An Innovative Treatment Method for Brines from Coal Seam Gas Production Jim Lozier, P.E. CH2M HILL Background Australia has significant coal seam gas reserves – Located in Queensland and New South Wales – EDR of 935B m3 – 150-year reserve life at current extraction rate of 5.6B m3 Graphic courtesy of Global Water intelligence Extraction rates are increasing with significant investment in wells, pipelines, and planned liquid natural gas (LNG) facilities Background Extraction of CSG results in co-extraction of significant volumes of (produced or associated) water Produced water quality – – – – TDS: 200 to >10,000 mg/L (Study water TDS = ~2,500 mg/L) Major ions: Na, Cl, HCO3/CO3 Minor ions: Ca, Mg, SO4 Trace metals, low levels of nutrients and moderate levels of SiO2 Graphics courtesy of Global Water intelligence Background Produced Water Regulations – must be used beneficially – where BU is not possible, treat and dispose to ensure env. protection – recent ban on use of evap ponds, dams and basins for ‘treatment’ Produced Water Treatment – Focus is on TDS removal Typical Water Treatment Process Brine pond Storage Pond Produced Water from Wellfields MF WAC IX RO MVR BC TSS removal Ca, Mg removal TDS removal Brine volume reduction Produced Water Treatment Challenge and Opportunity Challenge – MF/WAC IX/RO converts 85-90% of produced water to quality suitable for beneficial use – Ability to achieve higher recoveries and significantly lower brine volumes constrained by silica supersaturation and scaling, increasing the need for capital and energy intensive use of mechanical vapor recompression brine concentrators Opportunity – Utilize innovative process to stabilize brine by removing silica, allowing maximum use of energy efficient RO process for additional brine volume reduction – Achieving sufficient brine volume reduction can allow the use of deep well injection, thereby avoiding costly evaporators and brine storage ponds MAX-RO Process Schematic Silica precipitation Solids removal Hardness removal CERAMIC UF UNIT WAC IX REGENS* SLUDGE ELUTRIATION AND DEWATERING *From primary RO and MAX-RO Regen (to Reactor) Brine concentration Purifics Ceramic Ultrafiltration (Cuf™) System Tubular, silicon carbide membrane module Extremely high permeability (~4000 LMH-bar @ 25oC) High solids loading when operated in x-flow with patented ‘shock wave’ backpulse Graphics courtesy of Purifics Reverse Osmosis Coupled conventional and ultra-high pressure technologies Stage Technology Max Feed Pressure (psig) Recovery* (%) Brine TDS (g/L) 1 Conventional spiral wound (seawater) 1,200 72 90 2 Brine concentrator spiral wound (seawater) 1,400 76 105 3 Disc-tube/flat plate (seawater) 1,800 84 160 *Based on 25,000 mg/L feed Silica Saturation and RO Recovery (SiO2 reduction) 2500 Brine silica concentration vs recovery ratio 2000 RO Recovery limited by brine pressure Silica mg/L 1500 No silica removal Feedwater subject to silica limitation at reject pH of 9.2 1000 Maximum feasible silica at brine pH = 10.5 500 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% RO recovery ratio 70% 80% 90% 100% Silica Saturation and RO Recovery (SiO2 reduction) 2500 Brine silica concentration vs recovery ratio 2000 RO Recovery limited by brine pressure Silica mg/L 1500 No silica removal Feedwater subject to silica limitation at reject pH of 9.2 1000 With silica removal Maximum feasible silica at brine pH = 10.5 500 1 Operating Points 1 - Toray BCM - 75% 2 - DT-RO - 80% 2 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% RO recovery ratio 70% 80% 90% 100% MAX-RO Treatability Study Objectives – Phase 1: Demonstrate, at bench-scale, that reactive silica in a high osmotic strength RO concentrate can be reduced from ~200 mg/L to <50 mg/L using magnesium-augmented lime precipitation • Identify optimum precipitation (reaction) conditions – Phase 2: Conduct short-term pilot-scale filterability testing of ROC containing ppt’d solids using Cuf® to confirm process suitability (target filtrate quality, flux and recovery) – Phase 3: Evaluate ability to elute minerals from precipitated solids to allow for beneficial use (land application) Empirically determining ppt chemistry was deemed critical given the lack of experience with such chemistry in treatment high ionic strength solutions RO treatability not considered necessary given application of each stage/technology has been well demonstrated Bench-Scale Precipitation Study ~200 liters of concentrate from RO treatment of CSG produced water was air freighted from Queensland to CH2M HILL Applied Sciences Laboratory in Corvallis, OR To achieve target 200 mg/L SiO2 concentration, concentrate was further processed using table top SWRO unit. Graphic courtesy of Applied Membranes, Inc. Parameter ROC Conc. ROC (CROC) Turbidity 0.94 <0.1 81 200 Alkalinity 2,740 6,810 Ca 32.6 66 Mg 16.0 35.9 13,600 26,335 Na 446 8,940 Cl 5170 12,200 SO4 225 535 pH 8.10 8.5 Reactive SiO2 TDS Phase 1: Precipitation (Jar) Tests with CROC Phase 1a – – – – – Determine Mg dose, reaction pH to achieve SiO2 goal 10 g/L CaCO3 seed (to promote ppt) MgCl2 dosed at 780 and 1,400 mg/L (1:1 and 2:1 Mg:SiO2 ratios) Lime dosed to achieve initial pH of 10.0 Additional step-wise lime addition to achieve pH of 10.3, 10.6 and 10.9 at 30, 60 and 90 minutes reaction time – Tests conducted at room temperature (23 deg C) – Reacted samples collected, filtered and analyzed for SiO2, hardness and alkalinity at 30/60/90 minutes Phase 1a Precipitation (Jar) Test Results Jar 5a (MgCl2 = 780 mg/L, 22°C) Alkalinity - M 400 12,000 350 10,500 300 9,000 250 7,500 200 6,000 150 4,500 100 3,000 50 1,500 0 0 pH Silica Calcium Magnesium Alkalinity - M 400 12,000 350 10,500 300 9,000 250 7,500 200 6,000 150 4,500 100 3,000 50 1,500 0 0 pH Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) Magnesium Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Calcium Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Silica Jar 5b (MgCl2 = 1,404 mg/L, 22°C) Precipitation (Jar) Tests with Conc. ROC Phase 1b – – – – – – Determine impact of reaction time and temp (using MgCl2) 10 g/L CaCO3 seed (to promote ppt) MgCl2 dosed at 780 and 1,170 mg/L Lime dosed to achieve pH of 10.9 Tests conducted at 22 and 36 deg C Reacted samples collected, filtered and analyzed for SiO2, hardness and alkalinity at 30/60/90 minutes Phase 1b Precipitation (Jar) Test Results Jar 9c (pH = 10.9; MgCl2 = 780 mg/L, 22°C) 8,000 350 7,000 300 6,000 250 5,000 200 4,000 150 3,000 100 2,000 50 1,000 0 Silica 0,000 0 30 60 90 Time Elapsed (min.) 7,000 300 6,000 250 5,000 200 4,000 150 3,000 100 2,000 50 1,000 0 Alkalinity - M 8,000 350 7,000 300 6,000 250 5,000 200 4,000 150 3,000 100 2,000 50 1,000 0 0 30 60 90 Time Elapsed (min.) 30 60 90 Time Elapsed (min.) 120 Jar 10b (pH = 10.6; MgCl2 = 1,170 mg/L, 35°C) 400 0 22 deg C 0,000 0 120 Silica Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Magnesium Alkalinity - M 350 120 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Calcium Magnesium 8,000 Jar 10a (pH = 10.6; MgCl2 = 780 mg/L, 35°C) Silica Calcium 400 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) Alkalinity - M Calcium Magnesium Alkalinity - M 400 8,000 350 7,000 300 6,000 250 5,000 200 4,000 150 3,000 100 2,000 50 1,000 0 0 0 30 60 90 Time Elapsed (min.) 120 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO3) Magnesium Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Calcium 400 Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3) Silica, Ca, Mg Concentration (mg/L) Silica Jar 9d (pH = 10.9; MgCl2 = 1,170 mg/L, 22°C) 35 deg C Mg:SiO2 Dose Ratio Envelope Phase 2: Ceramic Ultrafiltration (Cuf®) Factory Testing Objectives – Using optimized precipitation chemistry, conduct short-term, pilot-scale testing of the combined precipitation-Cuf® process of CSG RO concentrate (ROC). – Monitor transmembrane pressure (TMP), flux and permeability as measures of Cuf® performance. – ID a preliminary Cuf® flux (range) for two operating modes: • direct filtration and dewatering of the reacted (precipitated) ROC to a target solids concentration • Filtration of reacted ROC following precipitation and short-duration settling – Characterize the quality of Cuf® filtrate and solids Tests – Test 1: Operate Cuf® on CSG RO concentrate (no treatment) – Tests 2 and 3: Operate Cuf® on reacted ROC with filtrate recycle and with volume concentration (to 50% of initial) – Test 4: Operate Cuf® on reacted and settled ROC Cuf® Batch Operational Modes Filtrate Recycle Mode Filtrate Reject Volume Reduction Mode Filtrate Reject Cuf® Testing – Baseline and Direct Filtration Baseline Flux - Test 1 Average Flux Flux (LMH) TMP (bar) 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 y = 5E-10x2.5998 R² = 0.9224 0.00 Flux (LMH) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Flux (LMH) 2,500 3,000 Test 2 - Perm Recycle Test 2 - Vol. Reduction Test 3 - Perm Recycle Test 3 - Vol. Reduction 3,500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time (min) 50 60 70 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Test 2 - Perm Recycle (60 min) Test 2 - Vol. Reduction (20 min) Test 3 - Perm Recycle (60 min) Test 3 - Vol. Reduction (15 min) TMP (bar) 1.00 Average TMP Cuf® Testing – Settled Water Stable flux at 3,000 LMH over a 60-min period at 1 bar TMP Permeability 10000 Permeability (LMH/bar) 3000 1000 280 225 160 150 100 10 1 Test 2 - DF Test 2 - DF (Vol. Test 3 - DF Test 3 - DF (Vol. Test 4 - SW (Perm Recycle) Reduction) (20 (Perm Recycle) Reduction) (20 (Perm Recycle) (60 min) min) (60 min) min) (60 min) Cuf® Testing – Filtrate Water Quality Chemical dosing – – MgCl2 – 1,170 mg/L Ca(OH)2 – 4,000 – 5,000 mg/L RO Recovery Progression and Brine Volume Reduction 100 DT-RO BCM BWRO/SWRO 145 10 Volume 10 Brine pressure 151 Relative Brine Volume Pressure Brine Pressure (Bar) Brine (psig) (ML/d), Flow 1450 100 1 1.5 0.1 0.1 Recovery (%) (assuming a 2,500 mg/L produced water TDS) Phase 3: Dewatered Solids Elution MAX-RO process produces a significant amount of solids – CaCO3 – Mg(OH)2 – SiO2 ~5,000 mg per L of ROC treated Solids will also contain water-associated (soluble) salts, primarily NaCl and NaHCO3/Na2CO3 To make beneficial use of solids for land application, soluble salts must be eluted Bench-scale elution tests were conducted to determine how much RO permeate is needed to elute soluble salts from dewatered solids 250 mL sample of reacted ROC from Cuf® testing was dewatered and eluted Dewatered Solids Elution Test ~25 mL of RO permeate was required to elute salts from dewatered solids derived from 250 mL of reacted RO concentrate 12% of RO permeate production* Elutriability Test Sample 1 Conductivity (µS/cm) Sample 2 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 *at 80% RO recovery 10 15 20 Total Permeate Rinse Volume (mL) 25 30 Conclusions The MAX-RO process represents a viable alternative to MVR-type brine concentrators to achieve a sufficiently high degree of RO brine reduction to enable deep well brine injection MAX-RO brine is more suitable for direct (DW) injection – Solids free (assuming effective scale control) – Ambient temperature (no cooling and stabilization required) – SiO2 supersaturation controllable by antiscalant use Energy consumption is significantly less than MVR (6 versus ~24 kWh/m3) Chemical consumption and solids production is significant; process viability will hinge on salt elution effectiveness to allow for agricultural land application Planned pilot-scale study will better define design criteria, Cuf® operability and overall process cost Acknowledgements CH2M HILL Applied Sciences Laboratory – Tim Maloney – ROC concentration – Brad Suedbeck – jar tests and bench analysis Mike Hwang – CH2M HILL PHX office – Test protocol preparation and testing management Andrew Hodgkinson – CH2M HILL Melbourne (AUS) office – Client interface and ROC shipment logistics Jesus Garcia Aleman/TOR office – Purifics Cuf® testing oversight Purifics – Tony Powell Questions?