Ar-Ar doting of Coledonion ond Grenvillion rocks, Svalbard 263 NORWEGIAN JOURNAl OF GEOLOGY Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks from northeasternmost Svalbard evidence of two stages of Caledonian tectonothermal activity in the high Arctic? - Åke Johan sson , Hen ri Mal uski & David G. Gee Johansson, Å., Maluski,H. & Gee, D.G. Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks from northeasternmost Svalbard - evidence of two sta­ ges of Caledonian tectonothermal activity in the high Arctic ? Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 81, pp. 263-281. Trondheim 200 l. ISSN 029-196X. Ar-Ar analyses have been carried out on Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks from the northernmost Barents Shelf (approx. 80"N) on Nordaustlan­ det and Kvitøya, northeast Svalbard. Five muscovites and one biotite from Caledonian granitoids, three muscovites and one biotite from Grenvil­ lian granitoids, and two samples of hornblende from mafic rocks of uncertain age, were analysed using stepwise laser heating of single grains. T he Grenvillian granitoids, as well as the mafic rocks, yield ages between 410 and 425 Ma, interpreted to date cooling after Caledonian regional meta­ morphism; they show no traces of a Grenvillian argon component. Thus, Caledonian metamorphism in central and eastern Nordaustlandet must have reached above the closure temperature for argon in these minerals. In the Caledonian granitoids, two age groups may be discerned: one with Ar-Ar ages in muscovite between 415 and 430 Ma, and another with muscovite and biotite ages around 400 Ma. The first group is related to grani­ tic and aplitic rocks having Late Ordovician to Early Silurian U-Pb monazite ages (ca. 440-460 Ma); the second group includes the large Rijpfjor­ den granite with an Early Devonian U-Pb monazite age of 412 Ma. Thus, prolonged tectonothermal activity during the Caledonian orogeny may be discerned in northeasternmost Svalbard, possibly divisible into two stages: one stage with regional metamorphism and syn-tectonic magma­ tism occurring in the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian, and a second stage with late- or post-tectonic magmatism in the Early Devonian. For each stage, the Ar-Ar age follows the U-Pb age with a delay of 10-20 Ma, corresponding to rapid cooling of 20-45 °C per million years from near-mag­ matic temperatures to the closure temperature of argon in these minerals. Ake Johansson, Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natura/ History, Box 50 007, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden (e-mail: ake.johans­ Henri Maluski, Laboratoire de Geochronologie, Institut des Sciences de la Terre, de l'Eau et de l'Espace de Montpellier, Universite Mont­ pellier II, Place Eugene Bataillon, F-340 95 Montpellier Cedex 05, France ( e-mail: David G. Gee, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavagen 16, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden (e-mail: ln troducti on The Svalbard archipelago is located in the northwestern corner of the Barents Sea Shelf and the Eurasian Plate, in a key area for restoring Proterozoic and Palaeozoic oro­ gens in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. The Sval­ bard Caledonides were most likely assembled during mid-Palaeozoic orogeny from a variety of terranes, with different pre-orogenic evolutions (Harland 1 997). Sval­ bard's Eastern Terrane ( Fig. l) is composite and may be subdivided into a West Ny Friesland Terrane and a Nord­ austlandet Terrane ( Gee et al. 1995; Witt-Nilsson 1 998). Western Ny Friesland is characterized by a Caledonian thrust pile, the Atomfjella Complex, exposed in the N-S­ trending Atomfjella Antiform, with intercalated base­ ment gneisses and granitoids, mainly of late Palaeoprote­ rozoic age, and Mesoproterozoic or younger cover rocks (Witt-Nilsson et al. 1998, and references therein) . These rocks were metamorphosed in amphibolite facies and pervasively deformed during Caledonian transpression. 40Af-39Ar ages on hornblendes and muscovites from northwestern Ny Friesland, presented by Gee & Page ( 1 994) , indicated that uplift and cooling after peak meta­ morphism took place in the Late Silurian to Early Devo­ nian, at around 420-4 1 0 Ma. Conventional U-Pb dating of titanites from the sheared Palaeoproterozoic grani­ toids indicated a slightly younger, early Devonian ( ca. 4 1 0 Ma) lower intercept age, interpreted to be related to metamorphic recrystallization and/or lead loss at a late stage of the Caledonian metamorphism ( Johansson et al. 1995), and similar lower intercept ages were also recorded for zircon in some samples ( Larionov et al. 1 995; Johansson & Gee 1 999) . The Nordaustlandet Terrane is characterized by a Grenville-age basement complex, overlain by Neoprote­ rozoic to Ordovician platformal sediments and intruded by Caledonian granitoids. Separation of Grenvillian and Caledonian granitic magmatism has only been possible through recent U-Pb dating (Gee et al. 1 995; Gee et al. 1 999; Johansson et al. 2000; Johansson et al., submitted, in prep. ) . Caledonian metamorphism on Nordaustlandet is generally in greenschist facies, except in some areas in the central and eastern parts where the grade increases and Caledonian migmatization influences the deeper 264 Å. Johansson et al. structural levels (Johansson & Larionov 1999; Tebenkov et al. 1999; Tebenkov et al., submitted) . Caledonian deformation is generally also less pervasive than in Ny Friesland, mainly resulting in upright to W-vergent anti­ forms and synforms. Nordaustlandet's Early Palaeozoic successions and faunas, underlain by characteristic Neoproterozoic tilli­ tes, carbonates and clastic formations, compose a strati­ graphy that closely correlates with the Laurentian mar­ gin of East Greenland. Even the Grenville-age basement of late Mesoproterozoic metasediments, intruded by ca. 950 Ma granites, is present in central East Greenland (Steiger et al. 1 993; Strachan et al. 1 995; Watt et al. 2000). The evidence for Laurentian affinities for Nordaustlan­ det, taken together with W-vergent folding and increase of Caledonian metamorphic grade towards the east, sug­ gests that the axial zone of the Caledonides lies further to the east in the Barents Shelf. A major zone of Iapetus suturing can thus be expected to separate the Nordaust­ landet Terrane from the continental margin of Baltica as it is represented in Scandinavia, the Urals and Novaya Zemlya. In this paper, we present new 40Af_39Ar results on muscovites, biotites and hornblendes from Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks (according to U-Ph age determi­ nations) from the Nordaustlandet Terrane, as a comple­ ment to previous and on-going U-Ph studies. The aim has been two-fold: (l) to study the Caledonian tectono­ thermal evolution of Nordaustlandet and relate it to that of western Ny Friesland, already documented by Ar-Ar studies, and (2) to investigate whether traces of the ear­ lier, Grenvillian, evolution have been preserved in the Ar­ Ar system in the less pervasively deformed and meta­ morphosed Nordaustlandet Terrane. Geol ogy of Nordaustlan det Nordaustlandet forms the eastern part of Svalbard's Eas­ tern Caledonian Terrane ( Fig. 1 ) . Caledonian and older rocks are exposed along the north coast of Nordaustlan­ det, in an ice-free strip in central Nordaustlandet, and in scattered outcrops in easternmost Nordaustlandet and on the smaller islands towards the north and east, most notably Kvitøya (Fig. l); the remaining part of Nordaust­ landet is covered by two large ice-caps (Vestfonna and Austfonna) . Towards the south, the Caledonian base­ ment is overlain by Carboniferous and younger sedi­ mentary rocks. Detailed accounts of the Caledonian geo­ logy of Nordaustlandet are given by Flood et al. ( 1 969) and Ohta ( 1 982), with shorter summaries in the map description by Hjelle & Lauritzen ( 1 982) and Lauritzen & Ohta ( 1 984) . More recent descriptions, with a focus on structural geology and/or isotopic dating, are found in Gee et al. ( 1 995), Gee & Tebenkov ( 1 996), Gee et al. ( 1 999) and Johansson et al. (2000); only a short sum­ mary is given below. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY The oldest exposed rock unit is the Mesoproterozoic Brennevinsfjorden Gro up, composed mainly of phyllitic turbidites and sandstones, deposited some time between 1 1 00 Ma (age of youngest detrital zircon grains; A. Lari­ onov, unpublished Pb-Pb data) and 960 Ma (age of unconformably overlying Kapp Hansteen Group volca­ nics; Johansson et al. 2000). The Kapp Hansteen Group is composed of andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks with related intrusive quartz porphyry stocks, dated to 940-960 Ma ( Johansson et al. 2000), and intru­ ded by granites of similar age (Kontaktberget and Lapo­ niafjellet granites on the Laponiahalvøya peninsula, Gee et al. 1 995; augen gneisses of central Nordaustlandet, Johansson et al. 2000). Geological relations in central Nordaustlandet suggest that their transformation to augen gneisses occurred during Grenvillian deformation (Tebenkov et al., submitted). This Grenvillian basement complex is unconforma­ bly overlain by the Neoproterozoic Murchisonfjorden Supergroup and the Vendian to mid-Ordovician Hinlo­ penstretet Supergroup. Caledonian granites are difficult to separate from Grenvillian granitoids in the field, since they rarely show cross-cutting relations to the Neoprote­ rozoic and younger sedimentary rocks, and the degree of deformation is variable. U-Ph isotopic dating yields Caledonian ages of 4 1 0 -420 Ma for the anatectic Rijp­ fjorden granite batholith in Prins Oscars Land ( Johans­ son et al., submitted) and the high-magnetic Djupkil­ sodden pluton in southern Duvefjorden ( Gee et al. 1 999) . Similar or slightly higher ages are also indicated by U-Ph studies on the Nordkapp granite on Laponia­ halvøya, the Winsnesbreen granite in central Nordaust­ landet, and other smaller massifs and dykes of relatively undeformed granite and aplite in the central and eastern areas (Johansson et al., submitted, in prep. ) . Preliminary Ph-Ph data suggest that the tectonothermal activity in the east may have occurred slightly earlier, with migma­ tization at 440-450 Ma, and cross-cutting aplitic dykes intruding at c. 430 Ma ( Johansson & Larionov 1 999, in prep.). Mafic rocks are sparse. Disregarding the Mesozoic dolerites along Hinlopenstretet and on the northern tip of Botniahalvøya, mafic rocks mainly occur in the form of metagabbros and subordinate amphibolites in the easternmost areas: eastern Orvin Land, Nord­ marka, Isispynten, Storøya, and Kræmerpynten on Kvitøya (Hjelle et al. 1 978; Ohta 1 978). Based on their generally little deformed nature, Ohta (1978) conside­ red the gabbros Caledonian, but their ages are not known with certainty. Caledonian folding along N-S-trending axes gave rise to the present outcrop pattern of the rocks, with the Grenvillian complex as well as the Caledonian granites being exposed in broad antiforms in Botniahalvøya Laponiahalvøya, central Nordaustlandet, and the far east, and the Neoproterozoic and younger formations being preserved in the intervening synforms, most nota­ bly the Hinlopenstretet Syncline (Fig. 1 ) . A major Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks, Svalbard 265 NORWEGIAN JOURNAl OF GEOlOGY 18 E 20E � 22E 24E 26E 28E <;\l� o 30E 20 40 32E 60 80 lOOkm NORDAUSTLANDET Austfonna Mesozoic doler i tes g carbon iferous-Jurassic sediment s !!!!] Caledonian grani tes - Gab b ros of uncer tain age � Hinlope _ n st retet S_upergroup � (Vendtan-Ordovtctan) � Murchi sonfjorqen Supergroup � (Neo p roterozotc) <li"" � a c:J O 12E 16 E II:W Barcntsiiya 79 N ��& Land z:;;�· Carboniferous to Tertiary llevonian (Old Red SandatonJy N �l�.\'�:l:.n�Yioids) 20E Z4E 28E Caledonian granitoids l. Rijpfjorden granite, Vindbukta 2. Winsnesbreen granite 3. Nordkapp granite, Gryteberget 4. Red granite, Innvika S. Aplite, Nordmarka Grenvillian granitoids 6. Augen gneiss, Nordmarka (2 samples) 7. Augen gneiss, Innvika Mafic rocks 8. Amphibolite, A ndn)eneset, Kvitøya 9. Gabbro, Isispynten :•:•:• Grenvillian Kontakt berget Grani te � Grenvillian Laponiafjellet Gran i te � M igmat ites and augen gneisses � Grenvillian Kap p Hansteen Group � volcanics and quar tz por p hyries � Brennevi nsfjorden Group � (Mesoproterozoic) Fig. l. Simplified geological map ofNordaustlandet and adjacent islands, based on Flood et al. (1969), Hjelle & Lauritzen (1982), Lauritzen & Ohta (1984) and recent SWEDARCTIC mapping, with sample locations indicated. Inset map shows the Caledonian terranes of Svalbard (from Gee 1986). Caledonian granitoids on inset map: H = Hornemantoppen batholith, N= Newtontoppen granite, R= Rijpfjorden granite; major Caledonian fault lines: BP= Billefjorden Fault, BBF= Breibogen-Bockfjorden Fault, RF= Raudfjorden Fault. unconformity separates the Neoproterozoic sequence from the underlying units in central Nordaustlandet (Gee & Tebenkov 1 996) . Subsequently, the whole com­ plex became slightly tilted towards the south, perhaps in connection with Tertiary uplift related to the opening of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans; the late Palaeozoic and Mesozoic cover rocks are still preserved on southern Nordaustlandet, but have been eroded away from the northern part. Early K-Ar dating of rocks from Nordaustlandet, summarized by Gayer et al. ( 1 966) and recalculated by Ohta ( 1 994) to the decay constants recommended by Steiger and ]iiger ( 1977), gave Caledonian ages in the 345 - 445 Ma range. From northern Ny Friesland, Gee & Page ( 1 994) presented modem stepwise heating Ar- Ar data on horn blendes from amphibolites ( 6 samples) and musco- vites from mica schists (2 samples). These yielded pla­ teau or "near plateau" ages in the 4 1 3 to 425 Ma range, with one older hornblende age of 447 ± 5 Ma. lnvesti gated rocks Ten rock samples were used for Ar-Ar analysis: five sam­ ples of Caledonian granitic rocks, three samples of Gren­ villian granitoids transformed into augen gneisses, and two samples of gabbro and amphibolite from eastern­ most Nordaustlandet and Kvitøya (Fig. l). Both the Caledonian and Grenvillian granitoids are anatectic two­ mica granites, derived from crustal precursors, lacking hornblende or other amphiboles (see Johansson et al. 266 Å. Johansson et al. 2000, for a discussion of the geochemistry and origin of the Grenville granites) . From all eight granite samples, muscovite was analysed, whereas biotite was analysed from only one each of the Caledonian and Grenvillian granitoids. From the two mafic rock samples, only horn­ blende was analysed. Caledonian granitoids Sample 28-1 is derived from Vindbukta dose to the nor­ thern margin of the Rijpfjorden granite massif ( Fig. 1 ) . The Rijpfjorden granite is a generally undeformed, pink, crustal anatectic two-mica granite containing abundant xenoliths ( Hjelle 1 966) . It also contains abundant inheri­ ted zircons, and conventional U-Pb multigrain dating has proved difficult; however, single-zircon Pb-evapora­ tion and ion microprobe spat analyses indicate ages of 400-430 Ma for granite emplacement, and monazite has yielded a concordant conventional U-Pb age of 4 1 2.5 ± 0.5 Ma (Johansson et al., submitted) . Sample 28-1 itself consists of an even- and medium-grained mosaic of quartz, K-feldspar and plagiodase, with muscovite scat­ tered around as ca. l mm large flakes without any prefer­ red orientation. Biotite was also recovered during mine­ ral separation, and was used alongside with muscovite for Ar-Ar analysis. However, in thin section, no fresh bia­ tite could be seen; only altered grains containing a mix­ ture of almost colourless mica and opaque material, pro­ bably iron oxides and hydroxides, were observed. Sample 94047 is derived from the Winsnesbreen gra­ nite, a smaller massif of granite of presumed Caledonian age occurring in the southern part of central Nordaust­ landet, apparently as a southern extension of the Rijp­ fjorden granite (Fig. 1 ) . U-Pb ion microprobe spot ana­ lyses of zircons have produced a wide array of ages, while conventional U-Pb analyses of monazite yielded one concordant point at 422 Ma, and two discordant points with 207Pbf206Pb ages of 440-460 Ma ( Johansson et al., submitted) . The sample consists of medium-grained, light pink to grey granite with a marked foliation defined by the mica. In thin section, this fabric is also seen as mm-wide lenses of quartz and K-feldspar, set in a finer matrix of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. Muscovite occurs as flakes of varying size, up to 3 mm large, weakly oriented after the gneissic fabric. No biotite was observed in thin section, and opaque minerals occur in very sub­ ordinate amounts. Sample 94048 is derived from the Nordkapp granite on northern Laponiahalvøya, where associated pegmati­ tes cross-cut the Grenvillian Laponiafjellet augen gra­ nite. AI; with the Rijpfjorden granite, it contains abun­ dant inherited zircons, but single-zircon Pb-evaporation dating suggests an emplacement age of 424 ± 14 Ma, whereas discordant monazite yields a somewhat older U­ Pb upper intercept age of 440 ± 3 Ma ( Johansson et al., submitted) . Sample 94048 from Gryteberget is a light grey, medium-grained, massive and leucocratic granite, NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOlOGY containing quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase in a relati­ vely even-grained mosaic with grain sizes up to 2 mm. Muscovite and biotite occur in about equal amounts as grains less than l mm, showing no preferred orientation, both appearing fresh and unaltered, except for the pleo­ chroic halos surrounding possible zircon grains within the biotites. Quite often, muscovite and biotite occur intergrown as parallel laths within the same aggregate. The muscovite grains recovered during mineral separa­ tion were substantially larger than those observed in the thin section, with grain sizes of several millimetres. Sample G95:030 is from a red, undeformed sheet of granite cutting migmatites and augen gneisses south of Innvika in inner Duvefjorden; it is possibly related to the nearby Caledonian Rijpfjorden granite. However, U-Pb analysis of monazite suggests a slightly higher age: two discordant fractions yield 207Pbf206Pb ages of 440-450 Ma, and if regressed together, an upper intercept of 438 ± 5 Ma ( Johansson et al., submitted) . The sample con­ sists of a mosaic of up to 4 mm large grains of K-feld­ spar, plagioclase and quartz, with muscovite occurring as up to 2 mm large hypidiomorphic flakes, and biotite as smaller irregular brown flakes, sometimes intergrown with muscovite. Neither of the micas show any preferred orientation in thin section. Sample G95:051 is from an aplite dyke cross-cutting the augen gneiss in the southern part of Nordmarka, a small ice-free area in easternmost Nordaustlandet ( Fig. 1 ) . U-Pb analysis of three discordant monazite fractions yielded zo7pbfZ06Pb ages between 464 and 484 Ma and an upper intercept age of 463 ± 9 Ma ( Johansson et al., in prep. ) . Single-zircon Pb-evaporation analyses on similar aplitie dykes from Andreeneset on Kvitøya suggest an age of ca. 430 Ma ( Johansson & Larionov 1 999, in prep.) . The investigated sample consists o f a medium- and even-grained mosaic of K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, lacking any fabric or foliation. Biotite occurs as thin laths up to 2 mm long without orientation, ftlling the interstices between the feldspar crystals, while mus­ covite occurs as a few more scattered flakes, less than l mm, also lacking any preferred orientation. Grenvillian granitoids Samples G95:049 and G95:050 are both augen gneisses from the southern part of the above-mentioned Nord­ marka area of easternmost Nordaustlandet. A geological description of Nordmarka and the augen gneiss (porphy­ ritic granite) is found in Hjelle et al. ( 1 978). U-Pb zircon ion microprobe dating and single-zircon Pb-evaporation dating suggest a protolith age of ca. 950 Ma ( Johansson et al., in prep.) , similar to the age of the Fonndalen and Ringåsvatnet augen gneisses of central Nordaustlandet ( Johansson et al. 2000). Sample G95:049 contains quartz and K-feldspar, with the former mineral forming elonga­ ted lenses outlining the gneissic fabric, as well as musea­ vite and biotite as elongated crystals that occur together NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY forming narrow hands along the foliation. Sample G95:050 consists of quartz and partly megacrystic (cm­ sized) K-feldspar and plagioclase, but lacks strong folia­ tion or fabric. Biotite occurs as up to l mm long crystals forming oriented aggregates outlining a weak foliation. Muscovite occurs as up to l mm flakes in aggregates lac­ king any preferred orientation, but also as small mica inclusions (coarser than normal sericite) following diffe­ rent crystallographic directions in the feldspar mega­ crysts. The muscovite and biotite in both samples are fresh and unaltered, except for dark pleochroic halos sur­ rounding zircon inclusions in the biotite. A few garnet crystals were observed in the thin section in sample G95:049; in addition, apatite is a common accessory phase in both samples and zircon occurs in small amounts. From sample G95:050, both muscovite and biotite were analysed; from G95:049 only muscovite was analysed. Sample G95:031 is from a similar augen gneiss, south of Innvika, in central Nordaustlandet. It consists of up to 5 mm 'ong K-feldspar augen in a medium-grained mosaic Jf quartz and plagioclase with a weak gneissic fabric. Muscovite occurs as elongated small crystals for­ ming narrow hands that define the foliation. Biotite sometimes occurs together with the muscovite, but also forms separate irregular aggregates of anhedral brown crystals lacking clear orientation. Mafic rocks of uncertain age Metagabbroic rocks occur in the eastern part of Orvin Land, in Nordmarka, on Isispynten in easternmost Nordaustlandet and on Storøya and Kvitøya (Kræmer­ pynten) east thereof (Hjelle et al. 1978; Ohta 1 978 ). The large layered gabbro on Storøya (more than 7 x 1 1 km, the size of the island) was described by Ohta ( 1 978), who considered it Caledonian due to its well-preserved nature, but independent isotopic evidence concerning the age of these rocks is still lacking. For this study, a gab­ bro from Isispynten containing the most unaltered horn­ blende was selected for analysis, whereas hornblende in gabbro samples from Storøya and Kræmerpynten on Kvitøya was either more altered or intergrown with other minerals, and therefore not analysed. In addition, horn­ blende from a foliated amphibolite occurring as a lens within the migmatitic gneisses on Andreeneset on the west tip of Kvitøya, was also analysed. Sample 94062c from Isispynten is a medium- grained, massive gabbro, dominated by hornblende occurring as mm-sized pale green crystals intergrown with brown biotite. Plagioclase and opaque minerals occur in subor­ dinate amounts. The biotite ranges from completely fresh to relatively altered; the large amphibole crystals show some incipient alteration along the partings. Bet­ ween the larger crystals, there are zones of fine- grained amphibole, biotite, plagioclase, and possibly olivine, which appear cataclastic and altered, with dark rusty material along grain boundaries. Ar-Ar dating of Ca l edonian and Grenvil l ian rocks, Sval bard 267 Sample 598:129 from Andreeneset on Kvitøya is a foliated, medium-grained amphibolite, consisting of fresh hornblende (about 50 %), plagioclase and K-feld­ spar, with minor olivine and opaque minerals. Analytical procedures Muscovite, biotite and hornblende were separated at the Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natura! History, Stockholm, using standard mineral separation techniques (Frantz isodynamic magnet sepa­ rator, heavy liquids, and vibrating "mica table" ) . Final selection of grains sent for irradiation took place at the Laboratoire de Geochronologie, Universite Montpellier Il, where the subsequent analytical work was also done. Irradiation took place at the McMaster reactor in Canada, with an irradiation time of 2.5 days. As monitor, the MMHb-1 hornblende standard was used (Alexander et al. 1978), with an accepted age of 520.4 ± 1 . 7 Ma (Samson & Alexander 1 987). Analysis of single mineral grains, about 1 - 3 mm in diameter, took place using an OptiLas Lexel 3500 continuous argon laser for stepwise heating and a mass spectrometer of model 2 1 5-50 from Mass Analyser Products equipped with an electron multiplier for the mass analysis. For each heating step, lO scans of the masses 40, 39, 38, 37 and 36 with back­ grounds in between were made. The initial intensity for each mass at the time when the mass spectrometer was equilibrated with the inlet section was computed using linear regression, and used for further calculation. Every fourth step, a blank analysis was made. The obtained values were corrected for blank and atmospheric argon, as well as Ca- and Cl-derived neutron-induced argon using the masses 3 7 and 38, befare calculation of argon isotope ratios and ages. The reported errors are l stan­ dard deviation, and include uncertainties in the J-factor (radiation). A detailed description of the analytical methods used is found in Monie et al. ( 1 994) . Resu lts The isotope ratios and ages obtained from each step are reported in Appendix l, and resulting plateau ages, total gas ages and isochron ages for each sample are summari­ zed in Table l. The age spectra are illustrated in Figs. 2 - 4. For most samples, two plateau ages have been calculated, one broad plateau with contiguous steps corresponding to more than 90 o/o of the released 39Ar, and one more restricted, but more well-defined, plateau, encompassing between 40 and 70 o/o of the released 39Ar. However, the differences between the two plateau ages, or between the plateau ages and the total gas ages, are not significant. The isochron ages, both normal (40Arf36Ar vs. 39Arf36Ar using the regression calculation of York 1 969) and inver- 268 Å. Johansson el al. ted (36Arf40Ar vs. 39Arf40Ar following Turner 1 9 7 1 , Rod­ dick 1 978, and Roddick et al. 1 980) have been calculated using the same steps as the "broad plateau age': but may still deviate somewhat due to outlying points. In the case of the inverted isochrons, most analyses p lot in a duster dose to the intercepts with the x-axis, so that an isochron age can be determined with quite good precision. Because of this dustering, the slopes of the isochrons and the y-intercepts, however, become badly defined, irrespective of MSWD value. The y-intercept ideally should fall at the composition of atmospheric argon ( 40Arf36Ar 295.5), but in many cases shows large devia­ tions (values in brackets in the last column of Table 1 ) , due to the small contributions o f atmospheric argon in the analyses. Thus, the main emphasis is put on the pla­ teau ages when interpreting the data. The hornblendes from the mafic rocks did not pro­ duce any well-defined plateaux, due to the small amounts of argon present and the limited number of steps during which it was released. The "plateau ages" reported in Tab le l and illustrated in Fig. 4 are thus more loosely defined, based on only 1 -3 steps, and have to be interpreted with caution. = Caledonian granitoids From the Rijpjjorden granite ( sample 28- 1 ) , both musco­ vite and biotite give similar plateau ages of 399 ± 5 and 405 ± 1 1 Ma, respectively, encompassing more than 90 % of the released Ar (Table l, Fig. 2 ) . Although biotite is supposed to have a lower closure temperature for Ar than muscovite (Purdy & Jager 1 976; Harrison et al. 1 985; McDougall & Harrisorrt988 ; Hames & Bowring 1 995), it gives the older age; however, within the margin of error, the ages are identical. A slight tendency for a resetting of the biotite at a lower age may be discerned in the first two steps; a possible cause for such a resetting would be heating related to the intrusion of Mesozoic dolerites in eastern Svalbard (cf. Lauritzen & Ohta 1 984) . The Ar-Ar ages are ca. 10 M a younger than the U-Pb monazite age of 4 1 2 Ma (Johansson et al., submitted) , an offset that probably is related to post-magmatic cooling. The Winsnesbreen granite (sample 94047) gives a muscovite Ar-Ar age similar to that of the Rijpfjorden granite, with a plateau at 406 ± 5 Ma, whereas the Nord­ kapp granite (sample 94048) yields a significantly higher muscovite plateau age of 428 ± 12 Ma. The higher age of the Nordkapp granite muscovite is also supported by total gas and normal and inverse isochron ages in the range 427 to 434 Ma, and would agree with the U-Pb monazite age of 440 ± 3 Ma for this granite, with a simi­ lar offset for cooling of about lO Ma as seen in the Rijp­ fjorden granite. A single spot analysis in another musco­ vite grain from the same sample gave a slightly lower age of 422.5 ± 1 .4 Ma (Appendix l); however, still within the margin of error for the result of the step analysis. The red granite from south of Innvika (sample G95:030) yields a plateau age for muscovite at 420 ± 1 2 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Ma, and the aplite from Nordmarka (sample G95:05 1 ) yields a 4 1 7 ± 5 Ma muscovite age. The U-Pb monazite ages available from these rocks are uncertain because of discordant analyses, but suggest similar or even higher ages than for the Nordkapp granite. Grenvillian granitoids In none of the analysed Grenvillian granitoids are any tra­ ces of Precambrian Ar-Ar ages preserved; they all yield relatively well-defined Caledonian plateau ages, indicating that Caledonian metamorphism was strong enough to reset the K-Ar system in both biotite and muscovite (i.e. reached temperatures above about 300-350 °C) . Augen gneiss sample G95:050 from Nordmarka yields plateau ages of 425 ± 5 Ma for muscovite, and 422 ± 5 Ma for biotite, respectively (Table l , Fig. 3). As with the biotite in the Rijpfjorden granite, the biotite in the Nordmarka augen gneiss shows a tendency for Ar loss in the first few steps, which could be related to heating during Mesozoic burial and/or mafic magmatism in the area (cf. Lauritzen & Ohta 1 984) . The much higher inverse isochron age for this biotite, 458 Ma, is an artefact of the dustering of all points dose to the x-axis of the isochron diagram (not shown); the corresponding negative y-intercept (40Arf36Ar ratio) shows its lack of reliability. Muscovite from the other augen gneiss sample from Nordmarka (G95:049) in eastern Nordaustlandet, and from the augen gneiss south of Innvika ( G95:03 1 ) in cen­ tral Nordaustlandet, yields slightly lower plateau ages of 4 1 5 ± 6 and 4 1 1 ± 1 1 Ma, respectively. However, within the margin of error, these ages are identical to the ages from sample G95:050, all being related to heating during Caledonian regional metamorphism and magmatism. Mafic rocks of uncertain age As discussed above, the hornblende from the mafic rocks did not produce any well-defined plateau ages, due to the much smaller amounts of argon present. From amphibo­ lite sample 598:129 from Andreeneset on Kvitøya, the first analysis of hornblende released about 80 % of the argon in one step, corresponding to an age of 4 1 8 ± 8 Ma (Table l , Fig. 4A) . The total gas age of that sample is slightly lower, 4 1 1 ± 8 Ma. A second hornblende crystal from the same sample was then analysed. This yielded an age spec­ trum with ages starting at ca. 460 Ma ( disregarding the two first steps with less than l o/o of the gas) and decrea­ sing to ca. 350 Ma, but with three steps encompassing 57 % of the released argon yielding a plateau at 406 ± 7 Ma (Tables l and 2, Fig. 4B) . The total gas age is 399 ± 7 Ma. From the gabbro at Isispynten (sample 94062c) , a spectrum with slightly increasing ages was obtained (Fig. 4C). Two possible plateaux may be discerned: one at ca. 390 Ma encompassing steps S-7, and one at ca. 4 1 7 Ma being the average of steps 8, l O and 1 1 (the deviating and much lower step 9 was disregarded) . The total gas age is 397 ± 7 Ma. Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillion rocks, Svalbard 269 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Table l Summary ofJ\r-Ar results from �st Svalbard -- -· Sample number, mineral - -- Rock type, location Pla tea u age ' Rijpfjorden granite, 398.6± 4.9 Ma 3-14, 90.5 Vindbukta 401.1± 4.9 Ma S-8, Steps, o/o 39Ar Caledonian granitoids 28-1 muscovite 28-1 biotite 94047 muscovite 94048 muscovite G95:030 muscovite G95:051 muscovite o/o o/o 96.3 o/o Rijpfjorden granite, 404.7±!I.lMa 3-18, 403.5±11.2Ma 3-11, 63.9% 405.6± S.OMa 4-15, 98.6 o/o 406.1± S.OMa S-8, 46.1 o/o l nverse isochron age (MSWD)4 396.2± 4.9Ma 404.7± 5.1Ma (0.99) 403.8± 4.9Ma (8.26) (21± 7) 402.3±!I.lMa 412.4±11.4Ma (1.33) 412.8±11.3Ma (1.69) (36±10) 405.4± S.OMa 417.0± 5.3Ma (1.33) 414.2± 5.0Ma (1.16) (-47±14) 427.1±11.7Ma 434.4±12.5Ma (7.09) 427.2±11.7Ma (5.72) 309± 94 40Aff36Ar intercept o/o Nordkapp granite, 428.2±11.7Ma 9-19, 96.2 Gryteberget 425.5±11.7Ma 13-17,45,4% Red granite, 420.1±!l.SMa 6-21, 98.8 o/o 421.8 ±11.6Ma (3.55) 420.2±!l.SMa (2.38) 345± 28 418.7±!l.S Ma 10-18,66.5 o/o 420.1±11.5 Ma Innvika Ap lite, 416.7± 5.4 Ma 4-27, 99.5 424.9± 5.9Ma (18.8) 418.1± 5.5Ma (ILO) 279± 40 416.8± 5.4Ma 10-23,66.9 o/o o/o 416.1± 5.4Ma Nordmarka Augen gneiss, 425.1± 5.2Ma 11-23,93.9 o/o 424.6± 5.2Ma 429.3± 5.4Ma (1.49) 427.0± 5.2Ma (0.62) (61±23) o/o 419.5± 5.1Ma 426.4 ± 5.7Ma (5.34) 458.4±10.1Ma (2.61) (-3435± Grenvillian granitoids G95:050 muscovite Normal isochron age (M SWD)' 61.8 Vindbukta Winsnesbreen granite Total gas age' Nordmarka Augen gneiss, 422.4± S.!Ma 5-18, 92.2 Nordmarka 425.3± 5.1Ma 7-15, 59.7% G95:049 muscovite Augen gneiss, 415.2± S.SMa 9-26, 96.7% 414.8± 5.4Ma 418.1± 5.6Ma (1.56) 416.3± 5.4Ma (1.68) 268±56 G95:031 muscovite Augen gneiss, 411.3±11.2Ma 9-16, 93.0% 411.2±11.2Ma 417.1±11.5 Ma (0.62) 415.5±11.3Ma (0.33) (71±41) 410.3±11.2Ma 9-11. 56.0% 418.5± 8.5Ma Il only, 82.6 o/< 411.4± 8.3Ma 423.7± 8.6Ma (0.74) 412.4±29.3Ma (9.64) 236±383 406.4± 6.8Ma 4-6, 56.8 o/o 398.8± 7.1Ma 420.6±11.7Ma (7.21) 401.6± 7.4Ma (3.87) 280±68 49.9% 396.9± 7.0Ma 429.3± 7.9Ma (1.63) 428.4± 5.9Ma (1.22) (104±35) G95:050 biotite 2268) Nordmarka Innvika Mafic rocks of uncertain age S98:129 hornblende l Amphibolite, Andn!eneset,Kvitøya S98:129 hornblende 2 Amphibolite, Andreeneset,Kvitøya 94062c hornblende Gabbro, 391.5± 7.3Ma 5-7, Isispynten c. 417Ma 8,10-11,36.0 o/o l. Two plateau ages are normally reported, the first one containing more than 90 % of the released 39Ar, the second derived from a more restricted but well-defined plateau encompassing 40-70% of the released 39Ar. From the hornblendes in the mafic rocks,no well-defined plateaux were obtained,and the ages reported are more loosely defined <<pseudo-plateam> ages. 2. Weighted average age of all released radiogenic argon gas. 3. Normal isochron : 40Ar f36Ar vs. 39Arf36Ar (York 1969). 4.1nverse isochron : 36Arf40Arvs. 39Arf40Ar (Turner 1971; Roddick et al. 1980). In summary, with the possible exception of the first steps in 598:129 hornblende 2, there are no traces of pre­ Caledonian ages. The hornblende ages of ca. 418 Ma are comparable to the mica ages, indicating resetting of horn­ dan (Llanvirn) platform successions (Hinlopenstretet Supergroup). Only in the uppermost unit (Valhallfonna Formation in eastern Ny Friesland, Fortey & Bruton does the carbonate platform facies give way 1973) blende during Caledonian metarnorphism (if the mafic upwards into basinal graptolitic shales. Younger strata rocks themselves are older), or cooling after Caledonian may be present in the hinge of the Hinlopenstretet Syne­ intrusive magmatism (if the rocks are Caledonian). The line, beneath the waters of the Hinlopen Strait. Thus the be related to incipient alteration of the hornblendes. the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic successions of the plateaux at ca. 390 and 405 Ma, respectively, may possibly upright to W-vergent folding and associated thrusting of Nordaustlandet Terrane occurred at some stage after the Llanvirn (ca. 460 Ma, Tucker & McKerrow 1995) and before the intrusion of late to post-tectonic Caledonian Discussion granites. U-Ph and Ph-Ph zircon data indicate that most The Neoproterozoic strata (Murchinsonfjorden Super­ Early Devonian, or perhaps the latest Silurian (accepting of these peraluminous granites were intruded in the 417 group) deposited on the Grenville-age basement of an age of Nordaustlandet are overlain by Vendian to mid-Ordovi- Tucker & McKerrow Ma for the Silurian-Devonian boundary, 1995). 270 Å. Johansson et al. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY r--.---,--r=:::::t:==:::�==:;-.----, 5oo 500 Rijpfjorden gronffe: Rijpfjorden gran/te: 28-1 blot/te 28-1 muscovlte 450 � ± 401.1 4----- O' � 398.6 4----- ± 4. 9 Mo 4.9M:J ---J> --i> h 400 450 n o ....... � IT � Totol gas age: 402.3 ± 11.1 Mo 350 Normal isochron age : 404.7 ± 5.1 Mo Norrrx:�lisochron age: 412.4 ± 11.4 Mo Inverse isochron age: 412.B ± 11.3 Mo Inverse isochron age: 403.B ± 4.9 Mo 300 300 o 60 40 20 % 39 BO 100 �--��--�----� 100 BO 60 40 20 o 39 % Ar cumu/ottve Ar cumu/ottve r---.---,--��====�==�.----, 500 Wlnsnesbreen gronlte: Nordkapp gran/te: 94048 muscovffe 94047 muscovffe 450 405.6 406.1 ± 5.0M:J <l-- ± 428.2 450 5.0Mo ± 11.7 Mo -i> O' O' � 11.1Mo '-'- 400 L Totolgas age: 396.2 ± 4. 9Mo 350 ± 404.7 403.5 ± 11.2M:J � 400 <f- 400 425.5 ± 11.7Ma � � � 350 Totol gasage: 405.4 ± 5.OMo Totolgosage: 427.1 ± 11.7Mo 350 Normalisochron age: 417.0 ± 5. 3Mo Normalisochron age: 434.4 ± 12.5Mo Inverse isochron age: 427.2 ± 11.7 Mo Inverse isochron age: 414.2 ± 5.0 Mo 300 L---�--�---��--100 60 80 40 20 o % 450 39 300 L-----4--�-�-�-�-�-�----� 100 60 BO 40 20 o %39 Ar cumulattve Ar cumu/ottve Red gran/te, lnnvfko: Ap/lte. Nordmarka: G95:030 muscovtte G95:051 muscovffe t>cf---- 420.1 ± 11.5Mo 416.7 450 � ± 5.4 fv1o ._....__ .. � � � � '-'- 400 350 '-'- 400 70tolgas age: 420.1 ± 11.5 Ma Normo/ isochron age : 421.B ± 11.6 Mo Totolgosage: 416.1 ± 5.4Ma 350 Normal isochron age: 424.9 ± 5.9 Mo Inverse isochron age: 420.2 ± 11.5Mo 300 �----��----�---J 20 60 40 BO 100 o % 39 Ar cumu/affve Inverse isochron age: 41B.1 ± 5.5Mo �0 �----�--� o 20 40 60 BO 100 % 39 Ar cumulatlve Fig. 2. Ar-Ar spectra on muscovite and biotite from Caledonian granitoids from northeast Svalbard. Height of boxes corresponds to l sigma uncertainty of analyses. Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks, Svalbarda 271 NORWEGIAN jOURNAl OF GEOLOGY Tåble2 Comparison of lt-Pb monazile ages and lv-ArrnUkovitedhd biotiteages fbrCaledohiat granitoids fl&n northeast SValbard U-Ph monazite age Ar-Ar muscovite/biotite age 2 l Rijpfjorden granite 4125 ±0.5 Ma (4 conc. points) 399± 5 Mal 405 ±11 Ma Winsnesbreen granite c. 420 Ma 406±5 Ma Nordkapp granite 440±3 Ma (upper intercept) Red granite, Innvika c. 440 Ma (upper intercept) 420± 12 Ma Aplite, Nordmarka 463±9 Ma (upper intercept) 417±5 Ma l. Concordant analyses or upper intercept age of (l concordant point) 428±12 Ma discordia (Johansson et al., submitted; Johansson et al., in prep.). 2. Plateau ages (this paper). pre-Caledonian argon component preserved. Caledo­ al. 1985; McDougall & Harrison 1988; Hames & Bowring 1995) during the Silurian and into the Early Devonian. dence of regional heating above the Ar-Ar closure tem­ Supergroup increase from west to east across Nordaust­ °C, Purdy & Jager landet. Hornblende Ar-Ar data are particularly impor- In none of the Grenville-age rocks are any traces of a nian plateau ages in micas (ca. 410-425 Ma) provide evi­ perature (300-350 1976; Harrison et Temperatures at the base of the Murchisonfjorden 500 Augen gneiss, Nordmarka: G95:050 muscovite 450 425.1 ± 5.2 Ma <1--- l 450 ----i> 422.4 ± 5.1 Ma o � - 400 ± 425.3 5.1 Ma --i> � Total gas age: 350 424.6 Normal isochron age: Inverse isochron age: o G95:050 biotite r l=! 300 Augen gneiss, Nordmarka: 20 427.0 39 5.2 Ma ± ± 5.2 Total gas age: 350 5.4 Ma 419.5 Namd isochron age: Ma lnverseisochron age: 80 60 40 % ± 429.3 ± 5.1 ± 426.4 458.4 ± Ma 5.7 Ma 10.1 Ma 300 �----�----L---�--� 80 100 20 60 40 o 100 %39 Ar cumulative Ar cumulatrve 500 l Augen gneiss, Nordmarka: G95:049 muscov!te 450 450 415.2 ± 5.5 Ma o � - 400 o � (]) � - 400 350 Total gas age: 414.8 Normal iOClchron age: Inverse isochron age: ± 418.1 41 6.3 5.4 Ma ± ± 5.6 Ma % 39 Ar cumulative 300 o ---l> 411 .3 ± 11 .2 Ma 410.3 ± 11.2 Ma --i> D Total gas age: 350 5.4 Ma 300 �----�----� 80 100 60 40 o 20 G95:031 muscovite .,...._ n<l-�-- 51 Augen gneiss, lnnvika: 411.2 ± 11.2 Ma Namallsochron age: 41 7 .l ± 11 .5 Ma InverseiOClchron age: 415.5 ± 11.3 Ma 20 40 % 39 60 80 100 Ar cumulative Fig. 3. Ar-Ar spectra on muscovite and biotite from Grenvillian granitoids (augen gneisses) from northeast Svalbard. Height of boxes corres­ ponds to I sigma uncertainty of analyses. 272 A. Johansson et al. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY tant in this context and it is indeed unfortunate that this tible with recently acquired zircon data (Johansson & mineral is extremely scarce and, if present, usually Larionov altered to actinolite in Nordaustlandet. The two horn­ nian migmatization of the Grenvillian basement occur­ 1999; Johansson et al., in prep.) that Caledo­ blendes analysed here indicate that at least the eastern red in the latest Ordovician (ca. areas were subject to Caledonian temperatures above Nordaustlandet. 500-550 °C (Ar-Ar closure temperature of hornblende, McDougall & Harrison 1988). This evidence is compa- 440-450 Ma) in eastern In the Caledonian granitoids, two groups of Ar-Ar ages may be discerned, one at 4 15-430 Ma, similar to the 400-405 ages in the Grenvillian rocks, and another at Ma. In Table l 500 450 598:129 homblende l <!--- Step 11:418.5 :t 8 . 5 Ma ages around 5 compare the U-Pb monazite 440 Ma (Nordkapp granite and red granite from Innvika), the second group to granites with U-Pb ages at ----1> 410-420 Ma (Rijpfjorden and Winsnesbreen gra­ nite). The Ar-Ar ages thus follow the U-Pb ages with a 10-20 Ma delay in each group. Using a closure tempera­ 700-750 °C for U-Ph in monazite (Parrish 1990; Heaman & Parrish 1991; Parrish & Whitehouse 1999), and a closure temperature of 300-350 oc for Ar-Ar in muscovite (Purdy & Higer 1976; Harrison et al. 1985; McDougall & Harrison 1988; Hames & Bowring 1995), the sub-parallel cooling paths depicted in Fig. 5 (in a ture of � To1al gas age: 350 411.4"' 8.3 Norrn d isochroo age: Inverse isochroo age: o l 500 r450 � � Ma 423.7"' 8.6 Ma 412.4 "= 29.3 Ma 60 40 20 %39 100 80 Ar cumulative S98: 129 hornblende 2 406.4:!: 6.8 million years. The Mo ---:::!:> 463 ± 9 Ma, 4 17 ± 5 Ma, corresponding cooling rate of ca. 10 oc per and a Ar-Ar muscovite age of to a much slower average million years. However, the U-Ph monazite age for this sample is highly uncertain, being based on three discor­ � dant points. If the Nordmarka aplite instead has an age -_ r-- similar to the aplite from Kvitøya, ca. '---_ Told gas age: o 20-45 o C per Nordmarka, with a U-Pb monazite age of l Amphibolite. Andreeneset: 1L-- 350 slightly curved fashion) would correspond to rapid coo­ ling rates of at average only rock diverging from this pattern is the aplite from o 6 400 300 and Fig. T he first age group is related to granites having U-Ph 1 Amphibolite, Andreeneset: o 6 400 300 2 and Ar-Ar muscovite ages for the Caledonian granitoids. 398.8 "'7.1 '- Ma Nam. isochroo age: 420.6 "'11.7 Ma Inverse isochroo age : 401 .6 "'7.4 Ma 40 20 %39 60 430 Ma, it would follow the same cooling pattern. If, on the other hand, it '--- really crystallized at around 460 Ma, it may have remai­ ned at elevated temperatures for a considerable time during regional metamorphism, and then cooled along a 80 100 Ar cumulative similar path as the other samples, still yielding the calcu­ lated cooling rate meaningless. The rapid cooling rates of 20-45 oC per million years are probably related to post-magmatic cooling of the individual intrusions from magmatic or near-magmatic temperatures to the closure temperature of the K-Ar sys­ Gabbro. lsispynten: 94062c hornblende tem in muscovite and biotite, rather than post-meta­ 450 morphic cooling of the whole bedrock packet. This would suggest that the Caledonian granites intruded at �- 400 � 350 relatively shallow depths in a much cooler environment, after the peak of metamorphism. To1al gas age: 396.9 "'7.0 Ma Norrn.lsochroo age: nverse isochroo age: 429.3"' 7.9 428.4 "'5.9 Ma Ma 300 U-----�-----L--�--� o 20 40 60 80 100 %39 Ar cumulative The Nordaustlandet Ar-Ar ages are very similar to the majority of the plateau ages recorded from metamorphic muscovites and hornblendes from the upper amphibo­ lite facies Atomfjella Complex of western Ny Friesland (413-425 Ma, Gee & Page 1994), suggesting that Caledo­ nian metamorphism was contemporaneous in the West Ny Friesland and Nordaustlandet Terranes. One horn­ blende age from that area reaches back to 447 Ma; it sug­ Fig. 4. Ar-Ar spedra on hornblende from mafic rocks of uncertain age from northeast Svalbard. Height of boxes corresponds to l sigma uncertainty of analyses. gests the possibility that, as in Nordaustlandet, the tecto­ nothermal activity may have started in the Late Ordovi­ cian. Despite this similarity, it is important to note that Ar·Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks, Svalbard 273 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY In summary, the new Ar-Ar data would support a tentative two-stage scenario for the Caledonian orogeny Ordovician to Early Silurian (prior to ca. ro .._ E "E cooling ages of z to 410 430 Ma, with Ma) encompassing regional magmatism, and a second stage in the latest Silurian to �­ Early Devonian (at a. <( 800 430 metamorphism and deformation as well as syn-tectonic o 900 700 in northeasternmost Svalbard, a first stage in the Late ro � 1000 400 420-410 Ma, with cooling ages of ca. Ma) encompassing late- to post-tectonic magma­ tism forming large granitic massifs such as the Rijpfjor­ U-Pb monazite den granite. A similar two-stage development of Caledo­ nian magmatism is seen in northwest Spitsbergen (Balashov et al. 600 1996), with early grey granites followed by the late- to post-tectonic Hornemantoppen batholith. In the East Greenland Caledonides, crustal anatexis and granite formation have been dated to 500 420-440 Ma, using 2000; U-Pb ion microprobe dating of zircons (Watt et al. Kalsbeek et al. 400 2001). Whether a similar two-stage deve­ lopment as in Svalbard can be found in East Greenland, and whether these stages can be linked to the large-scale Ar-Ar muscovite 300 geotectonic evolution of the North Atlantic and Arctic Caledonides, remain to be seen. 200 Age (Ma) 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 Fig. 5. Time-temperature diagram, with U-Pb monazite ages (Johansson et al., submitted; Johansson et al. , in prep. ) and Ar-Ar muscovite ages (this paper) for Caledonian granitoids from northeast Svalbard, and approximate cooling paths. Uncertain U-Ph ages indi­ cated by dotted outlines of symbols. Acknowledgements - Some of the samples used in this study were col­ lected by our Svalbard colleagues Stefan Sandelin (Uppsala), Alexan­ der Tebenkov (St. Petersburg), and Yoshihide Ohta (Oslo), during fieldwork financed by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, the Russian Polar Marine Geological Expedition and the Norwegian Polar Institute. T he gabbro sample from Isispynten was collected by Captain Per Engwall of M/S Origo. Pa ula Allart (Stockholm) assisted with the mineral separation, Ann-Marie Kahr and Dan Holtstam (Stockholm) with hornblende identification using XRD and EDAX, respectively, and Patrick Monie and Dirk Marheine advised on vari­ ous aspects of the analytical work in Montpellier. The paper benefit­ ted from critical reviews by Synnøve Elvevold and Elizabeth Eide. Caledonian metamorphic grade diminishes from east to west across Nordaustlandet towards eastern Ny Fries­ land; in the West Ny Friesland orogen, Caledonian meta­ morphism occurred at higher pressures than in the Åke Johansson's stay in Montpellier and the associated analytical costs were financed by the Swedish Natura! Science Research Coun­ cil. T his paper is a contribution to the Swedish Arctic research pro­ gramme (SWEDARCT IC) and to EUROPROBE's T IMPEBAR (T iman-Pechora-Barents Sea) programme. Nordaustlandet Terrane. Caledonian granite intrusion in Nordaustlandet, eastern Ny Friesland (Chydeniusbreen granitoid suite: Newtontoppen and Ekkoknausane granitoids, Rb-Sr age 432 References apparently occurred in the Early Silurian to Early Devo­ Alexander, E.C. Jr., Mickelson, G.M. & Lanphere, M.A. 1978: A new 40Arf39Ar dating standard. Short Paper, 4th International Confe­ nian. 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Polar Research 15, 153-165. 1972; Flood, B., Gee, D.G., Hjelle, A., Siggerud, T. & Winsnes, T.S. 1969: T he indicates that the major batholiths geology of Nordaustlandet, northern and central parts. Norsk during deposition of the Siktefjellet Group ( Gee may have been generated during Caledonian terrane Polarinstitutt Skrifter 146, 139 pp + l map 1:250 000. assembly, but were not emplaced until most of the Fortey, R.A. & Bruton, D.L. 1973: Cambrian-Ordovician rocks adja­ strike-slip movements had ceased and the orogen was cent to Hinlopenstretet, north Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. Geologi­ being uplifted and extended. ca! Society ofAmerica Bulletin 84,2227-2242. 274 Å. Johansson et al. NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Friend, P.F., Harland, W.B., Rogers, D.A., Snape, L & T horney, S. 1997: Late Silurian and Early Devonian stratigraphy and probable strike­ slip tectonism in north-western Spitsbergen. Geological Magazine Nordaustlandet, northeastern Svalbard. 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Age +/- lsd (Ma) J = 0.014390 ± 0.000194 Rijpfjorden granite, sample 28-1 muscovite l 15.380 1.348 0.0391 0.151 0.2 39.83 360.7 +/- 55.2 2 18.591 0.168 0.0511 0.013 0.7 4.98 427.7 +1- 22.4 3 17.068 0.177 0.0555 0.014 1.1 5.24 396.2 +1- 34.8 4 17.397 0.084 0.0560 0.076 2.1 2.48 403.1 +/- 11.4 5 17.542 0.035 0.0564 0.033 5.9 1.04 406.1 +/- 5.8 6 17.186 0.038 0.0575 0.011 21.1 1.12 398.7 +/- 2.5 7 17.385 0.024 0.0571 0.000 48.9 0.71 402.8 +/- 1.8 8 17.213 0.057 0.0571 0.004 63.9 1.69 399.2 +/- 1.7 9 16.503 0.205 0.0569 0.011 68.0 6.05 384.4 +/- 3.8 10 17.072 0.041 0.0578 0.002 71.7 1.20 396.3 +/- 4.2 11 16.757 0.082 0.0582 0.001 77.4 2.43 389.7 +/- 3.0 12 16.872 0.100 0.0575 0.001 84.3 2.96 392.1 +/- 3.0 13 17.302 0.058 0.0568 0.068 88.9 1.72 401.1 +/- 6.3 14 17.084 0.052 0.0576 0.003 91.2 1.54 396.6 +/- 11.7 15 15.113 0.471 0.0569 0.118 92.6 13.93 355.0 +/- 12.3 16 16.287 0.253 0.0568 0.013 94.1 7.48 379.9 +/- 8.1 17 16.078 0.244 0.0577 0.159 95.7 7.22 375.5 +1- 7.8 18 17.473 0.092 0.0556 O.QlS 96.6 2.73 404.6 +/- 17.4 19 16.410 0.209 0.0571 0.042 97.7 6.19 382.4 +/- 13.8 20 13.892 0.616 0.0588 0.062 98.5 18.21 328.8 +/- 23.5 21 15.608 0.333 0.0577 0.064 100.0 9.83 365.5 +/- 10.5 Total age= 396.2 +/- 4.9 J = 0.014645 ± 0.000449 Rijpfjorden granite, sample 28-1 biotite l 13.093 1.113 0.0512 0.001 1.9 32.90 316.5 +/- 7.4 2 15.186 0.385 0.0583 0.003 3.7 11.37 362.3 +/- 8.7 3 17.232 0.157 0.0553 0.003 8.7 4.64 406.0 +/- 4.2 4 17.187 0.055 0.0572 0.004 15.3 1.64 405.0 +/- 3.4 5 17.120 0.041 0.0577 0.006 27.4 1.21 403.6 +/- 2.7 6 17.244 0.055 0.0570 0.009 39.8 1.62 406.2 +/- 2.4 7 17.144 0.062 0.0572 0.000 51.1 1.84 404.1 +/- 7.3 8 16.954 0.131 0.0567 0.025 57.8 3.87 400.1 +/- 2.5 9 16.796 0.177 0.0564 0.049 61.0 5.22 396.8 +/- 3.7 10 16.990 0.140 0.0564 0.031 64.1 4.15 400.9 +/- 4.7 11 16.934 0.102 0.0572 0.011 67.6 3.00 399.7 +/- 3.7 12 16.535 0.176 0.0573 0.009 70.9 5.20 391.2 +/- 13 17.229 0.054 0.0571 0.005 74.0 1.61 405.9 +/- 4.8 4.7 14 16.822 0.128 0.0572 0.024 76.8 3.77 397.3 +/- 5.3 15 17.410 0.029 0.0569 0.041 79.3 0.86 409.7 +/- 5.1 16 17.459 0.032 0.0567 0.003 86.4 0.96 410.8 +/- 2.0 17 17.151 0.069 0.0571 0.006 87.6 2.03 404.3 +/- 5.6 18 17.481 0.039 0.0565 0.229 100.0 1.15 411.2 +/- Total age= l.S 402.3 +/- 11.1 Ar-Ar datin9 of Caledonian ond Grenvillian rocks, Svalbard 277 NORWEGIAN jOURNAl OF GEOLOGY Ste p 40Ar*f39Ar 36Arf40Ar 39Arf40Ar 37 Arf39Ar X 1000 o/o 39Ar %atm.Ar Age +/- 1sd (Ma) cum. J = 0.014390 ± 0.000194 Winsnesbreen granite, sample 94047 muscovite 2 6.794 1.924 0.0634 0.336 0.02 56.87 168.3 +/- 754.6 3 16.813 0.288 0.0544 0.009 1.4 8.52 390.9 +/- 9.5 4 17.033 0.137 0.0563 0.001 4.8 4.06 395.5 +/- 5.2 5 17.676 0.055 0.0556 0.003 12.3 1.64 408.8 +/- 2.4 6 17.564 0.046 0.0561 0.005 32.0 1.38 406.5 +/- 1.8 7 17.342 0.037 0.0570 0.009 41.3 1.09 401.9 +/- 4.2 8 17.598 0.064 0.0557 0.000 51.0 1.89 407.2 +1- 2.8 9 17.011 0.147 0.0562 0.001 55.1 4.34 395.0 +/- 3.3 10 17.131 0.168 0.0554 0.001 59.0 4.95 397.5 +/- 3.8 11 17.229 0.074 0.0567 0.099 60.6 2.19 399.6 +1- 5.3 12 16.347 0.251 0.0566 0.132 61.7 7.41 381.1 +/- 10.8 416.7 +/- 6.6 13 18.058 0.002 0.0553 0.063 64.3 0.05 14 16.745 0.172 0.0566 0.015 67.0 5.08 389.5 +/- 3.7 15 17.727 0.039 0.0557 0.005 100.0 1.15 409.9 +1- 3.2 Total age= 405.4 +/- 5.0 J = 0.014645 ± 0.000449 Nordkapp granite, sample 94048 muscovite 340.9 +l-190.1 14.200 3.110 0.0057 0.864 0.05 91.89 2 13.064 1.466 0.0433 0.464 0.2 43.32 315.8 +/- 57.6 3 13.955 1.083 0.0487 0.262 0.5 32.01 335.5 +/- 25.2 4 16.380 0.698 0.0484 0.018 1.0 20.64 387.9 +/- 18.2 5 18.668 0.660 0.0431 0.017 l.S 19.50 436.0 +/- 18.4 0.043 2.0 28.65 384.7 +/- 16.8 0.020 2.7 5.99 414.1 +/- 9.3 0.011 3.8 5.64 415.2 +/- 5.4 3.76 428.5 +/- 2.0 0.72 434.7 +/- 2.9 6 16.227 0.970 0.0439 7 17.618 0.203 0.0533 8 17.670 0.191 0.0534 9 18.304 0.127 0.0525 0.001 11.2 10 18.603 0.024 0.0533 0.001 17.2 11 18.362 0.118 0.0525 0.001 22.2 3.50 429.7 +1- 2.3 12 18.798 0.051 0.0523 0.001 31.5 1.51 438.7 +/- 5.3 424.6 +1- 2.7 13 18.119 0.034 0.0546 0.000 43.1 1.00 14 18.329 0.041 0.0538 0.001 55.0 1.21 429.0 +/- 3.0 15 18.167 0.049 0.0542 0.005 63.5 1.46 425.6 +/- 2.6 16 18.096 0.066 0.0541 0.003 70.0 1.97 424.1 +/- 2.3 76.9 2.00 422.5 +/- 2.0 416.4 +/- 2.2 17 18.Q17 0.068 0.0543 0.004 18 17.727 0.106 0.0546 0.005 81.9 3.14 19 18.395 0.047 0.0536 0.009 100.0 1.39 430.4 +/- 1.4 Total age= 427.1 +/- 11.7 2.55 422.5 +1- 1.4 94048 muscovite, grain 2, one single spot analysis : l 18.018 0.086 0.0540 0.001 278 A. Johansson et al. Step 40Ar*J39Ar NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY 36ArJ40Ar 39Arf40Ar 37ArJ39Ar Ofo 39Ar %atm. Ar Age +/- lsd (Ma) cum. xlOOO J = 0.014645 ± 0.000449 Red granite, Innvika, sample G95:030 muscovite 18.192 1.636 0.0283 0.031 O. l 48.36 426.1 +/- 44.8 2 16.5S4 0.774 0.046S 0.122 0.2 22.88 391.6 +/- 23.1 3 17.364 0.463 0.0497 0.020 0.3 13.67 408.8 +/- 33.4 4 18.240 0.426 0.0479 0.126 0.6 12.S8 427.1 +/- 1 l.S l s 18.49S 0.24S O.OSOI 0.038 1.2 7.2S 432.4 +/- 6.2 6 18.124 0.287 O.OS04 0.016 S.4 8.49 424.7 +/- 1.8 7 18.172 0.218 O.OS14 0.008 6.5 6.44 42S.7 +/- 4.S 8 18.120 0.143 O.OS28 0.004 7.8 4.24 424.6 +/- 3.S 9 18.182 0.100 O.OS33 0.000 18.3 2.96 42S.9 +/- 1.7 10 17.667 0.061 o.osss 0.001 39.4 1.79 41S.2 +/- 1.8 11 17.8S2 O.OS8 o.osso 0.022 S3.0 1.71 419.0 +/- 12 17.79S 0.096 O.OS4S 0.011 S7.9 2.84 417.8 +/- 1.9 13 17.817 0.088 O.OS46 0.001 60.0 2.S9 418.3 +/- 14 17.896 0.061 O.OS48 0.001 6 l.S 1.80 419.9 +/- 4.8 1S 18.067 0.044 O.OS46 0.000 68.2 1.30 423.5 +/- 1.4 16 17.942 0.048 O.OS49 0.000 74.0 1.43 420.9 +/- 2.5 17 18.039 o.oss O.OS4S 0.003 77.1 1.63 422.9 +/- 2.0 18 17.96S 0.023 O.OS52 0.000 84.8 0.68 421.4 +/- 19 17.720 0.04S O.OSS6 0.003 89.4 1.32 416.3 +/- 2.3 20 17.262 0.087 O.OS64 0.017 90.0 2.58 406.6 +1- 8.3 21 18.024 0.030 O.OS49 0.002 100.0 0.88 422.6 +/- Total age= l.S 3.9 l.S 2.1 420.1 +/- ll.S J = 0.0143S6 ± 0.000208 Aplite, Nordmarka, sample G9S:OS1 muscovite l 6.334 2.2S7 O.OS2S 0.006 0.2 66.69 1S7.0 +/- 22.4 2 1S.949 1.2SO 0.039S 0.011 0.3 36.93 372.0 +/- 10.1 3 16.998 1.008 0.0413 0.004 0.5 27.79 393.9 +/- 7.3 4 18.088 0.509 0.0469 0.001 1.3 1S.03 416.S +/- 3.8 s 18.101 0.263 O.OS09 0.008 2.2 7.77 416.8 +/- S.2 6 18.069 0.183 O.OS23 0.007 3.7 S.42 416.1 +/- 2.3 7 18.260 0.14S O.OS24 0.011 s.s 4.30 420.0 +/- 2.3 8 17.S66 0.094 O.OSS3 0.004 8.9 2.78 40S.7 +/- 1.8 9 17.606 0.08S O.OSS3 0.006 13.4 2.51 406.6 +/- 1.8 10 18.190 o.oso O.OS41 0.000 21.2 1.46 418.6 +/- 1.3 11 18.123 0.06S O.OS41 0.001 31.6 1.92 417.2 +/- 1.3 12 17.774 0.061 0.0552 0.001 40.1 1.81 410.0 +/- 1.2 13 17.993 0.039 0.0549 0.002 47.9 1.15 414.5 +/- 1.4 14 17.865 O.OS5 0.0550 0.004 S3.4 1.63 411.9 +/- I. l 15 17.948 0.057 O.OS47 0.002 57.8 1.67 413.6 +/- 1.9 16 18.439 0.021 0.0538 0.019 59.0 0.63 423.7 +/- 2.3 17 18.624 0.022 0.0533 0.008 60.9 0.65 427.S +/- 1.6 18 18.638 0.022 0.0532 0.005 62.4 0.67 427.8 +/- 2.4 19 18.175 0.101 0.0533 0.005 63.7 2.99 418.3 +/- 2.9 20 18.326 0.088 O.OS31 0.009 66.0 2.60 421.4 +/- 1.8 21 18.240 O.OS1 O.OS39 0.004 74.8 l.SO 419.6 +/- I. l 22 18.264 0.039 O.OS41 0.004 78.7 1.14 420.1 +/- 1.4 23 18.289 0.062 O.OS36 0.003 80.3 1.82 420.6 +/- 2.1 24 18.283 0.07S O.OS34 0.001 81.6 2.23 420.5 +/- 19.2 2S 18.422 O.OS9 O.OS33 0.000 83.4 1.73 423.3 +/- 1.9 26 18.326 0.027 O.OS41 0.002 90.7 0.81 421.4 +/- 27 18.202 0.019 O.OS46 0.002 100.0 0.57 418.8 +/- 1. 2 Total age= 416.1 +/- S.4 2.1 Ar-Ar doting of Coledonian ond Grenvillian rocks, Svalbard 279 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Step 39fuf40AI 37Arf39fu o/o 39Ar o/o atm. AI cum. Age +/- lsd (Ma) J = 0.014390 ± 0.000196 Augen gneiss, Nordmarka, sample G95:050 muscovite l 17.870 0.581 0.0463 0.616 0.03 17.17 2 15.972 0.735 0.0490 0.140 0.06 21.71 373.2 +/- S6.7 3 17.011 0.769 0.04S4 0.062 O. l 22.72 39S.O +/- 42.1 412.9 +/- S2.S 4 19.137 0.207 0.0490 0.010 0.3 6.11 438.8 +/- 12.0 5 18.665 0.081 0.0522 0.014 0.7 2.41 429.2 +/- S.8 6 18.092 0.101 O.OS36 0.049 1.0 2.97 417.4 +/- 9.7 7 17.8S2 0.116 0.0540 0.040 1.3 3.44 412.5 +/- 9.8 420.3 +/- S.8 8 18.229 0.082 0.0535 0.008 1.6 2.42 9 18.042 0.098 0.0538 0.014 2.1 2.88 416.4 +/- S.2 10 17.995 0.029 o.osso 0.000 6.1 0.87 41S.4 +/- 1.4 11 18.362 0.028 O.OS40 0.002 10.9 0.83 423.0 +/- 1.3 12 18.331 0.027 O.OS41 0.006 1S.6 0.79 422.4 +/- 1.6 13 18.341 0.039 O.OS38 0.003 19.4 1.17 422.6 +/- 1.3 14 18.499 0.021 0.0537 0.004 29.5 0.61 42S.8 +/- 1.9 15 18.443 0.014 O.OS39 0.002 49.1 0.43 424.6 +/- 1.7 16 18.446 0.050 O.OS34 0.008 S4.2 1.47 424.7 +/- 2.1 17 18.526 0.026 0.0535 0.001 S6.9 0.77 426.3 +/- 1.9 18 18.440 0.025 0.0538 0.001 S9.5 0.73 424.6 +l- 19 18.375 0.012 O.OS42 0.000 79.1 0.34 423.2 +/- 1.8 20 18.641 0.022 0.0533 0.002 83.0 0.64 428.7 +/- 2.3 21 18.192 0.049 0.0541 0.003 83.8 1.44 419.5 +/- 3.8 22 18.5S l 0.016 O.OS36 0.002 84.9 0.48 426.9 +/- 2.6 23 18.681 0.008 0.0534 0.001 100.0 0.23 429.5 +/- 2.7 Total age= 424.6 +/- S.2 l.S J= 0.014390 ± 0.000196 Augen gneiss, Nordmarka, sample G9S:050 biotite l 14.040 1.08S 0.0483 0.001 o.s 32.06 332.0 +/- 13.2 2 14.752 0.2S4 0.0626 0.007 1.6 7.50 347.3 +1- 6.0 3 15.857 0.139 0.0604 o.oos 3.1 4.11 370.8 +/- S.8 4 17.3S9 0.076 O.OS63 0.001 7.8 2.26 402.3 +l- 2.2 5 17.909 O.OS2 O.OS49 0.002 1S.8 l.S3 413.7 +/- 2.0 6 17.878 0.032 O.OSS4 0.001 32.1 0.9S 413.0 +1- 1.7 7 18.231 0.030 O.OS43 0.001 37.1 0.88 420.3 +/- 2.0 8 18.448 0.012 O.OS40 0.001 4S.O 0.37 424.8 +/- 1.6 9 18.691 0.019 O.OS32 0.001 S3.2 429.7 +/- l.S 10 18.41S 0.019 O.OS39 0.000 64.0 0.57 424.1 +/- l.S 11 18.483 0.021 O.OS37 0.001 72.S 0.61 42S.5 +/- 1.4 12 18.S39 0.021 0.0536 0.001 83.7 0.61 426.6 +1- 1.3 13 18.471 0.019 O.OS38 o.oos 88.1 42S.2 +/- 2.1 14 18.331 O.OS4 O.OS36 0.021 90.2 1.60 422.4 +/- 4.2 15 18.422 0.044 O.OS3S 0.009 91.8 1.30 424.2 +/- 4.2 16 18.919 0.044 O.OS21 0.003 94.0 1.30 434.4 +/- 3.6 17 18.770 O.OS2 O.OS24 0.002 96.8 l.S4 431.3 +/- 2.7 18 18.370 0.060 0.0534 0.001 100.0 1.77 423.1 +/- 2.2 Total age= 419.5 +/- 5.1 280 Å. Johansson NORWEGIAN JOURNAl OF GEOLOGY et al. 37 Arf3 9Ar 36Arf40Ar Step % 39Ar % atm. Ar euro. X 1000 J = 0.0 14356 Augen gneiss, Nordmarka, sample G95:049 muscovite Age +1- 1sd (Ma) ± 0.000209 1.654 3.288 0.0171 0.580 0.03 97.16 42.3 +/- 131.1 2 10.160 1.949 0.0417 0.213 O. l 57.59 245.6 +/- 32.7 3 18.277 0.616 0.0447 O.OS1 0.5 18.80 420.4 +/- 4 18.110 0.506 0.0469 0.007 1.1 14.96 416.9 +/- 4.0 5 17.340 0.455 0.0499 0.03S 1.4 13.45 401.0 +/- 9.8 5.1 9.2 6 17.051 0.524 0.049S 0.027 1.8 15.49 39S.O +/- 7 17.941 0.173 O.OS28 0.000 2.3 5.12 413.5 +/- 5.4 8 17.669 0.134 O.OS43 0.006 3.3 3.97 407.8 +/- 3.0 2.0 9 18.136 0.083 O.OS37 0.000 4.8 2.46 41 7.5 +/- 10 17.980 0.07S O.OS43 0.003 6.8 2.22 414.3 +/- 2.1 11 18.024 0.063 O.OS44 0.002 9.9 1.86 415.2 +/- 1.4 12 18.021 0.044 0.0547 0.002 14.2 1.30 415.1 +/- l.S 13 17.985 0.029 0.0551 0.001 20.2 0.86 414.4 +/- l.S 14 18.093 0.030 O.OS47 0.002 29.4 0.89 416.6 +/- 1.7 15 17.817 0.036 0.055S 0.001 35.9 1.07 410.9 +/- 2.3 16 18.088 0.034 O.OS47 0.002 43.7 1.01 416.S +/- 3.3 17 17.931 o.oss O.OS48 0.006 47.7 1.64 413.3 +/- 3.0 18 17.543 O.OS9 0.0560 0.007 S l.9 1.76 405.2 +/- 3.9 19 18.036 0.020 0.0551 0.000 SS.4 0.60 41S.4 +/- 2.8 20 18.009 0.018 O.OS52 0.000 58.2 O.S2 414.9 +/- 3.5 21 18.067 0.040 0.0546 0.000 72.1 1.18 416.1 +/- 2.3 22 17.884 0.036 0.0553 0.000 75.6 l. OS 412.3 +/- 1.9 23 18.264 0.022 O.OS43 0.000 77.8 0.64 420.1 +/- 2.0 24 18.212 0.016 O.OS46 0.000 80.0 0.49 419.0 +/- 1.8 2S 18.089 0.011 0.0550 0.000 84.5 0.33 416.5 +/- 2.4 26 18.121 0.016 0.0549 0.000 100.0 0.47 417.2 +/- 5.2 Total age = J Augen gneiss, lnnvika, sample G95:03 1 muscovite = 4 1 4.8 +/- 5.4 0.0 14645 ± 0.000446 l 25.368 0.404 0.0347 2.S92 0.02 11.95 S69.9 +/- 3S3.5 2 11.366 1.767 0.0420 0.836 O. l 52.21 277.8 +1- 141.7 3 2.814 2.924 0.0482 0.852 0.2 86.41 72.9 +1- 243.3 4 17.736 0.374 0.0501 0.164 0.5 11.04 416.6 +/- 27.8 5 1 7.507 0.255 0.0528 0.000 2.9 7.S4 411.8 +/- 6.1 6 17.108 0.175 0.0554 0.001 4.8 5.17 403.4 +/- 7.9 7 18.238 0.038 0.0542 0.001 6.1 1.12 427.1 +/- 12.0 8 17.826 O.D l8 0.0558 0.002 7.0 0.52 418.5 +/- 14.3 9 17.305 0.101 0.0560 0.002 13.6 2.98 407.5 +/- 3.2 10 1 7.442 0.060 O.OS63 0.000 30.2 1.79 410.4 +/- 2.6 11 17.461 0.038 O.OS66 0.000 63.0 1.12 410.8 +/- 1.4 12 1 7.077 0.133 0.0562 0.000 68. 7 3.92 402.7 +/- 3.4 13 1 7.686 0.030 0.0560 0.000 7S.4 0.88 415.5 +/- 4.4 S.9 14 17.723 0.007 0.0563 0.000 77.9 0.20 416.3 +/- 15 17.485 0.039 0.0565 0.000 82.2 1.14 411.3 +/- 5.0 16 17.678 O.D l8 O.OS62 0.000 100.0 0.53 41S.4 +/- 2.9 Total age = 4 1 1 .2 +/- 1 1 .2 Ar-Ar dating of Caledonian and Grenvillian rocks, Svalbard 281 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY Step 40Ar*J39Ar 36ArJ40Ar X 1000 39ArJ40Ar l 74.845 10.386 -12.348 18.384 12.535 14.515 18.252 16.183 18.972 17.251 18.187 12.611 16.620 18.009 17.227 2.610 3.202 4.398 0.645 1.112 0.936 -0.013 0.326 -0.012 0.285 0.072 1.060 0.119 0.024 0.041 Ofo 39Ar %atm.Ar cum. Amphibolite,Andreeneset (Kvitøya), sample 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 37ArJ39Ar S98:129 hornblende l 0.0030 0.0051 0.0242 0.0440 0.0535 0.0498 0.0550 0.0558 0.0528 0.0530 0.0538 0.0544 0.0580 0.0551 0.0573 J= 0.014356 ± 0.000209 0.2 0.4 0.8 2.5 4.4 5.4 6.3 7.1 7.9 9.2 91.8 94.4 95.5 97.2 100.0 30.843 29.885 14.924 5.327 5.244 5.920 4.373 4.360 4.498 5.099 4.707 4.605 3.694 5.258 5.020 77.12 94.63 100.0 19.07 32.86 27.66 -0.39 9.64 -0.36 8.44 2.14 31.33 3.51 0.70 1.20 Total age= Amphibolite,Andreeneset (Kvitøya), sample S98:129 hornblende l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 183.59 50.463 20.199 17.589 17.380 18.032 16.760 16.924 16.455 8.098 3.521 5.731 16.293 15.082 0.160 1.131 0.604 0.182 0.191 0.068 0.246 1.020 -0.045 0.113 2.705 2.387 0.391 0.562 0.0051 0.0131 0.0406 0.0538 0.0542 0.0543 0.0553 0.0412 0.0615 0.1193 0.0570 0.0513 0.0542 0.0552 0.208 0.025 4.647 5.240 4.942 5.093 4.936 4.275 4.294 3.294 3.883 4.722 5.360 5.296 2 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -49.967 -21.704 14.262 15.498 16.984 16.614 17.412 18.283 15.623 17.907 18.137 13.818 19.730 20.793 0.06 0.5 6.9 47.8 57.5 63.7 70.0 74.8 79.2 80.2 81.1 81.8 91.0 100.0 4.72 33.43 17.83 5.36 5.65 2.02 7.25 30.13 -1.33 3.33 79.93 70.55 11.55 16.60 2329 +1- 1388 983.1 +/- 172.3 459.4 +1- 24.8 4.3 406.2 +1401.9 +1- 10.8 415.3 +1- 20.8 389.0 +1- 16.4 392.4 +1- 24.4 382.6 +1- 28.6 198.4 +1- 150.8 89.0 +1- 127.5 142.6 +1- 225.3 379.2 +1- 14.3 353.6 +1- 14.5 398.8 +1- 7.1 J = 0.014356 ± 0.000209 94062c hornblende 3.894 4.190 1.265 0.986 0.467 0.413 0.252 0.145 0.662 0.184 0.271 0.923 0.065 -0.038 1316.5 +/- 262.9 250.7 +1- 326.2 -352.0 +1- 274.8 422.6 +1- 37.1 298.5 +1- 35.8 341.5 +1- 73.3 419.9 +1- 67.7 376.9 +1- 106.4 434.6 +1- 99.6 399.2 +1- 67.9 6.5 418.5 +/300.2 +1- 42.9 386.0 +1- 84.7 414.9 +1- 50.5 398.7 +1- 29.0 411.4 +1- 8.3 J = 0.014356 ± 0.000209 Total age= Gabbro, Isispynten, sample Age +/- lsd (Ma) 0.0030 0.0109 27.306 8.252 0.0439 7.031 0.0457 0.0507 0.0528 0.0531 0.0523 0.0514 0.0528 0.0507 0.0526 0.0497 0.0486 8.026 6.142 5.483 5.342 5.335 5.530 5.508 6.126 6.548 7.134 6.780 0.09 0.3 2.6 6.9 23.6 47.6 56.9 76.3 80.7 90.9 97.3 98.3 98.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 37.38 29.13 13.79 12.20 7.45 4.29 19.56 5.45 8.00 27.27 1.93 -1.13 Total age= -2280 +1- 5432 -673.6 +1- 695.2 336.0 +1- 52.2 362.4 +1- 21.2 393.6 +1- 5.2 385.9 +1- 7.8 402.5 +1- 15.2 420.5 +1- 7.7 365.1 +1- 28.0 412.8 +1- 12.9 417.5 +1- 20.9 326.5 +1- 115.9 449.9 +1- 210.1 471.3 +/- 75.2 396.9 +l· 7.0