PHYS 201_001 Syllabus Spring 2016

PHYS 201-001
Spring 2016
General Physics I
Class Syllabus
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Dr. Andy Hollerman
Professor of Physics
107 Broussard Hall
Monday to Thursday
7:00 – 8:00 am
Monday & Wednesday
9:00 – 10:00 am
No office hours on Friday.
Other times by appointment.
Course Textbook:
Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10th Edition, Wiley and Sons, 2013.
The textbook can be purchased at the Student Union and across the street from Broussard Hall at
210 East St. Mary Boulevard. The textbook can also be rented or purchased on the internet.
Attendance and Absences:
PHYS 201 is a rigorous course. Students should attend each class session. The compressed
nature of the material will cause students to get behind if they miss too many class sessions. I
will give a surprise quiz from time to time to increase attendance. Please contact the instructor if
you must be absent from class.
Academic Honesty:
I have a no tolerance for cheating. Please be aware of this when you work on exams, problems,
and quizzes.
The printed UL Lafayette conduct policy can be found on line at:
Please do your own work! If you are unsure of this policy, please see me in my office.
Calculators, cell phones, tablets, computers, or other similar electronic devices with calculator
functionality cannot be used during the standard portion of exams. Problems on exams will use
numbers that can easily be calculated without a calculator. Students will need to know the
values for the sines and cosines of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90° (also the tangent of 45°). The
acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’s surface (g) will be set to 10 m/s2 for all exams. All
electronic devices must be put away and not be visible for any exam. I will assume a student is
cheating if I see any electronic device out during an exam.
Examinations: All students will take a total of five (5) section examinations during this course
as shown on the schedule. Students are not allowed to use any books, notes,
calculators/computers, or other media during the exam. Each exam is worth one
hundred (100) points. Exam questions will be similar in structure to problems
in WebAssign and in the book. From time to time, students will be asked to
derive equations from work that was done in class. Students will not be allowed
PHYS 201-001
Spring 2016
to leave the classroom during exams for any reason. Please let me know in
advance if this is a problem.
Students who want to take all class exams at the Office of Disability Services
(ODS) must submit the paperwork notification to me by close of business on
Wednesday, January 27, 2016, which is two weeks after the start of the
semester. Only students who have a catastrophic change in their health will be
allowed to start using ODS after this date. My intent is to have students take all
five exams either in class or at the ODS testing center and not in a combination
of both places. I would like to request that ODS students please submit the
notification slips to me at least one day before the scheduled date for the exam.
Students who use ODS will not be allowed to take exams before the scheduled
date and time. Exams will be delivered to ODS 30 minutes before the scheduled
start time.
Students will not be allowed to make-up any of the five scheduled section
examinations. Instead, the percentage grade earned on a specially constructed
comprehensive final examination will be used to replace the missed section
exam. Exam five will be given during the scheduled final exam period, which
is at 8:00-9:30 am on Monday, May 2, 2016. The comprehensive make-up
examination will be given immediately following exam five.
I will use the Internet-based WebAssign service during this course. Students
will have accounts where they can go and do homework or quiz problems. The
base homework assignment is shown in the schedule table. These problems are
representative of the scope and depth of the covered material. Each student
should work all of the homework problems using WebAssign. All homework
grades will be posed on WebAssign. Deadline extensions for WebAssign
homework will not be allowed.
Periodically I might give the class a WebAssign quiz over some aspect of the
covered material. Students cannot take these quizzes at ODS.
Office Hours:
I maintain an office at 107 Broussard Hall and will meet with students during
the hours shown on page 1. Please feel free to schedule additional time with me
to discuss outstanding needs or issues.
Course grades will be calculated based as follows (maximum possible):
Section Examinations (100 points each x 5 exams)
WebAssign Homework Problems and Quizzes
Total PHYS 201-001
500 points
100* points
600 points.
Based on two grades of “zero” for WebAssign. Bonus points will be awarded for fewer missed assignments.
The best way for students to study for exams is to complete the homework and quizzes in a
timely fashion. It is my desire that students complete 100% of all homework and quiz
assignments. Also, I know solutions for many of the WebAssign problems are available on the
internet and in other places. I will assign credit for homework and quizzes based on the number
of “zero WebAssign grades” each student has accumulated. A “zero WebAssign grade" is defined
as an assignment where a student earned less than 85% of the listed WebAssign points. For
example, a student earns 7 out of 15 WebAssign points on a given chapter homework assignment.
In this case, the student would have earned a zero (0) WebAssign grade, since the student earned
PHYS 201-001
Spring 2016
less than 85% on that assignment (7/15 = 47%). Students who think there has been a grading
mistake in WebAssign need to submit the appropriate problem solution(s) in writing (on paper) to
your instructor for his analysis.
The table below gives the conversion for the number of zero WebAssign grades to the earned
points used to calculate the WebAssign final grade. Students will usually be given a total of 1520 assignments during the semester.
Number of Zero
Earned Points for
WebAssign Final
104 points
102 points
100 points
85 points
70 points
55 points
40 points
25 points
10 points
0 points
For example, a student has four zero WebAssign grades as defined above. In this case, the
student would earn 70 out of a total of 100 points when the final homework grade is calculated.
Any student who misses a combined total of nine (9) or more homework assignments will earn
zero homework points and will fail the course. Students who do not register for WebAssign will
be given zero homework points and will fail the course. Please note that students who have less
than two (2) zero WebAssign grades will get bonus points as noted in the table above.
Student final grades will be curved based on the cumulative average and standard deviation
earned by the class. Your instructor will periodically give you information as the semester
unfolds as to the exact nature of the curve. Please note that grades for students who stop coming
to class will be removed from the curve. As a basis, I will curve grades based the usual and
standard UL Lafayette grading scale: A = 90 - 100%, B = 80 - 89.9%, C = 70 – 79.9%, D = 60 –
69.9%, and F ≤ 59.9%.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
A map of this floor is posted near the elevator marking the evacuation route and the Designated
Rescue Area. This Designated Rescue Area is an area where emergency service personnel will
go first to look for individuals who need assistance in exiting the building. Students who may
need assistance should identify themselves to the faculty.
A copy of this syllabus can be found on the Internet at the following URL:
PHYS 201-001
Spring 2016
Tentative Semester Schedule:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Exam 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Exam 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Exam 3
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
January 13
January 14-19
January 20-21
January 25-27
January 28
February 1-2
February 3-4
February 11-16
February 17
February 18-23
February 24-March 1
March 2-9
March 10
March 14-16
March 17-21
March 22-24
Exam 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
April 4
April 5-7
April 11-14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 17
April 18-21
Chapters 18-19
Chapters 18-19
April 25-28
Last Week
Exam 5
May 2 @
8:00 am*
May 2
After Exam 5
May 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Problems (10th Edition)
Chapters 1-3
Chapters 4-6
Chapters 7-9
Chapters 10-14
Ch. 18: 4,7,10,14,16,17,23,26,
Ch. 19: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Chapters 15-19
Chapters 1-19 (Make-up Only)
Exam five is scheduled for 8:00-9:30 am on Monday, May 2, 2016, which is part of the standard University final
examination period. The make-up comprehensive examination will be held immediately following exam five.
Students only need to take the comprehensive examination if they missed section exams one, two, three, or four and
have prior permission of the instructor. Students can only replace one missed section exam using this method.
Student entry page (requires ID and password):
Detailed guide and information page:
ID and password:
abc1234 (Your email CLID)
I will provide to WebAssign the username, institution and initial password for all enrolled students. Initially all
students who have never used WebAssign will be assigned the password student (if you have previously used
WebAssign you can try your previously chosen password instead). After entering WebAssign, immediately change
your password to your own preference for security.
PHYS 201-001
Spring 2016
Assignments Page
After correctly submitting your entrance information on the student entry page, you will automatically enter the
Assignments page. It contains detailed information (chapter#, questions? - problems?, - pop quiz? ) the due date
and time of graded assignments, # of submissions permitted, grading policy, grades, etc.) about each of the
present and past due assignments. This page also contains links to the guide, FAQs, password change, etc.
Clicking an individual assignment link enters you into a specific assignment with a description. Pay attention to
the due dates. Review Last Submission on previous assignment submissions.
A Problems/Exercises assignment is numerical and is allowed four submissions with the last grade being
counted. Note that numerical values in red are different for each student. Save your analysis in a form that
permits easy re-working for your next submission, especially if the browser crashes. A bonus system will be
created to give students more points if they do their problems early in the assignment period. Conversely,
points will be reduced for answers that are correct on the fourth attempt.
A Pop Quiz assignment is allowed only two submissions and generally will be announced and administered
on the same day. It will tend to be used to indirectly check class attendance. The bonus and bonus and
penalty system will also be used for Pop Quizzes.
Grading of Assignments / Keys
Grades are available shortly after each submission. This contains your detailed assignment grade result.
Assignment keys containing the correct answers are available after the assignment due date. A complete solutions
manual is available in the reserve room of the library as a further aid.
Practice Assignment
Read the information on the Guide link and then do the Intro to WebAssign assignment for practice and insights to
the correct way to provide answers.
Email Address
I will initially use your UL Lafayette email address for personal communication. It is your responsibility to email
to me any change of your email address. Correspond with me at