Accreditation Handbook - University of Wolverhampton

Collaborative Handbook for Courses
Accredited by the University of
A guide to the operation of collaborative partnerships and procedures for
collaborative accredited provision
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
1: Marketing & Publicity
2: Recruitment
3: Academic Calendar
4: Staff Development
5: Student Application & Admission
6: Enrolment, Module Registration & Student Administration
7: Student Induction
8: Student Finance
9: Student Support
10: Learning Resources
11: Learning & Teaching
12(a): Assessments - Setting Of Assessments
12(b): Assessments – Marking, Feedback & Moderation
13: Assessment Boards
14(a): Continuous & Quality Monitoring – Course Journals & Visits
14(b): Continuous & Quality Monitoring – Student Voice & Complaints & Appeals
15: Graduation & Alumni
16: Process For New Developments
17: University Contact Details
18: Useful Web Links
This guide outlines generic processes relating to accredited provision. Processes may
occasionally differ as required and such variations will be included within the formal
agreement, and as a part of staff development.
Further clarification on processes and detailed arrangements are given in the Operations
Manuals, additionally, the relevant University contact will be able to provide assistance (see
section 17).
*For all international partners the University’s International Centre to be involved.
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
IT Account
STaR Office
Academic Standards & Quality
Directorate of Academic Support
Online information and management gateway (for enrolment etc.)
International Centre
Enabling access to a range of University systems including, e-vision (for
student record management), WOLF, PebblePad, e-mail, calendar and
electronic resources (books and journals)
Marketing and Communications Department
Memorandum of Cooperation
Memorandum of Understanding
Officially approved TNE partner institution of UoW
Partnerships Unit
Planning Department
Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Student Registry Department
UoW Faculty
Faculty Quality Enhancement Committee
Student Transnational and Research Office (Registry)
Students’ Union
Transnational Education
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton Online Learning Framework (learning resources etc.)
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
1: Marketing & Publicity
Annual Marketing Plan
Partner to provide a plan
for all courses to PU 3
months prior to the start
of the academic year
Dean of Faculty,MaC/PU to
Any changes to marketing
plan to be
discussed/outlined to
Marketing Materials
MaC provide toolkit
Partner designs draft and
submits to PU
Draft approved by UoW
MaC/PU seek approval to
use partner logo
Partner to ensure its
website is up to date &
Partner sends logo to UoW
at start of partnership
Partner to advise of logo
change ASAP
IC/PU to regularly vet
Partner website
Partner approves all
references to them
Dean of Faculty/MaC
approve all references to
Partner prints & distributes
materials as agreed
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
MaC/PU,Faculty to provide
all neccessary information
MaC to approve use of
UoW logo
UoW to advise of logo
change ASAP
Partner to provide
information to Faculty to
allow UoW website to be
kept up to date
Faculty to work with
MaC/PU to keep UoW
website up to date
2: Recruitment
Partner sets own recruitment targets and advises Faculty
of anticipated cohort sizes.
Both parties sign financial agreement as part of MoC.
Partner responsible for recruiting (to agree entry
requirements) to all courses delivered via Partner
UoW to support recruitment via web presence, course
information, Regional Offices, and as specified in the
approved marketing plan
Changes to recruitement target should be submitted to
Faculty notify Faculty Finance Officer
Partner and Faculty liaise to monitor recruitment
Partner reports actual recruitment at start of course
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
3: Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar - Exchange regularly to set and agree quality management activities
Set Academic Calendar
PU to advise Partner on University key dates annually, including:
assessment board dates; publication of results; graduation; etc
Partner/PU and Faculty to agree start dates
Agree & Set Module Delivery Dates
For any changes to teaching staff
the Partner submits CVs. Formal
notification and approval of
staffing to Partner from FQEC. If
not approved an explanation must
be provided
Partner to advise UoW of any changes, public holidays and relevant
Partner forwards the delivery
schedule including assessment
dates to Faculty/PU.
Calendar to be finalised 2 months before the start of the course
Calendar to be updated regulary
PU to produce agreed academic calendar
To be done 2 months before the
start of the course
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Publicise Module Delivery &
Assessment Dates Schedule
The scheduled delivery of modules
and all relevant dates must be
made available to students at the
point of enrolment by Partner.
Variations to module delivery
schedule are only permitted in
exceptional circumstances. In such
cases, the decision is relayed to
students by the Partner
4: Staff Development
Faculty/PU/STaR Office/DAS to deliver staff training to Partner
staff on UoW & Faculty specific matters
Partner and UoW to agree staff to attend
Staff Development
Before the start of the academic year and on
an on-going basis
PU/Faculty to identify lead person to deliver this
Training to be made available electronically by UoW where
Partner to provide induction to UoW staff on partner matters
Materials to be made available for access electronically
Partner to identify staff to deliver this where relevant
Faculty to identify staff to attend if appropriate or access online
As part of annual review at the end of the
academic year, including course monitoring
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Agree content of staff/partner/ongoing development on UoW &
Faculty specific matters. Agreed UoW personnel to deliver this
to partner staff or made available online
5: Student Application & Admission
*Partner submits their course details to
opportunity if applicable. Faculty
approves course mapping via FQEC and
notifies IC (if relevant)
*The Faculty to approve through FQEC
qualifications / progression agreements /
institutional course mapping to facilitate
entry and notify PU / STaR Office(if
relevant) and Partner of outcomes
*Target turnaround time for a decision
on progression opportunity following
receipt by Admissions / STaR office (if
relevant) is 5 working days (if all
information / documentation is received
from applicant)
*Progression and mapping outcome held
on partnership database
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Partner is responsible for all
applications and admission to the
accredited course(s)
Faculty may provide support, where
this is agreed
6: Online Enrolment, Module Registration & Student Administration
*Participants in a course delivered by a collaborative partner and accredited by the University of Wolverhampton do not become students of the
University and do not have access to student resources including Libraries and IT Services / IT Accounts.
Enrolment, registration and administration, prior to the award of credit, are the responsibility of the Partner
Partner is responsible for all
enrolment, registration and
administration for participants on
the accredited course(s)
Faculty may provide support, where
this is agreed
*Please refer any questions regarding the above to the designated STaR Office/Student Office contact
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
7: Student Induction
Faculty, relevant
departments & Partner to
agree content of induction
programme (for both new
and returning students) and
who produces it (at least
one month prior to
A corporate approach to be
followed with templates for
slides available from staff
development page on
UoW Course leader liaises
with Partner at least one
month prior to induction
Personal tutors to be
allocated & students
informed by Partner
UoW Course leader to
outline UoW student
published information:
regulations; documentation;
processes; elearning
resources; Students' Union
support; support services;
and relevant website links
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
UoW & Partner to agree
who delivers the induction.
To be delivered at the start
of the course
Partner to provide
administrative support
including making
arrangements for Skype etc.
as applicable
8: Student Finance
Administration of
student loans, grants
and bursaries
•Participants on courses
that are accredited by the
University of
Wolverhampton are not
eligible for Student Loans,
Grants or Bursaries
•Partner will assist student if
they are eligible for other
funding or loans
Course Fees
Student Debtors
•Fees to be paid by the
student to the
Partner/UoW directly as
per the MoC
•Invoices to be sent to the
Partner by the Faculty as
per the MoC
•Invoices to be paid to the
Faculty/UoW by the
Partner as per the MoC
•All financial matters to be
dealt with by the Faculty
and UoW Finance
•Partner to liaise with
debtor and , if relevant,
write notice letters to
students and inform the
•Partner responsible for
chasing students on debt
matters as per MoC.
Students may face loss of
services etc as per Partner
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Student Attendance
Re-takes &
•Partner to determine how
to report non-attendance
of enrolled students to
local authorities /
government / other bodies
if applicable
•Partner will not, normally
need to report any ongoing issues of nonattendance to Faculty/STaR
Office/Student Office
• Partner to administerany
fees associated with
retakes or withdrawals
9. Student Support
Course Enquiries
Guidance & Support
Course enquiries to be
dealt with by Partner
Forward enquiries to
Faculty if neccessary and
within the formal
PU & STaR Office (TNE)
available for consultation
as neccessary and within
the formal agreement
To support initial student enquiries and liaise with relevant UoW
department where neccessary
Evision (UoW Information Management Gateway)
Not availalbe to particpants on courses accredited by the UoW
Partner Module Staff
Academic student support issues such as Course Induction, module
specific queries, assessment grades & feedback
Support and input from Course Leader / Link Tutor
Students' Union
Participants on courses accredited by the UoW are not eligbile to join SU
Directorate of Academic Support
Not availalbe to particpants on courses accredited by the UoW
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Partner to provide careers
advice and/or use local
expert advice
UoW Careers Department
is not available
10: Learning Resources
Learning Resources
(textbooks, journals, software, academic
skills support)
Library and or Resource Centre to be vetted by
UOW as part of accreditation /validation and
approval stage.
Partner to provide appropriate access to all
resources (books, e-books, journals,
software etc)
Partner to review module delivery including
staff and student feedback and identify any
additional resources necessary for the
delivery in conjunction with the Faculty
Partner to confirm to Faculty when
resources are in place (at least 2 weeks
before start of module)
Partner to provide support for academic
skills development
Teaching Facilities
Teaching Equipment
Teaching facilities to be vetted by UoW as part
of validation and approval
Partner to provide appropriate teaching
accommodation agreed at validation,
including appropriate texts & journals, access
to electronic resources i.e. Internet and
projection facilities.
Partner to identify the need for specialist
equipment / software and have this in place
at least 2 weeks before start of course
Partner to purchase as required including
maintenance, licences etc.
Where appropriate, timetables will be agreed
by Faculty & Partner at least 2 months prior to
Partner to issue timetables and rooms to
students at induction.
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Partner to provide internet access with
appropriate band-width as agreed at
validation and/or as part of annual review and
11: Learning & Teaching
Module Content
Partner module leader has overall
responsibility for content/student
Module Delivery
Monitoring & Development
FQEC or validation panel approve
partner's tutors
Local tutors and Faculty staff will be
invited to each others' lectures for peer
review of teaching aspects with a view to
share good practice & enhance student
Partner tutors will agree updates to
module guides.
Prior to delivery
Partner module leader to develop
teaching materials consistent for
students in all locations
Use of guest lecturers and nature of
lectures where identified to be approved
by UoW.
Where appropriate lecture to be on
video to ensure consistency and acess
for other groups
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Partner tutors responsible for production
and updating of course guides
Prior to delivery
Blended Learning : Partner to include
reference to blended learning
requirements for the module and inform
students at the start of module.
12(a): Assessments - Setting Of Assessments
Setting &
confirmation of
Partner sets assessment and forwards to UoW for
moderation, at least 3 months in advance
Module leader sends assessment task
questions, including re-sit assessments, to
external examiner at least 2 months before
module starts
Partner to ensure safe transport and storage of
exam papers (as approved at validation)
Partner course leader to oversee the
organisation and conduct of appropriate
exam invigilation as per agreed guidelines
Partner tutor to brief students about assessment
details and marking schemes / guidelines, re-sits
(usually in module guide), at start of module
Faculty and Partner to annually review processes
and assessment tasks including agreeing assessment
(inc. re-sits) deadlines for the next academic year.
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
12(b): Assessments – Marking, Feedback & Moderation
Marking & Feedback (including provisional grades)
Partner tutors to mark work within 4 working
weeks of submission
Submission (inc. deadline)
details to be set by Partner
(in advance of start of
Students are responsible
for electronic submission
where possible and as
agreed by Partner and
Partner tutors provide feedback to students by
the 4th working weeks of submission deadline in
line with UoW policy
Marking of assessments should follow set
academic misconduct (AM) guidelines. Any
assessments suspected of AM should be
forwarded to the UoW Module Leader. A senior
Faculty member then reviews the assessment
and if the suspicion is upheld then forwards it to
the Conducts & Appeals Unit to start AM
UoW Course Leade r to provide support and
guidance on AM and processes to Partner and
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Moderation & Grade Confirmation
UoW module leader is responsible
for moderation of assessments.
Specific arrangements will be
outlined in the Operations Manual
and be agreed as part of validation
Internal moderation by module
leader within 4 working weeks
Module leader retains copies of
work for external moderation
External examiner moderates
samples from all cohorts
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
13: Assessment Boards
•Partner provides list of students, grades and
•Missing grades identified by Partner before
the module board and chase
•External examiner will confirm grades and
standards or raise queries for module leader
/ Partner to address
•Registry to liaise with Faculty / Partner
regarding logistics of boards (dates outlined
in academic calendar) and attendance via
Skype where relevant
•Module leader will attend a Faculty level
Module Results board and a Faculty
representative will attend Award and
Progression boards at UoW. A Partner
representative will be invited to attend a
Module Results Board either in person or
online (where this is possible)
•Faculty Module Results Boards and Award
and Progression Boards will be administered
by Registry as per UoW regulations
•External Examiner will confirm standards or
raise queries, which will be communicated
to Partner where relevant and adressed by
module leader in conjunction with Partner
•Registry to create student record and
update student status
•Course leader to ensure students can access
results and understand the process. The
Partner to provide support as required
regarding the access of results
•Student transcripts / letters to be produced
upon student course completion by Registry
•Student award certificates to be produced
by Student Records Unit working with the
•External examiner submits report within 4
weeks of Board
•Faculty to respond to external examiner's
report within 4 weeks. Comments to be
forwarded to Partner as required
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
14(a): Continuous & Quality Monitoring
Course Journals
Partner (or UoW module leader where appropriate) to carry out module
evaluation with students
Module leader to integrate analysis of module evaluations produced by
local tutors, Faculty and Planning into the course journal
All involved in the process to receive a module evaluation report
Appropriate representation from the Partner and
University to be made available to take part in
external audits/visits for quality management
purposes such as partner reviews.
Partner to provide reports to course leader or update course journal as
required. Course journals to be monitored by FQEC
Course level evaluations conducted via course committees,
staff/student liaison, and course representatives (students)
PU to agree when visits should be undertaken and by
whom. PU to liaise with partner.
Faculty to ensure a response is sent to each external examiner report
and they are discussed at course committee. Any actions to be be
recorded in the course journal. Copies of external examiner's report
provided to the Partner for their input.
At least one visit per year to the Partner by Faculty
Partner to liaise with local PSRB where relevant. Faculty to ensure all
PSRB regulations are met
Management meetings scheduled each year with Partner; the
outcomes of which contribute to an action plan for the course
and are uploaded to the course journal
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
14(b): Continuous & Quality Monitoring
Student Voice
Partner and/or UoW representative to attend
staff/student representative meeting. Minimum
of one meeting each semester.
Partner administrators take notes at
staff/student meetings. UoW representative
and course leader approve before making
available to students to view/comment.
Complaints & Appeals
Course leader to provide guidance for the
complaints procedure in the course guide
and at induction. Complaints received by
Partner should be passed to the course
leader to be included on student
complaints & appeals log. The complaint
will be investigated using the standard UoW
procedure and student / Partner informed
of outcome and recorded on student
complaints & appeals log
Management meetings scheduled each year
with Partner; the outcomes of which contribute
to an action plan for the course and uploaded
by course journal
Complaints recieved by the Faculty from
Partner staff to be passed to Dean of Faculty
for investigation, (if appropriate included in
the lessons learnt log at the review meeting).
Partner/PU to be informed of the outcome.
IC Partnership Management Meetings (non-UK
Partner) to be held once per semester to
review processes and performance with each
Outcomes of complaints should inform future
enhancements if applicable
See link in section 18 for further information
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
15. Graduation & Alumni
Graduation brochures
Ceremony backdrops
Ceremony stands
Ceremony banners
*Graduation Date to be included in the academic calendar
** UK students can attend UoW graduation ceremonies
Any other marketing material as
deemed appropriate
Partner to pay associated
cost, or as otherwise agreed
in the MoC and OM
Partner to organise
venue and Partner
& UoW agree date
of graduation
ceremony, or as
otherwise agreed in
the MoC and OM
Partner to notify
students of how and
when to apply to
attend the
Partner supported
by UoW Graduation
Office/PU/Faculty &
MaC to arrange
graduation logistics
UoW (PU & Faculty)
to both agree
representation to
attend graduation
and inform Partner
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
UoW Graduation
Office prepare
certificates and
arrange for Partner
to receive these
Partner distributes
certificates to
students unless
UoW support is
present at
ceremony, or as
otherwise agreed in
the MoC and OM
Faculty to actively
promote UoW
alumni activities and
membership (pre &
post graduation)
16: Process For New Developments with Approved Partners
Potential new
identified by
regarding the
sent to PU
PU discuss with
If in agreement
to proceed
Faculty liaise
with Partner to
conduct market
If UoW decide
not to proceed
then PU tell
If UoW decide
to proceed then
move to next
Partner and
Faculty produce
and agree
mapping to
show HE Level
and Credit Value
*Process timeframes, such as government approval procedures, must be considered during planning
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Faculty produce
Proposal (ADP)
with input from
managed by ASQ
17. University Contact Details
Partnerships Unit
Student Office (Here2help)
MX Building
Rishma Dattani
Lisa Gough
Main Office
Main Office
Student Office (Here2help)
MI Building
Main Office
Student Office (Here2help)
WA Building
Main Office
STaR Office
Phil Whittingham
Faculty of Science &
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Social Science
Faculty of Education, Health &
Other Contacts
International Centre
Students’ Union
Assistant Academic Registrar
Partnership Officer
Enquiries and advice regarding:
• Finance
• Art & Design
• Health and Wellbeing
• Wolverhampton Business School
• International student enquiries
Enquiries and advice regarding:
• Faculty of Science & Engineering
• Law, Social Sciences & Communication
• Student Enabling Centre (offering
support services to disabled students).
Enquiries and advice regarding:
• School for Education Futures
• Sport, Performing Arts and Leisure
Tel. No.
+44 (0)1902 518941
+44 (0)1902 323505
+44 (0)1902 321150
+44 (0)1902 321062
+44 (0)1902 323135
+44 (0)1902 321631
+44 (0)1902 323959
+44 (0)1902 322419
+44 (0)1902 322029
David Wedge
Hannah Cooper
TNE Partnership Manager
TNE Officer
Academic Vice President
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Directorate of Academic
Counselling Service
Student Enabling Centre
Careers & Employment
Marketing and
Communications (MaC)
Learning Centre
ASSIST Online Chat
IT Services
Main Office
Main Office
Main Office
+44 (0)1902 321333
Lee Garrington
+44 (0)1902 322758
+44 (0)1902 322000
+44 (0)1902 322572
+44 (0)1902 321074
+44 (0)1902 321414
18. Useful web links:
Academic Regulations (under-graduate)
Academic Regulations (post-graduate)
Complaints, Conduct & Appeals
International Centre
IT Support
Learning Information Services(academic skills)
Learning Information Services (Learning Centre Direct)
Student Services Gateway (Support)
Students’ Union
December 2015
Collaborative Handbook for courses accredited by the University of Wolverhampton
Head of WBL