Key factors in UPS installations

Key factors in UPS installations
Introduction ..................................................................... 2
Using this guide .............................................................. 3
Overview of protection solutions .................................. 4
Protection solutions ..............................................................................4
Accompanying software and services ..................................................5
UPSs in electrical installations ...................................... 6
Function of each component in the installation.....................................6
Essential installation parameters ..........................................................7
Sources of information in setting up installation specifications .............8
Basic notions on installations with UPSs ..................... 9
Need for high-quality and high-availability power .................................9
Supply systems with UPSs ...................................................................10
UPS power quality ................................................................................11
UPS power availability ..........................................................................13
Selection of the configuration ...............................................................16
Power calculations.......................................................... 17
Elements required for power calculations .............................................17
Ratings of single-UPS configurations ...................................................19
Ratings of parallel-UPS configurations .................................................22
Control of upstream harmonics ..................................... 24
UPSs and upstream harmonic currents for different input rectifiers .....24
Filtering of upstream harmonics for Graetz bridge rectifiers .................25
Selection of a filter ................................................................................27
System earthing arrangements...................................... 30
Background information on system earthing arrangements .................30
Applications in UPS installations ..........................................................32
Protection ........................................................................ 35
Protection using circuit breakers ..........................................................35
Selection of circuit breakers .................................................................38
Cables ............................................................................. 43
Selection of cable sizes ........................................................................43
Example of an installation ....................................................................44
Energy storage ............................................................... 45
Storage technologies ............................................................................45
Selection of a battery............................................................................46
Battery monitoring ................................................................................47
Human-machine interface and communication ........... 49
Human-machine interface (HMI) ..........................................................49
Communication ....................................................................................49
Preliminary work ............................................................ 51
Installation considerations ....................................................................51
Battery room .........................................................................................52
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 1
Growing needs for high-quality and high-availability power
Problems related to the quality and availability of electrical power have become
vitally important due to the key role of computers and electronics in the development
of many critical applications.
Disturbances in distribution systems (micro-outages, outages, voltage sags, etc.) can
result in major losses or safety hazards in a number of activities such as:
• Sensitive process industries, where a malfunction in the control/monitoring
systems can result in production losses.
• Airports and hospitals where faulty operation of equipment can represent a serious
danger to human life.
• Information and communication technologies, where the necessary level of
reliability and dependability is even higher. Data centers require high-quality, "nobreak" power 24/365, year after year and without halts for maintenance.
UPS protection systems are now an integral part of the value chain of many
companies. Their level of availability and power quality have a direct effect on the
service continuity of operations. Productivity, the quality of products and services, the
competitiveness of the company and site security depend on the smooth operation of
the UPS. Failure is not an option.
APC by Schneider Electric - a complete solution covering
all needs
APC by Schneider Electric offers a complete range of power-protection solutions to
meet the needs of all sensitive applications.
These solutions implement communicating software and products incorporating
state-of-the-art technology offering the highest levels of reliability. They are backed
by complete services based on unique expertise, worldwide presence and use of the
most advanced techniques and technologies. APC Global Services , with 40 years
of experience on customer sites, accompanies your installation throughout its life
cycle, from design and start-up to operation and upgrades, wherever they may be.
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) are of course a central part of these solutions.
They supply high-quality, high-availability continuous power with built-in, advanced
communication interfaces that are compatible with both electrical and computer
They are often used in conjunction with other communicating products such as active
harmonic conditioners, transfer switches, distribution switchboards, batterymonitoring systems and supervision software. Taken as a whole, this offering
provides a complete and effective answer to the protection problems that arise in
sensitive installations.
For data centers, on-demand solutions integrate the physical infrastructure including
server racks, UPSs, electrical distribution, cooling and security along with the
associated software.
A guide to assist professionals dealing with electrical
installations for critical applications
APC by Schneider Electric has made a large part of its know-how available in this
design guide.
Its purpose is to assist in designing and installing complete, optimised powerprotection solutions, from the utility line through to the final load, corresponding to the
quality and availability requirements of your critical applications.
It is intended for all professionals dealing with this type of installation, including:
• Independent design offices and engineering firms,
• End-user design departments,
• Installers,
• Project managers,
• Facility managers,
• Computer system managers,
• Financial or purchasing managers.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 2
Using this guide
Structure of this document
) Finding information
Information may be located in a number of ways:
• The general contents at the start of the guide,
• The overview on pages 4 and 5 of chapter” Key factors in UPS installation”,
which presents the products, communication systems, software and services that are
all part of protection solutions.
) Chapters
• Chapter” Key factors in UPS installation” presents on pages 6 and 7 the role of
UPSs in electrical installations and indicates the main parameters that must be
taken into account. The remainder of the chapter guides you through the selection
process for a solution by determining the main elements of an installation with a
• Chapter “Selection of the UPS configuration” presents a number of practical
examples in view of selecting a configuration, from a simple, single-UPS unit
through to installations offering exceptionally high levels of availability.
• Chapter “eliminate harmonic currents” presents solutions to eliminate
harmonic currents in installations.
• Chapter” Technical review” provides background technical information for
devices and notions mentioned in other parts of the guide.
Finally, to facilitate the preparation of projects:
) Cross references
The various chapters contain cross references (indicated by the symbol Î) to
other parts of the design guide presenting more in-depth information on specific
Refererences to technical articles (White Papers - WP) are indicated by the
following symbol together with the number of the White Paper in question.
See WP no. Î
Chap. 1: Key factors in UPS installation
Chap. 2 : Selection of the UPS configuration
Chap. 3 : Eliminate harmonic currents
Chap. 5 : Technical review
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 3
Overview of protection solutions
Power protection solutions
Fig. 1.1. APC by Schneider Electric products.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 4
Overview of protection solutions
Accompanying software and services
Fig. 1.2. APC by Schneider Electric software and services.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 5
UPSs in electrical installations
Function of each component in the installation
Fig. 1.3. Functions of the components in installations with UPSs.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 6
UPSs in electrical installations (cont.)
Essential installation parameters
Fig. 1.4. Main parameters for the components in installations with UPSs.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 7
UPSs in electrical installations (cont.)
Sources of information in setting up installation specifications
The diagrams on the previous pages provide a general overview of the components and various parameters in installations with
It is now time to go into more detail.
The table below indicates:
● the order in which the subjects are presented in this chapter
● the choices that must be made
● the purpose of each decision with the indication of the pages concerning the relevant elements in this chapter
● where additional information on each subject may be found in the other chapters of this design guide.
Mono or multisource
architecture and
configuration of
UPS sources
Additional information
Determine the installation architecture Selection of Examples and comparison of 13
and UPS configuration best suited to
the UPS
typical installations, from singleyour requirements in terms of energy configuration UPS units to high-availability
availability, upgrades, operation and
Supplying sensitive loads.
UPS configurations.
Engine generator sets.
UPS power rating Determine the rating of the UPS unit
or parallel units (for redundancy or
capacity) required, taking into account
the distribution-system and load
Control of
Reduce voltage distortion on the
upstream busbars to acceptable
levels, depending on the power
sources likely to supply the UPS
Key factors in UPS make-up and operation.
p. 17
System earthing
Key factors in
p. 30
Upstream and
protection using
circuit breakers
Ensure installation compliance with
applicable standards for the
protection of life and property and
correct operation of devices. Which
system earthing arrangements are
required for which applications?
Determine the breaking capacity and
the ratings of the circuit breakers
upstream and downstream of the
UPS, solve any discrimination
Limit voltage drops and temperature
rise in the cables, as well as harmonic
distortion at the load inputs.
Key factors in Elimination of harmonics in
p. 24
p. 38
Key factors in
p. 35
Key factors in
p. 43
Operation on battery power (backup Key factors in Energy-storage solutions and
time) must last long enough to meet
user requirements.
p. 45
Communication Define UPS communication with the Key factors in
electrical and computer environment.
p. 49
Preliminary work Construction work and ventilation
(if any)
must be planned, notably if there is a
special battery room.
p. 51
Be aware of the main applicable UPS
Electromagnetic compatibility
p. 33
APC by Schneider Electric
Selection of
the UPS
p. 5
p. 2
p. 23
p. 35
p. 14
GUIPR537UK - 01/2012 edition
p. 31
p. 26
p. 8
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
Need for high-quality and
high-availability power
Disturbances in distribution-system power
Public and private utilities supply electricity whose quality may be reduced by a
number of disturbances. These disturbances are inevitable due to the distances
involved and the wide variety of connected loads.
The origin of disturbances includes:
• the distribution system itself (atmospheric conditions, accidents, switching of
protection or control devices, etc.),
• user equipment (motors, disturbing devices such as arc furnaces, welding
machines, systems incorporating power electronics, etc.).
These disturbances include micro-outages, voltage sags, overvoltages, frequency
variations, harmonics, HF noise, flicker, etc. through to extended outages.
Î Disturbances in distribution-system power, see Ch. 5 p. 3.
Requirements of sensitive loads
Digital equipment (computers, telecom systems, instruments, etc.) use
microprocessors that operate at frequencies of several mega or even giga
Hertz, i.e. they carry out millions or even billions of operations per second. A
disturbance in the electrical supply lasting just a few milliseconds can affect
thousands or millions of basic operations. The result may be malfunctions and loss of
data with dangerous (e.g. airports, hospitals) or costly consequences (e.g. loss of
That is why many loads, called sensitive or critical loads, require a supply that is
protected against distribution-system disturbances.
• industrial processes and their control/monitoring systems - risk of production
• airports and hospitals - risks for the safety of people.
• information and communication technologies - risk of halts in processing at a very
high hourly cost.
Many manufacturers of sensitive equipment specify very strict tolerances (much
stricter than those for the distribution system) for the supply of their equipment, one
example being CBEMA (Computer Business Equipment Manufacturer’s Association)
for computer equipment.
Î Sensitive loads, see Technical review p. 2 "Supply of sensitive loads".
Costs incurred by the quality of electrical power
Over 50% of failures for critical loads are due to the electrical supply and the hourly
cost of downtime for the corresponding applications is generally very high (fig. 1.5).
It is therefore vital for the modern economy, which is increasingly dependent on
digital technologies, to solve the problems affecting the quality and the availability of
the power supplied by the distribution system when it is intended for sensitive loads.
15 %
45 %
20 %
Examples of hourly costs of failures
● mobile telephones - 40 kEuros.
● airline reservation systems - 90
● credit-card transactions - 2.5
● automotive assembly line - 6 MEuros
● stock-market transactions - 6.5 MEuros.
20 %
Nuisance tripping
(circuit breaker, etc.)
Fig. 1.5. Origin and cost of system failures due to the electrical supply.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 9
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
Supply systems with
Purpose of UPSs
UPSs (uninterruptible power supply) are designed to meet the needs presented
above. First launched in the 1970s, their importance has grown in step with the
development of digital technologies.
UPSs are electrical devices that are positioned between the distribution system and
sensitive loads. They supply power that is much more reliable than the distribution
system and corresponds to the needs of sensitive loads in terms of quality and
Î UPSs, see Technical review p. 4 "The UPS solution".
Types of UPSs
The term UPS covers products with apparent power ratings from a few hundred VA
up to several MVA, implementing different technologies.
That is why standard IEC 62040-3 and its European equivalent ENV 62040-3 define
three standard types (topologies) of UPS.
UPS technologies include:
• Passive standby,
• Interaction with the distribution system,
• Double conversion.
For the low power ratings (< 2 kVA), the three technologies coexist. For higher
ratings, virtually all static UPSs (i.e. implementing semiconductor components, e.g.
IGBTs) implement the double-conversion technology.
Rotary UPSs (with rotating mechanical parts, e.g. flywheels) are not included in the
standards and remain marginal on the market.
Î Types of UPSs, see Technical review p. 9 "Types of static UPSs".
Double-conversion static UPSs
This is virtually the only type of UPS used in high-power installations due to their
unique advantages over the other types:
• complete regeneration of the power supplied at the output,
• total isolation of the load from the distribution system and its disturbances,
• no-break transfer (where applicable) to a bypass line.
• The operating principle (fig. 1.6) is presented below.
• during normal operation, a rectifier/charger turns the AC-input power into DC
power to supply an inverter and float charge a battery.
• the inverter completely regenerates a sinusoidal signal, turning the DC power back
into AC power that is free of all disturbances and within strict amplitude and
frequency tolerances.
• if the AC-input power fails, the battery supplies the power required by the inverter
for a specified backup time.
• a static bypass can transfer the load without a break in the supply of power to a
bypass line to continue supplying the load if need be (internal fault, short-circuit
downstream, maintenance). This "fault-tolerant" design makes it possible to continue
supplying power to the load in "downgraded mode" (the power does not transit the
inverter) during the time required to re-establish normal conditions.
Î Double-conversion UPSs, see Technical review p. 14 "Components and
Fig. 1.6. Double-conversion static UPS
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 10
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
Power quality of UPSs
Power quality of double-conversion UPSs
By design, double-conversion solid-state UPSs supply to the connected loads a
sinusoidal signal that is:
• high quality because it is continuously regenerated and regulated (amplitude ± 1%,
frequency ± 0.5%),
• free of all disturbances from the distribution system (due to the double conversion)
and in particular from micro-outages and outages (due to the battery).
This level of quality must be ensured, whatever the type of load.
Voltage quality for linear loads
What is a linear load?
A linear load supplied with a sinusoidal voltage draws a sinusoidal current having the
same frequency as the voltage. The current may be displaced (angle ϕ) with respect
to the voltage (fig. 1.7).
Examples of linear loads
Many loads are linear, including standard light bulbs, heating units, resistive loads,
motors, transformers, etc. They do not contain any active electronic components,
only resistors (R), inductors (L) and capacitors (C).
UPSs and linear loads
For this type of load, the UPS output signal is very high quality, i.e. the voltage and
current are perfectly sinusoidal, 50 or 60 Hz.
Purely resistive load
Fig. 1.7. Voltage and current for linear loads.
Load with inductor and/or capacitor
Voltage quality for non-linear loads
What is a non-linear load?
A non-linear (or distorting) load supplied with a sinusoidal voltage draws a periodic
current that has the same frequency as the voltage, but is not sinusoidal.
The current drawn by the load is in fact the combination (fig. 1.8) of:
• a sinusoidal current called the fundamental, at the 50 or 60 Hz frequency,
• harmonics, which are sinusoidal currents with an amplitude less than that of the
fundamental, but a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental and which defines
the harmonic order (e.g. the third order harmonic has a frequency 3 x 50 Hz
(or 60 Hz) and the fifth order harmonic has a frequency 5 x 50 Hz (or 60 Hz)).
The harmonic currents are caused by the presence of power-electronic components
(e.g. diodes, SCRs, IGBTs) which switch the input current.
Examples of non-linear loads
Non-linear loads include all those that have a switch-mode power supply at their
input to supply the electronics (e.g. computers, variable-speed drives, etc.).
Voltage and current drawn by a single-phase
Effect of harmonics (H3 and H5 in this
switch-mode power supply (computers).
Fig. 1.8. The current drawn by non-linear loads is distorted by the harmonics.
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01/2012 edition
p. 11
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
Harmonic spectrum of the current drawn by a non-linear load
The harmonic analysis of a non-linear current consists in determining (fig. 1.9):
• the harmonic orders present in the current,
• the relative importance of each order, measured as the percentage of the order.
Hk% = distortion of harmonic k =
rms value of harmonic k
rms value of the fundamental
Voltage and current harmonic distortion
Non-linear loads cause both current and voltage harmonics. This is because for each
current harmonic, there is a voltage harmonic with the same frequency. The 50 Hz
(or 60 Hz) sinusoidal voltage of the UPS is therefore distorted by the harmonics.
The distortion of a sine wave is presented as a percentage:
rms value of all the harmonic k
THD* % = total distortion =
rms value of the fundamental
* Total Harmonic Distortion.
The following values are defined:
• TDHU % for the voltage, based on the voltage harmonics,
• TDHI % for the current, based on the current harmonics (fig. 1.9).
The higher the harmonic content, the greater the distortion.
Practically speaking, the distortion in the current drawn by the load is much higher
(THDI approximately 30%) than that of the voltage at the input (THDU approximately
Harmonic distortion levels
H5 = 33%
H7 = 2.7%
H11 = 7.3%
H13 = 1.6%
H17 = 2.6%
H19 = 1.1%
H23 = 1.5%
H25 = 1.3%
THDI = 35% (see calculation ch. 5, p. 41)
Harmonic spectrum and corresponding THDI.
Input current of a three-phase rectifier.
Fig. 1.9. Example of the harmonic spectrum of the current drawn by a non-linear load.
Î Non-linear loads, see "Elimination of harmonics in installations" and
Technical review p. 38 "Harmonics".
UPSs and non-linear loads
Harmonics affect the sinusoidal voltage at the UPS output. Excessive distortion can
disturb the linear loads connected in parallel on the output, notably by increasing the
current they draw (temperature rise).
To maintain the quality of the UPS output voltage, it is necessary to limit its distortion
(THDU), i.e. limit the current harmonics that produce voltage distortion.
In particular, it is necessary that the impedance (at the UPS output and in the cables
supplying the load) remain low.
Limiting the distortion of the output voltage
Due to the free-frequency chopping technique employed, the impedance at the
output of UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric is very low, whatever the frequency
(i.e. whatever the harmonic order). This technique virtually eliminates all distortion in
the output voltage when supplying non-linear loads. The quality of the output voltage
is thus constant, even for non-linear loads.
Practically speaking, installation designers must:
• check UPS output values for non-linear loads and, in particular, make sure that the
announced level of distortion, measured for standardised non-linear loads as per
standard IEC 62040-3, is very low (THDU < 2 to 3%),
• limit the length (impedance) of the output cables supplying the loads.
Î UPS performance for non-linear loads, see Technical review p. 43.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 12
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
UPS power availability
What is meant by availability?
Availability of an electrical installation
Availability is the probability that the installation will be capable of supplying energy
with the level of quality required by the supplied loads.
It is expressed as a percentage.
Availability (%) = (1−
) × 100
The MTTR is the mean time to repair the supply system following a failure (including
the time to detect the cause of the failure, repair it and start the system up again).
The MTBF is the mean time between failures, i.e. the time the supply system is
capable of ensuring correct operation of the loads.
• Example.
An availability of 99.9% (called thee nines) corresponds to a 99.9% chance that the
system will effectively carry out the required functions at any given time. The
difference between this probability and 1 (i.e. 1 - 0.999 = 0.001) indicates the level of
non-availability (i.e. one chance out of 1000 that the system will not carry out the
required functions at any given time).
Fig. 1.10. MTTR and MTBF.
What is the practical signification of availability?
Down-time costs for critical applications are very high (see fig. 1.5).
These applications must obviously remain in operation as long as possible.
The same is true for their electrical supply.
The availability of the energy supplied by an electrical installation corresponds to a
statistical measurement (in the form of a percentage) of its operating time.
The MTBF and MTTR values are calculated or measured (on the basis of sufficiently
long observations) for the components. They can then be used to determine the
availability of the installation over the period.
What are the factors contributing to availability?
Availability depends on the MTBF and the MTTR.
• Availability would be equal to 100% if the MTTR is equal to zero (instantaneous
repair) or if the MTBF is infinite (operation with no breakdowns). This is statistically
• Practically speaking, the lower the MTTR and the higher the MTBF, the greater the
From "3 nines" to "6 nines"
The critical nature of many applications has created the need for much higher levels
of availability for electrical power.
• The "traditional" economy uses power from the public utility. An average-quality
distribution system with HV backup offers 99.9% availability (3 nines), which
corresponds to eight hours of non-availability per year.
• Sensitive loads require an electrical supply capable of providing 99.99% availability
(4 nines), which corresponds to 50 minutes of non-availability per year.
• The computer and communication equipment in data centres requires 99.9999%
availability (6 nines), which corresponds to 30 seconds of non-availability per year.
This level is the means to ensure, without risk of major financial loss, operation of
infrastructures 24/365, without shutdown for maintenance. It is a step toward a
continuous supply.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 13
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
) The "traditional" economy uses
public-utility power offering 99.9%
availability, i.e. 3 nines.
) Sensitive loads require a 99.99%
level of availability, i.e. 4 nines.
) Data centres require 99.9999%,
i.e. 6 nines.
Fig. 1.11. Evolution in the level of availability required by applications.
How can availability be improved?
To improve availability, it is necessary to reduce the MTTR and increase the
Reduce the MTTR
Real-time fault detection, analysis by experts to ensure a precise diagnosis and rapid
repair all contribute to reducing the MTTR.
These efforts depend on the key factors listed below.
Quality of service
• International presence of the manufacturer.
• International availability of services.
• The number, the qualification and the experience of service teams.
• The installed product base and the experience gained.
• Easy to maintain, modular UPSs
• The resources and the proximity of the technical support.
• Local availability of original spare parts.
• High-performance manufacturer methods and tools.
• Remote diagnostics.
• Training in courses adapted to customer needs.
• Quality and availability of documentation in the local language.
APC Global Services offers a complete range of consulting services,
training and audits to provide users with the knowledge required for
system operation, diagnostics and level-one maintenance.
APC Global ServicesTM
Reduce the MTTR
Increase availability
Fig. 1.12. The quality of service is an essential factor in high availability.
UPS communication capabilities
• User-friendly interface providing easy operating diagnostics.
• Communication with the electrical and computer environment.
Î Communication and supervision of UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric, see .
UPS communication.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 14
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
Increase the MTBF
This goal depends primarily on the factors listed below.
Selection of components with proven reliability
• Products with certified design, development and manufacturing processes.
• Performance levels certified by recognised, independent organisations.
• Compliance with international standards on electrical safety, EMC
(electromagnetic compatibility) and performance measurement.
With 40 years experience and protecting 350 GVA of critical power, solutions
from APC by Schneider Electric have proven their value to the major industrial
companies. All products comply with the main international standards and their
level of performance is certified by recognised organisations.
Certified quality and reliability
Increase the MTBF
Increase availability
Fig. 1.13. The proven reliability of products increase the MTBF and availability.
Built-in fault tolerance
Fault tolerance makes possible operation in a downgraded mode following faults that
may occur at different levels of the installation (see fig. 1.14). During the time
required to repair, the load continues to be supplied and generates revenues.
Immediate tripping:
- detection and alarms
- identification of causes
- corrective action
Fig. 1.14. Fault tolerance increases availability.
Installation maintainability
This is the capacity to isolate (de-energise) parts of the installation for maintenance
under safe conditions, while continuing to supply the load. It should be possible:
• in the UPS, due to the static bypass and maintenance bypass,
• in other parts of the installation, depending on the architecture.
Direct supply of the load during
Automatic, no-break transfer of the
load to the bypass line following a
downstream internal fault or
Fig. 1.15. Static bypass and manual maintenance bypass.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 15
Basic notions on installations with UPSs
(cont .)
APC by Schneider Electric solutions ensure fault tolerance and maintainability by
• double-conversion UPSs capable of transferring the load to the Bypass AC input
via the automatic bypass and equipped with a maintenance bypass,
• redundant, multi-source UPS configurations with STS units.
Key factors to the availability of installations with UPSs
A few years ago, most installations were made up of single-UPS units and the
number of parallel systems was small. The applications requiring this type of
installation still exist.
However, the shift toward high availability requires use of configurations offering
redundancy at a number of levels in the installation (see fig. 1.16).
Source redundancy:
availability even during long
utility outages.
UPS redundancy:
reliability, easier and safer
Redundant distribution
with STS units: maximum
Fig. 1.16. The required levels of availability have resulted in the use of redundancy on a
number of levels in the installation.
This trend has led designers, depending on the criticality of the loads and the
operating requirements, to take into account some or all of the key factors listed
Reliability and availability
Propose a configuration corresponding to the level of availability required by the
load, comprising components with proven levels of reliability and backed up by a
suitable level of service quality.
Ensure easy maintenance of the equipment under safe conditions for personnel and
without interrupting operation.
It must be possible to upgrade the installation over time, taking into account both the
need to expand the installation gradually and operating requirements.
Discrimination and non propagation of faults
It must be possible to limit faults to as small a part of the installation as possible,
while enabling servicing without stopping operations.
Installation operation and management
Make operations easier by providing the means to anticipate events via installation
supervision and management systems.
Selection of the
APC by Schneider Electric
Prerequisite step in establishing installation specifications
The selection of a configuration determines the level of availability that will be
created for the load. It also determines the possible solutions for most of the factors
listed above.
The configuration may be single or multi-source, with single or parallel UPS units and
with or without redundancy.
Selection of the configuration is the initial step in establishing installation
specifications. To assist in making the right decision, chapter 2 is entirely devoted to
this subject. It compares the various configurations in terms of availability, protection
of the loads, maintainability, upgradeability and cost.
Î Configuration selection based on typical installations corresponding to different
levels of availability, see Selection of the UPS configuration
01/2012 edition
p. 16
Power calculations
Elements required for
power calculations
Installation considerations
Type of load supplied
Linear loads (cos ϕ) or non-linear loads (power factor).
These characteristics determine the power factor at the UPS output.
Maximum power drawn by the load under steady-state conditions
For a load, this is the power rating. If a number of loads are connected in parallel on
the UPS output, it is necessary to calculate the total load when all the loads operate
at the same time. Otherwise, it is necessary to use diversity to calculate the most
unfavourable operation in terms of the power drawn.
In-rush currents under transient conditions or for a short-circuit
The overload capacity of a UPS system depends on the time the overload lasts.
If this time limit is exceeded, the UPS transfers the load to the Bypass AC input, if its
voltage characteristics are within tolerances. In this case, the load is no longer
protected against disturbances on the distribution system.
Depending on the quality of the Bypass AC power, it is possible to:
• use the Bypass AC input to handle current spikes due to switching of devices or
downstream short-circuits. This avoids oversizing the system,
• disable automatic transfer (except for internal faults), while maintaining the
possibility of manual transfers (e.g. for maintenance).
UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric operate in current-limiting mode. By spacing
switching of devices over time, it is generally possible to handle in-rush currents
without having to transfer to the Bypass AC power. If the in-rush current exceeds the
limiting threshold (e.g. 2.33 In for MGE Galaxy 9000 UPSs) for a few periods (but
less than one second), the UPS current limits for the necessary time. This
downgraded operating mode may be acceptable, for example, for a cold start (on
battery power, utility power absent).
Power of a UPS
Rated power of a UPS
This rating, indicated in the catalogues, is in the output power. It is indicated as
an apparent power Sn in kVA, with the corresponding active power Pn in kW, for a:
• linear load,
• load with a cos ϕ = 0.8.
However, last-generation UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric can supply
loads with a cos ϕ = 0.9 leading.
Calculation of the rated power
Pn (kW) = 0.8 Sn (kVA). rated active power
This calculation depends on the output voltage of the UPS and the current drawn by
the load, where:
Sn (kVA) = UnIn 3
in three-phase systems
Sn (kVA) = VnIn in single-phase systems
For a three-phase UPS, U and I are rms line values, for a single-phase UPS, V is a
phase-to-neutral voltage, where:
Un = phase-to-phase voltage
Vn = phase-to-neutral voltage
Un = Vn 3
For example, if Un = 400 volts, Vn = 230 Volts.
Power and type of load
The two tables below present the equations linking the power, voltage and current,
depending on the type of load (linear or non-linear).
The following symbols are used:
• instantaneous voltage u(t) and current i(t) values,
• the corresponding rms values U and I,
• ω = angular frequency = 2 π f where f is the frequency (50 or 60 Hz),
• ϕ = displacement between the voltage and the current under sinusoidal conditions.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 17
Power calculations (Cont.)
Linear loads
Sinusoidal voltage
u(t) = U 2 sin ωt
v(t) = V 2 sin ωt
between phases
phase to neutral
U=V 3
Displaced sinusoidal current
i(t) = I 2 sin (ωt - ϕ)
phase current
Current crest factor
Apparent power
S (kVA) = UI 3 cos ϕ
S (kVA) = VI
Active power
P (kW) = UI 3 cos ϕ = S (kVA) cos ϕ
P (kW) = VI cos ϕ = S (kVA) cos ϕ
Reactive power
Q (kvar) = UI 3 sin ϕ = S (kVA) sin ϕ
Q (kvar) = VI sin ϕ = S (kVA) sin ϕ
P 2 +Q
Non-linear loads
Sinusoidal voltage
The regulated UPS voltage remains sinusoidal
(low THDU), whatever the type of load.
u(t) = U 2 sin ωt
v(t) = V 2 sin ωt
between phases
phase to neutral
U=V 3
i(t) = i1(t) + Σihk(t)
Current with harmonics
total phase current
i1(t) = I1 2 sin (ωt - ϕ1)
fundamental current
ik(t) = Ihk 2 sin (kωt - ϕk)
I12 + I22 + I32 + I4 2 + ....
k-order harmonic
rms value of the total current
C = peak current value / rms value
Current crest factor
+ I2 + I3 + I4 + ....
Current total harmonic distortion
Apparent power
S (kVA) = UI 3
S (kVA) = VI
Active power
P (kW) = λ UI 3 = λ S (kVA)
P (kW) = λ VI = λ S (kVA)
Power factor
P(kW )
UPS percent load
This is the percentage of the rated power that is effectively drawn by the load.
Sload (kVA )
Load (%) =
Sn (kVA )
) Recommendation: take into account growth in loads
It is advised to leave a margin (excess power) when setting the rated power,
particularly if a site expansion is planned. In this case, make sure the percent
load on the UPS is still acceptable after the expansion.
UPS efficiency
This factor determines the power drawn by the UPS on the upstream
distribution system, i.e. the consumption. It may be calculated as:
PUPSoutput (kW )
η (%) =
PUPSinput (kW )
For a given power rating, a high level of efficiency:
• reduces power bills,
• reduces heat losses and, consequently, ventilation requirements.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 18
Power calculations (Cont.)
It is possible to calculate the efficiency at full rated load, i.e. with a 100% load.
Pn (kW )
ηn (%) =
PUPSinput (kW )
The rated active power of the UPS is obtained by multiplying the rated
apparent power Sn (kVA) by 0.8 (if λ > 0.8) or by λ (if λ< 0.8).
The efficiency can vary significantly depending on the percent load and the
type of load.
The installation designer must therefore pay attention to two aspects of
) Recommendation 1: check the efficiency for non-linear loads
The presence of non-linear loads tends to reduce the power factor to values
below 0.8. It is therefore necessary to check the efficiency value for
standardised non-linear loads. This check is recommended by standards IEC
62040-3 / EN 62040-3.
) Recommendation 2: check the efficiency at the planned percent load
Manufacturers generally indicate the efficiency at full rated load. However, its value
may drop if the percent load is lower (1). Attention must therefore be paid to UPSs
operating in an active-redundancy configuration, where the units share the total load
and often operate at 50% of their full rated load, or less.
(1) A UPS is optimised to operate at full rated load. Even though losses are at their
maximum at full rated load, the efficiency is also at its maximum. In a standard UPS,
losses are not proportional to the percent load and the efficiency drops sharply when
the percent load drops. This is because a part of the losses is constant and the
relative percentage of this part increases when the load decreases. To obtain high
efficiency at low load levels, the constant losses must be very low.
Due to their design, UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric have very low constant
losses and as a result, the efficiency is virtually stable for loads from 30 to 100%.
Î UPS efficiency, see Technical review p. 20.
Ratings of single-UPS
Single-UPS configurations
These configurations comprise a single, double-conversion UPS unit (see fig. 1.17).
The overload capacity at the UPS output is indicated by a diagram (the example
below is for the MGE Galaxy 9000 range).
In the event of an internal fault or an overload exceeding UPS capacity, the system
automatically transfers to the Bypass AC input. If transfer is not possible, UPSs from
APC by Schneider Electric current limit for overloads greater than the maximum
value (e.g. 2.33 In peak for one second for Galaxy 9000, which corresponds to a
maximum sine wave with an rms value of 2.33 / 2 = 1.65 In). Beyond one second,
the UPS shuts down.
A set of disconnection switches is available to isolate the UPS for maintenance in
complete safety.
Fig. 1.17. Single double-conversion static UPS unit and example of an overload curve.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 19
Power calculations (Cont.)
Power levels under steady-state conditions
A UPS is sized using the apparent rated output power Sn (kVA) and an output power
factor of 0.8. These conditions correspond to an active rated power of Pn (kW) = 0.8
Sn (kVA).
In real-life situations, a UPS supplies a number of loads with an overall power factor
λ that is often not 0.8 due to the presence of non-linear loads and means to improve
the power factor;
• If λ ≥ 0.8, the UPS is still limited to Pn (kW),
• If λ < 0.8, the UPS is limited to λ Sn (kW) < Pn (kW).
Consequently, selection of the power rating in kVA must take into account the active
power supplied to the loads.
The active power is determined by following the four steps below.
1 - Apparent and active power drawn by the loads
The first step is to evaluate the power requirements of the load.
The table below must be drawn up for the k loads to be supplied.
Load 1
Load 2
Load i
Load k
Apparent rated
power (kVA)
Input power factor λ
(or cos ϕ)
Active rated power
P1 = λ 1 S1
P2 = λ 2 S2
Pi = λ i S i
(1) S is not the sum of
(2) λ must be
measured or
P k = λk S k
P = λS
(3) P = λ S = Σ λi S i
(1) S is not the sum of Si because:
- it would be necessary to calculate the vectoral sum if all the loads were linear, using the
angles of the different cos ϕ,
- some of the loads are not linear.
(2) λ must be measured on site or evaluated on the basis of past experience.
(3) P = λ S = Σ λi S i because the active power is added (no displacement).
2 - Rated apparent power of the UPS (Sn)
The second step is to select a UPS with an apparent-power rating sufficient to cover
the load requirements (in kVA).
Under the given conditions, the suitable rated apparent power for the UPS is:
Sn(kVA) > S. where S = P / λ.
In the UPS range, select the UPS with a rated power Sn (kVA) just above S. If
reserve power is required and the selected rating is too close to S, select the next
highest rating.
3 - Check on the active power
The third step is a check to ensure that the selected power rating can cover
the load requirements in kW under the stipulated operating conditions.
For the selected rating, the UPS will supply the rated active power
Pn (kW) = 0.8 Sn (kVA)
• If λ ≥ 0.8, make sure that Pn (kW) > P, i.e. that the UPS can supply the additional
power required, otherwise select the next highest rating.
• If λ < 0.8, the power supplied by the UPS is sufficient because Pn (kW) > λ Sn
(kVA), i.e. the selection is correct.
4. - Percent load
The fourth step is a check to ensure that the percent load is acceptable now and in
the future, given the desired operating conditions.
The percent load is:
Load = S / Sn(kVA) .
It must be sufficient to cover any increases in the load or if there are plans to expand
the system to become redundant.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 20
Power calculations (Cont.)
Power levels under transient conditions
Load in-rush currents
It is necessary to know the in-rush current of each load and the duration of the
transient conditions. If a number of loads risk being turned on at the same time, it is
necessary to sum the in-rush currents.
Necessary checks
It is then necessary to check that the planned UPS power rating can handle the inrush currents. Note that the UPS can operate for a few periods in current-limiting
mode (e.g. 2.33 In for one second for an MGE Galaxy 9000). If the UPS cannot
handle the in-rush currents, it is necessary to decide whether it is acceptable to
transfer to the Bypass AC input when the transient conditions occur. If transfer is not
acceptable, it is necessary to increase the power rating.
Î Review of in-rush currents, see Technical review p. 37.
The example below is simply to illustrate the point and does not correspond to
a real situation. The purpose is to indicate the required steps. The installation
is made up of three 400 V three-phase loads connected in parallel:
• Computer system - S1 = 4 x 10 kVA (4 identical 10 kVA loads), λ = 0.6 for all the
loads, in-rush current 8 In over four periods 50 Hz (80 ms) for each load,
• Variable-speed drive - S2 = 20 kVA, λ = 0.7, in-rush current 4 In over five periods
(100 ms),
• Isolation transformer - S3 = 20 kVA, λ = cos ϕ = 0.8, in-rush current 10 In over six
periods (120 ms).
Rated apparent output
power Sn(kVA)
Active power
Pn(kW) = 0.8 Sn(kVA)
Power factor λ at UPS
output for all loads
Total power consumed by
the loads
4 x 10 kVA
P (kW) = 54 kW
λ1 = 0.6
Fig. 1.18. Example of an installation.
20 kVA
λ2 = 0.7
20 kVA
cos ϕ = 0.8
Maximum active output
power (that the UPS can
supply to the loads)
λ Sn (kVA)
Power levels under steady-state conditions
1 - Apparent and active power drawn by the loads
Below is the table that should be drawn up.
Computer system
Variable-speed drive
LV/LV transformer
Rated apparent
power (kVA)
Input power factor
λ = 0.68
measured or estimated
Rated active power
P = 54 kW
* average of new top of the range systems with power factor 0.9 and older equipment
with power factor between 0.7 and 0.8.
2 - Rated apparent power of the UPS
S = 54 / 0.68 = 79.4 kVA
A Galaxy PW UPS with a sufficient rating should be selected. The 80 kVA rating
would not be sufficient, i.e. the 100 kVA rating should be selected or higher if a site
extension is planned.
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01/2012 edition
p. 21
Power calculations (Cont.)
3 - Check on the active power
• The UPS can supply the loads 100 x 0.68 = 68 kW > 54 kW.
4 - Checks on the percent load and rated current
• The percent load is therefore 79.4 / 100 = 79.4%.
• Rated current of the UPS - Sn (kVA) = UI 3 , i.e. I = 100 / (400 x 1.732) = 144 A.
In-rush currents under transient conditions
The loads should be started up one after the other to avoid combining the in-rush
currents. It is necessary to check that the UPS can handle the in-rush currents.
The rated currents are calculated as S (kVA) = UI 3 , i.e.:
• Computer system - In = 10 / (400 x 1.732) = 14.4 A, i.e. 8 In ≈ 115 A for 80 ms
• Variable-speed drive - In = 20/(400 x 1.732) = 28.8 A, i.e. 4 In ≈ 115 A for 100 ms
• Transformer - In = 20 / (400 x 1.732) = 28.8 A, i.e. 10 In = 288 A for 120 ms
• A 100 kVA MGE Galaxy PW UPS has an overload capacity of 120%, i.e. 151 A x
1.2 = 173 A for 1 minute and 150%, i.e. 151 A x 1.5 = 216 A for 1 minute
• Operation in current-limiting mode at 2.33 In, i.e. 335 A for one second.
If the four computer loads (10 kVA each) are started one after the other, the 20%
overload capacity of the UPS is sufficient (173 A -1mn > 115 A - 80 ms).
If the four loads are started simultaneously, the in-rush current would be
4 x 115 = 460 A > 335 A. The system would current limit for 80 ms.
For the variable-speed drive, the overload capacity is sufficient. For the isolation
transformer (288 A for 120 ms), the overload capacity is again sufficient.
Ratings of parallel-UPS
Parallel-UPS configurations
Purpose of parallel connection
Parallel connection of a number of identical units is the means to:
• increase the power rating,
• establish redundancy that increases the MTBF and availability.
Types of parallel connection
Two types of UPS units can be connected in parallel.
• Integrated parallel UPS units - each UPS unit includes an automatic bypass and
a manual maintenance bypass. The manual bypass may be common to the entire
system (in an external cubicle).
• Parallel UPS units with an SSC - the static-switch cubicle comprises an
automatic bypass and a maintenance bypass that are common for a number of
parallel units without bypasses (see fig. 1.19).
True modular parallel systems are also available, made up of dedicated and
redundant modules-power, intelligence, battery and bypass, all engineered into a
design that is easily and efficiently serviceable. Power modules can be easily added
as demand grows or as higher levels of availability are required.
There are two types of parallel configurations:
• Without redundancy - all the UPS units are required to supply the load. Failure of
one unit means the entire system shuts down (not recommended),
• With redundancy N+1, N+2, etc. - the number of UPS units required for the load
is equal to N. All the UPS units (N+1, N+2, etc.) share the load. If one UPS unit shuts
down, the remaining units (at least equal in number to N) continue to share the load.
Î Typical configurations and characteristics, see Ch. 2.
Fig. 1.19. UPS system with parallel-connected units and a static-switch cubicle (SSC).
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 22
Power calculations (Cont.)
Power levels in redundant parallel configurations
In a redundant parallel configuration made up of identical units, the units share the
load. The power rating of each unit does not depend on the level of redundancy, but
must be calculated to continue supplying the load even if redundancy is completely
Active redundancy:
• improves availability,
• increases the overload capacity,
• reduces the percent load on each UPS unit.
The power level is determined by following the same four steps as for a single-UPS
1 - Apparent and active power drawn by the loads
The same type of table is used as that for a single UPS (see Ch1 p. 20).
The result is the apparent power S that must be supplied to the load.
2 - Rated apparent power of the UPS units (Sn) in the configuration
Consider a level of redundancy N + K (e.g. 2 + 1), which means:
- N units (e.g. 2) are required to supply the load,
- K units (e.g. 1 extra unit) ensure redundancy.
Each UPS unit must be sized to enable the system as a whole to operate without
redundancy, i.e. with N operational units and K units shut down.
In this case, the N units must each have an apparent power rating Sn (kVA) such
Sn(kVA) > S / N.
Select in the UPS range the power rating Sn (kVA) just above S/N. If reserve power
is required or the selected rating is too close to S, select the next highest rating.
3 - Check on the active power
For the selected rating, the UPS will supply the active rated power
Pn (kW) = 0.8 Sn (kVA)
• if λ ≥ 0.8, make sure that Pn (kW) > P, i.e. that the UPS can supply the additional
power required, otherwise select the next highest rating.
• if λ < 0.8, the power supplied by the UPS is sufficient because Pn (kW) > λ Sn
(kVA), i.e. the selection is correct.
4 - Percent load
With redundancy, the UPS units share the load according to the equation
S / (N+K). The percent load for each unit when there is redundancy is therefore:
TL = S / (N + k) Sn(kVA) .
In a non-redundant system, it is calculated as:
TL = S / N Sn(kVA).
It must be sufficient to cover any increases in the load.
This example will use the results from the last example and we will suppose that the
loads are critical, i.e. redundancy is required.
• The total load is 54 kW with an overall power factor for all the loads of 0.68, i.e. S
= 54 / 0.68 = 79.4 kVA.
• If 2+1 redundancy is used, two units must be capable of supplying the load. Each
must will have to supply S / 2 = 79.4 / 2 = 39.7 kVA.
• An MGE Galaxy PW UPS with a sufficient rating should be selected. The 40 kVA
rating would not be sufficient, i.e. the 50 kVA rating should be selected or higher if a
site extension is planned.
• If redundancy is not available, the two UPS units must be capable of supplying the
• This is the case because 2 x 50 x 0.68 = 68 kW > 54 kW.
• During operation, the percent load will be:
- with redundancy, i.e. with 3 UPS units sharing the load: 79.4 / 3 x 50 = 52.9%,
- without redundancy, i.e. with only 2 UPS units sharing the load: 79.4 / 2 x 50 =
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 23
Control of upstream harmonics
UPSs and upstream
Role of the input rectifier
UPS units draw power from the AC distribution system via a rectifier/charger. With
respect to the upstream system, the rectifier is a non-linear load that causes
harmonics. In terms of harmonics, there are two types of rectifiers.
Standard rectifiers
These are three-phase rectifiers incorporating SCRs and using a six-phase bridge
(Graetz bridge) with standard chopping of the current.
This type of bridge draws harmonic currents with orders of n = 6 k ± 1 (where k is a
whole number), mainly H5 and H7, and to a lesser degree H11 and H13.
Harmonics are controlled by using a filter (see fig. 1.20).
PFC-type transitor-based controlled active rectifiers
These transistor-based active rectifiers have a regulation system that adjusts the
input voltage and current to a reference sine wave. This technique ensures an input
voltage and current that are:
• perfectly sinusoidal, i.e. free of harmonics,
• in phase, i.e. with a power factor close to 1.
With this type of rectifier, no filters are required.
Î Clean transitor-based rectifiers, see Ch. 4.
All high-power UPS ranges from APC by Schneider Electric (except MGE Galaxy
PW and and MGE Galaxy 9000) use PFC type controlled active rectifier technologies
and therefore do not generate harmonics.
Fig. 1.20. Input rectifier and harmonics.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 24
Control of upstream harmonics (Cont.)
Filtering of upstream
harmonics for UPSs with
Graetz bridge rectifiers
Goals of harmonic filtering
This section concerns only the MGE Galaxy PW and MGE Galaxy 9000 ranges and
UPSs with conventional Graetz bridge rectifiers.
A "clean" upstream system
The goal is to ensure a level of voltage distortion (THDU) on the busbars supplying
the UPS that is compatible with the other connected loads.
The UTE recommends limiting the THDU to:
• 5% when the source is a generator,
• 3% when the source is a transformer to take into account 1 to 2% of THDU which
may already be present on the HV distribution system.
This recommendation may differ for each country.
Practically speaking, solutions for voltage distortion (THDU) must be implemented in
a manner specific to the country where the installation is located.
Easy combination with an engine generator set
The goal is to make possible a UPS/engine generator set combination with no risk of
increasing the level of harmonics when the load is transferred to the generator. This
risk exists because the generator has a source impedance lower than that of a
transformer, which increases the effects of harmonics.
High power factor at the rectifier input
The goal is to increase the input power factor (generally to a level higher than 0.94).
This reduces the consumption of kVA and avoids oversizing the sources.
Installation complying with standards
The goal is to comply with standards concerning harmonic disturbances and with the
recommendations issued by power utilities.
• Standards on harmonic disturbances (see table 1.2)
- IEC 61000-3-2 / EN 61000-3-2 for devices with an input current ≤ 16 A/ph.
- IEC 61000-3-4 / EN 61000-3-4 for devices with an input current > 16 A/ph.
• Standards and recommendations on the quality of distribution systems, notably:
- IEC 61000-3-5 / EN 61000-3-5,
- EN 50160 (Europe),
- IEEE 519-2 (United States),
- ASE 3600 (Switzerland),
- G5/3 (U.K.), etc.
Î Standards on harmonics, see "UPS standards" in Technical review p. 29.
Table 1.2. Example of harmonic-current limitations as per guide IEC 61000-3-4 / EN 61000-34 for devices with an input current > 16 A/ph (stage 1, simplified connection).
% of H1 (fundamental)
≤ 0.6%
≤ 0.6%
≥ H33
≤ 0.6%
Even orders
≤ 0.6% or ≤ 8/n (n even order)
Types of harmonics filters
Harmonics filters eliminate certain orders or all orders, depending on their
technology. The following types are available.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 25
Control of upstream harmonics (Cont.)
Passive LC filters
• non-compensated
• compensated
• non-compensated with contactor
Double-bridge rectifier
Phase-shift filter
THM active filter (Active 12-pulse technology).
Filtering and parallel connection
When a number of UPS units are connected in parallel and depending on the type of
filter used, it is possible to install:
• an individual filter on each UPS unit,
• a common filter for the entire parallel configuration.
The goal is to achieve a balance between cost and effectiveness, taking into account
the acceptable levels of harmonic distortion.
The comparison tables for the various solutions (Ch. 1, p. 28) are helpful in making a
Combination of LC filters and generator
The generator can supply only relatively low capacitive currents (10 to 30% of In).
When an LC filter is installed, the main difficulty lies in the gradual start-up of the
rectifier on generator power, when active power is equal to zero and the generator
supplies only the capacitive current for the filter. Consequently, the use of LC filters
must be correctly analysed to ensure that operation complies with manufacturer
specifications. Below is a method for selection of LC filters, using as an example a
generator derating curve, similar to those provided by manufacturers.
Fig. 1.21. Derating curve for a generator, as a function of the installation power factor.
The curve in the figure above, provided as one example among many, shows the
power derating as a function of the operating point, for a given generator. For a
purely capacitive load (λ = 0), the power available is equal to only 30% of the rated
power (point A). If we assume an apparent power rating such that Pn generator = Pn
rectifier, the meaning of points A, B, C, D, E and F is the following:
A: reactive power corresponding to the capacitive current of a non-compensated
B: reactive power corresponding to the capacitive current of a compensated filter,
C: operating point at start-up with a non-compensated filter with contactor,
D: operating point at the rated load with a non-compensated filter,
E: operating point at the rated load with a compensated filter,
F: operating point at the rated load, without a filter or with a phase-shift filter.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 26
Control of upstream harmonics (Cont.)
Consider a non-compensated filter with a 300 kVA generator and a 200 kVA MGE
Galaxy PW UPS.
The power rating of the rectifier, taking 87% as the efficiency value (1 / 0.87 = 1.15),
is 1.15 times that of the inverter, i.e. 200 x 1.15 = 230 kVA.
The capacitive current of the non-compensated filter is 230 x 30% (1) = 69 kVA.
The reactive power that the generator can handle (point A) is 300 x 0.3 = 90 kVA.
The filter is therefore compatible with the generator.
(1) The value of 30% has been determined experimentally.
Selection of a filter
Selection parameters for a filter
Overall effectiveness - reduction in distortion (THDI and THDU)
The effectiveness depends on the harmonic orders filtered and the degree to which
they are attenuated or eliminated. It is measured by the THDI at the rectifier input.
The impact on the THDI determines the level of the THDU. It is necessary to check
the performance at the planned percent load, given that many UPS systems operate
at percent loads between 50 and 75%.
Improvement in the power factor λ
The filter improves the power factor (generally to a level higher than 0.92).
Compatibility with an engine generator set
It is also necessary to check the performance with the planned source(s), either a
transformer or an engine generator set. This is because the generator has an output
impedance lower than that of a transformer, which increases the effects of
Suitable for parallel-UPS configurations
Depending on the type of filter, it is possible to install one on each UPS unit or set up
a single filter for overall elimination of harmonics.
Consumption of the filters can slightly modify the efficiency of the installation as a
Flexibility for set-up and upgrades
Filters are generally specific to a UPS and may be factory-mounted or installed after
installation. The SineWave conditioner provides overall elimination of harmonics and
great flexibility in the configuration.
It is necessary to check whether the filter can be installed in the UPS cabinet or in a
second cabinet.
It impacts on the effectiveness of the filter and must be weighed against the
advantages obtained.
Compliance with standards
It is necessary to determine compliance with standards, in particular IEC 61000-3-4,
in terms of the individual harmonic levels indicated in the texts.
Comparison table of solutions
The following tables list the elements for comparison, with a general comment on
use of each type of solution.
Table 1.3 presents individual solutions for single-UPS configurations. These
solutions may also be used in parallel configurations.
Table 1.4 presents overall solutions for entire configurations.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 27
Control of upstream harmonics (Cont.)
Table 1.3. Comparison of individual harmonic-filtering solutions.
Type of filter
Reduction in distortion
THDI at 100% load
THDI at 50% load
Harmonics eliminated
LC noncompensated
LC compensated
LC with contactor
Double bridge
Built-in THM
Fig. 1.22a
Fig. 1.22b
Fig. 1.22c
Fig. 1.22d
Fig. 1.22e
7 to 8%
H5, H7
7 to 8%
H5, H7
7 to 8%
H5, H7
H5, H7, H17, H19
H2 to H25
Fig. 1.22f
Fig. 1.22g
Fig. 1.22h
Fig. 1.22i
Fig. 1.22j
Power factor
λ at 100% load
λ at 50% load
Compatibility with
Efficiency of filter
Flexibility, upgradeability
Connection in parallel with
Compliance with guide
IEC 61000-3-4
General comment
*** Excellent
** Good
APC by Schneider Electric
Solution suitable for
installations without
an engine generator
Solution suitable for
installations with an
engine generator set.
The added inductor
load reduces the
capacitive power that
must be supplied by
the engine-generator
Solution suitable for
Solution suitable for
installations with
comprising an engine gensets
generator set with a
power rating lower
than that of the UPS.
The LC line is
switched in by the
contactor at a preset
value corresponding
to an inverter percent
load that is
acceptable for the
engine generator set.
Solution suited to
sensitive installations
or with changing load
levels. The most
effective and the most
flexible solution. Does
not depend on the
percent load or the
type of upstream
* Sufficient
01/2012 edition
p. 28
Control of upstream harmonics (Cont.)
Table 1.4 Comparison of overall solutions.
Type of filter
Phase-shift filter
AC input
Fig. 1.23a
Reduction in distortion
THDI at 100% load
THDI at 50% load
Harmonics eliminated
H2 to H25
Fig. 1.23b
Fig. 1.23c
Fig. 1.23d
< 10%
< 5%
< 4%
35% with 1 UPS shut 19% with 1 UPS shut 12% with 1 UPS shut
Power factor
λ at 100% load
λ at 50% load
Compatibility with
Efficiency of filter
Flexibility, upgradeability
Compliance with guide
IEC 61000-3-4
General comment
*** Excellent
** Good
APC by Schneider Electric
Solution suited to sensitive installations or
with changing load levels. The most effective
and the most flexible solution. Does not
depend on the percent load or the type of
upstream source.
Solution cannot be modified. Suited to installations with more than
two parallel-connected UPS units.
* Sufficient
01/2012 edition
p. 29
System earthing arrangements
Background information
on system earthing
Protection of persons against electrical contact
International standards require that electrical installations implement two types of
protection of persons against the dangers of electrical currents.
Protection against direct contacts
The purpose of this form of protection is to avoid "direct" contact between persons
and intentionally live parts (see fig. 1.24).
It includes the points listed below.
• isolation of live parts using barriers or enclosures offering a degree of protection
at least equal to IP2X or IPXXB.
• opening of the enclosure (doors, racks, etc.) must be possible only using a key or
a tool, or following de-energising of the live parts or automatic installation of a
• connection of the metal enclosure to a protective conductor.
Protection against indirect contacts and system earthing arrangements
The purpose of this form of protection is to avoid "indirect" contact between persons
and exposed conductive parts (ECP) that have become live accidentally due to
an insulation fault. The fault current creates in the exposed conductive parts (ECP)
a potential that may be sufficient to cause a dangerous current to flow through the
body of the person in contact with the exposed conductive parts (see fig. 1.24).
This protection includes the points listed below.
• mandatory earthing of all exposed conductive parts (ECP) that may be accessed
by the user.
The protective conductor is used for connection to the earth. It must never be
interrupted (no breaking devices on the protective conductor).
The interconnection and earthing techniques for the exposed conductive parts (ECP)
determine the system earthing arrangement (SEA) for the installation.
• disconnection of the supply when the potential of the ECPs risks reaching
dangerous levels. Interruption is carried out by a protection device that depends on
the selected system earthing arrangement (SEA). It often requires residual-current
devices (RCD) because the insulation-fault currents are generally too low to be
detected by standard overcurrent protection devices.
Fig. 1.24. Direct and indirect contacts.
Types of system earthing arrangements (SEA)
There are three types of system earthing arrangements (SEA).
• Isolated neutral (IT).
• Earthed neutral (TT).
• Exposed conductive parts connected to the neutral (TN with TN-C and TN-S).
The first two letters indicate how the neutral and the ECPs of the loads are
First letter
Second letter
Connection of the neutral Connection of the ECPs
T = earthed neutral
T = exposed conductive parts
Third letter (for TN)
Type of protective
C = Common neutral and
protective conductor (PEN)
I = isolated neutral
N = exposed conductive parts S = Separate neutral (N) and
connected to the neutral
IT, TT or TN systems
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
protective conductor (PE)
TN-C or TN-S
p. 30
System earthing arrangements (Cont.)
System earthing arrangements (SEA)
Isolated neutral (IT)
● The source neutral is:
- either isolated from the earth (isolated
- or connected to the earth via a high
impedance res (impedant neutral).
● The exposed conductive parts (ECP), all
protected by the same breaking device, are
earthed (earth electrode resistance RA).
E.g. Phase-to-ECP fault in a load.
Uo is the phase-to-neutral voltage in the
distribution system (230 V).
● Current of the first fault
RA= 10 Ω and Zres= 3500 Ω (approximately),
Id = Uo / (RA + Zres) = 66 mA.
● Voltage of the first fault
Ud = Uo x RA / (RA + Zres) = 0.66 V.
This potential is not dangerous.
The fault must be detected by an IMD
(insulation monitoring device), located by a
fault-locating device and repaired.
● Current of the second fault
A second fault occuring before the first fault
has been repaired results in the flow of a
phase-to-phase or phase-to-neutral short
circuit. It must be cleared by the overcurrent
protection devices within the time limits set by
the standards.
Fig. 1.25. IT system.
Earthed neutral (TT)
● The source neutral is earthed.
● The exposed conductive parts (ECP), all
protected by the same breaking device, are
earthed (earth electrode resistance RA).
E.g. Phase-to-ECP fault in a load.
Uo is the phase-to-neutral voltage in the
distribution system (230 V).
● Fault current
E.g. RA = 10 Ω and RB = 5 Ω
Id = Uo / (RA + RB) = 15.3 A
● Fault voltage
Ud = Uo x RA / (RA + RB) = 153 V
This potential is dangerous (> 50 V).
The fault must be cleared by the protection
devices within the times set by the standards.
The fault current is low and must therefore be
detected by a residual-current protection
device (RCD) that actuates the protective
device immediately upstream. The operating
current of the RCD and the time required to
clear the fault are set by the standards.
Fig. 1.26. TT system.
Exposed conductive parts connected to the neutral (TN)
● Impedance of the fault loop
● The source neutral is directly earthed.
● The installation ECPs are connected to the Zb = ZABCDEF (part of circuit ABCDEF)
neutral and consequently to the earth via the
protective conductor (PEN). This arrangement
transforms all insulation faults into phase-toneutral short-circuits.
● The potential of the protective conductor is
maintained close to that of the earth by
numerous connection points.
Zb ≈ ZBCDE ≈ 2 ZDE because ZBC = ZDE (BC and
DE are identical, the fault impedance is
E.g. A load supplied by a 50 mm² copper cable
that is 50 metres long (phase and PE).
Zb = 2 ρ L / S where ρ = 22.5 Ω. mm /m
Zb = 2 x 22.5 10 x 50 / 50 = 45 mΩ.
● Fault voltage
A voltage drop of 20% is permissible for the
phase-to-neutral voltage Uo, i.e. UBE = 0.8 Uo.
In that ZBC = ZDE, the potential of the ECPs
rises to Ud = UBE / 2 = 0.8.Uo / 2 = 92 V
● Fault current
Id = 0.8 Uo / Zb = 0.8 x 230 / 45 10 = 4089 A
Breaking is carried out by the overcurrent
protection devices within the times set by the
standards. The fault current depends on the
impedance of the fault loop.
Care must be taken to ensure that at all
points in the system, the fault current is
greater than the operating threshold of the
protection devices.
Fig. 1.27. TN-S system (the basic principle is identical for the TN-C system).
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 31
System earthing arrangements (Cont.)
Comparison of system earthing arrangements (SEA)
Type of SEA
Protection of persons
Specific equipment
Advantages and
IT (isolated neutral)
TT (earthed neutral)
● Signalling of first insulation ● Disconnection for the first
TN-S (ECP to neutral)
● Disconnection for the first
TN-C (ECP to neutral)
● Disconnection for the first
● Location and elimination of
the first fault.
● Disconnection for the
second fault.
● Interconnection and
earthing of ECPs.
● First fault:
- very low current,
- monitoring/indication by an
● Second fault:
- potentially dangerous
- interruption by overcurrent
protection devices (e.g.
circuit breaker).
Insulation-monitoring device
(IMD) and fault-locating
● Solution offering the best
continuity of service (the first
fault is signalled).
● Requires competent
surveillance personnel
(location of the first fault).
● High EMC performance,
very low currents in the earth
insulation fault.
insulation fault occurs
● Separate neutral (N) and
protective conductor (PE).
insulation fault.
● Common neutral and
protective conductor (PEN).
● Earthing of ECPs
● Interconnection and
● Interconnection and
combined with use of
residual-current devices
● First fault:
- leakage current is
dangerous, but too low to be
detected by the overcurrent
protection devices,
- detection by the RCDs
combined with breaking
Residual-current devices
earthing of ECPs and neutral
● first fault:
- fault current,
- interruption by overcurrent
protection devices (e.g.
circuit breaker).
earthing of ECPs and neutral
● First fault:
- fault current,
- interruption by overcurrent
protection devices (e.g.
circuit breaker).
● Easiest solution to design
● High installation costs for
● Reduced installation costs
and install.
● Mandatory use of RCDs.
● Different earth electrodes
(distant sources).
● Highly sensitive to
lightning strikes.
high power ratings.
● Difficult to design
(calculation of the loop
● Flow of high fault currents.
● High EMC performance,
low current in the PE during
normal operation.
(one less conductor).
● Difficult to design
(calculation of the loop
● Flow of high fault currents.
● Low EMC performance,
high currents in the PEN
(connections between
● Large commercial
premises, tall buildings, etc.
● Industries without
continuous processes (IT
● Supply of computer
● Installations requiring
● Commercial and
continuity of service, e.g.
residential premises, public
hospitals, airports, industrial lighting, schools, etc.
processes, ships.
● Installations and premises
where there is a risk of fire or
explosion, i.e. mines, etc.
ECP = Exposed conductive parts.
Applications in UPS
For long distances, RCDs
must be used.
● Large commercial
premises, tall buildings, etc.
● Industries without
continuous processes (IT
● Supply of computer
Specific aspects in systems with UPSs
Implementation of the above protection systems in installations comprising a UPS
requires a number of precautions for a number of reasons:
• The UPS plays two roles:
- a load for the upstream system,
- a power source for the downstream system,
• When the battery is not installed in a cabinet, an insulation fault on the DC system
can lead to the flow of a residual DC component. This component can disturb
operation of certain protection devices, notably RCDs used for the protection of
Protection against direct contact
All APC by Schneider Electric UPS installations satisfy the applicable requirements
because the equipment is installed in cabinets providing a degree of protection IP
20. This is true even for the battery when it is housed in a cabinet.
When the battery is not installed in a cabinet (generally in a special room), the
measures presented at the end of this chapter should be implemented.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 32
System earthing arrangements (Cont.)
Protection against indirect contact
Selection of a system earthing arrangement
A basic protection measure required by the standards is the creation of a
standardised system earthing arrangement both upstream and downstream of the
UPS. The two systems can be the same or different if certain precautions are taken.
In an existing installation to which the UPS is added, the upstream system is already
determined. Selection of the downstream system, either the same or a different one,
depends on its compatibility with sensitive loads.
The table on the previous page provides the necessary elements to compare the
various standardised system earthing arrangements.
) Caution, local regulations may prohibit certain types of system earthing
Selection of the breaking devices
Above and beyond the interconnection and earthing of the exposed conductive parts
in compliance with a standardised system earthing arrangement, the protection of
persons must be ensured by breaking devices selected according to the system
earthing arrangement. These devices must cause tripping of the overcurrent
protection devices in the event of an insulation fault.
Tripping may:
• be directly provoked by suitable settings on the overprotection devices (circuit
breakers, fuses),
• or require (mandatory for the IT system) use of residual-current devices (RCD) that
may or may not be built into the circuit breaker.
The RCDs are required to detect the insulation-fault currents that are often too low to
trip standard overcurrent protection devices.
) Check local requirements concerning the safety of electrical installations.
Types of systems for UPSs
The possible systems depend on:
• the existing or selected system upstream of the UPS,
• the system downstream of the UPS for which selection may be determined by:
- reuse of the same system as upstream,
- the presence of isolation transformers upstream or downstream which make it
possible to change the system earthing arrangement,
- the loads (e.g. computer systems require a TN-C or TN-s system),
- the organisation of the downstream distribution system, with static transfer switches
• certain requirements imposed by standards, e.g. the protective conductor PE or
PEN must never be interrupted to ensure flow of the fault current. A TN-C system
(non-interrupted PEN) can be installed upstream of a TN-S system (separate N and
PE conductors), but not the contrary.
See WP 98 Î
UPSs are increasingly designed without transformers, offering advantages in terms
of weight, size and efficiency. Transformerless technology also makes it possible to
modulate the voltage for improved adapatation to all types of loads, in particular nonlinear loads with harmonics.
Transformerless technology has an impact on the use of system earthing
arrangements. For more information see White Paper - WP 98: "The Elimination of
Isolation Transformers in Data Center Power Systems").
Many different cases may be encountered depending on the upstream and
downstream earthing arrangements and the type of UPS. Your APC by Schneider
Electric representative has a complete set of diagrams for all system earthing
arrangements and UPS ranges concerned.
The MGE Galaxy PW and MGE Galaxy 9000 ranges are designed with isolation
transformers. All the other ranges use transformless technology with the neutral
recreated electronically.
The following pages show some examples for MGE Galaxy PW and MGE Galaxy
5000, 7000 and 9000 UPSs. For other cases, contact your APC by Schneider
Electric representative to obtain the applicable diagram.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 33
System earthing arrangements (Cont.)
Output transformer
(MGE Galaxy PW and 9000)
No output transformer
(MGE Galaxy 5000 and 7000))
Separate Normal and Bypass AC inputs.
Common Normal and BP
Fig. 1.28. Standard diagrams.
Identical systems upstream and downstream
Same system upstream and downstream
IT or TT or TN-S.
Distributed neutral on the two lines.
Same system upstream and downstream
IT or TT or TN-S.
Distributed neutral on the bypass line only.
Same system upstream and downstream
Same system upstream and downstream
IT or TT or TN-S.
Distributed neutral.
MGE Galaxy PW and 9000
MGE Galaxy 5000 and 7000
Fig. 1.29. A few examples with the same system upstream and downstream.
Different systems upstream and downstream
Change in earthing systems
to IT or TT or TN-S downstream.
Distributed neutral on the two lines.
Change in earthing systems
to IT or TT or TN-S downstream.
Distributed neutral on the two lines.
Change in earthing systems
to TN-C downstream.
Change in earthing systems
to TN-C downstream.
MGE Galaxy PW and 9000
MGE Galaxy 5000 and 7000
Fig. 1.30. A few examples with different systems upstream and downstream.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 34
Protection using circuit
The protection system for installations with UPS units presented here will implement
circuit breakers. Below is a presentation of the main characteristics of circuit
breakers and their trip units. The part number mentioned as examples pertain to
Schneider Electric circuit breakers. Other characteristics, such as limiting thermal
stress and current, are among the strong points of the Compact NSX range of circuit
breakers, but will not be discussed here.
Î For further information, see the Schneider Electric low-voltage and mediumvoltage distribution catalogue and the "Electrical installation guide".
Trip units
There are two types of trip units:
• thermal-magnetic,
• electronic.
• built-in (thermal-magnetic only).
• interchangeable.
Thermal-magnetic trip units are simple and inexpensive.
Electronic trip units offer more precise and comprehensive settings for better
adaptation to installations and their requirements.
The table below sums up the characteristics of both types of trip units for circuitbreakers from 1 to 630 A and should enable you to solve most of the problems
commonly encountered (from 1 to 400 kVA).
Figure 1.31 presents the characteristic curves for the trip units.
Symb. Definition
Overload protection
(thermal or long
delay) (1)
Long delay (2)
Overload current setting.
All trip units.
(magnetic or short
delay) (3)
Short delay (4)
Applies a long tripping delay (e.g.
Electronic trip units (e.g.
for motor starting).
Micrologic 2, 5, 6).
Short-circuit current setting. On
All trip units.
electronic trip units, Isd is a function
of Ir (generally 2 to 10 Ir).
instantaneous trip
Applies a short tripping delay (e.g.
for time discrimination with
downstream circuit breaker).
Instantaneous short-circuit setting.
Depends exclusively on trip-unit
rating (e.g. protection of static
Electronic trip units (e.g.
Micrologic 5, 6).
Electronic trip units (e.g.
Micrologic 5, 6 ).
(1) Ir is the thermal protection threshold (sometimes written Ith) of thermal-magnetic trip units or
the long-delay protection threshold of electronic trip units. These thresholds are defined by an
inverse time curve that depends on the selected setting.
(2) tr is the time delay of the long-delay thermal protection for a given value of Ir.
(3) Im is the magnetic threshold of thermal-magnetic trip units and Isd the short-delay threshold
of electronic trip units.
(4) tm is the time delay (adjustable or fixed) of the magnetic protection of thermal-magnetic trip
units and tsd the time delay (generally adjustable) of the short-delay protection of electronic trip
(5) Ii is the instantaneous tripping threshold.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 35
Protection (Cont.)
Fig. 1.31. Circuit-breaker time/current curves (Icu is the ultimate breaking capacity).
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01/2012 edition
p. 36
Protection (Cont.)
Discrimination, cascading, current limiting
Discrimination results from correct circuit-breaker selection and setting such that, if a
fault occurs, it trips only the first upstream circuit breaker.
Discrimination thus limits the part of the installation affected by the fault to a strict
minimum. There are a number of types of discrimination summed up in the table
below and illustrated on the previous page.
Current limiting
When a high fault current hits the circuit breaker, the breaker contacts separate
under the electrodynamic forces, an arc is created and its resistance limits the shortcircuit energy.
When a short-circuit occurs downstream of the installation (see fig. 1.32), the fault
current also flows through the upstream circuit breaker which current limits, thus
attenuating the current applied to the downstream circuit breaker. The breaking
capacity of the latter is thus reinforced.
All types of trip
The fault current is lower than the upstream
threshold setting.
Ir upstream > Ir downstream and Im or Isd
upstream > Im or Isd downstream
Delays upstream tripping by the long-time
(Ir) and short-time (Im or Isd) delay.
Time discrimination Electronic trip
units only
(e.g. Micrologic)
Compact NSX
Arc pressure upstream is not sufficient to trip
and NS
the upstream circuit breaker, but it is
sufficient to trip the downstream circuit
Delays upstream tripping if the short-circuit
NSX 100 to
is also detected downstream.
Masterpact with A pilot wire connects the upstream and
Micrologic trip
downstream trip units.
Fig. 1.32. Upstream/downstream discrimination and cascading.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 37
Protection (Cont.)
Selection of
circuit breakers
The selected rating (rated current) for the circuit breaker must be the one just above
the rated current of the protected downstream cable.
Breaking capacity
The breaking capacity must be selected just above the short-circuit current that can
occur at the point of installation.
Ir and Im thresholds
The table below indicates how to determine the Ir and Im thresholds to ensure
discrimination, depending on the upstream and downstream trip units.
Time discrimination must be implemented by qualified personnel because time
delays before tripping increase the thermal stress (I t) downstream (cables, semiconductors, etc.). Caution is required if tripping of CB2 is delayed using the Im
threshold time delay.
Energy discrimination does not depend on the trip unit, only on the circuit breaker.
Ir and Im thresholds depending on the upstream and downstream trip units
Type of downstream Ir upstream / Ir
downstream trip unit
all types
> 1.6
asynchronous motor
Im upstream / Im Im upstream / Im
downstream ratio downstream ratio
> 1.5
> 1.5
Special case of generator short-circuits
Figure 1.33 shows the reaction of a generator to a short-circuit.
To avoid any uncertainty concerning the type of excitation, we will trip at the first
peak (3 to 5 In as per X"d) using the Im protection setting without a time delay.
Fig. 1.33. Generator during a short-circuit.
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01/2012 edition
p. 38
Protection (Cont.)
Consider the example used to determine the UPS power rating (Ch. 1 p. 21) with a
number of parallel-connected 400 V three-phase loads, namely:
• Computer system - S1 = 4 x 10 kVA, λ = 0.6, in-rush current 8 In over four periods
(80 ms),
• Variable-speed drive - S2 = 20 kVA, λ = 0.7, in-rush current 4 In over five periods
(100 ms),
• Isolation transformer - S3 = 20 kVA, λ = 0.8, in-rush current 10 In over six periods
(120 ms).
The three loads represent 54 kW with a power factor of 0.68.
In chapter 1, p. 21, an MGE Galaxy PW was selected, with a power rating of 100
kVA, I = 100 / (400 x 3 ) = 144 A.
630 kVA transformer
400 kVA generator
Determine CB1 and CB2
Rated apparent output
100 kVA
In = 144 A
Power factor at UPS
output for all loads
λ = 0.68
Determine the most
powerful CB3 for
Total power consumed by
the loads
P (kW) = 54 kW
40 kVA
λ = 0.6
Fig 1.34. Example of an installation.
20 kVA
λ = 0.7
20 kVA
cos ϕ = 0.8
Maximum active output
power (that the UPS can
supply to the loads)
λ Sn (kVA) = 68 kW
The goal is to select circuit breakers CB1 and CB2, and the most powerful circuit
breaker CB3 compatible with discrimination requirements, given that the upstream
installation includes the following:
• 20 kV / 400 V transformer with a power rating of 630 kVA,
• 400 V engine generator set with a power rating of 400 kVA,
• Transformer to MLVS link, five meters of aluminium cable 4 x 240 mm2 per phase,
• Busbars to circuit breaker link, four meters using three copper bars 400 mm² per
Calculation of CB1 and CB2 ratings and breaking
The breaking capacity depends on the short-circuit currents downstream of CB1 and
CB2 at the level of the main low-voltage switchboard (MLVS). Most often, this
upstream short-circuit value is supplied by the utility. It can also be calculated. It is
necessary to determine the sum R of the resistances upstream and the sum X of the
reactances upstream of the considered point.
The three-phase short-circuit current is calculated as:
Isc 3-ph =
3 R2 + X 2
U is the phase-to-phase no-load voltage (load voltage + 3 to 5%).
R = Σ Rupstream and X = Σ Xupstream
In this example, we simply indicate the general method with a number of
simplifications to shorten the calculations.
Î For more detailed information, see the Cahier Technique document no. 158
"Calculation of short-circuit currents" from Schneider Electric.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 39
Protection (Cont.)
Upstream system
Ra, Xa
Rtr Xtr
Source output to MLVS cable link
Rc, Xc
General circuit breaker
Rd, Xd
MLVS busbars
Rb, Xb
Fig. 1.35. Calculation of short-circuit current for CB1 and CB2.
It is necessary to calculate the resistances and reactances upstream of CB1 and
CB2 in figure 1.34.
Distribution system upstream of the transformer
• Psc = upstream short-circuit power = 500 MVA = 500 x 106 VA
• U20 = phase-to-phase no-load voltage on the transformer secondary winding = 400
V, + 3%, i.e. 410 V
• Rup = resistance upstream ≈ 15% Xup, negligible given Xup
• Xup = reactance upstream with respect to transformer secondary winding
Xup =
410 2
U20 2
= 0.288 mΩ
500 x 10 6
Rup ≈ 0
Xup = 0.33 mΩ.
• Sn = rated apparent power 630 kVA
• In = rated current = 630 / U 3 = 630 103 / (400 x
• Usc = transformer short-circuit voltage = 4%
• Pcu = transformer copper losses in VA
Rtr = transformer resistance =
3 In2
Xtr ≈ Ztr = transformer impedance =
Rtr ≈ 0
3 ) = 909 A
≈ 20% Xtr, negligible given Ztr
U20 2
x Usc = 410 x 0.04 / 630 10 = 10.7 mΩ
Xtr = 10.7 mΩ.
Cables linking the transformer to the MLVS
• Length 5 meters
• Cross-section 240 mm²
• ρ = resistivity at the normal temperature of the conductors
copper: ρ = 22.5 mΩ.mm /m, aluminium: ρ = 36 mΩ.mm /m
• Xc = conductor reactance (typically 0.08 mΩ/m) = 0.08 x 5 = 0.4 mΩ
Rc = cable resistance (copper) = ρ
= 22.5 x 5 / (4 x 240) = 0.12 mΩ
Rc = 0.12 mΩ and Xc = 0.4 mΩ.
General circuit breaker
Typical values
Rd ≈ 0 et Xd = 0.15 mΩ.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 40
Protection (Cont.)
• Xb = busbar reactance (typically 0.15 mΩ/m) = 0.15 x 4 = 0.6 mΩ
• Rb = busbar resistance = ρ L / S= 22.5 x 4 / (3 x 400) = 0.075 mΩ (negligible)
Rb ≈ 0
Xb = 0.6 mΩ.
Transformer Isc at the level of CB1 and CB2
• R = Total upstream resistance = 0.12 mΩ
• X = Total upstream reactance = 0.33 + 10.7 + 0.4 + 0.15 + 0.6 =12.18 mΩ
R can be neglected, given X.
Isc 3-ph =
3 X
3 R +X
3 x 12.18 x 10 − 3
= 19.4 kA
Note. A rough estimate is provided by the short-circuit current on the transformer
terminals, assuming that the upstream short-circuit power is infinite.
ISCT = on transformer terminals = In / Usc = 20 In = 20 x 909 = 18.2 kA
Generator Isc at the level of CB1 and CB2
• rated apparent power of the generator = 400 kVA
• rated current of the generator = 400 / U 3 = 400 103 / (400 x
• X"d = short-circuit voltage of the generator = 10%
3 ) = 577 A
It is decided to trip at 5 In (see fig. 1.33).
ISCG = on the generator terminals = 5 In = 5 x 577 = 2.9 kA
Continuous current of CB1
This is the current at the UPS input. It is necessary to multiply the UPS rating by 1.2
to take into account the efficiency, i.e. 120 kVA.
Iinput = 120 / U 3 = 120 10 / (400 x 3 ) = 173 A
Continuous current of CB2
This is the continuous current of the loads supplied via the bypass, i.e. 54 kW with a
power factor of 0.68 for an apparent power S = 54 / 0.68 = 67.5 kVA.
Iload = 67.5 / U 3 = 120 10 / (400 x 3 ) = 97 A
Energising current of the largest load
The loads must be energised at different times. The highest inrush current is that of
the 20 kVA transformer, i.e. In = 28.8 A and 10 In = 288 A - 120 ms.
Calculation of the maximum static-switch current
This is the short-circuit current at the level of CB3, which is practically that of CB2.
Selection parameters
The table below sums up the various values calculated.
transformer short-circuit current
generator short-circuit current
rectifier current (UPS input)
continuous load current downstream of the UPS
energising current of the largest load
maximum static-switch current
19.4 kA
2.9 kA
173 A
97 A
288 A - 120 ms
19.4 kA
Characteristics of CB1 and CB2
Breaking capacity
Continuous current
Ir threshold
Im threshold
> 19.4 kA, i.e. 25 kA
> 19.4 kA, i.e. 25 kA
> 173 A, i.e. 200 A
> 97 A, i.e. 125 A
> 173 A +20%
> 97 A + 20%
> 173 A + 20% and
> 288 A +20% and
< 2.9 kA - 20%
< 2.9 kA - 20%
20% represents here the typical tolerance range of circuit-breaker settings.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 41
Protection (Cont.)
Characteristics of the most power circuit breaker CB3
Incomer circuit breakers (input)
Static bypass
Negligible impedance
Outgoing circuit breakers (output)
Isc at CB3 ≈ Isc at CB2
Fig. 1.36. Calculation of the short-circuit current at CB3.
Operation with bypass power
• Breaking capacity
The highest short-circuit current downstream of CB3 is virtually that of CB2 because
it is assumed that the outgoing circuits are near the UPS.
Consequently, the breaking capacity of CB3 is also 25 kA.
• The rating is determined by the largest load, i.e. the 4 x 10 kVA of the computer
system with a continuous current of:
Iload = 40 / U 3 = 40 10 / (400 x 3 ) = 57 A
A 60 A device should be selected.
• Settings
A majority of the loads is of the distribution type, i.e. the Ir threshold of CB3 must be
less than 97 A / 1.6, i.e. < 61 A.
The Im threshold must be less than 1847 / 2, i.e. < 900 A.
Operation without bypass power
In this case, the short-circuited UPS limits its current to 2.33 In for one second.
For APC by Schneider Electric UPSs of the MGE Galaxy range, experimental results
have determined that the highest rating of CB3 must be less than 0.5 In to ensure
This is the case for the circuit breaker for the computer loads.
60 A < 0.5 x 144= 72 A
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01/2012 edition
p. 42
Selection of cable sizes
Cable temperature rise and voltage drops
The cross section of cables depends on:
• permissible temperature rise,
• permissible voltage drop.
For a given load, each of these parameters results in a minimum permissible cross
section. The larger of the two must be used.
When routing cables, care must be taken to maintain the required distances between
control circuits and power circuits, to avoid any disturbances caused by HF currents.
Temperature rise
Permissible temperature rise in cables is limited by the withstand capacity of cable
Temperature rise in cables depends on:
• the type of core (Cu or Al),
• the installation method,
• the number of touching cables.
Standards stipulate, for each type of cable, the maximum permissible current.
Voltage drops
Maximum values
The maximum permissible voltage drops are:
• 3% for AC circuits (50 or 60 Hz),
• 1% for DC circuits.
Selection tables
The tables below indicate the voltage drop in percent for a circuit made up of 100
meters of copper cable. To calculate the voltage drop in a circuit with a length L,
multiply the value in the table by L/100.
If the voltage drop exceeds 3% on a three-phase circuit or 1% on a DC circuit,
increase the cross section of the conductors until the value is within tolerances.
Voltage drop for 100-meter cables
• Sph - the cross section of the conductors
• In - rated current of the protection devices on the circuit
Three-phase circuit (copper conductors)
50-60 Hz - 400 V three phase, cos ϕ = 0.8, balanced 3-ph + N system
Sph (mm ) 10
120 150
In (A) 10
100 8.2
For a three-phase 230 V circuit, multiply the result by 3 .
For a single-phase 208/230 V circuit, multiply the result by 2.
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p. 43
Cables (Cont.)
DC circuit (copper conductors)
Sph (mm ) 25
In (A) 100 5.1
Special case for neutral conductors
In three-phase systems, the third-order harmonics (and their multiples) of singlephase loads add up in the neutral conductor (sum of the currents on the three
For this reason, the following rule is applied - neutral cross section = 1.5 x phase
cross section.
Calculation example
Consider a 70-meter 400 V three-phase circuit, with copper conductors and a rated
current of 600 A.
Standard IEC 60364 indicates, depending on the installation method and the load, a
minimum cross section. We shall assume that the minimum cross section is 95 mm .
It is first necessary to check that the voltage drop does not exceed 3%.
The table for three-phase circuits on the following page indicates, for a 600 A current
flowing in a 300 mm cable, a voltage drop of 3% for 100 meters of cable, i.e. for 70
3 x 70/100 = 2.1%, less than the 3% limit.
A identical calculation can be run for a DC current of 1000 A in a 10-meter cable with
a cross section of 240 mm². The voltage drop for 100 meters is 5.3%, i.e. for ten
5.3 x 10/100 = 0.53%, less than the 1% limit.
Example of an installation
Fig. 1.37. Connection of cables.
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01/2012 edition
p. 44
Energy storage
Storage technologies
Energy storage in UPSs
UPSs require an energy-storage system to supply the inverter with power if utility
power fails or is no longer within tolerances.
The stored energy must have the following characteristics:
• electricity that is immediately available to ride through micro-breaks, short voltage
drops and utility outages,
• sufficient power level to supply the entire load, i.e. a rating equivalent to that of the
UPS system itself,
• backup time, generally about ten minutes, suited to the needs of the loads and to
any other sources available (e.g. an engine generator set for long backup times).
Fig. 1.38. Simplified diagram of a UPS with backup energy storage.
Available technologies
The various technologies currently available are the following:
• batteries:
- sealed lead-acid,
- vented lead-acid,
- nickel cadmium,
• ultracapacitors,
• flywheels:
- traditional units turning at low speeds (1500 rmp) and combined with engine
generator sets,
- medium-speed (7000 rpm) or high-speed (30 to 100 000 rpm) units.
Comparison of technologies
See WP 65 Î
Batteries are by far the most commonly employed solution today.
They are the dominant solution due to low cost, proven effectiveness and storage
capacity, but nonetheless have a number of disadvantages in terms of size,
maintenance and the environment.
Ultracapacitors do not yet offer the necessary performance levels.
Flywheels operating at high speeds constitute a possible technology in terms of their
power ratings (40 to 500 kW), for short backup times (12 seconds to 1 minute).
Figure 1.39 shows the fields of application for the different technologies.
Î For more information, see White Paper WP 65: "Comparing Data Center
Batteries, Flywheels, and Ultracapacitors".
Fig. 1.39. Characteristics in terms of power ratings and backup times.
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01/20112 edition
p. 45
Energy storage (Cont.)
The table below compares the different solutions in terms of their capacity to meet
the energy-storage requirements of static UPSs.
Criteria for comparison
Sealed lead-acid Vented lead-acid Ni/Cad batteries Ultracapacitors Flywheels
Backup time
5 minutes up to
several hours
Purchase price
Implementation / installation / start-up
Requires a special room
Service life
Frequency / time required
Maturity of the technology for UPSs
5 minutes up to
several hours
5 minutes up to
several dozen
a few seconds
a few dozen
low to medium
cost multiplied by 2
or 3 compared to
batteries, for 10
seconds of backup
cost multiplied by 8
compared to
batteries, for 10
seconds of backup
long servicing times
**** excellent *** good ** fair
* poor
APC by Schneider Electric offers flywheel energy storage systems on request.
This solution is suitable to complement batteries in that it may be used to ride
through short disturbances without calling on battery power, thus preserving the
Use without a battery is possible, but the backup time is only a dozen seconds. For
certain applications, such a short backup time is insufficient to start an engine
generator set.
Selection of a battery
Types of batteries
The batteries most frequently used in UPSs are:
• sealed lead-acid, also called gas-recombination batteries,
• vented lead-acid,
• nickel cadmium.
Lithium-polymer batteries are currently being studied for use in UPSs. Solutions
using this technology should be available in two to three years.
Î Types of batteries, see Ch. 5 p. 32 "Energy storage - Types of batteries".
For use in conjunction with its UPS ranges, APC by Schneider Electric recommends
sealed lead-acid batteries.
Selection of a battery depends on the following factors:
• operating conditions and requirements (special room, battery cabinet, racks, etc.),
• required backup time,
• cost considerations.
Backup time
APC by Schneider Electric offers:
• standard backup times of 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes,
• custom backup times that can reach a number of hours.
Selection depends on:
• the average duration of power-system failures,
• any available sources offering long backup times (engine generator set, etc.),
• the type of application.
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p. 46
Energy storage (Cont.)
The following general rules apply.
• Computer systems
Battery backup time must be sufficient to cover file-saving and system-shutdown
procedures required to ensure a controlled shutdown of the computer system.
Generally speaking, the computer department determines the necessary backup
time, depending on its specific requirements.
• Industrial processes
The backup-time calculation should take into account the economic cost incurred by
an interruption in the process and the time required to restart.
• Applications requiring long backup times
An engine generator set can back up a battery if long outages occur, thus avoiding
the need for very large batteries. Generally speaking, use of an engine generator set
becomes feasible for backup times greater than 30 minutes to one hour. The
combination must be carefully studied to optimise the generator rating and ensure
correct operation.
Î Combination with an engine generator set, see Ch. 5 p. 35 "Engine generator set".
Service life
APC by Schneider Electric offers batteries with service lives of 5 or 10 years, or
Î Battery service life, see Ch. 5 p. 33.
Comparison between types of batteries
Sealed lead-acid batteries (gas-recombination)
These are the most commonly used batteries for the following reasons:
• no maintenance,
• easy implementation,
• installation in all types of rooms (computer rooms, technical rooms not specifically
intended for batteries, etc.).
Vented batteries
This type of battery (lead-acid or Ni/Cad) offers certain advantages:
• long service life,
• long backup times,
• high power ratings.
Vented batteries must be installed in special rooms complying with precise
regulations (see Ch. 1 p. 51 "Preliminary work") and require appropriate maintenance.
Battery monitoring
UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric include advanced battery-monitoring systems.
Battery monitoring on MGETM GalaxyTM UPSs
The DigiBatTM battery-monitoring system is an assembly of hardware and software,
installed as standard on UPSs of the MGE Galaxy range from APC by Schneider
Electric and offering the following functions:
• automatic entry of battery parameters,
• optimised battery service life,
• protection against excessive discharges,
• regulation of the battery floating voltage depending on the temperature,
• limitation of the battery current,
• continuous evaluation of available power taking into account the battery age, the
temperature and the percent load,
• forecast of battery service life,
• periodic, automatic tests on the battery, including a check on the battery circuit, an
open-circuit test, a partial-discharge test, etc.
Î DigiBat, see Ch. 5 p. 34 "Battery Management".
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01/20112 edition
p. 47
Energy storage (Cont.)
Environment sensor unit
Battery operating parameters and particularly the temperature affect battery life.
The Environment Sensor, easy to install and combined with a Network Management
card (SNMP/Web), makes possible monitoring of temperature/humidity and the
status of two contacts via SNMP or the web. It also initiates equipment shutdown if
Detection and prevention of battery failure for
In spite of the advantages of sealed lead-acid batteries, over time, all batteries will
fail due to ageing. Without rigorous monitoring, the true integrity and capacity of a
battery remains unknown.
Battery-monitoring techniques have a major impact on reliability and can be used to
define the best strategy for replacement, resulting in a better level of protection.
APC by Schneider Electric also offers continuous, cell by cell, battery-monitoring
systems with software and communication capabilities. These systems can be
implemented by the user or integrated in the Teleservice offer.
B2000 battery-monitoring system
The B2000 system offers continuous, overall monitoring of the main battery
parameters. That includes the voltage, current, temperature and any drift detected
during charge and discharge cycles. It issues an alarm when tolerance levels are
overrun. Automatic recording of discharges, whether planned or unplanned, is also
available for data analysis.
The monitoring system can help detect possible problems before the battery fails and
thus enhance availability of UPS energy.
Cellwatch battery-monitoring system
General battery maintenance may not be sufficient to ensure correct operation,
notably for mission-critical applications where there is no room for error.
Between periodic tests (generally once every three months), a cell may suddenly fail.
A valve-regulated sealed lead-acid cell can fail in just a few days after a periodic test.
The cause is the chemical reactions that take place in the cell following charge and
discharge cycles. These cycles occur even if the protection system is not in
operation. What is more, corrosion can affect the entire connection system of the
battery string, inside or outside of the cell.
It was therefore necessary to do more than simply check the voltage. The research
carried out showed that the internal resistance or the impedance of the cell is a good
indicator of its status, in that it reveals both deterioration and any physical problems.
The Cellwatch monitoring system uses this system based on cell impedance to
monitor each cell. It provides reliable monitoring of the service life of each cell.
APC battery management system for SymmetraTM UPSs
The APC battery management system, available for UPSs of the Symmetra range
from APC by Schneider Electric, ensures your batteries are optimally charged and
ready for use. This browser-accessible, 1U rackmountable system combines battery
monitoring and testing with individual boost charging for peak battery performance.
Integration into your preferred building management system or use of a Web browser
provides visibility of the health and status of your batteries. This system makes it
possible to solve battery problems before they affect availability.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/20112 edition
p. 48
Human-machine interface and
Human-machine interface
General characteristics
The human-machine interface on the UPS must be user-friendly, easy to use and
multi-lingual (adjustable to the user's language).
It is generally made up of a mimic panel, a status and control panel, and an
alphanumeric display. A password-protected personalisation menu may be available
for entry of installation parameters and access to detailed information.
The HMI typically offers the functions listed below.
On and Off buttons
• delayed to avoid erroneous operations.
• with an option for a remote EPO (emergency power off).
• independent with respect to the rest of the display
Status LEDs that clearly identify:
• normal operation (load protected),
• downgraded operating mode (malfunction),
• dangerous situations for the load (load not protected),
• operation on battery power.
• alarm buzzer and buzzer reset button.
• battery shutdown warning.
• general alarm.
• battery fault.
A screen providing:
• access to measurements
- input power (voltage, current, frequency).
- battery (voltage, charge and discharge currents, remaining backup time,
- inverter output (phase-to-neutral voltage, current, frequency, active and apparent
power, crest factor).
• access to history logs
- log containing time-stamped events.
- curves and bargraphs of the measured values.
High availability for critical applications requires
communicating protection equipment
The UPS system, essential for mission-critical equipment, must include
communication features that keep operators continously informed, wherever
they may be, of any risk of compromising the operating security of the system
so that they can take immediate action.
To ensure power availability, the UPS communication features provide the
following four essential functions:
) Supervision / monitoring of all installed UPSs via software.
) Notification via the network and the Internet.
) Controlled shutdown (local or remote, automatic or manual) of protected
) Teleservice via a modem and telephone line to a support centre.
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01/2012 Edition
p. 49
Human-machine interface and
communication (Cont.)
APC by Schneider Electric solutions
Communication cards
• Network Management Card (Ethernet)
- Web monitoring
- Email notification
- SNMP MIB & Traps
- Server protection with Network Shutdown Module
- Supervision with Enterprise Power Manager or ISX Central
- Environment monitoring with Environment Sensor (T°, H%, Inputs)
• Modbus – Jbus card (RS232 & RS485)
- Monitoring
• Teleservice card (Modem)
- Alerts
- Monitoring
- Diagnostics
- Reporting
• Relay card (contacts)
- Indications
Management software
• Enterprise Power Manager & ISX Central (software & server)
Software solutions to manage all installed UPSs via IP networks, web
compatible and accessible from any web browser.
• NMS Integration kits (Network Management System)
Integration in NMSs such as HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, CA Unicenter, etc.
• Network Shutdown Module
- Software module for safe system shutdown.
Fig. 1.40. The communication cards combined with supervision software offer a wide range of
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 50
Preliminary work
Installation considerations
The main elements that must be taken into account for the UPS installation are the
• plans for site modifications, any preliminary work (notably for a battery room),
taking into account:
- the dimensions of equipment,
- operating and maintenance conditions (accessibility, clearances, etc.),
- temperature conditions that must be respected,
- safety considerations,
- applicable standards and regulations,
• ventilation or air-conditioning of rooms,
• creation of a battery room.
Layout of UPS cabinets and enclosures should be based on precise plans.
The physical characteristics of UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric that may be
used to prepare the plans are presented in chapter 4.
They indicate, for each range:
• the dimensions and weights of:
- UPS and centralised-bypass cabinets;
- battery cabinets,
- any auxiliary cabinets (autotransformers, transformers, filters, etc.),
• minimum clearances required for cabinets and enclosures to ensure optimal
ventilation and sufficient access.
Ventilation, air-conditioning
Ventilation requirements
UPSs are designed to operate within a given temperature range (0 to 40°C for UPSs
from APC by Schneider Electric ) that is sufficient for most operating conditions
without modifications.
However, UPSs and their auxiliary equipment produce heat losses that can, if no
steps are taken, increase the temperature of a poorly ventilated room.
What is more, the service life of a battery is heavily dependent on the ambient
temperature. The service life is optimal for temperatures between 15° C and 25° C.
This factor must be taken into account if the battery is installed in the same room as
the UPS.
A further consideration is the fact that UPSs may be installed in the same room as
computer equipment which often has more severe requirements concerning
operating-temperature ranges.
Selecting a type of ventilation
For all the above reasons, a minimum amount of ventilation is required, and where
applicable air-conditioning, to avoid any risk of excessive temperature rise in the
room due to the heat losses.
Ventilation can be by:
• natural convection,
• forced exchange by a ventilation system,
• installation of an air-conditioning unit.
Selection depends on:
• the heat losses that must be evacuated,
• the size of the room.
The thermal characteristics of UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric are indicated in
chapter 4 and may be used to calculate ventilation needs. They mention for each
• the heat losses of cabinets and any filters installed,
• the volume of air output by a ventilation system.
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 51
Preliminary work (Cont.)
IP degree of protection and noise level
Degree of protection (IP)
UPSs must operate in an environment that is compatible with their degree of
protection (IP 20 for UPSs from APC by Schneider Electric), defined by standard IEC
60529/EN 60529. The presence of dust, water and corrosive substances must be
Noise level
UPSs must produce a low level of noise, suited to the room where they are installed.
Measurement conditions for the level of noise indicated by the manufacturer must
comply with standard ISO 3746 (measurement of noise).
Battery room
Where possible and if desired, the battery should be installed in a cabinet.
Battery-cabinet dimensions are indicated for each UPS range, depending on the
rated power.
However, for very high-power UPSs, batteries are generally installed in special
rooms (electrical room).
Batteries must be installed in compliance with international standards, local
regulations and standard IEC 60364.
Battery installation method
The criteria determining the battery-installation method are the following:
• available floor space,
• the weight that the floor can handle (kg/m2),
• ease of access and maintenance.
The following three methods are used.
Battery installed directly on floor
This is the most simple arrangement. However, a large battery room is required,
• the large amount of floor space occupied by the battery,
• the insulated flooring (duck board), which is mandatory if the voltage exceeds 150
Battery on racks
The battery cells are installed on a number of different levels, off the floor.
When determining the height between each rack, it is necessary to take into account
the space required to check battery levels and fill the battery cells easily. A minimum
height of 450 mm is recommended.
Battery on tiers
This installation method is similar to the preceding. It is the most convenient method
for checking battery levels.
Battery-room features
Whatever the installation method selected, the battery installation must comply with
the following requirements (the numbers indicate the elements shown in figure 1.40).
Floor and walls (1)
• The floor must slope to an evacuation trough which leads to a holding tank.
• Protection coating against acid on the floor and walls, up to a height of at least 0.5
For example, asphalt for lead-acid batteries, PVC or chlorine-based paint for alkaline
APC by Schneider Electric
01/2012 edition
p. 52
Preliminary work (Cont.)
Ventilation (2)
• calculation of throughput
The volume of air to be evacuated depends on the maximum load current and the
type of battery. In installations comprising a number of batteries, the quantities of air
that must be evacuated are cumulative.
- vented batteries
d = 0.05 x N x Im, where
d - throughput in cubic meters per hour,
N - number of battery cells,
Im - maximum load current in amperes.
- sealed battery
The ventilation conditions in a general-purpose room are sufficient.
• safety
An automatic device must stop battery charging if the ventilation system fails.
• location
Air must be drawn out from the top of the battery room.
Layout of cells (3)
Layout must inhibit simultaneous contact with two bare parts presenting a voltage
greater than or equal to 150 V. If the above condition cannot be met, terminal shields
must be installed and connections must be made using insulated cables.
Service flooring (4)
If the voltage exceeds 150 V, special flooring is required. It must offer sure footing,
be insulated from the floor and offer at least one meter of walkway around the
Battery connection (5)
Connections must be as short a possible.
Battery-protection circuit breaker (6)
The circuit breaker is generally installed in a wall-mounted enclosure.
Fire-fighting equipment (7)
Authorized fire extinguishers include power, CO2 or sand.
Safety equipment (8)
The safety equipment must include protective glasses, gloves and a source of water.
Inspection equipment (9)
• Hydrometer.
• Filling device.
• Thermometer.
Sensors (10)
• Hydrogen detector.
• Temperature sensor.
Fig. 1.41. Layout of battery room
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p. 53
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01/2012 edition
p. 54