Local news from Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton & Thornby www.villagelink.org.uk Issue 53 October/November 2012 SURGERY SCANNER APPEAL Saxon Spires, our local doctors’ practice, launched an appeal earlier this year to raise funds to purchase a new scanner. They need to raise £20,000—a BIG challenge! So far, thanks to generous donations and fund raising events, they have raised £5,300. Village Link has decided to highlight the appeal and give our readers a bit more information about the scanner and the fund raising events planned for the near future. The scanner will be used for non-invasive ultra sound scans and once staff have been trained to the appropriate degree will be useful to detect many conditions such as: deep vein thromboses (blood clots), gall stones, fibroids, kidney stones, harmless lumps causing pain in joints and bones, and much more. Currently patients have to travel to a local hospital for these scans, a time consuming affair. The surgery does already have an ultra sound scanner but it is about ten years old and so cannot scan with the definition of a new one. The old one is also huge and static and as with most new technology the new one will be smaller, better and portable—this will allow staff to use it at both surgery sites—Guilsborough and Brixworth and so give patients better access to the service. FUND RAISING EVENTS ! The scanner will look something like this. Please contact Diana Hart at the surgery if you have any questions or suggestions for events. 01604 740210 Golf Day – Cold Ashby Golf Club – 19th October 11.30am shotgun start – teams of 4 £40 per player or £30 members. Bingo Night Ravensthorpe Village Hall 28th September 7.00pm Licensed bar. Star Prize – Sat Nav Quiz Night at Guilsborough Village Hall 13th October 7.00pm Supper included -£6 per person. Licensed Bar, Max 6 per team Flea Market at Guilsborough Village Hall 4th November 10am -4pm Coffee Mornings 1st Friday of every month, home made cakes and tea/coffee – donations. Name the teddy, on Guilsborough reception 50p a go. Christmas raffle coming soon on Guilsborough reception. £1 a ticket. If anyone would like to make a donation of either a cake to sell or something they no longer need that would make a good raffle or bingo prize, please bring it into the reception. PROOF THAT PEOPLE DO READ VILLAGE LINK! Eagle eyed readers of the last issue spotted that we omitted any contact Inside this issue: Cold Ashby—lots on in October & traffic action 2— 4 Cottesbrooke—church fete rescheduled 5 Creaton– autumn tidy up, free talks and walks 6-9 Guilsborough—new parish councillors 11-14 Hollowell– first wedding for 12 years! 15-16 Thornby—Paté & Plonk plus Christmas Fayre Church pages 17 18-19 Back page-Village Link Christmas Cover competition, art exhibition & more What’s On! SEPTEMBER 2012 30th Church Fete Cottesbrooke; 30th Car Boot, Creaton OCTOBER 2012 12th Complementary Therapy awareness day, Guilsborough 13th Quiz night, Guilsborough 19th Golf Day, Cold Ashby 27th Paté & Plonk evening, Thornby NOVEMBER 2012 2nd Bonfire, Cold Ashby 3rd Bonfire & Fireworks, Hollowell 4th Flea Market, Guilsborough details for our new PCSO Matt Taylor (C7115): 10th Coffee Morning, Thornby Mobile: 07557778088 16th Christmas Craft Fair, Email: Matt.Taylor@northants.pnn.police.uk Address: Daventry Rural, Catherine House, Harborough Rd, Brixworth, NN6 9BX 20 Guilsborough 24th Christmas Fayre, Thornby 28th, 29th, 30th GMADS Robin Hood, Guilsborough Apologies to Matt and our readers for this omission. Copy deadline for next issue:Monday 5th November COLD ASHBY NEWS St Denys Church, Cold Ashby, Open Gardens Weekend We were so lucky that the sun finally shone for our 22nd Open Gardens Weekend on the 21st and 22nd July. Once again visitors came from far and wide with many of our faithful ones supporting us year after year. Our grateful thanks to everyone in the village who helped in anyway. To those who opened their gardens, all 13 of them, without them the weekend would never be possible. To everyone who donated to the stalls and raffle, the stall l holders, the car parking team , the people who sold the programmes and raffle tickets, the people who sat in the church, and the ladies and gentlemen who served teas and washed up. It was a wonderful team effort. Well done to our young artists who entered the Children’s Art Competition. Congratulations to Jack, Erica and Emma who were the winners of their age group classes This year’s quiz received 23 entries that were all correct, the winner, drawn by the Vicar, was J & H Gilby of Dishley near Loughborough, who kindly donated the prize money to the Church Funds. Finally the Open Gardens Committee are pleased to report that £3,564 was made for the Church Funds. Their thanks to everyone who made this possible 2 COLD ASHBY NEWS ST DENYS CHURCH COLD ASHBY HARVEST SUPPER WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY, 8TH OCTOBER 2012 AT 7PM AT COLD ASHBY GOLF CLUB TO BE FOLLOWED BY AN AUCTION OF PRODUCE TICKETS ON SALE FROM RITA LOMAS, 01604 740173 Deborah Sampson would like to express her most grateful thanks for all the letters, cards and messages of condolence sent to her and her family on the recent loss of her husband John. The large number received makes it impossible to reply individually but they have been very much appreciated. There was a sale of John's paintings after the funeral which, together with a very generous church collection and some additional anonymous gifts made it possible to donate £3,348 to the Guilsborough Surgery Scanner Appeal. John was an active member of the Welford Watercolourists group and prints of some of his paintings will also be on sale at their annual exhibition, details of which are on the back page. WEAR IT PINK “LET’S BEAT BREAST CANCER” HORSE & DOG RACE EVENING. Coffee Evening The Bowls Club will be holding a Cold Ashby Memorial Hall ” HORSE & DOG RACE EVENING” on Friday 26th October on Saturday 20th October, at the Cold Ashby Memorial Hall. Evening starts at 7.30pm. First race 8pm. Admission £1. Bar, Ploughman’s supper £3. MEMORIAL VILLAGE HALL—LOTTERY 7th July 14th July 21st July 28th July 4th August 11th August 18th August 25th August 1st September All £25 Winners Mrs E Garrett Mr J Lill Mrs Y Malin Mrs H Gibbs Mr F Gibbs Mrs K Bott Mr K Miller Mrs J Gunn Mr A Malin 6 28 8 26 43 23 41 40 2 at 7 pm If you would like to help with donations of cakes, tombola, or bring & buy items, and give a raffle prize please contact: Rose Bott—740227 or Wendy Smith– 740528 COLD ASHBY BONFIRE FRIDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 3 COLD ASHBY NEWS TAKING ACTION ON TRAFFIC The opening of the A14 brought many traffic related problems to Cold Ashby. The number of vehicles passing through the village has increased from very few before the A14 to currently in excess of 23,000 each week. So bad is the problem that the Parish Council established a traffic working party to concentrate specifically on this issue. This team has worked closely with the police in an attempt to reduce the main problems of speeding and heavy goods vehicles ignoring the 7.5 tonnes weight restriction through the village. The local Police Safer Community Team has provided help in the past with periods of regular visits and the traffic working party has, itself, been actively involved in the Speedwatch programme the main purpose of which was to educate drivers to be aware of the speed limit and to deter HGV drivers. Despite these efforts the problems continue to increase so, what to try next? The Parish Council has purchased a portable vehicle activated sign which will be used in six locations around the village. The actual speed of approaching vehicles will be displayed and accompanied by a smiling face for drivers observing the speed limit or a CLAYTON & COMPANY (Independent Financial Advisers) Limited Take the first step to a better financial future Bespoke financial planning for individuals, families and businesses. Rory Clayton ACII APFS Chartered Financial Planner Tel:- 01604 740844 Fax:- 01604 740409 Email:- customerservices@claytonandcompany-ifa.co.uk www.claytonandcompany-ifa.co.uk Clayton and Company (Independent Financial Advisers) Limited is an Appointed Representative of Financial Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority 4 frowning face for those who simply don’t care and ignore everything. The unit also records all vehicle movements showing date, time and vehicle speed. Speeding and HGV traffic has to be reduced as, apart from the obvious danger, the excessive noise levels created is making life intolerable for families living in Cold Ashby. Tony Wycherley COTTESBROOKE NEWS New Date For Cottesbrooke Church Fete The Church Fete which had to be called off due to flooding will now be at Cottesbrooke Hall on SUNDAY 30th SEPTEMBER. Gates open at 2 pm. Amongst the many stalls & attractions there will be plants for sale, a book stall and a nearly new clothing stall. To entertain there are pony rides in the park, a bouncy castle and other attractions as well. Don’t forget to have a super Cream Tea in the Tearooms and a stroll round the Hall Gardens. 5 CREATON NEWS St Michael & All Angels Church Organ Pipe Draw 1st Prize Rose & Bob Farmer 2nd Prize Maureen York 3rd Prize Betty Jones CREATON PARISH ACCOUNTS 2011/12 The Annual Return has now been completed by BDO (external auditors). The issues arising report states “Comparatives restated”. This was due to the Clerk identifying a small error in the balance brought forward in 2011 (the un-cleared cheques had been incorrectly accounted for in the carry forward figure. The accounts can be viewed online at http://www.villagelink.org.uk/creaton parish council.html If you have any queries/questions regarding the accounts, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk. Playing Fields Association By now our new tyre swing will have been put up on the Playing Field, and we hope the children like playing on it. The area around the playing equipment is looking messy and needs some work doing, this is due to flooding. Once we have some funds available we will be tidying up and putting some new bark down. Hopefully when you read this we will have held our first Car Boot Sale of the year. We have two extra dates booked now, Sunday 30th September and Sunday 21st October. Naturally these will only go ahead if the weather permit. I would also like to remind you that we have booked the village hall for Saturday 17th November for our Quiz Night. It will follow the same format as usual, and we look forward to seeing you all there. Tickets will be available nearer the date. WillsDirect Will Drafting Service Thinking About YOUR Future There is one important job you’ve been meaning to do for years . . . Make a Will! Wills Direct have been established in Northampton since early 1993 offering a professional, expert Will Writing Service to people throughout Northamptonshire and the surrounding area. With Wills written for over 12,000 clients, Wills Direct can help you to write your Will simply and quickly with our FREE home visit service. Call Free on: 0800 121 46 75 or email: info@willsdirectnorthampton.co.uk www.willsdirectnorthampton.co.uk 1 Judges Court, Creaton, Northampton NN6 8NS 6 CREATON NEWS Creaton Walking Group. Over the summer the sun shone on the Creaton Walking Group who managed to walk the 88 miles of the Jurassic Way from Banbury to Stamford without a single drop of rain! Six people did the whole route and are photographed arriving in Stamford. Along the way a total of 7 others joined in for parts of the walk and a further 6 supported the group by driving, joining in the lunches and celebrating over a superb dinner at the George in Stamford. Many memories were made but most especially the joy of walking the length of our beautiful Northamptonshire county. A great achievement! Many thanks to Frank Cave for the idea and for carrying it out! Inspired by such an epic journey (!) The Walking Group are now walking the Leicestershire Round in 8 mile stages. Meet at the Lychgate at 10am on the second Saturday of the month. Supporters also always welcome to join us just for lunch! 7 CREATON NEWS Creaton United Reformed Church Minister: Revd. Rosemary Pullen. Telephone: 01788 511651 You are warmly welcome to join us for our Sunday Worship and Junior Church. October 2012 Date/Time 7th 11am Service Led By St Michaels & Creaton URC Harvest Thanksgiving Service at Creaton URC. Followed by Lunch. Rev. Geoff Townsend 14th 11am Jill Coe 21st Worship & Holy Communion John Horrocks 11am 28th 11am Rev. Geoff Townsend Natural Creaton Events Free Talks Natural Creaton’s free talks will start again in October at Highgate House. The new series will centre on bringing nature into the garden and should be of interest all of you who enjoy gardening. Thursday 25th Oct.7.30pm at Highgate House . Caroline Tait – Garden Manager – Coton Manor.“The History and Development of Coton Manor Gardens” Thursday November 22nd 7.30pm at Highgate House. David Cooke: “The Development of Spratton and Ravensthorpe Wildflower Meadows. and related future projects in Creaton” Information on all talks will be advertised in the usual village locations and posted out to all households. We look forward to seeing you at them. Wildflower Planting November 2012 4th 11am 11th 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Rev. Rosemary Pullen 18th 11am 25th 9am Tear Fund Sunday Jenny Theairs Jon Heard Several local organisations have offered in-kind support for the preparation of the land and the planting which are planned to take place as separate events in late November 2012 and Spring of 2013. Worship & Holy Communion Rev. Rosemary Pullen A bid for the majority of the funding has been put forward to Daventry District Housing Community Chest, which will be decided this month. Poppies Coffee Shop is open daily from 9am to 12noon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Poppies is Closed on Thursdays. Everyone is very welcome. For more information on the activities at Creaton United Reformed Church, please visit the Creaton website www.creaton.org.uk 8 Through an agreement between Creaton Playing Field Association, Cottesbrooke Estate, Creaton PC. and Natural Creaton, plans are in action to plant a wildflower strip along the Brixworth Road boundary of the village playing field as a pleasure and education facility. We are hoping that the planting will be a community event that will be as successful as the previous ‘Childwoods’ planting , and that it will attract the eager involvement of local children and their families. We seek voluntary involvement with the land preparation and will publicise the planting event in the new year. Please look for further announcements and contact John and Di Harper for further information and to offer assistance in preparing the land. Email - john.harper19@btopenworld.com Creaton Parish Council News………www.creaton.org.uk ALLOTMENTS Unfortunately several people have now removed their name from the list for allotments removing the Parish Council’s responsibility to provide them. CREATON WILDFLOWER AREA The Parish Council has received numerous complaints about area on the Village Green. The matter will be discussed at the September meeting. Another area for Wildflowers has been identified (by Natural Creaton) in a more appropriate location. SUGGESTION OF AN ADDITIONAL BENCH The Parish Council is looking into the possibility of an additional bench for the village. Funding will need to be identified and a site found. If you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk. In addition a Parishioner has asked to place a memorial bench in Creaton Cemetery. This will be discussed at the September meeting Please come along, meet your Parish Councillor and discuss village issues. Note: The Parish Council are currently considering whether or not to continue this service due to lack of attendance. BROOMHILL CARE HOME EXTENSION DA/2012/0514 There was a lively Spratton Parish Council meeting (attended by over 200 parishioners objecting to the planned extension) to debate whether or not to object to this extension. The Parish Council unanimously voted to object to the large extension in its present form. Creaton Parish Council received a number of enquiries at its September Councillor surgery, If you wish to object individually to the application or for further information, please contact the Case Officer C Phillips on 01327 302579 or email cphillips@daventrydc.gov.uk. “Keeping your village tidy” ANNUAL VILLAGE WALK AND RISK ASSESSMENT HELD ON TUES 7th August 2012 The walk identified a number of urgent issues such as several drains on the Village Green being completely obscured, the overhanging vegetation on the footpath to the School from Violet Lane (knickknacks). Many of the items identified in the 2011 walk have been rectified. Thanks to Councillor Reg Thomas for all his hard work on these. All issues identified will be reported to the agencies responsible/dealt with by the Parish Council and followed up as necessary. If you would like to see the full report from the Annual Village Walk, please contact Lynne Compton, Parish Clerk COUNCILLOR SURGERIES The final surgery for this year will be held on Wednesday 7th November 2012 10-11 in the URC, High Street Saturday 20th October 2012– 10 am Areas designated from 10:00am onwards at the Village Hall All equipment to be returned by 1 pm Plastic Sacks, Gloves and Litter Grabbers will be provided Hope to see you there! Please join us at this very important community event. All welcome. For further information contact: Cllr Stan Perrins on 01604-505487 Organised by Creaton Parish Council Kindly sponsored by Creaton Post Office and Highgate House 9 Lakin Accounting Services Limited Your local Chartered Accountant If you need help with: Accounts Tax returns VAT Payroll Business planning Contact David Lakin for FREE Initial consultation. Tel/fax 01604 505563 or e-mail david@lakinaccounting.co.uk Manor lodge, Teeton, Northants NN6 8LH The Ward Arms Guilsborough Erica & Caz would like to introduce their new management team to the Ward Arms. Steve operates front of house and is a qualified cellar man with a passion for real ales. Mary is an experienced chef and has been catering for over 30 years and will be introducing new ideas to the menu with the emphasis on seasonal produce locally sourced. There will be daily specials and homemade desserts. They look forward to meeting you all and taking care of your requirements Wednesday nights – Steak Night 6oz Rump, chips, grilled tomato and peas only £5.95 Served 6 – 9pm Wednesday & Thursday lunch time – OAP’s 2 course £6.50, 3 course £8.50 Friday Night – Fish & Chip Night Order your take away Fish & Chips £ 5.75 (no telephone orders taken) Served 6 – 8pm The Ward Arms High Street, Guilsborough, Northampton, NN6 8PY Tel: 01604 740265 10 GUILSBOROUGH NEWS NEW ARRIVALS Gary Ashworth, Emma St John and Charlie the Tibetan terrier of Rose Cottage, High Street, HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY Lydia, Ramesh, Bob & the team at Seatons Stores Guilsborough, NN6 8PY 01604 743541 National Lottery THANK YOU ! For the very many lovely sympathy and condolence letters and cards about the loss of my dear wife, Pam. I and our family have greatly appreciated all the kind and good things that you said. Also for all the 90th birthday cards. Thank you, from John Attwood Fresh Fruit and veg (delivered daily) Fresh Meat from Joseph Morris (delivered daily) Fantastic range of wines, spirits and local beers Bakery with cafe seating area—New Menu Post Office in store Extensive range of groceries Newspapers and magazines — home delivery service Dry Cleaning Agents THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS YEAR Marie Curie Collection Thank you to all those people on West Haddon Rd who contributed to the above house to house collection. The area of the village which I was responsible for, raised £75. Open 7 days a week “Glitter & Glow Parties” Creaton, Hollowell, Guilsborough, Ravensthorpe, Spratton over October half term. Watch out for further details Thank you to Guilsborough from Northamptonshire Young Carers A cheque for the sum of £7,500 has been presented to Northamptonshire Young Carers. The money was jointly raised on behalf of Northamptonshire Young Carers by fund raising events throughout the year. A diner dance and raffle organised by Merrick Bowles and Julie Woolley and very generously supported by Guilsborough residents. Further funds were raised by David Morgan and friends in Northampton which, combined, made a substantial donation. The cheque was received by workers Kadie Forge, Jo Johnson and their manager Louie Robinson who represented the Northamptonshire Young Carers. "This will make an enormous difference to the lives of the young people we work with, it will enable us to put resources into their homes and plan respite activities and also give them the opportunity of meeting with other young people in the same situation" said Louie. 11 GUILSBOROUGH NEWS Ash Nimmo Guitar Tuition Private guitar lessons able to teach a variety of styles and skills. Able to teach up to a grade 7 standard. CRB checked and based in Hollowell. Flexible hours contact for a quotation. Hollowell Steam—GPFA Bottle Stall The GPFA would like to say a huge thank you to Seaton’s Stores and everyone who contributed to this year’s bottle stall. £573 was raised which will help towards the running costs of the Pavilion and facilities – thank you. Contact Ash On: Landline: 01604 740 231 Mobile:07854827279 Email: ashnimmo@gmail.com Flea Market Guilsborough Village Hall Sunday November 4th 10am – 4pm Attic Clearance, Collectables, Plants, Jewellery, Books, Home Produce. Anything and Everything! Refreshments all day Table enquiries please telephone Pat Underwood 01604 740392 All proceeds to “Surgery Scanner Appeal” Offers of assistance on the day would be welcomed. 12 The GPFA would also like to give advance notice of their first fundraising event in 2013, ‘An Invitation to join us for a Burns Night Supper’. Full details will be announced shortly along with Date/Time/Cost and Venue. Contact Tony Wren (01604 740314) or Graham Byars (01604 740545) for further information and ticket sales. GUILSBOROUGH NEWS Guilsborough Plate Tennis Tournament The 8th Monday Night tennis club’s tournament was hotly contested on Sunday 9th September at Guilsborough School, and celebrated afterwards at the Ward Arms, with presentations & a buffet. Winners (Left): Tracy Doran and visiting Cayman player, Peter Yates Runners up (Right): Chris Benbow and Robin Ungemuth A special presentation on behalf of all Monday Night players was made to Rod Mcdonald, by the tournament organiser, Sarah Dalzell, for all his hard work in organising tennis throughout the year. (Left) Rod awarded a prize for “most improved player”, (nominated by all players) to Annie Collins. (Right) GUILSBOROUGH PARISH COUNCIL NEWS Councillors. We’re very pleased to announce that Katie Fulcher has been co-opted on to the Parish Council. Her contact details are Thisledene, The Green, Guilsborough. Tel: 01604 743154 or email: katiefulcher@yahoo.co.uk. Sadly, Mark Brennen has now resigned so we wish him well for the future. If you feel you would like to join us on the Parish Council to fill this vacancy the first requirement is that you either work or reside within the parish of Guilsborough. Please contact the Clerk for further details. Parish Clerk. Peter Winterburn retires at the end of September after many, many years of service to Guilsborough Parish Council and our new Clerk takes over from the 1st October. Her details are Fiona Keeble Tel: 01604 820552 with the same email address of Guilsborough.pc@gmail.com Street Lighting If you notice a street light not working could you note the individual number of the lamp and notify Julia Moorhead on 01604 743988 or email: julia@garrettmoorhead.com Jubilee Mugs We have a number of Jubilee mugs left over from earlier in the year. If you would like to buy one they can be obtained from Mark Revitt-Smith on 01604 740240 or email: mark_revitt@btinternet.com 13 GUILSBOROUGH NEWS Guilsborough Primary School and Guilsborough Preschool invite you to their Outlaw of Sherwood! A pantomime for all the family Wed.28th. Thur 29th. Fri 30th November 7.30pm Sat 1st. Dec matinee at 2.30pm and evening 7pm In Guilsborough Village Hall Christmas Craft Fayre Friday 16th November 2012 6.30pm - 9.00pm Tickets £7 Adults £3 Children ( 17 and under) Box Office- Frances 01604 740549 at Guilsborough Primary School English and Maths Tutors Experienced English and Maths tutors available with knowledge of current syllabuses Are you Year 7 or 8 and struggling to keep up with the secondary english or maths? Are you Year 8 or 9 and wanting to raise your current achievements before your GCSE years? Are you Year 10 or 11 and need a bit of help with your GCSE work? All needs can be met, from students who need a little help and confidence building, to those aiming for the top grades in their exams. Individual or small group tuition given. For further details please ring 01604 770673 or 07801730694 after 6.00pm and ask to speak to Jan (Maths) or Jane (English) 14 HOLLOWELL & TEETON NEWS LEFT IN HOLLOWELL CHURCH Do come and join the Age UK “Well Being” Group Thursdays 10.00 am HOLLOWELL VILLAGE HALL Are you SURE you have not lost a high quality dark green anorak Size L with 3 coloured lining or a dark navy, light weight sailing rain jacket with hood, Ample parking! Mental & physical stimulation for the over 55’s An hour of various types of different fun exercises each week. Stretching to music; yoga; chair exercises; tai chi; massage; and even belly dancing and hand jiving! Followed by a coffee break and discussion or talk on topical subjects The cost for 10 sessions is £40 Age UK Northamptonshire is a trading name of the charity Age Concern. The contact for joining is KEN NOKES course and project manager. a pair of black winter gloves a black and grey stripy woolly scarf labelled Dylan Spencer or a men’s tweed cloth cap? They were all left on pews after the Group Service last January and are still unclaimed. Contact Chrystal 505517 Tel. 01604 629 595 or email: ken.nokes@acnorthants.org.uk Or talk to Chrystal 505 517 FIRST WEDDING IN HOLLOWELL FOR 12 YEARS On a warm sunny day in August Lizzie and Steve were married in St James church. Members from all 3 choirs in the Uplands Benefice came to sing the bride’s special request which was the Military Wives song “Wherever You Are”. 15 HOLLOWELL & TEETON NEWS HOLLOWELL BONFIRE & FIREWORKS The Steam Rally Field Saturday 3rd November Fire lit 7pm—fireworks 7.30pm £1 entry per person. Usual refreshments, bar and fairground rides available BRIXWORTH OSTEOPATHIC CLINIC 2 CHURCH STREET 01604 889241 Osteopaths can be thought of as human mechanics. With 4 years full-time training, we are specialists in understanding how the various parts of the body work together. Many people think we only treat back pain and sciatica, but in fact we treat the entire body – muscular strains, trapped nerves, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and foot pain, headaches, neck injuries etc. Brixworth Osteopathic Clinic opened in 2000 and supports three Osteopaths, offering over 20 years experience. Cranial Osteopathy is available at the clinic and is a particularly effective form of treatment for babies who have difficulty feeding, sleeping or who may be suffering with colic. Initial consultations cost £42 and follow up appointments cost £38. Patients typically achieve 90% relief of symptoms within 3-5 sessions. We receive many patients through GP referral and as members of the General Osteopathic Council, we are accepted by all major insurance companies. For further professional advice, or to make an appointment, please contact us at the above number. Our “Over 70% of people come to us following recommendations from friends, families or doctors” 16 THORNBY NEWS THORNBY VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Our grateful thanks go to Sue and Jason Duke for their kind hospitality in hosting their Patio Party on 29th July, their kindness is very much appreciate and thank you to all who supported the event. PATÉ and PLONK EVENING Thornby Village Hall 7.30pm, Saturday 27th October £7.50 per head CHRISTMAS FAYRE Contacts: Thornby Village Hall Ann 743860 Sue 740630 11am, Saturday 24th November COFFEE MORNING SATURDAY 10th November Complementary Therapy 10.30 onwards Awareness Day Friday October 12th In aid of N.S.P.C.C 10am – 4pm Saxon Spires Surgery, Guilsborough Find out more about how complementary therapies may help you Thornby Village Hall Improve your Health & Wellbeing Stalls will include children’s books and toys (many bargains for Christmas!) Support for existing conditions £2.50 entry Experience a range of therapies For more information contact: Thanking you in anticipation Judith Crook – 07763 185413 17 Cottesbrooke Creaton Guilsborough 11am Communion 11am Harvest at URC Nov 11th Remembrance Sunday Red Nov 4th 4th Sunday Before Advent Red 9am Communion 10.55am Remembrance Nov 1st All Saints Day White Oct 28th Bible Sunday Green 11am Communion 10.45am Remembrance Oct 21st 20th Sunday After Trinity Green 9.45am M Prayer 9.45am M Prayer 9.45am Family Service Nov 18th 2nd Sunday Before Advent Red 9.45am M Prayer Nov 25th Christ The King Red 9.45am M Prayer 9.45am Communion 9.45am Communion 9.45am Communion 9.45am Communion Service Planner - The Uplands Group Of Parishes Oct / Nov 2012 Oct 14th 19th Sunday After Trinity Green 10am SERVICE GROUP COMMUNION COLD ASHBY 8.30am Communion 11am Communion 3pm Remembrance 8.30am Communion 4.30pm E/song 11am M Prayer 11am All Age 9.45 am Modern Communion 6pm Remembrance 9.45 Communion 9.45am Traditional Communion 9.45 am Modern Communion 10.55am Remembrance 8.30am Communion 9.45am Traditional Communion 11am Communion 8.30am Communion 11am Communion 6pm Group Service 6pm E/song 11am M Prayer 11am All Age 10.30am Remembrance 6pm Harvest Festival 9.45 Communion 11am Matins Hollowell 11am Ravensthorpe Harvest Festival 8.30am Communion 8.30am Communion 11am Communion 8.30am Communion 11am Spratton Harvest Festival Thornby 3pm Harvest Festival 18 Sunday Oct 7th 18th Sunday After Trinity Altar Colour Green 5pm Cold Ashby Harvest Festival CHURCH ROTA CHURCH NEWS Letter from Rev’d Mark Battison for the Uplands Group of Parishes A lot of 2012 has, according to the weather experts, been the wettest on record and, although most of us are back at work and school, many of us are wondering when summer will start! And yet back in March I remember praying to God to bring rain to our dry countryside as we were in danger of losing crops and suffering through hose pipe bans – in fact we prayed that it would rain for 3 months I seem to remember. Beware of what you pray for! A famous Scottish comedian / philosopher once said that there was no such thing as bad weather – just inappropriate clothing! Well, I wonder what the appropriate clothing is for us here in our wonderful villages – what is it we should put on every day to protect us, not from the weather, but from what the world has to throw at us? The answer, according to St Paul in his Epistle to the Ephesians in our Bible, is to put on the armour of God every day by prayers and Bible reading and, if you do, then this armour will protect you and guide you so that whatever happens in your lives God will be with you every step of the way. So, every morning as you decide what to wear to protect yourself from our ever changing weather, may I invite you to also put on the armour of God and be fully protected as you go about your daily lives. God Bless Rev’d Mark Home telephone - 01604 740050. Email markbattison@btinternet.com Group Office – 01604 743444. Email uplandsgroup@btinternet.com The Uplands Group of Parishes consists of Guilsborough, Hollowell, Thornby, Cold Ashby, Ravensthorpe, Cottesrooke, Creaton and Spratton Churches Mary & Joseph in our midst Shoe Box Reminder From Advent Sunday on the 2nd December through to Christmas Eve, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus will be journeying throughout all of the communities that we serve and will receive hospitality for the night. There will, in fact, be two sets of figurines that travel with activity sheets for children, a candle to remind us of Jesus being the Light of the World and prayers for sharing together, from home to home across all 10 villages. At each home the family receiving them will give shelter for the night and may enjoy remembering the true Christmas story whilst inviting friends over for an evening of fun and fellowship. We hope over 50 homes will join this pilgrimage and, above, you can see one of the sets starting off in Ravensthorpe last year and making its way to the crib in Spratton Church for the service on Christmas Eve at 3.30pm. If you would like to be a part of this journey this Christmas please let somebody in your local church know or telephone Valerie in the Church Office on 743444. Just to remind everyone that we are putting together the shoe boxes again this year. If you would like to put together your own box and need a leaflet with the suggested items – contact Janet or pick up from the table in church. If you have items you would like to donate, there will be a box in church for your donations eg. Toiletries, toys, wrapped sweets etc. Anyone who enjoys knitting - warm hats, scarves, mitts, gloves and blankets of any size or colour would be gratefully received. We will need items/boxes by the end of October. Contact numbers: Janet 740640 Sue 740916 Thank you for your continued support. 19 Local news from Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton & Thornby www.villagelink.org.uk For Sale Old French Pine Wardrobe fitted out with shelving and lower drawer. H 180cm W 73cm D 50cm. Tel 01604 740392 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ADVERTISERS: Ash Nimmo Guitar Teacher—page 12 Cold Ashby Golf Club—page 7 Lakin Accounting—page 10 Brixworth Osteopathic—page 16 Christmas Picture Competition Are you feeling creative? Here’s a suggestion to occupy active minds on a rainy Autumn Day…… Create a festive picture to appear on the colour pages of the November / December copy of Village Link and send it either to anyone on the editorial team or scan and send to: editorial@villagelink.org.uk by 6th November. Festive prizes will be awarded to different age groups, so remember to include your name, age and contact details with every entry. Charlotte Hayward Tutoring—page 5 Chestnut Developments—Property Maintenance/Construction—page 10 Clayton & Co Financial Adviser —page 4 Creaton Post Office—page 7 Highgate House—page 14 Jackie Atkins– page 5 Jan Wise—page 14 Judith Crook Complementary Therapist– page 17 Lakeview Garage—page 4 LocBox—page 6 Louise Metcalf Artist—page 3 Mark Burdett Plumber– page 17 Merrick School of Driving —page 10 Ward Arms Pub Restaurant—page 10 WELFORD WATERCOLOURISTS ANNUAL EXHIBITION Welford Village Hall Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October 10am-4pm - Free Admission Homemade Refreshments Proceeds to a local charity - Always a Chance - a fight against violence Does your village have Sports, Leisure or Fitness classes that you want to tell everyone about? We will be featuring these in our December / January 2013 edition. So if you know of classes / activities that take place in the community then get in touch and we’ll publicise them. Send details to editorial@villagelink.org.uk by Monday 5th November to make sure they are included. Wills direct—page 6 Information for advertisers Advertisements are welcome from local businesses, charities, clubs and societies. Commercial businesses pay advertising rates: Full page £120, half page £60, quarter page £30, eighth page £15. Private advertisements are also welcome. Back page ’lineage’ adverts cost £1.50 per line. When paying for your advertising, make cheques payable to: Village Link. COPY DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 5th November 2012 Please contact Angela Hubbard on 01604 740379 for rates and availability or email: advertising@villagelink.org.uk 20 VILLAGE LINK is a bi-monthly publication delivered free of charge to households in Cold Ashby, Cottesbrooke, Creaton, Guilsborough, Hollowell, Teeton and Thornby. It is produced and distributed by volunteers. Due to restrictions of time and space there is no guarantee that copy submitted will be used. All funds received from advertising go towards printing costs. Editorial team contact information: Andrea King. Hilltop Cottage, Well Lane, Guilsborough Tel 01604 740670 Fax 01604 740677 Angela Hubbard. The Old Sun, High Street, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740379 Glanville Hart. Hyview, Well Lane, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740292 Tony Hart [Web Editor]. 1 Pells Close, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740535 Sarah Dalzell. Five Springs, Nortoft, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 743023 Katie Fulcher. Thistledene, The Green, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 743154 Alex Lowry. 2 The Poplars, Guilsborough: Tel 01604 740575 Wherever possible please email your contributions to: editorial@villagelink.org.uk. This saves considerable time re-typing information! When providing hard copy materials, please post to: Glanville Hart at the above address. Disclaimer The publishers cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. They cannot be held accountable for the accuracy of advertisements appearing in this newsletter, nor for editorial information sent to them or published by them.