BRUDERHEIM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2015 - 2016 School Fees Supply List Grade 4 3 1" Hard Sided Binder (2 black, 2 blue) No Zipper or Floppy Binders Please 2 Pkg 24 Dividers - pack of five Duotangs 8 Erasers - pencil, white 6 Glue sticks (large size) 2 Highlighters 1 Pair 4 2 Indoor shoes for gym Kleenex Pkg Markers - Washable 2 Pencil Case 4 Pencil sharpener with lid 1 100 Pkg Duotang colours: 4 red 4 dark blue 4 yellow 4 light green 4 blue 4 orange Pencils - colored Extras: 4 GB USB stick Pencils - HB 2 Pens - ballpoint - blue 2 Pens - ballpoint - red 2 Scissors - large - pointed end 1 4GB USB Stick 1 Water bottle 1 Pair of Ear Phones/Earbuds 3 Ziplock Bags - Large NON MARKING SHOES All supplies should be clearly labelled. Please send ALL supplies in Sept. The school supplies are for YOUR child and your child's will not be used to supplement other supplies. Extra school supplies will be stored for your child until they need them throughout the year. Unused supplies will be returned at the end of the year.