Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association Mass of Remembrance Church of St. Paul the Apostle 60th Street & Columbus Ave New York, NY Saturday, March 14, 2015 10:00 A.M. Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association MASS OF REMEMBRANCE PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT His Excellency The Most Reverend Gerald T. Walsh, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of New York Power Memorial Academy 1959 CONCELEBRANTS AND DEACONS INVITED TO ATTEND Fr. Gil Martinez, C.S.P., Pastor, St Paul the Apostle Church, NY Msgr. Peter V. Kain, PMA ’57, Pastor, St. Ephrem Church, Brooklyn, NY Fr. John Gildea, PMA ’57, St. Bartholomew, Elmhurst, NY Fr. Raymond Nobletti, M.M., PMA ’60, Transfiguration Church, NYC Fr. Jeremiah Sullivan, C.S.P., PMA ‘48 Fr. Raymond Maher, O. Carm. PMA ’65 Pastor, Church of the Transfiguration, Tarrytown, NY Fr. James Lloyd, C.S.P., PMA ‘39 Fr. James Mc Quade, C.S.P., Power Chaplin Deacons Hal Lynch Deacon Paul Morin Deacon Bob Gruntcharak Deacon Dean Tully PROCESSIONAL HYMN Refrain: “Lift High the Cross” Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim Til all the world adore his sacred Name Led on their way by this triumphant sign The hosts of God in conquering ranks combine. Refrain Each newborn servant of the Crucified Bears on the brow the seal of Him who died. Refrain Oh Lord, one lifted on the glorious tree, As thou has promised draw the world to thee. Refrain So shall our song of triumph be: Praise to the Crucified for victory. Refrain LITURGY OF THE WORD FIRST READING Wisdom 3:1-9 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 27 “The Goodness of the Lord” I Believe, I Believe I shall see the goodness of the Lord, In the land, in the land of the living. SECOND READING 2 Timothy 2:8-13 GOSPEL Luke 24:13-35 HOMILY Bishop Gerald T. Walsh, D.D. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL “Lord, Graciously Hear Us” Andrew Pisani, PMA ’70, President, PMAAA LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS Family and Friends of Deceased Power Memorial Academy Alumni PRESENTATION HYMN “Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above” Hail, holy Queen enthroned above, O Maria Hail mother of mercy and of love, O Maria! Refrain: Triumph, all ye cherubim; Sing with us ye seraphim, Heav’n and earth resound the hymn: Salve, Salve, Salve Regina Our life, our sweetness here below, O Maria! Our hope in sorrow and in woe. O Maria! Refrain And when our life-breath leaves us, O Maria! Show us thy Son, Christ Jesus, O Maria! Refrain EUCHARISTIC PRAYER HOLY, MYSTERY OF FAITH, GREAT AMEN Mass of Creation THE LORD’S PRAYER SIGN OF PEACE LAMB OF GOD Mass of Creation COMMUNION HYMN “The Supper of the Lord” Laurence Rosania Refrain: Precious Body, Precious blood, Here in Bread and Wine Here the Lord prepares the feast divine. Bread of love is broken now, cup of life is poured Come; share the Supper of the Lord. This is the bread of God coming down from heav’n Giving life to us, to all the world. Refrain “I am the living spring of eternal life; You that drink from me shall not thirst again.” Refrain “I am the bread of heav’n giving life to you; You that eat this bread shall never die.” Refrain “All those who feed on me have their life in me, As I have my life in the living God.” Refrain MEDITATION SONG “Be Still” Based on Psalm 46 James E. Moore, Jr. Joseph C. De Fazio, PMA ‘71 PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION NECROLOGY Reading of the Additions to the Necrology CLOSING REMARKS AND THANKS Joseph C. De Fazio, PMA ’71, Chairman, Remembrance Committee SOLEMN BLESSING AND DISMISSAL RECESSIONAL HYMN “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Scott Soper I know that my Redeemer lives, the one who calls me home. I long to see God Face to face, to see with my own eyes. Refrain: I know that my Redeemer lives, that I shall rise again I know that my Redeemer lives, that I shall rise again. I know that I shall one day see the goodness of the Lord, When God will wipe away our tears, and death will be no more. Refrain The last day I shall rise again, shall be remade like God. My home shall be by God’s own side, the dying, rising Lord. Refrain Please join us in Room 202-203 in the Parish Center for Coffee and pastries after the Mass. The Remembrance Committee would like to thank His Excellency, Bishop Gerald T. Walsh, Auxiliary Bishop of New York for gracing us with his presence as the Principal Celebrant for our Annual Mass of Remembrance. Also a huge debt of gratitude to, Fr. Gil Martinez, Pastor of the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, the concelebrants of the Mass; Musical Director and Organist for St. Paul’s, Valerie Shondel; the Board of Directors of the Power Memorial Academy Alumni Assn.; my wife Connie and everyone who contributed to the success of the Power Memorial Academy Alumni Assn. Mass of Remembrance and reception that followed. Joseph C. De Fazio PMA ’71, Chairman Prayer of the Faithful By: Cathal “Chuck” Cunningham ‘57 Founding Member, PMAAA For His Holiness, Pope Francis, Vicar of Christ For His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of N.Y. For Father Gil Martinez, Pastor of St Paul the Apostle Parish, all the Paulist Fathers…………… Bishop Gerald Walsh… and all the bishops and clergy of the Church…may they preserve the unity of the Church, which has the Holy Spirit as its origin…and peace as its binding force. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For women & men religious worldwide, who minister in Your Church, especially the Congregation of Christian Brothers…may You, the harvest Master, sustain them in their vocations and send more workers into the harvest with single mindedness of purpose. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For the speedy advancement of the Cause for Sainthood of Blessed Edmund Rice, Founder of the Congregation of Christian Brothers of Ireland. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For those in position of public trust…especially the President of the United States, Governors, Senators and members of Congress…heads of State, leaders and lawmakers of all nations, that they may govern wisely, work to establish and maintain world peace, serve justice…and promote the dignity and freedom of every person. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For those of the human family encountering special difficulties … the sick and dying, refugees and the homeless…for those suffering the effects of war or civil strife, and all who are in danger…especially the men and women of the United States Armed Forces…for all unjustly deprived of freedom…that they may be protected. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For a blessing on all human labor and for the proper use of the riches of creation, that the world may be delivered from terrorism…war… poverty…famine and disaster. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For our loved ones and friends, and all who have died in the Communion of your Church, and whose faith is known to You alone…especially our brother alumni…unknown by name to us…who have perished defending our country and the freedom of others in World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, the Middle East… and those of our ranks who died so suddenly and terribly as victims of the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001. That with the angels and saints, they may rest in peace where there is no pain… fear or grief, but life eternal. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For the Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association, born of a deep and abiding respect for our now defunct Alma Mater… that with the protection and guidance of Blessed Edmund, it may flourish and succeed in its goals of fraternity and promulgation of the memory of our school and its high standards. That this may be attained through the generosity and financial support of benefactors…in turn, permitting scholarships to be provided to deserving youngsters…endowing them with the rewards of a solid secondary Catholic education. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord graciously hear us. Recalling to mind the many sacrifices, struggles and determination of our beloved parents to provide our own, fine Catholic education in our formative years…and through it, our development as honest, Christian gentlemen, defenders of our Faith, and proud American citizens. We ask You, our Heavenly Father, to keep us ever thankful and worthy of this treasured gift from them. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. And finally…for ourselves…for the forgiveness of our sins and for the grace of the Holy Spirit to amend our lives. Rejoicing then, in the fellowship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, and Patroness and Protector of our country…St Paul… Saints Patrick and Bridget, and all the angels and saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and all our life to Christ…to You, O Lord our God… PRO CHRISTO REGE. *Let us pray to the Lord. **Lord, graciously hear us. For the families of all those for whom we remember at this Mass …I offer this Irish wish… “Rath de ort…slan agus beannacht de Poric go leat.” “The Grace of God be with you…fare thee well…and blessings of Patrick go with you.” NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 Msgr. James W. Power, Founder Power Memorial Academy PRINCIPALS: Br. Eugene Finbar Ryall, Founding Principal Br. George Lawless Br. J. Hubert Vaughan Br. Francis O’Connor Br. Alfred Keane Br. William Hennessy Br. Alphonse Packenham Robert McMullen Br. Patrick Synan Paul Daigneault FACULTY, COACHES & STAFF: Br. William Acker Charles Boyle Br. John Bielen Arthur Bressan Mary E. Buckley Ed Burns William Carr Albert Casseday, Bandmaster Francis Coleman Br. P.C. Collins Br. C. Anthony Conefrey Martin Cooney Richard Coppolino Br. A. Edmund D’Adamo Br. F. A. Deady William Dennehy Br. Devane Jack Donohue Michael Doughty Br. John G Driscoll Br. John M. Egan Br. Joseph Enright John P. Flood Br. Martin J Fragala Br. P. E. Galway Br. P. A. Gleeson Fr. Donald Gollinge Gerald Grimmeyer Br. James Harrington Br. Joe Harrington Ed Hickey Br. Mark Hunt Br. Charles Irwin Rev. Peter Jacobs Br. Thomas Jensen Robert Kass Br. John Kean Gerard Keane Br. E.V. Kelly Br. Jim Kennedy Br. Norbet Kent Thomas P. Kostka Jack Kuhnert Br. Peter Lawrence Br. J.M. Leavey Robert McDermott Br. John F. McGowan Br. J.G. McKenna Br. Joseph McLaughlin Br. J.N. McMahon Br. J.E. Monaghan Eugene Morra, Bandmaster John Mulligan Br. Richard Nardi Br. J. William Noone Br. William E. O’Connor Br. Thomas P. O'Dwyer Br. Francis I. Offer Br. Martin O’Hehir Br. H. O’Neil Br. John O’Neill Br. Henry Otto Br. P. E. O’Ryan Br. Bernard Olwell Richard Percudani Br. J.T. Perry Br. Gerald Power Br. Richard Power NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 FACULTY, COACHES & STAFF Br. Patrick Reilly E.T. Rice Daniel Rood Br. Samuel Ryan Br. Thomas V. Ryan Br. J.M. Shea Br. Michael F Sheridan Br. J.B. Sloan Br. J. Sebastian Smith Br. Arthur Sullivan Br. James Timoney Harry Wigger ALUMNI 1935: Thomas Burke James Burns Edward Ciola Stephen A. Downes Joseph Hanrahan Thomas Holohan Joseph Lynch James Meehan James O’Connor 1936: Thomas Finnegan Mike Hartigan James O’Connor Timothy Ring Harry S. Smith Leonard Straub Andy Wilkerson 1937: John Byrne James McElroy John Hayes John T Ryan 1938: Kevin Breen Wesley J Brush, Jr. James Carney Br. Edward Cassidy John Egan Fr. Thomas McEnroe Martin Reynolds 1939: John F. Baldwin Philip G Farley Br. John Hayes Terence Heslin Thomas Kirk Fr. Edward Maher, CSP Charles Masterson Joseph Moran Edward Michaels John Toich 1940: Charles Casey John Courtney Francis Faivre, Sr. 1941: Thomas Curran Gerald Curry John Daly Patrick Faughnan Robert Goldstein Michael Gribbon Edward J Johnston James Kelly Edward Killelea George Lastousky John T McCann Vincent McInerney Stephen J. Shea John Touhy Fr John Weber, CSP 1942: Joseph Alfonso James Behr John Cantwell Neil Dorrian Ray Hogan Waleed G Maloof Joseph McCarthy John J. Murphy John Quinn Edward Schooner Charles Walsh NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 1943: Leonard F. Allen John Barry Patrick Conway Edward J Kane Thomas Killelea John T Lynch Andrew McCusker John McGovern John J Moore Peter R. Petrich Thomas J Powers, Sr. Steve Rogers William Soderling James C Sullivan George Tempro James D Waugh 1944: Redmond P Burke Raymond J. Hogan Patrick Kiernan John Logan Raymond Lorentz John Martin Thomas Mc Sherry William Powers William E. Synan Thomas White 1945: Raphael de los Rios George T. Gashun William Hanigan Eugene McCann Francis O’Shea John Powers John P. Urell 1946: Fred C Boyce William J Boylan Thomas Clifford Rev. Vincent Fox John V. Faughnan Joseph Gowing Luke Healy Edward Johnson Robert Laffan Joseph Leahy Edward Lowry Martin Quinn Timothy Reilly Joseph Turiello 1947: Gerard Adams Joe Breslin Patrick Caufield Frank Craven Francis J Faughran Joseph Gowing Rev. Joseph Gribbon, CSsR Frank Martens William Timoney 1948: William Boylan John Cronin Dan Duggan Stephen Flynn Donald Harrison Michael J. Hastry John G Lowry Maurice “Dave” Lynch Fr. James F McCabe Patrick C Moran Robert Monks Edward Powers Maurice O’Connell Br. Francis O’Connor Edward Roepke Pat Torney William Torp 1949: John Ahearn Jim Breslin Tom Campbell Richard Cavanaugh Tom Hennessey Kenneth Holihan Ed Lynch John J Martin NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 James McGuinness Tom McGuire, Founding Member PMA Alumni Association John McMahon Michael J Fitzgerald William O Lenihan James McGuinness John J Martin Cornelius Moran James Nevins Michael Roche John Torney 1950: George R. Barlett John Brady Thomas Brady – 3/15/48 killed while practicing for St. Patrick’s Day Parade Regis Courtemanche Raymond Coyne Edward Cusack John Ennis Peter Fiduccia Tom Hartney Richard McCarron William McMyler Robert Nellen William P O’Hara Charles Shaw 1951: John Browne William Ennis Thomas Kennan John Lally John Loughlin Martin J Ross Jim Saul 1952: Francis J Batridge Peter Deutsch John F Doyle Fr. John Egan James Fitzgibbon George Gashun James Gay Charles Jordan John J Kelly Raymond Monahan Terrance McAdams, Founding Member PMA Alumni Association Thomas “TC” Murray, Founding Member PMA Alumni Association Thomas P. Murray Philip Myles Br. Frank Sassone Carl Stopher Mark Travers Larry Rood Daniel Timothy Mark Travers Peter Toner George Townsend James Ward 1953: John Patrick Byrne John Barrett Kevin Costello Tim Doyle Thomas Higgins James Hunt Brian Kennedy Andrew Loughlin Thomas J. Gallahue, Jr John F Ryan Daniel Withers George Yarwood 1954: William Bellow Robert Carr Gerald Coyle Donald Fraser Timothy Lynch James Malone Michael O’Brien John J. O’Driscoll Daniel P Ryan Dennis P Scanlon Robert Schroeder Bernard Slean NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 1955: Lou Amoroso Joseph Corcoran Vincent J. Duffy Kevin Fay James E. Green Edwin Joly Jane Ekins Kelly, Honorary Anthony Lesica James J McCormack Peter McGinn Anthony McHale Paul Mullanay Patrick O’Connor Tom O’Gorman Peter J O’Shea James E. Roche Vincent Russo Edwin T Spilde James Towey Kenneth Wendell 1956: Paul Beck Armando Contatore Denis Flanagan Martin Flanagan Frank Gatens Robert Hammond Francis R. Jones Denis Kenny John Mannion Edward Martin Dion McKenna, Founding member PMA Alumni Association Hugh McVeigh Ken Morrissey Kevin Murphy James O’Shea Eugene Phelan Kevin Redican Patrick Scullion Richard Sheil Martin H. Smoak Sal Tragna Ronald J Whitteck Kenneth Younghans 1957: Msgr. John Antoncic Edward P. Callahan James Cliggett Cathal “Chuck” Cunningham, Founding member PMA Alumni Association John F Doyle Michael Fox Raymond Grady Thomas Hefferton John Keenan Joseph Morgan Daniel O’Sullivan Michael Toal 1958: Vincent P Arbour James Bautz Richard C Bertodatti Anthony Biancarosa William Birch Anthony “Joe” Deacy Peter Duffy Harry Efferen Rev. D Michael Flynn, SJ James Lennon Robert Vitagliano Donald Swain Brian A. Toal 1959: William Corcoran Waverly Davis Michael Flynn, SJ Jerry Panacciulli George M Reilly Patrick Reddy Br. Matthew Sinnott Joseph VandenHaute Michael Zaremski NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 1960: William Achatz Stephen Andrews Edward Ballard Arthur Bressan Victor Cintron James J. Collins William Daly Barrington Duckett Francis Dundon Patrick T. Granaghan Michael Hayes Francis Hiner Fred Holmes Jeffery D Keating James Lisenmeyer Edward Longazel John Mahoney Rodney C. Mason Battista Mazzocchi Patrick McCrink Ronald Morales Jerome Morea Dennis Morgan Peter Murphy Robert Ramos Vincent Stella John T. Stenson Victor Tesoriero John Walsh 1961: George V Baker Thomas J. Bannon Francis G. Brignoli Joseph Callahan Anthony Caminiti John Cengia Dan Coleman John J Collins Dominic Colamartino Terrence M. Colreavy Thomas J. Cousins Eugene Delemere Fiorenzo L Dessanti Joseph P Donaghy Brian Driscoll Richard J. Dunne Werner Eisenzopf Kevin Enright Peter Fiduccia Kevin Gallagher Frank L. Gatti Bernardo Gonzalez Patrick Graf Alex Grant Joseph F Hawkins Ulrich Kauppert Joseph P Kenny Raymond Joyce Richard R. Leone Roger Maher Shedrick E Mann John Manning Rodney C Mason Billy McCarthy James P McKay John Moore John F. Morris Owen A Murphy Ronald N. Obermeier Dennis O’Sullivan Robert O’Sullivan James J Owens Anthony J Passanesi David Regan Edward Scanlon Richard Skowronski Harvey Slater Eugene Slikas Michael J Smith Philip Stasuk Theodore Strack Daniel Sullivan Stephen Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Danny Tesseyman Robert Thomson Kenneth Tomasini NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 1961: Vincent P Tormey John West Robert Zangrillo 1962: Frank Demeter Patrick Gallagher John Hayes John Heaphy Michael Holly John McGeary 1963: Richard Albury William Dillon William Maday John Prano Oscar Sanchez William Sheehey Stephen Vallance 1964: Richard Dillon Edward Doyle John Dunham Ed Flanagan Harold W Hard, Jr James A Heaney Karl Lerchenmueller Robert J. Miller Vincent Villani 1965: Jose Alfonso Luis Avalos Warren Barksdale Dennis Breen John J. Carney Anthony Dudick Neil Francis Raul Froilan John Gallessich Robert Kenderes Roy Koenig Emeric Kurtz Tony Lastra Richard McDonald Walter Mugavin Greg Savage Robert Stella Art Stetzner John White Paul Whitney John Wiacek David Wiswall Ihor Wolosiansky John Yannaci Theodore Yarma Joseph Yglesias 1966: Stephen Borhi Paul DeMarco John Floyd Dennis McManus 1967: Richard E. Browne Jack Bruen Domenic Castriota Daniel Gigiliobianco William Granaghan William Hannigan Dennis Mahoney Ernest Oliver John A. Parks Bruce Quidaciolu (Bruno Kirby) John Stella 1968: Don Albury Steve Callahan James Cornejo, MD Kevin Donohue Robert Keenan John A Parks Milton Ruffin George Smyth James Vint 1969: Peter Delaney John Kierans Michael McCarroll Thomas J McCarthy NECROLOGY MASS OF REMEMBRANCE MARCH 14, 2015 Richard McWalters 1969: George Morris Thomas Smith 1970: Freddie Aniag Ralph Castro Dennis J Carroll James Campos John Conboy Michael Cullinane Brian Dalton David Gautier Joseph Meli Robert Seta 1971: Stephen Conroy Kenneth Holler Dan Hourigan Larry Kerwin Paul Kelly George Litsios Michael Nardoza 1972: Geroge T. Bartlett John R Holland Thomas Kilcullen Michael LaRusso Robert Mauro Michael Morgan Dennis Neidhart William Palladini 1973: John Akalski Theodore Czyz James Keegan Robert Krebbs Pat “Rick” Moran Michael Nardoza 1974: Francis E. Bartlett Harry Bez, Honorary 1975: James Cahalin Robert Fulham John Kilosiej, Jr. Henry J Lubicich Pierre Guillerme Kevin Keegan James Magee 1976: Alfred Fiorentino Justyne Simon, Honorary 1977: William V. Cervert Mark J. Elsasser William Michaelson Eddie Moss 1978: Jeffrey J Ryan William “Buzz” Sawyer 1980: Denis Fitzgerald Ismael Rivera Brian Spillane 1981: Michael P. Conlon 1983: Alex Bonomi Matthew Granagan Matthew Healey Jeffrey Washington 1984: Kenneth Dolan David Garcia John Timlin 1985: John P Haffey Year Unknown Nicholas Cascio Thomas Ginty Thomas MacCallum Richard McDonald Alumni who were killed on 9/11: Donald Burns ’57, Richie Fitzsimmons, ‘61 William Lake, ’74, Joe Leavey, ‘73 Philip Petti, ’76, William Thompson, ‘68 Larry Virgilio,’80, David Wiswall, ‘65 Donation Pledge Card Yes, I want to help Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association, Inc.’s scholarship fund raise critical funds for need-based scholarships at All Hallows and Rice High Schools. That’s why I have enclosed my tax deductible gift in the amount of: $100 $250 $500 Other ___________ Please make all checks payable to: Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association, Inc. I would like to pledge the above amount to be paid during the year. Name Class of Address ________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip If pledge is $100.00 or more we will post your name and dedication on the Fund Donor’s page of the Web Site. Please indicate your dedication below: In Honor Of: ___________________________________________________ Or In Memory Of: _________________________________________________ To charge your gift, please see our website www.powermemorialacademy.com All donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association, Inc. is a registered 501 (c)3 charitable Organization under IRS Code. You can also send checks to the following address: Power Memorial Academy Alumni Association, Inc. Cherokee Station P.O. Box 20493 New York, NY 10021-0068