January 2016 Global Circuit Breaker Guide Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker AT Austria No No AU Australia No No BE Belgium A “freeze” applies when an order is made at a price beyond the static (+/-10%) and dynamic (+/-2%) threshold prices (dynamic threshold does not apply during the opening auction). All other book orders are still valid. This volatility interruption period can last 4 minutes. 1 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker BR Brazil No RULE 1: If Ibovespa falls 10% in relation to the closing index of the previous day, trading on all the Exchange markets will be interrupted for 30 minutes. RULE 2: As trading is resumed, if Ibovespa falls 15% in relation to the previous day's closing index, trading on all the Exchange markets will be interrupted for one hour. RULE 3: As trading is resumed, if Ibovespa falls 20% in relation to the previous day’s closing index, the Exchange may determine the suspension of trading in all markets for a defined period and such decision must be disclosed to the market through News Agency (ABO – Operations). Note: • RULES 1, 2 and 3 will not be applicable during the last half hour of the trading session; • If any trading is interrupted during the second to last half hour of a session, at the time trading is resumed, the schedule will be extended for at most a further 30 minutes, without any further interruption, in order to ensure a final trading period of 30 consecutive minutes. 2 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker CA Canada No Canada follows the U.S. on market wide breakers: if the U.S. halts, so does Canada. In the event the U.S. market is closed for a holiday, there are currently no market wide breakers in Canada. On a stock specific basis: Canadian SSCB system applies to all stocks in the S&P/TSX Composite Index, certain ETFs that are comprised of exchange traded securities and any other securities that meet the IIROC threshold of being “actively traded.” In total this accounts for roughly 470 securities. The circuit breaker regime only operates from market open until 3:30 p.m. In order to trigger an SSCB halt, a stock must endure a price increase or decrease of at least the greater of 10% or 20 trading increments in a 5 minute period. This threshold is doubled during the first 20 minutes of trading, and also during the first 30 minutes after a halted stock resumes trading. When triggered all markets are informed electronically to halt trading for 5 minutes. This process currently takes about 2 seconds, during which further trading can occur. During the 5 minute halt IIROC staff review the trading leading up to the halt, and have the option to extend the halt a further 5 minutes to create a more orderly market. 3 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker CH Switzerland No A volatility auction is triggered if either a static or dynamic price range is exceeded. The volatility auction ends with price determination – if price is > 2% extent of reference price (last closing price), volatility auction can be extended. CL Chile No Not automated. Decision to halt sits with Stock Exchange board member. Liquid names have discretional halt at +/- 10% Illiquid stocks are halted after +/- 25% variation. CN China Limit up/down to 10% move on the individual stocks/5% for special treatment (ST and S* shares). Based on the CSI 300 move, applies to cash equities, index futures and options: Move of +/5% trading suspended for 15 minutes. Move of +/- 5% after 2:45 pm, trading halted for the day. Move of +/- 7%, trading halted for the day. CO Colombia No Based on liquidity of security, automated circuit breakers at +/- 6.5%, 7.5% or 10% variation. 4 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker DE Germany No A Volatility Interruption Auction is instigated if price ranges (static or dynamic) are exceeded (3-10% static reference prices or 1-5% for dynamic reference prices). Price ranges are adjusted after auction price determination. Volatility Interruption Auctions last approx. 5 minutes, with a random end. If a Volatility Interruption Auction occurs during an auction period, the auction period is extended by 2 minutes. DK Denmark No No EE Estonia No Circuit Breakers – 10% dynamic & 15% static. ES Spain No If execution reaches/breaches static or dynamic price limits, the stock will be suspended from automatic trading and an auction will be initiated. Volatility auctions last 5 minutes. This auction may close at any moment without prior warning. Unlike opening/closing auctions, volatility auctions are never extended. FI Finland No No 5 January 2016 Market Country Name FR France GB Great Britain Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker A “freeze” applies when an order is made at a price beyond the static (+/-10%) and dynamic (+/-2%) threshold prices (dynamic threshold does not apply during the opening auction). All other book orders are still valid. This volatility interruption period can last 4 minutes. Automatic Execution Suspension Period (5 minutes +30sec end) occurs during continuous trading when order >5% of last order book trade. Automatic Execution Suspension Period (5 minutes +30sec end) occurs during continuous trading when order entered for price which deviates from last order book trade by: • 25%: for stocks priced below specific share price. • A maximum spread band-dependent, for stocks priced below a specified share price - Band 1: 10%, Band 2: 5%. N.B. A trading halt occurs if Exchange believes disorderly market has developed for a stock. If an execution reaches/breaches either static or dynamic price limit then security will suspend from automatic trading without the trade occurring. GR Greece No Stock Suspension occurs if price increases or decreases by 10% since the closing price from the day before. 6 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker HK Hong Kong No No ID Indonesia Limit down 10% / Limit up 20 - 35% based on stock price. No IE Ireland No No IL Israel No No IN India Four tiers: 2%, 5%, 10%, and 20%. A 3-stage system based on size of move (either way) of the BSE Sensex or the Nifty 50 indices (whichever breaches earlier). The moves are 10%, 15% and 20% (halt) the market wide suspension duration (or a halt for the rest of the day) and will depend on the time of day. A 20% move any time of the day will trigger a halt for the rest of the day. IT Italy No No JP Japan Based on price bands. With rules to double daily price limit under certain circumstances. No KR Korea 30% from “Base Price” 3 Phases of CBs on 8% / 15% / 20% drop on KOSPI. 7 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker LT Lithuania No Circuit Breakers – 10% dynamic & 15% static. LV Latvia No Circuit Breakers – 10% dynamic & 15% static. MX Mexico No Dynamic Fluctuation: • 5% above/below the last max/min price of the last 5 minutes results in security halt, than auction for 2 minutes Static Fluctuation. • 15% from opening price or day before results in security halt until BMV receives news or pertinent information from the price fluctuation. MY Malaysia 30% in general - exception limit up 400% for first day of trading. 3 Phases of Circuit Breaker – KLCI declines 10%, 15%, and 20%. NL Netherlands No No NO Norway No Trading can be halted in the event an “error” resulting in price movement. NZ New Zealand No No 8 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker PE Peru No Circuit breaker is activated when the General Index (IGBVL) falls more than 7% on the day. Exchange determines length of suspension. Stocks have a halt at +/-15% variation. No fluctuation limit for listed foreign securities. PH Philippines Limit up 50% / Limit Down 40%. Based on the PSEi a negative 10% move triggers a 15 minutes suspension. PT Portugal No A “freeze” applies when an order is made at a price beyond the static (+/-10%) and dynamic (+/-2%) threshold prices (dynamic threshold does not apply during the opening auction). All other book orders are still valid. This volatility interruption period can last 4 minutes. RU Russia No Price Deviation limits – on the main market the maximum price deviation from previous closing price is -/+30%, for other Listing Level the max. price deviation from previous closing price is /+40%. SE Sweden No No SG Singapore Listed companies may appeal SGX to halt trading for a specified duration. SGX intervenes when deemed necessary. 9 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker TH Thailand Local board: +/-30. Foreign board +/-60% relative to previous Close of the local. First stage: If the SET index falls by 10% from the previous day's close, all trading in listed securities will be halted for 30 minutes. Second stage: If the SET index falls by 20% from the previous day's close (i.e., another 10%), trading in all listed securities will be halted for one hour. TR Turkey No Borsa İstanbul Regulation Article 25 paragraph (b) envisages that trading of an equity may be suspended in the event that orders of an abnormal price or quantity are sent to Borsa İstanbul Equity Market trading system, or that the occurrence of some other elements inhibit the formation of a healthy market. By the same token, according to the provisions of Borsa İstanbul Settlement and Custody Centers Regulation, Borsa İstanbul is authorized to change the settlement method of securities. TW Taiwan 10% from Open auction reference price. No 10 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker US U.S. During market hours an upper and lower band is calculated for all stocks. The low end of the band for Tier One stocks, trading above $3.00, is the mean of the last 5 minutes of trading minus 5%, and the high end is the 5 minute mean plus 5%. For stocks in Tier Two the band is 10% either side of the mean. (Stocks under $3.00 have larger percentage bands.) Rather than have no protections around the open and close, the U.S. markets double the band from 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m., and again from 3:35 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If the offer on a security is equal to the lower end of the permissible trading band, the stock goes into a “limit state” for 15 seconds. During that time the market may trade higher, but cannot trade below the band. If after 15 seconds the limit state persists, the security is paused for 5 minutes, to allow the market to assess any news, and hopefully aid the efficient discovery of a new equilibrium price. At the end of the five minutes the security is re-opened via an auction on the primary listings exchange. The same process is used when the bid on a security is equal to the higher end of the permissible trading band. At the start of each quarter, the NYSE sets three circuit breaker levels at levels of 7% (Level 1), 13% (Level 2), and 20% (Level 3) of the average closing price of the S&P 500 for the month preceding the start of the quarter, rounded to the nearest 50-point interval. Depending on the point drop that happens and the time of day when it happens, different actions occur automatically: Level 1 and Level 2 declines result in a 15-minute trading halt unless they occur after 3:25pm, when no trading halts apply. A Level 3 decline results in trading being suspended for the remainder of the day. 11 January 2016 Market Country Name Limit Up/ Limit Down Rule Circuit Breaker ZA South Africa No Circuit Breakers 5% in continuous trading, 10% in opening and closing auctions in leader stocks and SA/UK dual listed shares; and 10% in continuous trading, 20% in opening and closing auctions in medium liquid non-leader stocks. © 2016 Investment Technology Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or retransmitted without permission. 10716-10359. These materials are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be used for trading or investment purposes or as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security or financial product. The information contained herein has been taken from trade and statistical services and other sources we deem reliable but we do not represent that such information is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. No guarantee or warranty is made as to the reasonableness of the assumptions or the accuracy of the models or market data used by ITG or the actual results that may be achieved. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names not owned by ITG are the property of their respective owners. The screen shots provided herein contain sample data and represent hypothetical examples of certain products available from ITG. All functionality described herein is subject to change without notice. Broker-dealer products and services are offered by: in the U.S., ITG Inc., member FINRA, SIPC; in Canada, ITG Canada Corp., member Canadian Investor Protection Fund (“CIPF”) and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”); in Europe, Investment Technology Group Limited, registered in Ireland No. 283940 (“ITGL”) and/or Investment Technology Group Europe Limited, registered in Ireland No. 283939 (“ITGEL”) (the registered office of ITGL and ITGEL is Block A, Georges Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland). ITGL and ITGEL are authorized and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland; in Asia, ITG Hong Kong Limited (SFC License No. AHD810), ITG Singapore Pte Limited (CMS License No. 100138-1), and ITG Australia Limited (AFS License No. 219582). All of the above entities are subsidiaries of Investment Technology Group, Inc. MATCH NowSM is a product offering of TriAct Canada Marketplace LP (“TriAct”), member CIPF and IIROC. TriAct is a wholly owned subsidiary of ITG Canada Corp. Standard & Poor's and S&P 500 are trademarks of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 12 Farley, James 2016-1-7 2:18 PM Formatted: Not Highlight