PHY2054 - Summer, 2006 Calculating Your Grade My efforts to post your grades on WebAssign (so far) haven't worked. Here's how to figure it out for yourself. 1. Add your Exams 1 & 2 scores (20 points, max, each) and multiply the result by 1.15. This normalizes them to 46% of the total. 2. Divide your final exam score by 0.65, normalizing it to 23%. Add this to the above. 3. To this number add your discussion score (maximum 23 points) 4. Omit your two lowest WebAssign scores, add the remaining ones, and divide the total by 0.06 (maximum 8 points). Add this number to the above total 5. The result should be a number less than 100. This is your final percentage score. Letter grades are based on percentage scores as follows: A 80 up B+ 74 - 79 B 65 - 74 C+ 60 - 64 C 49 - 59 D+ 44 - 48 D 39 - 44 E below 39