- ..ai v t "i1 .'? . - "" wr, fe ' .. t i fl-- r" '111 IT r-- . f, f &?: J ''V !.L& ' , .' t . He ' ,rY4' 'v.y f I r . 7 Extortion Try Jigainst U. S, Judge Foiled iyi iiwyw mw )i iiin";- - ". ,.; "XXTWTpBf TC17, H1' l"i"''- After Arrest By Gunshot Wounds federal Agents M '1 .! LONDON, Aug. 23 UP) A reor- "Wo shall do our utmost to main 28 ganized Iran government headed tain good relations with the for from headquarters of Gen. Sir Archibald P. Wavell, commander j by' Promlor .All Furanghl an- eign powers,- and especially, our in chief of British operations in , parliament today, imto nounced neighbors, to. the continue and France made a . Iran. provements said, that orders Teheran radio which of are alma the sweeping round-u- p of enemies had been Issued to Iran troops to his majesty and tho whole "naInformed sources In London regime today the in tho to. ceaso resistance to British and tion," Reuters quoted tho premier believed tho situation was tendwake of the Laval -- Deat Russian forces which are rapidly as saying1. ing toward peaceful, settlement, Occupied France, Aug. (AP) Authorities of Arthur Mathew Le Page, pleaded German- - -occupied guilty today to a. charge of extortion through the United jStates malls, filed, against him' in connection with the receipt fcy Federal Judge T. ,M. Kennerly of a letter demanding $5,000. , , -- 'was arrested" for Intoxication and passed KJall the deadline for delivering themoney 5 p..m. Tuesday. ' Yesterday he was sent to the city prisonfarm to serve out a. $3 fine arid, upon his release, federal agents and' a city police captain were waiting for him. ' Abbatlcchlo said the man's letter Instructed Judge Kennerly to eehd him the money through a Houston automobile Bupply store. The Jurist was to leave' the money at the'store with word that some- ime would 'call for it. The letter first went to Judge Kennerly,'s office here, whence It 'was forwarded to AusUn, where he " Is vacationing. not delivered until yesIt wasttornlng, "and Judge Ken- terday "nerly Immediately notified the federal bureau o'f Investigation Here. "A brief, investigation at the automobile' supply store,', brought', the .forme? convict ..under suspicion end the arrest followed his release trim' Ma nrlion farm? t r,i.. ! f Peaceful Settlement Of War Nedfi , Versailles! German- - HOUSTON, Aug; 28 (AP) it New Premier Of Iran Orders Army To Quit Laval, Dcats Lay Seriously 111 Of tjurtst,, who had, sentenced him twice for bootlegging In 1932 and 1935. After the. letter had. been mailed Monday, the- - suspecte'd extortionist ' NO. FrenchPolice Roundup Foes TvTTtT"l 'I jilany Plead Guilty long-time- 'j,i. . , li IUDAY AUGUST 29, 19dl OfNaziism Bond was set at $10,000. FBI agcntsald tho.man admitted his. guilt after being arrested yesterday. . The' man's' written statement, Special Agent Ray T.'Abbaticchld. written Jr., said, revealed be had letter demanding the money un der a threat to"" "blow the Judge . and his beautiful home to hell.' The suspect reported he harbor-- " grudge' against the 1 , ed d ." 4. BIG SPRING, TEXAS, mwwaawww-iMy- 'ftKI& Herald SPRING V 'j.VfiTlM iCi, iln iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBS9&iiiiiiflHHHiiiiiiiBiiiiswtbMmn i mi isisH assassination attempt and by mid'- - afternoon had placed more than 300 persons in "protective custody," some of them from the very ranks of the newly mobilized In Pails, the first throe A'"navyyard tug (right) moves Into position to put lines aboard, tho nerf submarine USS, Sllvorstdes Just after It Navy, yard at VaUeJo, CalU. Hvo moro submcrslbles ato under con'loft tho ways of the Mare Island ; ", . struction at the, yard. .. NeW Submarine Launched Hitler Tells Turks Of Needs In East ISTANBUL; Turkey, Aug. 27 (Delayed)--.(A- PJ Well-inform- ed Area's Best Amateurs To Show Wares axis quarters today said Adolf Hitler has warned Turkey that he may. soon need to use Turkish territorial waters in the Black set but has, assured the Turks that he has no other demands. This source said the Turkish, ambassador to Germany, Husrev Gerede, was asked to transmit this information to his government auring an interview i wita xaiuer ana cremitui Foreign Minister von Rib bentrop at the fuehrer's east to use Turkish waters was not stated. ern ,front headquarters? Cream of this .area's entertainers crop will' be, presented" In an program marking the 10th and final of the second annual all-st- ar series Friday amphitheatre eve- , ning. -- The show, which will be preceded by the customary municipal high school'' band concert, Is to start at the 'amphitheatre ln the city park at 8 o'clock. In addition to winners In pre This report saia uermany nas Movements of German and Ital no Intention of. asking Turkey for ian .troops and aircraft crews into vious programs of the season, two guest concernlng-the will appear. They ' ed ''' to bo convicted by communists special courts were executed. They were conaemnca 10 aeaw yester day for alleged misdeeds not con' nected with Laval shootlmr. Authorities apparently feared legion, formed to fight Russia alongside Germany, contains many '.more members who, 'like i Pierre Laval's youthful assassin, Paul Colette, had Joined purposely to bo able to get that the advancing' toward vital centers of Associated Press dispatches of Wednesday from Teheran, dethe country. layed In transmission, affirmed .News of tho quick abandonment of armed opposition, on tho that tho old Iran government British-Russian third, day of tho had resigned becauso It could not mako an agreement with intervention In the Mlddlo East kingdom, 'was contained also in Britain and Russia. Tho old re- -, dispatches of DNB, official Gerglmo had tried to stop the war man news agency, heard on tho by promising to expel all Germans quickly. radio. Tho German dispatches said All Furanghl was seeking There was a conflicting dispatch from tho Indian command head nn armistice. (A British broadcast, heard by quarters at Simla which said that NBC, said "all fighting in Iran has full mobilization was In progress In Iran. ceased"; that the British-Russia- n Invasion has .turned into a peace- -' Thero was no official explana ful occupation). tion of this report, which came at the French leaders favoring strong collaboration with Germany. Today's nrrcsta were maae in Paris and "Versailles while both Laval and Marcel Beat lay seriously Ul In hospitals with bullet .wounds In their bodies. Colette, a ship staker and acknowledged De Gaulllst, was rushed toward trial before one of the courts set special up by the French. Informed circles said the opening of the trial was "a matter of hours." These said also that it was evident that Colette had been pushed into the attack "by commiinlst-D- e Gaulllst (Free French) elements." It was a mobilization of this very legion yesterday that Colette, boslnz as a recruit, shot Laval, Marcel Deat, the pro-na-il e appeaser, and two .,0th? era. . Within 32 Miles Of especially slnco tho British minister In Teheran was still In contact with his government. There was a possibility, how? ever, that the British and Russian advance would continue until the allies are satisfied with their mill' tnry positions there. The British sup- -' want to secure an, ply. lano to Russia through Iran. Dispatches from Calrq .said last, reports Indicated military operations In the 'Iran area wero going' ahead at great speed and not like- -, ly to last" long. The Russians also were said to be advancing rapidly ' from tho north. ' City- -. Nazis Near Leningrad BERLIN, Aug. 28 UP) Some German troops aro within 82 miles of Leningrad, a German spokesman said late today, German forces are moving toward tho second largest city from the west, south and southeast, be said, while Finnish troops are "continually gaining ground" across the Karelian Isthmus from the north. The nearest location to Leningrad was not aisciosca. The Finnish encirclement of Vllpurl, only large town on the Isthmus north of Leningrad, has contributed' to a "difficult situation" for" the Imperiled Russian city, he added. This statement 'came' as DNB,, German official news agency. Bald that on the southern front masses, of Russian Infantry attemped to cross back to tho west Danii oi ine, lower unieper fiver ana were chopped, down by German artillery on shore,! mere were extremely oiooay tiosses among in- - n. fantry companies drawn up' in preparation for the" crossing'," the news 'agency said. ,, DNB also said Russians on the lower Dnieper, tried to shell German positions- - on the west bank from river, boats, but .that artillery fire, droy,o them off and, set - one-o- f their tugboats and a monitor on ' ' fire. . . ' V MOSCOW, Aug. 23 UP) The Russians said tonight that two successive German defense lines had on the central front been broken in a counter-attac- k Which' has continued. for six. days. troops under General Konev The otfonslvo by was In the Gomel area, In.tho southwestern command of Marshal Semeon Jlldyenny was Issued appeal to besieged Russian forces at Odessa to defend that Black Sea port "to tho last drop of blood." - Other dispatches reported' fighting continued on alt major sectors of the front. ' ' O artists are .Barbara Henry, daughter, of Mr. and "Mrs.1 Stoney Henry, jn'"a Colette; meanThe trapeze, act, and Bertha Leo Alli- while, frankly told, an investigat son, violinist. ing magistrate this morning mat ,1fe. Those competing fbrtho doubled ho was a follower of General of'$10-$6-?4 .'. WW, prizes include: If .'and win be demanded,, however,' .GauUeand.-th&t, he Charles,yPe Doyle Turneyand'hls orchestra; was very .wh"en.German,'forces ' reach the wo colne naa Arnold .Marshall,, vocalist; Shirley laborationist;giaapoliticians.nit of tho ;Black sea Atn 'eastern extremitydrive. Tlie Coahoma, vocalist; of extent Ann Wheat in thelr.RussIan Doctors were Hopeful' they would Gerald Anderson, reader; 'Bill that the Germans, might then seek continuing. and Rowland,, vocalist; trio" composed save rthe lives bf both Laval . n of Donald Bowden, E. A. Nonco Deat, who were gravely wounded. AUSTIN, Aug., 28. UP) Governor In Paris, outright opposition and Wayne Nance;. Jeanne Young, -' A freak accident suffered Sun . .WASHINGTON, Augi 23, MP) A Coke Stevenson, who, has been conelements were being rounded up vocalist; Barbara Barber of Colorado City, vocalist; Charlene,Flnk-sto- n In .what were called preventlvo personal message from tho Japa- ferring .with .members of the home day claimed the llfeiof three-year- -, V and Betty Jean Underwood, arrests In order to beep the Ver- nese prime minister to President sqn-o- f Mr. t' senate on, the controversial old Robert.L.-HalIford- , piano duet team; Joe' Fowler sailles shootings from: serving as Roosevelt was delivered to the and Mrs. H. H. Hallford, here" Wed-- 1and today bohd'lssue, stated road, that Brooks, vocalist) Perry and Billy a-- signal for general .disorder. chief executive today by Admiral Sept 0 seemed the' best date', for nesdny evening. Jean Walker, brother and sister Yesterday, one of the new courts 'In Paris pro-- 1 Klchlsaburo Nomura, the Japanese convention of a special session, of He fell on a mirror Sunday and. vocalists; Sara Lamun, vocalist; ' a southern, medley novelty di- noiinced its first three death sen- ambassador. ' VICHY, Unoccupied France, Aug, A general rain of the "soaker" type fell over West Texas and the legislature to consider the mat a four Inch sliver of glass pierced1 ;;, of many result as by the tences Allen T. and Mrs. rected 23 UPlThe Jibuti radio announced J. his Intestines Just below the ribs. Nomura 'came to the White ter, , night and today, for theemost .part brightening crop featuring Mrs. Pat Stasey, Mrs. hundreds of recent arrests. four. British warships last , today tthat ' develThe, governor, .declining t com- Robert succumbed shortly after Herschel Summerlln, Mrs. L. M. Here in Versailles a heavy guard Rouse after days of rapidly and,'a ftotllla of armed launches prospects. While damage was limited; the rain was expected to do Brooks and Rea Marie Brooks. was thrown about the barracks oping tension .growing out of the ment on the most recent statement p. m. Wednesday. and, planes' have established control 1 " Survivors are hla parents wna. .over French .Somalllahd territorial much good inmost areas, and particularly in dry spots where Two negroes, Sam Leech and Lu- where the shootings occurred and conflict of Japanese and American of County Judge Merrltt Gibson of County Longvlew, president of the waters'. Heath, will assist In the act. in the early morning hours three policies In the Pacific. reside at the Wesson ranch on the , cotton and late feea crops cille Barbara. Barber's number will be The speaker said the situation legionnaires were He conferred' at the White House Judges and Commissioners assor Sterling City route; two brothets, rom to beginning were sufferf , elation, .asserted; . a blackface In which she has a taken into custody. had reached a'dramatlc point, with k James Lamar and Raymond Jar- -. with the president and Secretary "September 0 still seems to be rett Hallford; four" sisters,-;Ulllan- ; heat; part for' her pet coon. nil- F.rench blockade-runnin- g of carrying revolvers They were to popular time most start a Irene, Mary Ann, Margaret Ruth'" the State Hull. launches stopped, and their cargoes Cotton that has been throwing the same type which Colette had of dumped overboard or seized. ' Nomura refused to elaborate In special, session." and Carolyn Joy Hallford; .hla of dry weather because leather off belt in his fruit stuck or Longvlew, Merrltt Gibson British ships have not left tergrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S."H. .questions president to reply barrage of a to In beti expected mature were much made arrests was Still County other Judges and of the ritorial waters of the French East Hallford, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. new prevent mesreporters to as what the t4 either Versailles assertfrom weather, and association, wetter late Commissioners ter with ten .days', ' the African, colony for a outbreaks or to block open fight sage from Prima Minister Konoye ed It was not necessary for county Johnson; broadcast said, ' feed crops were' greatly benefited. Mrs. T. H. Johnson; and several and collaborationists position ing between to their surrender officials It reported that Jibuti, the chief contained. uncles and aunts. Pastures were' helped. to obtain a special session, their enemies. -- ri port of French SomalUand and the Services were set for 10 a. m. conference, ,howver, "disadvantage the to Before the rain ,Only, neccourt, if by commissioners the "The condemned railThe three men Gulf of Aden terminus of the ! Friday at the Nalley chapel. Burial envoy was reported oft It that ma.washed .the It was faotvthat tho essary, bonds ses can their secret refund pay cut court to special Paris Big Spring' has a debt to in road 'to Addis Ababa, has been ui will be m the city cemetery, SYDNEY, Australia, Aug. 23 UP) Mr, Roosevelt with discuss would Gibson two years," next turing many the Douglass, on cotton immeMidland, "and D. D. sion were ordered executes off from Turbailn the tiny .French Prime Minister Robert G;. Men-zte- s, poison placed will be four uncles,, Bar-lan- d, the strained relations .between the said. "They can by this method bearers across possession of Shelkh-Sal- d a motorcade to the diately. They 'were Andre Brechet, two crops .to destroy leaf and boll chairman-oTom, Sydney andW. E. John- Including reported engaged who been a in has countries. taxes." raising .was their avoid, formerly Is hopeful Who gulf shore, and 'that it an electrician ' on the Arabian the .worms, but It is expected that most Midland rodeo, son. bitter quarrel with the labor par- farmers will repolson where nec- will be discharged in a' creditable secretary to a communist deputy; JaDoneso representations to Rus the nearby Brlushfcontrolled against United States sia and the TROOPS WETimRAWN militant Island on which It Is depen- ty over his desire to go to London", essary, a manner. Emll Jean Bastard, DAM BLOWN UP , At SHANGHAN. Aug. 28 UP) He, and other members of the communist and a, Russian, Abra shipments of American oil and oth dent for Its water supply, In Big Springy the precipitation resigned today, 'and Arthur W. Rueska. MOSCOW, Aug. 28. ( to supplies beer via viaai Russia troops 10,000 are governor Japanese committee, to appealed least Big Spring SomalUand The French deputy prime minister,' amounted to- .89 inch. While the residents to meet at the chamber ham Trzebruche. the vostok. great. up tba blown China central from inir have withdrawn to made forces have another was said rain was general from north of Luclen Sampalx, noted communchosen to succeed him. Asked specifically whether the each week to take up positions Dnieper river Industrial! of commerce office In the Settles ist journalist and former secretary-gener- al dam, formal protest against the British was me tnrougn soutnwara Lamesa unanimously Fadden was. elected Indoblockade Monday. City "area and westward hotel at 12:15 p. m. Sunday to join of the Paris communist message he carried related to ship either at Hainan or French the Soviet revolution. It at a Joint meeting of the United Garden the motorcade to the neighboring newspaper L'Humalnlte, who 'es- ments to Russia, Nomura replied china, foreign military, sources re pride of greater equal or an eastward and officially tonight party Country Australian and the announced was today. city. ported Ue not so. did think the fall was distance,' the extent of caped from a concentration camp Damages party. " Special given recognition will be in, the department of Hautes t Earlier the British and Aus- spotted, JYIagnesium Stanton and Garden City seemed the Big Spring delegation at- the' In the unoccupied zone, was tralian governments bad agreed sent Midland a show. Midland heaviest fall, with two sentenced to life imprisonment at wps.&sw w &,, "jtiiyfr ussslMKS ' is. minister other to receive ssssi f i i"Fis"N ' "f iT' riT TTillr itif here, last large motorcade the for BAN JOSE, Calif., Aug. 28 UPh-- A that an Australian received, In Stanton and one bard labor. than the prime minister would go Inches quarter Big Spring rodeo of and day the brief, fierce fire in the new In Garden City. Just and a Pollen officials In Versailles ap magnesium plant at Monte to London to represent Australia south of Garden City, the fall was purchased 300 tickets for the parently feared that other sssssssssssssssssssssssssMyyiJ;2..r iVlsta, early today burned five men in empire war councils, t Whether estimated at more, than two Inches. event. would be Menzles, 'now that had Joined the anu-Doterrorists Douglass getting in Assisting working on a new experimental this fell Lenorah,' also Two a( Inches, an to legion have minister, is an ordinary shevlst still he process, three of them seriously. county. people to Join the motorcade are , north, of Stanton in Martin opportunity to attack Its leaders, - FBI agents began an Immediate was doubtful. Coahoma', farmers welcomed Curtis Driver, R. R. McEwen and At arose crisis Menzies 'The when Admiral Bard, chief of the poV, A. Merrick. Investigation at the plant which extent he was going ,to Lon the rain and estimated Its forces in the Paris region, lice Inch; started, producing the vital defense announced At of an don. The Labor party, hot repre- at took personal charge of police jaetal only Monday. Vincent, to the north, the fall was Wreck Victims government, BbBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBbI in object sented the MP- IBBB'BBBBBBfWCTWl " measures In cooperation with 'PfliltlWIilsMIWtP'" Ralph' Knight, chief engineer .for as heavy. bsbbsbbsbbVIH. VbbbbbsbbbsbH ''aHt,r turned down a proposal from' about prefect of the Chevalier, March Ib'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI the Henry J, Kaiser interests ed, Aclterly had To the northwest, Conditions Good .departments, ofwhlch -- allgh't which' own said a pre- the goyernmentthakjtjoln Jthe Inch? rain;-an' liminary Investigation did not In- -' cabinet, and Menzles resigned! reported night at 'Conditions of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Versailles is the capital. last fall was dlcate whether the fire was acciMilam bf Ackerly' who were In Lamesa. , France, Aug. SUITS .DAMAGED dental or deliberately set. .Meanwhile, the weather bureau Jured in a car; mishap Wednesday 28. UP) French radio listeners ROME, Aug. 28. W Italian tor- predicted scattered showers to morning4 near Knott were reported Pamage to the plant, which Is In on the Paris radio station ; expected to treble America's' mag- pedo planes have damaged a light night and Friday. as satisfactory Thursday by autborr tuned SBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI could hear the actual slBBBBBBBBBBBBI MS' JW stsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsHBBBBBSSBBSBEliaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa (ties of the Big- - Spring' hospital yesterday nesium production, was negligible. cruiser and a 12.000 ton auxiliary felled Laval which Pierre and shots k RAILROADS TAKEN where they are being treated. Mr, Marcel Deat and Laval's cries "I'm 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBff'a Bh BBBBVBBBBBBBlBBBMn9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBaBBB cruiser otthe British fleet In the and Mrs. Milam received cuts and hltl I'm bit!" When the assassin's LONDON, Aug. 28 ,(P)The Mediterranean, the , Italian high government tonight took over. bruises but their injuries were not bullets hit him. jfcBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBW ij MSfjWBBBHslBBBBlBBBBBBBMBl critical. command reported today, full control of British railways. ! m'-jPJPeWSBBnSBSjypMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBJBJPB occasion was a publlo cereThe yums, TEXAS cloudy Partly "i- . mony marking the mobilization of ludSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB M4s afternoon, tonlghi and Friday legion which u an with scattered thundershowers; Gilks To Speak isBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM vVt ,!'' due to go to fight against Rus'' ;';' WViisSs warmer ia'Paahaadle. BBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBBBia&E sia, cloudy Partly TEXAS 8AT M " -. The microphone was close to the BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBII.tealbf a&d Friday, scattered thun- " "' '; ' ,i. ' ' BBBBBBBBtsBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBK' ' shooting and the an,r'frBBBMBBBBSl of scene the Friday west and and la BBBBBBBBBlsSS'J'eBBBBBBBBBBBBKliPT 4wlewrs er for the occasion. Col. Gllks. who was then only nouncer, interrupted by the sound BBBBBbE9KS Jf 'Kgmmgmlm,t)$-- t 2Wtygtmsm Dedication ceremonies for. the Salvation Army 'MM-M- i WM8iM toalfiht Gentle to citadel here has been set for Sepf. 7 MaJ. L. W. Can-linJWB!mBKBSKmQB$8GM?y' ' a brigadier, spoke at the cornerstone laying several of three shots In quick succession BBBBBflKhl .. . &. T" vlaBBnEllS HJ,"i JsSmffimfiimmm ago. freak saeitly ast and southeast months in charge of the local post, announced ThursThe building, erected at a ot of J12.000, was. and then two others, was able, ac-to day, dm4 fm tba, ooast running made .possible through the generosity of two Big give an , Auditorium seats and other furnishings were re.. , LOCAL YVKATHKK DATA r Mlgheet tMp, WedHSdaVi &&?; ceived Thursday and installation will be started at Spring widows, Mrs. Dora Roberts and Mrs. Cora count of what happened. ' boettia far Herbert a, stuekte a s came furnishings this - ast W isgawUiM from Holme. Fart of the one, said Maj. Canning. Part of the completed StationstaMa U ri. i' WOi an around, he exeitedly Wntellnr building Army part Also Salvation a souro. th of building ""- -- curlew-- rtutruu wap ... .. has been furnUh4. A tk. several yards away . gnaiiS today, 7;16j ptwrlM to- :..l. . Although no program has ben completed for the. prograaf nr is a oottage now testified 1 Maj. and deeoribsd Laval ting TVK a hSTIT. Mrs. Canning adjacent to Mm eltadsl, building at w4U Mood spots, spattarlng over ommUmi. It was known tkt Col. William Gaorg htaafcirt fwt. WUiN a. HUM natwraanwr, frill be Um jwiaeinal malt-- Vonrth n4 AyUf or d MsMlt. UUM. -- concessions Darda- nelles' or other Turkish territory, nor; will she ask Jtor; permission for German troops Vandtwar supplies' to cross the country, j The use of .'Black sea.waters.m'ay :""r Bulgaria, Yugoslavia ana, tireece, .where they appeared ttf be 'menacing "Turkish frontiers, were 'characterized' In conversations with the as ''purely a diverTurkish envoy sion'" to- worry the British, this axis report said. , , " - V British quarters reported anew today; that these' movements were old-tim- red-head- -- ,.,".' , Crops Belief it Vessels Take From Good Bain French Port M h MAYlFreak Hurts. Konoye Sends GOVERNOR lessage Tcr US President CALL SESSION SEPTEMBER 9 CMd Here "... lst ,, . 1 Prima Minister Of Australia Resigns Post -- Motorcade To Midland Set f Fe-rl- m " 'i - Fire Al-p- es Plant lyHH - 5 . . & iiTttsssjssssssssssssssssssssssssT v ed i- three-quarte- rs - Siene-etrOl- the-plan- t,. f'iyy&g. : fWmSmKmWaKlKm yiCHYi-Unoccuple- I ' ? ,jW!bbsI Weather Forecast ' SALVATION ARMY tHi CITADEL DEDICATION t'?'' ' SET g, "v Jam At Eastern Filling u' KWW f u (, I . i..u SSduiuuuiri T- -Mf " rs,K,' - - t,,pe . , J-- '!' 1 Bay Ton premium Swinging 'out to tootMijrfor the first and second We of" Howard county cotton 'Stowed (rota the 1M1 crop, a team fcdrrlsd'0 at noon Friday. , (Y.'A., Jterrlck and D. D. Doug-- . lass reported the following . toward the premium " itotr ! Electrlo Service, Biff Spring Motor Co, "Barrow Furniture, and Big Spring theatres, $7.50 ach( J. C Senney Co., and Bher--. rod Supply' Co, $3 each; J. & W. . JNsier and Lee Hanson, $2 each; y and 8.. A. HathcoCk IL , Another team was. 'due to make thei rounds Thursday afternoon. Meanwhile, those who will sub- which WJU be' scribe r divided to60theperfund, cent for the first and 40' per, oent for the second bale, Voro asked to call the cham-V4r of,'commerce. Aubrey, 'Weaver brought In, the .first bale 'Tuesday and X D. Wright the' second bale omentfor' air conquest. "THEY CALL ME DOC1" complains' of someone . ."Whea indigestion I hand them one of my ADLA Tablota" wrote Mr. M. of Perin. If "Doc1 met you he'd "probably hand YOU one) Ask your druggist to'day for ADLA Tablets 'and see. how quickly they 'relievo gas: and. heartburn. Cunningham & Philip;-- , Druggists, "and Collins v Brow Drug Co. adv. .. bottle-.wagon- M fUHl f i 1 1 WBrTrn ' a Output Has Soartd JLUua In any event, the portent of the lUOO' future is bigger and better airplanes, both for, war and peace. If the plane develops In the .next ten 1034 tit i)fc u ,.,,,, ,(, , , it. t t i ......,( ... . ( ai t. , ,t, tt t ' aOV .' . ( . ,,. ,i, , . j.j 1940v.,. . ..r.-r-, . . 12,54.8 J.Uuu t ; 1941 (1037-101- 2Snnn v PHtBtBHsBBi mmci':x"i' rrir-'i'- 'iiiBbbbb1i t 1. estimates by Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce.) 1 -- Food SHOP OUB BED nM' IbbbwIWbsV'ITi ' IbVTV TSsssiBi(lB if rT"iswiiiiirr IfLbbm mJsbbbbbbbbbbWP Wl ,v."fv Wft'BV X?$-- AD FOB WHKEE f A1! i -- tS&e&KBt&PvSsm 'Jdifff J"1 ' ,T- fcfc Tf ,' s Vm '" ',fjlS PID YOU .i, v - A SEE If?'"... IbBimI::'?; . t! BnSBBxrw BrfrTiTflf IsbsBst' sBBBTCBBB'rIBBBBBBBBBBSji WASHING? - A i?h sml')PmKbbbbb I' ' t . . "Jf hit tclBBlBfeBBBBiisBBVftJ':: i l " f ' ' i ' t raOMM r : - f j. f ' V ssBBBBBsiBBBSH9BBBBBBBBii BnSaBBlBn?Bml8BBBlBBBlBW TOBkk'bBiBiBiH 1. PILOTS: 12,000 are trained a year by army, 10,000 by navy" (jExaot ngures secret, hjaa. trains jaoto.- SHONE 88 Lt h S ' - SBBBrSiriSBlllllBM- - SBBBSBBBBSBr' IBMIIBBBBSSBiiririBSSBBSBS SS ST IBS tl'IBT .' OUR CANDIDATE TOR THE JnMl SBBBlBHBBlBlBBLHwRBlBBBlBm, - ' 'KIbbbH .. 1 H 9E3 Goodyear Welts JLeamer Shoes BbIsbS isH 121 Back-to-Scboo- ' And we bmve BMk-ie-8eb- SM' el SbBiBVA' .BsHbsB . sT jBbV sVtsb tar ' Iff CJ y lie II 11 , feii. HmjQCt aasa , ' ..'::i, .'..' '. ,. -- . fw3 'A,;'i.Lr.'...-l- AI i. : , :. ,. sm HA H afl 3B sBB 8:8 Md m mrwMwur '9 bHIbsBV BlV tBBBB BSBtlflBr .... ' . ' ' .. , rhoae 1T7I tJ b ' "... Mr PANHANDUB Z wHTU DSS jr. HMM ,.'... 1.,... --- '. t " 7S1 f. Irivlted to attend the opening of. Sears-neCATALOp ORDER OFFICE anythirig-.attright here In your Now,-- you can Bhop-f.every- - - '.''.:.'.':,.--. "i... 4 d or thing at this "convenient location and get .the benefit of. Sears low prices for care- fully selected, fully guaranteed merchandise. Come "in and see us. Get acquainted with' Sears FAMOUS MONEY-SAVINCATALOG" PRICES G Office Manager, iM53 Assistant ksiKi- i&tlgBBSBBBBBnBSBBBBBBBBBHKfeP l k; '. vi s'C" - 'bsssBBmEi'b '' ,"jjTJbbsbP IbbbbbBiim i ;.x. L.SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHIli i-i- av;ejhbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-- ; "JBBBBBBL5si.zifAS!- JE.- ;. 1H'jf!flWpPBBBM5: TbbbWJ- - A;:ts1MIbbbbBM IV rta .BBBBBflb.'.,' - f "j fJafcitlaB'; '1 5 BBSBBBBK'' ' 'k''"-.4-- ,tbbBiiiiWbbR-T- ' JuSSHBk'llBBrBBBBSBBM fi , ' '?BBBBBBW?'' i'HHRBiiff IBB i'BBISSSsBbw ?:';';: 'JBBBBBMppA-';WjW-- , - i fe' TIa i,BBft!lSBSBBBkL: .gfdsBlsssBlllllWBl :sBm? . AKVXE-.WBBK- MB8. EVELYN DAVIDSON of Big Spring t B of Big Spring SPECIAL CATALOGS., In addition to all regular catalogs . . . everything from furs to furnace, toupees to tools. If the merchandise you want Isn't in regular catalogs, ask to see these special books. GUARANTEE. We guarantee that ev-ery article in our catalogs Is honestly described and illustrated. If, for amy reason, you are not fully satisfiedr we will exchange, the merchandise for just what you want or return jrour.monr. M K. fjU INN fSklfjMl jjKtsjLAaaA BMCMSjBjr BBJaMSBBSBJ IssliiMiss OnSN ONUWDATf AH sTInis "TM" FOR THE HOME AND FAMILY w. GRirrrra ffMlaUg CBnBBBHV WfMMi i 100,000 ITEMS DI8TSIBUTOB sPARK I -. FSODDOTflt BBsfHH V , t vM0P.THAN " MSB. h iMBsBiWr FRIDAY: AUGUST 29 ' DeLuxe Service 1W W. II II iiiMTV'iTI ' FASHION CLEANERS I 11 lflP'w ' , BBBlir Fishing With Truett and Kemper, Elisabeth Rsthsherg. Raymond Oram Swing. Interviews With The"B. ' Enjoy The Freshness A Clean Clothes . . . ' -3ByB Ia J0 News. Jarretts Orchestra. Siu Art Dance Hour. I' .JtM, JJS(KK II II " . SBbV absBiBibV ' H OPPOSITE COURT HOUS3E '...a. bBW bsBibv I' ,tiiBlsslu'TBlssssk'ik Polo Team. Quls Bowl. 'i .. JLsl BBBHBn9HHHKnffSBHBHBHBV'IJMBHpjj? 10:00 News. 10:15 Sports. 10:30 Goodnight, fBBBBBBBBBV '" H Hj B rssBH bbbbsbkP ::JmI2.Mmk 1 IlBBiBiBm bl MbbbLbiiiiiHf Bt&BKMSmSSti 'sBVlBBlBBUBBBnBmr Vb VSaBlBBllflBBBBBllBBVRll Jose Bosado Orchestra. Fulton Lewis,. Jr. 'Friday livening DU Here's Morgan. 6:30 Stanley Kentona Orchestra. Supper .Dance Varieties. Lone Ranger. I bPbbBbbbIbBF HHflHF ! ' fondtihwuJL ;S.B-BHBRl- LI - , I aa siAwr ' 1 h 7:00 Musical Clock. 7;15 Safety In Numbers. 7:30. Texaco Star Reportei 7: Baseball Scores. 7:60 Musical Clock.' 8:00 .Morning Devotion. ' 8 115 Musical Impressions. 8:30 Singing. Strings. " I 8:45 What's Doing Around' Big Spring.- - , j. 0:00 B. B.JBercovicL 0:15 Musical .Portraits. 9:30. Songs of a Dreamer. I' jSU' HP . MW .asa. ,aa k Hmk'ylfi l,ifafvfc '' BBlllBllSlBPBHBwftinslnBBllllSBBBSBlb. ;'ft . a? - r j . sHHBBBHHitBBiH ' Sports. s:o ..bHP - palrl . .jt-- 307SrA3y V the . . -- BBkk. bHbsBiiiiibbH ISk! $1.08 Children's Shoes Bargain dk.11.,.sus8H.rr bSbbS ai.M ' M CUjl ( 4:00 News. Muslo By Willlard. Life and the Land. & .ssiiHBBiiar avpbIbsbVT . L tbeu kera at J) sBllBBllH - Mnwasfn Tnoe We kHOw what they need finflexible, sturdy, fcIthful footwear styles at a,pricei ill pi 1 o fPy'By'IiaYesetit,aiocMiarenof outhwest .BbsVbbI ''iI assBBBBi Collec-- rrAAtfl ' "l" ,:-- I KTV . f I II y ftT98 BnEnnYsBiBiBw!1 News. t All Star jnootljaU Oamt. I I T Flat or nu.frsfiri r- - BBBBBBBJ -L ,fi?P-- for School BsIbbIbBbbI :i- ' B LbV ' hbbbiW bbT f ' IsBasBBk WIAbsbIbbBibV V IN Sport Styles 1 ' Ls4v ibbJbsbbS?sbB 114 .sBWaBVlllfsBBlBr JFv 0T 111 IsBMTa'l nsBWV!f A I 1 0iH W t army JW Q& i2mmJI NWi?7 W &m A BBlBlBlBBBlBSBwTIHk 4BlBllBBsBVlsBlBflk SBBlBT fcHBaB?!A BsBVBflLKHBB IbbbibS SbHbbI 1 1 1 assm ;Wf sBJttjsBl sfl! 1 Britain Speaks. Brazil Presents' Symphony Orchestra. r. PARACHUTE tho &' SSB1BSBB1BBB1B1B1B1B1B&B !'IbBB1bS' IV TERM ' SSsBsBBn ent law until Jan. 1, 199, At present employers and employes each pay 1 per cent. The extended benefits urged by the committee, named to Invest!- - .,. - PBiflBBiBBl i Over,Brltatav,' IHM-I-- ' 9:15; Easy Aces.. " TROOPS for 10:00 ' Neighbors. ' and' marlno coma' 10:15 Our Gal Sunday; number, 8,000. ft. year ngot none 10:30 Bweetest Love Songs. 11:00 Morning. Interlude. , T STlBSBBBMBf BBS 11:05 Dr. Amos B. Wood. llTBBBBBlM . 11:10 Morning Interlude. ' 11:15 Helen Holden.' " 11:30 Meet The Band. JliiS ,1'U.FindMy Way. 12:00 Checkerboard Time. Friday Afternoon 12:15 'Curbstone' Reporter. jf . .,. 12:30 'News. t-12:15 Singing Sam. 1931 ! 1:00 Muslcai, Interlude. d:05 Tony Pastors Orchestra; flW 1:15, Hollywood Bowl Orchsstra. Dlr. Bruno Walter, 1:i5 Carvel Cralgs Orchestra.. "sm Bh. , , News Bulletins. T Shatter' Parker. 21B Arthur Olsen, Piano. s 2:30 Johnson Family. M A 2:4S Ralph Barlows Orchestra. Xi News and Markets. m 3;0 3:16 Jack Coffee's Orchestra, 3:30 Mitchell Ayers Orchestra, . "T AjOjMBBBBiBBBB ' l 'SBBBBl9BBBBBnP',' mBBBBBml BSBBBBsBBBBBsHHBBBBBBBBBBBai ' seiooilia' BEN AUEXANDEB. HaBP'BBB'l MBBBKBartEPBsBavr i ' BEATYS LAUNDRY -- lElilSflHEH ', "' Friday Morning at :!. I DREAM '..-- Sky 10:30 News. ?& ' H m she wont be a dream fear, ksdiwlsh'o as chean as ,. "they are, there is no ase In' her doing the wash. on will proflt.by 4k- v , lavegaUngrar cash, and carry discount. i " ,F EVER 4Mk;Sd . ama- ir.!s 'tv- payroll taxes' bo boosted to 0 per Cent by Jan. 1, IBM, a level which would not be reaoh'ed under pres- VF f - A e .. lM rnnll1 vvfKMKB Thursday Evening Pnlton Lewis Jr."? -Here's Morgan. Confidentially' Yours.'' Supper banco Varieties. - VALUES employer-employ- IbbHbVbbK;'I m V UNUSUAL i that combined bibiVPsibHHHk&! cargo-carryin- Ss tWftffi bo-g- in ball park outilde, the city tomor row nigni, since tne council will not let municipal auditorium be used for the purpose. , The council tlon for the auditorium after local fflaBle'sBW Phone 78 "laflc.'1 AVW OKIAHOMA CITY, Aug. 28. ff Charles, Lindbergh and Senator Burton will make their. John H. Jouett, president of tho Aeronautical Chamber of , Commerce, tells us the immediate new peacetime horizon for the' airplane Wmc fSaHBH fJTit'ifl S LbbbbbbbbVbs1bH may be '"Military, men are carrying 3. B1ECHANICS, welders, 'weather observers,1 etc., nro being' 5:00 tanks, ambulances,, trucks, tor graduated at tho rate of 100,000 5:15 pedoes by plane, and hauling glia year.-Jouett. says Mr. ders....'' 5:30 "Their work' will be Invaluable In the de- peaceful air conquest by all na5:15 velopment of the cargo plane for tions. . 6:15 peacetime.";..". , ,. 'It is possible that air freight Jouett suggests we havo great- rates,. will ultimately be, as low 6:30 undeveloped areas In the western' fas rail rates, and freight ,by air 6:43 hemisphere 'alone, such as. .the 'can. .go where rails cannot go at MattoGro8so-oBrazil. These,, ho all. Chicle,- - and minerals, now 'are 7:00 believes, 'are .fruitful areas for .coming .out "of the jungles by air. 7:15 ,;; jit:.,'.H-..Li,,.10:15 Market ' 1018 Johnson isation of the social' security laws to provide minimum old age pensions of 90 monthly to all unemployed persons 'over tho age of CO. The committee also proposed that old age insurance .benefits at a $30 monthly .minimum and Lindbergh Will Talk In. Ball Park RADIO LOG. Whitmire's Lawfc Recommended William Crawford, M, who was fatally injured in an automobile accident at .Hammond, Ind. Tuesday morning. The body was to arrive. here Friday night and Nalley Funeral Home will be jn charge of loca) arrangements. Survivors Include his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W; W. Crawford, two brothers, James Crawford and Johnny Crawford! an aunt, Mrs. Viola Bowles, and a cousin, Watson, Hammond. ', .. a gate the fovanHnmt's eM kn setup, wM oost an '$4,000,000,000 annually. ;, ,,, . i .i it auoD .. .,. .,, .t. ... ,,, , , lUoo :. ,,. lUOl , P-me- km WAsMmOTON, Ag. M MB- -A runsral servlees wRl Ve SMduet-edsenate eommittee reeom here Balurdey at 4 p. m, iot epeelal mended to congress today- - liberal- ,,; ; liberal , protests to undberg's appearance there. Wheeler was booked, to ' -- a SDeak aftnr th nmincll while offers for rally sites poured in on me local America First Committee, the sponsor! Herbert K. Hyde, chairman of 4. NEW AIR. BASES built or building for tho navy total 60, Tho the commlttm. uM v. ji army iisicu.. for tho year ending July X, Monthly U.S. warplano "park, which has seating facilities production has boon practically tripled in la months. or au.vuu persons, would be floodlighted and have ample press and Tho return Journeyn can carry comforts of life, It purchasing radio facilities. power can' follow the' air trails." first., Atbmlo power Bhould re Mr. Jouett holds out no mirac duce the deadweight of fuel. SBBBBh Ki iBlBW.'VBHiKiri ulous hope for ,a small plane for ? tSBBBK...' BBBT?BWFmII After .the war, what? the 'average 'man. Such planes , As matters now .stand 'the' fu await dynamic, revolutionary Inture Is not too bright for tho 60,000 vention not now' in sight, and a to 100.000' pilots 'we're turning "out Hepry Ford in the' bargain. They every' year in both civil and mili do hot now, match' the automobile tary aviation, nor the 100,000 in convenience, cost, safety, ' and technicians., But there Is hope. comfort. . Midnight K How US Plan w, Funeral Set Heie For Wm. Crawf6rd a. years as it has m the last ten, military men enmost vision great armies and navies of the air. "Wo already, know," says Secretary of theNavy. Frank, Knox, "that, tho range of aircraft will 'be 25,000 miles and more 10 years from now....that battleships eventually may fight in the skies, rather than on tho seas.... and an air transport may carry 1,000 men, instead of '601" That means most air experts foreseb the not far distant' day when the airplane will have, even. moro efficient motive power than the highly efficient gasoline motor. The deadweight fuel requirements of motors now limit the range. Already' the airplane industry is exploring tho fringes of new 'motive power. Some builders havo brought out the principle of jet or rocket propulsion to an astonishing degree. By utilizing exhaust gases, from tho motor, they claim they've added 10 to IS miles an hour to air speed. Meanwhile, the scientists of all . nations are working secrotly with cyclotrons and similar .experimental giants to develop the power of atoms. If tho .scientists .should, harness ntomlo power In tht near future. the aviation englneor. will grab it r. Saturday Tomer-ro- the airplane may give different account of Itself. d, ' mm ly of larger, Imter defended areas, ts too. great ror the m- ds-tine- sky-bir- ,. Wednesday: Ta, Spring, ....... - By MOB4AK M. BJEATTY AT Featare Bervtoe Writer WASHINGTON Between National Aviation Day, IB 10, and the same' day this year (August 19) i the airplane has reached full atatui as the great Jekyll-Hyd- o of modern civilization. d d seems And man's to fulfill' thai role for unnumbered years to cbmo. That's the consensus of military, commercial and engineering opinion In the midst of eurewn feverish push for CO, 000 airplanes f6r defense. Most expert forecasters in, the aviation field baso their opinions on these contradictory and still developing facts: LThe airplane has demonstrate ed Its capacity to fly the oceans as Well as the continents, regularly and safely. That means tho plane even now Is beginning to carry commerce to th'e remoto areas' of the earth and' to eat, up the distance separating the great centers of world development It is thus capable In the future of relieving congestion of population' an.d spreading the benlf ts and comforts of civilisation to untold millions. X Military genius, meanwhile, has developed tho airplane Into a No. 1 weapon it.nas not helpless between distinguished civilians .and military belligerents. ,Untll the military mind can provide s, better sights for Its flying it la under blanket Indictment for adhering to no code of chivalry. 8. The airplane, nevertheless, has proved Itself a critical weapon' pf warfare, extending fire power far beyond front lines, 'so that .every nation must build that Instrument to its efficient best, get tho most airplanes its, taxpayers can afford. 4. Yet; the air weapon sofar has boon able on Its own hook to cap1 ture 'no better;,-strateglo area than, tho Island of Crete, a com-- , paratlvely unimportant pawn of war. True, the feat, was almost miraculous. But the fact remains that the bomb absorption capac-- r&if '; M Mf Sprinf HrId,Ml.... The Herald Aviation Comas Of Age In The United States Premram Sought For First Bale M 8w tt Za 119 Eat Third JBJG SPRING Phone 344 Say Ton Sew It In 11m HmM I r r- III Ill - ' i. . - r r ...... j Bf , . .. r flnrWW HsmJd."T Her JtortM. T , . . fisneU 1 i i . i ill ri ii i ii I - nil ndreds Of Farniers Expected At Meeting Here Friday I It V " . v. . . ' Roping Slated At Parm Bureau group Will (Form Plans shHssBSK 'dSBBsflsssBlBBBT 9GsW9sBssisisisiiHflKlHBiiliV , IgeHsfflHlsM 'COLORADO CWV, Aug. 38 (Spl) Matched roping will be an added attraction during the Colorado City Frontier Roundup rodeo next fggV sssssssssssbbsss t: J&aijsTaflJBsleiTaK .,H Thursday Hundreds of termors and area In West a Texas are expected to convene at ssssslBsHPHsssissassssslsissssHSil '' ' HPJssssssssHBfllisilssssssssssa ,10 a. to. Friday at Iho Setljes hotel BBBBBBBBaBBBBBmRlsBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBSSBRSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBB) aDHSnEBBKsllSHSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI1 SB9J&9SejSS3BgeY for a dlstrlct.tncotlng of tho tfexaa tssssssssssssssWsssssssssssssssssssiisslHssssssHKt-''V- ' OBwfflWWssssssssssssTJ . sssssssssssHsssissssssssssHLI9ssssHssK JssflBSsssHlsssssssssfl Farm Bdreau. LlllHssteW ' 9HsKBBsBr- ssssssssssisssiiissssssssssissssssHBssissssisssssssisV SsssssHHHFHssssssssssa 'According to H. E. Wood, Concho county farmer and director of tho organization for the district, plans for the 1042 farm program 'will be tho ptlnblpal subssssssssssssssssisssIsssssssssssssssissssisssssssissssssisSbssi " flksiSSSSSSSSISSSSISSSSHSHK9ffiSHsSSSSSsV ject of discussion. Each 6f tho counties In tho district Is expected to send at least 25 sisisisisisisisisisisisisisi men to the meeting, , As host county, a Howard county attendance, of 600 is sought by tho county unit of tho bureau, I v Speakers will Include J. Walter Hammond of Abilene, president of the Texas Farm Bureau, WORK HATS MAKE WORK Slacks of tho army's flopplly Informal work hats make aa and E. R. Alexander, .general,, armload for Molly Tompkins at M. Sloane plant in St. Paul, where 160,000 caps are being made.; t manager of tho bureau, Alexan--S dor, formerly an economics pro fessor at A. and M. college, lias thank tha Farm Bureau ifor tho Woman Holds Purser Job Miss Paterson completed her nursgained wldo popularity as a great 'increaso in prices of cotton. SANDUSKY, O. Believed to bo ing studies a year ,ago' and then speaker. and other crops abovo last" tho .only woman assistant purser worked in tho Hopewell hospital "Farmers of this area may well wheat year," Wood declares. "Without the strength of farm bureau mem- on ships plying the Great Lakes, In Leamington. bers in 41 'states and the leader- Helen Faterson, of Leamington, BACKACHE, The 1939 production tof silk ship 'of Edward A. OJNcal, presi Ont, was nevor on a boat be'foro jjarm Bu- she took tho position this nimmor. stockings was, 640,488,000 pairs. dent of reau federation. President HamLEG PAINS HAY mond, of tho Texas bureau,' and other' state leaders 'testifying be SBE DANGER SIGN fore congressional committees, tho 85 per cent parity loan lor cotton Of Tired Kidneys would not have been provided. Congress was made to realize that 'tnUerabla, don't Just complain and do nothing; deserved" better prices, . about them. Nature may ba warning you that farmers Without a cotton loan serving i tjrour kidneys need attention, ThelidneyanroNalure'icblef wmyofUUne as floor for the cotton market," 'he 4eicen adds and poisonous mute out of tha continued, "we woum do receiving i Hood, The? help most people pats about 8 iplntaaday. far less than 10 cents per bound. j It the 10 miles of kidney tubes and filter But the point wo must watch is .don't voile well, poisonous mate mattatstaya this: tho loan applies on 1941 crops only. We must band together to hold this loan for 1942 and followsees. Frequent or scanty pis4sea with mart- - ing 'years." Ins ana oununsiomeumei move were Hwnt Tho district Is composed of An- -, your luaneys or bladder. ranch-,ersJro- m iiisHssiisiisHsssssHHtfHHpisiisiHsiH , It Friday, and was definitely learned hore this week. Jim Espy of Fort Davis will d on hand to rope against Bonny Edwards of Big. Spring, according to information received by Jonka Powell, chairman of the Roundup rodeo committee. The roping wilt probably (bo .hold after one of tho regular night rodeo performances. , . Farmers Work Overtime Getting Big Feed Crop Stored In Trench Silos Colorado KQimdup ssHSsussisssssissssHsssssssisssss? - I.. Hurrying to get ahead of tho cotton picking season, many farm-Lers in tho Big Spring area are working overtime these days to store a bumper feed crop in trench Farm Loan Ass'n Members To Meet COLORADO CITY, Aug. 23 (Spl) Plans aro going forward for the annual membership meeting of the Colorado National Farm Loan as- sociation attho .Palace theater xln Colorado 'City at 3:30 Wednesday afternoon, Sept, 10. P. IC Mackey, president, and secretary-treasure- r, Chas, C. Thompson, hoad tho program committee. The 'attendance committee Includes tho .board of directors J, R. Oglesby, Wcstbrook; U. D. Wulfjen and A. IC McCarley, Colorado City; H. H.,Bonnett, Roscoe. silos. Although no accurate check Is available, tho amount of fodder going into tho ground this year is expected to fat exceed any previous year's total. Those who havo filled trench alios in previous years are filling more this season than ever before, almost without exception. . Many who have not tried this method of storing feed beforo aro taking It up. Many aro making inquiries to tho county ogent as to 'the 'proper means of building trench silos. County Agent O. P. Griffin has listed theso hints for building of tho trench silo: 1. Be suro tho aide walls slope enough. Each should slant in two and a half feet for each six feet When walls do not of drop. slope sufficiently, the ensllago sometimes breaks open In cracks when 'settling, thus causing spoil- ocean abyss east The soven-mll- o of the Philippine Islands Is about ing. 2. Tho ends of tho trench should as far below sea lovel as .the 'highest peaks of tho Himalayas are be sloped so that feed can bo easabove It. ily removed. When possible, It Is preferable io build' tha trench on tho brow of a slope, so that tho open and will form a natural entry, 3. Trenches may bo as small as two feet by two feet Size should depend on tho number of animals to bo fed, slnco an entire laying of silage across the faco of the trench must be semoved dally. Chopped silage weighs about 40 pounds per cublo foot 4. Length may be whatover Is necessary to store the feed on hand. 5. If feed Is not cut before being placed in the trench, bundles should be laid lengthwise of the trench. Twine holding the bundle should be cut so that the fodder will pack well. Uncut silage has proven very, satisfactory, except that the labor of removing It from the trench Is greater. in pointing out the economies of trench silo storago of feed, Griffin estimated the cost of digging the trench at SO centa per ton of stlago. Contractors usually will removo dirt for' IB cents per cublo yard, and a half ton of silage can be stored In a cublo yard of space. Cost of putting the fodder Into the trench depends upon the methods used, amount of home labor used, etc Cost of storing ehospsd up fodder, including cost of mowing, cutting and putting fit tb trench, is figured to be no great' er than that of mowing the f4 with a row binder, shocking asd. stacking in haystacks. ; RITZ Saturday Midnight lmammm "" i. " -- " "- - m.w . m fPHum SATURDAY LAST DAY! Save now on everything far your hotm in WARDS i ItMMI wross with j Don't waltl Ms your drugprt lor Doan'a 'Tills, need successfully by millions for orer 40 help 'yean. Tbey jive bappy relief and will ol kidney tubes fluah out polaon-Kwu- ts itneia milesfrom tha blood. Get Doanra Fill. See' Us At Cecil Bell's CHUCK WXGON 808 Gregg - s. BIG SPRING STEAM LAUNDRY . Tears tn Laundry Service I O. Holdsclaw, Prop. FIRST CLASS WORK " Call 17 , tfOWE & LOW ' GARAGE Complete Phono 880 AUGUST FURNITURE SALE , , 43 Concho, Coke, Borden, drews, Ector, Fisher, Crane, Dawson, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Maiv tin, Menard, Midland, Mitchell, Scurry, n" Sterling, Tom Nolan, Green. Brewster. 'Crockett, Culber son, El Paso, Hudspeth, Irion, Jeff Irving, .recoo, Davis, Kimble, Presidio, Reagan, Reeves, SchleichVal er, Sutton, Terrell," Upton, Verde, Ward and W'nklar coun-tieN Auto Repairing ZMJ4 W. 3rd Proposes Shipment Of Gasoline jBty Rail f , These money-savin- g August furniture prices ore probably, the LOWEST you'll see for months to come because Wards' bought before the price risel Take' your savings NOW! t You don't need cash! Use flan! 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PHONE FOR ANYTHING 50 J'"'' IllntaPliBn IwRSSBkBi slBSSSSBalSHijSSs&CHslsslJ BMtflTV SHOP iWIlll Wsj 7 0x12 AXMINSTER RUG sssHsr-'BsS- P' J B M H A WP W Mm Walnut finished arm and base panels! Deeply upholstered overall! Comfortable coll spring seat and back! See it todayl ffSKfgtgS DEDUCED I SOFA-BE- D nLIIx" iSW3ffm!SKS0' rlht m MlW.Jra v jfj MONTGOMERY WARD Cs Big Spring nmdd, Big Spring, "lwa, FrMa, Xugim it '..,,'.'.. i. . -. ' Say You SaW It In 'Hie Herald .- - TO KILL MADE UP KllyRoo ' Chapter THANd y fTea Understood, Steve' Jeff rent on, "that Morrli Had never fceaM the name before. Yea, that's Ma atory and1 he has stuck to 'it Tibet's .on ot the thing 1 want Xorrle to tell u." Then Jeff went an.muslngly. "You know the -- fun-ay'thl- about all this Lee Gray were buafoii'i that the pbllci cM the right track from the very beginning only they didn't atay oh it .long enoughs Their theory vrae that Lee Gray wai aomeone M the Groin1 Apple company, aomeone who had sighed Jin name to that note, thinking that Carol would underitand It been difficult for an It would tohave have' got into, tho the(outsider ater, up to Carol's dressing room being aocn anient again without by anyone. But.-- , a very simple thing for a person in the company. .They followed their theory for a little while. They checked that otU' with the handwriting of everybody in the cast, .aVen the mill' 'although the writing wan obviously feminine. But they missed checking one person..," "Who?" Carol breathed. her quietly. "You." So looked atwent clutchlngly to Her hind her throat. "17 But, Jeff, it was k.i.the note waa,.. Steve wheeled on Jeff, his face dark and atormy. "What are you talking about, Jeff ? .That note was aettt to -- Carol. Why should they sjioekr her handwriting:" N , "That's what we' all thought "That's where we "made our first mistake. Just because the note was .found In her ptirao we as U sumed '.that she had been the re cipient Wo weren't bright enough to realize the truth. The truth was C that Carol wrote the note herself arid Jt waa found before the had a chance to send it" s-m mnunA fell T 1.mi.1 nnrf ' like a dull clatter in the tense alienee of the room. "But Jeff, it's ed v BlUy.' lfs..., 'at vCarol." Her eyes were fastened on Jeffs 1n.ee. heldthero as If hypnotized. "Jj&k. ' Her lip parted and trembled but (here waa no denial on them. Jeff continued. "You wrote that 'note, didn't you, Carol?" "Yea." It waa hardly more than a whisper; "And you left 'it in your purse where tea police found it I'm not positive-- , to whom it waa written hut if I had three guesses, all of them would, be Greeley Morris. - Right?" " v She nodded dully. ,"Ym. It was v . aGreelev ' Steveaaid, "Caroll" and put hla band softlv 'on. her' arm. She brushed-- off with a gentle move ment, her eyea atill clinging to ., Jeff, aaa aha didn't seem to know k ' 11 " that it waa Bteve who apoko or Steve who 'touched .her. "Aa the thing you had to aee him about?; that thine: which was so. Important waa to ask him not mw lu tost - mayanv tun jwu . Gray."- She said, her voice a monotone. How did yoti know, Jeff IT ' . r The Bight Claa 1 gueee I'm getting to be a de- , ,teotlve3 Halla tola me that tno reason you had aUch a tough time , setting a Start en the stage waa because you were such a bad .first reader, that you had to work into a part before you could do any with it- - Then yesterday Li- - M thing Bowers remarked about your Clint wonderful first reading for him, that after ha heard you Alice Mc- .Donald didn't have a chance Xor ua part oc ifina. a euouia ot it then. ana "But I had to be "Tommy KeiUon did it for me. 'He said, the office, he 'was in Sowers' first time you walked In, and that you didn't give a reading, you gave " on a performance, And it dawned ma at last that for being- a bad first reader you were aura knocking them over right .and left ' ?.. fa ' 'T reached out and took a guese Maybe you gave such a spectacu- " Jar first reading because it wasn't a first'' reading at all. Maybe you . knew that part But how could your The play waa done in England. When Halla and I were , vleitlae; Morris at the Gotham I n saUeed that ha had a crapbooks overflowing with clippings'. Tgot in his room while he , waa j out and,..." "How, ia the world did you get t la hla room, Jeff?" I asked, 'It was tough. Even after Z convinced a chambermaid that I waa a detective, I had to give her "ten ,. dollars aad my fraternity pin with preesUis. We're engaged, but I think X eea break it She doesn't " haow my name. Besides I wouldn't marry a girl that didn't trust me. Cvame watched me while I read Morris' eerapbook so I wouldn't mstpa anything. Well, I found the Xcaiaea aetleea of Green Apples, ae.Oarel Blanton. But tha play waa tried out in Manchester, and piaytag Dinaw aa a girl named LaJta Gray, I knew from the review who Leila bray was. The critic daaatibed you pretty .parol. He raved about you." Stay' fingers beat a nervous rhythm oa my mantelpiece. He watetung carol quietly, hla a ataay question. She .said, M hla dlreeUon: Til Ml jaw. about it if you want a ta flata Wt aay use hiding it ; ""Yea. r IV no a mln-utal- ' . w w Greeley Morris." She atopped and passed .her hand wearily before her eyes. Steva hid stopped his drumming ana there was only the sound of our breathing In the room. Cruelty "He came to aee our graduating exercises, along with a lot Of oth er playwrights and producers and directors, all the really big people In the London theater. ' My per formance had been good, he said; perhaps ha could use me.. Ha had a play now with a pait 'that I might fit Ho thought I had soma talent might someday make an actress of myself. I suppose he did like my acting, too. But that wasn't the reason ho gavo me tho part of Diana 'in Green Apples. worked for him. Oh, how hard I worked I He waa nasty and sarcastlo and sometimes I wanted to cry In front ot everybody. But then I wouldn't I waa learning to be an actress. I had. a part on the stage. Everything waa won derful, too wonderful." Bbo smljed bitterly, "Well, It waa so .far. "Just before wo opened In Man chester he 'started at me. Coming Into my dressing room and paw ing' at me, following mo home nights and everywhere I went He wanted me to live with htm and If...I hated htm. You don't know Greeley Morris. Oh, yes, you saw him in Clint Bowers: office, but you don't know him. You think I'm frightened how because someY one's trying to kill me, but I was more frightened then. "I locked my door at night pushed the bureau In front of It I carried sandwiches into my room and ate them there because I was afraid to go out And at the theater, all thoio days and those nights, every mjnuto of It waa agony. He's.. t, oh, I can't describe him to you. I can't!" Greeley Morris' dark, sardonic face rose before me. I didn't need Carol to describe him to We. , ,was the fourth night that we It played Manchester that it , happened. I was crazy with all those weeks 'of being afraid of Greeley Morris. I didn't know what I was doing any more. I Walked onto the stage and stood there. I couldn't remember anything, my lines were gone. I could hear the prompter 'but I couldn't Bay the words'. The -- audience waa all laughing, some ot them started to hoot I. ...I Just walked off. They brolight the curtain down, put In' And Greeley the understudy. Morris was waiting for ma in my dressing room. ' ' She stopped, her ayes dark with the horror of remembering. For the first time she looked at us. "You're wondering why I didn't quit I couldn't It wouldn't have done ma any good. I knew I couldn't hldo from him it he wonted to find me. .And I.... I needed the Job. " "A few nights later it happened again, I forgot my line almost at the same place. This time I didn't go back to my dressing room. Z walked straight out into the street, my costume on and my make-u- p on. I walked out nto the street I went home. The next day I started looking for a Job. It wasn't any good. There wasn't a manager in Lon don who would let me work for him. Morris had got there first They knew I was unreliable they Knew J. naa "memory lapses on stage. I had walked out of Greeley Morris' ahow. Chapter 29 ENTER GREELEY MORRIS "Once I nearly got a Job. not a good one, but a Job," Carol went on. "A manager who had aeen my performance In Green Apples and had liked me. I got aa for as a week'a rehearsals. That was all. Morris heard about it and was fired. "There waa nothing for me in London then and so I come back. my name to Carol Blan- changed I ton again ao that Morris couldn't find me, couldn't spoil my chances with tha managers here if ha atill wanted to. And X was afraid he 'I tered there, and ha would know. It would be better it I played. Maybe he wouldn't say anything, maybe I could keep him from say ing anything. You and Tommy came In when I was telephoning me tneater to say mat I'd b ihara. Yfltl didn't hallav-- i mn T could sea that But I....X couldn't explain. "I wrote thenote whan X waa in my dressing room and after it waa Written X didn't know what to do with it X keot asking myself if it was worth white to plead with him or It X should, just Keep sua and take my chance. Even after tha play X waa atill muddled up. X didn't know what to do. And then, suddenly, X was sick. Tha kind ot sick when you think you're dying 'and nothing matters at all X forgot about that note and Greeley Morris and my job, forgot about everything but getting home and into bed. That waa all. Tha next thing X knew X alone waa in Bellevue." Sha sank on tha couch and covered her face with her hands. After a moment Jeff said, "Old you think it waa Greeley Morris who tried to kill you, Caroll" '.1....I don't know. At first I did. When we .met that morning in Bowers' office and he pretended not to know me, when he said that ha had never heard of Lee Gray, then I thought he waa the one. But tha next' night when Eve Was murdered, he wasn't avan in the theater. And then.... then I knew it couldn't be he." "Carol, why were 'you calling him at hla hotel? When I answered the phono?" "I nearly .fainted when I reo-ognlzed your voice." "Where Was Crowley when you called?" J Crowley's "X mult bad gone out for a walk and ho was with me. And suddenly I had to talk to Morris, I had to find out what he was going to do. I didn't want him to tell tho police about Lee Gray, the way he'd tell it Ittwould sound.... If anyone told the police or Mr. Bowers or you, I. wanted to do It" , "But it Crowley waa with you...." "I managed to lose him in the and sneak into - a corner drugstore without him seeing me. When X came out ho waa running back and forth on Madison Ave nue looking ior me." Jeff said ruefully: "It Crowley had only reported that ha had lost track of you at that confer, and at that time, wa would have known yoti wero Lee Gray. Because I traced the call to that drugstore." "Ho, waa ao embarrassed at losing sight ot me that 'I knew he'd never mention it to, Peterson." "Tho lugl" Carol smiled faintly. "Ha didn't oven know X had, been in .that drugstore; ha couldn't' have thought, it would have mattered. X waa only gone a minute. I knew the number and as soon aa Jeff, answered X hung up and ran out had. recognized I was afraid you my voice, Jeff." ' '"You only said one word. But if X had it would have aayed you a lot ot trouble and worry." Oh, I've almost told you all this.... a thousand times. But I couldn't" "Why, Carol?" Her eyea found Stova'a and there waa a glistening ot quick team In them. "Steve. X didn't crowd Want Steve...." He was beside her.then, aha waa In hla arms, sobbing into his shoulder. "It waa auch a nasty thing, all of it So horrible, not like what I wanted for Steva and ma.- - X was ashamed of It And X waa afraid ot what Steve would do if I told him about Greeley...." The white lines aroand Steve's mouth tightened like little bands, drawing it into a,, hard silt ' I'm going to be glad to see. Mr. Mor- -- aBBBBBBBBBBBaajBaaaaaaam l I y, ' aaVaTePB aj Carol Blanton waa to appear in your play oVer here?" "When Bowers cabled ma tha namea of tha oaat" "When waa that?" "Just before tho ahow want into rehearsal." "So you knew," Peterson snapped, "that Miss Blanton was in New York arid in your play." Moris smiled. 'Naturally. .But X didn't know that MUa Blanton was Miss Gray." "You have no way ot proving that?"'. "Of oourso not" "But you recognised her as Leo Gray when you saw Green Apples on opening night?" "Certainly." "And yet you denied knowing Why?" "That's fairly obvious, iin't it7 Miss Blanton had- - been poisoned on the Very night ot my arrival, unfortunately. Tho police, apparently, were asarchfng for someone With a past connection to her. X saw no reason to offer .the evidence t)f my" connection .with her by explaining Lee Gray and Implicating myself. And since Miss Blanton seemed unanxlous to do Lao Gray. io..r." "So. Very pretty. And tho story Miss. Blanton has Just told.., .waa it.... has she been correct about your relationship with her in England?" "Would you expect me to admit it if it wero the truth?" ."Is it?" "That I'm a degenerate, a maniac who scares little girls?" "Why did Miss Blanton leave your show?" Steva jumped up angrily. "Carol's told you why sho left! Must you drag her through .all that again? Isn't it bad enough that She has to stay hero and...." Peterson Interrupted him. "She doesn't have to stay here. She con leave now if she wants to." Til stay," Carol Bald quietly. Her hand reached up to Steve, drawing him down beside her. "Steve, I've got to stay." "All right, Morris. Why did Miss Blanton leave your show?" Chapter 30 MORRIS' STOBY . "Aft has already been pointed out" Morris said, "I drove her from it" . . "By forcing your attentions on ' her?" "Not at alt I fired her for incompetency. She had a nasty habit of standing on stage and not being, able to say a line." Steve" sold, "Yes, because she was ao terrified of you that...." Morris' voice rose above Steve's. "No. Because she was drunk. .On one "occasion, the last she wasn't even' able to stand, she passed out on atage. We . had to lower ithe curtain and have the understudy take over. "That'a a He It' Steva . a aid hoarsely. .Carol clutched at hla shoulders with both hands. X could see that they were shaking. But her voice ' was Steady. "Yes, Steva, it'a a lie. It'a what he told the other managers in London about me. That'a why they wouldn't 'give me a Job, any of them. Don't listen to him, . i - Morris said calmly, "I told the other managers about you because I didn't want you to spoil their productions as you did mine." "Go on, Mr. Morris, go on! Tell what you told them. Tell everything you said I" "I'd rather not, really." ?No. You're afraid to. You're afraid in front ot Steve, you know that he...." a saw-hu- X aeBpea portant thing in tha room.' "So you'd rather not talk about what happened in London, Air. Morris?" "No. X assure you It. Is as pain ful to me as it is to Miss Blanton and her young champion." "Nuts!" said Peterson. "If I were you. Mr. Morris. I'd talk. And I'd talk loud." "Very well. It seems my retl cenco has Implicated me in a mess I'd hoped to avoid. So my story U this. "X saw Miss Blanton, then Mlea Gray, playing at the Royal Acad emy aa aha says, ana i tnougni her a beautiful child giving a love ly performance. X east her in Green Apples. When rehearsals started wo were a happy group of people. The cast was a playwright's dream. "But in six weeks it was turning into a cesspool. There wasn't a friendship left My actors were behaving Ilka a bunch ot neurotica. My leading man and my leading lady hated each other. Tha lovely young thing who had been playing Halla Rogers' part attempted suicide. Her engagement to the young stage manager had been mysteriously broken. My character man, a fine old chap, had suddenly become a dipsomaniac That made two la my company, including MUa Blanton." Truth At Last Jeff sidestepped in front of Steve aa ha started to rise. Carol sat rigidly, one hand covering ber , eyes. "Peterson growled, "Go on." "Tha character man had been milked ot every cent be bad, and made a aol of, by my prattf in genue, la those six weeka a Mil-Ha-st young extra' eareer and lev affair had baea ruiaed by thle Inaeaue's maliaaaaat slander. She bad broken frieaaahlpa, torn peo ple apart with bar lies aad latngua aad ambition. Tbat ingenue waa awsjaaafi apaaTsjfa) -- mj to . m & xt itt TtM nYasa MNaaMMMMMMlMa-- - "in WaWWr hot alienee before Oatatj teara f; aeawPa fJsPTal aaraa atreatnlng down,hr sfcsetst, leaped. arWar aa M JayM WQf awWavv WHS iMBm" M Mr MU alaaVW VsW stali sWaaaiabi taataa "Now yoa sea whr X urn. away. dstptay. advertising;' Ah models m why X changed my nam, 'why 'I've the street, tha doorman at lived in tartar ot himl Now he'a Aeroee aTtnJrt 4Wa smfllltirlftt aiastwiaa ra Ml ain varw anaj sMaavwVa trying to wreek Stave's' leva tar iWab me, he's trying ta break my MM sidewalk, and blew hk whleUe. A etwem tail rotted ta a atop baagaiar tata him, pteked Up list passenger Sha turned ta Steva. tteV ohm and rolled away, There Waa no lifted bravely. "X Knew he'd do sound in my apartment aad tha this, Stave. That'a why X waaled night seamed (a pre down en tha to aend you away, Stave, darlmg, city eutelde and smother its aekea try to forget all this, forget how low rumble, horrible he la and aM hie horrible ta Xta mlkht have bias aa hour of lies...." a feW minute ago that StaVa Just Sha fled into tha bedroom. left the room. I. wasn't aware Stove stared after bar, a bewil- Of tlma or of peopla or of anything dered, almost frightened look en but tha numb feeling that seeped hla face. through my body and tha aharp "Stave." X Bfcid. "ao to her. She ache Ja my head. There waa a littta lay ridge needs you now, Dont stand there like' thatl Steva, yihf don't you go around tha frame of tha window and X eeratched it with my nail to herl" Jeff said ouietlvi "Because what and it shredded aad tell off. BeMorris said la true, Halla, AM 'of hind ma, pacing thi' floor, Jeff spoke musingly. it" No oris moved. Steva waa still "Youva learned that tneet from CaroL That trick of draping your-ai-lf looklnS dtsedly at tha dosed door and Oreeley Mortis la thi window. That'a how watched him with anxltty. Peter- sha waa sitting thla aftirnoon be son, tho policeman, ait waiting. fore . . . "Jeff, Ufa not talk. Not yet". JUtTj. I aaid, "No, you Wa lapsed into alienee again and see that aha'a "Yea. Don't dona the same thing to your com- X closed my ayes, X tried to think pany that she did in England? things out, to think what Ihould Only here aomeone triad to kill say to Carol, how X would answer her for. It, and that covered her what ah said to trie. My mind up. Everyone waa afraid to tell closed on ma and it waa useless. the truth about Car61 for fear "Hallal" now. that It might throw suspicion for Jeffs voice wasn't musing' her attempted murder and Eve's It waa Urgent and excited. X swung but around to face nun, almost frightdeath on them, Everyone . Allco McDonald. She knew' what ened. "Halla, listen. This afternoon . . Carol was and she could apeak. Carol hadn't 'given her a motive thla afternoon at' tha party whan for murder. But when Alice told that ahot came through tha wln- us you laughed at her. You didn't dowl"' HarWPwWaH earaWla7wl wafi,?" amH j WW"eP eTrf f es B2BBjsBnw "I knew Miss Gray in London." "When did you first know that Steve." ', --i Peterson said, "Take it easy, Miss Blanton." Sha sank back on tha couch trembling violently and Steve held her tight with one arm around her ris." shoulders, his other hand clasp "Steve I" Carol's face waa ash- ing hers. Morris looked at the en. "Steve, that'a why I've been cigarette that he turned In his quiet! That'a why I've kept all fingers aa if it were tho only Im- this inside mel X didn't want you and Morris to. ...Oh, Steve, you mustn't see himl Something will happen, Steva, something will happen if you do, and wall.... We'll lose each other, Steve!" Sha turned to Jeff. Sha waa crying. ."Jeff, don't let Morris come here! 'You don't need to sea htm now. X'va told you everything, I've explained it all to you I He doesn't have to come, does he?" "Yes, Carol," Jeff said gently. "You see, wa want Morris to explain a few things now." did. '"Then.. ..then make Steva go pavements pounded tha here before he cornea, j Don't let blm I for months. I did get a few ...,0b, I'm afraid tor Stave) Ha chances to read for parts, but I mustn't sea Greeley Morris, ha read ao badly. And I had had no mustn't...." X couldn't tell them experience'. Wa heard the elevator coma to about Green AppUsvI had to say. a groaning atop, quiok footsteps in ''No. No experience at all.' Then the hall outside, and then the imon day I saw in the paper that patient rapping at the door, Jeff Clint Bowers vaa going to do turned the key la the lock. PeterGreen Apples. AH el a audden it son stepped to one side as the oama to ma. There was a part I door opened, and Oreeley Morris could do. Jeff, you aaw what that preceded him into the room. crltla said in Maaohester. And Another Story with Greeley Morris never earns to voice monotonous a In America for any ot hla plays. ' He fatigue and ao low that at times would never know it tha girl who Peterson had to lean forward to played Dlna waa Leila Gray. I bear ber, Carol retold her story was . . , pretty desperate then. almost word for word. Only ones There was no money left nona at did ha interrupt her. "London, alt Wall, it waa worth the chance huh? So that accounts for the' and I took it" blank between the time you left She studied her fingertips la- Salt Lake City and turned up here Mat aaM. "Msybe U you rV got tafj m evarytaiag we can help tently. "You knew the rest I in New York, We were working mmN the job and the' day wa opened I on that now, Mtse Blanton." He CkMaJ Waatea'a my real name. heard that ha was to be here. nodded curtly and aha went on. name waa Leila "I didn't know what to do at occasionally glancing furtively at USr" macbas 'took thought, ... he Greeley Morris aa If she feared, H when first And then I Ofay and I tttwd it I was only to be here that one night despite Steve's reassuring near 1 waat as londao. me, and, baby, waa aee if he ahoulda't if he ness, he might rise and start to a Ifatliar died wbaa I Ms Mkm wbaa I waa sisceea. I should go on to Xollywaod with- ward ber. Sut Morris hardly out knowing ,1 bad to make aaovsd during tha long raaUaJ ee m was on aarna. a iww a jaw Bast Alice play that eaa night Mm aapt ta Hght a freak cigarette. I amwv "X did it I pretended my votes Fatareoa moved to tha wtadow r, aatad ft eaaPaerw)aBi vLeW eaaWJa aaaaa aassistalasr aaaaa ssr aav I waa gone, and than, wkea you had WrPaWa) X Sana to tha thaatar, Valla, tbea I loaklag down lata tha etreot, Ma waapaW la b. aa etee A remembered the pictures in'froat hands eletptd behind his baak. At Baaaaaa llaWTUP' " aaapaaaaajj af the Colony, and I knew it last ha turned and, ff.nlng Morris, t help said abruptly, "So you knew Mlea wouldn't work, Jaa aa t taaVsn taat ttgpumm m as Plas Pttnt-thalf-doze- I prise that a woman's, club gave. That Waa enough to go to London and enroll in the Jtoyal Academy there. I'd dreamed about that for years. I"or tho first time in my life I had what I wanted. "There Waa nothing to remind mo of that store. I had a Uttlo room, all, mine, and neW clothes life and new work. A brand-necountry. EveryIn a ' brand-nething waa wonderful, tha way I'd planned It to be. It waa while I was at tho Academy that I met jukI ,: 4WMMtu-dtTba rain it tho window, a' aad X eat up Woamarint "Ye wrt oa ike flee .t soar in "Cats, Jrr; aad Phtttp. KM jrtum arid P I TttlWaWfPela OaaafaWBa aaajaW big speoak. Wfctta la R m tba TM my" r&6fft awlfl WW MP play?" atralghVen oat aad. things to "Almost at the end of the third Wa no use -putting it - off ton H. act Eva waa supposed, ta be aareeaa.aap to ute went quietly flowers a tba Smlnaj ta-b-U opened the door. whllo hi talked. Mai aaid that waa empty atm-wroom Tho that weren't any flewera en the he,A tinH either been made or not tabti, that either' Tommy or atept in at alt. There waa a httti Fheb Thompaea waa ta blame gap between my row of dfeeeea la far forgetting them. She aaid aha the closet whero Carol's eiethea bad te do something white ha had hung and a vacant epaeefo droned Along and Ashley said aha tho ahelt where I had kuok-mo- t , needn't hive rittled tha complete suitcase. A sprinkling of powder sat of silvan tha glasses aad tha and a few blond hairpins wedged plat, Jul upsetting the table into the cracks of thi areaaer would have been more affective. drawer were all that remained of Ashley heivy aareasm. There, Carol's belongings. that'a. That'a what they were X breathed a sigh of fillet iad fighting abotit, aad what dlffer-en- experienced my first kindly feeldoe it make?" ings , toward her since Jeff had Were tha flewera there?" exploded his bombshell the Bight "No. X don't thlhk so. X gtiass before. X wai sincerely grateful Eva waa right" toi her auiet exodus, for X had la. The Bag the chat that wai iihed-ule- d dreaded and iraff stobnsd his mora than X cared to admit with his back toward me looked Well, that waa that Ahd thi silently itt Carol's dior. OVer his next time I befriended a gal ahe shoulder I .could sea him waving would be a Golden Eagle Scout or out a match and splitting it with Sunday school tiachefc hla thumb nait When ha turned a certified find dressed and with hi was puffing furiously at a half Tcupfcnihftit of strong black coffee at ray a lit tlgarattai That's Just bow It happened, elbow and tho long neglected isn't it, Halla? You're aura of Though Heavens Fall on my lap," calmly settled myaeu to wait ' that?" for Jeff's call. "Of course." up. Every Hi thumped hla hand on my On page four I gave "Carol Was back. "Sweetheirt, let'a get mar- character was saylngrkilled. ji.No-- " ried. X haVa just put the Colony never meant to bo body tried to kill Carol..,. It was Murder Casi in tha bagl" . EVe all along, isvo wno was tno X stared 'at him to sea if thla Waa a joka and I knew it Wasn't victim.... She sat In the window perfect target Thi iagerness in hla voice and ten minutes....shoa moved away.... ...and then eyea were genuine. Before X could catch enough breath to Speak he Carol's 8afo..,.a dlpsomanlao; . , . ( he blackmails people thief . waa eliding into hla overcoat, mov"Yea?" believe her." TTell ,me everything that hap- ing toward tha door. X rushed af.but no one tried to kill "But you didn't either." pened after we got here." her...." "It started ma thinking." ter him. t "But why?" I shut Though Heavens Fall in "Jeff, you knowl You've found Petoraon said Impatiently, work"Pleaiel" HU bands, ware out Who's been trying to kill disgust and flung It at the tile "What has aha done? And who phone. Twelve - thirty and Jeff ing nervously together. "Wc got Caroll" did ahe do It to?" at me. "Yes, X hadn't called. Keep mo informed, "To Philip Ashley. She used the here a' little after, one. Think, He grinned ' would he? .Call mo In the morn-inj-r. same technique on him that ihe Halla, try to remember. What did know." . icnn In constant touch with practiced on that character man we do? Whit did we do exactly?" "Waa it Aihleyt Xa Philip Ashme, wai that what he had said? In England. In hla room X found .hiVa talked to Carol for a few ley, tha murderer after all?" tnero I dialed his numoer ana every an I.O.U. for five hundred dollars. minutes." I' said. .My mind went tell you. yet" the struggling back mechanically' over "Tommy? Timmy Oh, Jeff, was no answer. I cauea. It Was a silly game, five minutes until one o'clock and "And then cunt not Stave I" . I.O.U. waa only a joke. But it the Afternoon. then I decided to do soma sleuthwasn't a Joke, It waa real. And Bowers came with hla flower and "Don't try to, guess, Halla." ing on my own. God knows how many mora of Carol went, Into the kitchen. la "Jeff, you'Vi got to tell me!" and them there wero or why he was that what you mean?" Hla fata went grave and both I called Steve Brown's hotel was no on." "Yea. Yas,-g- o fool enough to have Joined her handa clamped my ahoulders. the desk clerk sold theriwasn't in j" ' "Then,, In "a moment aho came "Don't ask ma, Halla, X don't want answer. Tommy Nellson the money. "Look at Tommy Ntllson. Sha back With the bottle and. soma you to knbw. It'a '. . . dangerous. his room. Philip Ashley told me In brief, unpleasant terms that he had him nuts about her, she took glasses. 'You opened tha chattel Believe me, Halla." everything that Tommy hid to pagne and we drank." VBUt you . . . then 'it'a danger- didn't give a damn about Mr. Jeff offer and then she dropped him. "Where were we ,then, can you ous fir you? Jeff, youVb got to Troy's whereabouts, t dialed the Rehearsal Club numoer ana sucShe dropped him. because she saw remember, Halla? Where were wa teU tha police." ceeded In getting Alice McDonald bigger gome and that bigger game sitting, you and I? And what waa ' "Not yet" X aild furiously: "Oh;, you don't away from an Important script wa Steve. With Steve theri wa Carol doing and Wherowes Cllrit This la Halla," I aaid. "Alice, know. You've no fmore 'idea than wealth and position. No wonder BdWere?" sha did everything in her' power Suddenly, the .picture flashed X hive. How could'you? Nothing's hive you seen anything of Jeff?" " "I've been locked' up in my to keep tha .etory 'of Lea Gray before me, clearly, like a aharp happined to oom all morning with an lmpor-"YoU juit told me who the murfrom coming1 out That'a why aha bright etching. "You and I'aat tant script that...." waa rushing the engagement and there on tha couch, your' feet yrttt derer is." "I know. Thanks. X 'thought the wedding. '''She "made Blm on tha coffee table, and X waa busy .'IT. I told voui" ...!..; T. t.M MAlfaft .Mil All waa them' in off. Clint think that It was he who waa do knocking He snatched his hat and gave' ing the rushing. She talked about the big armchair in the far corner me a preoccupied kiss on the long." "Halla! Walt a aeeond!" endangering hla life, knowing 'that and the champagne waa oa the ta- cheek. I caught him aa he reached "was the door. "Yes?" it would make Steve more anxious ble right besldaam,him. Carol "Why would Jeff call me?" in the window to marry .her quickly and take hire where I "Jeff, where ire you going?" reason, I Just "No special seat X memember thinking hoW care ot her." "Out and about, dear, out and thought maybe he had." "But, Jeff," I said, "with ma aha pretty' the light looked in her about" "Halla, I saw Carol Blanton"What are you going to do?" was always.. ..she seemed such a hair." Street "And then?" Jeff wis a moving child. X thought she waa my "I can't tell you that But 111 walking down Fifty-thir- d up and down before tell you what I'm not going, to do. alono .this morning. Isn't that.... friend. And aha 'was, Jeff! She ' j Bleep. Not. a wink. I'll call you In dangerous,?" . ma never did anything to me'" "No, it's all right I mean.... "Carol told us she 'was going to thi, morning. I'll keep In constant "Halla, ehe'a 'been using you maybe you were mistaken,' 'Alice. since the moment you met She marry Steve. She said it waa touch with you. O'nlght" X stood before him In tha door- - Good-bymade aa much money from Green wrong of her, it wasn't fair to I hung up and for ten minutes Apples aa you did, but she's bor Steve. But 'aha waa going to marry Way, blocking hla exit Sudden rowed from you, lived here, eaten him anyway. Iithought how brave ly, X couldn't bear hla leaving; paced the floor. I was wondering your food, worn your clothes... i" and 'honest she was. And then wa ciuldn't tice tha thought of a if I should coll Greeley Morris "But they were such little congratulated her and aaid It.t.. nlsht In that place With no one and what would happen If I did things! I didn't mind." it was wonderful. And Clint 'apoka but CaroL X felt my face go white, when the phone shrilled in myX that heard myself gulp as I spoke ear. I Jumped a mile before "....and she drank your liquor. then, I think. He suggested Didn't the amount' ot liquor that we have another drink. Ho said, "Jeff, don't leave me. Please, don't picked It up. "Hello, you big bumj" little angel put away aver puzzle 'Carol, you'ra first' or something fco " j "This la Alice; Jeff just c&fled But ahe waa watching Ilka that and aha went over to He held my hand tight "What me, Halla. But he was in a hU?ry. her atep pretty - carefully. She him. She had her glass in her IS it Halli?" to got almost never wanted Steva to ata her hand. And when aha "Jeff, ,I'm frightened, really I didn't have a chance to tell him' blm. the shot came." frightened. I'm afraid for you. I'm about you." drunk." Hysteria "Where was he?" Broken Maa afraid for myself, to stay here Jeff stopped in front of me. along with . . . with Carol. When "I don't know' where" he called I forced mvself to look at SteVe, big "Are you 'sure, Halla? It, that it? X thought she was.... before I from. But he'a going to bo at the He waa hunched down In a chair, hla face blank with shock. Are you aura it happened Just like knew about her, X didn't mind. Xt theater at three. Ho asked me to aaemed worth while then and I get hold of Phoebe Thompson and His eyes seemed strangely giaseo. that?" could bo brave. , But now, now I'm Ashley and tell them to be there, I turned away from .him to Jeff. "Yes." "So am I" He, walked aimlessly scared. X don't want to stay here too. I don't know what'a happen"But I.... I can't believe all this! She couldn't have been eO around the room, kicking up the with her. If someone tried now ing, do you? Ho was very mys- - . terlous." ....couldn't have been what you corners of tha rugs, smoothing ... .to hurt her, X. ..." 'Well, you know mora than I "Nobody's going to hurt Carol. say "and at the same time seemed them down again. Ha lit a cigado." rette, took one deep, drag 'and Nobody'e even going to try." "Will you ba there?" "Jeff said, "She was, Halla. Sha amudged It out Ha wheeled back "But ." "Halla," ill tell you this. Keep it Tonight at me. "Look, Halla. One more "I haven't bean invited." la a wonderful actress. "Don't be silly! Jeff seemed in when I announced that X had thing. I want you to think back Under your hat We've been on found Lee Gray the way aha lean again, hard. Ana pretty iar. uu the greatest wild goose chase that a terrible rush, xoure-i- n mis as " aver waa perpetrated. Nobody much as anybody." ed forward and said, 'Who?' near- you rememoer tno nigui ly made me think I waa. wrong. Applea opened and X waited for tver tried to kill Carol. Her life's I replaced the phone ana leanea Sha told ber fantaetlo story about you outside your dressing room? never been in danger for one back. Alice, Phoebe, Ashley, and Jeffl Well, either Jeff, was going Greeley Morris to Oreeley Morris Eva North and Philip Ashley were minute." to have the girls teach him and and never batted an eyelash. Sha fighting. Kemembert" 83 Chapter Steva to dance or something was, "Yes, or course 4. rememoer. lied to you about her voice tha , going to happen. And he was go whot , "We could hear them through night the, play opened, about "It waa that party this after- ing to let It happen without me. Think, a little, Halla. tba walls. Tell me everything they overythlng. "Oodl on. went If That'a what he thougnti noon," Jeff aaid. everything you heard." It'a true, Isn't itt" X changed Into some old clothes, "Oh, Jeff, please! I'm a fraxala. only I'd been awaxe. It'a so simSteve stood up. Mechanically window, stood ple. tha She in put on my plaid trench coat and he went to the table in tha cornet T'm exhausted." minten for stood Halla, there she started out It wps still raining in "I want you to raoonatruct for and picked up his hat Without utes. And then, after ahe moved a steady downpour, but it wasn't looking at any of us ha moved tc me, that'a an." any away away, the moved aha function ...after Mv mind won't a cold rain ana it leit cieen aaa the door. We heard hla htavj footsteps on the stalra outside mora. It won't Reconatruct your- - ahot came through. She draped soft on my face, X splashed over perfect window, a the in herself to Broadway. Before I got there aelf." The door remained wide open. target for the Esquador Hotel, and the rain had turned to anow and "Halla, please...." Morris said suddenly: "I'd ilka oh. all riaht Philip accused nothing happened. But after ahe the pavements were mush covto run along, Peterson. That boy. then, waa ered. The day darkened and the Perhaps I can'..., he'a too nice a Eva of stealing a scene from him. moved away.,,, not till kid to have had this happen to He waa mad because during hla tha ahot fired. Don't you see what light shone mlstUy through aky-it means', Halla? That bullet scraper office windows. big speech Eva..,." him." Through tha great oval glass ot "When did tbat big speieh wasn't meant to kill Caroll" "Go ahead, Morris." "Wasn't, meant...," restaurant I thought I could My brain felt muddled, foggy. oome?" a "That shot was fired through smell the fragrance of the steam-i- n "Listen! U I'm going to reconThere was a sharp, biting ache at fntttm thai was belnr served my temples. I walked to the bed- atruct, I'm going to reconatruct in the window to kep; us thinkingthat Carol waa the intended Ylo- Inside. At once I was hungry and room door 'and stood looking at it my own way." tim." "Go ahead." cold and I atopped uncertainly to From behind me Jeff waa say"But If it wasn't Carol, than peer at my watch. Not quite "I'm too tired to change my' who-waing, "All along. I've known that s the murderer trying. to Thar wis plenty ot time there was soms strange undercu- aiyls." kill?" "Okay." rrent something I couldn't put my for a sandwich and a cup ot cofX 'Eve. Eve North waa tha victim fee. Then, with a nice dtaplay of "I've been through too much, finger on, running through tha all along. And tha murderer made will power, I turned my head and whole company. And X knew that feel like eryteg." his mistake the first night, not the went on. It would be better to "Walt Juat five mlnutaa." in soma way it waa connected with second. His mistake waa whin ha arrive at the theater a little early hysterical, Jeff." Carol. Everyone was too fond of X you poMonca uaroi, noi wow. 1 kaow you are. Shall bit ber, too incredulou that a alagl than a little late. I wanted to see stabbed Eve." hair of her pretty head should be in tha faee?" Jeffs flush of pleased surprise "Eve North." X ahook my bead. when ba got there and spied me. "Will it hurt?" in danger. There waa something hysIt was too much for me. phony about it X didn't know Til aay. But it'll atop your Oa atage A gam , at "It was Eva who was supposed tbat it waa bseauee aba was bated teria" Alice MoDonald waa X startta have been killed. And aha was) tho entrance t the Cebmy atage "Can I aUn you back?" ao passionately, and with such U. T AAuUat't A. tt1n j Carol's safe. And you're safe, so alUy, With her meanleh Wi damn good cause, that everyone was leaning over baakward far Jeff caught ma oa. the aheek with go to had. Ill eall you in tha rubber slicker, an old feK hat rooked, tbea mernlag." fear of being auepaetea at war- hU open palm. I pulled down over bar aye aad ayaf-ahoHe lft ma m tha doorway and der," thins went red., brefeae, aba on X together Peter-aoaX 'a X turned at the sound. af pHd myself floor, eould hear him Xtaking tha step looked ready for a hurrleaaa. Wbaa three at a time. itaaoad at the voice. He ateod la tba door- Jeff waa sitting oh tha "Niea day, All, for yWkIeir greanlag. X kaX bid htaa. eUwed bedroom doer aad then at what," way frowning. , , twenty waa te my aalautaa wateh. It "Wave triad like ball to Jwd a "Jeff, what'a wrong? Jeff, taw "X love It the wind aad the te three, euapeot," be aaid. "aaaueaa wtta ae" rain.1 tJaaVaia la tba Xasaabl sjajawBBB sanaaaaajaaayaBp aUli aaa ww oaf a motive to kill Carol Biaatea. X PYeu lou! Yea Mt "Anyone bare yot?" etoaat, eaa t the halt stuffed thought wbaa. wa fouad Lea Oaay batty!" of tba 4 "No, nobody, Let'a go Wu' sorry!" get ease big suspaat piiiows sofa aad WM, our "Ob. fat so we'd also taf0 a You bat" Sjisase wa up. praetae waa Xa made wa 'seaad bar. Bacora, We bad ao taa bed eat "Yeah." Jeff Mtek'e beta. Aaaaaa is bM eajaauav suepiats. Now, aa far aa X aaa eaa, aayaasaH ebalr at the aaor aa uaajs. Well X X oap eaeryeae you disturb got ateVt would a tatak of tear praaUaany la New York "Shall I be earaful not ta wokaa" the peer "Na, taaake, Aaa let that be a yam, aa ) Jaaaaa, Heat ta TlwWI ytGm at aMMMri by 38 JFAOX , .... . . J&1 ci bad-roo- m . ... ,i ahoW-you.- -- blur,-pacin- g ." you,-Halla- -- -- " -- two-thirt- y, Ta tallg ,- -- ea low-heel- n aJ ' Oh, aadbbMhas.ar.takul 4i i - 1 '- 87 Ton Saw It In nit. Herald Big Spring itonid, Big Spring, Tow, rriday, AngiMt MADE UP TO KILL 'i.'w'BBfil Klly .by Teg's (her we sloshed down the aWay, almost dark now, and ' 'through tha stage door. Mick wu ,"V at the tow table Just Inside, hi pipe "in Hie mouth and hie head 'beat over a sheaf of papers. Ue und asleep There wasn't a "wo .mavsmeat from him as we slipped by 'and went out onto the stage. Nothing, had been changed since ' r that' tragio night when I had epehed the door on stage right and found Era North's dead body huddled behind It. Even the small hand props scattered about the room were as we had left themj the scarlet-tippe- d stubs of cigarettes that I had smoked still in ike' ash trays. Half hidden by the bldller ori the desk wa-- the note that I had written while old Ben 'Kerry and I had pjayed that last - . '' -- eene. Except for a .single shadelet rehearsal lamp that stood liidl- -' crously in the center ot 'that lovely set and filled it with a bleak white glare, It was all tho same. It seemed strange to' trie, for no reason at alh that so much could havo happened to all of us who played thero while it remained Serenely unchanged. ' Alice's hand tightened on my arm .and we walked over to 'the light. "Hallo," she said softly, ''has Jeff found 'out nnyl(ingT , Does he know...." "X haven't seen him since last jlght"' I pulled my arm away from her. I didn't care for, Alice when she got Intense. "Ho knows who the murderer Is, doesn't tie?" "Jeff doesn't confide In me, the ' . ' Big godpV "Ho knows; that's why he's having everyone meet here. He's told you who it Is, hasn't he?". ' "I said that...." "You won't tell me. It's because you don't like roe, Holla. ' Tou've never liked me; you're Jealous of toe because I come from a; family of great actors, be cause of my heritage!" Z turned my 'hack on her and started for the door. I wasn't, go ing to listen to a performance by a frustrated actress. I had token three steps when she clutched my arm and swung me around. Then suddenly, the light wav- . ared, as if .it had been a candle, and went out Chapter 33 ' A TAIiK WITH CUNT wrenched, myself free and , Z reached out for the light My hand met nothing but blaclf amptlnea. "Hello Anybody down there I ' "It'a Hallo, Clint and Alice?' "Ait soon as I find my damn lighter. ...here it Is!" I saw the flare of his lighter like a minia ture torch, high .above me. "I'm coming down." - "I'll bo glad ,to see yoit" . .1 wondered where h,o,,had. popti ;ped1 from and immediately' remem bered tnat a door opened from nls onto the balcony. The offices flame 'disappeared as he 'started down tho steps .and wai .there again as he reached the orchestra. Ho groped his way down' the cen shielding tho flickering lighter., , with nls hands. He climbed up Ton the stage. '1, thought Alice was here." ' "She is." But I couldn't find her, "Or .was." ' "Maybe she's, afraid of the dark. She might hove gone.out" "I thing she's afraid of herself. .What's wrong with the lights?" - "They're out in my office too. And 'the, street lights are out That happens sometimes during an light In afternoon, storm. Every town, burning at once, " the strain Is . too; great Hey, Nick!" he shouted. , There was a startled grunt, as Nick, awakened in. his cubicle and him but for shuffled In. Clint-sen- t a flashlight then said .to me, "Where's Jeff?" "He's due at three." know, he called me this "I kriow. 1 f- ter-aisl- e, T Morning."" "He's getting hot, Clint, or thinks he is. He thinks he knows." "Knows? Knows who...." . "Yes. He knows who the mur-derer'l- There was a long pause add when Clint spoke again his voice wsj grave and quiet "I hope to God he' does. I want to get this' whole 'mess over with. You know, Hallo, that child's face is haunting me. A kid like Carol living with that thing over her head, a kid who never bothered anyone. God! X see those big frightened eyes evsry place Z look. And her bravery makes it all the worse. If he'd break down..., if she'd...." Z said, '"Carol can take care of Jwrself, Clint" He didn't seem to hear me. "I tell myself that it's none of my doing, that all Z did was give her a break that a thousand other stria would give their right hands for, a chance to be ah actress. Yes, that's the way I doctor it up for myself. Z gave the poor kid a Weak all right A chance to be Murdered, to live' in fear and ter-T- r, a chance to spread herself all ever the front pages in a gruesome murder case. If she should lb. Robs. doa't..,." I stopped had seen m Perhaps that tlnj nl thrntlerti lakaft rj llaht- 4ti it Eve Was to b the vietiai, tha doers at my hack had been then the poison must have beea enough to outline me for him. placed in her glass. That much 2 eroUched there for a second, was certain'. How had Jeff figured then eased myself Under the seats Something out night? last it Into the last row and, lay there, about Philip' Ashley and his fight toy.kriees almost under my chin, with Eve. Old he mean Ashley mv arms adUeesed in around tne. Was the murderer? It was some- - holding my breath to make my tning uiat pninp had said td Eve. self smaller. I could hear him not "Why didn't you upset the table?" four rows in front of me how, he had said. "You haVe the whole walking up tho aisle. Ho would play to yourifclf and still yoti have pass an arm's length from mo. Or to kteal my one big scene, you he wouldn't pass. have to rattle everything on the Chapter St table.,., rat tie everything on the Tho Blair tablet Then 'if Eva had rattled .He must hear my breath, X .the glasses if she' had changed thought, even though X held it the the elaaaea.... loud roaring motor of my heart ,"Cllnt, 1 said, "Clint that poi X son was put in Eve's glass! And If lifted my head the fraction of she changed the glasses herself! att inch his oUteertehed fingers be in my, hair. Thero were no flowers' on the to would, Oh,' God, If I could only edreaml. bio for her to arrange and she ad. Ubbed 'business with .the islasse. If the muscles in my throat weren't And Carol 'got tho one that was. frozen, if my tongue weren't glued to tho roof of my mouth And what meuntvior neri" X "Yes," he said slowly. "Yes, if did scream? What If my voice reached Alice wherever7 she Was or tnat..,." y in the alley outside? "But tho next night there was a' passer-bno mistake. Oh, Clint who could Bowers would get to meflrst Why have wanted to murder Eve? Who. didn't the lights come on? Where Oh,, God, could havo hated ,Eve? You must was' Nick? Or Jeff? ' know,, Clint', you were her friend, where was Jeff? X And then heard a rustle. It tho 'only one who really, knoW her. You'vo. been so close to her was' faint and 'quite far, some place 1 producing' for on. the other side of the, treatro. and so loyal . her when She was ho longer I raised my head and my eyes great ruining yourself to. keep her fought the darkness for. tho fire' on Broadway, giving' all you hod door, closest to me.' I sow it there, through these years! Clint you only about six rows down. By must have loved her very much crawling on my hands and knees, "Yes. Yes, Z BMSMMOm - ... 1 or...." v Then I suspected. He didn't speak; there was no sound from behind the glow of his' cigarette. Suddenly the theater wasn't any longer worm and cozy. It was an enormous cavern filled with cold dark danger. X wanted to get out Z stood up and the floor was hard and ley under my stockinged feet "Let's go out and wait for Jeff,'1 . I said. "All right" i I didn't scream breathlessly, soundlessly, X could moke I Squirmed down the side aisle, my hands scraping' over the floor and feeling my way for me. I was even with the door when I first heard the, noise'. It come from the front of the house, somewhere near the stage. Z backed into tho tow of seats and stopped and waited. It didn't come again. How could he be so quiet? How could he move about and not even dent that terrifying silence? The fire door was in front of me, outlined by a thread of light Only the1 length .of one short aisle to go. Only a few feet I could worm my way across the floor. I could throw myself against the door and be out in the alley with the daylight all around me and people it because I had pressed hand tight over my lips, holding them closed before the sound got to thenu The voice that had answered .me had not been Clint Bowers' voice., BUt it was, it must have been, I. told myself frantically. It had come' from ' right behind that point of light passing in the street . It was Clint Bowers'.- - voice with Crouching under the end seat I all its pleasant friendly warmth stretched out my hand. It brushed gone., It was Clint. Bowers' voice, against something, soft It was the harsh and cruel and with a dead- cloth of his trouser leg that I' felt Z saw his eyes, phosphorescent in ly quiet . the darkness, and .they were wide It 'was then X knew. The burning cigarette was there, and glazed. unmoved, barring me from the A sharp, stinging blow lashed stage door. I felt' sick, with the the .back of my heck and for a weak, nauseous feeling that per- moment there was nothing. Then vades you when you're coming out lights 'seemed to flash past my of ether! I' couldn't run or fight numbed brain. "These, Z thought Or scream. dully, are the comets and shooting Then the light .leaped toward stars that "you "read about But " me, the length of ,a step.- - .and. my they, weren't - head ,fleared, and X snapped out' - Budo Awakening My head' had almost stopped v Putting my cigarette behind' me hurting,', twoj ryes t had helped conX crushed it between my 'thumb. siderably to.numb' the pain, hut Z and forefinger. " I crept, forward Still had. .the f oeUrigr of waking, toward the footlights, feeling tot cold and clammy,. from some hor-ribthem with 'my toes, moving toward nightmare, and knowing it them by slow Inches. Thank God was a,nightmare and. still not being for the rain and the. snow that hod able to throw off the dread and soaked my shoes and had in'ado me shock of it. take them off. The lights couldn't Zi pressed' ,'my forehead against have been more than three, feet, the' cold plato glass that lronted from the davenport where X, had tne little Forty-iourstreet oar for where Jeff had taken, me and told sat but'lt was taking eternities " me to reach them.,, me to wait for him. I dimly reHide And Seek member seeing Clint Bowers surgroove edge their of Then! the rounded by a group of men, one was beneath, my toe andI stepped of' whom was, Peterson, and then across the .reflectors and lowered Jeff, led. me away. myself Into the' orchestra' pit UnAnd vividly remembered having less I had moved far to "one side, been cracked across the back of my the .center aisle should 'be almost neck. I hod accepted the fact that in front ,nf me. Z reached out and had poisoned and murderswept my hand across the black- Bowers ed; but I wasn't able yet to believe ness and' It touched one seat, anthat, he had chased me all over a other, and then no more, , dork theatre and then hit me , I looked back. The cigarette was' across the back of. my neck. He was moving across the stage' to the too;much a gentleman. davenport where I. had been, movmay murder ladles, ing as .stealthily as X hod moved. butGentlemen they never strike one, that is, Is started up the aisle, .feeling for wiinout Killing ner. Ana in my the rows of seats, counting them somewhat befuddled 'mind, Clint os X' passed. How many rowadld Bowers was still a gentleman. the Colony hove, how long would By arrived Z had It take me to reach the back? The filled, the time Jeff the hollow. place in the pit Muslo Box has fourteen rows. The my stomach .with good rye, my Plymouth has nineteen. X thdughi of headache was gone, and I was hysterically, why doesn't CUnM thirsting for knowledge. I cut him Bower chase me through the Musoslo Box? Then I'd know bow far X short .when he started being "I feel fine, better than I hod to go, I'd know when X had licitous. for a week." passed them oil. Then I'd hove have "Do you wont another highball?" a chance. "No, I want to hear about It I could, hear him behind mi on the stage, moving about and Where 4 .where Is he?" or it. - lo m "Where they always put probumping into' things. X cpuld see the faint glimmer ducers who murder their leading of daylight thrnugh some crack In ladles." , "Clint . Eve!" I shook my head. the outside door.. My hand, tan- "Why, Jeff? Why and how and gled in the velvet portieres that ' and when?" hung behind the last row of seats 'where "I'm Inn lrH in taltr TT.lt. and the brass rings above them "Yeah. I've just, finished . doing clanged together and rattled. X stopped dead, holding onto the a masterly piece of deduction and mass of velvet to keep myself from detection .tnat would nova comfalling. He had heard the sound pletely exhausted the brain of an my on stage. His voice, came boom- Einstein. And, consequently, brain Is a bit tired." ing through the house. "Jeff, tell me., Why did Clint kill "Halla, where ar,e you" X made one last stab at keeping Eve?" "Ho didn't like her.' up this Insane farce. "I'm going "Jeff," I pleaded. out the front door, Clint Jeff will "When I took on this casefllttle be coming by this way." The voice was calm, laughing. did X realize that it would be one of the most difficult, the most fan "It's locked. Hallo." I didn't try to be quiet then, or tastic, but yet the simplest the bo. to pretend X wasn't terrified. X felt most prosaio of my entire career," The bitterness and "Look. I, don't blame you for la hit voice were beating at me. wildly for the- door, Xa my Wet, In the quick flame of his cigarette sticky hand the knob was cold. I riding high, but a girl can stand as he drew on it I could see his turned it ond my hand slid aim only so much la one :day," jrorgivo me, I'm so silly when the sad tight lines' around lessly around while it stayed still. Ms Sleuth, the furrows between I put my coat over it and turned I'm sober." He flnUhed his drink with a complete lack of respect again. It was locked. Ma ayes: I couldn't stand it X ran from one door to another for the fine old brandy. He or"Clint," I said, "there's no reason for you to reproach yourself, and they would not budge. I dered another, "Last night With going to happen to turned and wljh my bask up close your own eyes you saw bow X flgr XetMag' dotal. Nothing was ever meant to against the doors, Z faced the urea out tnat Carol's life was h'anfsn to her, She.... It was Eve, stage. The light was coming never attempted." ON, who was supposed to be dewa Into the orchestra ptt! saw "Yes." "Bower arranged for that shot fciMed. The murderer meant to it was starting up the aisle, Hugging the wall ana side to be fired through the window to teak Bye, not Carol, The murderer msaat to poise Sve." stepping, I moved aleng the baak keep me and Peterson en the wrong I eaald-- bear him aaU hU of the theater, my eyes Holding traek. Me hired a guamaa , ." vei W mi waa onto that small circle of light with "Hired a gunman!" I Interrupt an lateaeiiy that made them burn ed, "How dees aae fa about hiring a gaaUy. Z , Tea, ettot," aM and, water. X moved toward, the a guaau?" vataa was 14a alele. I was a atop from it ways. You "roar are way . Weahhaej "No, pc. Nat who) the light turned too and in advartUa m ta aewsaaaar. ac seals tawaM Or yaa east haaaaa to knew an I Um spot what X. was cams, X Not aatlagsjar wba ha a brottwrl mt la Carat's felaat, BaV f6; . " ; 4i si w aa ,f mSigjl who is out of work because of Mr. Dewey. You ean get a gangster to knoek off a friend for a grand. That's Union rates. You ean get a Gauguin knocked 6ff a wail for chicken feed, especially when your employeo is a great lover of Van Gogh." SO, - it 141 qr Toti County s First Qptton Ginned be KawdFanmV Hold, Howard county's first bale of cotton of what pfomto to a bumper 1041 season was ginned at noon here Tuesday. businessmen 'on Broadway. Park er also gave him credit for being he a great Judge of talent kept doing plays for Eve when everyone knew that she was through, Washed Up, passe. Why would ho do that, let her drag him down from being one of the yt most artistically and financially successful showmen in New York to Just a notch above a tasteless shoestrlnger like Vincent Parker? Why, Hallo?" "Because he loved her?" "Amelia convinced me that there were no men in Eve's lite, no- men at all, let alone Bowers. No, he didn't love her. And she didn't love him. "The answer is that he produced plays for her because she made him do it That much was obvious. But how did she moke him? That's what I didn't know last night The only thing. It took me the rest of the night to work up even a theory and all morning to do enough research to substantiate it" "Research?" 'Jeff grinned. "Sure, I'm scientific. 'Well, I knew there was blackmail going on in these parts, but blackmail for what? I looked for a clue in Bowers' life and couldn't find one. Then I looked in Eve's. Those burns of hers, gave me an inkling. Nobody, apparent ly, knew about them but Bower's. And Amelia, of course. That was something. It 'proved to be tho right something. In a nineteen seventeen newspaper Z found the answer. "That was the year of the theater fire in 'which "Eye was burned. She was the co'mpany's leading lady, and tho stage manager was a young roan named - Clinton Well, JBowers. Bowers Just told Peterson a very grue some little story about that fire." To be continued. Produce Sales Bring: $25,000 At Stanton STANTON, Aug., 28. (Spl.) More than $29,000 has been expended for Martin county poultry products since May 1, the Arthur jleed Peed and Produce Co. announced here tho-produc- J. H. Rosamond, manager of the Planter's Gin, bid in the bale which pulled 1610 strict mid dling, at 10 conts and bought the 870 pounds of seod at W a ton. Thus Weaver bale brought him a committee ha been named to so licit firsthand second bale prem- iums; The initial bale this year wa five days ahead of last year but later than any other In recent year except in 1838. . highest was the Other first bale dates ares IDiO. price paid for cotton hero in a H. A. Davie: 1039. F. A. Futeh! decade, and sticd Ilkowlso were Up 1038, Sept 2: 1637. Aub--. IS: and to a new figure. . 1636, Aug. 18, $104.00; Tho 10 cents Congressman Warns Of Greater Defense Sacrifices The American people face still greater sacrifices, in making their defenso effort successful and to be prepared for war eventualities, but the administration Is, confident that If and when n test' comes, America will be read- yThat ' was tho messago brought Big Spring Itotarlans at their luncheon Tuesday from this dis trict's congressman, Georgo Mahon of Colorado City. Mahon, during the current "breathing spell' of congress, nas returned noma lor a short stay, and Is making an informal tour of his district Ho plans to witness tho Louisiana army ma neuvers next month on his way back to the national capital. Mahon rovtewed In general terms tho defense effort from tho Washington viewpoint, and sold that on the whole tho. program was pro ceeding according to schedule. He voiced concern over continued strike delays In defenso Industries and expressed his personal disap pointment that the administration has not seen fit to advocate strict legislative control over work stop pages. Mahon said no Know sucn handicaps In tho defense effort were detrimental to public morale, but expressed the houo that rill Interests of the Country could com pose their differences and stand united for the national welfare. situation, On the international 's aln's continued shipping losses cotninued shipping losses con stituted tho greatest menace to the empire', and to this nation's program. Delivery of planes to England, he Said, is reaching big proportions and is gaining momentum steadily. The crisis In the Pacific Is all tho more dangerous, In Mahon's opinion, because, of the greater demand for' naval protection and the greater toll of cargo shipping which might ensue, The congressman said that o crisis in the Far East might develop for this country before ono in Europe. At any rate. Mahon said, the'' American people are completely through with an "appeasement" policy which Included shipping of war materials to Japan. Atlantic shipping losses, Inci dentally, have fallen off markedly since theU.S. occupation or Ice land, ho said. Tho government position basic ally, said Mahon, Is a reaffirmation of tho Monroe doctrine, winch stands for strict territorial Integrity of the enUre western hemi sphere. Protecting this hemlsphero is a big task, but one for which we must be ready, whatever the cost, the congressman said. Mahon spoke on tne same program as did. A. V. Karcher, Cos- den executive who formerly was a special agent In the FBI, Karcher told interestingly, of some of the FBI's' workf the, requirements it has for membership, and the work It expects of Its members. con-ain- Riflemen Go To National Meet Raid Warning Service Heads AreNamed Foundation of an d warn ing service for Howard county has air-rai- been laid. County Judge Walton Morrison has forwarded to Governor Coke Stevenson a list of suggested air craft warning council members arid observation post organizers', who will likely be formally appointed within tho next few days. The local aircraft warning council will bo composed of Judge Morrison, J. E. Brown, H. T. Hale, R. L. Nail, Akin Simpson. Charlie e, S.u!livan, C. W. Deats, P. W. D. 8. RUey, W. B. Younger, J, S. Bobbins, Dovo Duncan, Gladys Smith, Edmund NotesUne, Ma-lon- Dunbar, Art Wenthelser and Lee .Porter. ' Observation post organizers 'rec ommended by this council were H. L. Bohanhon, Mrs: T. C. Thomas. R, R. McEwen, Cliff "Wiley, C O. Nalley, Dale Thompson, J. H. Greene, Mrs. H. W. Smith, James Little and J. L. LeBleii. These leaders in the, aircraft warning service are standing by for, further instructions from the governor as to the type of service they will. give. G. C. Cowgirls Will Get Big Prizes At Midland MIDLAND, Aug. 28. Cowgirl sponsors representing towns, cities and ranches of Texas and New Mexico will compete for prize valued at more than $1000 In the col- orful sponsor contest at the seventh annual Midland Rodeo, August 30, 31 and September 1. The attractive awards comprise the most costly array of prizes ever offeredin a similar contest Between 35 and 40 of the cowgirls of the' Southwest are expected to participate In the events which .are sponsored by the Midland chamber of commerce, with Roy Parks as chairman. The contest I divided into three divisions regular sponsor contest, sponsor roping contest and sponsor cattle penning contest with attractive awards In each division. First place winner in the cowgirl sponsors calf roping contest will receive fo. beautiful young dun horse from the famous herd of "Scharbauer duns." Clarence Schar-bauis the donor of the horse. A $360 Hobb DeLuxe hone coach will be awarded the winner of the grand finals sponsors' event o cattle penning contest in which the top five winners In the regular sponsor contest at the 1641 ,, ng er -- the .agreement these the matches in competition with pany, are supplied with fresh toprranking pistol shooters of the vegetables and fruits. southwestern region at Kllgore In June. .He is the winner of the regional match .and will represent the master class at Camp Perry, The master class Is the highest of the N. R. A. classification. reciprocal Stanton Hospital To Close Soon STANTON, AugVM (Spl) Be cause of the demands of national defense, Stanton will sooa be without hospital service. On. August SO, the Stanton will close due to the fact that its owner and operator, Dr, J. Leslie Hall, has been called to army service. Breviously, Dr. Hall's partner, Dr, John J, Hopper, was ordered to report for army, serviea. Dr. Hall is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Hall of Btaatea and M a native of sHanton. Upon completion of his 'medical education, he returned' to Staatoa and opened the oliole, Dri Hopper, an Intimate friaad ana' olei estate., saast ioiaad by Mm. him. li was also. Halt, wbo ia a sjytt Stints. mira Cllnlo-Hosplt- ,aai4 al Navy .Recruiting Office MovecU tj if vun M. ' i. Tou riiil 1n.i Cntr Youths la Model Plane Contest Receive Awards Biff Serine's ' model nlana ati. thUslasts brought' their d ing contest sponsored by. Carnett's, to' a Close this mornlritr. wlnnara tn Allbwable For September Cut dollar the By Commission cenis to a aouar, long-stan- the three' classes entered receiving awaras ror tneir, work. Class range. was fixed according to 'nrlfia Af nlnna anulnmanf 'nmAA first close being plones, second' class plane cost- - ib iffcmy-iiv- o and the third class 'being ten cent ers. Stanley' Mats took first nrlea In the top. division with, a Howard DOA and a gas model craft Harry Hurt 'showing a Blackburn-- ' Shark, won second place' and also received a gas mod- AUSTIN, Aug. 38 UPl- -A attta-- . wide oil production pattern, for BSDtember moaUV unnhanvaA from that of August yfa cutbjr the railroad commission .today, Tho oil regulatory, agency .au el. thorised net dally average allow Other first class winners and able of 1,406,663 barrel dally be- s, models displayed' were Charles third, Clod Hopper and Zlpi glnnlgn Sept 1, 14,663. dally lea per; Donald and Hultn McKlnney, than today's estimated 'nal'aJinar. fourth, Howard DGA, and Herbert able, and 37,763 above the bureau or mines recommendation for SepBrown, fifth, Junior Clipper. In the second dkaalflf-atlnn-. win. tember market demand. Engineers estimated actual, prohers in order named Jumna Clap. horn,. Bobby Potts, John Henry duction next month "would average Day, Billy Bob Fallon, Harry Hurt 21,461 barrels dally below tna nay wancK, cotton euney, Bobby mines, bureau' standard. This .waa Hlckson. Charles Davles. and' Gene' because production normally la.3.3 per.cent under tha manthlv1 allow. Kimble. Third class winner were Emmltt able. . "la Tha Sentembsr ordar daara Ingram, Lawrence Ingram, Charles general upeer, day L.yn ,and vavies, a. w. Bartiett, William Davlea. Stiatar Waavar. four ,for the Panhandle district Lyn Speer,: Durward Carnett, Jr, This compared with., 10 general holidays, and f ive Fahhandk shut--" ana Bonny jfott. uenning J ; Sl" Solid model winner wa James In in August Qulnton. .The usual exemptions about 66) Honorable mention included H. fields wero made to tha shut-i-n W. Bartiett, Gene Nabors, Rondel oraer. xnis was because oeeae-tlo- n of flow would injure wails in Jlmmle Velvlh, L. wl Mulkty, Jack thaaa noola dita in 4hah mmiIIV uyer, unaries Loveless, Boooy physical condition. The baslo dolly allowable for Wilson, .Johnny Schuessler, Robert Sept 1 was placed' at. 1,636,071, Dean Hobbs, and Claude SewelL compared with 1,906,846 on Aug. 1. Comparative basic dally permit stvea, by districts, on Sept 1 and Aug. 1 were: Southwest Taxaa 318.836 and 914.187 Hiitf Da-vle- nt, . Borden Oil Test Staked Sixth annual Franklin county .reunion will be staged at the etty parte sept 7, officials of the affair have announced. The U..8. navy recruiting office simey Moore, gemiaoie, secre has been moved from the court- tary of the reunion, said he antlcl house to the basement of' the fed- pated another attendance between building, H. P. 300 and 400 people. eral postpfftce Jones, recruiting officer, reported While families attending will Tueaday, bring ptento baskets, barbeave will are .now be furnished again this year, acPermanent quarter maintained at room 17 in the fed- cording to Moore. eral building, Is 1M0 the rauato attracted At the same time, Jones said more than 394 yple free M attta application of Xugene Peach, Colo and trucks broufht Mka from Mt rado city, had been aeeepud and Vera la Praakkm aauaty, TW ha would be Ins trusted to report to pro sedate la 4nte ta be reaiatii Dallas the latter part of 'we week. thl laasaa' so that former reeb a. Peaek, aaaca af the' county may vtatt with Peach K tki Mk at rouU , We Sprint;, and la a Jotmar cu Masma and relatives whs stUt 1st YiMUto lealilant nf thl ilty. i, ,v i and 367,027 Another wildcat oil test for Borden county was assured Monday with the announcement that Corp. and Oaage Drilling Co., would spud a 4e0-fotest on or before Oct L The test will be carried a the No. 1 A, M. Clayton, et al, aad while location has sot been staked, it will be approximately 660 ftet from the south and 1,660 feet from the west lines of section John DeShazo survey; It 1 slightly more than two miles south of the Lynn county line and U due to be on a sslsmograph high shot by Pure OU Co, and known as the Teadway structure. Andereon-Prlchar- d took 2,tt acres on a checkerboard farawcat 10,000-aer- e spread. from Pure' Tide Water Associated Oil Co, .and the Texas Pacific Coal ds OU Co, which already had aareage, bought additional leases from, Anderses- Prlchard. .Osage Is to have half Interest in the wildcat and in the drilling site, aad full Inter est in three outside tracts. Another test indicated for this area is the Haynea B. Owaby Drill ing Co., (Dallas) No. 1 Morrison Oil Royalty Co, 1,660 feet from, the north and 660 fist from the east TAP. It line of section is a mil aad a half north of latan 1,100-fecable teal Jab. and la a In southwestern Mitchell county, Humble Na. 1 L. L. Wweod estate, wildcat Oidovlclan, 1,660 feet from the northaast and southeast lines 8PRR, baa drkied of section to 3.861 feet In lime. Ander-son-Pricha- rd ot 1--1, re re Franklin County Reunion Slated -- DtsesmtSwIj ivf ik Ufa IfU i for ha cssma Te-Mrs. John O. Klrturrt ta Ik Tr606 9fM6fn ffrfr iH rettaleaf Rig Spring eity park Saturday and tiara lsastaj.a mmaay to pay tnmta to that pM- Mrs, Parma Waar Mr. BvvT COiifnta There Were 64 persons pretest Lamm; Mr, and Mr. Qaentto. ran Intf In tra uH ta Ta it Martin, Abilene Mr. and Mrs. Mlia wa the first time the annual fa- - Kinard and family, Mr and Mr union wa held here, but the group Gaylerd Xinard and family, Mr. voted ta return to the park again and Mrs. Mi X. Xinard, and. family next year and Mr. and Mrs. X. B. Xinard of John O. Kinard's father earn to Lubbock. North Carolina from Halland. Mr. aad Mrs. U, O. Xinard and from whence iha vnttnMp family of Cteeo; Mrs. p. Xinard went to Alabama, Mississippi, then and sen, Wg Spring j Mr. andrMra. to Texas In 18M, following the H. A. Davidson and family, Kagm frontier Westward, Pas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin a. thnrt and family, and Mr. and Mrs. J. After llvlnsr In east time, he moved to Denton county, D, Xinard of Big Spring) Mr. and than to Wise tuvnnil Vi Mrs. Ira Neal Xinard, aad family limit of white settlements. Indian of Bay City. depredations drove tho Xinard Mr. and Mr. D, J. Xinard and family back into" Denton county, family, Lamesa ; Mr. and Mrs where thlV homeatcadcil a Henry Xinard of Cotton of land near Justin. Mr. N. 8, Xinard, J. T. Xinard, The nloneer often told nf an tin. Mr. aad Mrs. Kelly Xinard and experience usual in the Indian family, and Bobble Grace Shirley COUntrv. Ha tiAd a fclartr Aiiu of Cisco; Mrs. J, P. Jack and famwhich he was fond, and each night ily of Liberty; Mrs. Corine Martin nea me 'mare to a belled rope and family of Abilene; Mrs. Ora which he ran Into the cabin. Oc- Martin and. family, Dallas; Mar-cel- la casionally during the night ,he Dyer, Big Spring; Edna could, tug the rope and hear the Pie ToWn, New Mexico,' bell as reassurance that the horse Mrs. M. E. Kinard and Mrs: Yeiser, was safe. Brownsfleld; Mrs. W. P. Abbott, One mornlng.he found the end of Lubbock; Mrs. Pearl Allen, Plain-vieiH the ftina Hurt auIbM thi. tM.. Mr. and Mrs. D. such way that the bell rang when Big Spring; Mr. and Mr. Ji O. tne nno was jerked, but the horse Tannehllle, Big Spring. " was gone. Mr. and Mr. Alvln Loy StcwaM After llvintr for a. lm tn nan. and family, Manford, Ok1a.;'Mrr ton county, the Klnards moved to and Mrs. Rank Stewart, Portal, van 'zanat county, then to East: New Mexico; R. L. Stewart Stig-le- r, land county In 1882. He and Mrs. Okla.; W, A. Preeeott and Kinard raised 15", children. Kinard family, Big. Spring; Mr. and Mra was also the father, of seven chil- Green, Lubbock; and Dick Davie dren by a first wife, who died be-- Lamesa. le, STANTON. Aug. 25 (SplWesse Purchases totaled 129,265 for that N. Woody of Stanton left Sunday period, company officials said. morning for Big Spring to Join G. Monday ,4,000 pounds of poultry O. Hall to' go to Camp Perry, Ohio. iri'80 coops and valued at $700 were Woody is among a. select group of show will be eligible to compete shipped to El Paso,. A .truck load 142 rifle and pistol shooters from along with previous first place winof eggs, to be distributed between every section of the country which ners of the Midland rodeo, with Stanton and El Paso, was ready left this week on paid the exception and pegged at $1,000. Also on the trips to the annual National Rifle penning contest.of previous' cattle floor were two truck loads of and Pistol matches at Camp Perry. As an extra added attraction at watermelons, volued at $79 a load. The matches are held by the this year's show, Miss Margaret Like poultry products, the melons national board for the promotion Owens, Ozena, winner of the regwere to be marketed at points west of rifle practice In conjunction ular sponsor contest In 1639 and Since entering the wholesale with the National Rifle association who won the sponsor calf roping field, the 'company bos supplied and starter on Wednesday, Sept' 3, contest year, will challenge the Stanton .and neighboring towns extending for five days, woody is Winner last the 1641 cowgirl roping with fresh fruit and vegetables to arrive at Vie camp on Sunday, contest of in a matched roping. With as" well a poultry products. Pur- Auir. 31. to attend the three-da- y ner of the special event will receive chases are effected through a sys- small arms firing school preceding a $76 wrist watch donated Jointly tem of contacts with stores In Mar- the matches,. by Cotton Oil company Woody won his first free trip to andthe Lamesa tin county and on county lines. By Big Spring Cotton OU comtoday. Two-Da-y Reunion In B Spring Park Aubrey Weaver was and Planter's wad the glnner. The cotton was picked Monday af terrtooh and Tuesday morning off 17 acres on tho J. B. Pickle farm three miles south of Big Spring. Actual:ly tho field contains 6 acres "But, Jeff, that bullet mlght've three-wa-y hit one of usl Or Bowers himself 1" but is planted on a In addlUon to purchase prises, "Sure, it might haVs, But Bowers wasn't feeling sentimental about ua or himself. And then, remember It., was after dark, your, room wo brightly lighted and from the Esquador you could seo into it quite clearly; The shot was fired when there was no one within ranjro of that Window. Bowers' took caro of that himself, it you rememoer. tia coned carol away from it by proposing another drink." "And .did you know last, night that all this was .Bowers' work? That .he was the murderer?" ' Blackmail "Sure. The mlniito I realized that Eve was the victim and not Carol, I knew who tho murderer wo. There had been so 'many strango undercurrents in Bowers' relationship with he. Undercurrents that I felt oven while looking for Carol's murderer." "For instance?" "Remember, when we 'wero up in Bowers' apartment and saw all thoso beautifully nound ' copies .of the plays ho had produced before he started starring Eve?" "They wero nracUcii;v all clas sics, or were after he did them." "Yeah, ond all of o sudden he starts producing drivel for Eve. He made money before, and he lost money with her. And he is generally conceded to be, even by Porker, one of the shrewdest Smwltln TteBmU et 49-1- 6, No Prirerg' license Issued During Wwlc r..t Seat Central ana 3,era; seat Tex- 380,066; aexas vo.vus as 811,233 and 810362: Wait Can-irai xexaa 00,010 ana ot.tt: .wm Texas 347,043 and 368,811; North i exas isoM ana . 1H.3U; handle 81,606 aad 86,064. 'Pan- Stanton Family, Hag Reunion In Home Of G. H. Mayos A family reunion waa held ta Stanton Sunday on the birthday anniveraariea of G. H. Maya and M. O. Brothers la tha Mayo home. Gifts were presented to the boo-oreDinner waa served and others present were Mr. aad Mrs. Ligo Brojthera of Lameaa, Mr, aad Mrs. Bernard Maya of Big Sprlag. Ms and Mas. O. H. Mayo aad Clark. Mr. and Mr. Virgil Brothers. Ms and Mrs. Clark Brothers, and O, Buddy and Bobby, Mr. aad Mrs D. WUwell, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Brothers, aU af Stanton. a True Family G. S. Holds A Reunion Here Sunday Dr. aad Mrs. O, S, True bald a family reuataa at their twaaa Sua day. Preaeat ware Mr. aad Mrs, Stanley Davis of Haw Tart. N. T, who will stay 11 Big Sating until Thursday PrtdayUfr. aad Mrs. J. B. WUltasas at Batma waa wit) Have Maaday; Mr. and Mra V. M,,: Boykla af Odaeee, Mr. aad Mra. aVJ it, aftaar.Mr, a4 un. an Orsfttfft. Mr. aad Mra. 1. Iakn Areata, Mra, Carat MttafceJt sc. atwaim, aad Arabia dsirly Tva lleiasaa bear this la aaa watt uattl aaat weak to far Waeaaas. .Tfca patrol Iisuiaie of drivers' Mmhii wilt Vaataaaata Btg atma aaak aajf aaa ataraay. be sasiisdid tarewghaat Ti durtec the weak bsaiaalag Masv dar. Aatwt td, R haa bm as Ta ,83 man asm aamaaistel rarae, af la aa--. will Jw a Case Maary, Au a rctiaiamc school undar wHJj several counties us taa Uaa af .fakm B. Draper. asuasid ay Mcmsr Oirrisw. tat pattaa din as or , Hardy Matthews, drtvW officer far Ms lariaat area. I ZBzSPHHKv ,",T'i-- , . ' via ,,...;. I 1, wAsmmropt jarring Land 1y BOKOTItr THOMPSON Two LONDON (By Wireless) aorta of1 manager employers have emerged in Britain as a result of factory the war. On Is. the .pre-w- a manager' appointed, by the of a corporation accustomed 'to a competitive system "who Is now obliged to. reconcile himself with a considerable amount of gov-eminent control and, operate under excess profits taxes which, in munitions factories, are 100 per cent man- The. other Is a ager, who runs government-owne- d and operated ordnance, plants. ai the, latter was recruited .atock-holde- j rs clvll-serva- from tho?ranks of the former Almost all public factories managers came from private .Industry (t is interesting to compare factory mofale and efficiency under both systems. To' have made an- exhaustive tudy."Jt this question "would" have fcken all the time I have spent England. So I must, present the Jollowlng' as inconclusive observa-$6n- s . with the comment' that they 4jine fromuttprejudlced sources as dbfective answers to the main iJneRiioni What aro the advan- ages. and disadvantages ot'btoh . syatemsT 'The tentative concluslonria that ttio' public ownership system. Is profoundly influencing, the old system 'nri' view vprnn. Between them '..something new. Is belng'worked out TKo manager of a vory suc- cessful factory, who came to it fas a civil servant from his post tion, in private Industry, said, Tne disadvantages of publlo Ownership froma personal stand- fcolnt are: First, a'.much smaUer alary; I am earning only half. bt what I did before. "Second,- f deal with, too T. .Green, many-departme- nts 'AU VJlW tfL. Wv IVR TSZcJ) VS ;Total .expenditures of $203,803 and receipts of .$207,811 have been set up In the proposed budget for me tJig: spring Independent School district 7f or the fiscal year beginning .Sept.. J.- ." 'The' budget', represents an increase In disbursements of $21,000. Bulk of' this- Increase, however, la contained In . capital ouUay, for which ,$12,000. In bonds have been voted. Around-$14,00more is provided In this classification than last year Bince plans call, for Improvements at the Kate Morrison, and negro ward schools and for .financing the Swenaon.. Mr. Green waa a Presbyterian Doner room plant on the high school campus. Bebt requirements, and a member of the Masonic too,, will be up by about $10,000. Utiltles, ,wlth more ' building space, are set' up for $2,000 more Frisco-Honolu- lu than last year; however this estimate is purposely liberal " since estimates we're slightly under last l A Aprrnom NA y ) M 'Americanism. This Is no ordinary movie cycle, Jump no ordinary f on a bandwagon. Herd, are three stories,- al) of them in process of I 1 l l l Ml V j I 1 l N u TI., T'RSERSS ' the last ... 1 Director Homer Garrison, Jr., said today. Garrison reported 232 drlverU or re licenses were suspended voiced on conviction of drlvlga while intoxicated between Juno 10, effcctlvo ,dato of tho now statute, and Aug. 22, pa .compared with '69 suspensions in the same period last year. COULOh't WWTTo 'CfiTHOMC , HGARO THC STORY To tW,'.' ND WO WCRff MPtY in rDCAR,l FHJAJMeST grace tzk.0 rr, OIRLO CTITCHBS J. town clerk who, aided 'by the splriU of Andrew JacluonV.. George Washington, Benjamin FranlUln, Thomas Jefferson and other characters Including Jesse James and a lowly private of Washington's army puts to rout crooks who ""P ot small-tim- e aren't doing right by popular gov-ernment William Holden Is the by; Brian Donlevy plays the shade of Jackson visible to Hold- en, his historic contemporaries to the audience but to no others); and George Watta, from the stage, looks moro like In make-u-p Franklin than Ben's own pictures do..Montague Love is Washington, Gilbert Emery Is Jefferson. ' &&) IS AUSTBtf, Aug. 28 (!?) Under a new law making tho Initial offense of drunk driving a misdemeanor instead of felony, convictions' have Increased 340 per cent, State Police 0,wjwtx '.'r "mct yjuo --. --- I 1 . nn.u-..-v- iriii r - - I M Wi i - : I ThiS Convictions Gain How To Torture Your Wife creation by their .authors, at approximately the same time, 'all of them, reaching out for entertainment along unusual lines. It may be just coincidence. It may be, as Stuart Helsler di rector 'of "Andrew") suggests, the product of a search for "escape" entertainment combined, with '" a timely message,, not propaganda but a reminder. i: I 1 V I V Vr bUSy. j ,, ollow-the-lead- f sma M l I gr - 11 " IAlirvVAthJlenrAn r'TV?!lrrlrN,-rwWSTIJDOK Q ?)' ' .1 Drunken Driving ghost technique, but Stuart Helsler believes" this Tako otherwise. scene: Holden Is on the witness stand In court the defendant; ut. the table for the defenso aro all his ghostly, hlstorlo friends. During course of the trial,. Holden consults with looks and. gestures with his "counsel," to 'the testification of herolno Ellen Brew and others. "Did ""you over try," aaya Helsler, "to keep an eye on every extra in .a big set to be sure tnat none o( their eyes look at pcoplo who are really there but aren't supposed to be." tuie-cnan- 1 I I UVS4HJJAM1 - If I I ' I Pretty Tell llim dav Of iny Vacation." -- II tlYi Lili . . Vy oSA t he's: whenever him This; may aeem simpler, at first thought' than using tno standard the next Very close together, we have 'The Devlt and Daniel Webster" (which may be "Hero Is a Man" or' "Alt That. Money Can Buy" if suoks) ana "Hero A Comes Mr. Jordan," and "The Remarkable Andrew." , 'Each d'oals, in ,lta own way,- with tho supernatural. Each mingles living characters with the ahades of others, long dead. One doea this ana "Air. siricuy zor comeay Jordan" is one 'of the brightest comedies of this or any yoar. The othera have elements of, comedy and something jOlse we' call "S f lm II flil Av IV 1 11 be D U lah fill II 11 I II L K. 1 kiff see dress. pay-da- movie is mixing this world with' people from fS Tww! I MnL EZr , .i ...,1 doesn't necessarily mean 3F 1 eon It can mean a hew fflm&W 'rII J vV j Flight Mark Sought . Vv VI ) Is I bwsBISI N Vk Authorities are lenient if you deliver the goods' without work atop- .' sage.) V. rpum pilvnntae-eare: Blrst. & under the present salary mall Jiystem'of taxation is leas, of aiioss 4hah, it seems", and the .social status, jf avclvU'servantls higher in Engf Jand that that of, a private 4rtal,'leaderi, ."Seoondt,ara free of lnnumera-"ll- e cares of financing, competition of,hold-"tegtyof beating trie other fellow, intrigues Job, against the :$ind' Jealousies of the" shlef, .stockholders. Icannot'be dlamlaaed'ex- vnt'fnr mismanagement, ana wnen JS:re'tlre I.will havea penslonprpb- .any iuhiuw j "bly nlgnerf ,rnanmy'earnlhgs r JSouldbave'-out'oOAKLAND, Aug. 27. (&) Gun- Von fni anma TmiII1 tnrMt rrfaHMV the' present .taxation' and in- - ning for a new air speed 'record control is up by around $500, tax vestment Dosslbllltles. between, San Francisco and Hono- -' administration by around $300, and 'LtThiird, . our'rork Is very demand- - lulu, Instructional service" up only three large land planes took slightly. mm 'S expense --H7. ISai QUKUI, BjnSMUw -i al- off Miscellaneous airport Oakland the at from iidvantageor ,a disadvantage., But dawn "today on the first trans-Pacif- show's a budgeted Increase of ap$1,000. annot .offer goods 6n a take jp-ferry delivery of .a fleet proximately Although there is an Increase In 4t or leave it basis. The goods must of commercial airlines planes. testa. over last year's Tf ass, most rigorous planes, appropriations Pilots of the1 budget. allotments, the proposed ex"However. " the freedom, from Douglas DC-3- 's opera destined; for jnanatrerlal cares, arising from tion, are about on a par with Islands by penditures Competition in sales and advertls- - Inter-Islan- din the Hawaiian actual expenditures for the year of Airways, to hoped 1040-4j The district will find it 3hK nollcles, etc- - leave me iree clip the record .of 14 hours and 63 wholly on efficient minutes -- soncentrate flight necessary to continue payment on for the 2,400-mil- e cm.ent loans in the amount of production. estimated by the Honolulu Clipper. $12,600 ''Si r believe the civil servant according to the .budget aa far Appropriations call for '$18,136 have a definite break Is Antonio San for general control: $114,571 for In as'the morale of the workera structional service (teachers); 5 Jioncerned. iThey know they are gain private for operation of plant; $2,725 working for the Sot -but ; stockholders, or plane; $1,650 lor maintenance of individual SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 27. OP) Nvholly for the community and are Officials reported operations were for auxiliary agencies; $2,400 for Iwlltl'ng ito make greater sacrifices fixed $1,700 charges; for' capital s of normal today at -than they would otherwise. go- the Mission' Provision.-- ' company outlay; and $50,916 for debt part of on "'This attitude the and the Roegeleln Packing comRevenues are anticipated from vernment' workers la Illogical pany where' more than 200 workers munitions the following-source- s British and In these actually no yesterday. struck amounts: Federal funds, $4,071: TWorks is making profits, but the state funds $76,881" (down by about government workers don't believe $3,300 due to loss In scholastics); If sit They believe tne dooks oi inai-- If Red River County county funds $518; local funds 'Vldually-owneconcerns are fixed: d , some- - Sells (current and delinquent taxes, somehow", somewhere, .that ... . !.' i ITT'. lone gem buuiciuhij, yu , - they CliARKSVnXE, Aug; 27, WPt-R- ed etc.), $64,930; local' 'tuition and athletics $6,000; taxes for debt i'ln nubile ulants they know poor service, River county's $20,970; non revenue rei Jlire the only persona who profit farm 'goes on the block Sept .1. ! far as wanes and hours are Officials aay the, farm's useful- ceipts (Including $12,000 bank loan and $6,000 athletic bonds), $18,000; ffconcerned both sorU of, produc-,- " ness has faded following e plus balances which run the total ttlon are equal and wages arebyfixed pension indigent other and assist col- to $207,811. s by district rates arrived at ance. Public hearing on the budget baa jjlective (bargaining. Hours, are fixed 1878, in mile Established is a it ' for Sept. 3 by the school beenet iJtbeaame'way. Bagwells. east of t ' board, :j 'AU factorlea have a shop stew-'ar- d and work committee through jiwhlch trade unlona have functio- ance and demand, even if It la preShoot Down what seems to be ning repreaentatlvea among the posterous. Often is due to InarticulateV Workers, who select a email com- - preposterous 10 German 'or misunderstanding. In my rnitts to represent them in all dls- - ness factory no foreman speaks harshly LONDON, Aug. 37. (ff) BriUsh to a worker or laughs at him.' The fighter planes during offensive opIWrid In favor of private' industry humiliation of people la one of the erations over northern Franca tocruelties' that invariably brings re day shot down 10 German aircraft in favor of the labor party and" lost eight of their number, auley which' on the whole favors venge. "VVe find we have reasonable thoritative sources reported. 4 jnjblio ownership and larger means The fighters roared over the f induatrlal production, agrees, work committees it all workers are "however, that war conditions handled, aa equal human beings, Kent coast so high this morning 'Yorca manasera to take a fresh and tough ones if we offer blind most of them could not be seen. or haughty opposition." Their sweeps followed up heavy viewoof the, workers' needs. mewaros- - anoworK- - committees RAP on Cologne and !' TJie f joeoMrtul factories are ;i aM wfcera agrpemenU aro very have no responsibility for plan- the docks at Le Havre and Bou' or production. The responsi- logne, dear "4 aerupsleusly observed, ning The government announced sev U promised that bility rests wholly with the man ; woere neeblflg were '..'H bm keft as4 where the work agement But the stewards and en bombers and four fightersopera' Vniwaltlres or individual work--"i- work committees are responsible missing from yesterday's relations and complaints tions, which Included attacks oa alwaya t aa touaediate for labor shipping and strafing of German-occupiand their settlement .'; heatislc; froca the maBatemeat airdromes. Three bombers A new type of management and ajitMc, reasonabtej decirian. a aad 4 One hlghb. auceessful manager a new type of worker undoubtedly were reported missing from night forays. will watan io aay gnev- - are emerging In England. un-de- Jl KW y?yfyJ '.In' Funeral was- set for Thursday at ''4 p. m., at the. (Nalley chapel, with 'burial following in a local cemetery. Dr. 0,vL, Savage, pastor of " the First 'Presbyterian '' officiated. church, An oil operator and tourist camp owner, .Mr. Green waa .born1 in Jackson county, .Alabama, June 25, 1874. He came to Texas aa w young man and married Mary 'Watson, 'of Travis county August ,29, 1895. Survivors include the wife; a sis ter, Mrs., J. W-- Freeman of Swen-son- ,; and two brothers, T. H. Green 7. Green of of, Abilene, and. W. ur vHFVJ' Hf r I h2he NZ US- HbLLYWOOD When the ghost around, but It's Just, the chosen walks' In Hollywood these days it few who knows his real home ad- ' morning" 10 o'clock ' ' his home on route 2. . Sy ROBBQC COONS 4. V A0 Movie Story Gfibts Walk Many Ways cot-'to- WLk h 'AMtisrM$Ui Sight mnd Simmh ttytMNM Although some folks continue to argue about it, wo can't ace but one reason' why cotton is daya photograph he had au- now bringing 10 cents a pound. tographed for Hy Gardner. . . . The government has put a On it, Fields had written, "Hy, if under1 the price. Farmers I wore a drinking man, .I'd buy floor have been guaranteed a price' of demand. you a drink." , 83"per cent of parity for. all n It would appear, then, that wo We got to talking about the grown this year within AAA in 'tho cotton producing country comedian then and Hy told an in- atotted acreage. have Uncle Sam to thank for teresting story" a story Fields , Exactly what this price would $100 a bale cotton (counting himself had told him of a meet- be has not been officially deterseed) that will bo marketed In ing he Onco had with tho late Tex mined. A parity price for cotton Big Spring this year., Rlckard. would give tho producer "tho, And it would appear that our power that ho representatives in Washington Fields was walking along, tho same- purchasing 1009-1In other words, street one day and he ran into .had- in .should realize, that wo are ."thankIf a farmer were receiving a ful tot this high price and urged Tex. "W. C," said Tex, 'Jwhat.are parity price for his cotton, it to, 'repeat tho performance next you doing theso days?" the same number pf year. "I'm running a gambling house," would takebuy pounds to a pair of 'overalls' Fields told hint. It did at an .avorage time. Iowa "Bookmobiles" Busy "W. C," said Tex, "don't you now as 1009-14 In apan. the know .you can't win that the per DES MOINES, la. Iowa's three truck-born- e centages aro against' you,.;. That ..'The government has 'guaranlibraries, commonly if you run an honest house, you'll. teed that cotton will be 89 per known as. '"bookmobiles,"- - .brought cent that Ugh this year" by offer104,739 books to 13,914 .rural read-er- a lose?" "'How do you figure thntT" ing to make loans of jthat during .1940 Blanche A. Smith, amount This artificial measure' state librarian, reported, Fields wanted to know. "This waV," said Tex., "If the customer gets ahead, he can alMODEST MAIDENS ways quit You can't" Trademark Rctfslered IT. S. Patent Otfioa Fields thought that over. Two weeks later, as he admitted to Hy, he 'closed' ohpp. Xb you " know: That Judy Garland's lost nomo used to be Gumm?,. , . That Slim Summer-vlll- o, th'o comedian, never has been to New York nnd doesn't intend over to .come to the big city? FMDAf, ? : I waa looking at a photograph of W, C. Fields, the comedian, to- died m smuAk has pushed cotton up to Its present level, despite a large carry over from lost year, almost total elimination of exports, and only a slight increase indomes-tl- o City Schools' Budget Shows B. wh6.has'' been Cost Boost finance, the supply of poor health for tho past;'U years, this' at in inadequate coordilabor, etc, with nation and too. much paper work. free-Moai '.Third, there is not enough .ot action, urovlded you fol low' all regulations to a T. Xdon't, .'juidrl don't think many managers '.'-- 1 BeathTakes R. T. Green , - "sotting a house record two nights running Is okay,, but three nights felt with lt4,v, TUCJUJB NEW yoiUC I havent tho faintest Idoa who holds the record at Loew's State, but fdr awhile Ben Bernie held' it Lbow's State Is an important motion picture and vaudeville theater' on Broadway, , and all of. tho big acta and many screen personalities and band leaders like to appear there. Once, while Bernie was headlining the State, Al Rosen, tho Stato's manager, went backstago ho saldr to bco him. "Bernie," "Tou'ro within Si of the record. Why don't you buy $4 worth of tickets and break the record." "By all Bernto was delighted. means," ho cried, "by all means." Next night,. Al wandered back to where a leased Bernie was preparing to go on and said, 'Ben, you're within' $20 of breaking tho record again. Why don't you buy $20 worth of tickets and break It" ''('By $11 means,"' cried the maestro once' more. "Don't keep com ing back here just to ask tno.... Buy' 'ein, 'I'll pay ,for 'em." So Bernie broke the housa record again. The third night Rosen again wandered, backstage but' Bernie beat him to the punch.. ."Go .ahead; buy all the tickets necessary....! want to set a real record here." Al sank lntoa chair and bit off tho end of one of Bernle's atogios. ..."Well, if you insist . ., . But it's raining outside, It's a bad night, and you're. $480 short of the mark." ".You know aump'n," piped "Ben, , - Thank Uncle Sam For Cotton Price '. l. Buying Record House Get; Old After Third Night By GEORGE . .'"-- T W motcrwooh i. Iditorf.l Man About Manhattm-- r' Operation Of factories In ' yqrk rimr I I fSHfr I P HFS' ' ss,TOEiP r-- W&i ffaiBl FH-Z.- XfF IT? -Z -- - J) dr e. VwV)l pTSr .. N , f K. UJJLJ4iiJMmUJjmi TJCM OH THE CHAIR UNinintitkilwwtMirwt 5 5 "TWE CHAR Jv ' ; i ,fcl . R ,H k '. 1 tA JI " s lal ..h, WcLOORjJ ZZf? 'jL ' sk !l ' 'iMMtJJiAiHi.Lum 'X .i-- (, f jcc , wnicTUU ( TALK UKE I THREWv s. ) V - ' tWvAW B'VJb ll . . l' ' WMiVk I V9, (tM& ffHT FlHl . li li ' VS G S TWf ! r J . . re ' sl M eat? I 'Infe " TKy LtS', WHeM OO VJS J l ' K I ffllsHk. I ( ilKm -- J mLk SJ CJ I SPStt-e- o iysBk l((ftM YtsSKL . . T J , 'V ' 'li ijB'T ( I . , (. 'x rtT iTl - fkiHi TO ' tt f jLt 'J flvliA fizxician ' , TfiV. ?i nfc- fflim f -- . S, kr djt1 A22v( ri ' - S Nh- f VOtSf bu GET iMywH"H)JJJM telJUEMOHAUANG&t, Hi I Webster" does not bother oven to make Walter Huston's Mr. Scratch Invisible; anybody In the picture) hilniMHniiab iwuonwwurvvw ' ' XfcS VjL vcK VTr otherwise, and let them proceoJ aa , ;r0rH PWoeoe?crtTaWe. rJ vxm,! rtFiZZlCIAM." . J ., t 2 . u- ic " 1. man-Ssg'e- Meat Plant Strike Ends ? $13,-40- XWWSV three-fourth- Poor Farm . Y ISs" uii '?" 7x c&.?mZi -- ' e. y I old-ag- 1 British CftVOHOai.CWTftW-A'iCM- yg xz&zm JISMMX rT'. : : AU. M UFEMXTVE BEEM A PCAL FRKMD EZRA --MDUVE DONEWE A MILLION FWJDK9 AMUlMCiKAltHlL. ID ME.C4PTAW A N lAMMKanySORByABOUTTHe N AfMOTHERANDVOU misunderstanding: 1 I p' 4r night-assault- MJi Py - 1 '. ,.,. An rriiMCaii Ktcutn Ttucfwwihni i.n7wrvr iwi.mwii rvsvbfr muut X 6MOUID ilUE MINDED MYOWN BUSINESS GEmWOtD RR5T TIME I - F1GGER TM EVERTWEDTO STEER SOMEONE I ELSE'S SHIP r m .Jl j -' 1 ? J i 0m&XA :mm B , i BUTIMMIGirryFDNDOF rm itHMC a SEETlryaJMG3TER?ltAPpy ICRWITHOlW IS. r- - JTKl i fr I J "- t.BUl HnXDtKl MUwnifc.liCwiAiniAIfcUMEJT '" V7T" MAKKM&WANMACRAM'CgyuiEJf,f AH'FlGGEREDIFIHADA:yssKn FRl&NDLYTALK'BOLrr 'M . XllKNOWVDUR MR3.KOBERTISMADATCAPrAIMEZRA C7 J ,p , : w nmmw juuitvr wwio-rA- i i itcArma ikinieau-HH- ' .ihilitiiu iinbwiuir nu iwi hi.im uiiKArvMCTWlbU ins"" - i"i"w U RIGHT PtACe, HMAKyMORE.AM'IGOTTADOWllArMRS. 1 . ?ia LmS SKC'.W2 'I .c& ',miSMu X&1 Lms&th C-- S ' ;,T,V "- hnf: KHaBz. rMLfliK &&& A "1.1 "G'SEV. Wm1 ;ilACiA mS-SM- K'T'ss&C II ' 1 vmLJM?j 'ir ' BETWEEM I VI TMP'G 5rfi . : I If' &h r3L Kaas5sgrrJ mk : Aircraft - l fcYtKyTWt.iTHINK.c3 Vi,Wi I r- --' S k s n, I ed Th Big Spring Herald siiMm a aa SMtf WW. PaWafflo l Ms Sprtm. Tum. gain ut al Wsyeh SSSSttaSSt Kais3r Of TfU UMOOU' !!! MpttMlMUea MWi oi tU an auteUs endtUdteM ts ttu w tor isiasilTlT m mm mukh iwiiiii una aif ttma ut fsBDiifumi m mjfmi Pm'n b SH alunwea new atKiray 6 BjKJ entOKI samxiXl, um-mt- aSS U, misna mj. JT tjeefMsM ssajsi fw aHSwaaagji aasaas aMas) saa si kk m aaasi . l ( HAW, l HAW. mtf THAT VDKa WTTH A Aim Ww Whi v mmMWAMf-Mmjmi- a Jv W WW OAKY .PORfiOT Hisl XHiwii Wm KM., without. Turn Mnn VmHOUtevTNAUNCBA Vrr irrrntt ir SOOT r ATTH JDATT 1 I COMPUMEWTS """1 imMMm DEAp PIGEON ii. AI 2 m.fKUN,mi n r-- v r I Jkm ru. m ,i'P r AZ-- Atryv-- F Srr - OF A . Ism. - aiiisstT it aasMaa tarwM m a anssSMM -- ms tot Mtui sua conno mm enac Tb ittM Mta a MU bui way. HMek. ww Binsina it rwmuttaa U ssimwi tpaa uU4 woufbt ta mm mmws et w ajstis mi nrMa w Is mm s to u MUM win it Vmrn. uhun V mm ill WSMBSMI S' ' .' t.ailji.-JjfUjL,'- isajSFtr'TVyfMHSiffs r . Wf sVafsassVasaasaBBaKSH rapHff wmmmmtw mM1 mmztt kll, Is- - : Immm J i "mil iiipiii XJ fa lii ' I inl'SWi i I gin il I III p " t.j'-fc...- .. I " iWwpl'W , " aaasX7? ws . M 4 mmw 1 m BsBSrisla wr aw V ( VasV' f I T I t;'.Ml i : ,' 1' ; ,,.,,. SiAmi - .1 a ,iwitir,ff'f'Ba-WSfriiiil,flLi- frJ'- 1 I - m vk- - ' " . ., :. - -- .' - .jt-i.'- -- i...t' -t. 7, '.'.:'' '...i.,' v mm Texas9 UNTO Gaiiis Qobd 1, maturity at about the normal rate, the tT. 8. agricultural marketing service reported today. . Rains extending across most of the north half of the state wero copious nd 'timely for late row crops' which needed surface mols-- 1 turo in tno nortnweat, out wero or doubtful valUo in sections where they' hindered control of Insects affecting cotton. Cotton continued to make satis- factory progress In mOst.'of the state considering; the general lateness of tho crop and previous losses froni insects and ixcesslvo rain. In the northwest the excellent prospects wero maintained by. timely rains. Insect damage continued' 'heavier than usual,' particularly In the eastern and southeastern areas, although hot,, dry weather and mora general 'use' of poisons have afforded- some degree of .control. t Picking' waa becoming general In the'south'central port. of the state, Ice Box Handfe i Meals For Snacks Or Dinners AAAAAAAAAAmfZ-- GALVESTON, BOTH i 28 Bug. Stores' Are' 'jlHIb LLLLLLLLBRELLLf' The C. first battalion of the Ut engineers didn't" thlnlkso well of tho second battalion today. maneuvers,, the On small-sea- l first battalion rods in tnloks almost to the place where it waa ordered to attack the hike-weasecond battalion. But the second battalion didn't wait for tho attack. It inarched in a wide flanking movement,, captured Its opponents' trucks, Including the kitchen, and rode back to sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm ry !h3LLLLLbP' ca ssttJ&. st 3bBb9bbbbbbV 1BBmBEBBBBBBM 'iHBBBBBBBBBBBBHBslkBBBBW 'bbbbbbbbLiHhb BBBBhSnipMBal'l IbbbbbbbbbbbbHI 'B 3 iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf' .BBBBHbVTJ&V V aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ifSBiBBBBBBBSE?P"aBBkBl iBBBBBBBBBB ggamJ'lBBBBBBBBBBBBBT AbBBBbBBHHRK camp, The first battalion IBBBBWiBBBBtv''wMfflte?-SBMBBB- M r 'KMZwM&Mj DEFENSE VICTIMS Richmond bar. RICHMOND, bers, who voted to Increase their standard price tor haircuts from 40 to CO cents to meet increased ; living costs, were told by Benjamin Lovensteln, that they were ."suffering from national defense, mora than ' any other trade.'" "People are working so hard and trying to mako so ".much money they don't' have time haircuts as often as they used to," he JbbbbbbbbbbWb! TMJbW JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbH WBBBtlPttBlElPfflBW tt V'O SSL HbOSS lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBfaL bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbb PH16"1!! : Hnui ' i MllfBBBMll iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBBBBBKNki " leBBP'rBBBBBBB2 r9T, K'BBW' ttfiy '' BBBBBT'HbVhP 'BS9rwSi'' IH 3 'bBBBBBBBBBBBH J'JbbbbBbWi, v BBBBJSSVBlHnr BbIbBe VBBBeHBik-PBIBBBfl&MSVaw'jMir-MHfjfjtfSCBJBflHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBbi aBBH (STSSBBK 'wv.-'jIB v iArf' & JjdBsaBBBfavavavavJBbfa iJKsZ x V iBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBak IB1 BBBBBbAnBBBBBBBBv W '1 aMaBBWij?laBBBWilvt'?'ay: to-g- said. mB t jlBir'...,t'v,g:.''BBBBBBBBgBBMk.-..'iBBBBBBBBMBgWBaa 5 ''BBHBBHKi'fsBBWHBBflBaBBl 'MWBBMBBaBBWr-- BBHt Hbbh - vsv-SHBl;rrA Zr' BBK BBB their-attorney- ibbbIbbbbbM ii j?bH ' 'A 8bbWTbb1bbbbbbbbBb kb? ifar!t??sa'' I FVf t ' bbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbH BBBialKi ltBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHrT l ONE WATT ST.. LOUIS, VB '' Mo. A lurnuure company strike is over without a settlement and every BBrMBft;;-"raBPBI!BMkt;aBBv,- side. IHE the hiked nine miles back. IBBBBBBBBBBMKBHilKHnVIBBBBVP'MBBajSBBBVLjyBUu When 0. E. Outtarstdo gave 375 nickels for a $25 defense bond, the postal clerk chuokled. Bach one nickel was an with a huge "V" on the reverso Cunningham & Philips Af0wl TJNFADl WXUfARJB ROCXmOKAM, N, FORT WORTH, Aug;. 28 Wh--ll Isn't a rule yet only a suggestion from the national "rules committee. But Texas Christian university1! Hdrncd Frogs, taking the commlt-te-o bj: tho horns, are going to wear new jersey numerals' this year. Thereby, they hope to give a break to the cash' customers who frantically thumbs through hla llno-u- p (JlcHOnary to try and find out who tackled whom. Any time you see a Frog wearing' a number in the 80's, he's an end. If it's an even' 80 number 82, 84, etc. he's a right end; If odd, "' a left. If his number Is In the 70's, he's a tackle, the CO's a guard; the DO'S a center. Quarterbacks will wear i0 fullbacks SO'i, left, halves 30's, rlaht halves 10's. Two' or three other Southwest conference teams may follow suit this season. By next year, it may be the general fashion. .But none except the Froggies have declared their Intentions as yet. Doays, nappy. Contains Vitamin Plus Calcium and Iron B-- l, ' 1--4 rd - '. ee etvTS?.. ichoo" - 4ra CUUe"ov w.iTm !SS Btt? ftlvn-- "'.at Br A - AfftOmo AssBkf war la aaaur Omgil has aarssed tar tho awviHac m t unpduu ' ' a r .H,',M.l Fat-furl- . JjS jH bleaches safely B'1 '; M .far II BBBBBflHHSBHMBSHKB eB7 bbF bbb HbbV. LBH.aBfBBV BTsTsBBBBBBBBvP"SBBBBBBBBViaVlBTsiTsTsBBBBBBVBBBTsT "sBBBSBBBV BBBflHS BBbVBBV BBBTT.JBBBBBBa. BBBBBBBBBBHU M SHa SB 1-- " 1 i AK la tha bVH'AHWMHT' - jV" --U. .i IULI mi vi fww oil Am. That heme ta la valley. Win Joy. aatiaaal Colorado City. teat tba no1ei T1traf John Dean Witt of Phillips Is t H T WKm WW,tWsW,WHTsWw,W return home Thursday after a Anerienn ftorkts ao-- ( win b M Suropa as far aa visit with the Virgil Qreen family". supyH-ara tam and seed John Dean Is. a nephew of Mrs; Qreen, Charles Dempiey Is at home for a few days with his family, the Jack Dempseys, on the Quif lease, Ho is a student in Dsnton Teach- ore college. Mrs. Etta West and Evelyn of Mr. and Mrs, Pat Lonsford were Austin and Mrs. Jlmmlo Zimmer- Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 18 QUICK DISSOLYIlia man of Rogers, New Mexico, visit- Paul Whlrley. ed the C. L. Wests Monday night Joanne Lewis Is the proud owner . ..SWEETENS DXIXKf r. ana Mrs. is. j. Grant and of a nevr saddle and Shetland pony. THROUGH AND THROUOsI family of Odessa visited friends in Mrs. Bob White and daughter: WITHOUT. WASTE Forian'over the weekend. Virginia, aro spending the week IrapetUt-Pyt- t Case assjst Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Connallv. In Wellington with Mrs. White's HaoUtl rA MeaaV wkb who "have been attending summer parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. S, John Jlqold. eaklily fU as. scnooi at ureeiey, Colo., are at son. oagklf. BW..M it k M home on the Forsan school The E. J. Grants of Odessa wero jMaabtal aet. campus.. Sunday visitors with the X. O. cos(e, Jtstlsi Kent Morgan of Lamesa sotnt Shaw family. a ap faMOs-gUw the weekend on his father's HowMr, and Mrs. C. C. Kent wero of lee tea aae. ard county ranch. In Lubbock Sunday to, visit their IWIKItl it Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmle Wilson of daughter, Elolse, who Is, a pupil lbtonghaa-Sanatorium visited tha.C. L. Wests In' Draughon'a business 'college. . ; duouga. m- l- r Sunday. ' Mrs; Mr. and W. B. .Dunn visited Mr. ana Mrs. u. c. Kent, were friends In Sterling City Sunday afSunday, guests of their daughter. ternoon. Eioiso, in LUbbocK. Mr. and Mrs. Cluy Ralney of Betty Louise Stodghtll of Waco were recent visitors In For Is visiting her cousin, Chlotllde san. Loper. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. 'White and Mrs. Edgar Chambers and chil- Btllle have returned from Golddren, Mrs. .,Carl Tipple and Mrs; smith after a short visit with their Dua'rt Smith, have returned from son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Loo , White. a trip to Waco. . Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Butler received word .of the death of a relative in Hamlin Tuesday, Trova Dee Johnson Is the house guest of the C. J. Lambs while her parents are in California. Don and Wesley Yarbro are home visiting their parents, Mr. Purex,p'roporfy wed,!i os eaty onllnans a u ... and Mrs.-D- . F. Yarbro. plain Try It. TTOOR OROCf wrinnof j la Francell Krebbs of Lovelland' the house guest of Joy Lane. ' IIJIMftll Mrs. K. D. Williams is spending , THE &iZi?&-&7&XBLEACH ssi a few days in San Angelo. I aaaaaaJ-si9Ktfy sssb ssssBsab. ,mmmmM Mr., and Mrs. C. L. Sterling and M&ry Louise of "Odessa have moved ' Mrs. Utile Hay Johnson waa a Lubbock visitor over the wee1ttee Mr. and Mrs. Davis Murphree and daughter Wlllene and Frances Young of Kntley, Ala., visited the J. P. Kubeckaa this ewek. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Cornier w.re Sterling City, visitors over the weekend. Judge Qreen of Mens. Ark., la the house, guest of his daushter. Mrs. C. B. Connelly and Mr, -. 1-- K u- -- Explained a CIO union spokes man: the .strikers and plcketers found other Jobs at better salaries. rinlc pineapple, punch: To ono cup of sugar. and two cups of water cup cinnamon drops and heat till the' drops dissolve Cool OUGHT TO WIN, SOMETHING add and add 2 cup lemon Julco and two cans of un-DALLAS F. D. Whiting of Oksweetened pineapple Juice. ueiore serving, add a pint chilled gin-dalahoma City timed his plane for a ger ale. Servo over Ice. Enough for seven stan measuring flight In the southwest cups. 7 model tournament. It disappeared In a rain oloud By MRS. AUEXANDER OBOROE Pour Into Jar, cover .and ohlll until needed, then pour into glasses 2 and landed two "days later at Lake' AP Fcatura Serrlco Writer Creek, Tex., 100 miles away. Ice box, handles make' for easy filled with chopped ice. Dress Up meals, whether It's e. snaek or a with mint. The United States has been im to Forsan. full dinner., porting 18 pounds of spinach seed 'Mrs.C. C. Dorme and children Frosty coolers can bo 'whisked toFor another cooler try .FRUIT for every pound produced by na- are here, for the week vliltlrig Mr. gether In no time when the mak- NECTAR a pleas'lng blend Dorme, who Is temporarily working of fla tional, growers. ings are merely picked from a revor ready quick, for action. The frigerator stooked with fruit syrups, citrus, fruits, fresh mint, syrup will keep a Week, stored In l carbonated waters and bottled bev- the refrigerator. Boll 0 minutes, l aBBBBBBBBBBBa' erages. oups sugar and 2 oups water. Cool Dessert Is no problem when a velvety Ice cream or a tart, creamy' and add 2 tablespoons grated. lemon sherbet Is dipped out of a tray In rind, 3 oups lemon juice, 2 cup the mechanical refrigerator. These lime Julce 2 cups pineapple Juice frozen foods also put extra vita and a cup loganberry' Juice. Fill mins and minerals Into thlret- - glasses one-thifull, and finish quenehers. water, and 'chopped real fun toTUstle up a meal out with.-Ice'It, Is refrlgerator'boasts If the a' glossy-topp- ice. Top with thin slices of orange baked ham, some' spiced and lemon. boiled tongue and a bowl of crunchy fish or meat salad. FISH, RING makes a more subf Call" on APRICOT-UM- B FIZZ stantial handy, ready for the" main to bring back spirits wilted by siz- part' of a dinner or supper menu. zling weather or active summer Dissolve a package of lemon flasports. Boll 8, ,fresh mint leaves vored gelatin In 1 oups boiling sugar' water, add 2 'tablespoons, lemon with a cup water:and.tl-2"cup 3 minutes. Cool, discard the mint Juice' and cool. Mix in a oup tuna lime Juice. 5 cup or shrimp, 3 cup diced celery, 5 'and add; lemon' Juice '.and 0 cups apricot oup each .cooked peas, green beans nectar or mashed apricot pulp, and .cucumbers'. 'Season with 1 onions, 2 teaspoon chopped", parsley, 2 teaspoon salt I .' Sonktst and-1- -4 teaspoon paprika. Four Into. a ring. mold and chill, Unmold .on orlsD lettuce and center the ring with a dish filled with mayon-- 4 ' noise. Sunldst-- Large SIzo . ' BBWBBmIMBBWBBllL '() -- Communities JFbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm JBjf KM - rfwwa fvwTwa nwrft Tka ivfv ti-- .. Of Make For Easy TCU TO MAKE GAME EASIER FOR FANS V' FOR BONDS ' mfak-tnm- tuiasoiattty fcy laJaa W tasaaa" a tM aarttnreat,, teat, tha alnpla Mslstwe w)U Improve Mil working eeaaHlan ana make taeat alaaeat, Ideal for eropa io 1m wm , tab fail. . Attg. M, WP Although than- - aaual, meet growing crepe hi Texas last week continued t Improve aa Ihey moved toward Blf Bfrifte MkaaMMUMM mill WmWttifltmm XVVTXK, o. Biff sfeirtBf Hbrald, waa'aaaskaa ff ! ifi a rj m BayflwlfctwRlnTlwHM idea l" rd d .. ed it " ' 'teA J, $ 3nr r I 1-- 2 As For SallyAnn by Name At TounOroc'eni 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 1-- 'l i Baking iPowdcr lb. HAM BELMONT LOAF a Is suited to summer fare and It will keep several days In the refrigerator. Any leftovers make deJcious sandwich fillings. Soak 2 tablespoons granulated gelatin 6 minutes in a cup cold water and dliiolve ,ln 1 2 cups boiling chicken stock or, soup. Cool and add 1 teaspoon paptablespoon salt, rika, 1 teaspoon mlnoed onions,,. 2 tablespoons each of lemon Juice d and sugar,. S sliced eggs, '2-- oup diced celery, 2 cups chopped cooked ham and 4 cup chopped'' green peppers. Four Into loaf mold and chilli A bowl of VEAL SALAD MAR- QUETTB can make the main part" of a supper or dinner. To serve 8, mix 1 1-- cups' cubed cooked veal,' 8 cup 'cooked lima beans, 2 cup diced celery, 2 tablespoons chopped plmlentos, 1 tablespoon chopped sweet pickles, I teaspoon chopped onions, 2 teaspoon salt and 1- -i teaspoon paprika. Moisten with 4 cup salad dressing and chill. When time to serve pile this salad Into a lettuce lined bowl, top with more dressing and sprinkle with chop ped parsley and minced pickles, ,Nskl Id IpalH maln-dls- ........... LEMONS -- "Calumet, Af l -- h ORANGES. .Vo.1 Doz; 15c , POTATOES PUREX hard-cooke- Ideal! Bleach .., vQt . 14c JAR CAPS 2 White Label Self Sealing Dozen' ..', . J . .' 23c . SLICED BACON. 32c Blue Ss ....lb. 16c White OLEOMARGARINE GRAPES ... lb. Sc F I Guaranteed 1-- '' v 3 for 25c ' Sta Fresh 24 Lb 65c 48 Lb. . ; ..$1.29 our ' Vienna ' SAUSAGE.......... Golden. Threat 1-- 2-- :...... lb. ' ' LOAF MEAT Malagas 3 1-- 22c Assi Baked ;. lb. S'zc cs ....lb. 1 .....lb. RIB ROAST Doz. 25c .,. ... . . 5 lbs. 14c BANANAS . . Baby Beef 1-- 1-- lb. 15c SALT BACON ' New Bed . " SALAD WAFERS.. 16 Oz. 17c 1-- VINEGAR ..: KETCHUP . . Kuners 14 Oz. 10c STARCH SOAP Whle Naptha Giant Bars 10c Gloss lb. Boxes Potatoes .15c Fryers Coin Ears ... .". ... 20c Lemons Doz. Oranges . B. . . 19c .... .... Beef 20c Smoked lb. .... JrHOM WH 23c O. JONES WJS UH4VBB P"l CHOW Fashioned Large Boxes .. aV " k t 15c .... 25c COFFEE Star State VBm Paek 25c SCOTT , PORK & BEANS, Campbell's, 3 tall cans 25c TISSUE ; B& W . T H Corn Flakes CORN 25c V(l, Hominy Beans & ..... JS Potatoes 8c" Cans PEAS No. 2 Cans Milk..., Large IVOteX Begnlar Raisin Bran. 25c 9c - '- . White 9c Smal and No. V& 'Oaa Our Value J Red 7c ' Roll Bed, & White No. Corn Flakes 3 lb. 29c 2 Cans lb. lb. GROC1RY fc MARKET t CHOI 25c Boast Bacon MILK COFFEE, Mountain Grown IS 15c 49c Machine Siloed 5c Bacon Doz. Extra Nice Coneho "Each 10 lbs. 2, 5c aasaaasss MEATS PRODUCE Fresh PICKLES 10 lbs! 45c PINTO BEANS ioc Folger'g 2 4c For 49C 12c Regular 0ATSUP Celery Salad Tasty - Delicious With Outdoor Luachea 16Oz."..10c 80z....lOc iTApricots FnUt f t CoekkM , A I SBBBHP Toa aaa bayaaal Hh hr tfae tMt Hp WwVavVljr WVvfvsWWf7s ay ataatlM OXADK-MILK frasa asaait MeDaalel'a Balrj a aasaatft A waaaa Hmnk McDanitl DAIkY Vint bt OHsdUy . AM Cava ta Har4 nf i Bnf ' Tracy'i Food Market HeXinaey Facstim; Hoitae Mt Vkltmir'a Food Market Boliager'aGro. ft Jlarkat n. RriayjpiBioieaTr Carl Bataa GroWy : t l 15 Per Gent Gas Cut Due : Davlee' testimony opened a een ate Investigation of threatened oil shortage. He presented a moss of figures which, he gold showed that the eastern coast faced an actual ehortfigo of. both gasoline and oil tor, heating and industry this The east coast faced a deficit of barrels of petroleum products' during tho lost four months of. this year. Davles' testified. He aid the reduction In gasoline sup plies to filling stations would help meet this' shortage. If, present methods fall to elim inate' danger of shutdowns for In' dustry and home heating plants, Davles iaid officials were, ready to operate a rigid rationing plan. But he a4ed they hoped to avoid such drastic action. 27,800,000 , ' Crickets Attack towns ,To South bTSL RIO; Aug1.. 28' OP)-rT- '"'- - .r'fflliwrf 'i .'.P ' jBBBBBV BBBBhBP'i 'wlikJuiy, ., " ffr&'W AMINOTON Au. 29. UB Jtafph K. Davlw, acting petroleum ewdlnalor. announced today that olti& guppllM lor filling sU? tltmt In the east would be reduced 16,lr cent In September compared , 1 " """ bor-d- hls Ssi'.' BbjBfBBBBBBBBI , 'BwIbbbH Aug. 28. CPH-Mr.LUBBOCK, W. G. Nairn, 88, died today while oil operators were proclaiming a new pool In Lubbock county owned by the .development of a test, on her s. land. vtt . Is" , 1- JHv flWl- Around half of tho board of .equalization' notices for the. city listed reductions In valuations. Because most notices mean raises, threo quickly called In to ask' if a mistake hadn't been made. Then another, with a raise notice called and melted the solder of telephon'o connections and city employes knew 'everything was back to nor- "'BBHk . )' pmJ?0 IHbbbI'i SPPSs)Bf i&& 2 4 ! mW-- mmzmmmmMmf- ' - ness-'dlatrl- R'.j T JT Are !' v. Old settlers of Howard county will meet at 3 o'clock Saturday at the courthouse to olect officers for the organization, according to an announcement made by Mrs. Maggie Richardson, secretary-treasure- &fSLW!mmmmmm BBKiflBBBl r. lift nnrl fi i7inlna VantAn and daughters. Dorothv Jean and Betty, will go to El Paso this week Spring BI end. Dorothy Jean Is to serve as Caviar Thieves night and Friday bridesmaid at the weddln? of a Sought By Police will bo Luther SL Jordan, generfriend there. al manager' of the Dallas branch KANSAS' CITT, Aug. ,28 U& of Sears, Roebuck and company. Directors of the Howard County Police today sought two men one Jordan will, be here In. connec- Food cooperative Wednesday' visitof-- ' the new opening, with tion the believed lo be a brother of the late ed frozen food locker plants In La .Clyde Barrow who abandoned 12 Sears order offlco here. Friday, mesa, O'Donnell, Tahoka, Post and to meet1 clvlo 'and business and enrtnnn 'nf mm nt rnvlnr thrift ivOraine. They were most favorably. chewlng'Vim and their wives yes leaders of the.he''town. A native of Brcnham, has been asso- Impressed with a cooperative plant terday after a 2(mlnute chase by ciated with Sears since 1012, and at Post patrolmen. has been general manager of tho Two women police Identified as Dallas branch, serving more than 800,000 (customers, since 1931. Ho Navy Sirs. Anna Belle Ganz Williamson ' Barrow, and her sister, Mrs. Kellle Is a clvlo leader In Dallas. Goal Set Rhino, were In .custody. Two men fled from a grocery 'WASHINGTON: Aue. 28 UPI store, leaving' a trail of caviar, Tho navy, in its. biggest peacetime chewing gum and vanilla, extract. bid for manpower, :today set. Its (USDA) Aug. BOSTON, 28 OR Police pursued an automobile with recruiting objective 13,000 men a Texas license plates and arrested Wool was dull today. An occa- month for the rest of the year and the women. Two men fled afoot sional Inquiry waa received but 10,000 monthly thereafter. and there were reports one had few sales were closed and these The admirals urn counting 'nn commandeered a passing car In his newananer fidvertlsempntfi in hnln were .Quotations volume. small of escape! 'do a good part of tho job. were cteady at $1 to $1X5, scoured The objectives were named by g French-combinbasis, for short to good Cant F. E. M. Whitlntr. director of length graded fine terri- recruiting, who announced that by tory wools. An occasional small uciooer tne navy would carry Its newspaper advertising lot of fine Delaine bright fleece small-tow- n wools was sold at 41-cents, in campaign into thirteen more states Nebraska. Kansas. Kentupliv. tho grease. Small, lots of combing three eighths, and quarter .blood Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, bright fleece wools also' sold at 45- - North Carolina, Scrfith Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tenn47 cents, in the grease. essee and Mississippi. "" JbbhbbIbbbBI u I' " Viaifnr0 Wool. Market Tijlbo Best; in Samiaer Lubrications, Get MARFAK i Courtesy Serv. Station Phono 63 .F v B h,s. ...... 19c luC 'V' . Oct H that was .the day . . wilted away! I AUSTIN. Aver. 9- - tm -. Coke Stevenson, asserting- - he was under strict orders from dn.nr. not to make speeches due to a 17.03 17.24 17.18 17.43 17.50 16.76 16.80N 16.9S 16.99 Dec. ,. 17.02 17.02-0- 3 Jan. A Mch. 17.12 17.13-1- 2 k May . u 17.20 17.22 July . ........17.44 37.15 17.16N Middling spot 17.3HN; N v. reeeni inroat ailment, today said ..,. he honed, to eo to MldinnH day and San Antonio" Monday. a was going to tide in a parade at Midland." he nnlri "nnd tm hU. to miss it1, 1 understand they shoot you or nang you or something When YOU make a dntn nnri An't show, up for county fairs. ine medicos are going to, hold Grain CHICAGO, Aug. 28 bid grain, soybeans and lard prices a conference tomorrow mnrni.,.. higher again . today, wheat, oats and decide whether, I can go1 to and beans reaching new peaks mmittjiu ana Ban Antonio." since 1937 before reacting, due in some cases to Increased profit taking. UPh-Buy- ers Tho yay my energy ebbed during our jail warm spell caused considerable confusion at the office. Sarah she's my secretary saw', lhal f was willing away. So, being rather tlever, she sent out for grand-tastiGrand" Prize beer - - Ice cold and comforiin'. n' Never having tried Grand Prize, my. oy at sampling this sparkling picker-uppwas something to behold. Believe me, the first ejlass of this golden ambrosia brought me bouncing back to my old self In a matter of ' seconds. er Beans, strengthened by higher cotton and cottonseed oil prices, due to reduced crop prospects and consequent Increased demand for soybean oil, soared more than 3 cents at, one stage. Wheat waa up' almost a cent but later fell fractionally below the previous olose when hedging sales and profit-takin- g increased. Wheat closed unchanged to lower compared with yesterday, September 1113 8 to December 11.17 to corn 1-- to 4 higher, September 77 Decemto ber 81 oats 1 to 1 4 up and. soybeans 1 to 2 4 high8-- 8 6-- 8 WOW ITS iCHTy .JLi ysi BEAT HEAT - K. ycb're keen to dodge warm'.weather dis- v Mmfert, pour yourself a glass1 of Grand Prize -t- he irand-taitibeer. Hs- - a treat you'JI one you'll want to enjoy lout remember pfteii. For your convenience,, Grand Prize MM hi Kesllned cans as well as In bottles. n' ... 3-- 1-- 3-- 1- -4 er. 3-- - M Livestock FORT WORTH, Aug, 28 UP (USDA) Cattle 1.800; most classes cattle and calves steady; common and medium beef steers' and yearlings good and choice ioao-11.0beef coWs 6.6023 6.50-0.6- 0; canners'end cutters HOgS 1.000: "4.00-8J2- mostlv IB eta hlirh itadi 3. Postal Employes Hold Annual Fete IS aUWD-TOSTl- 3-- 3-- er: ton 1L75: na'ckine uwi Ifl9.. 10.50; stocker 4and butcher pigs iu.uu aown. BheeD 700: all claaiea aronnil steady: medium inriiu tamos ,.uo-y.&canner and com mon to medium ewes 1.60-4- GRAN PRIZE lx 3-- 5-- M' Employes of the Big Spring post-offiand ther families held their annual plcnlo at the City Park Wednesday evening,. About 7J persona were present for a banquet of Urtinimsetackea d wetennelw ce utf Srewlng Co, Houston c tf' British Concentrate Bombs On Mannheim DRESSING.... Qt. 15c COCOA ... lUC 14 oz. ' Libby's COFFEE..,. llh, can 29c 37 HOUNY ' 1 lb. toaay. utner targets In western Germany in Addition to Mannheim were subjected to lighter assaults, a communique sald Cousin Of Late E. M. House Dies PINTO 3 . . . . : n. nn.ll. Tonarn!e,& Smoke MorrelTs ..... lb. 25c SOAP SYRUP Jar t5.0z,Can All Neus and MagasJaM Cigars . Cigarette Cold Soft Drinks Candy Next Door Safeway" Tenderized HaiUS Star Veal Steak., lb. HOOVER CO. PRINTING Cut From 9c ' Powdered or Brown llb.Pbg. Pint 12c 23c Quart - U.S. Inspected Armour's Veal Sweetbreads lb 25c Libby's Baby Food 3 19c ed 29c Hopse Shine Parlor i Hershey's . . lb. 28cV I Pre-Cook- 39 Palmolive Armour's Star Bacon 32c Cold Meats 3 for 19c 3 . 15c lower half only ib Libby's 24c Pork Beans and Ground Steak .. lb. 25c Star Branded Veal Armour's Vea! B H ,a - . . USE PIGfeLY WIGGLY COUPON BOQKS PIGGLY WIGGLY MEATS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE ..' 3 for 25c ICE CREAM IJbs BEANS 19c Assorted HOUSTON. Ancr. 9 in James House Bute, 67,-- a cousin of the late Col. T& M."Hbuse, adviser to President Wilson during World war- - days, died todnv nt hi. at League City. Dr. Bute, Houston's first pediatrician, cava nn tho medicine many years ago, Interest- e niu.ocn m real estate, handling oil properties and ranching., . . . lie I SUGAR 7y2c JAM Machine Sliced 9c No. 2 Can Gilt Edge ""Satisfaction "Guaranteed 48 lbs. 2 Bars . CUT BEANS No. 2 Can MarshaU FLOUR - Marshall Seal POTATOES . . . 2 for 19c " 3 For......... ,.. 12c tm 1Q',. Jar No. SOd Marshall Shoestring - - 22 oz. TOMATOES PUREX . . . pirif pottle 7c Assorted Flavors ... IOC and Dunkerque, the air ministry unnuuncea 9c No. 2 Can .Bleach and Cleanser Lb.Pkg...;.19c Bottle Swiffs Old Fashioned LB. Roll. P0WBER,....llK.danl9c . No. 2 Can Libby's RELISH Brach's 35c 15c CATSUP CANDIES "-- Hershey's VEGETABLES l GRAPE 22c Miracle Whip Salad Libby's t.ii.v LONDON. Amr 9 inn bombers, flvlncr in tho nttai.tr Germany again last night, center- w a jicavv asssuic nn tnn itiHit. trial city of Mannheim and also blasted docks at Bnu1ncn n,i.ni PEARS...:.. SK SWEET Calumet'Bakirig M Can Roscdalo TOMATO No.300 Can , jz Mixed BUTTER Admiration 22 1 lb. Can Libby's JELL-- 0 Governor May Visit Midland Rodeo NEW YORK, Aug. 28 150 Cot, ton futures closed 4 to 8 lower. High Low Last ,No. lie I I KRAUT Early Juno' No. 2 Can BEANS'. ., . sl PLUMS........,.. Libby's .'. Bale , , ; $4.60 S to 10 Bales: .$4.40 10 Bales Up .$4.30 Vanilla, Oatmeal Pltg. lb. 19c No. 2& Libby's Deep Brown . and Insecticide Treated Buttciccu Glass Frco 0LE0 PEAS 16 oz. Can OU B-- ' oz. Xlhbv's 43 Cotfon BBk l mmm i ' 'BBB BBk Binder Twine lV '"5' u.s.n.i n,;" All Sweet a No. V& Can I Z ' PINEAPPLE.. 2 for 17c -- Recruiters High - 4 BF 1 14c BL TBL.VBL PEACHES mal. one-four- th f- Yal-Vit- BB I IHiHBMsiSHsiMHHMBaBaaBBi JUICE No. ICan 3 for 20C Here 'n There i 'mmmWmL. - 'B ' mm BfcBBHBBHBHBiMBMBBKMHI Tomato newcomer, Alasdalr Adam, grants an Interview year-ol- d upon N. Y. arrival with mother by piano from FortugaL They'd left because of food conditions. - .BBB BBk Libby's OF FEW WO R.D S A ;ft Bbi mmYm i HHbWbbbhbbVbbbVbb1bbbMHbmbHHH3 bbWWj5sL.v'J i.ij - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl WOMAN .iii id fiinHc -- BvABBBvAvAvAvBBBBBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBfBJBHli'BvAvAvB KSK-- ill 1 Lemons BBHBPWBHBlBSnH BMMBBBBBgMBJ Nairn located the No. clogged sidewalks. Employes at mills northsome stores carried bucketfuls three and Lj.t away'from doors .before' opening east of' Lubbock.'wjfio Mrs. Nairn, had lived in -San' Angelo staged an actual Texas: since 1861 and Lubbock black-ou- t, last' 'week' during the county since 1894,, had expressed cricket' visitation. Lights In busl- - .considerable Interest in the early were extinguished to stages of the, drilling but later had - -- keep the Insects from piling becomoo gravely" ill It' was feared 'she might not live until It was v against stoe, fronts. the well ..Was a .learned whether, ' ' producer. ', i" Bl pHHp er Saturday eBBH BVluJalBBBBnHHPBBH Owner Of OU Land'Succumbs town was under heavy attack today .and there Wasn't any funny business about It. Hordes of crickets, presumably, the' same ones that scourged San Angelo, .Sonora and other West Texas towns last week,, ate holes In, fabrics" on store shelves, and ,?t.WU iii .,j.f; " ' ' BigSpring Herald, Big flprhft Ttaouv "' "v '' ' .vT , 3 . n . it '1 11 r '. mi imi ujji ii mi , " mmmkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtm Ky'QwtejCT "jaii ' i ,.'1 ': 'M Jky You Saw It In llie Herald r"" - n '. No. RoaSt shuer H PHONE 109 4th Stmt 206 E. Jf' r cut ib B W m H 25C H h X Can 8c M & r U tl