Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 1 Phase Noise Enrico Rubiola Dept. LPMO, FEMTO­ST Institute – Besançon, France e­mail rubiola@femto­st.fr or enrico@rubiola.org Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction Spectra Classical variance and Allan variance Properties of phase noise Laboratory practice Calibration Bridge (Interferometric) measurements Advanced methods References www.rubiola.org you can download this presentation, an e-book on the Leeson effect, and some other documents on noise (amplitude and phase) and on precision electronics from my web page Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 2 1 – Introduction introduction – noisy sinusoid Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 3 Chapter 1. Basics 2 Representations of a sinusoid with noise Time Domain V0 v(t) Phasor Representation amplitude fluctuation V0 α(t) [volts] normalized ampl. fluct. α(t) [adimensional] √ V0 / 2 t V0 v(t) ampl. fluct. √ (V0 / 2)α(t) phase fluctuation ϕ(t) [rad] phase time (fluct.) x(t) [seconds] √ t polar coordinates phase fluctuation ϕ(t) V0 / 2 Figure 1.1: . v(t) = V0 [1 + α(t)] cos [ω0 t + ϕ(t)] where V0 is the nominal amplitude, and α the normalized amplitude fluctuation, = V0 cos frequency ω0 t + nisc (t) cos ω0 t − ns (t) sin ω0 t Cartesianwhich coordinates is adimensional. v(t) The instantaneous 1 dϕ(t) ω0 + holds 2π 2π Itdt (1.3) that nc (t) ns (t) of stable with α(t)signals = of the form and (1.2), ϕ(t) = |nc (t)| ! VThis and deals |nswith (t)| the ! measurement V0 0 book 0 main focus on phase, thus frequency and time. This V involves several topics, V0 under low noise approximation ν(t) = Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 4 introduction – noisy sinusoid Noise broadens the spectrum v(t) = V0 [1 + α(t)] cos [ω0 t + ϕ(t)] v(t) = V0 cos ω0 t + nc (t) cos ω0 t − ns (t) sin ω0 t ω = 2πν ω ν= 2π introduction – general problems Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 5 Basic problem: how can we measure a low random signal (noise sidebands) close to a strong dazzling carrier? solution(s): suppress the carrier and measure the noise convolution (low-pass) time-domain product vector difference s(t) ∗ hlp (t) s(t) × r(t − T /4) s(t) − r(t) distorsiometer, audio-frequency instruments traditional instruments for phase-noise measurement (saturated mixer) bridge (interferometric) instruments Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 6 introduction – general problems Why a spectrum analyzer does not work? 1. 2. 3. 4. too wide IF bandwidth noise and instability of the conversion oscillator (VCO) detects both AM and PM noise insufficient dynamic range Some commercial analyzers provide phase noise measurements, yet limited (at least) by the oscillator stability Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 4 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 7 introduction – φ –> vIntroduction converter – ! The Schottky-diode double-balanced mixer sa The Schottky-diode double-balanced mixer saturated at both at both inputs is the mostdetector used phase detec inputs is the most used phase signal reference product ! s(t) = 2R0 P0 cos [2πν0 t + ϕ(t)] ! r(t) = 2R0 P0 cos [2πν0 t + π/2] r(t)s(t) = kϕ ϕ(t) + “2ν0 ” terms filtered out The AM noise is rejected by saturation Saturation also account for the phase-to-voltage gain kφ Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 8 2 – Spectra Spectra – definitions Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 9 Power spectrum density In general, the power spectrum density Sv(f) of a random process v(t) is ! " defined as #$ Sv (f ) = E F Rv (t1 , t2 ) ! " E · ! " F · statistical expectation Fourier transform Rv (t1 , t2 ) autocorrelation function In practice, we measure Sv(f) as ! " # !2 Sv (f ) = !F v(t) ! This is possible (Wiener-Khinchin theorem) with ergodic processes In many real-life cases, processes are ergodic and stationary Ergodicity: ensemble and time-domain statistics can be interchanged. This is the formalization of the reproducibility of an experiment Stationarity: the statistics is independent of the origin of time. This is the formalization of the repeatability of an experiment Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 10 Spectra – meaning Physical meaning of the power spectrum density Sv (f0 ) P = R0 Sv (f0 ) R0 power in 1 Hz bandwidth dissipated by R0 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 11 Spectra – meaning Physical meaning of the power spectrum density The power spectrum density extends the concept of root-mean-square value to the frequency domain Spectra – Sφ(f) and ℒ(f) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 12 Sφ(f) and ℒ(f) in the presence of (white) noise SSB DSB P0 P0 B B B N v0 ϕp v v0– f ! R0 N B ! R0 P0 ϕrms = dBc/Hz v0 +f N ! 1 ϕp = 2 ! N L= 2P0 v0 ϕp ! R0 P0 ϕrms = 3 dB v R0 N B/2 ! NB 2P0 v0 +f ! 1 ϕp = 2 ! N Sϕ = P0 NB P0 dBrad2/Hz Spectra – Sφ(f) and ℒ(f) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 13 ℒ(f) (re)defined The first definition of ℒ(f) was ℒ(f) = ( SSB power in 1Hz bandwidth ) / ( carrier power ) The problem with this definition is that it does not divide AM noise from PM noise, which yields to ambiguous results Engineers (manufacturers even more) like ℒ(f) The IEEE Std 1139-1999 redefines ℒ(f) as ℒ(f) = (1/2) × Sφ(f) Spectra – useful quantities Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 14 Useful quantities phase time 1 x(t) = ϕ(t) 2πν0 x(t) is the phase noise converted into time fluctuation physical dimension: time (seconds) fractional frequency fluctuation 1 y(t) = ϕ̇(t) = ẋ(t) 2πν0 y(t) is the fractional frequency fluctuation ν-ν0 normalized to the nominal frequency ν0 ν − ν0 y(t) = (dimensionless) ν0 EnricoRubiola Rubiola––Phase PhaseNoise Noise –– 15 15 Enrico Spectra – power –law Spectra power-law Noise processes in oscillators Power-law and noise processes in oscillators Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 16 Spectra – power law Relationships between Sφ(f) and Sy(f) Spectra – jitter Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 17 Jitter Jitter The phase fluctuation can be described in terms of a single The phase fluctuation beordescribed parameter, either phasecan jitter time jitterin terms of a single parameter, either phase jitter or time jitter phase noise mustbebeintegrated integrated over over the the bandwidth TheThe phase noise must bandwidthBBofofthe bebe difficult to identify) thesystem system(which (whichmay may difficult to identify) phase jitter time jitter phase jitter converted into time &rms ! x rms S & ' f ( df % $ radians B 1 ! 2 " #0 S & ' f ( df % $ seconds B The jitter is useful in digital circuits because the bandwidth B is known The jitter is useful in digital circuits because the bandwidth is known –lower limit: the inverse propagation time through the system - lower limit: the inverse propagationdivergent time through the system this excludes the low-frequency processes) this –upper excludes the low-frequency divergent processes) limit: ~ the inverse switching speed - upper limit: the inverse witching speed Victor Reinhardt (invited), A Review of Time Jitter and Digital Systems, Proc. 2005 FCS-PTTI joint meeting Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 18 white frequency flicker frequency random-walk frequency b−2 f b−3 f −3 b−4 f −4 Spectra – examples All these noise types are generally present at the output of oscillators, while Typical phase noise of some devices and oscillators two-port devices show white phase and flicker phase noise only. For reference, Fig. 1 reports the typical phase noise of some oscillators and devices. 10 -40 GH zD GH zS iel ec ap p -60 S!(f) (dBrad2 /Hz) 10 10 -80 GH RO Hz -120 es zS 10 0M -100 hir eR qu art micro wave a wi th sci l cR ato r -160 lat micro -180 on ato rO Os no sc lat de ge ne rat or m plifie RF am r plifie 5 MH r z quar tz osc . -140 es cil ise zo on tri or (S R ill ato r O) wave fe ion rrite i solato rs -200 0.1 1 10 100 1k Fourier frequency (Hz) 10k 100k Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 19 3 – Variances Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 20 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 20 1 y ! 1 y ! "0 "0 1 "%t & dt $ 1 #$ # "%t & dt ## N N %% Classical variance Classical variance Classical variance 1 1 2 '2 ! 1 yi( 1 ' ! N (1 i!1 y i ( N N (1 i!1 N ) ) Variances – classical normalized reading of a counter that normalized(averages) reading of over a counter measures a timethat T measures (averages) over a time T && 2 N classical variance, N y 2 classical variance, j file of N counter readings j!1 y j file of N counter readings j!1average of the N readings ) ) average of the N readings For a given process, the classical variance ForFor a given process, the classical variance a given process, the classical variance depends of N depends of N depends of N Even worse, if the spectrum or steeper, Even worse, if the spectrum is f-1isorf-1 steeper, -1 or steeper, Even worse, if the spectrum is f the classical variance diverges the classical variance diverges the classical variance diverges filter associated to measure the measure TheThe filter associated to the Theinfilter associated to the measure takes in the dc component takes the dc component takes in the dc component Enrico –– Phase – 21 – 21 Enrico – Noise Phase Noise Enrico Rubiola RubiolaRubiola Phase Noise – 21 Variances – Allan Zero dead-time two-sample variance Zero dead-time two-sample variance Zero dead-time two-sample variance (Allan variance) (Allan variance) (Allan variance) #$ #$ & ' & ' 1 2 2 ! y "! "y 21%yy1 2%y 2 y2 2 2 1 m%1 m%1 Definition Definition Definition (Let 2,N2, and (LetN(Let N= = average) = and 2,average) and average) 1 2 1 2 ! y "! " y 2 %yy1 2%y 2 y2 $m%1& 1 2 $m%1& i"1 i"1 2 ( $( $ & & Estimated Allan variance, Estimated Allan variance, Estimated Allan variance, fileofof readings file mm counter readings file of counter m counter readings The totothe The filter associated todifference the difference Thefilter filterassociated associated the difference ofoftwo measures isisaaband-pass two contiguous measures band-pass ofcontiguous two contiguous measures is a band-pass (about one octave) (about one octave) The estimate converges to the variance The estimate converges to thetovariance The estimate converges the variance Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 22 Variances – Allan The Allan variance is related to the spectrum Sy(f) Variances – Allan Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 23 Convert Sφ and Sy into Allan variance noise type white PM Sϕ (f ) b0 h2 f flicker PM b−1 f −1 white FM b−2 f −2 b−3 f −3 flicker FM Sy (f ) random walk b−4 f −4 FM 2 Sϕ ↔ Sy b0 h2 = 2 ν0 σy2 (τ ) 3fH h2 −2 τ 2 (2π) 2πτ fH "1 mod σy2 (τ ) 3fH τ0 h2 −3 τ 2 (2π) h1 f b−1 h1 = 2 ν0 h1 −2 [1.038+3 ln(2πfH τ )] τ 2 (2π) h0 b−2 h0 = 2 ν0 1 h0 τ −1 2 0.084 h1 τ −2 n"1 1 h0 τ −1 4 h−1 b−3 = 2 ν0 2 ln(2) h−1 27 ln(2) h−1 20 h−2 b−4 = 2 ν0 (2π)2 h−2 τ 6 (2π)2 0.824 h−2 τ 6 1 2 2 Dy τ 2 1 2 2 Dy τ 2 h−1 f −1 h−2 f −2 frequency drift ẏ = Dy fH is the high cutoff frequency, needed for the noise power to be finite. Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 24 4 – Properties of phase noise Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 24 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 25 Properties of phase noise – synthesis Properties of phase noise – synthesis Frequency synthesis Frequency synthesis Ideal synthesizer Ideal synthesizer - -noise-free noise-free - -zero time zero delay delay time timetranslation: translation: time output jitter jitter ==input output inputjitter jitter phase time time xxoo=x i i phase =x linearity of the integral and the linearity of the integral and the derivative operators: derivative operators: φo = (n/d)φi => νo = (n/d)vi !o = (n/d)!i => "o = (n/d)"i spectra spectra "# n S! o " f # $ d 2 S !i " f # Properties of phase noise – synthesis Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 26 Carrier collapse Simple physical meaning, complex mathematics. Easy to understand in the case of sinusoidal phase modulation random noise => phase fluctuation Filtering <=> Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Filtering Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Filtering<=> <=> Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Rubiola – Phase EnricoEnrico Rubiola – Phase NoiseNoise – 27 – 26 Properties of phase noise – PLLnoise – PLL Properties of phase The signal “2” The signal“1” “2” The signal “2” tracks tracks tracks “1”“1” k ! "V (rad # k ! "V (rad # The FFT analyzer (n Theneeded FFT analyzer (not b The FFT analyzer (not can here) needed here) can be needed here) can be us to measure Sused !(f) to measure Sφ(f)S!(f) to measure tracks “1” k o "rad (s (V # k o "rad (s (V # tracks “1” The PLL low-pass The PLL low-pass The PLL low-pass filters the phase filters the phase filters the phase Output voltage: the PLL Output voltage: the PLL Output voltage: the PLL a high-pass filter isisaaishigh-pass filter high-pass filter SS!!22""ff## SS !1""ff## !1 SSvovo""ff# # SS!1 ""f f# # !1 $$ $$ 2 kko kH! H" fc # #% % k %o ! c % " 2f 22 2 2 2f 4 & f ' k k H " 4 & f ' k o ko! H!c " fc# %% 2 2 4& f 2 kf ! 4& k! 2 22 2 44 && f f'%' k o%kk !kH cH " f #%"2f #%2 o ! c 2 % #% Properties of phase noise – discriminator Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 28 Frequency discriminator A resonator turns a slow frequency fluctuation Δν into a phase fluctuation ν ν0 phase φ ν Parameters ν0 resonant frequency Q merit factor resonator ν0 Q For slow frequency fluctuations, a delay-line t is equivalent to a resonator of merit factor Properties of phase noise – Leeson Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 29 The Leeson effect: The Leeson phase-to-frequency noise Effect conversion in oscillators Enrico Rubiola – The Leeson Effect – 1 Enrico Rubiola Dept. LPMO, FEMTO-ST Institute – Besançon, France e-mailmodel rubiola@femto-st.fr or enrico@rubiola.org D. B. Leeson, A simple for feed back oscillator noise, Proc. IEEE 54(2):329 (Feb 1966) D. B. Leeson, A simple model for feed back oscillator noise, Proc. IEEE 54(2):329 (Feb 1966) out %" # ( S ! " f # $ 1& resonator oscillator noise '0 2Q 2 1 f 2 S) " f # ampli noise oscillator noise S! " f # Leeson effect noise of electronic circuits fL = !0/2Q www.rubiola.org f E. Rubiola, The Leeson effect, Tutorial 2A, Proc. 2005 FCS-PTTI (tutorials) some free documents on noise (amplitude and phase) and on E. Rubiola,precision The Leeson effect,will e-book, (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0502143 or rubiola.org) electronics be available in this non-commercial site Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 30 5 – Laboratory practice Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 31 Laboratory practice – background noise Practical limitations of the double-balanced mixer 1 – Power narrow power range: ±5 dB around Pnom = 5-10 dBm r(t) and s(t) should have (about) the same power 2 – Flicker noisedue to the mixer internal diodes typical Sφ = –140 dBrad2/Hz at 1 Hz in average-good conditions 3 – Low gain kφ ~ –10 to –14 dBV/rad typical (0.2-0.3 V/rad) 4 – White noise due to the operational amplifier Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 32 Laboratory practice – background noise Typical background noise RF mixer (5-10) MHz Good operating conditions (10 dBm each input) Low-noise preamplifier (1 nV/√Hz) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 33 Laboratory practice – background noise The operational amplifier is often misused Warning: if only one arm of the power supply is disconnected, the LT1028 may delivers a current from the input (I killed a $2k mixer in this way!) You may duplicate the low-noise amplifier designed at the FEMTO-ST Rubiola, Lardet-Vieudrin, Rev. Scientific Instruments 75(5) pp. 1323-1326, May 2004 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 34 Laboratory practice – background noise A proper mechanical assembly is vital Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 35 rico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 34 Laboratory practice – useful schemes Laboratory practice – useful schemes Two-port device under test (DUT) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 36 Laboratory practice – useful schemes Two-port device under test (DUT) nrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 35 Laboratory practice – useful schemes other configurations are possible Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 37 Laboratory practice – useful schemes A frequency discriminator can be used to measure the phase noise of an oscillator Filtering <=> Phase Locked Loop (PLL) k ! "V (rad # Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 38 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) The signalThe “2” FFT ana tracks “1” needed here to measure S tracks “1” k o "rad (s (V # k ! "V (rad # The FFT analyzer (not needed here) can be used to measure S!(f) tracks “1” 2 k o "rad (s (V # The PLL low-pass filters the phase Phase: PLL Thethe PLL low-pass is a low-pass filters thefilter phase Output voltage: the PLL Output voltage: thePLL PLL Output voltage: the is a is high-pass filter is a high-pass filter filter a high-pass S! 2 " f # SS " f #" f # ! 2!1 S !1 " f # S vo " f # $ %k o k ! H c " f #% $ 2 2 2 %k 4k &H "f f #%'%k o k ! H c " f #% 2 o ! 2 2 c 4 & f '%k o k ! H c " f #% 2 4 & f 2 k! 2 4 & f 2 k! $ $ 2 2 S !1 S !1 " f #" f # 4 &2 f 24 '%& k o k !fH c' "fk #%2 k H " o ! c S vo " f # 2 % f #%2 compare an oscillator under test to a reference low-noise oscillator – or – compare two equal oscillators and divide the spectrum by 2 (take away 3 dB) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 39 rico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 38 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 40 o Rubiola – Phase Noise – 39 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement A tight PLL shows many advantages but you have to correct the spectrum for the PLL transfer function Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 41 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Practical measurement of Sφ(f) with a PLL 1. Set the circuit for proper electrical operation a. power level b. lock condition (there is no beat note at the mixer out) c. zero dc error at the mixer output (a small V can be tolerated) 2. Choose the appropriate time constant 3. Measure the oscillator noise 4. At end, measure the background noise Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 42 co Rubiola – Phase Noise – 41 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Warning: a PLL may not be what it seems Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 43 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement PLL – two frequencies The output frequency of the two oscillators is not the same. A synthesizer (or two synth.) is necessary to match the frequencies At low Fourier frequencies, the synthesizer noise is lower than the oscillator noise At higher Fourier frequencies, the white and flicker of phase of the synthesizer may dominate Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 44 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement PLL – low noise microwave oscillators With low-noise microwave oscillators (like whispering gallery) the noise of a microwave synthesizer at the oscillator output can not be tolerated. Due to the lower carrier frequency, the noise of a VHF synthesizer is lower than the noise of a microwave synthesizer. This scheme is useful • with narrow tuning-range oscillator, which can not work at the same freq. • to prevent injection locking due to microwave leakage Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 45 Laboratory practice – oscillator measurement Designing your own instrument is simple Standard commercial parts: • double balanced mixer • low-noise op-amp • standard low-noise dc components in the feedback path • commercial FFT analyzer Afterwards, you will appreciate more the commercial instruments: – assembly – instruction manual – computer interface and software Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 46 6 – Calibration Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 47 Calibration – general Calibration – general procedure 1 – adjust for proper operation: driving power and quadrature 2 – measure the mixer gain kφ (volts/rad) —> next 3 – measure the residual noise of the instrument Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 48 Calibration – general Calibration – general procedure 4 – measure the rejection of the oscillator noise Make sure that the power and the quadrature are the same during all the calibration process Calibration – measurement of kφ Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 49 Calibration – measurement of kφ (phase mod.) Vm The reference signal can be a tone: detect with the FFT, tone: with a dual-channel FFT, or with a lock-in (pseudo-)random white noise white noise Some FFTs have a white noise output Dual-channel FFTs calculate the transfer function |H(f)|2=SVm/SVd Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 50 Calibration – measurement of kφ Calibration – measurement of kφ (rf signal) Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 51 Calibration – measurement of kφ Calibration – measurement of kφ (rf noise) A reference rf noise is injected in the DUT path through a directional coupler Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 52 7 – Bridge (interferometric) measurements EnricoRubiola Rubiola –– Phase PhaseNoise Noise –– 5352 Enrico Bridge ––Wheatstone Interferometer Wheatstone bridge Wheatstone bridge Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 54 Bridge – Wheatstone Wheatstone bridge – ac version equilibrium: Vd = 0 –> carrier suppression static error δZ1 –> some residual carrier real δZ1 => in-phase residual carrier Vre cos(ω0t) imaginary δZ1 => quadrature residual carrier Vim sin(ω0t) fluctuating error δZ1 => noise sidebands real δZ1 => AM noise imaginary δZ1 => PM noise nc(t) cos(ω0t) –ns(t) sin(ω0t) EnricoRubiola Rubiola –– Phase PhaseNoise Noise –– 54 Enrico 55 Interferometer Wheatstone bridge Bridge ––Wheatstone Wheatstone bridge – ac version Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 56 co Rubiola – Phase Noise – 55 Bridge – scheme Interferometer – scheme Bridge (interferometric) phase-noise and amplitude-noise measurement Enrico EnricoRubiola Rubiola– –Phase PhaseNoise Noise – – 56 57 – synchronous detection InterferometerBridge – synchronous detection Synchronous detection Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 58 nrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 57 Bridge – synchronous detection Interferometer – synchronous detection Synchronous in-phase and quadrature detection Synchronous in-phase and quadrature detection Bridge – background noise Interferometer – noise floor Enrico EnricoRubiola Rubiola– –Phase PhaseNoise Noise – –5958 White noise floor Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 60 White noise floor – example Bridge – background noise White noise floor – example Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 61 What really matters (1) Bridge – summary Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 62 What really matters (2) Bridge – summary Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 63 Bridge – commercial A bridge (interferometric) instrument can be built around a commercial instrument You will appreciate the computer interface and the software ready for use Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 64 8 – Advanced Techniques Advanced – flicker reduction Advanced – flicker reduction Enrico Rubiola– –Phase Phase Noise– –6465 nrico Rubiola Noise Low-flicker scheme Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise– –6566 nrico Rubiola – Phase Noise Advanced – flicker reduction Advanced – flicker reduction Interpolation is necessary Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 67 Advanced – correlation Correlation can be used to reject the mixer noise Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 68 Advanced – correlation Correlation – how it works Advanced – matrix Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 69 Flicker reduction, correlation, and closed-loop carrier suppression can be combined channel b (optional) w1 readout I v1 RF I−Q G B v detect Q 2 matrix matrix w2 g ~ 40dB LO pump rf virtual gnd null Re & Im inner interferometer CP1 x( t ) CP2 R0 R 0 =50 Ω DUT power splitter atten CP3 Δ’ γ arbitrary phase 10−20dB coupl. ’ γ’ arbitrary phase pump LO v1 I−Q detect Q v2 g ~ 40dB LO atten RF I u1 I−Q modul Q u2 z1 dual integr z 2 channel a readout G matrix FFT analyz. w1 B matrix w2 G: Gram Schmidt ortho normalization B: frame rotation pump automatic carrier suppression control diagonaliz. var. att. & phase atten I RF R0 manual carr. suppr. atten CP4 D matrix I−Q detector/modulator I RF Q LO −90° E. Rubiola, V. Giordano, Rev. Scientific Instruments 73(6) pp.2445-2457, June 2002 0° Advanced – comparison Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 70 Comparison of the background noise Sϕ (f) dBrad2/Hz real−time correl. & avg. −140 sat −150 mixer, interferometer ura int ted erf er e r ble om ete int e r fer r cor om rel e . sa t. m ter res ix. idu al f lick res idu er, res al f by− idu lick ste al f res p in er, idu lick fix ter al f er, ed i fer lick om fix nte ete er, ed i rfer r nte fix o ed rfe mete int r erf omet r ero e me r ter , ±4 5° dou −160 −170 −180 −190 −200 −210 Fourier frequency, Hz −220 1 10 nested interferometer mix 10 2 saturated mixer interferometer correl. saturated mixer double interf. measured floor, m=32k det ect ion 10 3 104 105 Enrico Rubiola – Phase Noise – 71 9 – References STANDARDS J. R. Vig, IEEE Standard Definitions of Physical Quantities for Fundamental Frequency and Time Metrology--Random Instabilities, IEEE Standard 1139-1999 ARTICLES J. Rutman, Characterization of Phase and Frequency Instabilities in Precision Frequency Sources: Fifteen Years of Progress, Proc. IEEE vol.66 no.9 pp.1048-1075, Sept. 1978. Recommanded E. Rubiola, V. Giordano, Advanced Interferometric Phase and Amplitude Noise Measurements, Rev. of Scientific Instruments vol.73 no.6 pp.2445-2457, June 2002. Interferometers, low-flicker methods, correlation, coordinate transformation, calibration strategies, advanced experimental techniques BOOKS Chronos, Frequency Measurement and Control, Chapman and Hall, London 1994. Good and simple reference, although dated W. P. Robins, Phase Noise in Signal Sources, Peter Peregrinus,1984. Specific on phase noise, but dated. Unusual notation, sometimes difficult to read. Oran E. Brigham, The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications, Prentice-Hall 1988. A must on the subject, most PM noise measurements make use of the FFT W. D. Davenport, Jr., W. L."Root, An Introduction to Random Signals and Noise, McGraw Hill 1958. Reprinted by the IEEE Press, 1987. One of the best references on electrical noise in general and on its mathematical properties. E. Rubiola, The Leeson effect (e-book, 117 pages, 50 figures) arxiv.org, document arXiv:physics/0502143 E. Rubiola, Phase Noise Metrology, book in preparation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my gratitude to the colleagues of the FEMTO-ST (formerly LPMO), Besancon, France, firsts of which Vincent Giordano and Jacques Groslambert for a long lasting collaboration that helped me to develop these ideas and to put them in the present form.