Rise-time and fall-time profile of erbium luminescence in silicon M. Q. HUDA, S. I. ALI, S. A. SIDDIQUI Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka 1000 BANGLADESH Abstract: - Shockley-Read-Hall recombination kinetics has been applied to explain the luminescence mechanism of erbium luminescence in silicon. Erbium atoms in silicon have been considered as recombination centers with specific values of capture and emission coefficients. Electron-hole recombination through these levels has been considered to be the origin of erbium excitation. Equating the capture and emission processes of photo generated excess carriers in the erbium related level, luminescence profiles during rise-time and fall-time has been calculated. The extended rise of erbium luminescence after termination of short excitation pulses of micro second durations has been explained by the model. Key-words: - Silicon, Luminescence, Erbium, excitation, Recombination. 1. Introduction The rare earth atom erbium has the interesting property of light emission in silicon environment. This luminescence phenomenon of erbium in silicon has attracted considerable interest in recent years for its prospective use in silicon based optoelectronics. Since the first demonstration of atomically sharp luminescence at 1.54 µm by Ennen et al, numerous work has been done on this field.[1-4] Si:Er LED working at room temperature has already been reported few years ago[2,3]. Practical use of erbium luminescence however is yet to be achieved due to strong quenching of the luminescence at room temperature. Apart from that the longer lifetime of erbium decay might also be another issue in achieving high speed modulation. Complete understanding of the mechanism of erbium luminescence is thus necessary before achieving the ultimate goal of silicon based light emitters. The luminescence from erbium actually involves three steps- i) generation of excess carriers by optical or electrical excitation, ii) transmission of electron-hole recombination energy into erbium atoms, and iii) radiative transition of erbium atoms from their excited state to the ground state. In case of glass or wide band gap semiconductors, the 4I13/24 I15/2 transition of erbium atoms is largely radiative with a lifetime of the order of milliseconds.[5] However in case of silicon, the property of an excited erbium is somewhat influenced by the surrounding host. Apart from radiative transition, an erbium atom can also dissipate its energy through back transfer or impurity Auger processes. In the back transfer process, energy released from an erbium atom promotes an electron from the valence band to the erbium related level in the silicon band gap. In impurity Auger processes, the erbium energy is transferred either to a bound or a free carrier. Both these effects on erbium luminescence, especially on the temperature quenching mechanism has been reported.[6,7] There is however reasonable confusion over the actual mechanism that excites the erbium atom to its higher energy state. It has been suggested that the mechanism involves electron-hole complexes through sequential capture of electrons and holes at an erbium related level.[7,8] The involvement of bound excitons in the process of erbium excitation was suggested by Palm et al.[6] This idea has recently been supported by Thao et al.[9] An interesting phenomenon regarding the erbium luminescence however needs some careful study. Time resolved measurements with laser excitation pulses of the order of milliseconds show typical luminescence profiles that correspond to the lifetime of erbium decay.[10] In case of laser excitation pulses of 30 µs or shorter, the erbium luminescence continues to increase, in some cases substantially, for a certain duration of time after the laser excitation has been terminated. [8,11] The phenomenon has been described by Taguchi et al. to be resulting from a slower system response.[12] Nevertheless, this effect of extended increase of erbium luminescence has been considered to be an indirect proof for erbium excitation involving bound excitons or electron-hole complexes. Appearance of the extended luminescence only in cases of short excitation pulses, as opposed to that in conventional measurements lacks an explanation to date. We propose that the erbium excitation process is not through bound-excitons or e-h complexes, but through electron-hole recombination in erbium sites. We have analyzed capture and emission processes of electrons and holes in erbium related levels by Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination kinetics. Our model explains the effect of extended enhancement of erbium luminescence under short excitation pulses. 2. Luminescence mechanism Erbium atoms have been considered as impurity centers (Shockley-Read-Hall) in silicon. The corresponding defect level in the band gap, referred as erbium level from now on, has been assigned with values of thermal emission and capture coefficients for charge carriers. In accordance with published experimental results, we have taken this erbium level to be situated in the upper half of the band-gap. The electron trapped in the erbium level can either jump back to the conduction band, or it can capture a hole in the valence band. The later process corresponds an electron-hole recombination in the erbium site. Let NEr be the total number of active erbium sites per unit volume and nEr of them are filled by electrons at a steady state of optical excitation. The process of capturing an electron or emitting a hole from the erbium level depends on the number of empty sites. Similarly, the process of electron emission or hole capture in the erbium level depends on the number of erbium sites being occupied. The balance between capture and emission of carriers in the erbium level is then given as: en nEr + c p pnEr = e p (NEr − nEr ) + cn n(N Er − nEr ), (1) where en, ep are the electron and hole emission rates respectively with units of s-1; and cn, cp are the corresponding capture coefficients with units of cm3s-1. n and p represents the electron and hole densities respectively. The first term on the left hand side represents the rate of electron emission from the erbium level, whereas the second term represents the rate of hole capture. The two terms on the right hand side represents the rate of hole emission and electron capture respectively. The fraction of erbium levels being occupied by electrons at steady state is given as: c n+ e (2) f t = NnEr = e + c np + c pn + e . Er n p n p If an electron occupied level manages to capture a hole before the electron is being emitted back to the conduction band, the recombination energy becomes available to the corresponding erbium atom for possible excitation through an impurity Auger process. However, even with a 100% quantum efficiency of coupling between the erbium level and the 4f shell electrons, not every recombination will be useful for exciting erbium atoms. Energy released by electron-hole recombination at sites where erbium atom is still in the excited state, would naturally be a wastage in terms of erbium luminescence. For simplicity, it is assumed that electronic properties (i.e., emission and capture rate of carriers, energy position in the band diagram, etc.) of an erbium level remains independent of the energy state of the corresponding atom. If NEr* is the number of excited erbium ions in steady state, number of atoms available for excitation is given by (NEr - NEr*). The rate of useful recombination of electron-hole pairs through erbium sites is then given by ft(NEr-NEr*)cpp. Taking τEr as the decay lifetime of the 4I13/2 state to the ground state, the rate of excitation and decay of erbium atoms can be equated as, N* (3) f t (N Er − N *Er )cp p = Er . τ Er Here, τEr constitutes the radiative and non-radiative processes of erbium relaxation. The non-radiative relaxation mechanism involves the back transfer and impurity Auger processes, and thus depends on doping technique, material quality, measuring temperature, etc. Luminescence from erbium corresponds only to the radiative transition, and is given by: cp p N* f t N Er (4) , I ∝ Er = 1 τ rad τ rad f t cp p + τ Er where, τrad is the radiative lifetime of relaxation for erbium atoms. When a laser pulse is applied to an erbium doped silicon sample, excess electron-hole pairs are generated almost instantly. However, rate of capture and emission of carriers through erbium sites is controlled by the corresponding emission 3XPS 'HFD\ FP V 3/ ,QWHQVLW\ DX ( 3XPSLQJ 6WHDG\ VWDWH ( 'HFD\ ( 7LPH PLFUR VHF Fig. 1. Calculated luminescence profile from erbium under constant photo-excitation. Several tens of microseconds are needed for the luminescence to reach the steady state. and capture coefficients. As a result, a finite amount of time is needed for the erbium luminescence to reach the steady state. Equating the capture and emission rate of carriers from the erbium level as a function of time, we obtain, d nEr (t) = (ep + cn n)(NEr − nEr (t)) − (en + c p p)nEr (t). (5) dt Solution of equation (5) gives the density of electron occupied erbium sites as: b (6) nEr (t) = NEr (1− e − at ), a where, a = (en + c p p + cn n + ep ), b = cn n + ep . Time variation of nEr represents variations in capture and emission rates of carriers in the erbium level. Rate of excitation through erbium level, i.e. the pumping rate of erbium atoms to the higher energy state is then given as: * (7) P(t) = f t (t)[NEr − NEr (t)]c p p. Rate of decay of erbium atoms on the other hand is proportional to N*Er(t), and thus the time variation of the density of excited atoms is given as: d * N* (t) * N Er (t) = f t (t)[NEr − NEr (t)]c p p − Er . (8) dt τ Er The erbium luminescence, as a time function is given by: N * (t) (9) I(t) ∝ Er . τ rad Initial rise of erbium luminescence under constant photo-excitation is given in Fig. 1. Pumping rate of atoms to the higher energy state and the corresponding decaying rate is also given. It is apparent that the pumping action is more than an order of magnitude stronger for several tens of µs since the beginning of the laser illumination. This is due to the fact that the density of erbium atoms in excited state (N*Er(t)) initially remains a small fraction of the total density. As a result, larger fraction of electron-hole recombination energies are utilized by erbium atoms during this period. Gradual increase of N*Er(t) corresponds to increase of luminescence intensity and also the rate of decay. The pumping rate obviously remains stronger than the decaying rate until reaching the point of steady luminescence. When the laser illumination is terminated, the excess carrier density starts decaying exponentially in accordance with the carrier lifetime. Electron occupancy of erbium levels and the luminescence follows equations (5-9) with proper boundary conditions. The solution gives typical decay patterns of erbium luminescence, as shown in Fig. 2. 3. Short excitation pulses If a laser excitation pulse can be made short enough, luminescence from erbium fails to reach the steady level at the time of termination of the pulse. The pumping rate of erbium atoms, as a result, remains stronger than that of their decay. ( 7 . 3/ ,QWHQVLW\ DX 3/ ( ( 7LPH PV Fig. 2 Calculated decay profile luminescence for typical set of values. of erbium Termination of laser illumination, on the other hand, results in exponential decay of photogenerated excess carrier density. As a consequence, the pumping rate gradually retards down to zero. But it takes a certain duration of time for the /DVHU 3XOVH 3XPS 'HFD\ DX 3/ ,QWHQVLW\ DX 3/ Shin et. al. [8] 'HFD\ 7LPH PLFUR VHF Fig. 3. Calculated photoluminescence intensity from an erbium doped sample under a short excitation pulse of 30 µs. Symbols indicate the experimental results from Shin et al. [8] decaying rate of erbium atoms to become stronger than that of the pumping. As a result, enhancement of luminescence is observed for a certain duration even after the laser pulse has been terminated. Using our model, we have been able to simulate experimental results reported on short excitation pulses.[11] As seen in Fig. 3, excellent matching with the experimental result has been achieved. We put a wide variation of values regarding emission and capture coefficients, lifetimes, laser power, etc., and found similar effect of extended peak in erbium luminescence profile when the excitation pulse duration becomes shorter than the time needed for the luminescence to settle. 4. Conclusion In conclusion, we have developed a new model for erbium luminescence in silicon. We propose that erbium atoms are excited through electron-hole recombination in erbium related levels in the silicon band gap. Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination kinetics has been used for mathematical analysis of the luminescence process. Our model explains the phenomenon of extended rise of erbium luminescence under short excitation pulses. Good agreement with the published experimental results has been achieved. References: [1] H. Ennen, J. Schneider, G. Pomrenke, A. Axmann, “1.54-µm luminescence of erbiumimplanted III-V semiconductors and silicon,” Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 43, 1983, pp. 943-945. [2] B. Zheng, J. Michel, F.Y.G. Ren, L.C. Kimerling, D.C. Jacobson, J. Poate, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 64, 1994, pp. 2842-2844. [3] G. Franzò, F. Priolo, S. Coffa, A. Polman, A. Carnera, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 64, 1994, pp. 2235-2237. [4] M.Q. Huda, J.H. Evans-Freeman, A.R. Peaker, D.C. 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