battles. His claim for pension was not allowed; however, because of failure to furnish necessary papers as required by pension laws. Other family history shown was: In 1837 Leonard Marbury was living in Brownsville, Tennessee. In 1837 his brother, Luke Marbury, was living in Bedford County, Tennessee. He was born October 5, 1767, place not given. In 1837, Josiah H. Marbury, was a Justice of the Peace for Bedford County, Tenn., his age and relationship not stated. In 1833 one John Marberry, aged about -40Page 2 - sixty-four years, was a resident of Maury County, Tennessee, no relationship shown. Leonard came with a son to Sevier County, Arkansas, where he and his wife died soon after. Deeds found in Haywood County, Tennessee, just prior to Leonard coming to Arkansas with his son, Benjamin, show also Andrew J., John, and Robert G. Marbury. The last three named are believed to have stayed in Tennessee. They are not found in records in Arkansas along with Benjamin and his family. Another SOn of Colonel Leonard Marbury was LUKE MARBURY, born October 5, 1767. According to papers on pension claim shown above, Leonard, son of Col. Leonard, had a brother named Luke. This Luke also served in the Revolutionary War and is listed in the DAR Patriot Index as: Luke, born 10-5-1767, died 1852. His 3rd marriage was to Elizabeth Bullen. There was a Thomas Marbury, born about 1756, died 1823, married Charity? • He also served in the Revolutionary War, and listed in the DAR Patriot Index. Listed in the Georgia Roster of the Revolution is a Horatio Marbury. (Do not know the relationship of Thomas and Horatio. They are found in Washington County, Georgia, as well as Colonel Leonard Marbury) BENJAMIN MARBURY & FAMILY A son of Leonard Marbury - BENJAMIN MARBURY (12-24-1784/9-30-1838). His wife was Mary Hoodenpy1e (5-5-1793/1873). Benjamin was born in N. C., and from there moved to Tennessee. (There was a Benjamin Marbury shown in the 1830 census of Haywood County, Tennessee - believed to be the same). About 1837 he took up his abode in Sevier County, Arkansas, where he farmed until his death, which occurred in 1838, of smallpox. He was a deacon in the Missionary Baptist Church, and a worthy gentleman in every respect. His widow died in Howard County, Arkansas, in 1873. She was a member of that church. When Benjamin and family came from Haywood County, Tennessee, to Sevier County, Arkansas, they settlea around Nashville, Arkansas (which is now in Howard County). Mary Marberry (should be Marbury) is found listed in 1840 census of Sevier County, Arkansas (Madison Township) as follows: In her home were: 1 male (5-10 years), 2 males (10-15), 2 males (15-20), 2 males (20-30), 1 female (5-10), 1 female (10-15), 2 females (15-20), and 1 female (40-50) (this last mentioned would be Mary ~ the mother). Some of the children and their families were found in the 1850 census in Madison Township, Sevier County; and some were found in Mine Creek Township, Hempstead County. In 1860 census some of this family were found in Mine Creek Township, Hempstead County; and Brewer Township, Pike County. In 1880 one family was found in Brewer Township, then in Howard County. The above locations were all near Nashville, Arkansas, and were taken int·o Howard County when it was formed in 1873 from portions of Sevier, Hempstead, and Pike Counties. One of Benjamin and Mary's sons, Leonard W. Marbury, was living in Clark County before 1850. Mary, widow of Benjamin Marbury, was married to John Mclendon on July 24, 1842, by James W. Briscoe, JP - marriage recorded in Sevier County, book 1, page 35. John Mclendon was a Minister of the Gospel and is shown as the Minister who performed the marriage ceremony of several of the Marbury children. John Mclendon must have died before 1850 as Mary is shown again as head of household in 1850 census - Hempstead County (Mine Creek Township) - family #55. (this census was a bit confusing and incorrect in part (maybe written down wrong by census taker or one giving the information gave it wrong). Living next door to this family in this census was the family of John L. Matheson -41- Page 3 who married Evaline Marbury. Family 1F55 was shown as follows: Mary McLendonage 54, Thomas-22, Peter-18 (Thomas & Peter should have shown Marbury - they were shown as two of the minor children of Benjamin Marbury, deceased, in probate records in 1841); next shown in same house was Sarah Faulkner (Sarah married Fortenaw according to book of Sevier County marriages - was indexed Falconer; later in probate records referred to as Falkner, do not know which is correct - probably sounded same and was written down as Faulkner); next in same house was her child, MBry-6j and in same house was shown John McLendon-25, and Minerva-2l (sure the last two should have read John Marbury as he was married to Minerva Wicker in 1848 - they were living in home with his mother, Mary Mclendon). .. Probate Records - Special Term, Sevier County, Arkansas - Court Nov. Term 1838, the following found: Mary Marbury, relict and widow of Benjamin Marbury, appointed administratrix of estate of Benjamin. She entered into bond with Pleasant H. Burton and M. Catoville as her securities - sum of $5,000. It was ordered that James Wakely, Samuel Wakely, and John Jarman (or Jerman) be appointed appraisers. (Note: there is a James Wakely shown in 1840 census living near Mary Marbury; also, the John Jarman was later married to Jane Marbury Clingan (widow Clingan). Probate Records - January Term 1841 - Sevier County, Arkansas Mary Marbury came and asked the court to appoint commissioners to apportion and set apart her dower in the estate of Benjamin Marbury, deceased, whereupon John McCoatter, James Turrentine, and Archibald Turrentine were appointed said commissioners to set apart to the said Mary Marbury her dower in the slaves belonging to the estate of the said deceased. Same day came John P. Marbury and Eveline A. Marbury, minor heirs of Benjamin Marbury, deceased, over fourteen and chose William G. Marbury as their guardian. Also, came the said William G. Marbury and made application for the guardianship of Thomas Marbury, Peter Marbury, and Mary Elisa Marbury, minor heirs under 14 years of age of the said deceased. It was ordered that said William G. Marbury be appointed guardian for above named minors. He filed bond for sum of $3,000 with David Foran and John Jarman as securities for him. Probate Records - continuation on estate of Benjamin Marbury - 1843, book 2, page 231, Mary Marbury, administratrix of estate of deceased Benjamin Marbury came and on her motion the final settlement of her administration filed by her at the last term of court was examined and there being no exceptions filed to said account, it· was confirmed and ordered to be recorded, and on further motion of the said Mary Marbury, administratrix, it was ordered that her administration be cl08ed and that she be released from any further liability. Probate Records - January Term 1844 - Sevier County, Arkansas - book 2, page 256 John L. McLendon came and petitioned the court to appoint him guardian of John, Emeline, Thomas, Peter, and Mary Eliza Marbury, minor heirs of Benjamin Marbury, deceased. He presented his bond in amount of eighteen hundred dollars with William G. Marbury and Elijah Tollett as his securities conditioned according to law for the faithful performance of his duties as guardian of said heirs. Bond was approved by court and it was therefore ordered by court that John L. Mclendon be appointed guardian. Deed Book E2 - pages 147 and 148 - Sevier County, Arkansas, filed for record and recorded 10-10-1845. L. W. Marbury bargained, sold, conveyed, and delivered unto John L. McLendon, the guardian of the minor heirs of Benjamin Marbury, deceased, two tracts of land. Deed was signed by L. W. Marbury and witnessed by W. G. Marbury and G. W. Falkner. -42- Page 4 .. Deed Book 4, pages 184 thru 187 - Sevier County, Arkansas - on 12-2-1850 Leonard W. Marbury of the County of Clark, Arkansas, made deed to give, grant, bargain, sell, and convey a certain tract of land in Sevier County to Hamelton Props in consideration of one hundred and thirty dollars paid by Props. Test was by A. F. Willis and M. S. Prop. On same day came John Prop, acting and duly commissioned Justice of the Peace in Sevier County and personally well known to Leonard, to acknowledge that Leonard voluntarily executed and delivered the deed. . On August 20, 1852, Cordelia E. Marbury, wife of Leonard W. Marbury, signed relinquishing any claims in lands sold to Hamelton Props . On same day I. W. Smith, Clerk of Circuit Court in Clark County, stated that Cordelia E. Marbury appeared before him and she was personally well known to him, and that she signed the deed of her own free will and accord without compulsion on the part of her husband. (NOTE: In 1850 census of Sevier County (Madison Township) Hamelton Props and his family are listed as family next door to William G. Marbury.) Probate Records - Sevier County - March 12, 1859 - book 6, page 187 - In the matter of the guardianship of Mary E. Falkner, minor over the age of 14 years, made petition and chose her uncle, William G. Marbury to be her guardian. Mary E. Falkner's mother, Sarah Hoodenpyle, widow of Aaron Hoodenpyle, and lately departed this life. Also, came the said William G. Marbury and endorsed the petition to become such guardian. It was ordered that William G. Marbury be appointed guardian and also of the personal estate of Mary E. Falkner. Probate Records - Sevier County - July 1859 Term - book 6, page 249 - In the matter of the guardianship of Mary E. Falkner, minor, by Wm. G. Marbury, guardian. Came said guardian by his attorney and presented, in that Sarah Hoodenpyle, mother of said minor, died intestate leaving said minor her only heir and possessed of a small estate in Sevier County. The same had been appraised in accordance with law and the amount of estate was one hundred thirty dollars and three cents. Said minor had lately married G. V. Littlefield, and now her lawful husband - and William G. Marbury had delivered said estate to Mary. Deed of Conveyance - Howard County - filed 3-31-1874 - book A, page 253 John P. Marbury to'Edward Clingan (Note: Edward Clingan was the son of Jane Marbury Clingan) - deed entered into on 4-12-1873 between John P. Marbury, Jane Jarman, Caroline Curtis, J. L. Mathison, and Evaline A. Mathison his wife, of the County of Hempstead, parties of the first part, and Edward Clingan of the second part. In consideration of $1 to each of them paid by Edward Clingan, a certain tract of land. (This was filed and recorded in Howard County as it became a county in 1873). This deed was signed by J. P. Marbury, Jane Jarman (her mark), Caroline Curtis (her mark), J. L. Mathison, and Evaline Mathison. Deed Book C - Howard County, Arkansas, pages 101 and 102 - deed of 5-3-1873, filed 1-27-1877 - J. P. Marbury et. al. to J. L. Mathison, Power of Attorney that the undersigned (those signing deed were J. P. Marbury, E. A. Mathison, B. F. Crosnoe, Jane Jarman (her mark), Caroline Curtis (her mark), and Mary E. Falkner (her mark) - witneased by B. M. Mathison and John L. Daughterty (his mark). Heirs at law of the estate of Mary Mclendon, deceased, have appointed J. L. Mathison their true and lawful attorney to enter into and take possession of the real estate thBt the said Mary did possess to bargain, grant, sell, Bod convey the whole or part as he thinks best and to collect any money payable to them by reason of such sale and to payoff all indebtedness. -43- Page 5 CHILDREN OF BENJAMIN AND MARY MARBURY WERE: , Jane Marbury Clingan (born approximately 1811 in North Carolina) - moved to Tennessee with her parents when young girl. Married James Clingan in Rhea County, Tennessee, on December 10, 1826," They had three SOns and two daughters_ Jackson and Edward Clingan were two of the sons still living in 1890 (from Goodspeed 1890, Southern Arkansas, Hempstead County). Jane (widow Clingan) married second to John Jarman, a North Carolinian, born in 1790. He died in 1860. They had three children. This family is listed in 1850 cenSUS of Hempstead County (Mine Creek Township) as follows: Family #40 - John Jarman (was misspelled Garman)-age 60, Jane-38, Robert-II, John-8, Jackson Clingan19, Edward Clingan-16, John 7 -15, and 7 - age 14. William G. Marbury (born about 1814 in N. C.) - marriage recorded in Sevier County, Arkansas, to Elizabeth Westbrooks, Jan. 18, 1842, by James W. B£iscoe, JP - book 1, page 23. His family listed in 1850 census - Sevier County, Ark. (Madison Township) as follows: Dwelling #322 - William G. Marbury (farmer)age 37, Elizabeth-25, Emeline-7, Benjamin-4, and George-2. In 1860 census they are listed in Pike County, Arkansas (Brewer Township) as: Family #193 W. G. Marbury-45, M. A. Marbury-25 (may be W. G.'s second wife), B. F. Marbury14, George-II, Francis-6, and W. H.-I. There is a William Marbury listed in Goodspeed Book, Southern Arkansas, 1890, Clark County, as sheriff 1868-1870. Leonard W. Marbury (my great grandfather) - more information on his family later Caroline Marbury (born about 1817 in Tennessee) - marriage recorded in Sevier County, Arkansas, to William Daughterty on Aug. 9, 1842, by James W. Briscoe, JP - book 1, page 33. They are listed in 1850 census in Hempstead County (Mine Creek Township) as follows: Family #42 - Wm. Daughterty-39, Caroline 33, Mary-5, John-3, and Sarsh-7 months. (Do not know date of death of Wm. Daughterty) - Caroline married second to Izuriah Curtis - this family listed in 1860 census in Hempstead County, Arkansas (Ozan Township) as: Dwelling #151 - Izuriah Curtis (farmer)-50, Caroline-45, Polly Daughterty-16, and John Daughterty-14. (Do not know date of death of Izuriah Curtis) Caroline is found in 1880 census in Howard County, Arkansas (Brewer Township) living in home of her son, John Daughterty, as follows: Dwelling #36 - John Daughterty (farmer)-37, Mary - 7 age (wife), William-13 (son), Lenard-II (son), Phillip9 (son), Elizabeth-8 (daughter), Nelia 7-2 (daughter), Caroline Curtis-62 (mother), and Mary Daughterty-34 (sister). Sarah Marbury - marriage recorded in Sevier County, Arkansas, to George Fortenaw (indexed Falconer) (do not know what is correct spelling) - marriage on July 31, 1842 - book 1, page 33. Sarah is seen later in census as Sarah Falkner; also, in probate records later and on her daughter, Mary E. Falkner. Sarah was married a second time to Aaron Hoodenpyle. Sarah died in 1859. John P. Marbury was born 8-25-1823. Married~inerva Ann Wicker July 2, 1848. Marriage recorded in Hempstead County, Arkansas, performed by John L. McLendon, MG, book A, page 47. Lewis Wicker Marbury was One of John and Minerva's sons. Lewis (4-9-1854/4-27-1913) married Alice Belle McNeill (9-10-1865/5-6-1930). John and Minerva Marbury are listed living with his mother, Mary McLendon, in 1850 census. In 1860 census they are in Hempstead County (Mine Creek Township) as: Dwelling #1429 - J. P. Marbury (farmer)-36, Minerva A.-30, Martha J.-9, Thomas H.-7, Lewis W.-6, John P.-2, and Minerva J.-6 months. (Do not know date of death of Minerva A. - the mother) Family found in 1880 census in Clark County, Arkansas (Caddo Township) as: Family #247 - J. P. Marbury (farmer)56, Josephine-18 (daughter), Thomas (son), Lewis (son), John (son), William Summerhill-31 (son-in-law), Martha J. Summerhill-30 (daughter), Lena-6 (granddaughter), Leth 7-5 (granddaughter), Lubey-3 (granddaughter), and a grandson6 months (could not make out last few entries very well). -44Page 6 Eveline A. Marbury (born about 1826 in Tennessee) - marriage recorded in Sevier County, Arkansas, to John L. Mathson on Feb. 27, 1845, by John L. Mclendon, MG, book I, page 77. They are listed in 1850 census in Hempstead County O1ine Creek Township) as: Family #54 - John L. Matheson (farmer)-33, Evaline A.-24, Mary E.-4, Nancy C.-3, Benjamin-6 months (there was also living with them James Patrick-22, relationship not shown). In 1860 census in Hempstead County CMine Creek Township) they are shown as: Dwelling #1437 John L. Mathison (teacher)-49, Evaline A.-33, Mary E.-14, Nancy C.-12, Benjamin A.-II, Stephenia-8, Malcomb A.-7, Peter M.-5 (also living with them was Margaret N.-51, relationship not shown). Thomas Marbury - have no records on him other than probate records showing him minor heir of deceased Benjamin Marbury, and in 1850 he was shown living in home with his mother, Mary McLendon. Thomas was then age 22. Peter Marbury - Found living with his mother, Mary McLendon, in 1850 census. In 1860 census he is in Hempstead County CMine Creek Township) - dwelling #1458, (farmer)-age 26. No other person is shown living with him in this census. Have no other records on him other than probate records earlier showing him minor heir of deceased Benjamin Marbury. Mary Eliza Marbury - shown as minor heir in Benjamin Marbury. Her marriage is recorded as follows: Crosnoe, Hardy C., 30, to Mary 1850, by Isaac C. Perkins, MG, book A, page LEONARD W. MARBURY & probate records of deceased in Hempstead County, Arkansas, E. Marbery, 18, on September 17, 95. FAMILY A son of Benjamin Marbury, LEONARD W. (died 5-20-1889 at age 73 years 5 months). Married Cordelia E. Heard Saunders on 1-10-1843, Clark County, Arkansas, book B, page 80. Also, chis marriage listed in DAR Book, Vol. I, Arkadelphia, Ark. Library - General records of Clark County, shows they were married by E. B. Carter, Minister. Cordelia died 7-9-1889 at age 74 years 2 months. She was a widow of John D. Saunders. Cordelia and John Saunders emigrated to Arkadelphia on the first steam boat that landed in Arkadelphia, called the "Dinn" a very small boat. John died soon afterwards, leaving a small son, J. C. Saunders. Leonard and Cordelia Marbury were charter members of First Baptist Church in Arkadelphia. They are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Arkadelphia. CHILDREN OF LEONARD AND CORDELIA MARBURY WERE: Joseph C. Saunders. (by Cordelia's first marriage). (1890 Goodspeed of Southern Arkansas, Clark County, has article on J. C. Saunders) Sevier P. Marbury - He was killed in the War between the States when he was 22 years old. He had never married. (National Archives has him listed as a Private, Company B (Colquitt's), Arkansas Infantry). Cordelia (Coy) Marb~ry - married John Ray, a steam boat captain, later worked in dry goods store. They had four children - John Jr., Leonard, Thomas, and Arthur. Arthur Garfield Ray, youngest son, married Bertha Knapp. Arthur was Captain of Pulaski Heights Fire Dept. in Little Rock, Arkansas. Arthur and Bertha's SOns: Arthur B. and Edwin. In 1870 census of Clark County, Arkansas, family #132 - John C. Ray-34 (dry goods), Cordelia-22, Leonard-3, Johnny-8 months. In same census, Cordelia's parents are shown as family #130. Thomas Kingston Marbury - married Nettie M. Murphy. He was a salesman for St. Louis Wrought Iron Range Company and traveled for them over a large territory. He died in 1908. Nettie died June 2, 1952, and is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. They had six children - Leonard, Lydia, Cecil, -45Page 7 Annette, Kingston, and Charles D. Charles D. lives in Meridian, Mississippi. He and his wife are members at Poplar Springs Drive Baptist Church there, where he has been a Deacon since 1929. Kingston Marbury lives in Forest City, N. C. Annette married Reverend W. C. Halsell, and now lives in Little Rock, Arkansas. Rev. Halsell died around the latter part of 1974. Mary Marbury - married David Thomas Dale on January 12, 1869. Marriage is recorded in Clark County, Arkansas. David Thomas Dale (9-20-1846/4-2-1925). Mary Marbury Dale (3-12-1852/7-11-1931). She was born in Arkadelphia, Ark. During the War between the States (1861-1865) David Thomas was captured near Selma, Alabama, and held a prisoner a few days, then taken with the Federal Army to Montgomery, Alabama, and was held prisoner until the surrender. He then walked home from Montgomery to Chesterville, Mississippi. David Thomas and Mary Dale are buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Arkadelphia. (Have article on David Thomas Dale copied from "Goodspeed-Southern Arkansas, 1890, Clark County," a Iso, have copy of his service record in Civil War Confederates) CHILDREN OF DAVID THOMAS DALE AND MARY MARBURY DALE: Leonard Washington Dale; Cordelia Elizabeth (Coy) Dale, who married Willis R. Fordyce - they had two children, Inez and Willis, both died in infancy; John Richard Dale (3-12-1875/2-3-1901); Joe Saunders Dale, who married Harris Hart Flanagin and their children - Louise Othello, Anna Mae, Dale, Nash, and Elizabeth; Alice Jane Dale (1-12-1881/4-27-1885); Mattie Stewart Dale who married John Mason Clem, Jr. - their children were Mary Frances, Fay, May, John Mason III, Joseph Dale, David Thomas, Cordelia Elizabeth (Coy), and Esther; Bessie Earle Dale who married William Patrick Tonry and their children were - Mary Dale, Cordelia, and Jane Boyd;,David Thomas Dale, Jr. who married May Campbell and they had One child, Gladys; and Mary Ann Dale who married Clive Walter Harrington and their children - David William and Alice Dale. HEARD - MARBURY Ancestry of Cordelia Heard Saunders Marbury (My great grandmother) (Sources of information: censuses; article from Arkadelphia, Arkansas Library; correspondence from Mrs. Doris McMurchy with papers sent her by Mrs. Mary Warren, Editor of Family Puzzlers - (Mrs. McMurchy is a descendant of Thomas Heard and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick through one of their daughters, Mary Heard who married John Drury Cook); Joseph Habersham Chapter Historical Collections, Vol. II - 1902; DAR papers through lineal descent from Thomas Heard; book "Historical Southern Families" vol. XVII by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie - page 208 on Napier Family) Cordelia Heard Marbury (widow Saunders when she married Leonard W. Marbury) was the daughter of Woodson Heard and Mary Peeples Heard. The mother, Mary Heard, was living next door to Leonard W. and Cordelia Marbury in the 1850 census of Clark County, Arkansas. Cordelia's brother, Thomas Heard, also settled in Clark County. Thomas was a teacher in a subscription school in 1843, and that was the year also that his younger sister, Sabina, was married to William A. Trigg. It is said that in honor of the event Thomas dismissed school and gave his scholars a full holiday. Thomas was first married to Catherine Anderson of near Arkadelphia. There were six children from this marriage. There is a tradition in the family that before Catherine's death, she called both Thomas and her Sister, Almeda, to her bedside and got a promise from both of them that they would marry, so "my children will have the right kind of step-mother." The pledge was kept and in 1866 Thomas and Almeda were married. There were three children by this marriage. Woodson Heard~ born in 1782. father of Cordelia Marbury, married Mary Peeples. Woodson was Their children were: Sophronea, who married Hunter; Almyra; .. 46- Page 8 ~ Cordelia; Joseph, Columbus, Thomas, Nathan, Gustavus, Selina, Sabina, Frances, and Woodson. Thomas Heard, father of Woodson Heard, married Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick. Thomas was a Captain in the Revolutionary War, Virginia State Troops. They lived in Virginia until 1784 when they removed to Greene County, Georgia. Their children: Catherine, Abram, Mary, Thomas, Elizabeth, Sally, Woodson, George, and Falkner. Vol. I, ''Roster of Rev. Soldiers in Georgia," by Mrs. Howard H. McCall also shows another child, Joseph, in addition to those named above. Thomas' wife, Elizabeth Napier Fitzpatrick was the daughter of Joseph Fitzpatrick and Mary Perrin Woodson. The father of Joseph Fitzpatrick was William Fitzpatrick who came from Ireland to Virginia about 1710. Mary Perrin Woodson, mother of Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Heard, was the daughter of Benjamin Woodson and Frances Napier, and great, great granddaughter of Dr. John Woodson (1586-1644). Dr. John Woodson, graduated at St. John's College, Oxford, 1604; came to Jamestown, Virginia, in the "George" in 1619 with Governor Yardley as surgeon to a company of soldiers; settled at F1eu de Hundred On the James River. He was killed in the Indian Massacre of 1644. He was married to Sarah Winston (born in England, died in Henrico, Virginia). In the Virginia Archives is the gun used by Sarah Woodson to defend herself and her two small sons in the massacre in which Dr. Woodson was killed. Other ancestry of Mary Perrin Woodson was Dr. Patrick Napier through his son, Robert Napier; and Robert's daughter, Frances Napier who married Benjamin Woodson. Following is taken from book, "Historical Southern Families," vol. XVII, by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie, page 208 NAPIER OF VIRGINIA, TENNESSEE, AND MISSISSIPPI (Includes documented evidence of the Napier Family previously shown in "Historical Southern Families," vol XV) "Dr. Patrick Napier, Jr., surgeon and planter, was born in Scotland about 1635 and had emigrated to Gloucester County, Virginia, by 1654. He married in 1658 Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Booth and his wife Frances. Robert Booth was Clerk of York County, Virginia, 1639; Justice, 1652; Virginia House of Burgesses, 1653-54. Dr. Patrick Napier lived first in Hampton Parish, York County, Va., and later in Blisland Parish, New Kent County, Virginia. He willed his 1500 acre plantation there to his children, Robert and Frances, Feb. 20, 1668. He died prior to April 12, 1669 when his will was filed. Captain Robert Napier, Sr., planter, only son, named in his father's will, was born in York County, Va. about 1660, and lived in New Kent, King William and Henrico Counties, Virginia. He married Oct. 11, 1688 Mary Perrin, born 1675, daughter of Richard and Katherine (Royall) Perrin (Katherine being the daughter of Joseph and Katherine (Banks) Royall) of New Kent County, Virginia. Capt. Robert Napier, Sr. was an officer in the colonial militia and in 1712 led a party of rangers from Henrico County. Between 1690 and 1701 he patented more than 1500 acres. He died after 1712, survived by the following children (in order of birth): Booth Napier, m. Sarah (laForce?); Frances who married Benjamin Woodson; Robert, Jr.; Katherine; and Elizabeth Napier." -47- Page 9 HYTCHINSON:Ma~H1 (Following are records copied in 1956 from old records of my Aunt Coy Dale Fordyce who lived in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, before her death. I believe there had been research done on this family by someone from whom she acquired the records. However, I have not proved our Marbury connection with Anne Marbury Hutchinson yet) "William Hutchinson and Anne Marbury were married August 1, 1612, in London. Their home was Alford Lincolnshire. They had 13 children. In 1634 they came to New England with 10 children, they had lost 3. Both the Hutchinsons and Marburys were of distinguished ancestry. Dryden is one name on the Marbury family chart, a relative of the poet laureate, John Dryden. Anne Hutchinson was a woman with a natural gift for leadership in an age that had no place for such women. In 1911 the colonial farmers of New York State placed a tablet to her memory on a boulder in Pelham Bay Park, New York City, near the site of her last dwelling place. Of the children who survived the death or massacre of Anne Marbury Hutchinson, five in all, a daughter Faith married Thomas Savage and became the ancestress of the noted historian and genealogist of New England, Bridget. Her sister became the wife of Governor John Sanford and waS the mother of another Governor of Rhode Island, Peleg Sanford. Charlotte and Culpepper Counties, Virginia, were homes of the Hutchinsons. James Hutchinson of Culpepper County married Margaret, daughter of David and Clara Hickman. This was toward the end of the eighteenth century. They raised a family of 12 children. The Markhams are one related family I also, the Truetts and MaGavocks. Hutchinson or Hutchison is favored by different branches in the south as the way to spell the name. First Hutchinsons came here early. Engll,Uld to wed. Arrived in America in 1633, then returned to In 1865 the New England Historical and Genealogical Register had a brief account of descendants of William Hutchinson and in 1866 was published at Bostor. notes upon the ancestry of William Hutchinson and wife Anne Marbury, from researches made in England. Also, there is a published account of the Hutchinson family's sixteen sons and daughters. Captain Edward Hutchinson, son of William and Anne, ~arried Catherine Hamby, borrl at Ipswich, Suffolk England. They were married October 13, 1636, and in England. Edward came to America in 1633 with his uncle, Edward Hutchinson. He was 20 years of age at this time. Three years later he retul~ed to England to claim Catherine for· his wife. They came to Boston and lived practically all the rest of their lives, though he was one of the founders of Newport R. I., in 16)8. After the death of his wife in 1650, Edward married the widow Abigail Button, born Vormales. He died in 1675 - was the father of seven children by his first wife, and four by his second. A daughter, Elizabeth, married Edward ~linslow and was something of an heiress, inheriting land at Narragansett from her father and also she ie mentioned in the will of her great uncle, S~uel Hutchinson of Boston. Descendants of Captain Edward Hutchinson are eligible to several patriotic societies, for he was one of the founders of Newport, R. I., as mentioned above, and deputy to court in 1658. Also, Captain in King Phillips War. His descendants are legion, with many distinguished names all along. His son, Elisha, was father of Thomas, member of the Colonial Council, whose son Thomas was the last royal governor of Massachusetts. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, who married Edward Winslow, was an ances·tress of the wife of John Singleton Copley, an artist, whone son became Lord Lyndhurst, Chancello~ of England. Elizabeth's sister, Susanna, married Nathaniel Coddington, Bon of Governor William Coddington, and of Anna Brinkley, daughter of Thomas Brinkley, Auditor General of both King Charles I and King Charles II." (Prom 1954 Edition, "Encyclopedia .IJkoitannica," copyright by Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.) "Anne Hutchinson, ·American Religious enthusiast, was born in Lincolnshire, England the daughter of a clergyman, Prancis Marbury, and according to tradition, a cousin of John Dryden." Correspondence in 1957 from Mr. Meredith B. Colket, Jr., author of a book on the ancestry of Anne Marbury Hutchinson, stated that Leonard was a name common in the family of Francis Marbury who was in Prince Georges County, Maryland, by 1698. Also, there was evidence that Francis was from the Marbury family of Redfordshire, England, but not proved. The relationship to Anne Hutchinson is likely though not known. -46- Page 10 ~ WOOD QUERIES Mrs. H. F. Hemphill, 112 Olive Street, Crane, MO 65633 My Great Grandfather Commadore R. WOOD and Great Grandmother, Alley M. (?) settled in Lawrence Co., MO near Mt. Vernon possibly just before, during or soon after the Civil War. The old Family Bible shows they were born in Tennessee, but does not give Co., or town. It also shows my Grandfather, was born 4 Sept. 1838 in Tenn. He was their oldest child. It shows a daughter, their second child also born in Tenn. The first record in Lawrence Co., shows a daughter born 26 Dec. 1848. But I have reason to doubt they were there that early. My Grandfather, James Marion WOOD, served in the Confederate Army, his younger brother, Thomas Jefferson WOOD, served in the Union Army. He told us our Grandfather was a "Buah-Whacker" which we believed until I began digging for proof and found his Army records. The records in Washington, D. C. He was wounded, captured at the Battle of Jenkins Ferry, Ark. and remained a prisoner of War, until 8 June 1865, when paroled at Shrevesport, La. A Younger brother of mine tells me that the same Uncle, Thomas Jefferson WOOD, told him that they lived near Ft. Smith, Sebastain Co., Ark., before coming to Lawrence Co., Mo. I have records putting them in Lawrence Co., Mo. after the War waS over. I am trying to trace ~.hern to where (?) in Tennessee, or maybe not Tenn (?) Can anyone help? I have belonged to Missouri State Historical Society for 20 years, and if I can help any of you, I will be happy to do so. (Mrs. Mary Hemphill). BRYANT Mrs. John (Theresa) Blaskiewicz, 5701 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63111 - I have been involved in researching My Family history for over 5 years and find it most interesting. Can anyone help me in locating information on my paternal Great Grandparents? Emerson Henry BRYANT was born in Greene Co., Paragould, Ark., 2 Feb 1904. His parents Were Della Lee Murphy & John Robert BRYANT. Grandfather died in 1964 and the only information I have been able to obtain is a few things that my Grandmother remembers hearing from Grandfather. Della Murphy BRYANT, died when Emerson was 7 years old, about 1911. I have been told she is buried in Mulberry cemetery, Paragould, Ark. John Robert BRYANT died when Emerson was 14 years old, about 1918. He is buried in either Missouri or Ark. J. R. BRYANT was supposed to have been married 5 times. Della was his 3rd wife. Emerson had a sister, Lee and a half-sister & half brother, Annie & Johnnie. The Kauffman Settlement has been mentioned. Any information on Della or J. R. BRYANT - their family,would be very much appreciated. will be happy to exchange information. WILLETT BENSON DRUMMOND Delaney "Dee" Willett, 1930 Lucky Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805) 327-8275 - I am having difficulty in tracing my WILLETT Family, early day residents of Ala. and Ark. Please help me find burial places of my WILLETT family in Arkansas. Nathaniel WILLETT, b. 1814 probably Ky., married a dau. of Benjamin F. & Prudence "Polly" BENSON. Rebecca Prudence BENSON, b. 1834, Ala., and Nathaniel WILLETT were married first part of 1850 Our. 20 Jackson Co., Ala. Nathaniel joined the Confederate Army, probably from Hampton, Calhoun co., Ark., and was killed during the Civil War •. On 22 Nov. 1850 my Grandfather waS born to this couple. Aftsr the War, Prudence (BENSON) WILLETT, a Cherokee and Andrew "Andy" HILLIAN (Cherokee) were married, Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark., 1866, & 4 years later Rebecca's son (my grandfather) William Joseph "Billy Joe" WILLETT married Sarah Margaret DRUMMOND, at Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark., 22 Sept. 1870. There are two unaccounted for - children, born & died 1871/74 probably in Calhoun Co. The 1880 U.S. Census, Vol. 9 Enumeration Dist. III Sheet 40, line 29, Mazorn Twp., Montgomery Co., Ark., shows the following' William J. WILLETT age 30, b. Ala, parents also Ala., Sarah M. wife, age 30, B. Miss., parent. Ga & SC./ Solomer Isabell,S, b. Ark./ Charley E., 3, b. Ark., Benjamin G. 2/12 b. Ark. Charles Edward died while the family was living in Dist. 191, Altus Hogan Twp., Franklin Co., Ark. 1895. Where was he buried? William Joseph WILLETT, b. 22 Nov 1850, Jack80n Co., Ala., died 4 March, 1931, Okmulgee, Co., OK., Sarah Margaret DRUMMONDS, b. 3 Jan. 1850, Tippah Co., MS~.died 1913, Morse, Okpurkee Co., OK. Solomer Isabell's nick name "Bell", b. 1874/5, Ark. married about 1890, Ark., to "Bud" HUFFMAN, died 1942, Detroit, Mich. Charles Edward, b. 1878, Ark. died at age 17, Ark. Benjamin Garland WILLETT, b. 10 April 1880, Mozarn Twp., Montgomery Co., Ark. died 8 July 1939, Tulaa, Tulsa Co., OK. Would like to corre8pond with anyone who can help me with any' information about the WILLETT-HILLIAN-HUFFMAN-DRUMMONOS Families. I will pay for information, if some one will help me. Pleas~ state fee. -q9- LIGHTFOOT DANIEL R. R. Broach, 505 Wilkinson St., Shreveport, LA 71104 I am searching for the Family History of a Branch of the LIGHTFOOT people. Husband' wife. Harry LIGHTFOOT & Martha Daniel LIGHTFOOT of North Carolina, married around 1810. She, widowed, came to Arkansas to live with a son (name not known), in the Hot Springs vicinity, near her daughter, (my Great Grand Mother)is buried in Fordyce, Dallas Co., Ark. I would like to locate Grandma Martha's burial place, and/or locale of her son'. home place. We located Old "Lightfoot Springs" near Oma Community in North Hot Spring Co., but do not know if that line was my kin. Please help with any leads you can, , oblige. HARRISON WHITESIDES Juanell. Harrison Reeve, Rt. 1 Box 6, Jayton, TX 79528 Hugh M. & Daniel HARRISON on 1850 Censu., Bradley Co., Ark. Hugh married Loue.a (?) WHITESIDES (?). Son George Caperton HARRISON, b. 1853, daUghters later. Were the HUGH, b. 1819 & Daniel, b. 1836, brothers? Hugh' Loueea on 1880 Cenaus, Cass Co., TX. Anyone with any knowledge of the.e HARRISONS, please write me. I need any cille. CARR KENNEDY Albert Carr, 538 Briarwood Road, Venice, Florida, 33595 Laat year while doing my ree.arch in the Wisconsin Historical Library (where wa lived at the tim., Madison, Wis.) I came across information on a Carr Family History (Editor's Note. this was in the 1968 -pl13-lls, Ark. Family Historian, by Jo Dildy, now Mrs. Glen Billinge, Rt. 5, 418, Nashville, AR 71852 - she included all her info in thAt article on the carr Family). My Great Great Grandfather, John J. CARR and his wife Telitha E. CARR, lived in the late 1800s for a while in Crawford Co., AR. After living there, they moved with part of their family to Banton Co., AR. I believe they might have passed away in either county, but I can't prove that. They had a son, James Austin CARR, who possibly died in Crawford Co., but again, (?) Further, John J. CARR, b. 1832, Indiana, his wife Telitha Emma HUSSONG, b. 1831, Indiana. Their children. Margaret Ann, b. 1856, Iowa, William Morgen, b. 1858, Iowa (my Great Grandfather) Amelia J., b. 1861, Nebraska (?), James Austin, b. 1868, Neb. (?), Joseph M., b. 1866, Neb. (?), Lily Viola, b. 1869, Iowa. My William Morgan CARR above lived most of his life in Barry Co., MO. He married Sarah Dove KENNEDY, dau. of James KENNEDY. This James KENNEDY lived in Benton Co., AR also. Married a Naomi (?). I can't locate this family in Ark., either. I know one of their sona, George Hamilton KENNEDY, was b. in Ark., but can't find out where. If anyone has information th·at would help me locate either of these families in Ark., especially the place of death of John J. , Telitha CARR, I would be very indebted to you. My Arkansas research isn't going very wall:: Are there CARR or KENNEDY Families living that I could contact? Are there any records or either Family that anyone knows about in the Arkanss. Libraries? Some please help. REMINISCENT HISTORY OF TilE OZARK REGION David R. Mills, 8053 Lincoln St., Lemon Grove, CA 92045 I wrote to the Ark. Family Historian, 25 May 1976, applying for my firet membership, and al.o asking about a book REMINISCENT HISTORY OF THE OZARK REGION. To my request you replied that you would make my request into a QUERY, which you did, and it appeared in Vol. XIV, NO. 3.(1976). I would like to take this opportunity to thanky the Ark. Family Historian.membere and tell you that I have received wonderful results. I now have a copy of the book. Through the Query I located my Great Grandfather in 1860 Census, where he was entered under an incorrect name, also that he was still alive in 1865 as he wae on the Tax roUs. I have received several letters in reply to the Query and I am atlll getting them. I am quite sure that those that have written, have mutually benefited. I am enclosing my check and application for a renewal of mambership. EDITOR'S NOTE. This ie juet one of many letter. telling how Queries in the Arkansas Family Historian have helped. We are happy DAVID R. MILLS took time to tell U8. (I wish he had told us, where he got a copy of the REMINISCENT HISTORY OF THE OZARK REGION). Even if a member does not know very much about the various Queries, just a tiny clue will often help. IlAVE YOU REMBIIBERED TO THANK SOMEONE FOR HELPING WITH YOUR RESEARCH? HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN TO SEND A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (S.A.S.E.)? -50- - BOSWELL MAY MOSLEY DOUGLAS SWEENEY McATEER Hazel Tarkington. Rt. 1 Box 125. Greenwood. AR 72936 Rev. James Henry BOSWELL. Baptist Minister. b. 15 Oct. 1855 married 18 Aug. 1881 to Sarah Ernaline MAY. b. 4 April 1858. AR. James H. BOSWELL. d. 8 Feb 1937 and his wife died 28 Aug. 1923. both are buried in Old union Cemetery near Bodcaw, Nevada Co., AR (they have markers). The following are said to have been their children: Hattie married (?) MOSLEY, Inice married Luther DOUGLAS, Trudy married (?) SWEENEY, Samuel Oren, Cattie married (?) MC ATEER, Reuben Olus was living a few years ago. I would like to contact descendants of any ot the above children of James Henry BOSWELL & Sarah Ernaline MAY. Can anyone help? BEAR BEARE BARR DAVIS ALLEN ANDERSON Robert F. Beare. Sr •• 1608 Oak Ave •• Duncan. OK 73533 I am a Great Great Grandson of Peter BARR (BEAR) from Clark Co •• Ark. Although I have tried for almost 10 years. I have been unable to discover who his parents and brothers & sister were and where they Came trom. so I am appealing to the members of the Arkansas Family Historian for help. The earliest ot the Bear (Barr) Family name we find record of in Clark Co •• Ark •• are Joseph BEAR. who was impanneled as a juryman in April 1820 and a Samuel BEAR. who WaS admitted by the Court to serve as an Attorney (DAR Record). I have no way of knowing if they were related to my PETER BARR. In 1825 Nancy BARR (Bear) married Edward DAVIS in Clark Co •• Ark. I believe this Nancy BARR was Peter's siater. I find Peter BARR (Bear) for the first time on the 1830 Census for Clark Co., with a female the right age to be his Mother. On the 12th of July 1832, Peter married to Elizabeth ALLEN in Clark Co •• Ark. They are still there on the 1840 Census with 5 children. William. Thomas, Nancy. John & ELIAS (My great grandfather). Of courSe they were not liated by name On the 1840 Census. but were listed by name on the 1850 Census. but both Peter and Elizabeth were deceased & 17 year old Thomas was the head ot the household. The only other BARR (Bear) on the 1850 Census is an 8 year olf girl named Elizabeth living with William ANDERSON. who was 39 years of age. and Sarah 57 and Nancy DAVIS. 11. Was Sarah the widow of John B. ANDERSON of Clark Co.? Was this Sarah a sister to Peter BARR & Nancy? After Edward DAVIS died. we find Court Records where William ANDERSON was made Guardian of the DAVIS Children. Although. I did not tind a WILL. I found a Court record that stated that William ANDERSON was executor ot Peter BARR'S Estate. This was 13 Jan. 1848. I believe that Elizabeth (8 years old 1850) was the youngest child of Peter BEAR & Elizabeth (ALLEN) BEAR. and that Elizabeth. the mother. died shortly after her daughter was born. We now find that Peter BEAR, 37 years of age. married Sally LANGLEY, 40 in Denton co •• TX on 10 Oct. 1842 According to Lois LANGLEY BARNHART of Dallas. TX. this is indeed my PETER BEAR from Clark Co •• Ark. Sally LANGLEY (widow of Miles LANGLEY. from Clark Co •• Ark •• )was her Great Great Grandmother. Lois further states that Sally died about 1848 also. Can anyone tell me what the relationship was between the ANDERSONS. Edward DAVISES and Peter BARR? Where did Peter come from and who were his parents. brothers and sisters? I am sure that as PETER BEAR lived all of his adult life in Clark County. Arkansas and apparently died there. that the answers are to be found with some of the families from that County. HELP PLEASE. COMSTOCK Mrs. Lee Lawrence, 13623 Hall Road. Chardon. Ohio 44024 Can anyone help me? I need any information on JOHNATHAN or WILLIAM COMSTOCK. When were they in Arkansas? GRAVES BLUE Emma L. Erickson, 1502 Auburn Way. Woodland. Colo 95695 My Great Grandfather lived a number of years around Sweet Home. Pulaski Co •• Ark. He owned a business. His son William GRAVES. owned a Salon in the 18808 in Little Rock. Richard B. GRAVES. b. 22 Aug. 18,;4. died 31 Jan 1890. buried in Pine Grove C....etery. near Sweet Home. Ark •• married Sarah E. BLUE. 30 Jan 1851, by Mm. L. Buford. J. P.. Pulaski Co. 'UArk. I would like newspaper copies of the obituaries & marriages. Any information would be appreciated. GERMANN AMRBEIN G. Ble~es. 4565 Hamilton Road, Gahanna. Ohio 43230 pauline GERMANN i. buried in Mm. H. AMRHEIN'S Lott in , Ca1vary Cemetery, Little Rock, Ark. r have no Stat. Data. Who was she? Mm. married my Great Grandmother. EMELIE SCHMIDT. 2nd marri~ age for both. EMELIE'S DAUGHTER. BETTE SMITH. my Grandmother married Jacob GERMANN of Ohio. There must be a connection. Please Help. -51- TULLY HERNDON Mrs. Alden Clifford, 983 Cherryvale Rd., Boulder, Colo 80303 - Can anyone heJ.p rna to locate some information on my family? From my Grca:dmo~her's letter written in 1901, she lists places the family had lived in Arkansas. I have \olritten the County seats and have received a lot of information, i.nclcd~ng two marriage certificates & licenses. However nothing has been of help to date in locating birth place & parents for. Louis D. TULLY, b. 1 Oct 1823, d. RIle GRIGSBY DAWSON BOYD ca April 15, 1865, Frances Norrell TULLY, b. 30 Sept 1833, d. 5 Feb 1880, Searcy, White Co., AR, married Joseph HERNDON, he died 15 Feb 1880 also, Searcy, White Co., AR, Darthu1", Glenn TULLY, b. 19 Jan 1865no birth place, married Granville Bott [UX, 7 Feb 1883, Woodruff Co., AR They lived near Deview?, AR for 8 years, and then in and near Wheatley until 1900. The letter mentions an Aunt Eliza GRIGSBY (Deview 1881, Woodruff Co.) It &180 mention8 threo sist3rs: Eliza 'rULLY DAWSON, Bald Knob, White Co., AR 1880, Mattie TULLY KEARNS, died 23 Aug 1881, Bald Knob), and Mary TULLY BOYD. It also mentions MORT (MARTIE) TULLY. I would like to find any information on parents and birth place for Granville Bott HIX. The only informat;.on we have is that he had one brother. Charles, who lived and wae buried at Wheatley, AR. My Grandfather died 4 Dec 1900 at Wheatley and is buried there. He left 7 young children. The f . .i1y moved to Ponca City, OK, Feb. 1901. Two children died in 1901. My Grandmother died in 1903 in Ponca City leaving 5 orphan children. Since they were so young, we have never baen able to locate the grave in Wheatley. I have searched through the 1850 Census here in Denver Library and have corresponded with the 5 County seats in Arkansas. The family has always said Darthula (Dula) TULLY HIX was part Cherokee Indian. I have been unable "to document this to date by our records here. I will appreciate any help anyone can give me. I might also add that I think everyone in Arkansas is mos"t graciOUS from the help I have had. WYATT WIETT Mrs. George Severson, 1323 Yellowstone, Billing8, MT 59102 - I would like any information on William S. WYATT, who moved to Arkansas in 1792 and died there in 1862. I would like to find where in Arkansas he settled. I have found WYATT spelled WIETT at timeS. ROBERTSON ROSS Russell Joshua Hamby, Squires MO 65755 - My Great Grandfather, Malachi ROBERTSON, b. 20 Feb 1812, d, 6 July 1889, married 23 April 184.l, to Sarah ROSS, b. 11 Feb 1822, TN, died 23 March 1904. They sold land & property and left Marian Co., TN in 1855. I am not sure what year they arrived at Douglas Co., MO. I know they WIre here in 1861. The following children: James Marian ROBERTSON, b. 1 Feb 1843, d. 18 May 1923, Nancy Garrett ROBERTSON, b, 27 Oct 1844, Isaac G. ROBERTSON, b, 20 Mar 1846, David Paul ROBERTSON, b, 24 Sept 1847, Joshua Thompson ROBERTSON, b. 4 Nov 1849, d. 23 May 1928, Doctor Franklin ROBERTSON, b. 3 Mar 1851, d. 1931, Sarah A. ROBERTSON, b. 24 Oct 1852, d. 3 Jan 1943, Mary Elizabeth ROBERTSON, b. 27 April 1854, Newton Jasper ROBERTSON, b. 15 Dec 1856, Hahals Frances ROBERTSON, b. 30 July 1858, d. 28 Feb 1944, Phonetta Ja~e ROBERTSON, b. 15 Dec 1860, d. 26 June 1944, Malachi Delzell ROBERTSON, b. 8 June 1863, d. 1 Feb 1927, William Sharman ROBERTSON, b. 4 Nov l8€5, d. 1952, Julia Ann ROBERTSON, b. 6 May 1869, d. 16 Nov 1955. I would Eke to find the names of the pa parents of MALACHIA ROBERTSON & SARAH ROSS ROBERTSON. He had 2 sisters and 1 brother. Milly ROBERTSON, b. 1808 GA, Thursey ROBERTSON, b. 1815 GAl Floyd ROBERTSON, b. 1817, GA - ~1ALACHI ROIlER'£SON was also born in GA 1812. SARAH ROSS was born 1n Tennessee 1812, parents names unknown. SUMNER Joyce S. Dixon, Rt. 3 Cadiz, KY 42211 - My Gr.",lfather was born in Hickory Co., NO July 1857, his name was James Columbus SUMNER. He had a brother that remarried in Arkansas, when he came to KY, his name was Nute SUMNER. Ellis SUMNER & Earl SUMNER lived in or near Little Rock. I would like any information about any SUMNER in Arkan.a. or Mi •• ouri. COX NIX Fern S. Nix, P. O. Box 152, Milton, Florida 32570 - We are trying to locate .. ~ls. Bessie COX who is a relative of the NIX Family. Contact was made sometime 11'10 wi. th her through Mrs. Edna (Nix) Dunn of Albany, Cregon. 1'Ie 10fJt "on~act in March 1976. REMEMBER - AIoWAYS SEND B.A.S.E. (SELF ADlJIlESSj,:D :}l'l\MPED ENVELOPE) WHEN you HOPE FOR AN ANSWER TO !IN'i Gl'.:NEP.LOG;:CAL QUESTION -52- - LANCASTER B1bles. Delaney "Dee" W1l1ett, 1930 Lucky Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 (805-327-8275) I have (2) LANCASTER Family The first Bible 1s that of Delaney LANCASTER, an Uncle of the Delaney LANCASTER, who was my mother's Orandl'ather. The second Bible 1s that of the second Delaney LANCASTER. This Lancaster was a homesteader in Arkansas and also ~ought several pieces of farm land to add to his homestead. I have a copy of Patent, deeds and transfer of the same, When he sold out and moved to Wise Co., TX in the fall of 1888. To show relationship of the (2) Delaney LANCASTERS above: Jeremiah LANCASTER, b. Virginia had at lea.t (3) sons. (1) Delaney, b. 3 April 1786, Spartansburg Co., S.C. (2) Larkee, b. (1), d. (1) (3) Littleton, b. l79~, Spartonsburg Co., S.C., died 1838, Daviess Co., KY. Son of: Littleton was the second Delaney LANCASTER, b. 10 Feb. 1821, Madison Co., Ky. (There are hundreds of descendents of this LANCASTER Family. I will exchange information with all who would care to write) Please enclose S.A.S.E. Family Bible # 1 DELANEY LANCASTER BIBLE - THE HOLY BIBLE - page # 1 Containing the Old & New Testaments: translated out of The Original Tongues; and with the Former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Amerioan Bible Society, Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI - 1871 (Brevier, 12 mo.) Question: by D.W. What denomation used this bible? FAMILY RECORD Section, the pages are not numbered. FAMILY RECORD Delaney LANCASTER, born April 3, 1786, died November 13th 1860 Mary Ann, wife of Delaney LANCASTER, born Jan. 18, 1793 Sarah Ann LANCASTER, died Feb 7, 1836, aged about 18 years Dudley LANCASTER, born Aug. ~, 1825, died Sep. 9, 1883 (note: by D.W. the name is dim and hard to read, the spelling WaS copied as it appeared) Sewiramis(?) Wilkerson (wife of Dudley LANCASTER) born Dec. 20th 1831, died Jan. 25th 1887, ~:~O PM Dudley LANCASTER & Sewiramis Wilkerson were married Dec. 26th 18~8 Helen LANCASTER was born Sep 2~, l8~9, died Dec. l~th 1881 (Second unmarked page) G. H. LANCASTER born 4th May 1851 Delaney LANCASTER born April 28, 1853, died Jan 22nd 1860 WID. H. LANCASTER, born Sep. 8th l8S5,died Dec 22, 1881 Humphrey LANCASTER, born Oct. I, 1857 Arsula LANCASTER born April 23, 1860 Robert LANCASTER born April 26, 1862 Dudley D. LANCASTER, born May 22nd 1864 HERBERT F. LANCASTER, born November 27, 1866 (note: by D. W. a slip of paper was found in this Bible with the following: (Dr. Sherrell Montague, Montague Co., TexaS) THE SECOND BIBLE: DELANEY LANCASTER (My Great grand'father). Places were not found in this Bible, only names and dates. I have been able to find places through other sources & will list those found: (?) Delaney LANCASTER, b. 10 Feb, 1821 (Madison Co., KY) married (w/l) 16 Dec. l8~1 he died 26 May 1898, Alvard,Wise Co., TX. Married (w/2) 30 Dec. 1847, Plattsburg, Clinton Co., MO buried, Union Hill Baptist Church Cemetery (near) Alvard, Wise Co. TX. Wife (1) Margaret Ann (?), born 20 July 1823 1 (prob. Madison Co., KY) died 2~ Aug. 18~5 (probably Davies Co., KY) children of Delaney & Margaret Ann: Marilda Lancaster 1 b. 12 Feb l8~3, d. 15 Aug •. 18~5.; Maryliza Lancaster, b. 2 June ltl~~, d. 2~ July 18~5;(note; by D. W. all three, the wife and her two daughters died within 3 weeks of each other) Wife (2) Sarah Ann THATCHER, b. 28 Oct 1831, Lawrence Co., Ind., died 22 April 1920, Euchee TIS Creek Co., Okla., buried Oaklawn Cern., Bristow, Creek Co., OK. Her father, John THATCHER, b. 1803, Bourbon Co., KY, married 21 Jan 1830, Bedford, Lawrenoe Co., Ind. died (1) Her mother, Lethy Jane ROBERTS (b. (1) where (?) died (1) where (1) Children of Delaney and Sarah Ann (Thatcher) LANCASTER: Emilie Jane, b. l~ Aug. 1851, Plattsburg, Clinton Co., MO. Married date (1) where (1) to John Arthur SMITH. died 8 Dec. 1917 (where 1) John William LANCASTER, school teacher, Minister, in Alvard, TX. b. 31 Oct 1853, Franklin Co., Ark. Married (1) where (1) died 28 Jan l89~, Alvard, Wise Co., TX buried Union Hill Bapt. Church Cern. (near) Alvard, TX - wife Minnie ~lcLANE, b. (1) where (1). Margaret Ann LANCASTER, b. 7 April 1856, Franklin Co., AR. married (1) where (1). Sarah Catherine LANCASTEF b. 6 March 1859, Plattsburg, Clinton Co., MO. (note by D. W. - when C1vil War clouds started gathering, Delaney Lancaster, did not believe in Slavery, so took hi3 family back to MO and joined the Union Army, -53- LANCASTER BIBLE RECORDS. QUERY(Con't page 2) When War broke out). Married 1880, Franklin Co. (Courthouse) Ozark, Ark. died, 1933 Henryetta L Okmul~ee Co., OK. Husband George Nichelson CLAMPET or (tte), Clampette ~endergra8s , b. 1857, Hampton, Calhoun Co., Ark. Lucinda "Lou" LANCASTER, b. 2~ Nov. 1861, Plattsburg, Clinto Co., MO married (1) where (1), husband, Henry J. MAGERS, b (1) where (1) died (1) where (1). George Delaney LANCASTER, b. 22 Jan 1865, Lone Oak Twp. Franklin Co., Ark. (note: by D. W. (after War was over Delaney LANCASTER and his family moved baok to his homestead in Franklin Co., Ark., and remained there until the fall of 1888. He, his family and his son in law: George CLAMPET PENDERGRASS, and his family all moved to Alvord, Wise Co., TX. They were there by IDeo 1890 as my mother, Lena Cherrie PENDERGRASS, was born at Alvard on that date). Married (1) Where (1) died (1) where (1) Dudley LANCASTER, b. 18 Dec. 1868, Lone Oak Tpw, Franklin Co., Ark. Married (1) where (1) died (1) where (1). James Madison LANCASTER, b. 1872, Franklin Co., Ark. There are a lot of question that need anawers, but by publiahing theae known facts, it is my hope that others, searohing any of the forgoing familles, wlll find _help and In return will help me, fill in the blank areas for my Famlly. HooG DURRETT C. W. Keasler, RPD , 3, Millport, ALA 35576 - We are endevoring to get the Civil War Record of William HOGG, b. 1818/19 in Ala. His wife's' maiden name was DURRETT. She was dead before 1860. He moved from Arkansas to Tuscaloosa, Ala In 1880. His last home was in what is now Littls Rook, Pulaskl Co., Ark. Thls ls not the W1l1iam HooG, b. 1822, wlfe Melinda of Union Co., Ark. 1850 Census). Any information will be appreciated and I will exchange data. SCOTT R. P. Baker, 322 Laurel, Mabelvale, Aft 72103 - Allen M. SCOTT, Arkansas lawyer, preaoher, author, teacher, newspaper edltor and historian. Lived 1n several places in Arkansas before 1860. Was reported to have died in Memphis, Tenn., about 1865. Will exchange. MURPHY Avis Holt Rogera, 1104 Citi.en St., Jonesboro, AR 72401 My great grandfather WILLIAM G. MURPHY, was born 23 May 1827, probably Tenn. When he was 9 years old the MURPHY family lived at the foot of the Cumberland Mountains (his parents). Before. durlng the war betwen the states they lived near Corinith or Booneville, Miss. My great grandfather William G. MURPHY brought his family through from Miss. to Sharp Co."near Hardy, Ark., in a wagon around 1870. Do not know 1f great grandmother Murphy died before they left MisS. He was married 5 times, but when he died 20 Jan 1911, he left his 5th wlfe 11ving. The other 4 had died ear11er. Would like to know who he married 1st or even 2nd, also when born. where' when died. where. If the 1st w1fe dled after they moved to Sharp Co., near Hardy she would have been burled at Shilph Cemetery, where William was buried. The Cemetery is over 100 years old. If he ever had a headstone or marker, ,1t had gotten destroyed. In the 1960s a tornado passed thru the Cemetery blowing down trees and headstones. Any Information on WILLIAM G. MURPHY'S parents or the wife he married in Mias. She was my grand mother MURPHY SPURLOCK'S mother. Any information will be appreoiated and I w1l1 exchange. GATLIN Weldon W. Stout, 7G7 So. Okfuskee, Wewoka, OK 74884 - I would like to hear from anyone that has knowledge of JAMES T. GATLIN. He was in Nevada Co., Ark., in 1882. I have his Homestead Certiflcate No. 120821 to land in Twonship 21 Section 10 Range 22 West. This document was found In my grandmother's effeots and we have not been able to plaoe,him in our family. LOVE DAVIS Mrs. Arley L. Daniel, 3413 Truman St., Lake Charles, LA 70601 - I am looking for the land deeds of Robert HUTCHASON LOVE. He married to Eliza Jane DAVIS (sister to the father of LA ex-Governor, Jimmie DAVIS). They (Robert. Eliza) had 2 daughters 1n Hopei Ark., named Rosa Anna Franois, b. 3/6/1886; and Free Donna, b. 8/211 1083. 1880 1s possibly the time the land was purohased. Robert Hutohason LOVE vanished from his family after he had moved them to Atlanta, LA (Winn Parish). He returned to Hope, Ark. in 1890, months before my father, HERRY ALLEN LOVE, waa born. Did he return to Hope' atay' or what happened to him. He came from England with 2 younger brothers, and was born 3 Sept 1828. He was about 20 years older than his w1fe. Any information will be appreciated. -54- HOSFORD LYON (S) OWEN (S) HAMILTON SMITH DUNAWAY KILLOUGH PEARSON BALL "'I Martha Wilcox White, 1439 N. Gary St., Tulsa, OK 74110 I am interested 1n the following counties: Benton, Pope, Washington, Franklin, Sebastain, Perry, Conway, Faulkner, Yell, Pulaski, Cleburne, Hot Spring, Sevier, Marion, Polk, Crittendon, Saline & Scott. Time period 18qO to 1900. Publication of Conn. Society of Genealogist, Inc.: Conn. Nutmegger - Vol. 8, 13 - Dec. 1975: Page 366: Lemuel LYON, Sr., b 1765 married 1797 Jarusha Daniels, b 1778, both of Whatley, Mass. Page 369 - Wilton PARISH, north of Norwalk, Conn., was home of Ebenezer ABBOTT & Anne LYON. They married 2 Nov. 1730, Ann was dau. of Samuel LYON & Susanna (Jackson) LYON. Susanna was born 19 Oct. 1718. Ebenezer ABBOTT was born, Norwalk, Conn. Page 445 - Jonna LYON married in New Jersey to Joseph PRUDDEN who was born in 1692. Source: "Collins - Historical Sketohes of Kentucky" History of Kentucky, by Lewis Collins - Judge of Mason Co., Ky. Vol I page 5 - Revolutionary Soldiers 1n Ky. Lawrence Co., William LYONS, 88 years old in 1840. Page 9 - In Capt. wm. Harrods' Co. in 1780 at the station near the falls, now Jefferson & Shelby Counties was one Samuel LYON. Source: Methuen, Mass.Marriages & Births to 1849 - L.O.S. Micro-film , 823676 Page 11 - LYON, Calvin married CURRIER, Cynthia 18 Oct 1838. LYON, Catherine m. PATCH, William 3 Aug. 1834. LYON, Alvin Sumner, b. 1 Mar 1839 son of Calvin & Cynthia (Currier) LYON. LYON, James Currier, b. 19 Jul 1840, son of Calvin & Cynthia (Currier) LYON. Source: Index to Confederate Soldiers from Arkansas named LYON - LOS Micro copy #376 Roll 14 LYON: John, Zimmerman's Batt. Ark. L. Inf. Confederate John L. - Co. H., 1 Mounted Rifles, Ark. 2 Lt. Confederate J. W. Co. I, 11 Ark. Inf. Pvt." J. W. Co. C, 32 Ark. Int. Sgt." L. B. old Co. G. , 35 Ark. Int. Pvt." Richard, Co. F - S. 6 Ark. Int. Col." Samuel Thomas - Co. H. - 1 Mounted Rifles PVt. " Thomas L. Co H. 1 " " " " T. L. Co. K. - 20 Ark. Inf. 2 Lt " H. F. Co. A. - 1 Batt'n. - Ark. Inf. Pvt. " John John Co. N. I. - 10 Ark. Int. Co, Q. - 16 Ark. Int. Pvt. Pvt. " John Co. Pvt. " Q. - H. F. H. B. B. 18 Ark. Int. John L. Margwan J. Thomas W. H. C. William, Sr. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. William, Jr. Co, B. 20 Ark. Int. II - 1 Mounted R1fles Ark. 2 Lt." - 36 Ark. Inf. Sgt. Pvt." - 1 Mounted Rifles Ark. Pvt." - Cooke's Reg. Ark. Inf. Pvt." 20 Ark. Inf. Pvt." Pvt." Source: Death Certificates, recorded officially in Orleans Parish, La. from 1875 to 1878 - LDS Micro-film '911389: Lyons, Charles H., 22 yrs. old; died 17 Nov. 1876. EDITOR'S NOTE: Martha Wilcox White haa much additional LYON FAMILY information. BRATTON Mr. Rogers Clinoh, Sr., 404 Blue Grass Ave., Madison, HURSTON TN 37115 - I am working on a genealogy of the descendants HAIRSTON of Capt. Robert BRATTON of Augusta Co., Virginia. At present I need information concerning John Calhoun BRATTON (Tenn. ca 1830 - Ark. 1909), and his family. In particular, I need information on his wife and children. John Calhoun BRATTON settled in Bradley Co., AR ' about 1850. He was a businessman there for many years. He served in the Cont. Army with the 9th Ark. Int. Regiment, and rose to the rank ot Major In 1890s he was Co. Judge of Bradley Co., Ark. He died in the Conf. Home at Sweet Home, Pulaski Co., Ark., and is buried 1n .the Conf, Cemetery in Little Rock. If at all POSSible, I need to learn when his exact date of birth. His w1fe was Harriet Ann (maiden name possible HURSTON or HAIRSTON) Birthdate, parents, place of burial? eta. At time of his death, Little Rock newspapers reported that he was survived by only grandchildren (names not given) Two dau. were living at that time. The names ot six of his seven children were: James Madison; John Robert; Virginia; Mary Caroline; Nancy; and Lizzie. I have the l1ne of Lizzie, but need all others. Known related families: Hughes. Robinson, DeLaughter, & Forrest. Also need info on the family of James Colbert BRATTON (brother of John Calhoun BRATTON) who also lived in Bradley Co., Ark. I believe JAMES sired 21 Children, I have a list naming 19 of them. I have int. on this family prior to the move to Ark., and the family from them back to Capt. Robert BRATTON. -55- LATIMER Mary Lou Dalton, 38703 - 31 Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 - Another ancestor of ours moved to Arkansas in 1836/37. WETHERAL LATIMER moved with his youngest child to Pope Co., when he was quite old, having been born in 1757. I have much data on the LATIMER Family and will gladly share it with any descendant. Who can tell me when WETHERAL LATIMER died and where he is buried? LATIMER has been spelled LATIMORE or LATTIMORE. EDITOR'S NOTE: Pope Co., Ark., Marriage Records show: West, James to Lucinda LATEMORE, both of Clark Twp. 11 May 1841 by M. B. Webb, JP A-44. WOOTEN MILLER Mrs. J. R. Bush, 125 Pinewood, Hot Springs. AR 71901 Do any of you TEXAS subscribers know these families? ROYSTON (or ROlSTON) WOOTEN, BOLING WOOTEN, & JAMES WOOTEN, all sons of John WOOTEN, SR., b. 1796, Tenn. The son8 were probably b. in Tenn. or Ill. and all three went to Texas before 1861 when their father died in Washington Co., AR Other children of John Sr., and 1st wife (name not known, Tenn) were John Jr., William, & Harrison WOOTEN, all b. in Ill., and all living in Ark., in 1861; but John Jr., and two of his sons, Alexander & Thomas, later moved to Texas. Two daughters of John Sr., were in 1861, Abigail Burnett, living in Crawford Co., Ark., and Mary Gibson, living in Calif. John Sr., married 2nd to Allie MILLER, a widow with 2 Miller children. She and John had two sons, Stephen and Pleasant WOOTEN, whose progeny seem to be scattered allover Northwest and Central Arkansas, Judging from Census RecordS of 1870, 1880 and 19001 many of Wm. WOOTEN'S descendants live in Sebastain and other West Arkansas Counties. One son of John Jr., James has descendants in Ft. Smith and Oklahoma. He did not go with his father and 2 .rothers to Texas about late l880s or early 1900s. Will refund postage to anyone who knows the descendants of ROiston, Boling and James WOOTEN, who Were in Texas (County not known) before 1861. GORE SANDERS BICKMAN M. P. Gore, P. O. Box 65, McShan, Ala. 35471 - I would l1ke to IaiDw the parents of Thomas Tindall GORE, b. 1176 S.C. Married to Nancy SANDERS about 1798 (b. 1778 S.C., d. 1830, Pickens Co., Ala., children were: Rev. Ellis GORE, 3 Oct. 1800-1833; Rev. E.ekiel Pletcher GORE, 1808-1872; Manning H. GORE, 1809-1849, Thomas Sanders GORE, 1813-1886 and Notley GORE, 16 Dec. 1816, S.C., d. 1879, Pickenl Co., Ala. Thomas T. GORE is believed to have served in the Navy in the War of 1812 and wal wounded. He sold his land in Chester Diet., S.C. in 1817 and arrived in Pickens Co., Ala., about 1819. On 30 March 1833 he married Jane Bickman (dau. of Wm.) in Columbus, Miss., and about 1840 moved to Calhoun-Co., Miss and died, and is buried at Calhoun City, Mlss. All of his children except Ellis & Knotley moved to Miss., with him, and have many descendants. I have tried to connect Thomas T. GORE with Jamee GORE who died in Camden, S.C. in 1783. His WidOW, Elizabeth's Will was probated in Chester, S.C. in 1788, naming James, Clement, John, Joshua, Michael' Eleazor(also spelled Ebenezer). Clement GORE's Will of 25 May 1801 in Chester Co., shows no Thos. T. and I can find no other other early Willa of GORES in Chester Co. It is possible that his father moved out before he died. HUNT Louise TOdd Hunt, 4026 Cornell, Garland, TX 75042 - I am interested in HUNT Pamily information. HUNTS of Ala • • Tenn., who migrated to Arkanla. and on into Texas. In October 1864, Mr. Wm. C. HUNT was killed by "Jay-Hawker.". Hi. widow and 8 ch11dren res1ded in Dardanelle' Yell County. Mrs. Rose Bramlett HUNT. died 1n 1900 at age 78. Had these chl1dren: Georse B., wm. C. Jr.; Ira; Charles; Roaa; W. H•• Lee, a daughter who married C. M. White. These HUNTS were from Huntsville, Ala. area. Please write, 1f you are interested in HUNTS. Louise Todd Hunt, _026 Cornell, Garlan~, TX 75042 - Menoah O. HAYNES (Noah) b. 1837, in Tenn. served in the Civil War married Sarah Bickle, lived in Mountain View, Arkansaa area. Several of their ch1ldren mlgrated to Dallas Co., Texas. Would like to contact any family connect10ns in Arkansas. HAYNES LLEWELLYN Mrs. Cheltina Stewart, 380 E. Summer St., Paxton, Ill. 60957 - I would 11ke to contaot anyone who i8 working on the LLEWELLYN (Any spelling). I will be happy to exohange data. ALWAYS RBMEMBER - INCLUDE A SELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE (S.A.S.E.) WHEN YOU HOPE POR A REPLY TO ANY GENEALOGICAL QUESTION. -56- ,. Mr •• Elmer A. Holme. (Mary Ed1th) 15 w•• t Alp1ne Dr •• Oklahoma C1ty. OK 73109 - I have rece1ved help trom several n1ce people. wh1ch I appreciate very much. I .till need help on .everal ot m7 other line.. I hope working on SCROGGINS Pamily Lin. will help. I will b. happy to .xchange data. My great grandtather was Smith SCROGGINS. enli.ted 1n the C1v1l War 3/7/1662. at Cor1nth. Mi •••• in Ti.ham1ngo Co. D1ed ot wounds r.ce1ved 1n Battle ot Ch1ckauga 20 1863. Burial .tatement .tate. he di.d 6 Oct. 1863. H1. w1te waa Elendar WELLS. He al.o had a brother Abner SCROGGINS ••n11.ted eame t1me. H. waa to have .erved on ho.p1tal .h1P •• erving a. part tim. cook and nur.e. The1r par.nt. are thought to be Smith SCROGGINS. Sr •• and Tabitha BUSHI (or other .pel11ng?). I would 11ke to have namel of bother•• 11at.r. and other•• w111 apprec1ate any and all data I can get on th1. f.m1ly. I still need help on the •• l1n•• if .nyone oan h.lp ·plea•• do": BYPORD. LUMPKINS. SHAW. HOLMES - all liv.d at on. time 1n Arkan•••• My gr.ndmother. Prano •• Ann CASH. f1r.t marr1ed John HAGIN in Arkadelph1a. Ark •• he di.d in 1870 , th.1r only liv1ng ch1ld was born atter he d1ed. Her name was Margar.t Tenne •••• HAGIN. married to H.nry Newton JONES. We would like to contact .ny HAGIN oonneoted to th1s family. My gr.ndmoth.r. att.r his death .arri.d my gr.ndtath.r John Henry LUMPKINS in Hot Spring•• G.rland Co •• Ark. Will .ppr.o1ate all the help we can get on any of the above tam11ie •• SCROOOINS WELLS BUSHI BUSCH BYPORD LUMPKINS SHAW HOLMES BOONE PAMILY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Mr •• Hugh DeWitt. ~705 Cry.ler. Ind.pendence. MO 6_055 - We are interest.d in oontaoting any an all BOONE. BOON desoendents. VINSAHT1VANSAHT Jan Spark•• Jody Sandera. 679_ South Atlanta Ave •• Tulsa. VAN ZANDT. etc. OK 7_136 - Compiling. indexing •• xohanging VINSANT. VANSANT. VAN ZAND'l'. eto. espa.oially Arkan.... but all state •• future re.earoh publioation with oredit for oontribution.. Send chart •• S.A.S.E. for ind.x oheok • detail •• POSTER VANSANT ADAMS Jan Jennings Spark•• 2229 South Rockford. Tul.a, OK 7_114 - Need parent. Of SUlan Jane POSTER. b. l~43 probably Crawford Co •• Ark •• married James Madiaon VANSANT. 1859. Crawford Co. Her grandfather w•• Josiah POSTER. b 1796. SC who married l.t Nanoy ADAMS. 1817 Howard Co •• MO. d. 1870 in Crawford Co •• Ark. Josiah may had 16 children by l.t wife. lived with her grandfather from 1850 until her marriage. JONES McLEMORE Mrs. Ro.eann MitChell. 119 Ryen St •• WA 98370 Need help on twin brother •• St. Clair Caa. JONES & John Butler· JONES. b. 16_8 Perry Co •• Ark. Who w.a their father. who died before 1850' Mother was Perth1a. b. c. 1826. Mi.e. (her parents?). She married 2nd in Perry Co •• to John P. McLEMORE and had 5 ch1ldren. Sever.l McLeMOORES .nd St. Clair Ca •• JONES are buried in Hallett Cemetery 1n Conway Co •• Ark.; other JONES in Wolf Cemetery .ame county. ,. LOVE JIMMERSON Mrs. Ro.eann Mitchell. 119 Ry.n St •• Poulsbo. WA 98370 Wish to cont.ot of Jame. Harri.on LOVE "Harry" b. 1818 M1a.ouri (aon of William C. LOVE and wite Sarah) and wife Mary JIMMERSON. b. 1819 MO. Jam.s and Mary had 2 known children: (my Grest Great grandmother) and Hanabal. Lived Se.rcy Co •• Ark. 1840 thru 1870. BURNS Mrs. Ro ••ann Mitchell. 119 Ryen St •• Poulsbo. WA 98370 W1sh to locate tho.e reaearching Israel BURNS and w1fe Rebecca. who l1v.d 1n Searoy Co •• AR 18_2-1870. All .1ght children born there. Israel was possible brother to m7 Great Great Grandf.ther Joel BURNS. WARMAN Mra. Roseann Mitchell. 119 Ryen St •• Poul.bO. WA 98370 Wish to locate thoae re.earching any WARMAN in Perry Co. , Conway Co •• AR trom 1860. My 1ntereet 1. Jon.than C. WARMAN. b. 1819 Clark Co •• Ind •• nd w1fe N.ncy. b. 1826 KY. Lived Perry Co •• Ark. 186070. Known ch1ldren: (all born Ind.) John W.l Wil11am; Thomas; Sylve.ter (my Great great grandfather); M. E.; and John. Sylvester 1n Conway Co •• 1870-80, buried Hallett CemeterT in Conwa, Co •• Ark. -57- WALKER SMITH PLtooIER HUNSUCKER VARBEL DRIVER PORCUM POWLER MILLER POX PRUITT Paye Varbel Walker, 1409 N1nth St., N.W., Miami, OK 7_354 - I am interested 1n any ot Samuel Reed WALKER'S kin, around Camden, Magnolia, Smackover, AR. H1s tat her was John WALKER. Mother was Temperanoe WALKER, who later married her brother-in-law, Wm. WALKER. My rather-in-law Samuel R. WALKER, Jr., onoe worked with an uncle or oous1n as a photographer at Morr11ton, AR in the 1880s. I am a180 1nterested 1n any information about John & Amanda DRIVER, who lived near Dripp1ng Springs & Van Buren, AR. He died at Van Buren 1n 1915. The1r daughter marr1ed Wm. VARBEL and lived at Rudy, Crawford Co., oa 1885. Any information on Joseph Powler & wife, Raohel Ann MILLER, who 11ved in Ark •• Mo., trom 1860-1910 would be appreoiated. WALKER from Union, Columbia, Ouachita, Hempstead' Conway Count1es. SMITH trom, Union, Columbia, ouachita Counties' Carroll Co., Mis.. PLUMMER from Catoo.a Co., GA. HUNSUCKER trom GA, Boaton, Ma8s., • Germany. VARBEL from Crawford Co., Aft, Platte Co., MO., Pt. Scott, Kans., Oldham Co.,Ky. DRIVER from Crawford Co., AR • Raleigh, N.C. PORCOM from N.C. POWLER trom MO, Ark., Tenn., • S.C. MILLER trom Ark •• Tenn. POX tram Texas Co., MO • Tenn. PRUITT trom Ash Plat, Sharp Co., Aft • Tenn. W111 be happy to exchange data. SMITH Martha Northcut, Rt. 2 Box 399, Nacogdochee, TX 75961 Need proot ot b1rth and death ot John • Mary C. SMITH, b. about 1867, where' Be11eve d1ed 1n Johneton Co., OK or Cornerv111e, L1ncoln Co., Aft about 1900-08. Small ch1ldren were given away when parents d1ed. Some ch11dren: Howard, Erne.t, Wil11am, Lena (or Leona)' May. May was given to a Mr •• Mr •• John Str1de, when she was about 3-5 years old. Then placed 1n an orphanage 1n 1910. Where are her brothers • s1etera? Th1s 1s my mother. her parents. Please help. PORTBRPIELD Jay D. W1111ams, _069 Norths1de Drive, N.W., Atlanta, GA 30342 - I am 1nterested 1n Portert1eld desoendants 1n Ark. area. Grandtather Nel.on PORTBRPIELD, b. Mad1eon Co., GA 1815 marr1ed in Carroll Co., GA 18321 1n Carroll Co., Census 18_0j Cobb Co./ GA 1850 with a fam11YI about 1855 moved to Lafayette Co. (now M111er Co.) and dooumented there 1n 1860 Census. By 1870 had moved across the 11ne to Ca •• Co., GA. He • w1te and other k1n are bur1ed 1n Macedonia Bapt. Church Cemetery near Br1ght Star, Co., Ark. One Of h1s brothers was 1n ColUlllb1a Co. in 1860 Census w1tha tam11)'. Other kin settled 1n Hempstead Co., Ark. Also there were PORTERPIELDS 1n Dallas Co., Ark. I would be happ), to oorre.pond w1th thOSe reasearch1ng PORTERPIELDS who oame out ot Georg1a. HARPER P. H. Cook, 17_5 Meadowdale Ave., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30306 tor more than 50 ),ears I have colleoted data perta1ning to the descendants ot Robert HARPER, Sr., who died about 1799 1n W11kes Co., GA. These reoords ars at Oeorg1a Aroh1ves, Atlanta, GA. Samuel Burgess HARPER (1796-185_) grandson ot Robert HARPER,Sr., was active 1n the tormat10n at Columbia County, Ark. Robert G. HARPER (1812-1857) and h1s coul1n • w1te Mary Anne Thomas Jones HARPER (1818-1857) are bur1ed 1n the Magno11s C1t)' Cemetery. I am anxious to oontaot descendants at the1r daughters: Mrs. E. S. M111er and Mrs. J. B. Payne. ORAYSON REEVES RICE HAYES Joseph HAYES at Mr •• Kathsryn Reevee Jean, 1022 Lawton Cirole, Magnolia, AR 71753 - I have ORAYSON-REEVES-& RICE lines all 1n Tenn. • would be interssted in corresponding w1th anyone w1th thele lines 1n that state. Alao, my D.A.R. line ia Capt. Pennsy1van1a • Ind1ana. THOMAS CURRY WALDREP Dr. Jack M. Waldrep, 101 John Maddox Drive, Rome, GA 30161 - My mother was Orace THOMAS, who waa ra1sed at Mt. Prolpect and one other Grandtathers was W111iam Hogan CURRY, who moved to Mt. Proapect 1n 1872. Columbia Co., Arkanaas has many CURRY Pam11Y descendants. My tat her was Marvin Lee WALDREP, born on the -M111tary Road" juat above the Nevada County l1ne. M), Oreat Grandtather, Patillo Washington WALDREP, moved to the above location trom Butts Co., OA in 1852. The home place still Itands. There is a WALDREP CEMETERY looated two miles west at Dolta, Nevada Co., Ark. At that time, Nevada County had not been tormed and that taot caused me to stumble severely in m), researoh until I oaught on. I w111 be happy to exohange data. EDITOR'S NOTES: The last tour Queries were .c. snt trom: Kitty Jean, Membership Chairman, Southwest Arkansas Genealogioal Sooiet)'. Magnolia, Arkansas 71753 -58- . HUBBARD John Patrick Schmal, 615 Edgewood St., Inglewood, CA 90302 - Need ancestry of Cal11e Caldon1a HUBBARD, b. 12 Oct 1883, Columb1a Co., AR, dau. ot T1mothy HUBBARD, b. Ark.,(exact locat10n unknown but des1red).and Ann1e (Frierson) EDWARDS, b. 1860/70, College Hill, Magnolia area, Columbia Co. Seek data regarding FRIERSON family Columbia Co., (part1cularly, Alexander and Altred), and HUBBARD family. Also need data for Simon Peter HICKS, b. 5 Aug. 1885 in Columbia Co., Ark' l Son of Peter HICKS and Mary CARTER; and Izetta JOHNSON, b. 24 Oct 18a9 in Magnolia, dau. of Daniel' Etta JOHNSON. EDWARDS FRIERSON HICKS CARTER JOHNSON ;. ':I BRANNUM BRANHAM BRANOM BRANAM BRANHUM HENSON HINSON HYNSON MANSKER MANSCO MANSKUR Mary J. Carter, 5701 E. Glenn No. 62, Tucson, AZ 85712 My great great grandfather Michael BRANNUM, b. circa 1775, SC, migrated into MO around 1790/95. Married a french girl, ANGELINE TEROR, mother of all his children. Their daughter l Julia Ann BRANNUM, married JAMES HADLEY HENSON in the la50s. They were my great grandparents. Their three children: William Giles HENSON, b. 10 Mar 1856; Mary Jane Elizabeth HENSON, b. 13 Dec. 1858 (my grandmother); Aney Bell HENSON, b 29 Jan 1860. Listed in old Bible believed to be JULIA ANN's, were her birth date 22 Mar 1828; the birth date of James Hadley HENSON, 31 Aug. 1828; and the birthdates of the children. Plus the following names & birthdates of his relatives presumably: William MANSKER, 21 May 1798; Nancy MANSKER, b. 1 May 1803; Mary Louise HENSON, b. 6 Oct. 1840. MICHAEL BRANNUM, established the Brannum Settlement On the Missouri-Ark., State Line, in 1830, where some members Of the family atill reside. Julia Ann HENSON and children: Mary Jane' Aney Bell, listed in 1860 Dunklin Co., MO. Censu8 as living with her father. There is no record Of what happened to James Hadley HENSON. little boy, William Gile. HENSON. Can someone help me get more details on these member. of my family tree? Would like to know who WILLIAM & NANCY MANSKER Were' No record of James Hadley HENSON'S b1rthplace, their marr1age, who were his parents, his death, etc. Hsve found HENSONS • MANSKERS 1n both Tenn., Ill., • Arkansas Census Records. W111 gladly exchange 1nformation on the BRANNUM, HENSON, MANSKER 11nes that I have collected wh11e trying to solve the mystery of who, when and where were these people. I know Julia Ann died at Brannum. circa 1910 and believed to be buried on the Arkansas Side, but have never found any records to prove thh. (BRANNUM sat on the State 11ne, w1th part of the settlement in Missouri and the other part in Arkansas). CONDITT DAVIS BOWERMAN COX MOORE WALL/S FINCH SHERRILL TATE GOODMAN PENTER/PAINTER PANTER BATES MARTIN FULBRIGHT Wanda Clark, Box 1094, Pryor, OK 74361'- W1sh to locate Descendants of Grandison WALL/S of Walls Perry, Stone Co., Arkansas., d1ed ca 1901; his brother Beverly D. WALL, and Thomas C. WALL, of Izard & Independence Count1es, Ark., who came to Ark., from Tenn., ca 1848; their s1ster Caro11ne FINCH, w1te of Keebler T. PINCH, Stone Co., Ark.; their ne1ce, Emma F. CONDITT MOORE, who married James Polk MOORE of BELLMORE Community, Stone Co., Ark., ca 1881. Also, descendants of John F. PENTER/PAINTER/PANTER and his wife Ann who at his death marr1ed Arm1stead COX. Penter's Blutf in Izard Co., Ark., named for th1s fam1ly. Also, descendants of Louisa GOODMAN Who marr1ed Capta1n W1ll1am C. TATE, between 1840-50, and l1ved 1n Independence then Stone Co., Ark. Also, descendants Of W1ll1am C. TATE and Russell BATES, who came to Ark., fron Blount Co., Tenn., by keel boat 1n 1820, settled on LAFFERY Creek in what 1s now Isard Co., Also, descendants of E11 P. SHERRILL, who with his brother Alfred came to Independence Co., Ark., 1n 1820 trom North Caro11na. E11 moved to Jefferson Co., Ark., around 1856. Also, descendants of E11'. daughter, Lev1na SHERRILL, who marr1ed W1ll1am MARTIN of Crawtord Co., Ark., 1n 1832. They moved to Wash1ngton Co., Ark., 1n 1850, she was deceased and a son Baron MARTIN was st1l1 l1v1ng at home a8 were Mary E., , Sarah C. SHERRILL, Lev1na's s1ater •• Need to f1nd WILL of Elizabeth SHERRILL, entered for Probate, Independence Co., Ark., Jsn 1837 LT, E11 SHERRILL and Jacob PULBRIGHT. Need descendants of John DAVIS and w1fe E11zabeth SHERRILL, who were marr1ed, Ind. Co., Ark., 14 Sept. 1828. Need grave s1tes in Ind. Co., Ark., of James Behnett CONDITT l who d1ed 24 Dec. 1879; h1s w1fe, Georg1a Ann Wall CONDITT, who died ca 186b; Jacob L. (Jake) SHERRILL and h1s wife Susan L. Tate SHERRILL, who d1ed between 1870 • 1880 near Bethesda, Ark. Need 1nformat10n on w1dow ot David BOWERMAN, who married Captain William C. TATE around 1818. -59- COOPER TURNEY BREWER McDANIEL SALTERS WATTS THOMAS SCOTT HOLLABOUGH DUCK TAYLOR BEGLEY TREECE SNOW Mrs. Tom Huftman, P. O. Box 285, Orleans, CA 95556 - Need information on Benjamin COOPER, born when? where? Who were hia parents? w1fe Katy (Katherine) TURNEY. Who were her parenta? where was she born? when? Somet1me after 1850 they moved to Searcy Co., AR. He possibly died in Logan or Yell Counties, Ark. She ia buried Pleasant Grove Cemetery near Maraena, Searcy Co., Ark. Some of their children: 1. Benjam1an Jr., marr1ed "Sis" BREWER. 2. Preston D., married Elizabeth SNOW. 3. Sally married John McDaniel, 2nd marr1ed to Ben SALTERS. 4. Mary Kather1ne, marr1ed Dav1d Sykea McDaniel. 5. Lockie marr1ed Thomas McDaniel. 6. Rebecca married (?) Other names I am interested 1n are: WATTS, THOMAS, SCOTT, HOLLABOUGH, DUCK, TAYLOR, BEGLEY, TURNEY & TREECE. Will answer all letters. MOORE GROVES WHITE Mra. Earl Tate, Ridgedale, MO 65739 - My Greatgrandfather George MOORE, & his brother John, were born & lived at a place 4 miles up river from Ft. Smith, Sebastain Co., Ark., at Iron Gate (?) on an 800 acre Cotton Plantat10n. I can not f1nd anyone that ever heard of such a place. Also George left, but John stayed w1th his mother. George went to Blue Eye, MO., marr1ed & had 2 sons, wife died (boys were pretty old) • he moved to Branson, MO & marr1ed again. Wife died when Baby John waa 3 weeks old, he was left with h1s aunt that had a Baby girl (Susan Graves) a week or BO older. George left later & went to Green Forrest, Carroll Co., Ark., • marr1ed a Susan WHITE & they had a Bon Arthur. Whatever 'happened to them is unknown. It is said he was marr1ed 6 or so t1mes when he d1ed a left a 5/6 year old g1rl named V10la. But no trace has been found to date on them. He never came back to ftee h1s son, John. George's mother's name 1s unknown, but I was told they came from Henderson, Tenn., & she was supposed to be Cherokee Ind1an. Can anyone help me to find what thls Iron Gate ls & Where? Any information wll1 be appreclated. CAMPBELL BARRENTINE SMITH BRUNETTE DEAN Mrs. Alma Fay Stone, 29990 S. Barlow Road, Canby, OR 97013 Perhapa some member may lend a helplng hand: I need some Cemetery 1nformation. I understand my great grandfather, John Lovid CAMPBELL, his wife, Mary Ellen BARRENTINE & ancestors on both sides are buried at Bear Creek Cern., in Klrby, P1ke Co., AR In the 1880 Cenlus ot Pike Co., AR John Lovid CAMPBELL ls 12 yrs old. He has a Sister, Nancy J., 14 & 2 bros., Posle, 9 & Wl11lam, 4. His mother Martha A., is a 30 yr old widow. They had not been ln Pike Co., very long al the 4 yr old child was b. in Ala. Allot the chlldren were born in Ala with the exceptlon of John Lovld. He was born ln Gerogla ln 1868. Hls father was Ellzah (?) CAMPBELL, b ln GA. The name on the Cenaus was spelled CAMEL. Ellzah CAMPBELL dled between 1875 • 1880. If he died ln Ala or Pike Co., Ark., ls unknown. The famlly waa 11vlng ln Clark Townshlp ln 1880. In searchlng tor my great grandmother, Mary Ellen BARRENTINE, I was extremely lucky: There was only one famlly of BARRENTINES ln the 1880 Census of Plke Co., Ark. The were llvlng in Antoln Twp and were llsted as follows: Eblja BARRENTINE 34, Ala. Cella A. wlte, 28, Ark •• eMary E., 8, Ark •• Nancy R., 6, Ark •• Wl11lam H., 4, Ark •• John H. 3 Ark •• Eblja, 9 mos. Ark. e Alexander BARRENTINE, father, 63, Georgla. Rebeaka, atep-mather, 64, Mls80url. This partlcular census record gave me three generatlons. We are not always that luckyll I searched 1870 Plke Co., Cenaus& found Alexander BARRENTINE aa head of household wlfe wlfe, Susan, born ln 1813 ln South Carollna. The have seven chl1dren at home, the youngeat was 8 yrs. old. The youngest 5 were all born ln Ark., yet I fall to find Alexander ln the 1860 Census of Plke Co., Ark. The family apparently came lnto Plke Co. between 1860 & 1870. I have yet to flnd where in Ark. they llved before that date. The maternal slde ot my father's famlly ls sklmpy lndeed. Mlnnle (SMITH) CAMPBELL dled when my father was only 6 years old. There does not seem to be anyone around who knows about her. On my maternal slde I flnd I need Cemetery lnformatlon on Martha M. E. (BRUNETTE) DEAN, wlfe of Wm. Mosea DEAN, who dled and ls burled ln Jamestown, Independence Co., Ark. She dled 13 Dec 1908, & her full name was Martha Marguretta Emlly(BRUNETTE) DEAN. My mother's grandparents are really making problems: Matllda TAYLOR marrled Isaac (Isaahl Izeah) JONES .omewhere ln Tenn. They ralsed thelr faml1y ln Miaslsslppi. They dled ln Earle, Crlttenden Co., Ark. He dled about 1900, & ahe dled ln 1906. That ls all the lnformatlon I have on thls couple. --I have only been actlvely searchlng for my ancestora for a short tlme, but have become deeply inVOlved. Any lnformatlon wl11 be appreciated. -60- , REDWINE MARTIN MAGERS/MAJORS Miss Bobbie L. Callaway, P. O. Box 325, Monett, MO 65708 Seeks 1nformat10n on REDWINE, Lou1., b. North Carol1na, ca 1798-99, marr1ed Sarah MARTIN, VA., moved 1n 1855 to Pulton Co., Ark., where he d1ed 1n 1875; served as a judge of Fulton Co., a number of years. Also MAGERS (or MAJORS), John B. res1dent of Ark., ca 1858-18637, b. 1819, Tenn., married l8~2-~3, b. 1~19, Tenn. He migrated from Tenn. to Ala. to Ark. to MO. Any help on these two lines would be most appreciated. TAYLOR OLIVER HOLLOWAY HARRIS .. Mrs. Charles L. Dalton, 38703 - 31st Street East, Palmdale, CA 93550 - Por over 8 years I have been trying to trace my Great' Grandparents. John David TAYLOR, b. ca 1812, Georg1a, migrated from Tenn., to Dallas Co., Ark., in 1837, married Lovie Ann OLIVER, b. ca 1820 Georgia, died in August l8~O, in Dallas Co., Ark. They were marr1ed in Tenn., County unknown. Two daughters were born to them 1n Dallas Co., Ark.; Mary Eliza, b. Peb 1837, Joanna Agnes, b. April 1840. John David TAYLOR married Disdean HOLLOWAY in l8~~. In 1852 John David sold his land in Manchester Twp., and was in route to California's Gold Rush in 1853. In September word was received that he had died on about Sept. 23, 1853, and legal action was taken to protect any personal property he may have left in Arkansas. We do not know what became of his second Wife, Disdean (Holloway) TAYLOR. The two little girls were brought up in the home of Sheriff E. M. HARRIS and his first wife, Mathilda. If anyone has any material on wagon trains whioh arrived in Dallas County in 1837 or on individuals from Arkansas who went to the Gold Rush, I will be most grateful to receive any information. SCOTT SMITH RUSSELL PIRTLE/PURTLE note: ) James L. Buckley, ~16 Holsh1re Way, BallWin, MO 63011 Can anyone help me on the Walter SCOTT, James A. SMITH or Wm. J. RUSSELL of the Bodcaw, Nevada Co., Ark., area in the late l800s or 1850 onward to 1900 or so? Also on the Southern PIRTLE/PURTLE Pamily. (Editor's Volume III No. I, page 7 has been sent to James L. Buckley). PERGUSON CURRY BLEDSOE Allen Pendergraft, P. O. 1079, Sedona, Arizona 86336 Need parents please of Sarah Elizabeth PERGUSON, b. 10 Nov. l8~6, Missouri, died 27 May 1905, Okla., married February 1868 to John James CURRY in Missour1 or Arkansas. They were 11ving in northwest Arkansas in 1885, when their son John William CURRY, b. 1868 married R. Nettie D. BLEDSOE, at Goshen, Washington Co., AR CLAXTON Mrs. Oranvil Vaughan, Rt. 1 Box 288, West Plains, MO 65775 A. J. CLAXTON (James A., Sgt.) Co. c, 2nd Ark. Calvary. Joined the Army in 1862 at Patterson, Missouri, age 35 yrs. Served 3 yrs. Burial in St. Paul Cemetery, Sharp Co., Ark. I have been told this is mJ great grandfather, but I need more than word of mouth. I know mJ grandfather, so I need to know who the children of James A. CLAXTON were, to see if my grandfather, J. W. CLAXTON, was one of them. Can anyone help me with this problem. I will be happy to exchange CLAXTON information. Mrs. W. W. Anderson, Box l4~2, Del Rio, TX 78~0 - Please help me with information on Richard KISER/KIZER, born someplaoe in Arkansas in 1830. He was married to Ruhamey E. (last name unknown) probably in or around le56/57. Children: Frances, Nancy J.; Wm. M. W.; Margaret E.; Mary R. B.; James A.I then he moved to Texas. Thank you for any assistance. KISER KIZER • STEP/STAPP BRADSHAW Mrs. Robert A. Shearer (Margaret) 335 South Plower, Brea CA 92621 - Need help in looating mJ anoestors ot Arkansas. My grandfather, Marion Pranklin STEP/STAPP, born 1858, Stony Point, White Co., Ark., married Mary Ellen BRADSHAW 1877, Boone Co., Ark. She was born 1860, Willis Cove, Searcy Co., Ark. Were Bill STEPP and Nan Weston his parents? were John BRADSHAW and Emily CAMBEL her parents? I will appreCiate any information. COLDWELL CALDWELL Mrs. Teddy Pinch, Box 307, Eagar, Arizona 85925 - I have been searching for my Oreat Grandfather, Orville B. COLDWELL or CALDWELL, and I find him in the 1850 Census, St. Franc1s Co., Ark., and 1n 1870 1n Texas. He has children born 1n Ark., in 1853, 1855, and 1858 and then 1n 1865 a ohild born in Texas. The years 1851 to 1865 are a blank to me and I am wonder1ng it anyone can 8uggest a o1ue. Any information w1ll be appreciated. -61- ROGERS DavId C. Carter, 3167 68th Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50322 HIRST My Great great grandmother Martha ROGERS was a widow at the COOK time of the 1870 Cenaus (8 Aug. 1870). In the 1870 Census Sintha Hirst, possibly Martha's mother lived with her. I find no mention of these folks in the 1860 Census. I suspect Sintha Hirst pasied away before the 1880 census. Also my Great grandmother Elizabeth ROGERS married Jesse T. COOK between 1870 & 1873 and resided in Ouachita County, Ark. Perhaps there was a transaction involving Mr. COOK incidental to his marriage and setting up household. Any help or clue would be appreciated. FELKER JUSTICE Miss Mildred J. Felker, 607 E. Pitkin Ave., Pueblo, Colo 8l00~ - I would like to contact someone who is working on the FELKER Family records. I am not sure of my great grand mother's maiden name, but in the 1850 Census of Oregon Co., MO DUNAHUE spelling. Mr. Carrol King, 4709 Hillcrest, Royal Oak, Mich 48073 I need information on DUNAHUE Families in Arkansas. Any Will exchange information. RUSH LEECH Iolus Johnson, P. O. Box 381, Pocahontas, AR 72455 - My mother, Hattie Mae RUSH, b. 28 Jan. 1885, Indiana (Town & County unknown). My Grandfather, L. M. (or Lemual Mathus RUSH, b. 22 Aug. 1860 (County & State unknown). Also my Grandmother Florence LEECH RUSH, b. 31 Jan. 1870 (also County & State unknown). Can anyone help me locate the area, if I could only find where to start: I will be happy to exchange information. COGBURN COCKBURN Forrest Edgar Lyda, Rt. 1 Box 399, Flat Rock, N. C. 28731 I would like to find my Great Great Great Grandfather JAMES A. COGBURN, b. 1801 in No. Car. He supposedly died near Ft. Smith, Sebastain Co., Ark. (or in Montgomery Co., Ark.) I would like to know of his descendants but would also like to know where my ancestor is buried. James A. COGBURN (COCKBURN) b. 1801, N.C. d. (1); married twice, 1st to Mary Polly Lance, 2nd to El.eta (Elzeda); eleven known children: Martha A. (Towe); Mary; John Jefferson; James; William; Amanda; Elizabeth; George; Andrew; Sarah Jane; & Jackson COGBURN. I have numerous other inlaws in Arkansas, but am primarily interested in the descendants of my Ancestor JAMES A. COGBURN, at this time. Will exchange data. KENNEDY BURGESS Randolph Lewis, Rt. 1 Box 56M, Nashville, AR 71852 Would like information on Allen KENNEDY & Martha SMITH, parents of Sarah Francis KENNEDY who married Gilphred B. BURGESS, l~ Feb. 1874 in Arkansas. They had another son, Henderson KENNEDY, Would also like to correspond with others working on BURGESS Family of Pope County, Arkansas. WATSON James B. Jolley, P.O. Box 274, Daleville, Ala 36322 - My int'erellt in Arkansae is a Baptist preacher Patrick Samuel GIDEON WATSON, who' went to Arkansas in Lawrence County in 1843 from Ken tucky. He helped to start the first Baptist newspaper in Arkansas and helped to pioneer the Baptist church in Arkansas. Later he moved back to Kentucky, Illinois and down into Texas. ThiS man is my great great grandfather. Will be happy to exchange data. RICH DILL William F. Rich, Sr., 101 Eastgate St., Houston, TX 77012 I am especially interested in the areas of Benton, Sebastain, & Washington Counties. I waa born at Prairie Grove, Washington Co., Ark. 17 Mar. 1911 and my immediate Family, RICH & DILL lived in those areaS during a time from 1880 to 1930. Anyone who can help me with these families? I will be happy to exchange information. SIMMONS PALMER GOODSON Mrs. Mae Bell Ricketts, 2117-G East Court Rd., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005 - Maude Goodson married Armon SIMMONS. Florence Goodson married Will PALMER. Simmons had a son, Arthur born ca. 1910, died ca. 1912. Have pictures of funeral. Palmer had a daughter, Margie, b. ca 1907. All lived around Sandybend, Union Co., Ark., ca 1910-18. Maude and Florence were daughters of my greatgrand father D. r4. (David) GOODSON, b. 9 April 1856 in Miss. I have many old pictures of all this family and many others. Seeking desperately for any information from relatives or someone who knew (or knows) them. Will answer all and help anyone I can. Will share re-produeed pictures. (Mrs. Mae (Sherman) Ricketts). -62- BLACK MERCER SMITHSON CARTER r.1rs .. John R. Black, 913 No. Graycrot't Ave., Madison. Tenn. 37115 - Need information on ancestry, children or descendant! of Landon D. CARTER, living in Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark 1840-18505. He married Emily P. BLACK 1835, Maury Co., Tenn, she died ca 1848/51, did he re-marry? Their children were: Mary Matilda, Almeida Jane, Emily Patrick, and William Wendell CARTER. Need information On family of William & Hannah (MERCER) BLACK, probably livin~ in Fayetteville, Washington Co., Ark., before 1860. He was 50 on 1850 Census, Warren Co., Tenn., with ch11dren: Samuel, Howard, Forrester, John, Priscilla, Hannah, & William, plus 5 children of his brother John & Pherebe (MERCER) BLACK - James, William K., Charles Guy, Ellenora & Fareby A. Priscilla & Hannah married men named SMITHSON. Help on SMITHSON, MERCEI lines also needed. Will exchange data. KERSH STIVENDER CORNWELL HOPKINS WATSON Mrs. Myrtle K. Rogers, 412 Shamrock Dr., Little Rock, Ark 72205 - Need any information on KERSH fam11y. If Godfrey KERSH married to Ann STIVENDER, ever came to America from Germany? The KERSHS, I am related to, came from Chester Distr1ct, South Carolina in 1858 to L1ncoln Co., Ark. My Great Grandfather, Dr. John Jacob Kersh, b. 1817, d. 1870 in Lincoln Co., Ark., married to Hannah CORNWELL, b. Jan. 10, 1829, d. 1901 in Lincoln Co., Ark. Memories of South Ark., published by Goodspeed Co., states that Dr. John Jacob Kersh was a graduate of U. of N.Y.; attended College in Philadelphia (Studying Medicine). Who were h1s brothers and sisters? Who 1s Dr. William D. Kersh? He is buried in Lincoln County, Mt. Zion. Dr. John Jacob KERSH had three sons: Virge 1 E. KERSH, b. Chester District, S.C. 1846 married Ella Hopkins; Napoleon Bonie KERSH, b. 19 June 1849. d. 10 Sept 1914, L1ncoln Co., Ark., married 1878 to Mildred WATSON, b. Itl57, Fa1rfield District, S.C., d1ed 18 June 1937, Lincoln Co., Ark.; Calhoun C. KERSH, b. 7 July 1851, Chester District, S.C. It is thought he was a La«yer (not sure). Would like information on any of these people. I will be happy to pay for duplication cop1es and postage. Also will exchange information. THURMAN McKINNEY Roland Thurman, 1830 1/4 North Ivar Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028 - I am trying to trace my ancestry, beginning with my father, Atelius THURMAN. According to my b1rth certificate, he was born 1n Blackwell, Conway Co., Ark. The date of his birth is not g1ven. He was twenty-e1ght (28) years old, when I was born 19 February 1929. He married Miss Marguerite McKinney, who was born in Hope, Hempstead Co., Ark. I suppose the date of my birth would place his birth ca the first of the century. I have an older sister Naomi Jeanne THURMAN who was b. 19 Nov. 1926. Both of us were born in Camden, Ouach1ta Co., Ark. Please - can anyone tell me what I can do to trace the history of my fam11y on my father's side? Will be happy to exchange data. Also, I'd 11ke to 'know what part I can play in the Arkansas Family organ1Jat10n to really feel a part of the soc1ety? ITEM OF INTEREST - FAMILIES OF SCOTCH IRISH HERITAGE "THOSE FAMILIES OF SCOTCH IRISH HERITAGE MAY BE INTERESTED IN A GATHERING OF THE CLANS" in Scotland Apr11 30 thru May 18. Informat10n may be obtained from the MACMILLON CLAN CHIEF: General Sir Gordon MACMILLION, Stand1ng Council of Scott1sh Chiefs, New Register House, Ed1nburgh EHI 3YY Scotland. Galbra1th Families informat10n, wr1te to: S1r Hercules Rob1nson, Baron of Culcreach, Fintry, St1r11ngsh1re, Scotland. EDITOR'S NOTE: Th1s 1nformation contr1buted by Mary Macmillan Boueshage. BASS HIBBARD WILSON HUGHES JONES NUCKLES Mrs. Phyl11s Arnold, #2 Hayes Court, North L1ttle Rock, AR 72118 - Seek1ng sib11ngs of ELIZABETH EMELINE BASS of Desha Co., AR. She was born aa 1826, probably Ala. She was the daughter of WILLIAM C. BASS. E11zabeth marr1ed 1st James HIBBARD, a merchant at Napolean, Desha Co., Ark. They had two children: E11za and Edmon1a HIBBARD. She married 2nd Shelby H. WILSON. No ch1ldren. Would like more 1nformat10n on Mr. WILSON'S background. Married 3ed a Mr. Hughes. One child by th1s marriage; Shelby H1bbard HUGHES. Need any clues at all, no matter how remote. regarding Mr. HUGHES. I suspect he was 1n Desha Co., Ark., and or Bolivar Co., Miss. Was JUDITH NUCKLES, wife of JAMES related to her? Also of Desha County. What 1s the connect10n, 1f any, of LAFAYETTE JONES, of Bolivar Co., Miss? -63- Haydn H. McBride, Jr., 1118 Rock Island Ave., ElDorado, AR 71730 - I need help!! Crawford County Court House, Van Buren, AR burned in the 1870s. My search for information about my Great Grandfather, John McBRIDE and his wife Harriet Ann (DAVIS) CLARKE McBRIDE has met head on with that "WALL". I have information that they married 29 June 18_9 in Van Buren, AR by Rev. Carr. The Prairie County, Ark. Census lists them as being age 47, b. NC & age 33, b. Ohio. He was a bricklayer. The household had 4 children. Also listed is Rachel McBRIDE age 13, b. NC. Does anyone know the relation. ship? Tradition has it that John McBride was a prisoner during the War between the States. Was at Pt. Smith & assigned to the detail of burial of the dead. He became sick while there and died. Do not know where he is buried. Pamily moved back to Van Buren, Crawford Co., Ark. Later they moved to Oklahoma. One of the Girls married a Ellison or Allison and did not go with the family, but remained in Logtown, Lee Creek area. Does any one have information about this family or the others listed above? Would like to obtain a copy of "Chicksaw LOVES and Related Pamilies" by Marie King Garland. Would appreCiate any-rnlOrmation and will exchange data. McBRIDE CLARKE DAVIS TOLLETT ORRILL BROWN DAVID Iris H. Zimmerman, Rt. 2, 319, Bertram, TX 78605 - Am seeking information with regard to ancestors, descendents and relationship between John TOLLETT and wife, Mary ORRILL, dau. Mary ORRILL, in Dorchester Co., Md. John, died ca. 1730; Mark TOLLETT, d. Queen Anne's Co., Md., 1752, nephew, R. L. ORRILL of Dorset Co., Md. Mark TOLLETT, who was killed by Indians on New River, ca 1758; John TOLLETT, b. ca 1756, who married Margaret BROWN, dght. Abraham and Margaret Brown in 1784. Where? Children: Henry, Mark, DAVID, Elijah, Wesley, Margaret & John. In Montgomery, Russell, Wythe, Pincastle & Tazewell Counties, Virginia and Wilkes Co., Georgia prior to 1806. Roane, Bledsoe & Cumberland Counties, Tenn., 1807-181A, Missouri, Arkansas & Indian Territories and OLD Miller County, Ark., 1819-1823. Am particularly interested in DAVID after that, who died in Hempstead County, Ark., ca 1852, and his marriage date(s). Who are ancestors of ABRAHAM BROWN, d. oa 1784, and wife Margaret, d. 1804, Montgomery Co., Va. Also other data on them and children: Cornelius BROWN and Margaret TOLLETT. Their other children: Michael, Abram, James, Henry, Peter, Elizabeth Beringer & Sarah Pickings. Iris H. Zimmerman, Rt. 2 Box 319, Bertram, TX 78605 - Seeking information relative to the ancestors of Green Matthew SORRELS, born ca. 1818, Mi8S., married Rebecca TOLLETT, b. ca. 1825, Ark., dght. David TOLLETT. On Ouachita Co.,'Ark. Census 1850. Green Matthew died prior to 1858 in Arkansa8. Rebecca married 2nd - ? STRALEY. She died Lampasas Co., Texas, after 1880. Children: Cynthia A., Elizabeth, Joshua, and Green Matthew, b. 1847, Ark., d. 1921, Ellis Co., Texas. SORRELS ancestors probably from Georgia & North Carolina. SORRELS TOLLETT STEWART SPRINGER Mrs. Robert (Lois) McIntyre, 7917 Jonquil Drive, Texas City, TX 77590 - According to family information, Andrew STEWART and wife Trinona Springer STEWART, were both,buried in Bald Knob, White County, Ark. Triona Springer died either in 1918 or 1925. Andrew STEWART died 19 Sept. 1927 in Angleton, TX but his body wa~ returned to Bald Knob for burial. I would like to know about a newspaper notice or the name of a funeral home(that was in service on those dates). EDITOR'S NOTES Our Arkansas Pamily Historian will accept Queries from anyone and will print without charge at present, as space permits. Many of our mea_, bers are new and not familiar with many abbreviations. Our ma11 tells us many things! "Arkansas Pamily Historian, is so easy to read, especially the Queries". Many are enJoying for the first time our popular world-wide pass-time. This time we have a laree number of Queries. Try to get them in early as possible, as it is a large taak to anSwer (moat of the mail). Our mail reoently has had most anyth1ne - Ancestcr Cards for our ofricl file, requests for information "how to become a member", Ancestor Charta (many well filled out) orders for Ancestor Chart Volumes, and many renewals. You might 11ke to watch others open their Arkansas Pamily Historian, and look at the Query Section first! Havs you opened yours like that? Do not b~ disappointed if your Query did not make the dead line this time, apace does run out, and this tim. we have several pages more than usual. You are encournged to write to anyone, you even think you might help • • omet~eB jU3t a tiny olue. w111 open an entirely new -64- arsa~ •