2016-2017 1st Grade School Supply List

Desert Heights Schools
5821 W. Beverly Lane
Glendale, AZ 85306
1st Grade School Supply List
2016-2017 School Year
CLASSROOM SUPPLIES (All First grade classrooms)
Each student is required to have the following supplies available on the first day of school. These supplies will be
handed into the teacher and shared by the classroom community. These items should not be labeled.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, the quantity of each item is (1).
2-3 boxes crayons (24 ct)
2-6 Dry erase markers for white boards
1 pkg. index cards
5 pkg. white or colored copy paper (8 1/2x 11)
1 Hand Sanitizer
4 pkg. glue Sticks
12 pk colored pencils
2 pkg of 4 dry erase markers
3 black and white composition book
2 pkg. of 24 yellow #2 pencils ( pre-sharpened if possible)
Crayola Classic Markers 10 ct (regular size)
2 or more pkg/tubs Lysol disinfectant wipes
3 boxes of tissues
construction paper
1 bottle of Elmers school glue
1-2 pkg. of 2 Highlighters
blunt-tipped scissors
1 used sock to be used with dry erase boards
2 pkg. pencil top erasers
Ziplok storage bags (last name beginning A-L Sandwich size) (last name M-Z gallon size)
4 plastic 2 pocket folders (w/3 prongs) blue, green, red, and purple.
Manila File Folders
White standard envelopes
Craft supplies
Washable paint (red, orange, yellow, green blue or purple)
Paper towels
Stability Balls 45-55 cm.