Developers` Manual - Water Corporation

Developers’ Manual
Version 1.36.1
The following clauses in this manual were revised on the dates shown.
Issue Date
Reason for Change
4 August 1999
Initial Issue
6 April 2000
16 January 2001
10 September
May 2002
September 2003
January 2006
July 2006
May 2007
Amendments to clauses 2.1, 2.3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 18.1, 19.1.3, 19.1.5,
22.2, 23.1.2, 23.1.4, 26.1.1, 26.1.4, 26.2.1 and 27.1
Clauses 4.2 and 27.1.1 deleted
New sections 28 and 29 added
Modifications to table of contents, maps, glossary of terms and minor
editorial changes
Amendments to clauses 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 9.4.2, 9.4.3, 18.1.1,
18.1.2, 19.1.5, 22.1.2, 22.1.3 (deleted), 24.3.6, 25.1.3 (added),
25.2.5, 25.2.6, 25.3, 26.1.1, 26.1.2, 27.1.1 and 29
Modifications to table of contents, glossary of terms and minor
editorial changes
Amendments to clauses 2.1, 2.2, 10.1.3, 19.1.5, 24.1.1, 24.3.7
Modification to table of contents
Amendments to clauses 2.1,18.1.1, 19.1.5, 24.3.1, 24.3.6, 29.3
Section 18 renamed and Section 10.1 clarified
Modifications to table of contents and glossary of terms
Amendments to Clauses:2.3 numbered in body of document,
9.4.3 Category g) added; drawing guidelines changed to” WCX CAD
Standard (formerly WCX Pack)”,
2.2 Wastewater Manual Volume 2 replaced with “Design Standard
Number 51” and “for drawing standards WCX CAD Standard (formerly
WCX Pack)” added, and “Vacuum Sewerage Manual” added.
6. amended.
10.1.12 Vacuum Sewerage added.
25.2.6 inserted and existing 25.2.6 & 25.2.7 re numbered,
22.6.2 amended and, and added.
“Design Standards” added to Glossary of Terms and in general text
throughout manual as required.
Modifications to table of contents
Contact details in Clauses 5.1 5.2 & 5.3 amended
Clause 2.2 – list of manuals amended to include External Approvals
Clause 8 Title changed to External Approvals – modifications to text
to accommodate External Approvals Manual and new location of
Prelims to Works
Clause 10 – Initial Submission. General amendments to replace
covering letter with Submission cover sheet included at Clause 10.1
Clause 12 – Final Submission. General amendments to replace
covering letter with Submission cover sheet included at Clause 14.1
Requirement for Serviceable Lots list added at clause 10.1.7 – other
clauses renumbered to suit and Submission Cover Sheet for Review of
Initial Engineering Design Submissions amended
Amendment to clauses
Clause 2.3.3 Added “The Construction Engineer is responsible for
arranging the construction of the works to meet the requirements of
the relevant manuals, codes and standards”.
Section 11 Numbering reformatted on Submission Cover Sheet
February 2008
External Approvals
Paragraph to added outlining requirement to obtain comment from
external agencies regarding developments adjacent to or crossing a
road reserve or asset under control of an external agency.
Issue Date
Reason for Change
February 2008
Modifications to table of contents
Clause 9.6 Deleted “from the Design Coordination by fax request on
9420 2203” and replaced it with “by completing the Application Form
Attachment 3 and forwarding it to your Submission Contact.”
Added Attachment 3 ‘”Application for single use of Water Corporation
example drawings for pumping station facility in electronic format”.
April 2008
May 2008
September 2008
October 2008
Submission Cover Sheet for Acceptance of Final Engineering
Submissions paragraph 5 external approvals amended to ensure that
the required actions are completed
Clause 2.3.4 Paragraph to serve notice that the Corporation has the
right to accept or reject nominated engineers.
Clause 10.1.13 paragraph amended following request from Principal
Engineer Infrastructure Design Branch
Clause 10.1.14 Paragraph titled “Low Pressure Sewerage” and
amended to explain in what circumstances Grinder Pumps are
Clause 6 of the Submission Cover Sheet for Review of Initial
Engineering Design Submission redrafted to indicate if adjacent lots
are likely to become serviceable as a result of the works.
Clause 6 of the Submission Cover Sheet for Acceptance of Final
Engineering Submission redrafted to indicate property details of lots
of lots rateable as a result of the works
February 2009
Paragraph 5.3 As Constructed Contact details amended
Clause 15.2 re drafted to outline the requirement relating to the Final
Design Submission for Urban Drainage works.
March 2009
Contact details for Kalgoorlie para 5.2 amended also 5.3 amended to
ensure all “as constructed” details are forwarded to the Spatial
Information Management Group
April 2009
Submission Cover Sheet for Acceptance of Final Engineering
Submissions paragraph 5 External Approvals amended to ensure that
all requirements relating to the External Works Manual and the
Utilities Code of Practice are met.
August 2009
Clauses 10.1, 11,22.5, 24, 24.5.3 and 26 aligned to similar provision
in the Advanced Works Agreement Manual .
Additional checklist examples added clause 11.2 also Attachment 4
(i.e. example of a Wastewater As Constructed plan)
September 2009
Amended the Wastewater Reticulation and Water Reticulation Initial
Design Checklists Paragraphs 10.4.4 and 11.4 deleted
Paragraph 24.5.2 relating to as constructed information for Water
Reticulation works revised
Clause 22.7 Joint Final Inspection changed to Final Takeover
Clause 24.5.3 Amended to attachment 4
Clause 24.5.4 Typographical error amended
Clause 24.5.5 amended to reflect details contained in 24.5.2
Clause 5.1 Main Extension contact details amended
Appendix 4 Example Wastewater Reticulation As Constructed Plan
reformatted as A3
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
Clauses 10.1, 11.3, 11.4 & 11.5 changed to incorporate requirements
of Urban Main Drainage Manual.
Issue Date
Reason for Change
July 2010
Section 3 Process Flowchart Prerequisites to Works amended to
External Approvals and Prerequisites to Works
Section 5 Perth Contacts amended to include Main Relocations
Section 11 amended to include Design Standard Variation Request
Section 13 Manager Land Development amended to Manager
Development Services Branch
October 2010
Section 11.2 Submission cover sheet for review of initial engineering
design amended
Section11.3 Water and wastewater reticulation initial design
checklists amended
March 2011
Section 24 Incomplete submissions will not be accepted or captured
until requested information is received.
June 2011
Section 5 Corporation Contacts
Section 5.2 Inspection Contacts
Section 5.3 As- Constructed Information Contacts
Section 5.4 State Map
Section 5.5 South West Region Map
Section 5.6 Metropolitan Map
December 2011
Point 10.1.7 deleted from Initial Submission Requirements
Section 28 Added reference to Section5 of the Working Near Water
Corporation Pipeline Guidelines
January 2012
Section 5.2 Amended contact numbers for the Southwest Region
Added Plan Number field to the Submission Cover Sheet for Acceptance
of Final Engineering Submissions.
Section 24 Added Water and Wastewater Reticulation As-Constructed
Submission Checklist
Section 28 Attachment 1 amended to include open drains
March 2012
Submission Cover Sheet for acceptance of final engineering
submissions – section headings numbered
Clause 24.1 Recording of as constructed information amended to
include Licensed Surveyors or Engineering Surveyors
May 2012
February 2013
July 2013
December 2013
April 2014
Section 5.1 Amended submission contact details
Section 5.2 Amended North West Region telephone / Fax numbers
Section 2.2 Amended reference to Design Standards
Section 4.1.2 Revised paragraph 2_Connection to Existing Works
Section 5.3 As Constructed Information Contact details amended
Section 11 Added Water and Wastewater Headworks Initial design
Amended the maps in Sections 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6
Section 11.1 amended to make reference to the Design Standard
variation Request Form and Inserted new form (page 27)
Section 8 Amended legislative requirement to provisions of the Water
Services Act 2012
Section 9.4 Change phone contact to email inbox address
Section 9.5 Amended fax number
Section 11 Added Drainage Works Initial Design Check list
Section 20.3 Added Construction of assets without all relevant approval
Amended Initial submission coversheet, Water and Wastewater retic
and Drainage works check lists
Issue Date
Reason for Change
August 2014
South West Region map removed
Initial Submission Cover sheet removed
Headworks assets removed as scope of works
Process diagram revised
Application/Submission forms located at rear as appendices
Additional Pre-calculated information included
December 2014
Section 10.2 Site plan information to be included with digital copy of
design drawings
Section 15.4 amended to include requirement where drawing
amended and cost of project increases a revised Final Subdivision
Cover Sheet must be included
Section 23 revised sub paragraphs 23.1.3 and 23.1.5 removed
Appendix 5 Final submission Cover Sheet added additional dot point
under Important information for Design Engineers
May 2015
Section 14 Additional information required i.e. Name of Construction
Engineer, Contractor , Sub contractor
Section 17 redrafted - Constructed Phase – Start-up
Section 18 redrafted.-. Construction Phase - Design amendment –
alterations to an accepted final submission
November 2015
Country Inspection Contacts amended
2.3 and 2.4 added to Wastewater Initial Submission cover sheet to be
consistent with Water Initial Submission cover sheet
Minor updates to Water Initial Design Checklist
August 2016
Appendix 8 – As Constructed Plan checklist updated
Items 11, 12, 13 and 14 added to the Wastewater requirements
Items 9,10, 10, 11 and 12 added to the Water requirements
Feedback Form
To provide feedback on the Developers’ Manual, please complete this form.
Publication Information
Title: Developers’ Manual
Revision Status:
Your Information
Proposed Change Information
Page No.:
Para Reference (e.g. 1.2.3):
Description of change:
Reason for change:
Do you require a response to your suggestion/request?
Your signature:
Please return completed form to:
Development Services Branch
Water Corporation
PO Box 100
Fax: 9420 3193
Table of Contents
Developers’ Manual ......................................................................................................... 1
Version 1.37 ................................................................................................................... 1
Revisions ...................................................................................................................... 2
Feedback Form ............................................................................................................. 6
Foreword ...................................................................................................................... 9
Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................ 10
Introduction ......................................................................................................... 12
Scope ................................................................................................................ 12
Technical and Other Manuals ............................................................................ 12
Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 12
Notification ....................................................................................................... 13
Fees ..................................................................................................................... 13
Corporation Contacts ........................................................................................... 15
Planning Phase - Preliminary investigation .......................................................... 19
Planning Phase - Land requirements .................................................................... 19
Planning Phase - External approvals .................................................................... 19
Design Phase - Design of works ........................................................................... 20
Design requirements.......................................................................................... 20
Design Phase - Initial Submission ..................................................................... 20
Purpose of the initial submission ................................................................... 20
Requirements of the initial submission .......................................................... 20
Drainage ........................................................................................................ 21
Vacuum Sewerage systems ............................................................................ 21
Design Phase - Design standard variation requests .......................................... 21
Design Phase - Review of the Initial Submission .............................................. 22
Design Phase - Objections to the Corporation’s requirements .......................... 22
Design Phase - Final Submission ....................................................................... 22
Design Phase - Acceptance of the Final Submission .......................................... 23
Design Phase - Alterations to an Accepted Final Submission ............................ 23
Construction Phase – Start-up ......................................................................... 23
Construction Phase – Design Amendment (Alterations to an accepted final
submission) ............................................................................................................... 24
Construction Phase – Construction Requirements ............................................. 24
Construction Phase – Isolation of new works (wastewater only) ..................... 25
Construction Phase – Inspection of works during construction......................... 26
Construction Phase – Connecting to existing assets ......................................... 28
Takeover Phase – As-Constructed drawings ..................................................... 28
Takeover Phase – Takeover of the works .......................................................... 29
Takeover Phase – Warranty Period ................................................................... 29
Takeover Phase – Final Acceptance Certificate ................................................. 30
The Developers’ Manual is an initiative by the Water Corporation in response to feedback from
the development industry for greater standardisation of requirements for water, wastewater and
urban drainage assets. The manual is made up of topics extracted from the technical manuals
that deal with administrative rather than technical requirements. In bringing these requirements
together considerable effort has been made to standardise, clarify and simplify them. The
terminology of the manual reflects the reality that the only agreement the Corporation has is
with the developer, not with any construction engineer or contractor.
Please use the feedback form on page 3 if you have other ideas for improvements. Any
feedback is welcome and all suggestions for improvement will be carefully reviewed and
This manual refers to the Corporation’s technical manuals and design standards for technical
information relating to water, wastewater and drainage works. These manuals will be updated
in the future to remove information that is in this new manual and bring them in line with it
where necessary. Should material in a technical manual or design standard conflict with
information in this manual, this manual takes precedence.
This manual does not apply to works required to serve large developments. For this type of
development please refer to the Multi-Staged Development Works Manual.
Glossary of Terms
In this Manual the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings. These
meanings do not necessarily comply with the meanings given in the Water Corporation Act and
other Water Corporation publications.
Asset Inspector
Beneficiary Lot
Clearance to Work
Contract Price
Design Drawings
Design Engineer
Design Standard
Distribution Main
The formal legal document between the developer and the
Corporation with respect to delivering fit for purpose assets that
are acceptable to the Corporation.
The line on which the pipes are laid and measured from the
adjacent cadastral boundary.
The document on which details of the constructed works are
recorded and submitted to the Corporation.
An officer of the Corporation responsible for assessing and or
inspecting the works.
Lots that acquire water supply or wastewater service availability,
as a result of an extension of the reticulation, without the owner
having paid, or been deemed to have paid, Headworks
A permitting procedure to authorise a contractor to conduct work
on, or near a designated asset, other than where the personnel
carrying out the work are being directly supervised by a person
who has operational control of the asset.
The engineer or engineering firm appointed by the developer to
manage the construction of the works.
The agreement between the developer and the contractor for the
execution of the works.
A person or organisation bound to execute the works under a
The amount payable to the contractor for the execution of a
The body corporate known as the Water Corporation, Western
The drawings prepared by the design engineer, showing the
proposed works.
The engineer or engineering firm appointed by a developer to
prepare design drawings and documents for submission to the
The Corporation’s design standard relevant to the works being
The person or organisation that has made an agreement with the
Corporation to provide drainage, water or wastewater
A water supply pipeline to which standard services are not normally
Final Acceptance
Final Inspection
Final Inspection
Land Development
Main Drain
Main Sewer
Cadastral Plan
Prerequisites To
Regional Office
Standard Drawings
Technical Manual
Warranty Period
A defined area of land over which the Corporation has a right to
enter for purposes defined by agreement or statute and subject to
any conditions/restrictions implied therein. Such purposes can
include for example, access, construction, maintenance and repair.
A person qualified to be a chartered professional engineer, and who
has appropriate engineering experience.
A certificate issued by the Corporation at the end of the warranty
period provided conditions have been met.
A letter issued by the asset inspector confirming that the Works are
The inspection by the asset inspector, with the construction engineer in
attendance, to assess acceptance of the assets.
The infrastructure that provides water, wastewater and drainage
services, excluding reticulation and private plumbing e.g. dams,
wastewater treatment plants, main drains, etc.
Any activity undertaken to assess the condition of the works.
The formal legal document between the developer and Corporation
with respect to fulfilling any WAPC conditions imposed on a
subdivision application.
An existing or proposed drain within the metropolitan area that is
controlled by the Corporation.
A wastewater collection sewer to which connections are not
normally made.
A surveyor’s precalculated cadastral plan of the proposed
subdivision development.
The procedure necessary to address the Corporation’s statutory
requirements under the Water Services Act 2012 for general and
major works as set out in the External Approvals Manual.
The inspection conducted by the construction engineer prior to
booking a final inspection.
An area of the state designated as a region of the Corporation.
The principal office of that region.
The pipelines that connect private works to major works, and are
constructed to provide a water supply or wastewater service to a
A mandatory requirement.
A requirement to be adopted unless circumstances justify a
The document containing the technical clauses to be read in
conjunction with the design drawings for the works.
Registered Corporation drawings.
When the Corporation assumes ownership of the works and the
warranty commences.
The Corporation’s technical manual relevant to the works being
The period commencing from takeover.
2.1 Scope
This manual explains the administrative requirements for the provision of works that are
covered by an agreement, so they can be incorporated into the Corporation’s schemes and
taken over by the Corporation. It covers all aspects from the preliminary investigation stage to
final acceptance of the works by the Corporation. Works consist of the following categories:
Water and wastewater reticulation involving land subdivision
Water and wastewater reticulation extensions not involving land subdivision
Relocating existing headworks assets to facilitate land development*
Urban main drainage works*
Works covered by a MSWA are not included in the scope of this Manual.
* Any works performed on headworks assets (category c & d) will be assessed to determine the
scope of works and level of risk to the asset. Works that are deemed significant may be
required to follow additional procedures that are not contained in this manual. Prior to lodging a
submission, you should contact us on 9420 2099 or email to discuss your options.
2.2 Technical and Other Manuals
The Corporation has design standards and manuals that outline how each type of asset should
be constructed. These are shown in the below table.
Asset Type/Process
Water reticulation
Wastewater mains
Vacuum Sewerage
Water distribution mains
Urban main drainage
Drawing Standards
Prerequisites to Works
To protect pipelines from AC interference
Design Standard or Manual
Design Standard 63
Design Standard 50 and the Water Services
Association of Australia Sewerage Code.
Design Standard 53
Design Standard 60
Design Standard 66
Design Standard 80
External Approvals Manual
Earth Potential Rise Manual
To enquire about our design standards please email:
Where this manual conflicts with another manual or standard, this manual takes precedence.
Roles and Responsibilities
The developer is the proponent of the works. The developer is responsible for:
• Carrying out the requirements of this manual for the provision of the works,
• Appointing a design engineer, a construction engineer and a contractor to carry
out the works in accordance with this manual, the technical manuals and design
Design Engineer
The design engineer is responsible for designing the works required to service land.
The design engineer must be a registered holder of all of the Corporation’s manuals and
design standards.
Construction Engineer
The construction engineer is responsible for managing and arranging the construction of
the works in accordance with relevant manuals, codes and design standards, and to
ensure the works are acceptable to the Corporation.
The Developer should inform the Corporation in writing of the details of all the parties engaged
to deliver the works. The Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject nominations based
on its assessment of the capability, capacity and past performance of the nominated party.
The following fees are payable by the developer to the Corporation. Fees will remain valid for
the life of the submission.
3.1 Water Reticulation Planning
Fee – is a payment for water supply reticulation planning which is based on 3.75 per cent of the
Corporation’s estimate of the construction of the cost of the works.
3.2 Connecting to existing works
Fee – is a payment for the Corporation to connect new works to existing live works. This fee is
dependent on the type and size of connection and is required to be paid prior to the connection
being performed. Refer to 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 for further information.
Potable and Non-potable Water Reticulation Connections
Metropolitan Perth Region
Standard connection fees may be provided as part of an agreement. Where the works
contain non-standard or complex connections, the land servicing consultant may direct
the design/construction engineer to obtain a quote from ‘Reimbursements’, Perth
region, prior to the start-up meeting.
Non-metropolitan Regions
As part of the works design, the land servicing consultant may give direction to the
design/construction engineer as to how the connections may be arranged. Connection
requirements shall be discussed at the start-up meeting with the asset inspector. The
fees and actions involved in connecting works in non-metropolitan regions may vary
depending on the location and circumstances.
Wastewater Reticulation Connections
Metropolitan Perth Region
All connection fees shall be paid prior to the connection. The design/construction
engineer shall obtain a quote from ‘Reimbursements’. The isolation and connection
requirements shall be discussed with the asset inspector at the start-up meeting.
Non-metropolitan Regions
As part of the works design, the land servicing consultant may give direction to the
design/construction engineer as to how the connections may be arranged. Connection
requirements shall be discussed at the start-up meeting with the asset inspector. The
fees and actions involved in connecting works in non-metropolitan regions may vary
depending on the location and circumstances.
3.5 Headworks Connections
When connecting to headworks infrastructure there is the potential for negative impact on many
of the Corporation’s end customers. Options such as tankering and limited shutdown periods
must be considered as part of the works design to minimise any disruption. The design engineer
shall discuss these requirements with the land servicing consultant in the early stages of the
design to determine any specific requirements.
Corporation Contacts
The Corporation contacts are shown below:
Submissions Contact
State-wide Manager Land Servicing
Development Services Branch
Water Corporation
John Tonkin Water Centre
629 Newcastle Street, Leederville
Inspections Contact
Inspection Services
Perth Region
Perth Region Alliance
273 Bannister Road , Canning Vale
PO Box 1525
CANNING VALE Distribution Centre 6970
Phone: 9420 2099
Phone: 9424 8462
Regional Works Inspector
Agricultural Region
Water Corporation
263 Fitzgerald Street
PO Box 265
Northam, WA, 6401
Phone: 9622 4814
Regional Works Inspector
Great Southern Region
Water Corporation
215 Lower Stirling Terrace
Albany, WA, 6331
Phone: 9842 4201
9791 4079
Regional Works Inspector
Mid-West Region
Water Corporation
SGIO Building, Cathedral Avenue
PO Box 43
Geraldton, WA, 6531
Phone: 9923 4906
Fax:: 9923 4966
Regional Works Inspector
North-West Region
Water Corporation
Welcome Road
PO Box 84
Karratha, WA, 6714
Phone: 9186 8273
Regional Works Inspector
South-West Region
Water Corporation
PO Box 305
Bunbury, WA, 6231
Phone: 9791 0495
9791 4079
9622 4866
4.3 As-Constructed Contact
All water and wastewater as-constructed drawings are to be submitted to:
State Map
Metropolitan Perth Region
Planning Phase - Preliminary investigation
To ensure that the concept and capacity of the proposed works are compatible with the
Corporation’s overall planning requirements; the design engineer shall discuss the broad
planning concepts of the design with a land servicing consultant. If a vacuum sewerage system
is required or another alternative servicing arrangement is proposed, its planning must be
acceptable to the Corporation. The requirements shall be discussed at an early stage in the
planning of the works. Any requirements that will be imposed by other authorities on the
operation of the works must be discussed and agreed to by the Corporation.
Planning Phase - Land requirements
All easements, reserves and land to be owned by the Corporation required for a project
shall be shown on the design drawings.
Where easements or reserves are required and are outside the developer’s land holding:
written in-principle agreement of the arrangements necessary to acquire the easements or
reserves from the registered landowner is required.
Planning Phase - External approvals
During the preliminary stages of designing any works, the design engineer shall take into
account the requirements of the Corporation’s External Approval Manual. This includes the
statutory ‘Prerequisites to Works’ notification requirements as per the Water Services Act
Particular attention and early liaison needs to take place where any works are
adjacent to, within or crossing a reserve or asset that is controlled by Main Roads
(WA), Public Transport Authority, Western Power or Telstra.
Prior to discussing proposed works with all affected parties, the design engineer
should consider alternative options that reduce impacting any parties. The Corporation
may provide comments on a design prior to formal or informal approvals being sought.
8.2 Prerequisites to Works
Works are classified in Part 6 of the Water Services Act 2012 as either major, general or
exempt. Reticulation works will be either general or exempt works depending on where they are
located. The design engineer is responsible for determining the class of works and completing
all prerequisites to works requirements in accordance with the Act. If the proposed works are
classed as general, all relevant documentation, E.G. notice plan/letters etc. shall be included in
the initial design submission.
8.3 Objections
The design engineer should make every reasonable effort to resolve any objections. Any
objections that cannot be resolved shall be referred to the land servicing consultant.
8.4 Completion required
Confirmation that all requirements of the prerequisites to works process is required before the
Corporation accepts final design drawings. This includes full resolution of all objections.
Design Phase - Design of works
9.1 Design requirements
Design drawings for the reticulation works shall be submitted by a design engineer.
9.2 Drawing certification
Each drawing and document that is submitted shall be signed by the design engineer who has the
authority to act on the behalf of the design engineer making the submission.
9.3 Design Responsibilities
The design engineer is responsible for ensuring the design of the works complies with the
Corporation’s manuals and design standards. Acceptance by the Corporation of a submission shall
not relieve the design engineer of this responsibility or the responsibility for any discrepancies,
errors or omissions in the submission or for the adequacy of the design.
9.4 Drafting Standards
The drafting for all submissions shall be in accordance with Australian Standard 1100, Part 101.
Drawings shall be suitable for microfilming.
9.5 Pre-Calculated Cadastral Plan
A digital copy of the precalculated cadastral plan will expedite the incorporation of information into
the Corporation’s spatial database. The digital file shall be in MGA94 coordinates. The plan shall be
clear and legible and only include information that is relevant. Unnecessary information that should
not be included is typically:
• Road kerb lines,
• Trees,
• Power/light poles,
• Stormwater pipes and gullies,
• Other utilities services e.g. electricity, gas, Telstra etc.
9.6 Standard Drawings
Example standard drawings are available in the design standards.
Design Phase - Initial Submission
10.1 Purpose of the initial submission
The purpose of the initial submission is to enable the Corporation to:
• Ensure that the planned works conform with the overall planning,
• Provide administrative details that are required to be shown on the final design
drawing; and,
• Ensure that the prerequisites to works process has begun, if required.
* An initial submission will not be accepted where the relevant documents are not supplied, or are
10.2 Requirements of the initial submission
The Initial submission shall contain:
• The Initial Submission Design Checklist for the relevant asset type.
• A digital copy (PDF) of the design drawings, including site plan information.
• The prerequisites to works documentation if the works are classed as general.
• A letter from the owner of any land other than the developer’s, agreeing in principle, to
granting any easements or reserves required for the works.
• A list of any existing lots that becomes serviceable as a result of the works. The list
shall show the property address, owners name and mailing address and a description
of the land use (e.g. residence, industrial etc.)
10.3 Drainage
In addition to the documents required in section 10.2, submissions for drainage works shall also
• One copy of the local water management strategy for the area.
• One copy of the urban water management plan for the area.
• A letter that includes:
• A reference to the Department of Water’s drainage strategy for the area.
• A statement setting out the developer’s understanding of who is responsible for
funding of any proposed future connection of a catchment to any part of the drain
covered by this submission.
• A letter from the appropriate waterway/wetland catchment management agency
(e.g. Swan River Trust) detailing its comments on the drainage proposal where
• One copy of a soils investigation report where an investigation is required.
• One copy of the summary of the proposed pollutant removal processes and
mechanisms within the drainage system including sizing calculations, where
• Two copies of the technical specification. The technical specification shall consist of
the technical clauses covering the work, or a statement shall be included in the
covering letter confirming that the specification is the same as one previously
10.4 Vacuum Sewerage systems
In addition to the points contained in section 10.2, any vacuum sewerage system submissions
will also require:
• A statement from a supplier of an approved vacuum valve, as listed in the DS 36
Product Atlas stating that the supplier has received the system design prepared by
an approved designer. The statement must guarantee the hydraulics of the system
and confirm that the guarantee is transferable to the benefit of the Corporation. The
review must be carried out by a suitably experienced engineer and the engineer
must be explicitly identified in the statement referred to above.
Current approved vacuum valves are:
• Air vac (contact Watercon) and,
• Flovac (contact Flovac Vacuum Sewerage Systems)
*The initial submission should be emailed to
Design Phase - Design standard variation requests
11.1 The Corporation’s design standards are developed to ensure fit for purpose assets that
achieve their economic design life with minimal operating and maintenance costs are
11.2 Occasionally a design may not meet the requirements of the design standard or proposes an
alternative solution. Where this occurs, the design engineer shall complete the request for
design standard variation form (refer to Appendix 4) and include it with the initial submission
11.3 When proposing a variation, the design engineer shall include at a minimum, the following:
• Details of the reasons/circumstances for the variation.
• An assessment of the impacts and benefits for the Corporation and the developer.
• Details of options considered to negate the variation.
11.4 The following reasons for a variation will not generally be accepted by the Corporation:
• Inadequate site investigation that results in obstacles or constraints of a non-latent
• Seasonal impacts that will resolve themselves over time.
• Where the design engineer’s assessment will cause a significant impact to the
Corporation’s fundamental objectives.
• Where the request’s fundamental objective relates to financial benefit for the
• Where the request is lacking sufficient information to be able to assess.
Design Phase - Review of the Initial Submission
12.1 The submission will be checked for conformity with the Corporation’s overall planning
requirements. The submission will be:
• Accepted - if the submission is acceptable to the Corporation, it will be stamped as
accepted, the Corporation reference numbers and one copy of the drawings will be
returned to the design engineer. The design engineer will then be in a position to
proceed with the final submission; or
• Accepted with amendments – if the submission is acceptable to the Corporation
with minor amendments, it will be stamped as accepted conditional to the
amendments being made, or
• Rejected – if the initial submission is not acceptable, the Corporation will reject the
submission and request that the design be reconsidered.
Design Phase - Objections to the Corporation’s requirements
Any objections to planning or design requirements by the Corporation shall be made in writing
to the land servicing consultant. The objection shall state the reasons and efforts made to
resolve any issues. Any unresolved objections between the design engineer and the land
servicing consultant shall be referred to the Manager, Development Services.
Design Phase - Final Submission
The Final Submission shall consist of:
• The final submission cover sheet (refer appendix 5).
• An agreement in writing that formalises the arrangements for the Corporation to
acquire any easements or reserves required as a result of the works.
• Confirmation that the prerequisites to works process has been completed, including
resolving any objections.
• Six (6) A1 hard copies of the design drawings which shall incorporate the comments
and details provided by the Corporation.
• Two (2) A1 hard copies of the design data plan (for wastewater submissions only).
Where already known:
• The name of the construction engineer and contact details
• The name and contact details of the contractor and any sub-contractors.
• The contract price for the works.
• The proposed date of commencement of work.
Where contract details are not known at the time of submitting the final submission these
details are to be provided prior to booking a Start Up Meeting.
*Final submissions that are related to a subdivision application cannot be accepted prior to the
application reaching conditional approval.
Design Phase - Acceptance of the Final Submission
15.1 The final design drawings will be signed by the Corporation to indicate that the submission is
acceptable and one copy will be returned to the design engineer.
15.2 The final submission is valid for 12 months from the date of acceptance. If construction has
not begun within this period, the submission will no longer be valid and a new submission will
be required.
15.3 Acceptance of the design does not relieve the design engineer of any responsibilities for any
discrepancies, errors, omissions or for the adequacy and conformance of the design with the
relevant manuals and design standards.
Amended drawings
When drawings are amended and resubmitted, they shall be distinguished from previous
submissions by a new revision identifier. A brief description and date of the amendment
shall be included in the title block. If the revised amendment alters the overall cost of the
project, a Final Subdivision Cover Sheet must be included with the revised plans.
Design Phase - Alterations to an Accepted Final Submission
16.1 Once a plan has been accepted and before construction has started, any alterations to the
design shall be discussed with the land servicing consultant who will determine whether a
revised submission is required.
Construction Phase – Start-up
Prior to the start of the works, the construction engineer shall arrange and attend a
‘start-up’ meeting with the asset inspector
Once the design engineer receives the Corporation’s acceptance of a final design
and contract details have been provided, if not provided with the final submission
(see clause 14), the construction engineer can book a Start Up Meeting by
contacting the relevant Inspections Contact (see clause 4.2).
The Corporation requires a minimum of 5 business days’ notice to arrange a Start
Up Meeting
The construction engineer shall ensure that a record of the meeting is made. This
record shall detail any key information and agreements reached.
The following matters shall be addressed at the ‘start-up’ meeting:
• Indicative dates for the start and completion of construction of works.
• Method of isolating the new works from the existing works during construction.
• Inspection plan, detailing which parts of the works (including testing) the asset
inspector will inspect, when these inspections are proposed to take place and any
requirements necessary to facilitate these inspections.
• Nomination of additional staff that will access the site of the proposed works to
carry out Inspections.
• Contact and reporting arrangements including signing of site inspection reports.
• Arrangements for the protection of Water Corporation assets.
• Arrangements for the connection of new work to existing infrastructure.
• Milestone meetings at which joint attendance is required.
• Arrangements for inspection and testing processes.
A copy of the meeting record shall be forwarded to the asset inspector within five
days of the ‘start-up’ meeting occurring.
Before construction begins the construction engineer shall ensure:
• The inspector has authorised construction to start.
• A Clearance to Works Permit has been obtained from the Corporation’s Customer
Service Delivery group, where necessary.
• The contractor employs personnel that are capable and accredited to perform the
works. Refer to the relevant manual or design standard for details of the
appropriate accreditation required.
17.8 Notice of Proposed Works
Where property, other than that owned by the developer, will be affected by the proposed
works, the construction engineer shall ensure that written notice has been given to the
occupiers of such property at least 10 days prior to the start of works.
Construction Phase – Design Amendment (Alterations to an
accepted final submission)
18.1 Prior to the start of the works, the construction engineer shall arrange and attend a ‘start-up’
meeting with the asset inspector
18.2 If construction has started, any requests for minor realignments of pipes, alterations to
connections and relocation of access chambers and valves shall be discussed with the asset
inspector. The asset inspector will provide guidance on these matters or may refer complex
matters to be dealt with by the land servicing consultant
18.3 A copy of the meeting record shall be forwarded to the asset inspector within five days of the
‘start-up’ meeting occurring.
Construction Phase – Construction Requirements
19.1 During construction the construction engineer shall liaise with the asset inspector for any
matters that arise. The construction engineer shall ensure:
• If a change of contractor becomes necessary, the construction engineer notifies the
Corporation of the new contractor’s name and contact information.
• Any requirements by the Corporation regarding the contractor’s work are directed to
the construction engineer and NOT to the contractor.
• Work shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
technical manual or design standard, relevant acts and by-laws and this manual.
• The construction engineer shall ensure that the contractor is aware of, and agrees to
comply with, the requirements of any authority in regard to the protection, diversion
or relaying of any service affected by the works.
• The construction engineer shall ensure that the contractor is conversant with any
agreement with any authority such as the Department of Aboriginal Affairs or
Department for Planning and Infrastructure into which the design engineer, the
developer or the Corporation may have entered for the works.
• The construction engineer shall ensure that the contractor verifies by survey the
location and level of the point of connection of the works to the existing system.
19.2 Protection of Corporation Assets
19.2.1 Corporation assets shall not be disturbed without the approval of the appropriate
regional office on each and every occasion, OR excavation or construction work shall not
be performed in close proximity to any existing Corporation asset until:
• A joint inspection of the asset has been performed by the Corporation and
construction engineer to ascertain the condition of the asset, and
• The asset inspector has been given two working days’ notice of the intention to
commence working.
19.2.2 The construction engineer ensures adequate measures are taken to protect the
Corporation’s assets from damage during construction of the works
19.2.3 If any damage occurs to existing assets, the construction engineer shall immediately
notify the Corporation. The Corporation will assess the damage and advise what action is
to be taken. This may include the developer being charged the costs to repair any
19.3 Construction of Assets without All relevant approvals
Where the Corporation becomes aware that construction has commenced and due process has not
been followed, the following actions will result:
19.3.1 The Corporation will instruct that works cease immediately. Should a cease work
instruction not be complied with the Corporation may decline to accept any further
involvement in the works.
19.3.2 A third party certified assessment of the works already constructed will need to be
provided, at the developers’ cost, for the Corporation’s review.
19.3.3 The Corporation reserves the rights to refuse and accept the choice of the third
party assessor.
19.3.4 Where the third party assessment identifies non-compliance with the relevant
standard, faults will need to be remedied where possible, or the works removed.
19.3.5 Only after points 18.3.1 – 18.3.4 have been resolved and the requirements of any
manual have been met, will works be able to recommence.
19.3.6 The Corporation will not offer the availability of early clearance of subdivision
conditions associated with these works.
19.3.7 The Corporation may at its discretion decline to accept the involvement of the
engineering consultant in future Corporation funded projects.
19.3.8 The warranty (defects liability) period for the works will be increased to two years.
Construction Phase – Isolation of new works (wastewater
20.1 The purpose of isolating non-commissioned sewers from live sewers is to provide a safe
working environment for construction, testing and inspection of the new work. Where the
non-commissioned sewer system is not isolated from the live sewer, entry to and work within
the new sewer system is subject to the provisions of Australian Standard AS.2865, ‘Safe
working in a confined space’.
20.2 The construction engineer shall make the necessary arrangements for the new works to be
isolated from the live sewer prior to the commencement of construction and ensure that the
isolation is maintained until the final inspection clearance has been issued by the asset
20.3 The new works shall be either not connected (physical break) or shall be physically isolated
from the live sewer. A physical break is the preferred method and should be used wherever
20.4 Where a physical break is not practical, the construction engineer shall apply to the
Corporation’s Building Services department to have the live sewer sealed off prior to
construction and removed following the issue of the final inspection clearance of the works.
20.5 The Water Corporation will notify the construction engineer in writing when the line has been
isolated (seal installed and ready for testing) and again when the isolation has been
20.6 Where the live sewer has been plugged (150 or 225mm sewers), the construction engineer
shall arrange for the plug to be tested to 50 kPa for one minute with no drop in pressure.
The test shall be conducted on the ‘upstream’ side of the plug prior to any entry by
Corporation staff. The test shall be logged in the construction engineer’s log of inspections
and tests.
20.7 Where an isolation of a live sewer involves sealing with a plastic membrane and brickwork
(sewers 300mm and above), it is the responsibility of the construction engineer to develop
and administer a test plan over the period of isolation to ensure the integrity of the isolation.
Construction Phase – Inspection of works during construction
21.1 In general, inspections will not be undertaken by the Corporation during construction of the
works; however the Corporation reserves the right to request an inspection at any time for
the purposes of auditing compliance.
21.1.1 The construction engineer shall make provision for access by Corporation officers or
its representatives to inspect the works during construction when requested.
21.1.2 The asset inspector (including additional staff) shall have access to the site at any
time provided the construction engineer or contractor is on site.
21.1.3 Inspections by the Corporation do not in any way relieve the construction engineer
of the responsibility for ensuring that construction of the works is in accordance with the
design documents and that it complies with the requirements of the technical manual or
design standard.
21.1.4 The construction engineer shall arrange for the provision of all personnel and
equipment required for any scheduled inspection and testing.
21.2 Construction Engineer’s Log of Inspections and Tests
21.2.1 The construction engineer shall arrange and undertake inspection and testing of the
works to ensure that the requirements of the technical manual or design standard are
satisfied. The construction engineer shall maintain a log of all inspections and tests
undertaken, which shall be presented to the Corporation, if requested. The log shall record
the following information:
• Inspections and/or tests witnessed by the construction engineer of the works, which
were considered satisfactory. To this effect the construction engineer shall sign the
following statement on the construction engineer’s log: “I am satisfied that the
above inspection and tests have been carried out.”
• Inspections and / or tests witnessed by the construction engineer of the works,
which were considered unsatisfactory.
• Any remedial action undertaken to the works as a result of an unsatisfactory
inspection prior to re-inspection.
21.2.2 A copy of the construction engineer’s inspection log and test results shall be
submitted to the asset inspector prior to a final inspection being undertaken. The log shall
include but not be limited to the date, time, item tested, type of test, result of test and
the name of the witness.
21.3 Site Safety
21.3.1 Asset inspectors will comply with the contractor’s site safety procedures while on
21.3.2 Asset inspectors will not enter sites that they consider unsafe by Worksafe
21.3.3 Where safety issues relating to the inspection cannot be resolved between the
construction engineer and the asset inspector they shall be referred to Worksafe for
21.4 Pre-Handover Inspection and booking of a final inspection
21.4.1 At least two (2) weeks prior to a planned final inspection date the
construction engineer shall contact the Corporation’s inspections contact and make a
tentative booking for a final inspection.
21.4.2 The construction engineer shall then confirm and book a final inspection giving a
minimum of 5 business days notice.
21.4.3 Prior to confirming a booking for a final inspection the construction engineer shall
undertake a pre-handover inspection.
21.4.4 A pre-handover inspection checklist shall be completed by the construction
engineer and provided to the asset inspector with all test logs at the time of confirming
a final inspection date.
21.5 Final Inspection
21.5.1 When the works have been completed and the construction engineer has conducted
a pre-handover inspection, the construction engineer shall arrange a final inspection with
the asset inspector.
.The asset inspector will inspect the works with the construction engineer in attendance.
21.5.2 Where the number and/or seriousness of non-conformances indicate that the prehandover inspection has been inadequate the asset inspector shall terminate the final
inspection and require the construction engineer to carry out further inspection of the
works before booking another final inspection. A fee may be charged to the developer
where a pre-handover inspection is deemed to have been inadequate.
21.5.3 Where the works are deemed to be acceptable the asset inspector shall arrange for
a final inspection clearance to be issued to the construction engineer.
Construction Phase – Connecting to existing assets
22.1 Connections or alterations required to the Corporation’s existing infrastructure as a result of
new works shall be made by prior arrangement with the Corporation. All such work shall be
at the developer’s expense.
22.2 The construction engineer shall make the necessary arrangements for the payment of fees
for the connection of the new works to the existing assets.
22.3 When the works are deemed to be acceptable, the asset inspector shall initiate the
connection of the works upon the request from the construction engineer.
22.4 Works will not be connected to existing assets until payment of all associated fees has been
made and a final inspection clearance has been issued.
Takeover Phase – As-Constructed drawings
23.1 The as-constructed drawings shall be certified "as-constructed", signed and dated by the
design engineer, the construction engineer and by the surveyor (who is eligible for
membership of I.E.M.S.A. or I.S.A.) responsible for the survey. The as-constructed drawings
shall be in accordance with the relevant technical manual, design standard or this manual.
23.2 The completed and signed as-constructed submission shall be submitted to the asconstructed submission contact.
23.3 All as-constructed plans shall clearly display the Planset number which shall have the bundle
number revised to indicate that it is an as-constructed plan, as per DS 80.
23.4 One copy of the as-constructed submission shall be submitted except where specified below.
23.5 As-constructed Information for Water works
The as-constructed information shall consist of:
23.5.1 The as-constructed plan in accordance with the typical information provided in
Water Corporation Design Standard 60 or 63.
23.5.2 A precalculated cadastral plan for areas which are not sewered, in electronic form
whenever possible and particularly for large areas; otherwise a hard copy for small
23.5.3 A copy of the final new works site inspection report.
23.6 As-constructed Information for Wastewater works
23.6.1 The as-constructed plan in accordance with the typical information provided at
Appendix 9 of this manual.
23.6.2 All aspects of Section 6 of Design Standard 50 must be complied with, other than
the as-constructed plan mentioned at 22.5.1. replacing all references to field notes.
23.6.3 A precalculated cadastral plan, in electronic form whenever possible and particularly
for large areas; otherwise a hard copy for small subdivisions.
23.6.4 A copy of the final new works inspection report.
23.6.5 A contour plan if earthworks have been carried out that has changed a contour by
0.5 metre or more.
Takeover Phase – Takeover of the works
24.1 Requirements for takeover
Subject to connection to the existing system being available, takeover is achieved when:
24.1.1 A final inspection has been completed and a final inspection clearance has been
issued by the asset inspector.
24.1.2 The construction engineer has certified that the works have been constructed in
accordance with the documents accepted by the Corporation and the requirements of the
technical manual or design standard.
24.1.3 The construction engineer has certified that restoration has been performed to the
satisfaction of any affected property owner and authorities.
24.2 Date of Takeover
The Corporation will notify the developer in writing that takeover has been achieved.
The date the Corporation takes over the works will be the date that final inspection clearance has
been issued
Takeover Phase – Warranty Period
25.1 The warranty period shall commence on the date of take-over.
25.2 The warranty period shall be for one year.
25.3 During the warranty period, the Corporation shall be responsible for operational maintenance
of the Works.
25.4 Remedial repairs during warranty
25.4.1 During the warranty period the developer shall be responsible for ensuring that
satisfactory remedial repairs arising from faulty design, workmanship or materials are
carried out. The cost of any consequential damage and claims resulting from such defects
shall be charged to the developer.
25.4.2 During the warranty period, the Corporation may, at its discretion carry out
remedial repairs where the fault affects the service to customers and/or public safety.
The Corporation will notify the developer of the work carried out as soon as practicable
where the remedial repairs are attributable to the construction of the works. The cost of
the remedial repairs shall be charged to the developer.
25.5 Remedial Repairs post Warranty
25.5.1 Where remedial works carried out by the Corporation are determined to be
attributable to a design or construction error or omission the cost of the remedial works
shall be charged to the developer.
25.5.2 Remedial works shall include, but not be limited to, the absence of infrastructure
components (i.e. missing sewer junctions), incorrect installation (i.e. inadequate bedding
or compaction) and inadequate separation of any component of the works from other
infrastructure (i.e. inappropriate separation distance between water and electricity
Takeover Phase – Final Acceptance Certificate
Prior to the end of the warranty period the Corporation will assess whether there are
any defects. If so, the asset inspector will notify the developer of the list of defects.
Otherwise, the asset inspector will issue the developer with the Final Acceptance
Certificate at the end of the warranty period.
Providing that any defects identified in Clause 27.1.4 have been rectified to the
satisfaction of the Corporation, a final acceptance certificate shall be issued by the
Appendix 1: Water Initial Design Checklist
Name of Company
Phone No
Design Engineer
WAPC (if applicable)
Qualified to design works
Planning Considerations
The design complies with the current Water Corporation Planning.
External Approvals
A strategy for the approval of other parties has been developed with reference to the External
Approvals Manual. If Prerequisites to Works is required, include Notice Plans/Letters etc.
Works have been identified as:
General works 2 copies of the Notice of proposal. Draft letters and list outlining parties to be notified
Exempt works Statement attached outlining the justification for this classification.
Drawing Format
Where the design covers more than one water supply zone, the zoning boundary is accurately shown
The drafting is to the appropriate standard
The drawings contain all of the relevant Water Corporation referencing (i.e. WAPC No )
Beneficiary lots have been identified and relevant details attached.
All easements have been denoted.
Drawings are WCX compliant , refer to DS 80 (headworks assets only)
Drawings to have the following notation: Length and type of mains. Number of valves and hydrants
Design Criteria
Without compromising the planning, the design meets the fundamental objectives of:
a) minimising water main sizing, depth and length of water main
b) efficient use of hydrants and valves (including air & scour valves for headworks assets)
c) minimising bends & dead end mains
d) minimising long services
e) maximising dual services
The valving considers shutdown requirements and the number of properties impacted.
The design considers finished surface levels in relation to cover on mains.
All water mains terminate at the extremity of the land served unless future extension does not need
to be catered for.
Connections to existing works have been appropriately designed.
The design applies standard alignments OR non-standard alignments have been approved by both
the Water Corporation and other service providers.
The design considers the proposed construction technique and/or constraints.
For designs proposing a variation to the Design Standard a formal request has been made to the
Water Corporation for approval.
Influencing Factors
The design engineer confirms that the design has made allowance for existing or proposed physical
features of influence i.e. retaining walls, significant trees, other services, building etc. in established
green field’s areas
In the case of designs in existing established or green fields areas the design engineer confirms that
the route has been “walked”.
Where the design requires the approval of other parties (i.e.; DEC Clearing Permits, affected
landowners, other service providers) a strategy to obtain these has been developed.
A report is included for projects that relocate/divert headworks assets and includes:
Details of the proponent and justification for of the works (including alternative options)
Plan for the abandoned main
Plan for managing shutdowns for piece-ups
I certify that this design has been reviewed and complies with Water Corporation requirements.
___/___ /____
Print Name and Firm
Complete this form and send to:
Appendix 2: Wastewater Initial Design Checklist
Name of Company
Phone No
Design Engineer
WAPC (if applicable)
Planning Considerations
External Approvals
Qualified to design works
A strategy for the approval of other parties has been developed with reference to the External
Approvals Manual. If Prerequisites to Works is required, include Notice Plans/Letters etc.
Works have been identified as:
General works 2 copies of the Notice of proposal. Draft letters and list outlining parties to be notified
Exempt works Statement attached outlining the justification for this classification
Drawing Format
The drafting is to the appropriate standard
The drawings contain all of the relevant Water Corporation referencing (i.e. WAPC No )
Beneficiary lots have been identified and relevant details attached.
All easements have been denoted.
Drawings are WCX compliant , refer to DS 80 (headworks assets only)
The design complies with the current Water Corporation Planning.
Design Criteria
Without compromising the planning, the design meets the fundamental objectives of:
a) minimising access chambers
b) minimising sewer depths and lengths
c) maximising the locating sewers in public land
d) minimising bends, scour and air valves on pressure mains (headworks assets only)
The most appropriate Access Chamber types and running traps have been shown where required.
All lots served have sewer junctions at a location and depth suitable to correctly serve the lot/s and
boundary traps where required.
All fill requirements are denoted (i.e. if design based on contours appropriate tolerances have been
All sewer grades are within acceptable tolerances.
The design applies standard alignments OR non-standard alignments have been approved by both
the Water Corporation and other service providers.
Connections to existing works have been appropriately designed (i.e.: flow to flow where called for)
and isolation from live works requirements have been considered and designed appropriately.
The design considers the proposed construction technique and/or constraints.
Water Corporation approval has been sought for any design standard variations.
Influencing Factors
The design makes appropriate allowance for existing or proposed physical features of influence i.e.
retaining walls, trees, other services, building etc.
In the case of designs in existing established areas the route has been “walked”.
Where the design requires the approval of other parties (i.e.; DEC Clearing Permits, affected
landowners, other service providers) a strategy to obtain these has been developed.
A report is included for projects that relocate/divert headworks assets and includes:
Details of the proponent and justification for of the works (including alternative options)
Plan for the abandoned main
Plan for managing shutdowns for piece-ups
I certify that this design has been reviewed and complies with Water Corporation requirements.
___/___ /____
Print Name and Firm
Complete this form and send to:
Appendix 3: Drainage Submission Checklist
Note: this checklist is to be used to undertake a review of an Initial Design Submission by the Design
Engineer prior to lodging the submission with the Water Corporation. The certification at the bottom
of this checklist is to be signed by an engineer qualified and authorised to do so.
Content of submission
Two copies of design drawings enclosed
External Approval Requirements
General works- 2 copies of the Notice of Proposal, Draft letters and a list outlining the parties to be notified
Exempt Works- Statement attached outlining the justification for this classification
Drawing format
The drafting is to the appropriate scale i.e. plans are clear and the legend is in accordance with relevant design standard.
Drawings are WCX Compliant (DS80)
All easements have been denoted
Note: if the submission is assessed as not meeting the above criteria, the submission will be returned and no further processing
or assessment of the submission will occur.
Design Criteria
The design shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Water Corporations Urban Main Drainage Standard
(DS66). The Checklist below outlines some of the key considerations the Design Engineer shall address in preparing the design.
• The design has been prepared in accordance with the Water Corporation’s Hydrological and Hydraulic principals and the
design has the relevant Hydraulic Grade Lines shown on it.
Water Sensitive Urban Design has been considered - and input from the Department of Water has been sought.
Water Sensitive Urban Design objectives and integration with public open space can result in maintenance
requirements that exceed the level of maintenance that the Water Corporation is able to provide. Where this occurs
agreements need to be reached about maintenance responsibilities and ownership before a Design Submission is
Where required, all structures and access chambers are adequately detailed on the design drawings.
Where required, the design drawings incorporate and detail adequate fencing and edge protection for the drain.
Where required, the design drawings incorporate and details all service and occupational crossings.
Access to the drain for maintenance and operations purposes has been considered in the preparation of the design.
All safety issues have been addressed and the design includes a “Safety in Design Report” for the construction and
operation of the drain.
Land matters relating to the works (e.g. where Water Corporation land or reserve is to be used as public open space)
have been discussed with the Water Corporation and an agreed strategy is in place to manage:
Easement requirements
Maintenance Agreements
Licence and Indemnity Agreements
For designs proposing a variation to the Design Standard a formal request has been made to the Water Corporation for
approval, as per Section 11 of the Developers Manual
Signature(Design Engineer) __________________________ Date ________________
Your name and company name _____________________________________________
Appendix 4: Request for Variation to Design Standard
Location and/or stage name: ___________WAPC No (if applicable) _____________
Note: This checklist is to be used where a design standard variation request is required. This checklist
is to be completed as part of the review of an Initial Design Submission by the Design Engineer prior
to lodging the submission with the Water Corporation. The certification at the bottom of this request
is to be signed by an engineer qualified and authorised to do so.
Considerations to be made before a design standard variation is submitted
Design standard variations that are requested for any of the following reasons will generally not be
considered by the Water Corporation:
Substandard site investigation activities resulting in obstacles or constraints of a non-latent
Seasonal impacts that will resolve themselves with time
Where the Design Engineers assessment is for significant impact to the Corporations fundamental
Where the request relates purely to the financial benefit of the proponent
Content of Request
a) A design drawing detailing variations enclosed.
b) Completion of all fields in this form.
Below please state the reasons/circumstances prompting this request
Below please provide an assessment of the impacts and the benefits for both the Water
Corporation and your client
Alternative options considered
a) Have any alternative options been considered to negate the need for design standard variation?
b) Please provide details below
I Certify that the above information provided is true and correct.
Signature (Design Engineer) ______________________________ Date ____________________
Your name and company name _____________________________________________________
Accepted/Declined by Water Corporation Plan No ___________ File Reference___________________
Signature ______________________________ Date ____________________
Name: ______________________________ Position: ___________________________________________
Appendix 5: Final Submission Cover Sheet
Important information for Design Engineers:
The following specific details are required to be sent to the Water Corporation with the Final Submission of a design.
Please make sure that all information listed is included so that the Final Submission can be processed without
Please verify the following information by signing on the bottom of the page.
Please include the signed original of this form with the Final Submission when forwarding to Water Corporation
Please note that the Water Corporation will not accept a final submission until advice of WAPC conditional approval
of the subdivision has been received.
WAPC number:
Stage Name/Number
Service type (water / wastewater)
I confirm that this Submission conforms with the Initial Submission returned by the Water
Corporation including required amendments
If any variations have been made, a description and reason for each variation is attached
Where a variation to a Design Standard has been approved the relevant approval is
Name of Company:
Project Manager:
Qualified to carry out works
Name of Contractor:
Project Manager:
Contract Price (Excl GST): $
Qualified to carry out works
Pre-calculated Plans
Latest subdivision digital precal forwarded – Format to be DWG or DXF in MGA94 co-ords
(For smaller 2-5 lot subdivisions a Landgate Deposited Plan (DP) provided).
Email pre-calculated plans to
A statement is attached listing the authorities from which project approval has been
obtained, including environmental clearances and copies of any conditions that have been
imposed by those authorities on the construction or operation of the works.
There are no unresolved objections arising from the Prerequisites to Works process for the
proposed works.
Signature (Design Engineer) ___________________
Date _________________
Appendix 6: Clearance to Works Guidelines
• Water mains (especially RC, AC, CI etc)
• Pressure mains
• Main Sewers
• Piped Water Corporation Main Drains
• Pump stations (pipework, pits, electrical cables, alarm lines etc)
Type of asset
Proximity and depth of excavation in relation to an existing asset
Soil conditions
Construction method
1. Open excavating parallel to or crossing an existing water main, pressure main, Main Sewer
or piped drain at an acute angle (less than 45°) where the integrity of the asset may be
impacted by the Works. (e.g. within 2 metres of an asset and greater than 1 metre below
the invert of an asset). Note: there may be instances where this citeria is not
appropriate and the desiginer must therefore consider the type of asset, proximity
of the sewer, difference in invert levels and soil conditions. If any doubt exists the
specific circumstances should be referred to the Region for assessment.
2. Crossing under an existing asset where the clearance between the assets will be minimal
(say <500mm).
3. Any crossing under a water main with a diameter greater than 200mm.
4. Excavating in or around pump station sites as buried assets and services are not necessarily
in accordance with that shown on 'as-constructed' plans.
5. Any connection to an existing asset.
6. All Works in the vicinity of RC mains should be referred to the Region for special
Most failures have occurred as a result of the loss of support to RC or AC water mains and
are preventable if a "cut and cap" is arranged at the appropriate time.
Appendix 7: Pre-handover Checklist
Plan Set No: _____________ WAPC Ref No._____________
Location and/or Stage Name: _____________________________
This Checklist is to be used by the Construction Engineer to undertake Pre-Handover Inspection prior to
booking a Final Inspection with the Water Corporation’s Asset Inspector. The Certification at the bottom of
this Checklist is to be signed by an Engineer qualified and authorised to do so.
Test and Inspection Logs / Certificates
Test and Inspection Logs have been maintained, checked and signed for (delete if
not applicable):
a) Pressure testing
b) Ovality testing
c) Lines sighted
d) Spark testing
e) Product specification (date of manufacture, supplier / brand)
f) Bedding, jointing and installation of pipe work checked
g) Anchor blocks in place and to specification
h) Valve and hydrant supports are in place and to specification
i) Denso tape and paste has been applied where required
Compaction Certificates have been maintained, checked and signed.
All testing equipment used has been recorded by Identification No. and current
Calibration certification is provided.
Water Supply Physical Inspection Items
The following items have been physically inspected and verified:
a) All water services are in place , correctly positioned, protected and to
b) Denso tape and paste has been applied where required
c) All valves and hydrants are in place and to specification
d) All marker posts are in position and to specification
Wastewater Physical Inspection Items
The following items have been physically inspected and verified:
Isolation is in place
Access chambers (complete, clear , correct covers)
Maintenance Shafts (complete, clear, correct covers)
Property connection markers are in place
Copies of all test logs and relevant certification are attached
I certify that the assets constructed meet all Water Corporation requirements.
Print Name and Firm
__ /___ /____
Appendix 8: As-Constructed Plan Checklist
Planset No: _____________ WAPC Ref No._____________
Location and/or Stage Name: _____________________________
This checklist is to be used to undertake a review of water and wastewater As –Constructed plans by the
Construction Engineer prior to lodging the submissions with the Water Corporation. The Certification at the
bottom of this checklist is to be signed by an Engineer qualified and authorised to do so.
Water and Wastewater As-constructed Requirements
All text and as-constructed information clear and legible at A3: Otherwise clear and legible A1
to be submitted.
Latest subdivision digital precal forwarded – Format to be DWG or DXF in MGA94 co-ords
(For smaller 2-5 lot subdivisions a Landgate Deposited Plan (DP) provided).
Location sketches provided for all access chambers, inspection openings and inspection shafts.
All sewer gradients within acceptable tolerances.
All served lots have sewer junctions shown and where applicable denoted as 150mm.
Submission has been signed by Construction Engineer and Surveyor.
Final Inspection date included on plan.
As-constructed information has been checked for completeness and correctness as per
statement below.
A copy of the final new works inspection report.
Plan bundle number is clear and has been revised.
Total number of Access Chambers for submission(to be itemised on drawing)
Total number of Lots Being Served for submission (to be itemised on drawing)
Total number of Maintenance Shafts for submission (to be itemised on drawing)
Total Length of Sewers (listed by nominal diameter) for submission (to be itemised on drawing)
All text and as-constructed information clear and legible at A3: Otherwise clear and legible A1
to be submitted.
Latest subdivision digital precal forwarded – Format to be DWG or DXF in MGA94 co-ords
(For smaller 2-5 lot subdivisions a Landgate Deposited Plan (DP) provided).
All prelaid services shown on plan are spatially correct.
Submission has been signed by Construction Engineer and Surveyor.
Final take over date included on plan.
As-constructed information has been checked for completeness and correctness as per
statement below.
A copy of the final new works inspection report.
Plan bundle number is clear and has been revised.
Total number of Hydrants for submission(to be itemised on drawing)
10 Total number of Valves for submission(to be itemised on drawing)
11 Total number of Lots Being Served for submission (to be itemised on drawing)
12 Total Length of Mains (listed by nominal diameter) for submission (to be itemised on drawing)
1. Any items not addressed will result in the submission being rejected.
2. This form is to be completed and forwarded with the as-constructed submission.
I certify that the assets constructed meet all Water Corporation requirements.
Your name and company name _______________________________________________
Complete this form and send to:
Appendix 9: Example of wastewater reticulation as constructed plan
Note: All details must be clear and legible
39 Developers’ Manual
ISBN 1 74043 930 9
August 2016