Delta Delta Delta Zeta Minutes 1892-1896

November 2012
Ellen Caldwell Sewell
Zeta Chapter, Delta Delta Delta 1955
My grandmother, Estella Mae Riley, was a founding member of Zeta Chapter at the University of
Cincinnati. When I pledged, in 1955, my mother gave me 2 books of minutes that she had found
in the belongings of Estella Mae Riley.
Minutes 1892-1896
Minutes 1904-1912
I have kept them carefully all these years, and have just finished copying them word for word. I
have spaced them on the pages as in the originals, and have used original spelling, punctuation
etc. When there was a word that I couldn’t read I used .... When I could read the letters but didn’t
understand the meaning of the word I used (sic).
These two sets of original minutes I have now donated to Delta Delta Delta and are stored for
safe keeping at the home office.
I hope that all who read them will enjoy them as much as I have.
Estella Mae Riley married Dr. James Sterrett Caldwell
son: James Sterrett Caldwell, M.D. m. Mary Virginia Bruce
daughter: Ellen Caldwell Sewell
415 Bond Pl. #9C
Cincinnati, OH 45206
(513) 872-9222
Minutes of Tri Delta
University of Cincinnati
U. of C.
Years 1892 – 93
1893 – 94
1894 – 95
1895 – 96
Agnes R. Powers, Sec’y
Alma S. Fick, Sec’y 93 – 94
Mary S. Evans, Sec’y 94 – 95
Levina Reynolds Perin
May 23, ’92
First meeting of Zeta Chapter of ΔΔΔ of University of Cincinnati was held at
residence of Miss Zeck on Wesley Avenue the 23rd of May. At this meeting ten
charter members took pledges of Delta and entered into her bonds. Miss Kinney as
founder conducted initiations with assistance of Miss Marpé and Miss Powers,
who had her initiated shortly before the others.
The following were this day joined in Delta.
Sadie Fortney
Caroline Mearpi
Ida Darcey
Lucy Lambdin
Emily Essellman
Margaret Laymen
Corr. Sec’y
Estelle M. Riley
Vice President
Alma Fick
Agnes Powers
Rec. Sec’y
And Miss Emma Kinney President.
Constitution was read and the above young ladies elected as officers. After
of officers the meeting adjourned to assemble again at Residence of Miss Kinney
at which meeting only five members were present. Miss Riley was initiated into
second degree. After being delightfully entertained by our hostess, members
separated for summer.
October 3, 1892
First meeting of ΔΔΔ in academic year of ‘92 – 3 held in Prof. Benedict’s
room at college building. Only five members present. Miss Fortney and Miss
Powers appointed by President to obtain ribbon for buttons. Miss Marpé to unite
notes for Review and make inquiries at Landy’s concerning chapter picture; Miss
Fick to obtaining charter and copies of Trident. Miss Powers to forward article for
Trident. Matter of taking in new members discussed but no decision made.
Meeting adjourned to gather on October 14, at Miss Kinney’s.
October 14, 1892
At meeting held at home of Miss Kinney October 14, all members present
except me, Miss Marpé acting as Secretary pro tem.
Decided to have pictures taken at Landy’s, and after long debate, as to the
day agreed upon Sat. Oct 29, at half past twelve.
The report of committee on ribbons was satisfactory and decided to use
buttons and ribbons bought (24¢). The question as to whether or not new officers
were to be elected was then brought forward, but decided to let same officers serve
with one exchange, making Miss Layman Vice Pres. and Miss Riley Cor. Sec’y.
Misses Riley, (space) appointed as committee to arrange a program for next
meeting. No other business being brought up, we adjourned to meet with Miss
Kinney again on Oct 28.
Oct. 28, 1892
Meeting opened with selection from Bible, XIVth chapter of John, followed
by a prayer by Miss Kinney, acting in absence of Chaplain. Six members present.
Question discussed was concerning pictures and it was decided to postpone
having pictures taken until further inquiries were made as to prices of other
photographers than Landy. Notices to be sent to absent members to this effect and
meeting then adjourned.
December 2, 1892
Meeting opened with reading of XIII Chapter of Corinthians and prayer by
Miss Kinney acting as Chaplain. Picture question brought forward and decided to
postpone question until more were present.
Decided to meet every other Friday at College building.
Question of exchanging fraternity papers with
Sigma Alphas decided in affirmative and sec’y appointed to see S.A. sec’y.
Same brought forward for admission to our ΔΔΔ.
Miss Fortney
Miss Powell
Miss Rawson (Nina)
Mrs. Baldwin, all accepted.
Question of programmes for writer’s work discussed but laid on table until
next meeting for further consideration. Miss Powers and Miss Fick appointed to
attend to matter.
Miss Fortney and Miss Powers appointed to purchase ribbons for fraternity.
Each member to be assessed (25¢) for current expenses. Meeting then
adjourned to meet at Miss Riley’s Dec. 16.
A.R. Powers Sec’y
Dec. 16, ‘92
Meeting of Tri Delta held Dec. 16, opened with reading of the Epistle of
John and prayer, Miss Kinney acting as chaplain. Minutes of last meeting read and
accepted with one amendment. Question of programme for writer’s work, which
had lain over was then taken up and Homer agreed upon for first programme. Miss
Fick and Miss Powell appointed to prepare the literary portion and Miss Powers for
musical portion of programme. Chief business of meeting namely initiation of
proposed members was then taken up.
Miss Powell was then the first to be initiated, followed by Mrs. Baldwin,
Miss Nina Rawson and Miss Fortney each to be heartily greeted as a Δ sister. After
business of meeting was over, Tri Deltas were most delightfully entertained by the
hostess Miss Riley, and a dainty repast was enjoyed by all present. In spite of the
fact that the weather was rather inclement, the afternoon was an enjoyable one, due
largely to our charming
hostess and the absentee missed a most pleasant treat. ΔΔΔ then adjourned to meet
on Jan 6th, with a membership of fourteen.
A.R.P. sec’y
Jan. 6, 93
Meeting of ΔΔΔ held Jan. 6 at College building opened with reading of
minutes which were approved as read. First question considered was one of
declaring ourselves as in favor of any single one of the Gentlemen’s fraternities,
which was decided in negative. Then adjourned, after it had been decided to use
the intellectual salad for next programme to meet at residence of Miss Fick January
27, 1893.
Meeting of Tri Delta held Jan. 27, 93, opened with reading of 14th Chapter of
John and after roll call prayer by Miss Kinney. Sec’y then read minutes of last
meeting which were approved.
The first matter for discussion was question of the regularity of sessions and
it was decided that for Feb. first meeting should be held in
afternoon of second Friday at Miss Rawson’s and second one to be held on Feb.
22nd at Miss Baldwin’s. Miss Fortney and Miss Powell appointed to take charge of
Homer meeting, as roll call of which members were to respond with quotation
from the poet in question.
James Whitcomb Riley decided upon for second meeting of which Miss
Lambdin and Miss Baldwin were appointed in charge.
After a vocal solo the society was favored with a recitation by Miss
Lambdin. Miss Marpé then rendered a beautiful piano solo.
The feature of the afternoon, a literary salad, was then undertaken and
enjoyed by all present, after which the hostess, Miss Fick, delightfully entertained
with something materially more substantial.
After an exceedingly pleasant afternoon, the circle adjourned to meet on Feb.
6, 93. It was decided in order to ensure presence of members, to exact a fine of
five cents in case of absence from any meeting for any other cause than sickness,
unless the society should see fit to exempt any member from this fine on account
of some other excuse which is considered as adequate.
Feb. 10
Meeting of ΔΔΔ held Feb. 10, opened with Bible reading from James and
prayer. Roll call followed at which members responded with quotations from
Holmes. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved with one alteration.
Programme was then taken up and consisted of
Piano Solo
Life of Holmes
Ballad of Oysterman
Guitar Solo
Miss Marpe
Miss Stella Fortney
Miss Powers
Miss Rawson
The programme proper closed with a vocal solo and recitation. Business of
meeting was then taken up. Miss Powell kindly offered her home for the next
meeting, which was placed in hands of Miss Powers and Fortney, poets being E.A.
Poe. It was agreed that for incidental expenses, a quarter should be handed by each
member to the Treasurer. It was also decided that for
correspondence with the Alpha and other chapters of Δ the regular stationary of the
society be used, and to this the corresponding secretary was commissioned to
After discussing several other minor points the Frat. joined in singing the
Delta songs. After being most delightfully entertained by the hostess Miss Rawson
the society adjourned to meet Feb 22nd.
A.R.P. sec ‘y
March 3rd
On account of the illness of Miss. Baldwin, with whom we were to have met
on the 22nd of February, the Riley meeting was postponed until March 3rd. This
session opened with scripture reading from 18th of Matthew and prayer as usual.
Nine members responded to roll call. The minutes were then read and approved
Miss Marpé favored the society by rendering that beautiful composition of
Gottchalk’s, “The Last Hope.”
As the programme had not been prepared and there were several business matters
to be discussed, the literary phase of the meeting was dispersed with.
The matter of having chapter laws was discussed, and as such is the rule in all
Greek Frates, 3 were appointed as committee, Misses Powell, Marpé and Powers,
to draw up such laws and submit them to the circle for consideration. The circle
decided that the name of Jewess be entirely omitted in these laws.
Miss Kinney, in absence of Miss Fick, gave voice to her idea that programme
be placed in hands of members in alphabetical order, and that such member as has
programme may choose her own theme, write such paper and call upon other
members for assistance. Miss Darcey to take charge of first such meeting.
The question of programme for coming year was then taken up and discussed
openly, the members agreeing with one suggestion made, namely that the
be a systematic one, having topics of meetings etc. – fixed beforehand and that
they be published in somewhat style of Tourist Programme. Miss Riley and
Powers appointed to attend to making out of programme for academic year of ’93
and ’94.
The V.C.P. society, although not Greek has, through a representative,
requested of us that we wait until Christmas before asking members of Freshman
class to join us. In view of fact that a prospective Frat. is being considered among
the present Freshmen, the question was laid over until we should hear more
positively concerning the matter. And Miss Fortney was appointed to let V.C.P.
know how we felt about the matter. When all business matters had been
sufficiently discussed, Miss Powell favored us with a vocal solo. Then after
partaking of the bounty of our hostess we joined in some of the Δ songs. After an
exceedingly pleasant afternoon, the society adjourned to meet March 10 at home of
Mrs. Baldwin.
March 10, - 93
On account of the unavoidable absence of our president at the opening of the
meeting the literary programme was taken up first and opened with a piano solo by
our most obliging pianist Miss Marpé. Miss Rawson then read a paper on life of
Poe and this was followed by the reading of Annabel Lee by Miss Fortney. Miss
Riley then read an interesting article on Poe’s female friends; Miss Kinney some
selections from Poe and Miss Essellman The Raven, with which the literary
programme closed. The roll was then called with response from all but one
member, Miss Layman. Minutes of last meeting were the read and approved.
Miss Riley read two letters, one from Alpha telling of a new chapter which
has just been chartered at Burlington Iowa, this being Delta’s seventh chapter.
Another letter from Miss Shaw was read, informing us that our charter would be
here at the earliest time possible, and also explaining why we had not received it
She writes that we can purchase an electrotype from which to have engraving for
letter paper for 50¢, one of which the corresponding sec’y was to purchase.
The question discussed next was concerning the most convenient time for us
to send delegate to Galesburgh. June seemed to meet with most favor, and sec’y
commissioned to inform Alpha of same, and also to send greeting to new Eta
The motion was made and seconded that we send a delegate and that she
defray half of the expenses. Carried.
Suggestion was then brought before the society that we offer a prize at the
coming field day exercises. The motion was made and carried that this prize be a
medal. Miss Fick and Miss Powers were appointed the committee to attend to this.
After greatly enjoying the hospitality of our hostess Miss Baldwin, Tri Delta
adjourned to meet 31st of March at home of Miss Rawson.
A.R. Powers sec’y
Minutes of meeting held March 31, ’93
In absence of the president the meeting was called to order by the Chaplain,
who then read the 13th Chapter of Corinth and offered prayer.
The minutes of last meeting were then read and approved with one alteration,
in name of committee members. Report of treasurer followed showing balance in
treasury of $7.25. The corresponding sec’y having received no letters made no
report. On account of absence of several members the reading of the chapter laws
as drawn up by the committee was postponed, hoping to have all present at next
One member of medal committee gave informal report and submitted one
design from Duhme. Motion made and carried to delay all action on that point
until committee should obtain further estimates. Then, having no new business to
attend to, the programme opened with a piano duet by Miss Marpé and Powers
after which Miss Marpé read an interesting
account of the Composer Beethoven’s life. Then followed a vocal selection by
Miss Powers and a read by Miss Fick of a paper on the Symphonia Heroica. With
another vocal solo the programme closed.
The Society then enjoyed the dainty lunch served by the hostess Miss
Rawson, and after singing some Delta songs, the society adjourned to meet on the
14th of April in response to the invitation of Miss Lambdin.
A.R.P. sec’y
Minutes of Meeting held April 14
Meeting opened with reading 13th Chapter of St. John and prayer. The sec’y’s
minutes were then read and accepted. The roll was called and showed four
members absent. The sec’y then read a letter from the absent corresponding sec’y
informing us that the Tri Delta Convention was to occur April 19, 20, and 21.
Another letter from Miss DePaul was also read.
With Miss Riley’s letter she sent an open
letter, one like which every chapter had received from the Grand President, setting
forth the points upon which we needed to have a discussion before sending our
delegate Miss Riley. This open letter the sec’y read and each point was informally
discussed. This discussion occupied so much time that the literary programme had
to be postponed until next meeting as did also the reading of the Chapter Laws.
After this discussion, the medal committee brought forward two more designs from
Oscamp, (talt and lev) (sic) but the Duhme design was accepted, and committee
charged to order it. Meeting closed with a duet by Misses Powell and Powers.
The hostess then pleasantly entertained the Deltas after which the most
important meeting Z has had adjourned to meet April 29, 93.
Agnes R. Powers Sec’y
Minutes of the 14th Meeting of ΔΔΔ
Tri Delta met at the residence of Miss Powers April 29th. The meeting was
opened with reading of the 97th Psalm and prayer by our chaplain. The secretary’s
minutes of last meeting were read and approved where-upon the business before
the meeting was taken up. An agreement was entered upon with the V.C.P. to the
affect that neither society pledge any young lady of the next freshman class at the
University before the first Monday in January 1894. Then followed the election of
officers for the ensuing Miss Lambdin, representative of the next senior class, was
voted president by acclamation. The members decided to have the rest of the
elections by ballot, and Miss Kinney appointed Misses Powers, Powell and Marpé
to draw up the ticket. The society then proceeded to vote upon the ticket they
submitted. Owing to a declining of offices, the president appointed a new
committee which consisted of Miss Essellborn, Miss Layman and the president
who had been asked by the members to serve as the third. They submitted their
ticket and the result of
the elections was as follows:
Vice President
Corresponding Sec’y
Recording Sec’y
Miss Lucy Lambdin
Miss Sadie Fortney
Miss Stella M. Riley
Miss Alma S. Fick
Miss Agnes R. Powers
Mrs. Baldwin
Miss Carrie Powell
Stella Fortney
Assistant Corresponding Sec’y
Carrie Marpé
Door Keeper
Miss Nina Rawson
The secretary then read the Chapter Laws which had been drawn up by the
committee Misses Powell, Powers and Marpé. Zeta promptly adopted the laws
with but two amendments.
This closed the business of the meeting and the literary programme of which
Miss Esselborn had charge was now attended to. It was opened by a piano duet by
Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Fick. Miss Esselborn who had selected Robert Browning
as the poet to be commemorated that afternoon gave us a most interesting account
of his life and
writings in general. Several selections from Browning were then well read by Miss
Lambdin, Miss Powers and Miss Kinney. The programme closed with one of
Mendelssohn’s Lieder ohne Worte rendered by Miss Fick.
Tri Delta girls, however, did not adjourn at once but enjoyed the hospitality of
their kind hostess, Miss Powers, at a dainty lunch then they separated, the meeting
was pronounced a most pleasant one.
Miss Marpé has kindly offered her house for the next meeting.
During the summer but one meeting Tri Delta was arranged for. This was at
the home of Miss Marpé in Hartwell Ohio. Only five members were present. No
business could therefore be transacted and the afternoon was spent in the nature of
a social. The kind entertainment Miss Marpé offered her “sisters” made their visit
to Hartwell a thoroughly enjoyable one.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 15th Meeting of ΔΔΔ
President Miss Lambdin called a meeting at her home Monday, October 2,
1893. It was opened by the reading of the Bible and prayer by our chaplain. Mrs.
Baldwin acted as secretary pro tem in the absence of Miss Fick. The report of the
programme committee was then submitted. The programme for the year was
accepted ... made out by the committee, and is in the nature of a tourist programme
subject for the years 93-94 being Egypt. The first programme is accordingly in
charge of the Misses Powers and Riley. The committee also reported an estimate of
the cost of having the programme printed. The bid of $8.00 made by the
McMicken Publishing Co. was accepted. The question whether the programme was
to be printed or not printed having been first decided in the affirmative. The next
question submitted was in regard to the musical programme which portion of the
year’s programme the committee had left to the discretion of the society. The
members did not approve of the plan that
the hostess in every case provide for the music at that meeting. The decision finally
reached was that a committee of two be later appointed in the charge of the music.
The Annual was next considered. The motion that Tri Delta have its pictures
taken was approved. Miss Lambdin and Mrs. Baldwin were appointed a committee
of two to make inquiry concerning the picture their report to be ready by Saturday,
October 7, 1893.
The names of Miss Coan and Miss Marshall were considered for membership.
Both names met the approval of all present. It was thought best that a note be
written to these young ladies by the corresponding secretary to inform them of the
fact. Further Miss Marpé was asked to speak to Miss Marshall in the capacity of a
particular friend. Mrs. Baldwin was asked to do likewise to Miss Coan.
Whereupon adjournment followed.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 16th Meeting of Tri Delta
Delta sisters met Saturday, October 7, 1893 at the home of Miss Layman. The
minutes of the three last meetings were read and approved. Miss Fick read her
report as treasurer of the preceding year, which report was likewise accepted. The
next matter under consideration was a letter from the ΣΑΕ fraternity which kindly
invited the members of Tri Delta to meet when ever desirable in their fraternity
halls. It seemed best to accept this offer conditionally and Miss Marpé as assistant
corresponding secretary was instructed to inform the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity of this decision.
The question of changing our meeting day permanently to Saturday was next
brought up but inasmuch as but four of the members were present at the meeting, a
motion was made and carried to lay the matter on the table. The President then
appointed the Misses Powell and Marpé on the committee for music. A motion was
made to subscribe to two copies
of the Trident for this year but this amended to “subscribe to only one copy”
whereupon the motion as amended was carried.
Miss Fick was then appointed to write the chapter letter for the October
number of the Trident. The question of appointing the associate editor of our
chapter for the Trident was laid on the table. Whereupon adjournment followed but
the Deltas did not immediately disperse but first enjoyed the bounty of their very
kind hostess to the fullest degree. The meeting, though counting but eight Delta
girls was voted a very pleasant one.
Alma S. Fick
Rec Sec’y
Minutes of the 17th Meeting of ΔΔΔ
Tri Delta met October 21, 1893 at the home of the Misses Fortney. Eight of
the members were present. Vice president Miss Fortney led the meeting in the
absence of the president. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and
accepted. A short business meeting then followed. Miss Fick was appointed editor
of the Trident for Zeta. The question of our meeting day, whether Saturday or
Friday would be most convenient for the members was next in order. After some
discussion the members decided in favor of Friday.
The question of the pictures was then taken up. Saturday, November 4, 1893
was fixed upon as the day when we were to pass through the ordeal. Most of the
members were in favor of Core as the photographer and it was decided that the
pictures be taken at Core’s unless the absent members should object. Miss Powell
proposed the name of Miss Andrews for membership. But since the meeting
counted many absentees,
and since it seemed better that each member have a chance to reflect on the
proposed name before voting, a motion was carried to defer the vote until next
The literary programme was then entered upon. Mrs. Baldwin and Miss
Lambdin being absent, the programme consisted of a single but interesting number,
an essay by Miss Riley, subject: “Come let us go down into Egypt.”
The Delta sisters were then hospitably entertained by their hostesses and the
afternoon had proved an enjoyable one.
Alma S. Fick
Rec Sec’y
Minutes of the 18th Meeting of Tri Delta
The sisters in ΔΔΔ met Friday November 3, 1893, at the home of Miss
Powers. Eleven members responded with quotations from Hawthorne to the calling
of the roll. Prayer and the reading of a chapter from the Bible by the chaplain then
opened the meeting. The question of the pictures of Tri Delta was the first and
chief business be-
fore the meeting. The decision of the last meeting was reversed and Bellsmith was
chosen in preference to Core. 8:30 Saturday morning, November 4 was definitely
settled as the time when the pictures should be taken. An assessment of $1.25 each
was levied on the members to pay for the pictures.
The name of Miss Andrews was then brought up. It was not voted on however
since Miss Powell informed the members that owing to the great amount of work
Miss Andrews had on her hands she would not be able to join us this year.
The literary programme now followed. Miss Darcie read us an interesting
paper on Israel in Egypt. Miss Kinney entertained us with some comments on
Egyptian worship. Miss Fick rendered a piano solo and Miss Powers sang the
pretty song: Oh promise me!
The Deltas were then otherwise entertained by their hostess, Miss Powers, and
thus a pleasant meeting closed.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 19th Meeting of Delta
On Friday, November 17, 1893, a meeting of Tri Delta was held at the home
of Miss Powell. The meeting was not attended by many, only eight members
answering the roll call with their quotations from James Russell Lowell. Prayer
and the reading of a portion of the 37th Psalms by the chaplain followed.
The special assessment of $1.50 per member on behalf of the Trident was the
first matter of consideration. The Deltas voted that the treasurer, Mrs. Baldwin
inform Alpha Chapter of Zeta’s present circumstances and say that we are just now
unable to pay the amount asked.
The next matter brought before the members related to the Annual and
resolved itself into the question: Shall we have our picture put in the Annual or
shall we rather have our cut if possible to obtain one put in same. This matter was
laid on the table.
Since Miss Riley has been unable to attend our last meetings regularly it was
best that her duties of corresponding secretary be shifted upon her assistant, Miss
Aware of the fact that a fine of $5 had been imposed on Zeta by the ΔΔΔ
Convention at Galesburg for not having sent a delegate the members voted to have
the circumstances and causes clearly stated to those in authority for they felt they
had done all in their power to comply with the conditions mentioned in the
A serious question was now debated. Several members stated facts which
seemed to point to the conclusion that the V.C.P. society had broken the pledge
made with Tri Delta at the U. of C. It was resolved that our president write a note
to the
V. C. P. stating that it seemed to us that the spirit if not the letter of the pledge had
been broken.
The literary programme was opened by the reading of a paper on “Scenes
from Ancient Egyptian Life” by Miss Sadie Fortney. Miss Powers gave us a vocal
solo and Miss Powell conducted a conversation on the advances which
ancient Egypt had made in the sciences. This closed the programme proper but
Delta sisters bountifully partook of the hospitality of their kind hostess before they
turned their steps homeward.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 20th Meeting of Zeta, ΔΔΔ
A purely literary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Baldwin Friday,
December 1, 1893. Miss Marshall and Miss Coan had been invited to attend. Only
6 members were present to answer the roll call with quotations from Eggleson.
Miss Powers read her paper on “The Sphinx” and the society then entered upon a
discussion of “The Egyptian Princess” by Ebers conducted at random in Miss
Marpés absence. Miss Fick rendered a piano solo and the two visitors delighted us
with most beautiful piano solos and duets until Mrs. Baldwin invited
all to the enjoyment of some “sweets” of every kind. Late in the afternoon the Tri
Deltas adjourned.
Minutes of 21st Meeting of Tri Delta
On the 15th of December, 1893 Tri Delta met at the home of Miss Fick. After
the roll call had been answered with quotations from Washington Irving on the part
of nine Deltas, the chaplain read a chapter from the Bible and offered a prayer. The
secretary’s minutes were read and approved. The members then proceeded to the
business before them. The question of the pledge with the V.C.P.’s was once more
under consideration. But this time in a more pleasant form for two of the members
reported that it had been amiably settled between the societies that appearances had
been somewhat deceiving, that in reality the pledge had not been broken.
The urgent plea for the maintenance of the Trident formed in the report of the
convention which Miss Fick read at the members caused
Zeta to decide to take 5 copies of the Trident, one for every two active members.
The literary programme was then taken up. Miss Stella Fortney read a
pleasing sketch of “A Sail on the Nile” and Miss Marpé delighted us with a fine
piano solo. Our president then launched us upon a discussion of the broad and
important subject of new members. It was an excited discussion and ended in the
proposal of a number of names for membership. Five names seemed to meet with
special approval. In order, however, that our girls might become somewhat
acquainted with these young ladies before a final vote be taken, it was decided that
the ballot be cast on these names on Friday, December 22.
The Deltas now gave themselves up to the usual social pleasures and after
partaking of some refreshments, the sisters to the great request of the hostess were
obliged to depart for their several homes.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 22nd Meeting of ΔΔΔ
On Friday, December 22, 1893 a meeting of Tri Delta was called at the rooms
of the U. of C. The object of the meeting was to obtain a vote on the several names
proposed for membership. Seven members were present and one voted by proxy.
The following names were approved by all, Misses Evans, Tucker, Thompson,
Leonard and Whitson. Miss Marpé was instructed to tender them formal
invitations to Tri Delta, and so to mail these that they would arrive on January 1,
1894. May great success await us.
Minutes of the 23rd Meeting of Tri Delta
A meeting was held Friday, January 5, 1894 at the home of Miss Rawson. The
meeting was led by the chaplain in the absence of both president and vicepresident. The 3rd chapter of Proverbs was read by the chaplain and followed by
prayer. Seven members responded to the
roll call with quotations from Longfellow. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and accepted. A motion was made and carried to have the president
appoint a committee of three to see to the signing and framing of the charter.
The question of the 2nd and 3rd degree was next brought up for consideration.
It was decided that the president here again approve a committee of three to attend
to this matter and that this committee attend also to the preparations for the
initiations close at hand. The members were in favor of having initiation take place
January 27, 1894.
This done the business before the society was ended. Miss Kinney then
entertained us with a paper on The Sphinx in General. After this was ended, Miss
Rawson, our hostess, entertained us royally in a more sensual sphere, causing the
afternoon to end most delightfully amid chatting and feasting. After a few songs
the Delta sisters adjourned to meet again January 27, 1894.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Initiation Meeting of Tri Delta, January 27
Tri Deltas met January 27, 1894 at the home of Miss Rawson. It was an
important meeting for three young girls were joined to us in the firm bounds of
ΔΔΔ on that day. Our new sisters are Misses Grace Marshall, Mary Sibley Evans,
and Bessie ... Tucker. Our initiation was solemn indeed but scarcely had all the
mystic rites been performed when we all ready to have a good time. A most
delightful social was the result. The dainty spread Miss Rawson had prepared was
duly enjoyed and Delta songs had a rousing effect. We cheered Tri Delta. Long
may it live!
Minutes of the 25th Meeting of Tri Delta
The Deltas of Zeta met at the home of Miss Kinney, February 2, 1894. The
meeting was opened by reading of the Bible and prayer by the chaplain. The
minutes of the last two meetings were read and
accepted. The president then appointed the following on the Committee on
initiation matters: Misses Kinney, Powers and Sadie Fortney.. This was merely the
formal appointment for they had been appointed to serve on the committee several
weeks before. As a committee to see to the signing and framing of the Charter,
Miss Marpé was appointed. The latter was also at Miss Powers’ request put on the
Initiation Committee. The Committee to attend to the Charter had originally been
voted to consist of three, but this was changed to a committee of one at the
president’s suggestions.
The date for conferring the 2nd degree was fixed as some day between March
17th and March 30th.
The literary programme was next order. It was opened by the secretary’s rollcall to which eleven members replied with quotations from Whittier on Thoreau.
Miss Powers then read “The Address to the Mummy at Belzoni’s Exhibition.” This
was followed by a piano duet by the Misses Marshall and Marpé.
Miss Layman gave us a most excellent essay on “The Three Castes.” Miss Powers
and Miss Powell sang Marlowe’s “The Shepherd to his Mistress.” The literary
programme closed with a discussion conducted by Miss Fick on the subject
“Marriage and Burial Customs of the Egyptians.”
After a dainty repast, Tri Deltas adjourned to meet at the home of Miss
Lambdin, Saturday, Feb. 17, 1894.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 26th Meeting of ΔΔΔ
A meeting of Tri Delta was held Feb. 17, 1894 at Miss Lambdin’s home. It
was opened by the reading of the Bible and prayer by our chaplain, Miss Powers.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read. No business being
before the meeting the literary pro-
gramme was at once taken up. The roll call was answered by quotations from
Shakespeare’s, “Anthony and Cleopatra” and Dryden’s All for Love. Miss
Marshall then very kindly consented to open the programme by a piano solo. The
regular paper of the day had been prepared by Miss Lambdin on the subject of
“Cleopatra.” It was much enjoyed by the members. Miss Powers closed the
programme with a vocal solo, “I am Dying, Egypt, Dying.”
After an exceedingly pleasant afternoon, the Deltas adjourned to meet again
March 3.
Alma S. Fick Rec. Sec’y
Meeting held March 3 at the home of Miss Powers was the 27th meeting of Tri
Delta. It was as usual opened by reading from the Bible and prayer by our
chaplain. The minutes of the previous meeting, read by Miss Powell as secretary
pro tem in the absence of Miss Fick, were approved. The roll call was answered by
seven members with quotations from Bayard Taylor. The president informed the
members that twelve dollars ($12) were due the Annual for the printing
of our pictures. No further business was before the meeting, nor indeed could any
have been transacted since there was no quorum present.
The literary programme of the afternoon was opened by a piano duet by the
Misses Marpé and Powers. Miss Powell read a paper on Egyptian art and
architecture, and Miss Powers sang a vocal solo, “Sweet Marie.” The members
remained together for some time yet and adjourned well satisfied with the
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 28th Meeting of Tri Delta
On Friday March 16, a meeting was held at Miss Stella Riley’s home. Prayer
and reading of the Bible followed. The members answered the roll-call with
quotations from Holmes.
Each member represented on the picture was assessed $.50 to cover the
expenses for the Annual,
since it was deemed best not to touch the money raised by the weekly assessment
of $.05 a member.
There was no literary programme and the members hence joined in sisterly
chat and the afternoon was pleasantly passed under Miss Riley’s kind
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 29th Meeting of ΔΔΔ
This was held at Miss Kinney’s house March 30th, 1894. It was the meeting
fixed upon for the conferring of the 2nd degree on the Misses Powell, Stella
Fortney, Nina Rawson, Bessie Tucker, Mary Evans and Miss Baldwin. It was a
meeting full of the greatest merriment but of course all mystic rites are secret.
A most delightful social followed and a regular feast was given the Tri Deltas
by their sister, Miss Kinney. No literary programme
was taken up, since initiation “services” of the 2nd degree occupied the whole
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Minutes of the 30th Meeting of Tri Delta
A meeting of Delta was held April 13th at Miss Powell’s house. It was opened
by the usual reading of the Bible and prayer. The business part of the meeting was
first attended to. The members reversed their former decision and decided to
subscribe to only four copies of the Trident.
The literary programme was opened by a duet by Miss Marpé and Miss
Powers. Miss Riley read a paper on “Egypt’s temples and palaces.”
The afternoon was a most delightful one as all the members especially
remarked before they separated to turn their steps homeward (or rather toward the
Odeon where the University Drasonical Contest was to be held that evening.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Tri Deltas met on Friday, May 4, 1894 to elect their officers for the coming year.
They met within the University halls and the entire time was devoted to the prime
object of the meeting.
The committee, consisting of Miss Lambdin, Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Fick
appointed to draw up the ticket, submitted the names of two candidates for every
office. Ten votes were cast, and the election was settled at the first ballot. The
result of the election is as follows:
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Miss Powell
Miss Marshall
Miss Evans
Miss Powers
Mrs. Baldwin
Miss Tucker
After the election, the meeting was immediately adjourned.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Mrs. Baldwin invited the Delta sisters to meet at her home Friday, May 11,
1894. Five of the Deltas responded to her kind invitation but no meeting could be
held because there was no quorum present. Hence the installation of officers was
postponed until a later date. Though there were but few present that afternoon, we
spent the most delightful “chatty” hours together and all regretted that the time had
passed all too quickly.
Alma S. Fick
Rec. Sec’y
Estella R. Caldwell elected delegate to Galesbury. (hand written by Virginia Bruce
Caldwell in 1955. Virginia Bruce Caldwell married to Esella’s son, James Sterrett
Caldwell b. 3/13/05) ECS 2012
The Tri Deltas met on Friday, Mary 25th 1894 with Miss Powell. The Bible
reading and prayer was dispensed with in the absence of the chaplain. The
treasurer’s report showed a balance of ten dollars and seventy cents in the treasury,
but the dues had not yet been collected. Miss Lambdin moved that the money in
the treasury be taken together with $2.50 from Miss Riley to pay the fine imposed
for sending no delegate to the convention, and also to pay for the Trident. A letter
and a postal were read by Miss Fick. It was moved to send the five $5.00 and $8.00
for the Trident. The motion was carried. A letter was read announcing the next
convention to be held in Lawrence Co. N.Y. with the Beta chapter. The letter was
from Miss Murray and stated that the convention would meet in Oct. The motion
was carried that Miss Fick be instructed to write that the date was very
inconvenient on account of
its coming in school time. It was decided that Christmas be suggested as
convention time.
It was also agreed upon that the girls go out to the country about June 20. The
remainder of the afternoon was spent in pleasant social chat.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Sec’y
Tri Deltas held the first regular meeting of the year with Miss Baldwin on
Saturday November 9, 1894. Before the regular meeting began, Miss Closterman
was initiated as she had not been present on the day of initiation. The meeting was
opened with reading of the Bible and prayer by our chaplain, Miss Sadie Fortney.
The minutes of the last meeting of the preceding year were read and approved and
the program of the hour was begun. We had a brief synopsis of some of Mrs.
Ward’s best known novels especially, “Marcella,” which was very enjoyable. Miss
Powell gave an account of two of Weyman’s books and Miss Evans gave a
description of the English village. Miss Marshall led the conversation on Current
Events and then favored us with some music. The question was considered as to
our having note paper stamped with the ΔΔΔ emblems. Miss Powers was instructed
to write to Miss Joslyn for a cut for the
paper. Then it was agreed upon also that if we have our pictures in the annual, they
are to be arranged in a circle with the pin and emblems in the center. It was
resolved that the fine for non-attendance upon the convention be paid and that we
pay Prof. Baldwin for the programs as soon as possible.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Sec’y
The Tri Deltas met at the home of Miss Lawler on November 24, 1894. The
Bible reading and prayer was conducted by the Chaplain, Miss Sadie Fortney. The
minutes of the last meeting were read, after which the roll was called. Miss
Marshall read an essay on Black for Miss Powers which was followed by a
description of the Shetland village by Miss Sadie Fortney. The subject of dues was
then brought up for discussion after which the remainder of the afternoon was
given up to pleasant social talk and fun.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
The Tri Delta sisters met at the home of Miss Agnes Powers on Dec. 1. The
program consisted of an essay on Holmes by Miss Lawler, an essay on Wallace by
Miss Marshall after which Miss Stella Fortney gave a very interesting account of
an Indian village. After some music the conversation on Current Events was led by
Miss Powers.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
The Tri-Deltas met on December 14, 1894 at the home of Mrs. Baldwin. The
meeting was opened with scripture reading and prayer by our chaplain Miss Sadie
Fortney. Miss Bentley read a paper on Besant for Miss Evans. Miss Powers read a
very interesting essay on Blackmore, after which Miss Johnson told us about the
Swiss village. Then the conversation on Current Events was led by Miss Sadie
Fortney. Miss Powers read a very interesting report of the convention and also a
letter bearing on the same subject.
Then the meeting was given up to informality, during which we were favored
by a recitation from Miss Powers.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
The holiday meeting of the Tri Delta sisters was held at the home of Miss
Marshall, December 29, 1894. Owing to the absence of our chaplain, Miss Sadie
Fortney. the devotional exercises were dispensed with. The minutes of the last
meeting were called for but were not at hand, owing to the absence of the secretary
pro tem. The roll was then called and was responded to by eight members. It was
decided to first (go) through the business of the hour at once before proceeding
with the program. The election of an editor for the Trident and Review to represent
Zeta Chapter of ΔΔΔ was the first matter before the house and this resulted in the
election of Miss Bentley. The question of paying the fine came up again and it was
decided to pay the $10.00 at once for which the old members were to pay $.50, and
the remaining to be taken from the treasury. It was also decided to send all the
money still remaining in the treasury for the Trident. It was agreed upon that we
would send for a
monogram for letter heads.
Our part in the annual next came up for discussion and we decided to leave
that matter for a called meeting when we should know more fully what we could
do about it. Then we proceeded to our program which was most enjoyable. Mrs.
Baldwin told us of Coppree (sic) and Zola (sic). Miss Bentley of the French
Village. Miss Elsie Marshall then favored us with some vocal music and afterwards
Miss Perin led the conversation on Current Events. Miss Marshall was kind enough
to sing for us again and Miss Powers pleased us with a recitation appropriate to the
Christmas. Altogether Tri Delta may say truly that this was one of the most
delightful gatherings of the year.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
The Tri Delta sisters held a meeting on Friday, January 11, with Miss Evans.
Our chaplain Miss Sadie Fortney conducted the Bible reading and prayer after
which the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved, and also
those of the meeting before. We were told that the pictures for the annual were
wanted as soon as possible. The treasurer’s report showed $8.11 in the treasury.
Miss Powers then read a very interesting paper on Maarten Maartens followed by a
paper on Alma Tadema read by Miss Stella Fortney for Miss Marshall. Mrs.
Lawler led the conversation on Current Events.
Some letters also were read informally before the meeting opened by Miss
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
Tri - Delta met with Miss Levina Perin on January 27, 1895. The meeting was
opened by a reading of the minutes and the roll-call. A letter of greeting from the
Theta Chapter, written by Miss Lillian Ziegler was read, also one from Miss Edgar
about the cut of the pin stating that we could get one from the Epsilon Chapter, but
it would reach us too late.
Miss Powell read for Miss Layman a paper on James Lane Allen, and Miss
Powers told us of the Italian village.
A letter was read from Miss Stella Riley concerning the work of the university
settlement which was followed by a most interesting talk by Miss Powers on the
same subject. This was followed by a pleasant informal hour before we disbanded
and went our several ways homeward.
Mary S. Evans
Rec. Secretary
Regular meeting of Tri Delta Sorority at the home of Miss Rawson, Ninth
Street, Friday, February the eighth, 1895.
The meeting was opened by the scripture reading and prayer by the chaplain.
In the absence of the sec’y Miss Perin was appointed sec’y pro tem.
The business under discussion was the college settlement. It was proposed that
we pay thirty dollars toward the funding of a scholarship fund. The said
scholarship being established by the University of Cincinnati. After some
discussion, it was decided that this should be paid and the money raised by
assessment of a dollar and one-half ($1.50) not as first suggested by asking our
friends to contribute.
The programme was then followed. Miss Bentley read a paper on Sarah Grand
giving us enthusiasm of the Heavenly Twins. The next paper on Conan Doyle was
read by Miss Johnston and Miss Fairweather read her paper on the Jutland
villages. A duet on the mandolin and guitar by Misses Perin and Powell was the
music of the afternoon and the conversation on current events was led by Miss
Meeting adjourned in the usual manner.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of the Tri Deltas at the home of Miss Bentley, Woodburn
Avenue, February the twenty third, 1895.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President presided. The meeting was
opened by the roll-call and reading of the minutes by the secretary pro tem, as Miss
Evans was absent.
Miss Fortney read a paper upon Edna Lyall. The subject of Miss Perin’s was
Barrie and Miss Layman read a delightful paper upon the Eushrian Villages.
Miss Fairweather and Miss Powers entertained us with several vocal
The conversation upon current events was led by Miss Bentley.
The meeting adjourned in the usual manner.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of the Tri - Delta Sorosis at the home of Miss Fairweather
Friday, March the eight, 1895.
In the absence of the Chaplain, Miss Powers opened the meeting with the
usual scripture reading and prayer, followed by the minutes and roll call by the
secretary pro tem. The secretary presented her resignation from office as ill health
prevented her from properly filling it. The resignation was accepted. Miss Perin
was then unanimously elected recording secretary.
The programme for that afternoon was composed of a paper on Tolstoy by
Miss Fairweather, also one on Sienkewicz with passages from his works by Mrs.
Baldwin. The Russian village was described to us by Miss Johnson. Miss
Fairweather sang for us after which the conversation on current events was led by
Miss Johnston.
Levina R. Perin
Regular meeting of the Tri Delta Sorosis at the home of Miss Johnson Friday,
March the twenty-second ‘95.
In the absence of the Chaplain, Miss Powers opened the meeting with the
usual scripture reading and Roll Call after which the minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved followed by the roll-call by Sec’y pro tem. The Secretary
presented her resignation from office as ill health prevented her from properly
filling it. The resignation was accepted and Miss Perin was then unanimously
elected recording secretary. In the absence of Miss Lambdin, the paper on Ebers
was omitted. Miss Sadie Fortney read a paper on Eckstein and Miss Marshall one
upon the German village showing us several quaint pictures of the peasants. Misses
Perin and Powell played a duet on the mandolin and guitar and the programme was
concluded by a conversation on current events led by Miss Fairweather.
Regular meeting of Tri-Delta Sorosis at the home of Mrs. Baldwin, Terrace
Avenue, Clifton, April the sixth, 1895.
The meeting was opened by the Chaplain with the usual scripture Reading and
Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The Programme for the afternoon was composed of a paper on Jean Richipin.
Miss Marpé to whom a paper on Pierre Goti was assigned was absent. Miss Powell
gave an account of the Spanish villages. Miss Marshall entertained us with several
musical selections. The conversation was led by Miss Johnson. The meeting
adjourned in the usual manner.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta at the home of Miss Powell,
Walnut Hills, April the twentieth, 1895.
The meeting was opened by the Chaplain with the usual scripture reading and
prayer followed by the roll-call and minutes by the Sec’y. The important business
on hand was the election of officers for the coming year. Mrs. Baldwin was
unanimously elected President. Miss Stella Fortney was unanimously elected
Chaplain, Miss Closterman and Miss Fairweather were nominated for
Corresponding Secretary. Miss Closterman was elected, Miss Eleanor Johnson and
Miss Cornelia Johnston were nominated for Treasurer and Miss Cornelia Johnston
was elected. Miss Lawler was nominated and elected First Vice President, and
Miss Fairweather
Second Vice President, as Miss Perin had been so recently elected to the office of
Recording Secretary, the motion was carried that she should remain in this office.
Miss E. Johnson, Mrs. Baldwin and Miss Fairweather were appointed on the
programme committee.
The Programme for the afternoon consisted of a paper on Guy de Maupassant
and Ohnet by Miss Lawler but as she was absent, it was read by Miss Closterman.
Another paper on Alexandre Dumas fils by Miss Bentley. Miss Powers sang for us.
The conversation was led by Miss Fairweather.
Levina Reynolds Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta Chapter of Delta Delta Delta Sorosis, May the fourth at
the home of Miss Lambdin, Park Avenue, Walnut Hills.
At this meeting the recently elected officers president for the first time. The
meeting was opened by the scripture reading and prayer by the Chaplain. The
minutes of the last meeting were read and approved followed by the roll-call.
Mrs. Baldwin read a paper on Hardy. Miss Fairweather’s subject was Du
Maurier. Miss Layman read about the Isle of Mann. The conversation Current
Events was led Miss Sadie Fortney. The music of the afternoon was an enthusiastic
chorus of Tri Delta songs.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
November the third, 1895.
First regular meeting of the year ’95 – ’96 at the home of Mrs. Baldwin.
At this meeting four girls were initiated. Adele Bentley, Sadie Albray, Bess
Challar and Laura Fortney.
After the initiation a delightful repast was served and the “new girls”
welcomed with merriment and Tri Delta Songs.
Levina Reynolds Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta Chapter ΔΔΔ Sorosis. November 16th, ’95 at the
home of Julia Closterman. Two more girls were initiated into our mystic order.
Agnes Almond Clyde and Katherine Batterman. A letter from one of our alumnae,
Miss Fick was read and the Corresponding Secretary instructed to reply
After a dainty repast the work for the year was discussed. The President
suggested to entertain during the Christmas holidays with a dance. Other
entertaining was discussed but no definite action taken.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular Meeting Zeta Chapter of ΔΔΔ at the home of Cornelia Johnston
December the first.
Meeting was opened by the usual scripture reading and prayer. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and approved. Means of going to Columbus, should a
chapter there be voted in was discussed. Zeta Chapter voted in the affirmative.
Then the dance was discussed but nothing was decided definitely, but arrangements
made to be given at the home of Miss Perin December twenty-sixth. After
refreshments and the usual songs the meeting adjourned.
Levina Reynolds Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta of Delta Delta Delta at the home of Florence Lawler
December the fifteenth.
This meeting was of a social nature. The entertainment was provided by the
hostess. We were very happy to have with us on that occasion Miss Lenore Foxley
of Iota.
After a delightful afternoon, we departed homeward.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta Chapter December the twenty-first at the home of
Levina Perin to make final arrangements for the dance. Each member was assessed
$1.50 to meet expenses.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Meeting at the home of Miss Kinney, Hyde Park, January 2nd, 1896.
Miss Stillwell of Adrian College was Miss Kinney’s guest on this occasion
and the Zeta girls were glad to meet her. Progressive games and fortune-telling
made the afternoon pass rapidly.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting at the home of Miss Fairweather January 17th, 1896.
Meeting opened by the scripture reading and prayer by the chaplain followed
by the roll call and minutes by the Sec’y. The Cor. Secretary read a letter from
O.S.U. concerning the formation of the chapter at O.S.U. and also her own letter to
be sent to Boston. The Treasurer reported the chief
bills paid from the dance of the twenty-sixth with 13¢ in treasury. It was decided
to have a group photograph taken for the annual.The drawings in charge of Miss
Bentley. Mrs. Baldwin suggested a tennis club and kindly offered her court for the
grounds. Gladly accepted and tennis will be in order as soon as possible.
Meeting adjourned in the usual manner.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Zeta chapter at the home of Miss Albray, Elmwood
Avenue, W.H., Saturday, February first, 1896.
Opened by prayer and scripture reading by the Chaplain followed by minutes
and roll call by the Sec. Letters were read from different chapters.
Miss Evans read a selection from Dickens, “A child’s dream of a Star.”
In the absence of Miss Clyde and Miss Ratterman, the rest of the program was
unfinished. Meeting adjourned in usual manner.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting at the home of Miss Baldwin Feb. 28th ’96 – Clifton.
The usual order was reversed and refreshments opened the meeting.
Miss Butterworth played. Misses Fairweather and Perin presented a short
dialogue Fast Friends. The sec’y read minutes and all sang songs.
Regular meeting at the home of Miss Powell - March the fifteenth. The
meeting was opened by the usual scripture reading and prayer by the Chaplain. The
minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Miss Fairweather read for us
and Miss Butterworth played again. After refreshments the meeting adjourned.
Levina Reynolds Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Regular meeting of Delta Delta Delta at the home of Miss Ratterman, York
Street, March 29th.
The meeting was of a social nature and ended in the hostess singing for us
meeting adjourned in usual manner.
On May fifteenth the meeting was a picnic at which we were delightfully
entertained by Misses Powers and Butterworth on the heights of Tusculum
interrupted by the rain we adjourned to the home of Miss Powers and read
interesting books as our programme. Meeting adjourned in the usual manner.
Regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Baldwin May twenty-ninth. The first
business on hand was the election of officers for the coming year. Nominating
committee consisted of Miss Evans, Fairweather and Challar. Miss Lawler was
unanimously elected President. Miss Julia Bentley was elected Vice. President.
Miss Butterworth, recording secretary; Miss Closterman, corresponding secretary;
Miss Adele Bentley, Treasurer; Miss Laura Fortney, Chaplain. It was moved and
carried that an assessment of $1 be made and that what remained from the annual
should be set aside for the convention money for ‘97.
Levina R. Perin
Rec. Sec’y
Order of Business
3. Roll Call
1. Bible Reading
2. Prayer
4. Unfinished business (or new)
5. Literary Programme
Pages 72-79 were written starting at the back of the book and upside down
ECS 2012
Jan Jan Fe
Miss Ida Darcey
Mrs. Emma Baldwin
Miss Alma Fick
Miss Sadie Fortney
Miss Stella Fortney
Miss Emma Kinney
Miss Carrie Powell
Miss Agnes Powers
Miss Emilie Essellman
Miss Nina Rawson
Miss Stella Riley
Miss Margaret Layman
Carolyne Marpé
Miss Lori Lambdin
Mrs. Ward Baldwin
Miss Julia M. Bentley
Miss Julia E. Closterman
Miss Mary S. Evans
Miss Stella H. Fairweather
Miss Sadie Fortney
Miss Stella Fortney
Miss Cornelia R. Johnston
Miss Eleanor B. Johnson
Miss Florence C. Lawler
Miss Grace Marshall
Miss Levina Perin
Miss Agnes R. Powers
Miss Carrie A. Powell
Dec. 1
Miss Nina Rawson (ex)
Miss Carrie Marpé (ex)
Miss Bessie A. Tucker (ex)
Dec. Dec. Jan.
Tri Delta’s Roll
1893 - 1894
Oc Oc Oc No No De De De Jan Jan Fe
21 3
17 1
.5 .
15 22
27 17
Miss Ida Darcey
Miss Emilie Essellman
Miss Emma Kinney
Miss Margaret Layman
Miss Estelle M. Riley
Tri Delta’s Roll
1893 – 1894
Oc Oc Oc No No De De De Jan Jan Fe
(U. of C.)
21 3
17 1
.5 .
15 22
27 17
Mrs. Emma Baldwin
Miss Alma S. Fick
Miss Sadie Fortney
Miss Stella Fortney
Miss Lucy Lambdin
Miss Caroline Marpé
Miss Carrie Powell
Miss Agnes R. Powers
Miss Nina Rawson
Miss Grace Marshall
Miss Mary T. Evans
Miss Bessie A. Tucker
Tri Delta’s Roll
h 16
h 30
Miss Ida Darcey
Miss Emilie Essellman
Miss Emma Kinney
Miss Margaret Layman
Miss Estelle M. Riley
Tri Delta’s Roll
Undergraduates (U.of C.)
h 16
h 30
Mrs. Emma Baldwin
Miss Alma S. Fick
Miss Sadie Fortney
Miss Stella Fortney
Miss Lucy Lambdin
Miss Caroline Marpé
Miss Carrie Powell
Miss Agnes R. Powers
Miss Nina Rawson
Miss Grace Marshall
Miss Mary T. Evans
Miss Bessie A. Tucker