313_0410_404:Mise en page 1

an academic institution
with an international vocation
he Exchange Program Guide was written with the intention to give
out as many useful information as possible on our offer towards
International visiting students.
Studying abroad is a challenge, studying at HEC is an exciting experience!
I hope you will benefit from our wide curriculum, discover a new culture and
new ways of life.
Your exchange period will allow you to build lifelong friendships all over the
Come and experience our motto: “The more you know, the more you dare".
Professor Eloïc Peyrache
Associate Dean of Grande Ecole
HEC by the numbers
Students & participants
International reach
4,059 students and participants
115 academic partners worldwide
across all degree programs
40% international students
8,500 executives and managers
20 double and joint degree programs
44,000 Alumni in over 113 countries
trained at HEC Paris every year
9 languages taught on campus
Faculty, administrative &
services staff
258 total faculty
Corporate relations
345 on-campus recruiters
50 international companies are members
111 full-time faculty
50% international full-time faculty,
28 countries represented
of the HEC Foundation
12 chairs
440 administrative and services staff
from 18 countries
Academic Programs
HEC Grande Ecole - Graduate Program
combines selectivity and academic excellence with practical business
knowledge. HEC Master of Science in Management is a 5-year Master
A specific selection procedure enables student (Bachelor’s) with a
degree from a non-French university to enter directly into the second
year of the Grande Ecole program.
HEC’s rankings in Financial Times
Since the Financial Times’ first ever European Business School
ranking in 2005, HEC Paris has held position as
#1 Business School in Europe
#1 MSc in Management delivered by a Business School.
HEC Paris is also consistently ranked #1 in France by leading national
HEC Paris has a long-established tradition of welcoming international
students to its lively and friendly campus: an ideal environment in
which to live and learn for over 3,500 students from 80 nationalities.
In 1973 with New York University and London Business School, HEC
Paris was one of the pioneers of the Partnership in International
Management (PIM), a consortium of 54 universities and business
schools set up to facilitate the exchange of students.
HEC Paris is among the first
business school in Europe and
the first in France to hold the
Double Degrees
HEC Paris has developed Double Degree Programs in key disciplines and regions:
Triple Crown Accreditation
c in public policy and management with Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, in Germany
from the top international
c in management education with
institutions: AACSB (Association
to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business), Equis (European
Quality Label), and AMBA (British
Association of MBAs).
- MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the United States
of America
- FGV Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paolo, in Brazil
- Università Commerciale Bocconi, Milan (Italy); Erasmus School of Management,
Rotterdam (Netherlands); ESADE, Barcelona (Spain); Universität St-Gallen
(Switzerland), in Europe
- Indian Institute of Management IIM, Ahmedabad, in India
- GSOM Graduate School of Management, St-Petersburg State University, in Russia.
Joint Degree
HEC Paris has co-founded in 1988 the CEMS (the Global Alliance in Management
Education), a strategic alliance of 27 world-class academic institutions (25 full members
and 2 associate members) and over 59 world-renowned multinational companies, to set
a global standard of excellence for pre-experience Master's in Management. CEMS
delivers a joint degree, the CEMS Master's in International Management CEMS-MIM.
In addition to the MSc in
Management, HEC Paris offers a
comprehensive range of degree
and open enrolment programs
Masters of Science (in Finance, Financial Economics, International Business,
and Sustainable Development), a one-year pre-experience full time program offered in
English and designed for students who hold a Bachelor degree in any field and who want to
acquire an expertise in a specific field of management.
Specialized Masters, designed for French and international students at
postgraduate level. These programs give a high level of expertise in specific management
disciplines: 12 full-time (12 months, French and English), and 8 part-time programs.
HEC is the only French
business school, accredited
by the French Ministry of
Education, to grant, alone,
HEC MBA, either bilingual (French/English) or exclusively in English, is a 16-month
full-time program of general management in an international environment, after five years
corporate experience. Designed to optimize both professional and personal ambitions, the
part-time MBA program offers the opportunity to work in a multicultural and diverse
business-learning environment while maintaining a day job.
the Ph.D. in management.
The degree is awarded in
recognition of postgraduate
management studies designed
to prepare for a university or
business school career. 80
HEC Ph.D. prepares students for advanced work in research and teaching (6 fields
of specialization). The program gives them the preparation needed to publish in leading
academic journals throughout the world and face future research and teaching challenges.
per-cent of the HEC Ph.D.
graduates work in the
international academic scene.
Executive Education offers a wide range of degree and non-degree programs,
open and customized in-company programs, specifically designed for experienced
managers and executives.
The TRIUM Global Executive MBA, specially designed for global executives
and CEOs, is a joint degree developed by HEC Paris, New York University Stern School of
Business (NYU Stern) and the London School of Economics (LSE).
The HEC Executive MBA, is a multi-site degree program that is designed to
propel mid-career professionals onto the executive board level. The program is offered
in Paris, Beijing and St Petersburg with three flexibles formats in several languages.
TRIUM Global Executive MBA
ranks 2nd worldwide in the
Financial Times' Executive
MBA ranking 2009.
International Exposure
International Network
Canada: Queen's School of Business, Kingston (Ontario)
University of
Western Ontario - Western Business School (IVEY), London (Ontario)
McGill University, Montréal
(British Columbia)
United States: University of Pennsylvania, Wharton
University of California at Los Angeles
Austin - McCombs Business School
Business School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
University of Texas at
University of Michigan, Ross
Babson College, Wellesley
Indiana University - Kelley School of Business,
Bloomington (Indiana)
University of Minnesota - Carlson School of
Management, Minneapolis (Minnesota) University of Southern California
- Marshall Business School, Los Angeles (California) Argentina: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires
Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, Sao Paulo
Chile: Pontifica Universidad
Catolica de Chile, Santiago Mexico: Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo
de Mexico (ITAM) Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) – EGADE Australia: The University of Melbourne The University of Sydney China:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business Administration,
Hong Kong Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management,
Beijing SISU Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai India:
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
Management (IIM), Bangalore
Indian Institute of
Japan: The University of Tokyo –
Keio University, Tokyo
Hitotsubashi University - Graduate School of Commerce, Tokyo
Faculty/Graduate School of Economics
New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology
Philippines: Asian
Institute of Management Washington Sycip Graduate School of Business,
Singapore: National University of Singapore
Management University South Korea: Seoul National University - College
of Business Administration, Seoul
(NTU), Taipei 4
Taiwan: National Taiwan University
HEC has bolstered its international
presence by forging strategic
academic partnerships with leading
institutions worldwide
Austria: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU) Belgium: Université Catholique
de Louvain
Czech Republic: Prague University of Economics (VSE)
Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Finland: Aalto University School
of Economics Germany: Freie Universität Berlin University of Mannheim
School of Business Administration
Technische Universität München
Universität Zu Köln Hungary: Corvinus University of Budapest Ireland:
University College Dublin Smurfit School of Business
Trinity College of
Italy: Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Norway: Norges
Handelshøyskole (NHH)
Netherlands: RSM Erasmus Universiteit
Poland: Warsaw School of Economics Russia: MGIMO, Moscou GSOM
St Petersburg - School of Management Spain: Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid ESADE, Barcelone Sweden: Stockholm School of Economics Switzerland: Universität St-Gallen
Turkey: Boğaziçi University
University United Kingdom: London School of Economics University of
Edinburgh Israel: Tel Aviv University
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Koweit: Kuwait University - College of Business Administration South Africa: University of Witwatersrand Wits Business School 5
Crosscultural Approach
For many years, HEC has pioneered a truly cross-cultural and
international approach to management education with students,
faculty, corporate partners and alumni around the globe.
International students form an important part of the student body
in all degree programs (almost 1250), and represent 30% of the
HEC MSc's community.
Speaking French is not a
prerequisite to join
HEC Exchange Program.
French language
Electives and French civilization
courses are offered to
international students.
HEC Paris offers exchange students the opportunity to acquire core knowledge and
skills in an international context, with:
At the end of the term,
students have the opportunity
c a variety of disciplines of study: Fiscality & Law Finance & Economics to take the Test d'évaluation
Strategy & Management Marketing Accounting & Management Control Operations Management & Information Technology Decision Science &
Information System Management & Human Resources French Language
and Culture.
de français (TEF),
to get an official proof of
their level in French.
The registration to the
c close links to the international Business World through companies participating
test session is free and
in courses, conferences, business games, internships, recruitment sessions, …
optional. The tests results
HEC's faculty is highly dedicated to academic research and has gained a wellestablished expertise in all areas of management. This ensures that the training is
based on the latest developments in this field.
are not included in the
HEC grading system
(information on
Geographical Background
To come to HEC as an
The Exchange Program enables students in HEC MSc of management
to experience a long period of studying abroad, according to bilateral
agreement with 80 partner universities and business schools in 38
countries on all 5 continents. Each year the Exchange program
welcomes around 300 students
exchange student, you must
apply through the International
Office at your home university.
You must first be selected by
your university and nominated
for the exchange.
Guest Students Exchange & CEMS
Intake 2009-2010
European Union
outside EU
South America
North America
he semester I spent at HEC was a unique experience
for me. Staying on a campus together with so many
bright and open-minded people from all corners of the
earth had a profound impact on my personal
development. I have become more open to new ways of thinking,
learned to adapt quickly and seamlessly to new cultural
environments and shared knowledge with students from some of
the top universities around the world. As a result, I have decided
to pursue a master’s degree at HEC. I am very excited to find
out what else I can learn there.
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* Co-President for HEC
International Students
here is something particularly remarkable about
studying at HEC – that is the number and variety of
different possibilities. One can choose between global
HEC's partnership network and spend an exchange
semester in one of Asia's or North America's top universities, learn
from professionals with solid experience in world's most important
industries, get expertise and advice form huge alumni network and
many other. Or, as can be put differently, HEC gives you keys to open
any door. I believe this is crucial for creating a great environment
to learn, as well as to gain valuable knowledge and experience.
That is truly something which gives a boost for one's both
personal and professional development.
Nationalities of the Guest Exchange Students 2009-2010
South Korea
Czech Republic
New Zealand
United Kingdom
International Office
The International Office is managing all
exchange partnerships with business
schools and universities around the world,
and provides information, advice,
assistance and expertise to partners and
international Students.
Carina Ferreira
Iris Ritter von Fallois
Nadia Affri
CEMS coordinator
Head of International Office
Outgoing Exchange Coordinator
Jean-Christophe Doguet
Dominique Abraham-Tognetti
Loli Breton
Incoming Exchange Coordinator
Project Manager
Residence permits & visa issues
International students are
encouraged to come to the
HEC IS room upon arrival and to
get an update on all activities.
International Office also supports the students association HEC IS in
organizing activities on-campus or outputs for international students
during their stay, and the welcome week with:
c information and support for housing, administrative registration
and course registration
c a mandatory orientation session before classes begin,
- welcome kit
- information meeting: practical information, academic regulations,
- presentation of the IO, the library, HEC career and corporate
information centre, sports activities…
- visit of the campus and visit of the library
- photograph session (for the student card, Exchange directory)
- welcome lunch with the Associate Dean of HEC Grande Ecole,
professors, staff, Student Union and HEC IS Association.
c Banks forum on the first week of arrival, with HSBC, LCL, Société Générale,
BNP Paribas.
c Information and assistance in collecting all the compulsory requested
documents for administrative procedures:
- Residence permit, "carte de séjour"
Depending on the nationality and the length of stay, the students
may need a visa or a residence permit (keep in mind that a monthly
minimum is required for residence permit).
The International Office provides a liaison service with the
Préfecture de Versailles, and organizes the appointment and
shuttle for the compulsory medical consultation, so that students
can obtain their residence card directly at HEC Paris.
- Social security and health insurance.
Career & Internship Services
The HEC Corporate Relations Department aims at facilitating
the professional integration of students. As the first ranked
business school in France, HEC Paris receives internship
offers constantly, and has an active corporate partnership
built on companies'centers of interest and their expectations
from HEC Paris
• The Career and Corporate Information Center provides students with
current job & internship opportunities, international directories,
business review and guides on job search strategy, information on
companies in France and abroad, information on jobs and sectors, …
HEC Career Intranet:
9000 internship offers
4000 jobs offers. Exchange students
can apply for internships through
HEC Career & Internship Services
after their academic term (duration
from 6 weeks to 6 months).
• The Career Services organize on campus company presentations,
conferences, seminars, round tables, individual coaching sessions,
Career Workshops:
c Writing your CV (in French) –How to find an internship – How to build
your career path,
c On-line self assessment test! ¨PSV 20 (in French & in English)
c Video mock interviews: the HEC information center and JobinLive offers
you a video training resource for internships or job interviews in 7
languages including French, English, German and Spanish. This training
program is available at the library
c Mock Interviews with recruiters (in French & in English),
Career events
c Throughout the year: Recruitment, Internship & Information gathering
on functions and sectors (Company presentations with recent alumni)
c October: Legal and Fiscal Fair: over 30 leading international law firms,
International Finance Fair: over 30 leading international financial
c November: Consulting Fair: over 30 leading consulting firms,
c January: International Career Fair: an annual on-campus event during
which students and over 130 companies meet over a two-day period
recruitment for internship and recruitment, Alumni Career Fair: HEC
Alumni from all sectors – information gathering on job functions and
c March: Company Presentation Day (internships), Humanitarian
Associations and Organisations Fair.
Academic Environment & Resources
474 seat lecture hall,
21 amphitheaters,
1 amphitheater and
1 classroom
equipped with videoconference system,
12 classrooms seating
18/24 people,
1 open-access computer room,
networked PCs throughout the campus, WiFi
1 printing centre
A trading room (in collaboration with Reuters)
A spacious 1000 m2 reception/exhibition area
A Chapel for religious activities
7 classrooms seating
40/50 people
HEC Paris joins iTunes U
In March 2010, HEC Paris has launched its profile on iTunes U. It is the
first business school in France to share its knowledge and academic
content on iTunes U. There is a section for public contents and students
with school email accounts can access an additional private area where
some additional classes are featured. HEC offers materials in both
English and French, and this has provided a unique opportunity to
develop language skills.
To access HEC Paris on iTunes U, visit:
Exchange Students benefit
access to all campus
facilities and services
The library strives to accomodate the needs of every student on
campus as well as professors-researchers and PhD students.
It provides readers, both on and off campus, with more than
80 databases covering all disciplines taught at HEC as well as
10,000 different journals, magazines and academic reviews in digital
format. On site, students can consult and borrow coursebooks,
professional theses or general culture works among more than
60,000 books avalaible in the library.
A team of 16 qualified staff are in charge of tending to the students'
needs, guiding them in their documentary research and offering a wide
selection of complementary services such as training workshops for
certain research tools and inter-library loans.
The library provides enough seating for 200 people, with 30 network
computers, 1 multimedia training room and 2 other rooms allocated to
group work.
Find out more about the library at:
on FlickR:
on iTunesU:
on Twitter:
on YouTube:
A learning session and a visit of the
library and guidance on how to use
the database is organized for all
incoming international students.
Book Shops
Two book shops are located in the HEC study building
and in the Executive Education building. They meet all your
readings needs in English and French (5% discount on books)
and ability to order all books not available. Students can
also buy stationary supplies (binding service).
Every day, free newspapers in
French (Le Monde, Les Echos,
La Tribune, Le Figaro, Libération,
and in English (Financial Times,
The Guardian, The International
Herald Tribune, The Wall Street
The campus welcomes 3500 students
of 80 nationalities every year in the
full time programs. On-campus accommodations
are given to all international students in priority.
Students who wish to live off campus
will have to find a room themselves
on the private market.
IT Services
7 open-access computer rooms: computer
terminals are available on campus for internet
browsing and e-mail access, as well as printers
(student will need student card),
1,200 networked PCs throughout the campus,
equipped with wireless internet access (Wi-Fi).
The IT Services provides personal assistance
in case of problem with connections (the power
standard is 50Hz), as well as HEC Microsystems,
the IT students Association of the campus.
You will use the Student Portal to access
administrative functions and intranet to a
wealth of information such as course offer,
timetables, grade, course evaluations, and
student support services.
Center for Resources
& English Activities
The CREA is in charge of all campus activities and
programs involving the English-speaking world,
and provide the students with tools to improve
their foreign language skills (workstations,
grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension,
Cost of living (2009-2010)
- Accommodation: 405 € / month,
(+ refundable deposit: 400 €, and 130€ non
refundable processing fee),
- Meals: Approximately 15€/day if meals taken
at the student restaurant,
- Mandatory Social Security subscription for non-European
students staying in France for more than 3 months: 198 €,
- Mandatory civil liability insurance: 30-40 €/year,
Student can buy this insurance together with
the housing insurance when opening a bank
account in France,
- Fee for Resident’s permit if required: 55 €,
- Student union membership (optional): 45 €/semester,
- Sports (optional): 25€/semester.
The International Office provides an
airport pick-up service which collects
you from Roissy CDG Airport or Orly
Aiport and delivers you to your
accommodation, during two days before
the mandatory orientation session
(a shuttle in the morning and a shuttle
in the afternoon).
Health Care & Coverage
A medical service is available on
campus to all students.
Your compulsory
health insurance
will cover the cost of most treatments
according to health problems
students regularly have.
The Social Security Desk helps the
students for all formalities, subscribing
to the social security system as well
as subscribing to a complementary
health insurance.
Non-European students staying in France
for more than 3 months must register to
the French National Student Health Plan.
The fee was D198 (2009/2010) and
registrations will be made by
HEC only upon arrival.
This insurance does not cover extra
insurance like repatriation, travel
insurance which students should
provide prior to their arrival.
Civil liability insurance
is compulsory for all exchange
students (European and non-European).
Student can buy this insurance
together with the housing insurance
when opening a bank account in France.
ATM machine is located behind the
campus reception building, just
after the gate.
Banks companies will be present
on campus during the welcome
week, so to enable students to
open a bank account.
- Trains to Paris from Jouy-en-Josas
(approx 45 minutes)
- Public bus service several times a day
from campus to the
Jouy-en-Josas train station.
- In addition to the public bus service,
a shuttle service for students and
employees has been implemented
between the campus, Massy station
and Paris Pont de Sèvres metro station,
shuttles running including on night and
- Carpooling. Carsharing will be available
on campus on September 2010.
Paris and its suburb are well
served by inter-connected
public transport:
- an efficient bus network inside
- le METRO, the underground
- le RER, Réseau Express Régional,
a fast train network linking the Paris
métro and the suburb.
For further information:
Exchange Students are offered the possibility
of living on Campus by renting a room on campus,
in one of the 10 student halls, which are divided into
1,400 furnished rooms and flats.
The rooms are equipped with a shower (shared
between two rooms), a single bed with sheets and
blankets, a bedside table, a desk, shelves, two chairs,
a wardrobe, a telephone and plugs for TV and network
connection, and each room has a balcony. The monthly
charge covers the basic rent, cleaning twice a week,
and breakfast in the university restaurant.
A student restaurant seating 650 students,
serves 2,000 to 2,300 meals every day.
The restaurant offers, every day, a basic meal
for lunch and for dinner.
A snack ("Kfet") and a bar ("Zinc") are available
on the campus.
Student Life
All associations are described on the students web-site:
http://www.campushec.com/ :
humanitarian, cultural, events-related and career-related associations.
Social and professional clubs are dedicated to topics such as finance,
marketing, business ethics…
The BDE (the main Student Union) is one of the main organizers of social and leisure events.
The International Student Association is a student-run association whose purpose is to
bring French and international students together through events such as the welcome week,
"Discover France" week-ends, and various on-campus activities or Paris outputs. HEC IS
will ensure you have a great time on campus, immersed in the French culture, but also
among a real melting pot of people from all over the world.
In the guide "Tips for your
survival in… Paris!!!",
the IS team gives you tips and
some advice as to what venues
you should attend and
monuments you can visit in
the world's most beautiful city.
With the support of IO, HEC IS has edited two guides "Tips for your survival at HEC" and
"Tips for your survival in Paris".
Sport activities
A wide range of sports are available, taking advantage of the campus’ outstanding
installations and the school’s physical education staff.
A 1,600 m2 gymnasium is available for indoor sports, fencing rooms, dance,
ping-pong, a weight lifting room, a dojo room, karate, aerobics and yoga.
A 8,000 m2 outdoor facilities include a rugby pitch, two soccer fields, four tennis
courts, an athletics field and a golf practice range.
Off-site sports include, rowing, riding, skiing, sailing, golf, swimming,…
The students are encouraged to
take part in campus life through
more than 100 students
associations and diverse sports
activities, as well as conferences
Each sport corresponds to a section of the HEC Sports Association. Second-year
students run the association in collaboration with the Sports Office and staff.
19 sports associations offer to choose among Aikido, Rowing, Basket ball, Riding,
Climbing, Fencing, Football, Golf, Handball, Judo, Sailing, Rugby, Swimming,
Ski, Tennis, Volleyball, Running, ...
They organize a series of events and activities throughout the year.
Sport fees: 25D/semester.
HEC teams compete with other universities in all sports disciplines, as well as in the
Business School Coupe de France competition in team sports, and in the triangular
Polytechnique-Centrale-HEC tournament.
Moreover, every year HEC students organize "Les Mercuriales," a well-known, international
sports competition.
In addition, HEC MBA students organize the MBA Tournament, which gathers more than
1,000 participants on campus, many of whom come from foreign MBA programs.
The sports year generally concludes with Jump HEC, an international obstacle-jumping
course contest which draws leading French riders competing on an exceptional site.
Frequently Asked Questions
to Jean-Christophe, Exchange Coordinator c
“ I have been nominated
by my home University.
What is the next step? ”
As soon as HEC receives your nomination, a link, log in and password will be sent
to you via email by the International Office exchange coordinator whom is also your
main contact before, during and after your stay at HEC.
This will allow you to register yourself online via HEC’s online platform called ISEA.
“ What about Academics
at HEC? ”
High quality business education is taught by Professors with PhDs coming
from top Universities. Lectures are given by International companies’
professionals from all sectors. Course offer covers all management core
courses as well as related topics such as Economics, Law and InternationalEuropean relations. Small size classes (39 - 54 seats).
“ Do I need to speak
French to join HEC? ”
Speaking French is not a prerequisite to join HEC. French language courses are
offered to non-French students. HEC Paris offers a range of management
courses taught in English.
“ When can I select my
courses? ”
Course catalogue is usually available and sent along with the course selection
form by email:
Fall semester: around end of May. Spring semester: around mid November of
previous year. All documents are also available on our International student
intranet page.
“ Are there any course
prerequisites? ”
According to the selected course, previous knowledge may be requested in
order to match the course level. It will be indicated in the syllabus.
“ Can I add or/and drop
a class at anytime during
the semester? ”
No, courses may be added and dropped only before class start and no later
than after the first lecture. If you decide not to continue to attend a course, you
must inform the International Office straight after the end of the first class.
“ May I choose less than
the minimum ECTS
requested worth of
courses and will my
exchange be validated by
HEC? ”
Even though your University only considers a certain amount of transferrable
ECTS, you still have to comply with HEC minimum ECTS requirement.
Otherwise HEC will not validate your exchange.
“ Can I leave before
semester is over? ”
Tests are taking place during the last week of each semester. In the event
that you have taken all tests before the official end of the semester, you may
leave the Campus. Remember to give notice to the Residence Office in writing
(email), at least 10 days prior to departure.
“ When will I receive my
official transcript from
HEC? ”
Transcripts edition can start as soon as all grades have been received from
Two copies of your transcripts will be sent approximately 2 months after you
depart from HEC to your University’s Coordinator.
“ Is it compulsory to
register to the French
language course? ”
Unless required by your home University, no. Nevertheless, HEC strongly
encourage foreign students in learning the language from the country they
have chosen as exchange destination, this, for any country visited.
“ Is the orientation
session mandatory? ”
Yes, this is the opportunity to have a first contact with your coordinator and
the International Office. This is generally called “The International Office
Welcome Meeting”. A presentation will be given to you on very important info
regarding your stay, rules, regulations, and policies, courses, various events,
sports, etc… It is, therefore imperative that you attend this meeting.
“ How many students are
hosted each semester in
your institution? ”
HEC is happy to welcome an average of 140 exchange students each
“ Does HEC offer on campus
accommodation? ”
HEC provides on campus accommodations and can also provide a list of off
campus solutions. Priority is given to international students and places will
be distributed on a first come first serve basis.
“ If I am selected, how do
I apply for housing on
campus? ”
After online registration process is complete, the International Office in
relation with HEC Residence Office will produce the Accommodation
application form. Students will return it completed to the Residence Office by
fax, email, or post. Confirmation letters will then be edited by the Residence
Office and sent out to your local Coordinator.
“ How much does it cost
to live on campus? ”
Rooms with shared bathroom (between 2 rooms): 4051/month (2009-2010)
Rooms with private bathrooms and WC: 5731/month (2009-2010).
“ Does HEC provide visa
and immigration issues
support? ”
Yes, a representative in contact with the OFII department is centralizing all
You may also turn to your local coordinator and to HEC’s International Office.
“ Does my student visa
for France allow me to
travel in other country? ”
You must be careful when applying for visa to which extend you’ll be free to
It all depends on your nationality and country of origin. We invite you to check
with the French embassy or consulate website and also the same for the
country you are wishing to visit.
“ Do I have to open a
Bank account even if I
only stay in France for
one academic semester? ”
It is preferable to have a French bank account, in order to avoid transfer
problems, fees due to foreign currency exchange and delays in security
deposit (housing) refund.
“ How can I open a French
Bank account for the
duration of my stay ? ”
During the first week of each semester, a selection of Banks are coming on
campus to offer banking services such as current account openings, housing
insurance (compulsory).
Extracurricular Activities
France is the largest country in Western Europe.
The country's impressive modern transport infrastructure, notably the
high-speed train links, has created many possibilities for visiting
French regions: Normandy, Brittany, Loire Valley, South West,
Examples of Events for
International Students
Welcome week
Guided visit in Paris
Candle light visit
at Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte
Parc Asterix
Week-end in Strasbourg
Guided visit in Paris
Le Marais
Night visit to the Louvre
Disneyland Paris
Week-end in Etretat
Release on Champs-Elysées
Week-end in Rouen, Honfleur
Week-end in Houlgate,
Mont St-Michel
Week-end in Lyon
Guided visit at Epernay,
capitale of Champagne,
and the surrounding vineyards,
and Reims
Week-end in Blois,
Châteaux de la Loire
Goodbye week.
In addition to the activities offered on and off
campus to all students, International Office and
the student associations HEC IS organize special
events for international and exchange students
throughout the year.
Destination Paris
The City of Lights
Paris is not only the financial and political
centre of France. With a 6,500-year history,
it is also a city of art and culture:
The St Christopher's Inn youth
hostel, opened in July 2008 in
the industrial buildings of
the former Magasins Généraux
along the Bassin de la Villette,
offers 275 beds, most of these
available in four to eight bed
dormitories. The rates are from
17€ to 30€ a night.
197 theatres and café-theatres
150 concert halls
3 opera halls
1,800 national monuments
137 museums
467 parks and gardens
12,000 cafés and restaurants
10 three-star restaurants in the Michelin Guide
A Business Destination
Its history, renown, heritage and tourism offer make Paris the capital of
business tourism and the destination of choice for organisers of any kind
of event, be it a trade show, congress, seminar or business meeting.
Ile-de-France is the number one region in Europe in various areas:
in terms of the number of Fortune 500 companies it is home to, education,
and R&D. The Paris Stock Exchange is the second biggest in Europe after
18 congress centres in Paris and Ile de France
17 universities
600,000 students
With its image as the most romantic city
in the World, Paris is in the enviable position
of being the world's most visited city with
80 million visitors per year.
A dream City
In a study titled "the European megalopolis" in May 2009, Paris was in
first place thanks to its "picture postcard image" (91%), its most
emblematic monument, the Eiffel Tower (96,2%), the Champs-Elysées,
"a legendary meeting place" (59%) and its incomparable "cultural site",
the Louvre (60,3%). The city's "romantic appeal" places it second (79,5%),
after Barcelona, the "capital of fun" (87,1%). Montmartre placed third for
its atmosphere, after Soho in London and Barcelona's Gothic disctrict.
Thanks to Fashion Week, Paris is 10th in the "events" category.
Paris at the heart of Europe
Situated at the heart of Europe, Paris is a transport hub with 3 airports:
Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly and Le Bourget
178 cities with low cost connections to Paris.
7 rail stations: several high-speed trains connecting the French capital
to London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Cologne, Franckfurt, Stuttgart, Zurich,
Basle, Bern, Lausanne, Geneva, Turin, and night trains for Italy or Spain…
Everything about Paris: events, addresses, exhibitions, cultural life…
on http://en.parisinfo.com/, Paris Tourism Office website.
A place where leaders speak
Jose Manuel Barroso
Michael E. Porter
Bill Gates
Muhammad Yunus
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev
Theodore Zeldin
Picture Credits:
HEC photography: Jean-Marc Biais
Tour Eiffel – Illuminations – Pierre Bideau
© Paris Tourism Office – Amélie Dupont – David Lefranc – Alain Potignon - Fabian Charaffi - Jacques Lebar