U.Va. Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering SPRING 2012 Volume 1, issue 1 News School of Engineering and Applied Science Left: Captain Heidemarie M. Stefanyshyn-Piper, NSWC Carderock Commander and former astronaut, dives with U.Va.’s mantabot during a competition at Princeton, Right: As a final project for a jet engine manufacturing course at the U.Va., students, led by Professor David Sheffler, constructed a one-quarter-scale working replica of the Rolls-Royce AE3007 turbofan jet engine (which is found on the Air Force’s RQ-4 Global Hawk UAV) that was built from plastic using 3D printing. undergraduate students learn the essence of research on real-world projects David Sheffler (MAE, ’87) maintains that there is nothing wrong with traditional textbook-driven learning — and he should know. A 20-year veteran of the aerospace industry, Sheffler depends on his knowledge of fundamental engineering principles every day. At the same time, he understands that hands-on learning is important, too. “Design is what gives students a chance to apply those principles.” When Sheffler returned from the aerospace private sector to the department to teach courses on jet engines, he decided to build the course content around design. “Solving real-world problems with real objects and real constraints gives students an appreciation for how engineering is really practiced,” he says. His students have built an impressive working replica of the Rolls-Royce AE3007 turbofan jet engine using a 3-D printer in the department’s state of the art Rapid-Prototyping Laboratory. Rather than using jet fuel, the engine is powered by compressed air. The alternate fuel source required the students to design a manifold to properly supply and distribute the air to the turbine applying the actual stress and vibratory constraints used in designing real engines. These students’ experience is not unusual. Opportunities to take on a design challenge abound in the department — and in most cases they are directly related to a faculty member’s research. With a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative award from the Department of Defense, Associate Professor Hilary Bart-Smith is investigating the fundamental issues needed to develop undersea vessels that move with the effortless agility and precision of manta rays. Along with Professor Hossein Haj-Hariri, a co-investigator on the project, she supervised a year-long senior engineering class that built a manta ray robot based on her findings. Other design opportunities are found with Professor James McDaniel, who has organized his aircraft design classes around NASA’s annual design competition for college students. His classes have placed either first, second or third every year but one — for 18 years — and have continued to outperform schools with larger aerospace departments, like Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech. This year, the students took first place for their design of an environmentally friendly airplane that could be produced by 2020. “One of the things that students learn over the course of the year is that there are no correct answers in design,” McDaniel says. “Rather, there are compromises made as engineers strive to produce an optimal final product.” read more: www.seas.virginia.edu/enews_july11/3eprinter.php Developing Leaders of Innovation MAE today Contents 3 Understanding the Design Parameters of Hypersonic Engines 4 Learning Mechantronics By Doing 5 The RapidPrototyping Laboratory 6 Profiles in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Writer Charlie Feigenoff Editor Josie Pipkin Contributing Editor Wende Hope Graphic Design Travis Searcy Mountain High Media Photography Tom Cogill MAE News is published by the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. An online version of the magazine is available at www.mae.virginia.edu/NewMAE/pubs. Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, P.O. Box 400746, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746 or email lcs3b@virginia.edu. Message from the chair This has been a period of dramatic renewal for the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Our research enterprise is flourishing as never before. During the past five years, we have led multi-university teams to win two highly competitive Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative awards from the Department of Defense, a rare achievement even for departments in the largest engineering schools. In addition, we have made U.Va. a hub for hypersonic research, securing a $10 million grant from NASA and the U.S. Air Force to fund the National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion. And we also have dramatically expanded funding for the Center for Applied Biomechanics, now the world’s largest university-based research center studying the biomechanics of injury. With the existing initiatives and the recent addition of two new faculty members with highly regarded research programs in the areas of microscale heat transfer and fluid mechanics, we can only see this level of success accelerating. Equally important, academics are flourishing here. Our enrollment has doubled and promises to increase even further. This is due in part to national trends, but it also reflects the result of our new vision for the undergraduate experience, one that emphasizes critical thinking, design and the opportunity to conduct pioneering research. Newly added and renovated facilities also have contributed to this surge of interest in our programs. In short, we’ve created an environment in the department that promotes engagement and discovery, where students and faculty can share in the excitement of advancing the fields of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Thanks to their work and the contributions of alumni like Dave Sheffler and Mike Garrett (featured in this newsletter) and others, this department is clearly on the move. I invite you to join with us and take an active role in shaping our future by helping to make an impact on the student experience, the department and our field. Haj-Hariri Hossein Professor and Department Chair News 2 Spring 2012 Developing Leaders of Innovation Top: Supersonic commercial airliner, designed to fly over land at supersonic speeds with low sonic boom. 4th year students won first place with this design at a national NASA aircraft design competition, Left: Student at the Aerospace Research Lab. Right: Professor James McDaniel, instructor for the aerospace design courses and the lead primary investigator at the National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion. read more: www.hypersonicpropulsioncenter.us understanding the design parameters of hypersonic Engines The lure of hypersonic flight is undeniable, offering dramatically higher speed and efficiency, but the challenges are equally daunting. To achieve speeds of Mach 12 and above, hypersonic aircraft will require a combined-cycle engine that changes its propulsion mode from gas turbine to ramjet to scramjet as it boosts vehicle speed. One goal of the National Center for Hypersonic Combined Cycle Propulsion, led by Professor James McDaniel, is to examine these critical mode transitions required to design the complex engines. The competition for this $10 million, five-year program was fierce. Over 26 university and industry teams submitted preliminary proposals, and the U.Va.-led team was one of only three groups funded by NASA and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. “This is clearly the next frontier in flight,” says McDaniel, “We wanted the opportunity to be at its leading edge.” For NASA and the Air Force, the rationale for hypersonic flight is straightforward: It provides a much more efficient platform to News boost payloads such as communication satellites into Earth orbit and robotic and human missions into space. That’s because air-breathing propulsion systems do not have to carry oxygen on board for burning the fuel, like rockets do, and can therefore carry more payload. The center’s research will also contribute to much faster intercontinental commercial flights. While next-generation longhaul aircraft may not be truly hypersonic, their flight times will be a fraction of those of today’s jets, thanks in part to the center’s research. The center includes 11 academic and industrial partners, including Stanford, Cornell, Boeing and ATK GASL. It collaborates with the Air Force Research Laboratory and several NASA centers, as well as with organizations in Australia and other countries. With this exceptional team of investigators and collaborators, the objective of the center to meet the challenges of understanding the critical mode transitions and hypersonic propulsion is indeed becoming a reality. 3 Spring 2012 MAE today Left: Assistant Professor Gavin Garner with students, Top Right: The Mech-E Mouse, an autonomous robot that Mechatronics students have to program to locate a piece of electronic cheese. Bottom Right: Students in the Mechatronics Lab. learning mechatronics by doing Engineering disciplines evolve rapidly. That’s why mechatronics — the union of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering — is considered by many to be the mechanical engineering of the 21st century. But instead of having students take courses in each subject, the department takes a different approach, requiring all mechanical engineering majors to take a mechatronics course in their third year that integrates all three disciplines. As taught by Assistant Professor Gavin Garner, the course does more than introduce students to the field; it gives them a visceral sense of its power. In both his introductory and advanced mechatronics classes, Garner presents his students with a series of open-ended design problems, which he believes suit engineers’ learning styles. “For most of our students, a hands-on experience is the way to master concepts,” he says. In his advanced mechatronics class, for instance, Garner traces the development of electronics from analog to digital logic. He claims that “If students appreciate where this new technology has come from and exactly how it has evolved, they will be better prepared to predict where it will be headed in the future — long after they have graduated News from U.Va.” To illustrate his point, he gives students projects in each area as the course progresses. He taps the capacities of the department’s new Rapid-Prototyping Lab by having students design electric guitars, complete with analog special-effects pedals. A Rotunda-shaped guitar made its debut at the Thornton Society’s 175th dinner last fall. For the digital portion of the course, students build a computer from scratch. At the end of the semester, Garner teams up with faculty from the Darden School who teach a course in product development, essentially turning his class into a small prototyping engineering firm. Among other projects this fall, students built a “smart” baseball equipped with accelerometer and gyroscope and an automated cup washer that coffee shop customers can use to clean their refillable mugs. “I try to select projects that give students creative license,” Garner says. “It’s this creative engagement that drives their learning. They have a vision of what they’re trying to accomplish, and that motivates them to learn what’s needed to translate their ideas into reality.” read more: 4 Spring 2012 www.mae.virginia.edu/NewMAE/?p=1206 Developing Leaders of Innovation the rapid-prototyping laboratory If you want to see the future of engineering education, one of the best places to start is the department’s new Rapid-Prototyping Laboratory. This $2 million facility features a growing array of sophisticated 3-D printers including an $180,000 Fortus 400mc capable of producing objects in plastic within an accuracy of +/– 0.005 inch. “These machines are marvels of technology,” says Dwight Dart, the design lab engineer. “They take designs produced in computer-aided design (CAD) programs and translate them into real objects, building them up a layer at a time.” The lab also includes computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines, automated machine tools that cut designs from solid materials. Dart has just installed a second, powerful CNC in the lab, which can work with virtually any kind of metal. As impressive as this technology is, the real impact is felt in the classroom. “There is no better, more immediate way for students to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a particular design than through rapid prototyping,” Dart says. “In the process, they also gain a better appreciation of what it takes to be a more thoughtful, creative designer.” Although the lab has been operational for just a year, rapid prototyping has already been incorporated into the curriculum of many department and Engineering School courses. In a section of Introduction to Engineering, for instance, students compete to design and produce the strongest cantilever using just 2 cubic inches of plastic. Last semester’s winning design supported 85 pounds. In his third-year mechatronics class, Assistant Professor Gavin Garner used the 3-D printers to create all the parts needed to create a 2-D printer and supplied the necessary motors and switches. He challenged students to perform the software and electronic engineering necessary to make it functional, both in manual and automatic mode. Not surprisingly, the Rapid-Prototyping Laboratory is now a gathering place for students working on design projects — just as it was meant to be. This modern, light-filled facility includes a lounge where students can collaborate on their projects, and also houses more than a dozen CAD workstations, separated from the prototyping area by a wall of glass. “It’s a place where students can take an idea and turn it into something tangible,” Dart says. “That’s a powerful experience.” “These machines are marvels of technology. They take designs produced in computer-aided design (CAD) programs and translate them into real objects, building them up a layer at a time.” The Rapid Prototype Lab was created with a contribution of $2 million from the Commonwealth in support for U.Va.’s partnership with Rolls-Royce. It includes collaborative design spaces, 3-D printers and computer numerically controlled machines. News 5 Spring 2012 profiles in mechanical & aerospace Alumni michael garrett patrick hopkins Mike Garrett (MAE ’79, ’97) knows the kind of engineer that corporate America needs. As director of airplane performance for the Commercial Airplane Division of the Boeing Company, he’s been heavily involved in Boeing recruiting. “We look for wellrounded people with deep technical knowledge, an understanding of the factors that drive business decisions, and the ability to communicate their ideas clearly,” he says. “This is the kind of engineer that U.Va. produces.” In addition to our graduates, Boeing also values research being done in the Engineering School. Boeing is particularly supportive of the department’s expertise in rotational machinery, heat transfer and propulsion. Garrett’s interest in the department and the Engineering School is personal as well as professional. He credits former aerospace engineering professor George Matthews for “lighting a fire under me and inspiring me to develop the skills that have enabled me to live my dream.” Garrett has served on the Dean’s Advisory Council and is currently a member of the Engineering School Board of Trustees and the MAE Advisory Board. Patrick Hopkins (MAE ’04, ’08) can’t tear himself away from the department for long. After spending eight years as an undergraduate and doctoral student in the department, he was lured away to Albuquerque, N.M., by a prestigious Harry S. Truman Postdoctoral Fellowship at Sandia National Laboratories. Now he’s back as a newly minted assistant professor, where he focuses on thermal transport processes on the nanoscale. “One of my interests is developing new kinds of materials for thermal barrier coatings,” he says. “I’m also pursuing thermal electronics, understanding on the atomistic level how to convert heat into electrical energy.” From a professional point of view, Hopkins wanted to return to the Engineering School because it offered many opportunities to collaborate. “The University’s just the right size,” he says. “As a result, it’s easy to connect with people from different disciplines who are focusing on similar problems.” He also was attracted by the prospects of working with mentors like Professor Pamela Norris, who played such an important role in developing his skills as an engineer. “Even when I was an undergraduate, Pam treated me like a colleague,” he explains. “Now I really am one!” Graduate Students john duda The astounding properties of modern semiconductors derive in part from our ability to sandwich an ever-increasing number of ultrathin layers of material on a single chip. With greater density, however, comes greater heat, which can degrade function. Thanks in large measure to the work being done at Professor Pamela Norris’ Nanoscale Heat Transfer Laboratory, the distinctive processes governing thermal transport at the nanoscale are being uncovered. John Duda (MAE ’12) is building on these advances by using computer simulation to test strategies for tuning and controlling thermal transport at the interface between layers. “We can now measure these phenomena experimentally,” he says, “but with simulation, you can very finely control the characteristics of the system.” Duda was awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship for his work. He is also a News recipient of a 2011 Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Sciences and Engineering from the University. “I came to U.Va. for graduate school because I felt there was a real commitment to graduate education here,” he says. “My experience has borne this out.” 6 Spring 2012 Developing Leaders of Innovation Graduate Students, cont. Undergraduate Students jane hawkins bahar sharafi and niccolo fiorentino Muscle strains are the bane of weekend warriors and professional athletes alike. Working in Associate Professor Silvia Blemker’s Multiscale Muscle Mechanics Laboratory, graduate students Bahar Sharafi (MAE ’11) and Niccolo Fiorentino (MAE ’14) are developing computer simulations that are helping to unravel the biomechanics of muscle injury. The two took first and second prize for the New Investigator Award at The Technical Group on Computer Simulation in Leuven, Belgium. Sharafi presented a fiber-scale micromechanical model that focuses on individual muscle fibers and their connections with tendons. Her model predicts how fibers deform when muscles stretch. Fiorentino’s macroscale model complements Sharafi’s work. It shows the entire muscle–tendon unit as a whole responding to lengthening. Blemker believes that one reason Sharafi and Fiorentino outshone other presenters was that they successfully used experiments to validate their models. “In our work this can be very difficult, but doing so helps make a powerful scientific case,” Blemker says. When Jane Hawkins (MAE ’13) decided to attend the Engineering School Career Fair her first year at U.Va., she had no idea what to expect. Thanks to the contacts she made there, she was able to forge a relationship with RollsRoyce North American Technologies that has significantly enriched her engineering education. After further interviews, Rolls-Royce gave Hawkins the opportunity to do a co-op with the company, which meant interspersing periods of paid, professional work at Rolls-Royce with her Engineering School coursework. She spent the summers after her first and second years at the company’s 2.6 million square-foot complex in Indianapolis and is spending the second semester of her third year there as well. “This experience has given me perspectives on business and engineering that would have been impossible for me as an undergraduate to gain otherwise,” she says. Working with an 11-person team that includes seven Ph.D.s, she had the opportunity to apply concepts she learned in the classroom. She also had the chance to expand her knowledge, taking a Rolls-Royce organized seminar for co-op students on Computational Fluid Dynamics. “Throughout my co-op experience, I’ve always been excited to go to work” she says. “It’s reinforced my feeling that engineering is the right path for me.” alexander russomanno To compensate for the atmospheric distortion of light, modern ground-based telescopes use a mirror membrane controlled by an array of microactuators. Each microactuator deforms a portion of the membrane to produce a true image. Alexander Russomanno (MAE ’12) is working with Associate Professor Carl Knospe to perfect a next-generation microactuator that would be smaller, faster and more sensitive than current models. With guidance from staff member Huihui Wang, Russomanno has learned to create a 2mm-square capillary force actuator in the Engineering School’s Clean Room. This spring, he will be working on his own to create a much smaller version of the prototype. “The process of research is much more self-directed than taking a class,” he says. “It’s up to me to successfully shrink the microactuator while maintaining its power.” Russomanno has been reading the literature and learning the processes he will need to use from other researchers in the Clean Room. “This has been an awesome experience that has confirmed my desire to go to graduate school,” he says. News 7 Spring 2012 News Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Charlottesville, VA Permit No. 164 University of Virginia Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering School of Engineering and Applied Science P.O. Box 400746 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746 www.mae.virginia.edu U.Va. School of Engineering & Applied Science Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering your gifts matter support your department Make a gift online to the MAE department on our secure website: www.seas.virginia.edu/support. Please designate “Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering” in the Special Instruction box on the form. If you have questions about giving to MAE, please contact David Bihl at davidbihl@virginia.edu or 434.987.0883. Send your news, milestones and address changes (mail and email) to lcs3b@virginia.edu or P.O. Box 400746, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4746. become part of the story ... www.mae.virginia.edu David Bihl is a graduate of Princeton University and is married to a ’Hoo. He is a Certified Financial Planner® and practiced for 21 years before joining the Engineering Foundation last year. His wife and he live in Waynesboro with two of their four sons. The other two have flown the nest and are currently undergraduates. Dave officiates swimming and diving for USA Swimming, Virginia high school, and NCAA contests in his spare time — when he is not out hiking with his two dogs. As the development officer supporting the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Dave works to communicate to alumni, friends and institutions the work being done in the department and how their philanthropy can help. He can be reached at davdibihl@virginia.edu, 434.924.7519 (office), or 434.987.0883 (cell).