RTTUZYUW RUEWMCS0000 1501825-UUUU--RUCRNAD. ZNR UUUUU R 301825Z MAY 13 FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// BT UNCLAS//N01500// NAVADMIN 147/13 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DISTANCE LEARNING DEGREE PROGRAM FOR SEPTEMBER 2013// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/061710ZAUG07// AMPN/REF A IS NAVADMIN 195/07, OFFICER GRADUATE EDUCATION SERVICE OBLIGATION//RMKS/ 1. This NAVADMIN announces application procedures for the September 2013 distance learning Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program. The program will be taught in the Norfolk, Mayport, and San Diego fleet concentration areas, as well as Pensacola, Patuxent River, Lemoore, Corpus Christi, Jacksonville, Washington Navy Yard, Bangor, Hawaii and other satellite sites. 2. The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) defense-focused EMBA is a 24-month, Navy-funded, part-time graduate program focused on resource management. The program prepares middle to senior grade active duty officers (O4 (select), O4, and O5), whose career paths preclude in-resident NPS graduate programs, for positions requiring resource management expertise. 3. The program begins with a one-week Temporary Additional Duty resident program at the NPS campus in Monterey, CA. Official travel orders and funding for temporary duty travel will be provided by the student's parent command. During the resident week, students will take a two-credit hour course in managing teams. Additionally, students will interact with the faculty who will be teaching throughout the program and master the skills required to learn via distance learning methods. The NPS program is scheduled for the week of 19-23 August 2013. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Navy Lodge, Monterey for all attendees. Optionally, the NPS bachelor officer quarters on campus may be utilized on a space available basis. Bus transportation will be provided to and from the Navy Lodge for daily classes on the NPS campus to minimize costs. 4. NPS faculty will use video teleconferencing (VTC), internet, and other distance learning modes to teach the follow-on courses. Students meet in VTC-capable classrooms once a week during normal duty hours for 6 to 7 hours of instruction, taking two classes per quarter for 8 quarters. Students enter the EMBA program as a cohort and will take all courses together as a learning team. All students must recognize that attending classes with their respective cohort is mandatory to complete the degree requirements. VTC instruction will begin during the week of 30 September 2013. Class schedules will be posted on the EMBA web site when confirmed. 5. Eligibility requirements include an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited four-year college or university, academic profile code of 245 (2.6 GPA or higher on a 4-point scale and two or more pre-calculus courses with a grade average of B or better; official transcripts must be forwarded to the Director of Admissions for evaluation), department head or similar mid-level management experience, strong potential for promotion, and command endorsement. The Graduate Management Admission Test is not required. Individuals desiring to participate in the program must have projected rotation dates that allow them to complete the full 24-month program at their selected location (NLT September 2015). Graduates will be awarded an EMBA degree from NPS and the Navy subspecialty code 3100P, Resource Management - Defense Focus. Graduates are expected to serve in at least one financial management subspecialty coded billet as a follow-on assignment. 6. Per ref (a), officers participating in this program must agree to remain on active duty following completion of graduate studies for a period of three years. This obligation is discharged concurrently with any other service obligation already incurred. This agreement does not obligate the Navy to retain the officer on active duty. 7. The application deadline for the September cohort is 21 June 2013. Submit applications, by following all of the steps (contact detailer, complete online application, send official transcripts, prepare documents, and transmit) explained in the application process provided on the EMBA web site, www.nps.edu/emba/emba805/prospective.html. Preferably, applications should be transmitted via encrypted e-mail to emba(at)nps.edu. Alternatively, if email is unavailable, physical packages may be sent via mail/shipping service (i.e. USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) to EMBA, Program Manager & Academic Associate, Naval Postgraduate School, 555 Dyer Rd, Code GSBPP/HH, Rm 339, Monterey, CA 93943-5103. 8. Point of contact is the NPS EMBA program office at (831)656-2562/DSN 756 or via e-mail at emba(at)nps.edu. 9. Released by Vice Admiral S. R. Van Buskirk, N1.// BT #0000 NNNN