Curriculum Vitae - Montana State University


Michael J. Brody

Department of Education

College of Education, Health and Human Development

Montana State University

Bozeman, MT 59717



Area of Professional Specialty:

Background and Experience:


Cornell University, PhD, 1985

University of New Hampshire, MST, 1979

BA, Boston College, BA, 1974

Science & Environmental Education

Science Teaching & Learning,

Environmental Science, Education Research,

Curriculum Development

Science & Environmental Education,

Natural Resource Policy & Planning


Biology & Science Education

Current Employment

Montana State University , Bozeman, MT; July 1992 – present

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Montana State University

Responsibilities include: science and environmental graduate and undergraduate education courses including secondary science methods, professional capstone and education research. Supervise master and doctoral student programs, thesis and dissertation.

Professional Associations

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Special Interest Group in Ecological and Environmental Education;

North American Association of Environmental Education (NAAEE)

Member North American Commission for Environmental Education Research

Editorial Responsibilities

Journal of Environmental Education , contributing editor &

Associate Editor Book Reviews

International Journal of Science Education, contributing editor

Research in Environmental Education, contributing editor

Visitor Studies, contributing editor

•Michael J. Brody• 2


North American Association of Environmental Educators

Outstanding Contributions to Research

Montana State University

College of Education, Health and Human Development,

Outstanding Faculty Research Award




Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Obery, Amanda & Michael Brody, 2015, New Ways to View Complex Landscapes: A review of The Atlas of Yellowstone, International Journal of Science and Social

Studies, vol. 2 no. 1 3pp.

Wals, A, Brody, M, Dillon J. & R. Stevenson, 2014, Convergence between science and environmental education, Science , Education Forum 344: 583-584.

Yates, K. & M. Brody, 2013, Book Review: Roots and Research in Urban School

Gardens by Veronica Gayles, Journal of Environmental Education , 45:2 132-133.

Shane Doyle & M. Brody, 2012, Book Review: At the Trowel’s Edge, Journal of

Environmental Education, 43-1, 69-71.

Krim, J. and M. Brody, 2008, Ice core investigations: Exploring climate change in ice core samples, The Science Teacher , National Science Teachers Association,

Washington, DC, 75:6, 54-59.

Meyers R., Brody M, Dillon J, Hart P, Krasny M, Monroe M, Russell C, & A. Wals,

(2007) Towards creating an inclusive community of researchers: the first three years of the North American Association for Environmental Education Research

Symposium, Environmental Education Research .13:5, 639 – 661.

Clark, C., Brody, M, Dillon J., Hart, P. & J. Heimlich 2007, The messy process of research: dilemmas, process and critique, Canadian Journal of Environmental

Education . 12 110-127.

Brody, Michael, 2005, Learning in Nature, Environmental Education Research , 11:5


Brody, Michael & J. William Hug, 2005, Researcher/Practitioner Synergies in EE,

Environmental Communicator , 35:1 1.

Brody, M, W. Tomkiewicz & C. Graves, 2002, Park Visitor’s Understanding, Values and

Beliefs Related to Their Experience at Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone

•Michael J. Brody• 3

National Park, USA, International Journal of Science Education , special edition on environmental education,. 24:11 1119-1141.

Brody, M. & A. DeOnis, 2001, Fossil forecasting, The Science Teacher , National Science

Teachers Association, 68: 9 20-25.

Brody, Michael, 1997, Descending the Watershed; rethinking the place of curriculum,

Canadian Journal of Environmental Education , 2 114 – 131.

Brody, Michael, 1996), Assessment of student environmental science knowledge related to Oregon's marine resources, Journal of Environmental Education , 1996, 27: 3


Brody, Michael, 1995, Development of a curriculum framework for water education: educators, scientists and resource managers, Journal of Environmental

Education ,. 26:4, 18-29.

Brody, Michael, 1995, Vernal pools in the curriculum, Wild Earth, the Journal of the

Cenozoic Society , 5:1 51 - 53.

Brody, Michael, 1994, Student science knowledge related to ecological crises,

International Journal of Science Education , 16:4 421-435.

Brody, Michael & E. Chipman, 1993, High school biology teacher's use of conservation magazines in the classroom, The Journal of Environmental Education , 24:2, 10 –


Brody, Michael & B. Patterson, Aquarium/Aquaculture, 1992, The Science Teacher , 59:2

36 - 41.

Brody, Michael, 1990, Student understanding of pollution, Journal of Environmental

Education , vol. 22:2.

Kopec, Danny, C. Wood & M. Brody, 1991, Using cognitive mapping techniques for educating about sexually transmitted diseases with an intelligent tutoring system,

Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, . 2:2.

Brody, Michael & H. Koch, 1989, An assessment of 4th, 8th and 11th grade students' science knowledge related to marine natural resource issues, Journal of

Environmental Education, 21: 2 16 – 26.

Brody, Michael, D. Kopec & L. Latour, 1989, Towards an expert/novice learning system with application to infectious disease, ACM SIGART, Special Issue on Knowledge

Acquisition, #108.

•Michael J. Brody• 4

Brody, Michael, S. Marion and E. Chipman, 1989-90, Student knowledge in fourth, eighth and eleventh grades related to acidic deposition, Journal of Environmental

Education ,. 20:2 32 - 42.

Brody, Michael, 1987, The Gulf of Maine in the classroom, Current: The Journal of

Marine Education , 7:1.

Brody, Michael J., 1980, Fisheries biology lab, Current: The Journal of Marine

Education , 2:1.

Edited Book

Stevenson R., Brody M., Dillon J. & A. Wals (editors), 2014, International Handbook of

Research in Environmental Education , American Education Research Association and Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. NY.

Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

Brody, M., Clark, J., Moe, J. M., and Alegria, C.B, 2014, Archaeology as Culturally

Relevant Science Education: The Poplar Forest Slave Cabin, in Public

Participation in Archaeology (eds J Lea and S Thomas), The Boydell Press,

Woodbridge, UK.

Stevenson R. B., A. E.J. Wals, J. Dillon, and M. Brody , 2013, An Orientation to

Environmental Education and the Handbook in International Handbook of

Research in Environmental Education , (eds Stevenson, Brody, Dillon & Wals,)

American Education Research Association, Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.


Brody, Michael & M. Storksdieck, 2013 , Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental

Education Programs, Materials, and Technologies and the Assessment of Learners and Learning in International Handbook of Research in Environmental

Education , (eds Stevenson, Brody, Dillon & Wals,) American Education

Research Association, Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. NY.

Stevenson R.B., J. Dillon, A. E.J. Wals, & M. Brody, 2013, Situating the Handbook in the Evolving Characteristics of Environmental Education Research in

International Handbook of Research in Environmental Education , (eds

Stevenson, Brody, Dillon & Wals,) American Education Research Association,

Routledge, Taylor Francis Group. NY.

Wals A. E.J., R. B. Stevenson, M. J. Brody, & J. Dillon, 2013, Tentative Directions for

Environmental Education Research in Uncertain Times in International

Handbook of Research in Environmental Education , (eds Stevenson, Brody,

Dillon & Wals,) American Education Research Association, Routledge, Taylor

Francis Group. NY.

•Michael J. Brody• 5

Stevenson R. B., A. E.J. Wals, J. Dillon, and M. Brody , 2013, The evolving

Characteristics of Environmental Education Research in International Handbook of Research in Environmental Education , (eds Stevenson, Brody, Dillon & Wals,)

American Education Research Association, Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.


Brody, M. (2009). How can Participatory Action Research inform free-choice learning pedagogy and research in environmental education contexts? In J. H. Falk, J. E.

Heimlich, & S. Foutz (Eds.), Free-Choice Learning and the Environment.

Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

Brody, M., Bullock, J. & Bullard, J., (1997), Puddles and Ponds: The Project Approach

Applied to Aquatic Habitats, in Creative Childhood Experiences in Mathematics and Science, Projects, Activity Series and Centers for Early Childhood, ERIC

Clearinghouse, Columbus, Ohio.

Brody, M., (1996) Biological interrelationships and water, in Fisher, K. M. & Kibby, M.

R.(eds.), Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, & Use in Biology , Berlin:


Jimenez-Aleixandre, M., Amir R., Brody M., Tamir P. & Tomkiewicz, W., (1996) The nature of knowledge in biology and it's implications for teaching and learning, in

Fisher, K. M. & Kibby, M. R.(eds.) Knowledge Acquisition, Organization, & Use in Biology , Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Danny Kopec & Brody M., (1992) Towards an intelligent tutoring system with application to sexually transmitted diseases in Artificial Intelligence and

Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Knowledge Based Systems for Teaching and

Learning , Kopec and Thompson eds, Ellis Horwood Publishers, Chichester,


Published Curricula (National - International)

Brody, M., Tomkiewicz, W. Krim, J, McGarry, M., Jeunneman, P. & J. Pyle, 2008, The

Habitable Planet Teachers Guide , Annenberg Media Foundation and Harvard-

Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA.

Brody, M. & A Bogolyubov, 2000, Ecological Field Study Materials; 40 seasonal ecological field study videos and teacher manuals, (2004) Creek Farm Education

Associates, Bozeman, MT and Association Ecosystem, Moscow, Russia.

Project WET 1995, Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide , National Project WET

& The Watercourse, Bozeman, MT and Council for Environmental Education,

•Michael J. Brody• 6

Houston TX.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Brody, M & A. Bogolyubov, 2009, Integrating Contexts and Cross-Disciplinary

Education; Ecological Field Studies and Project Archaeology, Conference

Proceedings of Sacred Sites and Protected Areas of the Altai-Khangai-Sayan

Mountain Region, Karakol Nature Park "Uch Enmek" Altai Republic, Russian


Brody, M., & J. Krim, 2006, Free-Choice Learning/Participatory Action Research

Informing the Future of EE Research and Practice, Research Symposium of the

North American Association of Environmental Educators, St. Paul, MN.

Brody, Michael, 2004, Ecological Field Studies: On-Line Professional Development for

Environmental/Ecological Educators, Conference Proceedings of the NAAEE

Annual Meeting 2004, Biloxi, MI

Brody, Michael, Action Research; Paths to Empowerment and Change, Conference

Proceedings of the NAAEE Annual Meeting 2004, Biloxi, MI, November 2004

Brody, Michael & Sergei Ostromouv, 2001, Ecological & Environmental Education

Principles Guiding Aquatic Education activities in US/Russia, Annual Meeting of

Aquatic Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Brody, Michael & Alexsander Bogolyubov, Ecological Field Techniques

Telecommunications Course; Connecting US and Russian Teachers, Annual

Meeting of Aquatic Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, June


Brody, Michael, US/Russian Environmental Education, Annual Meeting of Aquatic

Sciences, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, June 2000.

Brody, Michael, Current Status of Aquaculture in the USA and Implications for

Educational Programs, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of the Russian

Aquaculture Society, Ashtrakan State Technological University, Dmitrov Branch,

Rybnoe, April 2000.

Brody, M. & Rhines, L., "Old Sable: A Russian-American Environmental Education

Project", in the International Workshop: Using Communication to Make

Environmentally Sustainable Development Happen in the Proceedings of the

Annual Meeting of the North American Association of Environmental Education,

San Francisco, CA, October, 1996.

•Michael J. Brody• 7

Brody, M., Rhines, L., "Educating Teachers in an Ecological Emergency Zone; Niznhii

Tagil, Russia", in the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North American

Association of Environmental Education, San Francisco, CA, October, 1996.

Brody, Michael, Student misconceptions of ecology: identification, analysis and instructional design, Proceedings of Third International Seminar on

Misconceptions and Educational Strategies in Science and Mathematics , Cornell

University, Ithaca, NY, August, 1993.

Brody, M., Development of the Project WET Curriculum Framework, Proceedings of the

American Water Resources Association Summer Symposia , Seattle, WA June


Kopec, Danny and Michael Brody, Toward an ITS for STDs, Proceedings of the

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Symposium at the University of

Maine , Orono, Me, May 1989

Brody, Michael and Danny Kopec, Development and student use of a computer-based smart book concerning sexually transmitted diseases, Proceedings of the Sixth

Canadian Symposium on Instructional Technology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May,


Brody, Michael, Barbara Patterson and Mary Ann McGarry, Use of SemNet to facilitate teaching, learning and curriculum development of science concepts in elementary preservice teacher education programs, Proceedings of the Sixth Canadian

Symposium on Instructional Technology , Halifax, Nova Scotia, May, 1989

Brody, Michael, A programmatic approach to understanding student knowledge of environmental issues, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on

Misconceptions of Science and Mathematics , Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,


Stilwell, Susan and Michael Brody, Cross cultural analysis of Canadian and Maine students understanding of the Gulf of Maine, Proceedings of the Second

International Conference on Misconceptions of Science and Mathematics, Cornell

University, Ithaca, NY, 1987

Brody, Michael and Susan Stilwell, A comparison of Canadian Maritime and Maine students understanding of marine science, Oceans 87 , Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1987

Brody, Michael J. and Helmut Koch, Student knowledge of a natural resource issue in the Gulf of Maine, Oceans 85 , Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC.,


•Michael J. Brody• 8

Brody, Michael J., Transfer of knowledge within the Lake Ontario salmonid sport fishery, Oceans 85, Marine Technology Society, Washington, DC., 1985.

Brody, Michael J., Translating research reports into educational materials or how to take a neat piece of research and turn it into a curriculum, Oceans 84 , Marine

Technology Society, Wash., DC, 1984.

Other Types of Publications

Invited Contribution to Encyclopedia of Science Education

Brody, M. 2014, Interpretive Centers , Encyclopedia of Science Education , Springer

Science and Business Media Dordrecht, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6165-0_298-4. pp 1-4.

Invited Professional Newsletter Article

Brody, M., Stanton C.R., Bangert, A, Doyle, S., Montagne, C. & N. Yurkova, 2013,

Native Language Use and Learning Environmental Science inn Contrasting

Mountain Systems, Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education

Newsletter , accessed at on March

5, 2014

Invited International Policy Journal Articles

Brody, M & C.R. Stanton, 2013, Connecting educational science and Indigenous knowledge, International Innovation (North America), # 116, pp 42-45.

Brody, M. 2012, Archaeological science for all, International Innovation (North

America), October, pp 80-85.

Published Curricula (Regional)

The Watershed Manager Teacher’s Guide with Watershed Management Simulator

Software (1994) The Watercourse, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana.

Brody, Michael and Barbara Patterson, Aquarium/Aquaculture, (1989) University of

Maine Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Orono, Me.

Brody, Michael J. and B. Sharon Meeker, (1983) Floating Lab Resource Manual ,

University of New Hampshire Marine Advisory Program, UNH-MP-AR-56-83-3.

Monographs (in Russian)

•Michael J. Brody• 9

Brody, Michael, (1995) Monograph: Descending the Watershed, Rethinking the Place of

Curriculum, Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical Institute, Niznhii Tagil, Russia (published in Russian).

Brody, Michael, (1995) Educating in the watershed, in the Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Education in a Large Industrial City, Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical

Institute, Niznhii Tagil, Russia (published in Russian).

Brody, Michael, (1995) Foundations and methodologies in environmental education, in the Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Education in a Large

Industrial City, Niznhii Tagil Pedagogical Institute, Niznhii Tagil, Russia

(published in Russian).

Commissioned Paper

Brody, M, Bangert A. & J. Dillon, (2007) Assessing Science Learning in Informal

Settings , commissioned paper for the National Research Council, Washington,


Technical Reports (National)

Anderson, A., Brody, M., Carr, R., Harris, L., Holland, G., James, R., Locke, D.,

Morehead, M., Rasberry, S., Tomon, C. & A. Trainer, National Council for

Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiners Report,

Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS March 3-8, 2007.

Brody, M,Burke, P., Elliott C., Hausfather, S., Lau, R. & S. Starcher. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiners Report,

Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa, November 11-15, 2006.

Brody, M., Lawler-Brown, L., Kelly, M. G., Osa J. & S. Yourdon. National Council for

Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiners Report,

Western Governors University, Salt Lake City April 29- May 3, 2006.

ERIC Documents

Brody, M., Student Understanding of Water and Water Resources: A Review of the

Literature, ED 361 230, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, 1994.

Brody, M., A Comparison of Maine and Oregon Students' Science Knowledge Related to

Marine Science and Natural Resources, ED 359 228, Montana State University,

Bozeman, MT, 1993.

Brody, Michael, The Gulf of Maine in the Classroom , ED 275 489, University of Maine,

Orono, ME, 1986.

•Michael J. Brody• 10

Brody, Michael, Translating Research Reports into Educational Materials , ED 273 443,

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1986.

Brody, Michael and Helmut Koch, An Assessment of 4th, 8th and 11th Grade Students'

Science Knowledge Related to Marine National Resource Issues , ED 273 502,

University of Maine, Orono, ME, 1986.

Brody, Michael, Man and the Biosphere: Groundtruthing Coral Reefs for the St. John

Island Biosphere Reserve , ED 260 912, The School for Field Studies, Cambridge

MA 1984.

Brody, Michael, The Floating Lab Research Project: An Approach to Evaluating Field

Programs , ED 260 911, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1984.

Newsletters (Local)

Michael Brody, The water circle, Words to the Wise , The newsletter of Eco-Logical

Wisdom, May/June 1993.

Michael Brody, Teaching about the Gulf of Maine, Gulf of Maine Marine Education

Association Newsletter , Fall 1987.

Brody, Michael, Educational research based on student understanding of the Gulf of

Maine, Explorations, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1986.

Brody, Michael, Tea and work in an ecological emergency zone, Community Food News,

Community Food Co-op, Bozeman, MT, October 1996.

Research and Creative Activities

Funded Research

Brody, M, Stanton C.R., Doyle S., Bangert A. and C. Montagne, 2013, Informal Science

Learning in Ecological Contexts: Science learning and native language use in contrasting USA and Russia mountain systems, $247,356, National Science

Foundation, Washington, DC. (funded)

Brody M., Yates K. & R.,Vallor, 2013, Flathead Watershed Educators’ Guide

Development , $20,000 contract with CORE Watershed Education Committee,

Flathead Community of Resource Educators, Flathead Conservation District,

Montana, 2013-14

Brody, M., Fisher, J. & C. Montagne, 2010, US-Russia: Informal Science Learning in

Ecological Contexts: Personal, place-based & cultural views of learning in contrasting mountain systems (Yellowstone, USA & Altai, Russia), $49,544 ,

•Michael J. Brody• 11

National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.

Brody, M., 2010, US-Russia: Informal Science Learning in Ecological Contexts:

Personal, place-based & cultural views of learning in contrasting mountain systems (Yellowstone, USA & Altai, Russia), (2010), $4,000, Office of

Sponsored Programs, Interdisciplinary Research Funds, Montana State


Brody, M., 2009, Assessing Cultural and Educational Contexts of Altai Republic, $2,500,

Altai Assistance Project, NY, NY.

Brody, M., 2008, International Leadership in Education Program, International Research and Exchanges Board, $175,558, Office of International Programs, Montana State

University – Bozeman.

Brody, M., 2006-10, Professional Educators Institute, Training Program, $144,300,

Office of International Programs, Montana State University – Bozeman.

Brody, M. & J. Fisher, 2009, Archaeology for All, $75,000, National Science

Foundation, Washington, DC. on=noscript

Brody, M., 2008, Southwest Montana, Science Partnership, 2008, $675,00 total award to

Montana Tech of the University of Montana with subcontract to MSU - Bozeman

$102,087, Montana Mathematics and Science Partnership Program, Office of

Public Instruction, Helena, MT.

Brody, M., 2007, African-American Science Learning in Museums Through

Investigations of Slave Settlements, $54,000, American Honda Foundation.

Brody, M. 2006, LREA 580-01 Stream Side Science Online Water Quality Field Course,

$5,000, Assessment and Evaluation of Course Design, Delivery and Outcomes,

Montana State University Office of Sponsored Programs Sub-Contract.

Brody, M. 2007, Assessing Science Learning in Informal Settings, 2007, commissioned monograph for the National Research Council, $1,500, Washington, DC.

Brody, M. 2006, The Habitable Planet Teacher Guide contract with Harvard-Smithsonian

Center for Astrophysics, $32,000 funding from The Annenberg Media


Brody, M., 2005, Middle Atlas Mountains Ecological Field Studies in cooperation with

Al Akhwayn University, Ifrane, Morocco, $1,500, Office of International

Programs, Montana State University

•Michael J. Brody• 12

Brody, M. 2004, ARexpeditions, online action research journal for teachers , $35,0000

College of Education, Health and Human Development, competitive award for

Professional Development, ¾ FTA 2003-2004. Montana State University.

- Brody, M., 2001, Russian-American Ecological Field Techniques Telecommunications

Course, $7,000, National Teachers Enhancement Network, Montana State


Brody, M. 2000, Park Visitors Knowledge of Geothermal Features and Associated

Organisms, Yellowstone National Park, $5,000, World Foundation for

Environment and Development, Washington, DC.

Brody, M. 1999, Travel to Russia for the purpose of developing instructional videos for

NTEN course, $1,500, Office of International Programs, Montana State


Brody, M. 1998, Russian-American Ecological Field Techniques Telecommunications

Course, $22,000, National Teachers Enhancement Network, Montana State


Brody, M. 1998, Russian American Environmental Education Project: Connecting Mountain

Systems, 1998, Department of Education, Washington DC, $30,000 (funded).

Brody, M. 1997, In-Country Follow-up Russian Environmental Education and Training,

$12,600, Academy for Educational Development, Washington DC.

Brody, M. 1997, Russian Environmental Education and Training, $60,000, Academy for

Educational Development, Washington DC.

Brody, M. 1996, Russian Environmental Education and Training, $68,000, Academy for

Educational Development, Washington DC.

Refereed Presentations

Brody, M., 2012, Informal Science Learning in Ecological Contexts: Personal, placebased and cultural views of learning in contrasting mountain systems

(Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA & Altai Mountain System, Russian Federation),

Annual Meeting of American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC, .

Brody, M., 2012, Archaeological Science for All: Archaeology and Science Literacy

Annual Meeting of American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

•Michael J. Brody• 13

Brody, M., Benne S., Johnson C., & A. Bangert, 2012, Montana-Thai Active Learning

Program, Northern Rocky Mountain Education Research Association, Salt Lake

City, Utah, with graduate Students.

Brody, M. and S. Doyle, 2012, Decolonizing collaborative inquiry: Indigenous experiences and ecological-cultural sustainability, Annual Research Symposium

North American Association of Environmental Educators, Oakland, CA.

Brody, M., 2012, Ethno-cultural pedagogical content knowledge in Altai-Yellowstone contrasting mountain systems, Annual Research Symposium North American

Association of Environmental Educators, Oakland, CA.

Brody, M., C. Montagne & J. Fisher, 2012, Learning in Ecological Settings: Planning a

Collaborative Research Agenda in Contrasting Mountain Systems, Annual

Meeting American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

Brody, M., Fisher J., Keremedjiev H., and Moe J., 2012, Archaeological Science for All:

Implications of culturally relevant teaching and learning in ISE, Annual Meeting

American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.

Fisher, J., Keremedjiev H., Brody M., and J. Moe, 2011, Archaeological Science for All:

Archaeology and Science Literacy, 76 th Annual Meeting of the Society for

American Archaeology, Sacramento, CA

Fisher, John, Keremedjiev H., Brody M., and Moe J., 2011, Archaeological Science for

All: Archaeology and Science Literacy, by. Annual Meeting of the Montana

Archaeological Society. Bozeman.

Brody, M., 2010, International Handbook of Research in Environmental Education,

Annual Meeting North American Association of Environmental Educators,

Buffalo, NY.

Brody, M., 2010, Archaeological Science for All: Delphi Study Results, Annual Meeting

North American Association of Environmental Educators, Buffalo, NY.

Brody, M., 2010, Active Learning; Theory and Practice in the Context of Educational

Reform in Thailand .

, International Research Conference: The Role of Higher

Education in Global Change, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok


Brody, M. & A. Bogolyubov, 2009, Archaeological and Ecological Field Studies

Curriculum, Preserving Sacred Places, Karakol, Altai Republic, Russian


Brody, M. & J. Moe, 2009, Teaching Archaeology as Culturally Relevant Ecological

Education: Diversity and Conservation, Annual Meeting of the North American

Association of Environmental Educators, Portland, OR.

•Michael J. Brody• 14

Brody, M., Bangert, A., McNiff, J. & J. Whitehead, 2007, ARexpeditions in the

Community of Teachers, Local and Global Networks, International Conference of

Teacher Researchers, Chicago, IL.

Brody, M. & M. McLeod, 2007, The Habitable Planet: A Systems Approach to

Environmental Science, Annual Meeting of the North American Association of

Environmental Educators, Virginia Beach, VA.

Brody, M., 2007, Teaching Environmental Science: The Habitable Planet, Annual MEA

MFT Meeting, Belgrade, MT.

Brody, M., Annual Meeting of American Education Research Association,

"Archaeological Science for All: Implications culturally relevant teaching and learning in ISE," Vancouver, BC Canada. (2012).

Moe, J., Brody, M., & J. Fisher, J., Annual Meeting of the Montana Archaeological

Society, "Archaeological Science for All: Archaeology and Science Literacy,"

Bozeman, MT. (2012).

Fisher, J., Brody, M., 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,

"Archaeological Science for All: Archaeology and Science Literacy,"

Sacramento, CA. (2011).

Brody, M., American Education Research Association, "How can Participatory Action

Research inform Free-choice Learning Pedagogy and Research in Environmental

Education Contexts?," San Diego. (2011).

Brody, M., How Can Participatory Action Research Inform Free-choice Learning

Pedagogy and Research in Environmental Education Contexts? Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA. 2009.

Brody, M., Bangert, A., Kawulich, B. & D. Stevens, Action Research Online Journals and Global Networks, Annual Meeting of the American Education Research

Association, Chicago, IL 2007.

Brody, M., Meloy, S., Jones, R. Simms, M., Townsend, L., Carroll, S. & L. Peterson, ,

Montana Board of Education Science Forum: From Policy to Practice, Annual

MEA MFT Meeting, Belgrade, MT. 2007.

Brody, M., Bangert, A. & J. Dillon, 2007, Role of Assessment in conservation education:

Strategic Directions for Research and Practice, Annual Meeting of the North

American Association of Environmental Educators, Virginia Beach, VA.

Brody, M., Heimlich, J., Dillon, J., Hart, P., and C. Clark, 2006, What Happens When

Research Goes Bad? Or How to Screw-up and Still be Successful!, Research

•Michael J. Brody• 15

Symposium of the North American Association of Environmental Educators, St.

Paul, MN.

Brody, M., & J. Krim, 2006, Free-Choice Learning/Participatory Action Research

Informing the Future of EE Research and Practice, Research Symposium of the

North American Association of Environmental Educators, St. Paul, MN.

Krim, J. & M. Brody, 2006, Earth Science field Studies: Improving Teaching Skills and

Comprehension, Annual Meeting of the North American Association of

Environmental Educators, St. Paul, MN.

Brody, M., 2006, Ecological Field Studies: Improving Science Test Scores, Annual

Meeting of the North American Association of Environmental Educators, St.

Paul, MN.

Brody, M., Mills, G. Bangert, A., Whitehead, J., McNiff, J., Kawulich, B., & C.

Hendricks,2006, Action research in the Public’s Best Interest, Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Brody, M., 2006, ARexpeditions: Connecting Action Researchers, Annual Meeting of

National Science Teachers Association, Anaheim, CA..

Brody, M., 2006, EE Teacher Preparation Symposium, Annual Meeting of the North

American Association of Environmental Educators, St. Paul, MN.

Brody, M., Dillon, J. & A. Wals, 2006, Towards redefining the nature, function and value of a research handbook, 9th Invitational Seminar on Research and Development in Environmental and Health Education, Monte Verità, Switzerland.

Brody, M. & K. Saylor, 2005, Action Research: A Naturalist’s Journey Towards

Empowerment, Research Symposium of the North American Association of

Environmental Educators, Albuquerque, NM.

Brody, M., 2005, Learning in Nature, Research Symposium of the North American

Association of Environmental Educators, Albuquerque, NM.

Brody, M., 2005, Teaching and Learning Ecological Field Studies, Annual meeting of the

North American Association of Environmental Educators, Albuquerque, NM.

Brody, M. Ardoin, N & R. Jurin, 2005, Qualitative Research Methodologies in Action,

Research Symposium of the North American Association of Environmental

Educators, Albuquerque, NM.

Brody, M., 2004, EE Action Research Roundtable, Research Symposium of the North

American Association of Environmental Educators, Biloxi, MS.

•Michael J. Brody• 16

Brody, M., 2004, The Role of Comprehensive Learning Theory in EE Research and

Practice, Research Symposium of the North American Association of

Environmental Educators, Biloxi, MS.

Brody, M., 3004, Action Research Expeditions: An Online Teacher Action Research

Journal, Annual Meeting of National Science Teachers Association, Atlanta, GA.

Brody, M., Mills, G., Stringer, E., Hendricks, C., Carr, K. & D. Phillips, 2004, Getting the word out: Ways to Promote high quality Action Research Publications,

Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego.

Brody, M., 2003, Integrating Modern Theories of Non-formal Education and Cognition into a Comprehensive theory of Learning in Environmental Education, Annual

Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Brody, M., 2002, Development of Park Visitors’ Knowledge Systems and Values Related to their Experience at Midway Geyser Basin Yellowstone, National Park, Annual

Meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Invited Presentations

Brody, M. 2014, What a long strange trip: a research path, Distinguished faculty lecture series, College of Education, Health and Human Development, Montana State

University, Bozeman, MT.

Brody, M 2013, Yellowstone and Altai Contrasting Mountain Systems, Gorno Altaisk

State University, Gorno Altaisk, Altai Republic, Russian Federation.

Brody, M 2012, Yellowstone Mountain Ecosystems, Gorno Altaisk State University,

Gorno Altaisk, Altai Republic, Russian Federation.

Brody, Michael and Art Bangert, 2012, Active Teaching, Learning, Assessment and

Knowledge Management, Petchaboon Rajabhat University, Petchaboon, Thailand,


Brody, Michael and Art Bangert, 2012, Active Teaching, Learning and Assessment,

Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, February.

Brody, M., 2010, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Nakhon

Sawan Rajabhat University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

Brody, M., 2010, Action Teaching, Learning in ESL, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat

University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

Brody, M., 2010, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium,

Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand

•Michael J. Brody• 17

Brody, M., 2010, Active Learning; Theory and Practice in the Context of Educational

Reform in Thailand .

, International Research Conference: The Role of Higher

Education in Global Change, Chandrakasem Rajabhat University, Bangkok


Brody, M. & A. Bogolyubov, 2009, Archaeological and Ecological Field Studies

Curriculum, Preserving Sacred Places, Karakol Village, Ongidai Region, Altai

Republic, Russian Federation.

Brody, M., 2009, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Nakhon

Sawan Rajabhat University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

Brody, M., 2009, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Loie Rajabhat

University, Loie, Thailand

Brody, M., 2008, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Nakhon

Sawan Rajabhat University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand

Brody, M., 2008, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Surat Thani

Rajabhat University, Surat Thani, Thailand

Brody, M., 2008, Action Teaching, Learning and Assessment Symposium, Suan Dusit

Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Brody, M. & J. Krim, 2007, Thai Action Research Symposium, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat

University, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand.

Brody, M. & J. Krim, 2007, Thai Action Research Symposium, Rajamangala University of Technology , Tawan Ok, Thailand.

Brody, M. & J. Krim, 2007, Thai Action Research Symposium, Chiang Mai University,

Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Brody, M. & J. Krim, 2007, Thai Action Research Symposium, Phranakhon Rajabhat

University, Bangkok Thailand.

•Michael J. Brody• 18

Courses Taught at MSU


EDU 202 Early Field Experience

EDU 382 Assessment, Curriculum, Instruction

EDU 395 Practicum 5-12

EDU 397 Methods: K-8 Science

EDU 497 Teaching Middle and Secondary Science

EDU 495 Student Teaching

EDU 490 Undergraduate Research


EDCI 504 Assessment and Evaluation in Education

EDCI 505 Foundations of Action Research in Science Teaching and Learning

EDCI 506 Educational Research

EDCI 509 Implementing Action Research in Teaching and Learning

EDCI 518 Master Teaching Strategies for the Science Teachers

EDCI 536 Construction of Curriculum

EDCI 537 Contemporary Issues in Science Education

EDCI 575 Capstone Project and Symposium in Science Education

EDU 580 Environmental Science Education : Autumn Ecological Field Studies

EDU 580 Environmental Science Education : Winter Ecological Field Studies

• EDU 580 Environmental Science Education : Summer Ecological Field Studies

Graduate Student Supervision

Master in Curriculum and Instruction (thesis and non-thesis)

Master of Science in Science Education (non-thesis)

Recent Doctor of Education Students (dissertation):

Current: Amanda Obery and Mabark Aishahri

2014: Mohammed Almafud A Cross Cultural Comparison of University

Undergraduate Smartphone Use in the United

2013: Kimberly Yates,

States and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A Multi-Case Study Of Middle School Gardens In

2012: Shane Doyle

2011: Jeannie Moe

Southwest Montana

Decolonizing Collaborative Inquiry at the Absaroka

Agency a Phenomenological Examination of the

2011 Collaborative Archaeological Events

Occurring at the Site of the 2nd Crow Agency

Conceptual Understanding of Science Through

Archaeological Inquiry

•Michael J. Brody• 19

Selected Service Activities

Montana State University

For five years (2000-2005) I trained and volunteered with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and served on their Board of

Examiners. During this time I was the accreditation coordinator for the

Department of Education.

As part of a newly established Department of Education program entitled

Educators Without Borders, I lead cross disciplinary programs for students in both

Russian Federation and Thailand. In the Thailand program I organized and led practicum designed to give students the opportunity to work in diverse international education contexts. The practicum was targeted to education majors but included students in other majors who would like to broaden their professional background. In the Russia program I lead the YellowstoneAltai Research Project with partners at Gorno-Altaisk State University and village leaders and schools in the Altai Republic. I make all logistical arrangements in-country, facilitate visa acquisition and lead in-country experiences. I meet with Altai research group every week of spring and fall semesters. recruit interview and select Native

American, Women and Science Majors for the Altai Research Project.

The Masters of Science in Science Education (MSSE) is the largest graduate program at Montana State University. Along with three other faculty, I created the

MSSE program and designed the education course sequence with an emphasis on action research.


At the state level I created and manage the development of the Flathead

Watershed Educators’ Guide sponsored by the MSU Dept. Of Education with

Flathead Watershed Committee, Flathead Community of Resource Educators,

Flathead Conservation District, Montana.

At the national level I have been very active with the American Education

Research Association (AERA). I created the AERA Special Interest Group on

Environmental Education and helped produce the International Handbook of

Environmental Education as part of the AERA series of education handbooks.

At the international level I have been very active with the North American

Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE). I created the Annual EE

Research Symposium as part of the annual meeting of NAAEE. This will be the

11 th year of the research symposium.
