nwumWMWW"'. ' - ,, ..- - iz Poor Way to MH. k"?ta IUsV WWW 90 VJVTriehfyorm 'method" Umm Ike -- sm-sv- dreadful disease s w f- prevnlont. iw Such treatment might avail BOino-tili- ng wnu r , i .. .rtMM,inU- 1- They Care Stomaoh Troubles and gestion Anyvay, Whether Yob Have Faith In Them or Not. Sacred Heritage With Whtth the Mo Swift's Specific (S. 9. S.) is the only euro for Catarrh, for it goes diroct to tho cauno of tho trouble tho blood forcing tho disoaso from thoaystem. Those who htvo had Catarrh for any length of titno know that each winter finds thoin In co department of jrovarnment have the rwple of Uretfon so much Just cause for complaint, as the man- nor In which their taxos aro collected and their school funds and school lands hare Iwen managed. I'robaWy next to the treatmont of the Anierl-earby tholr Turkish masters, the people of Oregon arc worst abmed by DIkcdh-slntheir political Dallw Uie sltanUon. Th se g s. task-maitor- Tlmo-MouoUiirt- ,r. vauey, nroLrnn. Wri " 1L. VI t "" ' "T? uran, ' Mllistuu lT air. r.n jhu. . .. en. the i'uficS yalle) Eastern shorts, 16 I Mere fuftii will notriliifest your food foryou, will not Klveyou au appetite vour Hash and will not Increase strengthen your nerve and heart, but .Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet! will do! they are these things, becausu composed of the elements of dlges-- j Hon, ther contain the Juices, adds and peptones necessary to the dlgeo- Hon and assimilation of all wholesome foods. Htuart's Dyspepsia 1 thiols will dl- -' gest food If placed In a Jar or bottle In water heated to a degreo?, and they will do It much uioru effectively whon taken luto the stouiHch after meals, nneiuer you nave rami inuv uty will or not. They Invigorate the fctomach, make pure blood and strong ncrrea, In the only wny that nature can do It, and that Is, from plenty of wholeMHue I i turkeys, live, la&Hc. fa22c por doz. Ritfs-Orcf- ffjn. snltd 60Jbs, . 8ffi51c. .vc. under 60 lbs,OKc;sneep pciis.J Onions 75c3l per sack. fancy II Ides-Gr- een, dairy, 2a30c! Ilutter-ll- csj creamery, 60o(aflOc per roll, Potatoes. 0f5"fc por sack. Hogs Heavy, 84.76. Mi,i&imrtfotoiUi0&a ttortt&mhtffatftotifamiititiiitfsaMiitrtitMijtetii!S&22524 Wbent cows, , vu fl6"ll. ,z ""rv"-:, aSSO rf nrtlnln third Of QrtlCleS banking elation, will be held at Its house at 3 o'clock p. in., of Tuesday, 1899. the 10th day of January, A. D., 3. II. ALBERT, CUSIllcr. Salens, Dec. 9, 1SUS. OjCLSTOZtXAi Ike Kind TIME ECIIKDULK. DEPART Fiom Portland. td 11-- genuine has L. IJ. ARKIYr. JjH tablet. Q. on each Bifct Yw Hare Airvars 8pm ROUTE YAQUINA tl'Ji without with sacks; 9liort9-313ten without sucks. Hogs dresod, Cc. be AtS Shows the state of yonf fesllnRi and the state One Dollar. Impure blood ol your health as well. Fast Salt Lake. Denver Ft. Do7en for the best enamel cabinet makes itel apparent In a pih and sallow Mail Worth, Omaha, Kansas I nlintjia. 'Pun Plr.knrlll Co.. lofldlnu eoniDlexlon. PimDles and Skin Eruptions. 8 pm City, St Louis, Chicago "J? oliotogranliers, next to Red Corner you are leellog weaK anu worn ouiana anu r.aji. '. not harr. a healthy sppearance you should drut tf store. It cuics all blood try Acker's Blood Elixir diseases where cheap Sariaratillm and TO CURD A COLD IN ONU DAY Spokane Walla Wallc, Spokane, Spokane purifiers Mil, knowing this we sell Take Laxattve Uroiuo Qulnlno Flyer (Minneapolis, st. raul, Flyer I.unn & every bttle on a positive gimnntce. Duluth, Milwaukee o Tablets. All druggists refutid the 2 p m Brooks, druggists. 10.M5 and L'ast 25c. The money If It falls to cure. am BsasstU fJo. MilUtnlT-nr- an In trumeSt flr The annual meeting of the share holders of the Capital national bank of YOUR PACE fS6. sm.f.m makkht. !'. 813i uawt, notltled Klntn Street unaer me uaiue ui Whale and Moye has been dissolved, the undersigned continuing as sole proprietor and dealer In pianos and C. A. Whale. organs. 2.W Haled, ,hoat, W.60($7. poUrin wuolesale lots, 8S.00: mji f3,oo Hay " ' 119 ($2.7.1 dressed, Oats - Chi-enj- m WeathoisSJc: dressed, ic Mutton !!! Hi! Dissolution of Partnership. 4243c. kiold wool Indi- j of the People Has Been Condtfcted. hite - J3.20; SuperUoe and, Il!)va.l0 nerton. cropdc Be Arcmedal the Negligence. from was eradicated Waila.SSc. per bbi. "- 0. -- Wheat Portland Jan. 121.6 "" MAKER?. TODAY'S 61:Hour-Portl- ,1 HWM ' ' ! , Should Sentiment - , " Uopi-14(ttl7- deep-seate- MOKt TEA POSITIVELY CURES HICK Headache, indicestion and constipation. A Corvallis & Eastern Railroad K' moves an erup- herb dunk dons of the skin, producing a perfect com Connecting nt YAQl'IKAitlih tlio and or money relunuea 25c and 50c per Elexlon, Brooks, druggists. COMPANY YAQUIiYA BAY STBASISIIIP rc- - dehehtlul OCEAN STEAM.-HIPAll sailing dates subject to chance. For San Francisco.' Dec. 23. 28, Jaa 2, 7, 12, 17, 22 mid 27, 8pm S, COLUMHIA ex, Sun. 4 l UIVEK STEAMERS pre-It'- s "WEEOTT" HopJr-Ilestlftrii- l7c. i drug-gUt- He-wa- OASTOItlA. cdu-cillo- I 1 11 w-ai- 1 s ordl-nauc- e, OASTOtljl.. &MfW36 d T 11 ed Canadian Pacific Doelv-Foot- I" And Soo Pacific Line of 1 Oreffon Short Line. 1 ' Quickest Ho-for- o CASTOR A dls-ahar- uuo-'.hlr- IViVS safest, Cheapen Src'S orcXfe pro-Imw- wlro-ualn- a are Gomino Tiwii ; When East Going lirst-cla- sa d ruE SrUSTA RO'JTE " r says: Saturday Every L Giippe is again epidenvc. 8TEAMEK3 topm To Astoria and way land ex4pm No fund In the hand of a public Sun avoid be taken to ciution should it. Llc cattle20.'c. ings, custodian stHHtkl le utore saeredly friil tvcitl rilttfatoif anil If. Id nnt. ulint. ten yheop-Ll-ve, specific cure is One Minute Cough Cure. A '&0taHm-claVeal 6h. J. Shepetd, Pub isber Agricultural Journal In every respect. The nboe guarded than the public school funds, cat, but what we digest that dries us No one and Adrer.iter, r. den, Mo , savs: Dairy 20c: creamery 25c. gorxl. llultcr WILLAMETTE RIVERS ArSalcra steamer Is due to sail from Yaqiilna in using One for upon thorn a large percentage of Minute be will disappointed Wool IJest.lf.c. Mohair 2c Lvjivc rortland, rsewhurg and every clclit da)i. Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold . "P. La St ns's Drag Grippe," Cough Cure lor Salem Way Liudlngt. the youth of the stat must dopant by iiHurly all drutrgUts at 60 cents for NIous More. Egg- s- 20c in ciish. full slxed packages, or by mall from 7115 p m Weds aliorfit Itoulu llelireen for tho education tliey have, because Poultry Chickens, 7c; turkeys, 'I'uslhu' Frl the F.A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Ml;h. live, ACKEK'S ENGLISH REMEDY WILL (For Dayton 100412c. Ilelneea Vullej Poinls soil ht Fraocisco and bat In the publlo schools at least 75 per Jan. S Tu Tliut tiir.e, and will cure the any cough at a stop tn. Uncon, loa Farm smoked moats 8c worst cold in twelve hours, or money re- Fare: Albany and l'oluts Wfit to San Kranclwo MonWed Sat cent of the children of Oregon mutt 5 ' ham, 10c shoulder, G(7c. Csbln tlO.M 33" Lunn U Ilrooks, i. funded. fm Joe. 25c Frl gain their knowlodgs. Hut In caring monoy (hut rightly belong Potatoes 30c. 17.W Hound Trip ...:... to them Apples 30c. II. I.. WAI.DKN, I'.DWW STONI2, 1 for those funds the state troaruror has for educational purposes to bo lost, or T F. A I'. A. .Manncar. Horrible agony is caused bv Piles, Burns certainly Iwcn negllgont, WILLAMETTE RIVEh Ar Salem and Skin Diseases. These are relieved and even to not be used annually for their lauicntaMo condition when I decided cured. I. t'alem cured by DeWiit's Witch Ilaiel fc'aive. Children's Class. Iii.im In hi J roiHirt to the legislature of bonollt, Isacrlmo, for time J. TUP.XKIt. Aut. Albany, Oie. to try 8. 8. 8. M at once began to ImTu.'lhur Corvallis Albany and Moa lo them ol imitations .Stone's Diug Store. Hooka mailed froo by Swift prove, and after talcing it for three On Saturday, the 7th day of Jan16U7, tho last report he has published, bat Way Points. Vod anil Is precious, and every year lost to' lie uary, at 10:30 a. in., Mrs. Willman months I was cured cowulelclr. tho I Socific Company. Atlanta, Qa, WILLAMETTE RIVBIt DIVISION 3p. m Frl It was shown that about $2,000,000 of child moans will rosnmc the elementary piano loss much Just that work at her studio over too First Bun tis p ll Kd Vw Hx Alv.ays Bof.l STEAMER WM M, HOAG i the Irreducible school fund wjs out he will receive. Should National hunk. These lessons include that this hazard of life In Iowancc for C'Al'talti 0eo. Uaabe. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. Running bettcon Portland und Corvallls, voked in the discharge of oniclul on notes. It alio appeared that on the report of the state treasurer to technical mid theoretical work, short WILLAMETI-RIVER DIVISION biographies of nofed musicians, and stopping hi all nay landings. Daily bous to i'ortlaud as aNivc. duty. The memory of tills tragedy many of tho notes Interest had not the legislature which convenes on the short Mr. S A. Fackler, Editor of the Mirnn-ovy- , programs by tho pupils, Tho ItlVKIt 8CHEDULK. Transfers to street car line nt Oiee and tho moral that Is vividly patent been ptld for four and live yours, and Dili HV HOl'KR nKOTHICRH, .ity (Fla.,) Hustler, suffeied terribly frotr DOWN -- Tucf!i, Thursdays and Sundays. If the nmko n similar showing to the chief aim in tins work Is to have the steamers are dslaycd there jand pupil "think music" ns well us to La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was Leaves Corvallls..... lo Its awful consequences should abide In hoiiio canon tho lust Interest paid o .... s, w. trip tickets to all points in Oregon . Of. Ij.uerin the only remedy Wrsb'ng. 'ritfut mil&lr. It acted quickly. oncmudo two year ago, nn investiga 7 a in. Thou Uaves Albany .Mia ' with oycry taxpayer to bo considered, waslnlS'K). ..I...V. nfr ILOJll .i.u.iv.p. v nnnlu FRIDAY, JANUARY 0, I8W. ton, or California. Connect 01 nude at Port. y8 a. m. I'll1."; Anothur foaturo of the tion should ntouco 2 m, same dale, will ssnds of others ue this remeily as a specihe I'SirS. Indepeiidvnee each. At .....,irt ..M,i n.M land With wnen lU'St or rctrcnciimeni are wv iuuvii, nil rail. OCeaf, an nvrr lln. ln. uiiu kiiw fin vmi . In r tOnau nriir Ion Kit fiviis. lm lor La C ippe.and its eihaustmi; afiter ffects !eaes fitm tho vi iw mi report, that Is souiowlutt startling, Is Incoming vsmiui viisn (Viuwi'itiU eaiem..........................iua. Badly, Ono Year 93.00, In Advanoo abroad lo the land. Leaves New W. II. IiyKl.UUR'l. .. . . li.-s- W berir ..... treasurer be compelled to nt'lurner pupils, and loclurc readings by Stone's Drug .Store. Arrive Portland :jo that the names of the borrowers are once proceed to collect nil ly, Tour MoattM 91 00, If Advance. 'Sl vll'"ian- tf O M. POWERS. Agent, accrued In-- ! IT Mondays, W'ednrsJajs and Friday. fh smallest things may exert the greatest Overhead Wires, TfJde street dock Wwldy, Oo Yoar S1.00, In Adranco those of prominent politicians who Salem. Influence. De Witt's Lltth Early Risers aie Leave Portland B. in. tcrcston tho Irroduuiblo school fund. you Ht.Louia, Jan. 0. Under the ulty Snokanp. Have a In friend St. lu.SOa. in. Uatt A: KOISE have largo loans on which Interest, lias lor ctrstlpatlonrnu llrer troubles Leaves unequalled IMRKER. Balein 3:S0p. m. ordinance known as tho Kuycs and In cusos whoro the borrowers Paul, Kansas City, St. Louk Chicago, Small pill, safopill. bto.e's Drug store. City Afenn. Independence Loacs :0 p. m. Ihwton, iHicn Washington allowed to acciimulato. More nogloct to pay or ew York SHERIFF'S SALARIES. nil telegraph poles In tlio disLeaves Uuena p. ni Vtta. tho Intorest, to fore that you think of ylslting. Ovsr 1vm Albany than llu, thoru aro thousand of dol- close !p.in. trict bounded by Ttwity-ycconTAKE TIIE- Arrive Corvaflls...... n;oo p. m. the mortgages The education widen roud no you Intend to travel? fissrstfcs Arc Not Enough to Compensate for the street and tlio river and Wash and Yin Hgst AMtrs BwgV li lars loanod on security that would The steamer ti& lMin nnnlnncl uiih flni. You will iinko no mistako li you tnko ' of tlio children of Oregon Is too Im the Northnrn Pnclllc it. It. For ouluk-- BlsBitrs olas acooinniodattnns, luvliiding an elegant UxpoRure of Their Livei. Hpruco streets, woro to bo removed by R R piano. notsoll for tho face of the loon and on portant U,01 i"n,l ef snrvlse, courteous a treatment mattor In mldnlKht, Id trifle December 31, with, and tho wires suoh UnMirsed for carrying both freight and When a sheriff poos out .to uinkn ao ! a I i nil n it 11 .1 .v nii .,..! In to nnUis psMengers. thu rout has boon placed under uround. Too Western order tbatan olllc.al may show favor- - f0w eVuaH and V.0 fupoVlorT (ime In arrest or servo an execution nblcli Union Telegraph ACKER'S DSPEPSU TAIILETS ARK U) run urimld. Stale slrrel. Taking Into Itlsiu, Company did not and gut our rales. Leave Salem 7 sold on p. O. MAKP.TZ. Agent. disposers a cltlten of his- - liberty or oninply with this ordinance, positive (Enaran.ee. Cures heart a. 111., leave Portland II n. m. Sclera, Oregon. and Its consideration tho shrlukngo of value he food, distress hum. raising of fter TO property, lie alwnyi takes bit life lo polos strunif with wires aro still stand-l- n In real ostato tho past few yeara, O.SCLUVAN.aupt. & Co. Thomas, Watt eating form of or any One dyspepsia little this Salem I'olw Lou. 1. Albsny, Oregon. Mii.neopoltii .n; i!,i...i.,..r,.iui a in the district. his hands. Mo salary cnti coiipeo tablet immediate relief. and cives 1 25c 50c. Threoof the nlno uion who appllod would not Imjso. surprising wora not S. Paul Lunn & Ilrookk--, druggists. City Counselor Bolinurmnohor Is wtte him for this haisrd run by an Chicago 1 Marshal Gibson for bods on Wod A Kire Alarm law the governing tho plnolng of coDilderlriK tlionmltor. and If ho can Philadelphia nowlay night Coughine dcn-,officer of the law. HpoaklDtf on this ure again In the city wan caused by iri ires and Inflimet sore lun ibi. clouds of smoke convince himself that tlio city will loans of Iho Irreducible school fund jail. Washington When let out last Tuesday Issuing from n window, hut it, wns One Minute CHueIi Cure loosens tiie old, subject the Corvallls Times Mys: -.- THErMontreal not be liable for heavy damages, he sostrlotusappureully togimnliigulnst heal quickly. an! Mat cough inc cuie i by morning Marshal Gibson they found to he some gentlemen smoking tone's Dnig Toronto There Is a vivid ronrnl In the As- win imuo an order to cut down the positlliltj hm, atoie. since ovory loan inu-i- i woro warned that should thoy remuln ; La Curonii lOcclgars, New Voik poles toria trajredy. Shorlft Wllllami and in the protolbod dlBtrloU In town they would get lulu trouble Ou scoured by llrst mortgage ,0D on roal a ail points east and tlio Koyes ordlnuuce was aphit deputy loit their llvos In tho Lastovonlng they woro round bogging Dr Dulls Cough Synip Cmca the proved the city sued tho company for proiHirty, and no limn ahull wstsotviM nnd accommo. upon the Atruola and woro nrrostod. I dations of oniolal duty, and tholr duty ' Mubborn coughs, colds and lunir 160,000. for more than d Tho first Installment on nu ' of This morning ,, Kvo" Ihroughtouiht '"dplent coiiMiuip-llvedui?1',cBcl!10"',1 sleepers to Minneapolis, thay were wuitencod to ts In kind tho mhjq that wllh more or anuual For Infants and Children. rental of M fur each of its the nppmlMMl viiluo of thosjcurlty. bt. I anl, Toronto, Montreal, nnd lioston ffi jailhy .Ucorder less frcQiinncy rails to tho lot of cvory telegraph poles In til. Louis. Tho Jufluh. without change Ilia Kind You Have Always Bought KU very evident that u largo and will lx employed In storing ' will retain relief after 11 few bourn. sheriff to perform. Tlio Imminent rciitul wns llxed tiy nn ordlnuuce Line for all points Est and southeast. amount of ttiusohool fund will I to lost iuymj 1110 in corns 01 cny wood, now Canadian Pacific Railway Go's. Boars Fnipwo risk at which tho dead oniccrs under- which wai Intended lo Kovern all FREE rechninp chair tflTi. Piillmnn nlj.. IMurnlnVniir standing IlosrvM doors. out With Mr. Cmrurels. to Jtidah tho state or and thousands if dollars Ine sleeping Signnturo cars, of steamships to Japan and China, companies. supremu and upholstered The sleep. in.9Rrty .W.hJ,.,Hfi """' fonktlpstlon forever tourist took tlio search of tlio promlics of the to muko them earn tholr b nrd. l(w.S6c If C c V fail, itriiiRlsturef una moaer Inj cars on all through trains. The fastest and finest ships on the Pacific court of tho United Htuto, twice con- - of Inlrost will novor be uollnutcd, man who slew them It tho tame risk Two suits In roployln are doekolod ocean Shortest rnd lst route to the siaerlnn tho caao, decided that tho That thero should bo any low whut-cv- er In Recorder U01SE & DARKER, Judah's court mid ono of every that sheriff inumir company wusnot bound by tho or- ()rt Agent haiem, Is luoxuiisablo. Thu duties of thu them will he tried tliN J aftornouii nt 2 C TERRY, wherever ami whenever tho enforce- dluodce, as the rental prekurlbed was Canadian Australian S. S. Co, o'clock. ituto Tho nro trosuror plain, uro fol suits If nod by Instltutod ment of warrants Is attempted. unreasonable, W. E. COMAN, Mitry K. Juckson and P. .1. Juckson Under tho Keyo ordinance any lowed there could botmliM, If In tho aguliist To Ilonoluh, , Fiji and Auitralla ACen'' It It a harardof personal safety that company Sheriff F. W. Durblu for the .34 Third Suee Portland. Or""'1 pluco ItM wlros Hrst pluco tho loans aro made accordshortest route t the colonies. icekliiK to Is ever present In tho oniolal life of For rates, fo eru and nny Informa tion undorround hud to llirtl an unnliun- - ing to law tho soourlty Is rfeL, and leooyory nf iiorMinal property nltnched call on or nddress. by him pcaco orrcers, as It ihown by tho faot tlnn for ponulsiloa C. M . Lockwood , Afitnt. from the Iward of K tho Intrant It oolleoUMl us Office 1'hcr.e No. aSS (.'cmmcicial st. the law 40. that within the three coast states no public Improvement, lo construct Residence l'hon How's This! Salem, Or "53. less than hair a down sheriffs have underground conduits. It ulsu wus uouiompiuiorf, thu Iiiooiiiu from the Wti offr Ono Himdnwl T.llura nu. Use a II. II. ADUOT. line in traveling bttween Agent, funds Is . aiwiirod. 146 Ihird atrei-twanl for any we of Outnrrh that utn Minneapolis, St, paul auj Chicnijo, and the Portland. Or. met It with a forfeit or tholr lives roqulrwl thai each iipplleant musi auumjriba lo tho terms of thu nrlor iMitlwoiirtMlbv Hall's Catarrh Cwro. principal towns in Central Wisconsin. In iiotfolhiwlng la the thu statu within the past two years. It Is a Diticl Passeiigor Agent, Vancouver. II. ". F. JCllKNKV&Co., l'rowl.ToltHlu1 O. I ullman l'nlace , Steepim; and cluir cars ordlnanoo, wltloli tho Witstom Union trousiiror has bsou dartdlotofliisdiiiy, Wo tho timiei.lgntKl, have knuun in service. condition that uppcals to the sober has contoitod hiiocemfully in ihc aud Is subjiMt to The Dining cars are operat.-- m the the severest oeiwure. I'.J Chenoyfnr Hid hut 16 year, and Inter. sense of wen, and suweit to thorn courts. EAST AND SOUTH iriiiMo mm porrecuy linunrHbl patrons, the eitollts In elegant service all may b urguutl It UiaL owing u ibu ever huslnu inaugurated. Mean tre served a I IranwiclliiiH aud flnaneiallv that for tkU JeopardlxlDK of huowu The Weslcrn Union rofunod to blud ( -- VIAm carry out unyobllgatlnns made life a sheriff Is entitled to cmilunieut. ItBolf to comply with a provision past fow yours ot ud varsity, Iwrrovvurs ablj) by tholr lino. 4eniM ytUr hSdldnvia1,1''ChH k' WrwrS: Tki-ax- , The dead faces of Sheriff Williams which tho supnuiiD court of tho could uot py tholr Intoriwt. but that Hoelo Dmg. United titute had pronounced u'Uts. Toledo, O. Muooxttdrto. was duty It the of the aud his deputy aro mute but effecthe. OF THE Wai.di.nu, Kixn.w , AcoordliiKly. Jmlae Star- Makvin slatotronsurer to sw that, they did, anil polltlouors to cltlivns not to bo "ii, oi mo supreme court, who IhiIimuIs DrugglM. T'olwlo, Ohio. ' thou Hal's OsUirrh Curt. it. i.iKi.. 1...... w KrudKlnjj In the salary allowance city counselor, dooldod that no If nut that mortgage I foruolosied. mtlly, set iietlng directly iihiii the IjUhhI This I iHvwihlllly might havu causal and mu.Ms surfucos permission could nut RXPRE18 TRAINS RUN aside for sheriff. Ther nrotest with liu or the system. DAILY 75e. iwr Ixatla. ",- m A., by all iuld vremeuuous rarneslness UKulnst tho Kraiited. Now tho ooinpauy oonleudi ssrlous luoonvenlenee to the borrower, Prlw Druggists. that, havlnif boon denied Hi. prlyi-le- e but It Is Tiaiiiiiwliili fros), 9:jo a m ror eastern points. 8;JS PMLv....Satem hotter that a few borrowers hi policy of tuoo who In Ills of economy Hall's Family Pills uro the Iwsl. ....Lv tcketfull information call on odf 700 A M ot burylnv Its wires, It tMiiunt m ) Ar. SanFmnclsco A L v H.'oo p M iienesi ticket Jfici)i or write luoonvenlonred, or oven bankrupt, dejimnd.bweepln rcduBtloru In alior couipeikNi to rouiovo rtuove tliein from wains Salaiii Caimeiy Want Paas. li nil l'"lpal nation J AS. C. POND Hum that thscblldreii uf the state be net. 1 ortlnnd andiPwbaleru, m'saalarlespropoiinjni denial of al- Turner 11(1 KlirilllSfil .. tftiriliitird u'lm viid. iAJM.raU!ftM' AB"lMillwtukee. jeflerton, n Albany, Tangent. Shrtdi, I ale? deprived ufwlucutl on, Tu allow the cultivate pHsdurlni: next, wnsun r.... f(,r .. Clun Uuut. ,,-.- unnni. .wv,. .ui'cr,e. '.. .V. -r " mk pr,suw win pJHH, euu 0I urove, Drain. Oakland. an.iLmu'rii ,11 The Now York llarnld ? One ' ?i '.J1.' Nllu-s- itt tliti tiuluiu V I...V .." Akh,3nJ. inclusive. uf Dr. Oulllnu's now , aui iu li.'8ittir iiierily hull ami QUICK TIME of. "WMJ r. .MAIL. K i. whiehtleueral Miles warded slk.y diii:iMti tlM Hinuuut of - DAM V .in I .n.'.i. ..Ar muklni ViYtWU fill Win e, not pur, imr in to revolutlonlie eoau d.fcnw artillery iV llnu Itefuro 1055 a mLv... Kaleui . Lv N.opsi tssjsstilr arriikuieni l 50.TM tllAiMib . (.'2a or u in won roifartl A. burst to last jI eveuluit at tho Sandy lliwk a. vTWaJ 1 -opsmitlttK HiitrMiitivrv ntixt -iu " ..."wiwrg uv (7..,,,, A M r pltuutt u tmsin htmprsjsMry Wbn wople provln around . It was nn clubl-loca,,U ccond-cJs- . i ' ec',e' k..w approxlnwuly W'LETB C03IW Weeptn cars to all Ikrmml, train Kuii.conslruotedlu aeeordanea with hW?ur' Iuihh whu bu the WE.iT SlL'E DIVisinv. ' . I IsVWs fir !,. lh id January. ..! Inventor's In ease latest 1. the tl.n.ui u.. 'be. n kllliU DKnVKKN PORTLAM) ANU CORVAIilS. loaded wltha.oharKe or Uo MBiie iierrtmu'V?d Mainsjaily except Sunday . Milt bu not nualitie, .?- --, ihhimIs of tiu full .u,,.i...i... ittit let- - of powder and a " 'i;ni 01 trie Kttig tlw Hist or February. IM&mSa 3w.pond prejeotlle. c "lWtTSnX;A I s.'5o"r m u uu a inger over the 710 a m ( Lv 'Ps popular Qoverumeut onlolaUnie bxee,uiinuiv lMcirti or at i2it5PMf Ar . CorvHllU.. Evf i.'qpm Kine olUtr hit cautious iu At Alhanv ami rnrvullii ennm-r- i i .1..1, Vx titinK now ordinance, nlou sjmrt. "" ,,,,,s,c,an8 trains of the O. C & E. Ry. .tt,u,;;, "- a , tlio best f tlicir troiMtby and all interested In the tost , hw Medical KXfRESg TRAIN DAILY KXCBPT SU.NDAV. J tS tlilltol Willi concealed ml of tlsooe TennosH) dul ! In the world. , surjiiUc thai Thoijuuwasin a !umh.,imi.r .i,,, stnwUrrv 4.'50PM) Lv an V liuiliau itelnir PWHto kifi at ,(x) a lumirtMi Ar I Ti.e "1...Portland is mn A M dlwliawd by moans of Th,u.l"'v" "". tlA(.o(UHllforBhifrn,wm " roadbed cf the entire li , ' . timr v Should IhUS rair an elwtrlo button. lWo of tlle m ' m' 7.0 P M V Lr ,. McMinnvIlle Lv S.'5o A m w Ute Kwsst tablo bssrrv. or I,.- VUY fl Pfovod and lidos as smcxh a a a V..lf.rli staff . ALU1 ultlw Kusfiui. ., 8yo pm) Ar Independence Lv I k llfr w" "JPW.V UL., U til Mmfeu 4."5o A M SpwIalUi nd with twills) issarlr- -r Wpf ,.! .".7" TUfl klv llwu- - Kun dew In all dlrrollous and ubout un 1911. U . MIIIIIIUIl BlfeMllsl """ "" HKH u.i... Direct connections at ban Francisco with : tho walls of the shelter, but ih one TUIIMm.. tf ... ..... . 11 i.vi-inr n iwi. is .ov cvium inr. thu iiu. mi Srt rwVlmlriUklufib.ir Urttwtllc ther Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail IfaimeiLse iYhv "MJ Wt lm? cm. M aWit thslr wwwwi tsryiUr voc. was Injured. Eogiocs U. Hoi'sist, ts duo not wily tu tlis steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA . I !"' 1 Major Mjipin, ,ie luporlntcudonl Sailing dates on application " w "' Tbejr will be nt f of 4tfkBl lime frou VnslvsMarbbMtsTcat thobamlyllwiknrovliiD wwu.wuuT.rc'i mm, Or. Vestibule DohMc Dm Coaches WILLAMMITK IIOTBL. Kates ana tickets to Eastern points an' atmuu ,.,.i J skip r test, or to cars (or their bcaltU Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONG-obtainA ItscblsMl Nam ui'tfiv-- 1 ehir ordnance ouiccr. dwlhuvi to wki(k the i nn I.... ...:.. .n- - ; an) oplnigrj LULU and AUSTRALLIA. can li MgWoI I -- ,, Sleepers ! tu COJSlTW.VTIO.VASDAI)VlCBPttBK. hut ulKlit whenaskstl If I HS Wll fio Ih UlS Msstklb r ; from W. W. SKINNER, Ticket rott dimdcra, ftoui Ibi jcni Hlr.V. Ullt. ' ialem. liuwu tuetld.iuonitrtd that the (low ii "" W.r K'"- -' ebJUs, ilttsilHta of Usl. I : ., T..rmrwr wv .'iwsniwi . '" bStu .'nbU ISMS UktM tMtath, WstUrs oa IU tkbt. UmV 1 llntfKUH was uut superior lolheuNiui HivsUkllUt lha "wrsuf THOMAS, WATT & CO. :runr-.r.h.A.iiC. II. MARMIAV. G. F & p.'a. PofiU .! Tv --K1A--'' STB Cl.l twtKc. tiaconforubU KiwUwt ta rlnarj a, ntllSSsI HLm. uiMnvn. nd ' i anu Smrv . . .. sy rap of 1 1,., u T luuiu niishH mmA uu. i Mecb after sbmU. vf slep. lnul" 2J;t,ommer.ial verymse. aw Street v 1.L.1 1. "iufuiiLt.1 r. ,nu... . "" "' . . .1 WMiir 'to "" ' " lwlsw.rSMiji.xJiLI . naruauiUm. bis) --laansaiiia. Mvbwsekolv SSSSatmaossiax w',,s,w ur tiau ihi inaiiAr. kM.mjlar or u..i ... wUsfiw " W draw " i.IT.. A Martha Uuisau aa iu your owo lafoiutiw." AIT 4 of Ibis nature ate by Is n HOtstt Utltttr fur susy .... .. Advlw from WaiUlnittsia say Or Hem's Oal&tn Uuilmi ni-..- -. I Mils that HI. .1 . rttcUHi apj)Ute. uivc. aouai JU imi mkmmuij. '. .. ana tfcJM.- iia4 rsftllll1siS- r..fc tjrAsMmr Ut. ntkara the "7. u IT. '',, H . U. It.lhrNotu ko. Wltlu feet. Mm SwruilM " i, .....Jr. .1. . . house ",:;,r,rr'M)1WJ.1ZZ: W .hi.i bM s nn4 iti. rsuur. , II .. . sm. .. itty crwiua ssSKI( . ' .11 and ur-- l. U v. H rkU '(tb tfie lift, ilvi sa at llM llldtM U.U.UI 1.- 1,.ua j erttu -- . . ,.Ci, UurtUhjll,,B,oflhdUte; fcrrr--'m nu3 oil or room. H.VSH. " " h . w Mk4 "'" MI.U, Of " IT "sun r.. 1114 t r ii :. Ses fuod. It la Ihi citat blod "fivMinu fcvruM of HhjZ Ulll M BMIMUKI. "... A I'd or i 7. H nri m..II retuMuir.yl iiui ii. Tfce i;.iiL8.w syaiMico New w'Mwc.ii,, IhMa Aftsifk.ial 'wvvnr : n.iii u w KillViSi B Y AJ v",,B ?lloiborlad. a TbtfctlsMi Klourltsj,' Millv 4iiioUI- ::;:::.?"VOfcSntfO "l fZrVitllVJit ":ai '!i TabJif. lo . III lllft lir.,.... loHji werka. Ko Mmttt aalrVll unrc thwr U w ' hw t4WM owr '"' denim mi. w.;.. :. w"w n 4cn ou "" WdUJ iMullu.iZT: . " " Xmmt UWlu of iWMn ' i. , T IU e,'J,,fcT.Boctowiky 11mi . w 1 ,;v.r.vjr.rt.?".,i nw,s4M M iu .k. iuvsi saouM rer.fsai M a, . ii.. mwTi. . " arnr. Hi ruf 60 w .. " 1 '""w "" if. u. i"tui rwn t MciKiian -ii.. - kudLi. , a irbn.ii. ..... uihiu v: Wro ncraur . . . . i ' " IHlHaU Jr. W m wmtkma u. -- , l .;- Hs-S!- .-K4 01 "" ? CO., I cuoctr Miles o Doiti,. n.-- z: uui0.,i ISS.: WlswUsMi. hm. .Za li, r sale in Salem Uatllnif. th va4i 'vf Qo. by DJ JKRV .l.ugxlst 1 n SB I 9 Wf vv,,,,ole o S - .nl.1,- NO rAlTH CURE. Public oxpe-rienc- din-ca- ' ..'...I.,..'!,. - Oats-W- only a local irritation of the mombrnuofl. But tho (iisoafwj is not on tho ntirfaco mow firmly in tho grasp of tho o tho discomforting irritation of tho ditoAfo Uiau before. Their teaehos thorn that local lining pt (ho throat is not tho itaelf, but Dimply a ntani- - treatmont can do themorno good. A trial S. S. 3. restrtUon ot it. Uatarrh is a will convince constitutional blood them that it is tho remedy. disease, and it is as ssay to pnt proper 'Sfw v you are Juat If out tiro with a ohcot of paper an to M .. tlio nrst hopo'-t"f euro it with Iooal upplioa of this iiVjvW,touc!i tious. Don't mistake temporary rolief for benofit. Thoeo who last tif WiaoRynu should begin season thought thoimolros bono treatment promptly, for its sovor-it- y increase each year; but lo fitcd by (hit troatinont will hgo suro to bogin right. If you treat their mistako as soon as tho first tho Burlaw, relying uKn only chilling blast of winter is folt. sprays, washos and inhalations, "Tho iprajs and Kiuliei proscribed by you may Ik? suro that a mild cam the doctors relieved me only tempora- will Im a bad ono next year and rily, and though I lined tlifirt constant for ten yenri, tho disrate had a a worso ono tho voar later, flogin flrtner hold than orcr. I was In a promptly to tako fl. 8. S. and bo if Catarrh - '" ..,. ...lawnrMfmmBiiimin ABOUT STUART'S DYSPEP3IA my system, and I hare had no return Mm Josie Owes, of It "Monttwller. 0." (he bnnis of many now ' ... SCHOO L FRAUDS Treat Catarrh ... WW . . .. ..... . .. t jMMWMiwwwwwiwm.wwWMiiwMwip"" 'rr . -- 4k A It graaacBTwrM " W!BWsft.fe-A,!?w J H IV -- j3aHynimMmixi-siHmsatmimnwm,- - :The Wisconsin Central Lines.! Southern Pacific Co 21 'PAl Jj ' !!!!? vk'ir fTT'! i steol-Kuns- ''""'""' &&i) A-Oiv- h w OJC - r :c tu wu r:,v:r!u..ui, ,u ivulUMMFs f.. 1 ni-!..- .... 'i J i.S i..l. iTJ.TJr'r?- .' 1. SSt: mm miuW. "'! si 111 I t-- ,...,. .."'. S- n.r.r?"u .., 5 ... '! M- ''". iJ!Anr 'isisi un azi&i'raaaaferaa:i ;:,':"?"" m. r,ll "5uio. ur ' l'," - iT' ,(l,r'''. kt,r ..iuxUd;,rrrs ;;,;,;,;i iUT fc ' j-aj- wan - I.' UK-II- M.. r: " "r-'lwns- o.-a- J i.i. oalern, January 7th, u ,, "I .f ?' ErL. ?P" tir i,,n, n':T,l.m " m. dittn .mf m !ff m-- jr... vu "' tt4 rM svnd tti I (PaCincyiROiD .,'n. '...'"..""' . Z,ulJU!S (iciniii Expert Specialists. and 1 ... 11 1 Mv. Nisli .rsr: mthmmiaW HtJ vmrfj tly l'"a w-.- .i. V sr iJ-Traf- f!" .h.ur.zr aTa'ItvH: ate fii ttsHim iwi CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP - Ca CMi,jrt, 'ywWl"1 20u 1" CURE YOURSELFI s"KsiKVHinu, uo i , . ed rd t- - l0d ' u -- is .....' 1 W "! UMKMriiW ii "r TIIBUKOLISH swrufSl SSUMU AKDnn. MMSI. - ..J7r,.T. '"'wtsjSSJ4tSM . Ton, and tjul uthvr Hilhiu fm l1"3 and aU oUier l'VXi f: !.v .! StliSny.'n1, - Jir: southeastern cities, 1 irn o.;iTrTuiBr; VT MKKJCsi rt.ute east via Denver. W. SSi.anftB,,,,nV- M.0t. Tfckels at . . ..a.. .. ltjlt...IVit.i ...A. ".'. ni.i..im.'UtllK -- LCmdssin.o .f.a. ISCO. 'alf day quicker -. . T ,, - iyfts air,M,lTl5ai,l - A. C. SHELDON. Gen'laent Portland m iSh SI imi Aiii Or