Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL).
Mark “UL Classification”
This mark appears on representative samples of products that UL has evaluated, but only with
respect to specific properties, limited set of risks or to ideal benefits for use in limited or
special conditions.
In the classification service, UL determines that a manufacturer has demonstrated the ability
to prepare a product that meets UL requirements according to one or more of the following:
Specific Hazard (eg, injury, fire, etc.).
Performance under certain conditions.
Compliance with regulatory codes.
Compliance with specific standards (eg, standards).
Other condition, as determined by UL.
The UL Listing Marks that appear on the products are necessarily represented by four
1.- The letters UL inside a circle mark.
2.- The word "Classified".
3.- The name of the product or the company name or file number.
4.- The topic number or serial number or alphanumeric control.
No corrosivo • No tóxico • No peligroso • 100% Biodegradable • No caduca