SERVICE TIMES AND MASS INTENTIONS CATHEDRAL Sunday 23 August TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 8.00 a.m. Cathedral Dennis Ruston R.I.P. 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Hilda, Francesco and Rosaria Calabritto R.I.P. 11.30 a.m. Cathedral Nora Lee R.I.P. 6.30 p.m. Cathedral Yvonne, William and John Kimber R.I.P. Monday 24 August ST BARTHOLOMEW, Ap 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Gina and Pierino Cavellini R.I.P. Tuesday 25 August 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Service of the Word with Holy Communion Wednesday 26 August 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Nancy Rafferty R.I.P. Thursday 27 August St Monica 9.15 a.m. Cathedral 5.30 p.m. Grange Friday 28 August St Augustine, Bp 9.15 a.m. Cathedral 10.30 a.m. Cathedral CATHEDRAL OF ST MARY AND ST HELEN, BRENTWOOD HOLY CROSS AND ALL SAINTS, WARLEY Father Martin Boland ~ Father Mark Reilly Deacon Paul Conrad ~ Deacon Quentin Hall Email: Website: Clergy House: 01277 265235 Deacon Paul: 01277 810321 ~ Deacon Quentin: 01277 200925 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 23rd August 2015 Maureen and Paddy Kennedy R.I.P. NO MASS TODAY Pat Hawser R.I.P. Funeral Mass for Joseph Peppard R.I.P. Saturday 29 August The Passion of St John the Baptist 9.15 a.m. Cathedral Eileen Nolan R.I.P. 11.00 a.m. – 12 noon Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday 30 August TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 8.00 a.m. Cathedral Intentions of Ralph Hillier 9.30 a.m. Cathedral Peggy Wareham R.I.P. 11.30 a.m. Cathedral Rocco Corbo R.I.P. 6.30 p.m. Cathedral Intentions of the Catholic Women’s League The Brentwood Diocesan Trust – Registered Charity No. 234092 Please ensure that you are aware of the position of all the emergency FIRE EXIT doors in the Cathedral. CATHEDRAL PARISH NEWS followed by a reception to thank Fr Mark for all he has given our community during these past three years. PLEASE PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARY. THANK YOU for the collection on the 16th August: £2,812.49 of which £2,007.11 was Gift Aided and Holy Cross £249.99 (Gift Aid £186.03). HOLY LAND PILGRIMS: The parish pilgrimage is getting nearer and there will be a meeting to discuss the details of the trip on Sunday 4th October at 4.00 p.m. in the Cathedral Conference Centre (behind the Cathedral). Please be aware that outstanding monies must be with Tangney Tours by 31st August at the latest. Parish Office Hours are: 8.30 a.m. – 2.30 p.m. daily COFFEE after the 9.30 a.m. Mass this week will be hosted by the Youth Club; there will be no coffee after Mass next week. PLEASE PRAY for the repose of the souls of Elmonde Chengadoo, Joseph (Joe) Peppard and Maria Peters who died recently. Joe’s funeral Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral at 10.30 a.m. on 28th August. Maria’s funeral Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral at 11.00 a.m. on 10th September. May they all rest in the peace of Christ. OUR SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS go to Daniel Munro and Leigh Wilton who were recently married in the Cathedral. We wish them every happiness for the future. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, READERS and COUNTERS: New Rotas for 23rd August to 16th November are now available in the narthex. If you have an email address and you did not receive your rota, please let Ann know –231593 or OUR TWINNED DIOCESE OF DUNDEE - Fr Gerald Gostling, who has visited our parish a number of times, has written with news from our twinned Diocese of Dundee. Please take a copy of his letter which is available in the narthex. Please keep Fr Gerald and our twinned Diocese in your prayers. SISTER BRIGID would like to thank you all for helping to make her Jubilee celebration such a special occasion. THE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME for children (Year 3 and above). Application forms and programme dates are now available in the narthex. Completed forms must be returned to Clergy House by the 3rd September at the latest; no applications will be accepted after this date. Please note that if you attend Mass at the Cathedral or Holy Cross but live outside the boundaries of our parishes, you will need the written permission of your own parish Priest for a child to make their First Holy Communion here. The registration meeting will be on Tuesday 8th September, also at 7.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. FR MARK'S FAREWELL BASH will take place on Sunday 20th September. Fr Mark will return to the parish to celebrate the 6.30 p.m. Mass which will be HIGH SHERIFF’S JUSTICE SERVICE: We are delighted that we will again be hosting the annual Justice Service for the High Sheriff at the Cathedral on 11th October at 11.30 a.m. Bishop Alan will preside. Please make a note that due to the timing of this service, our 11.30 a.m. Mass on this day will be celebrated in the Ursuline Chapel instead; please do join us there. THE ASSISTED SUICIDE BILL: Very many people of all faiths and none will be concerned about a Bill to legalise Assisted Suicide in England and Wales which will be debated in the House of Commons on 11th September 2015. This private members Bill will have a free vote and it is important that people make their views known to their own MP ahead of this important debate. There are excellent resources available on the Bishops Conference website and the website of the Anscombe Bioethics centre Please contact your MP as soon as possible to express your concern about the dangerous impact which such a Bill would have on the most vulnerable people. An example letter is available in the Cathedral narthex and at the back of Holy Cross. This can be sent as it is, but if you can add your own personal experiences of caring for the sick and the dying then that will make the argument more persuasive. MP’s do listen to their own constituents views. Do have a look on the noticeboard for Fr Martin’s letter to Sir Eric Pickles and the MP’s considered response. Have you, or someone you know, ever thought of becoming a Catholic? Would you like to find out more about the Catholic Faith what Catholics believe, how they worship and how their faith affects the way they live their lives? Perhaps you are planning to marry a Catholic and want to have a better understanding of what they believe? Have you been baptised, but, for some reason, haven't made your First Holy Communion? Perhaps, you haven't been confirmed? JOURNEY IN FAITH: If you are an adult and have answered "yes" to any one of the above questions, please write your name and contact details on the sheet in the narthex. More information about this course is now available on the Brentwood Cathedral website. The first introductory session takes place on 24th September in the parish hall at 8.00 p.m. If you are interested, just come along. CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2015-16: Our programme of preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation in 2016 begins on Sunday 13th September at 5.30 p.m. with a short registration meeting followed by Mass at 6.30 p.m. To be confirmed at the Cathedral you must be at least 16 years by September 2015 (i.e. Yr 12), and no older than 18 years by June 2016 (i.e. Yr 13). The minimum requirement for this course is that you are attending Sunday Mass on a weekly basis. If you are not attending Mass regularly at the moment, this is your opportunity to get back on track. However, if you feel you are not ready to make this commitment, then you are encouraged to wait until next year’s programme, or whenever you feel ready. If you decide that you would like to join our programme, please pick up an application pack from the narthex of the Cathedral and return all the completed forms in an envelope clearly marked ‘CONFIRMATION’ to Clergy House no later than 1st September. SCHOOL FORMS Although it is a long way away, you might like to make a note of the dates when Father Martin will be signing school forms at Clergy House. He will not sign forms outside of these times. Please complete all the sections of the forms prior to coming to Clergy House. (Please read forms carefully as you may need Father Martin’s signature on more than one form!) Please ensure you bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate with you on the day. There is no need to make an appointment – just come along. (Please note for Primary applications, it will make no difference to your application which of the two days you choose to have your form signed at). Please make a note of these dates now: FORM SIGNING FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS Wednesday 14th October ~ 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. FORM SIGNING FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS Tuesday 10th November ~ 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 11th November ~ 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. FUNERAL PLANNING: Although it can be a sensitive subject, you might be interested to know that there is an excellent resource now available either on the parish website or from the parish office, entitled ‘Preparing for my Funeral’. It can sometimes be a difficult and onerous task for our next of kin to make detailed arrangements for our funeral at the same time as dealing with the grief and loss they will experience at our passing. It can therefore be a real help to others when we ourselves give thought to our funeral arrangements ahead of time. This simple and useful document will guide you through a consideration of your own preferences and wishes with regard to the Funeral Liturgy and also highlights additional things that you may wish to consider. YOUTH CLUB MEMBERSHIP – JOIN UP NOW! Membership for the Youth Club is open to all year 6, 7 and 8 children and forms are available from the narthex and can also be downloaded from Completed forms need to be returned to Clergy House as soon as possible and should be marked FAO Youth Club Membership. If you are interested in supporting SHYC and securing its future or if you're keen to help then please contact Dawn for more details (07875 281215 / email THE READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY ARE: Deuteronomy 4: 1-2, 6-8; James 1: 17-18, 21-22, 27: 2 and Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23. HOLD THE GIFT OF SCRIPTURE IN YOUR HANDS: Don’t forget to collect your complimentary copy of the Sunday readings from the narthex. SICK AND HOUSEBOUND PARISHIONERS: If you know anyone who is unable to come to Mass but would still like to receive Holy Communion in their home, please contact Clergy House so that we can put them on our Sick Communion list. THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK is available to anyone who is gravely ill or about to have an operation, so if you know someone who should receive this important sacrament then please speak to a member of the clergy or ring the parish office on 265235. THE SICK:- Please pray for all our sick and housebound parishioners and friends, including: Jean Allen, Brenda Baigrie, Madeleine Bevan, Carmen Blackett, Eileen Brook, Terry Callaghan, Michael Clifford, Mary Connaughton, David, Baby Arthur Fleming, Rebecca Florendo, Ron Fuhr, Dennis Furlong, Mary Gilsenan, Toni Marie Graves, Mary Hayter, Eileen and Tom Horan, Baby Thomas Howlett, Ann Hurcumbe, Alice Jackson, Jess, Billy Jones, Veronica Kelleher, Peggy Kerr, Stefan Krafcak, Joe Lewis, Brenda Luce, Caroline Lynch, Joanne McCann, Anita McDonald-Liggins, Diarmaid McMahon, Alison Moss, Elaine Moss, Barnie O’Driscoll, Kathleen O’Harte, Siobhan O’Leary, Michael Olejarczyk, Tony and Babs Page, Mercedes Payne, Debbie and Brian Perrett, Michael Polley, Ruth Pye, James Quilligan, Jacqueline Quinlan, Pat Richardson, Mary Robinson, Mary Rodgers, Anne Rowe, Olivia Scott, Michael and Pauline Sexton, Pat Shaw, Robin Shenton, Daisy Simpson, Bernard Slater, David Spring, Marie Stack, Sarah Storer, Patricia Swadling, Pat Tobin, TCT, Donald Walker, Mrs Maria Wallis, Louisa Whiteman, and all our sick in the Marillac, Mascalls Park, Brentwood Community, Queens, Nuffield and Hartswood Hospitals and St Francis Hospice. CATHEDRAL ANNIVERSARIES:- Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time: William John Cooke, Edward Mellen, Dick Cody, Rupert Martin, Sheila O’Mahoney, Ronald Wortley, Breda Luddy, Gina Cavellini, Ethel Polack, Maurice Delaney, Michael Nolan, Joseph Dobson, Donald Frederick Dowie, Margaret Wareham, Alan Keary, Constance McCarthy, William Kimber, John Simpson, Mary Donovan, Edith McCarthy, Michael Witherell, Joyce Cook, Kathleen O’Donnell, Mary Blackwell, Lawrence Ives, Jack Cross, Fr Geoffrey Cockcroft SJ, Edith McHale, Reg Keary, William Hicks, Rev George Payne, Jeremiah Collins, Sydney Gostling, Father Collings, Bill McEvoy, Ivy Moloney, Rocco Corbo, Nora Lee, Catherine Connolly, John Torrent, Arthur Wood,Roman Blake and Frank Keane. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENERAL NEWS PEACE WALK AT SOUTH WEALD - Saturday 19 September at 2.00 p.m. – everyone is invited to come along to stroll through South Weald taking time to stop and reflect on the need for Peace. With conflict leading to the displacement of so many people throughout the world this is an excellent opportunity to mark Peace One Day ( Following the walk you may wish to stay for a coffee or share a picnic. Please meet at the Visitors’ Centre at 2.00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. ECUMENICAL STUDY DAY ON THE FOUR GOSPELS: On Saturday 10th October in Brentwood Cathedral Hall from 10.30 a.m. until 3.00 p.m. Professor Richard Burridge, Dean of King’s College, London, will lead a study day entitled ‘What are the Gospels?’ Professor Burridge is a recipient of the Joseph Ratzinger Prize, awarded to him by Pope Benedict in 2013. Please book your place by email to There is no charge for the day and a light buffet lunch will be provided. BRENTWOOD CATHOLIC CHILDREN’S SOCIETY is looking for individuals to represent their parish and to take part in our ‘Run for a Child’ 5K run at Westley Heights Country Park, Basildon on Wednesday 2nd September at 7.00 p.m. The entry fee is only £2 to cover the costs of running this event. For further information about the event or to request a Sponsor Form please contact Julie on or 01268 784544. A LIFELINE FOR MARRIAGE – Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For confidential information, or to register for a programme commencing with a residential weekend on 18th – 20th September email, call 07887 296983 / 07903 380443 or for more information, visit PASSION PLAYS AROUND ESSEX: Bishop John Wraw, Bishop of Bradwell, is inviting those interested in putting on a Passion Play in Essex in the coming years to a meeting to share ideas and experience. The meeting will take place at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 22 September in the Cathedral Learning Centre, 53 New Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1TY. There will be light refreshments, a few short presentations and then plenty of time for questions and discussion. This is a real ecumenical missionary opportunity. If you are planning on attending, please contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WARLEY NEWS OUR GIFT AID ORGANISER is Antony Timmins and he can be contacted on 202545/07525 364764, at, or by dropping a note in at 154A Warley Hill – next to Picturesque. Antony has already stressed the benefit of as many people as possible signing up to Gift Aid. Four donors giving under the Gift Aid Scheme is the equivalent of five donors without. The most convenient way of giving to the church, if you are able to, is to sign a Standing Order with a Gift Aid declaration. You then don’t need to worry about cash and envelopes, and it’s much easier to process. Please do get in touch with Antony for more information or if you would like to join the Gift Aid Scheme. ST PETER’S HALL BOOKINGS: Please phone Breda Bower on 226852 or email her at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS HOLY CROSS AND MARILLAC Saturday 22 August Sunday 23 August Saturday 29 August Sunday 30 August TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross In Thanksgiving to St Martha 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Marillac Holy Cross Ernest Walter Busson R.I.P. NO MASS TODAY TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (B) 6.30 p.m. Holy Cross People of the Parish 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m. Marillac Holy Cross Brede Finlay R.I.P. NO MASS TODAY WARLEY ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember the following, whose anniversaries occur at this time: Kevin Motley, Elizabeth Campbell, Sadie Rushbrooke, John Ernest Thornby, Harry Dobson, Bill Raven, Babs Roberts, Bridget Smith, Gerald Hayes, Edward Michael Sullivan, William Hicks, Jean Courage, Tadeusz Antczak, Arthur Wood and Sydney Gosling.