IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 797 Control of Single-Phase-to-Three-Phase AC/DC/AC PWM Converters for Induction Motor Drives Dong-Choon Lee, Member, IEEE, and Young-Sin Kim Abstract—This paper proposes a novel control scheme of singlephase-to-three-phase pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) converters for low-power three-phase induction motor drives, where a single-phase half-bridge PWM rectifier and a two-leg inverter are used. With this converter topology, the number of switching devices is reduced to six from ten in the case of full-bridge rectifier and three-leg inverter systems. In addition, the source voltage sensor is eliminated with a state observer, which controls the deviation between the model current and the system current to be zero. A simple scalar voltage modulation method is used for a two-leg inverter, and a new technique to eliminate the effect of the dc-link voltage ripple on the inverter output current is proposed. Although the converter topology itself is of lower cost than the conventional one, it retains the same functions such as sinusoidal input current, unity power factor, dc-link voltage control, bidirectional power flow, and variable-voltage and variable-frequency output voltage. The experimental results for the V /f control of 3-hp induction motor drives controlled by a digital signal processor TMS320C31 chip have verified the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Index Terms—AC/DC/AC pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) converter, dc-link voltage ripple, induction motor, source voltage estimation, two-leg inverter. I. I NTRODUCTION I N VIEW of the machine efficiency, power factor, and torque ripples, a three-phase induction motor is preferable to a single-phase induction motor. Therefore, it is desirable to replace the single-phase induction motor drives by the threephase induction motor drives in residential appliances, farming, and low-power industrial applications [1]. However, where only a single-phase utility is available, a single-phase-to-three-phase power converter system is required to feed the three-phase induction motor drives. Conventionally, a full-bridge diode rectifier plus three-leg pulsewidthmodulation (PWM) inverter has been used. However, the diode rectifier produces harmonic currents to flow into the supply and has no capability of regenerative operation. A few recent papers dealt with the half-bridge PWM rectifier and the two-leg three-phase PWM inverter. However, most of Manuscript received January 25, 2006; revised October 27, 2006. Abstract published on the Internet January 14, 2007. This work was supported by the Korea Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute under Grant R2005-B-109, which is funded by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Korea. This paper was presented in part at the International Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control for Energy Conservation, Warsaw, Poland, October 16–19, 2005. D.-C. Lee is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749, Korea (e-mail: Y.-S. Kim is with LG Philips LCD Company, Kumi 730-726, Korea (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2007.891780 Fig. 1. Single-phase-to-three-phase ac/dc/ac converter with a dc boost chopper. them investigated its modulation schemes and output performance [2]–[8], and its control scheme has not been very much studied [9]–[11]. Moreover, the sensor elimination technique for this kind of converter is very rare since it usually requires a high-performance digital signal processor (DSP) [12]–[14]. In this paper, a low-cost power converter combined with a half-bridge PWM rectifier and a two-leg PWM inverter for the three-phase induction motor drives are studied, and an algorithm of the source voltage sensor elimination technique is presented, which makes the system cheaper and robust to measurement noises. Also, a new compensation scheme of the dc-link voltage ripple effect on the inverter output voltage is proposed. In addition, a balancing control of the neutral voltage in the dc link is applied for the symmetrical output voltage of the inverter. The proposed algorithm has been implemented for the V /f control of the three-phase induction motor drives controlled by a DSP TMS320C31. II. C ONVENTIONAL S INGLE -P HASE - TO -T HREE -P HASE AC/DC/AC C ONVERTERS The simplest circuit of an ac/dc/ac converter topology converting from a single-phase supply to a three-phase variable-voltage and variable-frequency (VVVF) system is a single-phase full-bridge diode rectifier and a three-leg PWM inverter system. This circuit is simple and relatively of low cost. However, it has significant disadvantages such as nonreversible power flow and source current distortion with poor power factor [1]. Fig. 1 shows the power circuit structure with a dc boost chopper intervening between the diode rectifier and the threeleg PWM inverter. With the dc chopper, the source current can be controlled to be sinusoidal, with unity power factor. However, the power flow is still unidirectional, not reversible [2]. 0278-0046/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE 798 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 When is > 0, for the upper part of the rectifier, the current and voltage are given by ic1 = idc1 − il Fig. 2. Single-phase-to-three-phase ac/dc/ac PWM converter. idc1 = Sa ∗ is 1 vdc1 = ic1 dt C 1 = (idc1 − il )dt C (1) (2) (3) where Sa is a switching state, i.e., 1 or 0. For the lower part, the similar equations are obtained as follows: ic2 = − idc2 − il (4) idc2 = Sb ∗ is = (1 − Sa ) ∗ is 1 1 vdc2 = ic2 dt = (−idc2 − il )dt. C C Fig. 3. Single-phase half-bridge plus two-leg three-phase ac/dc/ac PWM converter topology. Fig. 2 shows a single-phase full-bridge PWM rectifier with a three-phase full-bridge PWM inverter system. This converter gives excellent performance such as sinusoidal control of source current, unity power-factor control of the source side, constant dc voltage control, and bidirectional power flow. However, it requires ten active switching devices, so that it is more expensive than other circuits [2]. III. S INGLE -P HASE H ALF -B RIDGE PWM R ECTIFIERS Fig. 3 shows a single-phase half-bridge PWM rectifier and a two-leg three-phase PWM inverter. Compared with the circuit of Fig. 2, the number of the switching devices is reduced to six from ten, whereas it retains the function of the topology in Fig. 2. However, it also has some disadvantages such as higher output current distortion and doubly high dc-link voltage requirement [3]. The circuit topology shown in Fig. 3 is not new. However, it has usually been applied to two-phase induction motor drives, where one output is fed to the main winding and the other output is for the auxiliary winding [15]. In this paper, the application of this converter to the V /f control of the three-phase induction motor drives is studied. In addition, the source voltage elimination technique is proposed to reduce the system cost and for better reliability to the sensing noise. A. Half-Bridge PWM Rectifier There are two operating modes in half-bridge PWM rectifiers, namely: 1) charging mode and 2) discharging mode, as shown in Fig. 4 [7], where vs and is are the source voltage and current, respectively; vdc1 and vdc2 are the capacitor voltages in the dc side; and vr is the rectifier input voltage. (5) (6) For is < 0, the same equations can be applied to the relation of current and voltage. Combining (1)–(6), the input voltage of the rectifier and the dc-link voltage are expressed as vr = Sa ∗ vdc1 − Sb ∗ vdc2 vdc = vdc1 + vdc2 . (7) (8) B. Source Voltage Estimation In order to control the source current at unity power factor, a source voltage sensor is normally required. Unlike the input current sensor necessary for system protection, the voltage sensor may be eliminated without loss of safety. By controlling the deviation between the measured current and the model current to be zero, the source voltage can be estimated, and then, the source voltage sensor may be eliminated. A block diagram of the source voltage estimation is shown in Fig. 5 [12]–[14]. The voltage equation at the source can be expressed as follows: vs = Rs is + Ls d is + vr . dt (9) Expressing (9) in a discrete domain vs (n−1) = Rs is (n−1)+ Ls {is (n)−is (n−1)}+vr (n−1). Ts (10) The source voltage in (10) is expressed as vs (n − 1) = V cos θ (11) where V and θ are the magnitude and phase angle of the source voltage, respectively. The phase angle at the nth sampling instant is given by θ(n) = (n − 1)ωTs + θ0 (12) LEE AND KIM: CONTROL OF SINGLE-PHASE-TO-THREE-PHASE AC/DC/AC PWM CONVERTERS Fig. 4. 799 Operating modes of the circuit. (a) and (b) Charging. (c) and (d) Discharging. Similarly to (13), the model current is given by iM (n) = is (n − 1) + Ts {VM cos θM − RM is (n − 1) LM − vr (n − 1)} (15) where LM and RM are the model parameters. It is assumed that the inductance and resistance in both the real system and the model are the same, which is usually reasonable in the rectifier system. Then, subtracting (15) from (13) gives Fig. 5. ∆is (n) = is (n) − iM (n) Block diagram for source voltage estimation. where θ0 is an initial angle at the (n − 1)th sampling. From (10), the source current in a discrete domain can be written as is (n) = is (n−1)+ Ts {vs (n−1)−Rs is (n−1)−vr (n−1)} . Ls (13) On the other hand, the estimated source voltage in the rectifier model from (11) can be expressed as vM (n − 1) = VM cos θM (14) where VM and θM are the magnitude and phase angle of the source voltage at the (n − 1)th sampling point, and the subscript M means the variable or parameter in the rectifier model. Ts ∼ {∆V cos θM − ∆θ · V sin θM }. = Ls (16) It should be noted that the deviation of ∆is is caused by the estimation error of the source voltage, i.e., the magnitude error and the phase angle error. Applying Fourier series to (16) Ls 1 ∆V = Ts π 2π ∆is cos θM dθM (17) 0 Ls 1 ∆θ = − Ts V π 2π ∆is sin θM dθM . 0 (18) 800 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 Fig. 6. Control block diagram for half-bridge PWM rectifier. Fig. 8. Voltage modulation in triangular comparison method. TABLE I SWITCHING STATES AND OUTPUT VOLTAGES Fig. 7. Two-leg three-phase PWM inverter. From (17) and (18), VM and θM are estimated as VM (n) = VM (n − 1) + KE ∆is (n) cos θM (n − 1) (19) θM (n) = θM (n − 1) + ωTs − Kθ ∆is (n) sin θM (n − 1) (20) where KE (= 2.36) and Kθ (= 0.02) are gains. C. Control of the System Fig. 6 shows the control block diagram for a half-bridge PWM rectifier. For controlling the source current and the dclink voltage, the proportional–integral regulators are employed. For a balancing control of the neutral voltage of the dc link, the difference of vdc1 and vdc2 is fed back to the current controller through the proportional gain of Kff (= 0.5) [7]. For the dclink voltage feedback, a cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter has been chosen as 50 Hz, and for the balanced control loop, it has been chosen as 0.01 Hz. Also, to avoid using the source voltage sensor, the source voltage is estimated, as discussed in Section III-B. IV. PWM IN T WO -L EG I NVERTERS Fig. 7 shows a two-leg inverter, which gives a three-phase VVVF output voltage. For the induction motor drive, the threephase voltage references are given in a balanced set as ∗ vas = Vm cos ωt 2π ∗ vbs = Vm cos ωt − 3 2π ∗ = Vm cos ωt + . vcs 3 (21) (22) (23) Fig. 9. Switching states of two legs. There are two kinds of voltage modulation schemes for the two-leg three-phase PWM inverter [4], [11]. One is named a vector modulation using a space voltage vector concept. The other is called a scalar modulation, which uses the phase voltages in calculating the switching time. Here, the scalar modulation scheme is adopted since it is simple and straightforward. Since the two phases of the induction motor are connected to the inverter legs and the third phase is connected to the neutral point of the dc link, the line-to-line voltage can be used for the PWM instead of the phase voltage. Let the c-phase be connected to the neutral point. Then, from (21)–(23), the two line-to-line voltage references are given by √ π 3Vm cos ωt − 6 √ π . = 3Vm cos ωt − 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ = vas − vcs = vac (24) ∗ ∗ ∗ vbc = vbs − vcs (25) √ The magnitude of these two voltages is 3 times that of the phase voltage and displaced by π/3 relative to each other. By LEE AND KIM: CONTROL OF SINGLE-PHASE-TO-THREE-PHASE AC/DC/AC PWM CONVERTERS 801 Fig. 10. Configuration of experimental system. Fig. 11. Source voltage estimation. using the proportionality of the triangle, as shown in Fig. 8, the switching time can be calculated as v∗ Ts + ac Ts T1 = 2 vdc v∗ Ts + bc Ts . T2 = 2 vdc (26) (27) When vdc1 and vdc2 are exactly equal to each other, the time duration of T1 and T2 in (26) and (27) gives precise modulated voltages. However, due to the dc-link voltage ripples and the deadtime effect, the output currents as well as the output voltages are unbalanced and distorted. The deterioration of these waveforms can be eliminated by compensating for the dc-link voltage ripples and the dead-time effect. From (26) and (27), the average voltages over one switching period are calculated as vdc v̄ac = T1 vdc − Ts (28) /Ts 2 vdc /Ts . v̄bc = T2 vdc − Ts (29) 2 Fig. 12. Unity power-factor control of source side. (a) Positive power flow. (b) Negative power flow. Although the average value of vdc1 is the same as that of vdc2 , their instantaneous values are not the same due to the ac ripple components. These ac ripple components cause the voltage modulation error in (26) and (27). Thus, the instantaneous difference of the two dc voltages should be compensated. According to the switching state, the output voltages of the inverter are given in Table I. For example, when the switching state is given, as shown in Fig. 9, the output voltages in case of the unequal vdc1 and vdc2 are modified from (28) and (29) as v̄ac = {(Ts − T1 )(−vdc2 ) + (T1 − T2 )vdc1 + T2 vdc1 } /Ts = {T1 (vdc1 + vdc2 ) − Ts vdc2 } /Ts = (T1 vdc − Ts vdc2 )/Ts (30) v̄bc = {(Ts − T1 )(−vdc2 ) + (T1 − T2 )(−vdc2 ) + T2 vdc1 } /Ts = {T2 (vdc1 + vdc2 ) − Ts vdc2 } /Ts = (T2 vdc − Ts vdc2 )/Ts . (31) For precise modulation, a voltage component to be compensated can be derived from the difference between the real 802 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 Fig. 13. DC-link voltage control. (a) vdc . (b) vdc1 and vdc2 . Fig. 15. Induction motor currents at half-load condition (60 Hz) with compensation for (a) none, (b) dc-link ripple voltage, (c) dead-time effect, and (d) both dc-link ripple voltage and dead-time effect. On the other hand, the deadtime is required to prevent the shoot-through of the inverter switching leg. This dead time should be compensated for eliminating the voltage distortion. The dead-time effect will be considered in Section V. V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS Fig. 14. Induction motor currents at half-load condition (10 Hz) with compensation for (a) none, (b) dc-link ripple voltage, (c) dead-time effect, and (d) both dc-link ripple voltage and dead-time effect. output voltage and its reference as − v̄ac vcomp = v̄ac = v̄bc − v̄bc vdc1 − vdc2 . = 2 (32) Including this term in the calculation of the switching time T1 = v ∗ − vcomp Ts + ac Ts 2 vdc (33) T2 = v ∗ − vcomp Ts + bc Ts . 2 vdc (34) Fig. 10 shows the configuration of the experimental setup. It is a single-phase, 110-V, 60-Hz source voltage, and the boost inductance and its resistance are 2 mH and 0.06 Ω, respectively. In addition, the capacitance of each dc-link capacitor is 3300 µF, which is connected in series across the dc bus bar. The switching frequency of the insulated gate bipolar transistor devices is 5 kHz, the sampling period of the current control loop is 100 µs, and the dc-link voltage is controlled to be 540 V for the ease of experiment. The deadtime of the inverter is 2.7 µs, where it is compensated by using the method [16]. The three-phase, 220-V, four-pole, 3-hp induction motor is operated by V /f constant control mode. For applying the load to the induction motor, the separately excited dc motor coupled is operated in torque control mode. The main controller is a DSP TMS320C31. Fig. 11 shows the estimated source voltage waveform. With the proposed estimation strategy, the source voltage is well performed, so that the source voltage sensor can be eliminated. Fig. 12 shows the source voltage and current waveforms in steady state. The source current is controlled to be sinusoidal, with unity power factor kept for bidirectional power flow operation. Fig. 13 shows the dc-link voltages of vdc , vdc1 , and vdc2 . LEE AND KIM: CONTROL OF SINGLE-PHASE-TO-THREE-PHASE AC/DC/AC PWM CONVERTERS 803 It should be noted that the current sensors are required for the deadtime effect compensation. However, the current sensors are not usually used for the V /f control of the induction motor drives, whereas they are used for the high-performance vector control. Thus, it is up to the users whether the current sensors are employed or not for the deadtime effect compensation. VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper, an integrative control algorithm for a singlephase half-bridge PWM rectifier and a two-leg PWM inverter for three-phase induction motor drives has been studied. Here, adverse influences of a dc-link voltage ripple and the deadtime of the inverter switching legs on the inverter output current have been investigated, and a solution was proposed, which resulted in a balanced set of a three-phase output current. Also, an algorithm to eliminate the source voltage sensor in the half-bridge PWM rectifier was studied, which proved that the estimated source voltage coincides well with the measured voltage. In addition, a balancing control of the neutral voltage in the dc link was applied for the symmetrical output voltage of the inverter. The validity of the proposed algorithm has been verified by experimental results. The proposed digital control algorithm for the given circuit topology can be applied to the residential appliance, farming, and low-power industrial applications with a low-cost DSP chip such as TMS320LF2407. R EFERENCES Fig. 16. Transient response of induction motor currents for load variation. (a) Load torque. (b) Induction motor currents. (c) DC-link voltage. (d) Source current. vdc coincides with its reference value of 540 V with low ripple components. With the balancing control, vdc1 and vdc2 are well balanced. Fig. 14 shows the induction motor currents at half load and at 10-Hz operation. Without any compensation in Fig. 14(a), the motor current is much distorted. In Fig. 14(b) and (c), with the compensation of either the dc-link ripple component or the dead-time effect, it is shown that the distortion of the waveforms still exists. With the compensation for these two effects in Fig. 14(d), the waveform becomes a balanced set of sinusoidal currents. Fig. 15 shows the same results as in Fig. 14 except in operating at 60 Hz. Since the output voltage at high speeds is larger than that at low speeds, the degree of distortion without proper compensation is less than that at low speeds. However, there still exist some distortion and unbalance. With compensation, the set of the three-phase current has been made sinusoidal and balanced. Fig. 16 shows the transient response of the three-phase motor currents [Fig. 16(b)], dc-link voltage [Fig. 16(c)], and source current [Fig. 16(d)] at impact loading of 12 N · m [Fig. 16(a)], which is applied by the torque control of the dc motor coupled. 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As a Visiting Scholar, he was with the Power Quality Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1998, the Electrical Drive Center, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., in 2001, and the Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 2004. His research interests include ac machine drives, control of power converters, wind power generation systems, and power quality. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 54, NO. 2, APRIL 2007 Young-Sin Kim was born in Korea in 1978. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea, in 2004 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a Research Engineer at LG Philips LCD Company, Kumi, Korea. His research areas are high-voltage power supplies and control of power electronics circuits.