nr REGULAR MEETING, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, GLYNN COUNTY, GEORG]A, HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1983, at B:30 A.M. PRESENT: Chairman John M. McCl-urd, Sr. Commissioner Michael Harrison Commissioner Wayne Hutcheson Commissioner W. Harold Pate Commissioner Willou C. Smith Commissioner Alton L. Wooten Commissioner Ronald W. Young ALSO PRESENT: Administrator Roy E. Brogdon Assistant Administrator Edward H. Stel_Ie County Attorney Thomas J. l,ee Opening Ceremony. Chairman McClurd to opened the meeting prayer with and pledge of allegiance the flag. Use of Revenue Sharing Pursuant receiving Charfes funds, Funds. to advertisement, on proposed input Stewart explained whereupon the use of that public Federal requests $20,000 - Paving of Be1 Air This request for funds to assist assessment was submitted Clay Simmons, Evelyn Funds to help property the Funds. for Finance Director receiving these were received: and Bel Ai_r Drive. paying owners in by Tean Jackson, furnish the purpose of for was a requirement Circle Woodard and Carl was held Revenue Sharing process this following hearing Glenn Sebring I for cost of paving Turner, Larry by Wendell Branch, Stark. Ritz Theater. Requested by City Manager Homer Wilson. Funds to pave Canal RoS.d. Funds to construct an in-door Requested by H. E. Peavy, St. Athletic Association; Fundlng by Co1. Richard Billy for Requested by E. W. Merritt. Recreation Simons Optimist Cullens, St. Center Club; Carl Chairrnan of the St. Simons Tsland. Paschal-, St. Simons Chamber of the By-Passed Area S-ewer Project Ludlow, on St. Simons Commerce. on St. Simons Island. Simons Water/Sewer Citizens Requeste Advisory Committee. $10r000 for $6,000 for Hospice of thg Glynn Art Association. a Hospice Medical- Buildj-ng. Requested by Jerry Garrison. Requested by Jasper Grover, the Golden Isles. Seed Money for Vol-unteer Assistance an Adul-t gare genter. Requested by Joe Riedinger, League. $50'000 for a Paving Fund. Requested by Commissioner Hutcheson. $!0,000 for Construction Sidewalks of along Crispen Boufevard. Requested by Commissioner Hutcheson. $9,000 to move a Club Building from Ballard Park to Eyerett City. by Commissioner Hutcheson. Return debt. Suggested said funds by Richard to the McMinn. Federal- Government to reduce the national Requested Funds to construct Si9ewal-ks near Brunswick High Schogl. Requested by Commissioner Pate. Funds to Center. Construct Requested by supporters Chairman McClurd posed by resj-dents individual Request of drrveway for Grant 70 trainable, very Bel Air Drive construct Mr. Nermoe explained that mentally Glynn-paton paving of streets. Sc]rool. for Community Development to house the Glynn-paton school persons, questions into concerning Commission Lo apply existj-ng retarded Commission, building, had been in construction Detention and for which School-. accomodated about use since 1956 and had become support assistance out in for of of basic Ed Stell-e Glynn in Joj-nt proposed School and to authorize to the funds Block through Grant and renovatj-on of grant to asked for construct the a new school, the project. plans for the Building a simple fnspection structure in order plans to file project the Building for applications Inspector's staff grrants both Detention and the the Glynn-Paton for Center to assist in School building. adopted. re paviqlR"eqglsemenrs. advertisement, County Planni-ng public Subdivision subdivisions Regulations containing Commj-ssion hearing more Director than Craig was held which ten on proposed would paving reinstate resid.ential Mahlman amend- lots presented or units. copies of the changes. Commissioner could for School, c o m m e n t e d .t h a t construction Glynn-Paton construction Pursuant requirements for phase of tunend$ent to su.b{i_vision Regyl?tions the building the Glynn-Paton Wooten made a motion orl the Unanimously to appfy & bids. Renovation Project, ments school an application Administrator prepare abover preparation Glynn County could Director the planning Commissioner mentioned Area Planning Coastal Program and Community Development filing with Department could it the Center. Assistant to put that with a new Glynn-Paton of Mr. Bob Pendarvis, Commission's specialist explained Community Jobs Development Program for at said a new the Circle check dilapidated. Development the to Retardati-on School. Brogdon to and Bel- Air adjacent Mr. Dick Newbern, grant the the Mental the Glynn-paton Nermoe asked the to for asked Administrator Expand the Peter funds of apron areas Gran_t to Mr. Block a new bui-ldinq require end of Wooten a developer an unpaved to questioned pave County the streets road. in practicality a subdivision Commissioner young of a requirement that said might he be thought thaL located citizens should have the right to Commissioner that developers should not Commissj-on. residents Bel Air happen when paving Motion foll-owing favored if to put wanted they proposed the be allowed the paving was not adopting paving stating develop- their problems experienced by as an example of what could by devleopers. the proposed Subdivision Smith, for severe and Basswood Estates instalLed to. requj-rement, burden Chairman McCl-urd mentioned Subdivision was mad.e by Commissioner roads on dirt Smith ments on the of live ds listed Regulationsr seconded by Commissioner Pate, below, and adopted by the vote: Aye: Commj-ssioners Smith, Nay: Commissioners Hutcheson and Young. Abstaining: because this Commissioner action would not cure Pate, Harrison, and Chairman McClurd. that Wooten, who explained all he was no.t voting on unpaved roads. ills *.**** SECTION 602.3 OF THE GLYNN COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Section 602.3 As provided streets D . e s i - g n- s t a n d a r d s in that that do not with the Section require for Unpqved Minor 802 Exemptions ::oadway ditches require roadway ditches) following Street:. from Paving proper for shall minimum specificatj.ons Requj-rements, drainage be designed all (see h. unpaved minor below for and constructed in streets accordance and standards. *****rk* A NEW SECTION BO2 IS HEREBY ADDED TO THE GLYNN COUNTY SUBDTVISTONREGULATIONSAS FOLLOWS: Section pqvi}g. -ETemptioLs from 8"02. Subdivisions containing paving from the not more than requj-rements of this Requirement_E l-0 residentiat Ordinance l-ots or provided the uni-ts may be exempt following conditj-ons are met: f) Minimum lot 2) The development the 3) size shal-l be restricted street is paved in The paving of any roadway in ower or owners' Gc-21-83; application following . accordance the and l-ot width from further with subdivision County design development witl shall or standards; be at the be 100 feet; extension abutting property expense to to rezone described until and Application to Rezone - Harry Driggers, James Bishop, Carlton and Mfs. Albert,Brown, gwlgrs; Wil_liag_P.. 'Hooker, Ag'eqt). . Pursuant advertisement, public from GC-C General hearing was held on the Commercial Core to RR Resort Hicks and * above described Residentiat, the property: A tract of land containing 37 1500 sguare feet, bound on the south by the Atlantic (with Oceanr on the wesL by Floyd Street 191 foot frontage) (with and on the east by Mallory Street frontage of 185 feet), being a portion of the King City Subdivision, Pier Section, St. Simons TsLand. Joint for shal-l be 20,000 square feet approval of Planning this Commissioner application, Director Craig which would allow Mahlman qonveyed reconrmendation construction of condominium units. Commi-ssioner Smith coul-d have on the A11 other useagfe. missioner not other she was worried properLies store buildings Smith said, in that in about pier the level area converting a good view of area enjoyed and she hoped high domino effect the developments this to condominimum the ocean, along action Com- area would this continue. A lady from St. coul-d be done to prevent Mr. Bilt requirements set said at of Zoning Ordinance mean sea leve1, Motion approving seconded by Commissioner Aye: pier entire the asked the of Commissj-on to from going area Hooker spoke on behalf the 11.1 foot Simons fsland his had been, what consider condonimum development. to stating application, wJ-th construction that all being el-evations which was above the minimum requj-rement. this application was made by Commissioner Pate and Yourlg. Commissioners Pate, Young, Hutcheson, Smith, Wooten, and Chairman McClurd. Nay: Commissioner Harrison. Unanimously Review of adopted. Sections 702, 703, qrd 704_gf tfe Pursuant to to'Sections 702.2t Agri-culture) of Revised Planning Commission Director location of livestock in Craig rel-ation designated Section for the keeping Agriculture area. lj-vestock from his planned being cati-on for more than objected to livestock County Attorney Permitted react that to thi-s proposal Motion Permitted resident that that Road if a commercial him to move duplex described a stock a Forest in force could had operated Oyster woul-d require upon construction Road in this subdivision provision farm at before in the that of any action action could farming the Fishhall establ-ished Tom Lee commented that people deferring residents this as 1o- community, to move their the not business proposed Section 704.2b be assessed instantaneously, be given an opportunity was taken. 704.2b Young and seconded by Commissioner Wooten. adopted. *tr**:krk:k*!k also a new development. on the proposed amendment, Section Uses, was made by Commissioner Unanimously any structure from a residence provision his the proposed to for setback Mr. Michael family of Uses would have an impact and he suggested the 20 vears. any provision or other controlling Road, objected livestock on Fishhatl inasmuch as he and his Mr. Gary Fouche, horses or by Mr. Hoyt Carney was completed. unfair as recommended by Joint the purpose of impose a l-00 foot stated farm located amendments 704 (Forest and Section Ordinance, of Fishhall poultry Mr. Michael Zoning on proposed to residences. would of was held Uses), Mahlman for resident 704 which hearing (Permitted Glynn County Mr. James Michael, amendment to public advertisement, 702.3 and 703.2 the Rgy+sed.-qIJnIr_Corln!)/_Sonllg Orqinance. to Motion was made by Commissioner to amend Sections Ordinance 702.2, by adding However, three of property Chairman following statement orr a minimum of keeping Aye: 7A2.3 and 703.2 of the horses three horses shall the Revised Glynn County Zoning to be located and 300 feet of Commissioners Pate, sames acres provided may be kept, line Pate and seconded by Chairman McClurd l.and no more than of that within any existing Harrison, for no structure 100 feet the o f , any residence. Hutcheson, Smith, Wooten, and McClurd. Nay: Commissioner Young. Motion adopted. ******* The above revisions Revised effective Glynn goun!.y June 5, concluded OJdinalcq ".Zg!-ng pending amendments to approved heretofore the following on May 5, 1983, to become 1983. THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF GLYNN COUNTY, GEORGIA Effectlve Revision Date: Date: Tebruary L, June 5, 1983 7966 TABLE OF CONTENTS Art icle I II III IV Page PREAMBLEAND ENACTMENTCLAUSE 1 SHORTTITLE 2 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 3 E S T A B L I S H M E N TO F D I S T R I C T S Division into Di-strict Boundaries Interpretaton Districts 20 2T of District Boundaries Additi-ons or Reductlons V Land Area 22 APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS Use of Land or Building 24 Height of Building 24 Density and Site Lot Coverage 25 Occupancy 26 Lot Reduction Prohibited 26 Yard Use Limitation 26 Use of VI in Total 21 Substandard Lots of Record 26 GENERALPROVISIONS Street Access Classification Location 27 of Streets of Buildings and Residential Corner Lots Double Frontage Front 27 Limitat ions 2B 28 Lots Yard Requirements 29 29 Art icle VI Page G E N E R A LP R O V I S I O N S ( c o n t i n u e d ) Non-Conforming Uses 29 Home Occupations 30 Accessory Uses 31 Yard Requi-rements for Accessory Uses Off-Street Parking 36 Off-Street Loading 43 Buffer"Strips 45 Curb Cuts and Access Points 45 Vision Clearance at vision clearance Exceptions Site Street Intersections at Entrance to Height Environmental and street Limits Protection rntersections 47 4B Plan Approval 49 55 R E Q U I R E M E N TB SY D I S T R I C T S R-6, R-9, M-6 and M-9 One Family Residential 56 R-12, R-20, M-72 and M-2O One Family Residential 62 RE One-Family Residentlal FA Forest RR Resort Residential 79 GR General Residential 84 MR Medium Residential 90 HR High Residential 95 Residential 101 Commercial 106 GC General Commercial 412 HC Highway Commercial 118 FC Freeway Commercial 1,24 GC Core General SC Shopping LI Limited BI Basic GI General Commercial - Core Center Industrial Industrial Industrial CP Conservation PD Planned Preservation Development MED Medical MH Mobile VIII IX x XI XII 69 73 LC Local VII Estates Agricultural OC Office XIII 47 47 Drainage Easements VII 35 ]-29 135 139 1,44 1,49 ]-54 158 ]-74 Home Park 181 G Government 185 Beach and Dune Protection 186 SIGNS 190 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 208 APPEALS 21,4 AMENDMENTS 220 LEGAL STATUS PROVISIONS 227 AIRPORT ZONING ORDINANCE 228 ARTICLE I PREAMBLEAND ENACTMENTCLAUSE In accordance with by Article IX, of 'authority and j-n pursuance a comprehensj-ve plan granted Section 2, Paragrapln 1 of The. Constitution of The State of Georgi-a 1976, and for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, convenience, order' prosperityr or general welfare of the present and future inhabitants of portions unincorporated securlng safety and air' preventing population; I schools, peculiar from fire, among other conditions property penditures; use of and other public of things, the partj-cular for blight character uses, stability and depreciation, buildlngs and other structures for Georgia, undue concentration districts of neighborhoods; sewerage, reasonable with the various of lrater, a view to promoting throughout this and enact desirable protecting ex- the most appropriate Board of Countyithe law the following into portions to the unincorporated con- and their economy in governmental and. encouraging do ordain application adequate light transportation, securing of buildings Commissioners, Glynn County, of with the value Artj-c1es and Sections, avoiding of in the streetsl providing dangers; land; conserving land, congestion requj-rements;and regulating and the sustained against lessening the adequate provision and other suitability living panic, the overcrowding f acilitating parks, sideration, of Glynn County, of Glynn County. ARTICLE II SHORT''T I{ILE, Thls Ordinance Glynn County, An Ordinance Bulk, shall Density Of The County of Stories Glynn, Georgia, And Size Of Buildings And Distribution Conservation, Preservation of The Locat,ior.rrHeight, Regulating And Other Structures, Which May Be Occupi-ed, The Sizes Of Yards And Other And Land For Trade, Erosion, as "The Zoning Ordinance Georgia". Number of Of Lot be known and may be cited Of Population, Industry, Water Suppty, And Other Purposes, The Thereof; Defining Method Of Administration, For Violation; Protection Creating Recreation, Pubtic Sanitatj-on, Of Scenic Areas, Open Spaces, The And The Uses Of Buildings, Residence, Agriculture, Public Safety, Agaj-nst Floods, Districts The Percentage Structures, Forestr:y, Activities, Rising Waters and For Said Purposes And Establishing Terms Used Herein; Providing For The Appeal and Amendment, And Duties; Providing Penalties Certain And For Other Purposes, Within The Unincorporated Portions Of Glynn County. ART]CLE II DEFINITION AND INTERPRETATION OF TERMS USED IN THIS ORDINANCE Section 301. Interpretation of Certain Terms of Words For the purposes of these regulations, include the future number, and all tense. words in all words used in A11 words in the plural the singular number include number include word "building" includes the term "structure". firm, company, partnership, public association, the present the plural the tense singular number. The The word "person" i-ncludes a or private authorj-ty, or The word "shall" is mandatory, the word "mayt' is permissive. The word "used" shall be considered to also include "designed, arranged, or intended to be used or occupied". The term "Planning Commission" refers to the Brunswi-ck - Glynn County Joint Planni-ng Commission. The term "County Commj-ssion" corporati-on. refers to the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, Glynn County. term "Building Official" refers to that person or persons so designated County Commission, for purposes of enforcement of this Ordinance. The by the The term "Glynn County", this Ordinance, refers purposes of administration for portions to the unincorporated and enforcement of of Glynn County, Georgia. Sect i-on 302 . 1) Def init i-ons Abandonment. The voluntary period of the lot which is permitted in a more by this Accretion. uses or structures, or build-up Alcoholi-sm and Drug Receiving facillty for facility may be a hospital facility developed specifically Alley. A platted service treatment duction from one location any coin and/or or non-medical center or This licensed other purposes. these as a secondary means of the supporting games. members of a building, any additj-on any change in use or relocation Any operated controlled video for care of sand by water or wind. and drug addiction. way provlded or position Amusement Cen.ter. or or or as otherwise A medical Center. d primary t of deposit wa11s, columnsr or girders; to a louilding; maintained on the same lot land by the recession of of alcoholism Any change in as bearing A11 property. access to abutting such inci- Ordinance. The creation Alteratj-on. use or structure. be located shall a body of water or by the gradual (7) only accessory and clearly customarily to the principal and subordinate premises as the principal (6) vacating by completely to another use permitted accessory uses and structures (5) a continuous Accessory Use or Structure. dental (4) a use for zoning district. A use or structure 3) of (72) months, either twelve or by transferri-ng restrictive 2) least at discontinuance for of or rea building to another. j-ndoor place or amusement or amusement devise, j-nclosure recreatj-on such which of as pinball, the is public, pool 22s (8) Automgbile Service Sta.tion. 1ot where gasoline, I mobile conjunction mises is parts, and greases, oils accessories may be supplied a private with used for and also the and premises on any parcel Buildings of tlres, and auto(or and dispensed at retail operation), storage batteries, where no part dismantled where the following or in the pre- of or wrecked vehicle services may be rendered, and none other: Sale and servicing Tire repair spark p1ugs, batteries of and servi_cj_ng, but no re-capping; Replacement of mufflers brake fluid, windshield Radiator and distributors, light pipes, and tail bulbs, floor mats, grease retainers, wipers, cleaning water hose, fan belts, seat covers, wiper brades, and wheel bearings, and flushing; Washing and polishing; Exchanging fuel pumps and installing oil fuel lines; Greasing and lubrications; Minor servici-ng and replacing Emergency wiring Adjusting repairs; and repair Minor adjustment of and/or crankcaser I sale of cold principal (9) (11) engines, or racing not involving to be protected Bedroom. A private separated from rooms by another Boarding House. from room planned other crossing I Buffer. (13) the a door, bedroom or An establishment walls (15) for base chattels, Princ.Lp4l. principal use of for living lodgings prepared or other of A building sleepi-ng, to a bathroom for four (4) or and served for one use from another separate a roof flood. room. nuisances. supported by columns or housing or enclosure or property of persons, any kind. in which is conducted the the 1ot on which said building is situated. Eg_i1_44g__qqverage. The area of l-and covered by the grund f loor or footprint of a building, expressed as a percentage of the site area. Bui-lding Height. The vertical from the average elevation I having 1o0-year or and accessible with lights, shelter, Building, total (16) noise, Any structure lntended animals, (14) or block Building. to to which structures and intended Land area used to visibly or shield the head &s accessory only T h e m j - n i m u me l e v a t i o n more persons, where meals are regularly c o m p e n s a tj _ o n . (!2) removal of the motor; and packaged foodsr drinks Base Flood Elevation. without of brakes; operation. must be built (10) of carburetors; point of of distance the natural of a building measured grade to the highest the roof -a I (LT) Building line Line. The rear edge of for any building or required right-of-way line, building lines any required f,ront,yard or se,tback measured from the property Iine or structure is whichever sha1l run parallel In all closer. the or 1ot lines to right-of-way cases, boundary 1ines. (18) (19) (2O) Care Homes. A rest similar established provide lodging and/ or meals andlor chronically il1 9SgglgIX. dead bodies An area of erection customary Ghild of land err non-profit apart set markers, It are cared for during aged, infirm, of may be used for the monuments, and mausoleums. where seven (7) A 1i-censed establishment other to the permanent interment for or the cremated remains thereof. more children, care for domiciliary basis persons. or convalescent Care Center. or than members of the family occupying the premises, kindergartens, the day; j-ncludes day nurseries, group day care center, include on a profit and operated homes or home, convalescent home, nursing nursery and play school a fami-ly day care home as regulated does not This school. by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. (2I) A building or structure, or group of buildings 9ftllreh. which by design and constructj-on are primarily intended ducting organ i.zed religious of or structures, for the con- and accessory uses associated services therewith. (22) CIinic. not (23) An establishment lodged overnight, is customarily patients, who are 6xaminati-on or treatment. profit or to render a service which on as a business. carried Egg5:.rtg. Two (2) or more detached residential structures, containi-ng one or two dwelling unlts as permitted in the district better proximity utilization of (25) C o n d o m i n i - u m" (ZA7 Condominium Hote1. each unit is not Density. or used for cooking to be a place or units. of to of is land for per net purposes, i.e., development area. change in the use of two (2) in which use residence. units iato rea1- estate This rent. dwelling any material of achieve owned and individually transients permanent of a unit managed as a hotel The performance of any building or the dj-vision to dwell-ing units ownership facilities are available residential Development. sites individual The number of the making of cluster A condominj-um complex wj-th separate intended to other each the land. A form of in which most units (28) for and are admitted but not operated. for grouped in close (27) or dental A buildi-ng or facility owned and operated by a 9!ul- Private. corporation or association of persons for social or recreational purposes, (24) where medical acre of or mining land developed operation, any structure or more parcels, lots, or land, bui-lding (29) oevg_1_gprne!!_Al-g_?.. A11 land determined ment and building, including but not to be suitable for improve- permanent preservation areas such as productj-ve marsh, beach, most seaward stable Beach and'Dune Development Setback area, tree or historical -Drive-In. (30) to pr inc ipal (3f ; stores, for include a separate, (34) a hotel, of the designed for The term dwelling more or less transient basis, and physically ing units in Dwel1ing, One-Family. apart set lease or provision with for or constituting for use on a on a weekly, cooking, from any other eating, rooms. or dwe11- the same structure. A detached welling home designed for or occupied Dwelf:gg-.Group. A dwelling a public not shall occupancy. a dwelling orvner company or rental or longer or mote1, rooming house, hospitalr independent housekeeping establishment sleeping, of inside a building One or more rooms within involving monthlyr of purposes. residential Dwell-lng-Ugi!:_ (33) or portion accomodations used for basis and/or servi-ce is or car washes. A building be deemed to ' whrein , the term "d.rive- in " includes dr i-ve- in and dairy bars, theatres, banks, laundries, food Iiquor occupied (32) enterprise building other or service the consumer on the outside restaurants stores, landmark stream, site. A retail provided lake, dune, instituion, several unrelated cooking facilities other than a mobile by one family. exclusively under the ownership and supervision occupied or for intended persons or families, are not provided but for occupancy by in which separate persons such resident or families. (35) A dwelling designed Qwglligg-*lvtu$i-Family. three (3) or more persons or families li-ving each other. Ifhere an undivided dweI1j-ng, not meeting the ' family or duplex even though less within (36) lots, Dwellj-ng, as single Row House. one-family be considered dwelling for of single- multi-family unj_ts are contained wall the lowest Dwelling, units having from each other partitions floor on separate frontage lots designed on a designated at and resisti_ve least from to the roof. A detached or semi-detached or occupied exclusively independently wall; by fire extending level Two-Family. designed for (B) or more three have a common roof; not have a commonexterior Are separated party dwelling serj-es of which: May or may not Shall one of of property units accepted street living requirements the use shall (3) independently of each other. by contai-ns more than one subdivision than three or occupied the building attached (37) lot for by two (2) dwetling families (38) p.nd Drinking. Es.!ab.1.:Lshpep.t"" A retail such as a restaurant, premises, prepared (39) including foods selling food and drink lunch counters and drinks establisbment, for foy consumption and refreshment on stand.s selling immediate consumption. service. lTater, sewerr g&s, telephone, cable t.v., Essential and electrical systems, including substations, lift stations, and similar sub-instaltation necessary for the performance of servi_ces. such ( 4O) by any means whatsoever of soi1, rock, mineral or organic substances other than vegetation, from water, Iand on or beneath the surface thereof, or beneath the Iand surface, whether exposed or submerged. (4l-7 Family. One or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that unless all members are related b y b l o o d o r m a r r j _ a g et no such family shall contain over five (S) persons, but further provided that domesti-c servants employed on the premises may be housed on the premises. (42) A home operated by any person who received Igmirv care center. pay for caring for six (6) or less children other than members of the family occupying the premises for day time supervj-sion and care. For the purposes of this ordinance the'use shall be considered a home occupation, and is regulated by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. (43) Garage, Private. Excavation. building Removal or recovery An accessory building used only for private storage or portion a pri_ncipal of of motor vehicles as an accessory use. (44) cqr-€e-r-&ep-Ailt- Building indicated under parts, supplies and premi-ses designed or used for purposes "automobile service station" and,/or major commercial repairs; provided that body work and painting shall be conducted within fully enclosed buildings and provided further that there is no storage of junk, wrecked vehicles, di-smantled (45) qla49._ as (46) The level def ined Habitable for from beyond the premises. which the eating dwe1ling, boarding and other of a building is measured. but not to homes; provided, members of occupations., receive exeluding or profession the operation that County Board of Health. of space. of reslding tourist in a said homes or physicians, the medical approal bathrooms, conducted within gain by members of a family include ' designed to be used ha11s, and storage An occupation pecuniary unit or cooking, compartments, closets, for height A room in a dwelling sleeping, Home Qccupation. family visible herein. Rogm. living, toliet (47) or surgeons, dentists, professions, operating as home their sanitary facilities by the Glynn (48) HoFpj-t?l . Any institutj-on, maintains two (2) ment of *"l6t (4e) and operates facilities ailments, institution, such related departments, central A building (10) in ten separate public for service compensation, care and treatsuffering part as an integral and staff of the out patient as laboratories, facilities facilities, wtrich persons as pati-ents facilities or buildings permanent guests. overnight including or more rooms, with cooking a sanitari-um, for or more unrelated or physical Hotel. including offices. in which sleeping accomod.ations or without but without meals, are provj-ded and offered and which is The word "hotel" open to includes to the transient or the terms 'rmotel" and "boate1". (50) Junk and Salvage Yard. inside or outside of a building, abandonment, sale of (51) vehicles, Laboratory. testing A building and analysis Loading Space, located for pickups of unit Lot Depth. rear (55) lot of Space 1ogica.lly and delj-veries, to 1ines. Lot of land of varying loca11y Clerk (56) Lot land recorded of Glynn Width. required that An area clearly of County minimum front in the Superior lot in indicated direction the official lot of the and side and distinct plat or records lines setback 11ne in that street the not less the width width mean a in a of the Court. between side is as otherwise, between the fron subdivision lot measured at district the provided measurecl along the than B0% of the required lot rn the case of a cul-de-sac, the required when'off- designated as a separate recorded deed as filed in the district. of ex- vehicles Ordinance shall distance designated on a legalty minimum set back line ci-rcle humans. for delivery which is measured i_n the general The distance on a curve width including such vehicles slze unless The mean horizontal Record. of or and conveniently scaled to and accessible of property. 1ines, Iot parcel automobiles devoted to the or animal, the word "1ot" when used alone in this ttzoning 1ot" as herein defined. (54) scrap materials; thereof. a building any product keepj-ng, spaces are fi11ed. A parcel a slngle salvage or equipment or parts Off-Street. parking Lot. the storage, whether is expected to be used, (53) a lot, or abandonment of or part of of conducted on the premises except or testing purposes. perimental street for junk, of demolition machinery, No manufacturing ( 52) or resale the dismantling, other The use of any part Shall in the district. lots on the turni-ng not be less than 6oy" (57> Lolr-lqrqeI, A lot or more streets.. be considered point of Lot (Lot Lot, lot of less A in Interior. on only (59) a corner angle of degrees. Lot, other principal use or uses, and open spaces, visions of street this regulations of (61) land is a lot this than a corner A Lot with having so that foundation. it frontage Mobile Home Park. which is used or Mobile for the this zoning district dedicated, joyment of areas shall nor shall assembly, of services of for ground of is M-20 for restricted to management rerilit spaces or or lease of two (2) within or more mobile homes. a mobile one mobile it is home park home. structure parcel or of land regulations lawfully of the situated. land or water essentially or reserved or passive include a distinction land under single for recreation the yards unimproved and set t h e c o m m o nu s e o r e n - facility. not be occupied by non-recreational they and con- a permanent which is unit to be used for designated, an active minor does not conform to the in which for intended of M-6, M-9, M-\2, parcel A bui-lding, Open Space. An area of aside, structure mobile homes. accomodation occupied by a use that 1n and modular units. Ordinance, requirements of Included a mounted on a permanent foundation unit A plot Non:Cpn_{_grming Use . units of one unit t or in two units designed unit, which arrj-ves at a site com- An undivided Home Space. designed (66) use . or without and the provision lots or portion may be used with intended by these in For the purposes of districts accepted which said parcel within single-family manufactured homes, and a single-wide those on a designated for permj-tting under the pro- or required occupancy except and meeting the district A) yards, such accessory uses, long term residential made between a double-wide ( 65 ) which has frontage (Lot C Illustraton A) of Record may or may not be a lot. A transportable, and ready for structed (64) lot, Illustration than the minimum area required permanent occupancy contained to be joined into one integral (63) B in term are mobile homes, prefabricated plete which has frontage A manufactured building designed for at an (135) (Lot in the zoning district located. Mobile Home. lot, than an alley. are permitted less Manufactured Housing. building (62) for intersect the land occupied or to be occupied by a Ordinancel and having not than a corner together which shal1 A) other of street to the curve at 1ot lines than an alley. other A parcel Zonlng. a curved adjoining side two (2) of than one hundred thirty-five other ThrougA. A lot, intersection the tangents Illustraton A 1ot, one street if the on more than one street (60) the at Any zoni-ng lot intersection interior (58) located established Open space uses or structures, for setbacks in this Ordinance. (67 ) Pat io Home. A single-family aTea required more garden for court reat dwel ling and side spaces withi-n unit in which a portion of yards may be consolidated into the walls unit. of the dwelling the one or 23S (68) Performance Standards. to nuisance elements relating or limits A set of criteria use or process which a particular may not exceed. (69) Principal The primary Use. as distinguished (70) Project of (71,) Area. use or function the land or 1ot of from an accessory use. A11 land within property the outermost a development project. Professional. generally trative refer:s a use or occupancy by persons to personal, engaged in rendering services or activi-ties, professional archi-tects, use and occupancy, with When used in connection professional accountants, including engi-neers, land of f ices and is primarily accomodation for including limited camping trai-1ers, (73) Sign. (74) Site patios (75) and/or and similar Site coverage will Site Plan. site (76) occupy the site. Special this drawn at (1" - without that order, or general (77) if less than comfort, inch one the drive- utilities, and types of uses to the designated zoning in generally division wou1d, in health, convenience, or or locati-on, as to number, area, promote the public the opinion safety, of the welfare, appearance, propsperity, welfare. of and the Story, not of proposed structures, controlled surface the floor of would not be appropriate of if are impermeable to water. lighting, That portion or as walkw&VSr &S well easements, setbacks, llo:y_'it, (78) and size to the neighborhood, Board of Appeals, morals, and drives, which shows the dimensions of throughout but which, or relation parking A use so specifically restriction district a scale 50') signage, Exception. Ordinance, surface impermeable to waterr areas, areas, land covered by the ground floor structures, and the location recreation motor homes. be computed from development area. feet ways and parking campers, truck traj-lers, improvements that A plan equals fifty travel VIII. permeable or whether use and camping and travel to Coverage. The area of of buj-ldings which can be towed, hauled or and self-propelled See Article structure designed as temporary living recreational, but not type portable A vehicular a permanent foundation, without driven Vehicle. doctors, surveyors, insurance of f ices, and administratj-ve considered professional in character. Recreational or adminis- executive lawyers, (72) lines any floor there be no floor and ceiling Half. a building A story intersect a sloping the floor or next included surface above it, of between the the floor then the next space between above it. in which one or more exterior roof such storv. above not more than two (Z> feet walls above (7e> I strsg!. A opened and improved public which affords (80) Street Centerline. governing direction ( B1) it or in the shall be such streets. the outside Anything right-of-way constructed lines or erected on the ground or which having location a fixed which requires including to but not the dwelling units right or occupants in accordance periodically recurring Homes. with A dwelling in among various which rooms are provided in compensation i.n which or more dwerring possessionr a fixed use of a time units or occupancy owners, lessees, schedule on a basis. than ten (10) for two (2) of use, cj-rculates limited wa11s, and fences. comprised of in which the exclusive a something A form of ownership and the transient dwelling Any dwelling of 1s attached on the ground, mobi-1e homes, signs, Time sharing. return a streetr has been so determined, fixed. Iocation Tourist of of structure. of and monumented by the to the general residential (83) surveyed runnJ-ng midway between, and paral1el to buildings, (82) thoroughfare access to abutti_ng property be the centerline no centerline line means of That line body shall event that that the principal or private sleeping or offered j_n less accomodations for the use of guests and rnals may or may not be offered. such accomodations are offered in ten (10) or more rooms shall b e d e e m e d t o b e a " h o t e 1 ' r a s h e r e i n d e , f. l n e c l . The use of a dwelling n,s a tourisL lioni* shall. not be consj-dered an accessory use nor a cu.stomary home occupation. (84) Use. The specific is designed, purpose for arranged, which land, i_ntended for structure, of which or a building may be occupi_ed or it maintained. (85) Variance. A modification of the strict terms of this Ordinance granted by the Board of Appeals where such modifications will not be contrary to the public interest, and where, owing to conditi-ons peculiar to the property and not as a result of any actj-on on the part of the property owner, a literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result that in unnecessary and undue hardship, no variance sha1l be granted use not otherwise (86) Vehicle, permitted which provided, sha1l in a particular autinorize distr j_ct. however, a land Abandoned. For the purpose of this Ordinance a vehicle shall be eonsidered to be abandoned or disposed of if it does not bear a current license plate in accordance with state and local lawsl unless said. vehicle is stored completely within an enclosed buitding; or unless said vehicle is on a l-ot where an established agency is in the business of buying in and selling sati-sfactory this definition, new and/or operating used. vehicles condition. however, vehicles There is and said vehicle expressly capable of operating is excluded fr on public roads. (87) Yard. A required buitding, except for Iimitations open space located and which is tree on the same lot unoccupied and unobstructed as the principa from ground to or shrub growth and fences or wa11s subject as indicated, except where encroachment, utilities, accessory uses are expressly permitted. sky tO hej-ght and (88) Yard A yard Front. the front 1ot line ( See Illustrat (Be) Yard, Rear. the rear YelAr__Qlgqr_ a side (See lot between the front the full width line situated between the the full and extending line and the 1ot. A yard line situated and extending Illustration between widtn from the B) e q D t, I B I B A A A A D A B c D \^l n q \l A a 0 IJ R, A o I n R B ILLUST:,cTIOiI Yr\ti05 5TR6ET LINTS SIDE YA RO 19 slde front the LOrr TI PiS \l Tear building of the line and lot. B) ILLUSTIU\TION A of building ion B) (See Illustraton (e0) extending A yard lot situated building yard to line the and rear yard. ARTICLE IV ESTABLISHMENTOF DISTRICTS Section 40L. Division Districts into For the purposes of Glynn County, Georgia, these regulations, are hereby Aivilea into the unincorporated (30) thirty districts R-6, R-9, M-6 and M-9 One-Family Residential R-L2, One-Family Residential R-20, M-L2 and M-20 RE Residential FA Forest RR Resort Residential GR General Residential MR Medium Residential HR High Residential oc Office LC Local GC General HC Highway Commercial FC Freeway Commercial GC-Core General SC Shoppj-ng Center LI Limited BI Basic GI General CP Conservation PD Planned Development MED Medical MH Mobile C Government B&D Beach and Dune Protection Section 4O2. District The location portions of as follows: Estates Agriculture Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial - Core Industrial Industri-al Industri-al Preservation Home Park Boundaries. and bourffi.ries of are as shown on a map or each district serles Zoning Map of Brunswick and Glynn County, Georgia", "Official adopted on November 77, 1965, to become effective February 1, 4966, and certified of maps entitled the County Clerk. These maps and all hereby made a part of the "Zoning Map" and shall qqc.l-Lon 403. Said maps may hereinafter be retained in exists with District tract fol1ow District or public to as Department. lines, boundaries as shown on apply: indicated of indicated be construed as approximately or prj-vate, whether public highways, streets, easements shall -way 1j-nes. utility following as approximately lines or right-of boundaries following the aIIeys, to follow lot shal1 be construed or to such 1ines. boundaries atea or county militia the district to or right-of-way such centerlines District shall boundaries raj-lwaysr 403.3 be referred the County Engineering respect rules centerlines !93.2 are . Zoning Map, the following 3-Q3.1 accompanying it Ordinance. Interpretat Where uncertainty the this matter explanatory by district time to time, limit indicated lj-nes, 1ines, shall or as approxi-mately folloWing military special be construed reservation district to follow linesr incorporat boundary lines, &s amended from such lines. tt 403.4 District boundaries centerlines, canals, indicated right-of-way channels, or shore l1nes of 4 0 3. 5 District boundaries Atlantic Ocean shall hundred (500) five shore lines 403.6 District to, at all Additions Where the total lncreased other area known as the the to be paralleI seaward from,adjacent and to, land or marsh ti-mes. of, features para11e1 approxi-mately as being or lines listed in Subsections 4O3.2, 403.3, 4O3.4, or 403.5, shatt be so construed j-ndicated on the Zoning Map shall specifically not be determined Portions to or shore 1ines. lines within be construed feet or extensions Districts 404. indicated boundarj-es indicated 403.1, Section right-of-way the rivrs, streams, waterways sha1l be construed or other fo11ow such centerlines, as approximately aceording to the j-n Total or Reductions scale said map. of Land Area in Unincorporated of Glynn County. land or reduced by virtue means, the zoning portions area in unincorporated of district annexation of Glynn County is of Brunswj-ck or by the City boundaries sha11 be adjusted in some the following f ashi-on: 404.1 IThen the change results the unj-ncorporated a) If applies to the said area when it apply to change the classification of Brunswick Otherwise, whether shall time additions previously be classified identj-ca1 When reductions the provj-sions identical amendment and re- standards the County Ordinance. in to the total a part land the City of area of Glynn County, of Brunswj-ck or not, R-9 One-Family Residential through normal are made in of continue zoning district as the County Commission may desire classificatj-on shal1 normal through the includj-ng exists is as the County Commission may desire provi-ded that quirements, the City in which classj-fication under the jurisdiction ZonLng Ordinance such time icati-on, the following f orce: zoni-ng district to classif area within area was previously the City procedure, 404.2 sha11 be in of until land in of Glynn County, the newly added land of Brunswick, b) an increase portions provisi-ons applicable in such change such amendment procedure. Glynn County's the Ordinance to until total land sha11 no longer apply ar.ea, to that land atea. 404.3 In all total cases, where additions land boundarles, area require said or reductions adjustments adjustments shaIl to Glynn County's in the zoning district be shown on the zoning Map. ARTICLE V APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS The various declared Therefore, 501. or part zoning in conformity distrist districts Height No building of this buildlng altered of or the be located. several the within zoning by the Ordinance are prohibited. established of Building be erected, shal1 hereafter prescri-bed height the regulations of 1s or will permitted expressly erected, be constructed, with. al1 it in which Land uses not be used and no existing hereafter shaIl shal1 hereafter thereof moved, unless 502. the purposes out to carry are herein provided: except as hereinafter No land or building 5OL.2 necessary forth and set established Land o:__Bui_l_ding Use of 501.1 Section regulatlons to be the minimum requirements Ordinance. Section district zoning for limitation or moved ro as to exceed the altered the zoni-ng district in which it and Sea Island are designated or will is be located. Inasmuch as St. Simons Island Scenic Beauty and Hj-storic be erected, and for exceptions Secti-on 503. 503;1 occupied which allow in in which it 5O3.2 to height No building, excess of the prescribed Density Calculation. acre of land Site is the Coverage. designated dwelling structure density or land land fi-gure the feet, 617. be used or zoni-ng district zoning lot) or accessory area in for Resid.ential and General Resid.ential however, commercj-al use is zoning district automatically zoni-ng distrists that the prescribed on said (LAy") increase Provided further, in site that Medi-um and a commercial use in be coverage Island. residential approved as a condi-tional allowed. site Residential, located when a combination a ten percent r tro dwelling on an sha11 hereafter structures Resort are Interest a single-family excess of includes whole number. and Sea Island Scenic Beauty and Historic of dwelling figure density the nearest to Slmons Island regulations the number of total sha11 be rounded off (exclusive or dwellings the proposed per net units In cases where the Inasmuch as St. used or occupy land is for dwelling by dividing area. as Areas of individual Provided, (35) sha11 hereafter regulations The number of determined by the net a fraction, 503"3 Section VI, in be located. or will units in height thirty-five excess of in feet Coverage. Density. is (45) see Article regulations, and Site Density heights building sha11 hereafter Islands on said or moved so as to exceed forty-five altered zoning districts tro building Interest, as Areas of coverage an additional ten percent total (tOT") up to coverage may be granted site for directly useable accessj-ble to all recreational apply in all Comerci-al - Core. combination of the floor for Lot Section is 505. of of or other Use of issued unless permitted size so that or moved to occupy within the zoning the total district 1ot width, area, area per dwellj-ng unlt, yards, Ordinance be erected, side for yards, the altered r"ealcyardsr zoning or other re- district or moved to create or other open spaces in whj-ch such building said for Iot was legal1y provided, of the district this all which and properly single-family cases, which it located, is area than l-ocated sha1l be to the adoption districts, substandard purposes. residential construction is which it residential in j-n total smaller recorded prior on any such 1ot, Ordj-nance, sha11 be required. within is within however, that sha11 be used onry for adopti-on of of Record. the use of any lot permitted for the district Ordinancel and rear and occupied are not rnaj-ntained. Substandard Lots However, in of in sha1l hereafter by this the minimum size lots (30%) be located. 5O7. this percent thirty altered is open sapce, lot front No permit of levels use on separare least a Yard Use Limitation. requiared Section Ordinance, 1s designed for be erected, area than Ordinance or smaller or will is this be located. No building than lot sha11 be reduced this 506. narrower a building space in General except Lot Reduction Prohibited. necessary yards Section as one in which at paragraph this districts and commercial shal1 hereafter or will No 1ot quirements of Occupancy percentage it zonlng and highly commercial use(s). No building in which units For the purposes of residential- shall- be defined a greater commercial Combination Uses. dwelling The provisions area. shall 504. Commissj-on (35) feet in height uses less than thirty-five judgment the open space provi-d.ed on the site is in,.their both Section by the Planning comblnation if 503.4 (7O"17 seventy percent a maximumof to meet a1I includi-ng after other the time requirements yard. setbacks, front side yards and others. ARTICLE VI GENERALPROVISIONS Section 601. Street Access. Except as herein constructed, provj-ded, no building moved or relocated on a lot not sha11 hereafter abutting be erected, on a publicly dedi-cated, accepted and maintained street, or on a 1ot not having an officially approved permanent record easement to such a street street which does r or on a private not meet minimum design standardsl and from the time of enactment of thi-s Ordinance that no new street having a right-of-way (50) feet of less than fifty shal1 be publicly dedicated, accepted, or maj-ntained. In no case shall a building permi-t be issued future right-of-way street servi-ng the lots of record. for dedication Iot a lot abutting a public has not been secured provj-ded however that this street for which that does not portlon apply to the of required the existing Section 602. Classi_f ication of For the purposes unincorporated portions ei-ther controlled of Streets this Ordinance, of Glynn County, access highways, The classification of each public public all Georgia, collector in the County is Zoning Map of Brunswick and Glynn County, Georgj-a. be j-n accordance with the transportation ptan which streets, sha1l as being or minor designated Street j-n the streets are hereby classifj-ed major streets, street and private on the Official right-of-way prescribe streets. widths widths shall of not 1es than the following: Controlled Access Highways 300 feet Major Arterials 100 feet Minor Arterials 80 feet Collector 60 feet Streets Minor Streets (unpaved) 60 feet Minor Streets (paved) 50 feet Al1eys Section 603. 25 feet Location of Buildings very huilding provided, on Zoning Lots or use hereafter erected and Residential or established, Limitati-ons except as herein sha11 be located on a zoning lot; and every one or two family residential structure, except as herein provided, sha11 be located on an individ.ual zoning 1ot. In all cases, the principal building on the lot shall be located within the buildable area formed by the building linesr &s defined 1n Section Boz., &s outer boundaries. rn no case, shall such buildings infringe beyond the buildlng li-nes into the respective front, side, Tear yardsr or other setbacks required for the district in which the lot is located. Section 604. Corner Lots on lots having frontage on more than one street at an intersection, the requirement may be reduced to one-half (t/z) of the regutated. distance on the portion of the lot fronting on the street or streets of lesser importance; but, in no case, shall thls reduced front yard requirement be less than ten (10) feet. The minimum front yard for the porti-on of the lot fronting on the street of greater importance shall be provided in accord.ance with the provisions established by this Ordinance for the district in which the ]ot is located' rf the streets are consldered to be of equal importance, then the required minimum front yard for the district shal1 be observed. on that frontage having the narrowest width' The yard requJ-rement on other street frontages may be reduced to one'ha1f (L/2) tne regulated d.istance, provided that, in no case, shalr the requirement be less than ten (10) feet. minimum front yard Sectj-on 605. Double Frontage On lots Lots havj-ng a frontage on more than one street, but not located on a corner' the minimum front yard shal1 be provided for each street in accordance with the provj-sions of this Ord j-nance. Section 606. Front The front where the yard Requi-rements yard requirements average front yard on already within the one hundred (100) feet zoning district on the required quired and frontj-ng setback' setback developed lots. rn such case, but not less of of the than the this ordinance built-upon each side same street setback such lot existing setbacks be less appry to whorly and within as such 1ot, the not located on such a lot average of However, in no case shall of lots shall is less than ten in part the block and than the m1nimum may be less setbacks or any lot than the re- on the (10) feet. Section 607. Non-Conforming Uses Any lawfully permitted use in Ordi-nance into shall existing the district within to include or uses which prlor structures in which it accordance with Iawfu11y existing all enactment the applicable Change. use of use. 607.2 Once changed to be permitted land shall Change to another a period for of of Restoration. constructed a non-conforming prohibited. or structurally use if costs depreciation (6) a six permit Extension. continuance as a or such restoration (5O/") of its replacement pereent as determined by the Glynn County Permitted use of building month period for of cost may not be re- for altered the exceeds fifty less discontinuance use after (L2) months shal1 be prohibited. twelve alteration conforming Sect j-on 608. or to a non-conforming use is non-conforming Board of Tax Assessors. restoration sha11 be ful1y after of a non- completed with issuance of the building such restoration. building, No non-conforming where required by 1aw or ordinance, reconstructed, replaced use is no building use, A non-conformi-ng building non-conforming 607.4 conditions: revert to Any Discontinuance. Re-establishing 607.3 a conforming 1awfu1ly and regulations. following to the were not Ordinance this codes, ordinances use may be contj-nued subject 607.1 of this defj-nition This use. a uses those buildings, among non-conforming to not upon enactment of located is land whj-ch is or use of structure law sha11 be deemed to be a non-conforming not be construed existing building, shall or structurally changed to one permitted in or premises, be extended, altered, except enlarged, unless sueh the district. Home Occupations 608.1 operational Article rrr, district a) Is co4ditions. section provided conducted residing 3o2, sha11 be permitted that person by no other c) Utilizes not more than twenty-five floor area of the family no sale produced or assembled by members of performed for character from that building rnvolves entlrely (25Y") of the building; or change 1n the or offering building; percent the principal Prod.uces no alteration not any residentiar than members of withi-n the principal appearance of the principal e) in on the premises; Is conducted entirely d) in as defined such occupation: b) total A home occupation, sale of of a dwelling; any article familyr the by members of or exterior or any service family the not residing on the premises; f) Creates no disturbing ordor, heat, g1are, or offensive traffic noise, hazatd, vibration, unhealthy smoke, dust, or unsightly condit ion; g) Is not one (1) h) visibly evident from outsi-de the non-illuminated sign one (1) sj-ze and mounted against a wall Meets the provj-sions off-street Section 611. for of dwelling except square foot the principal parking in for or smaller building; in and accordance with 608.2 Occupations Excluded. restaurants, rest conval-escent homes serving repair garages specif ically Section 609. intended within that uses shall is the certain also with homes, florist, shall tourist more than (6) six not be consldered pawn shops, courts, tenants and auto home occupations and are excluded. to the principal several uses which zoning districts uses customarily are designated established incidental herein as being by the Ordinance, or accessory it is such prj_ncipal to be permitted. For purposes of this consi-dered to be customarily same lot above enumerated cond.itions, the Accessory Uses. In addition permitted Notwithstanding the principal 609.1 --.._- Ordinance, therefore, accessory use, each of the following and as such may be situated use or uses to which serve to oa to exceed the and/or Mobile following capacities One or two-family dwelling one-family home on individual zoning mobile or 1ot Multi-family dwelling Group dwerling 4 automobiles 2 automobiles Open storage space or parking provi-ded that storage such does not capacities provi-ded further than one (1) in capacity c) listed. that Children's e) Private room for (3) three f ) Private g) structur:es in h) feet equipment used equlpment. no more than three (3) dogs or four (4) months of age or older. and bath house or cabana. the purposes of flower, ornamental slat shelter catastrophes. shrub or vegetable house not over eight (S) in height. boat j) One (1) tennis docks and looat houses. court and guests and for windmills, provided property line for that district, by a distance and side one (1) the maximum building the immed.iate familv made. is the windmill and from the rear depths plus use of which no charge where the yard of maj_ntenance. greenhouser or Private front storage of man-made or natural i) k) not be used for more licensed as g/4 ton or less on the premises. designed and used for Non-commercial 609.1 a) above, for cats, event garden, under Subsection the swi-mming pool the motor vehicles exceed the maximum respective playhouse and play kennel room such space shall on grounds or buildj-ng d) area for commercial vehicle per family residing shed or tool per ,-.rT;l:ilir, .. n." sleeping b) on the as an accessorv. uses custgm?{l}y Accessory to Dwellings Homes on Individual Zoning Lots storage uses yard is rear is set back from the of side adjacent to height by which f or that line a residenti-al equal to the respective foot property minimum the windmill dj_strict. exceed.s 1) Earth satellite Maxlmum size 6A9.2 dish for allowed and side yards. in rear (]-2) feet sha1I be twelve i-n diameter. U s e s C u s t o m a r i l . ' v A c c e s s o r . ' u .t o C h u r c h B u i l d i n g s a) Religious b) Parsonage, pastorium, education and activity c) parking Off-street and visi-tors d) Windmills, yard front line Uses Customarily the windmill is property line and from the rear a) one (1) b) c) foot height Completety parking Light manufacturing that or glare heat or repair boundary line of the lot minimum yard exceeds the Offj-ce Uses, and for dust, produced operati-on the storage facility as a result not of to the such perceptible principal on which said is from any and accessory not otherwise in which the principal the district in supplies, incidental and provided. such operati-on prohibited of smoke, noise, odor, is client, customer, located. use is Sheltered roofs, commercial use, awnings, shal1, feet any property lYindmills, in by a distance one (1) foot for the windmill the to by which that satellite that or side yard equal and permitted, provided that any closer than ten (10) line. lj-ne and from the rear where the rear to retail Commercj-al and FC Freeway any case, be located provided property incidental where such use is no part to or canopies in HC Ilighway Commercial districts Earth to a residential respective area- for repair that manufacturing height adjacent property side district. Business, and/or use provided specifically f) for or and merchandise. front or by which the windmill enclosed building uses are located e) set back from the Facili.ties stock vibration, is to the storage employee owned veh j-cles. principal d) yard equal Accessory to Retail Off-street or or side by a distance Commercial Recreati-onal charge to members the use wi.thout that maximum building 609.1 b). under Subsection provided depths plus any church. where the rear distri-ct, wlth house, together as listed area for to the buildings. or parish accessory to a dwelling 609.3 receiving, or adjacent respective the windmill district. dish. is i-s set back from the side property to a residential mj-nimumyard line dj-strict, depths plus exceeds the maximum building 610. Setback and Other Yard R In any district, all uirements for Accessory Uses accessory uses operated in structures above ground 1eve1, except boat houses, shall observe all setbacks, yard and other requirements set forth for the di-strict within which they are located. No accessory use , except boat houses and boat docks, sha1l in any case be located any closer than five (5) feet to any property line. section 611. off-street Areas sultable. locations initial other shall change in graded for be required a principal areas shall proper Requirements storing in all at the time of or when a structural prod.uces an increase j-n density, access of in permitted sufficient and be striped Regulations, in off-street zoning dj.stricts or when a conversion draindget automobi-les building; building have direct County Subdivisi-on or any principal of or land use intensity; parking parking for hereafter construction parking Automobile floor Requirements for or area, Such off-street to a street and be paved as required Mlnimum Paving alteration uses occur. width the or alley, be by the Glynn Minor Streets, except that' commercial, institutional, industrial and all multi-family uses located ' l o t s on separate: which require 1ess than ten (10) spaces shall only be required to pave access and servj-ce drivesl however, the actual parking spaces sha1l be surfaced with approval of she11, gravelr the Building or other exception lot of lot of a landscaped or grassed access ways, and the right-of-way 611.1 material (10) ten (5) five area at least five a public wide, with edge of the the parking 1ine. Amount of Area Required for Each Parking The term off-street space shal1 parking and one-half (8+ X 18'). parking approximatery aisles, area, entrance 1ot or other 300 square feet each automobile adjacent and exists, facility each should contain adequate maneuvering of space to be accomodated. Combination of Uses on One Lot . of uses on a single Space. mean a space at least wide and eighteen feet j-n length feet Including off-street for meeting the spaces or more abuts be maintained. between the paving shall eight 611.2 dust-free Inspector. Where a paved parking right-of-way' suitable 1ot, If there is such as a restaurant a combination within or a motel , such uses parking requirements shall be computed separately according to the individual requi_rements of 6l-1.3 to each use. Location of Off -Street Required off-street residences building shall one and two-family same 1ot for permitted (400) all other the parking that owner or owners of said all development over hj-s property space is provided C o m m o nO f f - S t r e e t Parking may utj-Lize parking individual Areas. until that areas relinquish such time Two or more principal order provided spaces available the prj-ncipal that elsewhere. a common area- in requirements, of not more and provided parking off-street and uses may be area is from the premlses feet or use to be served by such areas, rights as the principal cj-rcumstances the parking 6Lt.4 on the provided hundred for Under unusual areas off-site, Areas. areas be located parking than four building parking to be served. hardship, Iocated Parking in to comply with uses off-street number of such common area j.s not less that the total r 248 tt than the a, :, It sum of spaces required as separately computed in this and provided section, linquishes :, .I t, the his the that individual the owner of space i s p r o v i d e d of 1ot re- said over the property rights uses the provisions accordance with development such tj-me as parking at for until elsewhere. ., :t ., 611.5 Use of Public Incidental :', It a, Rights-of-Way to Off-Street area requirements a, :, :', public a, :', :, :', for right-of-way for Parkj-ng. individual on minor (based upon traffic streets County Building Maneuvering parking When determining portions uses, of and certain streets conditions), the collector as determined by the may be consj.dered as permissible Inspector, a, ., ., ., for maneuvering incidental major streets t, facilities :, to parking. and controlled sha1l provide On collector access highways, space outside streets, parking the public right-of-way automobile storage :t for :, :, a, a, a, It It It 611.6 maneuvering incidental Number of parking street Spaces Required. space shal1 or to parking. al1ey Off-street be provided and shall minimum requlrements with be equal listed vehicular or access to a to or may exceed the be1ow. It a) Dwellings- l, 2 s pac es per uni - t 1.5 spaces per one and tw o bedr oom uni - ts One and two-family t1 Multi-family ,, t, 2.O spaces for three or more bedroom units ,, t, Rooming House, Hote1, 1.1 spaces per sleeping Motel room and Tourist and Other Homes Group Dwellings Additional spaces for accessory t, ,, the uses shal1 requirements specific of use listed meet the herein. ,t ,t Cluster Mobile t, a n d Row House Home Parks 2 spaces per unit 2 spaces per unit, ,, one additional resident plus space for managet ot owner ti tt It b) Places of Public Assembly Churches or Other Places of Worship 1 space for each 4 seats in the main auditorium or sanctuary It Schools, includj-ng Kinder- 1 space for gartens, Nurseries and Day ber or employee, plus Care Centers ,t space for in of mem1 each 5 seats the principal Automobile for each staff auditorium stacking the pick-up sapce and delive students or chi-ldren shal-l be provided for a It tt ,.1 t1 tt minimum of 2 automobiles. Private clubs, Lodge and 1 space for each zo square feet Fraternal Buildings not of patron provi-ding overnight acom- 1 space for each 2 members 1 space for each 4 seats 1 space for each To square feet space or use areas an modat ions Theatres, Auditoriums Stadiums, and Similar Places of Public skating Rinks, Exhibition Assemblv Dance Halrs Ha11s, Pool Rooms, and other of patron Places Public Assemblv Health and Athletic space or use area and 1 space for each 2 employees of clubs 4 spaces per court, plus 1 space per each 2 employees Bowring Alleys Transportati-on Facilities, stations, b spaces for Terminal, 1 spaee for Railroad of public Bus Depots, plus and Truck rerminals emproyees, prus and Museums Health Nursing Homes, Sanitariums storage, and unloading floor each 70 square feet area open to 1 space for space for there case of hospitals shal1 be 20 additional jacent and Animal Hospital to the 1 space for floor of immediately Facilities, Offices and Health Including each 2oo square feet space devoted to waiting 1 space for of total ad- emergency room area and examination Dental 1 each 2 regularshift spaces provided Medical, the public each 4 beds, plus employees, in Kennels suffici_ent - Facilities Hospitals, each 2 regular parking, 1 space for of room area, 1 space for loading c) each 100 feet waiting space for Libraries each alley area each 100 square feet floor area and Clinics Mortuaries and Funeral IIomes 1 space for of floor space used for and chapel ficj-ent each 100 square feet purposes, space for vj_ewing plus storage sufof vehicles d) Business Establishments Automobile Automobile, Machinery, service stations Farm Equi-pment, Furniture 2 spaces for 1 space for each fuel each 2 shift plus 1 space for and Repair Establishments feet of Food Stores 1 space for Sales, of floor retail toal pump floor each 400 square area each 100 square feet area designated sales employee for General Offices and Governmental feet Retail Businesses, or Personal Bars, Taverns, Cafes, Lunch Counters, and Drinking I Gri11s Nightclubs and Other of of floor total of patron each 70 square space and 1 spac each 2 employees each 2OO squar 1 space for Establishments feet of non-storage 5 spaees for Shopping Centers t leaseable ments, Coal, and Industrial Including 1 space for Establish- gross floor area Junk and Supply Yards, and Off-Street shift, ficient space to governmentalr shall in accordance with loading and equipment at resj-dential- the time of a public alley following in the off-street purposes. or street parking the initial constructlon commercial, industrial, Such off-street and shall requirementsr requirements. the in off-street motor vehicles used or arranged to be used for the store 50 spaces and unloading be required or multi-family have access to included for sha1l hereafter or structure suf- Loading and Unloadj-ng Area Requirements Areas suitable building and Airfield plus working vehicle3 Airport each 2 employees on the largest Lumber, Brick, Facilities Port locations each 11000 Other Uses lYholesale 612. atea of square feet Section area Establishments Servj-ce and Repair e) area each 200 square 1 space for for Eating floor retail space for feet Institutions Including each 2OO square 1 space for and Loans and Other Financial Restaurants, area Commercial Servj-ce Establishment Ba"nks, Savings floor of retail feet Diners, each 2AO square 1 space for Offices be provided computation loading of any areas and maintaj-ned of which sha1l not be 612.1 Number of a) Retail business total area: Retail b) Spaces Required uses, area: 1 space governmental industrial, public including educational of provide shall floor total hospitals to the following excess loadi-ng spaces of 25,000 gg,000 2 100r0o0 75g,ggg 3 160r000 - 23g,ggg 4 24O|OOO 5 349,999 Multi-Family d) in schedule: No. or fraction the first For anything area. Square Feet For each additj-onal and 1 space for such uses shal1 provide 25r000 square feet, according and i-nstituional assembly places, institutions 251000 square feet of in 2r000 to 25r000 square feet uses with floor Wholesale, than 2r000 square feet less None business in total c) uses with Spaces l- additional 100,000 thereof residences with less residences with ten than ( 1) dwel1j-ng units: ten None Multi-Family e) 2 parking units: Multi-Family f) 6L2.2 1 parking and unloading of this Such space shall Location areas of as part of in the required the Ordinance or not, for requirements. vehiele shall being stand units, units thereof (L4) they feet feet high. at all on the are intended loading sati-sfy (10) times. Required off-street cases be located all to ten by the to loading same 1ot serve. In space be considered parking off-street requj-re- therein. Adequacy of Loading Area. their least of obstructions off-street area provided ments as listed 61-2.4. and free land as the structure no case shall space required Loading Areas. shal1 dwelling 30 dwelling long and fourteen be clear of Off-Street and unloading or parcel feet (30) Each Loading Space. Ordinance sha1l be at (50) fifty in width, dwelling space. 30 dwelling each additional Each off-street loading a loading the firsst for (30) to thirty more than thirty spaces for space for of Amount of Area Required provisions 612.3 lieu resj-dences with 2 parking unitsz plus spaces in (10) shal1 A11 uses, provJ-de of f -street specified loading areas in in connection j-nto a public street, with this suf f ic j-ent Such space shaI1 be adequate so that loaded or unloaded in or project whether normal no operations wa1k, a11ey or way. Section 613. Landscaped Buffer When situated property, adjacent al-I institutj-ona1, and unloading be separated areasr to a residential parking or off-street buffer painted posed of healthy strlp board fence. plants three (3) or brick Section feet sha11 be not less zoning (6) and six (6) than six blockr feet feet less line or planted, if or if by a con- stone wa1l or such a nature (3) than three in heightr areas shal1 sha1l be com- of characteristics screen not storage feet as in width, block, wood, stone, high. Curb Cut and Access Points 614. j-n concrete, and egress openings provislons, of vehicular concrete strip, which possess growth above ground, Ingress curbing brick, loading off-street or property district Such buffer to produce a dense, compact planting uses, areas t or open yard residential or a solid or a residential district commercial and industrial from the adjoining tj-nuous planted a uniformly Strips commonly referred districts established as "curb to access to and from private by this asphalt, Ordinance &s well cuts", property, rock or other as other sha11 be regulated in accordance street with in the means the several following requirement s. 614.1 Size and Spacing of Curb Cuts and Other Access Points. In no case shal1 a curb cut than twelve (24) feet for all for or other access points curb cuts be closer than twenty except residential in (20) feet from each other The angle Location of Curb Cuts and Other Access Points. of of-way line access points classified saj-d street than eight streets right-of-way than the following with the to another (40) feet for minor streets. Sixty (60) feet for collector Sixty (60) feet for major and minor arteri-als. However, if standards the property cannot Access Points private vehicular property accelerating then a curb ingress onto cut, street is cut such that created. Interchanges. poi-nt of any portion these or access poi-nt may access or other and egress be permitted and decelerating right- access highways. lnazard j-s not in the Vicj-nj-ty of In no case sha11 any curb means of controlled a traffic intersection streets. configuration be met, provided be allowed for along distance: Forty Two hundred (20O) feet any shal1 be permitted closer line of degrees (B0o). shall the following feet nor shal1 any two (2) curb cut or other (40) more than two (2) zoni-ng districts. not be less be less uses and twenty-four uses nor more than forty other curb cuts No curb cuts 614.3 residential No use shal1 be permitted in width. 6L4.2 (]-2) feet access points or other of lanes, the from access ramps, merge lanes and other facilities specifically onto and off designed. to of a limited Notwithstanding accessr or other means of private property onto the foregoing, street's a public direct access highway located Permits for A permit must be obtained Transportation shall before be authorized from abutting section 615. zoning districts General Commercial District, or structure of thirty or object (30) permitted inches and ten of the rounded corner) Sectlon 676 street Vision Public street placed belfries, cupolas, electrical flag poles, provided masts, exceed a height of Commission prior feet MSL shall "Notice to approval in steeples, 150 feet the responsibility structure of (or Ordinance, sign, vi-sion point of access except the GC between the heights street level the point of planting shrubberyr such lines shal1 be formed by the extended in case of and Entrances which this a Intersectin the as to patterns. f rom the Federal of the point towers, of a public dwelling unit. spires, towers, conveyors, Section A11 structures 60g) which and approved by the planning Structures Commission prior to afford excess of The planning such structures tr'urther, it may also Administrati-on, 2SO the the Glynn County Airport effect Aviati-on in submitting (FA Form Z460-7). the to of observation to provisions permit. shall sha1l be erected smokestacks, elevators, be reviewed request, feet not apply human occupancy. of Alteration" the appticant. water (subject a building a material more than one (1) Ordinance shall signs, forming (2+) feet serves chimneys, MSL shal1 i-ssuance of or sign (25) twenty-five are not used for to comment in writing the of owned highway rights-of-way feet plantj-ng, and windmills approach zones and flight of Department any other of two and one-ha1f silos, of Proposed Constructj-on an opportunity airport within towers, hearlng state Roadwa be approved by the Planning Commission, before or from a limited lot. domes, monuments, roof the state or cuts (25) lines at Private limitations such structures right-of-way owned Highway Rights-of-way. driver twenty-five roadway or drive transmissj-on tangency grad.e. above the finished hedge or other or maintained The height feet over a height any private with to of Streets. wa1l, to visibllity wj-th the outside wa11, terrace, right-of-way Clearance No fence, planted, (10) within line by this obstructing which bound said with impedient lot from the point rntersections established of from property. no fence, capable on a corner intersection onto viqion clearance at street In all feet from the curb of sha11 be permi_tted access either state point i-ngress and egress at a separate Access onto movement at a separate no curb cut, street rlght-of-way or any ramp providing 6L4.4 vehicular than two (2oo) of that traffic access highway located grade. closer facilitate Manager may have on be necessary which shall to be obta Section 618. Environmental Protect ion A11 uses must sati-sfactorily Environmental Protection Divisj-on, comply with Georgia the requirements of the Department of Natural Resources and the Glynn County Board of Health regardi-ng the protectlon of the environment from pollution by waste materials. A11 development in areas of freshwater wetlands and marshland fringe shal1 comply with the following standards. Development adjacent as those protected to freshwater wetlands, defined 4o4 of P.L. g2-boo as determined by section by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, vegetation around all Development in subject (15) Section 619. Site 6l-9.1 foot less than b.6 feet on lands MSL). A sha11 be maintd.ined along marsh by the Coastal Marshland Protection Act. Plan Approval Procedure. Where by the the Planning commission is the plan site Director to of natural sha11 not be permitted fringe setback as certified a buffer wetlands. infruence(generally minimum fifteen boundaries, freshwater the marsh-upland to tidal provide shall the shall sponsibility for the agencies site No public notice consideration shall plan some aspect relating approval for of the site Director. review The and comment which may have re- plan. Director plan The site arong wlth Commission for its all approval conditions. and hearing is required for a public in meeting site plan however, such matters as an Agenda item. A11 the Planni-ng Commission's consideration site plans sha11 be of public record and any decision shall ' formal action by the Planning Commission. rnformation by permit, to a buildlng by the Plannj-ng Commisslon, be handled matters prior and departments be submi-tted by the Planning pertinent comments to the Planning with Ordinance, to the Planning shaIl or approval this required be submitted sha11 circulate appropriate terms of to as required in the ordinance for plan site of require approval sha11 be submitted to the Planning Director not less than twenty-one (27) days prior to the public meeting at which the plan is to be considered. The Planning commission may delay consideration (45) of the site Requirements a) The site Statement of approval days beyond the meeting date for have been originally 619.2 plan not more than forty-five which the application was to considered. plan describing for sha11 include in detail the the following charactey j_nformation: and intended use the development. b) Statement c) General d) A site of ownership andlor control of the proposed development. locati_on map. plan the project containing planner the name of and devloper, the project, date and north and the names of arrow, and based upon an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of not less than 1rr = 50'showing the followj-ng - 1) boundaries of the project, any existing streets, buildings, water bodles, beaches, dunes and marsh boundary linereasements and dimensions of all buildings and sectj.on lines; and structures; 2) exact location 3) access and traffic flow pedestrian loading and how vehicular and other types and points 7) refuse of utility e) Tabulation gross acreage in coverage by structures, parking 6) all screens and 8) access to utilities and the percentage permitted the various surface ground uses, coverage. of numbers of off-street the derivation and loading the project and impervious showing in dwelling parki-ng and 4) off-street areas; collection from hookups. of total Tabulations be separated 5) recreationfacilities; proposed to be devoted to thereof f) of traffic; areas and dimensions; and buffers; will traffic spaces shown above, project and total density per acre. units s) :il:f]".:":'i:l, "l;.1,'l"l'.1';:"::::i.ll'il; i;:"1::.iiiilli : statements maintained, h) Location and slze Location systems. showing all or more, measured 4.5 architect, 619.3 specimen trees feet Issuance of Building approval Upon the or approval Building if must be prepared engineer with Official with diameter a trunk of 24 inche up from the base. Flood Hazard Area Statement, The sj-te plan sewer, signs. j ) Tree survey k) and proposed water, of existing and utility of and be submitted. shall drainage, i) are to be provided as to how such common facilities applicable. a registered by either surveyor, landscape or architect. Permits. of the site conditions, subject plan by the Planning appli-cation permits building to meeting all Commission may be issued by the applicable codes and regulations of Glynn County. 619.4 Review and Approval 6L9.2, the Site permitted certain Ordinance of requi-re will issuance of a building on the site p1an, shall PIan. In accordance with and conditional Sections uses as designated approval by the Planning permit. The Planning 6L9.7 and in the Commission pri-or Commi-ssion, before be guided by the following standards to the actlng and requirements: a) The site plan under this b) applj-cation of the items required section. The proposed uses, the all contains buildings requiremen,tss, of this and structures Ordinance are in and other accordance with ordinances of Glynn County. c) Adequate provisions parking, loading reasonably d) are made for and unloading, ingress and egress, and the flow off-street of traffic which may be anticipated. Adequate provisions and sewage collect are mad.e for water j-on and treatment. supply, f ire protection, e) Adequate provisi-ons from and across the property Adequate provisions f) to screen aIl the f1'ow ' of are made to control and protect are made to buffer service stormwater mature trees. intensi-ve uses and areas from the view of properties adjacent and streets. s) Adequate provisions and direction of are made to control all an adverse effect outdoor lighting so that When an application for site with for rezoning, an application plan it intensity will not have properties. upon adjoining Adequate open space has been provided are proposed to assure maintenance of h) the location, and appropriate means commonareas and facilities. approval filed is the Planning in conjunction Commission must first reach a decj-sion on the rezoni-ng to be transmj-tted to the County Commission. No site plan filed in conjunction wi-th an application for rezoning sha11 be deemed approved prior to final approval of the 619.5 application Conditions, for Restrictj-ons yezoning by the County Commission. and Exemptions. the Planning commission may wish so long as the general intent of the zoning district to make them less it shal1 regulations an applicant to plan a site impose conditions this ordinance is application, and restrictions, c a r r i - e d out and established herein are not varied as rf the planning commission so acts, restricti-ve. specifically In approving state those requirements may be granted finaL site which must be met before pran approval and a building permj-t. In the event revision corrected of the Planni-ng Commission requires the site or revised Commission before be granted. plan, in final the applj-cant accordance with sj-te plan to power to the Commission may delegate grant the final approval of the Director's tions and/or Where site or structure determination corrections plan approval that shall the submit a site the, decision approval The Planning any correction of site plan specifically plan the Planning and a building the Planning or permit Director may the applicati-on upon prescribed condi- have been met by the applicant. i-s required to be erected by the Ordinance, or constructed., altered &flV building or enlarged that does not exceed one thousand (1rO0O) square feet in floor area sha1l be exempt from site and development plan approval. However, no addition or enlargement to any existing buildj-ng or structure shatl be exempt if the addition or enlargement exceeds fifty (5O%) of the floor area of the building being enlarged addition i-s to be attached. In the case of use and the a site total plan property for property already or development project percent or to which the zoned for is multi-family one-half acre or This will .less in size, it shall be considered a minor development. requlre only an admi-nistrative review and approval by the Planning Dj-rector within five (b) working days after submission. Mi_nor developments must meet the requirements of section 6],9.2 a) through k). 619.6 Period of Validity. be valj-d for a period such period longer substantially is the Planning eonditions contains alter its same as the re-approval. application, within is (L2) applj-cant appli- if applieatj-on. inltial for Commission concludes plan the However, such cases to attach a new site commenced. exceedj-ng twelve Where the apptication changes whi-ch the Planning initial not the ori-ginal Commissj-on has the power in to the and construction extensions of Commission shal1 (L2) months, unless obtained is request the by the planning than twelve Commissj-on may grant months each upon written cation approval permit a building The Planning plan No site new re-approval materially review procedure shall be initiated. 6l-9.7 Enforcement. Any failure construct, operate manner provided 619.8 Fees. Application schedule fraction Secti-on 620 " to provide requires that or within plan site constitute structure to or use in a as approved by the Planning a violation of this Ordinance. shal1 be accompanied by a fee based upon the following acre plus the first $S for each additional acre or Easements A11 dedicated in order 1n the $ZS for thereof. Drainage or any successors or assigns or maintaj-n any building, for Commissi-onshall by the applj-cant easements for satisfactory no fences, any drainage open drainage access for screens, ways sha11 remain unobstructed maintenance vehicles or permanent structures and equipment. be erected This or placed on easement. ARTICLE VII Sectioh 701. R-6, R-9, M-6 and M-9 One-Family Residential 701.1 Intent R-6, of Districts. R-9, It is the M-6 and M-9 One-Family i-ntent of this Residential section that the Zoning Districts be for low-to-medium density residential purarXd reserved The regulations which apply withln these districts are desi-gned to encourage the formation and continuance of a stable, developed poses. h€'a1thy environment lots having for one-family dwellings an area of 61000 square feet courage any encroachment by commercial, residential, or other single-family 701.2 Permitted uses capable residential of on zoning or more, and to disindustrial, adversely of character situated the high affecti-ng density the district. Uses in R-9 and R-6 The following uses shall be permitted in any R-6 and R-9 Zoning Distri-ct: 1) One-famJ-ly dwel1ing. 2) Government owned or operated use, 3) Non-commercial horticultural or agriculture, j-ncluding the keeping of poultry or animals. 4) Accessory use in compliance with 5) Customary home occupation of Section 608. faci-lity or land. but the provi-sions established under the not of Section regulations 609. 258 701.3 Permitted Uses in M-9 and M-6 The following be permitted. uses sha1l in any M-6 and M-9 Zoning District: 1) Manufactured home for complianee with Government owned or oprated 3) Mobile 4) home subdivisions land. 7OL.4 customary home occupatlon but not including the provlsions established under the of Section regulatj-ons Uses. uses may be permitted forth 1) Church, synagoguer temple that is in Section it basis, R-9, subject M-6 and to eonditions 9O4z located collector in any R-6, on a conditional set or other on a lot place fronting provided of worship, on an arteriaL or street. utility substation or other essential service, provj-ded that: a) The use is enclosed by a painted fence or wall (6) six of office vehicles A landscaped buffer Joint Planning maintained 3) least There j-s neither storage c) at or chai-n-linked feet in height above grade. ; finish b) a) Consists b) Has a ten entire of operation that foot perimeter nor equipment on the premises; stripr and ?s determined by the Commission, to be planted a site (10) nor commercial or around the Cemetery, provided and suitably facilitv. such use: of at least planted which is five buffer kept free (b) acres.; strip around its of any use except access.; c) Includes for 609, dwelling. M-9 Zoning District Public eaeh unit. 608. One-family The following 2) acres or animals. 6) Conditional for or agricurture, Accessory use in compliance with 7) (5) five required 5) Section in or Iand. on a minimum of horticurture the keeping of poultry of facility use, Tie-downs and skirting Non-comrnercial use, 701.5. 2) of residential one-familv no crematorium, a caretaker.; or dwelling unit other than t: d) yard Has a front centerline setback of of abutting right-of-way lines, at least public seventy (20) feet from the or ten (10) feet from public streets whi_chever i-s further.; and ,a t: ,, :: t: e) Maintains feet in a non-illuminated sign no greater (10) area and ten feet (30 square than thirty in height. ,a ,a ,, 4) Mobile home on a two (2) year basis, &t the di-scretion the County of Commission, when a documented hardship exj-sts, provided such use meets alI other requirements of Section ?01.5. Applicati-on procedure shal1 be the same as that for talned for county commlssion amendments to two (2) an additional if the Ordinance. year period the hardship continues at to Renewal may be obthe discretion of the exist. :, t: :, t: ,. :: 1: 1, 5) Temporary use in compliance with the provi-sions of Section g05. t: 1: 6) Unlighted, setbacks 7) Cluster with regulation as determined Housing Site or par three size by the Subdivi-sion Plan Approval, Joint golf course with Planning Commission. buffers or Development on a minlmum of Section and ,l ,, ,: ,, :, 1' 7+ acres 1: 619. ,' B) Subdivision Section non-commercial recreation areas in compli-ance with ,' 7O2.4. lt tt 701.5 ,: :: Other Requirements. Unless R-6, otherwise R-9, following specified elsewhere i-n this M-6 and M-9 Zoning Districts sha1l Ordinance, be required uses permitted to conform to in the conditions: ,' :: 1t ,t 1) Minimum Lot Area: ,a R-6, M-6: 61000 square feet R-9, M-0: 91000 square feet :: ,. 1: ,i :: 2) Minimum Land Area Per Dwelling R-6, M-6: 6,000 square feet R-9, M-9: 91000 square feet a: Unit: t t: 3) 4) 5) 6) M a x i m u mD w e l l i n g R-6, M-6: Seven (7) R-9, M-9: Four (4) Minimum Lot per Net Acre: dwelling dwelling units units (60) feet Sixty R-9, M-9: Seventy (20) Mlni-mumFront feet Yard Depth: Twenty (20) feet. Arti-c1e VI, Section For exceptlons l_ots, see Article Minimum Rear Yard: feet. to this requj-rement, see 606. Mlnimum Side Yard: Seven (7) feet on each side. Seven (7) t: lVidth: R-6, M-6: corner 7) Units VI, For side yard requirements Section 6A4. pertaining to r 260 8) 9) M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g Thirty-five (35) Article Section VI, Off-Street standards loading For exceptions set and other see 61_7. requirements. Signs: conditions in R-6rR-9, M-6 and M-9 Zoning Districts under which they may be located, Manufactured Homes in Manufactured homes must comply with assure visual a) ?rior compatibility with The unit The maximum wldth on the site c) The pitch of of shall standards foundation order to foundation or skirting as assembled unit (2O) feet r &s measured across shall not be less than a 4 to may be used that exterior (10) sha11 be ten acceptable fi-nish if for applied 1 s1ope. feet. In generally acceptable housing built on the is in such a manner as to appearance. R-12, R-20, M-12 and M-20 One-Family Residential of in an accepted double-wide the than twenty are generally may be used for Intent VIII. homes: single-family have a visible from eaves to ridge that be si_mi1ar in 7O2.L following the maj-n body of the main roof Any materials 702. in Article Official. general r &ItY roofing material for sj-te-built housing. site the point. Minimum distance d) the must be secured to sha11 not be less the narrowest forth are set site-built to occupancy each unit approved by the Building b) including M-6 and M-9: by by tie-downs. Section regulations, to height in R-6, R-9, M-6 and M-9 Zoning Distri-cts shall meet all forth j-n Article parking, VI, pertai-ning to off-street Signs permitted 11) feet. Parking: Uses permitted 10) Height: Districts. It is the intent R-2O, M-L2 and M-20 One-Family of this Districts section Zoning Districts that be developed the R-12, and reserved for 1ow-to-medium density residential purposes. The regutations which apply within these districts are designed to encourage the formation and continuance situated and to density the 7O2.2 of a stable, on zoni-ng lots discourage residentialr single-family healthy environment havi-ng an area of for 12r000 square feet any encroachment by commercial, or other uses capable of residential character one-family of the industrial, adversely dwellings or more high affecting dj-stri-cts. Permi-tted Uses in R-12 and R-20. The following uses shall be permi-tted in any R-12 or R-20 zoning District: 1) One-family 2) Government gWllEdor operated dwel1ing. use, facility or 1and. 3) Non-commercial of or poultry livestock minimum of (3) three line except sha11 not be permj-tted. Howeverr oo a (3) the keeping one hundred (10O) feet within hundred (300) and three for feet the keeping that land no more than three no structure that sha1l be located property or agriculture, acres of provided may be kept, horses horticulture horses of of the any any existing of residence. 4) Accessory use in compliance with 5) Customary home occupation of 702.3 Section Permitted the provisions established under of Section 609. the regulations 608. Uses in M-12 and M-20 The following uses shal1 be permitted in any M-12 or M-20 Zoning District: 1) Manufactured home for one-family c o m p l j - a n c e w i t h 7 O 2. 5 . 2) Government owned or operated use, 3) Non-commercial keeping of livestock on a minimum horses property (3) provlded that 4) Accessory use in compliance with 5) Customary home occupation in Section 6) One-family 7) Mobile Tie a) (3) no structure for (100) of any existing the provisions under the keeping feet of any residence. of Section 609. the regulations on a mi-nimum of requi-red (5) five acres of land. f or each unit. j-n any R-12 , R-2O, M-1,2 and M-20 basis, subject to conditions set forth uses may be permitted utility substation least (6) six There 1s neither essenti-a1 service, or chainlinked in height above finish nor commercial operation or equipment on the premises:; Commission, the facilitv. feet offi-ce A landscaped buffer Planning or other enclosed by a palnted Such use is of vehicles c) However, Uses. wa1l at b) the land no more than three established Zoning District on a conditional 1n Section gO4z Public that dwe1ling. downs and skirting The f ollowing 1) except 608. home subdivision Conditional in or 1and. one hundred within (30O) feet and three use, sha11 not be permitted. acres of sha11 be located line facility or agriculture, or poultry of three may be kept, of horses 7O2.4 horticulture residential stripr is provlded that: fence or grade.; nor storage and &s determined by the Joint planted and suitably maintai-ned around 2) Mobile home on a two (2) year basis, procedure for to discretion two (2) an additional year period at continues the hardship the County Commission if of the Ordinance. amendments to for such Applieation 7O2.5. Section same as that sha11 be the Renewal may be obtained the of requirements other the provided exj-sts, County Commission, when a documented hardship use meets all of dt the dlscreti-on exist. 3) Temporary use in 4) Subdivision a) non-commercial on the plat plat c) of recreati-on on the subdivision the of and operatj-on of facilities satisfaction the to be demonstrated area shal1 the County Commissi-on.; located of f) of the residents be for the provision No recreation e) the area are described within area shall the The method of of in subdivision guests on1y.; and their the that: the subdivislon.; The use of d) the of 905. Section located.; is The uses and,/or facilities b) of provided areas, recreation delineated Such area is which it the provisions compliance with or equipment shal} be buildings than one hundred (100) feet to any property facilities, closer any buildable property plats Revi-sions to existing recreation of of notification to all fines of subdivision least fifteen (15) exj-sting the subdj-vision.; which provide records, wi-11 be required areas, the outside to property in which lines new show evidence of written owners within the con- revision the for sought is at to review by the Planning days prior Commission. g) Facilities withj-n such recreation areas shal1 and be include 1i-mited to: swimming poo1s, cabanas and accessory facilities to swimming poo1s. playing fields, courts, including handball playgrounds, community buildings - picnic it 7) is meeting and putting size as determined on a lot Housing acres with 702.5 with rooms. greens. Site golf or par three buffers of worship, provided or collector street. or Development on a mini-mum of two (2) fronting Subdivision place course with Commission. by the Planning snyagoguer temple or other located Cluster golf regulation and setbacks Church, equipment. including facilities. - miniature 6) shuffleboard, basketball, tennis, and horseshoe. children's Unlighted, soccer and and field. track 5) baseba11, football, including Plan Approval, on an arterial Section 619. Other Requirements. Unless otherwise in R-12, form to R-20, specified elsewhere i-n this M-12 and M-20 Zoning Districts the following standards: Ordj-nance, uses permitted sha1l be required to con- 1) Mini-mtmr Lot R-Iz, Area: M-1-2: t2,000 R-20, M-20. 2) 3) 2Or0O0 square feet Minimum Land Area Per Dwe1ling L2,0OO square feet R-20, M-zO, 20,0O0 square feet Maximum Dwelling M-L2: Two (2) R-20, M-2O: (90) Minimum Front See Article feet feet Yard Depth: VI, For exceptj-ons to this Section requirement, 606. Mi-ni-mumSide Yard: Seven (7) feet on each side. to corner lots, see Article 7) Mlnimum Rear Yard: Seven (7) feet. 8) Maximum Building (35) see Article VI, Off-Street meet all VI, Section pertalning 604. feet. For exceptions Section to height regulations 60Z. Parking: in R-12, M-12, R-20 and M-20 Zoning Districts standards the off-street For side yard requirements Height: Thirty-five Uses permitted 10) units One hundred (100) Twenty (2O) feet. 9) dwelling Minimum Lot Width: R-12, M-72: Ninety 6) per Net Acre: (B) dwe1l j-ng units Units Three R-20, M-zO: 5) Unit: R-12, M-L2: R-L2, 4> square feet prking, set loading forth in Article and other pertaining Vf, sha11 to requirements. Signs: permi-tted in R-12, R-20, M-L2 and M-20 zoning Dlstricts, including the condj-tions under which they may be located, are set forth in Article VIII. signs 11) Manufactured Homes in M-12 and M-20: Manufactured standards single-f homes in M-12 and M-20 must comply with the following in order to assure visual compatibility with site-built amj-Iy homes: a) Prior b) The mini-mumwi-dth of to occupancy each unit must be secured to an accepted foundation by tie-downs. The unit shall have a visj-ble foundati or skirting approved by the Building Official. the main body of as assembled on the site feet c) wider The pitch the double-wi-de units sha1l not be less than twenty &S measured across the narrowest of the main roof Minimum distance point. shal1 not be less from eaves to ri-dge shall than a 4 to 1 slope. be ten (10) feet. In general r &ny roofing material may be used that acceptable for site-built housing. d) Any materials on the site that are generally may be used for a manner as to be similar (2o) in acceptable exterior finiah appearance. for if is generally housing built applied in such Section 703. RE One-Family 703.1 Intent Resj-dential- Estates of District. Residential density this It Estates tinuance purposes. usually a stable, located situated to beyond the morer or on lots having are served by central 7O3.2 affecting Permitted Uses. The followj-ng having and sewer systems, industrial the residential and to or other character be permitted horticulture discourage uses capable any of district. of the any RE Zoning District: in or poultry livestock line shall acres of provided may be kept, shall (3) three facility or land.. or agriculture, be located except for However, (3) the keeping one hundred (100) within the land no more than three hundred (3OO) feet and three that not be permitted. no structure that Acsessory use in compliance with of feet of any any resj_dence. the provisions of 609. Customary home occupation Section Conditional established under the regulations 608. Uses. The following conditional Public and sewer systems and water on a minimum of 1) dwellings dwelling. keepi-ng of 703.3 and con- 25r00O square feet Non-commercial of within a minimum area of 3) 5) low or Government owned or operated use, Section very 30rO0O square feet 2) 4) for one-family water central One-family property formation the an acre of uses sha1l of horses that apply which for environment 1) horses section and reserved encourage the reach of encroachment by commercial, adversely this The regulations healthy on zonj:ng lots of be developed are designed of the intent District residential district is Dj-strict uses may be permi-tted basj-s, subject utility in any RE Zoning District to the condj-tions substation, or other set forth essential in on a Section ga4z provj-d.ed service, that: a) The use is waII b) at least There is sj-x (6) neither of vehj-cles c) enclosed by a painted feet above f inished on the premises; or equlpment stripr Commission, is in height fence or nor commercial opration office A landscaped buffer or chainlinked grade.; nor storage and &s determined. by the Joint planted and suitably maintained around the facilitv. 2) Temporary use in complj-ance with 3) Subdivision condi-tions non-commercial set forth the provisions recreation i_n Subsection areas, TO2.4. of Section subject to 905. 7O3.4 Other Requirements. Unless otherwise permitted specified a RE Zoning District in to the following 1) Ord.inance, uses this shal1 be required to conform standards: Minimum Lot 2) elsewhere in Area: 3O'O0O square feet (on septic 25rooo square feet (on centrar Maximum Dwelling Units tank and well) water and sewer systems) Per Net Acre: one (1) 3) Minimum Lot Width: One hundred (1OO) feet 4) Minimum Front 5) Thirty (30) Article VI, feet. Section (15) pertaining 6) feet (15) For side yard requj-rements on each side. lots, see Article Secti_on 605. Height: Thirty-five (35) see Article VI, Off-Street feet. For exceptlons Section to height regulations, 6LT. Parking: i-n this in Article and other district pertaining VI, shall meet the standards parking, to off-street ser loading requirements. Signs: Signs permitted in district, this including under which they may be located, FA Forest 704.1 VI, feet M a x i - m u mB u i l d i n g forth Secti-on 704. see 606. to corner Uses permitted 9) requirement, Minimum Rear Yard: Fifteen 8) For excepti-ons to this Minimum Side Yard: Fifteen 7) Yard Depth: Intent Agricultural District of Distriet. It Zoni-ng District tree growning and other is be utilized purposes public purposes. district are designed to: tinuance of areas, a compatible truck farms, managment areas, which treesi involve and 2) developments, other the scattered of which that for public crops, adversely of the district. this and conforest agricultural and animals and./or industrial affectj-ng within dairies, any encroachment by premature commercial and recreatj-onal apply and other livestock the FA and recreational 1j-vestock ranges, nurseri-es VIII. farming encourage the formation horticultural uses capable of open character 1) general specialized The regulatlons orchards, discourage for in Article section this as certain environment growing of and reserved as well forth are set the intent the condi-tions the basic uses and,/or housing operationsr agricultural or or 704.2 Permitted Uses. The follwoing uses shall 1) Wildlife refuge, 2> Farm or establishment gardening truck be permitted including any FA Zoning District: in caretaker's residence. the grownlng, for products, fruit and/or care and handling nut poultry, trees, field of crops, and,/or animals and livestock. 3) Tree farm 4) Horticultural 5) Church, synagogu€r temple or other 6) Private or semi-prlvate 7) Animal hospital 8) Any government owned or operated use, building, 9) Eleemosynary, 10 ) Golf 11) One-fami-ly nursery. clubr religious, of worship. grange, union hal1 or social center. facility. facility or land. or philanthropic semi-public dwelling located dwelling on a zoning square feet located home located institution or camp. thousand (20rO00) square feet Accessory use in 15) Dredgj-ng, landfill 16) Radio and television L7) Customary home occupation 18) Stand or for produce provided least four that the provisions (4) of established off-street of natural less than not less than than twenty skirting. Section 609. materials. towers. display and yard prking not under the regulations and/or setback less not down with or transmission the alI 1ot containing containing or the excavation shelter containing land. of 1and, tied compliance with station lot 1and. of on a zoni'ng lot t4) of on a zoning thousand (40,,000) square feet Mobile at place lodge, and/or boarding thousand (20,000) Two-family forty 13) management atea. cours.e . twenty L2) forest and/or of of Section 609. seasonal agricultural requirements spaces are provided are maintained and and suitably maintained. 19) Public or private requirements Chief. of care homes, provided the Georgia Plans for State construction building and operation, permit Board of Health such facillties the G1ynn County Board of Health Official. Plans shall pertalning to Care Homes. sha1l receive prior copies and to be retained conform to such facilities of to the conform with the and the County Fire the written issuance such approval of approval any permits to be attached for to the the files of the County Building the provisions of Subsecti-on 724.3 in of 20) Cemetery, provided a) Consists b) I{as a ten (10) perimeter which is c) of Includes d) a site of child abutting or around its entire any use except access.; at uni-t other least than for a (10) lj_nes, which ever (10) (?O) feet seventy or ten streets structures square feet feet feet and (30) than thirty in height. the provisions with from the from abutting further;; is sign no greater of Section or pre-school kindergarten sha1l per child for 905. nursery, of permit copies of (1OO) high.; and codes and receive the written approval of Human Resources and the County Fire any permlts of such approval and to be retained feet and 1ocal requirements shal1 issuance the the building.; one hundred (4) care centers.; such facilities to operation' have a minimum of child thirty-five space within and a fence four the Georgia Department prior have a minimum of shal1 meet state the operation d) The plans shal1 per chi-ld of useable areas c) Af1 faciliti-es Chief of strip or dwelling care center, square feet 7O4.3 Conditional free eompliance b) Outdoor play of acres; that: a) Buildings for five buffer setback of and ten 2L) Temporary use in provided least a non-illuminated square feet (35) kept right-of-way Maintains Private at planted foot yard centerline e) of ; Has a front street such use: no crematorlum caretaker. 22> that in for construction to be attached the files of to and the the Official. Uses. The following uses may be permitted on a conditional basis in any FA Zoning District: 1) Publj-c utility servj-ce, a) provided The use is least b) installation, There is or other essential that : enclosed by a palnted (6) six sub-station feet in height no storage at grade.; above finished or vehicles fence or wall or chainlinked or equipment on the premi_ses. ; and c) A,:lARdscaped strip and suitably Such use is acres.; b) located less (b) feet in width is planted that: on a zoning or enclosure feet 3) Communi-ty fairground, of not provided stable hundred (100) publie than five 1ot of not less than two (2) and No building large less maintained. 2) Commeroial riding a) not animals from any property stadium, assembly provided than five for (5) go-kart, that acres. is located closer than one line. Tace track such use is or any place located on a site of 268 704.4 Other Requirements. Unless otherwise specified Zoning Districts shal1 be requj-red 1) Minlmum Lot elsewhere in this Ordinance, conform to to uses permitted following the in FA standards: Area: 20,O00 square feet 2) Minimum Land Area Per Dwelling Unit: 20r000 square feet 3) M a x i m u mD w e l l i n g Units Per Net Acre: two (2) 4> Mini-mumLot Width: One hundred (10O) feet 5) Minimum Front Twenty (20) 6) Yard Depth: feet Minimum Side Yard: Seven (7) feet from each si-de. corner lots, see Article 7) Mini-mumRear Yard: Seven (7) feet. 8) M a x i - m u mB u i l d i n g Sixty (60; Article 9) Off-Street Section pertaining requirements to 604. Height: feet. VI, VI, For side yard For exceptions Section to height regulations, see 6L7. Parking: Uses permitted i-n FA Zoning Districts in Article pertaining VI, sha11 meet the standards parking, to off-street toading set and other forth re- quirements. 10) Signs: Signs permitted which they may be located, Section 705. 705.1 of District. District for facilj-ties. signed to the of this primarily for specific for St. various types this of Simons Is1and and and recreational living and continuance the RR Zoning district of a stable, One-family multi-family are dehealthy accommodations and uses seasonal and part-time residents and visitors, encroachment by commercial, industrial and other from the resort character of the district. Uses. The following under VIII. section. that whieh apply within formation environment detract in Article intent purposes with encourage the discourage Permitted 2) is The regulations which might 1) It the convenience of and to the conditions District resort and compatible for forth be developed and reserved Sea Island 7O5.2 are set RR Resort Residential Intent j-ncluding in FA Zoning Districts, uses shall be permitted and two-fam11y 1n any RR Zoning District: on individual lots and dwellings. Row house dwellings j-n compliance with Section 705.4. uses 3) Hotel, a) motelr inn provided or No parking be placed within of any adjoining b) allowed. residential within hotels entirely 705.3 district. 4) Boarding 5) Accessory use in 6) Timesharing Conditional 1) Other Private compllance with basis, subject commercial 705.4 rays cast into the placed said use is that building. the provisions of Section of a resort or semi-private with also in any RR Zoning District connection forth set in club, provided and incidental with lodge or recreational to the permitted the use is The provisi-ons Off-street parking not set intended forth shall principal in transj-ent comply with residences: 3) 16 units/acre (45) feet Minimum Yard Requirements: a) Minimum Lot Area: One-family dwelling 6,000 sq. ft. Two-family dwelling 61000 sq. ft. Other uses b) 8rOO0 sq. ft. Minimum Net Land Area Per Dwelling use. Section Maximum Height: Forty-five the Unit: One-family dwelling 6,000 sq. Two-family dwelling 3,000 sq. ft. Multi-family 21722 sq. Other uses Ir244 in as a place 35 units /aere Other uses: gO4z to facility Maximum Densi_ty : or other on a Section requi-rements. Mote1, hotel 2) 609. activity. and incidental app1y. in Other Requirements. 1) be and lounges may be placed to the conditj-ons services permanent residence. f amily in height use or facility. C o n d o m i n i - u mh o t e l , Hotel feet of home. uses may be permi-tted connection 3) a maximum size Uses. operation 2) provided the principal house or tourist The following conditional Restaurants and motels within (20) shall sign of the boundary line and exceeding and twenty No illuminated feet district.; not sign, (3O) square feet (10) ten residential No more than one (1) thirty that: ft. ft. sq. ft. 7A5.2 multi- of c) Minimum Lot Width: One-family dwelling 60 feet Two-family dwelling 60 feet Other uses d) 80 feet Minimum Front Yard: A11 uses e) 20 feet Minimum Side Yard: One-family dwelling 7 feet Two-family dwelling 7 feet Other uses 7 feet, however, for foot additional each in height 35 feet t &n addlone foot of side tional over yard is required, not to exceed 17 feet. f) Mlnimum Rear Yard: One-family dwelling 7 feet Two-family dwelling 7 feet Other uses 4) 5) Site 10 feet Plan Approval: A11 hotels, motels, conditional uses require site Site Coverage: Site coverage shal-1 not multi-family considered where the ror under house, site i-s contiguous course. to permanent open areas Any lncrease is subject such to approval Planni-ng Commission. Joint Off-Street (5O"/")for percent exceed fifty as marsh, beach, and golf by the are set including the conditions forth j-n Article VIII. dwellings, h o t e l , m o t e 1 , i n n s a n d c o n d o m j - n i m u mh o t e l s . j-n allowable coverage of up to ten percent (IO'/") may be An increase Parking: Uses permitted 8) approval. in RR Zoning Districts, which they may be located, 7) plan Signs: Signs permitted 6) row house uses and all J-nns, multi-fami1y, in RR Zoning Districts forth in Artj-c1e VI pertaining other requirements. sha11 meet all the parki,ng, to off-street standards Ioading set and Row House Development: a) The front b) No more than ten (10) (3) shal1 be built in c) shall be staggered at the front building l1ne, j n in pairs r or threes, by at least f our (4) f eet. ; Minimum width unit d) is not portion of the sha11 be sixteen area shall and maneuvering exceed that than three a row.; that to be located Minimum land parking for contj-guous row houses nor fewer sj-ngly, allowed 1ot on which (16) feet.; be 2.OOO square feet space. in Maximum height the district. ; the row house i-ncluding automobile and density shal1 e) yard Front abutting setbacks right-of-way lines seven (7) feet lot have one rear sha1l secluded Insofar from all from streets be used for f) sha1l be at least or yatd which side any accessory building.; grouped in bays, parking adjacent herein and Each row house private or reasonably Such yards shal1 not and off-street either is lines. property. or neighboring as practicable, property and rear from all provided as otherwise except side (2O) feet twenty to facilities streets in or shall the be interior of that the GR lots. Section 706. 7O6.L GR General Residential Intent of District. Zoning District It are designed is to for density the less 2) Government owned or operated use, 3) Non-eommercial residentlal uses character of dwe11ing. horticultural the keeping of poultry Accessory 5) Customary home occupation of use i-n compliance agriculture, but not includi-ng with the provisions of under the established 609. Section regulations dwelling. Two-fami-ly 7) Multi-family 8) Group dwellings. 9) Timesharing dwellings. use or facility. Row house dwellings Conditional uses may be permitted to the provlsions located Public on a lot in 706.4. Section in any GR Zoning District Section or other fronting substation utility provided 904: place provided of worship, on an arterial or other essential or collector that street servlce, least enclosed by a painted six (6) neither feet in height above finished nor commercial operation fence or wall grade.; nor There is e) equipment on the premises. ; and &s determined by the Joj-nt A landscaped buffer strip, of vehicl-es Planning office or chainlinked b) Commission, to be planted Temporary use 1n compliance 905. storage or and suitably around the facilitv. Section subject that: The use is at forth set snyagoguer temple Church, is complj-ance with in Uses. The following a) or land. Secti-on 608. 6) it or facility or animals. 4) 3) of encroachment or other industrial lots in any GR Zoning Distr j-ct: be permitted uses sha1l One-family 2) a stable, on zoning unwarranted i-ntenslve 1) 1) of Uses. The f ollowing 706.3 . dwellings district this area. 706.2 Permitted 10) of types commercial, from the low to medium density and continuance and to prohibit resj-dentia1, which would detract for which apply within formation various section this and reserved encourage the environment of intent The regulations 6rO0O or more square feet, of high the be developed purposes. residential healthy District with the provisions of maintained 4) Unlighted, buffers regulation and setbacks or par three size as determined golf course with by the Joint Planning Commission. 5) Cluster Housing Subdi-vision on a minimum of 6) Private child provided a) (3) or pre-school kindergarten care center, three acres. nursery, that: Bui-ldings (35) or structures square feet have a minimum of shall per child of useable thirty-five space within the building. b) ; Outdoor play areas shal1 have a minimum of one hundred ( 1OO) square feet per child and a fence four (4) feet high. ; c) A11 facilitj-es d) and codes for the operation The plans such facilities approval for of the Georgia shall prior for and operation, files to the building of the Building requiuements care centers.; receive and the written Department Chief construction and local of child the County Fire attached 706.4 shal1 meet state to permit of Human Resources and the j-ssuance of any permits copies of such approval and to be retained in to be the Official. Other Requirements 1) Maxi-mumDensj-ty Ten (10) units 2) M a x i m u mH e i g h t : (35) Thirty-five 3) per acre feet Minimum Yard Requirements: a) Minimum Lot Area: 6r000 square feet b) M i m i m u mN e t L a n d A r e a P e r D w e l l i n g One-fami-ly dwellJ-ng 6,000 Two-family dwelling 3,OOO square feet Other uses c) Unit: Mini-mumLot square feet 41356 square feet lYidth: 60 feet d) Minimum Front Yard: 20 feet e) Mi-nimum Side Yard: 7 feet f) Minimum Rear Yard: 7 feet 4) Site Plan Approval: A11 multi-family requi-re site 5) and row house uses and all plan conditional uses approval. Signs: Sj-gns permitted in Article VIII. in GR must comply with the provisions set forth 6) Site Coverage: Not to exceed fifty Sea Island, 7) exclusive single-family forth in Article loading landscaped areas: (2O"/.) for malnland development sha1l be staggered. at the front in pairsr or No more than c) d) (3) threes, by at ten (10) contiguous be built for house unit to be located is density all a-rea shall abutting right-of-way lines. feet which private is aecessory building. Insofar MR Medium Residential Intent purposes. signed to provide It encourage the is by commercial, (2O) feet as otherwise and rear secluded from provided property or yard side from streets sha11 not beusod or for any parking adjacent to facilities streets or section that sha11 in the of of and reserved this for for medium density this and continuance various houslng or other types of residential district of are de- a stable, d.welling prohibiting while the MR units, healthy and to encroachment uses which would detract from the the area. Uses. uses shall 1) One-family dwe1ling. be permitted 2) Publicly 3) Unlighted, 4) Customary home occupation owned or operated use, Section regulation size 1n any MR Zoning District: facility or 1and. or par three established golf under course. the regulations 608. 5) Two-family 6) Multi-family 7) Cluster 8) Group dwellings. 9) Row house dwelli-ngs in dwellings. dwellings. housing. Tlmesharing and the distrjct.; have one rear off-street formati-on industrial character sha1l including twenty side which apply within located The following of from all the intent enfironment conveniently Permitted except feet.; District The regulations residential lines either be developed and compatible (16) Maximum height in least row the 1ots. of District. Zoning District than ; and be grouped i-n bays, of on which space. allowed Such yards as practicable, interior lot shal1 be sixteen or reasonably neighbori-ng property. f) the be at Each row house lot singly (4> feet.; four be 21000 square feet shall and seven (T) herein of exceed that setbacks line, row houses nor fewer and maneuvering not shall yard Front porti-on that parking least building a row.; in Minimum width Minimum land e) in shall automobile 10) standards parking, to off-street The front three 7O7.2 the Row House Development: b) 7O7.L shal1 meet all VI pertaining Open Space, including a) 707. and requirements. Twenty percent Section Simons Island and two-family. Parking: j-n GR Zoning Districts Uses permitted and other 9) of (soy,) on St. Off-Street set 8) percent compliance with use or facility. Section 7O7.4. of 7O7.3 Conditional Uses. The following uses may be permitted. on a conditional in 1) Section subject any MR zoning District to the conditions set forth 9A4: church, it basis, in synagoguer temple located is or place on a 1ot fronting of worship, an arteriar provided that or corlector street. 2) Private child care center, provided that: nursery a) Buildings (35) or structures square feet or pre-school kind.ergarten sha1l per child have a minimum of thirty-five of useabre space wlthin the buildings.; b) (100) c) d) play outdoor All areas square feet facilities sha11 have a minimum of one hundred per child and a fenee four (4) feet; sha11 meet state codes for the operation The plans for approval of County Fire Chief Public a) shal1 receive the written of Human Resources and the issuance of any permits for the copies permit of such approval and to be retaj-ned in substation or other essential services least vehicles office or A landscaped operation as determined ptanted and suitabry by the (16) units per acre MaximumHeight: (45) Forty-fi-ve 3) feet Minimum Yard Requirements: a) tha Minimum Lot Cluster other Area: dwelling Multi-family uses srorage maj-ntained around the M a x i - m u mD e n s i t y : Sixteen nor Joj-nt Planning Other Requirements. 2) provided equipment on the premj-ses. ; and buffer is nor commercial facility. 1) the files enclosed by a painted or chain-linked fence or waIl six (6) feet in height above finished grade.; commission 707.4 to be at- Official. There i-s neither of c) care centers. l and Such use is at b) utility to and operation, the Building and Department prior tached to the building 3) child such facilities the Georgia construction of of and loca1 requirements dwelling 41000 sq. ft. 8rOO0 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. b) Minimum Net Land Area per Dwelling One-family dwelling Unit: 61000 sq. ft. Two-family 31000 sq. ft. Cluster dwelling dwelling Multi-family c) 4,000 sq. ft. dwelling Minimum Lot 21722 sq. ft. Width: One-family dwelling 60 ft. Two-family dwelling 60 ft. Cluster dwelling Multi-family 40 ft. dwelling 80 ft. Yard: 20 ft. d) Minimum Front e) Minimum Side Yard: Multi-family 7 ft., however, for additional foot over 35 feetr one foot of required, L l Other f) 4) Site 5) cluster, Site to exceed reet. 7 ft. row house uses and all conditional uses require site in MR Zoning Distri-cts, are set forth including in Article the conditions under which VIII. Coverage: exceed fifty of one-family Off-Street percent (5OT,) on St. in Article Simons Island and Sea Island, exclusj_ve and two-family. Parking: Uses permitted in MR Zoning Districts VI pertaining to off-street Open Space, including Twenty percent 9) not is Signs: Not to 8) yard side approval. they are located, 7) &tr additional Plan Approval: Signs permitted 6) in height 7 ft. Minimum Rear Yard: 411 multi-family, plan Uses each sha1l meet aI1 parking, the loading standards and other forth set requlrements. landscaped area: (2OY.) for mainland development. Row House Development: a) The front in sha1l be staggered threes, by at least four at the front (4) feet.; building 1ine, singly, b) No more than ten (1O) conti-guous or houses nor fewer than three j_n a row. ; be built c) Minimum width for located be sixteen d) shall Minimum land that area shall maneuveri-ng space. in the district. ; portion of the (16)feet.; lot on which be 2r0OO square feet Maximum height and density in pai-rs,or (3) the row house unit including automobile sha11 not shall is parking exceed that ro and allowed e) yard Front setbacks right-of-way from all rear or and rear Insofar bays, 708.1 least property yard which side or neighboring f) be at property- provided lines. private is (20)feet twenty 1j-nes except as otherwise side building.; shall herein abutting and seven (7) Each row houSe lot or reasonably Such yards from all shall secluded feet have one from streets sha11 not be used for any accessory and as practicable, either Intent off-street adjacent to of District streets . It parking or in facilities the shall i_nterior of be grouped 1n lots. is the intent of this section that the HR District be developed and reserved for high density residential purposes on the Glynn County Mainland. The regulati-ons whj-ch apply within this district are designed to encourage the formation and continuance of a stable and healthy environment for multiple family development on a half acre or more of land, while prohibiting encroachment by commercial, industrial or other uses which would detract from the residential character of the arer-. zoning 708.2 Permitted Uses. The following 1) One-family 2) Publicly 3) 4) 5) Section Multi-family B) Cluster 9) Group dwellings. golf dwellings. dwellings. housJ-ng. Row house dwell-ings in compliance with Timesharlng use or facilitv. Conditional church, that it Private a) uses sharl be permj_tted in c) d) 706.4. any HR zoning District: synagogu€r temple or place of worshi-p, provided is located on a lot fronting an arterj-al or collector street. child provided: care center, Buildings outdoor kindergarten or structures square feet pen child b) section Uses. The following 2) or land. 609. 7) 1) any HR Zoning District: course. Accessory use in compliance with the provisions o[ Slection 60g. Custom;rry home occupation estakrli-shed *nder: i;he regulations Two-family 11) in dwelling. 6) 10) be permitted owned or operated use, faeility unlighted, regulation size or par three of 708.3 uses sha1l or pre-school shal1 have a minimum of of useable space within nursery (3b) thirty-five the buildings.; play area shal1 have a minimum of one hundred (100) square feet per child of useable space within the building.; A11 facilities shal1 meet state and local requirements and codes for the operation of child care centers. The plans of for such facilities the Georgia chief prlor operatlon; building Official. to the written approval Department of Human Resources and the County Fire issuance of any permits for construction and coples permit sha1l receive of such approval and be retained sha1l be attached in the files to the of the Building ;: 3) Public utility provided a) Such use is services, at least There is (6) six neither feet office or chainlinked in height fence or above finished nor commercial operation or equipment on the premises.; A landscaped buffer Planning ,, enclosed by a painted of vehicles c) essential that: waII b) substati-on or other ,t grade.; nor storage , and strip Commission is as determi-ned by the Joint planted and suitably maintained around the facilitv. 708.4 ,, Other Requirements. 1) M a x m i m u mD e n s i t y : Thirty-flve 2) 3) (35) units ,a per acre Maximum Height: ,, Multi-family 60 feet Other uses 36 feet ,, ,, Minimum Yard Requi-rements: a) Minimum Lot Cluster Area: dwelling Other uses 6,000 sq. Multi-family b) ft. Minimum Net Land Area Per D w e l l i n g Unit: One-family 6r000 sq. Two-family 3r000 sq. ft. Cluster 4,000 sq. ft. dwelling Minimum Lot ft. t: tt ,, :a :l I 1244 sq. ft. lVidth: One-family dwelling 60 feet Two-family dwelling 60 feet Cluster t, 2L,78O sq. ft. Multi-family c) t1 4r000 sq. ft. dwelling :: tt l, ta 40 feet Multi-family tt 100 feet It ,a d) Minimum Front Yard: ,: 20 feet :: e) ,, Minimum Side Yard: Mult i-family 10 feet, however, for additional foot each in height over 35 feet s dfr additional one foot of side yard j-s re- f) 4) 5) Site not to exceed 20 feet. 7 feet Minimum Rear Yard: Multi-family 20 feet Other uses 7 feet Plan Approval: A11 multi-fami1y, cluster require approval. site plan and row house uses and conditional uses Signs: Signs permitted in HR ZonLng Districts, under which they may be located, are set including forth :: l. tl :: ll quired, Other uses t: the conditions in Article vrrr. 6) Of f -Street Parki-ng: Uses permitted set forth in Article and other 7) in HR Zoning Districts pertaining VI, meet all the stand.ards parking, to off-street loading requirements. Open Space, i-ncluding Twenty percent 8) shaIl land.scaped areas: (zOfa) Row House Development: a) The front singly, shall be staggered in pairsr or in at the front threes, by at buirding least 1ine, (4) four feet.; b) No more than ten (10) contiguous row houses nor fewer than j_n a row.; three (3) shall be built c) Mini-mumwidth unit d) is parking e) shall area shall yard abutting in shall right-of-way be at lines least except row house lot shall or reasonably secluded from streets Insofar from all side (2O) feet shall permitted property herein lines. yard which side from all Each private is property. or neighboring any accessory building.; parking off-street either automobile and density as otherwise or sha11 not be used for grouped in bays, row house including twenty and rear have one rear as practicable, the the district.; feet f) on which (16) feet.; Maximum height and seven (7) such yards lot the be sixteen space. allowed setbacks of be 2,OOO square feet and maneuvering exceed that Front portion that to be located Minimum land not for adjacent to facilities streets or in and shall the be interj-or of 1ot s. Section 710. 710.1 OC Office Intent Commercial District of District. OC Zoning District instj-tutional, poses. signed to is the intent specif ied public, encourage the firms semi-public which apply within formatj-on intermingled uses; retail andlor cernsr or other commercial, Permitted this and to wholesale with section for semj--public, for dwellings the office, and residential this office that business, district and continuance and uncongested environment fdssional of be developed and reserved The regulations patible 7IO.2 It pur- are de- a quiet, of type business and certain comor pro- public dj-scourage any encroaehment by unrestricted j-ndustrial eonestablishments, business uses capable of institutional adversely affecting and housing character of the speclalj,zed. the district. Uses. The f ol1owj-ng uses sharl be permitted in any oc zoning Dj-strict: 1) Business involving the rendering of a personal servi-ce, specifically including: a) Barber b) Business or shop, beauty shop or combination c) school_ or col1ege. Dressmaker, seamstress or tailor. d) Funeral e) Insurance f) Jewelry home or mortruatv. agency. and watch repair shop. thereof. g) Medical, of f ice, h) Office dental, outpatj-ent building fessional i) Photographic studio. j) Radio and/or television k) ReaI estate 1) School offering Accessory 5) Pharmacy, drug store, use in in subject access to or or clinic Any educational provided of center. Secti-on 609. facilities cluding eating pliance with the provisions Private child care center, feet an aut}aorized and laundry leve1s units of of the said hosptial the provisions an authorized to supervision the provisions hospi-tal of or of related its shal1 and control provlded A11 facilities shall the operation of child The plans such facilities meet state feet and local and/o in- nursery provided: thirty-five (35) the buildings.; one hundred (100) square high.; requirements and codes for and care centers; shall the staff activities, or pre-school spase within (4) 724.3. 724.3. have a minimum of and a fence four receive the written approval Department of Human Resources and the County Fire and to the j-ssuance of any permits for construction the Georgia Chief prior operation, permit copies of such approval and to be retained to be attached in the files or such cases are in com- shal1 have a minlmum of of useable for of hospital Subsection quarters provided Subsection such as to the operation compliance with or living as have any function including wj-thin the confines kindergarten per child for 9O4z area. directly facilities, or structures per child Section dwelling and under the dormitories areas in any OC or the Glynn County Board of Health, body of Outdoor play all related directly student square feet forth in use on separate clini-cs, such uses are in compliance with of GR General basis or parking street which relate an aut}eorized hospital Buildings that such uses are in and multi-story set and commercial and are contained 724.3. d) the provisions on a conditional inpatient and laundries Subsection c) in uoion ha11 or social to the conditions the abutting provided b) drama etc. uses may be permitted or cllnic, a) dancing, as regulated lodger the Glynn County Board of Health, 5) music, . compli-ance with Community hospitals Single any storage, Uses. hospital 4) art, dwellings c1ub, Combination of residential defined j-n Section 503.4, of including studio. Zoning District or semi-private cafeterias 3) but not pro- business, activitv. and two-family Zoning District, 2) cultural 4) direct laboratory. of goods on the premises. instruction Private The following 1) oriented agency. 3) Conditional medically governmental, for purposes, or servicing One-family or other and/or and office sa1e, rental Residential 710.3 c11nic or general or similar 2) chiropractic to the building of the Building Official. 710.4 Other Requirements. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in OC Office Commercial Zoning Districts following standards: 1) M i - n i m u mL o t this Ordinance, sha11 be require{ uses permitted to conform to in the Area: 3r000 square feet 2) Minimum Lot Thirty 3) lVidth: (30) feet Minimum Front Yard: Twenty (2O) feet 4) Minimum Side Yard: Seven (7) 1ots, feet. For side yard requirements see Article VI, 5) Mj-nimumRear Yard: Seven (7) feet. 6) MaximumBuilding Forty-five Article 7) Off-Street to corner 604. Height: (45) VI, Section pertaining feet. Section For excepti-ons to height regulations, see 6LZ. Parking: Uses permitted in OC Zoning District i-n Article pertaining VI, shal1 meet all to off-street parking, standards loading forth set and other requirements. 8) Signs: Slgns permitted in OC Zoning Districts, which they may be located, Section 7LL. LC Local 7I1.I Intent of District. It is in Article business district are designed to: a stable, located the intent be developed oriented of forth and reserved purposes. healthy of this 1) and compatible so as to provide nearby residential the development of and 4) discourage adversely affecting Permitted Uses The f ollowing Retail industrial the localj'zed, uses sha1l the sale for in character Appliance, radio c) Art store d) Book, magazi-ne or newspaper shop. Clothing, millinery, shoe or hat store. Drug store or pharmacy t cand.y store or f lorist Fruit, nut or vegetable store f ) g) supply of the district. of merehandise on the premises: hobby or toy or television convenient any LC zoning Dj-strict: b) curio, are and parking Antique gift, and continuance uses that a) store, this "stri-p" business districts; encroachment capable of commercial be permj-tted busi-ness involving or neighborhood areas with 2) reduce traffic and other the LC which apply within environment congestion; 3) avoid local that encourage the formation facllities; e) under vrrr. section for The regulations shopping and service 1) the conditj-ons Commercial District Zoning District 711.2 are set including shop. store. shop. 2) h) Groeery store. i) Hardware store, j ) Household furnishings store. k) Music store shop. 1) Notion, m) Office n) Package liquor o) Photographic P) Marina. Business goods store sporting or record general 5 and 10 cent, or pai-nt store. or variety store. supply or equipment store. store. and/or involving and servicing of a) Appliance, b) Bank, savings camera supply store or the rendering of a personal sma11 equipment, specifically radio or television studio. service or the repair including: repaj_r shop. personal and loan associati-on, loan agency and branches. c) Barber d) Blcycle e) Dressmaker, seamstress or tailor. f) Dry cleanlng g) Furniture repair h) Insurance agency. i) Jewelry, watch repair i) Medical, dental k) shop, beauty shopr or combination repair and sales thereof. shop. self-service and/or laundry self-servj-ce facility. or upholstering. shop, or chi-ropractic and/or laboratory. Office for governmental, or gunsmith. locksmith office, business, outpatient professional clj-nic or general purposes. 1) Public m) Real estate n) School offering utility or similar busj-ness of f ice. agency. instruction cultural Secretarial or telephone p) Shoe repair shop. q) Telegraph Radio and/or 4) Private or semi-private 5) Church, synagoguer templer 6) Residential use 1awfully of of televisi-on this music, dancing, drama answering service. or telephone 3) adoption art, activity. o) office in exchange. station. club, 1odge, union hall or other existing place within or social center. of worship. the district at the time Ordinance. 7) Of f -street B) Government owned or operated 9) Accessory use in compliance with commerclal 10) Auto accessory 11) Retail bakery. L2) Indoor eating 13) Dry cleaning L4) Meat, 15) Pet shop with 16) Indoor movie theatres. store parki-ng 1ot. with f i-sh or poultry retail no outside storage. establishment. pickup outlet. shop. kennels. facility the provi-sions no outside and drinking or laundry use, building, of or 1and. Section 609. j 71L.3 Conditional Uses. The following uses may be permitted Zoning District, 1) 2) Automobile b) Paved. parking provided station forth set that: from the and/or service areas are separated from adjoining residential properties by a suitable planting screen, fence, or wa11 at least six (6) feet in height above finished grade. Publ-ic utility substation or other essential provided services, that: Such use is enclosed by a painted or chainlinked fence or wall at least six (6) feet in height above finished grade.; There is no storage of vehicles or equipment on the premj-ses.; and A landscaped strip not less than five (5) feet in width is planted and suitably maintained. c) Combination residential provid.ed that 503.4, abutting 711.4 to the conditions basis in any LC j-n Sectj-on gO4z pumps are set back at least fifteen (15) feet right-of-way line of all abutting streets.; and AIl b) 4) service a) a) 3) subject on a conditional and commercj-al use, all dwelling or parking street units as defined have direct in Section access ro an area. Temporary uses in compliance with the provisions of Section g05. Other Requirements. Unless otherwi-se specified in LC Local Commerci-al Zoning Dj-stricts the following 1) elsewhere i-n this Ordinance, shall uses perm]-tted be required to conform to standards: Minimum Lot Area: 3,000 square feet 2) Mlnimum Lot Thirty 3) (30) feet Minimum Front Ten (10) 4) Yard: feet Minimum Side Yard: Seven (7) feet. For side corner lots, see Article 5) Minimum Rear Yard: Seven (7) feet 6) M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g 7) (35) see Article VI, forth loading, 8) Section to 604. feet. For exceptions Section to height regulations, 6tT. Parking: Uses permitted set VI, pertaining Height: Thirty-five Off-Street yard requirements in LC Zoning Districts in Article and other vr, pertaining shal1 meet all standards parking, to off-street requj_rernents. Signs: Si-gns permitted in LC Zoning Districts, under which they may be located, are set including forth the condi-tions in Article VIII. Section 712. GC General 712.1 Intent Commercial District of District. It GC Zoning District purposes. designed is The regulations service in formation and professional proxJ-mity to close 7L2.2. adversely Permitted for the commercial the business district of are a compatlble orj-ented business, from being di-scourage any en- uses considered character of the canable distrj-ct. Uses. uses sha11 be permitted in any GC Zoning District: of a personal service. 2) Retail 3) Private or semi-private 4) church' synagoguer temple or other 5) off-street 6) Hotel, 7) commercial trade, 8) Truck and/or involving the rendering and wholsesale business. tourist vocational or social center. of worship. or parking garage. are furnished for lanes of feet in and maintained impediment to such operation.; such facilities or controlled and drinking aI least (10) ten length, where trucks enter sites.; ]nazard, or as a result termi-nal provid,ed that: and deceleration or Ieave terminal No safety school. and one hundred (100) respecti-vely, streets haIl place or private transportation in width sites 1ot union home or mote1. Paved aeceleration Eating lodge, club, commerci-a1 parking feet 9) and to or other Business c) this regionally each other, 1) b) general for uses which benefit residentlal affecting The following a) secti-on that and continuance environment croachment by industrial, of of this which apply within encourage the and enconomically healthy financial, intent be d.eveloped and reserved to located the traffic movement is produced and have direct access to major access highways. establishments, i-ncluding drive-in or curb service. 10) Radio or television 11) Public utility ]-2) Office building or general 13) station installation or office or other rower. essential governmental, for service. business, professional purposes. garage except Repair or transmission those which involve the open yard storage L4)li"llll;,T::"il' .]i;i,il::Tl;;',;:T:Tl:,:::':,":.::lll'lll : 15) Newspaper publishing parking, loading buildlngs, 16) hospital vision ZLz.g or of provid.ed that and unloading as set Any educational plant forth conform to those for in Sections faciti-ties requi-rements the d.i-rectly authorizedr:hospital related to an authorized. under uses may be permitted Zoning Distrlet, 1) subject Amusement center includi-ng 2) Bars, 3) Combinatlon taverns defined in access to 4) Retail of superr forth in the provisions of basis in any GC Section gO4z recreatj-on facilities, but not theatre, and night resid.ential clubs. and commercial 5O3.4 provided the street or parking or wholesale set commercial Section merchandise travel- and outdoor a drive-in on a conditional to conditj-ons the or the Glynn County Board of Healthrprovided such uses are in compliance with S e c tion 724.3. Conditional Uses. The following industrial 611 and,612. the Glynn County Board of Healthpnd said for business on the premises, that use on separate all dwelling levels units as have direct area. involving the open yard such as automobiles, sale mobile of homes and trailers, except those uses which involve open yard junk, salvage, used auto parts or building materi_als. storage 5) Automobile a) service pumps are set back at AIl right-of-way 11ne of Paved parking b) resi-dential Animal hospital arrangements and/or least six that: least feet ; and areas are deparate service from the from adjoining by a suitable planting screen, fence, (6) feet in height above flnished grade. and/or boarding the operation provided facility are mai-ntained within connected with (15) fifteen any street. propertles or wa11 at 6) provided station of a building all boarding and. no noise the facility perceptible is beyond the premises. 7) community hospitals cafeteria and laundries operation of of compliance with Single or multi-story staff and/or related supervi-sion such users 9) and control for for such facilities of such approval retained in the files of such use conforms with or its and. provided of Section the written provided approval the Building to of of copies permit Section the the of and to be and provided Official the provisions Chief and operation; the building 724.3. conform with Board of Health, constructj-on the are under the and the County Fire to for such facilities receive to be attached such uses facilities, the provisions care homes, provided any permi-ts for of hospital an autinorized hospitaL, Glynn County Board of Health issuance quarters quarters of the Georgia State within 724.3. eatj_ng and laundry and sleeping of Section or living are in compliance with the requirements plans of such as the and provided an authorized including or private PubIic body of to and are contained the provisions such dormitories directly or clinic, dormitories student activities, provided or crinic said hospital are in any functi-on incruding which are related the hospital the confines B) or clinics, that 724.3 pertaining to care homes. 10) 712.4 Temporary uses in compli-ance with the provisions of Section 905. Other Requirements. Unless in otherwise GC General specified Commercial to the following 1) elsewhere in Ordi-nance, uses permi-tted this Zoning Districts sha1l be required to conform standards: Minimum Lot Area: 1r875 square feet ') 3) Minimum Lot Width: Twenty-five (25) Minimum Front feet Yard: None 4) Mini-mum Side Yard No side yards are required. 604, pertaining Section The provisions to corner 1ots, of Article sha11 not VI, apply to GC Zoning Districts. 5) Minimum Rear Yard: None. to 6) The provisions double frontage Off-Street forth and other 7) lots, shall VI, Section not apply 605, pertaini-ng in GC Zoning Districts. Parking: Uses permi-tted set of Article in GC Zoning Districts, in Article vr, pertaining sha11 meet all standards parking, to off-street loading requirements. Signs: Signs permitted in GC Zoning Dj-stricts, under which they may be located, are set including forth the conditj-ons in Article vrrr. Section 713. HC Highway Commercial District 713.1 Intent of District. Zoning District primarily the a service public traveli-ng or cater to: environment and properly 713.2 for the 1) 2) a) ingress character be permitted and outdoor theatres, and/or but transportation in width hazard as a result for of Retail travel of or used auto parts involving the rendering Church, synagogll€ r temple 7) Off-street B) Hotel, 9) Commercial trade, commercial tourlst adversely tracks. at least length, in (10) ten and sites.; movement is traffic feet are furnished or leave terminal to such as produced and access to major streets the open yard club, or building lodge, or other parking unlon hall place mobile homes and open yard storage materials. a personal of of sale service. or social center. of worshi-p. 1ot or parking garage. home or mote1. or private vocational 10) Eating 11) Radio or televisi-on L2) Public utility 13) Office building and drinking establishment, statlon j-nstallation or office school. including drive-in and./or transmission or other for essentiar governmental, or curb service. rower. service. business, professional purposes. garage except those which used automotive 15) Accessory use in 16) Newspaper publishing in lanes such as automobiles, salvage, 6) forth of any that: except those uses which involve or semi-pri-vate loading discourage facilities mi-ni-ature auto involving on the premises, Private salvage, a adequate uses capable recreation have direct business 5) Repair enter impediment Business ]-4) of any HC Zoning District: and decleratj-on 4) or general this access highways. trailers, junk, within insure and 3) provided such operation.; or wholesale merchandise in commercial such faciliti-es or controlled 3) apply and district. and one hundred (1O0) feet No safety Sites truckers, and continuance uses:' (2) the terminal maintaj-ned where trucks c) which formation the HC uses which vacationers, or other j-ncluding not Paved acceleration b) commercial and egress; of secti-on that Uses. Amusement centers Truck this tourists, uses shall drive-in for highway oriented specialized Permitted to of encourage the designed means of The following intent The regulations 1) encroachment by industrial, affecting the in general. are designed compatible is be developed. and reserved render distri-ct It Sections equipment parts compllance with and unloading involve plant 611 and 6L2. that storage of junk, or materials. the provisions provided conform to the open yard of Section the requirements those for industrial 609. for parking, buitdingsr &s setr r 286 L7) Any educational hospital facili-ties of said Board of Health, provisions of Conditlonal provided Section subject on a conditional to the conditions that: a) paved parking An off-street less than one-ha1f awaiting least of hourly No safety hazatd in of 3). Bars, 4) Automobile or night service from the Parking residentj-a1 fencer finished at vehicle); and created the provisions of Section 905. that: (15) fifteen of any street; and areas are separated (6) six from adjoining planting by a suitable least feet feet screen, in height above grade. Anj-mal hospital arrangements service at located mgvement is least llne properties or wall per waiting traffic provided station right-of-way and/or suitabty clubs. pumps are set back at all is such an establj-shment. Temporary use in compliance with taverns washing capacity ( such space to contaln or impediment to operation vehicle square feet 2) 5) arly in accomodating of to the washing process entrance two hundred (200) by the b) basis forth set area capable and mai-ntained on the premises a) the gO4z not 1' with compliance 724.3. Car wash provided b) or the Glynn County such uses are in uses may be permitted HC Zoning District, 1) and under the Uses. The followi-ng Section aut}roti'zed hospital an authori-zed to or the Glynn County Board of Health, supervlslon 773.3 related d.irectly and/or boarding are maj-ntained within connected with the operation of provided. all facility a building boarding' and no noise the facility is perceptible beyond the premises, 6) Community hospitals or clinics, cafeteria and laundries operation of the confines which the hospital of uses are 1n complj-ance with 7) Single staff related or multi-story and/or student actj-vities, j-ncluding such users to or living quarters and laundry quarters the'provisions 724.3. for or the its facilities, are under the and provided an autlaorLzed hospital, ate in complj-ance with such Section an autlnori-zed hospital eating within and. provided of such as the and are contalned and sleeping of directly the provisi-ons body of and control rel-ated or clinic, dormitori-es provj.ded such dormitories supervision are or clinic said hospital any functj-on including of Section 724.3. 8) with requi-rements the provided of plans of the Georgia such approval that of pertaining the written approval Chief and the County Fire to and operation; permit the building the Building to copies and to be and provided Official the provisions such use conforms with conform Board of Health, State construction to be attached the files in for such facilities receive such facilities any permits issuance of retained 713.4 for of the Glynn County Board of Health the , care homes, provided or private Public of Section 724.3 to care homes. Other Requirements UnIess otherwise permitted in HC Highway Commercial Zoning Districts requlred 1) Ordinance, elsewhere in this specified to following conform to the uses shall be standards: Minj-mumLot Area: 6,000 square feet 2) Mi.nimumLot (60) Sixty 3) Width: feet Minj-mumFront (25) Twenty-five 4) feet Mini-mum Side Yard: Seven (7) corner 5) Yard: For side yard requi-rements pertaining feet. 1ots, see Article VI, to 604. Section Minimum Rear Yard: Seven (7) Feet 6) 7) M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g Thirty-five (35) see Article VI, set forth loading and other to height regulations, 617. shal1 pertaining VI, meet all standards parking, to off-street requirements. Signs: Article 7L4.L Section in Article including in HC Zoning Districts, under which they may be located, conditions 7L4. For exceptions in I{C ZonLng Districts Signs permitted Section feet. Parklng: Off-Street Uses permitted I ) Height: the forth are set in VIII. FC Freeway Commercial District Intent of District. It is Freeway Commercial District public and specified the to this district of interchanges traffic by restrj-cting primary needs of effieient appropriate traffic uses largely the traveling the attractive vested to their or public; 2) needs of which apply routes entrances character. with rapid, facilities 3) to the urban areas; in these mixtures interchanges of the serving encourage safer aecess facilities; inappropriate special the primary to those businesses community interest croachment by premature debilitating feeder movement on or near interchange of businesses for dj-scourage the unwarranted and interchange spacing of uses and their the development 4) protect 1) the FC that The regulations users. are designed to: section uses serving and semi-public access highway facility this and reserved be developed limited overloading of intent land use and by encourage and en- S . 7L4.2 Permitted Uses. The following uses shal1 be permitted 1) Amusement or entertainment fac11ity. 2) Automobile provided a) service station A11 pumps are set back at from the right-of-way b) Paved parking adjoining and/or all abutting properties fence or wa1l at above finished of (15) fifteen feet streets. l and from servj-ce areas are separated residential screen, that: least rine any FC'Zoning District: in least planting by a suitable six (6) feet in height grade. 3) Office 4) Lounge, nightclub 5) Commercial parking 1ot. 6) Eating or drinking establi-shment. 7) Repair garage. B) Motel Building or hotel, or cabaret. along with its customary accessory personal servj-ce uses and retail uses as well as accesssory swimming poo1s, puttJ-ng green, auditoriums, and exhibition ha11s, provi-ded all accessory uses are designed. as integral parts of the principal use building or building complex. 9) Outdoor advertising park 10) Public 11) Vehicle ]-2) Store and establishment servi-ng the needs of tourists and the 'travel-ing public, provi.ded busi-ness is conducted entirely within a building and the floor area is limited to a maximum of six or private and boats thousand (6r000) Specifically permitted are: b) c) Book, magazine or newspaper shop. Candy or confectionary shop. d) Drug store e) Florist f) Fruit, g) Gift h) Grocery store. i) j) Beer, k) Sporting 1) Travel Store. or pharmacy. nut or vegetable or curio Photographic shop. shop. wine and/or or package liquor camera supply store. store. goods store. agency and related services. compliance with the provisions of Section 609. Uses. uses may be permitted FC Zonj-ng Distrj-ct Section area-. and service. Antique The following subject 714.4 as well Recreational to on a conditional the general conditions as the conditions set forth in basis set in any forth in gO4z Section Fark on a minimum site of three (3) acres, provided there is direct paved access to an arterial road. Maximum density is fifteen (15) units per acre and site plan approval 714.4 sales a) Condi-tional 1) commerci-al recreation square feet. 13) Accessory use in 7L4.3 si-gn Vehicle by the Joint Planning Commission is required. Other Requirements unless otherwise FC Zoning Districts standards: specified 'elsewhere sha1l be required in this ordinance, uses in to conform to the foltowi-ng 1) AI1 lights or lighting from adjoining 2) 3) along the front structures and any adjoining Curb cuts, access points with requi-rements the Minimum Lot (10) ten property major street as set in vehicular be regulated shal1 forth in width or frontage means of property feet shal1 be between the principal line and other and from private away properties. at least strip maintained to used sha11 be directed or nearby residential A landscaped planting egress D arrangements use or road. i-ngress and in accordance Sectj_on 6L4. Area: 6r000 square feet 5) Minimum Lot Width: (60) feet Sixty , 6) Minimum Front Twenty (20) Yard: feet if Seventy (7O) feet 7) 1f measured from major feet to corner from each side. lots, see Article B) Mini-mumRear Yard: Twenty (2O) feet. 9) M a x i - m u mB u i l d i n g the Fire Chief regulations, Off-Street feet. Section VI, (60) State see Article Fire 7L5.1 pertaining 604. VI, feet subject Marshal. to the approval For exceptions of to height Secti-on 617. Parking: in FC Zoning Districts forth in Artiele other requirements. pertaining VI, Signs permitted meet r11 standards shall parking, to off-street loading set and in FC Zoning Districts, including the conditions j n are set forth Article VIII. under which they may be located, 715. yard requirements For side Sixty and/or Uses permitted Section street. Height: (35) Thirty-five 11) road. Minimum Side Yard: Ten (10) 10) measured from frontage GC-Core Generaf Commercial Core District Intent of District. It GC Core Zoning District Island Area. are designed trict of Village a compatible oriented The regulations to this for heal-thy the Simons St. which apply within formulation encourage the and economically secti-on that and reserved be developed this dis- and continuation envj-ronment for locally business in close healthy environment for 1oca1ly from being and professional uses which benefit proximity to encroachment by uses considered 7L5.2 Permitted of character commercial the and to each other; capable of discourage adversely any affecting the district. Uses uses shal1 be permitted The following 1) of and economically oriented located the intent is Retail busi-ness involving specif ically the in GC Core Zoning District: sale of merchandise : involving a) Antique b) Smal1 appliance, c) Art d) Bakery goods store. e) Book, f) Bait g) Candy store store. supply radio or television store. magazine, newspaper or and/or store. fishing tackle ci'gar shop. supply store. on the premises 2) h) Clothing i -) Florist i ) Fruit, k) Grocery store. 1) Gift m) Hardware store. n) Hobby or toy o) Ice cream parlor. p) Millinery q) Notion, r) Office s) Package liquor t) Paint u) Photographic, v) Shoe store. w) Sporting x) Dressmaker, seamstress or tailor. y) Music store Business repair store. shop . nut or vegetable or curio shop. shop. or hat srore general 5 and 10 cent, supply or equipment or variety store. store. camera supply or servj-ce store. goods store. or record involving shop. of a personal the rendering and servicing of sma11 equipment, Advertising b) Appliance, c) Bank, savJ-ngs and loan association, and/or branches. Barber radio or television repair, Dry cleaning g) Furniture repair h) Insurance agency. i) Jewelry i ) Locksmith k) office other and/or laundry personal loan agency thereof. self-service facility. shop, Public n) Real estate o) School offering or similar medically oriented medical, office, or laboratory. m) utility professional, business, or other Pharmacy, apothecaryr or drug store. business office. agency instruction cultural in att, muslc, dancing, d,rama, activity. p) Secretarial or telephone q) Shoe repair shop. r) Telegraph s) Telephone exchange. t) Photographic answering service. of f i-ce. studio. Residential use 1awfu1ly of of this Auto accessory shop. shop. governmental, 1) 5) i.ncluding; or gunsmith than clinic Private or the shop. or upholstering chiropractic 4) repair or sales or watch repair for adoption specifically shopr or combination rental f) dental, service agency. shop, beauty Bicycle store, exiting within the district at the time Ordinance. or semi-prlvate automobiles store. store. a) . d) q) 3) store. club, lodge, provid.ed there and scrapped or salvaged commercial parking 1ot. union is ha1l or social no storage auto parts center. of wrecked on the premises. 6) Off-street 7) Government owned or operated use, building, facility or Iand. j-nstallation Public utility or other essential services. B) i 715.3 Conditional Uses. The following uses sha11 be permitted GC Core Zoning District, Section l,) residential as defined in have di-rect is conditions Planning in forth in set abutting use on separate any Amusement center, parking, excluding atea and there parking, Joint hours or operation, requirements consj-derations. determined by the Joint hours of operation, general and other or curb by the general and. other parking drive-j-n determined Commission based upon location, avaj-l-ab1e on-street units space per unit. requiarements, with 1eve1s, dwelling or parking street establishment, on-street all that Commission based upon location, available Planning the parking parking with provided 503.4, access to and drinking service 715.4 the and commercial Section one off-street Eating 3) to basis 9O4z Combination 2) subjeet on a condj-tional considerations. Other Requirements. Unless in otherwj-se specified elsewhere the GC Core Zoning District following 1) in sha1l this Ordj-nance uses permitted be required to conform to the standards: Minimum Lot Area: l - - r B 7 5s q u a r e f e e t 2) Minimum Lot Width: Twenty-five(25) Minimum Front 3) feet Yard: None 4) Mi-nlmum Side Yard: None 5) Minimum Rear Yard: None 6) Maximum Building (3b) Thirty-five 7) feet Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking in Section 715.3 above utitj-zl-ng of two levels a structure and loading or less parking Off-street 8) Height: shall requj-rements of an existj-ng requirements three (3) for 7L6.1 than conslsting for Ievel 611 and 612. of the requirements j-n Subsections as specified any use utilizJ-ng 1eve1s shall that conform to use located fifty on the third Signs: in the GC-Core Zoning Dj_strict, conditions under which they may be located, Article 'VIII. 716. structure (5O%) percent Signs permitted Section any use other be waived. and loading consisting for including an"eset forth the in SC Shopping Center District Intent It is of District. the intent of this section be developed and reserved for zoned and may be applied to general out requirements intended single parcel development. set to provlde of land that the Shopping Center District new shopping centers existJ-ng in this shopping section. not presentry centers the Shopping Centers for the grouping of commerclal build.ings j-n such a manner to produce a planned unit The terms of this Ordinance shall howeverr the minimum standards set out below. on a not be retroactive, anY expansion of an existing center in this amounts to a f j.fty percent (bOY") or more increase in with meeting district GLA shall which comply 7 L O. 2 Permi-tted Uses. The following 1) Retail permitted establishment a) Hardware, b) Foods including be permitted uses sha1l for the sale of: goods and general dry merchandlse. products dairy i-n an SC Zoning District: and bakery products baked on the premises. c) Clothing d) Household appliances, e) Drugs and sundries. f ) g) Package liquors, and accessories. radios and television sets. books and stati-onary. goods, jewelry, flowers, tobacco, Sporting newspapers and magazines. h) Cameras, photo supplies, i) Variety i) Paint, glass k) Office equipment, musical 716.3 Service and hobby supplies. shop and pet shop" and wallpaper. instruments, antiques, furs goods. and optical 2) gift store, art establishment sueh as: a) Self-service b) Small household c) Hat and shoe repair d) Barber and beauty e) Post of f i-ce substations. f) Professional g) Travel h) Tailors i) Cafeterias i) Photographic, laundries and dry cleaners. appliance repair shop. shop. shop. and business offices. agenci-es and employment off ice. and dressmakers. (but and restaurantw not k) dance or music studios. Banks and f j_nancial institutions. 1) Fitness m) Bars, and gymnasi_ums salons taverns drive-in). or nightclubs. 3) Department stores. 4) Indoor moti-on picture theatres. 5) Commercial recreation establishments. 6) Temporary display of boats, cars or other such items indoors. Other Requirements. 1) Minimum Lot Ten (10; 2) Area: acres Minimum Frontage on a public Three Hundred (300) 3) Minimum f'ront prking, required 4) yard that a1l buildj_ngs. not less (50) feet feet from all from all (2O) feet grass, shrubsr on all side or other Maximum Building (3b) M a x j - m u mL o t Coverage for a m j - n j - m u mo f abutting yards of the landscaping. residentially districts. and rear feet (2O) feet or other zoned land. A minimum of sha1l be devoted to landscaping. o feet Buildings and Paving: (80%) Open Space, including Twenty percent shrubsr (30) Height.: Thirty-five percent other Thirty than twenty is twenty Eighty 7) for devoted to grass, Minimum Side and Rear yards: Fifty 6) feet provided One hundred (100) 5) feet Yard: One hundred (100) for Street: landscaping (2O%), the total f ive percent area: area of the'parking (Sf") landscaped isl_ands. lot sha1l contain 8) Off-Street Parking: Uses permitted in the SC Zoning District s h a l 1 m e e t a l I l i , t l r ri r " c i r e n t s parking, loading and set forth j-n Article VI pertaining to off-street other 9) requirements. Si-gns: Signs permitted conditions Article Section in SC Zoning District, the including the are set forth under which they may be located, in VIII. 10) No more than three (3) access points to the shopping center (including out parcels) sha11 be located on any one public street. 11) Site 718. 778.L PIan Approval LI Limited Intent of District. It etc. to within this district to be light industrial adversely in terms of noise, odor, apply formation and reserve for the affecting which uses generally for undeveloped conunercial character and classified such industries; residential, encroachment by those of uses 1) encourage the are suitable the LI industrial 2) protect in naturel light that The regulatj-ons environment Glynn County which uses capable for and reserved properties. a compatible section of this are designed to: of 3) discourage intent objectionable, surrounding contlnuance in the significantly fumes, areas is be developed which are not Commission. District Industrial Zoning District by the Planning required and and other of the district. 7L8.2 Permitted Uses. uses sha11 be permitted The f ollowj-ng 1) Research and experimental 2) Government owned or operated use, 3) Public 4) Agricultural 5) Horticultural 6) Radio and/or 7) Repai-r garage. 8) Off ice building utility 10) farm containing nursery Any industrial compliance use which or garager b) That there c) That no noise, hazard, is as client or Section processing, processing, assembly or storage in no or salvage operations.; vibratlon, iunk or sa1vage. l and smoker g&s, fume, odor, dust, of dangerous radj-ation result 609. provi-ded that: no open storage obnoxious conditions customer, manufacturing, involves any junk way involves &s well the provi-si-ons of with operations, Said manufacturing, busi-ness, school. or vocational assemblyr or storage tower. transmission purposes. area for use in or more acres. governmental, for parking L2) fire and/or and/ or offices or general (10) lot Accessory or land. or more acres. commercial parking 11) a) ten station or storage employee owned veh j-cles. off-street facility (10) ten containing televisi-on Commercial trade Off-street laboratory. installation. professionalr 9) Zoning District: any LI in or other injurious from the operation. or 13) Ttiholesale business storage junk with L4) of outlet,provided or salvage materials Ani-mal-hospital and/or are maintained within the operation beyond the premises. Retail Incidental b) Located on the c) Involves th'at accessory conjunction all boarding and no noise the facility is discernible is: use.; of use.; and any type. dwelling such related industry, accessory to a dwelling i-s occupied and meeting a permitted. agricultural to that such related such dwelling dwelling is the requirements i-n compliance with or horticultural occupied on the premises; Temporary use 1n compliance Conditional plus section by accessory use 609.1. the provisions with only of Section g05. Uses. The following uses may be permitted. Zoning District, 1) in 609.1. persons employed directly 718.3 no open provided a building one-family employed by the use provided 18) any type such business no open storage by a person for is same premises as a permitted use provided Section of a permitted to Watchman or caretaker's permitted j.7) provided business a) of of facility boarding connected with 16) there the operation. arrangements 15) that subject IVarehouse or other to on conditional the conditions storage set basis any LI in Section gO4: forth facility provided provided that: that all in access and servj-ce areas are paved. 2> Automobile a) service A11 pumps are set back at least right-of-way b) station line Setback a minimum of of-way lines.; c) No burning premises 718.4 of aty (15) fifteen feet from the street.; one hundred. (100) feet from all right_ and of materials except or products is conducted on the by means approved by the Glynn County Engineer. Other Requirements. elsewhere in Ordinance, shall Unless otherwise specified uses permitted in LI Zoning Districts to conform to the following 1) Minimum Lot One (1) 3) One hundred (100) feet Minimum Front yard: (2b) Twenty-five (2b) feet Minimum Side yard: (25) M a x i - m u mB u i l d i n g (60) Addit ional set forth and other feet Height: feet R e q u J - r e m e n t s: Uses permitted B) feet Minimum Rear Yard: Sixty 7) Width: Twenty-flve Twenty-five 6) standards: acre M i - n i m u mL o t 5) be required Area 2) 4) this in LI in Article Zoning Districts VI pertaining shal1 meet all standards parking, to off-sireet loading requirements Sign: Signs permitted in LI Zoning Distrlcts, under which they may be located, are set including forth the conditi-ons in Article VIII. Sectlon 7L9. 7L9.1 BI Basic Industrial Intent of District. It is the of intent developed which District and reserved and/ot operati-ons requi-re sizeable for commercial the basic industrial Permitted Uses. The following 1) assembly operationsr products or not other conditions dust, fire objectionable to Ifarehouse. 3) Research and experimental 4) Government owned or operated use, playground, Public 6) Animal hospital 7) Agricultural 8) Horticultural 9) Bulk utility 11) Radio L2) or of heavy materials, iunk or salvage noise, yards vibration, h,azard, dangerous radiation adjacent or or nearby areas. or land, facility caTe home or cultural park, and/or than a other faellity. boardj-ng facility. nursery containing of petroleum landfi1l (10) ten (10) ten statj-on or more acres. products. of natural or the extraction and./or television or more acres. or petroleum materials. tower. transmitting and/or Repaj-r garage. 13) Accessory use in compliance with L4) Retail or wholesale business a) Incidental b) Located to an j-ndustrial on the use provided by a person of Section of servj-ce provided Section 609. such business one-family that employed by the 609.1. use. I and same premises Watchman or caretaker's permitted or the provisions is: or service 15) processing laboratory. farm containing storage Dredging, affecting adversely installation. 5) 10_ of or obnoxious 2) school, and sale including or uses which may cause injurious smoker g&s, fume, odor, numbers of any encroachment manufacturing' involves but industries any BI Zoning Di-strict: in or the storage equiprnent; for the district. of be permitted use which Any industrj-a1 uses capable or other the encourage in Glynn County which areas and 3) discourage character uses shal1 1) employ large undeveloped such industris; by resid.ential, 7\9.2 and reserve The regulations environment and/or land of tracts uses or assembly are designed to: a compatible be industrial employment.centers. district of of types processing manufaeturing, this 2) protect suitable or primary basic and continuance workers; is for the BI Zoning District that serve as large which apply within formation section extensive involve which this as the j-ndustrial business. dwel11ng accessory to such related industry, dwelling and meeting is a occupled the requirements a 16) Dwelling accessory provlded that employed such related directly dwelling L7) to a permitted dwelling recreation such facility Incidental b) Located on the same premises as the permitted Conditional a permitted subject of on a conditional to the conditions (10) length feet and deceleration in width are furnished vehicles enter gob. Section in basis forth set any in lanes and. maintained terminal or controlled lnazard or that: at least and one hundred (100) or leave to major streets No safety provided terminal Paved acceleration ten b) the provisions use. 9A4: Truck or transportatlon a) is: use. ; and uses may be per:mitted any Br zoning District, Section such Uses. The followi-ng 1) accessory use for a) to by persons 609.1. provided facility or hortj-cultural occupied only plus Section 18) Temporary use in compliance with 719.3 is on the premlses; in compliance with Private agricultural feet where trucks sites or other located. adjacent access highways.; impediment to in traffic and movement is produced on any access road. 2) Open yard use for and/or storage equipment, a) suitable planting (6) in height feet of setback said salvaged and/or from adjoining screen, for properties improving or by a s j-x the aesthetic propertis.; a minimum of one hundred (100) No burnlng junk materials f ence r or wal1 at least purposes of adjoining feet from all 1ines. ; and of materials premi-ses except 719.4 canniba1-1'zing, dismantling that: Such uses are separated right-of-way c) sa1e, rental, of new, used, provided values b) the or products is conducted on the by means approved. by the county Engineer. Other Requirements. Unless otherwise permitted (5) uses shall- be requi-red to conform when the property abuts to acres Mlnj-mumLot Width Minimum Front Fifty 4) Ordinance, standards: One hundred (100) 3) in thls Minimum Lot Area: Five 2) elsewhere in BI Zoning Districts the following 1) specified (50) feet Yard: feet Mj-nimum Side Yard: Twenty (2O) feet industrlal except district, that fifty (b0) feet shall a non- be requi_red. us 5) Minimum Rear Yard: Twenty (2O) feet non-industriar 6) (60) Additional to the approval regulations, forth in Article pertaining VI, 720.1 Intent in BI Industrial courage the types storage It which formation of is the operations Section 6:.7. stand.ards parking, to off-street includi-ng are set of intent forth loading the conditions in Article section vrrr. and to character of the the GI Zoning purposes. are desj-gned to a compatible of warehouse, terminal, or concerns; that industrial district this and continuance this general for within developments or other industrial Permitted apply industrial, residential environment for and open yard laboratory discourage en- any encroachment by uses capable of adversely affecting district. Uses. The following 1) meet all shall Zoning Districts, be developed and reserved The regulations 72O.2 VI, Distri-ct of District. District the Chief. Signs: GI General all of the Fire requirements. under which they may be located 720. sha11 be required. see Article in BI Zoning Districts Signs permitted Section feet a Requlrements: and other 8) subject to height Uses permitted set (50) fifty abuts Height: feet For exceptions where the property that district, M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g Sixty 7) except be permitted uses shal1 Any industrial use which assembly operationsr products or but not uses which may cause injurious smoke, g&s, fume, odor, or other conditions dust, fire objectionable 3) Research and experimental 4) Government owned or operated use, playground, 5) Public 6) Animal hospital 7) Agricultural 8) Horticultural 9) Bulk utility park, or salvage noise, yards vi-bration, dangerous radiation to adjacent or nearby areas. facility or land, care home or cultural other than a facility. installation. and/or nursery boardi-ng facility. ten contai-ning of petroleum (10) Dredging, (10) ten 11) Radio or television L2) Repair 13) Accessory use in compliance with or the extraction station or more acres. or petroleum 10) landfi11 or laboratory. farm containing storage hazard, or of heavy materials, junk or obnoxious Warehouse. school, and sale including 2) processing manufacturing, involves or the storage equipment; any GI Zoning District: in and/or or more acres. products. of natural transmitting materials. tower. garage. the provisions of Section 609. a4) Retail or wholesale business 15) or service to a permitted Located on the same premi-ses as the industrial IVatchmanor caretaker's Dwelling Private that employed directly b) Located on the Automobile requirements service That there with the only by accessory use for 609.1. is: j-ndustrial of business. Section 905. to the conditions station in width termi-nal Section 9A4. feet from j-n conjunction areas are paved. provlded produced sites located hazard or that: lanes and one hundred (100) access highways.; No safety feet at least in or other adjacent ten length (10) are fur- vehicles enter to major streets and impediment to movement is traffic on any access road. Open yard use for storage the sale, provided height of said canniba1-j', dismantling salvage junk materials and/or or that: planting suitable rental, of new, used, Such uses are separated values in any ; any type and mai-ntained where trucks controlled in of and deceleration or leave terminal equipment, forth (15) fj-fteen any street. access and service Paved acceleration nished least no open storage Truck or transporatJ-on feet set basj-s in provided: -way 1j-ne of is on a conditional operati-on. ; and That all feet plus compliance wi-th the provisions A11 pumps are set back at and/or or horticultural such facility same premises as the subject the right-of a) occupied by use. ; and uses may be permitted BI Zoning District, 3) the a Uses. The following b) is occupied is Section provided to a permitted Temporary use in a) dwelling on the premlses; facility Inci-dental c) dwelling agricultural in compliance with recreation Conditional 2) such related a) b) accessory to and meeting industry, to a permitted accessory such dwelling a) such related that employed by the dwelling business. Seetion 609.1. persons 1) use. ; and one-family use provided use provided 72O.3 is: b) of 18) provid.ed such service Incidental a person LT) or a) permitted 16) business for from adjoining screen, fence t or wal1 at least purposes adjoining properties of improving properties.; the by a six aesthetic (6) or b) Setback a minimum of one hundred lines.; c) 720.4 from all feet right-of-way and No burning except 4) (100) or products of materials is conducted on the premises by means approved by the County Engineer. Temporary use'in the provi-sions compliance with of gob. Section Other Requirements. UnIess otherwj-se specified in GI Zoning Districts elsewhere in this be requlred shal1 uses permitted Ordinance, to conform to the follow1ng standards: 1) Minimum Lot Three (3) 2) Area: acres Minimum Lot lVidth: One hundred (100) 3) Minimum Front (50) Fifty 4) Yard: feet Minimum Side Yard: Twenty (2A) feet, except that industrial 5) feet district, industrial feet Height: (60) subject feet, Additional to height forth set (50) fifty to the approval regulations, VI, of a non- be required. the Fire see Article Chief. VI, Sectlon 617. meet all standards parking, to off-street loading Signs: CP Conservation Intent in GI Zoning Di-stricts, Preservation of Di.strict. Distrj-ct It is be established. the serve as wildlife land, beauty or are of historical purposes; general welfare periodic to discourage of marsh and/or refuges; section that VIII. water areas of Glynn 2) possess great 3) are utj-1ized inhabitantsl outdoor or 5) are subject the purposes any encroachment by residential, adversely for naturaL the health which apply within such areas for the CP Zoning and./or control needed open space for The regulations uses capable of character 722.2 Permitted 4) provide reserve the conditions in Article to preserve significance; the County's flooding. are designed or other of forth of this and maintalned County which: recreation are set intent certain 1) including District development within this and to dlstrict outlined herein and commerci-al, industrial affecting the relatively undeveloped. the district. Uses. The following uses shall be permitted in 1) Prj-vate 2) Government owned or operated use, 3) Farm for non-commercial including 4) shall shall pertaining under which they may be located, to abuts requirements. Signs permitted 722.1 feet in GI Zoning Districts in Article and other 722. be requlred. Requi-rements: Uses permitted Section shalI when the property that zoning district, For exceptions 8) except M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g Sixty 7) (50) fifty abuts a non- Minimum Rear Yard: Twenty (2O) feet, 6) when the property Wildlife the growing dock or boat of rice any CP Zoning District: house. facility or land. or other agircultural earetaker's residence products, timber. refuge, including as an accessory use. 5) 722.3 Swimming beach. Conditional Uses. The following condj-tional uses may be permitted basis, subject to conditions l-) Commercial marina or bait 2) Public utility in sub-station any CP Zoning District set forth in house, oD a minimum of or other Section on a gO4z 201000 square feet. essenti-a1 service. 3) Museum or exhibit historical, area in aesthetic, 4) fee, Cemetery, with or without a) Consists b) Has a ten (10) perimeter which is of c) Includes d) Has a front a site Maintains street (10) and ten other than for a caretaker.; seventy (70) feet from the (2O) feet further.; is from the street and si-gn no greater feet enti-re unit least or twenty whichever around its strip any use except access.; of at a non-i-lluminated area. acres.; buffer or dwelling setback of 1ine, square feet 722.4 free no such use: that (5) five wide planted kept of the right-of-way least at no crematorium centerline e) of foot yard provided chapel, that of an ad- collection said museumor exhibit with recognized provided significance, than the possible other are associated an atea or use of with or educational commercial activities, mission conjunction (30) than thirty in height. Other Requirements. UnIess otherwise permitted elsewhere in in CP Zoning Di-stricts the following 1) specj-fied sha1l this Ordi-nance, uses be required to conform to standards: Mi-nimumLot Area: 5r000 square feet 2) Minimum Lot Width: (50) Fifty feet Minimum Front 3) Yard: Twenty (2O) feet 4) Minimum Side Yard: Seven (7) feet the provisi-ons 5) on each side. With regard of Article Section feet. 1ots, MaximumBuilding 6) (35) see Article VI, standards parking, B) forth set loading in Article and other VI pertaj-ning to off-street requirements. in CP Zoning Districts, including in Article VIII. the are set forth Planned Development District of District. is the slmilar of intent for this section the establishment developments, types of large-scale, courage formation and to permit internal these site the best and contlnuance parks, this planning within interest latitude be shopping centers, centers and The use developments. are designed to developments possible considerations; with en- when appropri-ate respect to: and 2) the location the unincorporated of of medical district such planned the greatest developments County in of the PD Zoning Dj-strict compatible whj-ch apply within the that industrial regulations comprehensive portlons of of Glynn development plans the Countv. Eligibility 1) regulations shal1 meet the CP Zoning Districts under which they may be located, residential 723.2 605. to height conditions reserved of to signs. Intent 1) Section VI, feet. For exceptions Sect j-on 617 . in Signs permitted It see Article pertaining Parking: Uses permi-tted 723.1, apply. Height: Thirty-five Off-street 7) PD 604, sha1l not yard requironents For rear double frontage 723. 1ots, Minimum Rear Yard: Seven (7) Section VI, to corner The site Requirements utilized of not less for than three Planned Development must contain (3) acres. an area 2) The site must have a mlnimum width boundary l-j-nes of or have direct at least linear feet one major and must adjoin thoroughfare as shown Zoning Map. The area proposed ownershi-ps, (300) hundred access to on the Official 3) three between any two opposite sha1l be in or one ownershipr if i-n several application for amendment to the Zoni-ng Ordinance jointly shaIl be filed hy all of the owners of the properties included in the p1an. 723.3 Procedure for 1) the Creating pertaining Any request shall and Mai-ntaini-ng a PD District. a proposal be considered Ordinance regulations set forth data set Application, in shall be submitted mission, and subsequently with recommendations of the XI, Subsectlon and all delineated A11 further for to development shall a violatlon property constitute is changes in XI of substantial creased areas, forth street to tro building plan valid for menced. twelve The Planning applicant if of the of be the district the shall Zoning Ordinance set this as a change in and forth subsection, l-and use, public alighment, in- or common Appeals based on hardship or the procedures set How Taken. Appeals, shall Site Joint Planning a PD district forth set in Commission. Planning Commission sha1l be (L2) months, unless obtained months each upon written development, has been submitted Plan Approval, is for requirements the Commission may grant the application for be issued than twelve permlt plan a slte submit approved by the Joint a building (L2) or all accordance with conformj-ng to a perj-od longer such period In any the Ordinance by the Building of permit 6L9, entitled plan parts For purposes of or buffers. applicant and approved by the No site Ordinance. and zonj,ng has been approved by the County Commission, may the Subsection The &s submitted the procedures with access or X, entitled the PD a site adopted the County Commission shall be defined setbacks in Article howeverr standards accordance with development Ordinance. misinterpretation OnIy after until the sha1l be processed in Official the proposal, with this to place in accordance this densi-ty, an alleged in amendments to the change shall building be zoning classification. must be considered in Article district, that as proposed be treated shall map and such plan the of not is amend the Ordinance Any substantial If by the County Commission that the PD District its Commission. the Master Planr determined adopted for in Com- any changes in ownership. of approved, empowered to 4> conform to of of Planning conjunction of any provision standards 3) shall regardless where it Formal the Master Plan violation development 2) in hearings. the County Commission the Ptanning submitted to applicatlon be adopted. as Planned Development District. the district, event, entitled to the Joint forwarded the and public on the zoning districts information as amended, shalI regards with 723.4, approved by the County Commission, officially Zoning accordance with Commission review, forth a PD District amendment to the in in Article requj-rements, Planning All for be processed and sha1l of to the establishment and construction is not extensions request submitted within of the is com- exceedlng original substantially the same hry as the initial power in Commission has the to its the reapproval for Planning he shall application, cedure as stated 723.4 for pro- revlew procedures forth set by the only may be created Said applj-cati-on herein. the property be submj-tted by the owners of by the plan a PD District. A planned Development District shall initial the herein. Formal Application applicati-on alter a new site initiate the changes which contains concludes materially Dlrector Where the reappltcation. of reapproval new conditions attach such cases to or disapproval appli-cation Planning However, the Joint applj-cation. for review PlannJ-ng Commissj-on and approved by the County Joint sha1l be filed The appli-cation Commission. Administrator of twenty-one (Zt} considered and shal1 contain days prior the following to be is it date on which to the least Commi-ssion at Planning Joint the Zoning the with where elements, applicable: 1) copies of a Master Plan drawn to scale at not surveyor, architect, than 1t' = 200' by a registered Three (3) less land.scape archltect, showing the following or engineer, information: a) Name of field the survey depicting dimensions with and the development and a dated owner, boundaries the property of referenced and bearings a permanent to monument. I at two (2) foot b) Existing contours c) Location of proposed building d) Proposed land uses for e) The type f) public g) site. dwelling units and points of of size.; proposed for ; collector streets rights-of-way. ; Internal and their sites each site.; and net density each resj-dential i-ntervals.; Areas which are to be dedicated access to for or reserved p u b l j - c o r c o m m o nu s e . ; 2) h) Major waterbodies, wetlands and drainage i) Proposed perimeter building setbacks Zoning Text A written and approval shal1 and shal1 and buffers. for be submitted also and ways.; review include: a) A general b) A statement of the proposal. ; the present ownership and a legal description of the proPertY.; c) d) yard and height limitati-ons, restrictive covenants. ; or variations Exceptions showing the Tables proposed for if any are being number of density of and requi-rements of the requested.; acres and the percentage easch proposed type of Tabulations requirements from the total development f ac,ilities. f) density Proposed land uses and development standards, Zoning Ordinance, e) of descripti-on land use' the in designated public including ; showing the maximum number, type dwelling units proposed for and net each building site.; g) Proposed dedication use, including h) Plans for i) Plans for streets, the provision Plans for parking, of land easements, parks open sapce, courts, sewer and drainage j) or reservation for public and school sites; walks and commonareas.; of utilities, including water' facilities. loading, access ways, signs, buffers and means of protecting potential k) areas from lighting and other adverse effects. A development construction to begin 1) adjacent ; indicating schedule of each site the approximate date when or phase of development can be expected and be completed.; A statement defining to be assured and the manner in which the County Commission is improvements are to be j-nstalled and main- all tnat tained. 723.5 Permitted application for PD zoning that is by the considered Commission and the County Commission as being other with in nearby uses within the intent upon approval County Commission. applying in the district 1) Joj-nt Planning with compatible and in keepi-ng district Planning Joint by the PD District district. to that to procedures Commission and the uses for each separate be adopted as part shall to those listed, forth set of the the uses permitted Thereafter, shal1 be restricted adopted according Site the of permitted A listj-ng a particular within regulatj-ons 723.6 and without formal the GlynnCounty Comprehensive Plan may be permi-tted of such district tract j-n the Any use proposed by the developer Uses. approved and herej-n. PIan Approval. PD zoned districts, In all by the Building the is Official Planning Joint intended until plan The site substantial not be issued shall plan has been approved by site the Commission. ensure to permit a building procedure approval to conformity the approved Master P1an. 2) No application a permitted expansion of for a financial, property. of (2]-7 days prior 4) the to the sj-x (6) include registered surveyor, at a scale of not to the requirements Within plan approval notice, Joint plan shall shall applicant at said Planning set Joint hold of a site than 1r' = 100' . forth in with to Commission fails least twenty-one to be considered plan prepared by a of or engineer plan shal1 conform an application for giving after on the application. act within If period, this hearing, to an extension. shall pass their The Joint order of Plannlng approval site public be deemed to have been approved as submitted, consents and 679. Commission, to the is Subsection act in the Zoning The site the filing Planning a hearing interest Commission at it facility. by any person landscape archj-tect, architect, days after the Planning sha11 be filed copies use not may be filed or proprietary a &o external or commercial recreation date at which less (40) forty Joint for a new buildingr or an accessory approval contractual Said application Administrator shall offj.ce plan site shal1 be required involvi-ng buildingr a retail, with approval use not an existing An application having plan site change in associated 3) for the the site unless the Commission, or approval wit condi-tions. The Joint shall Planning ensure that Commi-ssion, before it the Design Criteria Subsection in 723.7, Subsection complles with acti-ng upon the the provisions and Development Standards and any applicable 723.8. Special set site of this forth plan Ordinance, in Requirements set forth la t 5) t Conditi-ons and Restrlcti-ons. a) t t t In approving a site plan applicatj-on, the Joint Planning Commission may j-mpose conditj-ons and restrictj-ons and may vary t the standards general intent t district t t of so acts, it this Ordinance so long as the Ordinance j-s carried out and the zoni-ng this regulations make them less t forth set in established restrictive. shal1 herein If specifically are not varj-ed as to Planning the Joint Commj-ssion those requirements state which t must be met before approval a b) t , In the the submit in of Planning the Joint approval and a building The Joint Planning Commission may delegate the power to grant plan application t applj_cant shall accordance with final permi-t may be granted. the final the Planning to approval upon the Director's prescribed specifically any Commission before plan Director plan site Commission requires the site t Planning or revisj_on of the slte p1an, a site plan corrected or revised the decision c) Joint correction t final permit. and a building event may be granted an applicant of the site determination conditions that and/or correcti-ons the have been t met by the applicant. t 6) t Following final construction plan site approval, or alteration any buildings of be governed by the approved site in the , location autl:otized increase or character by the Planning the slze of land and the the use of plan, and structures except that, of buildings Director. shal1 minor changes and structures may be No change so authorized any building.or by more than ten structure (10&)' nor change the location of any building or structure than ten (10) feet in any dj-rection; provided however, the t t Planning Director t approval or requi-rements 7) t , , t t the proposed site plan purpose or the installation preliminary t: plats in includes the for subdivision the plan site of the for land of for information the any required submittal of of Glynn County Regulations Subdivision by more Ordinance. required simultaneously and the application this of new streets, information under shal1 be processed t changes beyond conditions forth set If above any additional , permit may not may under the Subdivision approval, &s provided Regulations for j-n this subsection. t t t t 723.7 Design Criteria and Development Standards t t 1) t PD Districts, Article t t Commission and the The Joint Planning approving a PD district Commission, before plans respective relief forth set granted is in by the Joint County Commission. Commission and the County Commission, before I 1 the General Provisions VI sha11 govern unless Planning 2) , In all Master Plan, approving comply with and the Planning plan, a site sha1l the following ensure applicable tlr,at the design t , criterj-a a) , and development standards: Overall site landscaping, t a design should enclosure of principal parcel sj.zes, street t Variety in building types, t size open gpaces shall , b) of Unless otherwise patterns, specified I I , , , t t , t t densities peracre exceed those set be harmonious for forth and accessory uses, and land use relationship. heights, facades, setbacks and be encouraged. in the residential for i-n terms of approved Zoning Text, dwelling units GR General Residential shal1 not Di.stricts. c) Yard and other dimensional requirements for each PD District may be set by the County Commission, upon recommendation of the Joint Planning Commission. General Residential District standard. shall serve for as minimum requi-rements location specj-fied in elsewhere industrj-al, Parking' be set in this for loading resi-dential Ordinance as they uses shaI1 such uses located and other standards apply serve to commercial as minimum re- in PD Districts. requirements for each PD District by the County Commi-ssion, upon recommendation of Planning Commissi-on. The standards and 6L2 sha11 serve as a general propose units The most restri-ctive and institutional requirements d) a PD District. for of Article guide VI, may the Joint Sections 611 such requj-rements, to except parkJ-ng spaces may be that, the number of off-street modified j-n consideratj-on of the followi-ng factors Probable Varying number of periods time Where development district, than abuts public less or fects uses, to ensure the Property lines abutting less screen out except in than six excesslve dwellingsl must be or district boundary multi-family feet absence of for residential commercial or any objectionable residential single-family ef- planted attractive (6) feet in height districts buffer, must wa11 or and sufficient to sound and view from the resid.ential following the (50) other districts. be screened by a permanent, fence not for residential structures, line feet fifty use of on or from abutting and other property (30) than thirty single-family and two-family separati-ng insitutional industri-al Iots dwellings set back from the not a separate parking buildj-ogsr single-family line, owned by dwelling uni-t occupants; and of use, when joint use of common parking proposed. areas is e) cars areas, instances Where one and two-family dwellings within the PD District are on property i-mmediately adjoining a residential district, then no buffer shall be required. Where multi-family District are on property dwellings buffer dwellings and townhouses within or townhouses in a resi-dential shall However, all f) Within for parking of at least a PD District screening and industrial multi-family district, then no be required. lots, storage areas must be enclosed with a height adjoining immediately the PD yards, a planti-ng six (6) the desi-gn should residential feet, and outdoor screen, excluding include wall or fence to gates or exit buffers areas from institutional, uses when a danger of recreation incompatibility points suitable commercial appears to exist. s) Lighting protect facillties shall the highway and neighboring ot }razardous interference h) be arranged Sign requirements of may be set recommendation by the Joint in a manner which wilt properties from direct glare any kind. by the County Commission, Plannj-ng Commission. following i) In PD Distri-cts, parki-ng and loading areas used for traffic ways sha11 be physically streets by suitable vehicles conform to standards the following with in Article VI, 614, Section conditions Shopping centers, institutional forth set motor Access ways shal1 generally or egress. ingress from public separated agaj-nst unchanneled barriers or for industrial, commercial, other and multi-family than two (2) access points circumstances demonstrate uses shall have not more any one public to street, additional the need for unless access points. IVhere possible, shopping centers i-nstitutional street of provi-sions Cultural this General in such projects, and to the (PD-C) the and proper is It form of the intent a large of scale of major arrangement and civj-c the PD-C development public and/or as well- as any necessary facilities acitivites. (PD-c) Characteristics and Intent: large encourage the is It considered by the and further, uses according Industrial to of development for in the PD-G Distric of mixed uses this section but Commission and the County and worthy for inclusion to the requirements and standards a PD in encourage the development of such of this section. (PD=I) Characteristics and Intent: It to be developed and reserved prj-marily a planned, regulations intent provided Joj-nt Planning Commission to be compatible District, the planned scale or groups of uses not otherwise in a manner as Planned Developments subject governing and Intent: cultural supporting 3) in any and egress. ingress Center to permit location private to be designed at of from the intersection and shall section or Civic District 2) industrJ-al, commercial, as indi-cated: Characteristics the from uses sha11 be located feet uses sha1l be classified to the provisions 1) street PD Distri-cts. The following special safe to a public to individual and multi-family right-of-way conducive Permitted or other one hundred (100) least 723.8 access points all organized formation uses which involve the and controlled which apply within encourage the is this for of the PD-I industrial development. district and continuance manufacturing, intent purposes The are designed to of compatible industrial assembling and processing operations or the sale wholesale, and to or other and distribution discourage uses except those of goods or products at any encroachment by residential, augment the prj-ncipal which commercial purpose of required. in the district. Special Requlrements: Subsectj-on 723.6, items, 4) In addition plans site for to the information PD-I Districts sha11 show the following 1f applicable: a) Loading zones. b) Rail facilities. c) Fire fighting d) Electric, oi-l, e) Plans for control Medical facilitles. gas or any other of power systems. potlution. aj'r and water (pD-M) Center Characteristics and Intent: In view of the unique methods of hospitals, their land needs, and their effect on surrounding properties, it is intended that this Planned Development be set aside as a specialized area for hospitals and allied services; that this area be protected against encroachment from non-related and incompatible uses, that provisions be made for the expansion of hospitals and aIlied servj-ces, and that, to the greatest possible extent, surrounding land uses and properties be stabilJzed against any possible detrimental effects that might be created by the proximity of the hospital and allied services. 5) (PD-R) Residential Characteristics and Intent:It PD-R District wishes to required Special may be applied by other residential Requi-rements: in this the intent any residential for this Ordinance that area where the or controls more restrictive j-n this Ordlnance. distrj-cts In addition section of to other informati-on the developer than those required submission of a PD District, applications PD-R Districts shal1 be accompanied by any additional restrictj-ons, p1ans, easements, rights, conditlons, or privileges beyond limitations, those normally the developer required on maps. application of Commission sha1l also particular If to this in written the overall the Ordinance, approved by the district Joint Planning and shall this Ordinance, which proposed PD District. where appli-cable, the normal PD District those restrictions be adopted as part PD District in form or, sha1l be reviewed. in the PD proposal. adopted as a part conditions a residential sha11 be submitted The information processing to that in proposes for Such information 6) to apply use regulations elsewhere for is course of proposal is or other Commission and the County of the requirements also become part of applying the Ordinance. Shopping Center (PD-S) Characteristics and Intent: The purpose of the PD-S District the use of the district as a shopping, commercial and service shall be to encourage the logical and timely development of land for commercial purposes and the expansion of shopping and/or commercial centers, in accordance with the objectives, polj-cies and standard.s of the Comprehensive Plan; and to discourage any use which would interfere with for surrounding In addition for to residential information PD-S Districts center neighborhoods required elsewhere in this may be requJ-red to submit a market section, applicants analysis showing the economic need for and the inadequacy commercially of existing zoned land the market analysis a) a shopping Determination center commercial to meet this the size districts need. proposed, being and vacant, purposes, For these the following: sha11 contain the population of of of the trade the proposed area of shopping center.; b) Determination of average family the effective buying in c) Estimates 723.9 of and gross the square footage stores.; Determination in power, both at present net potenti-al of (10) years and ten the proposed shopping for If to approval, operating, as streets, other power for satisfactory public i.e, maintaj-ning, drivew&VS, parking recreation of competitive stores center. M a i n t a i n j - n g C o m m o nF a c i l i t i e s / A r e a s . created sales customer buying owner management, a homeowners or property or private dedication owners association and improving areas, arrangements shall be common facilities drainage ways, landscaping such and areas. MEDMedical District 724. 724.L Intent of Dlstrict. In view of land needs, and their of services; from non-related that these areas be protected expansion of hospitals greatest possible created against that and a1lied surrounding any possible by the proximity Permitted uses shall Community hospital services; hospitals be made for and that, to land uses and properties be detrimental effects that the the might be any MED Zoning District: and clinic, said hospital or clinic. Any health 3) Any educational center, in including which relate services. control of and are contained clinlc facilities or medical directly an authorized Single or multi-story and/or student including eating sleeping quarters authorized related 6) PubIic utility water or fire to raj-lroads installation towers, requj-rements an authorized the hospital supervision quarters or living or for and the staff related its provided activitie such dormitories and control supervision of of and an construction to the building County Bullding Official. facility essential or land. including services directly installations relating operation. the Georgia such facilities for or other use, care homes, provided County Board of Health attached of or the Glynn County Board of Health. except those and their or publi-c permits to and under government owned or oprated Any other for the confines of laboratory. facil-ities, are under the the operation within an authori-zed hospital and laundry to such as hospital. 5) Private hospital dormitories body of any functions directly or the Glynn County Board of Health, plans provisions intent encroachment be permitted or clinics the against and allied the hospitals 2) 7) the of the hospital and Iaundries cafeteri-as 4) is their Uses. The following 1) extent, areas be set uses; it asj-de to permit specific and incompatible of hospitals, properties, that possible stabilized the unique nature on surrounding effect the MEDDistricts and al-lied 724.2 and and have not been met prior Section subareas, the future.; retail d) incomes by logical State receive such facility Board of Health the written permit copies and provided approval and the County Fj-re Chief and operation; conforms with of and to be retained to of the the Glynn issuance such approval in the files of an to be of the 8) Residential use as permitted in Section T06. GR General Residential. 9) Professional recognized office or office buildlng professions medical restricted including to the use of but not limited to the following: a) Physicians b) Dentists c) Optometrists and oculists d) Chiropodists and podiatrists e) Osteopaths f) Chiropractors and surgeons. 10) The following retaj_l uses: a) Pharmacies, apothecarj_es or drug stores. b) Restaurants and snack bars, c) Flower and/or 11) The following permitted gift but not drive-in shops. uses as accessory uses to a previ-ous1y.listed use: a) Any use accessory b) off-street for parking a dwellingr or storage ?S shown in space for loadi-ng under the provisions 724.3 establishments. set forth Section parking vehicular in 60g. Section and 609.3. Other Requirements 1) Community Hospitals the hospital or Community Hospital and related Institutions, functions Laboratories, and servj-ces, such as Dormi-torj-es, Schools, Special Care Facilities, etc. control of hospital an authorized Complexes including on a single site Clinics, and under the and.lor Glynn County Board of Health. M i - n i m u mL o t Area per Dwelling Minimum Lot Width: Hei-ght: 20 feet on each side 2b feet 3b feet or higher approval 2) Public or Pri-vate of Area per Dwelllng Minimum Lot Width: the Flre 15 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 1b feet Center, Height: 35 feet the on each side or higher Clinic or Laboratoryr 5r000 square feet Minimum Lot b0 feet Width: Yard Setbac,k: Minlmum Side Yard Setback: subject site from hospital. 20 f eet 7 feet on each side Minimum Rear Yard Setback: 15 feet M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g H e i g h t : 35 feet 4) Educationar Facilities county Board of Health Minimum Lot Size: related but to hospital on separate 6r0OO square feet approval Chief otr separate Minimum Land Area: Minimum Front to Chief 20 feet Minimum Side Yard Setback: Health the 100 feet of the Fire 3) to 1 acre Unit: Yard Setback: Maximum Building subject Care Homes. Mj-nimumLot Minlmum Front 4 acres 100 feet Minimum Side Yard Setback z Minimum Rear Yard Setback z Maximum Buirding Unit z site and./or Grynn from hospital. Minimum Lot lTidth: Minimum Front 60 f eet Yard Setback: 7 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback: M a x j - m u mB u i l d i n g 5) Dormj-tories Height: and/or authorized Size: Minimum Lot Width: Minimum Front but not for 7 feet Height: Other Publicly-Owned in B) or higher of Fire Chief in 9) as deemed necessary 10) public. of the general interest Section compliance with standards set forth for such use with standards set forth for such use with minimum standards 706. in Section compliance Professi-onal Off ice or Off ice Size: Minimum Lot lVidth: Buildings. 50 f eet Yard Setback z 20 feet 2 O " / "t o t a l Height: Permitted Uses. Retail Lot Minimum Lot Si-ze: Width: Minlmum Front than less than area 35 feet 5r00O square feet 50 feet 20 feet Yard Setback z 15 feet Minimum Side Yard Setback: but not each side, side Yard area 20% total 7 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback z M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g yard side less 7 feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback z M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g not each sj-de, but 15 feet Minimum Side Yard Setback: 35 feet Height: Accessory Uses: Permitted locate to Property lines residential abutting to screen out except the a) not strip less following When multi-family dwellings immediately dwellings are on property dwelling or townhouses in shall a and sufficient residential area, instances: District buffer in height within adjoi-ning the MED District a residential distrlct shal1 be required. then no buffer b) wal1 or fence in screen, feet 609. must be screened sound and view from the Where one and two-family are on property (6) use in Section districts planting than six excessive VI' of Article by a permanent and maintained buffer of pri-ncipal anywhere on site provisions compliance with L4) forth 5r000 square feet Minimum Lot Minimum as set 706. Minimum Front 13) Dwelling. One-Family Dwel1ing. in ]-2) and Apartment Dwelling in Permitted 11) the 706. Two-Family in ln as deemed necessary under conditions j-n compliance Permitted approval or Land. Facilities Dwel1j-ngs, Row House Dwelling Section to the subject Installations. Multi-Family Permitted as hospital. on each side 35 feet Buildings, to operate the best an 20 feet Minlmum Rear Yard Setback: Permitted of 60 feet 7 feet Utility body of 6r00O square feet Minimum Side Yard Setback z Public student under control on same site Permitted to operate under condi-tions best j-nterest of the general public. 7) and/or staff activities, located Yard Setback z Maximum Building 6) quarters or related hospj-ta}, M i n i - m u mL o t 15 feet 35 f eet living an aut};rorj-zed hospital on each side be required. the MED and townhouses with immediately a residential adjoining multi-family di-strict, then no ' 01? 15) Off-street to the 16) parking, standards loading forth set Signs permitted and other in Article 725. 725.4 MH Mobile Intent of District. It to provide Section 611 and,612. including are set forth is intent the of the conditions in Arti-c1e VIII. the MH Mobile Home Park a sound and healthy residential sufficient to meet the unique needs of home parks from encroachment by incompatible the consolidation including the mobile set forth be located in uses, living in mobile and to encourage home park, Any mobile such pank, homes within environment inhabitants home parks. of mobile sha11 hereafter conformity within with Glynn County the regulations herein. Permi-tted Uses. The f ollowing be permj-tted uses sha1l 1) Mobile 2) Other uses required the in any MH Distr:ict: home parks. Joint Planning residents 725.3 shal1 conform Home Park District 725.2 VI, in MED Zoning Distrlcts, under which they may be located Section requirements of that to serve exc lusively, in the opinion Commj-ssion and County Commisslon, particular MH District. of the Other Requirements. The mobile 1) 2) 3) home park The park shall conform to followj-ng the than fi-ve (5) be no less acres and be located on a well-drained rapid and freedom from stagnant drainage The mobile home park shal1 mobile home uni-ts per Mobile home spaces shal1 of not less feet of Mobile not conditions: in properly site, contain size, graded to pools insure of water. (8) more than eight acre. than five area, and clearly 4) shall be provided thousand six eaeh space to be at consisting of an average hundred (br6OO) square (bO) feet wide least fifty defined. homes sha11 be so located be a minimum of fifteen (15) on each space that feet clearance there sha1l between mobile homes. A11 mobile 5) Mobile h o m e s s h a J - lb e t i e d d o w n a n d s h a 1 l r e q u i r e skir:ting. homes shall be located on each space so that there will a minimum front feet yard between the mobile No mobile home shall from any building bounding 6) setback of not home and the be located within less closer the park (2o) than twenty abutting be driveway. than ten (10) feet or from any property line the park. In additj-on to as noted. in Subsection the space requirement minimum area of twenty 725.3, for each mobile thousand (20r000) each mobile home unit home park shall square feet set have a aside common open spaces ; 1n the case of park larger than the minimum five (b) acres in the case of expansion of the park, t w o h u n d r e d ( 2 0 0 ) s q u a r e f e e t o f c o r n m o no p e n s p a c e s h a l l b e a d d e d for each mobile home unit after the 100th unit. for 7) A11 mobile home spaces sha1l abut upon a paved all-weather surface street of not less than twenty (20) feet wj-th a minimum forth (4o; foot right-of-way in width, which shall have unobstructed access to a street. 8) 9) A suitable buffer in sharl height, trlanti-ng screen, be located Article VI, Off-street loading and other parking, Plans for forth set streets, his findings Section in Arti-cle drainage the County Engineer, 11) along the lot in conformance with to the standards 10) w.a11or fence of the park, requirements shall VI, 611 and,612. Sections to conform must be reviewed by ad.vise the Planning prior feet 613. and utilities who sha1I in writing lines (6) six the Planning Commission of Commisslon making a recommendation on the proposal. Plans for an MH District must be reviewed hy the Glynn County Board of Health, which shall advise the Planning Commission of findings in writing prior to the Planning eommission making a its recommendation on the proposal. The Planning Commisslon shall be restricted from making a favorable recommendation unless the Board of Health determines that all local and state codes pertalning to health and environmental sanitation in mobile home parks have been met by the applicants. Si-gns permitted L2) in MH Zoning Districts, under which they may be located, 725.4 Mobile Home Subdivisions. park are to be offered for recorded according to If including are set forth of Site PIan Approval. Site plan with Section this Ordinance. 619. of approval the Subdivision 725.6 726. 726.L Intent of District. It i-s the Government District be applied under the of ownership in at times. al1 district Permitted Uses. princlpal operation a G District, or operatlng the set located in or in the office that facility or to the publ1c welfare. by the Other Requj-rements. is this and yards conformance of or on the section that land reservations readily the G and holdings government to state installations this within provided determined to forth Any use which is subject federal the of to major a purpose not to any other in intent such as military whieh are devoted 726.3 lots G Government District agencies threreof, 726.2 posted home Regulations The Certifi-cation Occupancy sha1l be conspicuously of the mobi-le home oark Section for required is VIII. sale must be of Glynn County and meet the minimum requirements for the M-6 Zoning District. 725.5 in Article proposed for the requirements conditions a proposed mobile spaces within sa1e, lots the appropriate or recreational adaptable to regulation areas, under Ordinance. integral or compatible the G District shall to the be permissible such governmental installatj-on responsible Permitted agency owning the land and provided that such use is governmental agency not uses may be located to be contrary in G Districts such requirements and regulations as deemed necessary by the governmental agency responsi-ble for their operation to assure their most effective utilization in terms of the overall functioning of the installation or facility and in terms of i-nsuring the best interest of the general public. Section 727. 727.1 Beach and Dune Protection Di-strict Intent of District. within the Beach and Dune Protection and highwater within is the storm surges, of intent winds, the existence and the District occur further inland without to that development be protected District that occur features within of from tides developments without ad.versely the beach and dune the Beach and Dune Protection subjecting property adjacent potential additional sectlon and erosj-on; or natural developments this District the Beach and Dune Protection affecting areas; It or property danger from actions of wind and water. 727.2 Establlshment of Subdistricts. The Beach and Dune Protection District sha11 be as follows: Area A - A shorefront area with an established active/stable sequenee extending first 1) landward Native occurence trees twenty inhabitable 2) A line from the mean high of either (20) feet building (50) fifty feet exi-sti-ng on April varied determined or or an 25, L979 on April landward of structure mark to the water in height, existing dune any seawall 25, L979, unless by the Department of Natural Resources. 4I-9q. B - A shorefront area without sequence extending from the mean high landward of 1) occurence Native trees inhabitable 2) A line on April determined of A development Setback Line water mark to in height, exlsti-ng feet 25, on April first the or an 25, L979. landward of any seawall 1979, unless structure otherwj-se varied of Natural the within sha11 be established or Resources. as follows the Beach and Dune Protection development line setback is to areas' landward of the crest of for the District. delj-neate those 1s permi-ssible. within each subdistrict where development Area A - The Development Setback Line shall be located feet dune the Beach and Dune Development Setback Line. subdistricts The purpose of feet by the Department Establishment two (2) (20) building (50) active/stable either twenty fifty existi-ng 727.3 an established (40) forty the most seaward. stable dune, as determined by the Glynn County Commission following consultat j-on with the Plannlng Commj-ssion. Area B The development feet landward of Setback Line be located shall the mean high water markr the Glynn County Commission following P l a n n i n g C o m m i s sj - o n . 72 7,4 Permitted 1) Landward of a,s determined consultation with by the recreational of permitted swimming, sunbathing, uses not i-nherently uses shal1 the district. the Development Setback Line of boat:lng, integrity permitted the Development Setback Line of those uses allowed within Seaward of consist 727 .5 (2O) Uses. consist 2) twenty uses shall picknicking destructive to the and other existence or the beach and dunes. Conditi-ona1 Uses. The following uses may be permitted seaward of the Development Setback Line on a condi-ti-ona1 basj-s provi-ded that demonstrates that environmental the proposed use will effects, erosj-onr interference and increasing wave damage. 1) seawal1s, existing the exposure of jetties, bulkheads, the potential established inland applicant have no significant such as increaslng with the for beach dune sequence, properties revetments, adverse to wind, groins, water or breakwaters, streets' utility Excavation 3) No development, of grading, seaward of conditional 726.6 decks, boardwalks or fences. j-n Area A. sand and.lor disturbance of vegetation 2) occur of pilings to Department guidelines other structure, than those than fill feet MSL. have a minj-mum fj-rst shall The construction and construction standards shall sha1l of Housing and Urban Development design for shall and approved above. (L4) fourteen rather land alteration the Development Setback Line the principal to or other placed within A11 permanent structures the Beach District, but not j-ncluding assessory structures and Dune Protection elevation filling uses listed Other Requj-rements. i-ncidental swimming pools, lines, high risk floor be on conform and construction areas. ARTICLE VIII SIGNS Section 801. Scope of Regulations The regulations No si-gn sha1l of this Section herej-n set be erected or maintained Ordinance and Article 802. 802.1 Definit apply and govern in all it j-s in compliance with shall unless and those of relevant and Federal State districts. regulations the authorities. ions The term "sign" shall mean and include every sign, billboard, panel, free-standing ground sign, roof signr projecting sign, Sign. poster pylon sign, i-lluminated awnj-ng or canopy, demonstration, to forth placed in and shall dj-sp1ay, ribbon, view of banner, interests the general on a wall, window, marquee, any announcment, declaration, include or promote the advertise sign painted sign, illustration of publi-c, or isignia any person when the along traveling used same is a public street or right-of-way. 802.2 Free-Standing contain a sign structure, sign 802.3 or signs A free-standing on one side or one containing structure Sign Area. is of a series face of the of straight The area of a free-standing Business is only 802.6 802.7 Identification a sign erected is Illuminated Sign. any fashion to project illuminated sign. Directional Sign. 8O2.8 pole of IVhen artifical is of the the area of pylon identification sign poles which contains or multiple conducted on the premises technJ-ques are used in the message on a si-gn, that sites, A portable structure illumination and religi-ous outdoor agencies; cultutaL, and areas of natural recreatj-on, sign sha1l be an publicly sclentific, scenic deemed to be in or privately educational, beauty or naturally the interest of the public. Sign. si-gn or mobile permanent attachment its sign parts all located. phenomena, hlstoric, Portable A free-standing enclosing the business owned natural of lines or loca1 governments or their traveling may be a V-shaped The term "directional sign" means signs containing information about public places owned or operated by State, directional for may formed by a perimeter the sign A business on a single on which it suited it structure on1y. Sign. the name or the nature Federalr or signs back-to-back. the face or faces on each side 802.4 onlyr sign one sign. The area of consisting sign. Sign Structure. design the premises to and use is sign is a building not where located. a sign or intended to or sign the structure having ground and which because to become a permanent fixture Such si-gns or no sign structure is on manifestly designed to be moveable or transportable or other by provisions terized Section 803. portable Frequently, for signs trailer, are charac- changeable copy. General Provisions The following portions conveyance. type whether by wheels, regulations sha1l apply permitted all to in signs the unincorporat of Glynn County. 803.1 Permit A permit Required. erection, alteration, be required and tag shall or reconstruction of noted and sha1l be issued by the Building Article 8 0 3. 2 803.3 IX of this Coq4_{_tgg. maintained in good condition, to Federal f ollowing a) Commercial, Highway System. and State GC General and GI General A11 signs to OC Office located on sites shal1 meet the Limited Industrial A11 signs uniform (L2) in feet without the Georgia Industrial federal highway sha11 be to an interstate The outside and state a permit. measurements sha11 equal (50) and fifty which are i-lluminated feet in length, twelve wi-th or and shall purposes of activatj-on. No other limited lightsr to neon, running A11 signs use base-mounted shall or mercury vapor lights only FC trim. A11 signs signs LC Local Outdoor Advertisj-ng meet any additional height in BI Basic on Zoning Districts. adjacent sj-ze. located Commercial, Industrial, necessary to obtain erected signs HC Highway Commercial, Commercial, LI Act and shall requirements e) materials, to become dilapidated. or maintenance of si-gns sha11 conform with Control d) aceordance with durable of Ilighway right-of-way constructj-onr Freeway Commercial, c) in otherwise requi-rement s : The erection, All Official and not permitted such sj-tes sha11 be limited b) any sign unless Signs must be constructed and Interstate adjacent the Ordlnance. Structural Primary for have photo-electric ce11s for lighting, but not not be used for shall be permitted the permit to number. display (3) measuring three the The aprons feet including sha11 be permitted. or animation, sha11 have an apron directly which flourescent beneath the and shall the permj-t and agency holding in height of purposes, advertising be uniform shall face the in size, (45) and forty-five feet in length. f) A11 signs sha1l b e a m j - n j - m u mo f point the highest of pavement of the lower portion signs sha1l not the sign the whether back-to-back surface No extrusion face. Two (2) interstate. or of outside in height (25) feet in signs above measuring from Aceording to regulation, above pave- in height the a V formation, in the feet interstate, the exceed twenty-five ment of above the s) of (10) ten same location, shal1 same height be the i-nterstate. the face of the sign, except for the apron, sha11 be a1lowed. h) No more than one sign face shall in per any one directi-on locat i-on . i) Sign locations apart, j) measuring A maximumof quadrant k) Signs shall shal1 only or sign lnterchange is be permitted feet an interchange locations requi-rements of except in 95A. be allowed areas which as otherwise forth feet per can be met. located deceleration measured as set Transportati-on shall and are not the hundred (500) points. two closest industri-a1, hundred (1r700) Public (3) where spacing commercial of from the three than five be no less within seventeen and acceleration provided in are zoned for ramp herein. the Georgi-a Code of The 1) In other areas zoned commercial pylon i-dentification are located of m) on the Section be plaeed No si-gn shall Outdoor advertising limited to Travel such signs the requirements the view of a marshland 811.1 c). area or an area of n) accordance with and in business provided sha11 be permitted signs site only industrial, or in or obstruct designated along hj-storic interest. interstate rights-of-way shall - Lodging, Gas, Food and Camping be the following: Service Facilities Areas of Scenic Beauty - Historic, Publ-lc Attractions Scientific and Recreational Any combination o) (environmental), Natural The content of facilities. of the above Iisted all be directional copy shall adverti-sing in nature. p) Any sign which advertises months of six or product business, produced or conducted no longer service an activity, or be removed within shall of the date of the discontinuance said activity. Ifsaidsignhasnotbeenremovedaftertheeffectivedateit to removal by the County forces. shal1 be subject Section 804. 804.1 Prohibited Signs Signs Imitating lights Warning Signals. resembling lights flashing the sha11 display No sign lntermittent used j-n traffic customarily or police, fire, ambulance, or rescue vehj-cles nor sha11 any ' l s t o p " r rrdanger", or any other word, phase, symbol, sj-gn use the words signals or character or other 804.2 vehicular Signs Within Except permanent, mislead or confuse an automobile driver. or Highway Rights-of-Way. Street provided, as herein except traffic by a public erected might in a manner that whether no sign whatsoever, agency, permitted is and information and signals signs temporary within or signs any street or highway right-of-way. 804.3 Attached Certain fence posts, trees, painted Fluttering utili-ty on or attached poles or signs or painted features natural to are prohibited. are prohibited, except and banners and ribbons Fluttering Ribbons and Banners. flags the governments and of agencies. their 8O4.5 or other to rocks or other of buildings devices similar Signs painted Signs. and telephone on or attached on the roofs 804.4 and Painted Signs in the Vicinity of Historical hundred (300)feet three or monument, except designated any offiically of signs or Monuments. Sites pertaini-ng to that Signs within historj-cal particular site site or monument, are prohibited. Section 805. Signs for A permi-t is not Which a Permit required for the Is Not Required following types of signs in any zoning distri-ct: 8O5.1 Traff i-c, directional, by any public Official 805.3 One illuminated twenty notlces (10) feet 805.4 Permitted in Article square feet square feet in in other back from the street to the front signs authorized issued by any court, public agencyr or officer. I'for salet', 'rfor rent", or "for leasett sign not si-x (6) (20) or informatj-on agency. 805.2 exeeeding warning wall of in resj-dentj-al districts right-of-way districts and located 1ine, not unless less Section signs, 608. under the regulations and than attached a building. home occupation VI, area set forth section 806. Regurations The following 806.1 regulati-ons Roof Signs. erected sha1l of 806.2 Applylng roof any one (1) of signs followlng the specific sign (25) type structure building. extend more than twenty-five Signs. signs) Signs on the wa1ls of flat feet of signs: may be No roof sj_gn structure above the elevation shall the waI1, painted meet the following requirements: Signs on the Front area of building front surface exceed the signs of on the side signs or signs or rear respectivelyr total amount of the where the combined Area. The combined sign rear a bullding permitted of within a Buj-1ding. the zoning of a building exterj-or or signs The total shal1 not si-de or rear figure surface does not within the are to be located. area on the front, must not exceed the total district where the sign zoning the of are& permitted zoning district surface does not with so long as this sign a are to be located. surface sign of (2s7,) of the percent area permitted sign (50/") of surface so long as the figure and Rear surface percent the building exceed the sign on a side exceed fifty front exceed. twenty-five amount of and projecting waI1 signs exterior the buildingr total signs a Building. s,lgns on the where the area of of Surface of not shall district ( a building against The totar c) to Not more than one (1) on the roof attached b) apply Types of the roof. lllall a) rn specified side and sj-gn area or signs are to be located. d) Proiecting extend Signs. Itrall si-gns attached not more than twenty-four Signs attached at mean roof line a distance above the ground level an angle flat against (24> inches a wall may from the wa1l, a wal1 may extend outward from the wall of a building not more than five (5) feet and may be l-ocated no closer than eighteen (18) inches to a vertical plane at the street curb 1ine. A projecting sign may not ext.end above the greater height which it Districts 806.3 and, in than the height no case, limitation signs project over public provided roof extend a to the district in sidewalks engi-neers, (40) the building, in GC General except that Commercial One (1) square feet the contractors, in sidewalk non-illuminated area displaying the architects, the owners , the financial, selling and development permitted upon the premises of any work under eon- the is struction, lines the minimum hej-ght agove grade or shal1 be no less than nine (g) feet. exceeding forty the name of from the of the that such signs not agencies it beyond property Signs Or Work Under Construction. sign, sha1l of i_s located. may project leve1 of greater than the height In no case shall signs to alteratlon, site within or removal. thirty (30) Such sj-gns shal1 days after be removed the completion of the project. 806.4 Temporary Subdivision Signs. Temporary signs, not exceeding (40) square feet in area announcing a land subdivision forty development, are permj-tted on the premises of the land subdivision. They sha1l be setback not right-of-way subdivisj-on. of any street Such signs less or shal1 than ten (10) feet from any boundary be spaced not from the line less of the than three land (300) hundred feet (75y,) of the lots 806.5 Private developer, for available upon premises, builderr Signs including Signs. of premises erected be removed when seventy-five They shall are conveved. Directionat direction not apart. of or and having the locati-on in process inscrj-bed of and development, thereon but the owner, and maj-ntained provided agent may be erected that: a) of any such sign and not i-n excess of f our Portable Portable Sign. which because of their problems unique portable of j-n excess of not is (4) f eet Not more than one (1) such sign (500) feet of street frontage. b) 806.6 The size signs is special hundred purpose slgns, design and use create and enforcement. sha1l be governed by the criteria signs square feet, length. ; and erected on each five are considered regulation (6) in manner of construction, safety, six The use of set out in this section. or convey j.nformation sign must advertise premises upon which the si-gn is located. A portable a) the b) The use of c) flashing constituting a hazard to traffic. Only one (1) portable information 807. e) or 808. Section into in or convey information advertise area for each face Front setback, be so placed shall any dwelling except as otherwise in which they 809. yard may not of (32) the about square feet of sign. and shielded residential unit, that district from there rays r or the Limitations. Yard Setback, side specified, exceed the height shall limit of ate located. Except as otherwise front or convey driver. Height No signs, devices cast eyes of a vehicular the district advertise as Sign I1lumj-nation. not be directly Section sign prohibj-ted the location. more than one (1) business or activity. No portable sj-gn sha1l exceed thirty-two sign is sign may be used to A portable Sign illumination will for lights d) display Section or revolving concerning Side Yard and Rear Yard Limitatj-ons provid.edr oo sign specifically yards or rear yards required for shalI all be erected.'with the and structures buildings the district. Section 810. 810.1 Sigris Permitted Distr-icts in Residential Per.mitted Signs and Conditions. The following types of signs are permitted in R-6, R-9, R-Lz, R-20, RE, M-6, M-9, M-12, M-20, RR, GR, MR and HR Districts: a) One (1) il1umi-nated professional exceeding waII of one (1) square foot a building in which in there or business name plate area mounted flat is conducted not against the a permitted home occupation. b) One (1) non-illumj-nated board not exceedi-ng six dwellings, and othr i-ndividual zoning bulletin business (6) buildings lots in identification square feet except residentj-a1 board shal1 be set back not sign in area for dwellings dj-stricts. less or bulletin multi-family or mobile homes on Such signs than ten (10) feet or from any street right-of-way building. In RR Resort Residential illuminated in c) of, and consist Temporary subdivisj-on and private (6) sha11 exceed six permitted in b) On any occupied not more than (4) four j-n are permitted districts districts. lot zoning are signs of types districts: residential commercial and industrial and election.; Districts The following in commercial and industrial signs be removed within area. in in Commercial and Industrial permitted by Office Inspector's or run-off square feet Sj-gns and Conditj-ons. campai-gn period any normal the prima:ryt general Permitted All under the signs, directional during advertisements days after Signs Permitted a) a Subsectj-ons 806.4 and 806.5. in Temporary politi-ca1 - No sign 811.1 of such sign may be not exceed, twenty (2O) square feet but signs forth set seven (7) 811. wall Districts, provided for any election for public office - A $50.O0 deposit is placed with the Building the campaign to insure that such signs sha1l Section the front to attached unless ar"ea. provisions d) line, in of signs or a commercial (75O) square feet not more than seven hundred fifty area of a total having any type distri-ct' industrj-al shal1 be permitted. c) Commercial or as part may include business of from the of not sha1l (35) feet the requirements On any zoning no business lot high. sha1l not provided pylon Additional sign hundred (600) permitted linear is one (1) feet they free-standing area not sign six permitted. in combined total are sign exceeding each of which does not structures, square feet exceed on which district industrial or a combined total providing in no case, shall, 806. located, square feet said approach zone. signs i-n a commercial is may not be sign This provision any alrport or portable Section enterprise hundred (600) (500) of having structure with interfere wal1 signs Roof signs, (1) area sign Said pylon line. right-of-way in FC Freeway Commercial Districts, apply e) permj-tted total districts industrial sign which sha1l be erected so that shal1 be less than ten (10) feet back the sign street or commercial or con- streets pylon more than thirty-five d) their identification no portion sign in access thoroughfares trolled on major uses located i-ndustrial spaced not from any sign sign closer are atea' five than on the structure exceed six hundred same side of the street. f) Slgns g) Temporary political in any commercial or during advertj-sements may be illuminated. district industrial any normal campaign provided period for any election for public office - A $50.00 deposit is placed with the Building Inspector's sha11 be removed within by the campaign to lnsure that such signs seven (7) days after the pri-mdry, general - No sign Section 812. 812.1 shall Signs Permitted Permitted exceed thirty-two in Conservation Signs and Conditions. (32) Preservation Office or run-off square feet in electj-on.1an area. Districts The following sj-gns are types of in CP Conservation Preservation Districts: One (1) non-i-llumi-nated business identification permitted a) b) twenty (20) mitted in Conservation square feet Other dj-rectional in area may be erected Preservati-on and historical sign for not exceeding each use per- Districts. signs Commissi-on and the County Commission. approved by the Planning 1on 813. ns Permitted in Planned Devel t Districts 813.1^ P-efqritted Signs and Conditions. following tion a) types of are permitted signs in CP Conservation Preserva- Di-stricts: One (1) non-illumipated business identifj-cation (2O) square feet exceedi-ng twenty b). The sign not ar@a may be erected in for each Use bermitted in Conservation Preservation Districts. Other directional and historical signs approved. by the Planning Commission. Section 813. 813.1 Signs Permitted Permitted Signs and Conditi-ons. permitted in PD Planned Development Districts: a) Only those approval 814. 814.1 plans in types or si-gns are Planned Development for Commission and County Commission are in Planned Development Districts. signs Permitted Permitted The following si-gns incorporated by the Planning permitted section in Planned Development Districts in Mobile Home Park Districts Signs and Controls. The following types of signs are permitted a) in MH Mobile Home Park districts: professional One (1) non-illuminated or business name plate note exceeding one (1) square foot in area mounted flat against the wa11 of a building home occupation is in which a permitted conducted. b) Signs, sign illuminated area of and that 815. 815.1 hundred highway, illuminated Section three where a mobile interstate three or non-i1luminated, only (300) (300) to abuts one (1) business not to a Fed.eral primary identj-fication exceed a total per mobile square feet exceed a combined per mobj_le home park, square feet home park or non-il1uminated, hundred not or sign, sign area of home park. Signs Permi-tted in Medical Districts Permitted The following Signs and Controls. types of signs are permitted a) in MEDMedical Dlstricts: One (1) non-illumj-nated professional one (1) exceeding wa11 of square foot a building in in or busines name plate atea mounted flat which a permitted against home occupation not the is conducted. b) One (1) non-illuminated bulletin c) busj-ness identification board each, not the following 1. Community hospitals. 2. Prj-vate or public 3. Health 4. Educational facilities. 5. Dormitories and sj-milar 6. Other publicly 7. MuIti-family dwellings. 8. Professional offices Business not feet to centers, 1. Pharmacies, 2. Restaurant 3. Flower area, care homes. cllnics or laboratories. group living or office signs, apothecaries and./or gif t shop. llluminated or non-illuminated area of uses: and drug stores. and snack bars. and land. buildings. sign the following quarters. facilities owned buildings, identification each of in uses: exceed a combined total for (2O) square feet to exceed twenty for si-gn or twenty (2O) square and si-gns and private Temporary subdivision d) under the provisj-ons Temporary political e) forth set in directional 806.4 and 806.5. Subsection advertisements signs, any normal during campaign period for any election provided for public office - A $50.00 deposit is placed with the Building Inspectorrs Office by the campaign to seven (7) removed within run-of f electi-on.; - No sign Section 817. shall Signs Permitted 817.1_ Permitted permitted a) and responsible government agency to Areas of are considered interests types of that signs are sha11 be no regulation number of as to of location county, AND HISTORIC INTERESTin which no permits structures and in any one (1) roof of feet in height for signs roof (10) welfare. conditions, shape, color, and federal highways within the as AREASOF SCENIC BEAUTY be granted. will signs In addition a s A R X A S O F S C E N I C B E A U T YA N D are prohibited, sign except may be erected sign with on sites provisions: following structure No roof building. or ten overall such signs. aecordance wj-th the 8l-8.1- Not more than one (1) the of Interest. state are designated I { I S T O R I C I N T E R E S Tw h e r e a d v e r t j - s i n g public size, of Glynn County are designated and Sea Island operation the by the essential meet the aforementioned the signs all absolutely the general of Scenic Beauty and Historic portions business in area. and which are deemed to be necessary or facility Marshlands paralleling related The followi-ng which illumination, Simons Island (ZZ1 square feet exceed thirty-two Those signs there St. or in G Government Districts: Provided unincorporated be general the prim&Ty, days aftet Signs and Conditions. in the best 818. sha1l such signs that in Government Districts installation Section insure shall on the exceed two (2) in width. feet ARTICLE IX ENFORCEMENT,PERMITS, PENALTIES AND FEES Section 901. Zoning Enforcement Officer The Building duties permits shalI and certlficates by the Building 9O2. sign tags in interpret plans, Ordinance. shall Building Permits Official and enforce in pertaining that public His building meet the processed each requesr to and open for file Ordinance. and issuing uses and structures A11 records be kept this premises, inspecting of occupancy for Official The Building shall reviewing include requi-rements of this Section Official inspection. and Tags sha11 issue accordance wj-th the permits, building requirements and where requi-red, Code of Glynn County the Building of and thi-s Ordinance. 9O2.1 Conformance of Proposal Prior Official to the to the shal1 lnsure to the upon which proper Zoning Ordinance. permit the building that in and/or the work proposed conforms, addition to the Building the Building tag, in all respects Code and other regulat ions. issuance of the County Englneer be of of Zoning Ordinance, appl icable Prior issuance to a building suitable drainage. a building sha11 insure or elevation structure permit by the Building that the 1ot, is proposed and topographicaL Offici-'a1, site , tract or parcel for constructj-on shall character to i-nsure 902.2 Information tion of Required. The Building from the applicant the proposal with information as is the required accompanying applications number of if units any.; streets including the accomodate, tot.; of proposed. parking spacq , of points of ingress and egress from or a11eys. of the Building Conditional of Occupancy in accordance Code of Glynn County an6 upon a determination the buildiog, or other structure as proposed, conforms, in all respects, to and other applicable regulations. 904.1 structures i-s d.esigned to of Occupanclz Official sha1l j-ssue Certificates requirements 904. following show the and dimenslons that Section plans Certificate The Building the the Code, site on the 1ot and adjoining and dimensions public abutting with to and The locations 9O3. In add.ition the Building each building such informa- d.etermine the eonformity to of proposed of buildlngs The number, layout Section in may require any. ; The setback line if shall and dimensions dwelling necessary Zoning Ordinance. specifically The location Official as constructedr the or the change in occupancy, Zoning Ordinance, the Code Uses General Provisions. Cond.itional uses, districts VII Ord.i.nanceare so classified or Article of this &s listed in the various beeause they more intensely do other controls district 904.2 dominate the area in which they are located than uses permitted in the district and as such require certain in order to insure compatibility with other uses in the within which they are proposed for location. Application Procedure. Administrator An application shall be filed with the Zoning of the Planning Commission at least tvlo (2) weeks prior to " j s the meeting in whj-ch it to be reviewed by the Planning Commission and submj-t an application ($5O). fee of fifty dollars The application shal1 be made on proper forms and shal1 be accompanied by a site plan or survey showing exlsting and proposed structures, uses, access drj-ves, setbacks' easements, buffer areas, parking and loadlng areas and any other pertinent information necessary for proper review by the Planning Commission. condi-tional use application and the Commission shal1 Official mit uses and structures the County Building provided such conditional the regulations set forth to to districts in which they are proposed for Conditions. requirements The Planning as landscaping, lighting, issue plan estabtrished. for the and may a conditional are in in the Ordinanee with reference those review accompanying site authorize with 904.3 The Planning use per- accordance particular uses in those location. Commission may stipulate f encing, signage, conditions such right-of -way ded.j-cation, access configuration necessary design in order features to prevent , water and sewer systemsr or other upon the finding that they are necessary adverse purpose and intent neighborhood of this or community conditions Ordinance. and fulfill the 324 904.4 Classification Permi-ts and Drration" f or issued shall uses conditi-onal bear the stamp "Conditional Use" and shall be valid only for that particular use, or operatj-on use and sha1l expire if the conditional pertaining date of does not thereto, approval, or commence within more than cease for shall (72) twelve (6) six months of months for the a-ny reason. Section 905. Temporary Uses 905.1 The Buitd,ing Official authorized is of Occupancy for the following conditj-ons for each individual cable determined Mobile home for zonl-ng lot General in clearly LI Limited Industrial- (24) months, subject Commission and in Minimum Lot Width: see Article in Article 605. For exceptions Section and other requirements. Signs used j-n conjunctj-on with on a temporary standards parking' the off-street to to 617. sha11 meet all section pertaining VI, Section (35) feet. 604. requirements VI, VI, this of Section VI, see Article homes permitted Mobile Requirements: forth lots, 606. yard For side l.ear yard f'or feet. Section VI, see Article lots, Thirty-five under the provisions basis set Height: requirements, see Article on each side. to corner to double frontage M a x i m u mB u i l d i n g Additional feet Seven (7) Minimum Rear Yard.: feet. requirement, Seven (7) pertaining pertai-ning requirements feet Twenty (20) to this Minimum Side Yard: height (60) Sixty Yard Depth: For exeeptions requirements Planning 61000 square feet Minimum Lot Area: Minimum Front to exceed twenty-four followj-ng the conformance with not the Joint of to the approval and GI Industrial BI Basic a period for areas: use on an individual Industrj-al, Districts is it cause no will surrounding affect adversely residential one-fami-ly use and provided temporary a temporary nature, of appli- to the subject uses, temporary and wj-l1 not congestion, traffic a) such use is a Temporary Certificate issue to loading, Si-gns: be permitted Every moblle with subject the provisions to of Official or other mobile this appropriate and fitted screen Carnival GI General Industrial, Districts, subject c) to a period not the approval of i-n a tent to sixty d) (60) Open 1ot Agricultural for f) GI General Industrial period to Real estate of surface of skirt the the ground. BI Basic Agricultural exceed twenty-one or other (2J.1 days, in structure, temporary the GI General Industrial Industrial, a period for GC General office in not to exceed (45) are maintained in the structure. provided Commercial, BI Basic Agrj-cultural Industri-al, for Districts, a days. for any district, months, office the LC Local Commercial, and FA Forest exceed forty-five sales in trees, exceed sj-x (6) Contractor's the approval no open space that and FA Forest Districts, Christmas HC Highway Commercial, e) (30) days. sale not assure to accordance wa11 or a curtain VIII. the County Commission. HC Highway Commercial, BI Basic and FA Forest to from the bottom home and the Industrial for meeting Religious order in thirty the HC Ilighway Commercial, in or circus, 1ot subject with extending the ground in home to remains between the mobile b) foundation homes shall in Article sha1l within section a suitable forth zoning on an individual of days be secured the Building set to the conditj-ons home situated mobile temporary no cooking and equj-pment sheds, in or a period not to sleepi-ng accomodations any district for a period of on the property gO5.2 (L2) months, provided twelve to which it is A11 Temporary Certifi-cates for original Certificate it j-s again renewal rary nature, not 905.3 period an additional still adversely that appurtenant. and Occupancy may be renewed without not exceed the to determined affect said use is cause no traffic surrounding A11 Temporary Certificates permi-tted time of Occupancy, provided will be placed such office that still at the by the time clearly cost of of a tempo- and stil1 congestion, will uses. of Occupancy shall bear a stamp stati-ng "Temporary Use". Section 906. Sign Permj-ts and Tags The Building of Official the Building Sign Tags. shall also issue Such tags sha1l discerni-ble those proper In addition Sign Tags for be affixed free-standing sign tags sha1l forth Maintenance. under Section Signs shall provisions Unl-awful Signs. provisions continues Unlawful forth in signs shall be removed in set forth in the Building any provision be punished shall for violation of of Subsection to j-n accordance wi-th the the Building Code. be made to comply with accordance with the all appropriate Code. of Ordinance this each offense be deemed a separate be guilty shall accordj-ng to law. of a Each day such offense. Remedies is erected, or maintaj-ned, or any building, used in violation injunction, be maj-ntained set which for such si-gns sha11 be subject gO7. shall In case any building specially be consj-dered in or violating misdemeanor and sha1l appropriate Official Penalties Any person 908. the provisions Glynn County for to the provj-sions set violation the Building j-n unj-ncorporated signs the penalties 9O7. with free-standing signs. said signs j-n such a way as to be easily have been issued regulations unlawful to sign permlts, The persons responsible 906.3 accordance in to the eye. appropriate vertedr to 906.3 below. 906 .2 Section permits sign Ordinance and shal1 be subject this Section issue Code. 906.1 Atl shall of authority this Ordinance, of the County, damaged by such violation m a n d a m u st o r o t h e r erection, construction, or use t ot to correct or abate building, structure or land. reconstructed, constructed, structure the Building of land Official, or any neighboring may, in appropriate addition action reconstructi-on, such violation, or is to other or to prevent or other owner who would be remedies, of proceeding con- proposed to be County Attorneyr property alteration, is altered, institute to prevent conversion, such maintenance, the oecupancy of said ARTICLE X APPEALS, HOW TAKEN 1001. Section the Board of Appeals Appointment of The Board of Appeals of Glynn County (hereinafter is hereby established in the provisions accordance with (5) to as "The Board") Said Ordinance. referred of this by the County Commissj-on who are residents of the County. The members shall serve for overlapping terms of four (4) years or until succeeded. The initial indivj-dual appointments shall be one (1) member for a term of one (1) year, one (1) member for a term of two (2) years, Board sha1l consist one (1) member for term of four (4) a term of three for the unexpired Members sha1l written and after of 1012. any public be removable a public same manner that the for hearing. wj-th the admini-stration of is rules authority one (1) yearr of the Planning of of its Chairmanr the provisions the Board shall to members arising in provided. of this at in successor who may be an officer not be shall Said Secretary of adopt The Board shall Ordinance. the call the Chairman and at of The Chairman, or and compel the in his attendance such absence the of witnesses be open to the public. the Board shall participate the Board shall oaths or his re-e1ected, a Secretary Commission. be held ffi&y administer A11 meetings of subpoena. upon members as Chairman, who shall he is or until as the Board of Appeals may determine. Acting matters over certain the Board of Appeals. on any issue before accordance with Meetings times be paid shall No compensation The Board of Appeals sha11 appoint to vote in one (1) for capacity the governing permitted authority appointing cause by the appoint- Procedure this elected. i-nitial the Ordinance as herein this The Board of Appeals shal1 elect serve in the membership Authority 1003. Sectlon except that Any vacancy in Commissj-on. in term or position, office The Board of Appeals sha11 have jurisdiction connection the regular Members mav succeed themselves. the Board. Section and two (2) members for years, on the Planning ment was made. charges (3) the Board sha11 hold member may serve be filled shall members appointed years. No member of one (1) five of by No member of in which he has any pecuniary or special proceedings, to each member a hearing interest. The Board shall keep minutes upon each question, or keep records of examinations immediately filed On all Appeals, its in appealsr the office Section 1004. to the department, Building Official actions, officj-al and other matters in writing, all such fact, all and shall of which shal1 be be a publi-c record. brought parties the Board of before of involved shall Official. may be taken de- its by any person aggrieved based on this County official a reasonable Official, Appeals shall Official. from was taken Appeals board or bureau of Glynn County affected the Building grounds thereof. Building Board of or other be taken within Building indi-cating to vote, Appeal Procedure officer, with showing the vote of the Board and shall inform, and reasons thereof. filing and other applications cisions shalt its absent or failing if sald Board shall Appeals of timer &s provided a written be submitted A11 papers constituting forthwith be transmitted notice Ordi-nance. the record of of the Such appeals the Board, by appeal specifying on application to by any decision by the rules of or by any the forms obtained from the upon which the action the Board of Appeals by the appealed Appeal applications ($50) to be utilized Action sha1l for fee of the and advertising. incidental not be initiated than once every cation for shal1 be accompanied by an application made in the Section 1005. (72) twelve arL appeal on the shall costs of administration same appeal by the months. same applicant dollars more often purporting Any communication be regarded fifty to be an appliseek relief until it j-s as mere noti-ce to form required. Powers and Duties The Board of Appeals 1005.1 shall To hear in and decid.e appeals any order, requi-rement, administrative 1005.2 powers and duties. where it j-s alleged there have the fol Iowing official decisionr in Ordinance upon which provisions of Ifhen actlng this exceptions the Board is to this an error made by an Ordinance. the terms of this to pass under the required Ordinance. for upon such application Board shal1 give or determination the enforcement of To hear and decid.e special is consideration special exceptions, the following to the factors, where applicable: a) The proposed design b) The possible c) development. ; The effects of intended After of the characteri-stics the utiliti-es, the Board shall the proposed proposed is or for and purposes intents of comment and recommendations and returned period a specified such actions or of may be referred exceptions and services. approval r ?s will acthis Ordinance. ApplLcations conditions for of it take special To authorize of facilities for within development. on the present development area- in which of public such reasonable complish the particular of and such consideration, establish 1005. 3 the proposed The availability d) generating traffic character Iocationr; and location to the Planning to Commlssion the Board of Appeal of time. upon appeal in specific casesr so that the spirit Ordlnance shal1 be observed, public welfare and safety justice secured, and substantial done, such variances from the this terms of this Ordj-nance as will not be contrary the public to interest a literal of an individual where, owing to special conditions, the provisions of this Ordinance will, in resurt in unnecessary each lndlvidual its b) the particular size, Such conditions and exceptional piece of property are pecullar if granted, by in pertaining conditions question because of to the particular the public would not good or Ordi-nance, provided, d) upon a finding hardship in piece of involved.; Relief, to may be granted shape or topography.; property c) case, that There are extraordinary to Such variance case of unnecessary the Board of Appeals a) hardship. enforcement mitted for within the District The special i-mpai-r the purpose however, a land use that is that conditions and intent prohibited or circumstances of the applicant, by this is this Ordinance located.; do not result i.e., of may be per- no variance in whj,ch the property the acti-on or actions hardship. cause substanti-a1 detriment and from a self -imposed Section l-006. Action on Appeals In excercising the provisions with modify the order, administrative from whom the and may issue stays all certification, Official certifies a stay would, record the the officer a permit. of issuance with in his order him that, opinion, on notice to of action the the notice facts stated cause imminent peril to life by reason of from, in the and sha11 not be stayed otherwi-se than by a which may be granted on application, furtherance to the Board of Appeals after In such case, proceedings restraining or direct proceedj-ngs in legal appeal sha11 have been filed property. or other Official the powers of end sha1l have all or may Stay of Proceedings the Building unless taken that conformity who11y or partly, or affirm, or deci-sion of the Building and to is the Board of Appeals may, in Ordi-nance, reverse requirementr appeal An appeal of of this official 1007. Section above powers, the by the Board of Appeals or by a court the official from whom the appeal of 1s taken and on due cause shown. 1008. Section Public Hearings on Appeals The Board of Appeals shall or other matters general circulation in insertions the referred date of throughout such hearing. any party public Glynn County, said newspaper, the first Due notice and the appeal shall terest' a reasonable and give it, to fix notice also (10) be ten be given or be represented in to other of appeals a newspaper of two (2) to consi-st of be decided wj-thin a reasonable may appear i-n person, the hearing thereof notice said of which shall sha1l for time days prior parties to j-n- of At a hearing, time. by agent or by attorney. (30) days after The Board must act upon the request within at least thirty the public hearing. If no decision has been made withi-n that time, the request automatically shall Board shall direct 1009. Section be considered approved by the Board and the the necessary permits that Appeals from Decisions Board of Appealsr ffi&y take an appeal Superior Court decision made by the Probate Court Georgia, except, shall be the be final. said the decisj-on of appeal within said (30) thirty Provided, the Superior same as an appeal however, that from the date of to to the decision said within to the the the Code of (30) thirty and upon failure of of from any in Chapter 6-2 of appeal sha1l be filed no appeal for Said appeal Superi-or Court the Board of Appeals, however, that by any decision Court. the and as specified days the said of be issued. of Board of Appeals or jointly aggrieved Any person or person severally Secretary days to file the Board of Appeals shall case sha11 be heard by the the Superior Court without a jury, unless one of the parties files a written (30) days from the filing demand for a jury trial within thirty of the appeal. Judge of ARTICLE XI AMENDMENTS 1101. Section This Ordi-nance, i-ncludi-ng the Official Geogia, County, herein Authority may be amended from time specified. review which to report within proposed first shall and recommendation. within submit the forty amendment. beyond the forty to time its report. (40) have been submj-tted to The Planning If day period, unless the Planning Commission sha1l have forty the Plannj-ng Commission fails it and Glynn by the County Commission as However, no amendment sha11 become effectj-ve have been proposed by or for Zoning Map of Brunswick sha1l to it shalt Commj-ssion (40) days submit a be deemed to have approved the Howeverr the Planning Commission may consi-der an amendment (40) day period provided the applicant consents to such extension. Section 1102. Requirements for Change Ifhenever the public necessity, convenience, general welfarer or good zoning practice justify such action, and after the required review and report by the Planning Commission, the County Commission may undertake the necessary steps to amend the Zoning Ordinance. Section 11O3. Procedure Requests to the following amend the zoning Ordinance be processed sha1l in aceordance with requirements. 1103.1 ordinance f or Amend.ments Initiation of Amendments. may be initiated A proposed by the Planning amendment to the Zoning Commission, the County Commissionr or filed with the Zoning Administrator of the Planning eommission by the owner(s) of property proposed. to be changed, provided however, that action sha11 not be initiated for a tezoning amendment affecting the same parcel of propertyr or any part thereof, bV a property owner or owners within twleve (LZ) months after formal j s action taken by the County Commission at a duly advertised public hearing. by applieation 1103.2 Applj-cation be obtained for f rom the Amendments. Application Zoning Administr:ator for amendment to the Ordinance shall t h e P l a n n i - n g C o m m i s sj - o n . C o m p l e t e d of forms accompanied by a general layout plan and survey showing existi-ng and proposed structures and uses' access drives, parking and loading areas, easements, utiliti_es, and any other supportive documentation required by the planning Commission shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator of the Planning Commission at least two (2) weeks prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the applisation is to be heard (see adopted schedule). Any communi_catlonpurporting to be an application for amendment shall be regarded as mere notice of intention t o s e e k a n a m e n d . m e n tu n t i l such time that it i_s made in the form reouired. Citizens hearing shal1 be notified and the the date of Citizens notice zonj-ng sought be notified of notice the date, property affected at time least and place of public (10) ten days before at least ten sought by the applicant, Zoning Mapsr use best within (10) days prior to the public hearing by a newspaper of general circulation i.n Glynn County. Said general location of the property, present zoning of the property The Zoning Administrator record of in sha11 contaln and the zoning of on the notice the hearing. shall placement by posting sha11, efforts in date, the case of to maj_1 notice two hundred (200) names are shown on the County tax tlme and place feet of a proposed of public hearing. amendment to the Official of publi-c hearing the property sought to alI property owners, to be rezoned as their records. 1103.3 Applications to rezone property or conditional use permit for RR Resort Residen- tial, GR General Residential, MR Medlum Residential, HR High Residential, oC Office Commerci-al, GC General Commereial, HC Highway Commerciar, FC Freeway commercial, Lc Local Commercial, BI Basic Industrial, LI Limited. Industrial and GI General fndustrial sha11 be accompanied by a general layout plan , dt a scale of not less than 1,, = 100,, contalning the following elements: a) Dimensions of the property involved. b) Location c) Access Drives. d) Setbacks. e) Easements. f ) Rights-of and dimensions of of useage. -IVay existing and/or proposed structures with the type g) Marshland Boundaries. h) Proposed or existing i) Buffers i ) k) Off-Street Recreational Areas 1) IVatercourses and Lakes. m) Proposed number of Loading Land dwelling residential areas, industrial 1103.4 Fees. facllities. sewer anddrainage Parking. in case of n) water, building, development. and outdoor signage case of commercial- and in lighting, development . sha11 be accompanied by a fee based on the following Application Industrial Involved 0 to 7-9,999 sq. f t. $ 50.00 100.00 65.00 l-.148 to 1,.722 acres 125.00 75.00 L.723 to 2.296 acres 150.00 85.00 2.297 to 3.443 acres 175. O0 100.00 3.444 to 4.59]- acres 225.OO L25.OO 4.592 to 6.887 acres 275.OO 150.00 Over 6.888 acres 325.00 175.00 The Zoning Administrator fees all received. ment to cover 1103.5 Said fees the cost of applicant Planning on behalf shall of report, amendment request Commission, at a regular including No member of recommendation for the Planning meeting, Following action the application Public Depart- data submitted to by the hearing parties, participants and citizens shall be notified The applicant days in of least shall discontinuing continuance the date, the proposed notify seven (7) applicant's the following desire days prior If fourteen the public of to the date set take Said for (14) heari-ng by cannot be present such time, the public date or that the writing hearing applicant In the absence of request of is for be heard on the date scheduled unless item will the Board of Commissioners at least the County Commissj-on in request. a in- to be heard. the applicant to postpone the hearing zoning the applicant, amendment to be heard at of after herein manner. and place time the Clerk the rezoning the and districts in writing the County Commission. or does not wish applicant in action. revi-ew and recommendation after have an opportunity shall final to The County Commission may, from at which hearing shall- be informed advance of the Clerk at thereon, member may represent papers and data pertinent Commission, amend the regulations has been held a in whj-ch a matter the County Commissj-onfor own motj-on or by petition, on its in and no staff to and prepare the County Commj-ssion. to Commission, all shal1 be transmitted by the Planning a) by the Planning review shall Hearing by the County Commission. to time terested for expenses. be transmi-tted participate Commissi-on shall or special interest , appl j-cant or party. any individual public shall transmittal he hs any pecuniary time administrative A11 papers and other Commission. the the County Finance to and other a receipt issue Commission. The Planning 1106.3 Commission shal1 be submitted advertising Hearing by the Planning the the Planning of & Other $ 75.00 to L.747 acres schedul Residential & Commercial 20,000 sq. ft. for acres avaj-lable and net units action Board of Commissioners may require the to defer applj-cant the zoni-,ng item. The to pay an administrative fee to cover the cost News advising of placing the public one advertisement in the Brunswi-ck the postponement or continuance of the date of the public hearing. The public hearing j-n the event of a continuance, shall be rescheduled to the next succeeding regular meetlng date of the Board of Commissioners. If the applicant fails to appear on date set for the public the hearing, partles and place c) the Board of Commissioners may proceed or dismiss the application. zonj-ng request Interested b) shall public of of be notified hearing affected property Citizens sha11 be notified at least and the present (10) ten (14) fourteen location zoning the property, present Changes to Commission, the Zoning Map. all necesary Glynn County Engineering such change shall Department- until Sald notiee and the date, changes shall Department. be maintained such change is general time and place be made on the A written to the public circulation the property of on the the hearing. general contain shall of time sought days prior f j-nal action Following the date, the date of a newspaper of of of dispose and.zoning by placement of notice in (Brunswick News) in Glynn County. sought by the applicant, of notice days.before at least hearing 1103.7 by posting to and the zoning the public of heari-ng. by the County Zoning Map by the record. of by the County Clerk the type and d.ate and Engineering mader flo action amendments to the zoning ordlnance by the County Commissi.on on be official. shall ARTICLE XII LEGAL STATUS PROVISIONS Section L2OL. Zoning Ordinance IVhenever the regulations yardsr or require quired by this of Shal1 Control this Ordinance a greater require width or size of a lower height of buildings or smaller number of storiesr or require a gteater percentage of lot to be left unoccupied, or impose other more restrictive standards than are required in or under any other statutes or private deed restricti-ons, fhe requlrements of this Ordinance shal1 govern. Whenever the provisions of any other statute require more restrictive standards than are re- Section 1202. Ordinance, the provlsions to be unconstitutional or provision or inva1id., of the ord,inance as a whole or any part be unconstitutional or invali_d. Effective Section Conflj_cting The provi-si-ons of herewith take effect L966, and Revised effective 1204. ordinance sha11 govern. thereof be declared shall by the eourts not affect other than the part force as of the validity so declared Date This Ordinance shall February, this such declarati-on of 1203. such statute Validity should any section Section of and be in June 4, the first day of 1g8g. Ordinanees Repealed any ordinance are hereby repealed. or regulations or parts thereof in conflj_ct to ARTICLE XIII AIRPORT ZONING ORDINANCE Section 1301. The regulations forth set Glynn County, in Artj-cle this and have been adopted pursuant Georgia, Ordinance of conferred by the General Assembly of Georgia Laws 7946r pp.191 ff.), general the of welfare hazards to airports and property lj-ves inhabitants and public investment L342. 1) wholly of the users and preventing vicinity Section of (Ga. Laws 7946r pp. the purposes of promoting and for located herein, thereby protecting such ai-rports and of occupants or impairment publicly mean those obstructs at or taking an airport, off of for or tree the flight or which otherwise receiver mean any pre-exi-sting &S of the effective The width assignee, shal1 Surface The primary surface for Structure similar ot mean a surface extends hazardous McKinnon Alrport limitation, Zones shall prescribed is or Article, by this such Article. date of representative company, corporatj-on, and includes any thereof. on a runway. centered threshold of beyond the 50O feet or use of treer and the width runway. the for Glynco Jetport to the surfaces shown on the Airport Airport In order to and established c a r r r yo u t certain McKinnon Airport defined in the approach, the provisions of zones which inelude this alI zones and conical be superimposed zones is zones. }eorizontal transi-tional, Part 77, Ordinance, there are hereby created the approach zones, the land within zones as they to Malcolm B. apply These zones are shown on the Glynn County 1n the Glynn County Airport over existing considered Commission offices. districts to be only in and the special to the requirements Property located of the use in more than the more the zone with limitation. 1303.1 Approach Zones. primary surfaces, the respective and conical Aviation Regulatlons, j-n Sectlon 1303. the Federal of this district shall apply in addition requirements district property is located. within which a specific height and overhead lror'jzontal Zoning Maps referenced Master PIan as maintalned the followlng by man including, installed smoke stacks, transitional, area under and Glynco Jetport. These zones shall towers, or Zones zones, horizontal transitional buildings, mean the approach, and conical 1303. constructed towers. These zones apply restrictive or such landing to structure, longitudinally 2OO feet shal1 mean any object transmisslon Airports landing in aircraft 1,000 feet. but without one of of is land which or use of Person sha11 mean any indlvidual, firm, co-partnership, joint association, stock association, or body politic, Primary in aircraft. amendments thereofr trustee, airports Simons Is1and and Glynco Jetport land which does not conform to regulations Section their such airports owns two (2) Glynn County currently space required Non-Conforming Use shall 7) in area of Glynn County. the air off taking 6) land the now owned or owned in owned airports, Hazard sha1l mean any structure Airport is of creation of of the utility of and safety the health, and partially by Glynn County. the northern 5) and Ga. the known as Malcolm B. McKinnon on St. 4) L2L ff. therein. sha1l the future 3) the authority to of Glynn County by preventing destruction Zoning Def initi-ons. Airport 2) be known as the Ai-rport shall The inner and the horizontal- approach surfaces. edge of these zones coincides dimensions with are as shown on the the width of the zoning maps for -I 333 1303.2 Transitional Zones. There is seven (7) a slope of feet outward for each foot upward beginni-ng at the sides of and at the same elevation as the primary surface and the approach surface, and extending to a helght of 150 feet above the airport elevatj-on. In addition to the foregoing, there are established foot height upward beginning surface, zone' there outward for elevation to where they instrument intersect same elevation the conical runway approach zone projects are established each foot the height limitatj-ons upward beginning at sides and extending the spproagtr surface. Where beyond the conical seven (7) sloping the of of and at feet the a horizontal- same distance of Zones. This or at a height and 776.LL feet Zones. 1305. of the and extending Height or maintained, each zone. elevation of the of established L69.39 feet at 150 feet above mean sea level above mean sea 1evel (2O) feet horizontal for outward zone and at to a height of above the airport McKinnon G1ynco Jetport. each foot of 150 feet 350 feet for upward beginning above the airport above the airport elevation. Limitations provided Except as otherwise Ordinance to zone is Slopes twenty the periphery elevation for and at each Hori-zontal at this of outward for measured at 90 degree angles to the extended runway centerline. Conical altered sides feet 5r000 feet Airport, Section the seven (7) sloping as the appro6.€h surface, elevation 1303.4 at and extending the precision 1303.3 limitations and no tree a height in in this section, to grow in sha11 be allowed excess of Such height limitations respective imaginary no structure the applicable height shown on the any zone created limit are hereby established surfaces sha11 be erected, for herein by established such zoner &S the zoni-ng map. Where an area is covered by more than one hei-ght limitation, the more restrictive limitation shall prevall. Notwithstanding any provisions of this section to the contrary, the prescrj-bed by this sectj-on sha11 not establish height limits for any particular parcel of land at any particular above the surace elevation Section 1306. 1306.1 of point a height of less (45) than forty-five feet point. the land at that Use Restricti.ons Notwithstanding made land or water within a manner as to create or radio result for in visibility pilots glare of d.istinguish in the vicinity or otherwise randing, takeoff, using aiteraft in navigational lights bird such signal make it the ai-rports, create any way end.anger or or maneuveri-ng of with section and airctaft, of the airports, in by this between alrport in the eyes of pilots no use may be sectlon, interference between the airports to hazardsr this any zone established electrical communication difficult provisions any other and. others, impalr strj-ke interfere with intending to use the the airports. L3O6.2 Prohibited surface Uses. The following zone or transitional 1) Churches, 2) Multi-family 3) Hospitals and other 4) Any other similar schools, in any approach zone2 theaters dwellings uses are prohibited in and other excess of places four of public assembly. units. inst itut i-ons. uses where concentrations of people are customa Sectjion 1307. Non-Conforming 1307.1 Regulations Uses Not Retroactive. Ordinance shall or other not be considered changes or alterations the effective date of the contj-nuance of sha11 require . use of prior the effective 1307.2 with Ordinance. maintenance such airport that shall provisions Priority to List request that for for List for discussion expense of of shall be the Glynn County with the County of the provisions when each sha11 prescrj-be height limitations of of this limitati-ons, shal1 control. 1983-84. coneerning approval Attorney Orion of a 1983-84 County Contraqt Douglass Lane and Johnson Avenue on St. priority said he would. like Simons Island be in- list Administrator inclusion the Zoning Ordinance sha1l be in conflict County roads, George Lotson Assi-stant the to the presence airport to the areas covered her:eby, the provisions except that paving cluded on said paving evaluation of regulations Priority to at be deemed Regulations respect Pursuant the and indicate Such markers and lights and maintained which impose the greater County Contract vicinity is Commission. control; provisiops the obstruction. operated to height with in of structure as shal1 of Whenever any other Article and lights of aircraft provision operation, operators Conflicting Article, such markers exempt compliance non-conforming Commission to Airport this of or are not insure installation, with diligently and is by the Glynn County Airport installed, Glynn relating thereon the to herei-n contained the preceding Notwithstanding to perrnit conforming of which was begun necessary of 1308. be trimmed to lowering, alteration, vegetation the owner of any existing hereby required Section and shall Marking and Lighting. section, and natural trees this interfere Nothing Ordinance, this not or otherwise or alteration date of Existing Ordinance this any structure use. in the removal, the construction, any construction from this this of Ordinance, any changes in prosecuted. to require any non-conforming intended to this prescribed The regulations Ed Stelle commented that both were under in the next Priority List, and he stated that a full report would be ready for presentation at the next meeting. Motion deferring discussion on the County Contract Priority List for 1983-84 until the next regular meeting was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissioner Wooten. Unanimously Adoption adopted. of New Wrecker Ordinance. County Attorney Ordinance and discussed Attorney locaI Perry Fields, Tom Lee presented ramifications co-author of of this a proosed new Wrecker provisions contained therein. copies various of document, presented the views of the Wrecker Associ-ation. Moti-on adopting llutcheson, said Ordinance, as fo1lows, was made by Commissloner seconded by Commissioner Young, and unanimously adopted. AN ORDINANCETO REPEAL AN ORDINANCEAPPROVEDJUNE 1, 1981, DEALING WITH WRECKERSERVICE IN ITS ENTIRETY; To CREATE A NEW ORDINANCEPROVIDING FOR THE CONTROLOF IIiRECKERSERVICE AND WRECKEROPERATION IN THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF GLYNN COUNTY; TO ESTABLISH A VOLUNTARYROTATION CALL LIST FoR WRECKERSERVICE TO BE USED BY THE GLYNN COUNTYPOLICE DEPARTMENT; TO PROVIDE FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS oRDINANcE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ENACTED' and it Glynn County, that unincorporated is the following hereby enacted by the Board of Commissioners Articles areas of Glynn County, and Sections excluding ARTICLE II. This l{recker 2-17-L9 Ordinance derivations include shall GENERALLY the singular wrecker with pound P.T. at wrecker with the include terms, When not number include hlre or other which is equipped and used for the purpose Wrecker". A Light Duty Wrecker shall be defined as a 10,000 pounds minimum G.V.W. ratlng equipped wj-th an 8,000 mechanically power winch, crane and boom having dual wheels. drj-ven power winch, crane and boom and having dual wheels. for the trans- "Person, shall mean a firm, eompany, partnership, corporation, venture. t'Commission is the Board of Commissioners of Glynn County. " "Wrecker Servi-ce' means any person, firm, company, partnership, business and corporati-on, which on a regular basis holds itself G'lynn County as being engaged sol-ely .or partially vehicles for a fee. wrecked or disabled or out to the general public j-n the business of towing (h) "Operator" shall include the person owning the Wrecker Service Wrecker Service's agents and employees. Secti.ons 2-L7-2L 2-L7-29. DIVISION 2. Section Reserved. REGISTRATION with Glynn County Police "License and Registration Required rnformation for Registration". It sha1l be unlawful for or employee, to use or operate upon any portion the unincorproated first and the 2-17-30. Department Required; without towing type vehicles. A car carrier sha11 mean any device "Car Carrier'r. automobiles a flatbed truck. (f ) (g) in of A Heavy-Duty Wrecker shall be defi-ned as a "Heavy-Duty Wrecker". at least 251000 pounds minimum G.V.W. rating equipped with 16 to 25 (e) other the p1ura1 numbe least mechanically of with the plural word.s in (d) ferring words and inconsistent the future, singular phrases, "Wrecker" as used in this Ordj-nance, means equipped with hoisting apparatus and other equipment or other vehicles. The term "IVrecker" shall also in- hire for "Light-Drity driven (c) ton P.T. for vehicle wrecked automobiles the foltowing The term wrecked automobiles (b) tense number and words in vehicle any other Ordinance, the present I'Wrecker". an automotive towing this have the meaning given herein. words used in (a) clude Georgia. Ordinance. " Section 2-17-2O',Defi_niti_ons" the context, for Island, to the "Short Title". shall be known and may be cj-ted as "The Glynn County For the purpose of their Jekyll be applicable WRECKERSERVICE DIVISION 1. Section sharl of any Wrecker Service, area of Glynn County, having f1led a registration of a wrecker either as principal, any roadway or as defined in street this agent located" in Ordinance on each Wrecker owned or operated by it. A11 such vehicles sha11 be registered with the Glynn County Police Department, upon a form to be provided by Glynn County. The registration form sha1l contain at a minimum the followj-ng information: (a) complete home and business address and telephone wreckers number of the operator and date issued; (c) of any wrecker; description the make, model and manufacturerrs serj-al of (b) title the wrecker number; (d) certificate number for to be registered. date thevehicle including was first a1l put in service (e) business as a wreckerl employees and agents who are authorized driverrs having and address of interest the owned or operated approval of corporation 2-17-31. There is registration fee in or operated pursuant established the amount of Twenty-Five roadways or bridges unless vheicle and has in plain such vehicle the following be at least on December 31 of the unincorporated area of Glynn County a j-n permanent paint on each side of the the business information: be 1n a contrasting inches in (a) information: (b) the wrecker; two and one-half Section the name of the address of the Operator; "G1ynn County Permlt No. to the color of the wrecker color height. ?l and shall Temporary or removable magnetic 2-L7-33. or employee to use or operate i-ncorporated Ordinance' UNLAIVFULCONDUCT "Compliance with Ordj_nance". sha1l be unlawful for any Wrecker Servj.ce, either It missions expire owned of November 15 and December 15 of DIVISION 3. of per wrecker Dollars shall an annual not be used. signs will behalf written and Renewal Dates of Ordinance, ($25.00) dates view the following identifying shall in lettered is person ownlng or operating Such lettering the prior "Required Information to be Printed on Side of Vehicle" be unlawful for any lVrecker Service to use or operate upon any wrecker and (c) each wrecker 2-17-32. shall the streets, for and all sha11 not be assignable without to this A11 registration and sha11 be renewed between the each calendar year. of be filed Fee; Expiration each year It entity the name the Wrecker Service wilt of persons and (h) the wrecker; or other and the class Department. by a Wrecker Service. Section wrecker The registration "Registration hereby persons including name or names of all A registratj-on the Glynn County Police Section j s t r a t Reg ion " . of said company or companies which insurance. firm, (g) the operation by a Wrecker Service. person, any other in insurance have liability operators to to operate lj-cense held by each such operator; a financial number; (f) license upon any street area of Glynn County any wrecker without or public or car as principal, road located carrier in as defined agent the unin this having complied with the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. I ' M o n i t o r i n E Secti-on 2-L7-34. Police Cal1s. " It shall- be unlawful for the Operator of any wrecker or any person in an Operator, to monitor the purpose of for the Glynn County Police soliciti-ng or obtaining Departmentrs business radio trans- from any person at the scene of an accident. Section It to solicit business shall It or use any public the of-way or of thereof It is shal1 this Sectlons of Business by County Employee Prohlbited"" Ordinance for any employee of any Wrecker Operator 2-17-36. for purpose of an accident. while parked soliciting Solicitation of on any road or Glynn County or Owner. "Parking for Purpose of Soliciting be unlawful for the Operator of any wrecker a wrecker an acci-dent without 5 of in behalf right-of-way Section Division for at the scene of occupant for "Solicj-tation be a violation of this shall Section vehicles 2-77-35. Towing Work". to park the tow of on, obstruct any wrecked towing work by the Operator street, i-ncluding the rights- prohibited. 2-L7-37. "Scene of an Accidentt'. for a Wrecker Operator be unlawful having been requested or notified Ordinance. 2-L7-38 2-17-49. Reserved. to proceed to the scene of to do sor as provlded in or DIVISION Sectj-on Vehigles 2-7-50. Request of gt been involved Officer in and vehicle to (b) to; report to stored the of the vehicl-e of type the place where the vehj-cle including the Operator one hour the wrecker shal-l be required Department all the Glynn County Police to tag number by the vehi- damage sustained within has by telephone after communication removal the found valuables the and promptly safeguard to of in any towed or vehi-cles. Section 2-I7-5I. "Records". Each Wrecker Service and./or stored. model, This list vehicle color, removing shall (a) which vehicle a Glynn County Police than Department Glynn County Pol-ice motor such action be made by the Wrecker The Operator deliver of number; and (c) shall other information: a description Glynn County Police Vehicl-e. person shal-l report following the identification This the with a private removing another or an abandoned vehicle, was transported cle. for Upon Removal- o_f Department oraonorr"" orrt""t". any wrecker of Police ffin.r, an accident Department along of "Notification "Any The Operator INFOR}4ATION 4. maintain shall- contain identification and,/or storing be retained shall for Glynn County Police of detailed of Department (2) years for inspection vehicl-es all and purpose owner, pursuant kept towed the make, year, as to information The records two of list number. name of the vehicle. a period a daily to for this Section be made availabl-e and will and copying normal during towing, to the business hours. DIVISION Section 2-L7-52. The Chief a Rotational business dards Call in of List Glynn and requirements be maintained Glynn If, any reason , iL to places, the radio who have previously shal1 be in about of provj-ded, ference in for effort order i4r listed call on the i-n this of CaIl engaged public on duty inform Call- from or one of contact Qualification Atl Cal1 List. in that will dispatcher of it dispatcher provided Police meets requirements of such calls of a vehicle shall- be the duty request. this or wil-l states ff a pre- make a reason- the Wrecker Service the Wrecker Service of any other the Wrecker possession to be used, the radio from Chief List the Wrecker Ser- basj-s by name of Wrecker Servj-ce, or stan- the Glynn County Poli-ce for to be towed makes such a request List, towing qualifications, the rights-of-way shall radio the List". the Rotational the in The Rotational the owner or person if requested Ordinance, Call a Wrecke:i Service to who are and maintain dj-spatcher. and on a rotational that prepare become necessary Wrecker Service, Rotational- a Certificate as defined the Department for the vehicl-e a particular Services Ordinance. from the qualified officer charge of to shall shall agent, and who meet Rotational dI-spatcher however, investigating a person tained "Use of to be removed., designates the able alphabetical this Police remove any vehicle vices Service, County 2-L7-53 basis in List". designated Wrecker enumerated the for his on a regular Section Department public by or quati-fied of County Call "Rotational Police, ROTATIONAL CALL LIST 5. has previously as having Section ob- a Wrecker, 2-L7-54 (b), is 3{}E (g) , or (h) , k holding patcher the (1), , nor allowed of to possession in Service not will posl-tion In no event shall but of a vehicle, Section for Call comply with following nance at all duty wrecker shall notify good operable in the police call wrecker equipment to handle (b) from the public be equipped portions (c) ing tinent junk towing to the for call (e) phone line in (f) vice a broom, the yards must Ordi- this shal-l not to or operated at include in a fire shovel or all all have a have heavy-duty wrecker. a heavy-duty when in or use, service a doll-ies, chains, equipment needed for and other and the removal of said vehi- each wrecker In addition, equi-pment to clear the the may be safely and must in times, addition at all be posted There shall the minimum size rate The parking stored. times Glynn County Zoning Ordinance the (24) inches, storage access to and have immediate maintain of a sign, painted of which white at perthe be twenty- shall red letters, with per day any additional information sLatper- of vehicles. shall times . to In order receive shall calls to be placed have any ownership by any other least one (1) wrecker driver on . .u The Wrecker Service service does not necessary storag;e areas. The Wrecker Service at service carting. and other shall provisions by twenty-four storage Each Wrecker Service extinquisher, shape), by towing times. does not al-l times or one heavy- roadway. area, charges, all wrecked vehicl-es and outside the parking to (d) duty righting rights-of-way with of to at cal-1 requiring type (triangular applicable QA1 inches the each Wrecker Service of Li-st, Call Rotational on the one light-duty least service area where any towed vehicle all to entrance four items area shal-l- be secured at comply with taining or said carry The Wrecker Service secured parking (storage) a Wrecker dJ-spatcher. and requirements whenever said a particular emergency reflectors traveled dispatcher Each Wrecker shall extricatingr have at condition or whenever complement ofi service shall working radio for cles Ordinance, standards The Wrecker Servi-ce shall available lifting, for directly call Etc. " to be placed this qualificati-ons, wrecker proper rota- normal times: (a) full by a Wrecker request the police Duties, any Wrecker Service of to undertake "Qualification, under the provisions In by owner or requested Wrecker Service's that dj-s- List. officer and be licensed the the shall- be made through 2-L7-54. In order the answer of as interrupting Rotational such calls is radio the List CaIl an accident. scene of List Call by be called from the on the Rotational an investigating aI1 shal-1 not Qualification, be construed on the not on the Rotational Any Wrecker Service tow a wrecked vehicle a Wrecker Service other.rperson Service, (n). a Certificate event tion (m), or at all times maintain at least one (1) from the Glynn County Polj-ce Department. on the Rotational financial Wrecker Service interest on the List, Call in a Wrecker Ser- a wrecker Rotational Call owned, leased List. (g) times (i) Wrecker Servi-ces shall following the and amounts of types full in force and effect at all insurance: TYPE OF INSURANCE PER PERSON PER ACCIDENT Bodily $300,000 $ 5 O Oo, O O $ 1 0 0, 0 0 0 Injury (ii ) Property Damage At the other time $ 50,000 time as Police a wrecker Chief is Department amount of coverage, and expiration (h) required under this while a wrecker (i) is The Wrecker Service within Service is it required (k) Department (1) (m) removlng the removing Wrecker Operator in order its the Wrecker Service. those requests by it operated after being the before all of for inspeetion assistance and to the scene of clean aLL the debris sha1l caused by be equally rights-of-way. employees wi-l1 not engage in from a prospective business an accident In the event two or Operators both by the Glynn normal busj-ness hours. the scene. from. the and his to obtain called leaving debris for during sha1l same accident, employees quotes or his of with can be answered by the lVrecker a damaged vehicle, The Wrecker Operator practices deceptive all- wreckers are ca11ed to for premises make available shall from the rights-of-way more wreckers two-way communlcations as tow. A11 lVrecker Operators the purpose of responsible the showing the in accordance with posted speed limit j-nto consideration the type of wrecker taking The Wrecker Service County Police the accident (25) minutes of handling, to accomplish which to the an emergency amber light accept only Department, twenty-five capable shall such furnish a Certificate of Insurance date of the j.nsurance policy. away from the business from the Glynn County Police or at a copy of must be equipped with Each wrecker Ordinance, the llirecker Service'shall by the 1aw of the State of Georgi_a. (i) Each lTrecker Service must maintain wreckers which regi-stered may request, G1ynn County Police for maintaln one fee and then charges any customer. a higher If a fee without the consent of the customer, the Wrecker Operator or his employee will be presumed to have engaged in a deceptive practiee. (n) IVrecker Servi-ce will not permit an individual to drive a wrecker unless the driver State of Georgia. holds 2-17-55. Section The Chief and regulations regulatlons a valid for Sections of Police is the operatlon hereby of 2-L7-56 delegated suspended from the Rotational Ca1l List Ca1l List suspended for days may file or an appeal from said of Police advance of removing or shall the date of not the name of suspension give vacate or modify and decision of Police of suspending the public of time in excess of advi-sed of the decision thirty within of the Service Upon hearing, the decision of its for hearing will the purpose of remain off of Police. determlning the Rotational the County Administrator the Chief the whose name has been removed to the County Administrator is may Ordinance name from the Rotati-onal Ca11 List. the Wrecker Service at least ten (10) days notice in the'lfrecker upheld. by the Chief a period days from the date the Wrecker Service Administrator The rules rules 2-t7-60. from the Rotational Chief develop ENFORCEMENT Any iVrecker Service (10) to Reserved. Department. ten by the approved by the Board of Commissioners. until 2-L7-59 Cal1 List. Glynn County Police (30) required Ca11 List". "Removal from Rotational Any lVrecker Service vi-olating of this the provisions (a) be removed or the authorlty the Rotational DIVISION 6. Section the class of "Regulations". not become effective shal1 license operator's Call may affirm, The whether List or or the reverse, 7 840 (b) List for In lieu removi-ng the Wrecker Service of of the provision minor violations may suspend the ltrrecker Service which period of time, owner or custodian the Wrecker Service of at the Ordinance, not of Police the Chief (3O) days, exceed thirty to Call durlng under suspension sha11 not receive dispatcher, automobile. the shal-l be placed Wrecker Service a period for from the polj-ce calls totational of from the Rotati-onal except At the at end of the bottom of request the this individual of period, suspension Cal1 List the Rotatj.onal the as it then exists. Secti-on 2-L7-61. ttSpeeding to an Accident'r. If caught a lfrecker an Operator in a reckless the Wrecker Operator (30) thirty his is mannerr &S defined will dent, involving (a) The Chief radio any Wrecker Service to obtain for a second time. date of his be given at least Chief (10) ten to the to revoke revocatj-on a registratj-on. of the facts shal1 the date of alleged of Poli-ce may find the State of an acci* scene of shallI revoke ( L) grounds: If the the a material of statement an accj-dent scene of to the provision of the of hearing against within be taken. may present have not granted and permission authority Any person whose registration for days by the or violations actj-on will again apply any thirty the Wrecker Service violation all of The lyrecker Service sha1l the publ1c hearing, together the alleged terminate this registration in which the Wrecker Service to the Wrecker Servlce. not be eligible of shal1 conduct a public violations Such revocation loy the registration revoked shall laws of ot any Wrecker Service. following proceeds a violation in which event no further (b) of conduct or false of days notice all of to Upon hearing the Chief been proven, Chief decisj-on list of Police. evidence, Prior the Police from the a detailed of of this Ordi-nance; (3) If the Wrecker Service or operator uses a police j - n fo r m a t j - o n a s t o t h e l o c a t i o n (4) If of the scene of an accident, Wrecker Service, with a period for List goj-ng to the while of Georgia, State the Wrecker Operator, If on any of the or Operator the Wrecker Servj-ce has been guilty Ordlnance Call a second violation by a fraudulent THE lVrecker Service of the driving ". "Revocation of Registrat of Poli-ce after a thorough investigati-on, was procured violation laws of or 2-27-62. registration in Chief. driving an accidentr scene of sha1l revoke the regi-stration of ff or reckless of Police registration (2) charged with speeding Section the under the days by the Glynn County Police the Chief fact; to be suspended from the Rotational agents or employees is Georgia speeding for a registration has been a period one of year from the date of revocation. (c) file Any person whose registration an appeal therefrom appeal to reverse, Sections Section any person, 2-L7-1O firm day's DIVISION 7. t'Penaltv". or corporation fi-rm or corporation fj-rm or corporation be deemed guilty punished as provi-ded in continuance Section have authori-ty, or modify the order of 2-77-63 2 - 1 - T- 6 9 R e s e r v e d . of Glynn County without shall shall vacate Any person, person, to the Board of Commissioners within The Board of Commissloners revocation. has been revoked by Chief operating having of first Section of a violation 2-!7-TL upon the hearing any provision any offense obtained in of the the Ordinance; hereini the unincotporated &s hereln any area provided, thereof sha11 be Ordinances of .Glynn,:County. and upon conviction sha11 be a separate DIVISION B. of this made unlawful a registrationr 2-L-LO of Code of 2-L7-79. days of PENALTY a Wrecker Service an offense, (20) revocation. violating committing twenty may" of Police Each offense. Reserved. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Section 2-L7-8O "Severability". If any provision of this Ordinance sha11 be held by a court of competent jurisdiction of the to be invalid or unenforceable, and enforceability the validity remalning provisions of this Ordi-nance shall not be effected thereby. Sectlon 2-L7-8L "Repeal" The provisions of any ordi-nance or regulation or parts thereof in conflict herewi-th are hereby repealed. I ' E ff e c t i v e D a t e " . Section 2-L7-82. Thisordinancesha1ffitiveonandbeinforceasofthe 1st day of July, 1983. Proposed Animal Control Ordinance. a proposed Animal Copies of whereupon County Attorney deferred the next until Tom Lee suggested regular that the draft ordinance an eveni-ng public that placed on the animal owners. people in his objection at to advertise would be offensive to he owned a dog, and that said that ordinance this be it property. prohibited dogs the Animal for Truck hearing hearing public the 1oca1 newspaper. in the next regular on same as scheduled by the Ordinance Control hearing until Smith and seconded by Commissioner Wooten. Administrator recommended purchase Ed Stelle Department through Ste11e, state of said at contract and would replace purchase auttrorizing as reconmended by Mr. Control. Mosquito purchase was budgeted Motion a public adopted. the Mosquito Control this of said public an advertised a Pickup Assj-stant that and that consideratj-on. Chairman McClurd scheduled was made by Commissioner Purchase of He recommended dogs crossed one anotherrs their the section notj-ce of Unanimously for mind if further for ordinance this Leers suggestion, on Tuesday, June L4, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. and he authorized deferrJ-ng and to hold Chairman, Attorney ordinance, this Donald McClain discussion, ordinance Motion meeting, same be 1arge. a brief to dj-scuss this staff against discuss meeting he thought Simons resident St. After the said review, adopting as ,information. presented to regular neighborhood didn't He regi.stered from runnlng be held the next Randy Nazzrie of consideration concurred with Ed StelIe was being hearing agenda of that for meeting. Assi-stant Administrator adding were presented Ordinance Control a worn-out Pickup Truck of a Pickup Truck He explained $7r832. nine year old vehicle. through state contract, was made by Commissj-oner Pate and seconded by Commi-ssioner Wooten. Unanimously present (Commissioner Young was not adopted. for this vote. ) Proposed Purchase of defer action for St. Simons Water/Sewer Department. was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Pate Motion to an Excavator for on award of bid the next Department until regular an Excavator meeting to Commissioners Wooten, Pate, Aye: for allow the St. further Harrison, Simons Water/Sewer Smith, saj-d proposal. of study Young and Chairman McClurd. Commissioner Hutcheson. Nay: Motion adopted. Brush Cutter Purchase of Hydraulic Assistant Hyeraulic Brush Cutter along wlth amount of was too Administrator with recommendation for award to the for low bidder, list of bids received the Roads & Bridges Jax Tractor on a Department, Comp&nY; in the $42,000 had been budgeted for this purchase. piece of equipment this particular Commissioner Hutcheson said he felt $26,678. He noted that expensi-ve to maintain. required high Motion Mr. presented Ed Stelle 70 Horsepower Tractor Commissj-oner Wooten said with Roads & Bri-dges. for Stelle, that all mowers of this type that he was familiar maj-ntenance. awarding said bid to Jax Tractor Companyr as recommended by was made by Commissioner lVooten and seconded by Commissioner Smith. Aye: Commissioners Wooten, Smith, Nay: Commissioner Hutcheson. Harrison, Pate, Motion adopted. Commissioner Young was not present for this vote. and Chairman McClurd. r s{2 Re-Award of Bid for Improvements at the Blythe Assistant projects recei-ved that to Administrator bid awarding bid for He stated Contractors action and/or Fund to that, the although of lYando, S.C., would be sub-contracted award to of Regional Park and funded by a l"and could result the low bod had been submitted they had ind.icated that i-n loss grant'r of by Cape Romainl approximately the labor 9 5 Y "o f informed and he considered so that responded that had placed situation this incidents of it this he and Admlnj-strator the responsibilit thestaff's nature would not occur. Brogdon had recommended was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Smith rescj-nd action Regional Island had to be awarded the 1ow bidder. Motion to funds had been 1ocal1y. to keep them sufficiently Stelle grant second low bidder arL embarassing situation, Mr. Park. information that federal Island Commissioner lVooten commented that Commission in Regional taken by the Commission on May L9r 1983, improvements at Blythe and Water Conservation funds. Ed Ste11e advised from state the 1ow bi-dder, therefore, Island taken by the Commission on May L9,1983, Park Improvements to Seaboard Construction awarding bid Company in Blythe for the amount $139,139.00. Aye: Commissioners Wooten, Smith, Nay: Commissj-oner Hutcheson. Motion Pate, Harrison, (Comrnissioner Young was not adopted. and Chairman McClurd. present for vote. ) this ***r<******* Motion was made by Commissioner to award contract 1ow bidder, for Improvements at the Blythe *** ****X<,k* Commissi-oner Pate asked the action, practice and to inform of awarding bids particular Final that rates digest the preceding Motion ad valorem tax of Charles State since this vote. ) * ** to notify Seaboard Construction the Commission had not spread was minor, because of grant its altered Company normal and that this requirements. 1982. the millage by the would be garnered of for * t <* * * Stewart presented a proposed list 1982 which he recommended the Commission adopt. reduction this County's for * { <* * when the bid acti-on had been taken only Finance Director staff them that locally Ad Valorem Tax Millage millage Park to the Regional in the amount of $1371797.2O. (Commissioner Young was not present for ** this Island Cape Romaine Contractors, Unanimously adopted. of Smith and seconded by Commissioner Wooten rates was nedded to offset Revenue Commissioner anticipated so that revenues were first of ad valorem He explained the factor no additional established added to the revenue in September year. accepting millage Mr. Stewartrs as follows recommendation and setting the 1,982 was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Harrison. ]-982 AD VALOREM TAX MILLAGE County - General Fire Fund 6 .31 Di-strict Rural Fire 2.73 District .64 Urban Tax District Sea Island Po]ice 1 .85 District .90 Bond Retirement Unanimously Nominations for Family Pursuant & Children term on the Glynn County Family made: .34 adopted. to notification nomi-natj-ons from which Mi1ls this post Services Appointment. of pending expiration & Children Services would be fi1Ied, of Eunice Minorrs Board and request the following for fj-ve-year three nomi-nations were Ri-chard M. Ludlow. Commissioner Smith nominated Col. (Pat Miliano. nominated Mrs. Vito Commissioner Harrison re-appointment. for Eunice Minor Commissioner Wooten nomi-nated Mrs. Motion was made by Commissi-oner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner to Harrison submit Resources for final selection. adopted. Unanimously Amendment to Community Ordinance. the elean Pursuant the Clean was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissione following adopt the Chairman of recommendation from Mr. Doug Alexander, to Community Commission, motion Smith to above to the Commissioner of Human nominees listed the three the Clean Community Ordinance: amendment to AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCEHERETOFORE ADOPTEDBY THE GLYNN COUNTYBOARD OF COMMISSIONERS oN NOVEMBER20, 1981, FOR THE PURPOSEOF ESTABLTSHTNG. STANDARDSFOR THE CREATION OF A CLEAN COMMUNITY; TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE; TO CURB LITTER; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. B E I T A N D I T I S H E R E B YO R D A I N E Db y t h e B o a r d o f C o m m i s s i o n e r s , G l y n n Georgia, j-n regular held this 2nd day of June' 1983' that subject County, above and commonly known as the C1ean Community Ordinancet referenced ordinance be amended to read as follows: Secti-on 1. (e), Sub-section of in ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT,1s hereby deleted by the following: (e) guilty fine the provisions Any person vj-olating a misdemeanor and, upon conviction of of and replaced entirety, its 2, Division 2-I6-L57, Section Ordinance sha11 be this sha11 be punished either thereof, by a than $25.00 nor more than $300.00, or by confinement in the County Any suspended Center for a total term not to exeed 30 daysr or by both. or not Detention or probated less sentence shal1 to replace restitution symbolic suspended or probated. of supervision that term of a suitable substitute portion of Such community service community service fine sentence, the be performed shall as or confl-nement, under the County Clean Community Commj.sslon. the Brunswick-Glynn amendment sha11 become effective Section 2. This Section 3. A11 ordinances or parts of ordinances June 15, 1983. j-n confllct herewith are hereby repealed. {<* * *** * ****{<>F* Unanimously Applicatj-on Jobs Grants through the for sasme be submitted cost of Motion projects projects, beautification and the new traffic both related Ed Stelle Sma11 Administration/Department various for island that of Natural the Blythe funds might be avzlilable Resources Jobs Grant Program Island the Frederica/Demere Resources recommendedthat and the stasff landscaping at of Natural Administration/Department Administrator for estimated adopted. for SmaII Business Program. Assistant ** Regional application Park entrance Road Intersection, dt a total $15,000. aut}:ori-zing described the to staff by Mr. SteIIe submit application for was made by Commissloner grant funds on Smith and seconded by Commissioner Wooten. Unanimously Approval of Department Motion authorizing of Transportation LARP Contract. was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Pate the Chairman andClerk of Transportation streets adopted. for plant to levelli-ng execute and resurfacing in Glynn County under the Local Unanimously adopted. a contract Assistance with the Georgia 3.94 miles Road Program. Department of roadway on 15 r 344 Approval of DOT Contract for Demere/Sea Island Ro?d Intersection Improvements. Motion was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Pate authorizing the Chairman and Clerk to execute a contract with the Georgia Department of Transportation covering construction of improvements at the Demere/Sea Island Road Intersection on St. Unanimously Simons Island. adopted *,k**rF*{<*)k:F*r<* Assistant a major problem Administrator intersection. included in however, County Traffic this DOT officials Transfer contract of Liquor trasnsfer to tainers to license only, Safety not sale J. St. improvements problems at trafflc would continue this working site, with to Barbara J. Koch. hearing was held Beer and Wine, for to be consumed on premises applj-cation on subject in orj-ginaI sale at The Pub Package Store located from Maynard D. Harrison Simons Island, con- to Koch. Assistant all public of Liquor, as being difficulties. from Maynard D. Harrison advertisement, for solve Jimmy Horton the remaining at Longvi-ew Shopping Center, Barbara Engineer locatj-on this Brogdon commented that would not completely License Pursuant described Administrator allevlate to Ed Stel1e requi-rements Administrator of the Liquor There being Ed Stel1e License no opposition, reported Ordinance, motion that application this and approval subject approving met same was in of appli-cation order. was made by Commissioner Pate and seconded by Commissioner Smith. Unani-mously adopted. Renewal of License Agreement on the Glynco Golf Assistant from the Federal operate, Administrator and utiLi-ze County Attorney actually shift side of He noted Tom Lee explained the facility, that route thereby Motion autl:orize to agreement permit the County's to Course. the Go1f Course property that was FLETC officials had asked the County course by opening a road on the northern the main FLETC gates of in place point at wi-th very rear. of the 1ittle this traffic. the golf course, and and expense. construction was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Smith Brogdon to access route the golf relieving from this the Chairman Administrator that a paved road was already aecess eould be provided to into license to Glynn County at no cost. Brogdon advised access traffic a five-year Center extending the Glynco Golf owned by FLETC and licensed Administrator to presented Ed Stelle Law Enforcement Training maintain Course. to execute investigate same and report Unanimously this License Agreement, the possibility back to of and authori-zj'ng providing an alternate the Commission. adopted. on "No-Parking" Signs on Norwich Street j_n Arco. Pursuant to recommendation made at the last regular meeting for installation of rrNo-Parking" signs on Norwich'street Extension in Arco in front of The Shipwreck Lounge (formerly The Dog House), Police Chief Jeff Hesser reported Report that one such sign learned with that former the intention advised that Department was located highway of of the street, improvements had been constructed allowing any change to on the west side this parking policy only on the opposite however, in side that he hdd area with of the street. He w o u l d h a , v g .t o b e a p p r o v e d b y t h e G e o r g i a of Transportation Conveyance of Right-of-Way to the Department of Upon recommendation by County Attorney Commissloner Trapsportatj-on for Tom Lee, motion Smith and seconded by Commissioner lYooten authorizing Highway 341 Project. was made by the Chaj-rman Levelling Projects. planned of Mr. Stelle under this fundsr for in the budget &s follows, report this revealed. that FY L982/83 had been completed, Subsequently, $21r530.01. be included heading commented that Mr. Flanagan recommendedthat element and completed at this projects all leavJ-ng a fund the following time with surplus streets the remaining Mr. Ste11e said. ADDITIONAL SPREADERLEVLLING PROJECTS82_83 BUDGET STREET LOCATION Enterprise Shangri-La to Hornet 0.45 $ 5,418.45 IVasp Enterprise to Hornet o.25 3,010.25 US 34L to Shady Lane 0.30 3,612.30 Shady Lane Drive Oak Grove Road to Pavement End o.25 3,010.25 Crandall Shady Lane to'Pavement End 0.15 1,806 .15 Shady Lane to Pavement End 0.15 1,806 . 15 Hol-tz Road Street Falcon Street Motion approving current year, surplus funds, unanimously the above listed and the Additional COST Spreader Levelling to proceed with staff was made by Commissioner Pate, Projects same immediately, for the from seconded by Commissj-oner Harrison, and adopted. Mr. Flanagan investigated announced that he would have drainage complaints within this area immediately. Bruce Faircloth's Pursuant Faircloth MILES Application advertisement, to for for Alcoholic Alcoholic public Beverage License at Quale Mo11y's. was held. on applj-cation of Bruce hearing Beverage License to se1l Liquor, Beer and lTine, for con- sumption on premi-ses only, St. dt Guale Molly's, Ltd., to be located at 401 Lord Avenue, (previously known as Georgia Land & Lumber Company). Simons Island Assistant had reviewed Alcoholic Administrator this application, Beverage Llcense Mr. Faircloth to see that this There being Commissioner Request for to Flexer departments requj-rements applj-cation, of of the same. and stated that he intended run. motion approvi-ng this application was made by adopted. Way. public advertisement, hearing Sections this street of the Joint Planning He explained was platted. by submitted Parkway in Belle Point Commission, conveyed recthat He stated by a draj-nage ditch however, costly, Point and BeIIe Circle be closed. subdivisj-on Way was intersected extremely on request 1 and 2, Area A. Mahlman, Director 1'967 when the was held Glynn County abandon the unopened road easement known as that comendation that Butler appropri-ate the i-t met all that of his lYay, l-ocated between Plantation Mr. Craig it was well that and recommended approval approval no opposition, East Subdivision, since Ordinance, Abandonment of Butler Pursuant Mr. Bert determined asked for business reported Smith and seconded by Commissioner Young. Unanlmously But1er Ed Stelle it that had never been opened said porti-on subject which would make any attempt any oonveyance should include retention of of to open an access easement to get to the ditbh. County Attorney created Tom Lee said by dedication, and concurrence back to them. that the public it this request right-of-way could owners adjoining a similar the request existence was not necessary for be abandoned. He noted street for to be in this that favor request Butler the County giving in was in that lYay was a road land owners owned a fee simple adjoining would result a statute Commissioner Young objected presented was hi-s understandj-ng which meant that He advj-sed that determined property with it public the of only which easement rights said when a county useage and when it requirement benefitte was that all such action. because on a previous one of hj-s cli-ents title on a roadway located occasion in the he had area action affirmatj-ve limited disclaimer to Mr. Burt located within advised that of t]nat Directors of Mr. Flexer County. platted this presentation ended his request with He further were in the public Way served no use to said Butler and that request, this Homeowners Associ-ation Polnt the Belle of easement, however' area. an access easement along this leaving He underbrush. another was ava11abIe through access to the ditch were oak trees covered by ta1l was also easement and it he had no problem with stated the County may havethat eighteen (18) large any interest F1exer reported this not request on this taken He also suggested that any j-nclude a quitclaj-m deed but be had been refused. behind the Bowlerena and it that favor or to the the County abandon roadway. was made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Wooten Motion to adopt the fol-lowing resolution: RESOLUTION TO ABANDON BUTLER WAY W H E R E A S ,a l l known as Butler Belle Point the owners of property Way, located East County abaondon said public to advertised that sai-d Butler useage and complj-ance with Point Parkway in Glynn that and a duly has been determined it and Belle Circle 1 and 2, Area A, have requested Sections road easement; W H E R E A S ,p u r s u a n t request, between Plantation Subdivision, the unopened road easement adjoining such request public hearing held on this necessary IVay 1s not would benefit the or needed for property adjoining owneas. NOW, THEREFOREBE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Glynn County, declare Georgia, in regular meeting above descri-bed Butler the the drainage ditch intersectlng be dlrected action this Butler the petitioners' for formal Thomas J. * Commissioners Smith, June, Commissioners, 1983, that to an easement to we reach Way. to address any request to Glynn County Attorney Aye: 1*6th day of this IVay abandoned, subject B E I T F U R T H E RR E S O L V E D ,t h a t Flexer, Board of {<r< * Mr. Burt representative, lega1 documentation concerning Lee. *t< ***t<* I{ooten, Harrison, Hutcheson, Pate and Chairman McClurd. Nay: Commlssioner Young. Motion adopted. Request for on behalf Street Lucian Abandonment of Portion Pursuant to of J.A. Patel than J.A. denial of Patel Planning this traffic. closing . status abandonment of that on request portion submitted of Lucj-an Commission Director request because the street He explained that this Group, Mahlman conveyed recommendation was open, paved, and used for between properties JPC could find no justification was located street Commissioner Hutcheson disagreed of Lucian two other Craig and the it. growing on it, affected was held Group, Inc.)" owned by Best T{estern and the Patel for for hearing abuts the property of J.A. Patel Group, Inc. on both sides of the said (not not any portion Street, of Lucian Street that abuts property owned by Joint through Group, Inc., public Street. that anyone other for advertisement, of Lucian and could property by this Street, and stated not be used for owners, action that subject section vehicular Raymond Mock and Mr. and they were in IvIr. Mahlmanrs report with favor it. had trees He stated traffic. and Mrs. of was closed, on the J. that S. King would, be only 345 to execute deed to additional the Department right-of-way for the purpose of for of Transportation RFU-0O8-1 (16) the Highway 341 Project, conveying on the following parcels: Parce1 18 Brunswick West Shopping Center Parcel L4 Gerald ZeLL Unanimously Fire Fighting adopted. for Services Island Island. Brogdon reported Administrator JekylI Jekyll Authority, had expressed an interest of County Government assuming fire fighting Director Mr. George Chambliss, that responsibilities the the possibility discussing in of on the Island. Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissj-oner Pate authorizing the staff concerning proposal, this Unanimously Termination negotiations to continue a report and to bring Ed Ste11e presented plans Director Don Skeens concerning Festival at Massengale Beaeh on Saturday, Department Services Study at Frederlca Commissioner traffic and again Litter 15 dpys, in at Skeens not the to engage the Festivals. was unanimously adopted. Safety Engineer immediately, Avenue Intersection Road/Atlantic the possibility of installing revlew 1ight. a traffic on Causeway. St. along to determine would be allowed. had developed the County Traffic Smith asked that organized that Fun-In-The-Sun and it Services Avenue fntersection. Road/Atlantic at the Frederica conditions He related Mr. lnstruct to from Leisure Annual Fun-In-The-Sun no drinking thi-s or any future in a report problems Smith seconded the motion Commissioner Traffic that and he made a motion of Leisure Festival. June 18, 1983. and that would be conducted, year, last officials Authority the Commissi-on. sponsor the Fourth to Commissioner Hutcheson recalled festival back to I'Fun-In-The-Sun" in Administrator games and activitj-es Island Jekyl1 adopted. of County Participation Assistant with Slmons resident the Brunswick-St. representative actlon could be taken. Traffic complaj-ned of Simons Causeway by construction Administrator tation Bruce Faircloth Brogdon said Robert he would talk that Jones expressing to Department and asking of Transporif corrective Road/Altama Avenue Road Intersection. Commlssioner lVooten asked his fe1low Commissioners to join him in Build-Up at Cypress Mill Brogdon to check on the Administrator left and debris workers. concern this litter build-up traffic at asking the Cypress MiIl / ALtama Avenue Road intersection. re Ballard Complaints Park. Mrs. Patsy Bullard, complained that accumulated in leaves resident of Nimitz from magnolia trees the yards of adjoining during the coming week to basketball dlscuss attemfrA to cut down the magnolia at the park, She asked that he would get with the o1d Ballard movi-ng of and other Park, debris, be cut. the trees members of Club Building staff the and he wanted a chance to trees revj-ew the site before any were made. Tax Study. Finance Director officials that across from Ballard goa1s. Chairman McClurd said Hotel/Motel located homeowners. Commissloner Hutcheson stated Drive were prepardd Tax Study on Tuesday, Charles Stewart announced that to make a preliminary June 2L, 1983, dt presentatj-on University on their 5:00 p.m. Meeting Adjourned. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS qEVNN COUNTY, GEORGIA" tfr,^,{A" W4r'hV 1urd, 4fl2\"fl.-,;,,Mcc s;, of Georgia llotel/Motel