Evrlusting thc Imprct of Dirrmcnity of Opetr SewerrSe SyEtem otr llouse Rent A rhetit tor tbe prrtid fumln€ h Rrwdphdi City' of th. d'gre€ re{uinn'lt ofthe dogl. of Ih.tor ol Pbilo.opby By Mob.mmod lrtrn FWAST SCH(X)L OF DCONOMIC SCIENCI,S IlDf,RA! URDU IINWERSITY OF ARTS, SCIf,NCf,S ISLAMABAI) & TECHNOIOGY' rad€srl ltrdr tttrivrraitt' of lrtt gcieoc' 'nd Tad|nology gcJ|ool, l.I8.bad ot Ecoanic gci.Dca! Pb.D fb.ai. Aorddl'c Yaat 2010 Evelurting tb€ l4).ct of Dis.!.aitt' of oF.! 36rara9G gyatd on Eousa Ralt ia R.!taIPiDdi Suparvilo!: D!. R.h&a siddLqui city. CERTIEICf,TI Thl! Ir to c.rtlfy th.t l|!. ttuti|[.d I!!!n hu copleted h15 dis6elt.tton ln p.!tI.I tullilln.n! o! th. !.qsi!€m.nt3 fo! the deqlee of Doctor o! Phllolophy.tttltl.d, "Ev.Iu.ting th€ I4act oI D!5.!.rlty oI (b.n 8d.!rg. ot lou.lng Prlce. in Ra$]plndi ci.ty" urd.t !y .!0.!{t!1on, Iu ry oPltion. tbl3 .tllertatid tulty -€t! th. !.qoltsnt!, tn .coP. rd qu.lltv, tor th' degF€ ol Doctol ol Philo.athy' Gblsr ot. R6lEn slddlqui My't€tehete lclrnorl€dgoart. Rehara Siddiqui fat het hefp. etcaDnq$ett ahd ex.ellena supelvjsio, ahd quidaDce tbat she prctided, specialTy for tbe ttuittll dir"ssio's r bad titb het drrilg fiet.t survey and at reqllat itteivalB l wauld like ta I atu aasX qratef\) ta Df specia y tbaak D!. sved Shoiab R.za of Pa\istat Lititute of Applied Ergineetitq atd sctence., far his experaeh'e ln att dispeteion nodelinq. I an rhankful to the Ditectot cehetal' Dt' syed Naflab Eaide! llaqvi fo! his sataf soppott dtrinq coutse ot expless frv glatttude to Karl Golan Maler and Subhtendu lhe fteld Pattanayak fo! thei! advice an<l €ncoutage@nt durinq suivey. I {ould like to exPless nv thank to Pliva Shvamundar for het constluctive clitlclsm dulirq the Resealch and Tlainlnq colkshops. I thank Praoab Mulderiee fo! 3halinq his eape'tise ,ith fte du!1n9 the dev€lopnent of the surv€v questionnalle' task' Tithout his a3llstance, it eould have been a difficult I uish to Developnent of espress ny glatitude to south Asiao t{'tto!t fo! the leseatch and Environmental Econonica (SANDEE) for sponsolinq the SANDEO secretariat' palticulally Kavlta I to m€nbels of period of shrestha, for her logisticar suPPort throughout the librarv the research. I ar also thankful to Anuladha Kafle fo! support io the fom of resetrch Pape's' to Dt. An{ar Bziq and rr'l. Rizvah of NUsI t itg DePa t t8ent ) f r thet quicleness abott Eng i ^ee theolY. Thatks to t4r ' Nade4 af Pakistat ne xhe necessafv a I eish to lecold ty aPPleciation of u!. Tanv..r ald hie te.h fo! conducting the fletd eurvey aod M!.luqnan fo! his asslstance duling the resear.h. Thanks ale .lso due to M!. zafi! fo! the 3upport vlth GPs anarFls. fo! sharinq tith ne h:is knowledge of engineering conputation! especlallv in and fo. gul<tlnE !e toxalds a bette! undelstanding of the issue. Thanks a!' also <lue to his colleagues vho h€lP.d ne a lot. tna'ts ta r\htttak' A.htaq, sajld, Attiqre, shabbir, 2.h6en, Javalcl' latiq tnd vsnan fot aakibg lite easie! ,t the orlvefeitt. A genelar expresslon of thanb t3 a13o due to alt tho!. ,ho helPed oe thloughout ov I thank my brothe! A<lnan I eould be r.h1ss i.f I <lt.l not thank nv s1f€ rho sacrtfic'd valuable ttre on nY beh.lf and fo! beinq patient' callnq supPortive throuqhout her an'l lbattect l.donic property value helhod in ode! to €stimte how the locatton of th€ disarenlty, i! !i3 tnltance, the bad odou! frd thc open ser€raqe sylt€h. affectE housing pries in the city of Rasalpindi aDd to plovide ertimres of th€ b€n€fits of cobvelilng the systfl lnto a closed r€r€lag. The thesis ussd the system. The erlstln9 Ee{eraqe system conplise of 309 closed .n<l 70* opln serelage sy3tee. Househotds u3e the lain dlain and Nala lai for serelaq€ pulpose because of Do stgntficant d€veloph€nt ln publlc i.frastructure. The 3ulvey is conducted ln both open and closed sEtrerage 3ystem trith dLffe4nt IocatioN. The esti@tes thlough odour dlmy foud that rhe house !€nt de.lease by R3. 572 per month if the oper s€rer6ge ,N.Ii' is ln front of rhe hou6e. rf the op.n sew€lage sysrem 1s sehi cloled the sillingnes! to pay for rhe houre reht R3. 333 p.! ronth. Tbe estidres rhlough di3ra.ce lunction found that rhe h6ur€ r€nt in.!e!es by R..239 pe! in open se{erage alea and Rs 139 per hundled sevelage a!e!, The inteDllty of rlle !€r€lage 3&I1 fallg to th€ threshold l€vet at a dlstanc. of ?OO seierago snell at.o has a deplessing 6ffect on t.nt in thore areas rh€re lhe smelr r@]ns constant throughout rhe day. the envilomEDrat enqtneeri^g conc€pt of odour d1sp6!5ioD (cau.sian ai! dl3perston) by using R TcfiET 2 softrale t5 used to quanrify rhe odour intensity at the le.eptor level (house) i! pe! cubic nillirurle. The inpact of severaq€ o.lo!. is Eor€ 3iq.ifi..nt for DeDtral enwirotrenral conditions r:ther rhrn stable and ulsrable .tiMre. Th€ eEtiMted and pledlct€d smell lntensity of op€n Eereiaqe 3ysten 3.€II i3 hlghry corielared in srlble, unstabre and n.ucral ai! condftioN. ?,r strb rB, cdditl.d t.9 lts soco bultlo! r&d.I.... . .' e..ttbaDb!'.''. t.lo ts€lri4l D1.P.!.1 " --7,10.1Valiable Descraptron- _ ____ structule chalacteristtca ot tlouse -- _.. Distance andNeighborhoodcharacteristica "" ""_-*_-'"]: ' Envtrorental variable ... , ... -- 74 74 DI.@ t-11 bllb.!d 3.f!'9' oE ?.11.1 t.tjrt d |tdrttl.r ' rttlrt'd doc ?,11.2 Cont.tle ot t!.dI'bd '!d Mrv ?, 11.3 bsn..!d -' ?.12 cdorutld 'nd tolicy i'cddr!1@ " """""- """ a:br9t6 s.. ...,.... .. ,........" " 8. co@lsi@ sa Po'!at' r't'dDdt"*".-"-"'-'-'-'-'-""4 '9 s.1 cddur@.......'''''.:.:...-:-...----...-"-......."-..:l 3.1.1 P!€sence 3,1,2 Distance fron sou!ce of ""ttt--.--_- --_ 3.I.3 Dr3P€rs'on of snelI s.2 iorrqy a.c-ldrtls ' s 3 tutrt. !..Gd ,,__...,,,....,.,---....,......,,.....,,,....,.", , """""" "" "!n !;Fn E ,- :aj'rt -' ..bL 3.1 s.-u!c .E t' rF r.!1,. !.2 s.rr. t rls !o! oP'! ldt'g' .; rs' 3'*r(r. clo"d to! r.br. ! 3 s.+!. torrB t.bl. a 1 D..419t1t e1 btr tlto'|rtY o! !..u'u@ *.*',-.., ;;;" "tbt'a 3b b.erDtrn ..b).. r.3 " "" tbbr.rD..4tDt1n!t'tltt14 :: 5l ('h'!Et i"s1B rd i.cF t.bl:t.l T*r. 6.1 ..!sE. ol.s'd61 (ch.Pbt 6) *.--*c,-gE.:is 'dlv.',:::ro:d ,, ;;- ; .br(cb.P!.r ,' 6) "..-*" ' 3d!rg. , ;;i.; (@t-t 'r ' ' "" io- . cr...ar et 'ee ('''Db! " " ;;; ;.. "-. --* bv r''. br "..--. :::::11 !.td ed tt1rtlcurr io D.t !o! clot.d a.-!.9.3r.t- p.! Dnlh lch.Dt ! 6) .......,..,..,,....,,.,..,,., t bl. ?.1 c*s1.t10 r..ttl: o! tEdid.d ud t.tlrt c -.u t:Dr.: 7.2 !.trat. ot n d41c t!.D.rty t!r4 n$d1{ ,gE&aji 2 ,tgv..----rtsun 1,1 LD o! x.l. Lt {asnbtldlt E19E 1.2 qtE . ol t.1r . ,. . ,. . . .. . ... . ,. . ... sd-: tlr.a sltrty Dh.b b!ut-a.DL'b.! (cL.Pt 99 ! .,,,,,,,'..-.,..,,,,.,,.......,...10t . .. . .. . . ...,... . ror . ..... . .. .1O2 !i!!- 1.3 4li o! t|.h trl. L1..,. !i!!st.a so{$.: ttt <l sutt t Ei.to xrss.t_6.Dtd.r 200?. ....., ,.. . 102 !i!rc. 1.5 lu"Iirg tot t tttolS o€.gr.rD..... . !1!r!- r.6 t r. br .!d Bd!.!.Ic !h! . . . . - . . . . rla!$ l.a r.r. r.f t.lri, ao! Dl'.tsl'4 cddtjdt llgut-lot d.! 200t(m soE-: cn5 t rnt. drli,t.!:r.t 10' " .oEot,,.... .... .. .. - "" "''"-'tl,5 rytadtt 3.... .-....,,,...... olrllrdnN.... cb.pt ! 1 Ra{alpindi city is the thi.d larqest ciEy of Pakistan aod curlently tras mole than 2 (itlion populattons with about 2.49t annuar glosth later. The inhabitants of R.salpi.di City ,e!s the 'Ravals'but lt ra3 sikl:d who esiablished thls area ln 1765 a.d tnvited nearby tr.d€ls to liv€ in Raralpindi. The ciiy situated ar the end oa farca salr Range and is the gateyay ro the silk Rolte dnd sourh Asian star€s. The population of Raralpindi city g!e{ at a nuch fastei rate rhe. govelment esrabrished .nd shlfre<t ninlsfties and offices from /€rachi ro Isldabad a n€r capiral in 1965. Thc Eiqration of tabo! flon put a pEe3sure on infrasrructure and publ1c fa.ititles and ir was obs€.ved rhat the sanitation (drinking sat€!) and ser€rage facilitie3 beco@ contehprible fo. rie Iiving population, clry has historlcal ,Nata rrai, lfliburary Rive! / stre4), ,hich ha3 a catchnent area of ?3.5 rn, a.d a lenqth of 1s rn passes flm rhe entile city and droxn The Raualpindi in South-Ealteln side of the ctay. the Nala lai is connected by revelar side drainr rhich caty the lain ,are! of rhe city. The city re.eives rain in al] s€asons bur hav€ heavy lain rall in @nsoon e.asoD (July-septerber) . The toral lainfall during the rainy se.3on 1s abour 600 m ro lOOOmr accountlng to 60 g of the .nnual rainfall of th€ country. By the pa33.9e of tine rhe natural .ain dr.in. have been ro open eeyelage systebs. The existing seueraqe sysEen cove!3 onty about 30* of the city alea and has no ifuh|ldihc6in'..tgEldt9s sererage t!.athent plant':. Th€ seferage syst€ns 1n the rmining l0l .rea of the city ale oPe! fith valying ri<lth and of Nala lai varie3 at diff.rent praces 'idth and depth aclos3 the city. The natural drrin convelted in !o sewer.ge systen has 5.ve!al shapes and ale ..l]ed 'lth difrelent nue in Iocal lanquage accordlnq to thetr size/ shaper tldth and d€ptb. a sMIt diain of sererlge in front of the hous€ is called "n!I!" sith a sidth warying tlm 10 ilches to 30 inches ard depth of sia iDches to 24 inches (tso feetl The A sererag€ draln vitb a {idth ranlltg flotr 4 to 10 feet tjtb a depth varyi.q flon three feet to five feet (Aprox) 1n nolMl flor and sit to nine reet depth 1n rainv season, t3 'alled tllarar; gencrally is situated at lbe back 31de Different- tllbutalies, €!.ytng household sere!.ge ot the €ntile city, {h€n fa11 in NaIa lli at shallos plac' lt Iooks like a b1g clnal o! a se1l !tve!. The turinm ridth of Nala l,at is nore !ha. 350 fe€t and haxins depth valles fld 10 to 20 in norml flo{ and up to. hundr.d feet in floods' availabitity of prope! s.*eraqe netrork, setage dIspGaI and tGatmnt facility ha3 forsened the litlng conditiols' especialty for Po6r people ltving adjacent io xala Lai It {as repo*ed that ihe 3anitation (flate! supplv) IineE cro33 the se{erage lines and due to wea! atd tea! of sanitation lines seepage in to lanitation tlne contanlnate tbe d!inklng vater being supplled to the edtir€ population The nixtng of open serelage and sanitatio! 1lne i5 a colstant threat to h€a]th and a Prire soulce lor rate! born€ and skin di3'ases' Non It is difficult to evaluate tho envirom€ntal goodr b6cause they hdwe no plope! M.tet. Tber€tole thev.!e t.aded in €xplicit real estate rurket. Th€ propelty vrtue linted {ith enviromentel quality ha. beer det6lnined bv the {llllDg.ess oethod to treasure to pay of the household. The ,illirgne.. to pay i. the hedonic nodel, ,hich bas been used in this study a1so. 1.1 obj.clt6 Nomlly the hedonic gtudies use the di3d.tltv at one Point Iocation .uch as superfund site' to*1c taste srter e€v€laqe t!eat@!t pla.t etc ,h.teas the disarenity ln the alear under study i3 coltinlous it Mture tlt€ a can.I rith a length of mle than 15 kilon€!.r. The bad .n€Il gen€llt€d flon Nal' lai ls also a type of dllanenitv af!€cting ev'n a colsidetlble distatce flm Nala ',ai Th€lefo!''| the objective! o! this theeis a!e, . To det€$ine th6 inpact of open se{e!'ge svsten on nouse r€nt in Rawarpindi cltv . To det€!!lne tb€ rlllingn€se ot housoholds to pav for the closed serage svs!.s of Ra{alPildi 'ity . To eEtinate th€ ,eIf.re gain (capital value) of houee! flon op.n seeer.Ee lvsten to .Iosed 6et€raqe svsten' . To plovtde a flarerort to loc:r au Dritier fo! genelating .eveDue. Tllere is no elpirical hedonic atudv avail'ble i! th€ torrd shich e3tidles tbe tnPact of continuoDs tvp' of di3e'itv on of house prlc.s. To highlight the iFpact ol differ€nt aspect Naia r,ai on house !ent, the diean€titv of se{erage svrten or Nala lai is categora2ed a5: a. Physj,cal elistence of 3€rerage as bad b. SreIf rrom lhe 3e"e!age ewen .o vi€r' vie' The thesis is divided in eight chaptele after th€ introduction. secoDd chapter di3c83es the r.ntal houslnq mrke!. fiedoric piopelty nodel i! discussed in chapter thr.e. Folth chapter de!cribes the EuEvcy methodoloqy and foi data .o1I€.tio. procedure, chapter ftv€ analyzer the impact of sererage sreIl, .at.torized by its i.tensity (altays and oc.!sio.al) on house rent. Ir the lixth chapter. the study urcs the distance a3 proxv fo. measuring the iipa.t ot seweraEe sn€Il on house !ent. Fo! the pu.poee, distance gladieDt fun.tion ras dev.IoFed to estin.te the inpact ol NaIa l.i tn neters ID chaPter (seven) the €aussian Di3persion eff€ct of se'€rage sfre1I on house rent by e.ttn.tlng the concentlatior at each household eMratlng from the Nala lai. Th€ Gasulenent o! odou! i! cobll,ex tn nature and Ie v€lv difficult to find th. cbeDical ploperty ot sGlI but Gauesia! dispelsion mdel rith valid asssption can give the €rtlete of odou! concent'aEion ar th€ lecepto! polnt in p€! .ubic nillinete! The l'st chapt.! (eight) discusse€ the .orcluelon and pollcv lecm€ndatton. The chapt€! also bighltghts diff€!'nt di@nlion 6f NaIa lal and S€f..ag€ sdetl rhich the studv I"t fo! future re.ealch. €stlhation of hedo.ic price function using Nala l'ai in the fon of distanc€ flnctio! and eltiGtion of lcrr rrd opeD sererage sFtens througb disP.rsion nodel i3 'n additio! in Th€ rhe hedonic sudi€!. Cb.Pt ! 2 Eoushg 2 Mrrk.t ia RlvllPindi City 2.1 lDttodEtton of the r€lted ltou.e {ith lespect to the tntelio! of the house vari€3 fld totn !o tov! and tocaritv td localitv The house rith good !rte!!or and frm cust@e! and such as h.rb1e or tilee floot, tlles in bathroom valls cabinets in titch€n !.nted out at a hiqh Price .nd rne .ustorer sho can affold then a13o i3 witling to pav more' like .ttnbutes iNlltutions, lchools .nd coll€ges' hearth facllities llke facirlties ltke hospital,s and mternity hones; !ec!e'tional pa.l€ and ptay groun&; eort pllce ald Grket also found conslderabl€ Inclea!€ on tlte house !en! The lb€gls hlgher that the deMnd fo! the bouse eitt! teo b€d ro@ ts oed roons' than !\e dsnd for Eh6 houses utEh rhre' Lo four The deMnd asceltain€d bv the proportv SMlle! f&ilv size of tenant i e 4 td 5 !'mbe!s pelsonsl rho have lert Bachelols (riorLing class and eiploved thei! fdities tn th6i! natlve to{ns' lhe toun fo! educatron' Students xho Mjority of propertv dealers i3 new 1n the involved gerer.rlv in facilitating the s'Ir Th€ property besld€s helping those looking fdr thei! p!lori!y to sell and pulchase business is fa.t that they get hore fith tete! effotts lt is to ponder over that nost of the propedv con3ultants are neithe! plofessiooally traj,n€d no! P.oPerly registeled and r.gulated, lence it is pedinent to rention rhat at tine property @!k€t and allo the r.nt of tr)e hous€ d€p€nds on the lttllude, skllls and interest of the ProPelty 2.2 Colq.d &... of the hous€s, generally nearured In squa!€ yards:r valies in different a!ea! of the .lty 1n oode$ tofNlllps, housing schere in posh and s4i porh area3, .overed area is @re ae cdpared to the hou3e3 in domtom, ord localities of the Rar.lpindi ctty. The ou6od.d Raralpindi cfty ltte Raja Baza!, comettl cho{k, akal garh, Rata a.d caral@ndt ar€ congest6dr thickly populated and hav€ open sefelag€ 5y5ts along {ith Nala !at. th.se localltles h.v. etther in.d€qEte ot det€liolated and dilapid.ted poltuted ervilouent. lrort of the ho8e3 infra3tlucture "!h alea ranqing frd 90 to 210 square vd!d! a!e rith a .ovE!.d {here.s tbe contemporaly tovns of the city ale genelal]v uith clos€d seweraqe systd. Thes. Iocalitie3 tnclud€ satellite tovD .!d lthayaban e si! syed. th.y have b€en developed i. the line of Urban PlanDing p.incipl.!. The coweted ar€! of hou.e. in these localltlee {ith.Iosed s.serage sylt.f ie up to 1500 The coveled a!€a 2.3 Clorth ir DloP.ttY vrlu. in th€ watre of plop€rty (both sale and porchase and rent of the house) is because of lisE ]n ddand of the hous€ a! capitaL good not as coNme! good, The lise 1n den.nd tas not b€cau.e of rise in the pe. capita incone of th€ household but due to the !i.€ itr deEnd of th€ property fo. lnvestrent pulpose. The Plice hike in !e.f estate busines3 is Rise unprecedent€d nole tban y€.!s (2000-2005) five hundred percen! duling Iart five . Tbe reasons for lec€nt hike tn plopelty !ale of ploperty ale h€althy and hore than the ElLuP flon bank depdsit and secDrities. Th€lefore, p€op1e inc.t nore in ploperty when goveluen! lnnouc€d ner housiig sector. rn tne city. The issuan.€ of Ii.€n5e to housing soci€tle6 botb flon CDA (C6pital Deweloplent Aulhorlty) and RDA {Ra'alpindi Developrent Aulhority) alro encoulaged the ner invesiors fo! investn€nt in real €rtate bank intelest rale on deposits is 1e33 than 3 i .nnuallv rhich 15 consider€d neag.! by th. investors hence elcoulaqed th€n to diwelt trleir invesftnt to lear The capital gaiD thlough purchase and The retlred pelsons rho do not have .xperienc€ of anv sort of busine3s f€el secule and c@folt.ble t'v itvestlng thei! penEion and glatutty 1n propertv busaners noPrnq to! dlal benefit of investient and becone the ovne! of an fo! the !ii. in PropettY valu€ ls th€ investh€nt by th. over.eas Pakistantr leturnlng frd Europ. and Anerlca in the aftemth of 9/ll Thev invested i! the prop€rty busine3s for th€ sde !€tsons as AnotbeE reason rele considered bY the Pedtoners ' rom location The lange of Gnt and awelage lent incleases The ave!.ge rent .ccolding to nunbeE of rods rro b.d R.@. rn 1995, the rent of tfo bed R!.1500 per month on average, lent of thlee bed loom house ra3 Rs.3500 and for lour b€d rootu it Gs Rs.5O00 p€r nonth The rise in the lent of house dulinE last 10 y€ars I.e flon 199s to 2005 i. rc.e than 100 p€!.€nt- It is obseded ihat rent lncreases nonin.lly by 10t fron 1995 to 1999, and flon 1999 onrard the hike in tbe rent is noted as !01 annuallv rhs B.d R.d. rn 1995, the lent of tblee Rs.35O0 on :ve!age. o{ lhe rent of sinltar tvp€ of house has goDe up 2.5 Ll|!t to tu.9000 pe! nonth. q?€r Therc are tro types ot tenantst private pe!3ons (Bu31ness cmunity, emproyees o! Pltvat€ fll$ and factories) 3nd gov€!@nt selvants. The differ€nce belueen tllen is that plivate tenant Pays rent oui of hls inc@ {hereas gov€r@nc tena.t Pays rent by lsing hirlDq faclitv provid€d bv the leePe.tive goverment depalthent i.e gove'ment pav! the ren' to the l.!dlo!d dlrectly. The gove'ment enPtovees "e gjten the house lent allorance o! ce!ling facilitv in accordance fith the set rules based on the designation or pav scale' ln rcle RaHai,plndi clty, the pelcent.ge of privat' tenants i3 than Gov€lNent tenants i e. lot ud 30t lespectivelv' Ther€ Ior Plopoltlob of Goc!@nt ale diaferent l,andlolds a!€ aflatd of tax departnent because the rev€rue d€parLn€nt charges Propeftv incd€ tax equar to luo rcnth rent of the hou36 (apploxiMt€rv) ' . The plocedule of aqreemeDt in 'ase of the qowerment Enanrs is tenqthv and requir€s sewela] fo!@lities In fact th€ agreenent is sign€d bet'een dep.rtnett and the landlold but th€ house is occuPled bv ln such a situation the laDdldrd is left vith rittle optio. and lib€fty it case he/lhe ralts to do ar:y *t the agF.tunt or tant to qet his house vacate<l the GowermDt goverm€nt pays houEe erployee and teaving rt s.arch o! Iiv. in lny R€centIY hae revised ite hillng Poll.Y. Nor allorance witb the 8:lary of th€ ar rhe di3cretion of ihe eoProvee to klnd of hoNe lnd jn Yhi.h IocalilY 2.5 t c,.Li.t1.! D-.dLal is; gover@nt lervant or The facil,lti€s g€nerallY Mtte! {hat kind of a cmon Mn, dre@ No d€Gnd€d bY the tenants . separate utitities @ters i.c. gas, electricitvr telephon€ and {aEeE. nl<te stleets and facilltv to parL the vehicle' . . ctean envtrodent i.e fre'h ai!, no d!'t and odour' ano clean drlDktng rater. . Independent poltlon. . fhey do not nant shale the uppe! o! ground poltion {rth othe! tenant and landlold p.rticularlv' 2.? r.!t br rad XEt.t t4,.!i6ao of tbe hoses are d€temined 'ccoiding to the clause the lent restliction oldinance Hou€wer? ine las Do rufe or quid€Iines fo! firinq the Mtimm rnd tinit of any tvpe of d'elllngs The landlord! have the rlght to &t tb. Et o! hou. snt .. !a! ld. rul and &y @dtflcati@ 9.n !.1,!y u!'d!i hlt€ i! !!. nnt. lt 1. A1.o an. to @ne1 th. .t!.ant .t 6y tta sttb r lotl€ Fd6d of ona enth .r p!..crl!.d by tlra cdt.ct l.e .t .ny ti&, not n c.r!A!y at th€ coipl.tloD ol th. cott ct t.6. G.@!dly 501 of th. l.!dlo!d! !t!d th€ cdt!.ct .nd @tln@ th.t! nlatto rltb th. telEt, dosE! th. t lett r.io luE .9.n .:t.!ml o! dvlrdDnt.t plobl.' 1... .i!t. ek, d!.tn, d16ta.c. to bustn€!! c.ntr., ov.!c!dd.d, dlrot .t!a.t! .nd cllo .tc sd 1nt.!Dl plobl@ 1 .. tst11.t16, r.t ! .vlll.bUlty, lsltrly .ic .n t! .4r1'rg o! b.tte! os. chapter 3 3.1 letlodc PloP.EtY lh.oq, {as developed and lsed in eally fortie! of nlneteen century and 8!!tlk (198?) .Ia1h.d that ftlst forMl contribution in hedonic ]ltelatule ra3 fld Court in 1941. tlov€we!, info@l hedonic atudy {as cde by Ha3s fifteen y.ais before coult and publi,ehed the tem "hedo.ic." The tem "ltedoni.s' is dellved flon the GreeL xo.d "liedonitos", ,hich sijipry rearc Pl€asure. I! tbe econdic contert, it lefer! to the utiltty or salisfaction rlon tbe conlsption of qoods and Hedonic @thod faj,! plic€ o! any goods and .€!vic65 le det€d1ned bv the rarket toices rith the condition that clket is pelfect. In the abr€nce ol MlLet the detedln:tio! of price is !e'11v a big question. there i5 no Mrk€t fo! thc envilomental goods lnd servtces baclu3e it is gifi of natu!. and not bought and sold dllectty. rhe cnvtromental qooG ald sE rer '!e to economic aood3 and the generally added bldding ptlce d€p.ad upon tb€ utilitv assoclated 'tth it' The Howeve!, unlike othe! conesption goods, lhe houeltg tarket 13 unique because lt reveal. the characteriltica of durabilltv' herelogeneity, and spattal ftrl!y. The hedolic plice hoder of idhelent .ttributes {R6.n, r97'l). The.efore, th6 price of ole house lelative to anolh€! tilI diffe! with th€ additiotal unit of tbe dlff€lent attllbut€s innelent in one house r€lativ€ to anotbet hoDse. The letative Prlce of a house is th€n the swation of all its nerqinal o! inplf it prtccr esttcted assNes lhat goods ale tvplcallv sotd a3 a Package through the leqlession analysis. air ot ,ater quality affects the r€nt and lnploves the prop€lty valu€. Rldker (1961) ras the lilst €cononist {ho eltinate. th€ b€nefit to hourebold by chanqinq the enviromErtal qurity. He ga@ The e.wiromental characierlstic gucb as !ea30n. rhich are as folloFs, 'If the l.od M.ket ras to rolk pelfectly, the Plice of a plot of land vould €qual the ss ol discountcd streans of b€n€tlts and co!ts delivabre fron it. If some or its co3ts llseE (€ 9., it additionar mintenan.e and cl€aning cosls EEe zequiled) o! if rone of its benefits fa1l (e.9., tf one aDnot see the be nountain flon th€ t€lrace) the plop€ltv till di3counted in the Mlk€t to r€flect peopl€rs evatuttlon of these changes since ait pollutlon i3 spo'lflc to Io.atio.. and the suPplv of location is ftxed' theF t! Ies3 lik.lihood that the negative elfects of pouution can be !ignificantlv shiftcd on to oth€r na!ketr' fle sbolld ther€fote erp€ct to find the @joritv of eff'cts leflected in this @!ket, and te can m€6sule theh bv (Ridtet ob.eEving associated ch.nges In plopelty values" 1961,251 It is difficult io ewaluat. th€ envllom€ntal qoods because they have no pfope! Mrket Th€lefole thev expltcit real estate cltet beca8€ real heteloqen€ous in qualitv and quantlty The plopeltv value linted sith enviloMental qualitv hat been deteruined bv the rillingn€ss to pav of the household The nost comon reth6d to In the first treasure ril1ingne3s to pav is th€ hedonic hod€l staqe, hedonic nodel assme v€cto! of prices for dirxer€nt houres. l{hile in second rtage, hedonic model stldies the indiwidual behavior in the Mrhet i-e eithe! rhe indivtdual behavio! is fdr .ontinuorE chorce o! dlscrete choice for fhe thesi3 eltiGtes the deMnd fo! houiing in R'walpindi citv and .vallates the ispact of open .e'erage !ent. si.ce teo different tvpe3 o! 3ere!ag' Evstens i €- opEr locatlonr of and closed 3eserag. svstetu erist at differ€nt the area ther€ the city ther€fore lent of th€ house varies and 16s This i3 dle to seserage systen is open !€nt ie olnios or un_ fact that open 3ereraqe svsten causes bad sEell' the values Bad slell hygienj,c conditions and Ioss to ae3theii' n€qatiwe $pacc on .e€n3 to b€ the stro'qest f'cto! that casts househord both fo! ho8e rent and reduces the 'illingness of oh€! and tenant of the house 3.2 E doDic P!ic. vats Lo&l i3 a fuhction of hr3 Asswinq that €lch i'divldual's Dtility ro'atloa of a cdpdite cot@ditv :";".*.t". "t vecto! ot structula1 :p"ciric e"vi.orentar 4€nlties O' a (no or to63 aqe lnd tvPe or houee th€ or .;;.....t""t." of characteliEtics of sr bv deDoted construction) (qutlitv of In 'hich he hous' is located a".- r*"r-".* to palks' storer and accessiblritv tate' cr1re ;"..t". t:".t cork place3) denoted bY N' valu' moder fhe assmptions for hedonic propertv lr€a 13 tleated aE rlnqle MrEer' ar'' all urban Free nobilitv of indivldual . choices ar€ avatlabl€' conplete iofo@iion about hou3ehold' clealinq .".-.. is in equirlbris Hith ! halket 5, ;;"t"t ard 1Es pric.", giuen che existtng stock of housinq 3. characteti3rics Iocation is' jth residentaal rhe of le.tal P!1c€ the so, xr, =xr (s,.lvr0,:) 1 as atl hoNe3 ale not h@qeneous in chalacte.i.t1cs th.lefore, eqr is non Iin€a!, The utility fron ith hour€ i. 2 x, 1e a Hictsiot cohposit€ qood 'tth prtce of 1 'lhole 3 brdget con.tlaint for J location it, M-Rr)-x=0 q is' The fiEst order conditioG fo! envitomnt'l aeDitv dutE Th€ -aR, paltiat d€livative of hedonic plice fin'tioD Rh ( ) qives jrplicit Mrqlnal prlce3 of the characteristics Thus the fron ioplicl! pllc€ allo{3 or lestllcts th' househord td hove th€ utilitv on€ 10cat10n to anothe! The indtvldual raalnlz€ nouse ar tha! 1eve1 thele turginal implicit price of th't bec@e €qual to @!gin.I rilllngn€s3 t' Prt' and o ale r! fiqur€ 2.1(:), paltlal relatlonshlp bet"en Rh The $hrle -rs 2,I(br shov! the Mrsrnal i-pLtctt pric€ or q,dl , rt also shors the Mlghal {lllinqDesr to pay ior t{o indlvidual k and n, rho have chos€n utility mximiztng bundlo of housins cha.act€risllca, thole :re lab€I€d ,'(4) andr'(q) characteriltics, the rtUtoqnes! to pay for q cy al.o depend on tewel. (Mrginal lnplici! prlc€s) of other chalact€li5tics, Th€ !4riTP function of 1th ildividual cln be derlve by dif f€rentiatilg the expe.ditule iunction i... b'=b'(c,9',s,N,u') s ,hc.e Qi 1s all ameniti€s except q, the eq 5 can €stii.t. the ,elfare chaDse of a. tadivid$l associatod tlth chanqes q, .s5uing th.t othe! things ale h6ld equa1. Ho{ewer if p leMin conlt.nt th.n the uelflr€ is d€t.mtned by lnteqratlng b ove! the relevant ralqe of the change ln q. Ho{ev.!, change! rn ooe ch.r.cterr.ttc effect thc hedo''c prtce ,sction. 3.3 rl6!.t1crL xod.L .&l r.1l.!€ lc..uL[€at c@petitiwe prop€rty Mr)Gt the p!1ce of hous€ Is not unlfolm becaue€ each house has dlffer€nt chalacte.letics and plices are d€peodent on the plef€lence of the con!@!- a .esly conltlucted hous. eith accoseories ha. higb pllce thar old one. G€relally It 13 asssed that th6 supplv of house is fixed ther€fole the prlces of house ts d€telmined bv dehand In. Folro'inq Rosen lr914l Ler Z=1.12.,...2,) represett the ' o! houEes. The equllibEia plice df a house contain3P-Pc)=P{2,,:r, J.}. rhis luDction i3 the hedonic price function o! hedonic plice schedule. rt i3 the equilibli@ plice schedule in given mlket It is lmpossible to exclude rhe diff€rentilted cha!.ct.ltrtlca frd !h. bou.e to @ke 1t simll.r. Thelefole the h€dontc p!Ic. lche<tule is not to be li!ea!. Folloxins R4.n (19?4) cons@r J',s d.cletoa involv.s a urtlhy lunctior. Ut =v'l'ir-',,'dl €q.1 subJ.ct to bldset constnint mr r4-,)+t eq.2 Zl - ch.!.ctelistics of the hous.. x - IoD bousinE good or ttickliln cdporlt. g@(1. (!r - soclo - Econoolc v.rl.ble r lll pries lnd lnc@ h.v. been no@ll2.d by dividing rltb thc prlce of "x' The first o!d.! condttoD. ar.; 2. U:. t 3. n = d.,)+, . r rncrc 4 1. the Mrsinll pric. o! chalact€llrt1c! i, /- hglang€ aultiPl,l€!. . e =;:r ir th. urgir.I r.te or rubrtltutlon betcen chlrlct6rtstlca of nou.. .nd cdlpoll!. too<t The individu.l rll,llngn6s. to pay d€P€nds on chalact.r1ltics ot houle, his iDcom, p!€f.!.nc. and th. l.v.!e of utilitv .ttalr.d, Thl. te "Roeen bid functlon- t.e, u1-lz,i) _etqit=ul flb.!. by et =eJg,ut.dg'l ditf.!.nliatlrq eq 7, lt - Iht - qives ,l^= Ih-t e- =U -U: '2u,U.u,+U -vi <0 It quantity of one charactellgtics lncleaeE hoLdtng coNta't inc@ .nd s.tilfaction, bid f6ction inc!€as" ('q 8)' Eor highe. utillty alm "x" tha bid h.. to be lofer' eq 9 e €q 11' sho{6 that th€ rolginal btd for zI i' Ies3 a! tle quantitv of zi l.crsasee, eq 10 !!ds tllat al! additio^aI inc@ lust be as' us€d in the bid for hous€. stnce 4=l' it cD b€ tlltt'n diagld has be€n !ho'n in risure Th. dilgrd shor5 onlv one cha!'ct'!i3tic z! and hotd' 2.2, ^Q,U,6).6'(Z,V)+B all otbe! ch.lacteli.ti Roze! price llne 1! convex o! line.!. lh€ ildividu'-L qets utllity fmction is r.p!€!.nt'd bv th€ ' the lndivlsiblg ptice of hou!'' zo lev€I of chalact.rts!1cs 'nd Pavs P {zo) in x sine the utilltv I. Dnotonicalry lncletting fsction t"tl i..- U - U(zt,',". ',"]an| cln b€ inv"t€<l ro sei- x-vI4"" good tlong flth Eq 13 erpl.ins tha qu,ntltv o! Hlksian charact.ristics fo! . giEn Ievel of utility' Th€ hedonic x -v\zJn - n- el',',nl- 4'tz.'l Finc 2.2 weltor M.tl6@l la th€ bld a clos. !.lalionshiP occu!' bot*en chtnq€s hold the that 'ill function aod .hange! tD the new!'ire old€r condttion lor tbe ftlst Th€ conetant' *ttta" ,.".t "t t'r aII i uiilily Dxlsizatlon Probl6 idpller ttlat ''("r)=4 and P(r,=r(t.!.t) f!@ the blds't conlttaint 'rhus e'ch individat! i3 As the socio econmic co(lltion of b€ diff'ren! @nq diff€ientr the bid lunctiont sill al3o individDl har the srdlnq individuals. h equllibli@ 'acb For non crtlract6ti'tid the on dependins ho*e ;;; t.. "". fac' a non rlnear price sch'duler h.donlc linea! hir utilltv ritn cxlri2's individull BDt co!.t!ai!t budqet the lineali2ad budget constlalnt shere the Plice3 tot the charact.liltic pa.@ters are equal to the M4intl prlces lor th. hous€ ,itb a<tiult.d incme. rncd€ has to b€ adlusted b€cauee tbe actual erp6ndittle oD houling tith th€ t'ue equiliblis prtce sch€dlle ril1 diff€! frd tb6 exp6ndttule if the the pltc€ of..ch uDit of chartct€riEttc6 i! 6qua1 to tu=,-P<zr+Lp,'" rh€le d it adjust'd lncoG_ bv inc@ In eltituting inv€lse d@nd, Plicee ate nodlited no@1iz6d bv the but in hedonlc nodel, plice! and lnc@ tr€ th6o!8tr vields prlc€s of the ns€latle X Th€ ho!€Ilinq inver3e dedlds sd tba lilearz'd bldget "..*a.*.""o tu=',p,,'+'' 'c'r1 slbstitut. by d in €q 15 'it voul<t b€ ' *=z+'.'t'= substitutinq eq 15 9tre! uncoloen3ated inv€tsc del@d fo! 3.a ixt nt o! the Italk t pllce schedul€ ls the equillbria price 'ch'dule in single Mrket. It there are sev€tal Mil€ts hedonic €quatioD run3 fo. each clket and hence are !6ject th€ hvpothesls Providing that the c@fficient3 eqlal. ThIs is b€caEe th€ function6l fon l3 not 'pproprra@ or the equations ale ni's-3Pecitied Such nisep€cific'tion €ven if thev are need! not be econonicallv 'ignificant nuib6t of coNNers significanc statisticallv lf th're ale thoee areas can rould consld6! the aMlnative areas then 'ho onlv alise then be treated as Eepalate @!k't Ptoblens ln fact th€le are often sepalate crtetr ar€ tteated as one envirodental issues aa"a"tae*.f using sMt1e! a!ca3 if the hazald ttst' sater eg can be addlessed {ltb in the alea The hedonic 3.5 stlbj.lity or! Ii!€ consse! chanses rcr€ 3lo{rv the of taete lhat asEu€d i3 It prices; thererore rt 13 hourtne ovelar' in .;i".;.-.""""'" tine 'ltn ***ttca} tests of lser€qation ove! * ". dlNv w'riable for the vear "i""tb1. n"*1nn *t* indea For example hedonic Eeq'ession 'h6re ;;;;" ;'" can be incruded 1! th€ price fio{ewe!' valiabre is the or da'ia over tine rhe "". ""***. aqqleqat'on the ;;;"-;";..." is based on the d€ctsion or cohParrns .r;;".;;; "".'""" or the con!*ained '^d unconstlained ;;.;" ".'.. incr€as'd bv mole than t0 €tror staDdard the ,t ..n**-.. lto{ev€' aqqresatron over lqsreq'tion leject' ;.;..;. ' "."" lorqer period ls often acceptable' 3.6 hDctioEl toa The fuDctioEl tom of the h€donic equatton ha3 to be deterntned froh the data. E.!Iy .t!die! usEd sinple fulctional folG i.e. lilearr s€r1-1o9 .!d log ltneai. sor€verr ltllvo!!€n of the quadlatic Botco, function.I fom but rhe ,!ong tlaDlfodalton of the enviroMntal wariabl,€ could hrve . lalq€ lnpact on the enviromental rclfale neaeule, The onitt.d or nirEpectfled w.rbbles ln Bor-cor also Gduce the fl€xibllity of the functional fom. The quadrattc box-cox fom did {€1I vhen ihe esliMred equation contained all tb. ch.racteristics. Tbe lin€ar Box-coa a^d ewen sinpler foms (lin.ar. seri-Iog) u€le beat fo. transfomtion, and Pollakousi(i (1931) sugg€sted th€ u6e 3,7 ta.rsut-.nt of tb€ llvilo@dt v.ti&t r If the propelty values ar€ to be lffected, the pollutants have ro be percElved by th€ lesident!. It is €lsv to obtaiD th€ objective neasule l.e. nicrogls p€r cDbic, Pa'tt p€r r lloD' ItoH€ver t'an3fornaclons of the obiecrive De..ure 6te Ehe b€tte. ploxy fo! coN@r percePtio!. often, th'se tlansfomations fould suqq63t increaslng Mlginal daroges flon the pollutant. Horeve!, 1f lesidents eD t.ke steps Eo mltrq€te Eh€ daGg.s, Mrqrn.l ddages htv noE b' mDotonicalty inclea3€d. A3 the level ol tbe pollutrnt fi!3t (he deg€s 'ould increale 't 'n increaslnq rate, but on.€ the pollutant 1ev€Le!€ hiqb enough to induce avelting b.bavio! total da@ges tlght inc!€ases at a decleasing rate. su .y i! anothe! nethod used for tpe'1lic chalact.ri3tics. lloreve!, the prices of house do not rell€ct true perceptlon of the colsuer becalse p'lces 3.8 R€ntl1 v/r lr!€t Pricc€ plice is tb6 capltaliz€d value of the anticlplted furure service! provided by rhe ho$€, The lental p.tce i. the value of those servlces over the c@ing ho nth or oth€r !€nta] contract peliods. If it i. eapected that there {ill be a change In th€ €nvilodental conditions in futule, these e*pectations uould be !€flected 1n the 33Ic prlce blt not in The sal€ 3.9 liliDg of lDvi.EoDDnt l lq).ct8 |{hen thele i3 exD€ctation o! i.fomtton lbout chanEer p!op?!ty vElue capitaliz.! futule rents on the ba31s of household €xpoctattons. PloP€ttv valu€ react before the change in envlroment occu. and adjusted quickly then people re.,ise their exp€ctations. It ii asgued for Plopeltv value that .o^suner5 have knouledqe a.out the ch.nqe !D enviromcn_' Thir considerttion can be considered bv conducting hedonic rbe.1! at dlff€rent tin€s in th€ evolution of the changing enviromental conditioD!. xolhas. (19911 studied toxic vasie d$ps in fio3ton citv ard fosd that negatrve hpact on prop.ity occu! ehen qov€rm€nt listed the plop6rtv a3 nazarc ,a5te stte. xiel ud t€chlain(199s) constluct'd th€ hazard Rast€ site by considellnq fiv€ .tate 3tarting flon p!e_!sor and qoing through rmo!, construction, bring on line and finally ongoing operations. First tto staqes ale iftlqniticant uhile th€ legults of last three stages.re Eiqnificant' 3.9 s€Gch Co.tt .!d tir. oD th. x.rl't' that th€r€ is perfectlv cmp'titive @!ket 'ith no siqnificant transactions and noving cosis to th€ household A,mosr rear e.care Mrke!s d'e suDje.r to a wtrretv or trarcacttons and howinq costs- ln selIing a hous€, the ofner It i3 a3s@ed detemiles a teselvation price, accePtinq off.r tbat n€et or erceed th€ re.ervation pric€ and lejecting othe!!. The lesedation Price i5 set to Mxitrit. the expected v.Iue of the 3a]e !o the ovner then tbe .osts of tliting a!€ conside!'d If a house is subject to an adeelse 6nviiomental e:lec! this nav hlve tro €afects The plobabllitv of rec€iving !n offer in ' give. tire period av be !€duced s1!ce there @y be fe{e! polential coNlrcrs. o the othe! hand, the rete ation prace probably ,ilt be lover, rhich lead to shorter dulatlon on the 3.10 t.t!.rtiag t!. Dr&d tot twlto@trr ouUtv E3ti@ting prefelenc€ or de@nd for coviloMnla1 qualltv ln gtsps 1 1) Th' the h€donlc nodel 13 u.uallv don' in tro ' eltiiation of the h€doni. €quatlon and 2) the PalareEelr e.tiMtion froi lhe bedonic 'quation Th"e Par@ters on tn' calcul.te the Mlginal pric€r 'bicb cdbine flth dlta data on quantities of lhe chartctelisticr and socio-econdic the pulchas. to €stiFte the de6nds' thai 3ince a nonlinea! price equation provldes lt eould be ralying clginal pllces tithi! a single mrket for anv possible t6 estihate the dc@nd ard supplt function data polnt on n1s €nviromental chalacterlrtica prlce of o! ner dd.rd fuactlon camot qive Mrg_nal bpliclt is to De lFecific chalacte.isticE If the d€Mnd fnn'tion oaaitiotul infodtion !u!t be u3ed The ia...iri.a, and Ros€n ldentificatio. is3u€ 'as denonstrated bv Brotn price rl932r. thev used the 3lrple case shere rhe h'don'c lhe dnd schedul€ !s qucdra!rc in th€ characLerrstr's Rosen sugg.3ted rhe qu.draric h€donic characteristic!, the estiMtes of function calculat€ elqtnal plices in linear fo@. In . sinqle Mlket, identification can be achieved in sevelal 'avr suc! as by excluding som€ charact€listica tlom the defrand equarlon, isposing restriction on the palan ters or bv nonlineatltie! in th. equation. A! attentive sav of acbleving 1d€ntlfic'tion i' by i3rng daE. frot sev€!aI nalkets o/ sepalatlng t 'ough or tempoi.!!lv. 'L ir n6cessttv to a3sse thar 3prr 'alIy cons@rs rith tbe sare rocio_e.ondic profil€ have lne s&e ptefelence r€gardless of the citv in rhlch thev 1lve Th€ hedonic prics lch€dlle and ralginal impltcit plrce ]e crlcu!ated for each M.k'L and residenL H€ncer de@nd ln function is esti$t€d bv cdbintDg d't5 acioss Mlkels dlffelent Mlkets a parttcuta! tyPe of itdividual troutd fac€ of drffelenr p'ice3 .nd Mke dif er'nt choices and bec'u3€ thjs djffelenc. several points on ' deDnd curve is observed' @rE If the assuiPtion that an tndividuat {ould have tbe sae this rethod of no natter {here he o! she lived it aPplopllate' on a choeen ide.tification ie rcre acceptable then dep€ndinq Chapt r 4 a.1 D.t coll.ctioo the oblective of this thesis is t. evaluate the impact of open sev€lage sysrem on lent of residenttal plopertv in Raralpindl city of Paki3t6n. The di3aenity variabl. for open seterage systef is the odour editted by eevelage channels Accoding to ratlo of open and .lored se'erage area i3 '70:30 respecttvely therefole '70$ of the households sere select€d by etratified randm rsplirg !!om total lanple of 1000, out of total 3mp1e of 1000, the thesis selected ?01 hous€holds by a stratilied landom sdpre from oPen sererag€ a!€! and 299 householdr frm clorad area. The sfuata is ba3ed on th€ cove!€d alea of the hou3e l.e. squale ya!d, Th€ stratu an ADB| report, the 1) l€ss tb.n 90 .quare yad 2) Bet{een 90 to 210 square yad 3) lrore ch6n 2r0 squale yard. of hous. sizes accolding to census lEport5 ir less than 90 rquale yald are 26t, bet{€en 90 to 210 squ!re The propdrtlon yald are 53t and hore than 210 squ.re yard ale 16t. of th€ thesis i3 to €valuale rhe inpact of open seferage systeh on hour€ lent ,ith lesp€c! to distance to sererage and exlstence of op€n r€s€laqe; therefore 2tl sanpLe point! have been selected through cooqle mp (fig 3.1), Th€ dist!ibution of suple points vas accolding to open-crosed sereiage piopolrionr 30 16 sarrle point! rere selected fron open seielage area and I sanpl€ points floh cloEed serelage The oblective area *ith !0 hoNeholds on averaqe frd..ch (see Table 3.2 6 3.3) slnpl€ poht. in rhe donth of August-sep!€Dh€! 200?, The qu€stiolnai.e has 9 s€ction3 in orde! to q.lher itrfomatlon about the background of the hous.hold, the intelior of th€ house, the nelghborhood va1!e5/ the anenitles and dis!renitie3 related questions, .nd th€ health and dsograpby of lhe household. The GPs cooldinates of €ach household s63 hearur6d by usiDg the E_TEC inforGtion 'as also colte.tod about th€ ddographic characte!tstlca of hous€ho]d! luch ar f.nitv st2€, aqe, education lewe1 of hougehold head and spouse, and the occupation of the housebold head and spouse_ The inco@ of hous.hold was conputed thlouqh tbe hou3ehord re'lth !!dex' The daia sa5 collected the theEis do€. not u3e the lental varse of the entire buildilg but consider. onlv the valu€ of 'ent ol flrst tloor (g!ou!d portion) of the ho!3e For hdoqen€ity' tne infoletion about 3tlucture, rnterlor and household or f1lst information is !rso taken flom the ground p"tion fo! taking or coosidering the floor of th€ sublet lert of ground portion of the house is that I!'d lord partv' the first and 3€cond floor of th' hous' to other of qround floot Anothe! 3ignlflcant r€ason of cotsidering lent to of the house i3 that vatue of garage and rasn ale rttlch€d tenan! and osner of The lnfomation Has .ollect€d flon both the omer the houee. The lnputed ient of house {a! alred frd the value of of the hou3e. flon the acculacv sas to be lnput€d r€nt the ploPerty detle! of 3me sohala!' 'dnfired 1.2 D.8cltptiv. strtiatl'ct 4.2.1 e.mr.I Info4tion The Raralpindi city has nole th.n 2 rillion poPulatlons but 553 people berong to Raralplndi in open sereraq€ alea and 43t people i. clo5.d e.reraqe a!€a. The fifly percent ol poputation niqrated f!o( other cities due to job (55x) and .ducation (141) the stattstlcs ehovs that that 64t p€opre 1n open seselage area.p€aL Punjabi at hon€ ubLre 55t peoPle of clos€d sererase area .p€ar Punjabl. ?he Mjo. cast of th€ people i3 !R.jput' in both open and cloeed s€veragc area 4.2.2 BnlllnE luaoutio! It !3 found that 1n op€n and ctor.d sererag€ area ttentv sev€n percent houres have .lnqle 3to!y buildiDg. sh e 651 bous.s h.ve doubte story bu1lding. The Mxima plot slze ID bolh sreas i5 th. sde but the ftan plot slte lE less tn th€ oP.n The variation 1n lhe nunbe! of bedrodsl draring roons, tetewi.ion lolnga .nd b.thrddN the ca3€ of both areas. But the closed seselag€ area has (ore srluctulal characteristica in the foo of a 9ara9€ ed ram " HeLI as mole netqhbolhood facillties compaled to the op€n ser€lage arc.. The niDiod life-rpan of a house in tha crd€d and op€n lererage area is on. yea! shtl€ the maxins life-span is 66 yeaB for the clo3ed serer.qe ar.a and 32 v6'rs for the So, for Instance, the rent or th€ open 3e,erage area. Ia.qeet-size houle in th€ open sererage.rea is R3' 20r000 Hhile the !€nt for the sde-size hous€ in th. closed se'erage .rca i3 Rs. 2?,ooo (Table 4.11. loreov€r, the develoPed than those in the dpen closed se{elage ae evidenced bv the flct thlt 30 perceDt of hous€hords i. the fomer have t1led bathroons tn conpartson wirh the 16 percenL of louees ]n Lhe open E€reraq€ ar'a ln aleas {1th .pen !€tetaqe. 33 pelcent of kitchen cupboards are of {ood rhile it is 55 pErcent in aleas rith closed gererage. This neaN that 62 pelcent of kitcbene in the open sefelage area do not h.ve cupboalds lor pla.inq crockely iiens. This slggests that tlle opeD s.rerag€ .r€a ir less made developed conpared to the closed seweraqe area, the mean lent in the opeD a.d cl.sed sereraqe area is Rs. {s?5 and R3, 6592 respectively, is higber by Rs, 2000 f6! the closed sererage a!ea- The exirtence of open sereraqe lines at3o decr€ases rhe range in ient, 4.2.3 oiility ..avl€. nous€ho]d have separate utility metels for electriclty/ gar and tel,ephone. rAsA euthority supply the drinking *ater to th€ city and ft is found rhat {3* peopl€ are not satisfied ulth tb6 rater guality in open sexerlg€ alea Hh1le in closed 3ere.agE area th. uate! complaint! are 23t {,2.4 N.tthborhood to pubtic hospital lDd public part is atso of rhe open sereraqe alea a3 eonpa!€d to the closed leue.aqe area. The nean dist.nce !o uolk place, {Raja b.zaalr Cme.cial @rker) are 21 and 22 mrnute lespectrvely in open ser€lage ar€a a6 conpare to rS and 12 ninute in c1oled s€uelage distance to pubtic hospital j,s 20 ninure in op€n se{eraqe area rhite tt is t4 mlnute in .tosed s€uelage area. The rean distance 4.2.5 lnvt!6|etrt The enviromental quality i3 also berte. in lhe closed inten.ity of 3nerl i. tes3 cohpared wlth the oFen alea. The study found that the household .ffimed the Mjor reason for siell is distaDce to nala Lai. rhe qual!Ey o! t-e t'e51 d!! n tn. mornrng t5 oeq'a -J Lh. closed sererag€ aleas 'ith Iess 3m1l a3 compared to that tn tbe open se'e.aqe alea. The statistica also sho, that the evening ai! i! fleshe! than the molning a1! in th€ op€n seserage a!ea, The study locared the soulce of the 3reIl in the seperate channels slnce 94 percent o! the open atea i'as "Nali" for se{€laq€, the .ity has no ploper systcn to drain rain slte.r {hich thelefore run3 through the city st.e€ts dom to ihe Mln "Nala ,.i." ln tlte open seu€lage area, s€werage channels c!!!y the rain water. Since th€ d..inaqe svsten ts not v.11_o!ganized and develop€d, lain sater rixes f,ith sererage {aste and reMl.s pooled in the 3treets fo! long that the intensitv of sh€I] 13 higher in the slme! seasonr €sP.ctalIv on lalnv davs Th€ noNoon season in the city of R.valPlndi stalts in th6 months of Julv and Augu3t {hi1e the tenperatule dutjnq lhese uo'ths t'mins since the s€rerage at its @xinu lev€Is for Pakistanchandels ale s.6Etered acrdss the citv Ilke a spide!-v€b' in order to masuie sererage distance. {6 cal'ul't€d the close3t polnt fld the Min "NaIa !ai" to the bou3e in anv dllection The srddy fodnd that the natin@ uring GPS cooldtnare. distan.e floE hoNe to rhe nearelt Nala Lai is 15?3 metcrs i! The study also found the c1o3ed eetelage rvsten ar€a (see Tabre 4 a .2 . 6 D*gE PhY ol Bat.h6l 1) d the 'rhe freat fahilv-3ize ,a! thiee Personr pei hoD3ehold fhile fdI1y size ranged fton one to t*entv thr€e persons per houee The populatlon densitv in th€ closed se'erage lvsten alea 'as 6 persons per house fherca3 it sa3 ? persons pe! house in the open seweraqe svste6. The 3tudv found that in open 'e{erage systen area the MIe adult nenbei are nore The cninm aqe of hou3e hord 3e{€!age ctosed head 1! nore 1n oPen s€v€laq€ systen ar€. but etudv tou.d that avelage age ir nole i. clo3ed 3ev.tage 3v3td tor healthy 11fe 1n closed s€{erage sFten t!€a 13 rhat th€y to *at.! tbtn di!6!se5. The llteracv t.te 15 nole ln closed r€{€!.ge syst4 a!e. as cdlpa!. to ope! .ese!.!r. systs .!ea .nd it is foutd that 1'l houlehold head .!e gradGEe! and 8l h6.d of hou3.hoLdr Possers crt€r d'gtee only 4 ! household'3 b.ad in open sevellg€ tyst'h a'er hd€ Mste! deq!6€. lt is llter.stilg tbat education of spoule of h€rd tn op.n and clot€d ser€r.qe lvsL'n tr'a are velv cl63e The household in opeD sere!.ge.ysteo !r€ lelf 'nplolcd bv using thei! .tt1ls thtle houlehold in cl6€d 3€v'r'qe rFteD alea .!e dolng bu.Ine3s. The occuPation of epouse of bous€hold {ife'! i! both alets i.205 {hUe SOt spou3es ale ho$€ '!f€' ar€ te3s exposed Chapter 5 lta P!a!eDc. of go.l1 . 5.1 tlttoahrotioD 0!e of tbe ba6ic probleme of any developing country is to plovide shelter to the lov Incon€ gloups, The housinq does n.t nea. sh€lter onry bur lt lncludee the s€lvic€s lelated to it i.e. sanitation, ser€rEg€, str€€t cordltlone and "ate! et.. The qoverment pol1.1e3 lelat€d to tbe provlElon of such facilities have greate! thpa.t on the quallty of tife and standald of living. Th€ d€MDd lo! housing !€flects the ,illiDgless to pay for a .et of ho!3ing 5.!w1ces. is a set of Gny goodlt the nurber of bed.6tu, bathrom, quality of 1ocal lcpic6s a.d utilitiesr tidines3 of rhe neighlDlhood and qElity of th6 Iocar The house (Katherine. 2006) Tbe dtffe.ence iD value Mv be due to nolsing and neigbhrhood charactolt5tic. Hith @nitv or d*aGnitv "It happ€n€d that: houee {ith dlffelent different locations ntqht h.v. 3ame p!1ce and a stmila! house tn dtfferent loc.tion have different that Pllce 6tluctule refle.ts t'o sepa.ate though related set! ot lnfluences Hhich fo! convenienc€ are temed drell,ing and location factors." (cirkinson. 1973) , Jdes and Beth (2002) obs..ved that locatio. has alfavs beed an important deteminant of p.op€rty'3 value and the fdd to the city centre h.. the higheei value- Befole lodern tlalsportatiorr nost p€opl€ pr€f.rred to tive closed to vo!t. closed it i3 the quality of the a.ea vhich attracte lhe residents, ,orkers and busi.ess tunaqels to settle. rnenities {green field, fresh air etc) and th€ disarenity (noise, du3t/ dEain elc) often lnfluence the d.cision! of houlehold ln developing countrles, it is erperlenced that th€ calse of Io{ deGnd for enviromnt.l good3 i5 Poveltv that is ,hv households do not attach ueight to am€nitv and ignore !i5k factor fo! health €v€n rhen they xele awlre of the threat and pelils fo! bearth and hygiene conditions. rhe los incoG of houeehold creat€E a gaP bet{e€n dehand and supplv of enviroMental goo&. Slnce there i3 no Mrk€t for enviromentrl qoods therefore plice (.ent) of house €ptules the {itlIngn€ss of househoLd for ai! qualitv, {ater qualltv Nov day3r .nd distanc€ fron a toxic aite. 5.2 lit t tut. R.vi€t plopertv Thele is no published wo!k in Pakistan on hedonrc on value for exeining the inpact of enviromental e$ellalitv house p!ic*. llor€ver, xinistrv of bourinq have leportr on BuildiDq <lemand of housing uniie ard according to Hou3e houles Fj,nan.e corporatlon of Pakistan, the d€Mnd of ulban t grows at a rate of 3{ p.a. rhich creates a lhortaqe ot niIllon house lnits in urban 6reas (RIzvr' 1993) The price or the 3hortaqe of hous€s not onlv inclea3es the c6pital house but also caur€s incr€ase in the rent Ridker {195?l concluded that air Pollution has 3iqniflcant eftect on proPeltv vatue, thelea! rreeMn {19?4 and Rosen (!9?4) inteipre! the hedo.ic plopertv nodel by takinq lhe d€rivative of hedonic ptice function 'ith re3pect to air pollution, They estinate the narqinal inpliclt prtce fo! iFprov€nent in air Poltutlon literature found that sewerat studi.s have been done in other developinq countries Iike India about the estin.lion of ddand of houlinq unit an<t measu!€d the inpact to leduc€ air pollutioD. uurty et aI, in 2004 eatiMtes rh. function of ulban alr quallty 1n tbe cltv of Hvderabad and secunderabad in rndia. He found that a tvpic.l househofd in twin citier ha. levealed anDual rilllngness to pav foE reducirq urbatr air pollutlon flom the curlent level to the saf€ level is Fs 4,499.12. The et.rl. (2000) found that "it i3 importatt to neasurc denand for housing in the conte*t of qrotth of citie3, tncone expaNion lnd cha.ges in relatite plices f,ffective policv lequlles knorledge of hor MrLet allocates lesoutces to hou!ing, ho{ hoheornels and leotels bld fot hot"tns' ho' hor developeis a.d conilactols re3Pold to houetng deMld' and Plyush govelMent regulations and actions stinulate housing mlket actlvitv". s.h€dule of .ftnltie. (r{irchell et al,19?5) rh.n the citl i5 3Mtl and open' the prop€lty values at anv location depend onlv on arenlties at that location. I{ofewer fo! closed citv, plopertv values ai any lo.alion depend on areniti€s throughout the city ln th€ smll be used to open nodelr cioss 3e.tion regression re'ults Mv predict a ne{ rent schedule The rate of re't schedule mu't The renr of the house depends on a decline, a3 ole nove fulther flon the centla1 bus1ne35 disrlict (cBD). The gain iD utililv fom denltv at a fa! distance foln cBD i! 1e3! than the utilitv of tlatsportation so hlqh ar €xpense. Trampoltation costs ar€ asssed to b€core the citv tn€ sone distance fron the cBD but at boundlrv of of subulban c-!Y Hedoni. plices are defined a3 the inplicir pltc€s of atrribures o! chalactertstica (Rosen.19?5), Inpllcit p!1c€5 are estieted by the first steP legres.i.on an.Ivsis (produc! price !eg!eesed on cha.acte!isti.s) in the con!tructlon of hedonic pric€ index- aly Iocation on the plan conpetltive equilibli@ of buyele and sell€rr' Thus a'v Iocatio! on the plan is lepre3ented bv a vector 'ith ith charact€ristlcE. The eristence of product diffe'entiatio' lnpli6e that a wlde valietv of alternative packages ale a'aitable. cohpetitlon prevails b€cause slnqle agenB add zelo reight to the Grket and tleat plices p(z) a3 palametlic to their decision. rt ts assded tha! a sufalcie'ttv la'qe Dulbe! of differenllated products are available 3o warious corhination of z is coDttnuou3 fo! aIl plactical purpose. as the tasie (a) of each co!3wr varies th6lefor6 the equilibriu value dep€nds on both Incore (v) and taste uurtt in 2o03 found that urban ai! pollution cause! bealth losseE d@qes due to nolbiditY and lortalitv effect3 a3 also of enviromenlar an.nltv benefits due to r'duced vtsibllltv to lhe Iocal restd€nts. u€.eulehent of !he3e lorses f'd ai! pollution i3 ihportant in o!de! to fomutate th6 envirorental Trudy et el (2006) estiGte the loc6lized disd€nity as a ploxv ror peiceived risk and fouDd thlt th€ ho{eve!' nav magnltude of distance erfect on housing pricesr the direction in 'hich it i5 being reasule<l The The dista.ce effects frav not be the sde in all directions plopagate novem€nt of sulface or ground'ater could 'oncetvablv the dacg€3 frm dater Pollution farther in lde direction affect€d bv than oihels and visual and noise pollution can be depend upon Jan€t E. Kohlase (1991) e!tlnat€ the tnpact of toxic sr.te elte on housilg pric€s in Bostoa coloDy of UsA and found that the bouse *bich are closer to the toxic ait€ face less nalginal value ol $4940 and S 34?6 tf house is 1_ni1.. 2 nile dist.nc. range respectively. selgio et al (2002) tound that aplrtents located in the pioxiniti.. of the 3€ra9e t!.atett 3tation h.ve lelatiwely 3@11.! Prices, in relation to ritril.r ones loc.ted If thele ar€ no changes ln.nvilom€nt then the hous.holds have the same utility. flh€n th.re 1! Iittle scope for !h€ inprov€h€.t io enviromental valu€s, then the coneaer'3 utlllty and th€ hedo.ic plice lch€dufe Itor.r.., the orner of th€ hous. .a!ns caPital qain or loss du€ to cnange in enviroreDt. Th. .n.lyeis c.n also t,e done for a Ioc.Iiz.d eatemality rhen ther€ ale tlansactions ad mving cosr3 ,ithout esti@ting th. bid turctidn3 (Palnquist 1992b1. The exisliDE liter.ture on lhe hedonlc prop6lty nodels found negativ€ .ttelnllity in the shaP€ of bad smell and distance fr6 !€rer.gc treat4ert plant o! toxi,c raltc !1te on house !e.t. Th. oPen re{erage channels/ svlt€n ele th€ unique charactelistica o! Rafalpin<ll citv. Thi3 pape! lncolpolates the impact of b.d 3tr.11 orlglnating !!om dlftelent typ€s of open serelage rystem tn Ratalpindi cltv. 5. 3 !{rltlctl xo.br : open s€velage srell on house renr, for this purpo3e ol,s technlque tE used to estiMt€ the d€h.nd for rent in Raralptndl clty The depeDdelt variablE js The study estlmtes the inpact of lhe rent of the house. t (.g._hs, p32_hs, bd_tur d4_he, tvl-hs, bth_h3, grq_h8_av, lm_hs_.v, hl_ft_ch, nt_bt_tl, cb_b!_rd, cb,kt-Fd, vn-dr-tnr vn-kt-wn, !t!,cod, tln-hos, rt_!p-@. hh-rlth' ss-op-ll, ft_col, tihjik, sr bk_la, ra_3c_la, sn_in_oc, sm_rn_al. The op€n 3e*e!age syst.D has different tvtes of ridth and deprh and the intensity ol 3c1l valies accolding to the sevelage type/ lherefo!€ 1n older to diff€r.ntiat€ the ifrpact of each t}?e of seretage, the lhesis leed dl@16s 'nd the mdel ao! diff€t.ni tt?e ot seser:g€ svstem ale give' b€lor' In this nodel the variabt€s shich 3!e telated to !tructur., nelghbolhood .halacteri!tl€s and faclliti's 1s us'<r to eapl.i! the r.nt of the louse. r! thir tudel the phYelql chaia.telistica of op€n s€relage 3ysteh ie incorpolated to explain their inPact on house reni' The dlmies fo! these v.!1ables arer rn rhis nodel intensity of snell fron th€ oPen seH€rage sy6t€n is us€d !o explain tbeii inPa.t on house i€nt. Tbe dwdes for the3e vsriabres.re, 5.3. r1 xo<r.I a In thir hoder physical .hatacteli3tlcs and lhell int..ritv als used to explain the vali.lion In house !ent. Thir rcd.l is Ged alMe variable of se.ond and thild nod€I. 5.1 i..ultt .Dd Discu..ionr: PIot sIze, no of bed !oom. t€].vl3ion lounqe, b6th !oon, store, garage, 1aun, distance ln tih. to parL and hou3€hold rearth hav€ slgnificant !6sult in.lI fou! nodels at !{ tevel. Iheleas, tf th€ bath-om Mterill t3 of tile, tha. it ha. : poritiv€ i,npact on house ient .t 5$ significance l€vsl. The disrance to hospital in tire by using anv kiDd of trjnspolt also hav6 a neqaliw€ tupact on house lent at 5t l6vE1 in all porltlve and negativ€ tnpact on of th€m are significanl Erccpt availabiliry of draring roon and draHilq lod soo<l-cupboald sbo'e .iqnifi.ant i4act oD hous€ lent at 10* Ievel. The othe! variabtes atso has .Il the independ€rt vallabl€lr awailab itv or galage and larn ha! biqser inpact on the hous€ rcnt bv tu.929 and R3,1435 p€r nonrh lespectively. (t!bl€ 5.1) Ahonq 5. {.:. independent va!iabl€s explain 63C variltion ln the dependent variable. The adiuste<l R-sqlare i3 3l3o 0.63 but In thi! rodel 1s siqniticart.t 10t significance level. th. F_ 5.3.4 raod.l a rn thi! model pllysical chalacteristics rnd snel] int€nsity are used to erplaln the varlatlon in hou!. rent. Thle nodel is used alr the vartable of 3econd and tbi.d model- 5.4 R..uIt. tiral Dlrc"ussiolt: Plot rize, no of bed roon, television lounge, bath roonr srore, galage, 1ah, distance in rire to palk and household realth have 3ignificant result in all fou. nodel3 at 1l level. thereas, If the bathlooh mte!1al i! of t1t., than it h:5 a positive inpa.t on hous€ lent !t 5t significan.e level, The dista.c. ro hospttal !n ti@ by $ing any *ind of traneport al3o hav. a neqatlr6 lnpact o! nouse lent at 5i levef Ln al,l ilFact on of th.n are signlficant ercept The other valiables also has po3itive and D€E.tiwe avallablllty of dla{lnq roon and dra{ing loon wood-cupboald shors significa.t inp.ct on holse rcnt at 10t level. rnonq alI rhe i.d€pendenr valiables, avallabllity of galage and lain hls bigger inpact on lhe house rent by Rs,929 and Rs.1435 p€! honth lespectively, l!.ble s.1) independent va!1ab1ee exptain 63t wariatlon tn the dependen! variabl€, The adjurt€d R-square 13 atso 0.53 but In this nodel the constant is significalt ac l0l siqnificance telt value is signlfrcant at lt level shoting that rcdel i! hiqhty siqnific.nt. 5,4.2 Phyeical cbalactellrtics of op€n sererage sysien. are he Mln indop€ndent valiable. The hodel shoas that existence of open nali in flont of house decleaee3 th€ house leht by k.672 p€r nonth {ith 1t siqnllicance 1ev.1. open se'€lale na}a in front of house also de.r€ases th€ house lent by R3.760 pe! nonih but at 5 X significa.c€ l€vel. Th€ oPen serelage.ala ln back sid€ ot house have neg:tive ihpact but not significant. The .eason to! lGiqnificant inpact ot bact.ide ftla i3 that it is not vislble all the tlne and hence household ,illingn€ss does not af!€cted by it, ThE eaist€nc. of seni cloeed rain d!.in inclE.r€s the ,illinqnes. of hou3ehold by Rs.339 at 101 signilicane level. The lain dlain does not artying sere..g. usu.lly therefole 1ts existenc€ does not declease th. fllllngness of household. The v.I!e of R-lqualed ts 0,611 and adjusted R-squared 1s 0.626 rhich is hlEh6r rha. all th€ rcdel shoelng that thi! ibdel explaired no!. wariatio. tn depend€nt hous. lent by the explaDatory vali6b1es. Th€ F-test 13 ar.o liqnificant at !{ leve1 shoulng that nodel ts higbly s19ntllcant. Thls nod€l is nor€ signifi.ant than the entlre rodele as its Adjulted R-squaled v.Iue i3 highe!. 5.4,3 Sh6l,I intensity flom the open 5€H€rage syrten indEp€nde.t variabler for thls model. open sexelaqe systetu have thlee @jo! tytes, i.e. srall nari in front of house, scll nala and nali for rain dlaln. Intelsity of sGrl depend3 on the types of 3e{€!age systeB as w€ll seHerage. The paper dlvide the snell intensity Into cateqolle3 i,e. allayr ehe1l and occasional rnell- It i3 our volkinq hypothelis ihat the hous€ rhich 13 ctosed to open nala. nala lal and nali lecetve continuous snell and th€ hous.hord rtvlnq a.e habitant to s€r€rage srell and h€nce th€y are IEsr Filling to sefleraqe snell tn house rent. The households rhich ale tar froh the severage systero o! f.ce lain drai! s€u€laqe sy3ten Ey face occastonar snell and are hore ,illing to pa! for the 3nell f!€e enwllo@nt. fo! this nod€I j,s 0.531 sith adjusted R-rquare !r 0.617 3ho*ing sirty thlee percent variations i. dependent vallab1e has been explained by the etplanatoly valilbles. ?b. R-squale hour€hold uillingness d€creases by Rs.204 per nonth where the srclt inteNj,ty is alrayr. The rilliDgness of significant but the t-vaIue is closed to 10* .iEnifican.€ Level. Ho$es for occallonat sn.tl intenelty have hlgher ient than alrays snell iDtensity a3 the villingn€ss fo! the holsehold .i3 decreased by Rs. 139 pe! nonth, Th€ nod€I is signlrican. as the f-!€!t value 1! significant at 1t Lerel. of open sereraqe syst€m (nalir nala, back 3ide nala and seEi cl,osed DaIa) and inteisity of srell (occasio.at and alwaye s4ell) a.e the nain independent valtab]es. The pulpo3e of this nodel is to lustify the resDlt! of nodel-2 and nodel-3. The nodel sho{s that th€ expected signs and the 3iqnificant walu€ of Din variables .€min sde a3 it is in model 2 ahd 3. Th6 uillingn€ss of household is sane for Min valiables. types the varue of R-3qua!e is 0.641 and adjusted R-rqu.!e is 0.625 which is equal and less lan sodel-z, As far aE F-test rs con.elned it is signiftcant at lt l€vel, 5.5 Conclulion. &d EolicA' R.co.n t ti6. the hou3ehold lpend! @jor share of its expendtlure on housinq and plefels to aveiL na*inm fa.ilities 'ithin the budget to Mxtnize utiLity. The structure tnd the intelior p]ays eltat lot€ in d€cision m6klnq. The hous€ vhich is neily conetructed or has u.de.qone Mjo! altelation in the lon of chips, tiles and {ood eork rould dlar no4 @ney in the fom of lent as .dpared to a sihila! house uithln the sane Iocality, The netghbolhood slch a! rerket, b:nk and schools do not hav€ llgnlflcant inpact on houee !€nt b€caus€ househotds hawe nunber of options {ithi! the locality rioseve! Gove.ment college/ Public Park and HosPital play an itrportant lole in detemination of !eni. closer the dist.nce to publi. n€igbborhood no!€ vill be tho hou.e !6nt. The ]ocation dllan€nity such as op€n sererag€ svst€n I e. op€n nali decrease the rillingn€ss ot household to PaY lore lent €v€n rhough th€ inie.io! of the bose is good. rlhele as in thore aleas vhele local autholi!, develops the flon op€n to senl closed one the ,llli.gness of lhe househord rf the local autholity irptuves the exi3tinq sererage svsten j,! rill not oDlt inclease the capir:l walue of the propertv but arso increas€ the atnGphele. The ,illingnes3 of th€ household xi1l be utilized to genelate the revcnle fo! public TabIe Lis! of variable of chapter 5 of b€d .od ln ho$e of bathlooh in houre Dlmy for brd loonrs cupboard nade of lood Dley fo! draei.q .@'s clpboald cde of sood DlDy r6t xrtchen'. cupboatd @de of v@d No of olaYing D|my f.. Ava abilily of qllaqe rn house No No Dlmy for availabllity of lah i! h6ure tuy for brthrod/! tarl s.rerialr Tlre D\ey roi fto..'s Gt.rial: chlPs Dlffy for occupation stat!.:1=omerr o=tenant Prot size 6f house Dlmy for 3di cror.d n.ra for .aln drarn Rent o! s.ound Poltion or Dlmy for sn€II int€n3itv .rtavs in euiroudl's in!.rcity occ'sionar ln sulloundinq of hou.. for.vailabrlttv or Dlffy for ava abirltv of nala in flont hour€ DlMy for op.n nall In flont of houre Dist.nce in tr@ !. hosPital: using 'nv to Pa!k: uelns anv tlaNport Dllmy .nv tra.eport to colleg6: $inq any Dsy for availab ltv of t€tevislon lounqe !n lffi -. ***" r@'s vent'atjon: 'i'dors Dlffy for kltchen's DlMy for availab lty of chrpt r 6 6, Dl.t&c. fro6 gourc. o! &.II 6.1 tltlodnotlo! A hoNe te a 5.t of tuny goods c@Prising tbe nuaber of b€drctu, bathlods, th€ quallty of local !.!wic.3 :td utlllti€s, th6 tidlnes. of the naighbollood and th€ qurllty of tlte local envilotwnt (xi.l, 2006). the diff.!.nce ih v.lue ol hous.s thelefore Ey b€ due to th. houliDg ed n.lghbo.hood chaactsli5tics h.vtnq @ntty o! dis.snlty v.r!es. has alrays b€eD .r irQ.riant d.temin.nt of Ploperty v.ru.. B€to.e modem t!.n!po!t.tion, ndt PeoPl€ Pt.!.r!ed to liv. clos€ to !hei! puce! of rclt. Todlyr it i3 the quatity of the neiqhboihood th.t <letemin.. th€ cholce of lesidence to! such as qreeD fl.lda, f!e.h ai!, morr p.ople rith eritias etc.r .s oppoled to dilamniti.! ruch a3 nols.r dust, opeD drainsr o<lou!, etc., often influ.lclrg th€ d.c1sion. of The easureren! ot locll1z6d @nity .nd dt3enitv is itrportant fld the vierpotrt of envtrotmntl] pollcte!. sinc€ th€!€ i3 no dllect @!ket fo! envilo@ntal goodr, on. r.y to undetstand th€ valu. ot esvtio@ntal goods t3 by ex.mining hor thelr prer€nc€ o! rbs6Dc€ alf6ct. th€ housi.g Mrret and houeing pric€r, Tlter. ale a nunbe! of sludles vhjch us. ihe ihplicli prlce of a hour€ to ex.hi.e th€ r€l.tioNhip between attlibute3 preference .Dd the Price of prop.ttY. It i3 por3ible to ds!.!nin. the M!ket p!ic. of. houliDg unit by lhe buyersr evaluation of th. holring unit'. bundle of tnher€nt attltbltes rlch a3 loc.tlon, neighborhood att!ibute! (Fleenan. 19?9) . strucllle .nd In o!de! to estimte the tnpact of 6nvlromental ameniti€s and dlsanenlties on housing p!iceE, schola!6 use plopelry price, Hedontc w:ge and conttngent valuation nethods. N€Ison €r dl. 11992), Reich€lr (199?), Michaels and Snith (!990) and cderon et al. 12006) ,ho €xanined the tocalized envlromental disan€nity of a sup€rfutd site fo! perceived !1s1, folnd that distance h3s a significanl i.pact on housitq Hovever, Lh€ di3Lance inpact Ey depend on the dilecrion in fhich it is belng nealuled. Kothase (199r), rho estiMted tne iipact of a to*tc ra!t6 site on houslng pli.esr found that the capital value of th€ house and the distan.€ to toxic !it6 r€re positivery co!!eIated, sergio e! al, (2002) found that apartments located in.l,ore to a seuage lreatn€nt plant carried relatively lor pli.es in c@parison Hith thoEe Iocated at a greate! distance f.d the pranl. h.donic atudies 8e data floh l{est€h countlies. only a feu u5. d6ta fid non-l{esteln and south asian coutries. Thele h.3 b.e. no enpirical ,orl conduct€d.o far to inveltigate pr€fe!€nc€s rith 4speci io Iocaiional diseelity in Paki3tan. 5.2 lit att'4 A.vid The houring prices are not orry an indicator of houslng attributes but also an indiclto! of neighbolhood and envilomentat wariables. Tro naiD apploaches have contlibuted gleatly torards the th€oletic.I volk on Hedonic prlce.. The f1.3t appioach i3 deliv€d flon Lancaster's (1966) consle! theory f,hire frm tb€ hodel that Rosen (19?4) postulat€3, Both these approa.her ain to inpute the price3 of attlibute3 based on th€ relation3htp bet{€en the o*erve.l p!i.€s of differentiated ploducts and th€ nulbe! of attributes associ.ted Hith these products, Most studies conceive of lhe locallon of a property 1n terro of fixed and reLative location attrlbutes. scholars quantiry the filed ]ocation attlibutes vith respect to the rhole urban alea and peltaln to sone fom of an accessibility neasure laollain e ,tinene2, 1935; orford, 1933) qu.Dtifies r.l6tive location attributes throuqh su!.ogatc me.sures such a6 clas. and racial cdposition, aeslheti. potlurion IeweIs, and ploxinity to locar Ihe trad!! rordl vree of locdLion masur6s a.cessibitity ln teru of a.c€.s to th€ central Eusiness Dirtrtct lcBD). Acc€ssibility, in 'hateve! foln it has been heasur€d, has 3one itfluence on housirg pltces (McuiIla! cs al.. 1992, Palmquist, 1992; Ridker I H€'DI!9, r963). It i5 collmn to a.sociate transport acc€ssibllity {ith th€ ease or cdurinq ro and flm anenitier shire travelinq tlne. cost of travel, convenience, and avail.bility of diffe.e!! transpott nodes ale fay! to @asu!. it (so et al., 1995). Arod and Pollakorski (19?7) foun<t that the d€glee of di3taDce trd th€ rat.rfront 3iqntficantly r€ducos . propelty's selling plice ahile the viev uae statlstlcally insignifican! for the lak. in se6trle, oalhlngtor. Horever, Tse a.d rove (2000) found that . cenet€ly vi€{ has . negative tnpact on plopeltY pllces in trong Konq ein.e !e5ldent3, rho ale nostty ethntc chin€ler avolded d{el11n9s that have a cemetery vler becausg ot its as3ocialions riEh death rhich @de i! an tnaGpiciou! a disdeniiy luch landfill siEe us.d Hedontc propelty hodel studies focusing on as ! superfund siter toxic dirtance flon the dis.henity as a key variable along vith othe! variables fo! r.glession anatysis, 12005), she €stiMt€d lhe Io..tized enriromental disa€.ity (a superfund site) a. a proxy for per.elv€d rist, she found that shile lhe eqnltlde of distance has an eff€ct on hou3lng prices, it my dep€ld upon lhe direction tn trhich lt tas being Kolhase (1991) estinated the lnpact of a toric ,aete.tte on housj,Dg pric€s and found lhat the capital v!Iu. poeltively of tb. house an<l d!.taice ro toxic sit.4re coilelated. t tch:els E smith 119901 ur.d dl.t.nce to ltlatify th€ study 3dple lnto "pr.hi€!". "above rv.!.s.," ".verage" and "belo, av€!.g€" prop€lti€r. yo3! of the H€donic studi€s u!.d a.tngle dismnity along rith hou.tng, neighborhood .rd 6nvlto@nt.l valirbles it o!de! to €stiut. th. d@nd for hou.ehold!. Itor.v.rr Thay.! .rch !s 3ererag€ .t al. (1992) !3ed trultiple dileniti.s t!e.t$!t. stotat. ..d dl.posrr in o!d.r to !t!dy thel! Pllrqutsl ec.l. (19971 neg.tive ilpact on proPe.ly !.rue!. incorporate industli.l hog f.miDg t. the Hedonic plop.rty bod.I elrh an a.yrmerlic <tt.r.nce fuctl,on Bheleae camlon {2005) extends rh. dlstlnc. protile fr@ tfo dten.lona to thr.e dieD.ions in ord€r to expllh the bpact of dl!.ct1.nar bere.ogenetry, in t€t6 of distlnc. t!@ a lup€rfund rit.r on hou.tng valu€. H€ .!gu.s that It the {ind di!€ction i. !n control t1!d bl,oG f!6 th. r.3t) b€lor€ .siiDtion, then the estlete ,111 be plecis€, Studte. on landfill sit€s hrve found that th. n.g!tiw. tt p.ct o! ploperty values b€c@s trole signlfic.nt after th6 sit. 1! Iisr.d !r the EPA h!2ard lirt. Gry€! .l .1. {1999) fourd th.! householde overeltirut. th. rirl of hazald r.st. sites f,hich h.ve . s€v.r. ttrpacr on propelty v.lu.!. p€lc6ption of th. P.lc.lved !l!k b.cu. ho!. lational onc6 infotutlon on EPA lenediee i. avail.bl.. &nnald r C€ckl€t (1991) fouDd th.t di!t$c. do.s not Eff.ct prtces 1n Praces ,here r€nedi.s .r. qutck ard .ffective €ith.r betole o! aft.! the liltinq .! a hazard {aet. lite. lloe.ve!, th€ distancc_ dep..dcnt prt.e effect becdes 3igniftc.nt rhe!€ tak.n to r.@dy the llDact3 of the h.zrrd va.!e Elt€ sumry of enplrical hedoni. studles based on <ustance to disdenlty found that distarce has neqative iipact on house value .nd it quantify the reduction in houle vatu€ by nete. to The kir@eter o! by pelcentage, (table 5.1) 6.3 lq)lric.l xoal,el Tie study use3 housingr n.tghbo.hood, elwlromental and socioeconmic valiables based on th€ cristing ltteratur. {Kolhas€r 1991). The estihation i! in linedr and log tln€a! rorn for the stabllity of the Hedonic p.ice fulction. + Axt+ p,x.+6,2'+/ p,x,+ p,x1+ p'x"+ Btx.+ p'x'+ p6x.+kx1+ 4x.+ p.x,+6'2'+u (r,\- 6,+ p,xt+ p,x, + P,x,+ P.x.+ Psx'+ (tiv,')= d, + Plt+h\ tn both lileai and Ioq Iin ai nod.I the zr '!e tne *rerage .elated v.liable. shere i' t -5 the se{€lage valiabLes rhich are lelated to physical €xistence i. tlont o! back3ide of the house!' rn thlr mod61 In this nodel the dlmy for odour sn€II thlouqhou! the dav is $ed r- Odour 6.3.3 l5&l snell in al! Else is 0 3 In this nodel intengitv of srell flom the oP€n serelage is occalional in ai!. Th. dlMv varlab1e it this fofr is 1'odour aluays else i. o 3vstem In r.his Ndel se{elag€ distan.E and distance squale vallable i! used to €xPlain the effect of 8e,er!g€ on house 6.a D.r4i9ti6 of v.!i.ltl6t s4.. t nt [r): lle coll€cted inforMtion on the honthlv rent of the hou3e from each houlehold. Il. collected the ioputed !€ni fo! onlv the qround-floor portion of the houle i!!€sPective of fheth€r rhe occupant fas a t'nant or tb' om'r hlhlelf. In order to avoid the ovelltated amoun! of lmpuled tbe rent the accllacy of the hou.e r.tt sas confi@d through property deal€r and fron 61n1la! house of sane s!!e€t from the EIot sh. (&): fle sive tle alea of th' hou!' in tquare va'dr' qrould lle ule both the oPen as sell as cover'd area! of the plot 3ize 1' portion of the house for plot siz€' The tem for is "Ma!Ia-, ehe!€ on€ l{arI' is equal to 30 tlr. ".tay """. v6riabl€' r..r!od (&): Th€ bedrod of the hous6 !3 a dis'rcte cdpu@ In house3 rith mre tha! tfo stolles' fe io6k c'r€ to only th€ bedtoons on the glound-floor o! the bo$e i3 a dlmv D4rirg tlo (&): Th€ dhtinq loon of the hoNe valiabl.. $e ule a Proxv fo! the draring !s.s the loom for gue3Es a'd visitors onlv ald not household for sleeping Purposes on a 'egula! basis' valiable 9e took E llhlod (&): The balhroon is a disclete calcutate the actuat figule lor houses {ith attach€o .are to bathroons and those rithout' (&): The asailabitjtv of a galaqe ln th€ house is a ror at lea3t one car dllmy variable fle con3ider garage spa'e c.trg. !.8 Oq): The availability of a ]art i. front o! at the back of lhe house i! a dlmy varlable, tor the outdoor sp.ce to qualify as a ]arn, lt had to confortably accomodare al least Dl.t .€ t r8l (t ): The distance Eo the nearest PDblic Park in telN o! the ne!€r of ninut.3 it rould take u.ing any nod€ Dl.t$e to lo.plt.r (vr): The dlstance to the n€ale5t Public trorpital in te.ms of the nunbe! of ninutes it ,ould tak€ using any node of tr.rspolt, o<lour occa3ional lzr): Dlmy variable for the iDt.nstty of the sreIl that reMtns in the ai! thloushout the d.y in the vicinity of the house. odou! Alrays (zr) t Dllmy valtable for the lntensity ot the erell on occarion tn the eicinity of the house. open seferase r".li l(zt: Dlmy v.rlable fo! any type of open 3ererase to. na.lll 1! front o. back of the hot3e. I{e arso u3€ thi! waliable to e*plain the open and closed serer:g€ syst4. serelage Distance (2r): Distance to tbe nearest N.I. ,ai in neters for ea.h house uhtch ue calculato u.lnq cPs coordinate3. fl€ scale the distance i! nete13 betwee! each the n€ar.st rlala f,ai. s€serage Dttance squ.re izt: Diltance-sqDa.e t6 the nealest NaIa Lai in ne!.rs. The erpected sign of distanc€ rqudre in !.g.ession analysis to! diseoDity ls neqatiwe, means that hou3e and intensity of snell decreases ,ith distance. 6.5 r.!sl.t aad Di.cu..lotrr valiable! fo! hou.lng cbllact€ristics have the erp€cted !l,qn ln the open, clos€d and pooled lew€laq€ areas and are consistent vidr the flndings of . vast body of Hedonic literatule. the leiqhbolhood attributes sucb The Public hoepiral and Public Palk has ^egative sign fr.am that houle lent d€cleaoed as the dlstance to these attrrbute irc.eased. Th€ study found that the valu.s and erplcted sigD of stluctule and neighbolhood attti,bute3 iD open, clo.ed and pooled serelag€ ln fou! nodels The house ftnt Incleased by 3 percent Pe! squale yald opsn se{erag€ a!ea, 2 p.rcelt in clos6d and pooled serer.ge area. O! the othe! ba.d, th6 pres€nce of the drr{ing lod increase tb€ house3 r€nt bv 26 p€lcent in open seu€lage ar€a and 29 pelc.nt in clos€d and pooled sere!.ge a!€a. In cmpafi.on iith the open and closed !e*.!age a!.6s, the av6llabilitv of the g.laqe incleared the !6nt by only 1{ per.€nt {R3.3{5 per honth) .nd 19 perc'nt (913 pe! nonth) r€spectively. In th€ absenc€ of a garag€ facllitv In open, cloled and Pooted 3et lage aca, households palk€<r The distance lo the n€rghborhood such a5 hospital .nd Publlc Park has a n€ga!:ve Inp:ct on hous€ rent b€cause the!. is only on€ public palk and tro pDblic hospitals tn the are. under studv. Th€ dlstaDce to the Public Park and hospital ther€fo'' d€creaee the r€nr of the ho$e in open soreraq€ ar€a bv 2 petc€nt and 3 porcen! per !e3pecl-rely, uf le 6 percent and ? Pelcerr p€! minute Gsp€ctively ln c1o3ed seeeraqe .!ea. their eehicl.s on the 3tre.!s the enviromental variables such a3 3.enic vie', 'hich neasuled by existenc€ of sewelage svstem! ds disanenltv hou3e has expected negatiwe siqn in closed and pool€d 3€{erage alea but positive fo! op€n s.{erage a!ea. The existence of sef,.lage sy5t4 dec.eased the hou3e rent by 3 pereelt (Rs 309 pe! nonth) in closed and 10 p€r.ent (Rs 5?4 pe! month) in poot€d sererage area. The studv found that d|lmy fo! existence of sere!.ge eFteb in open 3ereraqe .rea 1! positive but in.igntftcant !.ans that hou6ehold ale not boiheilng lhe open sekrage 3ysten but are co.vonient tith 1t for dlaininq the hous€ seterage- front or back of the 6.5.2 ribd.l 2 r 3 The ai! quality, ehich the oP€n se{elage 13 neasuled bv the odour enanecinq from eyst€G i.e. odour occasio'al has politiee lign ln open. closed and pool€d eereiage at€a The lea3on fo! positive siq^ of disanenitv i. thgt lrou!€holds are not affect€d by occa3ional odour. tlirile the dlmv fo' odour arsavs poored 1s n.qative and significant in open' clo!'d and the tert in sewerage area. The odou! alflvs in air d€creascs pelcent th€ opeD and Pooled se*€laqe areas bv I percent and 6 lnpact of odour cLosed seHelage area. The !€ason f'r the less is tn cloled s€felag€ area a3 cdpale to oPen 3€relage area {1rn tha! the tnten.ilv of odour is dlr€ctlv plopoltionat€ dlstance. Itoreve!, ,1nd sPeed and dite'tion lncr€aee odour lnten3ity ln the clo3ed se'€rtqe functio! has siqnificant 'nd positiwe inlact frd disdenities {hi1e negativ€ inPtc! frm an€nitieE on houle sv3ten i3 value, Th€ studv found that distance to the seeeraqe positive fhile the distance square i' neqatiwe rhich confim' function the Hedo.lc propertv hvpoth€sis The distanc€ 3quale ts u3ed to e3tinate the point of flex shele the Grqinal The di3tance impact of dlsahe.lty becores zero, The lnpact of dirlance on house varle i3 0.0a percont po! Gt€r in the openr 0.055 percent pe! nete! in c1oled and 0.03 Percent Pe! neler ln pooled se{elage 6r€a. The house lent inclea3e. by R3.239 pe! hundled leter3 in op€n sererag€ area and Rs 139 per hundled neiels in closed sc{eraqe a!ea. Tbe thoslr found that dlstance squlre funclion has th€ opPosit. siqn in the cr6ed !€{€rage alea although ir iE not rignifj,cant. fhis n ans tha! hous€ rent in th€ clo.e<l 3ereraqe affecred by the N.l. Iai. 6.6 D.ryr. !ff.ct D,i' signillcantlv Dl.t !o G!.dLat of lda !rj. on stldies for ! single dis@nity slte genelallv use the dlstan.e gladie.t tn order to study its eelf.re lipllcation! at lte f1!st 3tag. of the Hedonic anarvsis. disanenity in the Etudy alea is continuous in natule and r€s€mbfes a highr.Y iith hultlple b€nds and blanches, v€ divide the continuous distance vallable ilto 36ve'al dilcret' point!. Th€ dlstanc. divlsion t! Loo metels fo! each !1ng tn o.der to *liMte the irpact of the s.rerage The d@qing effect of the open scwerag6r i.e., Nala Lai/ i' shoun 1n T.ble 5.4. The rent of the ho$e d€cleases bv Rs. 5613 in the open ee{€raEe alea rh€reas the dec'ease is Rs' 2543 in the clos€d 6ererage a!6a Hh€n lhe dirtance 13 le's than 1oo mters. ?he nesative ilpact of ihe iala Lai i' s'qnific€n! and much ntghe! in Lhe op€n seselaqe area 'here it !s g.eater than th. avelage rent ln the sde a!ea, uhich ls R3, 4s7{ per nonth. Th€ neqative inpact j' mrc tbatr the average 4nt up to Rlng 5, i e , up to 400 to 500 netels The !en! ol th. closed se'erage a!6a i3 advers.Iv affected bv Rs.2542 fo! Rinq l rhite the.egarive impact on lent gladuallv beconeS in!lgnit'cant oevond he dis ance L:nq Hedonlc of 300 to 400 meteis- The nega!ive inpact of th€ sererage systen on hous€ rent in open se{elag€ a.e is significa.t !p to 500 nelelr, 300 mete! for cloeed and 400 neters aor pooled The siluation b€cones son€uhat conrlex in analyzing th€ bad odour on house rent because th€ Nala l,ai has different blanches, tlence, as th€ distanc€ f!@ one branch 1nc!4see, the di3raDce fron another brarch night begi! to dec!66se vts- a-vi5 ! palticura. house- Thi! phenoenon lea& to a situ.tio! ehere haldly any house is located beyord 500 netels of any bran.h of th€ Nala lai in open sevelaqe area. HouseE b€yond thls di!!.nce gradient ale very rar. in open serelaqe alea. Ilhere63 th6 houses in closed !€v€late aiea are 300 mete! fa! fron any bra.ch of NaIa !a1. Ho{ever/ it is aolth ootlng that {he!e a house is in fa.t Iocared beyond 800 heters, it luffers a signtflcant deging tuFact 1. the ope!, crosed and poored attribute the neqative i4act of distarce linq 300 to the fact that rh11e a palti.ular house'j" @y be locatGd at a dtstance of 000 h6rels flon the Nala lal in tlle eest, j,t n.y b€ onty 200 metels in dlltance 1n the nolth. The negativo iipact of a distanc€ !1nq of 300 to 900 n€!€rs on hou3e !€nt is Rs. 5391 i! the open se{elaqe a!ea, ehicb is hiqher than that for a distan.6 ring of less than 100 n€t€!s. 6.? coacl[.lou ud Polict, R.colarrtiou The resutts of this study lrggest that the rent the open s.r.!dge area is l€ss than the lent of hour6. in the clo3ed seee!:ge a!ea, {hlch rupport the hypothesiE th6t hou3enoldr prer- zrn'(re. ov€r dlseeniry. indicate that households are ritlinq to pay a highe! rent to lrve far from lhe NaIa l.ai, The neqatrE irpacr of the se'eraqe systen on ho$€ lent in the open sexelaqe are. is tfice that of the closed rorerage area. Th€ n€gatiwe iipact of the NaIa Lai on house ren! ln the open seserag€ area, flon the 100 neter division to the 500 net€! division, {as sinilat shouing consrant neqative tnpact on house lent, {herear the !€grtiwe inpact on house reDt in the closed serelag€ area fall! by 50 p€rcent fron the dlEtanc€ gladi€nt of 300 netere on*a!ds. Tbe inpact of rh€ dilarentiy of NaIa r,ai on house rent becomes 2ero in tbe pooled seve!a96 alea at a distance of [ala Lai b€cane the deposlt point of ho$ehold serelage ln rbe ea!Iy eiqhtie3 'he. the then existent se'.!.ge sy3ten f:iled th€ neede of the groHing popularion of the city. The mtflnctioning of thg s€uelage trearnelr planrs a1s6 se{elage ritErion. Therefor€, a properly functioning 3ere.aq6 tlea!!6nt plant and tie insrallation o! sere.aqe pipes in th€ op.n sererage area ,ou]d charg6 the nature of Nala lai flom a disdenity ro an amenity, If Nala Lai is u3ed only for rain drain and cary household 3ere.ag€ after tleatn€nt rhen the ncqarive impacr of Nala tai b.cde3 ze.o tben rent of house! in hundred ner€! dlrtanc€ ling t.cleased by Rs. 5512 per nonth tn op€n and Rs.2542 pe! nonth a. clo3ed seweraqe area, The tlat€r and Sanitatlon Aurlrority trlAsA) is charglng a diff€rent srab rate of yar€! and se{e!.ge (tablc 5.5) ac.oldlng ro the plot size of the hous€, the se{e.age rare 1! 50 pe!.eDt less than rh€ rarer !at6s. world a.ntr propos€d sevelaqe taliff dn rhe bagis of cosr 6nd b€nefft.narysis and the fiqules ale tess than rhe The .slitrates of tut.n D€velop(ent Bank, from a household sulvey a!€ hiqhe! than the torld Bart but ar€ clos€ to rhe cur.ent 'wdxhrEgdd*.@gci{..12005 Thc atudy eltiMt€s the rillinEn !3 of hous€hold fo! closed !.{€!age syetem, vhich is eonsld€lably abov6 the !.te being chalged by th. clelc body now. ?h€ study lound that tlle hou.eholds !r€ !..dy to pay tlt !.c!aq€ t.litl .qq.r3 to the eater bill. socvot thee is n..<l to inc!€.s. th. r.ter and .euerage tallt! .Iab !ate3 i... rpploxi@tely ?0 p.rc.nt ft@ 90 to 300 .quale yard aDd 36 p.lcqnt to 300 to 600 squale The .tudy strongty suggested th.t rlllihgre$ pay fo! the cto..<t .ererag€ sy.td .!e elFral o! hoqe€hold to to th. f.ter lates ald h.Dc€ th€ r.tes @y b. levis€d to plovlde r€rerage syst4 rh.r fut deftnltely help ID provldlng th€ r.v.tue blt also incr€a..r th. c.pltal valqe of hou6e. is ju.t one a.pect of th. ope! 3eE!.9. .y.teD, thich the study €stl@i.d throuqh ! <lllcftte ealiabl€. Thc stDdv ha! lot been lbl€ to in@lporat. the role o! ulnd lp€ed and f,ind di4ctio. shen it con€! to the n€qative inPlct of the odour on ious€ !6nt tblouqh !h. G.uesi.! di.p!!!ton. Thle ..pect ras .ddr.r!.d 10 next chaPt€!. octour 5 396 F s! 5 z g a :; a r, * rr r.l r* ri hE.sqei i 1-eE gSlFF,i : 3fis B ;lr !*ii9: t'; s5e :.:ti ': ,o* -'* .: ;H glI i:i 6a!.' rEa 9i :;i5€l"l= ia;F"e!! ;' 3E "' i.- gq 2 73 -l -i EE d 3g! :3i I "! 3 s.: s{ " ,938 *^ :"8, i!r: .j *!'e. -'E 3i "!*5 E F.:; -t:si:;E :g ti ; u9 i .ii 3 99 t "- Et.33.i..i "!Ei :g .Ei' H:3 Ec3- iFB l'6 !r i6 !.: !etB! $FssleEi 'o":i":n. lise :. :;E{ ';: s s !l !! ! 6c ! r.. Fi iti "tiii Ei . tF uil! i'$?c !s5"i .tds 8€t 6 s t 5 I Chapt€r 7 7. Dispelsion of gDall 7.1 IntroCuctlon rhe sensory systen of hlen ,orks as stgnat to any unusual change io envirom€rt and provides essential info@tioo !o! taklnq protective neasules. ttwan senses qather a large anount of infotution but lihited dount ot info@tion is pa33ed to corsciousness. (Nolletrandele, 1999), Any input !elated to our conscious ls reactions to odou!6. cEN (1999) define the odou! as an t'afq.holeptic attljbute pelcept.ible b! the oTftcEoty atgan at sniftihq cettaiD valatile substahces". The rrsubscancea tn.icn stiru-lace trte hman altactory systa so that a. odout is petceived" ate nded odourants (fiangaltn€r et a.1., 1989). rhe sense3 of smeu and taste Play an ihportant lole fo! the plotection of body and h€a1th especially fot food 1ten3. The sensee of odouls and taste ale diff€!€nt but odoulant Mv change the chalacter of speciftc taste (DJoldlevic et al) cdau$ have xbe apacity to chaDqe the 7oct7 envitadett atd are ate of the leasons fo! air po)Tttiot in u!ba, areae (van PoU, 1991). odouls, beinq a part of ai! pollution not only annoyed houeeholds to have conplaint about enviloment but also decleases the vahe of house. odour can be generated flon traste {ate! tleatheDt Plants, composing ptants, renderinq ptantEr pape! nills, and tlvestock and land fitt sltes. rhe thesis deal,5 uith the imFact of odou! generated flon oPen serelage systems i.e. NaIa Lai on the property value by using standard odou! dispersion nethodology. ?.2 Otf.ctioa ceus are located at the top of lhe two nasal cavities rhele larqe ourbers of different leceptols ar€ connectecl to the olfactory butbs at the base of the b.ain. lt i3 found thaa hunan olfactory systen ls fa! 1es3 efficient as compale to other mmals. An olfactory epithelis surface area of 10 d'in hlens can be compaled to 1?O d2 in doqs (Bea! et a.l,r 1996). The olfactory recepto! cell 1s also le33 in hman. shle! et a1 12004) etudied that 12 nillion olfactory lecepto! cells tn h|mns {hile 4 bil1Ion 1n bloodhounds. The odou! receptors Richald Aael (r99s) and Linda Buck (1996) found that receptor proteins are hai!-llke cilla connected to each olfactory neuion. There ale 500-1000 dlffelent qenes in hunan body to raise olfactoly receptor protelns. The leceptor proteins ale respoFible to seod the signal to blalo about odour and enable the blain to diffelentiate differebt types of o<lour raqinq up to 1000 odours, 7.3 Gr..ou3 bl.ral.oa. .!d Odout Genelally gases ale genelated ir industlia1 as rcII as in agricultulal ploduction. Agllcultu!€ activtty like vegetation is a big source of qenelatinq anthiopoqenlc aMonia {hich @y cause severe lnjuries near the source (Jeppsson, 2000). Methane and hydrogen sulphlde are the co@on qases senerated in industlial operation also affect the health of worke!. The o<tour gedelated in fam and poultly houses not only affect wo!ke!'B health but a]so have neqatire irpact on ploducts like neat, nilk and egqs. 7.4 Odour U..rur@nt odour observations in the beighbolhood can be heasuted by agglegatiog the annoyance of tbe household ]iving in the victnity of the source of potlution- ueteorological ftodel u3in9 {ind speed and direction noasuled the odou! conceotlation in the nelghborhood. A good odour heasuleftent process depends on the control and enlsslon techDique (Nlersen, 1991; Nlelsen & Paln, 1990). The tntenslty of odou! is based on odour cobcentlatlon whtch is linked rith hllmn lesPon3e to odour at the thleshold Ievel. odou! thleehold is the lo{est detectable concentration ,hich is tolerable to hsan blalD. An odou! i3 a hirtule of hundleds of diffelent gases Hhele each qas has its o{n hman odou! thleshold. Tbe !6f.!ence qas fo! Eulopean odou! unite (OUE) is nbutanol and 1 ou./ni lefels to the concentration o! 40 ppb n_ buranof by volse (cEN, 1999) . An annoya.ce flon odour variee Mn to mn due to differeht sebsitivity but odour threshold tak6 lnto account the average o! nedlan sensitlvlty for gauss distlibutlon, The huian pelceived strensth of odou! lntensity cy be eapless 1n loqalithnic expression o! by Poee! function. The late of change oE o<tou! intensity is not sde for aU t}?es of odouls. Hoteve! ploasantness o! an odour is explained by odou! hedonic tone (tlanilton & A!o9o, 1,999). 7.4.L i3 olfactomete!, ,hich contain sanple of odour material. the olfactonete! 13 observed bv panelists until th€ odour conc€ntration is diluted to a threshold tevel. odour concentratlon can be explessed in frultlples of a ce.tain reference gas concentration {1ike,40 PPb n-butanol = I A qeneral nethod of measuring odou! Europe) or in sihila! terns of how nany dilutions takes before it is .o lonqer detectable (thlesholds level, oDT) OUE/n3 in tt 1.t.2 During field survey, the heasurenent of odour concentlation is qenerally tak€ place by tlained odour pane]s. These panels rhen nove tovards or away froft the odolr soulce note the value of odor concentratlon. value of odo. by panels is at or erceeding the threshotd 1eve1. rhe theeis used group of enmerates (pane113t) for notlng the odour intenEl,ty at the soulce of pollution 1 e. Nal6 La!. _'e s_a Es ror rhe odour inr€nsiEy.rr as fo lous Table Scale Threshord ( 4ry fo! odor Intensity r!rrd) ?.5 Odou! Di.P€Elion EFissions of odouls fron the odo! soulce ale splead in the forn of pl,ae o! cloud in the neighborhood. The intensity of concentratlon of odour in neighborhood is d€clea3es by the distance flon th€ odo! soulce. The,eather condition i.e. blue sky or cloudy vith {ind speed and dlrection greatly affects the dispersion of odo! plMe. It is assued that reathe! condition renain stable though out the season hovever dispersion fray affect by the source type e.q. ta]] stake and aiea of source. The dispe!sion nodets are u6ed to estlnate the odor concentlat1on at the receptor level or dovnwind flom source of potlution such 6s iodNtrial plant!, land fitl site and vehicula! traflic. the Gaussian frodsl ts the oldeet and host comonlv us6d model lor llr pollution dlspelsiotr. It a3sses that the alr poltutant diePelslon ha3 a sranclard no!M] dlsEllbutron vith h.an zero and v.llance one. The modet ale hostly used fo! pledicting the disPerslon of contiouous, buoyant ltr Pollution plunes originati.ng !!on qloutrd_ tevel o! .tevated eoulces. et al, {2005) uses Gaussia! dt3pelston nod€l to esii@te th. iopact air pollution tlom indu3tlial llve stocLs. lle not onlv uee the concontlation intenslty at 3 lecto! Polnt but also use total tj,ve stock reight to exPletn the thPact oD house v.lu.. the Gaus3ian metho<t herp! hln to .stltrate th. Mlginal datuqe fron an Ran addltlonal livesioct. the thesls estihate! th. itpact of oP.n serelaEe smll on hou3€ p!ic6!. The potlqtion f!6 the eource i.e. 'Nulla Laj' ls continuous o! 1lne soulce and unltom 3o vidd speed alonq rlth vi^d dilectton.nd distance frd the soulce affect the Pollution lev€I. To catcu1.t6 the di6Pe!3ioD oa odor Geu3sjaD hodel dovelop by Tulne! i5 used for the conceDtration at recepto! lev.l. the llov oa serelaqe vol&e 13 atso uses as ploxy !o! the odor le!.r. Thele ale dlff.lent hodele lo! continuou3, buovant al! potlutlon ptNes an.t the nost challenglng task Is to find the value of stenclald deviatlon of lecePtor flon the source po1nt. Th. theejs use rhe oodel p!€sented by Turner {19691 because it gives the standard deviatton chart accolditrq to the etabilltv conditlon of arhosphere. Th€ hodel assse3 that atnosphelic Etabltltv i3 udlfom thloqghout the layer, turbulent <tiffusion i5 rand@? and the deglee of dllution of the €fftuent P18e i5 invelselv propoltion.l to ,iDd sPeed. ?.5 lt€oRticll tiod.l rhe Gaussian nomal equatioD i5; '[*)']]1..'I it+]'ll . ta!,2,8, = dotrrind concentlatlon at ground leeel q'h-l . e - enissloD late of pollutantE 9.s-! . dland d, 1s the .tandald d.vl.tion of the Plme conceotration . u= Htnd speedt n.s-' . H= h + Att, tl is the value fo! th. etlecti{e 3tack he1ght i5 the su of physical stack hetEht (h) and the pluc llse aH. Equation 1 desclibes th€ odor dlsPelslon Pattetn a]ong three dinensioB: tro holizontll dllectjon!{x and v) and a veltical directioD (z) 1n the heiEht of lesidentlal house3. sinplify equation 1 ,1th tho as3@Ption that resldentla1 height is unifom rhlch t! 6lso ln ou! th€sis Ran et all (2005) therefole equatlon 1 nov bscom.s. ;l*)'ll The value of d,and d,is calculated by the .tabllltv condltion' the 7.? Atlbility co .Etj.on. In the absence of measured data, dispersion coefficients (ot and o!) aie tt?icarry estlmated as a function of distance, atnosphellc stability and sulface loughness. Atrc3phelic stabilitv - is describe<t by 6 stabiltty classes indicated bv a thlough F in Tab1e 1 (Tulner, 1969). stability ctas3 A represents a verv unstaDle atnosphele and is chalacterized by ]alqe ntxinq heights stabj'llty class F is the most stable atno6Phere and hae a seII nlxinq heiqht. SLdbiIrty ctasses betHeen A and E represenL increasinq levels of atFosphelic stabilitv. to! etanPter class D leplesents a neutlal atnosphere, class B is hodelatelv unslab1er and class E i3 sliqhtly stable. The stability classes are as3igned based on the solar ladiation level' anount of cloud cover/ and uind speed as defined by categorres l thlouqh 5 tn Table l Gen'lal descrlptions of the atmosPheric categotles are, clear skie3, solar altitude gleate! than deglees above the ho!izo.ta1, typlcaf of a 1: 60 afternoon. velv convective atnosPnere' 2: 3: suN€! dav wilh a fe{ broken cloude' A sunny fall aftelnoon, sude! dav rith bloken lor clouds, o! 3lme! day 'ith clear skies and 3ola! al,tltude f!o{ 15 to 35 degrees above horlzontal' A hostly overcdsr nrght or a 'rnler oav A cle6r night rith ninict cloud cover' fo! In addition. class D, a ^eutral atnosphere' is recomeDded overcaEt condltions .turing day or niqht. ft bL lho.Ithclo tt$Iuq ots... .td qt sotL! {t!tmt, 1969} ?.8 tliae goutc. Poltutio! Lod.I Nala lar the tbesis tlies to caPtule the lnpact of odo! from the pollution in Ra{alpindi citv on house PriceE since the source of land fiII ls not poiht soutc€ as in the case ot fam house or biased site, hodels Hhich hale been used fo! Point source sives source nooel lesult rbenever used for Iine soulce nodel The llDe genelaIlv used for is slnilar to transportation nod€l thich are tlafIIc Pollutton or nolee' coletant aoct tle assMe that the pollution ftoh the Nala ',ai is concentration unifor[ for the di3persion of odo! the diffeleniial of the lIne at the teceptox o{ing to the differential elenent (which can be tleated as Point source) i3 floh eq 2 asr l*]|"'l {*l'll since d,and o.is constant lith lesPect to y, eq can be lnteglated ove! the finite lenqth 1in€ soulce (!I,I,s) ood€l and rritten a5, ,,,,, = # l:: . *,1-;t;)' ]t stre r=-4 By substitution B iD equatton rtx,tt = K r;;hl 1tz 4. th6 lesllt is I a'l .*olTr", the equatlon 5 ca! b. uitEen ts, kt.s2f z,'',,=ft51"'d+l ^" " Jz" rlheleq,q i3 the Gausslan Bz distllbution lunctlon evaluated at ald Bl lesPectlvely. ?-9 Dirtt t.l'o! corc.stE tl'oD 't B'a'gtor the GaGsIa! puff nodel behaves 'eII atnosphe!tc con.titlon. the dlspersioo the functlon of tEavel distance flon the recepto! I€veL. 82 Softvaxe has been used to calculate the dotniind odo! concentlation, The nodel tas developed bv Ransdell et aI 1994 It iE a laqranqian trajectory, Gaussj an puff atmospherlc disperston nodel that includes deposltioD and depletion_ The rodel tras been frequenlly used to plovlde leasonabte estlMtes of atnosphellc concentlations. deposition and doses rhere litrdted infomation on ropog!6phy and fetrology is avallabre. The value of lo,ando,) has been used in the nodel afte! conductrng The RATCHET2 several experine.ts in the 1950s and 19603' The basic disPer3ion P6rdete! lelalionshlPs ale ( d'(x) = a"o-' |o'lX' =''(xl'\\I" + ) )' "(x the distance floF the lelease pointr in netels a function of stability class b., .,(t c' - !s.tl@! ot 't'blllt!' 61s' a<l dl'tttna constants 0.9031, av, az,, bz aD'l cz are empillcar and are dinensionless; cz has djnenslons of netels; dimensions of 4d.Go-rdal and hd,!a ) , !€specttvery. t.9.1 !lti.!|tion U.tbod of odor eFitting the nethodoloqv fo! estinatinq th€ concentlation on the lolloting flon the NaIa lat at the household level is based . Div€lsities th€ Nala l,at a3 a conbinatlon of Point Eoulce tepeated bv 50 feters' . ?he study has u3ed the ertrene left position on frofr each hoEe to calculate drsGFce' Nala i-ai . The study used the botton left side doGin on rY' cootdloaEe house hold to calculate the 'xr and and The study has used the langraqion Patticula! dlspersion model because NaIa lai ls a continuous tather than point of area palticula! nodel is rePresenting the pa'ticles of aI! (oclo! in this case) trhich {ou1d be slnulated bv liberating fluld parcels afte! everv 3 hours for a total duration o! one hout. the metroloqy data fo! the nonth of septerbelr october 200? is used fo! running the node] ln o.de! to tran3Port the particular in donain' the study al us€d obselved nean {ind. the concentration ol odor leceptor leveI is freasured accordtnq to the atnosphe!ic (unstable to stability conditions such as Patqual a-F Lanslagiab of turbulence palanete! ear neasuled bv Llfe time and location intensitv ta6 taken ft@ The value such eddv published (HANNA 1984) literature coirespondlDg to the relelence houses i5 neasuled Dv a The intensttv of ser€lage odou! at nenberE oach nercer gloup of panelist consietinq of file in the arr quotes the value of snell intensitv bv sniffing lor at l€a3t Lai' tb€ 'ind velocity vle assme zelo stake heiqht for Nala fron the is less than 3 nil€5 pe! hout' and flor of sas severage sFten i5 2065 n'hr' 7.10 a4)i!Lc.r Dl.4)'rtio! E &alc lro&1 lnPact of se{elage odo! the objective of thesis i5 to esti@te the lnten3it / ac e'ch on house lent Lhe!efore concenrrari usinq F.arcHEr2 is neasured th.ough dlspelsion hoder by estinated for each malr'er soft{are. The hedonic price function is i.e, open sererage and closed sererase area and than cort,ine the to hous€ stlucture. netqhborhood and enviroment are jdentical for each harket The frodel and its descllptioD is as fouos, data fo! pooled Mttet. ?he variabtes related ll.r)=d,+ ptx,+ p,xt+ p'x'+ pJ.+ p.x5+ p6xr+ p1x1+ AX'+ p'x'+ pixb ?.10.1 v.rlrbl€ DoscliPtio! ndt ol hout. (!r): htorfrtion on nonthlv lent cotlected fton each house hold. The Imputed ient of fron tenant and o$e! occupie<t hou3e of onlv ground drelling is collected and confirm the acculacv through property dealer' 5t4ct!!. cb.t.ct li.tica ol loute r4. of r4.. (&): The age of house is neasured veals' in squale vard open Pl,ot air. (&) : The alea of house ie neasured the house is used as cell as coveled alea of the ground poltion of for plot size. The plot size in thesis alea is cal ted "Ma!Ia"' {here one l.larla is equal to lo squate va!d' valiabre' Bdl Bod (!3): Bed roon of the house is a disclete valiabfe D!.ri!E Rod (&) . Dta{ing 'oo& of the house is a dumv the household use the room aod proxt fo! drauing roon is used rhen used for sleepinq only ro! guests and visitots and is not reqular and care was Gde E.tb !!@ (!!). Bath loon i3 a d1sctele variable and tbe actual fisure there the house has attached to calculate separate bathrooms ll.I.ei!io! Lu!g. (&) : is a dffiy variable and lt is consider as a place rhele household mehbels sit or ratch TV. cltlgE (:?): carage avallabllity in the house is a dLmy va.iabte. The qaraqe space for at least one ca! is considered as qafage. !.n (&): The availability of laun in flont or back side of the house is a dlmy variabte and cale was made fo! considering the space where at Ieast fou! chailE can easlly ptaced, TV rounge Di.t.b{ s.t N.igbborbood Ch.r.ct.rl.tiot Dttto@ to io4rit l (l!): Distance to nea! Public Hosplrat i! n-nLLe by -srng any mode of r!ansporr !as collected for each i.r l,!bli. P&t (I!o): Distance to Public Paik in ninute usins dn' node of Lranspolr Has collected fo! each household. Ditt$o by aovi.ao@t l vr.i.bl. odo. co€.tt tid : odor concentratioo at each house is estinated by using the GauseiaD Disp€lsion Model "RATCHET2" in per cubi. nillinete!. There 6!e thiee atnosphe!ic situations i.e. (z!) stable, neutral and unstable, Therefole tbe thesis esti@ted the inpact of odo! on house lent fo! each stability class sepalately, 7.U Result3 lnd Dircurlio!! 7.U.lBstjr.t d ht !.ity of Op.n E.nErg. SraII estimted intensity of open eererage snell i. shorn in table 4.2. The ninimm value of estinaled intensrty of oPen seserage systen in unstable air condition is 12 n'h'and naxinm snefl intensity is 13296 nrh'rlth nean value of 489? nfh'. The nean The value of estiR.ted smell intensity In neutlal and gtable al! conditiob5 ls 20482 n'h'aDd 14968,1 m'h'' lespectivelv. the nean value of estihated smell intensity In neutral alr conditionr is 4 tine6 to unstable ai! conditions. Ito,ever the nean velue of smell intensity in stable ai! condltions i5 10 tlne to qnlteble ai! Eslimal6d SnEil Inteosity t500 ,u)l) 3500 3@ 2500 '1 2000 1500 t t00o ! 5lto ! 0 0.0 l.o 2.0 3.0 a,0 5,0 a,o 7,0 !.0 0,0 10,0 ll.0 12.0 Di6lanco Th€ glaph of eetih.t6d sreII iDtereity shots that value of estlEted snell lrten3lty declease. as distance to Nala lai tncleases. It elso shoes that the estlmted 3nel1 int6rsltv reach to threshold level at a distance of 0.1 kilorete!. the lesurts are eihila! to the distance gradient functione tindIngs. ?.11.2 cosE.htao! ol ?r.dl'ct d .nd tttt rt d Odout lnt !.Lt]' The co!reration fratrix of predicted and esti@t€d open se,erage 6yEteh 3h€1I irtensj,ty is giveo in table 7.1. The lesults sho{s that predlcted and estihated s6ell are Poeitivelv correlated and siqnificant at one pelcent level. The esti@ted smell intensity at stable, neutral and unstable ai! conditionE ale sane because tbe snell intensity in neutrat ai! condition Is 8 time nore than stable air condltlon and smell intensity in unstable ai! condition is 43 tines nole than Btabte air conditlon. The e6tlmated and predicted snelt intensity of open serelage system i5 negatively colletated uith dlstance to soulce. Houever, pledicted snett but estimated inrensity is not significant to distance to Nala '-ai snelf intensity is siqnificantly co!related rith distance to Nala 7. 11.3 R.gr..rioD lrdy.i. rhe explan.tory varlable3 shor slgnlticant lesults and they have the eipected signs. The age of house is not significant; hosever the expected siqn is negalive means that lent of the house decrease rith the iDcrease in aqe of hou3e. It is obs€lved that nost of the houses have !€gular lenovation and tmPtovenent thelefole age is not significant, PIot slze of the house vhich is neasured in square yald j,s posttive and sigtificant at 1* level. Nunbe! of bed roons, dlartng loomr TV lounges, bath loomsr llarases and stole ale aII siqnificant at 1t level of significance. The bedrooh's cupboalds ale slgnificant heans that household are {illinq to pay [o!e for bette! int€lIot. ?he dlNy fo! lavn and galaqe is significant at on€ Percent significance level,, Th€ nelghborhood att!ibutes inclease the marqinal willingness of household to pay frore. Facillty of publ1c hospltal and park shovs negative siqn neans that as the distance to the facllity increases the rent of the house uill fatl,. The *ey variabl€ in the hedonic price lunction ls the odo! concentlatlon or odor intensity at each house is slqoificant in the study alea means that higher tbe odor intensity 1o{er rill be the house !ent. the €stimtes show that impact of odo! concentlatioos has siqnificant on house rent for stable, n€utlal and unst.ble atnospheric conditlons. The odo! concentlation declease the house leot by 3t pe. cubic niulfreter ln un3table. stable and natulal ai! condttlons. It is found that neutlal atno6phelic condition has qleat€! negatj,ve effect on house rent than neutlal atd unstable ?.12 coacln.ior .!cl Polict' tt.celdrtlo!. th€ pap.r tries to eati@ie the ifrpact of seHelage odor on house lent tn Ra{alpindi city. t{edonic plice Fodel is used to estiFate the lnpact of se{elage odo! on house Plices eith the heIP of Gaussian dispersio! oethod to estiGte the Pollution concentlation at th€ leceptor (houees). It i5 tound thEt the intensitv of open sefe.age snell through Gau33ian nodel aad pledicted lntensltv of snell thlough gloup of panellst are highly cotrelated. at thleshold ]evel ln pe! cubic miuim€te! can be used !o estinate the v€tfale analvFie and second staqe hedonic price oodel for dehand estimtlo!. the estiGted !.suft used onty th€ kinds speed but unable to incolpolate the {1nd The odo! concentlation left the 16pact of {ind dilection for future r€sealch for better ideotification of odot concentlation at tne recepto. tevel fo! denand eEtihation and welfare 9a1n. The study ch.pter I 8. Conclusion and Policy R€co@€ndltiona This chapte! gives a brief sumaly of the results of genelat and specific conclusion3 of the study. It also providee lecomendatlons for futule lesealch. lts expenditure on housiDg and vithin the bDdqet to naxinize urllfty. Th€ structure and the lntelio! of the hous€ plays vltal role in declslo! cking. The house ehich te netly constructed o! hae undelgone najo! alte.ation in the folm of chip3, tiles and lood {ork vould dra{ mole money in the form of rent as compaled to a simr.ar hous€ u-thtn the see locarrl/, The household spends najo! sbare ol plefers to avail Gai,mum tacitities The thests found that neighbolhood attllbute3 such as super na!ker, bank, echools a^d co11€ge3 do not have siqnificant impact on house lent because households have nunrbe! of options klthin the locallty. Xorever, Public Park and Public Hospital3, rhich are fer ib nuhbers, have significant ihpact on houss !e!t meane that rent of the house declease as the distance increaseg. The location disdenity such as open s€welage sy.ten i.e. open nal,i and nala declea6e the rillingness of househotd !o pav nole rent even though the lnte.ior of the house ls good. lbe hedonic property nodel does not use soclo econohic valiable in the first staqe hedonic analyEis. The studv found that socto economic variable has indilect inpact on the decisions of hou3ehold. The descriPtive statistica r€veals that household in educated, business mind and have closed seielage Eha1l fanlty size. Ho{eve!, the households In open seuelage area sel! employed and haee larqe fadlly size The descllptive statlstics sho,s that educatlon of sPous€ of head has have Iess education. siqniflcaot Inpact on decision about house 3election. 8.1 Conclu.torr Fin objective ol thls study lE to evaluate the ihpact of sfrett flon open seretaqe systen on house rent by using hedonic property vatue hodel. The data ras coltected flon 1000 househotds in the nonth of Auqust-Septenber 200? thtouqh a field sulvey. The sudey "as conducted in area3 ,ith open and closed se,elage system. since the latio of area {ith oPen and ctoEed se{elag€ system alea is 70:30 reepectively. Thelefore, ve hav€ selected 701 households flon open s€telas€ sy3ten area rhlle 299 households fron closed eewerase 3ystem atca. rhe households have be€n selected thlough a stratfied landoF sarpling plocedure. In older to evaluate tb€ lnpact of sell fro! open seferage syet4 on house rent lolloring thlee dlffelent techniques have been used in thls The 1. The pr6sence of snell 2. Distance flom Soulce of shell 3. Dispelslon of snetl Eo! each of the apploach, legle.sion anatysis has bcen used to estiFate the f1lst stage bedonic price function vith respect to snell fron N61a l,ai. 8.1.1 P!..u€ of ltr.ll h thiB approach binaly variable system has been used to detemine binaly valiables are, . . Presence/abeence ol for the idpact nali in se{elage nara in open se{elage Presence/absence of open snetl, froh open serelage on house rent. The Pre6ence/absenc€ of open serelage nala aL back of hosue Smell intensltY occasional Pe!sistent/intensive sme11 !€su]ts of the eEtinated lodels ale as follo{, . Tbe existence o! open nal1 ln front of house decleases tbe house rent by R3.612 per nonth. The . . The exlstence of oPen se{elage DaIa in front of house also decleases the hou6e rent by Rs.?60 per nonth. The household ,ittingness decleases by R3.204 per nonth ,he!e the shetl intenslty is alrays at a 10t siqniflcance lever. . For occasional snell intenslty, the rtllingness fo! the househoid is decleased by Rs. 139 Per month. 4.1.2 Di'rtec. llo aoqo o! !b.U To esri@te the impsct of smetl flom NaIa r,ai, the distance gradlent function bas been used. The distance qladte.t function in neter fo! each household, fxom Nala tai has been calculated by using the GPs instl$€.t E-tech. The catchnent area of Nala lai is ?3.6 lnrand passed thlough enti.e city. rhetetole cfosest Point of NaIa lai in any dllection has been selected. I. this apPloach the study u6e t{o continuous valiables i e to NaIa Lai fron €ach household rn neter Dietance squale to Nala lai from each household in rcters Distance The Eecond conponenl (distance Equare) 15 incorpolated to dete.nine the nonlinearity in th€ impact of distance from the soulce of sne1l. The disdenlty in this study is Nala Lai therefole the xorkinq hrpothesls of the theeis is that value of rent wtII incr€ases vhen distance fron Nala l,ai increases. However the impact is non ]inear. diatance squale i5 used to culvature of the function and the value tem. The results can be sLlmarized a3; The distance to NaIa lai inclease the house lent percent per meter in the open severaqe area and 0.065 per mete! in closed serelage a!ea. rhe house r€nt incleases by Rs.239 per hundred nerers serexaqe alea and Rs 139 pe! hundred neters 1n The rent of the house decreases by Rs. 5613 per tronth in the open se{elage area and Rs. 2543 per rotrth in the closed seeerage alea vhen the di3tance to Nala Lai ie Iess than 100 The negatlve iFpact of Nata lai reMlns slgnlfLcant up to 400 The neqative inpact threshold dlstance of Inpact of NaIa Lai becones siqnificant rhen the distance 300 h€te! because a house rhich 1s located at a distance of 800 nete! fom the NaIa !a1 1n the uestr it hay be only 200 metels in distance flom Nala l,ai in 8.1.3 Di.p.!.ior ol btt rn this apploach smell cobcentlation at receptor level o! fo! each house is neasuled in per cubic millin€tei which is genelating from Nala lai. RATCHET sof!!a!e 15 used to catcul,ate the snell concentlation fo! each house. Th€ stability condltions for snell . Stable ai! conditions . Neutrar ai! conditioos . unstabre ai! conditions releats th€ folloving resufts; . The iFpact of coocentlations of snell on house rent tas significant fo! stable, neutlal and unstabte atmosPheric The @del . . The neutral atnospheric conditlon has greate. negative ifrpact oD because the uind sp.ed. tehperature and hwlditv are norffi1 ,hich dispelse the 5nell al a far djstadce. The odor concentration declease the house rent by 3t pe! cubic nillineter in unstable, stable ahd naturaf air . The estimated and Pledicted smell lltensitv at househotd enanatinq floF Nala rai i3 higblv co!!etated in stable' unstable and neutlal air conditions a.2 Eo!'iot' R.co'ldrtio! the local autholitv i e RatalPlndi Deveropeent Autholitv not onlv r'c!€ase inproves the existinq eerelaqe system it rill the caPltal value of the Propeltv but a16o lnplove urilized Lo qeneraEe Lhe The u!ILlnqness of rhe housenold can b" rhe recomenda!ions ror !evenue fo! LocaI adninrsLtafron Asencv are: Raralpindi O€Yelopnent Authoritv/ flate! :nd sanitation If se{elaq€ cullentLy {AsA is chalqing sot of {at'r late to and !a!iff. It can inclease the se{erase late equat to !ate! sanitation taiiff rate . The tariff can be increased bv ?0 percent of serelage fo! 90 to 3OO squate vard alea of house' squale . rhe tate can be incleased bv 36 Petcent fo! 300 to 600 Yald alea of house' out of . tlater Fete! ale installed onty fo! sO'0OO houses' in rest of the nouses' 212,oOO houses In3tall {ater oete! . Do not dispose sereraqe rater into Nala lai . lnstallation of serelage pipe lines in without open sevelaqe a!ea. 8.3 lutua€ ac!.ercb odou! is just one asp€ct of the open seeelaqe systeF- rhe Fajor sholtconlngs of evatuatinq the open seeerage systen smell ar€: . Lack of p!op€!L' sc]€ pLrchas€ daLa. . lack of @tlological data at sanpfing points. . rack of data lelated to smell lntensity. . lack of tabolatoly facllity fo! smelf intensity. . lack of computer softrare for handling Iine soulce pollution Bence, the follo{ing hethods are lecomended fo! evaluatilg lhe impact of soeU on ho'Ee rent . Quantitative neasulenent of sneU by usinq tab facitity such as olfactoFeter fo! snelf intensity callbratlon. . the leasulehent of sneLl intensily aor dorDrald and up,ard dire^- on from Lhe soulce of poII-tion. . oua1 heasurenent of snell concentlati,on i.e. hwn Panelist through electlonic nose. opinion and . Correlation of dietance dilution of snell rith ,eather . 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E8|6r Table 4.I Desc.riplive Sta!istics 0.t5 2 0.J, 0.51 I 2t7 ll.2t tx D)l l].?? t3.3' lI 3 lr-tt 1t.33 Table 4 .2 Descriptive s!a!1s!1cs of Estimaled smell Intensrty Table csr 4.3 DescriPtive Slatistics oihMhord I lt 2l 22 lJ.9 23 Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics Tab.Ier5.I Regression Resulrs (chaPter 5) (0.r3) il.rr) {1.31) (2.53) 5.r2) J.32 o.ll) o6l) (0.73) cl.a2) (-lJ5) c0.92) -l]3.34 l-r,27) tr,3,l) 4.72) cr.9t) 0,1o 6$ m noor6. -oroL .'ngdlrdl6srorFdrrrly 6!9m tt12) Estimates of sedonlc Regression Analysis of Closed Sererage Area (chapter 6) Tabl€ 5.2 bt (7.5) (2.9) nrwil3t@ rrr7.44-. L.s Lie& 0.@2... 16.?4!1. (6.t (7.6) (6.6) (1.6) (6.6) (3.1) (7.0) 0.003... Ll.?6... 00t3..! 54217... 0.091..' l't3.711. 0,o2'r! (rJ) (2.9) (r.9) (3.0) (r.9) (rl) {l.l} 0.296I. rr2?.93.r. 0t 3..t r06t_9... 0.137... 1113!2111 O29}r! (3.D (6.r) 15.9) (r.0) 6,9) C.E 6.7) 0.rIr 723.56i1. (2,r) (2 5) i2,6) t:2.5) 12,7) (r.3) lr,t) 0.0r4lr o..) p.o 36t.45... oo9rrii $2.r4r.r 0.092.* (3.3) (3.3) 0,191... 370.7,r... 0,19r'! 939.9r.'. 0206.I (4.6) (2.3) (,r,6) 0.060 507.16 0.0t6 (0.3) lr.0) (0.7) t?.' (r.6) (3 2) 0.0J6... 26.65... 0.0) (07) (0.0) 599.93 -13.26 cl.4) 332,76..1 0.09tIr p.6) (r.0) (1..) o.9) 0.006d. -20.$..r (4.r) 0006,i, cr,?) c2.3) cr.4) c2.9) (5.2) a0.021 ca,o) -s2.9tt.! 0,007... _43.9t4r 0.007... -3695... odt(. c3.1 (-]t (-, 0.4) rl cl.l, cJ.t (e7..r roe) 193.1) (l t (c? l) 0.62l 't (2.3) 5) (9.3) (r r) 134.9 73... 531.jr11 73)r'r (L' r.lr) 10 15) . lr) x rev.l (0 Table 6.3 Hedoni.c Regression Analysis (open & closed) seserage Area (chaPte! 6) o3.t) or.0 " (A (6.' 'itor 519.323..' 0.113'1t (6',t oo D of 5lo.3l7'r' o r1a"' tl63rl"! oll5r" (6.s) (rool (63) o0) ot) (2,3) (2.?) (6.3) (ll) (.].l) ci.4 ca.5) (.5.4) (s.n (.5.1) c3.l) Q'D 1.6) ffi "'l:1,'L'll:'-,^i:ii'",",iift i;;":''ii;;:i;"ji' """'"''' Table 6.4 Damage Effect by Nala Lai (chapter t2.52) t4 c2rl) 1i2,59) c2.0D (-2,03) ct."') (-1.r, ({ (4.63) 6) t6,21) {-3.?l) G2,73) cD ar.3r) o.l!) t0,t) c1.35) J391.667rt' -l.l46Ll"' 0.0000 -., 61"'i e-*, 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00@ 0.0000 "qn!rr-N !o PaY SeHe!age Tariff rates and tiillingness (chaprer 6) Closed Sewelage Systen Per nonlh Table 5.5 for HMiis upir 25 2t s*.ehcldB,"k l! Table E!@lad scu 1.1 couelation Matrix of Predlcted Es!imated smelL lntensi!y and i!6iry a o! Table:7.2 Hedonic ProPerly Price Function (chapter -.cGLddrr,s,6@ird.o0lLdodtdl i-Tit 6 r...) denotes ?) 4{)€ldir 2 Figure. of rll. lli aignrE 1.1 liguli 1.2 s@. fiLn S@y p[@ Aurd-S.D* XXt (a.nl'pindl.) tiguE 1.3 ryp€ of Eigu!.l. { S@.: FiLd slfty Dhoro Ausuts.phbd r|ll! Nal,. 2007 lai tl'$!r. 1.5 gqrrllg Pol,at! t.btooab Coogf. bP soutce: s.telllt. ciec t!@ ai$E. 1,5 Gootle @p 2007 x.lt !.a !!d lou..hold r.D bge.d r0 om soule estruibn jn s.Ptdb.r-auqu.t 200? Paq€ r03 - .f Ir4 tlgure t.? 9.!.I1it€ vi.r of Ll. r..i .sd lou..bol& !tgu!€ 1.4 !tr1r r.r! ?olstt lor Di4'.ltror J !.*?,"*l jald sdc: CPs t'r"FP 2001@ P.i6 d'e8 ulcY Aug'd-s.i.obd .1tstp tdG) Al4)endis 3 QUESTIONNAIRE for HOUSE IMPACT OF OPEN SEWERAGE SYSTEM ON R.ENT IN RAWALPINDI CITY By MUIIAMMADIRFAN ,"""#.ff"y-f;ij#"ffi.f#" SCIENCE C-?/1 ISLAMABAD Phoner +92-51'9252853 il;x;s;*.ry"t'u'*,i*:!ry.:,r$i#d':THil finm"*tlt*:'"'Wf-*l*-**".*wg SURVEY DATA SLl. Ad&e$ofHoN.: SI.5. Blocti SL?. Nheof EDMctutd: SL8. Nme Sl.9 of C@.dinaror Nmeof Sl4disr Sl.l0. D.k oflnhricwi Not : Ur. rpprcpdt .ode tr r.rperert c.& it th. q!6tio! i. not .ppticiblq uc 9 |n rn. l. G€trenl Infomation 2. l. HeadofHoGFl SPoe ofHed=2 D.ughtq / sn=3 Mothn / Falh.r-4 Sisr.r / BllthF5 Gr.!!d Farhd / Moth.F6 2. 3. Livitrq Preferetrce k R.wdpi.di you N3tiv€ Tom? (lly.s sp ro Q , 5) Y#l NF2 If no, *tci,o! mign|e ro Rrw.lDindi (in ye6)? Ircm wtich Prevbce yo! Pujab=l SindF2 NWFF] Bal@hbta!{ (go to a. rcxt seli@) what wa th€ Mjor Abroad=s '!en for lob=l Hindu=3 B$ir$=2 Edeati@=3 Fdily DirulF4 Rajput--2 Butt--3 5, ls this hoe (dF b you Ndiv. Hous? sp to dr.did) Yrl NF2 6. If no how l@s ?. wi@ w@ tuF=8 Kiy&i=9 =E 'ou tou liing befor tnis S.eMot la= I olhsMohda= 2 our olciry = ! 8. SiBiti haw ban livitr8 Ab@d = 4 Why did you l.a!,! you old how? R6t bem. high=l conFaci ma!F2 Construdion dan€d in old houF3 Build oM hou.F4 W.t€r sbolrg. / qqlity =5 F& fron work pllc6 Mdiagc / @.getion=7 Pdr l.w &d ordF8 B.d avitumdF9 Seial IsuFlo O0q=ll 3. Dwelllps Geperal Itrformetlon. r. 2. what is tou pes6t Hous€ wlrAl is dE Min const&ction ChiF = I Mtbkr' !16=2 (fowMsoloQ#3) OwM= I T@r =2 c.@t= If T€mi, who b you lhdlord? bFL hdividul - I R€l.tirc= 2 h.nd 3. L (mpyirg loterior whar is th. 2. Wl[t is rh. tuin @.slructio E tqirl of both@n / w8k@n? =3 Til.s = I ChiF - 2 sucr@ ofyod cdmt = l Kdha = I Sdi Pea - olhd =4 2 Pd.=3 a. 5 Wnx L th. @ of hoB? !vi.r is th. plor size of you 6. How nany sto.id 3, tou hous a. Dcs you hou. ?. whar i3 mtal valw of Srodd poftioi tou how How 3 Oihd= 4 h8ve capel for, of in m{rk.l? bsy bm tou 9. Doe rlE hoE Ho@ co.sist ot a 5 whlt i! l[. ryF of @il4ioD for, haE gaftge? Yesfrmtr =l Yeslor@=2 No= 3 l0 Do6 your hous hrE laM? 5, L Utilltv S.rvicer Hos oey t!6 of ulihy sdi6 y@ harc Ncz L Do you L How {. tro you havc ll. ha* om utility md.6? mey mobil. us Do ay of tlc followiry atret 'od @ in you $6d@t 3ti6t ligbts? Y.ssdicisl lshs = I Yct-iFuftcienl lshs - 2 No'3 12. Whit typ. oftratlqn you NF e for An tushenGl lnecrs tPnF2 Mosquito Coil =3 tillr-4 El@lric Ft 6. Gmd.l infotution on op L__G9!gr!u!&!ostloo N€ishborhood Water rei whar is th. 2, How t?e tMy tin6 of*lId $rc.? tou hav€ wat 7. Blrk r n d.Fl momirg onlr4 Mmjr8 dd €QirgFl 10. Cr Ro6d Wlic[ Eigl$odood y@ lil. tusr? 3, Wbl is ta e@bg o.lF5 typ. of stolge? FlooridlFl R@fT.nl--2 dre c.d. toh th. .lore lifl ofrielloftood What is th. qulity of.i/ ottrosthd? T Kitcnm / Balh rub =3 Qlali1y of wat€r *hd you @ivc? vdy eood=l Cooe2 Sad!ncd=3 Dtv Nitbt B.d=4 5, Do you fe Dot ey w.td ItM5 sho.Lgc? YEFI (lf no so to Q # 7).. .No -2 6. lf y6, ho* Imy drt{ in 6 noniltt r 7. D@s lDehdd rat you tho srcr 8, lf y6, how n&y dtt5 in a doith? lto* do6 tu Holtelrld dispo* By Y6=l 8. If)tq what is th€ typ€ of tr€atnol? Fold cloth=l 9. whtt g?e cbldinc rau.rl=2 Ele.t ic 9. For closed Ndh = 2 Clo&dd tulh =l No$|E =4 10. In what b fo. I Eqtrnent @st puifi€tior p6 nonth? rhe av€ra8p wld L If m, why did you nor F.ar lhe w.td 12. 13. wtat k !v68s. Aom oublic t D &d lhe days, tlw bkh tine Smell lnformitiotr 9. L Do you Y€= I 2 2. (lf no so to Q # 4). ..No = lf y.s, @ tou nnk the inimity of CG:dY=l Tine Consminr2 No ned =3 6iny (hous) lh€ €xisdng 3ry@le sysr@ ra16 to ddio !84 rin? Ddibl8=l 10. fel mell toh tou how slt r bil (pn) tube Occ.siotul AlqaYs Ce 8. l. 2. l. Sewerree & Srnltadon mcll=l !n [? PE IrY oc[=] P€I? !l6gc oiltcI[@ whar h th. opd ntli=l sdi nIF3 wht plEpoe tou lrsl lnc p.iv!t. collector = I TloM i! N.lla = 2 of6in ddin,od ho@ 3- Ar whal tololre=4 v..y sood=5 no1 will novc out ti@ @[ iitdsity i5 hi€h? Modi.Fl D4Y =2 Type of S.w@gc syst@ (8o !o Q 3). -.urd.r ' Type E!6ing =l =I OD€r dlaiN - 2 86ud 4. whevd cmpl.ilt ofop6 ew@gp srst m Fb.l 3i& Nali - I Fbnt dde Nrlr-2 wn r t,T. Bact si& N,lt - 3 Nrla lai = 4 of roil€t is u$d by your cotn4redbcl6€dwma.sl emelcd b opo w@gF2 6'Mt d lo s€elic &trt - I 4. Doe you w@g€ Epl bl@k d? Y*=l (Ifno 3o io Q * 6). . -No = 2 ndy dlye in a month? 5. Iay6,hos 6. Does yor *wdge syslm Y6 =l (lf no &bQ # 8)...No =2 5. which hclor seln you sboul R.latirc = I Fridd= 2 Cu.ss= 3 No onlldnt = 4 irc|t4 the sclP wind A.ed=l Wind Dl€ction=2 Dbi.@ro e|tlF3 6. l. which s.slor ffill win b. high? Exhme wints = | ModF.r. winrq=2 Extrm€ sllmd=l Modeate sum6=4 tuiry s.er =5 Heslth 10. rformdor on boukbokl @db.r tbo b.ve dlrher, h€p.dtb erc. ID Otner ll. 12. c€rersf Aw!ren6s L Do you thbr st€r Punfistion or aad th* 2. i!!sr!qs!i94-q-A$ E€$SB lboul ssh .|Y=2 3-. Renaniond 3. S*paA. in edibtior D@g. i! siutiotr No 6lta Et lin =r lin€ =2 $rG3 Do not krow =4 Erehoic3 13. Socio Ecopomic whlt is vsrlrble $uM of I'v.lihood ofyou hmilf dqy a@ly bdb63 qh iMc ir lan 6 @nthr 3, Wrli is d a@ge monthly .xpadiiE of yoa hoe? 4. How Day dm6 slFlc tuily dining oul h ! nod6? 5, How IMy lime! vhol. f.hily ep6 0o picdc in a nodth? 6. Do you gd lls patd Gglbdri 2 How No ?. DG &y mdb6 of thc tlH is ltmbq of the -2 hbtc Y6 =l 8. 9. 14 I llow d&h mrEy do you p.y for chditt in a notrb? How Euch Zikot Fu p.id in lst t€ar? Eouseholdlpformldon Whrr is l[. &milv 3iz. lNoof childm b.l@ l8Y6 I N.6fAddB b.tu6 l8 ard 65 No ofp.FoN ttore 65 yd v6 NoofMdied@ lNoofadult *o*instde6 | \o ofmi elktns adull p.tsotu 3- 4. what is lhc .dultion *,Iar ts the l4l of, (c cod. oeupadod l.v.l of, 6!6 ID d€r) | I | l | | I | | I | I | | | H.ad S6K i-_l---- oftead Household.Genenl ltrformrtioo t TD 2 l 5 1 3 !0 ll t2 tl l5 s0d9ofHad-, D.!l!E/ n=l c'id Fdd DauCr6-ii.lrf/ / Morl'd s'illr* atuddruri'/ s " 6 - e = r0 i': M-l a4 t: l!!t t !5 E! t lr tt d i8 F! wrbr Quditrl4 cXt ffornrtm